The bachelor-master structure (two-cycle curriculum) according to the Bologna agreement: a Dutch experience

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Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs, maart 2010 | Vol. 29, nr. 1, p. 16-21

The bachelor-master structure (two-cycle curriculum)
according to the Bologna agreement: a Dutch experience
J.B.M. Kuks

The Groningen Medical Curriculum is an example of a two-cycle curriculum with a
course leading to the Bachelor’s degree followed by a course at the end of which students
receive a Master’s degree in medicine. Moreover a third cycle is in the offing, in the form
of a PhD trajectory for students who wish to pursue a career in research. The Groningen
curriculum is based on the CanMEDS competency model. In addition to describing the
Groningen curriculum, the author comments on the opportunities and threats offered by
the bachelor-master structure. A plea is made for more vigorous collaboration in work-
ing towards a more uniform European medical curriculum with room for specific local
features at the discretion of individual universities. (Kuks JBM. The bachelor-master
structure (two-cycle curriculum) according to the Bologna agreement: a Dutch experi-
ence. Netherlands Journal of Medical Education 2010;29(1):16-21)

  The fist medical master in Europe                     degree structure (bachelor – master – doc-
The Bologna medical master is a reality:                torate), 2) quality assurance and 3) recog-
On September 17th, 2009 the first official              nition of qualifications and periods of
graduation ceremony of Medical Masters                  study. As a consequence, the European
in Europe took place at the University                  higher education area can become a real-
Medical Centre of Groningen (UMCG).                     ity, enhancing student mobility and creat-
This festive event is a landmark in the im-             ing a transparent degree structure based
plementation of the bachelor-master                     on a uniform credit system.2
process that was initiated with the signing                It seems self evident that these concepts
of the Bologna declaration. The bachelor-               deserve a warm welcome, and at first
master structure has been embraced by                   sight there are no a priori weaknesses.
all eight medical faculties in the Nether-              However, potential threats and difficulties
lands,1 and in 2003, Groningen University               have been identified and concerns regard-
was the first to introduce a two-cycle                  ing the Bologna reforms of medical edu-
medical curriculum: ‘G2010’.                            cation have been voiced. Nowadays many
  Does the graduation ceremony of the                   medical schools have a curriculum that is
Groningen medical masters really mark a                 characterized by clinical medicine as a
milestone on the road to implementation                 clearly identifiable thread, running
of the Bologna process or would it be a                 through the curriculum from start to fin-
more appropriate comment to repeat                      ish. Although basic science does have a
after Shakespeare: ‘What’s in a name?’                  prominent place, it is taught within the
                                                        context of clinical problems.3 Thus the
  The Bologna process: strengths,                       old system with basic science in the first
  weaknesses, opportunities, threats                    cycle and clinical medicine in the second
The strength of the Bologna reforms is                  cycle has been effectively abandoned, but
that they concentrate on 1) a three-cycle               the advent of the bachelor-master system

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Bologna: a Dutch experience | J.B.M. Kuks

