The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation

Page created by Christian Reyes
The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation
Full-time MBA Program 2015

                                            Full-time MBA Program 2015
The Berkeley MBA

                                 The Berkeley MBA
                                             Leading Through Innovation
The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation
The Berkeley MBA Program is about innovative
leadership, fresh thinking, positive impact, and an                                                                          ”Innovative leaders know
incredibly talented, diverse, collaborative community—                                                                       how to create business
one that forms an invaluable, lifelong network. As the                                                                       opportunities from the
faculty and staff work with you to achieve your                                                                              major challenges facing
                                                                                                                             the world. Berkeley-Haas
professional goals, you will experience the highly
                                                                                                                             has the proven ability to
personal nature of an MBA program like no other.                                                                             produce such leaders.”
                                                                                                                             Rich Lyons
                                                                                                                             Dean, Haas School of Business

Developing Innovative Leaders
who know how to put new ideas to work, and to do so responsibly
A rigorous general management                            A distinct culture of fresh thinking,                               Table of Contents:
curriculum gives you the breadth and depth of            embodying the core values of the Haas School:                       5    Curriculum
knowledge to be a leader in any type of organization.    Question the Status Quo, Confidence Without                         7    Careers
                                                         Attitude, Students Always, and Beyond Yourself.                     9    Faculty
Top-ranked career services
give you access to the best jobs at the world’s most     An unparalleled location                                            11 Community
selective firms, and the tools and support you need to   that leverages the innovative, energetic business                   14 Location
further your career or launch a new one.                 ecosystem of the San Francisco Bay Area.                            18 Alumni
                                                                                                                             19 Apply
Expertise of renowned faculty                            A worldwide alumni network
members who have been recognized worldwide               of almost 40,000 Haas School graduates—
for their innovative research and thought leadership.    and over 450,000 UC Berkeley graduates—
                                                         that you can access from your first day as a
                                                         Berkeley MBA student.

                                                                                                             Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   1
The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation
As the second oldest business
school in the United States, the
Haas School of Business at the
University of California, Berkeley
is one of the world’s leading
producers of new ideas and
knowledge in all areas of business.
The school offers outstanding
management education to
about 2,200 undergraduate and
graduate students each year.

                                      Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   2
The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation
The goal of the Berkeley MBA Program is to develop you
as an innovative leader and teach you fundamental                                                                                                         Collaboration Thrives in Teams@Haas
business concepts. We define innovative leadership as the                                                                                                 Director of Team Performance & Research,
ability to to create value by putting new ideas into action in                                                                                            Brandi Pearce leads the Team Performance
                                                                                                                                                          Program—a component of the Applied
your organization, and to do so responsibly. This concept is                                                                                              Innovation curriculum—which aims to provide
                                                                                                                                                          students with a platform to develop and
based on skills that are valued in today’s marketplace by                                                                                                 sharpen the leadership skills needed to harness
employers. You gain the knowledge to become a leader                                                                                                      the potential of teams. Students learn how to
                                                                                                                                                          become better communicators, coordinate
who defines what’s next—for our markets and for our                                                                                                       knowledge, provide constructive feedback, and
                                                                                                                                                          create a collaborative environment to increase
societies. Berkeley-Haas is uniquely positioned to deliver                                                                                                the potential for innovative thinking.
such leaders.

The Path to Innovative Leadership
built on timely and relevant skills
A General Management Foundation                                     A Connected Leadership Curriculum                                    A Supportive Culture and Environment
Your Haas education is anchored in the fundamentals of general      Innovative leadership is a connecting theme that runs through        A unique aspect of the Berkeley MBA leadership approach is
management, including the latest theories of and best practices     the entire Berkeley MBA Program—in both the required (core)          the conscious use of the Haas School culture to shape how
in business—from accounting and finance to marketing and            and elective portions of the curriculum. The process starts          and what you learn. The school’s culture has been codified into
strategy. You learn to lead and manage an enterprise as a whole.    with the careful selection of Berkeley MBA students, who have        four Defining Principles: Question the Status Quo, Confidence
The rigorous curriculum provides you with a basic framework         demonstrated leadership and exemplify the school’s defining          Without Attitude, Students Always, and Beyond Yourself.
of qualitative, quantitative, analytical, strategic, and problem-   principles. In the core, you begin to learn the capabilities of      The Defining Principles are heavily influenced by the school’s
solving skills. You not only gain knowledge about best business     the innovative leader, such as the skills to define opportunities.   location in the San Francisco Bay Area—the world’s epicenter
practices, but also learn about the fundamental principles          For example, the courses Leading People and Leadership               for innovation and entrepreneurship. And they are shaped by
behind them—the “how” and the “why.”                                Communications teach specific motivational skills, such as           the culture of UC Berkeley, a world-class research generator
                                                                    influencing others without having direct authority over them.        with a legendary atmosphere of fresh thinking.
                                                                    A required applied innovation course gives you practice
                                                                    in solving real-world business problems and emphasizes
                                                                    innovative leader capabilities. The list of experiential options
                                                                    ranges from applied innovation projects with major firms to
                                                                    global consulting opportunities.

