Page created by Nathan Thomas
                 2021 PROVIDER OPERATIONS GUIDE

©2020-2021 Stanford Health Care
                           Care.Alliance 2021Reserved.
                                 All Rights   External Provider Operations Guide   Page 1
              Revised Date 12/14/2020
Welcome to Stanford Health Care Alliance! Stanford Health Care Alliance (SHC Alliance) is an
Accountable Care Organization (ACO) plan that provides a custom narrow network to self-funded
employer groups. SHC Alliance plans may vary in the benefit design offered to each employer and
resemble a narrow network Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) or Point of Service (POS) plan.

SHC Alliance is a custom network and providers must be selected to participate in each specific
employers’ custom ACO plan. The core provider network for SHC Alliance plans is the Stanford
Medicine and Stanford affiliated network of hospitals, facilities and physicians, and the onsite
Employer-Based Clinics (EBCs). To ensure network adequacy, the SHC Alliance provider network
also includes supplemental non-Stanford providers contracted through a national health plan
(e.g., Aetna or Anthem) that “wrap” around the core Stanford network. It is important to
understand the wrap network for each employer group as it may vary significantly. Check the
specific network directory for each employer group starting on page 16 or call provider services to
confirm provider status with the SHC Alliance network. Most benefit plans do not include an
out of network option so enrollees who are incorrectly referred to a non-SHC Alliance
network provider (out of network) may be held financially liable for charges incurred.

The Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 Provider Operations guide is a summary of policies,
resources, and operating procedures for in-network Stanford Health Care Alliance
providers. This guide will assist providers and office administrators with:

    •   Highlights of important 2021 plan changes
    •   Identifying members in the SHC Alliance plans
    •   Medical Home Model Plans – PCP requirements and specialist referrals
    •   Precertification and prior authorization
    •   Referral management requirements
    •   Filing claims
    •   Who to contact with questions

SHC Alliance plans are offered to members of the following plan sponsors (employers):

•   Stanford Employer Groups:                                           •   Cisco Systems, Inc. (Cisco)
       - Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (LPCH)                      •   Google, Inc (Google)
       - Packard Children’s Health Alliance (PCHA)                      •   Intel Corporation (Intel)
       - Stanford Health Care (SHC)
       - Stanford Health Care – ValleyCare (VC)
       - Stanford University Faculty & Staff (SU)
       - Stanford University Postdoctoral Scholars (Post
       - University HealthCare Alliance (UHA)

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New Medical Home Model PCP Plan Design Changes
For 2021, the following SHC Alliance employer groups have elected to adopt a medical home
model plan with specific managed care features and requirements:

    •   Stanford University Faculty & Staff
    •   Stanford Health Care
    •   Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital

Members enrolled in these plans are required to designate a Primary Care Physician
(PCP). The designated PCP is responsible for coordinating the member’s care including
referrals for specialty care. In most cases, members cannot self-refer to a specialist. A
referral must be submitted by the designated PCP prior to any specialist visit occurring or
being scheduled or the member will be held liable for charges. This is a plan requirement for
enrollees in the employer groups listed above.

New TPA for Intel’s Connected Care Plan
Beginning January 1, 2021, Intel’s Connected Care plan will be administered by a new third-
party administrator (TPA), HealthComp. Right Choice will no longer administer this plan. The
current plan design will not change.

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Medical Home Model Plan Requirements .......................................................... 5
      PCP Requirements ..................................................................................................5
      Referral Requirements ...........................................................................................5

How to Identify Members in SHCA Plans ........................................................... 9
      SHC Alliance Medical Home Model Plans ..............................................................9
      SHC Alliance Non-Medical Home Model Plans ....................................................10

Precertification and Prior Authorization ........................................................ 13

Precertification for Advanced Imaging............................................................ 14

At-A-Glance Summary ................................................................................... 16
       SHC Alliance Stanford Employer Plans ................................................................16
       SHC Alliance Technology Clients ..........................................................................18

Network Summary ....................................................................................... 20

Prescription Drug and Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) Program .................. 24

Claims Submission, Disputes and Appeals ...................................................... 25

Case Management ........................................................................................ 27

EHR Systems and Interoperability ................................................................. 27

Contact Information ..................................................................................... 28

Appendix A: 2021 SHC Alliance Medical Home Model Referral FAQ .................... 29
Appendix B: Intel Connected Care Provider Reference Guide ............................ 31

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The medical home model plan design now includes certain managed care features and
requirements. These plans apply to the following SHC Alliance employer groups only:

    •   Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital
    •   Stanford Health Care
    •   Stanford University Faculty & Staff

             Members enrolled in the SHC Alliance Medical Home Model plan are required to
             select a primary care physician (PCP). Members who do not elect a PCP will be
             auto-assigned an SHC Alliance network primary care physician based on their
care history and/or location. Members can change their PCP at any time by calling Member
Care Services. Members are required to seek care from their designated PCP or another PCP
within the same practice.

            Medical home model plans require the member’s PCP to coordinate the member’s
            health care and issue referrals for specialist care. The PCP must issue a referral
prior to the member seeking treatment from a network specialist. If the PCP is unable to
submit a referral prior to the specialist visit, the plan will allow a 21-day grace period.

Plan guidelines for patient referrals allow for the following referral types:

    •   Consult and Treat referrals
        Referrals submitted with CPT code 99499. In most cases, consult and treat (C&T)
        referrals do not need to include the specialist’s procedures. Aetna will pay specialists
        for performing associated covered services in an office setting per the current claim
        processing guidelines.
    •   Exact procedure code referrals
        These are referrals submitted with code(s) other than CPT code 99499. Primary care
        physicians should use this referral type when a member needs care for a specific
        health reason. Aetna will only reimburse for the procedure code(s) that matches the
        code(s) on the referral.

A referral submitted without a procedure code will default to C&T referral (CPT code 99499).
Authorized procedures are subject to the number of visits on the referral. Referrals are valid
for 1 year from the date issue and must be renewed if ongoing care is needed.
Referrals must include a specific provider using his or her national provider identifier (NPI) or
specialty type using a taxonomy code found here:

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How to Submit a Referral

For Stanford Health Care and University HealthCare Alliance Epic Users
A referral is required in Epic. Once a referral is submitted in Epic, an automated workflow will
route the referral to Aetna.

