THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly

Page created by Frank Clarke
THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly
MCI (P) 111/03/2021                  May/June 2021

  The New Treetops Suite Revealed
        Mountbatten Degustation Set Dinner with L’Avenir
        A Ginstronomy Affair with Adelaide Hills Distillery
        British Wine Week: Discover the Taste of England
THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly
Financial planning
                                                                   for generations
The Fry Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd is authorised to act as a financial adviser by the
Monetary Authority of Singapore - licence number FA100057.
THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly
BRITISH CONTACTS                                             MISSION
British Association of Singapore                             To be the leading international Club in Singapore, exceeding                                the expectations of our Members and their families.
Tel: 6716 9773

British High Commission

Tel: 6424 4200

British Chamber of Commerce (Singapore)                      President’s Message                               2
Tel: 6222 3552                            GM’s Message                                      3
The British Council             Main Committee & Club Management                  4
Tel: 6473 1111                            Club News                                         5 – 20
Visit Britain                              The Fry Group Feature                            8                 Member in the Spotlight                          12 – 13                    Thrive, with Kim                                 16
Tel: 800 852 3 549 (Toll-free)

Singapore St. Andrew’s Society            Dining Specials                                   21 – 36
Paul Burnett             Club Events                                       37
                                          Art & Craft Kits                                  38 – 39
Tel: 9154 0521

St. David’s Society of Singapore          Sports & Fitness                                  40 – 43
James Harvey              Sponsorship & Advertising Information             44
Tel: 8668 0449
                                          All information stated in the magazine is correct at the time
St. Patrick’s Society of Singapore
                                          of printing and subject to change without notice.

Royal Society of St. George Singapore
Paul Adamberry

The British Club, Singapore
73 Bukit Tinggi Road Singapore 289761
Tel: 6410 1100
Fax: 6468 6161

Operating Hours: 8am to 11pm (Daily)

Please note that club events may be
photographed/recorded and these

photographs/footage may be used for
marketing purposes. Your presence
indicates your consent to being
THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly
                                   Shortly after, we see ourselves    event, you can stand a chance
                                   celebrating Father’s Day in        to win lucky draw items such
                                   June. Take your Dad out for a      as a wine hamper or dining
                                   drink at Windsor Arms, or head     vouchers, while keeping yourself
                                   out for a sporting activity with   updated on the latest Club news
                                   him at the Sports Centre. On       & happenings.
                                   this day, allow your father to
                                   feel appreciated! Alternatively,   In the meantime, stay connected
                                   you may purchase a Father’s        with us through our social media
                                   Day scratch card set from the      pages like Facebook, Twitter and
                                   Hangout to let your kids create    Instagram as we keep you in
                                   a unique gift for their Dad.       the loop for virtual events, F&B
                                                                      promotions and latest Sports
                                   I am very delighted to announce    activities. You may also head
                                   that the Treetops Suite            over to our refreshed website to
                                   renovation is now complete         find out all about the Club.
                                   and is now fully operational.
                                   With this refreshed look, the      I hope you have a fantastic two
Dear Members,
                                   space is ready to host meetings,   months ahead as we celebrate

The month of May marks a           seminars and weddings. When        Motherhood & Fatherhood.

very important event that we       the COVID-19 restrictions are

celebrate annually – Mother’s      lifted, we would be able to host

Day. Let me encourage you to       more events like before, such

make an extra effort on this day   as social gatherings or parties.

to celebrate your mother and       In the meantime, if you haven’t

to recognise and appreciate        visited the Treetops Suite, do

our mothers’ roles in our lives.   head up to Level 3 and let

If you are away from your          us know what you think. For     STEPHEN FULTON

mother this year, you can still    bookings and enquiries, you may President

make it special by planning a      contact our Banquet Sales Team.

long-distance movie marathon
or a dinner date via video!        Last month, we held our Virtual

Alternatively, why not bring her   Member’s Connect Night on

up to the Club for a delicious     Thursday, 1 April. I am always

lunch at the Verandah Café, high excited to meet and welcome
tea date at the Windsor Arms,    new members to our Club, and

or an exquisite dinner at the      I hope all members can join us

Mountbatten Bar & Grill.           in the next session. During the

2 |   MAY/JUN 2021
THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly

Dear Members,
We recently conducted a members’       can look for our personal trainers at
survey at the Club. Thank you for      the gym for a personalized training
taking the time to give us your        session to improve overall posture,
thoughts and feedback. The aim of      strength and endurance.
this member survey is to find out
the current satisfaction levels of     We have had great feedback about
members, and to determine areas        the new sun loungers by the pool
for further development to remain      and am pleased to report that new
relevant. With the information         parasols and pool furniture (chairs
provided, we will work towards         and tables) have been ordered to
improving your experience with every   match the sun loungers. Delivery is
visit to the Club.                     expected late May or early June. Do
                                       let us know if any of you would like
For those who enjoy a good drink,      to have any of the older furniture for
check out our monthly liquor           your home and we will be happy to
promotions at the Windsor Shop,        facilitate.
and head down to our F&B outlets
(Windsor Arms and Scores Sports        If you have not done so already,         member, you may refer them to
Bar) for specially imported beer of    do pop up to the third floor and         us for a Club tour via our website.
the month.                             have a look at the newly renovated       You will be eligible to receive up
                                       Treetops Suite. This space is now an     to 13,000 rewards points, which is
Kim Forrester, our recurring article   ideal venue to host your meetings        equivalent to $260 in food credits
contributor, is an award-winning       and seminars; a half-day package         when they join!
author, educator and consultant who would cost a very reasonable $48
aims to inspire holistic well-being    per person (including a coffee break     Wishing you all the best in the
and fullness of living. She has been   and lunch) and a full- day would cost    coming months.
earnestly finding ways to help us stay $58 per person (Including two coffee
level-headed during this pandemic.     breaks and lunch). These prices
In this issue, she shares on emotional include room hire, service, writing
tools to help us get through negative materials, mints, ice water, flipchart
times. If you are keen to find out     set, LCD projector and screen.
more, head over to Thrive, with Kim
on page 16.                            In future when we can do so, this        ANDREW CHRISTON
                                       space will provide a perfect venue       General Manager
Keeping healthy through sports         for your dinner parties and cocktail
activities is also a good way to       receptions. We shall also be using
relax the mind. I am glad to see the   this space as venue for many of our
tennis courts and swimming pools       Club events.
being fully utilized! If you have no
clue where to start but would like     Lastly, if you have any friends who
to embark on a fitness journey, you    are keen to join us as a British Club

                                                                                                      MAY/JUN 2021    | 3
THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly


                                  Stephen Walker              Jan Young             Roger Harrold             David Wong
                                    Vice President,        Honorary Treasurer     Chairman of Marketing   Chairman of Food and
                                  Honorary Secretary       and Chairwoman of       Communications &        Beverage Committee
                                   and Chairman of         Finance Committee        Events Committee         and Chairman of
                                   Member Journey                                                         Disciplinary Committee
                                   and Engagement

                                                                                                                                         Damian R. Hills
       Stephen Fulton
                                                                                                                                        Honorary Chairman
                                                                                                                                         and Chairman of
                                                                                                                                        Human Resources

                                  Tim Williamson           Rajesh Chhabara          Steven Hodge             Kenny Cowgill
                                 Chairman of                  Chairman of         Chairman of Strategy     Chairman of Data,
                             Membership Committee           Sustainability /       and Development        MI and IT Committee
                                                            Corporate and           Committee and
                                                          Social Responsibility    Chairman of Sports
                                                              Committee                Committee


         Andrew Christon                            Michelle Chua                              Sunny Sia                                Adeline Tan
          General Manager                     Head of Finance & Facilities                   Executive Chef                        Head of Human Resource

         Sharon Carvalho                             Paul Cheong                               Claire Hill                             S. Sundaram
      Marketing Communications             Sports & Recreation Manager                    Head of Membership                          Facilities Manager
         & Events Manager                                                                   and Partnerships

                                 Asa Shaari                           Sharonjit Hoondal                           Matthew He
                         Housekeeping Manager                     Member Relations Manager                    Catering Sales Manager

4 |   MAY/JUN 2021
THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly
Refer a friend and receive up to 13,000 British Club
rewards points worth $260 in food credits.
Know someone who would like to join The British Club?
Scan this QR code and share the link with your friend
to book a Club tour now!
THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly

                     A BRAND-NEW SPACE: TREETOPS SUITE
The Treetops Lounge and Terrace have been closed for some time now, undergoing a facelift. We are pleased to
announce that the renovation works are now complete, and you can look forward to a brand-new space –
the Treetops Suite.

