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                                                                            The bOx that
                                                                        changed the world

                                                                            Agri exports are
                                                                                   all the go

                                   thE CAR
                                   tRADE’S LASt
                                   MINutE RuSh

               ShIP ARRESt                  MELINDA PAVEY, NSW Minister for Ports

                                  WhY INtERNAtIONAL tRADE IS IMPORtANt              AUTUMN/wiNTer 2017
Proven l Collaborative l Safe

CONTENTS                                                                                              Autumn / winter 2017

                                                                                                                 20                                 26

                       6 14
    02     FROm THE bRIDGE
    06     VIEWPOINT
           Petty politics preventing possibilities
    08     PROFILE
           meLinDA PAVeY, new South wales minister for roads,
           maritime and Freight
    12     INTRODUCING
           CHArLeS mASterS, SAL’s Victoria state secretary
    14     THE CAR TRADE
           Last-minute rush by our car workers is like last dance on Titanic
    20     AGRICULTURE
           Get on the gravy train
    22     ECONOmy
           22 international trade, it’s important
           24 the property market – is the end near?
    26     LEGAL
           26 Panama accedes to the Hong Kong Convention as
              ship recycling hits record highs
           28 the facts about ship arrests in Australia
    32     NAVIGATION
           Precise positioning technology for Australia’s maritime industry

           Port Ash Australia - Overview
           THE SCENE
                                                                                                                 40 44
    38     bOOK REVIEW
           they sang like kangaroos
           Megastar highlights LnG and design
           Heavy hauling and “hidden subsidies”
    46     ALC FORUm 2016
           Focus: Getting the supply chain right
           the bOx that changed the world
    52     FAREWELL
           Philip Charles Kelly OAm - a lifetime of service to shipping

                      THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF
                      Shipping Australia Ltd
                      Level 1, 101 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000
                      PO Box Q388 Sydney NSW 1230
                      P: 02 9266 9911          F: 02 9279 1471
                                                                                                                             Front Cover:
                      PUbLICATIONS COmmITEE
                      Chairman:            Ross McAlpine
                                                                                                                             Car shipping is big
                      Vice chairman:       Frank Needs                                                                       business
                      Executive editor:    Rod Nairn
                      Executive assistant: Sharyn Flood
                      Feature writer:      Archie Bayvel
                      Graphic designer:    Sarah Abrahams

                      Advertising Co-ordinator:
                      For advertising contact Steve Moxey
                      P: 0400 473 200            E:
                      PO BOX 43, Woonona NSW 2517

                      Shipping Australia Magazine is published for Shipping Australia Ltd by
Ontime Publications   Ontime Pubications.                                                       Autumn / Winter 2017 I Shipping Australia Limited   1
From    the
                                                 what a difference
                                                 a year makes
                                                 Around the
                                                        By rOD nAirn Am, CeO, Shipping Australia Limited

                                                 buoy again
                                                 to improve cash balances, and now
                                                 they have to deal with the pressure of
                                                 rising charter rates.
                                                  northbound container freight rates
                                                  from Australia have shown a good
                                                                                                        in Australia, has succumbed to
                                                                                                        excessive debt and sold off assets
                                                                                                        and parts of their business. there
                                                                                                        is still talk of further consolidation
                                                                                                        between box carriers, the cut-
                                                                                                        throat race to the bottom on rates
                                                  recovery on the back of a bumper
                                                                                                        has resulted in unrelenting years
                                                  agricultural export season. Yet the
                                                                                                        of losses, and consolidation is the
                                                  unpredictability of this sector and the
                                                                                                        fastest means of reducing operating
                                                  inability, or inability of exporters, to

                                                                                                        costs and reducing empty slots.
                                                  make firm  ow bookings      earlyhas
                                                                  that the dust       enough     has
                                                                                           settled      Back in 2013 Shipping Australia

