The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...

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The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...
February 4, 2021

    By Electronic Filing

               The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet
                              affirm publication of the attached
                           Notice of Hearing in Case No. U‐20814
                                     By January 28, 2021.

Consumers Energy
One Energy Plaza             
Jackson, MI 49201-2357
The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...
                                         Electronic – 7 Newspapers

                                                                                  MPSC Case No.: U-20814
                                                                        Date Published By: January 28, 2021
                                                                        Pre-Hearing Date: February 11, 2021
                                                                                            Ad No.: 2101-G

                                         DATE                                              DATE
                  NEWSPAPER             NOTICE               NEWSPAPER                    NOTICE
                                       PUBLISHED                                         PUBLISHED

   CENTRAL REGION                                    NORTHWESTERN REGION

   Flint Journal/MLive……………… …….         1/19/2021   Cadillac Evening News………………....        1/15/2021
                                                     Grand Rapids Press/MLive……………..        1/19/2021

   SOUTHERN REGION                                   METRO REGION

   Jackson Citizen Patriot/MLive…………     1/19/2021   Detroit Free Press/News………………          1/15/2021
   Kalamazoo Gazette/MLive………………         1/19/2021
   Lansing State Journal………………….         1/15/2021

affidavit log form - gas
The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...
The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...
The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...
The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...
The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...
The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...
The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...
The following affidavits of publication and electronic tear sheet affirm publication of the attached Notice of Hearing in Case No. U 20814 By ...
                            NOTICE OF HEARING
                        FOR THE GAS CUSTOMERS OF
                       CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY
                              CASE NO. U-20814

     Consumers Energy Company requests Michigan Public Service Commission’s approval of a
      gas cost recovery plan and authorization of gas cost recovery factors for the 12 months ending
      March 31, 2022.

     The information below describes how a person may participate in this case.

     You may call or write Consumers Energy Company, One Energy Plaza, Jackson, MI
      49201, 517-788-0550 for a free copy of its application. Any person may review the
      documents at the offices of Consumers Energy Company.

     A pre-hearing will be held:

                 DATE/TIME:           Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 10:00 AM

                     BEFORE:          Administrative Law Judge Jonathan Thoits

                  LOCATION:           Video/Teleconferencing

            PARTICIPATION:            Any interested person may participate. Persons needing any
                                      assistance to participate should contact the Commission's
                                      Executive Secretary at (517) 284-8090, or by email at
                             in advance of the hearing.

       The Michigan Public Service Commission (Commission) will hold a pre-hearing to
consider Consumers Energy Company’s (Consumers Energy) December 23, 2020 application
requesting the Commission to: 1) authorize Consumers Energy to implement a Gas Cost Recovery
(GCR) plan and monthly GCR factors for the period April 2021 through March 2022, consisting
of the sum of two parts: (i) a base factor of $2.6453 per Mcf; plus, (ii) additional amounts
contingent upon future events, determined using the GCR Factor Ceiling Price Adjustment
(Contingency) Mechanism; 2) review Consumers Energy’s plans and projections through March
2026, approve the five-year forecast and indicate any cost items in the five-year forecast that
cannot be recovered from Consumers Energy customers in rates, rate schedules, or gas cost
recovery factors established in the future; and 3) grant Consumers Energy such other and further
relief as is lawful and appropriate, including approval of higher GCR factors than requested.

      All documents filed in this case shall be submitted electronically through the Commission’s
E-Dockets website at: Requirements and instructions for filing can
be found in the User Manual on the E-Dockets help page. Documents may also be submitted, in
Word or PDF format, as an attachment to an email sent to: If you
require assistance prior to e-filing, contact Commission staff at (517) 284-8090 or by email at:
Any person wishing to intervene and become a party to the case shall electronically file a
petition to intervene with this Commission by February 4, 2021. (Interested persons may elect to
file using the traditional paper format.) The proof of service shall indicate service upon Consumers
Energy Company’s Legal Department – Regulatory Group, One Energy Plaza, Jackson, MI 49201.

