Page created by Sidney Spencer
                            THE GOOD SHEPHERD
                             ARCHDIOCESE OF ATLANTA
                       3740 HOLTZCLAW RD. CUMMING, GA.
                         770.887,9861 | WWW.GSRCC.NET
                      SACRAMENTAL EMERGENCY 678.294.0212

Welcome!                                                 February 14, 2021

Established as a Mission in 1975 and a
 parish in 1977, Good Shepherd has
  been an important influence in the
   lives of those who live in Forsyth
       County for over 40 years.                                                  CLERGY
                                                                          Rev. Diosmar A. Natad
                                                                             Rev. Bradley Starr
                                                                              (Parochial Vicar)
                                                                           Deacon Donald Nadeau
                                                                           Deacon John Peterson

                                                                               MASS AND
                                                                              WEEKEND MASS
                                                                             SATURDAY VIGIL
                                                                                 5:00 p.m.
                                                                                  7:00 a.m.
                                                                             7:00 a.m. (Español)
                                                                     9:00 a.m. (Livestreamed as well as in
                                                                                 11:00 a.m.
                                                                             1:00 p.m. (Español)
                                                                            SUNDAY EVENING
                                                                                5:30 p.m.
                                                                             WEEKDAY MASS
                                                                            MONDAY - SATURDAY
                                                                                  9:00 a.m.
                                                                           WEDNESDAY (Español)
                                                                               7:00 p.m.
Our Good Shepherd Flock Is Growing                                           RECONCILIATION:
Father Diosmar and Father Bradley are pleased to welcome our newly               SATURDAY
ordained Deacon John Campbell.                                                 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
                                                                           WEDNESDAY (Español)
                                                                            5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

                                  Read the full story on page 8.

                                    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
Saturday February 13th                     Mem. of Blessed Virgin Mary
    9:00 AM                                † Doug Gabrielli
                                           † Jo Ann Welsh
    5:00 PM                                  Unity and peace of our country                             Eternal rest grant unto them, O
                                                                                                        Lord. And let the perpetual light
Sunday February 14th                       6th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                  shine upon them.
    7:00 AM                                † Bong & Leony Natad                                         And may the souls of all the faithful
                                                                                                        departed, through the mercy of God,
    7:00 AM                                  Dalide & Luisa
                                                                                                        rest in peace. upon   them.
    9:00 AM                                † Rev. Joseph Peek
                                           † Joseph Henry Peek
    11:00 AM                               † Benedetta Scavone
                                           † Benedetto Calcaterra
    1:00 PM                                † Octavio Leon
    5:30 PM                                  For unity and peace in the world
Monday February 15th                                                                                    During this time of National Crisis,
                                                                                                        the Anointing of the Sick can only
    9:00 AM                                † Helga Braukmann                                              be administered under certain
Tuesday February 16th                                                                                    strict circumstances. Please call
    9:00 AM                                † Jo Ann Welsh                                               the Parish Office at 770-887-9861
                                                                                                              for specific instructions.
Wednesday February 17th                    Ash Wednesday
    9:00 AM                                † Eva Smithfield

    6:00 PM
                                           † Anthony Marcotrigiano
                                             Richard Abreu
                                                                                                        Our Lady of Lourdes
    7:30 PM                                  Francisca Velasco                                              Help of the sick
Thursday February 18th                                                                                          Pray for us
    9:00 AM                                † Freddie Whitmire
                                           † Claudia Whitmire                                              Jessica Duffey, John &
                                                                                                          Shirley Heuser, Carolyn
Friday February 19th                                                                                    Ebert, Larry Hills, Francisca
    9:00 AM                                † Elly Reinhard                                                Velasco, Robert Gagnon,
                                           † Gary Powell                                                 Mary Martin, Billy Martin,
                                                                                                        Stephanie & Eric Chimienti,
             WEEKLY READINGS                                                                              Angelo Maiello, Therese
                                                                                                            Fajardo, John Ross.
Sunday:         Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11 [7]/1 Cor 10:31—11:1/Mk 1:40-45
Monday:         Gn 4:1-15, 25/Ps 50:1 and 8, 16bc-17, 20-21 [14a]/Mk 8:11-13                                          Do you know
                                                                                                                      what year was
Tuesday:        Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10/Ps 29:1a and 2, 3ac-4, 3b and 9c-10 [11b]/Mk 8:14-21                              Vatican City truly
Wednesday:      Jl 2:12-18/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 12-13, 14 and 17 [cf. 3a]/2 Cor 5:20—6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18                 founded?
Thursday:       Dt 30:15-20/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [Ps 40:5a]/Lk 9:22-25
Friday:         Is 58:1-9a/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19 [19b]/Mt 9:14-15                                        A: February 11, 1929
Saturday:       Is 58:9b-14/Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [11ab]/Lk 5:27-32

                                                  SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
Ash Wednesday
            February 17, 2021
                                                                       Offertory Collection
                                                                     January 25– January 31
                                                                     Offertory:           $20,787.00
Ashes will be distributed at all scheduled                           Online Giving:       $8,645.22
Masses and during Ash Wednesday Services.
6:30 a.m.   Service with Ashes                                       TOTAL         $29,432.22
9:00 a.m.   Mass with Ashes
12 noon     Mass with Ashes
4:30 p.m.   Mass with Ashes
6:00 p.m.   Mass with Ashes                                          Mass Intentions
7:30 p.m.   Spanish Mass with Ashes                    If you would like to have a Mass scheduled for someone,
                                                        please contact our parish office at 770-887-9861 or you
Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day of Obligation          may visit the Information Desk in the Narthex after the
although the faithful are encouraged to attend.         Sunday Masses, to schedule an available date and time.
                                                       At this time we are also scheduling Masses via telephone.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory            If a card is requested, we will be happy to mail the card
days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In
addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory            to you. At this time, 2021 Mass scheduling is available.
days of abstinence.
                                                        A Single Mass Offered for oneself during life may be
The norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18         worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same
until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to
eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that      intention after death.
together are not equal to a full meal. The norms                                   - St. Anselm
concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon
members of the Roman Catholic Church.