For non-Epic Users
PCPs can submit referrals electronically using Aetna’s provider portal on Availity. Paper
referrals can be faxed to Aetna at 1-859-455-8650.

    •   Login at, select Patient Registration from the navigation Menu.
    •   Select Authorizations & Referrals, then Referrals.

NOTE: The referral and precertification processes are separate. Any referrals received with
procedure codes for services that require precertification will not be accepted.

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2021 SHCA Direct Access List (No PCP Referral Required)
                      Applicable to SHCA Medical Home Model Plans
            (SHCA enrollees of Stanford University Faculty & Staff, SHC, and LPCH)

SERVICE                        DETAILS

                               No referral required for services done in an ambulatory surgery facility, clinic, (e.g.
                               Planned Parenthood), outpatient hospital, in-network provider’s office

ACUPUNCTURE,                   Plan allows direct access to in-network acupuncture or chiropractic care providers
CHIROPRACTIC CARE              with no referral requirement.
                               Advance Practice Providers (Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, etc.) that are
                               practicing in Primary Care and designated as a PCP by the health plan can enter
                               referral orders on behalf of the PCP.
                               No referral required for behavioral health providers, including psychologists,
                               psychiatrists and psychotherapy providers.
                               Neuropsychology testing that is part of Behavioral Health does not require a
                               referral. Note: Prior authorization rules may still apply.

DIABETES MANAGEMENT            Plan allows direct access to in-network outpatient diabetes education programs for
EDUCATION                      individual counseling (code G01018) and group counseling (G0109)

                               DME rentals and sales that are not included on the Aetna Precertification List do
DME                            not need a PCP referral. If on the Aetna Precertification list, prior auth is required
                               but no referral is required.
                               Referrals are not required for ER services; however, members are required to
EMERGENCY ROOM                 obtain a referral from their PCP if subsequent specialist services or visits are
                               Express Care clinics are accessible to all SHCA members, regardless of their
                               assigned PCP. If member’s designated PCP is part of SHC, Express Care can make
STANFORD EXPRESS CARE          specialty referrals on behalf of the member. If member’s designated PCP is outside
                               of SHC, member must be directed back to their designated PCP to request a
                               specialist referral.
                               No PCP referral required for OB/GYN services provided by an OB/GYN provider. Lab
GYNECOLOGY AND                 and ultrasound services provided in conjunction with OB/GYN services do not
OBSTETRICS CARE                require a referral. Genetic testing does not require a referral however genetic
                               counseling does require a referral from the designated PCP.
HOME HEALTH CARE               No PCP referral required for in-network Home Health Care services.
                               No PCP referral required for outpatient hospital radiology and lab services.
                               Services not billed by an outpatient hospital will require a specialist referral from
                               the designated PCP.

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SERVICE                        DETAILS

                       No additional PCP referral is needed for services and diagnostics rendered in a
                       hospital or in the treating specialist’s office.
                       Please note: a PCP referral is required for the patient’s consultation and treatment
                       with the specialist. For example, a referral to oncology must exist in order for the
                       related infusion to not require a separate referral.
LACTATION              Plan allows direct access to in-network lactation consultants with no referral
CONSULTATIONS          requirement.
                       No PCP referral is required for immunizations/vaccines administered outside the
                       PCP’s office when administered without an office visit. A PCP referral is required
                       when provided in conjunction with an office visit by a participating specialist.
                       X-ray/lab services which are performed in the specialist’s office when patients are
                       seen for visits and evaluations as a result of Aetna’s direct access or when
                       authorized by a referral from their primary care physician does not require a
                       referral. These services may be performed even if the procedure itself was not
                       specifically indicated on the referral. These are in general, procedures which are
                       integral to the evaluation of the problem which led to the referral to the specialist.
                       Enhanced Clinical Review and Pre-Authorization takes precedence.

                               For example: Cardiologist who performs an EKC/ECG in the office.

RX DRUGS COVERED UNDER         No PCP referral required for medical injectable drugs for RX pharmacy provider
MEDICAL                        types only.

SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIMS         PCP referrals are not required for services rendered with a sexual assault diagnosis.

SHORT TERM REHAB               Customized within plan to allow direct access to short term rehab providers with
(PT/OT/ST)                     no referral requirement.
                               PCP referrals are not required for in-network Urgent Care providers. If member
URGENT CARE                    requires subsequent specialty care, referral must be obtained by designated PCP
                               for needed specialty care.
                               Referrals are not required for in-network providers for a routine eye exam i.e.
VISION                         Optometrist. Note: routine vision is likely covered by a different vendor specific to
                               vision benefit coverage.

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Below is a quick guide to help identify members of the SHC Alliance plans. This section also
describes the requirements associated with the various employer groups.

Medical Home Model Plans - these plans require a PCP and referrals for specialist visits

 Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Stanford Health Care, Stanford University Faculty &

               PCP Required                  Referral Required          Out-of-Network Benefits
                   Yes                              Yes                           No

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Non-Medical Home Model Plans – these plans do not require a PCP or specialist referral

   •   Stanford University Postdoctoral                        •    University Health Care Alliance
       Scholars                                                •    Cisco – Life Connections
   •   Packard Children’s Health Alliance                      •    Google – gHIP Select
   •   Stanford Health Care – ValleyCare                       •    Intel Connected Care California

 Stanford University Postdoctoral Scholars

               PCP Required                  Referral Required           Out-of-Network Benefits
                    No                              No                             Yes

 Packard Children’s Health Alliance, Stanford Health Care-ValleyCare,
 University Healthcare Alliance

               PCP Required                  Referral Required           Out-of-Network Benefits
                    No                              No                             No

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Cisco – Life Connections

               PCP Required                  Referral Required          Out-of-Network Benefits
                Encouraged                          No                            No

 Google – gHIP Select

               PCP Required                  Referral Required          Out-of-Network Benefits
                    No                              No                            No

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Intel Connected Care

               PCP Required                  Referral Required          Out-of-Network Benefits
                Encouraged                          No                            Yes