       The prehearing is scheduled to be held remotely by video conference or teleconference.
Persons filing a petition to intervene will be advised of the process to participate in the hearing.

        Any person wishing to participate without intervention under Mich Admin Code, R
792.10413 (Rule 413), or file a public comment, may do so by filing a written statement in this
docket. The written statement may be mailed or emailed and should reference Case No. U-20814.
Statements may be emailed to: Statements may be mailed to:
Executive Secretary, Michigan Public Service Commission, 7109 West Saginaw Hwy., Lansing,
MI 48917. All information submitted to the Commission in this matter becomes public
information, thus available on the Michigan Public Service Commission’s website, and subject to
disclosure. Please do not include information you wish to remain private. For more information on
how to participate in a case, you may contact the Commission at the above address or by telephone
at (517) 284-8090.

       Requests for adjournment must be made pursuant to Michigan Office of Administrative
Hearings and Rules R 792.10422 and R 792.10432. Requests for further information on
adjournment should be directed to (517) 284-8130.

     A copy of Consumers Energy Company’s application may be reviewed on the
Commission’s website at:, and at the office of Consumers Energy
Company. For more information on how to participate in a case, you may contact the
Commission at the above address or by telephone at (517) 284-8090.

        The Utility Consumer Representation Fund has been created for the purpose of aiding in the
representation of residential utility customers in various Commission proceedings. Contact the
Chairperson, Utility Consumer Participation Board, Department of Licensing and Regulatory
Affairs, P.O. Box 30004, Lansing, Michigan 48909, for more information.

       Jurisdiction is pursuant to 1909 PA 300, as amended, MCL 462.2 et seq.; 1919 PA 419, as
amended, MCL 460.54 et seq.; 1939 PA 3, as amended, MCL 460.1 et seq.; 1969 PA 306, as
amended, MCL 24.201 et seq.; 1982 PA 304, as amended, MCL 460.6h et seq.; and Parts 1 & 4 of
the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules, Mich. Admin Code, R 792.10106 and
R 792.10401 through R 792.10448.


Page 2
               BEFORE THE MICHIGAN
                 NOTICE OF HEARING
                  CASE NO. U-20814
• Consumers Energy Company requests Michigan Public Service Commission’s
   approval of a gas cost recovery plan and authorization of gas cost recovery factors
   for the 12 months ending March 31, 2022.
• The information below describes how a person may participate in this case.
• You may call or write Consumers Energy Company, One Energy Plaza, Jackson, MI
49201, 517-788-0550 for a free copy of its application. Any person may review the
 documents at the offices of Consumers Energy Company.
• A pre-hearing will be held:

  DATE/TIME:     Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 10:00 AM BEFORE:
                 Administrative Law Judge Jonathan Thoits
  LOCATION:      Video/Teleconferencing
  PARTICIPATION: Any interested person may participate. Persons needing any
                 assistance to participate should contact the Commission’s
                 Executive Secretary at (517) 284-8090, or by email at
        in advance of the hearing.