                                         SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
                                                                                                2020 ANNUAL REPORT
                                                                     To Our Parishioners:
                                                                We have completed our 2020 fiscal year (October 1, 2019
                                                                -September 30, 2020). We would like to thank you for your
                                                                continued support and commitment to helping the poor and
                                                                needy. As you can see below, while 2020 put many
                          WEEK 5                                challenges in our path, it was another successful year
                                                                measured by the number of people we assisted with food,
Not willing to let go of your marriage? Many couples            rent, utilities, Advent giving tree and furniture ministry.
continue to struggle in a marriage, but are not willing to give Without your contributions many needy people would be
up on each other. There is hope.                                hungry, homeless and helpless. I would also like to thank our
                                                                Vincentian volunteers for sharing their time and many
Retrouvaille is a program designed to help struggling marriages talents in serving our neighbors in need.
regain their health. It helps a husband and a wife rediscover or
re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally         Mickey (Muriel) Thomas
brought them together. The program is highly successful in       SVdP Conference President
saving hurting marriages, even bringing reconciliation to
couples who have already separated or divorced. Retrouvaille is                          2020 Summary of Services
a peer ministry of volunteer couples that can help you learn the              Serving       Our Neighbors-In-Need (NIN)
tools of healthy communication, build intimacy and heal, just as
                                                                    Total Vincentian Members            70
they have done in their own marriages. For more information
about our upcoming VIRTUAL Retrouvaille Weekend                     (Active, Associate and Contributing
program, February 25-28 2021, contact Andy & Lilly Cichon at
                                                                    Number of People Served             2449
770-912-4743 or visit our website:

                                                                       Total Volunteer Hours                 6989
                                  Prayer Blanket Ministry
                                  Mission Statement                    Estimated Miles Driven                23,858

                                                                       Estimated Value of volunteer          $146,760
“Through the gift of a prayer blanket, symbolizing Faith, Hope,        Hours
Love and Peace and a commitment of daily prayer by its
members, our Ministry seeks to obtain healing, protection, or          Estimated Value of Unreim-            $13,122
                                                                       bursed Miles
strength and grace for those on our Prayer Blanket Ministry
                                                                       ($.55 cents/mile)
List.” We meet monthly during the school year on the Second
Friday of each month, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass, in Room 203 in         Expenditures in Services to the       $234,392
the Parish Life Center. If you are in need of a prayer blanket,
                                                                       (Rent, utilities, food, medical,
please notify the Parish Office at 770-887-9861. Vicki                 transportation, Advent Giving Tree,
Winslow, at 770-894-2277 or evdsw@outlook.                             etc.)

                                                                       Estimated In-Kind Value               $55,414
The Prayer Blanket Ministry of our Parish is a spiritual life
giving force that enables the recipients to feel at peace knowing
                                                                       (Furniture, donated food, applianc-
that prayers and Masses are being offered for their health             es, household goods, etc.)
intentions, whether it be physical, financial, psychological or an
ailment that cannot be explained.                                      Total Value of Good Shepherd
                                                                       SVdP Services

If you or someone you know is in need of a Prayer Blanket,
please contact the Parish Office at
770-887-9861                                                                         Greater than 95% of donations goes
                                                                                    directly to help those in need.

                                           SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
                                                                                     St. Cyril and Methodius

From Feast
                        To Fast                                                   Because their father was an officer in
                                                                                  a part of Greece inhabited by many
                                                                                  Slavs, these two Greek brothers
                                                                                  ultimately became missionaries,
                                                                                  teachers, and patrons of the Slavic
Though the shortest month of the year, February is rich in Liturgical             peoples.

