Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show

Page created by Lawrence Osborne
Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show
Sponsorship & Advertising

  Take centre stage in 2022
The Royal Cornwall Show provides         events of its type in the country.           We also offer banner and poster
a fantastic platform to promote any        Why not promote your business             advertising options that provide
type of business or organisation.        at the Show through our range               another route to our visitors not only
 Cornwall’s biggest and best loved       of sponsorship and advertising              at the Royal Cornwall Show but also
annual event attracts an average         opportunities?                              the numerous other events that the
attendance of 120,000 people (5            We have a wide selection of options       venue hosts each year.
year rolling average) and many more      available to get your brand and              We are able to offer our sponsors
are engaged through our extensive        message noticed at the 2022 Show.
media coverage, both local, regional                                                 a selection of valuable benefits,
                                           The options range from major              based on the level of support
and national.                            headline partnerships through to the
                                                                                     provided, such as complimentary
  The Show and its surrounding car       sponsorship of the prize money for
and caravan parks cover some 236                                                     Royal Cornwall Show entry tickets,
                                         specific livestock, equine and small
acres. The event welcomes 1,000          animal classes. If nothing quite fits       guest badges, ring banner positions
trade exhibitors each year and           from our selection, we are more than        and invitations to attend one of the
is widely regarded as one of the         happy to tailor a package to suit your      exclusive President’s luncheons held
leading agricultural and business        needs.                                      during the event.

            Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, Royal Cornwall Events Centre, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 7JE
  Tel 01208 815958 Fax 01208 812713 E-mail trade@royalcornwall.co.uk Registered Charity No: 250312 VAT No: 132 1998 69
Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show
Sponsorship Packages

     We are delighted to provide our generous sponsors with the following packages of
    benefits. They provide added value to the support given. The higher the value of the
  sponsorship package agreed, the greater level of benefits we can offer, as outlined below:

PLATINUM                              GOLD                                  SILVER
Applicable for a total                Applicable for a total sponsorship    Applicable for a total sponsorship
sponsorship commitment of             commitment of £650 - £1249            commitment of £350 - £649
£1250 plus                            • Two Banner spaces in the           • One Banner space in the
• P  romotion in one of the             appropriate ring                      appropriate ring
    Association’s Official Press      • Sponsor acknowledgement in         • Sponsor acknowledgement in
                                          the Prize Schedule                   the Prize Schedule
                                      • Sponsor acknowledgement in         • Sponsor acknowledgement in
• Three Banner spaces in the
                                          the Show Catalogue                   the Show Catalogue
   appropriate ring                   • Commentator announcement          • Commentator announcement
• Sponsor acknowledgement in             (during judging etc.)                (during judging etc.)
    the Prize Schedule                • Business representative to         • Business representative to
• Sponsor acknowledgement in             present awards (if appropriate)      present awards (if appropriate)
    the Show Catalogue                • VIP Invitation for two people      • Four 1-day Show Tickets
• Sponsor acknowledgement in            to one of the President’s          • Four 1-day Guest Badges
    the Souvenir Show Programme          Luncheons                             giving access to the Members’
• Sponsor acknowledgement via       • Six 1-day Show Tickets                Facilities
    Royal Cornwall Show Facebook      • Six 1-day Guest Badges giving      • T
                                                                               wo Members’ Car Park Passes
    page and Twitter feed                 access to the Members’
• Commentator announcement              Facilities
                                      • Three Members’ Car Park            BRONZE
    (during judging etc.)
                                         Passes                             Applicable for a total sponsorship
• Business representative to
    present awards (if appropriate)                                         commitment of £150 - £349
• VIP Invitation for four people                                           • Sponsor acknowledgement in
   to one of the President’s                                                   the Prize Schedule
   Luncheons                                                                • Sponsor acknowledgement in
• Eight 1-day Show Tickets                                                    the Show Catalogue
                                                                            • Commentator announcement
• Eight 1-day Guest Badges
                                                                               (during judging etc.)
    giving access to the Members’
                                                                            • Two 1-day Show Tickets
    Facilities                                                              • T
                                                                               wo 1-day Guest Badges giving
• Four Members’ Car Park                                                     access to the Members’ Facilities
    Passes                                                                  • A Members’ Car Park Pass
Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show
Sponsorship Options

We’ve numerous opportunities for you to become involved at the Show. Don’t
see anything that fits the bill? We can build bespoke packages to suit your needs.
Please get in touch for more information about any of the following opportunities.

Sponsor more than 17,000 parking
passes for VIPs, members, exhibitors
and trade stand holders.