By ROD NAIRN  t thisAM,
                          last year i was
                               executive          led to afrommuch-publicised
                                                                    the Federal shortage
                                                                                      electionof   it    meanwhile,
                                                                                                        was   vocal inthe  ship building
                                                                                                                         advocating     thatindustry
officer, Shipping         that Limited
                    Australia  for most           food grade        20 foottime
                                                             is certainly     containers      – or
                                                                                    to re-ignite         remains  completely    on  its
                                                                                                        changes be made to the coastal   knees.
               shipping sectors we were           at least    a shortage
                                                 the    debate     on howoftothese       containers
                                                                                 reinvigorate            there  are record  low  ship
                                                                                                        shipping regime to reduce the   building
        experiencing the worst economic           in the   right
                                                 the     use   of place
                                                                   coastalat the  right time.
                                                                              shipping.       It         orders in the
                                                                                                        regulatory      yards and
                                                                                                                     burden    and many      yards,
                                                                                                                                     thus reduce
        indicators for shipping in history        the situation is exacerbated by some                   particularly in China, are closing or
                                                 might     feel like going around the                   barriers to entry to participation
        and while there were improvements         shippers booking the same cargo                        have already done so. meanwhile
                                                 buoy again but it is something that                    in that market. In our response
        throughout the year, by Christmas         on multiple carriers, leaving carriers                 another problem for the container
                                                 we as Australian’s can’t afford to                     to  the Governments Coastal
        it was still hard to be optimistic. in    with excess boxes and empty slots,                     industry is that despite record low
                                                 ignore.      To leave the majority of
                                                  it’s no wonder that some have been                    Shipping
                                                                                                         new orders,Options   Paper
                                                                                                                       capacity         inincreasing
                                                                                                                                  is still  2014
        the Annual review i stated that
                                                 interstate      freight on a
                                                  forced to introduced         our   roads and
                                                                                “no-show”               we   highlighted   that  shipping
                                                                                                         as the behemoths ordered a few       was a
        “you have to be an optimist to be
        in shipping”. now, while it’s not
                                                 rail  wheni’ve
                                                  charge.       then   is it
                                                                    said  the  opportunity
                                                                             before,    that in for     long-term    commitment
                                                                                                         years ago roll               and that
                                                                                                                         out of the yards.         the
        the time to be jumping for joy it is     aa cleaner,
                                                     competitive greener
                                                                      market and
                                                                               you potentially
                                                                                      cannot            shipping
                                                                                                         month weindustry     needed
                                                                                                                     see another           regulatory
                                                                                                                                    headline    of
        the time to take off the grey tinted     cheaper       optionfor(which
                                                  blame carriers           making  is the
                                                                                            best        stability that couldship
                                                                                                         “largest container     only  comethe
                                                                                                                                    ever”.     from
        glasses and admit that both globally     being     incapacitated       by   regulation)
                                                  financial decision for their business,                aJanuary
                                                                                                                          MSC Oscar at 19,224
        and locally the freight markets appear   is
                                                  in pretty
                                                      fact theyclose
                                                                   are to  criminal.
                                                                       legally  boundThere to. So is    was surpassed by MOL Triumph at
        to have turned the corner. in the        free,    unused exporters
                                                  if agricultural    capacity for aredomestic
                                                                                        not willing     We   have
                                                                                                        20,150     teuto accept
                                                                                                                          in marchthatandthejust two
        dry bulk market the Baltic dry bulk      cargo
                                                  to make  onfirm
                                                                     bookings ships    already
                                                                                 for food    grade      Shipping
                                                                                                        weeks later   Legislation
                                                                                                                         was out boxed Amendment
                                                                                                                                              by Madrid
        index has grown 300 per cent from        travelling
                                                  containersbetween          our the
                                                                  at rates that    capital   cities,
                                                                                         carrier        Bill tabled20,565
                                                                                                        MAERSK          in the teu.
                                                                                                                                 last Parliament
                                                                                                                                        But were
        its record last February, and the         findsisacceptable,
                                                 that       not being usedthere because
                                                                                  is no surprise
                                                                                               of       went    too far,
                                                                                                        they really         it didinnot
                                                                                                                       trying?          receive
                                                                                                                                      may,   the OOCL
        Shanghai Containerised Freight index      thatcost
                                                 the     the carrier   will market
                                                               of regulatory           their 20
                                                                                compliance.             bipartisan
                                                                                                        Hong Kongsupport blitzed theandfield
                                                                                                                                          did at
                                                                                                                                               not  pass
        is up 100 per cent. On the flip side,     foot containers
                                                 There                  and ship slots
                                                           are opportunities                to other
                                                                                     for break          teu.Upper
                                                                                                        the      if youHouse.
                                                                                                                          see my So,point,   with allbe
                                                                                                                                         it might
        charter rates for container ships are     shippers
                                                 bulk          who don’t
                                                          movements        byrequire    the costly
                                                                               sea, which               the superseded
                                                                                                        around      the buoymodelsagain,cascading
                                                                                                                                           but that’s a
        up around 70 per cent, which is good      upgrade
                                                 are           to food quality
                                                        lost because       there is– and
                                                                                             onea       journey that we need ittodoesn’t
                                                                                                        onto   the   lesser    loops,      take forlook
        for ship owners but not so good for       better   return.
                                                 cargo, and coastal licences require                    like the    self-inflicted   overcapacity
                                                                                                        benefits of Australian manufacturers
                                                 applications                                           problem
                                                                                                        and   primarywill be    over any time
                                                                                                                           producers,            soon.
                                                                                                                                           in order
        container lines who rely on chartering   the upturn inin    blocks
                                                                  global    of five.hasSo
        in capacity. As losses have mounted,     instead
                                                 come too  welate
                                                                     save some,  escorted
                                                                                   and it               to give    them     economic
                                                                                                        But even the punch-drunk containeraccess     to
        a lot of operators have sold some        cargo’s   clogging
                                                 is not limited       up therickmers,
                                                                 to Hanjin.   high ways,                Australia’s
                                                                                                        shipping market  domesticmustmarkets.
                                                                                                                                       be glad thatHow
        of their ships on leaseback in order     why?
                                                 a large global operator, albeit not                    can
                                                                                                        they they
                                                                                                              are not compete
                                                                                                                          invested  with  imports ifoilit
                                                                                                                                      in offshore

   2                                Autumn/ Summer
       Shipping Australia Limited I Spring  / Winter 2017
and gas exploration. the bottom           will provide longer term regulatory       something they haven’t yet delivered.
fell out of that one with the collapse    stability. minister Chester spoke         we are very disappointed to see such
of the petroleum price and nothing        on his policy aims at a Shipping          large increases passed on to users.
looks like changing in the near future.   Australia lunch in melbourne in April;
                                                                                    the Annual Australian Logistics
Further uncertainty was injected into     we all remain eager to see the final
                                                                                    Council Conference returned to
the American market with President        Government proposal now that the
                                                                                    melbourne’s iconic mCG in march
trump’s executive order to tighten the    consultation period has closed.
                                                                                    this year. Victorian minister for
Jones Act and crack down on foreign
                                          A dampener on my upbeat                   transport, Luke Donnellan opened
flagged vessels in the offshore oil and
                                          commentary on the fortunes of             the conference, highlighting the new
gas industry. However, uS Customs
                                          shipping is that we are now amidst        initiatives recently announced in the
have now advised that they are not
                                          the season of port price rises as         Victorian infrastructure plan including
intending to change the status quo
                                          we approach the new financial year.       the murray Basin rail project and
in this regard and uS oil producers,
                                          while the price control mechanisms        the m80 ring road upgrade but after
who were worrying whether they
                                          in melbourne have kept rises in line      him, the focus of the conference was
could continue operations, have now
breathed a collective sigh of relief.     with CPi and we have seen general         unswervingly the national Freight and
                                          restraint from private port operators,    Supply chain strategy. An overview
Of course, the cruise shipping            our members are dismayed                  of the conference is on page 46.
industry was the one sector that          by excessive price rises from
bucked the trend then, and continues                                                After the weight of logistics industry
                                          government monopoly providers,
to show annual growth of around                                                     argument that was presented in
                                          whose sole justification is to increase
15 per cent, even in Australia. One                                                 support of inland rail throughout
                                          their return on government assets. it
must wonder whether the fact that                                                   the ALC Conference, it was no
                                          is my strong belief that governments
the large cruise ship market was                                                    surprise to see $8.4 billion of funding
                                          should be enablers of trade, not
exempted from the Coastal trading                                                   allocated to the project in this year’s
                                          profiteers from selected aspects of
(revitalising Australian Shipping) Act                                              Federal budget. this is a massive
                                          it. efficient trade brings massive
has enabled it to flourish, while the                                               investment into something that
                                          benefits to the state through the
percentage of domestic cargo carried                                                could be seen as an unnecessary
                                          multiplier effect of encouraging
by sea continues to decline? Be that                                                duplication of the free ‘highways of
                                          business activity, fees and charges
as it may, the ever-growing demand                                                  the sea’ that already join our east
                                          do the opposite. As we go to
in this sector, and thus the growing                                                coast capital cities, but if they get
                                          print, Ports Authority nSw has just
demand for more frequent visits for                                                 it right then it will serve a useful
                                          announced a 3.5 per cent increase on
bigger and bigger ships, is keeping                                                 purpose, streamlining agricultural
                                          pilotage and navigation charges, (with
argument for another cruise terminal                                                exports’ journey to the ports.
                                          the exception of newcastle pilots,
east of the Sydney Harbour Bridge         who underwent a pricing re-structure      the first focus of inland rail should
well and truly alive. SAL is pleased      last year), that’s 1.9 times their own    be to feed the ports with our exports
to note that nSw Ports is looking into    CPi benchmark. these ship-based           and allow the efficient distribution of
berthing arrangements for these ships     charges provided the greatest hurt        imports to inland, rural areas. it is
unable to pass under the bridge.          for carriers because the hyper-           essential that the rail connections go
A year ago, we were also lamenting        competitive nature of the industry        all the way to the ports and while this
the defeat of the Shipping Legislation    makes it almost impossible to pass        hasn’t yet been resolved in Brisbane,
Amendment Bill and wondering what         the increased costs through to the        Shipping Australia is delighted to
the future would hold for coastal         cargo shipper.                            see the Federal Budget allocate $70
shipping. the important step that                                                   million to the duplication of the Port
                                          in the private sector, DP World’s
the Government needs to take is                                                     Botany rail link. this is a key enabler
                                          decision to hike their infrastructure
to free up the use of international                                                 to get more port freight onto rail,
                                          charge has drawn strong
shipping for carrying coastal                                                       make proper use of the network of
                                          condemnation, especially from the
domestic cargos. thus, making                                                       intermodal terminals around Sydney,
                                          trucking industry. i understand that
the best use of the infrastructure                                                  reduce road congestion and increase
                                          DP world’s justification for these
that they don’t even have to build,                                                 the efficiency of the end connections
                                          charges, at least in melbourne, is
the highways of the sea, to enable                                                  of the international (and domestic sea
                                          substantial increases in land rents
Australian products to be competitive                                               freight) logistics chain. it is also a
                                          and a requirement to upgrade
in Australian markets.                                                              strong endorsement of the principle
                                          infrastructure to meet performance
                                                                                    of modal shift to more efficient freight
After surviving a quick Federal           targets. the container stevedoring
                                                                                    transport modes and will maximise
election, minister for Infrastructure     industry in Australia is very
                                                                                    the potential of Sydney’s intermodal
and Transport, Darren Chester has         competitive, so there are other
                                                                                    terminals, while reducing road
taken a more measured approach to         options and time will show its effect
coastal shipping regulation. while        on the market. Additionally, the
many in the mining and agricultural       performance of the stevedoring            Infrastructure Victoria’s
industries international shipping         industry is monitored by the ACCC.        recommendation that a new Victorian
industry would criticise his recent       if the infrastructure investment it to    container port is not required until
Coastal Shipping reform Discussion        improve performance, and i accept         2055 came as a shock to our major
Paper as not bold enough to make a        that we have seen productivity            container lines. unless there are
difference, Shipping Australia accepts    increases in recent years, then DP        some serious unannounced plans
that his efforts to gain bi-partisan      world will recover their investment       to widen the Yarra river, Swanson
support for re-tuning of the current      through increased productivity            Dock swinging basin and raise the
legislation are more likely to yield      going forward, so they shouldn’t          westgate Bridge, our members are
at least some positive changes and        be charging customers now for             dumbstruck as to how the existing