activity. It contains a feast (Presentation of our Lord) that bridges two         After a brilliant course of studies,
                                                                                  Cyril (called Constantine until he
other seasons (Christmas and Easter)! In addition, the faithful may receive       became a monk shortly before his
                                                                                  death) refused the governorship of a
in February two of the four major public sacramentals that the Church             district such as his brother had
                                                                                  accepted among the Slavic-speaking
confers during the liturgical year: blessed candles and the blessing of           population. Cyril withdrew to a
throats.                                                                          monastery where his brother
                                                                                  Methodius had become a monk after
                                                                                  some years in a governmental post.
The Solemnity of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd harkens        Cyril’s first work was to invent an
back to the Christmas mystery of Light except that now, Christ, the          alphabet, still used in some Eastern
                                                                             liturgies. His followers probably
helpless baby, is “the Light of Revelation to the Gentiles who will save his formed the Cyrillic alphabet. Together
                                                                             they translated the Gospels, the
people from their sins.” Candles, symbolizing Christ our Light, will be      psalter, Paul’s letters and the liturgical
                                                                             books into Slavonic, and composed a
carried in procession this day, as will be the Paschal candle during the     Slavonic liturgy, highly irregular then.
Easter Vigil Liturgy.                                                             That and their free use of the
                                                                                  vernacular in preaching led to
                                                                                  opposition from the German clergy.
      "The Light of Revelation" shines more brightly with each                    The bishop refused to consecrate
      successive Sunday of Ordinary Time, until its magnificence –                Slavic bishops and priests, and Cyril
                                                                                  was forced to appeal to Rome. On the
      exposing our sinfulness and need for conversion – propels us                visit to Rome, he and Methodius had
                                                                                  the joy of seeing their new liturgy
      into the penitential Season of Lent. We prepare to accept the               approved by Pope Adrian II. Cyril,
      cross of blessed ashes on Ash Wednesday (February 17) and                   long an invalid, died in Rome 50 days
                                                                                  after taking the monastic habit.
      plunge ourselves into anticipating the major exercises of Lent –            Methodius continued mission work for
      fasting, prayer, almsgiving – laying our thoughts and prayers on            16 more years. He was papal legate for
                                                                                  all the Slavic peoples, consecrated a
      the heart of our Mother Mary. She, who offered her Son in the               bishop and then given an ancient see
                                                                                  (now in the Czech Republic).
      temple and on the Cross, will teach us how to deny ourselves,               Methodius died on Tuesday of Holy
                                                                                  Week, surrounded by his disciples, in
      take up our cross daily, and follow after her Son.                          his cathedral church.
                                                                                  In 1980, Pope John Paul II named
                                                     them additional co-patrons of Europe
                                                                                  (with Benedict).

                                         SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
The Shepherd Times
                                                                         Fasting is a biblical discipline that can be defended from both the Old
                                                                         and the New Testament. Christ expected his disciples to fast (Mt 9:14-
                                                                         15) and issued instructions for how they should do so (Mt 6:16-18).
                                                                         Catholics follow this pattern by holding a partial fast on Ash Wednes-
                                                                         day and Good Friday.

        Why Lent lasts 40 days? Why we fast? Why we Abstain?             Abstinence from certain foods is also a biblical discipline. In Daniel
                                                                         10:2-3 we read, “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three
The reason Lent lasts 40 days is that 40 is the traditional number of weeks. I ate no delicacies, no meat or wine entered my mouth, nor did
judgment and spiritual testing in the Bible (Gn 7:4, Ex 24:18, 34:28, Nm I anoint myself at all, for the full three weeks.” Catholics use a prac-
13:25, 14:33, Jon 3:4). Lent bears a particular relationship to the 40   tice similar to Daniel’s when, as a way of commemorating Christ’s
days Christ spent fasting in the desert before entering into his public Crucifixion on a Friday, they abstain from eating meat on that day of
ministry (Mt 4:1-11). Catholics imitate Christ by spending 40 days in    the week during Lent. The only kind of flesh they eat on Friday is fish,
spiritual discipline before the celebration of Christ’s triumph over sin which is a symbol of Christ. Catholic Answers
and death.                                                                                                     ...and now you know!

                                                                                            Is it time to update?

"Are your elementary-aged child practicing their Prayer
Honor Roll? The purpose of the prayer honor roll is to help                               "If you have recently changed your
all our parish children become proficient with both the
                                                                                          email, phone number, or address,
Rosary and their Mass prayers. Prayers are divided by
                                                                                          please be sure to update your con-
grade level with increasing difficulty from kindergarten
                                                                                          tact information with the parish
through fifth grade. Any child who completes their annual
prayer honor roll receives a certificate, a voucher for a
                                                                                          registrar, Nadine Brabeau at
discounted item in the gift shop, a king size hershey bar, and                  , and your
their name in the drawing for the grand prize at the end of                               child's faith formation coordinator.
the year! Any child who completes their prayer honor roll                                 Email and phone are the primary
for their grade level, and learns additional prayers from                                 means of contact for faith for-
higher grade levels, gets an additional entry for the grand                               mation. You will need a working
prize for each extra prayer that they learn. For a full listing                           phone number and email address
of our prayer honor roll prayers, check out the elementary                                to receive updates, homework, and
faith formation tab on the parish website, or email                                       sacrament information."
elementary faith formation coordinator, Vicki Carney at"

                                                  SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
The Shepherd Times
                  Welcome to our flock Deacon John (Jack) Campbell!
                 By Rudy Velasco

                                                                      Rev. Mr. John (Jack) Campbell, 60, from Flowery
                                                             Branch was one of the seven men ordained that day.
                                                                      Among the attendees was Mrs. Julie Campbell
                                                             watching her husband, John Campbell, be ordained. “As I
                                                             reflect on Jack’s ordination, I am humbled by the entire
                                                             experience. These five years have been such a time of
                                                             learning who God is calling Jack to be and to serve, and
                                                             how I will continue to support him in this new role,” said
                                                             Mrs. Campbell.
                                                                      Unlike previous ordinations, this year was a little
                                                             different due to COVID, the ordination was exclusively for
                                                             immediate family of those being ordained, as well as clergy
                                                             representing the new deacons first assignment parishes.
                                                                      Fr. Diosmar and Fr. Bradley where there to
                                                             represent our parish and to welcome Deacon Jack to the
                                                             cleric family. The Church of The Good Shepherd is happy
                                                             to welcome Deacon Jack Campbell as our newly assigned
        Atlanta– On Saturday, February 6, a group of men
from the Archdiocese of Atlanta were ordained into the                       Welcome Deacon Jack!!!
permanent deaconate at the Cathedral of Christ the King.