Located on the third floor of the Club’s main building, the theme of the brand-new Treetops Suite is tropical,
classic, and monochromatic, suitable for all types of events. Whether you are looking for a professional space to
host meetings, a cosy space for seminars, or an elegant space for solemnizations, the Treetops Suite is the venue
of choice.

One of the more significant additions to the Treetops Suite include three private balconies which can
accommodate up to a party of six for private dining sessions, or casual meetings while soaking in the serenity.
Situated at the peak of the hilltop, expect a refreshing overview of nature, compared to the usual everyday city
view. The space is also well-equipped with furniture and audio-visual equipment which can be configured to meet
your event needs.

See the old and new photos below.

6 |   MAY/JUN 2021
THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly

For more information or event bookings, contact us at 6410 1100 or email

                                                                      MAY/JUN 2021   | 7
THE BRITISH CLUB - The New Treetops Suite Revealed - MCI (P) 111/03/2021 - Bitly
related risks and/or opportunities could
                                                         be managed better for the benefit of
                                                         shareholders. Generally this tactic isn’t
                                                         enough on its own to regard a fund as
                                                         socially responsible, but companies held
                                                         in such funds generally manage ESG
                                                         issues relatively well.

      WHY SHOULD                                         Avoidance or negative screening
                                                         strategies: Negatively screened
        SOCIALLY                                         ethical funds typically have a list of
                                                         business practices that are considered
      RESPONSIBLE                                        unacceptable. The criteria which defines
                                                         a fund to be negatively screened is

       INVESTING                                         often connected with values based
                                                         ethical issues, but may also relate to

                                                         environmental, social or governance
                                                         concerns. However, some funds exclude
                                                         companies with only minor involvement
By Charlie Buxton, Portfolio Manager                     in excluded activities whereas others
                                                         are less strict, and balance the positive
                                                         benefits of companies against their
                                                         negative attributes. We tend to class a                  companies and so is typically regarded
                                                         portfolio including these types of funds                 as higher risk. A portfolio including these
                                                         or investments as “Light Green”.                         types of funds or investments can be
                                                                                                                  classed as “Dark Green”.
                                                         Positive screening strategies: This
Historically, ethical investing and SRI                  approach involves investing in companies                 What to remember when
(Socially Responsible Investing) have                    that meet a manager or fund’s ‘positive’                 considering SRI
been viewed as a rather niche area of                    SRI objectives.
investment, often for those with very                                                                             It’s important to remember that SRI
specific requirements.                                   Some funds focus on a single sector                      factors are not the only relevant aspects
                                                         or issue, although most are broad                        to consider. Generic factors impact SRI
A number of factors have changed                         based – focusing on a range of longer                    funds as much as they do any other
things. The growing awareness of                         term challenges and opportunities that                   investments. So it’s important to consider
environmental issues and an increasing                   face businesses. Themed funds such as                    asset type, the market capitalisation of
understanding of social issues and human                 Environmental funds and Sustainability                   the stocks held, geographic spread and
rights have each played their part. The                  funds generally have positive approaches                 timing which can all affect SRI portfolio
widely adopted Stewardship Code has                      of this kind. We class a portfolio including             returns. In addition think carefully about
also meant investment managers have                      these types of funds or investments as                   your own investment aims (growth or
embraced a ‘responsible ownership’                       “Green”.                                                 income), benchmarking decisions, fund
agenda. This in turn is beginning to                                                                              manager skill and charging structures.
impact the share prices of more ‘ethical’                Impact investment strategies: The point
companies, a trend which is accelerating,                of impact investing is to use money and                  SRI investing at The Fry Group
to the benefit of both SRI funds and                     investment capital for positive social
investors.                                               results. Impact fund managers aim to                     Our SRI portfolios are designed to
                                                         place capital in businesses, non-profits                 suit investors who are both financially
There are four main approaches to                        and funds in sectors such as renewable                   motivated and driven by specific personal
socially responsible investing:                          energy, basic services, micro-finance and                values. In evaluating an SRI fund manager
                                                         sustainable agriculture.                                 we consider the ‘generic’ and ‘SRI’ factors
Responsible ownership and                                                                                         – as neither offers a complete picture on
engagement: This sees fund                               Impact investing happens across both                     its own.
managers taking greater interest in                      geographic markets and asset classes.
their responsibility as part owners                      For example, it might focus on private                   We invest with managers who recognise
of companies. This is to encourage                       equity/venture capital, debt and fixed                   that the management of environmental,
companies to improve their practices                     income in developed and emerging                         social and governance (ESG) issues can
in areas where investors believe                         markets. By its very nature impact                       positively impact business success.
environmental, social or governance                      investing tends to direct capital to smaller • • Tel: +65 6225 0825
The information in this article aims to provide information. However, this is not intended to form professional advice nor should it be relied upon
as such and before taking any particular action, specific and personal advice should be obtained. All levels and basis of, and relief from taxation
illustrated here are subject to change. The Fry Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd is authorised to act as a financial adviser by the Monetary Authority of
Singapore - licence number FA100057.

8 |   MAY/JUN 2021

Thu, 1 Apr

Join us in the next Members’ Connect Night
on Thu, 3 Jun, to be updated on the
Club’s latest news and happenings.

To register, scan QR code or or e-mail

             In partnership with

                                                HOUSE MOVING SALE
                WITH US                          Information on items available on website

    Tap into the Club community and spread
  the word about your business to like-minded
   people or simply to reach out and expand
                 your clientele.

  Enjoy 10% off when you place your ads
        in The British Club Magazine.

         Exclusive to Members only.
                                                   Or call 973 62660 or 973 87590
    For more information and enquiries,
    email                  Many quality items of furniture
                                                          Terrace and Garden items
                                                    Kitchen wear and other assorted items

                                                                                 MAY/JUN 2021   | 9

                                                            9:30 AM
                                                                 AM                                            100%
                                                            9:30 AM                                            100%
                                                            9:30 AM                                            100%
             The British Club Singapore
             Sunday at
                    at 7:40
                       7:40 AM
             Warm Welcome to Our New Members:
           Sunday at&7:40
H.E. Jean Uwihanganye            AM          Apoorv Garg & Tushita Kochak           Carla & Robert Randall
           Sunday at 7:40
Mukaseti Pacifique               AM          Paul & Kirsty Hodges                   Krishan Rattan & Vasavi Vittal
Karthik Ashok & Jayeeta Mukherjee            Piers Hughes & Kathy Rougier           Oliver & Alexis Sleafer
Christopher Blight & Mandy Lenane            Emily Hamilton & Alexander Ostrowski   Nicholas Shaw & Rebecca Fang
Peter & Ashley Bentley                       James & Lillian Hassett                Neil & Lisa Smith
Simon Brook & Marie Gray                     Ho Song En & Serene Chua               Kanishk & Manavi Sharma
Salena & Christophe Crot                     Malcolm & Kristy Jones                 David & Megan Turley
Viju Chakarapany &                           Brandon Leong & Joanna Lee             Stacy & Justin Taljaard
Sreedevy Sivarajasingam
                                             Christopher Lim & Andrea Joy Dragon    Gratiana Tan
Robert & Alexandra Cherry
                                             Nomaan Mirza & Mehreen Tanvir          David & Ellenor Varvel
Sarah & David Cottle
                                             Kunal Mehta & Yulanda Chung            Stephen & Rachel Ward
Harry Chen
                                             Michael & Danae Niederberger           Alexander & Alison Weeks
Mark Dorn & Barbara Wahle
                                             Thomas Ongley & Jessamine Reynolds
Djeng Siang Hwa                                                                     #Welcome
                                             Emily Parfitt & Dietrich Yap
David & Rebecca Fowler
      5K & Cristina Freytag
Adam Gregory
                                             Keith & Susan Price                    5K comments
                                                                                    5K comments 5K