                                                                          Autumn / Winter 2017 I Shipping Australia Limited    3
Secretary general, Robert Ward;
                                                                                             His Serene Highness, Prince Albert II of
                                                                                            Monaco; and conference chair, Dr Parry Oei
                                                                                                 at the official opening ceremony

                                                                                           ferry, the first tugs, the first LnG
                                                                                           Container ship (tOte isa Bella) and
                                                                                           soon the first LnG Bass Strait ferry,
                                                                                           and four LnG powered cruise ships
                                                                                           already on order by Carnival. Be
                                                                                           assured that there will be many more
                                                                                           LnG powered ships to come.
                                                                                           Lastly it is my sad duty to bid a
                                                                                           final farewell to shipping industry
                                                                                           legend and our former Victorian state
                                                                                           secretary, Philip Charles Kelly OAm
    Port of melbourne can possibly cope       from 2020) to invest in LnG powered          who lost his battle with cancer in
    for another 38 years when there is        ships. we have seen a few firsts in          January. Fair winds and following
    already congestion and limitations        LnG power with the first passenger           seas Phil.
    on ship size. So it seems that the
    biggest container port in Australia is
    in danger of being left behind with
    operators eager to introduce larger,
    more cost effective ships on the
    Australian loops.
                                                iHO - enabling safe navigation
    i would like to extend my sincere           the 1st Assembly of the international        on modernising the convention. i
    best wishes to David Anderson               Hydrographic Organization was held           attended the iHO Conference in
    on his retirement from his role of          in monaco in April and i was fortunate       2005 as head of the Australian
    CeO Ports Australia in April. David         to attend as a member of the                 delegation where, after eight years
    has been an energetic and effective         Australian delegation. this Assembly         of development, a new convention
    advocate on maritime matters                is the last for Australian, robert ward,     was agreed upon by the member
    impacting on the operation of Ports         secretary general (former deputy             states. But due to the changes
    and our respective organisations            hydrographer of Australia), who
    have often found common grounds in                                                       having to be officially ratified by
                                                stands down at the end of his 10             two thirds of the member states, it
    addressing maritime policy matters. i       year term. But what is the iHO and
    also welcome his successor michael                                                       took until 8 november 2016, when
                                                why the “1st Assembly” you may well          the 48th member state formally
    Gallacher into the role and look            ask?
    forward to continuing the mutually                                                       ratified the amendments, before
    beneficial relationship between our         it is no accident that ships navigating      the new conventions entered force.
    two associations into the future.           all over the world are able to do            under the new convention the first
                                                so safely by using nautical charts,          Assembly was held between 24-29
    in this edition, you will find some         electronic navigational charts and           April this year, marking a re-birth of
    observations on the end of the              other navigational publications that         the organization. the final act of
    Australian car manufacturing industry                                                    the 1st Assembly was to elect the
                                                all look and perform in the same way
    and the impact on the international
                                                despite the fact that there are around       new secretary general and directors
    car trade, from our feature writer
                                                50 different nations that produce            to guide global hydrography and
    Archie Bayvel. Also, perhaps as a
                                                these products. the iHO has been             nautical cartography over the next
    look into the future, the new LnG
                                                around since 1921 coordinating               three years.
    powered passenger ferry Tallink
                                                standards for hydrographic surveying
    Megastar is unveiled operating in
                                                and nautical charting products to
    the Baltic eCA between Helsinki and
                                                ensure that this is so. Seafarers owe
    tallinn. Our northern correspondent
                                                a lot to the iHO for enabling safe
    John Pagni also reports that the
                                                navigation by promoting hydrographic
    Baltic LnG Conference held in tallinn
                                                surveying and information sharing,
    recently, pronounced that the critical
                                                and developing common standards
    tipping point for maritime LnG was
                                                for navigational products that have
    fast approaching. Searoad’s new
                                                been adopted world-wide, across the
    LnG powered ro-ro, Searoad Mersey
    II, for the Bass Strait service, has
    been launched in Germany and when           why the first Assembly? the iHO
    Gorgon comes on-stream, Australia           is one of the oldest international
    will jump straight to number one            bodies, it was formed in 1921 with a
    world LnG supplier. this should also        convention based on the consensus              The new IHO Secretariat – Abri
    have the effect of cutting the LnG          principles of the treaty of Versailles.        Kampfer (South Africa), director;
    bunker price and making it even more        the consensus principle made                  Mathias Jonas (Germany), secretary
    attractive (considering tightening of       decision making difficult and at the           general; Mustafa Iptes (Turkey),
    environmental regulations such as           end of last century work commenced                         director
    imO’s global 0.5 per cent sulphur limit

