Page created by Erik Meyer



Contents                                                                                                                                            Pages
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Annual EPC CCA Schedule 2020-21 ....................................................................................................... 4
3. Fee .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Year Group Equivalency Chart............................................................................................................... 5
5. CCA Weekly Schedule 2020-21 Semester 1 .......................................................................................... 6
      B2 / FCP / G1 ................................................................................................................................ 7
              B3 / FCE1 / G2 .............................................................................................................................. 8
              B4 / FCE2 / G3 .............................................................................................................................. 9
              B5 / FCM1 / G4 ........................................................................................................................... 10
              B6 / FCM2 ................................................................................................................................... 11
6. CCA Class Descriptions ......................................................................................................................... 12
   a. Sports: Multi-Sports, Swimming, Morning Fitness, Basketball, Touch Rugby, Running Club,
                         Yoga for Kids, TISSA Football ............................................................................................ 12
          Late Sports (Paid CCA) - Football, Parkour, Basketball, Combat Fitness ..................................... 17
          Saturday Sports (Paid CCA) - Football,Touch Rugby, Basketball ............................................... 19
      b. Dance (Paid CCA): Ballet, Jazz, Hip-Hop ....................................................................................... 21
      c. Music: Orchestra, Jazz Band, Upper Choir, Lower Choir, Lunchtime Choir, Musical Movie
                         Theatre, Lunchtime Ukulele, Beginning Band, Flute Ensemble, Harp Ensemble ............ 24
      d. Hobbies and Crafts: Construction Club, Gardening Club, Creative Textiles, Sketching, Cooking
                         Club, Lantern Festival, Creative Writing ........................................................................... 27
      e. STEAM: Coding Club, Movie Making: Stop action movie, Robotics Lego Wedo Lower KS2, Lego
                         Mindstorms Upper KS2, Dungeons & Dragons - Blood Sword, Robotics Club: The VEX IQ,
                         Junior Architects ............................................................................................................... 29
      f. Languages........................................................................................................................................ 32
           Chinese: Chinese Storybook Club, Fun with Chinese Story, Chinese Homework Club,
                                Chinese Library Reading ........................................................................................... 32
           English: English Culture Club .................................................................................................. 34
           French: French Philo-Art, Drama improvisation in French, FS Homework Club, FS English
                                Homework Club ........................................................................................................ 36
           German: Fairy tales and stories in German, German language course for kids A1/1, A1/2,
                                GS Homework Club Kiga-Plus, G1-4 .......................................................................... 37
           Dutch: Groep 1/2, 3, 4, 5/6, 8 ............................................................................................... 39
7. Peripatetic Music CCA – class descriptions ......................................................................................... 40
8. Peripatetic Language CCA – class descriptions ................................................................................... 41

1.      Introduction
Dear Parents,
Our aim of CCA programme is to offer learners the opportunity to participate in programs that support
learning and help them flourish. To reflect the approach, our EPC ECA (Extra-Curricular Activity) program
has been renamed to CCA (Co-Curricular Activity) this year (Y2020-2021).The CCA programme
registration moves very quickly during the busy “return to school period”.
Please make sure you read the information carefully to select the activity your child is interested in
doing this coming semester.

The Enrolment Process:
For new parents to TES and parents that need a quick reminder of how the enrolment process works,
there are a couple of ways to understand the process:
     1. CCA Registration Website – A formal access manual will be sent out in due course and the
        registration selection page will be viewable on Aug. 19th.
     2. Demonstration Video - Choose your CCAs online - walk through enrolment steps
     3. Annual CCA Schedule - CCA day / time schedule + activity descriptions (this document)
     4. CCA Charter - full procedures and rules of the programme
All documents are available on TES website: Student Services  Co-Curricular Activity (CCA)

Thumbnail overview of the important items related to enrolment:
The CCA enrolment is via a “preference ranking system” whereby parents will have an7-day window to
input their child’s CCA preferences. The preference ranking system is designed so that parents could
discuss with their children what CCAs they like best and then rank them in their preferred order, with
the goal that children will be able to participate in a number of CCAs they will enjoy.
The AOS payment system has been integrated into the CCA Registration system, allowing payment to be
made automatically from your family AOS accounts. Please make sure you have put sufficient funds in
your AOS account before you choose the CCAs.
EPC CCA Enrolment schedule:
 Date/Time                             Event
 July 23rd (Thu.)                      2020-21 CCA Brochure published
 Aug. 19th (Wed.) 8:30 am -
                                       CCA Registration (7 days)
 Aug. 25th (Tue.) 11:59 pm
                                       CCA Allocation complete - Student personal CCA timetable
 Aug. 28th (Fri.) 18:00 pm
                                       viewable online
 Aug. 31st (Mon.) 8:30 am -
                                       2nd Round CCA Registration (subject to space availability)
 Sep. 1st (Tue.) 16:00 pm
                                       FINAL CCA Allocation complete - Student personal CCA timetable
 Sep. 4th (Fri.) 18:00 pm
                                       viewable online
 Sep. 14th (Mon.) - Dec. 11th (Fri.)   CCAs start

If you have any questions about CCAs, please contact the CCA department at EPC.
Thank you!
Ms. Joyce Chen, EPC CCA Supervisor (02)8145-9007 ext. 1820,
Ms. Tracy Tsao, EPC CCA Assistant Secretary (02)8145-9007 ext. 1801,

2.       Annual EPC CCA Schedule 2020-21

Please Note:
        Please keep the “Annual EPC CCA Schedule” calendar in a visible place for you to know which weeks
         are non-CCA weeks and please keep a note of your child’s CCAs to ensure correct pick up days/times.

        CCAs will be running 12 weeks in Semester 1 and 14 weeks in Semester 2.
         Peripatetic music and language lessons are based around 12 weeks per CCA Semester with make-up
         lesson weeks scheduled throughout the term, see Peripatetic Music and Peripatetic Language - class
         descriptions (P. 40-41) for full calendar.

        Collection after CCAs: After school CCAs finish usually 3:10 - 4:10pm except for some Specialist CCAs,
         Peripatetic Music and Language lessons.
         CCA school bus service is available at 4:15pm during CCA weeks. Please note that only children who
         are enrolled in the school bus can registered for CCA bus. (No School Bus Service after 4:15 pm)
         All CCA students who do not ride the school bus must be picked up at the front gate by 4:15pm.

        If there's any question, please feel free to contact EPC CCA Supervisor, Joyce Chen #1820,

3. Fee
For students participating in the CCA programmes, there is a NTD1,000 CCA registration fee applicable.
This fee is chargeable only one time per semester per student, regardless of the number of CCAs the
student participates in.

Most of the Faculty run CCAs are free for students with no extra charge, while the Specialist Run and the
Peripatetic CCAs are charged per the fee indicated in the brochure.

   4. Year Group Equivalency Chart
Throughout this “Annual CCA Schedule” brochure, the year groups will be referred to as the British,
French and German system year groups, below is a simple equivalency to assist the parents equate this
to their children’s year groups.

Please Note: CCAs are not available to Nursery-Year 1 / PS-GS / Kiga-Flex 0 age group students.

     Age                British Section              French Section              German Section

      6-7                      B2                           FCP                          G1

      7-8                      B3                          FCE1                          G2

      8-9                      B4                          FCE2                          G3

     9-10                      B5                          FCM1                          G4

    10-11                      B6                          FCM2

5. CCA Weekly Schedule 2020-21 Semester 1
The CCA Weekly Schedule are organized by year groups. There are 4 different types of CCAs we provide
and you may see them with different background colors as below.

