June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools

Page created by Lewis Franklin
June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools
june 7, 2021
          Upcoming Important Dates                              What’s Happening This Month
6/10 Swim Interest Meeting, 6:00 pm                        6/14 Flag Day
6/15: 2 ½ Early Dismissal                                  6/21 Father’s Day
6/16: 2 ½ Early Dismissal                                  6/20 First day of Summer
6/16 Graduation Practice, 8:30 am
6/16: CHS Graduation
6/16: End 4th Quarter
6/17: Teacher Workday
6/21: Final Report Cards Issued

Yellow = Change of Date/Time    Red = New Calendar Items

June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools
Administration Contact Information
       Dr. Tanika McKissick 213008
Assistant Principals
       Lindy Williams (9th grade) 213219
       Shamae Hemingway (10th grade) 213321
       Leronica Grate (11th grade) 213272
       Michael DiMeglio (12th grade) 213103

June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools
UPcoming Events

                           School                                                          Date

 Aynor High School                                             Tuesday, June 15

 Carolina Forest High School                                   Tuesday, June 15

 Conway High School                                            Wednesday, June 16

 Early College High School                                     Tuesday, June 15

 Green Sea Floyds High School                                  Tuesday, June 15

 Loris High School                                             Wednesday, June 16

 Myrtle Beach High School                                      Wednesday, June 16

 North Myrtle Beach High School                                Wednesday, June 16

 Socastee High School                                          Tuesday, June 15

 Saint James High School                                       Wednesday, June 16

 Adult Education Center                                        Thursday, May 27

                                                   Senior Celebrations

 ATA                                                           June 8-10; Celebrations scheduled by Major

 AAST                                                          June 8-10; Celebrations scheduled by Major

 Scholar’s Academy                                             June 10

*Specific ceremony and celebration information including times, locations, as well as procedures and guidelines, will be
shared by the school closer to the graduation ceremony and senior celebration dates.

June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools

EOC and final exam information for our brick-and-mortar and virtual students. Only students enrolled in English 2, US
History, Biology 1, Algebra 1, and Intermediate Algebra will take the EOC tests. Students not enrolled in these courses will
take final exams. Please find the EOC and final exam schedules below.

June 15 and June 16 are early release days. We will follow an abbreviated bell schedule on these days. Please see the
schedule below.

Please see the EOC and final exam calendar attached for your convenience.

June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools

Please see the EOC and final exam calendar attached for your convenience.

                            EOC Exams
             Brick and Mortar           Virtual
  May 25     English 2 Writing    English 2 Writing
  May 27                         English 2 Reading

  June 2                                Biology

  June 3        US History           US History
  June 4                             Algebra 1

  June 8     English 2 Reading

  June 9         Algebra 1

  June 10         Biology

June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools
Brick-and-Mortal Final Exam Schedule

                    Test                    Blocks

 June 7        Senior Exams             1st and 2nd block

 June 8        Senior Exams             3rd and 4th block

June 15   Underclassman Exams           1st and 2nd block

June 16   Underclassman Exams           3rd and 4th block

Bell Schedule for June 15 and June 16

                    June 15                           June 16

  1st              8:10-10:10

  2nd       10:15-12:45 (includes 30
 block         minutes for lunch)

  3rd                                                8:10-10:10

  4th                                        10:15-12:45 (includes 30
 block                                          minutes for lunch)

June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools
Club Announcements
Join the Students in Action Team
Any student interested in joining the Students in Action Team here at Conway High School may join the Google Classroom
with the code a4buhu4. Please see Mrs. Schofield or Ms. Clark with any questions.

June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools
Spanish National Honor

Contact: Ronda Hall, A209

National English Honor      Eligible juniors and seniors who wish to be members of the National English Honor Society
Society                     need to stop by Mrs. Fiest’s room B105 to pick up an application. Current members please
                            stop by also to verify eligibility. National English Honor Society please check your Google
Contact: Rhonda Fiest, B105 Classroom for the code to sign up for Remind on your cell phones.

Rho Kappa Social              Information and announcements can be found on the downstairs C-Hall bulletin board.
Students Honor Society        Members need to check for Remind registration information, meeting dates, and Service
                              Hour Logs.
Contact: Angie Calhoun,
C109                          Link for Juniors to apply to Social Studies Honor Society:

                              Link for Seniors who are current members:

BETA Club                     Information and announcements can be found on the downstairs C-Hall bulletin board.
                              Members need to check for Remind registration information, meeting dates, and Service
Contact: Melanie Abston,      Hour Logs.
Shanay Clark, C219

National Art Honor            Interested in Art? The National Art Honor Society would be for you! Please email Mrs.
Society                       Stokes and Ms. Snyder for information about the honor society and to receive an
                              application! For more information please contact ssnyder001@horrycountyschools.net or
Contact: Brittany Stokes,     bstokes@horrycountyschools.net
Sandi Snyder

National Technical Honor TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION
Society                  Computer classes, Ag, Vet Tech, Engineering, ROTC or Health Science? You may be eligible
                         to become a member of the National Technical Honor Society. Contact Mrs. Reavis for
Contact: Jane Reavis     information and a membership packet.

