The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...

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The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...
The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine
                                      March 2020 • £4.95

                                     Volume 42 • Issue 01


The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...
The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...
The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...

                                                                                                           T H I S                            M
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    Editor: Chris Meddings,
                 News Editor: Colin Pickett                       PAGE 74:
                  Book Reviews: Ernie Lee                         F-15 Aggressor – Aurelio Reale builds
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       Artist and Illustrator in Residence: Jan Polc
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                                                                  Frogfoot – René van der Hart conjures a beautiful but
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                                                                  PAGE 64:           Last of its Kind – The Editor build the new tool 1/32 Gladiator from ICM.

 4 W W W. S C A L E A I R C R A F T M O D E L L I N G . CO. U K
The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...

O N T H ’ S                                                                             EDITORIAL

                                          PAGE 45:
                                          Aircraft in Proile – The Avia S-199

                                                                                            t the time of writing, the modelling
                                          described in detail.
 PAGE 84:                                                                                   world has just seen the 2020
 Triple Trouble - Evangelos                                                                 Nuremberg Toy Fair. (This came a bit
 Vassilopoulos makes his SAM debut                                                   late for this issue, but a full report will be
 with no less than three Gaspatch                                                    included next month). Once again, we got
 Hs-123s.                                                                            to see all the plans and great new kits
                                                                                     manufacturers have in store for us for the
                                                                                     coming year; and once again the number
                                                                                     of goodies on ofer seem to exceed that
                                                                                     average annual build speed of the average
                                                                                         It is often said by some that ‘the hobby is
                                                                                     dying’. It’s probably true that in the UK,
                                                                                     Western Europe and US less people model
 PAGE 38:                                 PAGE 24:                                   today, than took up the hobby in the past.
 Lysander – Anders Isaksson builds and    Hisso! – Jeroen Veen joins the SAM         However, I can’t help thinking that, looking
 reviews the new Lizzie from Dora         team with a 1/32 SE.5a.                    at the huge proliferation of model
                                                                                     producing companies now, the number of
 Wings.                                                                              aftermarket producers and the variety of
                                                                                     subjects on ofer, it seems to me that while
                                                                                     it is reduced; the marked is a long, long
                                                                                     way from dead. It’s also said that kids do
                                                                                     not take up the hobby anymore, and again
                                                                                     it seems that less kids do. But years
                                                                                     working in the business in a model shop, as
                                                                                     an AM producer, with manufacturers and
                                                                                     visiting shows and model events in
                                                                                     countries across half the globe has shown
                                                                                     me that kids are still getting involved in the
                                                                                     hobby. Particularly in Eastern Europe and
 PAGE 42:                                 PAGE 70:
                                                                                     Asia, a lot more children seem to be
 The Toolbox – Jonathan Kunac-            Zero – Christof Theunissen builds the      involved in, and enjoying scale modelling.
 Tabinor describes Vacuum Forming.        1/72 A6M Prototype.                        It is sometimes said that the cost of kits is
                                                                                     prohibitive to juniors and new modellers.
                                                                                     However, there are still a lot of kits in the
                          CONTENTS                                                   range of 21st century ‘pocket money’.
                                                                                     Certainly in 1/72 and 1/144 and even some
                                                                                     1/48 kits.
 FEATURES                                 REGULARS                                     Looking at the number of new
                                                                                     companies, new kits, and the variety of
 SE.5a Hisso                         24   Update                                 6   subjects, scales and prices on ofer, it
                                                                                     seems to me that there has never been a
 Convair CV-340                      30   Kit reviews                           17
                                                                                     better time to be a scale modeller. So, while
 Lysander                            38   Book Reviews                          23   the hobby is reduced (in terms of the
                                                                                     numbers of modellers doing it), it is
 Mirage IIIC                         57   Colour Conundrum                      34   deinitely unbowed. Long may that
 Gladiator Mk.I                      64   The Toolbox: Vacuum Forming           42     Turning to this issue, I am pleased to say
                                                                                     Paul Lucas returns this month with a new
 A6M Zero                            70   Aircraft in Proile                    45   Colour Conundrum, and I welcome our
 F-15 Aggressor                      74   IPMS Guest Report: IPMS Ireland       95   regular artist, Jan Polc to the writing seat
                                                                                     with an excellent Aircraft in Proile that I
 Frogfoot Su-25UTG                   80   IPMS UK Report                        96   hope all will enjoy. Now…. Where can I get
                                                                                     an S-199 conversion…..
 Triple Trouble: Hs-123              84   The Big Show                          97   Chris Meddings

                                                                            MARCH 2020 • VOLUME 42 • ISSUE 01 5
The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...


EDUARD                                                Supermarine Spitfire Mk.VIII 1/48 ProfiPACK         Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I 1/48 Limited Edition
                                                      MiG-21MF Interceptor 1/72 Weekend “the Greys”       initial release.
                                                      P-51D Mustang 1/144th Super44 (ex-Platz)            Messerschmitt Bf 108 1/32 Weekend (ex- Foke)
Who can resist an F-104 Starfighter? Especially
one in a range of the highly attractive Japanese
                                                      March                                               September
markings. The box design of the limited edition       P-51D-10 Mustang 1/48 fillet tail with 4 marking    Messerschmitt Bf 110G-4 1/48 ProfiPACK kit with
                                                      options from the ETO to PTO.                        revisions from the original kit.
Eiko (#11130) is by Martin Lébl, and highlights
                                                      Panavia Tornado GR.1. 1/48 Limited Edition (ex-     Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I 1/48 ProfiPACK
the focus on the F-104J in Japanese service.
                                                      Revell) covering the Tornado GR.1 in RAF service.   Czechoslovak premiere.
The kit is based around the excellent Hasegawa
                                                      Messerschmitt Bf 109E-1 1/48 Weekend                MiG-19 1/48 Limited Edition
sprues and comes with a total of six diferent
                                                      MiG-21MF Fighter Bomber 1/72 ProfiPACK              Fokker D.VII 1/72 Royal Class
marking options as well as pre-painted etch and
                                                      MiG-21MF 1/144 Super44 line                         Aero L-29 Delfin 1/72 Weekend
pre-cut masking and a Brassin set.
                                                      April                                               Zlin Z-37 Cmelak 1/72 ProfiPACK
This month’s Weekend ofering from Eduard
comes in the shape of their new mould 1/48 Fw          “DU DOCH NICHT”! 1/48 Limited Edition              November
190A-8 (#84122) fighter with decals included for      including three full kits, an Albatros D.V., a      F-6D photo reconnaissance Mustang 1/48
two aircraft.                                         Fokker Dr.I and a Fokker D.VII (OAW). It will       ProfiPACK
Whilst the Weekend boxing contain neither etch        include PE, Lozenge markings, and options for       Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6/AS 1/48 Weekend
or masks, it is possible to buy these as additional   several aircraft. It will include a pilot figure,   MiG-15UTI 1/72 ProfiPACK
accessories, which Eduard list as colour photo-       perhaps two, and a small badge.                     December.
etched accessories (#FE1059) and masking sheet        Hawker Tempest Mk.V Series 2 1/48 Weekend           Supermarine Spitfire Mk.1 1/48 Royal Class
(#EX677).                                             Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10 Mtt. Regensburg 1/48       Hawker Tempest Mk.II 1/48 ProfiPACK
The MiG-21PFM is the subject of this month’s          Weekend                                             Sopwith Camel 1/72 ProfiPACK
sole 1/72 ofering (#70144). This is a ProfiPACK       MiG-21PF 1/72 ProfiPACK                             Being a company who always look to develop
edition and as such has five diferent marking         A-4E Skyhawk 1/144 Super44                          better products for modellers, Eduard are
choices, Pre-painted etch and a masking set           May                                                 pleased to announce an addition to their Brassin
making it a great choice of this iconic fighter. In   Messerschmitt Bf 108 1/32 ProfiPACK (ex- Foke)      line with two new products for their 1/48
addition to the etch parts included in the box,       Fokker D.VII (Alb.). 1/72 ProfiPACK                 Tempest Mk.V in the form of LookPlus. By taking
Eduard also ofer an additional etch upgrade to        Westland Lysander 1/48 Limited Edition (ex-         the now established LooK series of instrument
add even further detail to your MiG (#72695).         Gavia)                                              panels and matching them up with other
Again it’s possible to purchase additional plastic    In the Weekend line-up, we’ll see a 1:72nd scale    popular accessories for a kit, such as the
parts as OverTrees (#70144X) if you can’t decide      Spitfire Mk.VIII                                    Tempest, such as resin exhausts and wheels. This
which set of markings to build, as well as            MiG-21bis in the 1:144th Super44 line.              idea will also be applied to other model kits and
additional photo-etch parts to go with them                                                               may involve a LooK instrument panel with an
(#70144).                                             June
                                                                                                          exhaust and ejector seat. The series is due to be
In addition, Eduard have big plans for 2020           B-26B/C Limited Edition (ex-Hasegawa)
                                                                                                          launched at this year’s Nuremburg show.
First up is the planned release of a 1/72 VBŠ         Hawker Tempest Mk.V Series 1 1/48 Weekend
                                                                                                          This month’s raft of accessories and upgrades
Kunkadlo, in 1:72nd scale. This 1920’s sport          Edition
                                                                                                          from Eduard are all listed below.
aircraft kit will be used as a technological          Fw 190A-6 1/48 ProfiPACK
demonstrator enabling Eduard to test out some         July
                                                                                                          AIM-9X 1/72 (#672226) Brassin - resin & photo-
new methods of creating models allowing them          Morane-Saulnier Type N 1/48 ProfiPACK
                                                                                                          etched accessories for scale plastic kits.
to try new techniques on a kit, rather than in        Aero L-29 1/72 ProfiPACK (ex- AMK)
                                                                                                          Pe-2 wheels 1/72 (#672227) Brassin - resin &
pure theory.                                          F6F-3 Hellcat 1/48 Weekend
                                                                                                          photo-etched accessories for the Zvezda model
February                                              August                                              kit.
Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10 Erla 1/48 ProfiPACK          P-51D Mustang 1/48 Pacific VLR Mustangs of the      MiG-17 wheels 1/72 (#672228) Brassin - resin &
Hanriot HD.1 “Il Magnifico” Limited Edition 1/48      5th Air Army, USAAF. Premiere at the IPMS USA       photo-etched accessories for the Airfix model
Messerschmitt Bf 109G14 1/48 ProfiPACK                Nationals in San Marcos in Texas.                   kit.

