Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org

Page created by Leon Morris
Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org
Taking The
Next Steps
Building on our Community’s
Successes to Address
Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org
Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org
Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org
Anchored Home:
Strategic Action
Plan to Solve
Homelessness in
Anchorage, 2018 -
Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org
Anchored Home: Strategic Action Plan to Solve
                         Hom elessn ess in An ch orage, 20 18 - 20 21
                                Public Healt h an d Safet y

1. Asse ss capacit y an d de m an d for e m e rge n cy she lt e r, t ran sit ion al housin g
or ot he r short - t e rm opt ion s for in dividuals livin g in e n cam pm e n t s t o
ide n t ify housin g alt e rn at ive s an d supports needed to make camping in
public spaces unnecessary.

2. Stabilize and maintain citywide safety net services including adequate
emergency shelter (for all seeking shelter)         an d ot he r basic se rvice s
in cludin g food an d he alt hcare (in cludin g re vie win g e xist in g se rvice s t o look
for opport un it ie s for im prove m e n t ).

3. Identify adequate and long - term cold weather shelter during the
winter months.               An ch or ed Hom e: St r at egic Act ion Plan t o Solve Hom elessn ess in An ch or age, 20 18 - 20 21, Page 16
Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org
An ch ored Hom e: St rat egic Act ion Plan t o Solve
                  Hom elessn ess in An ch orage, 20 18 - 20 21
                          Public Healt h an d Safet y

4. Establish a proactive and transparent system, with citizen input, for
con t in uously ide n t ifyin g, m on it orin g, an d re port in g t he n ot ice an d
abat e m e n t st at us of un aut horize d cam ps wit hin t he Mun icipalit y alon g wit h
t he act ion s t ake n con n e ct cam pe rs t o se rvice s.

5. Increase camp and street outreach and provide mobile assessments for
Coordinated Entry System.

6. Est ablish policie s in m un icipal code an d an n ually budge t for rapid and
efficient year - round notice, abatement, and cleanup of unauthorized
camps , e spe cially whe n cam ps pre se n t im m in e n t he alt h or
                                An ch or ed Hom e: St r at egic Act ion Plan t o Solve Hom elessn ess in An ch or age, 20 18 - 20 21, Page 16
Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org
An ch ored Hom e: St rat egic Act ion Plan t o Solve
                 Hom elessn ess in An ch orage, 20 18 - 20 21
                         Public Healt h an d Safet y

● Collect data on individuals living in encampments to determine
  de m ographics, t re n ds an d t o de ve lop appropriat e se rvice opt ion s an d
  collaborat e wit h out re ach worke rs t o warm ly t ran sfe r cam pe rs t o
  in t e rim she lt e rs or t ran sit ion al housin g.

● Cre at e act ive out re ach t o con n e ct pe ople pan han dlin g an d cam pin g
  wit h t he Coordin at e d En t ry Syst e m t o acce ss housin g, support s an d
  case m an age m e n t .

                              An ch or ed Hom e: St r at egic Act ion Plan t o Solve Hom elessn ess in An ch or age, 20 18 - 20 21, Page 17
Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org
Municipality Must Own Health and Safety

                     Ph ot o cr ed it s ADN, alaskap u blic.or g, fir eh ou se.com , fir een gin eer in g.co m
Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org
Gap Analysis

“Ensuring sufficient shelter capacity, especially during winter, is critical
for public health and safety.”