Sponsor our hugely popular monthly
e-newsletter. It keeps our 26,000,
and growing, number of subscribers
up to date with Show news and

Get your message on the thousands
of e-tickets that we sell before and
during the Show.

Your logo can be on more than
30,000 tickets printed and
distributed ahead of the event
Sponsor our What’s On Guide,
16,000 copies of the A5, 16 page
booklet are circulated prior to the

OFFICIAL SHOW WEBSITE                     LIVE VIDEO SPONSOR                          CAR PARK SIGNAGE
Sponsor our extremely popular             Our official live Show videos               A unique opportunity to get in
website that attracts more than           produced during the event are               front of every visitor that attends
140,000 unique users each year.           viewed more than 60,000 times, why          by supporting our car park signage
                                          not be our headline video sponsor?          which is placed at the main
                                                                                      entrances to the showground.
                                          SOCIAL MEDIA SPONSORSHIP
                                          Support one or more of our social           PRESS SERVICE FACILITIES
                                          media platforms for 12 months.              Support the extensive media relations
                                          We currently have 8,800+ Twitter            operation that, in the months leading
                                          followers, 36,000+ Facebook page            up to the Royal Cornwall Show,
                                          likes and 4,500+ Instagram followers        ensures widespread publicity for
                                          and growing.                                the event. Opportunity to feature
                                                                                      on all pre-Show press releases and
                                          THE COUNTRYSIDE AREA                        branding of our well-appointed press
                                          Headline sponsor this superb                centre during the event.
                                          area that celebrates local crafts,
                                          Cornish heritage and a wide range           PRIZE SCHEDULES
                                          of outdoor, rural pursuits. There’s         Sponsoring our livestock and
                                          a busy schedule of interesting              equine prize schedules, distributed
                                          displays within the demonstration           in print and online to thousands of
                                          rings.                                      competitors.

             Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, Royal Cornwall Events Centre, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 7JE
  Tel 01208 815958 Fax 01208 812713 E-mail trade@royalcornwall.co.uk Registered Charity No: 250312 VAT No: 132 1998 69
Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show
Sponsorship Options

The much loved, high quality Flower
Show really does have that special
wow factor. Headline sponsorship is
available for this integral part of the
Show that draws in the crowds.

Get your name on the main ring
grandstand with branding options
and visibility at the entertainment
heart of the Show.

A varied programme of high quality
entertainment brings large crowds
to the Main Ring. Please ask for
further details about sponsoring this
year’s headliners.

A thrilling, hugely popular event
that pulls in massive crowds to the
Main Ring each day. Why not be this
event’s title sponsor?

A key part of the Show, this ever-
popular section attracts competitors
from far and wide. You can be the
section’s major sponsor.

Among, if not the biggest, pig show
in the land. Be part of it.

                                          LOOKING FOR
                                           A BESPOKE
                                          CONTACT OUR
                                           TEAM FOR
Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show
Sponsorship Options
Competitive Sections

The Horse Section generates large
numbers of entries and interest
throughout many classes. There is a
selection of sections of the equine
classes available for sponsorship.
Prices start from just £99

Numerous Show-goers enjoy
watching the competitive
showjumping classes hosted in the
Main Ring.
Classes are available for
sponsorship from £300

There are opportunities to sponsor
the cattle, sheep and pig breed           BEES, HONEY & HOMEMADE
section prize money. Contact us for       WINE SECTION
further details on available classes.     This popular marquee is packed
Cost: From £100                           with trade stands and there is a
                                          wide range of competitive classes
SHEARING SECTION                          for honey and honey/beeswax
Big crowds are drawn to watch             products and homemade wine.
some of the best sheep shearers           Contact for more information:               POULTRY SECTION
in the world participate in the           Rosemarie Lane                              The Royal Cornwall boasts one
exciting competitions and                 cbka.rcs@gmail.com                          of the biggest and best poultry
demonstrations.                                                                       shows in the country. It’s also home
                                          RABBIT SECTION                              to an equally prestigious National
PIGEON SECTION                            People from all walks                       Egg Show.
The Pigeon Section provides               of life love rabbits and the Fur            Contact for more information:
two shows in one. There’s a two-          Section is always a big draw at             Kevin Dowrick - 01726 65166
day show on the Thursday and              the Show.                                   krdowrick@hotmail.com
Friday with a one day show on the         Contact for more information:
Saturday.                                 Cliff Penrose - 01726 66235                 DOG SECTION
                                                                                      For more than 150 years the
BLACKSMITHS’ COMPETITION                  CAGE BIRD SECTION                           Canine Section has been part of the
The blacksmiths of Cornwall               Show-goers and competitors                  Royal Cornwall. Running over the
gather to showcase their skills at        alike flock to see budgies,                 three days of the Show it attracts
the Royal Cornwall Show.                  canaries, parrots - even                    close to 800 entries. There’s also a
The blacksmiths’ competition at           blackbirds and song thrushes                Fun Dog Show.
the Show also forms part of the           within the Cage Bird Section.               Contact for more information:
national circuit.                         Contact for more information:               Clare Butler
                                          Ron Hancock                                 rcaadogs@hotmail.com
  Contact Heidi Masters for                                                           CIDER SECTION
more information on any of the            GOAT SECTION                                Debuted in 2018, this section
      above categories:                   The Goat Section, which offers              celebrates Cornwall’s long tradition
       01208 817010 or                    two shows for dairy and pygmy               in cider making.
    email: heidimasters@                  breeds, is a real crowd puller.             Contact for more information:
     royalcornwall.co.uk                  Contact for more information:               Tom Bray
                                          Sue Smith - 01326 563229                    tom.haywoodfarm@hotmail.co.uk

             Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, Royal Cornwall Events Centre, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 7JE
  Tel 01208 815958 Fax 01208 812713 E-mail trade@royalcornwall.co.uk Registered Charity No: 250312 VAT No: 132 1998 69
Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show
Advertising Opportunities

The Royal Cornwall Show is widely     MAIN RING BANNERS                         COUNTRYSIDE AREA &
regarded as one of the top annual     The Royal Cornwall Show is                FORESTRY DEMO RING
agricultural and business events      renowned for the quality and variety
in the UK. With an average annual                                               BANNERS
                                      of its entertainment. This is reflected
attendance of 120,000, it provides                                              A full schedule of interesting
                                      by the large crowds that gather to
the perfect opportunity to get your                                             demonstrations and events takes
                                      enjoy the Main Ring acts during all
business or organisation noticed.     three days of the Show. What better       place in the Countryside Area and
Our banner and poster advertising     way to get your business and brand        Forestry Section rings.
options are an excellent way to get   noticed than taking the opportunity       Both are popular attractions and
your brand and message in front of    to display your banner around the         make an ideal location to place an
your customers.                       Main Ring?                                advertising banner.
All banner and poster prices are      Cost: £195 + VAT per banner               Cost: £175 + VAT per banner
plus VAT at the prevailing rate.
                                      CATTLE, HORSE, SHEEP &                    RING BANNER SPECIFICATION
                                      PIG RING BANNERS                          Ring banners need to fit neatly
                                      The Cattle, Horse, Sheep and              on the ring rail; the depth of the
                                      Pig rings all attract great interest      banner should be exactly 70cm
                                      throughout the Show. They also            and may be up to a maximum of
                                      provide an opportunity for banner         6m in length. Banners need eyelets
                                      spaces, with each ring offering the       for fixing. Flexible banners work
                                      option of placing your brand and          better than solid display boards.
                                      message in front of a more specific       Banners will be erected by us. We
                                      audience during the Show.                 can supply details of a local banner
                                      Cost: £175 + VAT per banner               manufacturer if required.
Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show
Our banner and poster advertising             A3 WASHROOM POSTER
options are another excellent way to          PANELS
get your brand and message in front
of existing and potential customers           Nobody will be able to miss your
                                              message if you take advantage                   A3 WASHROOM POSTER
during the Royal Cornwall Show.
                                              of our A3 washroom poster panel                PANEL PRICES PER BLOCK
With an average annual attendance             opportunity. You will be able to put
of 120,000, it provides the perfect                                                             (to cover a 12 month period)
                                              your poster within our A3 poster
opportunity to get your business or           panels that will be placed within               WASHROOM /            No.
organisation noticed.                                                                                              Poster
                                              the ladies, gentlemen and shower               SHOWER BLOCK                    +VAT
All banner and poster prices are              washroom blocks that are located
plus VAT at the prevailing rate.              across the showground.                         Cattle Ring /
                                                                                                                     34     £859
                                                                                             Exhibition Halls
                                              With those attending the Show
                                              spending on average over 6 hours               Fodder Store            35     £579
                                              per day on site, it is highly likely
                                              they’ll make use of our washroom
                                              facilities and with posters placed             Horse Ring 2            34     £559
                                              on the back of the ladies’ cubicle
                                                                                             Duchy College
                                              doors, above urinals in the gents                                      29     £499
                                              and conspicuously located within
                                              the sink and hand dryer areas within
                                                                                             East Gate               27     £499
                                              each block and shower room, you’ll
                                              certainly get noticed.
                                              Your poster will stay in situ for              Secretary’s Offices     24     £459
                                              12 months, so you’ll be in front
                                              of those attending more than 80                Steam Fair Area         21     £359
                                              other events that take place on the
                                              showground annually in addition
                                              to the 120,000+ who visit the
                                              Royal Cornwall Show itself. It’s an
                                              opportunity not to be missed
                                              Cost from £359 - £859 + VAT per
                                              washroom block (for 12 month period)
                                              Our secure, lockable poster panels require
                                              A3 size posters supplied at the size of
                                              420mm × 594mm and in portrait orientation.
                                              If you require assistance with design and
LAMP POST BANNERS                             print, we can provide details of a local
                                              designer and printer. Or print-ready artwork
Want your business or organisation            can be supplied to us for printing.
to really get noticed during the
Royal Cornwall Show? Then our