  6 W W W. S C A L E A I R C R A F T M O D E L L I N G . CO. U K
The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...
MiG-17 1/72 (#SS695) Zoom Colour photo-             P-38G 1/48 (#BIG49240) BigSin set of photo-         (#481003) Photo-etched accessories for the ICM
etched accessories for the Airix model kit.         etched and mask sets for the Tamiya model kit.      model kit.
MiG-17 1/72 (#CX557) Masking sheet - die-cut        F-104G LööK early 1/48 (#644032) Brassin - resin    B-26B-50 Invader 1/48 (#491055) Photo-etched
adhesive shapes for the Airix model kit.            & photo-etched accessories for the Kinetic          accessories for the ICM model kit.
Buccaneer S.2C 1/72 (#73694) Colour photo-          model kit.                                          B-26B-50 Invader 1/48 (#FE1055) Colour photo-
etched accessories for the Airix model kit.         F-104G LööK late 1/48 (#644037) Brassin - resin &   etched accessories for the ICM model kit.
Buccaneer S.2C 1/72 (#SS694) Zoom Colour            photo-etched accessories for the Kinetic model      B-26B-50 Invader seatbelts STEEL 1/48 (#FE1056)
photo-etched accessories for the Airix model        kit.                                                Colour photo-etched accessories for the ICM
kit.                                                F-104 wheels early 1/48 (#648523) Brassin - resin   model kit.
Buccaneer S.2C 1/72 (#CX556) Masking sheet -        & photo-etched accessories for the Kinetic          B-26B-50 Invader 1/48 (#EX674) Masking sheet -
die-cut adhesive shapes for the Airix model kit.    model kit.                                          die-cut adhesive shapes for the ICM model kit.
TBF/ TBM-1 Avenger landing laps 1/72 (#72696)       F-104 wheels late 1/48 (#648524) Brassin - resin    Ar 68E 1/48 (#FE1060) Colour photo-etched
Photo-etched accessories for the Hasegawa           & photo-etched accessories for the Kinetic          accessories for the Roden model kit.
model kit.                                          model kit.                                          Ar 68E 1/48 (#EX676) Masking sheet - die-cut
TBF/ TBM-1 Avenger 1/72 (#73696) Colour             F-104 C2 ejection seat 1/48 (#648525) Brassin -     adhesive shapes for the Roden model kit.
photo-etched accessories for the Hasegawa           resin & photo-etched accessories for the Kinetic    B-17G cockpit 1/48 (#491057) Photo-etched
model kit.                                          model kit.                                          accessories for the HK Models kit.
TBF/ TBM-1 Avenger 1/72 (#SS696) Zoom Colour        F-104 MB.7 ejection seat 1/48 (#648526) Brassin -   B-17G radio compartment 1/48 (#491058)
photo-etched accessories for the Hasegawa           resin & photo-etched accessories for the Kinetic    Photo-etched accessories for the HK Models kit.
model kit.                                          model kit.                                          B-17G 1/48 (#FE1057) Colour photo-etched
SBD Dauntless 1/72 (#73697) Colour photo-           F-104G early 1/48 (#BIG49237) BigSin set of         accessories for the HK Models kit.
etched accessories for the Hasegawa model kit.      photo-etched and mask sets for the Kinetic          B-17G seatbelts STEEL 1/48 (#FE1058) Colour
SBD Dauntless 1/72 (#SS697) Zoom Colour             model kit.                                          photo-etched accessories for the HK Models kit.
photo-etched accessories for the Hasegawa           F-104G late 1/48 (#BIG49238) BigSin set of          B-17G 1/48 (#EX678) Masking sheet - die-cut
model kit.                                          photo-etched and mask sets for the Kinetic          adhesive shapes for the HK Models kit.
F-14D 1/72 (#73693) Colour photo-etched             model kit.                                          Ki-51 Sonia 1/48 (#EX675) Masking sheet - die-
accessories for the Great Wall Hobby model kit.     F-14D wheels 1/48 (#648530) Brassin - resin &       cut adhesive shapes for the Dora Wings model
F-14D 1/72 (#SS693) Zoom Colour photo-etched        photo-etched accessories for the AMK model kit.     kit.
accessories for the Great Wall Hobby model kit.     F-14D 1/48 (#491053) Photo-etched accessories       W-3A Sokol 1/48 (#EX679) Masking sheet - die-
F-14D 1/72 (#CX555) Masking sheet - die-cut         for the AMK model kit.                              cut adhesive shapes for the Answer model kit.
adhesive shapes for the Great Wall Hobby model      F-14D 1/48 (#FE1053) Colour photo-etched            Fw 190A-4 national insignia 1/48 (#D48038)
kit.                                                accessories for the AMK model kit.                  Decal Sheet for the Eduard model kit.
Ki-51 Sonia 1/72 (#CX558) Masking sheet - die-      F-14D seatbelts STEEL 1/48 (#FE1054) Colour         Fw 190A-5 national insignia 1/48 (#D48039)
cut adhesive shapes for the Clear Prop model kit.   photo-etched accessories for the AMK model kit.
                                                                                                        Decal Sheet for the Eduard model kit.
                                                    F-14D 1/48 (#EX672) Masking sheet - die-cut
T-4 1/72 (#CX559) Masking sheet - die-cut                                                               1/32
                                                    adhesive shapes for the AMK model kit.
adhesive shapes for the Hobby Boss model kit.                                                           AH-1Z 1/35 (#BIG33111) BigSin set of Photo-
                                                    F-14D TFace 1/48 (#EX673) Masking sheet - die-
Fw 190A-8 national insignia 1/72 (#D72016)                                                              etched and Mask sets for the Academy model
                                                    cut adhesive shapes for the AMK model kit.
Decal sheet for the Eduard model kit.                                                                   kit.
                                                    P-51D 110gal fuel tank 1/48 (#648531) Brassin -
1/48                                                resin & photo-etched accessories for the Eduard     Me 262A 1/32 (#BIG33110) BigSin set of Photo-
MiG-21bis LööK 1/48 (#644033) Brassin - resin &     model kit.                                          etched and Mask sets for the Revell model kit.
photo-etched accessories for the Eduard model       P-51D 165gal fuel tank 1/48 (#648532) Brassin -     He 111P-1 1/32 (#32963) Photo-etched
kit.                                                resin & photo-etched accessories for the Eduard     accessories for the Revell model kit.
P-38F/ G undercarriage legs BRONZE 1/48             model kit.                                          He 111P-1 1/32 (#33246) Colour photo-etched
(#648521) Brassin - resin & photo-etched            P-51D ESSENTIAL 1/48 (#SIN64865) BigSin set of      accessories for the Revell model kit.
accessories for the Tamiya model kit.               Photo-etched and Mask sets for the Eduard           P-40N LööK 1/32 (#634016) Brassin - resin &
P-38F 1/48 (#BIG49239) BigSin set of photo-         model kit.                                          photo-etched accessories for scale plastic kits for
etched and mask sets for the Tamiya model kit.      B-26B-50 Invader undercarriage & exterior 1/48      the Trumpeter model kit.