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               Cisco, Google and Stanford SHC Alliance Plans – Prior Authorizations
               The SHC Alliance plans for Cisco, Google and Stanford utilize the Aetna National
Precertification List (“Aetna NPL”). The current Aetna NPL can be located at the following
link, and is routinely updated on a quarterly basis:

Providers can submit authorizations for Stanford, Google or Cisco members to SHC Alliance
through the Aetna Provider Portal or by calling Aetna at 1-888-632-3862. Providers can
determine if a CPT code is required for precertification by entering one or more 5-ditgit CPT
codes via:

Providers can also review the Behavioral Health Precertification List via:

     Special programs requiring                          Contact Information and Website
 BRCA genetic testing                     Aetna Provider Portal or by phone: 1-877-794-8720
 Gender Reassignment Surgery              Aetna’s Provider Service Center: 1-888-632-3862
 High-tech radiology                      MedSolutions (dba eviCore healthcare):
 (Stanford University Faculty & Staff     1-888-693-3211 Website:
 and Google members only)
 Infertility Program                      National Infertility Unit (NIU): 1-800-575-5999
                                          Google: Progyny: 1-888-461-5062 (Provider line); 1-888-461-
                                          4997 (Patient Care Advocate line)
 Infertility Program: Injectables         Stanford - Aetna Specialty Pharmacy: 1-800-237-2767
                                          Cisco - CVS Caremark Pharmacy: 1-800-294-5979
 Mental Health or Substance Abuse         Aetna’s Provider Service Center: 1-888-632-3862
 Services Precertification
 Note: Includes Autism Spectrum
 Disorders (ABA Therapy only)
 Transplant                               Aetna’s Provider Service Center: 1-888-632-3862
 Note: All related codes requested as
 part of a Pre-Transplant Evaluation,
 Transplant, or Post-Transplant

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Intel Connected Care California – Prior Authorizations
Intel does not use a standard national precertification list and requires medical necessity
review only for inpatient services at non-Stanford owned hospitals. For details on the Intel
authorization process, contact Connected Care Concierge at 1-800-971-4153.

The in-network non-Stanford owned hospitals that require prior authorization include:

•   Good Samaritan Hospital                                 •   St. Louise Regional Hospital
•   El Camino Hospital – Mountain View                      •   St. Rose Hospital
•   El Camino Hospital – Los Gatos                          •   UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital
•   O’Connor Hospital                                           Oakland
•   Regional Medical Center of San Jose                     •   Sequoia Hospital
•   Seton Medical Center

Sutter facilities and providers are all out of network for the Connected Care plan. Members
will incur very high out of pocket coinsurance if Sutter is used.

All in-network providers can be found on the on the Connected Care California website:

In the event a member may require medical services from an out-of-network provider , the
referring provider will be required to submit a referral request and should contact the
Connected Care Concierge Center at 1-800-971-4153 for additional instructions.

University Faculty & Staff and Google SHCA members only)

Precertification is required for the following advanced (high cost) radiology services for
Stanford University Faculty & Staff and Google members.
   • CT, CTA (Computed Tomography, Computed Tomography Angiography)
   • MRI, MRA (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Angiography)
   • PET (Positron Emission Tomography)

eviCore Prior Authorization Resources (applicable to Stanford University Faculty & Staff
and Google SHCA enrollees only)
The 2021 eviCore Prior Authorization CPT Code List includes services that require submission
to eviCore for advanced clinical review and authorization prior to services being rendered,
including advanced (high-cost) imaging, cardiology imaging, interventional pain
management, large joint services, and sleep diagnostic services.

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For more information about eviCore healthcare, please visit eviCore Clinical Resources

For services other than high cost imaging, please refer to

How to Submit a Precertification
For Stanford Health Care and University HealthCare Alliance Epic Users
An authorization request is required in Epic. Once an authorization request is submitted in
Epic, an automated workflow will route the inquiry to Aetna.

For non-Epic Users
Providers can submit a precertification electronically using Aetna’s provider portal on Availity
or by phone at 1-888-632-3862.

Enhanced Clinical Review update for MR and CT authorizations
Beginning January 1, 2021, Aetna’s claim system will require an exact CPT code match
between the submitted claims and eviCore Healthcare’s authorizations for CT and MR
studies. In addition to the specific type of imaging study, eviCore Healthcare will be making
medical necessity determinations about the correct use of contrast for MR and CT
procedures. Other recommendations will be offered for requests that are not appropriate
based on the contrast component of the imaging procedure. Aetna will deny claims billed
with CPT codes that do not match the ones that were authorized. Providers can access
policies related to contrast through our Coverage Policy Bulletins (CPB) at

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SCH Alliance Stanford Employer Groups

 Topics                                Medical Home Model Plans                                Non-Medical Home Model Plans
                                       (PCP required, specialist referrals required)
                                            •   Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital                   • Packard Children’s Health Alliance
 SHC Alliance Employer Group                •   Stanford Health Care                                 • Stanford Health Care - ValleyCare
                                            •   Stanford University Faculty & Staff                  • Stanford University Postdoctoral Scholars
                                                                                                     • University HealthCare Alliance
 Member Eligibility                                               SHC and UHA users: verify eligibility in Epic under “Coverages”
                                                 Others: Aetna’s provider portal or contact Provider Services at 1-888-632-3862.
 PCP Selection Required                                          Yes                                                         No

 Network Directory                                                  

 Referral Required                                                Yes                                                      No

                                       Yes, for CPT codes, drugs and injectables on Aetna’s
                                       National Precertification List.
                                                                                               Yes, for CPT codes, drugs and injectables included in
                                       Advanced (high cost) imaging requires prior             Aetna’s National Precertification List.
                                       authorization by Aetna for Stanford University
 Authorization Required                Faculty & Staff members.                                Providers can search by CPT code:
                                       Providers can search by CPT code:                       professionals/precertification/precertification-lists.html

                                                                               Electronic claim submission:
                                                                                    EDI Vendor #60054
 Claim Submission
                                                                          Paper claim submissions (CMS-1500 or UB-04):
                                                                                         P.O. Box 14079
                                                                                    Lexington, KY 40512-4079

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Topics                                Medical Home Model Plans                                    Non-Medical Home Model Plans
                                       (PCP required, specialist referrals required)
                                           LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, and Stanford Health Care laboratories are in-network; see member benefits for
 Preferred Laboratories
                                                               member cost share which can vary by place of service or facility.