                                      Just as driving a car without
                                      routine maintenance can lead to
                                      problems, a marriage needs
                                      attention to stay on track. The
                                      Marriage Encounter experience is
                                      a skill-building enrichment
                                      program where together, you, as
                                      husband and wife,* learn how to
                                      be the best couple you can be.
Over a weekend or in seven three-hour sessions, the Marriage
Encounter experience will give you the tools to remain strong as a
couple and be a united force to provide a stable and loving environment
for your children. As you become empty-nesters, you can use the same
tools to continue growing and thriving in your relationship, living a
lifetime love.
A Marriage Encounter is not couples therapy. There is no counseling.
The experience consists of presentations followed by private time
between husband and wife.
If the word “Encounter” sounds scary to you, you’re not alone. But don’t
let it turn you off. During your Worldwide Marriage Encounter
experience you and your spouse will “encounter” an entirely new way to
communicate with each other that you may have never “encountered”
before. For more information about our upcoming Virtual WWME
Weekend, February 25-28 2021, contact: Jack ♥ Angel LaBate
at 678-232-0080
                                                                           Did you know a Catholic priest came up
*Faithful to the Roman Catholic Church’s definition that marriage is a
covenant that exists between one man and one woman, any reference          with the theory now known as the
to “marriage” or “couple” made by Worldwide Marriage Encounter is          “Big Ban.” What is his name?
                           in this context.

                                         SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
The Shepherd Times
                                                                     questions and discusses them in a way that is accessible to
                                                                            everyone, with stunning visuals, background music and
                                                                            engaging dialogue, this series has been transformative in
                                                                            not just the teens’ lives but even in my own.

                                                                            From deeply intellectual, to beginner level content,
Have you ever wondered what the true story of Robin                         Formed seems to have something for everyone. And while
Hood was?                                                                   this may seem like a sales pitch, really it’s an invitation
                                                           By Michael       for you to participate in resources that can be
Do you wish that you could engage your children with
                                                            Gagnon          transformative for you and your family.
fascinating videos that encourage them in their faith?
                                                                      I have been teaching faith formation for 20 years now and
Do you have friends or family members who challenge your faith
                                                               have advanced degrees in theology, yet I still find resources,
and you just don’t know how to respond to them?
                                                               books, and videos that encourage and teach me new things,
Are you looking for a way to deepen your prayer life or        deeper mysteries and exciting topics about our faith.
encourage a loved one to join you in your faith?
                                                                     I strongly encourage you to give it a try. They have audio books
Are you simply looking for a new great resource to enliven your      and dramas, movies for kids and adults, study series, podcasts,
Lenten experience?                                                   and more, in both English and Spanish! And the best part is that
                                                                     it’s free for all Good Shepherd parishioners and their loved ones is seriously amazing! Whenever my family              (we have been given permission by Formed that parishioners can
goes on a road trip, or is even just driving errands around town     share their access with family and friends).
we pull up one of the numerous family friendly shows to listen to
or watch. Not too long ago we started listening to one of the        Simply go to Click “Sign Up.” Click “Sign up
audio dramas about St. Patrick and my kids kept asking to go run     as a parishioner,” Type “Good Shepherd, Cumming” and select
errands so that we could continue listening to the amazingly well    the first parish at 3740 Holtzclaw Rd., then follow the rest of the
done story!                                                          prompts and get free access.

In Life Teen I have been using a tremendous new mini-series
called “The Search” which presents some of life’s biggest

                                                                     sible para todos, con imágenes impresionantes, música de fondo
                                                                     y diálogos atractivos. Esta serie tiene ha sido transformadora no
                                                                     solo en la vida de los adolescentes, sino incluso en la mía.
                                                                               Desde contenido profundamente intelectual hasta con-
                                                                     tenido para principiantes, Formed parece tener algo para todos.
                                                                     Y si bien esto puede parecer un argumento de venta, en realidad
          ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cuál era la verdadera
                                                                     es una invitación para que participes en recursos que pueden ser
historia de Robin Hood? ¿Te gustaría poder involucrar a tus hi-
jos con videos fascinantes que los alienten en su fe? ¿Tienes ami-   transformadores para ti y tu familia.
                                                                               He estado enseñando formación en la fe durante 20
gos o familiares que desafían tu fe y simplemente no sabes cómo
responderles?       ¿Estás buscando una manera de profundizar tu     años y tengo títulos avanzados en teología, pero todavía encuen-
                                                                     tro recursos, libros y videos que me animan y me enseñan cosas
vida de oración o animar a un ser querido a unirse a ti en tu fe?
¿Estás simplemente buscando un nuevo gran recurso para ani-          nuevas, misterios más profundos y temas emocionantes sobre
mar tu experiencia esta Cuaresma?                                    nuestra fe.
                                                                               Te animo encarecidamente a que lo pruebes. Tienen
          ¡ es realmente asombroso! Siempre            audiolibros y dramas, películas para niños y adultos, series de
que mi familia va de viaje por carretera, o incluso simplemente      estudio, podcasts y más, ¡tanto en inglés como en español! Y la
está haciendo mandados por la ciudad, escogemos uno de los           mejor parte es que es gratis para todos los feligreses del Buen
numerosos programas familiares para escuchar o ver. No hace          Pastor y sus seres queridos (Formed nos ha dado permiso para
mucho empezamos a escuchar uno de los dramas en audio so-            que los feligreses puedan compartir su acceso con familiares y
bre San Patricio y mis hijos seguían pidiendo ir a hacer manda-      amigos).
dos para que pudiéramos seguir escuchando la historia increíble-               Simplemente vaya a Haga clic en
mente bien hecha.                                                    "Registrarse". Haga clic en “Registrarse como feligrés”, escriba
           En Life Teen he estado usando una tremenda miniserie      “Buen Pastor, Cumming” y seleccione la primera parroquia en
nueva llamada "The Search" que presenta algunas de las pregun-       3740 Holtzclaw Rd., Luego siga el resto de las indicaciones y
tas más importantes de la vida y las discute de una manera acce-     obtenga acceso gratuito.
                                              SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
                         Domingo, 14 de Febrero, 2021