The Michigan Public Service Commission (Commission) will hold a pre-hearing to
consider Consumers Energy Company’s (Consumers Energy) December 23, 2020
application requesting the Commission to: 1) authorize Consumers Energy to
implement a Gas Cost Recovery (GCR) plan and monthly GCR factors for the period
April 2021 through March 2022, consisting of the sum of two parts: (i) a base
factor of $2.6453 per Mcf; plus, (ii) additional amounts contingent upon future
events, determined using the GCR Factor Ceiling Price Adjustment (Contingency)
Mechanism; 2) review Consumers Energy’s plans and projections through March
2026, approve the five-year forecast and indicate any cost items in the five-year
forecast that cannot be recovered from Consumers Energy customers in rates,
rate schedules, or gas cost recovery factors established in the future; and 3) grant
Consumers Energy such other and further relief as is lawful and appropriate,
including approval of higher GCR factors than requested.
All documents filed in this case shall be submitted electronically through the
Commission’s E-Dockets website at: Requirements
and instructions for filing can be found in the User Manual on the E-Dockets help
page. Documents may also be submitted, in Word or PDF format, as an attachment
to an email sent to: If you require assistance prior to
e-filing, contact Commission staff at (517) 284-8090 or by email at: mpscedockets@
Any person wishing to intervene and become a party to the case shall electronically
file a petition to intervene with this Commission by February 4, 2021. (Interested
persons may elect to file using the traditional paper format.) The proof of service
shall indicate service upon Consumers Energy Company’s Legal Department –
Regulatory Group, One Energy Plaza, Jackson, MI 49201.
The prehearing is scheduled to be held remotely by video conference or
teleconference. Persons filing a petition to intervene will be advised of the process
to participate in the hearing.
Any person wishing to participate without intervention under Mich Admin Code,
R 792.10413 (Rule 413), or file a public comment, may do so by filing a written
statement in this docket. The written statement may be mailed or emailed and
should reference Case No. U-20814. Statements may be emailed to: mpscedockets@ Statements may be mailed to: Executive Secretary, Michigan Public
Service Commission, 7109 West Saginaw Hwy., Lansing, MI 48917. All information
submitted to the Commission in this matter becomes public information, thus
available on the Michigan Public Service Commission’s website, and subject to
disclosure. Please do not include information you wish to remain private. For more
information on how to participate in a case, you may contact the Commission at the
above address or by telephone at (517) 284-8090.
Requests for adjournment must be made pursuant to Michigan Office of
Administrative Hearings and Rules R 792.10422 and R 792.10432. Requests for
further information on adjournment should be directed to (517) 284-8130.
A copy of Consumers Energy Company’s application may be reviewed on the
Commission’s website at:, and at the office of
Consumers Energy Company. For more information on how to participate in a case,
you may contact the Commission at the above address or by telephone at (517) 284-
The Utility Consumer Representation Fund has been created for the purpose of
aiding in the representation of residential utility customers in various Commission
proceedings. Contact the Chairperson, Utility Consumer Participation Board,
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, P.O. Box 30004, Lansing, Michigan
48909, for more information.
Jurisdiction is pursuant to 1909 PA 300, as amended, MCL 462.2 et seq.; 1919 PA 419,
as amended, MCL 460.54 et seq.; 1939 PA 3, as amended, MCL 460.1 et seq.; 1969 PA
306, as amended, MCL 24.201 et seq.; 1982 PA 304, as amended, MCL 460.6h et seq.;
and Parts 1 & 4 of the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules, Mich.
Admin Code, R 792.10106 and R 792.10401 through R 792.10448.

B2     CADILLAC NEWS | TRUSTED. LOCAL. CONNECTED.                                                      775-NEWS (6397)                                        | FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2021

Bucs, Browns, Bills out to follow
footsteps of champ Chiefs
      BY ARNIE STAPLETON     ing to figure out what to             Cleveland’s passion.
      AP PRO FOOTBALL WRITER do with one of their high              “I have done a lot of
                             draft picks.                         driving around town the
  Aside from winning the       After a nearly two-decade          last few days just because
final Super Bowl before the crawl, the Browns (12-5)               I have to get out of here,”
merger in 1970, the Kansas are among the NFL’s elite,             he said, speaking on a con-
City Chiefs’ biggest claim   one of eight teams remain-           ference call from his base-
to fame for over half a      ing with a shot at winning           ment. “Just to see all of the
century was team founder it all. That’s heady stuff for           Browns flags and seeing
Lamar Hunt coining the       a franchise that has never           everybody wearing the
phrase Super Bowl.           made it to the Super Bowl.           Browns hats, I definitely
  Patrick Mahomes              Yet, under first-year               feel it. I think our players
changed all of that a year   coach Kevin Stefanki’s               understand how big it is
ago when he led a furious    steady hand, the Browns              for this community, and we
fourth-quarter rally that    have steered around one              have to keep it going.”
sent the Chiefs to a 31-20   obstacle after the next and
win over San Francisco in have taken off on a run few
Super Bowl 54.               imagined.
                                                                  BULLISH BILLS                     Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes throws a pass against the Atlanta Falcons during a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE

