The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition

Page created by Marilyn Edwards
The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition
the  Echo
Halloween Edition

   Vol. 23; Issue 1
The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition
Table of Contents
Halloween in
Quarantine                             3-4
The History of
Halloween                                    5
Keep Warm with Food
Network’ s Pumpkin
Cookies                                6-7
Brewing the Perfect
Halloween Film                               8
Layouts: Salman Khan, News Magazine Editor
Cover: Skylar Serrano, Staff Photographer
Editing: Dana Balmas, Editor-in-Chief
		       Salman Khan, News Magazine Editor
The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition
the Echo’s Guide to


Alice Braun & Olivia Durcan                                   or-treating events are a big part of what will keep you
Staff Writers                                                 in the halloween spirit! Especially for younger chil-
The Halloween season is slowly approaching, and               dren, going to local events where they still get to expe-
with quarantine still intact, significant changes will be     rience halloween and all it has to offer, is beneficial for
occurring this season. Being one of the largest holidays      an amazing time.
in the United States, mMany parents have been looking
to keep their children excited over this holiday. It’s very   If visiting your friends and family during the Hallow-
important to stay safe as well as have fun. We all want       een season is your favorite treat, you are still able to
to be able to experience our Halloween to it’s biggest        enjoy the spooky get-togethers and parties everyone
potential, as well as not hurt anyone in the process.         knows and loves with virtual parties online! Many peo-
There are many different types of festive activities that     ple have altered their past traditions of indoor parties
are safe, as well as fun that are great tips for keeping      to Zoom calls featuring ideas of bake-offs and costume
things lively this season.                                    competitions that are both family friendly and safe for
                                                              everyone involved. Along with friends and family, the
The most delicious activity we have today is baking           love of pumpkin patches and pumpkin carving are two
and cooking festive dishes. Halloween is a great season       popular and fun activities commonly checked off of
to get creative with your cooking, and a great family         the bucket lists of huge fall fans.
and friends activity. You can design all different types
of scary cookies, or make your own dishes with a              WIn the end, we all just want to continue to have fun
halloween themed twist. Cooking is quite an enjoyable         throughout these rough times. It’s important to keep
activity, and even better you get to eat a delicious treat    your spirits up, and have some fun with friends and
at the same time.                                             family! Crafts and activities are a great way to do such
                                                              a thing, so have fun, and happy halloween.
Next we have the most important part of Halloween
for many: the candy! Although trick or treating seems         The Halloween season is slowly approaching, and
to be out of the question, many alternative events are        with quarantine still intact, significant changes will be
still going on, as well as new ones being created. Many       occurring this season. Being one of the largest holidays
halloween parades, events, and neighborhood trunk-            in the United States, mMany parents have been looking
The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition
to keep their children excited over this holiday. It’s very   rience halloween and all it has to offer, is beneficial for
important to stay safe as well as have fun. We all want       an amazing time.
to be able to experience our Halloween to it’s biggest
potential, as well as not hurt anyone in the process.         If visiting your friends and family during the Hallow-
There are many different types of festive activities that     een season is your favorite treat, you are still able to
are safe, as well as fun that are great tips for keeping      enjoy the spooky get-togethers and parties everyone
things lively this season.                                    knows and loves with virtual parties online! Many peo-
                                                              ple have altered their past traditions of indoor parties
The most delicious activity we have today is baking           to Zoom calls featuring ideas of bake-offs and costume
and cooking festive dishes. Halloween is a great season       competitions that are both family friendly and safe for
to get creative with your cooking, and a great family         everyone involved. Along with friends and family, the
and friends activity. You can design all different types      love of pumpkin patches and pumpkin carving are two
of scary cookies, or make your own dishes with a              popular and fun activities commonly checked off of
halloween themed twist. Cooking is quite an enjoyable         the bucket lists of huge fall fans.
activity, and even better you get to eat a delicious treat
at the same time.                                             WIn the end, we all just want to continue to have fun
                                                              throughout these rough times. It’s important to keep
Next we have the most important part of Halloween             your spirits up, and have some fun with friends and
for many:, the candy! Although trick or treating seems        family! Crafts and activities are a great way to do such
to be out of the question, many alternative events are        a thing, so have fun, and happy halloween.
still going on, as well as new ones being created. Many
halloween parades, events, and neighborhood trunk-
or-treating events are a big part of what will keep you
in the halloween spirit! Especially for younger chil-
dren, going to local events where they still get to expe-