                                                                                         MARCH 2020 • VOLUME 42 • ISSUE 01 7
The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...

SPECIAL HOBBY                                         with the Italian theme, the forthcoming 1/48           using specially designed bomb racks. This set is                          Special Hobby Reggiane Re.2005 (#SH48206)              designed to it any of the Special Hobby/MPM A-
                                                      development continues with both decals and             20s, and includes the racks and bombs,
Congratulations to Special Hobby for their            camoulage schemes ready for inspection.                consisting of resin and photo etched parts
ModellFan magazine award for ‘the Model of the
Year 2020’ received for their 1/72 SMB-2 Super        The ever expanding CMK accessories range is to         German WW1 Airmen - pilot (H.G.) in light suit,
Mystere kit.                                          encompass sets to be added to the highly               pilot in uniform and mechanic 1/72 (#129-
                                                      popular 1/48 Siebel Si 204/Aero C-3 with the           F72362). A trio of standing igures, two oicers
A brand new ofering for 2020 is a 1/72 Heinkel        addition of an intricately detailed resin and          and a mechanic of the Imperial German Air
He 162A Spatz. (#SH72341) which is due for            photo-etch engine set (#CMK 4386). In addition         Service.
release in spring 2020.                               to this will be a further mechanic posed to be
                                                                                                             F4F-4 Wildcat Interior 1/72 (#129-7434).
 Again in 1/72 Piaggio P.108 ‘Quadrimotore’           working on the Siebel Si 204D / Aero C-3A kits.
                                                                                                             Designed to it the Airix kit, this set completely
(#SH72406) which is due in the Spring utilising       Spitire Mk.XIV ‘'Bubble Canopy’ Cockpit 1/48           replaces the kit’s cockpit parts increasing the
the plastic parts from the previous release, kit      (#129-4397). This resin set directly replaces all      level of interior detail signiicantly. The set also
SH72035, but adding new resin parts, decals and       the plastic interior parts of Airix’s Spitire Mk.XIV   brings the landing gear bay bulkhead, photo-
a new plastic sprue to relect the revised aircraft.   kit. It also includes a fret of photo-etch.            etched clear pre-printed ilm. The etch includes
In the more immediate future we can look              MD-3 Ground Power Unit 1/48 (#129-8058). The           the instrument panel, seat belts, some more
forward to the colourful and fascinating Potez        set also contains a PE fret and a sheet of decals.     cockpit detail and also the actuation chain on
25TOE ‘For France – anytime, anywhere’ 1/72           A-20 Havoc/Wing Racks and Bombs 1/72 (#129-            the undercarriage bay bulkhead.
(#100-SH72407)                                        Q72359). The A-20 Havoc bombers of the USAAF,          F4F-4 Wildcat Dinghy Set 1/72 (#129-7435). An
In 1/48 the J-20/Héja I 'Re 2000 Export Birds'        and mainly those lown over Europe, were able           additional item for the Airix model which ofers
(#SH48208) model kit should be ready for              to carry their bomb load not just internally in the    an open dorsal compartment with the inlatable
release in the irst half of 2020. Whilst, sticking    fuselage bomb bays, but under their wings too,         dinghy.

 8 W W W. S C A L E A I R C R A F T M O D E L L I N G . CO. U K
The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...
The best-selling International Aircraft Modelling Magazine - PLUS: CONVAIR CV-340, Pt.3 OF THE DAMBUSTER'S LANCASTER BIG BUILD, 1/48 Su-25UTG ...

                                                      1/48                                                   subjects is Das Werk’s announcement of a 1/32
                                                      Sabre F.4                                              Ju EF-126 „Elli“/EF-127 „Walli“
                                                                                                             Entwicklungslugzeug – Jägernotprogramm
                                                      Canadair Sabre F.4 New Tool (#A08109)                  (DW32001).
                                                      Top Gun
                                                      This summer’s ilm event, the long awaited
                                                      second Top Gun movie, has resulted in Airix are
                                                      re-releasing the three ilm speciic kits from the
                                                      Top Gun Jester's A-4 Skyhawk 1/72 (#A00501)
                                                      Expected: Spring 2020
                                                      Top Gun F5-E Tiger II "THE MIG" 1/72
                                                      (#A00502) Expected: Spring 2020
AIR-GRAPHICS                                          Top Gun Maverick's F-14A Tomcat 1/72                           (#A00503) Expected: Spring 2020
A great list of new releases from Air-Graphics this   Top Gun Maverick's F-18 Hornet 1/72                    DORA WINGS
month starting with six resin sets in 1/72.           (#A00504) Expected: Spring 2020              
AM39 Exocet Missile Set (#AC-250)                     Top Gun Maverick's P-51D Mustang 1/72                  Kits of the elegant Dewoitine D.500 are rare
Westland Wessex Commando Weapons Pack Inc.            (#A00505) Expected: Spring 2020                        enough, but with the announcement of a 1/32
SS11 missiles (#AC-251)                                                                                      model (DW32001) Dora Wings certainly know
Harrier Intakes and Exhaust set (Ex Model                                                                    how to entice modellers, especially with such
Alliance) (#AC-252)                                                                                          glorious artwork by Elena Stanilevich.
AIM-9X Sidewinder Missiles (#AC-253)                                                                         They also follow up their MB.151 (which we
                                                                                                             featured in a review build in November’s issue)
F-5/T-38 Ejector Seats (#AC-254)                                                                             with an MB.152 C1 in 1/48.
AS-565 Panther 'Pedro' Interior and Engine Detail                                                            Sticking with a French theme, Dora Wings intend
set (#CS-011)                                                                                                to bring a whole host of 1/48 Morane-Saulnier
                                                                                                             MS 406 / 410 aircraft to the market.

                                                      Love them or hate them, Drones or UCAV as they
                                                      are also known, are now a vital part of any air
                                                      forces inventory, and the Russian air force is no
                                                      exception. Arma bring us a Heavy Strike UCAV
                                                      the Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik, in 1/72 (#AM7233)

Three new releases from AIMS, all focused
directly at the ICM Gloster Gladiator in 1/32. The
irst is a correction set for the upper ailerons
which have oversized hinges on the kit parts
(#32P019). A set of etched brass landing laps
(32PE011), and additional decals featuring ive
aircraft (#32D018) to add some options to this                                                               FOXBOT DECALS
well received kit.                                                                                 
                                                      CLEAR PROP                                             Two new sets of decals from Foxbot this month
                                                                       in the form of both 1/72 and 1/144 Ukrainian
                                                      Clear Prop Models have announced a 1/72                markings for the Antonov An-26 (#144-001)
                                                      Lavochkin La-5. In addition to they have teased a      “with teeth” for the Eastern Express kit and (#72-
                                                      3D render of a new tool 1/72 Sukhoi Su-25              028) with teeth for the Amodel kits
                                                      Also on the way, and visible as a 3D render, is a
                                                      new 1/72 OV-1 D Mohawk as well as the more
                                                      esoteric Douglas A2D Skyshark in 1/48 making
AIRFIX                                                for a more unusual addition.
That time of year is upon us, when Airix let us
know their intended releases for the year, and
whilst the big news of the new Vulcan had been
presented at Telford, there are a few surprises in
the listing which should be well received. In
addition to rereleases, Airix are bringing us:
Spitfire MkVc New Tool (#A02108) Expected:                                                                   AZUR FRROM
Autumn 2020                                                                                        
Avro Vulcan B.2 New Tool (#A12011) Expected:                                                                 News via Special Hobby, who work in
Autumn 2020                                           DAS WERK MODELS                                        partnership with Azur Frrom, informing us that
Bristol Beaufort Mk.1 New Tool (#A04021)                           they will be releasing a 1/72 Martin B-10 / model
Expected: Autumn 2020                                 A great surprise, especially for builders of Luft’46   139 in three diferent boxings.