4   Shipping Australia Limited I Autumn / Winter 2017

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    Keep clear of big ships.
                                                         Autumn / Winter 2017 I Shipping Australia Limited   5
By mAttHew wHittLe, policy advisor, Shipping Australia Limited
                                                                                         Petty politics
                                                                               preventing possibilities

           n november 2016, the turnbull                                   world-leading aspirations. Aspiring                               assessment of all possible solutions
           Government published its                                        to be world leaders on infrastructure                             and combinations is essential.
           response to infrastructure                                      measures will be challenging but
                                                                                                                                             One possibility with the potential
        Australia’s first 15-year ‘Australian                              Australia has undertaken strategies
                                                                                                                                             to immediately improve the quality
        infrastructure Plan’, and the minister                             to improve its world ranking before:
                                                                                                                                             of Australia’s infrastructure is the
        for infrastructure and transport also                              for example, after ranking 32nd in
        announced the establishment of an                                  the 1976 Olympic Games medal                                      political reform of coastal shipping.
        independent inquiry into how best                                  tally, the Australian institute of Sport                          Allowing for the increased integration
        to lift the productivity and efficiency                            was established to address this poor                              of sea transport in the domestic
        of Australia’s freight supply chain.                               result.                                                           supply chain is a single measure
        this inquiry aims to guide the                                                                                                       that would significantly increase
                                                                           the challenge to deliver world-                                   Australia’s domestic freight capacity.
        development of a national Freight
                                                                           leading infrastructure cannot                                     Additionally, as the resource intensity
        and Supply Chain Strategy and will
                                                                           be understated, as revealed                                       of shipping is very low relative to
        produce a final report by march 2018.
                                                                           by the world economic Forum                                       railroads and roads, the resources
        One of the stated objectives of the
                                                                           2014–15 Global Competitiveness                                    currently expended to facilitate
        Government is to ‘deliver world-
                                                                           report, which ranked Australia’s                                  the national freight task would
        leading infrastructure that supports
                                                                           overall infrastructure at 35                                      be saved. in fact, diverting these
        world-leading cities and regions’.
                                                                           out of 144 countries. On the                                      resources to improving the quality
        in its response to the Australian                                  components relevant to supply                                     of Australia’s port infrastructure
        infrastructure Plan the                                            chain infrastructure, the quality                                 would increase the effectiveness
        Government supported 69 of                                         of Australia’s railroads, ports and                               of coastal shipping, reduce the
        the 78 recommendations made                                        roads was ranked at 32nd, 38th                                    cost of imports and increase
        in the Plan and noted six of the                                   and 43rd, respectively. the obvious                               Australia’s export competitiveness.
        recommendations. As a nation                                       extenuating circumstances that                                    An additional consequence would
        that strives to match and exceed                                   contribute to these poor rankings are                             be an improvement in the quality
        world standards for trade and                                      the relatively vast distances between                             of Australia’s railroad and road
        development, resilience and                                        population centres and productive                                 infrastructure, as the resource
        sustainability, it is understandable                               areas, placing extra-ordinary costs                               intensity of its maintenance would
        there was government support                                       on maintaining domestic supply                                    reduce as more cargo is carried by
        for recommendation 10.5, “that                                     chains. A smart first step to address                             sea.
        Federal, State and territory                                       these circumstances was the reversal
        governments should adopt                                           of the fragmentation policy of                                    there is significant improvement to
        international standards”. the ability                              separate national Land Freight and                                be gained by the political reform of
        to compare apples with apples                                      national Port Strategies, in favour                               coastal shipping, and — as another
        will allow Australia to be assessed                                of establishing a holistic national                               international benchmark, namely, the
        against international benchmarks                                   Freight and Supply Chain Strategy.                                Liner Shipping Connectivity index
        for infrastructure to support our                                  in order to compete effectively, an                               (LSCi) demonstrates — Australia has

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6      Shipping Australia Limited I Autumn / Winter 2017
    quite a bit of ground to make up. the        the situation in Australia, where the        would be quickly optimised to ensure
    LSCi is published by the united nations      Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian     competitiveness with other supply
    Conference on trade and Development          Shipping) Act 2012 is restricting the        chains.
    (unCtAD) in its annual review of             use of shipping and where constructive
    maritime transport and in 2016 ranked        amendments were rejected by                  The possible and the political
    Australia at 50th place. instructively in    interests opposed to a competitive           Australia is a market economy and those
    the 2016 report the unCtAD identifies        market. this lack of competition and         charged with its governance have an
    three policy areas which can improve a       its consequences were identified in          obligation to ensure that all markets are
    country’s LSCi ranking. in the Australian    the Productivity Commission’s 2016           competitive. All sectors of the economy
    context for reform, these policy areas       ‘regulation of Australian Agriculture’       face increasing competition, and the
    can be described as: widening the port       inquiry, which found that cabotage           expectation of productive industries to
    hinterland; ensuring competitive markets;    laws are harming farm businesses. the        subsidise a fantastic ideal of a nation
    and having efficient and modern ports.       inquiry recommended that “as a matter        of domestic ship-owners is not viable
                                                 of priority, the Australian Government       and fails to prioritise the end-users:
    Widen the port hinterland
                                                 should amend coastal shipping laws to        individuals, families and businesses. the
    the port’s hinterland is defined by the      substantially reduce barriers to entry for
                                                                                              political narrow interests that support
    size of the market area/region which         foreign vessels, to improve competition
                                                                                              this position ignores, and is contrary to,
    accesses the port’s services. the market     in coastal shipping services”.
                                                                                              the necessity for Australians to leverage
    area for port services can be widened by
                                                 Efficient and modern ports                   our natural competitive advantages. the
    giving domestic productive industries the
                                                                                              standard of living enjoyed in Australia is
    choice to use coastal shipping and by        the Australian Competition and
                                                                                              founded in our status as a trading nation,
    investing in infrastructure that connects    Consumer Commission has, for the
                                                                                              and one natural competitive advantage
    to the port. measures that widen the         last 17 years, reported annually on the
    port hinterland would also be improved                                                    which is failing to be leveraged is the
                                                 productivity and efficiency of Australia’s
    by the landside transport sector’s           container ports. the establishment of        integration of the domestic freight task
    development of intermodal services and       three stevedoring providers at each of       with the international supply chain.
    systems to support port connectivity.        the three largest container ports has        this integration would: enable the
    Ship capacity is relatively flexible and     promoted intra-port competitiveness,         concentration of freight infrastructure
    responsive to demand. the benefits of        resulting in increasingly efficient and      resources, further enabling an increase
    shipping increase with the economies of      highly modernised ports. there are           in the efficiency of trade; free-up
    scale; therefore, expanding the hinterland   however viability concerns of this           resources to diversify the development
    will continue to improve services and        extra stevedoring capacity such that         of infrastructure; increase the domestic
    reduce cost.                                 any political reform that resulted in an     supply chain’s resilience to natural
                                                 increase in the volume of container          disasters, shift the transporting of freight
    Ensure competitive markets                                                                to a more sustainable footing by lowering
                                                 throughput would be very welcomed.
    the unCtAD notes, “Any restriction on        Additionally, with the demonstrated          its energy and emissions intensity. All
    transport services, such as cabotage         enthusiasm for technology among              these outcomes are possible with greater
    restrictions in shipping, leads to lower     Australia’s stevedores, the transit of       domestic connectivity to liner shipping
    maritime connectivity”. this is exactly      domestic containers through the ports        and a change in political will.