                                                                                                                                              Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   3
The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation
Students in the
                                           Problem Finding,
                                           Problem Solving
                                           core course.
Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   4
The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation
The school’s acclaimed International
You will experience the Berkeley MBA Program’s rigorous,                                                                                                       Business Development (IBD) course,
                                                                                                                                                               which is one of the options for fulfilling
comprehensive curriculum in which you master the essential                                                                                                     the applied innovation requirement,
skills of management and leadership. After fulfilling the                                                                                                      sends an average of 120 students
                                                                                                                                                               around the world each year to consult
requirements of the core curriculum, you will find a high                                                                                                      for a variety of firms and organizations.
                                                                                                                                                               One group was dispatched to rural
degree of flexibility to tailor your education to meet your own                                                                                                Kenya to improve access to health
goals and interests through a wide variety of cutting-edge                                                                                                     care through mobile technology. Visit:
elective offerings and global opportunities.

A Rigorous, Flexible Curriculum
prepares you for every kind of leadership challenge

The Core                                             Electives                                         Global Perspective                                Learning Beyond the Classroom
The Berkeley MBA curriculum consists of              A central feature of the Berkeley MBA program     Global experience is an integral aspect of the    Providing students with hands-on exposure to
12 required core courses that provide the            is its level of flexibility that enables you to   Berkeley MBA experience. Global business is       real-world business situations is a key strength
analytical tools and essential knowledge to lead     customize your studies according to your own      part of many courses, including courses with      of the Berkeley MBA Program. You are required
effectively. For example, you will learn how to      goals. An impressive menu of elective courses     a specific focus on international topics, such    to take an applied innovation course that
set direction in your strategy course, and how       comprises 60 percent of the curriculum,           as Business Strategy for Emerging Markets.        emphasizes innovative leadership. Additional
to manage complex projects and enterprises           meaning you begin to design your own course       You are encouraged to take advantage of           experiential learning activities are required
in your operations course. Throughout the            of study in the first year of the program. You    international opportunities, such as spending     in many courses. You can also participate in
core, you are taught the lessons of leading          may choose from a wide variety of constantly      a semester abroad, attending international        numerous out-of-classroom opportunities that
responsibly. Core courses, which make up             evolving electives and dual degree offerings—     seminars, planning study trips to other           build upon your leadership skill set. Teamwork
about 40 percent of a typical student’s course       from within the Haas School and from the          countries during breaks, or serving as a          is emphasized throughout, including skill
of study, are usually all taken in the first year.   wider university—as well as design courses of     consultant through the International Business     development and group coaching on how to
                                                     your own in conjunction with a faculty member.    Development program.                              be optimally effective in teams.

     View a comprehensive curriculum overview.
                                                                                                                                             Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   5
The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation
Learning by Doing
                                             Students can choose from among the following applied
                                             innovation options, many of them unique to the Berkeley
                                             MBA Program and first of their kind.

                                             Haas@Work                              Real Estate Investment
                                             Teams of students work with            Analysis
                                             top executives at major firms          Students work with stakeholders
                                             to research and develop                to conduct comprehensive
                                             solutions for real-world business      analyses that include concept
                                             challenges. The best ideas are         development, full market analysis,
                                             then selected by each firm’s           funding strategy, and entitlement
                                             executives for implementation.         and stakeholder consultation and
                                                                                    approval strategies.
                                             International Business
                                             Development                            Hedge Fund Strategies
                                             In the first global program of its     Groups of students apply the
                                             kind, student teams tackle             skills acquired in finance and
                                             business projects across the           other courses to develop and
                                             globe. After working on each           implement a real trading strategy.
                                             project throughout the spring
                                             semester, the student teams then       The Haas Socially Responsible
                                             travel for three weeks for hands-      Investment Fund
                                             on experience with their client        Students define and explore new
                                             organizations.                         ideas around unlocking hidden
                                                                                    value based on companies’ envi-
                                             Social Sector Solutions                ronmental, social and governance
                                             Students engage in innovative          (ESG) practices.
                                             consulting projects, providing
                                             plans, creative ideas, and solutions   Advertising Strategy
                                             for challenges unique to nonprofit     Student teams partner with a
                                             organizations.                         major brand to develop integrated
                                                                                    marketing communications
                                             Cleantech to Market                    campaigns.
                                             Students work with scientists
                                             at Lawrence Berkeley National          Design and Development of
                                             Laboratory to evaluate the             Web-based Products and
                                             commercial viability of next-          Services
                                             generation technologies aimed          Project teams work through a full
                                             at addressing critical energy and      product development cycle that
                                             climate change issues.                 culminates in a virtual design fair,
                                                                                    soliciting and analyzing customer
                                             Corporate Social                       feedback.
                                             Students engage with companies         Lean Launchpad
                                             such as Autodesk and Tesla to          Using a business model to brain-
                                             develop business strategies that       storm each part of a company
                                             are both socially responsible and      and its customer development,
                                             aligned with business objectives       students are exposed to all of the
                                             and core competencies.                 pressure and demands of the real
                                                                                    world in an early stage startup.
                                             Managing New Product
                                             Development                            The Startup Lab
                                             Cross-disciplinary student teams       Students partner with local ven-
As part of the school’s acclaimed Haas@                                             ture-backed startups in an effort
                                             develop innovative products or
Work course in applied innovation,           services from original ideas           to identify, frame, and address
students work with top executives at         through first-pass prototypes.         strategic business challenges.
major firms such as Visa, Cisco, Disney,
Schwab, Panasonic, Clorox, Wells Fargo,
Virgin America, Paypal, BlueCross, HP, and      For more information, visit mba.haas.berkeley.
Fuseproject (pictured here). Haas@Work          edu/academics/experiential-learning.html.
is just one of many options students may
choose from to complete their applied
innovation course requirement.                   Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   6
The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation
When the world’s most selective organizations                                                                                                Hiring Firms 2013
seek new, innovative talent, they turn to Berkeley-
Haas. Employers seek out Berkeley MBA students
because they demonstrate not only a mastery of
powerful quantitative and management tools, but
also a solid understanding of best practices for the
changing technological, global, and human
dimensions of business.