                 ACEH Gap An alysis an d 20 21 Com m u n it y Pr ior it ies for t h e Hom eless Pr even t ion an d Resp on se Syst em . Ju ly 20 20
Taking The Next Steps - Building on our Community's Successes to Address Homelessness - Muni.org
Practical Considerations, How Outreach Currently Works

   Goal: Increase outreach capacity across Anchorage to ensure all unsheltered hotpots (reported camps,
libraries, and other public locations) have regular outreach year - round, including both initial engagement
        and data collection and also capacity for intensive outreach to those with higher acuity needs.
                                                                        • [...] En sur e capacity to outreach the entire
Infrastructure                                                          Anchorage community in cludin g locat ion s wher e
                                                                        un shelt er ed in dividuals con gr egat e [...]
                                                                        • Suppor t / in vest in st aff capacit y t o pr ovide
Resources                                                               out r each ser vices t o com m un it ies in t he gr eat er
                                                                        An chor age ar ea [...]
                                                                        • Wor k wit h [...] t he APD t o coor din at e out r each t o
                                                                        ar eas scheduled for abat em en t an d t o en sur e safe
Policy                                                                  t r an spor t at ion of in dividuals in t er est ed in shelt er
                                                                        ser vices

                          ACEH Gap An alysis an d 20 21 Com m u n it y Pr ior it ies for t h e Hom eless Pr even t ion an d Resp on se Syst em . Ju ly 20 20
Lear n ed fr om
Sullivan Ar en a                      “Th e curren t success wit h
                                      h ousin g in dividuals durin g
                                      COVID- 19 st ron gly
                                      suggest s t h e n eed for
                                      resource an d referral
                                      services at all local sh elt ers
                                      an d t h e n eed t o keep
                                      sh elt ers open 24 h ours a

                                        ACEH Gap An alysis an d 20 21 Com m u n it y Pr ior it ies for t h e
             Photo: Bill Roth / ADN        Hom eless Pr even t ion an d Resp on se Syst em . Ju ly 20 20
Why a Single Campus?

● Mat h – whe n t he goal is e ve ryon e , sim ply t oo m an y she lt e rs are
  re quire d – m ore t han we can st aff an d provide se rvice s t o

● She lt e rs m ust be safe , se cure , he alt hy, re spe ct ful, dign ifie d, e ffe ct ive .
  The y don ’t n e e d t o be con ve n ie n t . The y can an d should be sit e d in t he
  be st locat ion for t he ir succe ss

● But we agre e sm alle r she lt e rs have advan t age s…
Where Has it Worked?

● A she lt e r alon e has n e ve r e n de d hom e le ssn e ss

● We have n ot foun d a sin gle e xam ple of a cit y t hat e n de d hom e le ssn e ss
  wit hout she lt e r
The Salt Lake City Experience
The Houston Experience

“A carrot and a stick approach is the best              The Way Hom e Con t in uum of Car e 20 21 Poin t -
approach, ” said Mar c Eichen baum , a special          In - Tim e Hom eless Coun t & Sur vey In depen den t
assist an t t o Houst on Mayor Sylvest er Tur n er on   An alysis
hom elessn ess in it iat ives.
The Plan

● We be lie ve t hat providin g she lt e r t o t he un house d is a n e ce ssary first
  st e p

● We have e xam in e d e xist in g available st ruct ure s an d foun d t he m
  un sat isfact ory in t e rm s of cost , fun ct ion , an d locat ion

● We propose t he con st ruct ion of an in t e n t ion ally de sign e d, purpose
  built an d st rat e gically locat e d Navigat ion Ce n t e r
What is a Navigation Center?

● Low barrie r, high se rvice

● Ope n an d st affe d 24 hours a day

● Pe ople do n ot have t o lin e up t o e n t e r at n ight

● Ope n t o part n e rs, pe t s, an d posse ssion s

● De sign e d t o he lp a pe rson “Navigat e ” t o pe rm an e n t housin g
Navigation Center
Site Plan
Site Plan
Site Selection
Cr it er ia      ● Availabilit y of he alt hcare re source s
                 ● Pe rsist e n t law e n force m e n t pre se n ce
                 ● Min im ize im pact t o n e ighborin g re side n ce s
                    an d busin e sse s
                 ● Close t o public t ran sport at ion
                 ● Se cure d Space for out door gat he rin gs
                 ● Mun icipal own e d, PLI Zon e d
                 ● Exist in g Ut ilit ie s