Zombie Sk8r Dream Gurl Princess          Photo: Zara Sarwar   Park after Dark                            Photo: Emmie Opyd
The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition

                                                            The influence of Christianity by the Romans in the
                                                            9th century was intrinsic to the shifting of festivities
                                                            and practices. Christianity started to blend and sup-
                                                            plement the old Celtic rituals, adopting certain views

                        of                                  and assimilating. This was where the famous name
                                                            of Halloween came from, as the church dedicated
                                                            the Samhain festival to commemorate more of their
                                                            religion. They named it All Saints Day or All-hallows.
                                                            This ultimately prompted the night Oct. 31, the night
                                                            of Samhain, to be All-hallows eve.
Abby Apeland
Staff Writer                                                Another relevant part of present-day Halloween is
How did Halloween go from worshipping and paying            trick-or-treating. Kids have grown up with the com-
dues to the Celtic spirits to handing out candy to tacki-   petitive mindset to collect as much candy as possible
ly-costumed children?                                       while not having a care in the world, except having
                                                            fun with friends from door-to-door. Similar to many
The origin of Halloween, Alls Hallow Eve, comes from        other traditions, the history behind trick-or-treating
an ancient tradition of the Celtic people dating around     still resonates with the mischievous intent of its origin.
2,000 years ago. The Celts had a festival called Samhain    Leading up to the big night, children would dress up
(pronounced sow-win), celebrating the day where the         in costumes, go door-to-door and singing songs to
lines between the spirit world and the living world are     the dead. Their treats, at the time, were the cakes that
blurred- allowing spirits to cross over. They had many      people gave them. Their tricks, on the other hand, were
traditions to follow during this tricky time as they        pranks- significant parts of the original Samhain tradi-
needed to ward off evil-doing spirits by making sacri-      tions; however, the tricks were typically said to be done
fices to satisfy them and keep them at bay. They would      by fairies or mischievous spirits.
light huge bonfires to commemorate the event, and
the people would burn crops and animals as sacrifices       The evolution of a sacred and ancient pagan tradition
to the Celtic gods. From this, many of the well-known       to a yearly $9 billion industry is a development that has
Halloween traditions of today were derived from a           been occurring for ages. From holy rituals with proper
strict religious background.                                intentions to ward off evil spirits and to survive long
                                                            winter seasons, to dressing up in fun costumes and
A traditional aspect of Halloween was always the per-       binging on candy, Halloween has shelved some of its
fect costume. Whether a great effort was put in to be       historic aspects. How the holiday will continue to de-
scary, funny or just a simple impersonation, costumes       velop, if so, remains uncertain and for the future to tell.
are elemental in today’s Halloween culture. However,
the original intent of costumes was to dress up as ani-
mals or ghosts, so the actual spirits would either avoid
them or be too scared to commit any wrongdoings.
 During the Middle Ages, they would carve turnips
then insert coals inside to keep them burning through-
out the night to ward off witches or fairies that could
cause harm. These turnips would later become the
classic jack-o-lanterns, brought on by the traditions
of the Irish immigrants in the second half of the 19th
century. These jack-o-lanterns later became a must-
have decorative piece in front of every American
home, as the custom continually evolved past the 20th
                                                            Falling Backwards                     Photo: Skylar Serrano
The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition
Aarti Gupta                                                The first step of this recipe was definitely the most
 Staff Writer                                               calming. I combined flour, salt and baking powder
The weather has been cooling down, and my motiva-           then whisked them together. I generally do not care
tion to leave the comfort of my bed seems to be simul-      too much about measurements, but I actually put in
taneously decreasing. All I want to do is stay wrapped      the effort this time and discovered my love for leveling
in a blanket, hold a warm mug of coffee in my hands         off dry ingredients and feeling the smoothness of them
and eat some freshly baked goods. Unfortunately, it         being stirred together.
has been difficult for me to do any of those things, but