could be perceived as heralding the return          in a different subject, and students with a
of the olden days of separate preclinical           Bachelor’s degree in a subject related to
and clinical curricular phases. A second            medicine could enter the medical master
threat is undesirable uniformization. For,          programme, either directly or after com-
if the many differences between Euro-               pleting a transitional programme.
pean medical schools are all levelled out,
schools will be at risk of losing the very            The Groningen G2010 competency
features that make them stand out among               based curiculum
the other universities. In other words,             To meet the Bologna objectives the
schools stand to lose their unique identi-          Groningen curriculum planning group
ties and defining characteristics. Thirdly,         designed a two-cycle curriculum, consist-
there is the problem of multilingualism as          ing of a three-year bachelor programme
a barrier to mobility of medical students           and a three-year master programme, each
within Europe. Because it is considered             being the equivalent of 180 European
crucial for medical education to be pa-             Credit Transfer and accumulation System
tient centred, most components of med-              (ECTS) credits, or 60 credits per year.
ical programmes require communication                 A special effort was made to bring the
with patients, and patients want to pre-            curriculum in line with the competencies
sent their complaints and concerns in               of the Canadian Medical Education Di-
their own language or even their own re-            rectives for Specialists (CanMEDS),
gional dialect. Thus mobility is up against         which were making their entrance on the
a language barrier. And finally: will it ac-        medical education stage at the time
tually be feasible to set uniform objectives        G2010 was being developed. In order to
for medical education in the whole of Eu-           make this possible, the CanMEDS com-
rope? For example: in the Netherlands, re-          petencies (see Table 1), which are de-
cent medical graduates have very limited            scribed as physician roles and were orig-
experience with obstetrics and much of              inally designed for postgraduate training,
the learning in that area is deferred until         were adapted for undergraduate medical
postgraduate training. Would this be ac-            education. This resulted in a rosette of
ceptable in other countries as well?                seven competencies with three domains
   And last but not least, Bologna offers           each, arranged around a centre of re-
opportunities. The Bologna reforms                  quired medical knowledge as presented
imply uniform quality assurance, trans-             in the table. The three domains were de-
parency of degrees and uniform objec-               fined in such a way that the first level
tives for medical education, the high pri-          could be fully covered during the bache-
ority of which is strongly stressed by              lor period.
student delegations. Furthermore, in ad-              The G2010 programme is patient ori-
dition to flexibility of movement of med-           ented from the very beginning. Each week
ical students within Europe, mobility of            of the bachelor programme starts with a
students between medical and other pro-             session in which a patient is present who
grammes might be enhanced by wide-                  has a clinical problem that is related to
spread adoption of a uniform bachelor-              that week’s topic. For example, a patient
master structure. Students not wanting to           with muscular dystrophy is present in a
continue their medical studies after                session introducing a topic featuring the
achieving their Bachelor’s degree would             anatomy, histology and physiology of the
be able to switch to a master programme             musculoskeletal system.

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Bologna: a Dutch experience | J.B.M. Kuks

   There is a great deal of attention paid to           are stressed in the first bachelor year;
basic sciences but other competencies are               clinical topics with links to basic science
addressed too, such as communicating                    topics are stressed in the second and third
with patients with a chronic disease,                   bachelor years; dual learning in a skillslab
choices concerning diagnostic work up,                  setting, in parallel with clerkships, is the
recent developments in neuromuscular                    focus of the first master year; regular
sciences, clinical examination, therapeu-               clerkships constitute the programme of
tic (im)possibilities, public health issues             the second master year; and a 20-week
concerning patients with severe disabili-               clinical elective and a 20-week research
ties and reflection on the autonomy of de-              elective form the programme of the third
pendent patients.                                       master year.
                                                          Not only do students attend lectures
    A spiral curriculum structure                       they also take part in practical workshops
The G2010 curriculum has a spiral struc-                and in tutorials in which 10 students
ture4 and addresses the vectors attitude,               work, guided by a teacher. This small
cognition and skills. Topics are revisited              group format starts in the first year and
at increasing levels of difficulty as stu-              continues until the last year. It is aimed at
dents’ competencies increase. Basic sci-                development of different competencies,
ences and their links to clinical problems              such as the use of scientific research

Table 1. CanMEDS competencies.

Competencies                           Domains
1    Communicative skills              1    Communication with other students
                                       2    Communication with patients
                                       3    Communication with medical colleagues
2    Clinical problem solving          1    Problem description
                                       2    Rational diagnostics
                                       3    Functional and effective treatment
3    Using knowledge and science       1    Methods and techniques
                                       2    Scientific foundation of medicine
                                       3    Science and society
4    Patient investigation             1    History taking
                                       2    Clinical examination and investigations
                                       3    Treatment strategies
5    Management strategies             1    Aims and possibilities of treatment
                                       2    Making a choice and a start
                                       3    Continuity and adjustment
6    Social and community              1    Non-biological factors in health and disease
     context of health care            2    Screening and prevention
                                       3    Health care organization, law, history
7    Reflection                        1    Self and professional
                                       2    Ethics and moral decision making
                                       3    Medical philosophy