             Type                              Time Slot                              Note

                                3:10pm - 4:10pm                           led by TES teachers
   Faculty Run CCA             Special notations:                        Most are free lessons for
                                 ^^ = non-standard time slot              students.
                                                                          led by specialists under the
                                4:15-5:15pm &                             supervision of TES teachers
   Specialist Run CCA
                                Saturday                                  (No School Bus Service after
                                                                          4:15 pm)
                                                                          led by professional
                                                                          musicians under the
                                30 minutes per lesson
   Peripatetic Music CCA                                                 supervision of TES teachers
                                Please see P.40 for the time slots.
                                                                          (No School Bus Service after
                                                                          4:15 pm)
                                                                          let by TES teachers
   Peripatetic Language        60 minutes per lesson
                                                                          (No School Bus Service after
    CCA                         Please see P.41 for the time slots.
                                                                          4:15 pm)

Special Notes:
      Faculty run CCAs and Peripatetic Language CCAs may alter in Semester 2 based on teacher schedules;
       Specialist and Peripatetic Music CCAs will continue on the same schedule for the whole year.
       Please read full description in Special notes (from page 12.)
      This schedule is for reference only, it may be subject to change. The final enrolment schedule will be
       viewable online when the registration system opens on August 19th 2020.
      German / French homework club information will also be viewable online, please follow the same
       enrollment process to register your child through CCA registration system.

 B2 / FCP / G1
             Monday                Tuesday            Wednesday               Thursday                Friday              Saturday
         German Section      Musical Movie  Lower Choir                Yoga for Kids     Multi-Sports             Basketball U7
          Homework Club        Theatre (BPS)  Sketching                  Construction      Lunchtime                 (8:00 - 9:00)
                              Chinese           Coding Club              Club               Ukulele^^                Football U7
                               Storybook Club                             Movie-making:  Fun with                     (9:15 - 10:30)
                              French Section                              Stop Action        Chinese Story
                               Homework Club                               Movies
                              French Section –                           French Section
                               English                                     Homework Club
                               Homework Club                              French Section –
                                                                           Homework Club
                                                                          German Section
                                                                           Homework Club

         Jazz Dance G1  Hip-Hop Dance to  Ballet Primary  Fairy tales and  Football Club
FCP      GS Homework           the beat!            Basketball            stories in         GS Homework
          Club - Kiga-Plus ^^  GS Homework           Club                  German^^            Club - Kiga-Plus ^^
                                Club - Kiga-Plus ^^  GS Homework          GS Homework
                               Dutch ^^              Club - Kiga-Plus ^^ Club - Kiga-Plus ^^
                                                     Dutch ^^

         Guitar ^^           Cello ^^             Cello ^^             Cello ^^             Cello ^^
         Piano ^^            Clarinet ^^          Clarinet ^^          Clarinet ^^          Clarinet ^^
         Voice ^^            Drum ^^              Piano ^^             Drum ^^              Drum ^^
                              Violin^^                                   Piano ^^             Guitar ^^
                                                                          Violin^^             Piano ^^
                                                                                                Violin^^

         French^^            French^^             German^^             French^^             French^^
                              German^^                                   German^^

 B3 / FCE1 / G2
             Monday                 Tuesday              Wednesday               Thursday                Friday               Saturday
         Swimming             Musical Movie          TISSA Football       Basketball        Lunchtime                 Basketball U9
         German Section        Theatre (BPS)           U9                   Yoga for Kids      Ukulele^^                  (9:15 - 10:30)
          Homework Club        Gardening Club         Lower Choir          Construction      Fun with                  Football U9
                               Creative Textiles      Sketching             Club               Chinese Story              (10:30 - 11:45)
                               Robotics Lego          Junior               Movie-making:
                                Wedo Lower KS2          Architects ^^         Stop Action
                               Dungeons &             Chinese               Movies
                                Dragons -               Storybook Club       French Section
                                Blood Sword                                   Homework Club
                               Chinese                                      French Section –
                                Homework Club                                 English
                               French Section                                Homework Club
                                Homework Club                                German Section
                               French Section –                              Homework Club
                                Homework Club
         Basketball           Jazz Dance G2          GS Homework          Football Club        Ballet Grade 1
          Club                 GS Homework             Club - Kiga-Plus ^^  Hip-Hop              Parkour
 B3      French Philo-Art      Club - Kiga-Plus ^^                           Beginner             GS Homework
FCE1     French Drama  Flute                                               Fairy tales and       Club - Kiga-Plus ^^
 G2       improvisation         Ensemble ^^                                   stories in
         GS Homework          Irish Harp                                    German^^
          Club - Kiga-Plus ^^ Ensemble ^^                                    GS Homework
         Beginning Band -                                                    Club - Kiga-Plus ^^
          Trombone^^                                                         Dutch ^^
         Beginning Band –
          Trumpet ^^
         Flute ^^             Cello ^^               Cello ^^             Cello ^^             Cello ^^
         Guitar ^^            Clarinet ^^            Clarinet ^^          Clarinet ^^          Clarinet ^^
         Piano ^^             Double bass            Piano ^^             Drum ^^              Drum ^^
         Trombone ^^           ^^                                           Flute ^^             Guitar ^^
         Trumpet ^^           Drum ^^                                      French Horn^^        Piano ^^
         Voice ^^             Flute ^^                                     Music Theory         Saxophone ^^
                               Harp ^^                                       ^^                   Violin^^
                               Oboe ^^                                      Piano ^^
                               Trumpet ^^                                   Violin^^
                               Violin^^
         French^^             French^^               German^^             French^^             French^^
                               German^^                                     German^^

 B4 / FCE2 / G3
             Monday                  Tuesday               Wednesday           Thursday              Friday              Saturday
         Swimming            Morning Fitness ^^          TISSA           Basketball        Fun with              Basketball U9
         Symphony            Running Club                 Football U9     Yoga for Kids      Chinese                (9:15 - 10:30)
          Orchestra           Gardening Club              Taipei          Upper Choir        Story                 Football U9
                              Creative Textiles            Lantern         Construction                              (10:30 - 11:45)
                              Robotics Lego Wedo           Festival         Club
                               Lower KS2                   Junior          Cooking Club
                              Dungeons &                   Architects      Movie-
                               Dragons - Blood              ^^               making: Stop
                               Sword                       Chinese          Action Movies
                              English Culture Club         Storybook       French Section
                              Chinese Homework             Club             Homework Club
                               Club                                         French Section –
                              French Section                                English
                               Homework Club                                 Homework Club
                              French Section – English                     German Section
                               Homework Club                                 Homework Club
                              German Section
                               Homework Club
         Basketball Club     GS Homework Club -          German          Football Club       Parkour
         Ballet Grade 2       Kiga-Plus ^^                 Language        Jazz Dance G3       Hip-Hop L1
 B4      French Philo-Art    Flute Ensemble^^             Course          German              German
FCE2     French Drama        Irish Harp                   A1.1^^           Language             Language
 G3       improvisation        Ensemble ^^                 GS               Course A1.2^^        Course
         German Language                                   Homework        GS Homework          A1.1^^
          Course A1.2^^                                     Club - Kiga-     Club - Kiga-Plus    GS Homework
         GS Homework Club                                  Plus ^^          ^^                   Club - Kiga-Plus
          - Kiga-Plus ^^                                   Dutch ^^                              ^^
         Beginning Band -
          Trombone ^^
         Beginning Band –
          Trumpet ^^
         Flute ^^            Cello ^^                    Cello ^^        Cello ^^            Cello ^^
         Guitar ^^           Clarinet ^^                 Clarinet ^^     Clarinet ^^         Clarinet ^^
         Piano ^^            Double bass ^^              Piano ^^        Drum ^^             Drum ^^
         Trombone ^^         Drum ^^                                      Flute ^^            Guitar ^^
         Trumpet ^^          Flute ^^                                     French              Piano ^^
         Voice ^^            Harp ^^                                       Horn^^              Saxophone
                              Oboe ^^                                      Music Theory         ^^
                              Trumpet ^^                                    ^^                  Violin^^
                              Violin^^                                     Piano ^^
                                                                            Violin^^
         French^^            French^^                    German^^        French^^            French^^
                              German^^                                     German^^