                                                             Port of Melbourne

                                                                                   Autumn / Winter 2017 I Shipping Australia Limited    7
mELINDA PAVEy, New South Wales minister for Roads, maritime and Freight

Shades of Hanson as a
                                                                                          melinda Pavey’s predecessor,
                                                                                          Duncan Gay mLC, oversaw a record
                                                                                          $38 billion spend on infrastructure

farmer’s daughter meets
                                                                                          since 2011. today’s expenditure
                                                                                          would be very much more, what with
                                                                                          the massive roadworks in western
                                                                                          Sydney and distribution centres

her first big challenge                                                                   springing up all over the State. Little
                                                                                          wonder that ms Pavey’s appointment
                                                                                          to these massive industrial portfolios

on our waterfront
                                                                                          has already been described as
                                                                                          the most remarkable since roman
                                                                                          emperor Caligula made incitatus a
     By ArCHie BAYVeL                                                                     the lady herself is charming. A tall
                                                                                          woman with a country woman’s firm
                                                                                          step and a friendly, quizzical stare,
                                                                                          she has well and truly served her
when one recalls the scorn poured on former fish-and-chip shop                            time in both new South wales’s
proprietor Pauline Hanson, when she entered politics, it should not                       houses of Parliament. She entered
be surprising if a soupcon of alarm is aroused by the appointment                         the Legislative Council in 2002 before
of café owner melinda Pavey, as the new minister for three critical                       standing for election to the Legislative
                                                                                          Assembly in 2015, when she won the
portfolios that include maritime affairs.                                                 nationals’ mid-north coast stronghold
                                                                                          of Oxley following the retirement of its
    Commenting on her own new job ms          roads AnD Freight makes it an even          previous incumbent, Andrew Stoner.
    Pavey says: ”As a farmer’s daughter,      bigger challenge.
    with a background in small business                                                   She apologises for being a few
                                              the financial worth of all these            minutes late for her interview for this
    and media, i bring energy, experience
                                              departments must measure many               profile. “Been having lunch with
    and knowledge to the new nationals
                                              billions of dollars and require             Barnaby Joyce (deputy prime minister
                                              extraordinary qualities in the politician   and nationals mP for new england)”,
    to be maritime minister is to oversee     charged with the responsibility of          she says.
    a highly industrialised industry and      linking their professional managers to
    to be at the same time minister for       we the People.                              A later phone call may or may not be
                                                                                          from Barnaby who may or may not be
                                                                                          wanting to continue their discussion.
                                                                                          whoever it is, they’re firmly told: “i’ll
                                                                                          be in here ‘til seven tonight.”
                                                                                          end of conversation, back to
                                                                                          business …
                                                                                          Her internet CV outlines her career
                                                                                          pretty much from the day she left
                                                                                          school to her recent elevation to the
                                                                                          ministry. it describes her as a radio
                                                                                          and tV journalist, having spent one
                                                                                          year with Sydney’s radio station
                                                                                          2uw. According to her CV she is
                                                                                          also an experienced small business
                                                                                          executive. this experience, she says,
                                                                                          springs from her work since 1997, as
                                                                                          part owner of an 85-seat coffee shop
                                                                                          at Coffs Harbour.
                                                                                          A chronological list of ms Pavey’s
                                                                                          post-2uw political experience is
                                                                                          formidable, both as a government
                                                                                          employee (she was an advisor
                                                                                          to former Deputy Premiers, wal
                                                                                          murray and ian Armstrong) right up
                                                                                          to her first entering Parliament as