Texto del Evangelio (Mc 1,40-45):                 En aquel tiempo, se acerca a Jesús un leproso
suplicándole, y, puesto de rodillas, le dice: «Si quieres, puedes limpiarme». Compadecido de él,
extendió su mano, le tocó y le dijo: «Quiero; queda limpio». Y al instante, le desapareció la lepra y
quedó limpio. Le despidió al instante prohibiéndole severamente: «Mira, no digas nada a nadie,
sino vete, muéstrate al sacerdote y haz por tu purificación la ofrenda que prescribió Moisés para
que les sirva de testimonio». Pero él, así que se fue, se puso a pregonar con entusiasmo y a
divulgar la noticia, de modo que ya no podía Jesús presentarse en público en ninguna ciudad,
sino que se quedaba a las afueras, en lugares solitarios. Y acudían a Él de todas partes .

                                    «Si quieres, puedes limpiarme»
                                                                 Rev. D. Ferran JARABOi Carbonell
                                                                           (Agullana, Giron, España)

          oy, el Evangelio nos invita a contemplar la fe de este leproso. Sabemos que, en
          tiempos de Jesús, los leprosos estaban marginados socialmente y considerados
          impuros. La curación del leproso es, anticipadamente, una visión de la
          salvación propuesta por Jesús a todos, y una llamada a abrirle nuestro
corazón para que Él lo transforme.

La sucesión de los hechos es clara. Primero, el leproso pide la curación y profesa su fe: «Si
quieres, puedes limpiarme» (Mc 1,40). En segundo lugar, Jesús -que literalmente se rinde
ante nuestra fe- lo cura («Quiero, queda limpio»), y le pide seguir lo que la ley prescribe, a
la vez que le pide silencio. Pero, finalmente, el leproso se siente impulsado a «pregonar
con entusiasmo y a divulgar la noticia» (Mc 1,45). En cierta manera desobedece a la
última indicación de Jesús, pero el encuentro con el Salvador le provoca un sentimiento
que la boca no puede callar.

Nuestra vida se parece a la del leproso. A veces vivimos, por el pecado, separados de Dios
y de la comunidad. Pero este Evangelio nos anima ofreciéndonos un modelo: profesar
nuestra fe íntegra en Jesús, abrirle totalmente nuestro corazón, y una vez curados por el
Espíritu, ir a todas partes a proclamar que nos hemos encontrado con el Señor. Éste es el
efecto del sacramento de la Reconciliación, el sacramento de la alegría.

Como bien afirma san Anselmo: «El alma debe olvidarse de ella misma y permanecer
totalmente en Jesucristo, que ha muerto para hacernos morir al pecado, y ha resucitado
para hacernos resucitar para las obras de justicia». Jesús quiere que recorramos el
camino con Él, quiere curarnos. ¿Cómo respondemos? Hemos de ir a encontrarlo con la
humildad del leproso y dejar que Él nos ayude a rechazar el pecado para vivir su Justicia.

                                   SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
        Miércoles de Ceniza                             Reconciliación                              grado, tendrá que asistir al programa de
                                                        Las confesiones son todos los sábados       noche de vida de la escuela secundaria
        17de Febrero, 2021                              de 9:30 a.m. a 11:00 a.m. frente a la       en noveno grado— onceavo grado y
                                                        estatua del buen pastor al aire libre. Si   mientras cumplan con todos sus
                                                        tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a    requisitos de confirmación, podrán
                                                        la Oficina Parroquial. “La confesión es     recibir su Confirmación en el onceavo
Las cenizas se distribuirán en todas las                un acto de honestidad y valentía, un        grado
Misas programadas y durante los                         acto de confiarnos, más allá del           HOSPITALES: Las leyes actuales de
                                                        pecado, a la misericordia de un Dios       privacidad (HIPAA) prohibir que los
Servicios del Miércoles de Ceniza.                      amoroso y perdonador. San Juan             hospitales liberen los nombres de los
                                                        Pablo”.                                    pacientes hospitalizados. Le pedimos su
6:30 a.m.     Servicio de Cenizas                                                                  ayuda para que la oficina parroquial
9:00 a.m.     Misa y Cenizas                                     Notas de Interés                  sepa si usted o alguien que conoce está en
12 noon       Misa y Cenizas                            BAUTISOS: Para organizar el bautismo el hospital.
4:30 p.m.     Misa y Cenizas                            de un niño, por favor visite nuestro sitio MATRIMONIOS: Comuníquese con la
                                                        web y haga clic en "Formularios oficina del Centro Pastoral al menos 6
6:00 p.m.     Misa y Cenizas                            Parroquiales" para llenar/completar el meses antes de la fecha prevista de la
7:30 p.m.     Misa y Cenizas en Español                                                            boda
                                                        formulario de Registro de Bautismo.
El Miércoles de Ceniza no es un Día Santo               Las clases pre-bautismales son el 3er       MILITAR: Por favor, manténganos
                                                        miércoles de cada mes. Para obtener         informados con actualizaciones sobre el
de la Obligación, aunque se anima a los                                                             personal militar para nuestra página
                                                        más información, póngase en contacto
fieles a asistir.                                       con el sr. Rodolfo Velasco al 470-695-      militar en este boletín. Comuníquese
                                                        7737 o por correo electrónico,              con Rudy Velasco al 470-695-7737 o
Miércoles de Ceniza y Viernes Santo son                       
días obligatorios de ayuno y abstinencia
para los católicos. Además, los Viernes                 CONFIRMACION: A partir del año
de Cuaresma son días de abstinencia.                    escolar 2019-2020, habrá un requisito
                                                        previo para que su hijo comience su
Las normas sobre ayuno son obligatorias desde los 18    programa de Confirmación en el
hasta los 59 años. Al ayunar, una persona puede         noveno grado (el cual es un programa
comer una comida completa, así como dos comidas         de dos años). Su
más pequeñas que juntas no son iguales a una comida     hijo tendrá que asistir al Programa de
completa. Las normas relativas a la abstinencia de la
carne son vinculantes para los miembros de la Iglesia   Formación de Fe de octavo grado. Si
Católica Romana..                                       usted no inscribe a su hijo en el
                                                        programa de Formación de Fe de la
                                                        Iglesia del Buen Pastor hasta el noveno