 B5 / FCM1 / G4
            Monday             Tuesday            Wednesday            Thursday            Friday          Saturday
         Symphony          Morning             Basketball         TISSA Football  Touch Rugby      Touch Rugby
          Orchestra          Fitness ^^          Jazz Band           U11                                (8:00 - 9:15)
         Lunchtime         Swimming            Taipei Lantern     Upper Choir                       Basketball U11
          Choir^^           Running Club         Festival           Cooking Club                       (10:30 - 11:45)
         Robotics Club:    Gardening Club      Chinese Library    Lego Mindstorms                   Football U11
          The VEX IQ        Creative Writing     Reading             Upper KS2                          (11:45 - 13:00)
                            Dungeons &                              Movie-making:
                             Dragons -                                Stop Action
                             Blood Sword                              Movies
                            English Culture                         French Section
                             Club                                     Homework Club
                            Chinese                                 French Section –
                             Homework Club                            English
                            French Section                           Homework Club
                             Homework Club                           German Section
                            French Section –                         Homework Club
                             Homework Club
                            German Section
                             Homework Club
FCM1  Hip-Hop L2           Basketball          Football Club  Parkour        German
 G4   French Philo-Art      Club                Jazz Dance G4  German          Language
      French Drama         Ballet Grade 3      German          Language        Course A1.1^^
       improvisation        Flute                Language        Course A1.2^^
      German                Ensemble ^^          Course A1.1^^
       Language             Irish Harp          Dutch ^^
       Course A1.2^^         Ensemble ^^

         Flute ^^          Cello ^^            Cello ^^           Cello ^^         Cello ^^
         Guitar ^^         Clarinet ^^         Clarinet ^^        Clarinet ^^      Clarinet ^^
         Piano ^^          Double bass         Piano ^^           Drum ^^          Drum ^^
         Trombone ^^        ^^                                      Flute ^^         Guitar ^^
         Trumpet ^^        Drum ^^                                 French Horn^^    Piano ^^
         Voice ^^          Flute ^^                                Music Theory     Saxophone ^^
                            Harp ^^                                  ^^               Violin^^
                            Oboe ^^                                 Piano ^^
                            Trumpet ^^                              Violin^^
                            Violin^^

         French^^          French^^            German^^           French^^         French^^
                            German^^                                German^^

 B6 / FCM2
            Monday             Tuesday            Wednesday            Thursday            Friday          Saturday
         Symphony          Morning             Basketball         TISSA Football  Touch Rugby      Touch Rugby
          Orchestra          Fitness ^^          Jazz Band           U11                                (8:00 - 9:15)
         Lunchtime         Swimming            Taipei Lantern     Upper Choir                       Basketball U11
          Choir ^^          Running Club         Festival           Cooking Club                       (10:30 - 11:45)
         Robotics Club:    Gardening Club      Chinese Library    Lego Mindstorms                   Football U11
          The VEX IQ        Creative Writing     Reading             Upper KS2                          (11:45 - 13:00)
                            Dungeons &                              Movie-making:
                             Dragons -                                Stop Action
                             Blood Sword                              Movies
                            English Culture                         French Section
                             Club                                     Homework Club
                            Chinese                                 French Section –
                             Homework Club                            English
                            French Section                           Homework Club
                             Homework Club
                            French Section –
                             Homework Club

 B6   French Philo-Art     Basketball          Football Club  Parkour        German
FCM2  French Drama          Club                Hip-Hop L3     Jazz Dance G5   Language
       improvisation        Ballet Grade 3      German         German          Course A1.1^^
      German               Flute                Language        Language
       Language              Ensemble ^^          Course A1.1^^   Course A1.2^^
       Course A1.2^^        Irish Harp          Dutch ^^
                             Ensemble ^^

         Flute ^^          Cello ^^            Cello ^^           Cello ^^         Cello ^^
         Guitar ^^         Clarinet ^^         Clarinet ^^        Clarinet ^^      Clarinet ^^
         Piano ^^          Double bass         Piano ^^           Drum ^^          Drum ^^
         Trombone ^^        ^^                                      Flute ^^         Guitar ^^
         Trumpet ^^        Drum ^^                                 French Horn^^    Piano ^^
         Voice ^^          Flute ^^                                Music Theory     Saxophone ^^
                            Harp ^^                                  ^^               Violin^^
                            Oboe ^^                                 Piano ^^
                            Trumpet ^^                              Violin^^
                            Violin^^

         French^^          French^^            German^^           French^^         French^^
                            German^^                                German^^

6. CCA Class Descriptions
       a. Sports: Multi-Sports, Swimming, Morning Fitness, Basketball, Touch Rugby,
            Running Club, Yoga for Kids, TISSA Football

CCA                      Description                                Day               Special Notes
                         Multi Sports is a CCA designed to          Friday            Children must wear
                         provide children with the opportunity      (3.10-4.10pm)     appropriate sports kit.
                         to develop the key skills associated       Free of charge
                         with sport. Children will participate in
                         fun games and tasks that will promote
                         the development of coordination,
Multi-Sports             fundamental movement skills, control,
Sem 1 :                  balance and teamwork skills.
B2/ FCP / G1             Ultimately, this CCA will develop
                         fundamental skills that are essential
                         building blocks to a child's long-term
                         athletic development.

                         This CCA will provide students with        Monday            Please note:
                         the opportunity to develop their           (3.10-4.10pm)     This CCA is for students that
                         competitive swimming speed and             Free of charge    are experienced swimmers
                         endurance.                                                   and want to compete in
Sem 1:
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /
G2 - 3
                                                                    Free of charge

Sem 1:
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /
                         Research shows that a short session of     Tuesday           Children must wear
                         physical activity before school can        (7:15 - 7:40am)   appropriate sports kit for this
                         benefit students throughout the day        Free of charge    activity.
                         with greater concentration and focus.
                         There are obvious physical benefits
                         but research also suggests that
Morning Fitness          morning fitness helps with mental
Sem 1 &                  preparation.
Sem 2:
B4-6 / FCE1 - FCM2 /
G3 - 4

CCA                      Description                                 Day              Special Notes
                         Basketball is a major sport and very        Thursday         Children must wear
                         popular among our students at TES.          (3:10 - 4:10)    appropriate sports kit for this
                         This basketball CCA will equip the          Free of charge   activity.
                         children with the fundamental skills
                         and game understanding required to
                         play in a match.
Basketball               This CCA will take place in the MPR
Sem 1:                   making use of our new basketball
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /   hoops that can be adjusted to the
G2 - 3                   appropriate height for each age
                                                                     (3:10 - 4:10)
                                                                     Free of charge

Sem 1:
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /

                         Touch rugby is a fantastic sport as it is   Friday           Children must wear
                         an all-inclusive game, meaning that         (3:10 - 4:10)    appropriate sports kit for this
                         girls and boys can play together            Free of charge   activity.
                         regardless of their experience or
                         ability. Touch Rugby is a fast moving,
                         high scoring game that will provide
                         children with skills that are
Touch Rugby              transferable to other sports. Players
Sem 1 &                  will develop their hand-eye
Sem 2:                   coordination, their speed and agility,
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /   as well as develop teamwork skills.

                         Running is a great activity to help         Tuesday          Children must wear
                         students build endurance, self-             (3:10 - 4:10)    appropriate sports kit for this
                         motivation and self-esteem. Through         Free of charge   activity.
                         the TES Running Club, our students
                         will work towards a number of
                         important skills that will not only
                         benefit their running but also their
Running Club             general approach to learning.
Sem 1:                   Importance of diet, sleep, warm ups,
B4-6 / FCE1 - FCM2 /     mindfulness, self-organistaion and
G3 - 4                   respect will all be covered. Students,
                         no matter what their starting level,
                         will feel a sense of reward and
                         achievement after each session.