10 W W W. S C A L E A I R C R A F T M O D E L L I N G . CO. U K

                                                      LUKGRAPH                                               found on virtually every continent and certainly
                                                                                                             starred in a good few TV shows and ilms of the
                                                                                                             1970’s and 80’s.
                                                      Lukgraph present the last of the 1/32 "Baby"
                                                      family, the Italian Ansaldo which is now ready to
                                                      ship (#32-24). The kit includes a 3D printed Le
                                                      Rhone engine and two types of engine covers.
                                                      All of the struts and wings are reinforced by wire
                                                      to help maintain both their strength and shape.
                                                      Decals are included for two alternate paint

IBG will have a built-up prototype of their
forthcoming PZL P.11c in 1/32 at Nuremberg.
Built by Andrzej "Flacha" Ligocki, this looks to be
                                                                                                             OFFSET SCALE MODELS
a most beautiful and impressive model of the                                                       
gull winged ighter.                                                                                          Slovak modeller Štefan Pásztor is starting a new
                                                                                                             aftermarket business. One of the irst models to
                                                                                                             be released will be Russian deck tractor to go
                                                                                                             with all your Su-33 and other Russian Navy
                                                      MINIART                                                aircraft in 1/72 and 1/48.
                                                      Continuing their line of excellent 1/35 Cierva
                                                      C.30 gyrocopter kits is the Cierva C.30 with
                                                      winter skis (#41014), very apt for the time of
                                                      year. As with the previous oferings the kit ofers
                                                      a high level of detail with six sprues of parts plus
                                                      a set of injected clear components too. The kit
                                                      also includes a set of etched parts along with
ISRADECAL                                             decals for four diferent aircraft. The model is             designed so that it is possible to display the
                                                      various hatches opened or closed.
The range of diferent aircraft operated by the
IAF never ceases to amaze, and the release of a
multimedia kit of the Dornier Do.28 in 1/48 is a
very pleasing sight.                                                                                         RODEN
                                                                                                             Roden is to release a 1/32 scale kit of the
                                                                                                             Boeing/Stearman PT-13 Kaydet (#631) a training
                                                                                                             aircraft which saw a great deal of use by the
                                                                                                             American air services and American trained
                                                                                                             airmen during WWII.
                                                                                                             The scourge of the Atlantic, the Fw 200 Condor is
                                                      MIKRO-MIR                                              also to be the subject of a new 1/144 Roden kit
                                                                       (#340) and is sure to be welcomed as a source of
                                                      Great news for Helicopter modellers from Mikro-        great delight to those seeking to build the type
                                                      Mir / AMP in the form of a 1/32 Hughes model           in a shelf friendly scale as well as those looking
                                                      269/TH-55 Osage, a training type which was later       to relect the many versions of the type in “Civil”
ITALERI                                               marketed by Schwizer as the model 300 and is           and Luftwafe service.
A good part of Italeri’s announcements for 2020
are re-releases, however there are some exciting
new tools on the way:
F-35 B Lightning II (#1425) New Tool
Spitire Mk.1 (#2792 New Tool
Panavia Tornado GR.4 1/32 (#2513) New Tool
NATO Pilots and Ground Crew and
Accessories (#2511 New Tool

                                                      MODELSVIT                                              incredible, with a wingspan of 1.23 m (48.3
                                                                                                             inches). The fuselage and wings are produced by
                                                                                                             using reinforced iberglass composite, making
                                                      Form an orderly line for a model of arguably the       them very durable. During storage and
                                                      world’s largest aircraft as Modelsvit are very glad    transportation it is possible to remove the wings
                                                      to announce that their An-225 "Mriya" in 1/72 is       from the fuselage. Building this monster is going
                                                      scheduled for release this March. The kit comes        to require some serious forward planning and
                                                      with a PE sheet, adhesive masks, and decals for 4      space.
                                                      liveries and consists of 975 parts. The size is

12 W W W. S C A L E A I R C R A F T M O D E L L I N G . CO. U K
Jan & Tony's retail counter is open at 4 Horton Parade, Horton
                                                                                                                                                                                        Road, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 8EP. We are open for
                                                                                                                                                                                              business Monday thru Saturday, 10.00 to16.00,
                                                                                                                                                                                      We carry a varied range of aviation related books from major
                                                                                                                                                                                            publishers, and a large range of plastic model kits &
                                                                                                                                                                                      accessories. We ofer a 10% discount to ATC Squadrons, IPMS
                                                                                                                                                                                         members and genuine model clubs/societies on over the
                                                                                                                                                                                       counter sales on production of a current membership card.
                                                                                                                                                                                            We attend numerous aviation related events, lyins,
                                                                                                                                                                                      conventions and a number of model shows. We look forward
                                                                                                                                                                                        to seeing you soon. We accept major credit cards, cheques
                                                                                                                                                                                          and postal orders for mail order, which should be made
                                                                                                                                                                 SAM3                   payable to AJ Aviatioon. Mail order is post free in the UK,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and at cost for our overseas customers.