                                                How do we get involved?
lamp post banner advertising option
is definitely for you.
We have 18 lamp posts situated in
the highest footfall avenues within
the showground. Your double-sided               Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about sponsoring or
banner, conspicuously noticeable                advertising at the Royal Cornwall Show 2022.
just above Show-goers heads, will                If you would like to book, please complete the enclosed application form
really make a big impact.                       accordingly and return to us.
Cost: £249 + VAT per banner                      Please note that where, by arrangement, the sponsor’s name forms part of the
                                                class title (ie., The Cornish Motor Co Cattle Championship), VAT at the prevailing
Our lamp post banner system requires a          rate will be chargeable on the sponsored sum.
2000mm (high) x 640mm (wide) banner with
                                                 We look forward to welcoming you as part of the next Royal Cornwall Show
lay flat pockets at the top and bottom plus
eyelets. To ensure your banner is suitable,     and share in its success.
we will provide details of a recommended        For further information contact Heidi Masters
manufacturer on confirmation of booking.        01208 817010 - heidimasters@royalcornwall.co.uk

               Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, Royal Cornwall Events Centre, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 7JE
   Tel 01208 815958 Fax 01208 812713 E-mail trade@royalcornwall.co.uk Registered Charity No: 250312 VAT No: 132 1998 69
Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show
Advertising Opportunities
Official Media

The Royal Cornwall Show offers three officially endorsed show marketing opportunities in association
with our official media partner Event Partnership Publishing (EPP).
Detailed below are the three on the day show opportunities and we also publish a three times a year
membership magazine which is directly mailed to our 7,000 plus membership which has both advertising
and commercial partnership options.
For more information on this and our official Show programme and catalogues please contact
Kenny Marshall on 01326 450650 or hello@eventpp.co.uk.
Please note that no other media opportunities are endorsed by the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association

OFFICIAL SHOW PROGRAMME                                               PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION
The official Show programme is the perfect souvenir for
Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association members and all               Size                                             A4
Show guests, and you’ll find it on sale at multiple locations         Copies                                       12,000
across the event, including every entrance.                           Cover Price                                   £3.50
Printed in full colour, the programme includes
comprehensive guide to the show and a large format fold                     DIMENSIONS & PRICING
out map of the showground.
                                                                                                  W x H in mm      Price
It is the perfect platform to complement your marketing
activity and project your company profile to a huge audience.         Full Page                      216 x 303      £984
Purchased by visitors to the show both in advance and                 Half Page                    190 x 135.5      £560
during the show.                                                      Quarter Page                  92 x 135.5      £312
                                                                      Eighth Page                      92 x 65      £195
                                        SPONSORSHIP                   Vertical Banner                 65 x 258      £357
                                                                      Landscape Banner                180 x 30      £198
                                                                      Map Banner                       90 x 50      £534

Every competitive section has a catalogue containing
detailed class and entry information.
                                                                            DIMENSIONS & PRICING
An important source of information for exhibitors, the                                              W x H in MM    Price
catalogues are an ideal platform for businesses who wish to           Cover Positions                  154 x 216   £436
reach the agricultural and equine communities.                        Full Page *                      118 x 183   £225
Catalogues include equine, beef cattle, and sheep sections.           Half Page *                       118 x 90   £135
Advertisement opportunities are extremely limited and are             Section Header *                  118 x 20    £97
                                                                      * Advertisements are mono
on a first come, first served basis.

            Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, Royal Cornwall Events Centre, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 7JE
  Tel 01208 815958 Fax 01208 812713 E-mail trade@royalcornwall.co.uk Registered Charity No: 250312 VAT No: 132 1998 69
Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show Take centre stage in 2022 - Royal Cornwall Show
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