CCA                      Description                               Day              Special Notes
                         In this CCA, kids will learn yoga poses   Thursday
                         through fun yoga stories, activities      (3.10-4.10pm)
                         and games. Younger children will          Free of charge
                         enjoy the playfulness and older
                         children should be able to practice
                         mindfulness through this class.

Yoga for Kids            Please discuss with your child before
Sem 1:                   enrolling them for the course. Yoga is
B2 - 4 / FCP - FCE2 /    for everyone but willingness to
G1 - 3                   participate and an open mind are
                         important to be able to enjoy the
                         This CCA will build the fundamentals      TBC              Children must wear
                         of tennis. The children will work                          appropriate sports kit for this
                         through a series of mini-games and                         activity.
                         activities that are fun and engaging
                         but also help to develop tennis related
                         skills, techniques and overall
Short Tennis             understanding of the game.
Sem 2:
B2/ FCP / G1
                         This CCA is dedicated to developing       Wednesday        Children must wear
                         football skills and understanding. The    (3:10-4:10pm)    appropriate sports kit for this
                         children will train and have the          Free of charge   activity - Shin pads and long
                         opportunity to play in competitive                         socks are essential. It is
                         matches against other international                        strongly recommended to
                         schools.                                                   wear astro boots for better
TISSA Football U9                                                                   grip and therefore safety.
Sem 1:
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /                                                              All players will have the
G2 - 3                                                                              opportunity to play in
                                                                   Thursday         competitive matches.
                                                                   (3:10-4:10pm)    However, we will need to
                                                                   Free of charge   select players for the TISSA
                                                                                    tournament in November.

TISSA Football U11
Sem 1:
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /
                         This CCA will provide students with       Thursday
                         the opportunity to develop their          (3.10-4.10pm)
                         competitive swimming speed and            Free of charge

TISSA Swimming           We will enter the children into various
Sem 2:                   swimming competitions if they are at
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /   the appropriate level.

CCA                      Description                           Day              Special Notes
                         Basketball is a major sport and       Wednesday        Children must wear
                         very popular among our students       (3.10-4.10pm)    appropriate sports kit for this
                         at TES. This basketball CCA will      Free of charge   activity
                         equip the children with the
                         fundamental skills and game                            All players will have the
                         understanding required to play in                      opportunity to play in
TISSA Basketball         a match.                                               competitive matches. However,
U9                       This CCA will take place in the MPR                    we will need to select players
                         making use of our new basketball                       for the TISSA tournament in
Sem 2:
                         hoops that can be adjusted to the                      March 2021.
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /   appropriate height for each age
G2 - 3                   group.

                         Teams are mixed, so boys and girls
                         are equally welcome to join up.

                         Basketball is a major sport and       Tuesday          Children must wear
                         very popular among our students       (3.10-4.10pm)    appropriate sports kit for this
                         at TES. This basketball CCA will      Free of charge   activity
                         equip the children with the
                         fundamental skills and game                            All players will have the
                         understanding required to play in                      opportunity to play in
TISSA Basketball         a match.                                               competitive matches. However,
U11                      This CCA will take place in the MPR                    we will need to select players
                         making use of our new basketball                       for the TISSA tournament in
Sem 2:
                         hoops that can be adjusted to the                      March 2021.
B5 -6/ FCM1 - FCM2 /     appropriate height for each age
G4                       group.
                         TES is a member of TISSA (Taiwan
                         International School Sports
                         Association) and will compete in
                         their Basketball competition.

                         Teams are mixed, so boys and girls
                         are equally welcome to join up.

                         This CCA will enable the students     Friday           Children need to change into
                         to develop their ability at the       (3.10-4.10pm)    sports kit and trainers for this
                         three key components of               Free of charge   activity at 3:00 pm if not already
                         athletics – Running, Jumping and                       dressed in PE kit on that day.
                         Throwing. There is a TISSA cross-
                         country running event in March,
                         which will be a great opportunity
                         for some of the stronger runners
TISSA Athletics          among the group to compete
U9                       against children from other
Sem 2:                   international school.
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /
G2 - 3

CCA                      Description                             Day              Special Notes
                         T-ball is a core FOBISIA sport. The     Monday           Students from all three sections
                         children will develop the key skills    (3:10-4:10pm)    are eligible for FOBISIA and may
                         of throwing, catching, hitting and      Free of charge   attend the trials held between
                         gain an understanding of the                             11-19 January 2021.
                         various strategies and tactical
                         approaches to playing t-ball.                            FOBISIA team only - Compulsory
FOBISIA                  (Not opened for enrolment)
T-ball                                                                            Children need to change into
                                                                                  sports kit and trainers for this
                                                                                  activity at 3:00 pm if not already
Sem 2:
                                                                                  dressed in PE kit on that day.
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /
                                                                                  If you have any questions about
                                                                                  FOBISIA, please contact Mr.
                                                                                  Peter Poulton at
                         This club is dedicated to improving     Wednesday        FOBISIA team only - Compulsory
                         football skills of the students. They   (3:10-4:10pm)    attendance.
                         will work on all skills associated      Free of charge
                         with football and gain an                                Children need to change into
                         understanding of teamwork and                            appropriate football attire for
                         strategy.                                                this CCA.
FOBISIA                  There will be friendly matches
Football                 arranged in the lead-up to the
                         FOBISIA Games and commitment
Sem 2:                   to this is essential.
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /
G4                       (Not opened for enrolment)
                         Athletics is a core part of the         Thursday         FOBISIA team only - Compulsory
                         FOBISIA Games. This CCA will            (3.10-4.10pm)    attendance.
                         enable the students to practice         Free of charge
                         running, jumping and throwing                            Children need to change into
                         events and ultimately, they will                         sports kit and trainers for this
                         learn which area they are most                           activity at 3:00 pm if not already
FOBISIA Athletics        suited to. As we approach the                            dressed in PE kit on that day.
                         games, students will start to
Sem 2:                   practice and improve in their
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /   specific events.
                         (Not opened for enrolment)
                         Led by our aquatics lead Ms             Friday           FOBISIA team only - Compulsory
                         McAdams, this CCA will provide          (3.10-4.10pm)    attendance.
                         students with the opportunity to        Free of charge
                         develop their competitive
FOBISIA Swimming         swimming speed and endurance.

Sem 2:
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /   (Not opened for enrolment)

 Late Sports (Paid CCA) - Football, Parkour, Basketball
(Tuitions based on Calendar 2020-21 Semester 1)
(Parents need to arrange the supervision for their child prior to the lesson start.)
Paid CCA                 Description                             Tuition         Special notes
                         This football session is a fantastic    Friday          Children must wear
                         opportunity for both boys and girls     (4.15-5.15pm)   appropriate sports kit for this
                         to further develop their football       NT$ 4,000       session.
                         skills, techniques and tactical         (10 weeks)
                         understanding. This CCA will                            Shin pads and long socks are
Football Club :          better prepare the children for                         essential. Special football
B2 / FCP / G1            competition and provide them                            footwear is strongly
                         with technical feedback on specific     Thursday        recommended.
                         areas they need to improve.             (4.15-5.15pm)
                                                                 NT$ 4,400       Supervision and pick up for
                         The PE department will be in            (11 weeks)      classes that starts after 4pm:
                         continual dialogue with the                             Parents are responsible for
Football Club :          coaches to ensure all football                          supervising their children who
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /   training throughout the school is                       attend a class, including that
G2 - 3                   synced. This will keep learning                         your child is brought promptly
                         consistent and also helps create                        to their lesson and collected
                         team cohesion which is vital for                        promptly afterwards.
                         success.                                Wednesday
                         If you would like your                  NT$ 4,800
                         son/daughter to represent the TES       (12 weeks)
                         Bears, then this is a great
Football Club :          opportunity to help their
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FM2 /    development.