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           Sunday at
                  at 7:40
                     7:40 AM
                          AM                                    Comment                                                Share

             The British Club Singapore
             Sunday at 7:40 AM
             Sunday at 7:40 AM
             March 2021 Black Card Lucky Draw Winner – Michael Hyde
             April 2021 Black Card Lucky Draw Winner – Stephen Walker

                      March 2021 Black Card Lucky Draw Winner                  Apr 2021 Black Card Lucky Draw Winner

         4K                                                                         4K
                                                                                       comments 4K

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10 |   MAY/JUN 2021
Where can I get a Pre-Departure Test?

                                                                                       At Osler Heath we are fully equipped for
                                                                                       all forms of pre-departure testing and
                                                                                       have already been running these tests for
                                                                                       some time. Speak to us in advance so we
                                                                                       can help you plan your schedule in order
                                                                                       to allow the process to run smoothly.

                                                                                       How are results provided?

                                                                                     We provide certification of results in hard
 HOW CAN WE                                                                          copy and digital form. As part of our
                                                                                     Fit-to Fly certification, Osler Health will

                                           Which vaccine will we get in Singapore,
                                                                                     conduct the required PDT and will issue
                                           and can we choose which vaccine we
                                                                                     a verifiable QR code of the test results.
                                                                                     Each unique QR code enables airport
           By Dr Neil Forrest                                                        check-in staff and Singapore immigration
                                           The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are
                                                                                     authorities to immediately verify the
                                           currently the only ones approved here,
                                                                                     results under MOH’s new digital health
                                           although others are being studied by the
                                                                                     verification process. Turnaround time for
                                           regulator. Under the current government
                                                                                     results is around 24 hours. Singapore
                                           roll out, you cannot choose which vaccine
                                                                                     Airlines are currently trialing the IATA
                                           is allocated to you.
                                                                                     travel certification app and we envisage
We all want to travel and see our loved                                              the process becoming entirely digitalised
                                           Are there any groups that should not
ones who live in other countries again.                                              in the coming months.
                                           take the COVID-19 vaccine?
There are still a lot of queries and
uncertainties around how we can step                                                   Do children need to have a
                                           Yes. The vaccines are not licensed
onto a plane again and how ‘safe’ will                                                 Pre-Departure Test?
                                           in children under 16 or pregnant
travelling be? We asked Dr. Neil Forrest   women, although they are probably
from Osler Health International to guide                                               This will depend on the requirements of
                                           safe for these groups and studies are
us through some common questions.                                                      the destination country.
                                           ongoing. People with a history of severe
                                           (anaphylactic) allergic reactions should
                                                                                       Will my Pre-Departure Test results
                                           not be vaccinated. People with cancer
                                                                                       and vaccination status be ‘proof’
                                           can receive the vaccine but it would be
                                                                                       for immigration authorities in other
                                           deferred if they were currently on chemo-
                                           or radiotherapy.
                                                                                       Countries are approaching this in
                                           Does having the COVID-19 vaccine
                                                                                       different ways. Currently there is no
                                           mean we can travel as we did in
                                                                                       universally accepted certification system,
                                           pre-pandemic times?
                                                                                       so speak to us about the requirements in
                                                                                       your destination country so we can help
                                           Not at the moment! For a long time to
                                                                                       make sure the required certification is in
How effective is the COVID-19 vaccine? come, there will be many people who are         place.
                                           not vaccinated and governments will be
The exact efficacy will vary between       understandably cautious about a return
                                                                                       Is it ‘safe’ to get on a plane again?
vaccine brands, but all vaccines approved to mass travel. Measures such as masks,
so far appear to be highly effective (more social distancing, testing and quarantine   Yes. The aviation industry has gone to
than 90%) at stopping severe illness       will be a feature of travel for some time
                                                                                       great lengths to make things safe. We
and death. There is promising evidence     to come, although I hope that with
                                                                                       are already back on public transport in
emerging in the UK and Israel that the     vaccination we can significantly reduce
                                                                                       Singapore, and with the proper measures
vaccines also block a significant number   their burden.
                                                                                       in place, we can start to fly safely as well!
of asymptomatic infections. This will be a
key factor in any re-opening of travel.    What is involved in a Pre-Departure
How long does immunity last?
                                           This is a PCR swab test taken within 72
The short answer is: we don’t know!        hours of travel in order to demonstrate
None of the vaccines have been around      to the airline/destination country that
for long enough to work this out, but      the passenger is COVID-free. Currently,
current evidence suggests at least 12      China requires a blood test to be done in
months and possibly much longer.           addition to the swab.

                           Dr Neil Forrest is a UK trained family GP based at Osler Health Star Vista.
                                              6339 2727 |

                                                                                                                MAY/JUN 2021   | 11

                                                                  MEMBER IN
                                                                  THE SPOTLIGHT
                                                                  Member in the Spotlight is a section in the Magazine
                                                                  where members can share more about themselves. In
                                                                  this issue, read all about Jim and Laurie’s adventures
                                                                  before they settled down in Singapore, and find out
                                                                  which dish in the Club sparked memories from their

What made you join the British            up and live in the UK and the US.        Tell us a bit about your work.
Club?                                     We adopted two Singapore Special
                                                                                   Jim – I am the Managing Director
                                          street dogs back in 2011 and they
We have been living in Singapore                                                   of a company called Excelitas. It’s a
                                          keep us active with walks along the
for 11 years now and live within 3km                                               privately-owned US based company
                                          Rail Corridor.
of the British Club. Joining the Club                                              with multiple factories around the
was based on recommendations from                                                  world. We produce precision optics
                                          Laurie – I was born and raised in the
our friends and neighbors who were                                                 in the Singapore factory. The end
                                          US. Singapore is the first place I’ve
members, plus swimming helped in a                                                 products are used in Healthcare,
                                          lived abroad.
knee surgery recovery.                                                             Semiconductor, Defense and
                                                                                   Aerospace industries. The Singapore
                                          What is your favourite thing to do
                                                                                   facility has around 650 employees
                                          at the Club?
                                                                                   and is on the west side of the island
                                          There is so much to choose from.         at Boon Lay. Before that, I worked for
                                          For sure, early morning swims, a visit   different semiconductor companies in
                                          to the Windsor Arms in the evening       the UK, US and Singapore.
                                          and a massage at the spa are all very
                                          enjoyable. However, I would say that
                                          with the current work restrictions,
                                          my favourite thing to do is to book
Share with us a little about your
                                          one of the business rooms on L2
family and yourself.
                                          to complete all my phone calls and
Jim – I was born in the UK, consider      meetings. The view of the beautiful
myself Scottish and spent the first       tropical greenery is a wonderful
40 years of my life living just outside   backdrop to work with and it gives
Glasgow before immigrating to the         a feeling of having “traveled”
US where I met Laurie in Kansas City.     somewhere, during a time when we
We then immigrated to Singapore in        cannot travel. I also want to give a
2010. We really enjoy living here in      shout out to the staff at the club.
Singapore. Our families are grown         They really are wonderful.