Opening Doors
to Future Success
with the tools and connections that will set you apart

An Impressive Array of Services                                   A Personal Approach
The school’s key location and deep ties to global firms           The school’s small MBA class size allows career advisors to
provide you the tools and connections you need to launch the      offer a personalized, hands-on approach to your career search.
next stage of your career. The Haas School offers access to       The goal of the Career Management Group is to provide you
employers through multiple channels. On-campus interviews         with resources and opportunities to successfully match your
and corporate presentations are popular forums for presenting     skills and interests with an employer. The Career Management
oneself to a prospective employer. The Haas School’s Career       Group also offers a broad range of seminars, programs, and
Management Group facilitates hundreds of on-campus                services from experienced advisors, coaches, managers, and
interview opportunities for positions spanning the globe and      practitioners at all stages of the career planning process.
over a thousand electronic job postings specifically targeting
Berkeley MBA students each year. In addition, you are given        “The Career Management Group is fantastic.
the opportunity to interact with hiring managers and recruiters   Even before classes started, a second-year career
in more informal ways, including industry firm nights, career     coach reached out to me. All of the assistance I got
panels, corporate visits, alumni mixers, and job fairs.           has inspired me to become a career coach in my
                                                                  second year.” - Steven Weddle, MBA 15

                                                                                                                                   Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   7
The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation
Move from                                                           Create the
Coast to Coast                                                      Job of Your
Alumni of the                                                       Dreams
Berkeley MBA                                                        Jennifer
Program work all                                                    Liebermann,
across the country,                                                 MBA/MPH 01,
with many ending                                                    founder & director
up in New York.                                                     of the Kaiser
Pictured: Former                                                    Permanente
McKinsey & Co.                                                      Innovation Center,
Associate Will                                                      maps out the
Wright, MBA 09;                                                     future of health
Deloitte Manager                                                    care for one
Amy Bai, MBA 09;                                                    of the nation’s
American Express                                                    biggest and
Director Nick                                                       most innovative
Jablonski, MBA                                                      providers.
10; Unilever Brand
Manager Silvia
Lacayo, MBA 09;
and Etsy Director of
Support Operations
Jeff Shah, MBA 09.

Launch Your                                                         Cross
Company                                                             Borders
Brett Wilson,                                                       Full-time Berkeley
John Hughes,                                                        MBA graduates
and Mark Rotblat                                                    take their careers
(not pictured), all                                                 around the world.
MBA 07, started                                                     Pictured: London
TubeMogul after                                                     alumni Expedia
meeting in an                                                       Manager Helen Ip,
entrepreneurship                                                    MBA 09; Fmr.
class at Haas. Since                                                Skype Director
then, the company                                                   of Business
has grown to 300                                                    Development
employees in 11                                                     Julien Decot,
offices around the                                                  MBA 06; Frog
globe, and its online                                               Capital Principal
video ad-buying                                                     Jens Düing,
platform has been                                                   MBA 08; and
used by such                                                        Yahoo Manager
giants as Unilever,                                                 Shannon Riley,
Microsoft, and                                                      MBA 12.
Sony Pictures.

                        Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   8
The Berkeley MBA - Full-time MBA Program 2015 - Leading Through Innovation
Berkeley-Haas Professor Emeritus Oliver E.
                                                                                                                                                              Williamson was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize
                                                                                                                                                              in Economic Sciences—the second time a Haas
Haas School faculty members are explorers and                                                                                                                 professor has won the honor since 1994—for
                                                                                                                                                              his work in the area of economic governance.
discoverers, seeking new ideas and insights at the frontiers
of knowledge. They are internationally recognized leaders
in the study of the economic, social, political, and
technological forces shaping global markets today.                                                                                                            Lester Center for Entrepreneurship Faculty
Berkeley-Haas faculty members play an active role in                                                                                                          Director Toby Stuart, a management and
                                                                                                                                                              entrepreneurship professor from Harvard,
national and international business communities, serving                                                                                                      joined the Berkeley-Haas faculty in 2012.
                                                                                                                                                              Stuart’s research focuses on social networks,
as consultants, board members, and speakers at major                                                                                                          venture capital networks, and the role
business conferences and seminars.                                                                                                                            of networks in the creation of new firms.
                                                                                                                                                              He is the recipient of the 2007 Kauffman
                                                                                                                                                              Prize Medal for Distinguished Research
                                                                                                                                                              in Entrepreneurship.