                         At its basic level, Parkour is a        Friday          Children must wear
                         fascinating discipline, to train your   (4.15-5.15pm)   appropriate sports kit for this
                         body to be able to get over             NT$ 4,000       session.
                         obstacles in your path: balancing,      (10 weeks)
                         jumping, landing, rolling, vaulting,                    Supervision and pick up for
                         spinning, and more. Later,                              classes that starts after 4pm:
Parkour                  students can apply these                                Parents are responsible for
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /   foundations to develop skills in all                    supervising their children who
G2 - 3                   kinds of freestyle sports. Our                          attend a class, including that
                         instructors use the school’s gym                        your child is brought promptly
                         equipment to create obstacle            Thursday        to their lesson and collected
                         courses for exercises that are          (4.15-5.15pm)   promptly afterwards.
                         carried out in the safest and most      NT$ 4,400
                         fun environment!                        (11 weeks)

B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /

Paid CCA                 Description                             Tuition         Special notes
                         This basketball session is a            Wednesday       Children must wear
                         fantastic opportunity for both          (4.15-5.15pm)   appropriate sports kit for this
                         boys and girls to further develop       NT$ 4,800       session.
                         their skills, techniques and tactical   (12 weeks)
                         understanding. This CCA will
                         better prepare the children for                         Supervision and pick up for
Basketball Club :
                         competition and provide them                            classes that starts after 4pm:
B2 / FCP / G1
                         with technical feedback on specific                     Parents are responsible for
                         areas they need to improve. Most                        supervising their children who
                         on these sessions will focus on the                     attend a class, including that
                         3v3 format as this is what is played                    your child is brought promptly
                                                                 NT$ 4,800
                         in TISSA and other international                        to their lesson and collected
                                                                 (12 weeks)
                         school events.                                          promptly afterwards.

Basketball Club :        The PE department will be in
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /   continual dialogue with the
G2 - 3                   coaches to ensure all basketball
                         training throughout the school is
                         synced. This will keep learning         Tuesday
                         consistent and also helps create        (4.15-5.15pm)
                         team cohesion which is vital for        NT$ 4,800
                         success.                                (12 weeks)

                         If you would like your
Basketball Club :        son/daughter to represent the TES
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /
                         Bears, then this is a great
                         opportunity to help their

                         This CCA will focus on developing       Wednesday       NEW CCA!
                         core strength, coordination,            (4.15-5.15pm)
                         balance and aerobic fitness! As         NT$ 4,800
                         well as the physical health             (12 weeks)
                         benefits, research shows that
                         martial arts based exercise
                         increases children’s confidence
                         and self-esteem. Moreover, the
Combat Fitness :
                         nature and ethos of martial arts
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /
                         requires discipline and focus and
                         as such helps children build on
                         their listening skills and ability to
                         follow instructions.

 Saturday Sports (Paid CCA) - Football,Touch Rugby, Basketball
(Tuitions based on the dates: Sep. 19, Sep. 26, Oct. 17, Nov. 7, Nov. 14, Nov. 21, Nov. 28, Dec. 5, Dec. 12)
(Only TES students allowed to enter the campus and join the clubs.)
Paid CCA                 Description                             Tuition           Special notes
                         The same coaches that run our           Saturday          Children must wear
                         after school programme will also        (9:15 - 10:30)    appropriate sports kit for this
                         run these Saturday football             NT$5400           session.
                         sessions. The children will develop     (9 weeks)
                         all key skills associated with                            Shin pads and long socks are
                         football and learn about strategy,                        essential. Special football
Football U7:             teamwork and positional                                   footwear is strongly
B2 / FCP / G1            awareness.                                                recommended.

                         Throughout the season there will        Saturday
                         also be an opportunity to play          (10:30 - 11:45)
                         friendly competitive matches            NT$5400
                         against other teams from the local       (9 weeks)
Football U9:
                         This programme is synced with the
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /
                         after school sessions, enabling the
G2 - 3
                         PE department to keep track of
                         student development.
                         If you would like your                  (11:45 - 13:00)
                         son/daughter to represent the TES       NT$5400
                         Bears, then this is a great              (9 weeks)
                         opportunity to help their
Football U11 :
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /

                         Touch rugby is a fantastic sport as     Saturday          Children must wear
                         it is an all-inclusive game, meaning    (8:00 -9:15)      appropriate sports kit for this
                         that girls and boys can play            NT$5400           activity.
                         together regardless of their             (9 weeks)
                         experience or ability. Touch Rugby
                         is a fast moving, high scoring game
    Touch Rugby          that will provide children with
                         skills that are transferable to other
                         sports. Players will develop their
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /
G4                       hand-eye coordination, their
                         speed and agility, as well as
                         develop teamwork skills.

Paid CCA                 Description                           Tuition           Special notes
                         The same coaches that run our         Saturday          Children must wear
                         after school programme will also      (8:00 -9:00)      appropriate sports kit for this
                         run these Saturday basketball         NT$5400           session.
                         sessions. The children will develop    (9 weeks)
                         all key skills associated with
                         basketball and learn about
Basketball U7:           strategy and set-plays.
B2 / FCP / G1
                         Throughout the season there will      Saturday
                         also be an opportunity to play        (9:15 - 10:30)
                         friendly competitive matches          NT$5400
                         against other teams from the local     (9 weeks)

Basketball U9:           This programme is synced with the
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /   after school sessions, enabling the
G2 - 3                   PE department to keep track of
                         student development.                  Saturday
                                                               (10:30 - 11:45)
                         If you would like your                NT$5400
                         son/daughter to represent the TES      (9 weeks)
                         Bears, then this is a great
                         opportunity to help their
Basketball U11 :         development.
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /

b. Dance (Paid CCA): Ballet, Jazz, Hip-Hop
(Parents need to arrange the supervision for their child prior to the lesson start.)
Paid CCA                Description                           Tuition         Special notes
                        Our instructor uses the Royal         Wednesday
                        Academy of Dance method &             (4:15-5:15pm)   Dress code & hair:
                        syllabus and will prepare students    NT$ 4,800       Hair MUST be out of the eyes &
                        for exams if they are interested in   (12 weeks)      face and off the neck. Dancers
                        this option (and can attend extra                     must have their hair clipped or
                        classes).                                             tied up into a ponytail or bun.
                                                                              Please ensure your child is
Ballet Dance-           Students will also produce a dance                    properly attired for each
Primary:                performance at the end of the                         lesson.
B2 / FCP / G1           school year in which pupils will                      All uniforms/costumes can be
                        have an opportunity to participate.   Friday          ordered through our dance
                                                              (4:15-5:15pm)   instructors.
                                                              NT$ 4,000
                                                              (10 weeks)      Supervision and pick up for
                                                                              classes that starts after 4pm:
                                                                              Parents are responsible for
                                                                              supervising their children who
Ballet Dance-                                                                 attend a class, including that
Grade 1:                                                                      your child is brought promptly
B3/ FCE1 / G2                                                                 to their lesson and collected
                                                                              promptly afterwards.
                                                              (4:15-5:15pm)   For Grade 1-3:
                                                              NT$ 4,800       Enrolment is subject to teacher
                                                              (12 weeks)      approval.

Ballet Dance-
Grade 2:
B4/ FCE2 / G3

                                                              NT$ 4,800
                                                              (12 weeks)

Ballet Dance-
Grade 3:
B5 - 6 / FCM1 – FCM2
/ G4

Paid CCA         Description                           Tuition         Special notes
                 Our instructor uses the Imperial      Monday
                 Society of Teachers of Dance          (4:15-5:15pm)   Dress code & hair: Hair MUST
                 method & syllabus for strength        NT$ 4,800       be out of the eyes & face and
                 and flexibility, then introduce a     (12 weeks)      off the neck. Dancers must
                 range of dance styles such as jazz,                   have their hair clipped or tied
                 musical theatre etc to develop                        up into a ponytail or bun.
                 style & broad dance exposure.                         Please ensure your child is
Jazz Dance-      Students will produce a dance                         properly attired for each
Grade 1:         performance at the end of the                         lesson.
B2 / FCP / G1    school year.                                          All uniforms/costumes can be
                                                                       ordered through our dance
                                                       Tuesday         instructors.
                                                       NT$ 4,800       Supervision and pick up for
                                                       (12 weeks)      classes that starts after 4pm:
                                                                       Parents are responsible for
                                                                       supervising their children who
Jazz Dance-                                                            attend a class, including that
Grade 2:                                                               your child is brought promptly
B3 / FCE1 / G2                                                         to their lesson and collected
                                                                       promptly afterwards.
                                                       (4:15-5:15pm)   For Grade 2-5:
                                                       NT$ 4,400       Enrolment is subject to teacher
                                                       (11 weeks)      approval.

