The Centre for International Child Health Quarterly eUpdate - BC Children's Hospital

Page created by Josephine Shelton
The Centre for International Child Health Quarterly eUpdate - BC Children's Hospital
​The Centre for International Child Health​
                                       Quarterly eUpdate
                                                           Issue 12: June 2019

                                             Centre Updates

                                              Hack the Globe
As pa rt of Gl oba l Engi neeri ng Week, Hack the Globe brought 150 pa s s i ona te uni vers i ty s tudents
together to ta ckl e s ome of Ca na da ’s l a rges t s oci a l cha l l enges , a l ongs i de mentors from Bos ton
Cons ul ti ng Group, the LEAP|Peca ut Centre, a nd Googl Ha ckers worked i n tea ms of 4 to i nnova te
open da ta s ol uti ons to probl em s pa ces from the Googl e Impa ct Cha l l enge.

The wi nners the event, a group of s tudents from the Uni vers i ty of Toronto who, i ns pi red by the Pocket
Doc, crea ted the Di gi ta l On-Ca l l Hea l thca re Cons ul ta nt (DOC) tha t i s mea nt to provi de s econd opi ni on
a nd medi ca l knowl edge refres hers to hea l th profes s i ona l s i n rura l a nd remote communi ti es . Wa nt
l ea rn more?
W​a nt to know more? Read the full story at Betakit.

                             Sepsis Alliance funding - Winner!
Ma tthi a s Muga be, a nurs e a t the Hol y Innocents Chi l dren's Hos pi ta l i n Uga nda who ha s worked
cl os el y wi th the Centre to i mpl ement PocketDoc a nd Smart Discharges, ha s recentl y been a wa rded the
Interna ti ona l Nurs i ng Awa rd from the Seps i s Al l i a nce.

In Ma y 2019, Ma tthi a s wa s a wa rded the Interna ti ona l Nurs i ng Awa rd for hi s excel l ence a nd l ea ders hi p
i mpl ementi ng the PocketDoc project, educa ti ng the communi ty, a nd worki ng to crea te bes t pra cti ces for
s eps i s i denti fi ca ti on a nd ma na gement a t Hol y Innocents Chi l dren's Hos pi ta l i n Uga nda . Ma tthi a s wi l l
us e thi s fundi ng to return to s chool a nd a dva nce hi s educa ti on. Congra tul a ti ons Ma tthi a s !

 The Erin's Campaign for Kids recogni zes hea l thca re profes s i ona l s who demons tra te excel l ence i n thei r
                work a nd a commi tment to i mprovi ng outcomes a mong s eps i s pa ti ents .
The Centre for International Child Health Quarterly eUpdate - BC Children's Hospital
Project Updates from Around
                             BC Children's and BC Women's

                                       Save the Date! CICH Retreat
                                       September 27-28, 2019 | Squamish, Canada

                                       The Centre for Interna ti ona l Chi l d Hea l th i s exci ted to a nnounce our
                                       next CICH Retrea t, i n September, 2019. In 2016, we hos ted the fi rs t ever
                                       retrea t wi th the purpos e of bri ngi ng together UBC a nd BC Chi l dren’s a nd
                                       Women’s Hos pi ta l s ta ff i nvol ved i n gl oba l hea l th, a nd to obta i n
                                       s ta kehol der i nput on a vi s i on for CICH. The res ul t of the retrea t wa s the
                                       devel opment of a s eri es of hi gh-l evel s tra tegi c gl oba l hea l th pri ori ti es
                                       for the Centre. Duri ng the 2019 retrea t, CICH wi l l revi s i t the s tra tegi c
                                       pl a n, cel ebra ti ng s ucces s es a nd a chi evements s i nce 2016, a nd pl a n for
                                       the yea rs to come. Check ba ck i n our next qua rterl y upda te for more
                                       deta i l s .

                                       Interes ted i n a ttendi ng the CICH Retrea t? Pl ea s e RSVP.