Passionate Scholars and Teachers
at the forefront of new ideas
A Roster of Experienced                                             Real-World Insights                                                     A Tradition of Teaching Excellence
Thinkers and Leaders                                                from Industry Practitioners                                             The cornerstone of the entire Berkeley MBA Program is its
Several faculty members are authors of widely used textbooks        The MBA program also makes creative use of experienced                  distinguished faculty members and the high quality of their
in marketing, economics, and management. Severin Borenstein         practitioners from industry in its classes as adjunct professors        courses. At Haas, teaching excellence is a high priority. In the
is a nearly constant presence in the national media explaining      and lecturers. For example, Wall Street veteran Peter Goodson,          Berkeley MBA classroom, faculty members emphasize both
the ups and downs of the nation’s energy markets. Michael Katz      former partner of private equity firm Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, Inc.,   theory and practice by using a variety of teaching methods.
is a leading thinker and strategist in telecommunications policy.   teaches the Mergers and Acquisitions course. In his Innovation          Case studies, seminars, simulations, guest speakers, and group
John Morgan and Teck Ho are actively utilizing behavioral and       and Entrepreneurship in Telecommunications and Media course,            projects all facilitate the learning process. Classroom learning
experimental economics to make advances in understanding            Dr. Reza Moazzami draws from his more than fifteen years of             is enhanced by numerous opportunities to apply the lessons to
strategic decision-making. Jennifer Chatman is a top authority      experience as an engineer, entrepreneur/CEO, investor, patent           real-world situations.
on organizational culture and post-merger integration. And          holder, and educator in the IT and communications industries.
David Teece is a widely sought expert in the field of innovation    Twitter Co-founder and serial entrepreneur Biz Stone shares his
and knowledge management.                                           experiences and insights with Berkeley MBA students as an
                                                                    executive fellow at the Haas School.

     Learn more about our dedication to teaching excellence.
                                                                                                                                                Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   9
John Morgan                              Nancy Wallace                                Teck Ho                                                Kristiana Raube
Gary & Sherron Kalbach Chair 		          Lisle and Roslyn Payne Chair in              William Halford, Jr. Family 		                         Adjunct Professor and Executive Director
in Entrepreneurship                      Real Estate Capital Markets                  Professor of Marketing                                 Haas professional faculty members
Haas School Professor John Morgan’s      Professor Nancy Wallace plays a major        Learning, according to Professor Teck Ho,              such as Dr. Kristiana Raube share expert
popular course on game theory            role in real estate policy, advising the     is more “concrete when it is hands-on.”                business and leadership knowledge
challenges students to formulate         U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve on         That’s why at least one in four of each                with Berkeley MBA students. In addition
strategy by learning to forecast the     monitoring economic risk. She uses real-     of his marketing course sessions is                    to serving as executive director of the
reactions of rivals. Morgan’s cutting-   life cases to help students understand       interactive. Using computer simulations                International Business Development
edge behavioral economics research       the subtleties of deal-structuring, as       and role-playing, his students engage in               Program at Berkeley-Haas, Raube is a
often has far-reaching implications.     well as the entrepreneurial nature of        price wars and auctions, negotiate B2B                 renowned researcher and teacher in the
He recently worked with Yahoo!           real estate, which has “an enormous          contracts, and put themselves in the shoes             area of health management who has
Labs to design and launch a zombie-      need for innovation in all kinds of areas,   of CEOs, marketing directors, suppliers,               worked to increase health management
based social video game to study         from managing energy to creating new         and retail partners. In 2010, Ho was                   capacity through executive education
the differences between successful       financial instruments.”                      recognized with the Berkeley Distinguished             and program development in the U.S.
and unsuccessful economic game                                                        Teaching Award, the university’s highest               and around the world.
strategies.                                                                           teaching honor.

                                                                                                                       Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   10
Guided by four Defining Principles, the distinctive
Berkeley-Haas culture is integral to shaping its MBA
students as they learn how to be innovative leaders.
                                                                                                                                                                   Berkeley-Haas students harness
Berkeley-Haas students question the status quo, project                                                                                                            their collaborative culture in a
                                                                                                                                                                   wide variety of ways, including
confidence without attitude, think beyond themselves,                                                                                                              to benefit Bay Area nonprofits
and act as students always. These attributes combine to                                                                                                            and charities. During Orientation
                                                                                                                                                                   Week, for example, Berkeley
create an environment conducive to teamwork,                                                                                                                       MBA students spend a morning
                                                                                                                                                                   volunteering at the Alameda Point
collaboration, and involvement. Students are members of                                                                                                            Collaborative, an organization
                                                                                                                                                                   that aims to end homelessness by
a close-knit, supportive peer network that draws on both                                                                                                           providing housing and teaching
shared experiences and a diversity of ideas and                                                                                                                    valuable life skills.

backgrounds to build bonds that last a lifetime.