AA SELECTION OF BOOKS FOR THE MODELLER                      NAA B-45 Tornado                   (Warpaint) £15./00       IAF32    Israeli A/F Mystere IV     1/72 scale...£8.99   A06021 Blackburn Buccaneer S.2 RN           £26.99
B-58 Hustler Units                       (Osprey) £14.99    Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1944 - Part One £25.00             IAF33    Israeli A/F Mirage IIIC/B 1/48 scale...£11.99   A06304 WWII USAAF 8th Bomber
Blackbushe-London’s lost airport                            Panavia Tornado ADV                 (Warpaint) £16.00       IAF34    Israeli A/F Mirage IIIC/B 1/72 scale...£11.99   Re-supply Set                               £26.99
1942-60 - A history of RAF Hartford Bridge                  Spitires over Berlin                 (Tempest) £24/99       IAF35    F-4E Phantom Stencils Camo a/c                  A08013A Avro Lancaster B.III                £32.99
1942-44 & Blackbushe Airport 1944-60(AJ) £14.99             Strategic Air Command in the UK          (Crecy) £29.95                                        1/72 scale...£11.99   A08015A Douglas Dakota MKIII RAF Edition £32.99
Blohm & Voss Bv 155                    (Mortons) £12.99     Super Mystere & Sa'ar               (Isra Decal) £33.99     IAF36 RF-4 Phantom Stencils Camo a/c                     A08017 Boeing B17G Flying Fortress          £32.99
British Fighter Aircraft SE.5a (Top Drawings) £17.99        The Luftwafe in Africa 1941-1943 (Casemate) £19.99                                             1/72 scale...£11.99   A08019 Vickers Wellington Mk.1A/C           £32.99
Canadian Silver Stars - the CL-30 T-Bird(Double Ugly)       The Sukhoi Su 24               (Top Drawings) £17.99        IAF37 F-4E Phantom Stencils Camo a/c                     A08020 Vickers Wellington GR Mk.VIII        £32.99
£40.00                                                                                                                                                     1/48 scale...£12.50
                                                            The Sukhoi Su 27/Su 33         (Top Drawings) £17.99                                                                 A09009 Armstrong Whitworth
Canadian Starighters - CF-104/CF-104D                                                                                   IAF38 RF-4 Phantom Stencils Camo a/c                     Whitley Mk.VII                         1:72 £38.99
                                   (Double Ugly) £30.00     The Ultimate Guide to Make Buildings                                                           1/48 scale...£12.50
                                                            in Dioramas                                 (AK) £9.99                                                               A11005 Avro Shackleton AEW.2                £44.99
Cold War Interceptor - The RAF's                                                                                        IAF39 F-4E Phantom Stencils Camo a/c
F.155T/D.O.R.329 Fighter Projects (Mortons) £27.50          The Vickers Viscount - The World's                                                             1/32 scale...£15.99   AIRFIX 1/48 scale plastic kits
                                                            First Turboprop Airliner             (Frontline) £16.99                                                              A05120B Messerschmitt Me109E-4/E-1          £22.99
Concorde 50 Years                      (Mortons) £6.99                                                                  IAF40 RF-4 Phantom Stencils Camo a/c
                                                            Typhoon to Typhoon                       (Crecy) £29.95                                        1/32 scale...£15.99   A05129 Hawker Hurricane Mk.I Tropical       £22.99
Dassault Mirage F1             (Duke Hawkinns) £20.99
                                                            Westland Scout & Wasp               (Warpaint) £15.00       AIRFIX 1/72 scale plastic kits                           A05131 North American P-51D Mustang         £22.99
deHavilland Comet - The World's
First Commercial Jetliner             (Frontline) £15.99    Wing Leader Magazine No.4                         £15.00    A03029A Douglas A-4B/Q Skyhawk                  £13.99   A05133 Curtiss Tomahawk MK.IIB              £22.99
deHavilland (Canada) DHC-1 Chipmunk                         ISRA DECALS - scale as noted                                A03085A Bae Hawk T.Mk.1A                        £13.99   A05135 Supermarine Spitire FR Mk.XIV        £22.99
                                      (Warpaint) £14.00     IAF20 Israeli F-15 "MiG Killers" 1/48 scale £10.99          A03087 Junkers Ju87 B-1 Stuka                   £13.99   A05136 North American F-51D Mustang         £22.99
Early Jet Bombers 1944-1954 (Pen & Sword) £14.99            IAF21 Israeli A/F F-16C/D Barak 1/48 scale £10.99           A03088 Messerschmitt ME262A-1A                  £13.99   A05137 Mustang Mk.IV/P-51K Mustang          £22.99
Fall or Iron - Light & Medium Bomber                        IAF22 Israeli A/F F-16A/B Nets 1/48 scale...£10.99          A03090 Messerschmitt ME262A-2A                  £13.99   A05138 P51D Mustang (Filletless Tails)      £22.99
A/c of WWII                           (Warpaint) £18.00     IAF23 Israeli A/F Helicopters 1/48 scale...£10.99           A03091 MiG 17F                                  £13.99   A06101A Supermarine Spitire F.Mk.22/24 £26.99
French Flying Boats 1924-1939           (Stratus) £18.00    IAF24 Israeli A/F H-60 Blackhawk                            A04016 Bristol Blenheim Mk.1                    £19.99   A06106 Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 'Export'       £26.99
Grumman f-14ATomcat                    (Kit Build) £17.99                                          1/35 scale...£7.99   A04056 Westland Sea King HC.4                   £19.99   A07115 Junkers Ju 87B-2/R-2                 £27.99
Hawker Fury & Nimrod                  (Warpaint) £16.00     IAF25 Israeli A/F Gloster Meteor                            A04058 Nakajima B5N2 'Kate'                     £19.99   A09184 Gloster Meteor F.8 Korea             £38.99
Haynes Icons Maual - Concorde           (Haynes) £12.99                                          1/48 scale...£10.99    A04060 Nakajima B5N1 "Kate"                     £19.99   A09185 Hawker Hunter F.6                    £38.99
Henschel Hs 129 Panzerjager                        £60.00   IAF26 Israeli A/F Gloster Meteor 1/72 scale...£7.99         A04062 Messerschmitt Me262B-1a/U1               £19.99   A09186 Bristol Blenheim Mk.IF               £38.99
Lockheed XF-90 Penetration Fighter                          IAF27 Israeli A/F SNCASO Vautour                            A04063 Westland Sea King HAR.3/Mk.43 £19.99
                                                                                                 1/48 scale...£10.99                                                             A09187 Supermarine Walrus Mk.1
                             (Air Force Legends) £38.99                                                                 A05042A English Electric Lightning F6           £22.99   'Silver Wings'                              £38.99
Me 210/410 Zerstorer Units               (Osprey) £14.99    IAF28 Israeli A/F SNCASO Vautour
                                                                                                   1/72 scale...£7.99   A05330 Bomber Re-supply Set                   1£22.99    A09188 Gloster Meteor FR.9                  £38.99
Mitchell Masterpieces - Illustrated History                                                                             A06015 North American B25C/D Mitchell £26.99             A09189 Hawker Hunter F.4/F.5/J.34           £38.99
of Paint Jobs on B-25s in Foreign Mil Service               IAF29 Israeli A/F Super Mystere B2
Vol.2                                  (Lanasta) £32.99                                          1/48 scale...£11.99    A06016 McDonnell Douglas Phantom FG.1 £26.99             AIRFIX 1/24 scale plastic kits
Mitchell Masterpieces - Illustrated History                 IAF30 Israeli A/F Super Mystere B2                          A06017 McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.2 £26.99            A19004 Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat               £119.99
of Paint Jobs on B-25s in Foreign Mil Service                                                      1/72 scale...£9.99   A06018 North American Mitchell Mk.II            £26.99   RODEN 1/32 scale AIRCRAFT ENGINES
Vol.1                                  (Lanasta) £29.99     IAF31 Israeli A/F Mystere IV           1/48 scale...£9.99   A06020 North American B-25B Mitchell            £26.99   ROD621 Gnome Monosoupape 100hp              £21.99

RESKIT                                              ICM Kit (#RSU48-0043).                              Su-30SM parking position exhaust nozzles for                                   MiG-25 P, PD, PDS Foxbat exhaust nozzles for        ZVEZDA Kit (#RSU72-0046).
Reskit inform us that they have a set of wheels     KITTY HAWK Kit (#RSU48-0044).                       Su-30SM ly position exhaust nozzles for
bay for the MiG-25 in 1/48 and 1/72 in the          MiG-25 RB, RBT, BM, RBK, RBF, RBSh Foxbat           ZVEZDA Kit (#RSU72-0047).
design phase and back this with CAD renders of      exhaust nozzles for KITTY HAWK Kit (#RSU48-
the parts. No mention of which kits they are        0045).
intended to it as yet, but the extensive list of                                                        RS MODELS
                                                    Folding tail for СH-53E super stallion / MH -53E
planned releases for 2020 from Reskit may just                                                
                                                    super stallion (for Academy Kit) (#RSU48-0046).
yield some clues.                                                                                       Two new kits due from RS Models both of which
                                                    Su-35 parking position exhaust nozzles for Great
1/32                                                                                                    will be released in a number of diferent boxing’s
                                                    Wall Hobby Kit (#RSU48-0055).
                                                                                                        to suit the discerning modeller. The irst is the
F-16 A "Fighting Falcon" wheels set (#RS32-         Su-35 ly position exhaust nozzles for Great Wall    Dornier Do 22 seaplane in 1/72. (#92245 &
0023).                                              Hobby Kit (#RSU48-0056).                            #92244).
F-16 (B/C block 29-39) "Fighting Falcon" wheels     Su-35 parking position exhaust nozzles for KITTY    Next up is the Caudron C-4451. Also in 1/72 (#
set (#RS32-0024).                                   HAWK Kit (#RSU48-0057).                             92239) which was created to meet the
F-16 (C) block 40-52 "Fighting Falcon" wheels set   Su-35 ly position exhaust nozzles for KITTY         requirement for a fast, economical and
(#RS32-0025).                                       HAWK Kit (#RSU48-0058).                             comfortable transport aircraft. This kit will
F-16 (I) "Sufa" wheels set (#RS32-0026).            Mirage III C/J exhaust nozzles for Hobby Boss Kit   include decals for four diferent aircraft.
Mirage III (B, C) wheels set (#RS32-0028).          (#RSU48-0060).
Mirage III (D/E/R/S) wheels set (#RS32-0029).       Mirage III C exhaust nozzles for EDUARD Kit         SCALE AIRCRAFT
Mirage 2000 wheels set (#RS32-0034).                                                                    CONVERSIONS
Me.262 Type 1 wheels set (#RS32-0204).                                                        
                                                    Kh-29T (AS-14B 'Kedge) missile (2 pcs) (#RS72-
Me.262 Type 2 wheels set (#RS32-0205).                                                                  Three new sets of metal undercarriage from SAC,
1/48                                                                                                    the irst for the 1/32 Italeri F-104G Starighter kit
                                                    Kh-29L (AS-14A 'Kedge) missile (2 pcs) (#RS72-
Kh-29T (AS-14B 'Kedge) missile (2 pcs) (#RS48-                                                          providing much needed additional strength to
0101).                                                                                                  the landing gear(#32149). In the same vein we
                                                    Pe-2 wheels set (#RS72-0189).                       also have a set for the 1/48 ICM A/B-26B Invader
Kh-29L (AS-14A 'Kedge) missile (2 pcs) (#RS48-                                                          (#48376) and 1/48 Hong Kong Models B-17G
                                                    Me.262 Type 1 wheels set (#RS72-0204).
0102).                                                                                                  Flying Fortress (#48377). Well worth the
                                                    Me.262 Type 2 wheels set (#RS72-0205).
RBK-500-375 АО-10 Cluster bomb (2 pcs) (#RS48-                                                          investment if you have a heavy model or
0139).                                              RA-5 Vigilante wheels set (#RS72-0213).             transport your completed kits to shows etc.
Pe-2 wheels set (#RS48-0189).                       S-3 Viking wheels set (#RS72-0215).
Me.262 Type 1 wheels set (#RS48-0204).              Mitsubishi F-2 wheels set (#RS72-0222).
                                                                                                        SILVER WINGS
Me.262 Type 2 wheels set (#RS48-0205).              Canberra wheels bays for AMP, Mikro-Mir and
                                                    S&M Models kits (#RSU72-0033).
RA-5 Vigilante wheels set (#RS48-0213).                                                                 For many years the only way to produce a
                                                    MiG-25 RB, RBT, BM, RBK, RBF, RBSh Foxbat
S-3 Viking wheels set (#RS48-0215).                                                                     decent sized D.H Tiger Moth was to hunt down
                                                    exhaust nozzles for ICM Kit (#RSU72-0042).
Mitsubishi F-2 wheels set RS48-0222).                                                                   the now elderly Matchbox kit, however Silver
                                                    MiG-25 PD/PDS Foxbat exhaust nozzles for ICM        Wings are about to up the Tiger Moth game with
MiG-25 RB, RBT, BM, RBK, RBF, RBSh Foxbat           Kit (#RSU72-0043).                                  the introduction of their new kit of the 1/32 De
exhaust nozzles for ICM Kit (#RSU48-0042).          Folding tail for СH-53E Super Stallion / MH -53E    Havilland D.H.82A. Markings will be provided for
MiG-25 P, PD, PDS Foxbat exhaust nozzles for        super stallion (for Italeri Kit) (#RSU72-0044).     6 aircraft