Jazz Dance-
Grade 3:
B4 / FCE2 / G3

                                                       NT$ 4,800
                                                       (12 weeks)

Jazz Dance-
Grade 4:
B5 / FCM1 / G4

                                                       NT$ 4,400
                                                       (11 weeks)

Jazz Dance-
Grade 5:
B6 / FCM2

Paid CCA             Description                             Tuition         Special notes
                     With “Dance to the beat!” children      Tuesday         Boys and girls are welcome!
                     will learn fundamentals of street       (4:15-5:15pm)   Students will produce a dance
                     dance. This class is exciting with a    NT$ 4,800       performance at the end of the
                     focus on developing the young           (12 weeks)      school year.
                     dancer's self-confidence.
                     Students will learn to listen and                       Dress Code: Students have to
Hip-Hop Dance -
                     feel the music tempo and to                             wear a pair of sport pants or
Dance to the beat:   develop a dance routine. If you are                     shorts, a tee-shirt and sport
B2 / FCP / G1        interested in funky dancing, let                        shoes for the activity.
                     our dance instructor show you all
                     the moves to get you started                            Prerequisite:
                     dancing! And, if you are not afraid                     Hip-Hop Dance Beginner :
                     to move, you surely will love this                      No prerequisite
                     funky class!                                            Hip-Hop Dance 1:
                     As per above description.                               At least one year of dance
                     Our new Hip-Hop Dance                   Thursday        training (any modern dance
                     instructor, Ms. Rory Liu has a          (4:15-5:15pm)   style)
                     master degree in Dance and is           NT$ 4,400        Hip-Hop Dance 2 & 3:
                     very experienced at teaching            (11 weeks)      At least 2 years of dance
                     children how to dance.                                  training (any modern dance
Hip-Hop Dance -
                     Hip-Hop classes are designed to
Beginner:            develop Hip-Hop Dance technique                         Supervision and pick up for
B3 / FCE1 / G2       and style incorporating a variety of                    classes that starts after 4pm:
                     old and new urban dance styles.         Friday          Parents are responsible for
                     Our progressive system teaches          (4:15-5:15pm)   supervising their children who
                     students to dance naturally by          NT$ 4,000       attend a class, including that
                     developing a core dance                 (10 weeks)      your child is brought promptly
                     repertoire by internalizing steps                       to their lesson and collected
                     through drills and                                      promptly afterwards.
Hip-Hop Dance -      repetition. Dancers also get the
Level 1:             chance to improvise, create their
B4 / FCE2 / G3       own dance style by producing solo
                     dances. Hip Hop fluid comes from        Monday
                     within the individual and we strive     (4:15-5:15pm)
                     to pull it out of them to allow their   NT$ 4,800
                     confidence to take over!                (12 weeks)

                     Let our experimented Hip-Hop
Hip-Hop Dance -      Dance instructor show you all the
Level 2:             moves to be a “hip” kid!
B5 / FCM1 / G4
                                                             NT$ 4,800
                                                             (12 weeks)

Hip-Hop Dance -
Level 3:
B6 / FCM2

c. Music: Orchestra, Jazz Band, Upper Choir, Lower Choir, Lunchtime Choir, Musical
            Movie Theatre, Lunchtime Ukulele, Beginning Band, Flute Ensemble, Harp Ensemble

CCA                         Description                               Day              Special Notes
                            Primary Symphonic Orchestra               Monday           This is a yearlong ECA from
                            comprises all instrumental sections. It                    Yr 4 – 6.
                            offers the opportunity to young                            Interested players need to
                                                                      Free of charge
                            players to rehearse and perform a                          be listened and verified by
                            variety of exciting repertoire.                            your section music teacher
                            Orchestra players with at least 2 years                    to confirm the level at the
                            of instrument experience and ongoing                       beginning first week of
                            individual+ instrument lessons are                         school. ABRSM Grade 2
Primary Symphony
                            preferred.                                                 level and above are
Orchestra                                                                              required.
Sem 1 &
Sem 2:
B4 - 6 / FCE2 - FCM2 /
G3 - 4
                            Primary Jazz band comprises a             Wednesday        This is a yearlong ECA.
                            standard Big Band instrumentation,        (3:10-4:10pm)    Yr 5 - 6 children with
                            and provides an opportunity for band      Free of charge   keyboard, flute, clarinet,
                            players to develop in Jazz playing and                     alto saxophone, trumpet,
                            improvisation in different styles.                         trombone, drum, guitar,
                                                                                       bass backgrounds are
Primary Jazz Band           (This CCA requires pre-requisite level                     required. Due to the
Sem 1 &                     of music, students interested should                       prerequisite Jazz music
Sem 2:                      register; final enrolment decision will                    level, the primary Jazz
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 / G4   take into consideration teacher’s                          band musicians will only
                            selection and past experience.)                            be upon invitation to
                                                                                       ensure the level is up to
                                                                                       the standard. ABRSM
                                                                                       Grade 3/4 level and above
                                                                                       are mandatory.

                            The Upper Primary Choir provides the      Thursday         This is a yearlong CCA for
                            musical opportunities to learn the        (3:10-4:10pm)    Yr 4-6 students with the
                            basic skills of singing, playing and      Free of charge   interest in singing.
                            reading music, developing song                             No audition required.
                            repertoire, broadening listening skills
                            and experiencing the interrelated
Upper Primary Choir         nature of music with other cultures
Sem 1 &                     and content areas. It aims to enhance
Sem 2:                      student’s performance and stage
B4 - 6 / FCE2 - FCM2 /      experiences through our school
G3 - 4                      events.

CCA                         Description                              Day              Special Notes
                            The school Lower Choir is open to        Wednesday        Please follow the CCA
                            both Year 2 and Year 3 children. It      (3:10-4:10pm)    registration process to
                            provides an opportunity for children     Free of charge   register your child online
                            who enjoy singing to learn new songs                      when the system opens on
                                                                                              th   th
                            and present them to an audience.                          Aug. 19 -25 .
Lower Primary                No audition is required. We
Choir                       welcome enthusiastic singers to have
Sem 1 &                     fun with us!
Sem 2:
B2 - 3 / FCP - FCE1 /
G1 – 2

                            A fantastic opportunity to learn and     Monday           This is a yearlong CCA for
                            perform a range of exciting songs        (Lunchtime       anyone who loves singing.
                            and also have a lot of fun!              12:30 - 1:00)    No audition required.
                                                                     Free of charge

Lunchtime Choir
Sem 1 &
Sem 2:
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 / G4

                            A chance to sing and perform, as a       Tuesday          A half year CCA for BPS Yr 2
                            group and as soloists, in their own      (3:10-4:10pm)    and 3 students, who are
                            mini-movie. Combining singing,           Free of charge   interested in building
                            acting and technology.                                    confidence, finding their
                                                                                      voice and learning IT skills.
Musical Movie Theatre                                                                 Some home practice
Sem 1:                                                                                required with songs and
B2 – 3                                                                                script and sourcing of items
(BPS Only)                                                                            needed for

                            Beginner Ukulele Club is open to         Friday           Some at home practice
                            anyone who wants to learn, no prior      (Lunchtime       each week is required and
                            skill level required, with a goal of     12:30 - 1:00)    an enthusiasm to sing.
                            performing at school events.             Free of charge   Ukuleles are available to
                            Perfectly suited for smaller hands the                    borrow from the music
                            ukulele is a great introduction to                        department for the first
                            playing and singing at the same time.                     semester.
Lunchtime Ukulele           Starting with simple songs we will
Sem 1:                      progress to pop music and grow your
B2 - 3 / FCP - FCE1 /       knowledge of chords, rhythm and
G1 - 2                      ensemble playing.

