The Dot BigBang is coming

Page created by Jon Mason
The Dot BigBang
is coming
Here’s what you need to know
What is The
Dot BigBang?
Quite simply, it’s the biggest shake-up                               The release of more than 1,000 new      This is the beginning of a new digital
                                                                      gTLDs means your website won’t have     landscape. It gives your brand the
since the internet began.                                             to be a dot com or dot biz or dot org   opportunity to grow its digital footprint
                                                                      anymore – it can be a dot whatever      and to build a domain portfolio that
                                                                      you like.                               works for you. Dot place, dot trend,
                                                                                                              dot industry, dot meme – dot allsorts.
                                                                                                              They are up for grabs. This guide will
                                                                                                              tell you everything you need to know,
                                                                                                              and what to do about it – to make sure

1                                         The Dot BigBang is coming   2
So what’s happened so far?
A quick history lesson
                                                     Initial application process:    Duplicate competition:
                                                     A total of 1,930 gTLDs          Many brands pounced
                                                     were applied for, of            on the same gTLDs –
                                                     which one-third were for        there were more than six
                                                     DVSHFLƃFEUDQGHJ1LNH      vying for .app. Drop-outs
                                                                                     and duplications have
                                                     Scheduling releases:            DOORZHG,&$11WRUHGXFH
                                                     The Internet Corporation        the number down to just
                                                     IRU$VVLJQHG1DPHV             over 1,200.
                                                     DQG1XPEHUV ,&$11
                                                     announced a staggered
                                                     gTLD release over the
                                                     next three years.


                                                                                    controversy in 2011

3                        The Dot BigBang is coming   4
The opportunities
    for your brand
             ,QFUHDVHƄH[LELOLW\DQGFRQWURORYHU\RXU                  Sector focused                 Dot moves                   Organised
             corporate image online, your naming strategy,               .shop, .fashion, or .luxury,   +DYH\RXUGRPDLQSUHƃ[     gTLDs like .contact
             and your partners, suppliers and customers.                 for example can help           DQGVXƅ[IRUPRQH          can create separate
                                                                         consumers associate your       word for striking and       sites or sub-sites for
             Greater command over your online presence,                  EUDQGZLWKDVSHFLƃFDUHD     memorable domain            visitors looking for
             regarding costs, intellectual property and                  of expertise.                  names e.g. net.names.       particular topics.
             technical control.
                                                                         Innovative                     Location based              Consumer trusted
             Enhance your internal and external
                                                                         6Xƅ[HVVXFKDVURFNVDQG     $SSHDOWRJURXSVGHƃQHG    gTLDs such as
             communications with a stronger point
                                                                         .ninja can provide a talking   by location or language,
             of interest.
                                                                         point for consumers.           ZLWKVXƅ[HVOLNHORQGRQ   can demonstrate
                                                                                                        or .christians.             high levels of security,
             Justify your current online presence, including
                                                                                                                                    build consumer trust
             your domain and trademark portfolios .
                                                                                                                                    and help verify your
                                                                                                                                    online identity.
             registration and renewal of domain names.
                                                                         So what are your
                                                                         new domain options?

5                                        The Dot BigBang is coming   6
But beware...
As with your current domain portfolio, new gTLDs

Brand damage              Fraud                       Counterfeiting
Disgruntled customers     Phishing attacks are on     The opportunity is rife
can damage your brand     the up and new gTLDs, for   for thousands of sites
by registering domains    example     to sell replicas of your
such as   and,         goods, through domains
or     could be bought up and      like and
                          used by criminals.

                          Brand Damage                Fraud                                Counterfeiting

    Overview              gTLDs which present         gTLDs which could be used            gTLDs which could
                          risk of brand damage        DVUHSXWDEOHFRQƃUPDWLRQ            be used for the sale
                          from registration by        of identity in a phishing attack     of counterfeit goods
                          disgruntled consumers

    Current examples          

    High risk TLDs        .sucks                      .group                               .shop
                          .gripe                      .solutions                           .deal
                          .exposed                    .online                              .discount
                          .safety                     ƃQDQFH                              .save
                          .reviews                    .credit                                IDVKLRQ
                          .adult                      .institute                             VKRS

7                                                              The Dot BigBang is coming   8
The Trademark
                                                                       &OHDULQJKRXVH 70&+ WRKHOSEUDQGV
                                                                       be aware during the gTLD scramble.

                                                                       Acting as a single database of
                                                                       authenticated registered trademarks,
                                                                       TMCH will inform brands if anyone
                                                                       is trying to register a trademarked domain
                                                                       name during the pre-registration launch
                                                                       period known as the ‘sunsrise’ period.

      We’re dedicated to keeping you One Step Ahead,                   Trademark Clearinghouse       Dot Strategy Report:      Dot monitoring services:
      and our three key services will ensure that your                 (TMCH) Services:              We will recommend the     We will look out for any
      business gets the most from The Dot BigBang:                     We will register your         most suitable new gTLDs   registered domains that
                                                                       current trademarks and        to register and buy the   infringe your brand, and
                                                                       notify you if anybody tries   chosen domains for you.   we’ll inform you on which
                                                                       to register a domain using                              domains your competitors
                                                                       WKHP RUVLPLODUPDWFKHV                              are registering .
                                                                       Unlike the TMCH, we also
                                                                       under all phases of
                                                                       registry operations.

9                                          The Dot BigBang is coming   10
,QWURGXFLQJWKH1HW1DPHV                                                                Current domain portfolio   Trademark list             Customer details

                                                                                        List of actively           List of Madrid System      Additional info
Dot Strategy Engine                                                                     registered domains         international trademarks   on geographic/sector
                                                                                                                                              focus, key strings etc
                                                                                        Data from                  Data from WIPO
Our unique engine combines data from public                                             1HW1DPHVV\VWHPV            :RUOG,QWHOOHFWXDO       Qualitative assessment
sources and our own systems to devise a customised                                                                 3URSHUW\2UJDQLVDWLRQ      E\1HW1DPHV$FFRXQW
Dot Strategy that’s just right for your brand online.

                                                                                                                    Dot Strategy Engine
                                Suggested TMCH trademark registrations.

                                Suggested new gTLD registrations.
                                                                                                                      Registration strategy
                                Time and resource allocation.
                                                                                        Suggested                  Suggested gTLD             Change in portfolio
                                                                                        TMCH registrations         domain registrations       and cost with time

11                                                     The Dot BigBang is coming   12
About NetNames                            Get in touch
                                 With more than 350 employees              &RQWDFWD1HW1DPHVJ7/'H[SHUW
                                 ZRUOGZLGH1HW1DPHVLV(XURSHŠV          now and we’ll run the Dot Strategy
                                 largest domain name management            Engine and produce your customised
                                 and online brand protection specialist.   Dot Strategy Report.
                                 Headquartered in London, with
                                 DGGLWLRQDORƅFHVLQ&DPEULGJH           Visit
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