the cold weather we have had recently inspired me to        The second step
at least attempt to recreate the calming atmosphere         proved to be the
of a bakery in my home kitchen. I am definitely not a       complete opposite
professional baker, but I put myself to the test and set    of number one:
off to make some pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies using         mixing softened
Food Network’s “Sugar Cookies Recipe” courtesy of           butter and sugar
Alton Brown. The results warmed me, both physically         is simply a reci-
and emotionally.                                            pe for disaster.
                                                            Although I
A large reason why I think I felt cold was because I had    was using
been sitting and avoiding my work. Finding the will to      a stand mixer, the
get up and bake was likely the most difficult part of the   butter was continuously sticking
whole process, and I almost called off the whole event.     to the whisk, and it was difficult to combine
I really needed a mood boost, though, so I played some      with the sugar. I had to clean the handle multiple times
light music through the kitchen speaker and found           and increase the speed of the mixer before the mixture
myself feeling more comfortable by the minute. The          came to a consistent, light color. I would recommend
recipe called for all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt,   adding the milk and egg a bit earlier, or ensuring
unsalted butter, sugar, eggs, milk and powdered sug-        that your butter is extra soft (not melted though) to
ar, which were luckily all ingredients I had normally       combine the butter and sugar easily. As a personal
stocked in my kitchen. I gathered them together on          preference, I added a teaspoon of vanilla extract at
a table along with other standard kitchen appliances        this point—I did not think the sugar did justice to the
such as a mixer, whisk and a large bowl—and with the        cookies.
final step of tying back my hair, I got to work.
The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition
With the liquid       placed them in the oven, I was impatient to see the
                                       and dry ingredi-     results. Luckily, the recipe called for them being baked
                                       ents having been     for seven to nine minutes at 375 degrees F, so I did not
                                        individually        have to wait too long for the final results. The expected
                                         combined, it       cook time was true to the recipe, and I let the cookies
                                          was time to mix   cool momentarily before biting into them.
                                          them and form
                                           the dough.       The end result was a warm, soft cookie that definitely
                                            I took a few    exceeded my expectations for an amateur baker. The
                                             moments to     warmth of the cookies was inviting, and I felt that it
                                             thoroughly     was righteous to sit down and enjoy them. I want-
                                              clean the     ed to share the joy I got from them, so I made some
                                              whisk and     care packages for my friends with a few cookies and
                                 replace it with a dough    some hot chocolate. Then, I delivered the packages to
               hook before I gradually added the flour      their homes. The cookies are supposed to stay soft for
mixture to the butter. It was not the smoothest to have     multiple days, as I saw with my results, so I definitely
both combined evenly in the mixer, so I ended up            think that larger amounts can be devoured over the
placing them in a bowl and kneading it with my hands.       span of a few days. This recipe is definitely one I would
The dough seemed very tough and tight to me, so I           recommend using. It can easily be made into a fun
tried adding a bit more milk to work it together. This      competition with icing the cookies or just a nice way to
definitely helped, and I was able to create a manageable    get together and work with each other. Even if you are
cookie dough. At this point, I separated the dough into     not a regular baker, I think it would be enjoyable to try
two pieces and placed it in the fridge for about two        it out because the recipe does its best to yield to begin-
hours.                                                      ners. I definitely think that I am going to make these
                                                            cookies again over the holidays, and I am already very
The dough                                                   excited to see how they turn out.
that I had
deemed                                                      Check out the recipe here: https://www.foodnet-
able found                                                  pe-1914697
its way to
become                                                      If you happen to make these cookies, feel free to share
a pain                                                      your results with us on Instagram @nvhs_echo. Happy
once                                                        baking, and happy Halloween!