12 |   MAY/JUN 2021

Laurie – I’ve been working as a           mom made homemade pizza so it’s            I also learnt to build guitars during
wildlife rescue Volunteer for ACRES       a favorite of mine. Danielle’s pizza is,   the circuit breaker of 2020. However,
since 2018. I do everything from          hands down, the best in Singapore.         it is my wife who has by far the most
freeing baby monkeys tangled in                                                      interesting stories to tell as an animal
football nets, to removing monitor                                                   rescue volunteer in Singapore. After
lizards from kitchens. It’s challenging                                              a long shift at ACRES, she has the
at times, but always rewarding.                                                      most wonderful, and sometimes
                                                                                     heart-breaking animal rescue stories
If you have to choose one dish                                                       to tell.
from the Club to eat for the rest
                                                                                     Laurie – I too love riding motorcycles
of your life, what would that be
                                                                                     (on the back, for now!) and have
and why?
                                                                                     been with Jim on some of his
Jim – That’s a tough question.            Finally, tell us something interesting 2-wheeled adventures. In a previous
Everything that we have tried has         about yourself.                        life, I spent 6 years as a volunteer
been impressive, however, one                                                        coach for a youth cheerleading
night we decided to order the             Jim – Well, I love riding motorcycles.     squad. I started out with very little
Raspberry pie for desert. I swear it      In the past, I have ridden thousands       knowledge of cheerleading as a
was made with clotted cream, and          of miles in the US with Laurie,            sport and have no idea how I’d
served with vanilla ice cream. It         including a coast to coast from New        gotten roped in to take on this
took me back to visits to the West        York to San Francisco. In Singapore,       responsibility. Even so, it was an
Country in the very distant past.         I continue to ride on the island as        incredible experience that gave me
Now, one of the first things that         well as on trips to Malaysia, Thailand     the opportunity to make new friends
we do when we visit the Windsor           and Vietnam. Those trips to Vietnam        and grow as a person.
arms is to check the blackboard for       made us realize just how much fun
Raspberry pie.                            it is to ride a small motorcycle. Two
                                          people, two small backpacks and a
Laurie – For me, it’s the pizza.          155cc motorcycle for a week is our
Growing up, we didn’t have a              idea of heaven. We are longing for
Sunday roast dinner. Instead, my          those days to return soon.

                                                                                                           MAY/JUN 2021   | 13
Take a well-deserved break with your friends or loved ones and treat yourself to a getaway at the tropical
sanctuary of Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore. Indulge in fine culinary creations at our dining concepts, and while
the day away by the pool.

Enjoy exclusive room rates only for The British Club members from SGD357++ per room per night from now
until 31 December 2021.

Rates include:

   Daily ala carte buffet breakfast for 2 adults at The Line
   15% off total bill at our dining outlets per stay, not applicable to room dining
   10% off massage treatments at Chi, The Spa. Prior reservation is required.
   Complimentary one session playtime at Splash Zone per night
   Complimentary one session playtime at buds by Shangri-La per night
   Special child-themed welcome amenities

Book now at or call (65) 6235 1666.
a reduction to £250,000 before          o Timely Payment – A means of bringing
                                                                        returning to pre-Covid levels of          the payment of tax closer to the point
                                                                        £125,000 from 1 October 2021              where the income/gain arises
                                                                     o Introduction of 8 Freeports aimed at    o Making Tax Digital – This will apply to
                                                                       local regeneration, enjoying enhanced     landlords from 6 April 2023 and will
                                                                       Capital Allowances, 100% Stamp Duty       replace the Self-Assessment tax regime
                                                                       and Business Rates relief and Employer o Non-Compliance – A further raft of
                                                                       National Insurance relief until 2026      measures aimed at those who are not
 Partner Practice of St. James’s Place (Singapore) Private Limited   o A ‘super deduction’ of 130% in respect    compliant with their tax obligations,
                                                                       of business investment between            promoters of failed tax schemes and
 THE 2021 UK                                                           1 April 2021 – 31 March 2023
                                                                     o An enhancement of corporate loss
                                                                                                                 collection of international tax debt
                                                                                                               o Property Developer Tax – A new tax to

BUDGET REVIEW                                                          relief to allow a limited carry back of
                                                                       losses to generate prior year
                                                                                                                 be introduced in 2022 levied on the
                                                                                                                 largest developers of residential
                                                                       Corporation Tax refunds                   property.
           By Martin Rimmer,
       Head of Tax, Select Investors                                                                            Overall, the combined cumulative tax
                                                                     The five major tax-raising measures
                                                                     announced:                                 revenue raised by the measures
                                                                                                                announced in the Budget Speech over
                                                                     o Corporation Tax will rise from 19% to    the five-year period to 5 April 2026 is
                                                                       25% from 1 April 2023                    £68.975bn; or a mere 17% of the present
                                                                                                                level of Covid-19 related borrowing.
                                                                     o On 6 April 2021, the Income Tax
                                                                                                                Further measures will certainly be needed
                                                                       allowance will rise to £12,570 and the
                                                                                                                in due course, but for the moment the
                                                                       Basic Rate Threshold to £37,700. Both
Rishi Sunak’s Budget this year was a                                                                            Chancellor appears to be taking the view
                                                                       will then be frozen until 5 April 2026
Budget of two halves. His Budget Speech                                                                         that it will, indeed, require a generational
                                                                     o The Annual Exempt Amount for             commitment to repay the debt.
on 3 March set out a broad 5-year plan
                                                                       Capital Gains Tax will remain
combining short-term economic stimulus
                                                                       unchanged to 5 April 2026                What should I do now?
with medium term fiscal tightening.
                                                                     o The Lifetime Allowance for UK
The Budget was dominated by the                                        Pension Rights will remain fixed at      For British Expatriates and those with
financial impact of Covid-19. The                                      £1,073,100 until 5 April 2026            assets or pensions in the UK, the Budget
Government has borrowed £408bn so far                                                                           and Consultation Day announcements
                                                                     o The Inheritance Tax allowance of
to fund Covid relief alone, and National                                                                        have left us with an obvious call to
                                                                       £325,000 will also remain fixed until
Debt is set to peak at 97.1% of GDP in                                                                          action. Select Investors invites all British
                                                                       5 April 2026
2023/24. Mr Sunak described repaying                                                                            Chamber members to a confidential
this debt as a ‘generational task’. In the                                                                      no-obligation meeting with their Head
                                          The second half of the Budget, so
meantime, the Government will continue                                                                          of Tax, Martin Rimmer, to discuss the
                                          called ‘Tax Consultation Day’ did not,
to do‘ whatever it takes’ to protect jobs                                                                       impact of these announcements on your
                                          thankfully, result in an overhaul of the
and businesses.                                                                                                 own tax, succession and wealth plans
                                          Inheritance Tax system, pegging Capital
                                                                                                                – and to make them better. Contact
                                          Gains Tax rates to Income Tax or indeed
The four top stimulus announcements from the introduction of a one-off Wealth Tax,                     to book your
the Budget Day speech:                                                                                          appointment.
                                          which had been the subject of much
                                          speculation. Instead, the Treasury has
o Extension of Stamp Duty relief on the   opted for a more reserved                                             The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs
   first £500,000 to 30 June, followed by series of measures.                                                   from taxation can change at any time.
                                                                                                                The value of any tax relief depends on
                                                                                                                individual circumstances.
                                                                                                                Select Investors is a Partner Practice of
                                                                                                                St. James’s Place (Singapore) Private Limited.