  Now, there are Mahomes       They won 11 games to                 Behind Josh Allen and           game Dec. 27 in Kansas City.
murals all over town, the    make the playoffs for the            Stefon Diggs, the Bills (15-
city’s famous restaurants    first time since the 2002             3) erased plenty of fran-         Bills fans, including my-               decade trying to transform                   Leonard Fournette and An-
run specials in his honor    season. Then, with Ste-              chise records established         self, didn’t think he was               themselves into playoff                      tonio Brown to bolster the
and he even has a cereal     fanski unable to make the            by Jim Kelly & Co. back           going to be this good this              contenders to a club with                    depth around their 43-year-
named after him.             trip after he tested positive        when the Bills won a re-          good this early. And he                 expectations of becoming                     old quarterback.
  The Chiefs (14-2) are      for COVID-19 and missing             cord four consecutive AFC         has proved a lot of people              the first team to appear in                     Coach Bruce Arians
again a top seed and         two other key players and            titles in the 1990s.              wrong.”                                 a Super Bowl in their home                   acknowledged before the
they’re one win away from four assistant coaches,                   “There has been so much            No, there’s no comparing             stadium.                                     start of the playoffs that
becoming the first team       the Browns won their first            stuff that we have said           this Bills team to those of               Brady was attracted to                     the Bucs won’t consider it
ever to host three consecu- playoff game in 26 years              as former players, ’These         his playing days, Thomas                a roster featuring a slew                    a successful season unless
tive AFC championships.      last Sunday by stunning              guys got a damn good foot-        said.                                   of offensive playmakers,                     they win it all.
The only NFC team to do      the rival Pittsburgh Steel-          ball team,” Hall of Fame             Not yet anyway, Thomas               including receivers Mike                       “Really, it’s not going to
that was the Philadelphia    ers at Heinz Field, where            running back Thurman              said, but those comparisons             Evans, Chris Godwin and                      be if we don’t put rings on
Eagles from 2002-04 when     so many Cleveland seasons            Thomas said. “Their de-           are undoubtedly coming.                 Scotty Miller, running                       our fingers because once
Andy Reid was their coach. had died previously.                   fense probably won’t hold            “Especially if they go               back Ronald Jones and                        you’re in the tournament,
  Even after an excru-         They did it with Stefan-           you to 3 points or whatever,      on to win the Super Bowl                tight ends O.J. Howard and                   that’s what you’re playing
ciatingly long wait, a       ski in his basement back             but their offense? Their of-      this year, I mean, you’re               Cameron Brate.                               for,” Arians said. “We did
franchise’s fortunes can     home, and they finished               fense is a problem.”              going to have to talk about               The Bucs then lured Rob                    enough to get here and it
change quickly.              off their first playoff road            The Bills led the AFC           it,” Thomas said. “I re-                Gronkowski out of retire-                    will not be satisfying un-
  Three long-downtrodden win since 1969 with a left               with a 30.3-point scoring         ally think it’s going to                ment, upgraded the offen-                    less we finish it.”
teams — the Browns, Bills guard who introduced him-               average during the season,        come down to the Bills                  sive line by drafting tackle                   How quickly expecta-
and Buccaneers — have        self to quarterback Baker            and they haven’t lost since       and Kansas City. ... These              Tristan Wirfs, and signed                    tions change.
made it to the divisional    Mayfield in the locker                Nov. 15, when DeAndre             guys believe they can win               veterans LeSean McCoy,                         And maybe fortunes, too.
round this weekend and       room before kickoff.                 Hopkins hauled in Kyle            anywhere. They don’t care
are certain they have          Stefanski took part in the         Murray’s 42-yard Hail             where they’re playing.”
as good a chance as the      postgame celebration on              Mary as time expired, giv-                                                                  STATE OF MICHIGAN
Chiefs, Packers, Saints, Ra- FaceTime in a scene that             ing Arizona a 32-30 win.
                                                                                                    BOLD BUCCANEERS                                         BEFORE THE MICHIGAN
vens or Rams of winning      seems oddly perfect in a               Allen’s 69.2 completion                                                               PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION
Super Bowl 55.               pandemic season of Zoom              percentage represents an            The Buccaneers ended
                             calls, protocols and social          NFL-record jump of 16.4%          the NFC’s longest playoff                                 NOTICE OF HEARING
BRASH BROWNS                 distancing.                          since his rookie season in        drought with their first                               FOR THE GAS CUSTOMERS OF
                               The Browns’ success has            2018.                             playoff berth since 2007                             CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY
  In Cleveland, a strange    provided a needed lift for             “But you give him Stefon        thanks to the arrival of six-
season has turned surreal. a football-crazed region               Diggs and you see what            time champion Tom Brady                                    CASE NO. U-20814
  The Browns are playing     that’s known mostly losing           he’s made of and how he’s         in the offseason.                        I Consumers Energy Company requests Michigan Public Service Commission’s
football in January — not    during an expansion era              gone about his business,”           The Buccaneers immedi-                    approval of a gas cost recovery plan and authorization of gas cost recovery factors
searching for a coach or     with few highlights.                 Thomas said. “And he has          ately went from a franchise                 for the 12 months ending March 31, 2022.
general manager or try-        Stefanski can sense                been tremendous. I think          that spent more than a                   I The information below describes how a person may participate in this case.
                                                                                                                                             I You may call or write Consumers Energy Company, One Energy Plaza, Jackson, MI
                                                                                                                                             49201, 517-788-0550 for a free copy of its application. Any person may review the
                                                                                                                                              documents at the offices of Consumers Energy Company.
Saints’ Brees sees playoff clash with Brady’s Bucs as fate                                                                                   I A pre-hearing will be held:

