TELSTRA EMERGE CASE STUDY - What Customers Really Want

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TELSTRA EMERGE CASE STUDY - What Customers Really Want

What Customers Really Want
CASE STUDY              TELSTRA EMERGE                                                                                                 2

TEST MARKETING CENTER                                              THE EARLY DAYS
If ever a business has based itself around living, sleeping and    Before switching to Pivotal CRM, Telstra eMerge’s team used
breathing Customer Relationship Management (CRM), day in,          an incumbent system which proved inflexible, hampering its
day out, then Telstra eMerge is that company.                      ability to perform at the level it desired.

                                                                   “This solution was difficult to use—it required us to have a
                                                                   multitude of native systems running concurrently. We had to

ABOUT TELSTRA EMERGE                                               alternate from screen to screen as we did not have customer
                                                                   information housed in one area. For each campaign we had
A core business unit of Australia’s number-one
                                                                   to switch between a variety of databases,” said Messiha.
telecommunications provider, Telstra, the eMerge Center is an
innovative and highly cost effective unit charged with testing     “On reflection, it was a slow, difficult, immensely frustrating
Telstra’s marketing campaigns, product innovations, service        piece of technology. The team’s stress levels were heightened
offerings and various price points. Working with precisely         as a result and it felt like a pressure-cooker environment. It
selected customer samples, this unit significantly saves Telstra   sometimes felt as if it was working against us rather than with
marketing resource and investment costs up-front by advising       us, which was not ideal.”
early in a development process whether a particular offering
meets market approval or not. Working with the customer
feedback received, Telstra makes swift decisions regarding
whether to modify an offering, go to market, or place it on
the back burner.                                                   SELECTING PIVOTAL
With a staff of 40 consultants, campaign managers, IT
                                                                   CRM—A TEAM DECISION
                                                                   Consequently, a decision was made to look elsewhere for
specialists and data analysts working around the clock to
                                                                   a supportive alternative CRM solution and after researching
communicate with its customer-base, Telstra eMerge relies
                                                                   alternatives on the market, Telstra eMerge’s team chose
heavily on having a wholly flexible, responsive, reliable CRM
                                                                   Pivotal CRM.
system in place to provide an intimate and immediate view of
these customers. It believes it has found the answer with the      “We were impressed by the flexibility, efficiency and
Pivotal CRM solution.                                              responsiveness it offered and the fact it could obviously
                                                                   handle our reporting requirements working with up to twenty
“We work under intense time pressures during testing cycles
                                                                   million transactions per month. Pivotal CRM promised a
and need to be able to act fast, turning around projects
                                                                   fast, nimble CRM solution that would provide an intimate
intelligently. Therefore, it has been critical we have a solid
                                                                   and single view of our customers, their purchase decisions,
technology base supporting us to achieve these goals.
                                                                   history with Telstra and opinions. There was also an increased
Being able to precisely select samples of customers and to
                                                                   comfort level for the team in that Pivotal was delivering results
communicate with them in numerous ways is all part of the
                                                                   to many major corporations internationally,” said Messiha.
process. Pivotal CRM has certainly delivered for us in those
respects,” says Magdy Messiha, IT manager, Telstra eMerge          He stresses the importance of involving the entire team in the
Center of Excellence.                                              process of selecting and customizing a solution of this nature
                                                                   to derive optimal benefit.
CASE STUDY              TELSTRA EMERGE                                                                                3

“CRM is all about people—and it is vital that the people who

                                                                   “ Pivotal
are going to use the solution are key players in the selection
and implementation process. They need to understand its
scope and how the technology will effectively change—in a
positive sense—the way they approach their work and their            promised a fast,
customers. It’s about mindset more than anything,” explained
Messiha.                                                             nimble CRM
                                                                     solution that would
WORKING WITH PIVOTAL                                                 provide an intimate
As it tests different telecommunications offerings, the Center       and single view
extracts customer information from a variety of native
databases housed within Telstra’s business units. Once it has        of our customers,
                                                                     their purchase
transported customer information Telstra eMerge ensures the
data’s future accuracy and currency by extracting updates from
the native databases on a monthly basis.