June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools
                   Club                           Meeting Date and Time                               Contact

National Social Studies Honor Society   TBA                                      Angela Calhoun

National Math Honor Society             3rd Friday, 3:15 pm, Google Meet         Makenzie Ling

Fellowship of Christian Athletes        Wednesdays, 7:45 am, Mini Auditorium     Jacelyn Spearman

National Technical Honor Society

National Spanish Honor Society          TBA                                      Ronda Hall

Science National Honor Society          Every other 1st Tuesday of the month     Karin Wilson

National Art Honor Society              May 13 & June 3                          Brittany Stokes, Sandi Snyder

National English Honor Society          TBA                                      Rhonda Fiest

Key Club                                3rd Thursday; 3:25 pm, mini auditorium   Meagan Dials, Ashley Hinch

Student Council                         Tuesday, 3:25 pm, C108                   Rebecca Salley, Ashley Hinch

Beta Club                               TBA                                      Melanie Abston

HOSA                                    TBA                                      Lucia Watson, Patricia Sappenfield

Anchor Club                             May 6 & June 3                           Michelle Richardson-Smith

FFA                                     TBA                                      Kristen Jacobs, Savannah Cox

CHS Gospel Choir                        TBA                                      Claudine Schofield

Delta Gems                              TBA                                      Claudine Schofield


CHS Step Team                           TBA                                      Claudine Schofield

Academic Team                           TBA                                      Mike Reese

Prom Committee                          TBA                                      Shanay Clark

June 7, 2021 - Horry County Schools
                  For athletic information please visit

9th and 10th Grade Tigers!

The Conway Sports Medicine program is looking for Athletic Training
Student Assistants! If you like sports, have an interest in a career in medicine, sports medicine, nursing, physical therapy,
etc., and would like to be part of an athletics team at CHS, this is your opportunity! If you are interested in joining our team,
please come by the athletic training room (near the main gym) and pick up an application packet.


Protecting the health and welfare of students is a concern that all school districts and school administrators face each day.
Student Accident Insurance helps ease those concerns by providing benefits for injuries that occur during school hours and
or school sponsored and supervised activities (i.e. athletics, gym class, playground, field trips, JROTC, etc.) Student accident
insurance serves to reduce or completely eliminate any out of pocket expenses not paid by primary coverage including
copays, deductibles, coinsurance, etc. and will pay on a primary basis in the absence of other collectible coverage. With the
increasing trend of high deductible plans, and more of the cost share shifted to the insured, Student Accident Coverage has
become more important than ever!

Enrollment for Voluntary Student Accident Insurance may be completed online at www.BollingerSchools.com or the parent
may download an application and mail it directly to Bollinger.

We will be pre-selling tickets to our athletic events this year online. All JV home games have been posted on the athletic
website, www.conwaytigerathletics.com for ticket sales. Each game has an individual sales window. Conway Solid Gold
Athletic Booster Club members and other passholders will have an early opportunity to purchase and/or claim their tickets
to events. The link below will provide you with a schedule of those sales windows for each game. The link also has the
instructions on how to purchase a ticket using your mobile device or a computer.
         A few highlights for our spectators:
             ● All spectators and staff are required to wear a mask while on campus
             ● No one is allowed to wander around the facility
             ● No horseplay or running around.
             ● Spectators will not be allowed to bring athletic balls or any athletic equipment in the facility to play with.
             ● Each family should remain 6 feet from other families.
             ● The stadium is clearly labeled where you can and can’t sit.
             ● No one is allowed to sit 6 feet near aisles or stairways.
             ● Visiting fans will not be allowed in the home fan sections
             ● Home fans will not be allowed in the visiting fan sections
             ● Sanitize or wash your hands frequently
             ● Once the game is over, you will not be allowed to sit/stand in the bleachers or stand/walk on the field. All
                 fans are required to leave immediately upon completion of the game. If you are waiting on your student
                 athlete, please wait in your car.
             ● The concession stand will sell pre-packaged items only.
             ● If you feel sick, please stay home.