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methods, clinical problem solving accord-           master programme after completing a
ing to Barrow’s5 notions of problem-based           one-year graduate entry programme.
learning and reflection on working in               Every year some 160 students apply for
health care. It thus supports coherence of          admittance to this programme. After an
the spiral structure described above.               admission test, approximately 40 students
                                                    start the programme and nearly all of
  Knowledge and knowledge                           them finish it successfully after one year.
  management                                        The graduate entry programme combines
In the bachelor programme students are              the second and third bachelor years and
introduced to basic science concepts that           students are encouraged to study basic
are used during the master programme                sciences too, depending on their knowl-
and thereafter. One of the aims of medical          edge defects in that area.
education today is to prepare students to
be lifelong learners. This is essential in a          The third cycle
rapidly expanding scientific field such as          During the first years of the Bologna
medicine. Modern students are no longer             process the aim was to develop a two-cycle
forced to digest the complete contents of           bachelor-master programme, but in the
textbooks, which will be largely outdated           course of time a third cycle was added: the
before long and are increasing in size con-         PhD cycle. Not all medical students want
stantly. In a context of rapidly changing           to earn a PhD degree, but students who
and expanding knowledge it is not suffi-            show a marked interest in scientific re-
cient for students to acquire factual               search can be spotted at an early stage.
knowledge, they also have to learn how to           G2010 contains a bachelor honours pro-
manage knowledge. Consequently, skills              gramme for research training which is
for lifelong learning should be given high          equivalent to 30 ECTS credits. After com-
priority in medical education. In G2010, a          pleting the honours course, students can
distinction is made between core knowl-             apply for a place as a PhD student and
edge (which students must master and be             take part in an extended programme, lead-
able to use without recourse to reference           ing to a PhD degree and a Master’s degree
materials) and back-up knowledge (to be             in medicine. About 10% of the students
acquired by studying set texts and read-            undertake this Master’s/PhD degree track.
ings but not requiring rote learning). A            For most of them this takes five years to
small part of all written exams consists of         complete as opposed to three years for the
questions that must be answered without             regular Master’s degree programme only.
using references (closed book section)
and the rest of the exams consists of open            Quality assurance system
book questions related to subjects ad-              In order to achieve and maintain a high-
dressed during lectures, practical work-            quality programme, a continuous quality
shops and other educational activities.             assurance process is in place. After each
                                                    module, student representatives produce
  Graduate entry programme                          an extensive evaluation report in which
The G2010 curriculum was developed for              they comment on the programme, the lec-
cohorts of 440 students. Students with a            tures, other educational activities, the
Bachelor’s degree in subjects related to            quality of readers and assignments, the
medicine, such as pharmacy, psychology              validity of the exams and any other topic
and movement sciences, can enter the                they consider relevant. The whole student

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population is surveyed and the teachers             and levels of mastery, so we think that
are interviewed. The results of this                much of our bachelor and master pro-
process are written up in a report, which           grammes is quite new. As a consequence,
is discussed at several levels of the med-          students with a Bachelor’s degree in a dif-
ical school. Student representatives and            ferent subject are allowed to enter our mas-
core teachers prepare improvements to               ter programme (including, by implication,
deal with the comments, and these are               students with a Bachelor’s degree from an-
implemented when the module is next of-             other medical school), students can enter
fered. Medical schools have to take part in         the third, PhD, cycle, ECTS credits are
a mandatory national external quality as-           used, a quality assurance system is in place
surance round every six years in order to           and there is strong involvement of students
ensure re-accreditation of the curriculum.          in curricular development. Finally, we have
                                                    just graduated our first master students.
  From the bachelor-master pro-                     One might be tempted to think that every-
  gramme to medical practitioner                    thing is perfect and nothing is left to be de-
The UMCG Bachelor’s degree guarantees               sired. That, however, would seem to be a far
entry to the master programme. More                 cry from today’s reality.
than 90% of students obtain their Bache-               Due to logistical reasons we are unable
lor’s degree and nearly all of them con-            to admit more than a few students from
tinue with the master programme without             other universities to our master pro-
interruption. So the annual cohorts of              gramme, because most of our students
(about 400) master students consist of              stay on at UMCG to continue their master
students who have completed the UMCG                programme immediately or at most they
bachelor programme and students who                 are absent only temporarily to do an elec-
have completed the one-year graduate                tive elsewhere.
entry programme (10%). In the Nether-                  Furthermore we used our own judge-
lands, a Bachelor’s degree does not grant           ment in determining the learning out-
a vocational qualification and students             comes for the bachelor programme. For
have to complete the medical master pro-            even though medical education in the
gramme or another programme if they                 Netherlands has to meet the objectives set
wish to be able to use what they have               out in the revised Framework 2009,3 the
learned in their work as a professional.            committee revising the Framework has
  The Master’s degree in medicine means             not indicated how basic science knowl-
that students are licensed to practise med-         edge is to be distributed over the bachelor
icine independently as a medical doctor.            and the master programmes.
                                                       In G2010, clinical skills training does
  So now the job has been done?                     not start until the first year of the master
In the foregoing I described the concept            programme in order to make the medical
and the details of our G2010 curriculum,            master programme more accessible for
which meets the objectives as described in          students with non-medical Bachelor’s de-
the Bologna process. Did we really create a         grees. Furthermore we feel that it is more
new curriculum or was it simply a matter            effective to teach the skills for clinical en-
of sticking new labels on old items? We di-         counters with patients at the very mo-
vided the G2010 curriculum into a bachelor          ment when students actually have to use
and a master programme, and this meant              them in the clinical setting,7 and this is
we had to (re)define our learning objectives        not before the master period. Other Dutch