                                                                                                  DONACIONES EN LINEA
    Es hora de Actualizar!                                                                    Con el virus Covid-19 todavía entre
                                                                                              nosotros, queremos recordarle que
                                                                                              puede contribuir en línea con su
                                                                                              donación/ofrenda semanal o mensual
                                                                                              a nuestra Iglesia. Para hacerlo, visite
                                                                                              nuestro sitio web: y
                                                                                              elija donación en línea. Siguiendo
                                                                                              las instrucciones en línea podrá
                                                                                              enviar su contribución
"Si ha cambiado recientemente su correo electrónico, número de                                automáticamente a nuestra parroquia.
teléfono o dirección, asegúrese de actualizar su información de
contacto con la registradora parroquial, Nadine Brabeau en, y el coordinador de formación en la fe de su
hijo. El correo electrónico y el teléfono son los principales medios
de contacto para la formación en la fe. Necesitará un número de
teléfono y una dirección de correo electrónico que funcione para
recibir actualizaciones, tareas e información sacramental ".

                                                 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
                                                                                      Santos Cirilo y Metodio

Del Festejo
        Al ayuno
                                                                             Los dos hermanos Miguel y
                                                                             Constantino, que como monjes
                                                                             tomaron el nombre de Metodio y
                                                                             Cirilo respectivamente, realizaron su
                                                                             obra misionera en el siglo IX en
                                                                             Europa central, y con toda razón se los
                                                                             llama los “apóstoles de los eslavos”.
Aunque es el mes más corto del año, febrero es rico en actividad litúrgica. Tienen el mérito de haberse adaptado
                                                                             a los pueblos que iban a evangelizar y
¡Contiene una fiesta (Presentación de Nuestro Señor) que une otras dos       usaron métodos misioneros que,
estaciones (Navidad y Pascua)! Además, los fieles podrán recibir en febrero aunque tenían toda la aprobación del
                                                                             Papa, suscitaron oposición entre
dos de los cuatro principales sacramentales públicos que la Iglesia confiere griegos y latinos.
durante el año litúrgico: velas bendecidas y bendición de gargantas.            Tienen también el mérito de haber
                                                                                creado un nuevo alfabeto que se llama
                                                                                “cirílico”, Ofreciendo al mundo
La Solemnidad de la Presentación del Señor el 2 de febrero se remonta al        eslavo, con la traducción de la Biblia,
                                                                                del Misal y del Ritual litúrgico, unidad
misterio de la Luz navideña, excepto que ahora, Cristo, el niño indefenso,      lingüística y cultural. Los dos
                                                                                hermanos nacieron en Tesalónica.
es "la Luz de la Revelación para los gentiles que salvará a su pueblo de sus    Eran hijos de un empleado imperial y
pecados". Los cirios, que simbolizan a Cristo nuestra Luz, se llevarán en       conocían el eslavo que se hablaba en
procesión este día, al igual que el cirio pascual durante la Liturgia de la     En el año 860 el emperador encargó a
Vigilia Pascual .                                                               los dos hermanos la evangelización de
                                                                                los Kazarios, y tres años después
                                                                                llegaron a Moravia por invitación del
      "La Luz de la Revelación" brilla más intensamente con cada                príncipe Ratislao. Cirilo y Metodio
                                                                                fueron acusados de cisma y herejía, y
      domingo sucesivo del Tiempo Ordinario, hasta que su                       por eso tuvieron que viajar a Roma, en
                                                                                donde los recibió con gusto el Papa
      magnificencia - exponiendo nuestra pecaminosidad y                        Adriano II, que les permitió celebrar
      necesidad de conversión - nos impulsa hacia el tiempo                     los santos misterios en lengua
                                                                                eslavaSan Cirilo murió en Roma el 14
      penitencial de Cuaresma. Nos preparamos para aceptar la cruz              de febrero del 869 y fue enterrado en
                                                                                la basílica de San Clemente, el mártir
      de las cenizas benditas el miércoles de ceniza (Febrero 17) y             cuyas reliquias él mismo había llevado
      nos sumergimos en la anticipación de los principales ejercicios           a Roma. Metodio, ordenado sacerdote
                                                                                por el Papa y nombrado obispo de