A Collaborative Culture
cultivates a unique, dynamic community
A Diversity of Experiences                                          Involvement in a Dynamic Community                               Going Above and Beyond
Among the school’s greatest assets is the community of fellow       The diverse and outgoing nature of the Berkeley-Haas culture     UC Berkeley has a long tradition of social responsibility and a
students, who form a lifetime network of friends and professional   translates to a vibrant, thriving community of students,         commitment to creating a better world. In keeping with that
contacts. The relatively small size of the MBA program (only        alumni, faculty, and staff. From networking mixers to annual     spirit, Berkeley MBA students get involved to make a difference.
240 students enroll in each entering class) encourages students     conferences, guest speakers to intramural sports competitions,   Almost the entire MBA class participates in the many events
to get to know all members of their class. Students represent       there’s always something happening here. At Haas, virtually      that are a part of the Challenge for Charity—talent shows, charity
a wide range of ethnic backgrounds, religious affiliations, and     everyone gets involved by joining clubs, doing community         auctions, and sports competitions that help raise money for
sexual orientations. Over one third of the students are from        service, managing major conferences, participating in case       the Special Olympics and other organizations. Many Berkeley
outside the United States, representing over 40 countries.          competitions, and organizing trips for fellow students.          MBA students also volunteer as mentors for under-resourced
                                                                                                                                     middle school and high school students through the Young
                                                                                                                                     Entrepreneurs at Haas (YEAH) program.

     Learn more about the Berkeley-Haas Defining Principles.

                                                                                                                                       Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   11
Question the Status Quo                     Confidence Without Attitude                      Students Always                                       Beyond Yourself
“Questioning the Status Quo is huge         “My time at Haas allowed me to explore           “I wanted to go to a business school                   “Recruiting in the consulting sector
for me. In the oil-and-gas sector,          and discover my own leadership style.            where everyone is eager to learn,                     is rough; rejection is a blow to your
dominated as it is by big companies,        Classes like Negotiations and Power &            not just to compete.”                                 confidence. But the Career Coaches,
innovation can be challenging. But          Politics helped me develop my ability                                                                  alumni and my classmates were there
Berkeley-Haas has taught me how to          to influence and lead people in a                Megan Bradfield, MBA 15                               to help me fine-tune my approach and
be an innovative leader in any setting. I   thoughtful, collaborative way that I’m           Internship: Morgan Stanley, San Francisco,            learn from my mistakes. The result is an
look forward to being an ‘intrapreneur’     comfortable with.”                               California                                            internship with Deloitte that I am very
at Shell.”                                                                                   Previous degree: BA, Philosophy & Religion,           excited about.”
                                            Alma Rico, MBA 14                                Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
Tom Spooner, MBA 14                         Chief Operating Officer, Alpha Public Schools,   Job prior to Haas: Program Director,                  Chasen Goudeau, MBA 15
Strategy Advisor, Shell, London, England    San Jose, California                             ELCA Global Mission, Chicago, Illinois                Internship: Deloitte Consulting,
Previous degree: BPhil, Politics &          Internship: Alpha Public Schools,                                                                      Los Angeles, California
Economics, Oxford University, England       San Jose, California                                                                                   Previous degree: BS, Accounting, University
Job prior to Haas: Commercial Advisor,      Previous degree: BS, Electrical Engineering &                                                          of Southern California,
Production Division, BP plc, Muscat, Oman   Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of                                                           Los Angeles, California
                                            Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts                                                                   Job prior to Haas: Senior Financial Analyst,
                                            Job prior to Haas: Consultant,                                                                         The Walt Disney Company, Glendale,
                                            PA Consulting Group, Arlington, Virginia                                                               California
                                                                                                                             Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   12
A Dynamic Community
                                           Coming to Berkeley-Haas means joining a vibrant, thriving
                                           community of students, alumni, faculty, and staff. From
                                           networking mixers to annual conferences, guest speakers to
                                           schoolwide events, there’s always something happening here.

                                                              1 Friendly competition was just one of many
                                                              events incoming students participated in during
                                                              Orientation Week.

                                                              2 Students spent a week focusing on career
                                                              preparation during Career Prep Days.

                                                              3 The 18th annual Women in Leadership
                                                              Conference featured leaders from Synopsys,
                                                              Lending Club, and Kaiser Permanente. As the
               1       2                                 2
                                                              longest-running student-organized conference
                                                              at Haas, the event attracts current students,
                                                              alumni, and other Bay Area professionals.

                                                              4 Students from all three MBA programs
                                                              gathered for the Dean’s Annual Scotch
                                                              Tasting, a fund-raising event for charity featuring
                                                              Dean Lyons on guitar.

                                                              5 Students, alumni, and faculty came together
                                                              for an evening of networking, learning, and
                                                              viewing the Fisher Family’s world-class art
                                                              collection at the annual Haas Celebration in
                                                              San Francisco at Gap headquarters.
   3                       3       4                     4

                                                              6 Novartis CEO Joe Jimenez, MBA 84, spoke
                                                              at the Haas School as part of the Dean’s
                                                              Speaker Series.

                                                              7 Business students from around the world
                                                              gathered for a day of learning and networking at
                                                              the annual Global Social Venture Competition
                                                              Global Finals and Conference.