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Bologna: a Dutch experience | J.B.M. Kuks

medical schools offer clinical skills train-         and hopefully will be persuaded to join
ing, and some schools even offer clerk-              the Bologna process.
ships, much earlier in the curriculum.                 After this has been achieved, intra-Euro-
These differences thwart the uniformity              pean mobility between medical schools will
of programmes required to successfully               be greatly enhanced and European medical
implement the Bologna ideas, and more                degrees will gain increasing recognition
congruence will be needed in this respect.           and legal acceptance in the participating
The Dutch Framework 2009 merely states               countries. Moreover, European medical
that in order to obtain the Bachelor’s de-           schools with well-defined outcomes and
gree students must be able to examine a              diplomas will be more attractive to non-Eu-
patient, but fails to specify any details of         ropean immigrant students as well.
this requirement.
   So, even if we wish to implement the              References
Bologna process in a region as small as              1.   Patricio M, den Engelsen C, Tseng D, ten Cate O.
                                                          Implementation of the Bologna two-cycle system
the Netherlands, a great deal of work will
                                                          in medical education: where do we stand in 2007?
have to be done to create consensus on                    Med Teach 2008;30(6):597-605.
the medical curriculum among medical                 2.   The Bologna Process – Towards the European
schools. On a Europe-wide scale, matters                  Higher Education Area.
are only more complicated – with so far              3.   Dutch Blueprint: Raamplan Artsenopleiding
less than 30% of the participating coun-                  2009. Nederlandse Federatie van Universitaire
tries having made a commitment to im-                     Medische Centra. [The 2009 Framework for Un-
plement the Bologna process in medical                    dergraduate Medical Education in the Nether-
                                                          lands. Utrecht: Dutch Federation of University
education – let alone that consensus on                   Medical Centres, 2009].
content, sequencing and length of curric-            4.   Harden RM, Stamper N. What is a spiral curricu-
ular components seems within reach. Fi-                   lum? Med Teach1999;21(2):141-143.
                                                     5.   Barrows HS. Problem based self directed learn-
nally, language issues will have to be dealt
                                                          ing. JAMA 1983;250(22):3077-3080.
with to facilitate mobility of medical stu-          6.   Cohen-Schotanus J, Schönrock-Adema J,
dents, for clinical electives in particular.              Bouwkamp-Timmer T, van Scheltinga GR, Kuks
   In spite of these obstacles, I believe we              JBM: One-year transitional programme increases
                                                          knowledge to level sufficient for entry into the
should not continue to develop medical
                                                          fourth year of the medical curriculum. Med Teach
curricula at regional or national levels                  2008,30(1):62-6.
without looking across borders and tak-              7.   Van Hell EA, Kuks JBM, Schönrock-Adema J,
ing notice of the numerous opportunities                  Van Lohuizen MT, Cohen-Schotanus J. Transition
                                                          to clinical training: influence of pre-clinical
that can be offered by a Europe-wide
                                                          knowledge and skills, and consequences for clini-
Bologna process – if only we would link                   cal performance. Med Educ 2008;42: 830-837.
hands and turn our words into deeds. The
next step will not be to try to adopt (parts         The author
                                                     J.B.M. Kuks, MD PhD, is professor neurology and med-
of) each other’s programmes but rather to            ical education, former director of the Medical Curricu-
discuss how we can face threats and re-              lum, University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG), the
solve problems, and then collectively                Netherlands.
work towards consensus about minimum
requirements for a uniform bachelor-mas-             Prof. dr. J.B.M. Kuks, neurologist, University Medical
ter curriculum to be offered by all univer-          Centre Groningen, the Netherlands.
sities that are willing to put this system to        E-mail:
the test. Thereafter the other medical
                                                     No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported
schools will be able to see what is possible

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