                                                                                                                Members of the St. James’s Place Partnership
                                                                                                                in Singapore represent St. James’s Place
                                                                                                                (Singapore) Private Limited, which is part of the
                                                                                                                St. James’s Place Wealth Management Group,
                                                                                                                and it is regulated by the Monetary Authority of
                                                                                                                Singapore and is a member of the Investment
                                                                                                                Management Association of Singapore and
                                                                                                                Association of Financial Advisers (Singapore).
                                                                                                                Company Registration No. 200406398R. Capital
                                                                                                                Markets Services Licence No. CMS100851. The
                                                                                                                ‘St. James’s Place Partnership’ and the titles
                                                                                                                ‘Partner’ and ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing
                                                                                                                terms used to describe St. James’s Place

                                                                                                                                           MAY/JUN 2021    | 15
enough to make it through even the       that that there is a “right” and
  THRIVE, WITH KIM                        toughest situations. You will breathe,   a “wrong” and we’re compelled
                                          you will awaken, you will continue,      to judge ourselves and others if
                                                                                   the “right” path is not followed.
                                          and you will overcome.
                                                                                   However, if you can be honest with

  TOOLS TO GET                            So, it is not strength you need          yourself about your past choices,
                                          to summon on days of pain and            you open yourself up to a new level

  YOU THROUGH                             despair. Instead, there are five pillars of understanding.
                                          of light that can help you find your
   THE DARKEST                            way through any darkness; five           Forgiveness

                                          flickers of grace that can ease the
                                          burden of any situation. I believe it      If you can find the grace to forgive
            By Kim Forrester              is these qualities that you are wise       others for their actions, you begin to
                                          to search for within yourself when         set yourself free from pain. Deepak
                                          life seems most unbearable:                Chopra teaches us to “forgive
                                                                                     others, not because they deserve
                                          Honesty                                    it, but because you deserve it.”
                                                                                     Forgiveness does not mean you
                                          The first step in healing a situation –    condone someone’s actions or
As the past year has highlighted to       really healing it – is to allow yourself   intent; it does not excuse someone
many of us, life is a symphony of         the opportunity to be honest. Firstly,     for their behaviour or pardon them
pleasant and painful experiences.         be honest about how you feel. That         from all consequence. Instead,
Regardless of how happy, content,         means all of your emotions, not            forgiveness is the intimate act of
and optimistic you are, there will be     just the ones on the surface or the        accepting what was, and what is. It
dark days to confront and endure.         ones that are socially acceptable.         is a powerful surrender to the fact
It’s natural. It’s normal. It’s part of   By acknowledging and confronting           that what has happened cannot be
being human.                              everything you feel, you take the          changed.
                                          power away from your emotions.
For many, the natural inclination in      They can no longer control you.            Forgiveness for others is often
these dark moments is to focus on                                                    encouraged. But remember, it is just
being “strong”. To fight, withstand,      Secondly, be honest about your own         as important to forgive yourself – for
push through, and conquer. But the        actions, choices, and intentions and       the emotions you feel, the actions
natural fact is, you’re already strong    how they may have contributed to           you take, the words you say, and the
enough to endure anything; your           the current situation. This can be         choices you make. You deserve your
body, mind, and soul are resilient        hard to do, as we are often taught         own mercy. Please offer if freely.


                                                                                     If you have a religion that inspires
                                                                                     you, turn to it. If you have spiritual
                                                                                     belief that resonates with you,
                                                                                     embrace it. If you have an intimate
                                                                                     connection to magic, or nature, or
                                                                                     universal consciousness, or a more
                                                                                     practical belief in the intelligence
                                                                                     and fortitude of humankind,
                                                                                     summon it. As Plato said, “We are
                                                                                     twice armed if we fight with faith”.

                                                                                     There can be a purpose – a reason –
                                                                                     for any painful experience. Drawing
                                                                                     upon faith can either reveal that

16 |   MAY/JUN 2021

                                                                                       Too often we shy away from
                                                                                       vulnerability in our darkest moments
                                                                                       because, somehow, it has come
                                                                                       to be regarded as the opposite of
                                                                                       strength. But the truth is that if you
                                                                                       can allow your pain, anguish, or
                                                                                       suffering to be fully revealed in a
                                                                                       safe space, then your experience
                                                                                       becomes more authentic. This in
                                                                                       turn makes your personal insights
                                                                                       deeper, your connections with
                                                                                       others (and yourself) more truthful,
                                                                                       and your eventual healing more

purpose to you, or help you design    In times of great challenge, you                 Most importantly, being comfortable
one that will carry you forward.      are certainly not expected to be                 with your own vulnerability allows
                                      grateful for the “big things”. What              you to ask for, and accept, help
Gratitude                             is important is to find something                from the healthiest sources –
                                      to give thanks for in a way that                 unconditionally loving friends and
Gratitude is immensely powerful.      resonates through your entire body               family, wise mentors, or trusted
If you can find one thing to be       with truthfulness and conviction.                professionals.
grateful for, for just a few seconds, “I’m so grateful I had the self-control
then it is a few seconds that you are not to hit that guy!” or “I’m grateful           A life well-lived will inevitably
not living in the darkness. In those  for the pain, for it means I have                include dark and painful days; days
moments of gratitude, your body will loved” or “I’m grateful I can retreat             where we need to draw upon our
respond, your emotions will begin     into a comfortable bed.” There is no             innate strength and resilience. In
to heal, and you will open yourself   judgement on what you are thankful               these moments, I believe it is wise
up to wondrous new solutions and      for; your sincere gratitude is what              for us to reach into our emotional
opportunities.                        counts.                                          toolkit and draw upon honesty,
                                                                                       forgiveness, faith, gratitude, and
                                                                                       vulnerability. More than anything, it
                                                                                       is these five pillars of grace that can
                                                                                       lighten the load, and help clear our
                                                                                       path toward healing.

    Kim Forrester is an award-winning author, holistic well-being educator, and consultant. She blends science with spiritual
               philosophy to inspire fullness of living, and has been a member of the British Club since 2015. Looking for some drops of goodness in these uncertain times? Check out the Eudaemonia podcast on
    your favourite podcast app for inspiring conversations about the traits and practices that can help you flourish in life.

                                                                                                               MAY/JUN 2021     | 17
           By Dr Mythili Pandi

What is the “The Gut                        The gut microbiome changes the             3. Eat whole grains - brown
Microbiome”?                                way we metabolise food, it affects         rice, whole grain pasta, quinoa
                                            our mood (think GUT FEELINGS),             and other unrefined grains
The Human gut is made up of                 it helps us manage our weight and          contain a whole lot of fibre
trillions of bacteria, viruses and          controls our sugar metabolism              and carbohydrates which feed
fungi living harmoniously and               which reduces the risk of diabetes.        certain species of bacteria which
collectively this is referred to as the                                                contribute to weight management,
Gut Microbiome.                         We’re all unique                               lowering cancer risk and diabetes
                                        Each person’s gut microbiome is
While there are some harmful            as distinct as a fingerprint. The              4. Take antibiotics only when
bacteria there are plenty of good       various strains of microorganisms              necessary. Antibiotics typically work
guys which are beneficial to            all affect how the other types thrive          as a sledgehammer and kill many
immunity, heart health, weight and in the gut. It’s like a rainforest’s                good and bad bacteria in the gut
moods.                                  fauna and flora.                               and may contribute to weight gain
                                                                                       and gastrointestinal issues.
                                            Five easy steps to improve gut
                                            health                                     5. Take a probiotic supplement
                                                                                       – these are live bacteria which
                                            1. Eat a wide range of foods.              can help to restore the gut by
                                            A diverse microbiome requires              “reseeding” it with healthy
                                            diverse food intake. Legumes,              microbes.
                                            beans and fruit contain fibre
                                            which act as scaffolding for the
                                            microbiome to grow on.