8   Shipping Australia Limited I Autumn / Winter 2017
the member for Oxley, a quite different
electorate to Pauline Hanson’s one of the
same name in Queensland.
Her own CV sums it up, “After more
than a decade working for the people
of regional new South wales in the
Legislative Council, and since 2015 in the
Legislative Assembly, melinda Pavey has
dedicated herself to improving the lives
of regional and rural constituents.
“As the mother of two young children
melinda is keenly focussed on the issues
that matter to families across the State.”
Her CV also reveals that over almost 14      melinda resumes, “in my maritime            “I am talking about rethinking what we do
years in Parliament ms Pavey has served      portfolio we are addressing the problem     with the land to optimise its use and the
on some 25 committees and standing           of berth shortages in the Harbour-white     value of its outputs as well as increase
committees, including almost five            Bay area and finding extra capacity for     overall economic activity while supplying
months in 2015 as a member and chair         cruise liners.                              raw materials to attract secondary
of the select committee on the regulation    “my door is always open for people with     industry.
of brothels.                                 problems. i don’t see their issues as       “Can we think differently about land
She is the daughter of dairy farmers         problems but rather as opportunities and
                                                                                         tenure so that there can be leasing
who came to Australia in the 1920s           challenges.”
                                                                                         and share farming for the younger or
and settled at Kyabram, an irrigation        what about the half-built Dombarton rail    entrepreneurial farmers who want to farm
district in the Goulburn river Valley, 200   link, whose connection to Port Kembla       but who cannot afford the capital cost
kilometres north of melbourne.               has been discussed for many years           of land, which is particularly high in this
today her family lives at urunga in the      now? She’s on the case and says, “Ä lot     lifestyle-rich environment?
Coffs Harbor area, where her husband         of energy has gone into the Dombarton
warren looks after their two school age      railway development. if it was easy it      “My parents were share farmers. Their
children while she is in Parliament.         would have been done by now. So i’m         share farm was the first step along their
                                             not making any false promises.              journey towards achieving their goal of
On her suitability for her new political                                                 owning their own dairy farm.
appointment she says, “in politics you’re    “the Liverpool intermodal is important,
given a job and you do it. that’s the        as are events at white Bay. Google,         “My grandfather was a railway ganger
essence of our parliamentary democracy.      it and you’ll see. Sydney Harbor will       and my husband was introduced to Oxley
One is the interface between the             always be a working port.”                  through his father—a Barnardos orphan
community and the professional               Google offers no visible evidence to        who served us in World War II. He
managers.                                    support this claim but no matter, Polly     became a train driver on the North Coast
“we pay a lot of attention to the views of   and the next appointment wins the day,      line.
industry because – write this down – it’s    sweeps the minister out of the room, and
                                                                                         “We decided that my role in politics
business that pays the bills.                the Open Door closes behind them.
                                                                                         would never compromise our children’s
“we need to help them do the best job        no matter, because Google does report       desires or goals. That is why Warren
they can in a fair and appropriate way.”     her inaugural speech to the Legislative     contributed hundreds of volunteer hours
                                             Assembly and reveals many other             to their surf club and in 2013 the North
She glances briefly at her watch – it        insights into our minister. Among other
looks like an Apple – and a commotion                                                    Coast branch of Surf Life Saving New
                                             things she says:                            South Wales made him Surf Life Saver of
outside the room indicates another
engagement is looming. the room is           “I pay respect to the descendants of        the Year.
invaded by a covey of her staff – Polly,     the First Nation, the Gumbaynggirr, the
                                                                                         “It is also why he did not travel to
Lance, and Jessica, with an unseen           Dunghutti and the Biripi people in Oxley.
                                                                                         Government House to receive an award
Justin seemingly not far away. Polly
                                             “When I am driving across the electorate,   for saving the lives of a family who were
takes a seat and listens intently; Lance,
                                             I often contemplate what it would be        being dragged out in a dangerous rip.
a veteran of politics and Pr has made
                                             like if there were large, long paddocks     He chose instead to go to our children’s
himself scarce.
                                             of high-value crops growing without         end-of-year school assembly. That is just
the name of marika Calfas (CeO of Port       irrigation for dairy cow rations and        the sort of person he is.”
Botany, Port Kembla, and the intermodal      beef feedlots, for food processors and
terminals at Cooks river and enfield)        manufacturers, or even for licensed         in her new role as a minister, ms Pavey
crops up and Polly contributes to the        hemp production for the fibre and textile   also faces the brave task of showing the
discussion by writing a note of her name.    market.                                     sort of person she is.

                                                                              Autumn / Winter 2017 I Shipping Australia Limited      9
10 Shipping Australia Limited I Autumn / Winter 2017
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                                     Autumn / Winter 2017 I Shipping Australia Limited 11
INT O                      IN                                        After 18 years with marfret, and a
                                                                     shipping man all his working life until his
CHARLES mASTERS, SAL’s Victoria state secretary                      recent retirement, he now devotes one
                                                                     day a week to keeping SAL’s flag flying
                                                                     in Victoria, as our state secretary there.
                                                                     the rest of his time, he says, is spent
                                                                     riding his bike around melbourne, playing
                                                                     tennis, golf, and having lunch.
                                                                     Charlie’s ancestors were a lot less
                                                                     sedentary; they were an adventurous
                                                                     mixture of Vikings from Denmark and
                                                                     Shetland islanders, from Scotland’s
                                                                     extreme north.
                                                                     By 1924, however, they had put away
                                                                     their longboats and pointy helmets and
                                                                     his grandfather, Hugh masterton, was an
                                                                     english tailor who set off to Australia from
                                                                     Cowles, in the isle of wight, in an 80-ton
                                                                     yacht. when he arrived in wellington he
                                                                     bought a hotel and kept in touch with
                                                                     one of his fellow passengers, Sir Charles
                                                                     Fergusson, who was coming out to be
                                                                     new Zealand’s governor-general.
                                                                     So it goes without saying that Our
                                                                     Charlie is a new Zealander. ”i have two
                                                                     older sisters and my mother was a full-
                                                                     time mum but my father died six weeks
                                                                     before i was born,” he says. ”So i had
                                                                     no role model when i was very young
                                                                     and became almost out of control with
                                                                     no real knowledge of how to behave. i
                                                                     don’t know how i escaped being sent to
                                                                     escape he did, however, and went to
                                                                     school at Auckland Grammar instead,
                                                                     which he describes as very intimidating
                                                                     if one was not of the elite. After school
                                                                     he enrolled in accountancy at Auckland
                                                                     university. But he left before graduating
                                                                     and went to Sydney instead, with the goal
                                                                     of riding a motor bike to the Pilbara and
                                                                     working in the mines there.
                                                                     He was 19 and it would have been a
                                                                     challenging task but he says he got
                                                                     caught up in Sydney’s beaches and
                                                                     playing rugby union for manly, where he
                                                                     played in the scrum from 1972 – 82.
                                                                     His first job was with the Sydney
                                                                     Hardboards Company, before he
                                                                     became one of the first employees of the

rationalisation of
                                                                     Columbus Line (later to become Hamburg
                                                                     Sud), which had just opened in Sydney.
                                                                     But he found operational roles unfulfilling
                                                                     and he considered leaving the industry

shipping industry                                                    but he joined the commercial side which
                                                                     he found much more rewarding.
                                                                     eventually, however, the ongoing travel

seems inevitable over                                                and entertainment demands took a toll on
                                                                     him and he was moved to melbourne as
                                                                     the company’s state manager.

the next 10 years                                                    “All that was before computers,” he says,
                                                                     “and each State was responsible for its
                                                                     own outcomes. Computers have changed
                                                                     all that and company management
                                                                     became more centralised.
     interviewing Charlie masters is a lot like enjoying a Chinese
                                                                     “today most major carriers have
     meal… when one has finished, one has a lingering desire for
                                                                     downgraded their regional offices and
     a little more. He cuts quickly to the chase.                    many Australian companies now face