                                                              8 Students and their partners celebrated the
                                                              season at the Haas Holiday Ball organized by
                                                              the MBA Association.
       5           6                   7                 8
                                                              9 Berkeley MBA students presented summaries
                                                              of their summer International Business
                                                              Development (IBD) projects at the program’s
                                                              annual fall conference.

                                                              10 Berkeley MBA students compete in
                                                              cross-disciplinary teams with students from
                                                              the School of Engineering and School of
                                                              Information, among others, in the UC Berkeley
                                                              Startup Competition (LAUNCH).

           9                   9                        10
The Haas School’s location in the San Francisco Bay
Area is a profound asset, a business ecosystem of
innovation and entrepreneurship that is unrivaled
anywhere. And it defines the people we attract, the
education we deliver, and the leaders we produce.
Once you arrive, you will quickly understand how the
University of California, Berkeley—one of the world’s
top universities—both shapes and is shaped by the                                                              The Bay Area is one of the few places on earth where countless corporate
                                                                                                               powerhouses are nestled among some of the world’s most famous landscapes
forces of innovation in the Bay Area. This is a place                                                          and outdoor playgrounds. Only an hour from Berkeley, you can cruise through
                                                                                                               the alluring wine country of Napa and Sonoma counties. Or visit one of the
that continues to move knowledge forward, looking                                                              many open beaches or picturesque seaside towns dotting the Pacific coastline,
for and embracing what comes next.                                                                             including Big Sur, Carmel-by-the-Sea, and Mendocino. Only three hours from
                                                                                                               campus, explore Yosemite National Park, with its exquisite glacier-carved valley of
                                                                                                               towering waterfalls and granite mountains, or ski the world-famous Olympic runs
                                                                                                               at Lake Tahoe.

The Perfect Location
where natural beauty meets boundless opportunity

Home to Tomorrow’s Industries                                    A Legendary Campus Setting                                         A Great Place to Learn and Play
Widely recognized as the heart of the global technology          The Berkeley campus is perched on a hillside; its upper reaches    The San Francisco Bay Area is perennially designated
industry, a hotbed for venture capital, and the center of the    are devoted to a vast nature preserve—excellent for a run or a     the world’s most popular tourist destination—and for good
U.S. wine market, the Bay Area is also the new hub for the       contemplative walk with postcard views of San Francisco, the       reason. The area’s stunning natural beauty and seductively
up-and-coming clean energy and biotechnology industries.         Golden Gate Bridge, and the Pacific Ocean beyond. Surrounding      benign weather complement an atmosphere charged with a
In addition to serving as a launch pad for some of the world’s   the campus is the legendary city of Berkeley, the quintessential   worldly sophistication and a distinctive openness to new
most legendary startups—Google, LinkedIn, Facebook and           university town, complete with a multitude of coffee houses,       ways of thinking.
Twitter among them—the Bay Area is also headquarters to a        shops, churches, theaters, world-famous gourmet restaurants,
wide range of established Fortune 500 companies and other        charming neighborhoods, beautiful gardens, and some of the         “I love being able to go just a little way off campus
successful firms such as Intel, Charles Schwab, Gap, Adobe,      best bookstores anywhere.                                          and find myself on a trail in Tilden Park, where
Clorox, Pixar, Genentech, and Chevron.                                                                                              I might just be chased by a wild turkey.”
                                                                                                                                     - Megan Bradfield, MBA 15

                                                                                                                                      Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   14
The San Francisco Bay Area features a
wealth of diversity among its breathtaking
landscapes and energetic people. Berkeley-
Haas students reflect the global nature of the
region, coming from all corners of the world.
Pictured below (left to right) are Wolfgang
Woerner of Austria, Lina Cardozo Medina of
Colombia, Erica Butow of Brazil, and Alberto
Tempia Bonda of Italy, all MBA 14.

                                                 Watch videos of students answering frequently asked questions from prospective students.
                                                                                     Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   15
A Multi-disciplinary Community
An important part of choosing a business school                                                                                               Berkeley MBA students involved in the Berkeley Energy
                                                                                                                                              and Resources Collaborative (BERC) work with scientists
is the strength of the larger university to which                                                                                             at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the Cleantech
                                                                                                                                              to Market experiential course to evaluate the commercial
you will be forever linked. In addition to                                                                                                    viability of new technologies, such as a novel device the
attending one of the premier business schools in                                                                                              size of a stick of gum that harvests energy from machinery
                                                                                                                                              vibrations to run wireless sensors (pictured left).
the world, Berkeley MBA students earn a degree                                                                                                In addition to Cleantech to Market, Berkeley-Haas is
from a university whose name and reputation                                                                                                   spearheading an educational program funded by a
                                                                                                                                              grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) that
open doors around the globe. The mission of the                                                                                               aims to commercialize university research and foster
                                                                                                                                              innovation. The three-year grant will create one of three
University of California is to excel in research,                                                                                             new Innovation Corps Nodes (or I-Nodes) that the NSF
teaching, and public service. Over the decades,                                                                                               is establishing across the nation to set up innovation
                                                                                                                                              ecosystems within universities that will train the next
this mission has developed a culture at UC                                                                                                    generation of entrepreneurs, encourage partnerships
                                                                                                                                              between academia and industry, and commercialize
Berkeley that stimulates greatness.                                                                                                           science and technology.