A quick link to the online ticket sales: https://conwaytigerathletics.com/event-tickets

A link to a video explaining how to purchase online tickets:

The Conway Crazies passes DO NOT admit students to any of the athletic games----students must have an athletic pass to
get into a game with no charge--student passes are for sale for $50.00 in the athletic office. Members will need a digital
ticket to accompany the sports pass.

GUIDANCE updates
                            SAT                                            ACT

                   September 26, 2020                               October 10, 2020

                     October 3, 2020                                 October 17, 2020

                    November 7, 2020                                October 24, 2020

                    December 5, 2020                                October 25, 2020

                      March 13, 2021                                December 12, 2020

                        May 8, 2021                                  February 6, 2021

                       June 5, 2021                                   April 17, 2021

                                                                      June 12, 2021

                                                                       July 17, 2021
*Please visit https://www.collegeboard.org/ for more information.

After school and online; Tuesday and Wednesday
3:30 – 4:30 PM
English – Room B206/Math- Room C206
Classroom Code: 4ycdzzk
Contact Ms. Whitman or Mr. Reddout with any questions.

If you qualify for a SAT/ACT waiver and you have the required documentation you may acquire a waiver with Ms. Connors in

Former students that need transcripts or records please go online and visit Conway High Schools home page and complete
an Online Student Records Request Form. You can order transcripts and records from this link

Seniors, please visit the scholarship website to obtain information about upcoming scholarship opportunities.


Lillie McPherson, guidance director               lmcpherson@horrycountyschools.net

Shonda Owens- McKnight, 9th grade counselor       smcknight002@horrycountyschools.net

Erin Lyerly, 10th grade counselor                 elyerly@horrycountyschools.net

Brittanny Belcher, 11th grade counselor           bbelcher@horrycountyschools.net

Malik Williams, 12 grade counselor                mwilliams@horrycountyschools.net

Paige Connors, guidance secretary                 pconnors@horrycountyschools.net

SanQuetta Palmer, Registar                        spalmer@horrycountyschools.net

Claudine Schofield, At Risk Coordinator           cschofield@horrycountyschools.net

Ashley Livingston, Career Readiness Coordinator   alivingston@horrycountyschools.net

Schoolwide announcements
Seniors will need to turn in their devices on Monday, June 7th during 3rd and 4th block and June 8th during 1st and 2nd block in
the media center. If they wish to drop them off before then, they may drop them off in Room B 102 (Mr. Volk’s room).

Any female student that is interested in playing tennis next fall please come by the front office to get the
paperwork or contact Coach Howle at Patrick.howle@santeecooper.com


There will be a swim team interest meeting on June 10th at 6:00 pm in the mini auditorium. Anyone interested in joining
the CHS swim team please attend this meeting.

Conway High School offers a variety of tutoring options for students. Please check out our website to find an option that
works best for your needs. https://sites.google.com/g.horrycountyschools.net/chstutoring

Students please make sure you have a 2020 -2021 parking decal hanging on the mirror in your vehicle. Tickets will be given out if they
are not visible. Registered student drivers without a valid parking permit will be issued a temporary one for the day at a cost of $2.00
and issued a ticket. All fees MUST BE paid, or you will not be allowed to purchase a parking pass or participate in any extracurricular
activities. This also includes any technology (venue) repair fines that you may owe. Students should not come to the front office or Ms.
Hemingway’s office during class to get a parking permit; they must get them during lunch.

Students are NOT to park in the front or rear staff parking lots. Student parking is located between the athletic fields and athletic wing
entrance. Violators will be ticketed.

Students that have not purchased a parking permit will continue to accumulate parking tickets (fines) as the year progresses. If this
action continues to take place, your driving privileges can be revoked.

Students who drive to school should lock and leave their cars promptly once they arrive on campus. No loitering is allowed in the
parking areas. Passes will not be written to go back to vehicles to get belongings that were left in a car. At 8:05 a.m., the student
parking lot gate will be locked. Late arrivals and HGTC students will be allowed to enter campus via the security guard only. Students
will not be allowed to return to their cars after 8:05 am without a pass from an administrator.

Students with early release will be cleared to leave by the security guard and must be off campus by 1:50 pm.

Student-athletes coming from ATA, AAST, Scholars Academy, Early College, or middle schools must present their Conway High School
issued athletic ID/pass and can enter into the student parking lot after 3:10 pm.

Parents are not permitted to use the student parking lot for pickup or drop-off. They must use the parent pickup/drop-off lane in the
front of the building. Also, if students are returning to school to pick up another student, they will not be allowed to enter the campus

via the student parking lot. They must also use the parent pickup/drop-off lane in the front of the building. This will be strictly

Lastly, students that are not participating in a school-sponsored activity, such as athletics or clubs, must be off campus by 3:45 pm.