                                       RadNet (Valley Radiology Medical Associates and             RadNet (Valley Radiology Medical Associates and NorCal
                                       NorCal Imaging), SimonMed Health Diagnostics                Imaging), SimonMed Health Diagnostics facilities, and
                                       facilities, and Stanford facilities are in-network. For a   Stanford facilities are in-network. For a complete list, refer
                                       complete list, refer to                                     to
                                                                                                   Stanford Health Care - ValleyCare and Packard Children’s
                                       Stanford Health Care and Lucile Packard Children’s          Health Alliance: Coinsurance does not apply to Tier 1
 Preferred Radiology and               Hospital: Coinsurance does not apply to Tier 1              facilities (Stanford Hospital, Lucile Packard Children’s
 Imaging Services                      facilities (Stanford Hospital, Lucile Packard               Hospital and Stanford Health Care – ValleyCare)
                                       Children’s Hospital and Stanford Health Care –

                                       NOTE: Pre-certification is required for Advanced
                                       (high cost) imaging by Aetna for Stanford University
                                       Faculty & Staff members.

                                       Network includes Stanford and Aetna behavioral              Network includes Stanford and Aetna behavioral health
                                       health providers. For a complete list, refer to the         providers. For a complete list, refer to the network
                                       network directory website.                                  directory website.

 Behavioral Health                     For Teladoc Behavioral Health, please visit:                For Teladoc Behavioral Health, please visit:

                                       For Meru Health, please visit:

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SHC Alliance Technology Clients
 Topics                                 Cisco                                         Google                                        Intel

                                                                                                                                    Check eligibility in Connected Care’s
                                                                                                                                    provider portal at
                                                    SHC and UHA users: verify eligibility in Epic under “Coverages”       
 Member Eligibility
                                           Others: Aetna’s provider portal or contact Provider Services at         edcareprovideraccess or contact
                                                                           1-888-632-3862.                                          the Concierge Team at 1-800-971-

 PCP Selection Required                                 Encouraged                                        No                                    Encouraged

 Network Directory

 Referral Required                                           No                                           No                                         No

                                        Yes, for CPT codes, drugs and injectables     Yes, for CPT codes, drugs and injectables     Limited to hospitalizations.
                                        on Aetna’s National Precertification List.    on Aetna’s National Precertification List.
                                        Providers can search by CPT code:             Providers can search by CPT code:             Authorization is not required for
 Authorization Required                     Stanford facilities (Lucille Packard
                                        professionals/precertification/precertifica   professionals/precertification/precertifica   Children's Hospital, Stanford
                                        tion-lists.html                               tion-lists.html                               Hospital and Stanford Health Care –

                                                                    Electronic claim submission:                                    Electronic claim submission:
                                                           Payer ID 47198
                                                                         EDI Vendor #60054                                          New for 2021:
 Claim Submission                                                                                                                   Paper claim submissions:
                                                             Paper claim submissions (CMS-1500 or UB-04):                           Group #: L00841M001 Plan: 040
                                                                            P.O. Box 14079                                          Anthem Blue Cross
                                                                       Lexington, KY 40512-4079                                     P.O. Box 60007
                                                                                                                                    Los Angeles, CA 90060-0007

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Topics           Cisco                                             Google                                                Intel

                  LifeConnections Health Center                     Various Google Wellness Centers                       Stanford Santa Clara Primary Care
                  3571 North First St.                              Mountain View, CA:                                    2518 Mission College Blvd
                  Campus Building Q                                     • 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Building 40             San Jose, CA 95054
                  2nd Floor                                             • 1010 Joaquin Rd, Building 48                    1-408-688-9720
 Near Site        San Jose, CA 95134                                    • 2037 Landings Dr, Building LMK6
 Clinics (in      1-408-424-2000                                        • 468 Ellis St, Building QD3                      Stanford Express Care San Jose
 proximity to                                                           • 1310 Shorebird Way, Building 1310               52 Skytop St., Suite 10
 employer)        Crossover Health @ SOMA                           Sunnyvale, CA:                                        San Jose, CA 95134
                  49 Stevenson St, 14th Floor                           • 1170 Bordeaux Dr, Building MP3                  1-669-294-8888
                  San Francisco, CA 94105                               • 803 11th Ave, Building TC1
                                                               For a full listing, please visit:
                     LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics; Stanford Health Care Laboratories are also in-network, but            LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics are preferred
                                             member cost share may be impacted                                            laboratories; Stanford Health Care
                                                                                                                          laboratories are also in-network, but member
                                                                                                                          cost share may be impacted
                  RadNet (Valley Radiology Medical Associates       RadNet (Valley Radiology Medical Associates and       RadNet (Valley Radiology Medical Associates
                  and NorCal Imaging) and SimonMed Health           NorCal Imaging) and SimonMed Health                   and NorCal Imaging), Health Diagnostics, and
 Preferred        Diagnostics are preferred providers;              Diagnostics are preferred providers; Stanford and     other facilities are preferred. Stanford
 Radiology        Stanford and other facilities are additionally    other facilities are additionally in-network, but     facilities are additionally in-network, but
 and Imaging      in-network, but member cost share may be          member cost share may be impacted. For a              member cost share may be impacted. For a
 Services         impacted. For a complete list, refer to           complete list, refer to Google’s network directory.   complete list, refer to Intel’s network
                  Cisco’s network directory.                                                                              directory.
                                                                    NOTE: Precertification is required for high-tech
 Behavioral       For a full listing of Behavioral Health           For a full listing of Behavioral Health providers,    For a full listing of Behavioral Health
 Health           providers, please refer to the Cisco network      please refer to the Google network directory          providers, please refer to the Intel network
                  directory:         website:              directory website:
                  directory                                         directory                                   
                  For Teladoc Behavioral Health, please visit:      For Teladoc Behavioral Health, please visit:
                                      All Sutter providers and facilities are
                                                                                                                          excluded from the network.
                                                                    All Sutter providers and facilities are excluded
                                                                    from network
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NETWORK SUMMARY – this section provides an overview and highlights of each employers’ network. For a complete list of network
providers by employer group, please consult the network directory specific to that employer or contact Provider Services.