           Site 27
Ne ar Tudor Rd an d Elm ore Rd
Navigation Center Compared to the Alaska Club,
                           By t h e Num ber s

Site 27                                                    The Alaska Club
●   Un d er $15 m illion / d esign ed for Sullivan     ●   $5.435 m illion / 125 bed capacit y r equir es
    sized populat ion but capacit y for                    r en ovat ion – more than $43,480 per
    sign ifican t ly m or e – less than $37,500            per son plus cost of n ew r oof, plum bin g
    per per son (40 0 bed s est .)                         an d foun d at ion r epair s
●   Persistent Adjacent Police Presence                ●   Un iver sit y Police Department 2.4 miles
●   Major Hospital within walking distance         ,       away
    wit h walkin g br id ge over Tud or                ●   Hospital 2.9 miles away
●   On bus r out es                                    ●   On bus r out es
●   PLI Zoned                                          ●   Not PLI Zon ed
●   Easily Fenced                                      ●   Cor n er , hard to fence aest h et ically
●   Away from residences and businesses                ●   Surrounded by residences and
Navigation Center to the Alaska Club, in pictures

           Site 27                       Alaska Club Tudor
Ne ar Tudor Rd an d Elm ore Rd       Re d Pin Ce n t e r of Scre e n
The Law

The agr eem en t en sur es people exper ien cin g
hom elessn ess will n ot be cit ed or ar r est ed for sleepin g
out door s when n o shelt er is available, an d t he cit y will
con t in ue t o t ake st eps t o put ever y per son
exper ien cin g hom elessn ess in Boise on a pat h t o
per m an en t housin g.
The Cit y will in vest $1,335,0 0 0 in pr even t in g
hom elessn ess in our com m un it y in 20 21, at least one -
third of which will be committed to rehabilitating or
creating additional overnight shelter space.
Callahan v. Carey

● Why 95% of t he hom e le ss in
  NYC have she lt e r, an d on ly
  30 % of t hose in Californ ia do

● Case s of se ve re hypot he rm ia
  an d de at h am on g hom e le ss
  droppe d dram at ically aft e r
  t he de cre e .

                                      Callah an v. Car ey, No. 79- 42582 (Su p . Ct . N.Y. Cou n t y, Cot . 18, 1979), ESCR- n et .or g
Applying to Anchorage

“In t he past , t he m ayor an d t he m un icipalit y
didn ’t t ake a leadin g r ole in wor kin g on
hom elessn ess,” said Jasm in e Boyle, head of t he
An chor age Coalit ion t o En d Hom elessn ess. That
chan ged in 20 18, when t he cit y an n oun ced an
am bit ious plan an d began t o play a bigger r ole.

“We have t o have gover n m en t par t n er s as par t
of a cor e t eam in addr essin g hom elessn ess,”
said Boyle. “We don ’t have con t r ol as hom eless
ser vice n on pr ofit s over m echan ism s r equir ed t o
r eally get t o a solut ion .”

                                                                 An ch or age Daily News, Em ily Good ykoon t z
Shelter is Not
t he Solut ion ,
r at her t he Fir st
St ep for Public
Safet y
Next Steps Together
●   A com pr ehen sive r eview of cur r en t policies which ham per
Ways the                 dir ect or s an d st aff fr om quickly m ovin g t hr ough t he per m it t in g
Mun icipalit y           pr ocess.
can Make it          ●   En sur in g t hat cur r en t an d n ew policies pr ovide clear an d dist in c

Easier t o Build ,       lan guage which help in t he im plem en t at ion of code.

Expan d in g t h e   ●   Align depar t m en t fun ct ion s allowin g per m it t in g a seam less st ar t
                         t o fin ish pr ocess.
Affor dable
                     ●   Expand opportunities to incentivize affordable housing                .
Housin g Supply      ●   Com e t o a clear er un der st an din g of pr ivat e developm en t
                         im pr ovin g public in fr ast r uct ure based on t he CIP.
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