14 W W W. S C A L E A I R C R A F T M O D E L L I N G . CO. U K

Although the title may sound ambiguous, Swords kit
“Seafires” (#SW72129) does exactly what the name
suggests, as it contains five complete 1/72
Supermarine Seafire kits, namely the Mk.III, Mk.IIc, XV
Early and XV Late versions as well as an F.17.

The eighth issue of Valiant Wings superb Airframe
Detail series has been announced, and this time
Richard Franks will be focusing on the Gotha Go 229.
The Luftwafe’s lying wing has been kitted numerous
times, and this publication will easily become the go-to
book for anyone building a model of the type from the
Zoukei`-Mura 1/144, 1/72, 1/48 or 1/32 scale kits,
through to the older Dragon 1/48 example or even the
classic PM 1/72 scale version.

Werner's Wings have announced the release of their
latest decal sheet, entitled “Pavehawk- Combat Rescue-
Part 2” (#WW Decals 35-11). Designed with the Kitty
Hawk HH-60G Pavehawk kit in mind, but these decals
will also fit the Academy kit

Those of you with a leaning towards Japanese aircraft
from WWII will delight at the Wingsy announcement of
a D5-05 IJA Type 99 assault/reconnaissance Ki-51
“Sonia”, in 1/48, whilst they also work towards
producing a new tool 1/48 Bf-109E.

Soon to arrive from Wolfpack is their take on the
Academy / Hobbycraft 1/48 Seversky P-35A "USAAF"
(#WP14808). The kit will include all the usual Wolfpack
additions that make their model kits so sought after,
including colour printed Photo-etch parts, canopy and
wheel masking, as well as a set of four decal options for
USAAF aircraft based in the Philippines by Cartograf,
Wolfpack are also known for their range of superb resin
accessories and have a 1/48 Lockheed C2 Ejection seat
in development for the Kinetic 1/48 F-104 series.

Yahu specialise in producing single pre-painted etch
frets of instrument panels and other details for various
aircraft and have shared a list of their proposed
releases for the first part of 2020. These are ideal if you
only want the very minimum of etch in your model
Yak-1B Late (#YMA7318).
F-4C Phantom II (#YMA4866).
F4F-4 Wildcat early YMA4886).
B-17G (HKM) (#YMA4884).
P-38F (Tamiya) (#YMA4887).
P-38G (Tamiya) (#YMA4889).
Reggiane 2005 (#YMA4888).
W-3A Sokol (Czech) (#YMA4885).
PZL P.11C (IBG) (#YMA3257).
Gladiator Mk.I Late & Mk.II

16 W W W. S C A L E A I R C R A F T M O D E L L I N G . CO. U K

Xtradecal F104 Starfighter                                                                          (1/72)
Decals 72314 and 72315                                RF-104G Starighter '9054/FX90' of 10th Tactical                                    Wing, Belgian Air Force, Kleine-Brogel, Belgium,
                                                      1980. USAF style SEA two greens and tan over