CCA                      Description                              Day              Special Notes
                         Students explore the trombone and        Monday           The goal of the Beginning
                         trumpet instruments to start as a        (12:30-1:00pm)   Band is to explore the
                         beginner. Students will be using         Trombone         interest for learning the
                         school P-bone and P-trumpet. It is                        brass instruments from Yr 3
                         required students to purchase the        (1:00-1:30pm)    & 4.
                         plastic mouthpiece at the start of the   Trumpet
                         lessons.                                                  Students pursue forward to
Beginning Band                                                    NT$3200/sem.     the individual brass
Sem 1 &                                                                            instrument learning in the
Sem 2:                                                                             coming semester is
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /                                                             suggested.
G2 – 3

                         The CCAs below will be held at           Tuesday          This is a yearlong CCA .
                         lunchtime. Students will be split        (12:30-1:00pm)
                         based on lunch sittings in the           Y3 + 5           Flute players with at least 1
                         cafeteria.                                                year of experiences or
                                                                  (1:00-1:30pm)    more.
                                                                  B4 + 6
Flute Ensemble
Sem 1 &                                                           NT$3200/sem.
Sem 2:
B3 - 6 / FCE1 - FCM2 /
G2 – 4

                         Require Yr 3 - 6 children with 2 years   Tuesday          This is a yearlong CCA.
                         of piano background as at least          (1:00-1:30pm)
                         level.                                                    Require Yr 3 - 6 children
                         Participants will need to switch their   NT$3200/sem.     with 2 years of piano
                         lunchtime on their own arrangement                        background as at least
                         in order to fit to the scheduled time                     level. 6 Irish harps are
                         every Tuesday.                                            provided during the group
                                                                                   sessions. Participants will
                                                                                   need to switch their
Irish Harp Ensemble                                                                lunchtime on their own if
Sem 1 &                                                                            needed.
Sem 2:
B3 - 6 / FCE1 - FCM2 /
G2 – 4

d. Hobbies and Crafts: Construction Club, Gardening Club, Creative Textiles,
            Sketching, Cooking Club, Lantern Festival, Creative Writing

CCA                      Description                                        Day              Special Notes
                         Are you a budding architect, builder or            Thursday
                         engineer? Or maybe you just like tinkering and     (3.10-4.10pm)
                         making things?                                     Free of charge
                         Construction club will provide resources such
                         as blocks, Duplo/Lego and junk-modelling so
Construction Club
                         you can make your own creations each week.
Sem 1:
                         On your marks, get set, build!
B2 - 4 / FCP - FCE2 /
G1 - 3
                         If you've ever wanted to try growing things,       Tuesday
                         this is the club for you!                          (3.10-4.10pm)
                         You will be involved in planting, caring for and   Free of charge
                         harvesting a variety of plants (some of which
                         you'll be able to eat!) You also get to spend
                         time in the outdoors, build your knowledge of
Gardening Club           the natural world and learn many useful skills
Sem 1:                   along the way.
B3-6 / FCE1 - FCM2 /
G2 - 4
                         The creative textile club is a chance to           Tuesday
                         experience a range of textile techniques           (3.10-4.10pm)
                         including designing, printing, manipulating        Free of charge
                         fabric, felt making and embellishing
                         fabrics. Having fun, being creative, and staying
Creative Textiles        as eco-friendly as we can!
Sem 1:
B3 – 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /
G2 - 3
                         We will start by focusing on basic                 Wednesday
                         observational drawing skills and be a detective    (3.10-4.10pm)
                         by looking at the shapes, the patterns, the        Free of charge
                         perspective, the colors, the shadows, the
                         contours, and how all of the details interact.
                         It supports the children in slowing down, and
                         really learning how to record what they
Sem 1:
                         actually see, rather than what they think
B2 - 3 / FCP - FCE1 /
                         something looks like.
G1 - 2
                         Children are always creative, and cooking is a     Thursday
                         great way to use your imagination. At the          (3.10-4.10pm)
                         Ready, Steady Cooking Club, students will          Free of charge
                         learn how to prepare recipes using a few
                         ingredients. The class will focus on one dish
                         per week, and by the end the children will
Cooking Club             have a range of recipes from around the world
Sem 1:                   that they can recreate at home. Students will
B4 - 6 / FCE2 - FCM2 /   feel a sense of achievement as they taste and
G3 - 4                   share with you what they have created.

CCA                    Description                                         Day              Special Notes
                       It is now a tradition for the Taipei European       Wednesday
                       School to participate in the Lantern Festival.      (3.10-4.10pm)
                       The tri-section group of students who take          Free of charge
                       part in this CCA will be representing the school
                       at this major cultural celebration. The students
Taipei Lantern         will be involved in designing, making and
Festival               decorating a large scale lantern sculpture that
Sem 1:                 will be exhibited in Taipei city during the
B4 - 6 /               Chinese New Year holiday.
FCE2 - FCM2 / G3 - 4

                       Want to learn how to create and publish your        Tuesday
                       own eBook?                                          (3.10-4.10pm)
                       During this CCA, we will be exploring famous        Free of charge
                       author's techniques for engaging readers,
                       looking at ways to bring characters/a setting to
                       life, as well as developing a strong
                       understanding of how to map a story out with
                       logical stages. You will learn how to up-level
Creative Writing       your language and impress your class
Sem 1:                 teachers!
B5 - 6 /               This is the perfect CCA for aspiring authors
FCM1 - FCM2 / G4       that want to delve into a world of fantasy
                       where anything can happen. Over the weeks,
                       we will be using a variety of stimuli (videos,
                       music and images) to intrigue your minds and
                       gets those pens scribbling. The final aim will be
                       to create your very own illustrated short
                       stories that will be shared across the school.

e. STEAM: Coding Club, Movie Making: Stop action movie, Robotics Lego Wedo
            Lower KS2, Lego Mindstorms Upper KS2, Dungeons & Dragons - Blood Sword,
            Robotics Club: The VEX IQ, Junior Architects

CCA                        Description                               Day              Special Notes
                           Welcome to the world of coding. We        Wednesday
                           will follow the curriculum as    (3.10-4.10pm)
                           we start with the basics and move         Free of charge
                           through the coding curriculum. Students
                           will need age related English reading
                           skills to access the course.
Coding Club
Sem 1:
B2/ FCP / G1

                           Explore your creative side through        Thursday
                           making movies! It could be with clay,     (3.10-4.10pm)
                           lego, drawings or anything else you can   Free of charge
                           use to tell a story!

Movie-making: Stop
action movies
Sem 1:
B2 - 6 / FCP - FCM2 /
G1 - 4
                           An entry into the exciting world of       Tuesday
                           Robotics for lower KS2 students using     (3.10-4.10pm)
                           Lego Wedo Kits.                           Free of charge

Robotics Lego Wedo
Lower KS2
Sem 1:
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /
G2 - 3
                           Investigations about different            Thursday
                           materials, and structures.                (3.10-4.10pm)
                           Learn about the properties of different   Free of charge
                           materials and some basic bonding
                           techniques for building structures.

Lego Mindstorms
Upper KS2
Sem 1:
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /

CCA                      Description                                          Day                 Special Notes
                         Welcome Adventurers!                                 Tuesday
                         A quest awaits. However, this quest takes skill      Free of charge
                         teamwork and creativity, can you survive this
                         ancient realm?