      de Cuaresma - ayuno, oración, limosna - poniendo nuestros                 Panonia, regresó entre sus eslavos.
                                                                                Murió el 6 de abril del año 885 en la
      pensamientos y oraciones en el corazón de nuestra Madre                   ciudad de Velahrad (Checoslovaquia),
                                                                                y en su funeral se usó el eslavo junta
      María. Ella, que ofreció a su Hijo en el templo y en la Cruz,             con el griego y el latín.
      nos enseñará cómo negarnos a nosotros mismos, tomar nuestra               Estos dos figuras, gigantes de la
      cruz cada día y seguir a su Hijo .                                        evangelización, fueron nombrados co-
                                                                                patronos de Europa por el Santo Padre
                                                                                Juan Pablo II que así ofreció a los
                                                   fieles del mundo el ejemplo de dos
                                                                                predicadores infatigables del mensaje
                                        SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
Our Military - May God Protect and defend them as they protect and devend us
                                    A Prayer for our Military
                 Brave warriors, should fate find you in battle, may your cause be just. May
                 our leaders have clear vision. May your courage not falter. May you be
triumphant and earn victory as you show mercy to our enemies. May your efforts bring
lasting peace. May your sacrifice be always appreciated by those you serve. May you return
to your loved ones unharmed. Should you be harmed, may your wounds heal. Should you
perish in the struggle, may God embrace you and find for ou a place in His Kingdom.
            OUT OF COUNTRY                                                   Michael E. Hughes
Martin Alvarez (Cpl, Marines) Norway                                         Brennan Jones (Private, Army) Ft. Bragg, NC
Matthew Barnette (Staff Sgt. AF) Qatar                                       Luke Jordan (Corp. Marines) Camp Lejeune NC
Ransom Campbell (Army) Iraq                                                  Austin Kehres (E-2 Airman, Navy) Norfolk, VA
Jonah McClain Casper (USAF) Iran                                             Michael Klooster (LTjg USS Sioux City)
Michael Chalkley (Airborne Division Army) Iraq                               William Knapp (LCpl, USMC ) NC
Daniel Cunningham (Navy Diver) Japan                                Peter Lagare (Pvt. Marines)
John Connor (Cpl, Marines) Japan                                    Allison Lancowitz
Michael Denkman (PFC Army National Guard) Afghanistan               Mike Lind (Colonel, Army) DC Pentagon
Steven J. Friedrich (Sgt.) Iraq                                     Cory Mack (2nd Lt. Army) Kansas
Josh Harrison (Army) Germany                                        Eddy Manriquez (Marines) NC
Justice Nathan Hobin (CPl, Marines) Cuba                            John Matlaga (1st Lt. Marines)
Jacob Jordan (Lance Corporal, Marines) Afghanistan                  Jody Martin (Army) Ft. Leonardwood MO
Kyle LeBlanc (2nd class, AF) Afghanistan                            Padraic McClusky (Cpl Marines) Japan
Marissa Marino (Army, PFC) Germany                                  Ryan McDowell (Sgt. Army)
Ryan McDowell (Sgt. Army) Afghanistan                               Richard Michael (Major Army)
Jordan Moon (CPT Army) Poland                                       Samantha Michel (Lt. JG) Jacksonville, FL NAS
George Mowbray (Army Paratrooper) Afghanistan                       Wyatt Moseley (Marines) Camp Geiger, NC
Adam Stevenson (USN) Japan                                          Jared Morgan (SPC Army) GA
Jon Vanderhamm (US Army) Germany                                    Nikk and Will Osprey
Michael Viskup (Major, Army) Afghanistan                            LL.JG. Keith Ovellette
                            STATESIDE                               Chad Peacock (Lance Corporal, Marines) Camp Pendleton, CA
Micah Aikens (1st Lt.)                                              Fr. Kevin Peek (Chaplain Army) Georgia
Taylor Anthony Aguirre (ESN Coast Guard) Port Canaveral, FL         Matthew Pirrello (1st Lt, Air Force) Tindall AFB, Panama City FL
John Archer (Staff Sgt. Army) GA                                    Brian Pop (E-5 Airforce) Tindall AF Base, FL
Joanna Barnette (1st Class AF) Barksdale AFB                        Tyler Rahn (Private) Camp Pendleton, CA
Ryan Bobenhausen (PFC Army) Hawaii                                  Elizabeth Roberts (SFC Army)
Daniel Bowers (Sgt. Army)                                           Samantha Robinett (1st Lt. Army)
Eric Bueltel (Captain, AF) 162nd Fighter Wing– Tucson AZ            Louis P. Rognoni III (Lt. Col., USAF) Pentagon, Washington, DC
Dean Carr (Recruit) Palms Island, SC                                Rudy Salinas (M.S. Marines)
Jonah McClain Casper (USAF)                                         Raymond Songer (LT, Navy) California
Steven Chetcuti (Major, Army) West Pointe                           Michael Tyson Chase Strollo (Pvt. GA Army National Guard) GA
James Duffey (Chief Class Petty Officer/Navy Diver)Panama City FL   Joseph Sullivan (Petty Officer—3rd Class, Navy)
Patrick Ekhlas (2nd Lt. Marines) California                         William Sikes (Fireman, USCG) Portsmouth, VA
Matthew Ekhlas (Master Sgt. Marines) California                     Fr. Fred Wendel (Chaplain Army) VA
Brian Steven Eddy (Capt. AF)                                        Anthony Deprey-Willis (SRA, AF) Washington State
Thomas Gregory Eddy (Sgt. Army) Quantico VA                         James M. Windsor (USN) Norfolk, VA
Geoff Franks ( Captain Marines) SC                                  Russell Windsor (Sgt. Army) Colorado
Lawrence Franks (2nd Lt. Marines)                                   Dylan Wolff (Sgt. Marines) SC
Alex Hanson (TSGT, AF)                                              Jon-Paul Zeitouni (Army) Colorado
Shannen Dalton (Hanson) (Capt. Army)
Mark Hanson (1st Lt. AF)
Steven Hernandez (Airman E3 Navy)