Working in this way for the past two years the unit has built
                                                                     decisions, history
up its database to include nearly 5.5 million customer records,      with Telstra and
with each record offering general customer details, summary
billing, the products and services being currently used, as well     opinions. There was
as their usage history and any comments or feedback received
from customers.                                                      also an increased
Using Pivotal CRM’s Contact Center technology, Telstra
eMerge communicates with customers on a multi-channel
                                                                     comfort level for the
bases. It easily manages inbound and outbound calls for each
campaign tested, as well as being able to e-mail, direct mail
                                                                     team in that Pivotal
and contact customers via the web. Predominantly,                    CRM was delivering
the unit focuses on proactive communication, reaching
out to customers—however it also manages reactive                    results to many
communication—responding to customer queries and requests
about a particular campaign.
                                                                     major corporations                               “
The solution offers the flexibility to alter this communications     internationally.
mix at a whim and the Center can upscale resource to manage
increased customer volume as required. Currently the Center          Magdy Messiha
                                                                     IT Manager Telstra eMerge Center of Excellence
makes around 4,000 outbound calls a week and achieves a
contact rate of 50% on these calls.
CASE STUDY              TELSTRA EMERGE                                                                                                     4

SEEING RESULTS IN REAL                                                 to be proficient in the one system, not the range of native
                                                                       systems that were used historically to view and analyze data
“Undoubtedly, Pivotal CRM has delivered on its promises in             “We have also found the Pivotal CRM scripting has reduced
terms of its integration abilities, reporting requests, adaptability   training time, as all our telemarketers are familiar with the
and customization,” said Messiha. ‘We have continued to raise          script flow and navigation tools, which means training is
the pole on our achievements since going with Pivotal CRM.”            focused on the product offering rather than internal processes.
                                                                       It is far more efficient and a far more streamlined approach,”
From the outset, Pivotal CRM has impressed the team, from              said Messiha.
promising a swift implementation phase to meet Telstra
eMerge’s pressing requirements, to locking into a fixed price          As a result of the efficiencies gained and the ease of using
contract, meaning there were no hidden surprises in that               Pivotal CRM, the atmosphere within the team has altered
respect.                                                               accordingly. Team members are far more relaxed, knowing
                                                                       they have a complete sensible system supporting them in their
In terms of realizing key benefits and efficiencies in the testing     day-to-day activity.
cycle, Pivotal CRM allows the team complete responsiveness
during testing cycles. Campaign managers and coordinators
are able to make telemarketing script changes on the fly,
based on initial campaign trends and customer feedback. An             ESTABLISHING THE UNIT’S
additional benefit to the company as a whole is that when the          CRM CENTER
team has down time between campaign cycles, it is able easily          In recent months, Telstra eMerge has developed its own CRM
manage overflow in-bound calls from other business units,              Center, where it can demonstrate to other business units just
using Pivotal CRM to communicate with customers easily and             how it uses Pivotal CRM to go about its work and what it does
effectively.                                                           with the data it extracts from the various databases. This has
                                                                       helped achieved further buy-in and support from across Telstra
Resource costs and downtime have been dramatically
                                                                       in terms of solidifying the agreement of senior managers to
reduced now that in-house IT specialists are able to create
                                                                       share customer data with the unit.
customizations to suit each campaign’s requirements. No
longer do they need to bring in external consultants at all            “This has been an important project for us as we often need
hours to customize the system.                                         to gain consensus from a range of business unit managers to
                                                                       integrate data into our system and to use it in the way we wish
Furthermore, since Pivotal CRM’s implementation, Telstra
                                                                       to,” said Messiha.
eMerge has increased the number of campaigns it has been
able to test by 100%, averaging 13 campaigns per year.                 “Being able to show them exactly what we do has made great
Messiha attributes this to the fact that the team is now               in-roads to building relationships across the company and we
operating far more efficiently across a number of key areas.           have excited these managers for the possibility of what we
                                                                       can do in the future. There are lots of plans in the pipeline for
For instance, whereas previously campaigns took around 2-3
                                                                       adding functionality and complexity to our solution.
weeks to set up, with Pivotal CRM’s streamlined approach the
unit now only takes 2-3 days to set up.                                “That’s a major feature of Pivotal CRM—as you use the
                                                                       technology, you realize what could be, and because of the way
Costs associated with training team members have also been
                                                                       it is designed and implemented, it allows you to put that vision
dramatically reduced. Much of this is to do with only needing
                                                                       into action.
CASE STUDY            TELSTRA EMERGE                                                                                                 5

 RETURN ON INVESTMENT                                              • Reduced time spent training team members they only have
                                                                   to be proficient in one system as opposed to a variety of
 FOR TELSTRA EMERGE                                                native databases. This means they can focus on developing
 Pivotal CRM has:                                                  their expertise and proficiency rather than gaining generalist
 • Increased efficiency within the business unit—a smaller sized   knowledge across a number of systems.
 team is working far smarter, able to test more campaigns on
 an annual basis.                                                  • The organizational culture is far more positive, energized, and
                                                                   satisfied. Levels of stress and frustration have been dissipated
 • Increased the number of campaigns being tested by 100%          with levels of confidence in the technology and in their ability
 since its implementation.                                         to perform under pressure rising dramatically.

 • Enabled them to set up campaigns in a matter of days (2-3)      • Less resource spent on external consultants to provide
 as opposed to weeks (2-3), as it traditionally took them.         support and customize the technology. They are doing all of
                                                                   this in-house using internal IT specialists.

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