        BY BRETT MARTEL                                                                                                                        DATE/TIME:     Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 10:00 AM BEFORE:
         AP SPORTS WRITER                                                                                                                                     Administrative Law Judge Jonathan Thoits
                                                                                                                                               LOCATION:      Video/Teleconferencing
  NEW ORLEANS — Drew                                                                                                                           PARTICIPATION: Any interested person may participate. Persons needing any
Brees periodically discuss-                                                                                                                                   assistance to participate should contact the Commission’s
es his long, extraordinary                                                                                                                                    Executive Secretary at (517) 284-8090, or by email at
NFL journey in terms of                                                                                                                              in advance of the hearing.
fate and destiny.
  The Saints quarterback                                                                                                                     The Michigan Public Service Commission (Commission) will hold a pre-hearing to
says, for example, that his                                                                                                                  consider Consumers Energy Company’s (Consumers Energy) December 23, 2020
                                                                                                                                             application requesting the Commission to: 1) authorize Consumers Energy to
career-threatening throw-
                                                                                                                                             implement a Gas Cost Recovery (GCR) plan and monthly GCR factors for the period
ing shoulder injury at the                                                                                                                   April 2021 through March 2022, consisting of the sum of two parts: (i) a base
end of the 2005 season was                                                                                                                   factor of $2.6453 per Mcf; plus, (ii) additional amounts contingent upon future
meant to be. It precipitated                                                                                                                 events, determined using the GCR Factor Ceiling Price Adjustment (Contingency)
his departure from the                                                                                                                       Mechanism; 2) review Consumers Energy’s plans and projections through March
Chargers and move to New                                                                                                                     2026, approve the five-year forecast and indicate any cost items in the five-year
Orleans, where he shat-                                                                                                                      forecast that cannot be recovered from Consumers Energy customers in rates,
tered passing records and                                                                                                                    rate schedules, or gas cost recovery factors established in the future; and 3) grant
won a Super Bowl — all                                                                                                                       Consumers Energy such other and further relief as is lawful and appropriate,
while helping rebuild a                                                                                                                      including approval of higher GCR factors than requested.
beloved American city that                                                                                                                   All documents filed in this case shall be submitted electronically through the
was reeling from Hurri-                                                                                                                      Commission’s E-Dockets website at: Requirements
cane Katrina’s devastation.                                                                                                                  and instructions for filing can be found in the User Manual on the E-Dockets help