                                            2. Eat fermented foods. Yogurt,
                                            sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir contain
                                            lots of lactobacilli species which
                                            can help displace the disease
                                            causing bacteria in the gut.

       By Dr Mythili Pandi is a family physician who has trained and worked in Australia before returning home to Singapore
         Dr Mythili a International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and loves working with mothers and babies
                                            guiding them in their breastfeeding journey.
                                             6887 4440 |

18 |   MAY/JUN 2021
Too much tooth?

                                        Sometimes a tooth can become
                                        super-erupted. The tooth has
                                        come out of the gums too far
                                        because the opposing tooth is
                                        missing and is not in place to keep
                                        its opposite tooth in check. Your
   COMMON                               orthodontist can reposition the

                                        over-erupted tooth.                       It’s not just about the looks

  ADULTS SEE                            Missing a tooth?                          Untreated tooth and jaw alignment
                                                                                  issues can contribute to gum
ORTHODONTISTS                           When replacing a missing tooth            and bone problems; an unstable
                                        with an implant you may not               bite can lead to joint or muscle
         By Dr Reuben How               have enough bone to support it.           problems.
                                        Moving a tooth orthodontically can
                                        help stimulate jaw bone growth        A simulation is worth a thousand
                                        and will recreate sufficient bone for words
                                        an implant.
                                                                                  3D technology and clear aligner
                                        Jaw size                                  techniques provide a clear view
Orthodontics is not about just                                                    of the treatment objective and a
having straight teeth it can also       One common problems treated               visualization of work that needs to
solve a host of dental problems.        by an orthodontist are jaw                be done. Not only tooth alignment,
                                        asymmetries. Maybe your upper             but final veneers, crowns and
Not enough tooth?                       jaw is too small? Or the lower too        implants can be placed in a 3D
                                        big? Many treatment possibilities         visualization in a plan to create a
In some cases the dentist may not       exist for orthodontics treatments.        visual picture.
have had enough tooth to put a
crown on after a root canal. An
orthodontist can pull the tooth
upwards and give the dentist more
tooth to work with.

Dr Reuben How graduated from the University of Otago, New Zealand with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery. He has an interest in
                            research in investigating the limits of non surgical orthodontics.
     Visit Smilefocus at Camden Medical Centre, #08-02/03 and #08-07/08, 1 Orchard Boulevard, Singapore, 248649
                                               T: 6733 9882 or 6834 0877

                                                                                                         MAY/JUN 2021   | 19
be free to exercise wherever you are,         walking workout where you and baby
                                           with no equipment or time restrictions        can enjoy fresh air and the opportunity
  TIPS TO GET                              – perfect for fitness fans who regularly
                                           travel for work or pleasure.
                                                                                         to socialise with other new mothers
                                                                                         and their little ones.

 YOUR FITNESS                              2. Merge disciplines for a new breed          4. Tech innovations make home

                                           of workout                                    exercise even easier

                                           Switching up your routine can be great        Providing access to your very own
   Brought to you by Bupa Global           for motivation, and we are increasingly       online instructor, the BoxxMethod’s
                                           seeing gyms and personal trainers             virtual app is set to make boxercise
                                           combining a variety of fitness activities     sessions even bigger this year.
                                           to create hybrid classes that promise a       Combining HIIT with shadow boxing,
                                           full-body workout.                            the method offers a complete workout
                                                                                         and, best of all, you don’t need
                                           For example, taking inspiration from          any bags, pads or a ring to feel the
                                           ballet-inspired Barre classes that            benefits. All you need is the app and
                                           focus on strength and conditioning,           a pair of 1kg dumbbells, so it can be
                                           BootyBarre turns up the heat by               completed at home or while travelling
                                           combining Pilates, cardio and dance-          for work or pleasure.
Have you lost the drive to exercise        based moves for a dynamic, full-body
during the pandemic? Give your             workout. Having built up a loyal              Digital instructors coach you through
exercise routine an overhaul, reignite     following in America, it’s starting to roll   a series of short but relentless rounds,
your passion and discover your new         out across the globe, so look out for         and you can choose a workout to suit
favourite workout by checking out          classes at your local gym.                    your specific goals. For example, you
some of the hottest exercise trends to                                                   can tailor your session to target your
hit the fitness scene.                     Also gaining momentum is TRX                  full body, lower body or upper body,
                                           training, which promises to                   then set aside as little as 15 minutes
                                           complement and improve your yoga              three times a week to start your boxing
                                           practice. While traditional yoga uses         fitness journey.
                                           blocks or bolsters to support various
                                           poses, TRX, which stands for total-           Focus on health
                                           body resistance exercise, uses anchors
                                           and straps to suspend the body and            It can be challenging to get back on
                                           help users master more advanced               track with motivation to work out, try
                                           postures.                                     to set goals that focus on fitness and
                                                                                         health. Prioritise your health especially
                                           High-intensity interval training (HIIT)       in this stressful time and take this as
                                           has already established itself as a firm      an opportunity to boost your mental
                                           favourite, but why not up the intensity       wellbeing.
                                           while protecting your joints by looking
                                           for water-based HIIT exercise classes?        Disclaimer: This article was designed and
                                           Offering an intense aqua-aerobic              produced by Bupa Global by searching
                                           workout, it’s another way of combining        internal and external data and information
                                                                                         for information provision and reference
                                           two fitness activities in one. You can
                                                                                         purposes only. Any views or information
                                           also give your HIIT sessions a more           mentioned and set out in this article/
                                           meditative edge, with a blend of HIIT,        webpage are based on general situations.
                                           yoga and Pilates workouts.                    Readers should not regard them as medical
                                                                                         advices or medical recommendations.
                                           3. Family fitness shows exercise has          Before making any decisions about the
                                           no age limit                                  theme of this article, you are recommended
                                                                                         to seek independent advice from suitable
                                                                                         professionals (such as doctors, nutritionists,
                                           With many gyms and personal
                                                                                         etc.). It is clearly stated that Bupa Global
1. Exercise anywhere with                  instructors increasingly offering bump-       will not bear any responsibilities for others’
bodyweight training                        friendly exercise classes, pregnancy          usage or interpretation of the information
                                           fitness is booming. Seek the advice of        listed in this article. When preparing and/
A growing trend that’s set to take         your GP or midwife before signing up          or updating this article, Bupa Global
exercising back to basics, bodyweight      to antenatal Pilates, aqua-aerobics and       endeavours to ensure that the content is
training is a simple way to utilise one    cardio classes that have been tailored        accurate, complete and updated but will
                                           for expectant mothers.                        not bear any responsibilities nor make any
of the most effective exercise tools you
                                                                                         warranty or guarantee for the accuracy,
have: your own body.                                                                     completeness and timeliness of the
                                           Once your baby is born, postnatal             information or for any claims and/or losses
Discover a couple of simple                classes can provide a fun way of              caused thereby.
bodyweight routines online or work         bonding with your new arrival while
with a personal trainer to devise the      maintaining an active lifestyle. Grab
ideal set of reps for you. Soon you’ll     your pram or pushchair and head for a         6340 1669

20 |   MAY/JUN 2021
                            Operating Hours: Monday to Saturday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
                              Closed: Sunday, Eve of Public Holidays & Public Holidays

                                     2-HOUR PACKAGE AT $30.00++
                                     4-HOUR PACKAGE AT $60.00++

                       • Private Workspace Package is applicable to Single Person Use only
                       • Includes writing materials and iced water
                       • Complimentary choice of beverage: Coffee / Tea / Canned Soft Drinks
                         (One serving for the 2-hour Package OR two servings for the 4-hour Package)

                                   Bookings for timings outside the operating hours
                                         are available at $20.00++ per hour.