If you would like to have military personnel posted here in our bulletin, please clip and return to the Parish Office either via
mail, email ( drop off in the Parish Office or place in our collection basket.

Name _____________________________________Rank of Enlisted ____________________Branch of Service___________________

Location of Enlisted _________________________________Name Submitting request ______________________________________

Contact Number or email address of personSUNDAY,     FEBRUARY
                                          making request:           14, 2021
CLERGY AND STAFF                                              BEFORE YOU ARRIVE
PRIESTS                                                       • Wash your hands.
                                                              • Face coverings are required in the church and gym.
Fr. Diosmar Natad, Pastor                                     • The cry room is closed. ………........770-887-9861x701                  • Please bring your own hand sanitizer that can be used
Fr. Bradley Starr, Parochial Vicar                            before receiving Holy Communion.……………...770-887-9861x702                      • Do not bring items that contain bleach into the church as
                                                              this will damage the pews.
Deacon Don Nadeau…………                     ARRIVAL PROCEDURES
                                                              • Masks should be worn The main doors of the church will
                                                              be open 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass.
PARISH OFFICE STAFF                                           • The pews will be numbered. An usher can help you find
Laura Irvine, Parish Manager                                  your seat.………………470-695-7707                           • The holy water fonts remain empty, however, we now
Rudy Velasco, Administrative Assistant                        have holy water available in dispensers.……………470-935-7710
GClavijo, Receptionist                                        MASS PROCEDURES …..770-887-9861             • Masses will be conducted with reduced liturgical
Danny Amoyo, Data Entry/Donor Registry                        volunteers.…………...470-695-7714                           • Eucharistic ministers will use hand sanitizer prior to
                                                              communion and wear a mask during distribution of
Kelly Rosenbalm, Accounting Clerk                             communion.……….470-695-7708                          • In the church building, please keep your face mask on for
                                                              the duration of Mass.
DEPARTMENTAL STAFF LEADERS                                    • Shaking hands at the Sign of Peace or hand-holding during
Nadine Brabeau, Faith Formation Registrar                     the Lord's Prayer has been suspended.………….470-695-7730                           We strongly encourage online giving through our
Tanya Franco, Preschool Director                              website:……………470-695-7761                            • Missals have been removed. If you prefer to read along,
Alison Toledano, Preschool Office Manager                     you may print the readings at home to bring with you, and……........470-695-7761                     take with you when you leave.
Michael Abreu, Music Director                                 • Please follow the CDC recommendations regarding your
                                                                  own health. If you fall into an "at-risk" category, please
                                                                  stay home and join us online.
Greg Case, Organist                                               SEATING IN THE CHURCH: Masks should be worn by
Michael Gagnon, HS and Confirmation Coordinator               all congregants in the church. Please put on your mask 470-695-7734             before getting in line to enter the church.
Tammy Cagle, Middle School/RCIC Coordinator          We will be operating at severely reduced capacity in the
Rudy Velasco, RCICCA and RCIA Coordinator                     church. This means seating for 115 people in the church and             narthex. This will be re-evaluated weekly.
Vicki Carney, Elementary School/First Eucharist Coordinator
                                                              We have discontinued reserved seating. Please abide by the 470-695-7732                Ushers who will ensure everyone has a safe distance seat.
                                                              Overflow may use the Narthex or outdoors in the Courtyard
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT                                         of Remembrance. If you need to have a seat, please bring a
Joe Donnelly, Facilities Manager                              lawn chair to the courtyard, use our foldable chairs.…. ……......470-695-7721
Mike Smith, Maintenance Supervisor                            OUTDOOR SEATING: The outdoor speakers in the……….470-695-7722                       courtyard will be on during Mass. You are welcome to bring
José Flores, Maintenance Associate                            your own chair to the courtyard or use the church’s chairs,……………….470-695-7722
                                                              spaced 6 feet from those around you. Masks will not be
                                                              required outdoors.
María Hernández de Flores, Maintenance Associate
                                                              GYM: Masks will be required in the gym. We will set up a
SPANISH LEADERS                                               large video screen in the gym, where we will broadcast the
Emergencias sacramental:         (678) 294-0212               Mass from the church.
Gerardo: Sacristanes             (678) 223-5060
Martina Trejo: Comité Guadalupano Coordinadora             (678) 717-8636
Angelica Guerrero: Proclamadores de la Palabra             (706) 265-5184
Yuri Lugunas: Ministros Extraordinarios

                                               SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2021
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