The Berkeley Experience
a university second to none

A Distinguished Record                                             A History of Path-Bending Innovation                                Explore the Opportunities
The Berkeley MBA Program draws on the incredible breadth           Since its founding in 1868, UC Berkeley has grown with the          You are encouraged to supplement business courses with
and depth of UC Berkeley, whose graduate programs are              rapidly expanding population of California and has responded to     graduate classes outside the business school in areas ranging
consistently ranked among the best in the world, and whose         the educational needs of the developing state. By the 1930s,        from engineering, law, and urban planning to foreign languages,
undergraduate programs are among the most selective. The           research at UC Berkeley burgeoned in nuclear physics, chemistry,    international area studies, and public policy. In addition, special
proof is in the university’s distinguished record of Nobel-level   and biology, leading to the development of the first cyclotron,     interdisciplinary opportunities within the Berkeley community
scholarship, constant innovation, a concern for the betterment     the isolation of the human polio virus, and the discovery of all    enable you to learn from top experts in almost every field. Joint
of our world, and consistently high rankings of its schools and    the artificial elements heavier than uranium, including Berkelium   courses with students in law, engineering, information systems,
departments—the Haas School among them.                            and Californium.                                                    and public health enhance the educational experience of many
                                                                                                                                       MBA students.

                                                                                                                                         Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   16
UC Berkeley Academic and Faculty Distinctions
                                                       • Ranks first nationally in the    • 22 Nobel Prize laureates     • 357 Guggenheim Fellows          • 5 Wolf Prizes
                                                         number of PhD programs in          (including Haas professors   • 32 MacArthur Fellows            • 1,333 National Science
                                                         the top 10 in their fields         Oliver Williamson and John                                       Foundation graduate
                                                         (National Research Council)        Harsanyi)                    • 94 National Academy of
                                                                                                                           Engineering Awards                research fellowships
                                                       • Ranked the #1 public             • 224 American Association                                         awarded from 2001-2011,
                                                         university in the U.S. for the     for the Advancement of       • 4 Pulitzer Prizes                 more than any other school
                                                         eleventh year in a row by 		       Science Fellows              • 1 National Poet Laureate        • 141 National Academy of
                                                         U.S. News & World Report         • 230 American Academy of                                          Sciences Awards
                                                                                                                         • 26 National Medal of Science
                                                       • The leading institution in         Arts and Sciences Fellows      Awards
                                                         awarding doctoral degrees to     • 74 Fulbright Scholars        • 117 Sloan Fellows
                                                         minorities and women

Concurrent Degree Options
The Haas School offers concurrent degree programs in
areas of special interest to business professionals,
including the following:
• JD/MBA Program
• MBA/MPH Program in Health Management
• MBA/MA Program in International and
  Area Studies
For more information, visit
academics/concurrentdegrees.html.                                                                                        Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   17
From your first day as a Berkeley MBA student,                                                                                                  When not meeting up with corporate
                                                                                                                                                leaders, local alums, even presidents
you are able to leverage the power of one of the most                                                                                           and prime ministers, students relax
supportive and accessible professional networks.                                                                                                a little on their semester breaks.
                                                                                                                                                Peer-led treks, (always a favorite
Almost 40,000 Haas School graduates—and over                                                                                                    Berkeley MBA experience), offer
                                                                                                                                                professional networking opportunities
450,000 UC Berkeley graduates—are connected                                                                                                     along with true insider perspective,
by a robust alumni network that includes career                                                                                                 as international students share their
                                                                                                                                                home countries. Pictured left: A visit
resources, online communities, and local alumni                                                                                                 to South Africa’s Chobe National Park
                                                                                                                                                on a trek led by Michael Nurick and
chapters in major cities around the globe.                                                                                                      Nivani Govinder, both MBA 14.

Connecting You to the World
through a robust, global alumni network

                                            Endless Networking Opportunities                                    Lifetime Tools & Resources
                                            With alumni chapters in over 46 countries all over the world,       As a graduate of the Berkeley MBA Program, you will not only
                                            including more than 33 chapters in the U.S., there are Haas         continue to have full access to all networking tools, you will
                                            alumni events happening an average of five out of seven days        also enjoy a full menu of career services, as well as personal
                                            each week all over the world.                                       development and educational resources.
                                               Whether in Shanghai, Santiago, London, or New York, you
                                            will have immediate access to local alumni who get together
                                            often to strengthen their personal and professional contacts at
                                            chapter and regional gatherings. In addition, a variety of online
                                            and in-person alumni groups and clubs formed around special
                                            interests—from biotech and real estate to business in greater
                                            China—can provide you with insights and contacts.