                         For students who love reading, fantasy,
Dungeons &               humour and collaboration. No other skills
Dragons - Blood          needed.
Sem 1:
B3 - 6 / FCE1 - FCM2 /
G2 – 4

                         The VEX IQ club is designed to expose                Monday
                         students to STEM fundamentals within the             (3.10-4.10pm)
                         context of building a robot. Without even            Free of charge
                         realizing it, students will begin to instinctively
                         apply skills acquired as they advance through
                         the project-based course. Utilising the VEX IQ
                         robotics platform students have the ability to
Robotics Club:           jump right in and snap robots together using
The VEX IQ               this intuitive tool-less system. Beyond
Sem 1:                   robotics, students learn lifelong skills in
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /   teamwork, leadership, communications, and
G4                       more. Students will design, build, code and
                         refine a robot that can compete in the 2020-
                         2021 VEX IQ Rise Above challenge.

                         Students participate in a series of creative and     Wednesday
                         practical activities that expose them to a wide      (Lunchtime 1:00 -
                         variety of materials, as well as a making            1:30)
                         process, through hands-on experience. We             Free of charge
                         will be focusing on the key areas of the design
                         process - Technical Knowledge, Design, Make
Junior Architects        and Evaluate.
Sem 1 &
Sem 2:
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /
G2 – 3

                         Cooperation, engagement, problem solving             Thursday
                         and fun - oh and some Minecraft if you have          (3.10-4.10pm)
                         ever heard of this game?                             Free of charge

                         Come along and work on shared challenges
                         and endeavours mixed in with some creativity
Minecraft Education      and opportunity for personalized learning
Sem 2:                   endeavours .
B2/ FCP / G1

CCA                      Description                                       Day              Special Notes
                         Learn how to code and apply your skills to        Wednesday
                         solve real world problems or demonstrate          (3.10-4.10pm)
                         your creativity and build games, bicycle lights   Free of charge
                         or whatever you can imagine.

Microbit Makers
Sem 2:
B3 - 6 / FCE1 - FCM2 /
G2 - 4
                         An opportunity to collaborate with                Tuesday          British Section
                         others while revisiting learning which has        (3.10-4.10pm)    Only
                         taken place in the classroom,                     Free of charge
                         Recap, consolidate and gain confidence in new
                         maths concepts while having some fun!

Maths Homework
Sem 2:
(BPS Only)

                         Learn how to build a balsa wood and tissue        Tuesday
                         rubber band flying aircraft. Culminates with a    (3.10-4.10pm)
                         competition to see who’s aircraft can stay        Free of charge
                         aloft the longest.

Flying Model Planes
Sem 2:
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /
                         Create characters, write a story, make a set      Thursday
                         and direct your own movie using stop motion       (3.10-4.10pm)
                         animation.                                        Free of charge

Stop Motion
Sem 2:
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /

f.       Languages

             Chinese: Chinese Storybook Club, Fun with Chinese Story, Chinese Homework
                                 Club, Chinese Library Reading

CCA                      Description                                         Day              Special Notes
                         The Chinese Storybook Club will be reading          Tuesday
                         lots of different interesting storybooks in         (3.10-4.10pm)
                         different genres. In this club, we will also be     Free of charge
                         doing some fun art activities following the

 Chinese Storybook
    Club (Infant)
Sem 1:
B2 / FCP / G1
                         In Chinese storybook club, we will be reading a     Wednesday
                         variety of Chinese Stories, talking about the       (3.10-4.10pm)
                         contexts and doing some fun art activities          Free of charge
                         following the story. We encourage participants
                         with independent reading skills to join us.

Chinese Storybook
Club (Junior)
Sem 1:
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /
G2 – 3

Chinese Storybook                                                            (3.10-4.10pm)
Club (Junior)                                                                Free of charge
Sem 2:
B3 - 4 / FCE1 - FCE2 /
G2 – 3

                         Stories have always been a great medium for         Friday
                         children to learn a language. At TES, Chinese       (3.10-4.10pm)
                         Story Club opens a gate for children to apply       Free of charge
                         their life mandarin as well as to catch new
                         glimpses of Asian culture. This weekly course
                         will be topic-based, and children will pool their
Fun with Chinese         knowledge together through games and
Story                    discussion. Songs and crafts will also be
Sem 1:                   incorporated in the lesson to add on fun! TES
B2 - 4 / FCP - FCE2 /    Chinese Story Club is certainly where children
G1 - 3                   will boost their confidence and explore the
                         language with sensory activities. Come join us
                         and have a lot of fun in Chinese!

CCA                      Description                                        Day              Special Notes
                         Chinese Homework Club aims at facilitating         Tuesday          Student need to bring
                         students' Chinese Homework writing.                (3.10-4.10pm)    their Chinese
                         Participants should bring their Chinese            Free of charge   homework to class.
                         workbook with them and assume their                                 This is not designed
                         responsibilities to complete their assigned                         as a remedial
                         work during the CCA.                                                programme, but a
                                                                                             supporting one for
Chinese Homework                                                                             children’s efforts in
Club                                                                                         Chinese.
Sem 1 &
Sem 2:
B3 - 6 / FCE1 - FCM2 /
G2 - 4

                         Year 5 & 6 Independent readers who can read        Wednesday
                         books independently will choose readers in the     (3.10-4.10pm)
                         library to read and enjoy the quiet reading        Free of charge
                         time after school.

Chinese Library
Sem 1:
B5 - 6 / FCM1 - FCM2 /

                         The Zentangle@ Art is a method to help you         Wednesday
                         relax in fun way and to create your own art        (3.10-4.10pm)
                         images by drawing different patterns. It is easy   Free of charge
                         to start and no drawing skills needed. All you
                         have to do is enjoy the moment you draw and
                         relieve your stress and inspire your design
Zentangle in             talent at the same time. This CCA will also
                         deliver some mindfulness knowledge and
                         meditation ideas.
Sem 2:
B3 - 6 / FCE1 - FCM2 /
G2 - 4

 English: English Culture Club
CCA                    Description                                  Day        Special Notes
                       TES is rich in cultural diversity. We want   Tuesday
                       to know about you! In the Culture Club       (3.10-
                       you can share your culture with us and       4.10pm)
                       learn about others.                          Free of

English Culture Club
Sem 1:
B4 - 6 /
FCM2 - FCM2 / G4

                       The World Scholar’s Cup is a Celebration     Thursday   All those wanting to
                       of Learning!                                 (3.10-     participate in the ECA
                                                                    4.10pm)    are drawn from Year 5
                       It brings together many subjects, around     Free of    and 6 children. They
                       an exciting theme.                           charge     must have an acceptable
                                                                               level of English and be
                       How it works:                                           confident and articulate
                       The World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) is an                     enough to publically
                       international initiative. Every year, WSC               persuade.

World Scholar’s Cup    releases its theme. Each theme is
                                                                               Children will be selected
Sem 2:                 explored through various learning areas.                in consultation with their
B5 - 6 /               In 2019, for example, the theme (A world                class teacher and also
FCM1 - FCM2 / G4       on the Margins) explored the following                  based on a short
                       subject areas:                                          prepared persuasive
                          Special Area – Unsolved Mysteries
                                                                               A maximum of 12
                          Science – Enabling Technologies
                                                                               children are selected
                          History – Neglected Histories                       with preference being
                          Literature - Voices from the Margins                given to existing Y5
                          Art & Music – Louder than Words                     children (moving into
                          Social Studies – On The Edge if                     Year 6) who have already
                           Society                                             been participating in this
                       WSC provides guideline material for
                       exploring these learning areas in order to              The cost of travelling to
                       bring the theme alive.                                  and participating in the
                                                                               regional and global
                       Teams of three explore these materials                  rounds will be borne by
                       and then prepare to participate in a                    participating children.
                       Regional (Taiwan) round against other
                       schools in Taiwan. This is usually held in              For more information,
                       Kaohsiung in March every year. Most                     please visit:
                       international schools in Taiwan                         https://www.scholarsc
                       participate in this.                          

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