12 Shipping Australia Limited I Autumn / Winter 2017
the possibility of all their operations being
centralised offshore.
“instead of executives flying around the
world every few months to report to head
and regional offices, their information is
delivered day-to-day without leaving their
then Charlie declined offers to move to the
uSA or to Sydney because by this time he
had become an ardent fan of melbourne,
as well as having married Cynthia and had
two sons.
He decided to start his own business by
importing medical products manufactured
in America by his wife’s family. So in 1997
after 25 years in shipping he decided to
concentrate on his medical business,
Purmark Australia Pty Ltd, which had
products completely new to the Australian       industry.                                        inevitable over the next 10 years and
market.                                                                                          hopefully it will bring profitability back to
                                                “Block chain shipments could, for example,
                                                                                                 our sector, although it will need a lot more
 “But,” he says, “i soon became conscious       involve simultaneous bitcoin payment on
                                                                                                 scrapping of vessels.
of the expenses that lay ahead to expand        delivery for everyone involved in a container
that business and rather than indulge in        shipment. the first such delivery has            “Despite that, the growth which banks have
that risk i returned to shipping and took a     already been made. Block chain goes far          relied on for their investments may stagnate
job with Compagnie maritime marfret.            beyond the shipping industry because it          for a while longer.
                                                tracks every transaction, including those
“it was a challenge because marfret then        with suppliers and purchasers from other         “Both the uS and europe hope to bring
was an unknown brand; i had to win it a         industries.                                      back manufacturing and produce just-in-
profile, primarily in the meat sector.                                                           time; so we may no longer have to import
                                                “Because it uses Bitcoin for its cryptology      full containerloads.
“we were successful and i stayed                i believe it poses as many questions as
with marfret for 18 years as owners’            answers. But we will see; nobody knows           “Freight forwarders are another issue where
representative in Australia and new             too much about all this as yet. maersk           a balance needs to be achieved. Currently
Zealand, before retiring in 2015.               and iBm are the current leaders in such          they are destroying revenue for the carriers.
                                                transactions which are expected to be
“For the future: i see new and possibly                                                          “in all these areas SAL’s name and role will
                                                commonplace within a year.
disruptive technologies, such as block                                                           need to be enhanced among the regulatory
chain shipments, being developed in our         “rationalisation of our industry seems           bodies. i will be helping to do that.”

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                                                                                    Autumn / Winter 2017 I Shipping Australia Limited 13
T E                      T               E

     Last-minute rush by our
     car workers is like
     last dance on Titanic
            By ArCHie BAYVeL

     even as its death is confirmed as a fait accompli later this year, Australia’s car manufacturing
     industry is being jolted by scandals involving millions of dollars at its lower end and billions of
     dollars at its high end.

          the high end is where the industry’s      survivors - sorry, employees.              Consumer Act.
          trans-ocean transport operates.
                                                    the idea that these vast overseas           “this matter relates to alleged cartel
          Almost everyone accused of rorting        companies will be looking to Australia     conduct in connection with the
          the system vigorously denies any          for their intellectual inspiration,        transportation of vehicles, including
          wrongdoing and with court cases           development solutions and problem          cars, trucks, and buses, to Australia
          looming it is no surprise that nobody     solving seems improbable - “Hey,           between July 2009 and September 20
          is talking.                               Hank, phone Austria. They’ll fix it.       12.”
                                                    What? It’s not Austria? Orstrliar you
          to read the internet offerings of Ford,                                              the maximum fine for each offence
                                                    say? Okaaaay …”
          Holden, and toyota one would think                                                   will be the greater of:
          there had never been an Australian        But let’s cut to the chase - first, the
                                                                                               •   $10 million;
          car industry. in fact both GmH and        pending court cases.
          toyota still have plants operating                                                   • three times the total benefits
                                                    the elephant in the room is some
          at full speed to fulfil manufacturing                                                that have been obtained and are
                                                    months old but surprisingly few noted
          schedules before their close-by date a                                               reasonably attributable to the
                                                    it when the news broke:
          few months from now.                                                                 commission of the offence;
                                                    At least two Japanese car carriers,
          Like the dancers on the Titanic, for                                                 • if the total value of the benefits
                                                    nYK and KLine - have been
          them the music is still playing and                                                  cannot be determined, 10 per cent
                                                    prosecuted by the ACCC over alleged
          will still be playing as you read this.                                              of the corporation’s annual turnover
                                                    anti-competitive cartel practices in
          Only a very few dancers will survive                                                 connected with Australia.
                                                    the last 12 months. nYK is believed to
          however, to work in various so-
                                                    have paid a fine and got on with life.     in a third but unconnected case last
          called research and design offices
                                                                                               year, Brazil’s Administrative Council
          run by Holden, Ford and toyota and        ACCC Chairman rod Sims said at the
                                                                                               for economic Defence announced a
          enthusiastically promoted by them         time, “this is the first criminal charge
                                                                                               probe into alleged anti-competitive
          and their lucky                                 laid against a corporation under
                                                                                               behaviour involving the car carrying
                                                                     the criminal cartel
                                                                           provisions of the
                                                                                Competition    wallenius wilhelmsen Logistics was
                                                                                   and         one of nine companies mentioned
                                                                                               at the time and has now entered
                                                                                               into a settlement agreement in
                                                                                                        which the company paid a
                                                                                                          uS$3.9 million fine and all
                                                                                                           charges against wwL were

                                                                                                          the second and much
                                                                                                          more recent event to
                                                                                                          rock the car industry
                                                                                                           is toyota suing a
                                                                                                            former employee

The first
      14 Australian made Holden
          Shipping Australia       sedan
                             Limited I Autumn / Winter 2017
           came on the market in 1948
over millions of dollars it
   alleges were fraudulently
   obtained and is seeking to
   recover, not only the illicit
   funds but compensation as

                                                            The now closed Toyota Camry production line in Altona Victoria

                                                                                      Little wonder that the actual
                                                                                      reality is the fact that Ford has
                                                                                      already closed, toyota will roll
                                                                                      out its last car on tuesday,
                                                                                      October3, and GmH will follow
                                                                                      suit at its Altona factory in
                                                                                      melbourne’s south-west on

mirrat aims                                                                           Friday, October20. One of
                                                                                      the first consequences has
                                              Did it have to happen? Draw             been AAt’s withdrawal from
for a million                                 your own conclusions:                   Adelaide’s port, leaving any
                                                                                      residual business to existing