 SHC Alliance Employer                                  Key Hospitals                                              Other Providers and Ancillaries

- Stanford University        Network Hospitals                                                    Stanford Health Care Alliance Network Providers:
  Faculty & Staff               • Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital                                  • All Stanford providers including Stanford Health Care
- Stanford                      • Stanford Hospital                                                       (SHC) and SHC – ValleyCare (VC), University HealthCare
  Postdoctoral                  • Stanford Health Care - ValleyCare                                       Alliance (UHA), Packard Children’s Health Alliance (PHCA),
  Scholars                      • Select Aetna contracted hospitals within the service area               Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (LPCH)
- University                       (e.g., El Camino, Good Samaritan, Washington Hospital,             • Select Aetna supplemental contracted providers including
  HealthCare Alliance              California Pacific Medical Center)                                     Affinity Medical Group, and ancillary providers (e.g., DME,
                                                                                                          acupuncture, chiropractors, behavioral health)
                             Note: Only two Sutter hospitals are included in the network: (1)         • Select Brown & Toland physicians primarily located in San
                             Alta Bates Summit Medical Center (ABSMC) hospital only,                      Francisco and San Mateo counties
                             physicians at ABSMC are not in-network, and (2) California Pacific       • Washington Township Medical Foundation physicians
                             Medical Center (CPMC) – hospital and physicians. All other Sutter        • Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation physicians located in
                             hospitals and facilities are excluded.                                       San Francisco

                                                                                                  Out-of-Network Providers:
                             For the complete network directory:
                                                                                                  Plans for these employer groups do not include out of network
                                                                                                      • Stanford University Faculty & Staff
                                                                                                      • University HealthCare Alliance

                                                                                                  For Stanford University Postdoctoral Scholars, Aetna Choice POS
                                                                                                  II Network outside of the 5 counties:
                                                                                                       • Out-of-network benefit level

                                                                                                  Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) physicians are out-of-network

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SHC Alliance Employer                                  Key Hospitals                                            Other Providers and Ancillaries

 - Lucile Packard            Network Hospitals                                                  Stanford Health Care Alliance Network Providers:
   Children’s Hospital
 - Packard Children’s        Tier 1 Benefit Level:                                                  •   All Stanford providers including Stanford Health Care
   Health Alliance               • Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital                                   (SHC) and SHC – ValleyCare (VC), University HealthCare
 - Stanford Health Care          • Stanford Hospital                                                    Alliance (UHA), Packard Children’s Health Alliance (PHCA),
 - Stanford Health Care          • Stanford health Care - ValleyCare                                    Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (LPCH)
   – ValleyCare              Tier 2 Benefit Level:                                                  •   Select Aetna supplemental contracted providers including
                                 • Select Aetna contracted hospitals within the service area            Affinity Medical Group, and ancillary providers (e.g., DME,
                                     (e.g., El Camino, Good Samaritan, Washington Hospital,             acupuncture, chiropractors, behavioral health)
                                     Alta Bates Summit Medical Center (ABSMC), California           •   Select Brown & Toland physicians primarily located in San
                                     Pacific Medical Center (CPMC))                                     Francisco and San Mateo counties
                                                                                                    •   Washington Township Medical Foundation physicians
                             Note:                                                                  •   Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation physicians located in
                                1. Only two Sutter hospitals are included in the network:               San Francisco
                                   (1) Alta Bates Summit Medical Center (ABSMC), and (2)            •   Meru Health (non-CRONA SHC and non-CRONA LPCH
                                   California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC). All other Sutter           members only)
                                   hospitals and facilities are excluded.
                                2. El Camino and Sequoia hospital charges for delivery and      Out-of-Network Providers: Plans for these employer groups do not
                                   newborn services only is covered at Tier 1 Benefit Level     include out of network benefits.
                                   (except CRONA members); all other non-maternity
                                                                                                Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) physicians are out-of-network
                                   services would apply to the Tier 2

                             For the complete network see:

Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                                                                                       Page 21
Revised Date 12/16/2020
SHC Alliance Employer                                  Key Hospitals                                           Other Providers and Ancillaries

 Cisco *                     Network Hospitals                                                 Stanford Health Care Alliance Network Providers:
                                • Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital                               • LifeConnections Health Center (LCHC): Stanford manages
                                • Stanford Hospital                                                    and staffs the Cisco onsite LCHC clinic, which is the
                                • Stanford Health Care – ValleyCare                                    preferred provider for primary care and core to the Cisco
                                • Select Aetna contracted hospitals within the service area            health plans
                                   (e.g., El Camino, Good Samaritan, Washington Hospital)          • Crossover Health @ SOMA located in San Francisco
                                                                                                   • All Stanford providers including Stanford Health Care
                             Note: Only California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) is included           (SHC) and SHC – ValleyCare (VC), University HealthCare
                             in the network. All other Sutter hospitals and facilities are             Alliance (UHA), Packard Children’s Health Alliance (PHCA),
                             excluded.                                                                 Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (LPCH)
                                                                                                   • Select Aetna supplemental contracted providers including
                             For the complete network see:                                             Affinity Medical Group, and ancillary providers (e.g., DME,
                                                                                                       acupuncture, chiropractors, behavioral health)
                                                  • Select Brown & Toland physicians primarily located in San
                                                                                                       Francisco and San Mateo counties
                                                                                                   • Washington Township Medical Foundation physicians
                                                                                                   • Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation physicians located in
                                                                                                       San Francisco
                                                                                                   • Teladoc for Behavioral Health

                                                                                               Out-of-Network Providers: This employer group does not include
                                                                                               out of network benefits.

                                                                                               Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) physicians are out-of-network

* The Cisco employer has an Out of Area (OOA) plan for eligible dependents who live out of area. Members can contact Member Care Services to determine if their
dependents are eligible.

Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                                                                                      Page 22
Revised Date 12/16/2020
SHC Alliance Employer                                  Key Hospitals                                          Other Providers and Ancillaries

 Google                      Network Hospitals                                                Stanford Health Care Alliance Network Providers:
                                • Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital                              • All Stanford providers including SHC, VC, UHA, PHCA,
                                • Stanford Hospital                                                   LPCH
                                • Stanford Health Care – ValleyCare                               • Select Aetna supplemental contracted providers including
                                • Select Aetna contracted hospitals within the service area           Affinity Medical Group, and ancillary providers (e.g., DME,
                                   (e.g., El Camino, Good Samaritan, Washington Hospital)             acupuncture, chiropractors, behavioral health)
                                                                                                  • Washington Township Medical Foundation providers
                             Note: All Sutter hospitals are excluded
                                                                                              Google Onsite Wellness Centers
                             For the complete network see:                                       • Onsite clinics managed by One Medical Group
                                                                                              Out-of-Network Providers: This employer group does not include
                                                                                              out of network benefits.
                                                                                              All Sutter providers (e.g., PAMF) are out-of-network
 Intel                           • Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital                         In-Network Tiers (5% coinsurance)
                                 • Stanford Hospital                                          Primary Network (“Medical Neighborhood”)
                                 • Stanford Health Care – ValleyCare                               • All Stanford providers and specifically designated
                             (Note: these hospitals do not require prior authorization)                Anthem’s wrap providers within the service area (including
                                                                                                       Affinity Medical Group and Washington Township Medical
                             The hospitals listed below require prior authorization                    Foundation)
                                 • El Camino Hospital (Mountain View and Los Gatos)
                                 • Good Samaritan Hospital                                    Anthem’s PPO network outside of the service area
                                 • O’Connor Hospital                                              • Anthem’s PPO network of providers primarily for out-of-
                                 • Regional Medical Center of San Jose                              area dependents and members who travel
                                 • St. Rose Hospital                                              • First Health national network for out of state
                                 • St. Louise Regional Hospital
                                 • Sequoia Hospital                                           Out-of-Network Tiers (40% coinsurance)
                                 • Seton Medical Center                                       Anthem’s PPO network within the service area (providers who are
                                 • UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland                   not in the Primary Network, but are contracted with Anthem PPO)
                                 • Washington Hospital                                             • Out-of-network benefit level at Anthem contracted rates
                                                                                              Out-of-Network Providers (not contracted with Anthem)
                             Note: All Sutter hospitals are excluded.                              • Out-of-network, no contract rates
                                                                                              All Sutter providers are Tier 4 and considered out of network.
                             For the complete network see:                                    Members will incur high out of pocket charges associated with
                                  visits to Sutter facilities and providers.

Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                                                                                     Page 23
Revised Date 12/16/2020
               (PBM) PROGRAM

SHC Alliance             PBM                   Provider Contact Information
Stanford Employers       Aetna Pharmacy        1-800-AETNA RX (1-800-238-6279)
                         Network               MD Rx line: 1-800-641-6444
                                               Fax: 1-877-270-3317
Cisco                    CVS Caremark          Mail Order: 1-877-864-7744; Fax: 1-800-378-0323
                                               Specialty: 1-800-237-2767; Fax: 1-800-323-2445
                                               Prior Authorization: 1-800-294-5979; Fax: 1-888-836-0730
                                               Appeals: Fax: 1-866-443-1172
                                               Cisco Customer Care: 1-877-411-8164
Google                   CVS Caremark          Mail Order: 1-877-864-7744; Fax: 1-800-378-0323
                                               Specialty: 1-800-237-2767; Fax: 1-800-323-2445
                                               Prior Authorization: 1-800-294-5979; Fax: 1-888-836-0730
                                               Appeals: Fax: 1-866-443-1172
                                               Google Customer Care: 1-844-387-1441
Intel                    Express Scripts       1-800-922-1557
                         (Accredo for          MD Specialty Rx Line: 1-800-987-4904
                         Specialty Rx)         Coverage/Prior Authorization Reviews: 1-800-753-2851

  Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                               Page 24
  Revised Date 12/16/2020


Claims must be submitted within 120 days from date of service. Providers should submit
claims for SHC Alliance members directly to the TPA in accordance with the applicable
existing claims submission procedures of the TPA designated in the At-A-Glance Table of this

Electronic claim submission is the preferred method for submitting claims. Reimbursement
and claims processing procedures are subject to the terms of your existing TPA provider
service agreement. For further questions about claims related processing or reimbursement
matters, contact the appropriate TPA claims administrator via the contact information
provided on page 28.

 Employer Group           Medical Disputes                      Prescription Drug Disputes
                          Provider Resolution Team
                          P.O. Box 14020
                          Lexington, KY 40512
                          Fax: 1-859-455-8650
                          Provider Resolution Team              Prescription Claim Appeals MC 109 – CVS Caremark
                          P.O. Box 14020                        P.O. Box 52084
 Cisco                    Lexington, KY 40512                   Phoenix, AZ 85072
                          Fax: 1-859-455-8650                   Fax: 1-866-443-1172
                                                                CVS Caremark 1-877-411-8164
                          Provider Resolution Team              Prescription Claim Appeals MC 109 – CVS Caremark
                          P.O. Box 14020                        P.O. Box 52084
 Google                   Lexington, KY 40512                   Phoenix, AZ 85072
                          Fax: 1-859-455-8650                   Fax: 1-866-443-1172
                                                                CVS Caremark 1-844-387-1441
                          Connected Care Provider
                          Grievance & Appeal Department
 Intel                    P.O. Box 2900
                          Milwaukee WI 53201-2900

Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                              Page 25
Revised Date 12/16/2020
For Stanford, Cisco and Google
To file an appeal on the member’s behalf, Aetna must receive a completed Authorized
Representative Request form signed by the member. This form and the appeal request must
be submitted to:

                 Attention: National Account CRT
                 P.O. Box 14463
                 Lexington, KY 40512
                 or Fax: 1-859-425-3379

                 Cisco and/or Google Rx
                 CVS Caremark Appeals, MC109
                 P.O. Box 52084
                 Phoenix, AZ 85072-2084
                 or Fax: 1-866-443-1172

To be eligible for consideration, requests for adjustment or reconsideration of a claim should
be submitted 365 days from the most recent date of action on the issue. All claim appeals
will be reviewed and outcomes communicated to the provider office via the EOP or letter.