For bookings or enquiries, please call 6410 1100 or email                     MAY/JUN 2021   | 21
All prices quoted are subject to prevailing goods & services taxes. • Photos are for illustration purposes.
SEMINAR                                     FULL-DAY Seminar
                                            9am to 5pm
                                            Members’ Rate:
                                            $58++ per person
                                            Non-Members’ Rate:
                                            $78++ per person
                                            Two coffee breaks and lunch included

                                            HALF-DAY Seminar
                                            9am to 1pm / 1pm to 5pm
                                            Members’ Rate:
                                            $48++ per person
                                            Non-Members’ Rate:
                                            $68++ per person
                                            One coffee break and lunch included

                                            Package includes:
                                            • Use of venue
                                            • Complimentary parking
                                            • Wi-Fi connection
                                            • Use of basic AV system
                                            • Overhead projector & LCD screen
                                            • A flipchart set
                                            • Writing materials and mints
                                            • Seminar Lunch
                                            • Free flow of coffee and tea

                                            Prices are for a guaranteed minimum of 8 persons.
                                            All materials and/or services not stated herein
                                            are subject to additional charges.

 22 |   MAY/JUN 2021   For bookings or enquiries, please call 6410 1100 or email
                        All prices quoted are subject to prevailing goods & services taxes. • Photos are for illustration purposes.
SALADS                                             BILLING INFORMATION
 DELIVERY/                                                 r Winter Grilled Vegetable Salad with
                                                              Vinaigrette Dressing                            *Salutation :
 SELF-COLLECTION                                           r Coleslaw with Raisins
                                                                                                              Mr / Mrs / Ms / Dr / Prof / Gen
                                                           r Tomato, Cucumber and Chickpeas Salad
                                                                                                              (Please Underline accordingly)
                                                           r Mixed Garden Greens with Dressing and
                                                              Condiments                                      Full Name :
                                                           r Athenian Salad
 CHESHIRE                                                  r Potato, French Bean and Egg Salad                Delivery Date :
 Members’ Rate : $199++                                    APPETISERS
                                                                                                              Time :
                                                           r Smoked Salmon Platter
 Non-members’ Rate : $249++                                r Assorted Cold Cut Platter                        Delivery Address :
 Up to 15 persons                                          r Vegetable Pakora
                                                           r Chicken Tikka
                                                           r Indian Vegetable Samosa
 7 Dishes                                                  VEGETABLE
 • 1 x Salad                                               r Steamed Garden Vegetables                        *Zip/Postal :
 • 1 x Appetiser                                           r Broccoli with Shiitake Mushrooms
                                                           r Aloo Mutter                                      *Mobile :
 • 1 x Vegetable                                           r Cauliflower Gratin                               *Home :
 • 1 x Meat                                                r Aloo Gobi Matars
                                                                                                              *Membership Ref No.:
                                                           r Dal Makhani / Yellow Dal
 • 2 x Staple foods
                                                           r Mixed Vegetable Curry                            CREDIT CARD : VISA / MASTERCARD
 • 1 x Dessert                                             SEAFOOD                                            / AMEX – 4DBC code required
                                                           r Wok-Fried Prawns with Broccoli and               (Please circle)
                                                              Cashew Nuts
                                                           r Fish Goa Curry                                                     –                   –
 SUFFOLK                                                   r Fish Fillet with Thai Chilli Sauce
 Members’ Rate : $299++                                    r Prawns and Scallops in Basil Cream Sauce                           –
 Non-members’ Rate : $349++                                r Pan-Baked Lemon Butter Chicken
                                                           r Punjabi Chicken Curry                            4 DBC/CVV :
 Up to 15 persons
                                                           r Poached Chicken with Ginger Scallion Oil         Expiry Date (MM/YY) :
                                                           r Roasted Chicken with Mushroom Sauce              Cardholder’s Name :
 10 Dishes                                                 r Beef with Ginger and Onions
 • 1 x Salad                                               r Beef Stew with Root Vegetables
                                                           r Murg Tikka Masala                                TERMS & CONDITIONS
 • 2 x Appetisers
                                                           r Lamb Vindaloo
 • 1 x Vegetable                                                                                              Confirmation
                                                           r Lamb Masala
 • 1 x Seafood                                             STAPLE FOOD                                        1   Orders are to be placed at least 5 working
                                                           r Crispy Roasted Potatoes with Garlic &                days in advance prior to event date.
 • 1 x Meat                                                                                                   2   Food is packed in microwavable and dispos
 • 2 x Staple foods                                        r Sautéed Potatoes                                     able containers; a complete set of dispos
                                                                                                                  able cutlery will be provided.
 • 2 x Desserts                                            r Pasta Aglio Olio
                                                                                                              3   Food is to be consumed within 4 hours
                                                           r Pasta with Tomato Sauce
                                                                                                                  upon delivery.
                                                           r Vegetarian Fried Rice
                                                                                                              4   Menus are subject to availability.
                                                           r Chicken Fried Rice
                                                                                                                  Delivery charges are applicable at $80++
                                                           r Prawn Fried Rice
                                                                                                                  per order. Delivery hours are between
                                                           r Yang Chow Fried Rice (Contains Pork)                 9am to 8pm.
 Members’ Rate : $399++                                    r Plain and Garlic Naan                            6   Prices are subject to change and prevailing
 Non-members’ Rate : $449++                                DESSERTS                                               GST.
                                                           r Assorted French Pastries                         7   We will take all steps necessary to ensure
 Up to 15 persons                                          r Tropical Sliced Fruits Platter                       that your data is treated securely and in
                                                           r Bread & Butter Pudding with Crème                    accordance with The British Club privacy
                                                              Custard Sauce                                       policy & Personal Data Protection Act
 15 Dishes
                                                           r Apple Crumble with Crème Custard Sauce               (PDPA).
 • 2 x Salads                                              r Gulab Jamun
 • 2 x Appetisers                                          r Carrot Halwa
 • 2 x Vegetables                                          ADD-ON ITEMS (OPTIONAL)
                                                           4kg Main Meat Roasted with Condiments              Signature/ Date :
 • 2 x Seafood                                             and Gravy @ $150++ (Pre-Sliced)
 • 2 x Meats                                               r Roasted Beef Striploin
                                                           r Crispy Pork Belly
 • 2 x Staple foods
                                                           r Roasted Lamb Leg
 • 3 x Desserts                                            r Roasted Beef Rib-Eye

For bookings or enquiries, please call 6410 1100 or email                                               MAY/JUN 2021    | 23
All prices quoted are subject to prevailing goods & services taxes. • Photos are for illustration purposes.

Crispy Pork Hock

                                                                                                           MOUNTBATTEN BAR AND GRILL

                                                                                                     Crispy Pork Hock, Apple Horseradish,
                                                   Chef Club Smoked                                                           Salsa Verde
                                                     Salmon Dome
                                                                                                         Spaghetti in Truffle Cream Sauce,
                                Lamb Kofta                                                             Cherry Tomatoes, Parmesan Cheese,
                                             Braised Pork Knuckle
                                Curry                                                                                      Feta Crumbs (V)

                                                                                                   SCORES SPORTS BAR & RESTAURANT
             Mushroom Risotto
                                                                                                     Chef Club Smoked Salmon Dome
                                                                                                Sourdough Bread, Poached Egg, Capers,
                                                                                          Spinach, Smashed Avocado, Hollandaise Sauce
                                                                                                                with Side Salad & Fries

                                                                                                                                   VERANDAH CAFÉ

                                                                                                                    Braised Pork Knuckle
                                                                                                 with Steamed Rice and Braised Chye Buay

                                                                                                                Lamb Kofta Curry
                                                                       Lamb Minced Ball, Onions, Tomatoes, Indian Spices Sauce
                                                                   Served with Briyani Rice, Naan Bread, Raita and Roasted Papad

                                                                                                            Vegan Poke Bowl (V)
                                                                        Brown Rice with Broccoli, Avocado Mash, Cherry Tomatoes,
                                                                                                Baby Spinach and Lemon Dressing

                                                                                                               Rajma Aloo Curry (V)
                                                                                                          Kidney Bean & Potato Curry
                                                                                Served with Basmati Rice, Tandoori Roti and Papadum

                                                                                                                                     WINDSOR ARMS

                                                                                                                        Mushroom Risotto
                                                                                                      Shimeji, Abalone Mushroom, Parmesan

      (V) Vegetarian

      24 |   MAY/JUN 2021                                             For more information, please call 6410 1100 or email
                                                     All prices quoted are subject to prevailing goods & services taxes. • Photos are for illustration purposes.