again, so
out the dough
definitely required a lot of manpower
that I did not seem to have. As I previously mentioned,
it could be that my butter was not soft enough, mean-
ing that it was harder to combine. I would recommend
ensuring that your butter is completely softened prior
to making the dough, but because I could not go
back and restart, I simply pushed through the dough
and was able to flatten it. It was easy then to take my
pumpkin cookie cutters and make a bunch of cute little
pumpkin cookies.
                                                               Happy Hal
I had already been in love with the cookies from the
                                                                                     loween! :P
moment I organized them on a cookie sheet. As I
The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition
Brewing the Perfect
Bhoomi Sharma                                               doesn’t stop them from having some beautiful tunes.
Staff Writer                                                “I Put A Spell On You” is still on every Halloween
I never went trick or treating when I was younger. It       playlist, and I can never stop myself from snapping
wasn’t something that people did very often in In-          along the beat to the Addams Family Theme. A song
dia. But I loved Halloween anyway because it felt like      is something that sticks with you and draws you back
something magical. I don’t know if it was the candies,      to the story it belongs to, so of course these movies all
the ghost stories or the permission be anything you         have that one special song that takes you back to fifth
wanted for one night. But I loved it. I loved being able    grade movie binges.
to believe in magic for one chilly night.
                                                            Lastly, the ingredient I’d say is the most important of
A lot of social media is very centered around the           all to have an iconic childhood Halloween movie - a
United States, so I was aware of how people celebrated      happy ending. Who doesn’t love a happy ending?
it across the world. But I had never heard of the classic   There’s something peaceful about a character that we
Halloween movies until my first Halloween here. So          have all come to root for that ends up beating the odds.
I chose three of the most famous Halloween movies           All of these movies have a win at the end that leads to a
that I had never heard of until I came to the United        hopeful future. This detail separates these movies from
States and decided to break down why I think they’re        most other movies usually watched during Halloween.
as timeless as they are, and why they’re different from     They’re scary to their target demographic of course,
most horror movies: “Hocus Pocus”, “Coraline”, and          but it refuses to let their audience go with the feeling of
“The Addams Family”.                                        impending doom. It lets the viewers know that any-
                                                            thing that knocks you over can be overcome, and that
Now of course, there are more than these three movies       in the end good can prevail. Watching these movies as
that have become a part of American pop culture. But        a kid makes you feel safe and strong, so of course you
these, I find, are the ones that people think of most in    would remember this movie fondly years down the
fondness and laughter.                                      line, when every piece of Halloween media targeted
                                                            towards you is full of gore and violence and death. It’s
One of the details that makes these movies echo             something that feels hopeful on a day that’s commer-
through time is the villains. The Other Mother from         cialized to be scary, and it’s where the heroes win in the
Coraline haunts my dreams, and the witches’ laughs          end. Horror has its own charm, but there’s something
echoes through my brains whenever someone even              to be said about a Halloween movie that tells it’s audi-
mentions Salem. The Other Mother and the Sanderson          ence that the world isn’t really all as bad as it seems.
sisters must’ve been terrifying to a child, whose entire
worlds revolved around imaginary trips down a mag-          So this Halloween, watch one of these movies. Some-
ic door, and All Hallows Eve when you could finally         thing that might be softer than you usually go for,
eat all the chocolates you wanted without parental          something that leaves you more hopeful than fright-
supervision. I’ll admit, maybe Addams family doesn’t        ened. Don’t sit in your house and lock the doors in fear
have the most unforgettable villain, but shouldn’t the      of a little doll that may or may not exist. Pretend you’re
Addamses count? Where else have you seen a family so        a child that’s just won Halloween, and go get some
peculiar?                                                   candy. You’re never too old for it.

And I cannot forget to talk about their iconic songs.       The real world will come knocking tomorrow. But not
These movies aren’t necessarily musicals, but that          tonight. For now, trick or treat?
The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition The Echo - Vol. 23; Issue 1 - Halloween Edition
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