For Intel Connected Care California
Connected Care will acknowledge receipt of all letters and respond with the resolution or
action undertaken to resolve the matter. The resolution letter will follow within 30 calendar
days after receipt of the grievance or appeal. The TPA will be copied on the correspondence
and provide necessary information confirming the contract amount if a claim adjustment is

Participating providers are offered two levels of internal review. If a participating provider
remains dissatisfied with the resolution of the issue and has additional relevant information
to present, the participating provider may initiate a second level review request and include
any additional relevant information. Refer to the process outlined above. The second level
review determination is final and binding with respect to the contract amount.

Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                    Page 26
Revised Date 12/16/2020
            SHC Alliance Care Managers provide clinical care coordination to manage
            members’ optimal health. SHC Alliance Care Managers are Registered Nurses
with hands-on experience in hospital care as well as other areas of clinical practice. When
needed, Care Managers partner with providers as a participant of the member’s care team in
developing a plan of care specifically tailored to the member’s needs. Care Managers monitor
progress of the case and focus on closing care gaps by performing telephonic clinical
assessments and coordinating with multiple entities including providers, family, caregivers
and vendors to address and close care gaps. Once mutual goals are achieved, the case is
closed. SHC Alliance Care Management can be reached via fax at 1-650-497-6927 for
physicians referring patients for care management services, to send clinical notes related to
the care management referral, and to receive the appropriate Care Management Referral

               Stanford Epic System Naming Conventions
               If you are a Stanford Health Care (SHC) or University HealthCare Alliance (UHA)
               provider and currently use the Epic Electronic Health Record system, continue
to follow the existing process for verifying member eligibility and placing orders through Epic.
All SHC Alliance plan (coverage) names in Epic, including the Tapestry module, include
“SHCA”, the name or acronym of the employer group, the TPA, and if the plan is a COBRA
account. There are numerous Stanford operating divisions and the divisions will be specified
by their account numbers. More information and tables listing Epic plan names are available
to SHC and UHA users on the SCH Connect intranet.

Epic CareEverywhere
Providers that do not utilize the Stanford Health Care Epic system and are utilizing a different
instance of Epic, can connect to the SHC Epic instance via CareEverywhere. Additionally,
hospital health care systems can access CareEverywhere to exchange referral information.

Epic Prism Portal for Community Providers
Providers who do not have access to Epic or CareEverywhere may sign up for the Prism Portal
for “read-only” privileges to the member’s Stanford Epic Medical Record. Providers can also
utilize this portal to submit referrals directly into the Stanford physician community. For
information on how to sign up for the Epic Prism Portal, see:
If you have further questions regarding access to Prism, contact a the PRISM Navigation Line
for assistance at 1-650-724-1314.

Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                     Page 27
Revised Date 12/16/2020

 Employer Groups                   Stanford                        Cisco                      Google                         Intel
 Member Care               1-855-345-7422                1-844-845-8078              1-650-725-0274              1-800-971-4153
 Pharmacy Member           1-888-792-3862                1-877-411-8164              1-844-387-1441              1-855-315-4523
 Nurse Line                1-800-556-1555 (available     1-800-556-1555 (available   1-800-556-1555 (available   1-800-971-4153 (available
                           24 hours)                     24 hours)                   24 hours)                   only outside of normal
                                                                                                                 business hours)
 Provider Services         1-888-632-3862                1-888-632-3862              1-888-632-3862              1-800-971-4153

 Provider Portal         

This operations guide and other SHC Alliance resources can be found at

For any additional information or questions, please contact the SHC Alliance Network Operations team at

Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                                                                        Page 28
Revised Date 12/16/2020
2021 SHCA Plan Changes – Applicable to Medical Home Model Plans
                      Referral Administration – Important Information and Frequently Asked Questions

Certain employer groups have elected to adopt a medical home model plan design for 2021. This plan design change applies
to the following SHCA employer groups only:

    - Stanford University Faculty & Staff        - Stanford Health Care         - Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford

These SHCA plans, administered by Aetna, require all members to designate a Primary Care Physician (PCP). The
designated PCP is responsible for coordinating patient care and directing referrals to in-network specialists. Most
specialist visits will require a referral from the designated PCP. This change does not apply to other SHCA employers such
as University Healthcare Alliance, SHC-ValleyCare, PCHA, Cisco, Google, or Intel.
All SHCA plans (with the exception of Intel) will continue to use the Aetna National Precertification list. Please note that a
referral is not a substitute for a service that requires precertification. Aetna is responsible for prior authorizations and
precertification for all SHCA plans.
Applicable to Stanford University Faculty & Staff ONLY - the following services also require pre-certification, effective January
1, 2020:
    • CT, CTA (Computed Tomography, Computed Tomography Angiography)
    • MRI, MRA (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Angiography)
    • PET (Positron Emission Tomography)
Specialty Visit Referrals Required – Stanford University Faculty & Staff, SHC, and LPCH SHCA enrollees
Specialist visits for all members (including new and existing patients) require a referral from the member’s designated PCP.
This includes specialist visits in a hospital clinic setting. Referrals are not required for direct access services, such as routine
eye care and Ob/Gyn services. See the Direct Access list for more information.

Stanford Health Care and University Healthcare Alliance Epic Users: Submitting A Referral in Epic
A referral order to the specialist is required in Epic. Once the referral order is in Epic, an automated workflow will route the
referral submission to Aetna, SHCA’s plan administrator.

Non-Epic and other Users: Submitting A Referral to Aetna
PCPs can submit a referral in real-time directly to Aetna’s provider portal, Availity ( Paper referrals can
be faxed directly to Aetna to 1-858-455-8650.

Tips for Submitting a Referral through Availity – Taxonomy code
Referrals may be issued to either a specific provider, using his or her national provider identifier (NPI) or to specialty type,
using a taxonomy code. Services can be rendered by any in-network SHCA provider under that taxonomy code. For
example, a referral can be submitted to Dr. Jones (cardiologist) using her specific NPI or using the taxonomy code for
cardiology, 207RC0000X. Taxonomy codes can be found here:

Aetna’s guidelines for submitting patient referrals under the Aetna Select product are as follows:
• Consult & Treat referrals – Referrals submitted with CPT code 99499. In most areas, consult and treat referrals do not
   need to include the specialists’ procedures. Aetna will pay specialists for performing associated covered services in an
   office setting per the current claim processing guidelines. This is the recommended referral type.