        2020-2021 Global Health Trainee Grant Results are In
Thi s yea r the CICH a nd the Medical Staff Association combi ned thei r gl oba l hea l th gra nts to rea ch even
more tra i nees . Congra tul a ti ons to the fol l owi ng 10 gl oba l hea l th tra i nees :

        BC Children’s Hospital Pediatric Residents                                  UBC Midwifery Students
    o    Angel l a Gri ffi th                                         o    Cha rl otte Gra nt
    o    Cl a i re  O'Bri en                                          o    Jul i ette Mudra
    o    Ja mes Ha rri s                                              o    Ka l yn    Moore
    o    Jul i a    Schnei derma n                                    o    Ma ry      Kenwood
                                                                      o    Nus hi n Bol l i nger
                                                                      o    Sta cey Wa ggoner

As pa rt of our new pa rtners hi p wi th the Medi ca l Sta ff As s oci a ti on a nd expa nded gra nt progra m, we a re
l ooki ng to connect wi th a ny profes s i ona l tra i ni ng progra ms tha t focus on chi l dren’s a nd women’s
hea l th a nd offers gl oba l hea l th el ecti ve a s pa rt of thei r tra i ni ng. Tra i nees ca n i ncl ude: doctors , nurs es ,
mi dwi ves , occupa ti ona l thera pi s ts , denti s ts , l a b techni ci a ns , a nd more. Contact Teresa for more deta i l s .

                                    Publication Spotlight 2019

Machine Learning at the Clinical Bedside-The Ghost in the Machine.
Joseph J. Zorc,MD, MSCE; JamesM. Chamberlain, MD; Lalit Bajaj, MD, MPH

                                  https ://www.ncbi .nl

Thi s a rti cl e des cri bes a novel ma chi ne-l ea rni ng a pproa ch to deri ve a revi s ed vers i on of the hea d i njury
predi cti on rul e devel oped by the Pedi a tri c Emergency Ca re Appl i ed Res ea rch network.

                  Want to share something you’ve recently published? ​We’d love to hear from you.​

                                News and Upcoming Events
The Centre for International Child Health Quarterly eUpdate - BC Children's Hospital
CICH with PRE-EMPT at Women Deliver
                                              June 3-6, 2019 | Vancouver, Canada

The Women Deliver 2019 Conference i s here! More tha n 6,000 worl d l ea ders , pa rl i a menta ri a ns , roya l s ,
pri va te s ector executi ves , ci vi l s oci ety l ea ders , young peopl e, a dvoca tes , a ca demi cs , a cti vi s ts a nd
journa l i s ts from more tha n 160 countri es wi l l ga ther i n Va ncouver from 3-6 June, 2019.

Al rea dy a ttendi ng? Joi n the PRE-EMPT tea m Tuesday June 4th 5:00pm-7:00pm in Room 220 Level 2 at the
Vancouver Convention Centre West Building to cel ebra te thei r a ma zi ng project a chi evements a nd new
evi dence a i med a t i mprovi ng gl oba l ma terna l hea l th - RSVP here. Or vi s i t PRE-EMPT a nd CICH a t booth

                Ca n’t joi n i n pers on? You ca n s ti l l fol l ow the a cti on on Twi tter @UBCPREEMPT

                                  Volunteer with the Red Cross
                                                              Apply online

The Canadian Red Cross i s a non-profi t huma ni ta ri a n orga ni za ti on focus ed on i mprovi ng the l i ves of
vul nera bl e peopl e by mobi l i zi ng the power of huma ni ty i n Ca na da a nd a round the worl d. The work
woul d not be pos s i bl e wi thout the dedi ca ti on a nd s upport from vol unteers .

The Ca na di a n Red Cros s i s a cti vel y s eeki ng vol unteers for the Health Equipment Loan progra m, whi ch
provi de medi ca l equi pment s uch a s wheel cha i rs , crutches a nd bed l i fts to peopl e i n our communi ti es .
Vol unteer rol es va ry i n l evel of res pons i bi l i ty a nd commi tment. Red Cros s provi des ful l tra i ni ng to a l l
vol unteers .

If you a re i nteres ted i n contri buti ng to the Red Cros s , ta ke a l ook a t thei r webs i te a nd apply online.


                                         Dea dl i ne: June 16, 2019
          Call for
   Presentations:                        To s ubmi t a n a bs tra ct for the 2019 Ca na di a n Conference on Gl oba l
                                         Hea l th, compl ete the form online. Abs tra cts wi l l onl y be a ccepted
   2019 Canadian                         onl i ne.

   Conference on                         Abs tra cts ca n be for ora l or pos ter pres enta ti ons , works hops a nd
                                         s ympos i a , a nd vi deos . Submi s s i ons ma y a ddres s a ny gl oba l hea l th
    Global Health                        topi c, but mus t rel a te to the conference theme a nd one of the s ub-
                                         themes .

                                         The conference theme i s Governa nce for Gl oba l Hea l th: Power, pol i ti cs
                                         a nd jus ti ce.

             Have questions, suggestions, or something to share?
           Email us at so we can include it in our next quarterly eUpdate.

                Centre for International Child Health | BC Children's Hospital |​ |
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