cars p.a
                                              A recent news Corp investigation
                                              says that of the Federal Government’s   stevedores.
                                              $500 million assistance to keep Ford,   right now all news of our
                                              Holden and toyota operational to at     vehicle manufacturing industry is
                                              least 2020:                             enthusiastically upbeat with little
the mirrat car terminal at Port
                                                                                      mention of catastrophe at the
melbourne’s webb Dock is designed             • Holden received $179 million
                                                                                      factories. trade and consumer
to be able to handle up to a million          ($149 million from the Federal
vehicles a year, in the post-car                                                      publicity is directed towards the
                                              Government and $30 million from
production era. up to 8000 cars                                                       wonderful new models on the way.
                                              the South Australian Government) to
can arrive on a single ship and are           build the Cruze small car;              One gets the feeling that a cloud of
unloaded at one of the terminal’s                                                     obfuscation is being steadily puffed
three berths before being moved               • Ford received $42 million towards
                                                                                      across the industry’s past. it extends
within days, to neighbouring yards for        developing the four-cylinder Falcon,
                                                                                      even to the simple task of finding
distribution to dealers across Victoria.      diesel territory and a new LPG
                                                                                      historical manufacturing and export
mirrat (melbourne international ro            system;
                                                                                      figures for toyota, Ford and GmH, in
ro Automotive terminal) is operated           • toyota received $35 million to        Australia.
by wallenius wilhelmsen Logistics.            go towards local production of the
when completed next year, the $70                                                     Best search efforts indicate that in
                                              Camry Hybrid.                           2016 GmH produced 38,667 vehicles,
million terminal will handle all Victoria’s
car imports – around 300,000 vehicles         news Corp also claims that in           down from 56,786 the previous year;
a year – taking over from Appleton            addition to $7000 for every four-       4191 were exported, down from
Dock’s roro facility. it will have            cylinder car Falcon sold - up to        10,452 the previous year. Figures
11,000 car bays tracked by an online          20 per cent of the purchase price,      for toyota are 61,000 built, of which
system. it is also used for importing         taxpayers spent $1400 on every          34,000 were exported.
and exporting industrial equipment,           locally-made Holden Cruze, $980 on      Ford, the country’s first major car
heavy agricultural machinery, trucks,         each LPG Ford, and $875 on every        maker, shut its factories in melbourne
buses, railway carriages, helicopters         Camry Hybrid. they also contributed     and Geelong last year, leaving 600
and military equipment.                       $305 to every Ford territory diesel     workers unemployed. Latest figures
                                              built since 2011.                       indicate its final year’s output was

                                                                            Autumn / Winter 2017 I Shipping Australia Limited 15
the future on both local and global
                                                                                           platforms, which is really exciting.”
                                                                                           toyota Australia currently holds the
                                                                                           largest market share of Australia’s
                                                                                           new car market. it launched here in
                                                                                           1958, began assembly here in 1963,
                                                                                           and bought-out British Leyland in
                                                                                           its decision to close was based on
                                                                                           the unfavourable Australian dollar
                                                                                           making exports unviable, the high
                                                                                           cost of local manufacture, and high
                                                                                           competition in a relatively small local
                                                                                           market. it began retrenchments in
                         A 2015 Ford Ranger at work
                                                                                           April 2012 when 350 workers were
                                                                                           escorted to the gates by security
     30,000 units, down from 48,545 the        increased imports? too soon to tell         guards. the company will continue
     previous year and from 111,000 in the     but there is a murmur from out in left      operating both Am and Pm shifts
     glory days of 2011.                       field that the next decade might see        until the final closure date. this will
                                               a downturn in second car ownership          ensure the total volume production
     nobody is prepared to predict how                                                     of 61,000 vehicles for the year, made
                                               caused by driverless rental vehicles
     future figures might work out for the                                                 up of 26,600 domestic and 34,400
                                               only a phone call away. more on that
     trans-ocean car carriers. will the                                                    exports, is met.
     lost exports be compensated by
                                               Australia was one of Ford’s five            the company plans to consolidate
                                               product development centres                 its corporate functions in melbourne,
                                                                                           and the Altona plant will be retained

   more radical
                                               globally, and will continue to design
                                               and develop cars and trucks for the         for other functions. the workforce is
                                               Asia/Pacific region, after closure of its   expected to be reduced from 3,900
                                                                                           to 1,300.

   changes on
                                               manufacturing arm here.
                                               mark Fields, its world president and        the company’s chief designer here,
                                               CeO, announced its 2016 net income          mr nicolas Hogios, told GoAutonews

   the way                                     as $4.6 billion, on an adjusted pre-
                                               tax company profit of $10.4 billion,
                                               its second best ever. it’s expected
                                                                                           a few weeks ago that its design
                                                                                           studio was safe from closure and that
                                                                                           the 30 designers within its 150-strong
                                               to retain about 1300 workers in             product planning division, continued
   with radical change already under           Australia.                                  to have a full load of projects from
   way in the Australian car industry,                                                     small parts to larger concept vehicles.
   some futurists are looking ahead to         “this year, we’re focused on building
                                               on our strengths, transforming              “we’re doing many projects at one
   how people will use cars in the next                                                    time, ranging from small components
   10-15 years. the Federal Chamber            underperforming parts of our
                                               business and investing in the               to advanced work,” he explained.
   of Automotive industries has already
   said we need to look more closely           emerging opportunities that will            “the October closure doesn’t impact
   at autonomous vehicles and Co-              provide even more profitable growth         us,” he said, “we are on a different
   Operative intelligent transport             in the future,” mr Fields said.             trajectory.”
   Systems or C-itS. this technology           meanwhile back in melbourne ms              Holden confirmed the end of its
   is being introduced globally and we         rhiannon Gardner, a Ford graduate           domestic manufacturing by being
   have already seen small-scale trials in     in its Protoype Physical engineering        upbeat about the end of its role, and
   western Australia and South Australia,      Division, says, “One of the most            announcing that 30,000 vehicles will
   with heavy vehicle trials taking place      frequent questions i am asked is            be built at elizabeth before closure.
   in new South wales.                         ‘How did you get a job at Ford? isn’t       in its transition to a full importer,
   while such activity marks the start of      it closing down?’                           nearly 70 per cent of its workforce
   an exciting new era, new regulations        ‘’there’s a significant disconnect          has secured employment within 12
   must be formulated to adopt this            surrounding the public’s                    months of leaving the company.
   technology. the way people use              understanding of vehicle manufacture        the Ford company will retain more
   rental cars is predicted to change,         and vehicle product development.            than 300 designers and engineers at
   with people using them instead of           Although Ford manufacturing may             its headquarters in melbourne, the
   having a second family car. will            have left Australia, Ford product           design studio, at its Victorian proving
   demand for second cars decline in           development is here to stay, and it’s       grounds
   hi-rise and inner-city areas? Already       growing bigger every day.
   there is visible growth in the number                                                   next question, of course, is what will
   and size of rental companies ahead          ‘’Graduate engineers and designers          happen to all that real estate and the
   of driverless vehicles: You phone for       like myself are a testament to Ford’s       giant machinery sitting on it?
   a car, it drives itself to you. when        ongoing and significant investment
                                               into r&D within Australia. Along with       GmH has already sold its massive
   you’ve finished with it, it drives itself
                                               1100 other engineers here at Ford,          Fishermans Bend car manufacturing
   back to the rental office!
                                               i’m helping to design vehicles of           plant to the Victorian Government in

16 Shipping Australia Limited I Autumn / Winter 2017
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