        esigned I would guess for the more
        recent Revell or Hasegawa models, but         light gray.
        perfectly suitable for other ”legacy” kits,   CF-104 Starighter, '104761', of the 4th Wing,
Xtradecal gives the 1/72nd scale modeller a           Canadian Armed Forces, CFB Baden- Solellingen,
smorgasbord of schemes over two sheets.               West Germany, 1983. Green and Gray over light
Sharply printed with good density my sheet            gray.
72314 had the green centres for the Italian           F-104G Starighter, 'R-345' of Esk.723, Royal
version printed slightly out of register- which is    Danish Air Force, Aalborg, Denmark, 1980s.
very noticeable in the smaller roundels. Options      Overall FS 3407 Olive green.
for sheet 72314 are as follows:
                                                      CF-104G Starighter, '4870' of 331 Skvadron,
F-104G Starighter '32733', '161-25' of Escadron       Norwegian Air Force, Bodo, Norway, late-1970s.
61, Ala 6, Spanish Air Force, Torrejon, Spain,        Overall FS 3407 Olive green.
1965-66. Overall gloss grey ADC gray with white
upper wings.                                          F-104G Starighter, '12623/FG-623', Turkish Air
                                                      Force), Turkey, 1965. Natural metal with white
RF-104G Starighter '12235/W-FN' of 331                upper wings and ADC gray underwings.
Skvadron, Norweigan Air Force, Bode, Norway,
1964. Natural metal with white upper wings and        F-104G Starighter, 'JA+124', of Jagdgeschwader
ADC gray underwings.                                  'Richthofen' (JG 71), German Air Force,
                                                      Wittmund, West Germany, 1965. RAL Grey and
F-104G Starighter, 'D-8288' of 322 Squadron,          Green over Silver Grey.
Commando Luchtverdedinging, Royal
Netherlands Air Force, Leeuwarden, Netherlands,       F-104G Starighter, '6-19' of 154 Gruppo/6
1970's. RAL Grey and Green over Silver Grey.          Stormo, Italian Air Force), Ghedi, Italy, Summer,
                                                      1965. RAL Grey and Green over Aluminium.
F-104G Starighter, '26+65', of
Marineliegergeschwader 1 (MFG 1), German              F-104J Starighter, '56-8672', of 201st Hikotai,
Navy, Schleswig-Jagel, West Germany, 1983.            2nd Kokudan, Japan Air Self Defence Force,
Basalt Grey over Silver Grey                          Chitose Air Base, Japan, 1970's. Natural metal
                                                      with white /gray wings and luorescent tip tank
F-104S Starighter, '37-11/MM6795’ of 18               centres and inlets.
Gruppo/37 Stormo, Italian Air Force,
Trapani/Birgi, Italy, 1996. Overall FS36280           F-104G Starighter 'C8-1/104-01' of Escadron
Medium Gray.                                          104, Ala 6/16, Spanish Air Force, Torrejon, Spain,
                                                      1965-72. Overall gloss grey ADC gray with white
F-104G Starighter '62-12347/4414' of 8                upper wings.
Squadron, 427th Wing, Republic of China Air
Force, Ching Chuan Kang Air Base, Taiwan,             RF-104G Starighter, 'D-8107' of of OCU/306
1970's. Overall ADC Gray.                             Squadron, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Volkel,
                                                      Netherlands, 1970's. RAL Grey and Green over
F-104G Starighter, '6_164' Turkish Air Force,         Silver Grey.
based in Turkey, 1980's. Overall “light grey” with
Fluorescent orange mid sections to the tip tanks.     F-104S Starighter, '5-30' of 23 Gruppo/5 Stormo,
                                                      Italian Air Force, Rimini, Italy, 1986. FS36152 Grey
F-104G Starighter, 'FX-1', Belgian Air Force,         and 34064 Green over 17178 Aluminium lacquer.
based in Belgium, 14 February, 1963. Natural
metal with white upper wings and ADC gray             F-104G Starighter '802' of NASA, based at
underwings.                                           Dryden Flight Research Facility, California, USA,
                                                      1980's. White with dark blue centre stripe and
CF-104 Starighter, ‘104779', of 421 Squadron,         medium blue lowers separated by yellow cheat
Canadian Armed Forces, Zweibrücken, West              lines. Yellow NASA lash on in.
Germany, 1972. Natural metal with white upper
wings and ADC gray underwings.                        F-104G Starighter, '6_093' of Turkish Air Force,
                                                      Turkey, 1970's. Basalt Grey over Silver Grey with
F-104G Starighter, 'R-346' of Esk.723 Royal           Fluorescent orange mid sections to the tip tanks.
Danish Air Force, Aalborg, Denmark, 14 February,
1966. Overall gloss grey ADC gray with white             Two nice sets that aren’t just the 1/48th scale
upper wings.                                          ones scaled down. Hopefully the mis-register on
                                                      the irst sheet one just a one-of. But as ever, if
RF-104G Starighter, 'FG-6693', of 116 Pterix,         you can check before you buy it’s a good idea.
Greek Air Force), Araxos, Greece, 1992. USAF          JKT
style SEA two greens and tan over light
'4-27' of 9
Italian Air
1989. Overall
‘Ferrari Red’.
Sheet 72315
Part 2 has the
options, all
sharply printed
with thin carrier
ilm, and
perfectly in

                                                                                              MARCH 2020 • VOLUME 42 • ISSUE 01 17

1:10 Blériot XI
Amati Model                            period photo and detail image.          tailplane and part of the fuselage,
Catalogue # 1712/01                    You’ll also get a good idea of the      and this will need to be ‘doped’
Available from                         size of this project when               with a thinned mixture of PVA to
                                       completed, with the given sizes         make it taught. The instructions                 being:                                  come in the form of a 60-page, full
The kit                                Wingspan: 84cm                          colour manual with photographic
                                       Fuselage length: 80cm                   steps to guide your way. The text is

     his kit is certainly not a new
     release, but one which is                                                 in Italian, but an amendment sheet
                                          The kit is truly a multimedia        is supplied that contains English
     woefully underrepresented         experience, and comprises of
both in print and online. As you                                               instructions. This is a highly
                                       several sheets of high-grade ply, all   detailed model with a beautiful
would guess from a 1:10 aeroplane,     laser-cut with minimal scorching,
the box for the Blériot isn’t too      three trays of components               Anzani 3-cylinder engine and a
small, with it taking up a             including many sheets of photo-         large wooden propeller. If you’ve
reasonable chunk of my worktop         etch parts, shaped parts for the fuel   ever fancied building something
real estate. Amati always ship in      tank, plus spoked wheels which          from the early era of light, then
beautiful boxes, and this sturdy and   you will actually assemble yourself,    this aircraft, the irst to ever enter
glossy crate is no exception, with a   in pretty much the same way as the      military service, should be right up
very nice photo of a inished Blériot   original. High quality cloth is         your alley!
model on the lid, along with a         supplied for covering the wings,        James Hatch

18 W W W. S C A L E A I R C R A F T M O D E L L I N G . CO. U K

Scale Aircraft Conversions
Replacement Metal                   Casting is clean and
Landing Gear                     sharp. There are mould-
1/32 and 1/48                    separation lines, but
Cast White Metal                 nothing you can’t easily
www.scaleaircraftconversi        polish out. On some parts                         there is evidence of
   This month we have            bending, a perennial issue
three sets of white metal        with white metal, but they
replacement landing gear         look easy enough to
from Scale Aircraft              straighten out. Given the
Conversions for review.          three models involved here
They are:                        are larger models, the extra
                                 strength these metal parts
48376; Landing gear for the
                                 lend your landing gear
new ICM 1/48 A-26B
                                 should be an improvement
                                 over the kit parts, and in
48377; Landing gear for the      addition Scale Aircraft
new Hong Kong Models             Conversions have improved
1/48 B-17G                       the detail of the parts.
32149; F-104G Starighter         Overall, useful additions to
Landing Gear (for Italeri)       your models. CM

Dials and Knobs (200pcs)                             dials (twenty pieces of each type). Printing is
1/32 and 1/35                                        superb, no layers and striations here. Just crisp
3D Printed Resin                                     and clean parts printed at a very high deinition.                                          The range of generic shapes should be useful on
  ANYZ already make some superb decals for           a wide variety of projects.
detailing up lat and lifeless cockpits, but one of      These parts will greatly improve the detail and
my pet hates is how lat many kit instrument          relief of your cockpit and this set is something
panels and consoles are. ANYZ to the rescue          every detailer and scratch-builder should keep in
again! The set includes two-hundred pieces,          their toolbox.
comprising ten diferent types of knobs and

                                                                                           MARCH 2020 • VOLUME 42 • ISSUE 01 19

Air Sets
AMMO of Mig Jimenez
Water Based Acrylic Paint Sets

      his month AMMO sent us four new paint
      sets for review, three aircraft sets and one
      for pilot figures.
A.MIG-7228: French WWII Colours, covers WW
French Aircraft. This set includes paints for the
three common upper camouflage colours, and
the underside colour. It should be stated, right
off the bat, that this are not colours specifically
developed for French Aircraft camo schemes,
they are paints that AMMO has matched to
those colours, from their existing range. The
colours included are: A.MIG 0034 ‘Rust Tracks’,
A.MIG 0203 ‘Light Compass Ghost Grey’, A.MIG
0074 ‘Green Moss’, and A.MIG 0228 ‘
Intermediate Blue’.
Despite the fact these are not dedicated colours,
they are (to my eye at least) a pretty good match
to the French camouflage schemes. You will
notice in the photos that they all like a bit milky
in the packet. This is the acrylic medium
separating from the pigment. AMMO include a
bearing in their bottles, so a quick shake of the
bottle and they are properly mixed. I took all the
sets out and did this before the other photos so
you can better see the colours but bear in mind
the bottles are not completely clear, so they still
appear lighter than they are.
The Spanish Civil War is a long-neglected subject
with few manufacturers producing kits of aircraft
used in this conflict, despite its importance to
aviation history. Recently though we have seen
more kits coming through, at the same time as
companies like AZ Model are bringing the older
kits back, meaning there has never been a better
time to model aircraft of the war. If you do
though, you need paints to paint them with!
Which is where previously, we had another
problem… AMMO to the rescue!
A.MIG-7226: Guerra Civil Española,
Nacionales (Spanish Civil War Nationalists)
Aircraft. This set includes A.MIG-0065 RLM62
Forest Green, A.MIG-0110 RLM61 SCC 1A (British
brown 1941-42), A.MIG-0231 RLM65 Hellblau,
A.MIG-0266 RLM63 Hellgrau. These colours will
allow you to achieve a variety of the schemes
seen on nationalist aircraft, including the more
attractive splinter schemes.
A.MIG-7227 Guerra Civil Española,
Republicanos (Spanish Civil War Republicans)
Aircraft. A.MIG-0080 ‘Bright green AMT-4’,
A.MIG-0224 ‘Sky line blue’, A.MIG-0049 ‘Red’,
A.MIG-0122 ‘Bone’. Again, this should allow you
complete a variety of schemes.
The next paint set is designed to help you paint
your Luftwaffe pilots, provided they are wearing
A.MIG 7025 Luftwafe WWII Pilot Uniforms
Set This includes: AMMO.F-518 ‘Marine Blue’,
AMMO.F-523 ‘Uniform Blue’, AMMO.F-524 ‘Light
Sky Blue’, AMMO.F-525 ‘Medium Blue’
Unlike the Aircraft sets, Uniform sets are not
designed to give you every colour you need to
paint a figure. This set does not include the
colours you need for the life preserver or boots
for example. Instead this is a set to let you do the
jacket and trousers only, but to use all four
colours to paint, then highlight, shade and blend
the blue of the uniform. A handy set for those
that like to paint a figure to give their aircraft
model scale.