                                                                                                                         Corned Beef
MONTHLY                                                                                                                  Hash



Roasted Barramundi, Crushed Potatoes,
Capers, Artichoke, Lemon and Red Wine Sauce

Spaghetti in Truffle Cream Sauce,                                                    Fisherman’s Stew
Cherry Tomatoes, Parmesan Cheese,
Feta Crumbs (V)

SCORES SPORTS BAR & RESTAURANT                                                                                                                        Roasted
Deluxe Corned Beef Hash (P)
Red Onions, Bacon Bits, Smashed Potatoes,
Fried Egg, Melted Cheese with Toasted Sourdough
Bread & Baked Beans

VERANDAH CAFÉ                                                                                                 Chicken

Laksa Yong Tau Foo*

Kadhai Chicken
Boneless Chicken Leg, Onions, Green Peppers and Kadhai Spices
Served with Biryani Rice, Naan Bread, Raita & Roasted Papad

Vegan Poke Bowl (V)                                                                                               Yong Tau Foo Laksa
Brown Rice with Broccoli, Avocado Mash, Cherry Tomatoes,
Baby Spinach and Lemon Dressing

Kadhai Aloo Chole (V)
Chickpeas, Potatoes, Onions, Tomatoes, Green Peppers and
Kadhai Spices
Served with Basmati Rice, Tandoori Roti, Papadum

*Not available on Monday


Fisherman’s Stew
Prawns, Seabass, Beer, Broth, Bread

                                                                                                                           (P) Contains Pork (V) Vegetarian

For more information, please call 6410 1100 or email                                                             MAY/JUN 2021   | 25
All prices quoted are subject to prevailing goods & services taxes. • Photos are for illustration purposes.

                                     FUN DAY MONDAY
                                     BUY-1-GET-1 FREE from our à la carte food menu
                                     (Complimentary item inclusive of mains, sides and desserts,
                                     and shall be of lower value than item ordered)
                                     Available at Verandah Café and Scores Sports Bar.

                                     CHOOSE DAY TUESDAY
                                     $10+ FOR ALL Asian Delights at Verandah Café
                                     or Pastas at Scores Sports Bar
                                     Available at Verandah Café and Scores Sports Bar.

                                     ALL DAY HAPPY HOUR WEDNESDAY
                                     1-FOR-1 on all draft beers and house wine
                                     Available at Verandah Café, Windsor Arms and Scores Sports Bar,
                                     all day.

                                     WINEY KIDS THURSDAY
                                     CHILDREN DINE FREE: Buy 1 main course and get 1 dish free
                                     from the kids menu
                                     Available at Verandah Café and Scores Sports Bar.

                                     BYO WINE: No corkage charge for wine purchased from
                                     Windsor Shop and consumed at any of our F&B outlets
                                     Available at Mountbatten Bar & Grill, Verandah Café,
                                     Windsor Arms and Scores Sports Bar.

Terms & Conditions
• Not applicable on Public Holidays or in conjunction with any other food promotions, monthly specials as well as Gold and VIP cards.
• Dining Deals are exclusively for British Club Members and their guests only.
• All promotions are valid for dine-in only. Not applicable to take-aways.

26 |   MAY/JUN 2021                                                       For more information, please call 6410 1100 or email
                                                         All prices quoted are subject to prevailing goods & services taxes. • Photos are for illustration purposes.

                                                                                                                           Freshly Baked South African Roll
                                                                                                                               served with Premium Butter
MOUNTBATTEN                                                                                                   L’Avenir Brut Methode Cap Classique 2017,
                                                                                                                               Stellenbosch, South Africa

DEGUSTATION                                                                                                                       Biltong, Mango, Lettuce
                                                                                                                  L’Avenir Horizon Sauvignon Blanc 2020,
                                                                                                                                Stellenbosch, South Africa
SET DINNER                                                                                                                        Vegetables, Lentils Soup
with                                                                                                                             Barramundi on the Braai
                                                                                                                                Green Lime, Arugula Salad
                                                                                                                         L’Avenir Horizon Pinotage 2019,
                                                                                                                               Stellenbosch, South Africa
                                                                                                                                          Winemag – 90 Points

                                                                                                                                      Spatchcock, Peri Peri
Fri, 28 May                                                                                                         Char-leek, Tomatoes, Pickle Cucumber,
Dinner will be served                                                                                                                        Turmeric Rice
                                                                                                                    L’Avenir Provenance Pinotage 2017,
at 7:30pm sharp.
                                                                                                                                Stellenbosch, South Africa
All guests will be served aperitif                                                                                                                     Awards
at their table.                                                                                                                 International Challenge 2019,
                                                                                                                                     Gilbert & Gaillard – Gold
Bookings are limited to                                                                                                        2020 Double Platinum Winner,
8 persons per table.                                                                                                                National NWC Champion
                                                                                                                                  2020 Top 100 South African
$118+ per Member                                                                                                                Wines Winner, National NWC
$128+ per Guest                                                                                                             Champion Presicent Top 10 Wines

                                                                                                                 Malava Pudding, Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
In Partnership with                                                                                                 L’Avenir Single Block Pinotage 2018,
                                                                                                                               Stellenbosch, South Africa

                                                                                                                            Freshly Brewed Illy Coffee or
                                                                                                                    Selection of Taylors of Harrogate Tea

                                                                                                                                   Special Take-Away Price
L’Avenir is a leading Stellenbosch                                                                             L’Avenir Brut Methode Cap Classique 2017,
                                                                                                                                Stellenbosch, South Africa
boutique winery that specialises in                                                                                                    $45.00 (U.P. $53.50)
South Africa’s emblematic varietals:                                                                               L’Avenir Horizon Sauvignon Blanc 2020,
Pinotage and Chenin Blanc. Situated                                                                                             Stellenbosch, South Africa
                                                                                                                                       $38.00 (U.P. $48.00)
four kilometres from Stellenbosch on
                                                                                                                          L’Avenir Horizon Pinotage 2019,
the slopes of Simonsberg Mountain,                                                                                             Stellenbosch, South Africa
the estate is right in the heart of                                                                                                   $38.00 (U.P. $48.00)

South Africa’s most revered wine                                                                                       L’Avenir Provenance Pinotage 2017,
                                                                                                                                 Stellenbosch, South Africa
appellation. L’Avenir produces                                                                                                          $49.50 (U.P. $60.00)
authentic South African wines,                                                                                        L’Avenir Single Block Pinotage 2018,
with a touch of French flair.                                                                                                    Stellenbosch, South Africa
                                                                                                                                        $78.00 (U.P. $98.00)

                                                                                                                           Vintages are correct at time of print.

Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

For bookings or enquiries, please call 6410 1100 or email                                              MAY/JUN 2021     | 27
All prices quoted are subject to prevailing goods & services taxes. • Photos are for illustration purposes.
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