                                                                                                                       Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   18
Apply to the Berkeley MBA Program

Admission Criteria                                       Financial Aid                                                 Consortium for Graduate Study in Management
Admission to the Berkeley MBA Program is based on        Approximately 70 percent of Haas students                     The Haas School of Business is a proud member of The
a combination of factors, including the following:       receive some form of financial assistance, including          Consortium for Graduate Study in Management. An alliance of
                                                         scholarships and loans. Over $5 million in scholarship        leading American business schools and some of our country’s
• Professional Experience—The quality of an MBA                                                                        top corporations, The Consortium seeks to enhance diversity
                                                         funding is awarded each year, providing gift aid
  program is immeasurably enhanced by the real-                                                                        in business education and leadership by helping to reduce the
                                                         to over 40 percent of students. All admitted                  serious underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic
  world business experience that students bring to       students can apply for scholarships after admission.
  the classroom. Most of our students have two or                                                                      Americans and Native Americans in both member schools’
                                                         Scholarships are based on criteria such as merit,             enrollments and the ranks of management. Candidates
  more years of full-time professional work              industry, commitment to diversity, and financial need.        who apply and are accepted to the Berkeley MBA Program
  experience following the completion of their           For complete financial aid and tuition information, visit     through The Consortium are considered for full-tuition, merit-
  undergraduate degree. We are also interested in                                 based fellowships and benefit from ongoing professional
  the progression and milestones of your career, as                                                                    development opportunities.
  well as your supervisor’s assessment of your value                                                                   Visit
  as an employee and potential as a leader.              Learn More                                                    theconsortium.html
                                                         The best way to know what it’s really like to be a
• Academic Aptitude—In reviewing your transcripts,       Berkeley MBA student is to come visit, meet students
  we take into account your choice of coursework,        and faculty, and observe a class. We strongly
  the rigor of your undergraduate major, the             encourage this investment of your time to help you
  competitiveness of your academic institutions, and     decide if the program is a good fit for you. For details
  your grade point average (GPA). Although we do         on how we make it easy for you to explore Haas, visit
  not have a minimum requirement, a GPA of B (3.0)
  or better is generally the standard for serious
  consideration. All applicants should have
                                                          Round:        Online application          Decision posted/
  completed, at a minimum, a college-level                              submitted and               emailed by:
  mathematics or statistics course.                                     tests taken by:
• Exams—The GMAT or GRE is required for all               One           October 1, 2014             January 15, 2015
  applicants. Applicants who received their university
  degrees in countries other than the U.S., the UK,       Two           January 7, 2015             March 26, 2015
  Australia, or English-speaking Canada are also          Three         March 11, 2015              May 14, 2015
  required to take the TOEFL or IELTS exams.
• Personal Qualities—We seek applicants who
  represent the school’s four Defining Principles:       For those who can’t make it to campus, the Full-
  Question the Status Quo, Confidence Without            time MBA Admissions office also sponsors off-
                                                         campus information sessions and participates in               Haas Student Ambassadors
  Attitude, Students Always, and Beyond Yourself.                                                                      Haas Student Ambassadors (HSA) are the student voice within
                                                         events around the world. You’ll hear from school              the full-time Program Admissions Office. HSAs offer unique,
Visit for a complete list of       representatives and, in some sessions, students and           real-life perspectives about being enrolled in the Berkeley MBA
admissions criteria and application requirements, as     recent alumni. To learn about upcoming events in              Program. To participate in one of the group’s daily information
well as information pertaining to concurrent degree      your area, visit            sessions during the school year, or for more information during
program admissions.                                                                                                    any stage of the application process, contact an HSA member at
                                                         offcampus.html. Online, you can also participate in 
                                                         chats hosted by MBA admissions throughout the year.

                                                                                                                             Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   19

      P O                                                                        Petaluma

            I N







                          E S

                      O R

                              N A T
                                                1                                               37

                                    I O N A
                                                                                      101                                                                                              80

                                                                                                                Bay                                                         680
                                                                     San                                                                     Vallejo

                                                                                 Richmond                                                         780
                                                                                 Rafael                                     80
                                                                                        580           Richmond

    Pacific                                                          101
    Ocean                                               Golden
                                                        Bridge                                Berkeley                      of California,
                                                Francisco                       80    Oakland
                                                                                                     80                     Berkeley       Concord
                                        Daly                   280
                                                                                                          Oakland                24

                                        City                                                                                                                                      Pittsburg
                                                                 South                                                                            Walnut
                                                                                                 Alameda                                          Creek
                  San                                            San
                              280                                Francisco
                  International                                                                                       580
                  Airport                                                        Oakland
                                   Millbrae                                      International                    San                             San
                                                                                 Airport                  880     Leandro                         Ramon
                                                    San                Bay
                                                    Mateo                            San                              Hayward               680
                          92                                                         Bridge          92

                                                               101                                                                                      Dublin/
                                                                                                                            Pleasanton                  Pleasanton
                                                                           Redwood                                                                                580
                                 35                                        City
                                                                                      Bridge    84                                                                      Livermore

                                                     I L
                                                                           Palo                                                  680
                                                                           Alto                                 880

                                                        I C


                                                                            A L
                                                                                L E Y
1                                                          Sunnyvale                          237
                                                           9               85                              San
                                                                                        San       Jose
                                                                                        International                                               BART                              N
                                                                                        Airport                                                     (Bay Area
                                                                                                                                                    Rapid Transit)

                                Full-time Berkeley MBA Program Haas School of Business   20
Learn more about the Full-time Berkeley MBA Program on our
program’s Facebook page:
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