•     Exact procedure code referrals – Referrals submitted with code(s) other than 99499. Primary care physicians (PCPs)
      should use these referrals when a member needs care for a specific health reason. Aetna will only reimburse for the
      procedure code(s) that matches the code(s) on the referral. Note: Referrals submitted without a procedure code will
      default to C&T referral (99499). Referrals are valid for one year from date of issue.

Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                                                      Page 29
Revised Date 12/16/2020
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is considered a PCP?
          • Internal Medicine                                           •   Family Medicine
          • General Practice                                            •   OB/GYN (only if designated as a PCP)
          • Pediatrician

     Note: Providers who are not designated as a PCP by Aetna for the SHCA network may not submit referrals. Advanced
     Practice Providers (APP) such as Physician Assistants within Primary Care Clinics can also submit PCP referral orders.

2. When should a PCP submit the referral to the specialist?
   Ideally, the PCP should submit the referral prior to the specialist visit occurring or being scheduled. However, if the PCP
   cannot enter the referral into the system the same day, the system allows a 21-day grace period to electronically submit
   a retro-referral.

3. Can any PCP “on call” within the same practice enter referrals on behalf of the designated PCP?
   Any in-network PCP within the same TIN as the member’s designated PCP can submit a referral to a specialist. The claim
   will be handled as if the PCP of record provided the service and made the referral to the specialist.

4. What if a member needs to change their assigned PCP?
   Members can change their PCP any time during the year by calling SHCA Member Care Services at 1-855-345-7422.

5. Can members who have existing/ongoing relationships with their specialist continue to see them without a PCP
   No. Aetna requires a referral from the member’s PCP to continue seeing the specialist; therefore, the member must
   request a referral from their PCP. Referrals are required for new and existing patients.

6. Can Emergency Department (ED) providers refer ED patients directly to specialists?
     Only if within the facility during that specific ED encounter; otherwise, the ED would have to refer the patient back to
     their PCP who would refer specialty care for follow up visits. After an Emergency Department (ED) visit, a patient (or
     family members on behalf of the patient), should be directed by the ED to follow up with their PCP for referrals for
     follow-up care with specialists.

7. Are specialist to specialist referrals permitted?
   No, specialist to specialist referrals are not permitted under this new plan design. If a referral is needed for a different
   specialty service, the assigned PCP must submit a separate referral to that specialty. For example, an oncologist cannot
   make a referral directly to the cardiologist. The member or the oncologist would need to work with the designated PCP
   to submit a referral for cardiology.

8. If a specialist wants to refer members for physical or occupational therapy, is a referral from the PCP required?
   Rehab therapy does not require a PCP referral. Members can be directed to physical and occupational therapy by their

9.    Does a service that requires a prior authorization also require a referral?
     In cases where a procedure requires an authorization, a PCP referral to the specialty is required to cover any pre/post
     procedure specialty visits.

     For any additional information or questions, please review SHCA’s Provider Operations Guide or contact the SHCA
     Network Operations team at

Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                                                  Page 30
Revised Date 12/16/2020
Intel Connected Care California
                                         2021 Provider Quick Reference

                              Stanford Health Care Alliance (SHCA) is an Accountable Care Organization plan that
                              serves as a Delivery Service Provider (DSP) for Intel’s innovative Connected Care
Overview                      healthcare benefit to provide an integrated care experience to their Bay Area

                              As of January 1, 2021, HealthComp will become the new third-party administrator
New for 2021                  (TPA) for Intel Connected Care. RightCHOICE will no longer administer this plan.
                              The current plan design will not change.
PCP Selection                 PCP selection is encouraged, but not required. Self-referrals are allowed.
Network Directory   
                              For eligibility, claims status and provider network:
Provider Portal
                              Preferred Network (member deductible and 5% coinsurance applies)
                              Primary Network (referred to by Intel as “Neighborhood”) including all preferred
                              providers detailed on the Network Directory Website. SHCA network providers are
                              included in the Preferred Network.
Preferred Provider            Non-Preferred Network (member deductible and 40% coinsurance applies)
Network                       Custom Anthem PPO in state and First Health network out of state. All Sutter
                              providers and facilities are excluded from the Connected Care network and are
                              considered out of network.
                              Providers: If you don’t know if your referral is within the network, please contact
                              the Concierge Center at 1-800-971-4153 for assistance.
                              Prior authorization is not required for Stanford Hospital, Lucille Packard Children's
Inpatient Prior               Hospital, and Stanford Health Care - ValleyCare Hospital
Authorizations                For non-Stanford facilities call 1-800-971-4153.
                              For electronic submission:                For paper submissions:
                                                                        Group #: L00841M001 Plan: 040
Claim Submission              Payer ID 47198                            Anthem Blue Cross
                                                                        P.O. Box 60007
                                                                        Los Angeles, CA 90060-0007
                              Stanford Santa Clara Primary Care         Stanford Express Care San Jose
Near Site Clinics
                              2518 Mission College Blvd.                52 Skytop St., Suite 10
(in proximity to Intel
                              San Jose, CA 95054                        San Jose, CA 95134
                              Phone: 1-408-688-9720                     Phone: 1-669-294-8888
                              Preferred labs are LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics; Stanford laboratories are in-
Preferred Laboratories        network, but member cost share may be impacted.
                              Preferred providers are RadNet (Valley Radiology Medical Associates and NorCal
Preferred Radiology and       Imaging), Health Diagnostics, and other facilities; Stanford facilities are in-network
Imaging Services              but member cost share may be impacted; call Connected Care Concierge Center
                              (provider/member services) for facility information: 1-800-971-4153.
Prescription Drug             Express Scripts (ESI) network pharmacy call: 1-800-922-1557
Program and Provider          Specialty pharmacy (Accredo) call: 1-800-987-4904
Services                      Coverage reviews call: 1-800-753-2851
Stanford Health Care Alliance 2021 External Provider Operations Guide                                              Page 31
Revised Date 12/16/2020
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