20 W W W. S C A L E A I R C R A F T M O D E L L I N G . CO. U K
D A M B U S T E R S L A N C A S T E R B I G B U I L D : PA R T 4 .

  The Big Build:
  The 1/32 Hong Kong Models’ Dambuster’s Lancaster,
  part 4, with the Editor

                                                                                                                                        The closed fuselage
                                                                                                                                        gives a foretaste of the
                                                                                                                                        sheer size of this model

        he irst major step of this build is              of sponge onto a long piece of wire, carefully           rivets. I used disposable gloves when mixing and
        complete! The fuselage is closed up. This        thread it through various, so far unsealed, areas        shaping putty, and I found the textured
        proved to be a little more troublesome           of the fuselage and cleaned the glazing from the         ingertips on the gloves gave the ‘cushion’ a
than I anticipated requiring a little illing and a       inside.                                                  leather like texture, which as serendipitous.
lot of work to close it properly due to its size. In         This led me to think about the holes and             While that was curing, I built up the nose and tail
all fairness, it is very likely user error, but in the   apertures in the fuselage and I decided the next         turrets. These are nicely detailed, but super-
end, it was accomplished. The only real illing           priority was to complete everything that would           detailers may want to add a lot more. I thought
issue came around the ventral disc that mounts           close it up, and prevent any further dust getting        about it, but, given that most of the detail was in
the second spotlight for the Dambuster altitude          in there before painting. I started with the             areas that may well not be visible once the
system. Here the hole was not as round as I had          rectangular hole under the bomb aimer’s                  turrets are closed up and installed, I opted to
hoped when I cut it, and to be honest I think it is      position. This is to allow diferent conigurations        leave them OOB.
nearly impossible to make this kind of cut               of this part of the fuselage. I used the two                The glazing on the turrets was masked with
perfect anyway. However, judicious illing and            sections indicated in the instructions but looking       Eduard mask set JX225. This is for the irst
sanding solved the issue.                                at the part with the aimer’s seat/ rest, I really felt   Lancaster release from Hong Kong Models, but
   With the fuselage closed, I took a look at my         the cushion looked a bit too perfectly shaped. As        really this just means you get a few masks you
handywork and ‘enjoyed’ all the dust I had put           it had been freshly stufed. I decided to make a          won’t need in addition to the rest you can
on the inside of the fuselage glazing… my own            new, more used one, from two-part Tamiya                 deinitely use. Unfortunately, this is one of
fault, I should have anticipated this. I taped a bit     epoxy putty, and plastic card for the base and           Eduard’s one-sided sets, so you will need to

                                             I made a more realistic                   The interior was painted dark
                                             replacement from plastic card             grey/black and the seat cushion          Although I would paint the turret
 The kit’s version of the bomb
                                             and two-part putty.                       was painted in various dark              interior before inal it, its always
 aimer’s rest is a bit basic.
                                                                                       browns and polished with an              a good idea to do test-its on a
                                                                                       Albion Alloys polishing cloth for        model as you progress.
                                                                                       a leather appearance.

                                                                                       Some parts, like this part from          The basic dark grey in the turrets
                                             I used the excellent mask set             the FN5A nose turret, beneit             is a bit lat and lifeless. I went
                                             from Eduard, which instructs you          from a little tweaking. Here I           looking for details to paint but
 The interior of the turrets is ok,          to use liquid mask in some                drilled out the lightening holes in      good reference was hard to ind
 but super-detailers will ind                places. I used my go-to liquid            the side frames. Note too, there         and all the ones I saw were plain
 things to add, for sure.                    mask; Liquidscale by Solidscale.          are a few pin marks to ill.              night inside…

21 W W W. S C A L E A I R C R A F T M O D E L L I N G . CO. U K
D A M B U S T E R S L A N C A S T E R B I G B U I L D : PA R T 4 .

                                                                                                                                                   I opted for
                                                                                                                                                   by a dust
                                                                                                                                                   paints, to
                                                                                                                                                   bring it to
  The various parts were masked, sprayed black, then highlighted with dark grey.

   The glazing was fitted, and                            The completed                                     The gaps around the turret would be tricky to
   the masking removed.                                   front turret.                                     mask, so I elected to leave the turrets of until
                                                                                                            final painting was completed later on.

                                                                               make your own internal masks             the whole opening later. At the
The fairing behind                                                             (should you want them). For the          front there is a fairing behind the
the forward turret is
                                                                               sections where you are directed to       FN5A nose turret that you need to
fitted into the
assembled fuselage                                                             fill in with liquid mask, I used         insert. I tried to place it and it is a
according to the                                                               ‘Liquidscale’ masking fluid by           very tight fight. So tight it popped
instructions.                                                                  Solidscale.                              the seam of the upper fuselage
However, I had a                                                                   Once everything was masked, all      behind the turret. I would strongly
devil of a job doing                                                                                                    recommend that you place this
                                                                               parts were sprayed black, then the
it and split the                                                                                                        item before you close the fuselage.
                                                                               mix was lightened very slightly
fuselage open. I                                                                                                        Like the rear turret, I elected to
suggest you place it                                                           with Tamiya JA Grey and lightly
                                                                               over-sprayed. The turret interiors       leave it of for later painting of the
before you close up.
                                                                               still looked rather flat. There are a    fuselage.
                                                                               couple of ways you can deal with            The kit advises you to fit the
                                                                               something like this where the item       more extended nose blister with
                                                                               is relatively monochrome with little     the two holes in it. The Eduard
                                                                               detail painting in diferent colours      Mask set also caters for this.
                                                                               to liven it up. You can hit it with a    However, the only marking option
                                                                               dark wash and hope the details           in the kit is for ED932/AJ-G, Wing
                                                                               pop, or you can play with the base       Commander Gibson’s aircraft.
                                                                               colour to try to diferentiate items. I   Luckily, this is one of the more
                                                                               chose to do the latter mixing a          photographed Lancasters and it is
                                                                               variety of dark greys, all based on      clear in the pictures that ED932/AJ-
                                                                               black and white of course, but also      G has the smaller, plain
The instructions tell you to fit the blister on the right, however photos of   introducing other colours such as        bombardier’s blister, so I went with
the aircraft in the markings given, show it had the part on the left.          blues, and browns. This broke up         that one and made my own mask.
                                                                               the grey, but it needed something           The final task for this instalment,
                                                                               else, so I added the same dust wash      was to fit the observation bubbles
                                                        The main canopy        I added to the forward fuselage.
                                                        requires you to fit                                             on the main canopy. This is a tricky
                                                        the observation           I checked the fit of the Frazer       operation and even I’m not daft
                                                        bubbles. I opted to    Nash FN20 tail turret to see how         enough to risk poly cement on a
                                                        use gloss varnish      large the gaps around it were. They      clear to clear joint, so I used gloss
                                                        (by Windsor and        were significant and not easy to         varnish to attach it. Then I found I
                                                        Newton) to avoid       mask with the turret in place, so I      was missing a bubble! Pick up next
                                                        fogging the clear
                                                                               decided to paint the fuselage            month’s issue to see how I get
                                                                               without the turret be masking of         around that one….

                                                                                           MARCH 2020 • VOLUME 42 • ISSUE 01 22
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