Please be advised that the parking lot across from the entrance to Conway
High School is for business use only. All loitering is prohibited. Furthermore,
the parking lot is only to be used by patrons of these businesses. Some
students and parents have used this area to park and pick up students. This is prohibited. The parking lot is under the
jurisdiction of the Conway Police Department. Enforcement of these rules will increase on Monday and violators can expect
to be fined or have their vehicle impounded. Students who drive to Conway High must use the student parking area and
display a current parking decal. These parking permits are available in the front office. Parents must use the pickup and
drop off loop in the front of the building to pick up students in the afternoon. Thank you for your cooperation and

The student handbook was emailed to all students. Please review it as soon as possible. Make a special effort to read the
dress code policy. If students are not in compliance with the dress code, consequences will be assigned.


Students ARE NOT allowed to accept food deliveries from local restaurants during lunch.
        Drinks – No students are allowed to bring in open drink containers at any time.
        This is to prevent contraband from entering the building. They are allowed to bring
        in a sealed drink container.
        Food– Students can bring in food when they enter in the morning. Many students
        bring in lunch. Students can bring in outside breakfast or lunch in the morning, just
        as they can bring in foods prepared at home. All students eat breakfast in their first
        block class.
        Lunch – Students are not allowed to have lunch delivered during the day. The front office staff cannot deliver
        lunch during the school day.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these nutritional guidelines, please see Dr. McKissick, Principal

                              If a student’s cell phone is confiscated please keep in mind that an ADULT (PARENT/LEGAL
                              GUARDIAN) MUST pick the phone up between the hours of 7:30 – 8:05 am or 3:15 – 4:30 pm.
                              Phones WILL NOT be given out at any other time unless it is authorized by Dr. McKissick,

Students please adhere to the dress code. Please keep in mind that no hats are
allowed to be worn in the building. No stomachs should be exposed. Shorts, dresses
and skirts should be fingertip length. There should be no holes in pants above
fingertips. You will not be given tape or paper to correct this year. You will be sent
to ISS until you are in compliance with the dress code.


                      INTERIM REPORTS/REPORT CARDS
                      Interim reports and report cards will not be printed and mailed out this year. They will be available
                      online in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Login to the Parent Portal as you normally do to check
                      grades and click on report cards. However, if you wish to receive a paper copy please feel free to
                      stop by the school.


Yearbooks are now $75 plus tax, please visit www.jostensyearbooks.com to order or

                                TECHNOLOGY UPDATES
                                Students are reminded that downloading a Proxy such as Psiphon, ultrasurf or any other
                                proxy onto their computer is in violation of school technology policy. Students who
                                download a proxy onto their computer will be charged $15 to remove the proxy and face
                                disciplinary actions that may include the loss of the device, in school or out of school
                                suspension. If you have any questions regarding your computer, please contact Mr. Volk or
                                Ms. Colvard.

Students will make payments for venues (Repair, Tech Fee, Chargers) to Mr. Volk B102. They no longer need to go to Ms.
Dennison in the front office regarding Technology fees/fines. Parents can also make payments at www.mypaymentsplus.com


Use MyPaymentsPlus to make payments using a credit card, debit card. You can check account balances online and view
pending student fees and optional student activities!

Easy one-time registration:
·     Visit www.mypaymentsplus.com
·     Follow the on-screen instructions to create an account
·     Add your students using their Student ID number
Visit MyPaymentsPlus.com to get started!

You CANNOT make lunch payments or yearbook payments on mypaymentsplus.com.
To make lunch payments, please visit www.myschoolbucks.com.
To make yearbook payments, please visit jostensyearbooks.com or call 1-877-767-5217.

Contact information

           Issue                     Contact Person                            Email/Phone Number

 Textbooks                 Michael Dimeglio                          mdimeglio@horrycountyschools.net

 Library                   Dr. Lisa Colvard                          lcolvard@horrycountyschools.net
                           Amy Bauer                                 abauer@horrycountyschools.net

 Parking                   Shamae Hemingway                          shemingway@horrycountyschools.net
                           Vickie Hickman                            vhickman@horrycountyschools.net

 Technology                Michael Volk                              mvolk@horrycountyschools.net

 Bookkeeper                Sophia Dennison                           sdennison@horrycountyschools.net

 Instructional Coach       Ashley Hinch                              ahinch@horrycountyschools.net

 Nurse                     Kimberly Martin                           kmartin@horrycountyschools.net

 Cafeteria                 Timothy Johnson                           tjohnson@horrycountyschools.net

 SRO                       Bryan Ricci                               bricci@horrycountyschools.net

Check out the Conway High School Facebook page to stay up to date on CHS news throughout the

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