  So when six-time Super                                                                                             TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE    page. Documents may also be submitted, in Word or PDF format, as an attachment
Bowl winner Tom Brady            New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees (9) reacts after a touchdown by Alvin Kamara in the sec-          to an email sent to: If you require assistance prior to
decided to leave New Eng-        ond half of an NFL wild-card playoff game against the Chicago Bears in New Orleans Sunday.                  e-filing, contact Commission staff at (517) 284-8090 or by email at: mpscedockets@
land and begin a new chap-                                                                                                         
ter with Tampa Bay, in the       the Rams beat the Saints         opponent during the regu-         owned the Buccaneers in                  Any person wishing to intervene and become a party to the case shall electronically
NFC South, Brees couldn’t        in the NFC title game two        lar season. In 14 of those        recent years, Brady and his              file a petition to intervene with this Commission by February 4, 2021. (Interested
escape the sense that he’d       seasons ago.                     games, the team that had          All-Star cast of playmakers              persons may elect to file using the traditional paper format.) The proof of service
see Brady in a high-stakes          “Other than that, there’s     won the first two games            have been one of the hottest             shall indicate service upon Consumers Energy Company’s Legal Department –
                                                                                                                                             Regulatory Group, One Energy Plaza, Jackson, MI 49201.
game in January.                 not a lot of bad about” the      won the third as well.            offenses in the league dur-
  This rare postseason           Saints, Brady said. “They’re       “When you beat a team           ing what is now a five-game               The prehearing is scheduled to be held remotely by video conference or
matchup of record-setting        pretty spectacular.”             twice, of course you’re con-      winning streak.                          teleconference. Persons filing a petition to intervene will be advised of the process
quarterbacks older than             Brees and Brady have          fident, but at the same time,         Brady has completed                   to participate in the hearing.
41 is set for Sunday night,      been doing “spectacular”         you look over there and you       116 of 176 passes for 1,714              Any person wishing to participate without intervention under Mich Admin Code,
when the Saints (13-4) host      for two decades now. No          see Tom Brady, the talent         yards, 14 touchdowns and                 R 792.10413 (Rule 413), or file a public comment, may do so by filing a written
the Buccaneers (12-5) in         wonder there’s so much           they have and you under-          one interception during                  statement in this docket. The written statement may be mailed or emailed and
                                                                                                                                             should reference Case No. U-20814. Statements may be emailed to: mpscedockets@
the divisional round of the      buildup for this game.           stand at a moment’s notice        the surge.
                                                                                                                                    Statements may be mailed to: Executive Secretary, Michigan Public
NFC playoffs.                       “We were texting back         they could score from any-           “We’ve certainly come a
                                                                                                                                             Service Commission, 7109 West Saginaw Hwy., Lansing, MI 48917. All information
  “Listen, when Tom              and forth on Monday just         where,” Saints defensive          long way,” Brady said. “It’s             submitted to the Commission in this matter becomes public information, thus
Brady signed with the            kind of chuckling at this        tackle Sheldon Rankins            a complex game; there’s a                available on the Michigan Public Service Commission’s website, and subject to
Bucs and I knew that he          whole scenario,” Brees,          said. “They’re going to pull      lot of moving parts (and)                disclosure. Please do not include information you wish to remain private. For more
was coming to our divi-          who was turning 42 on            out all the stops; we’re going    there’s a lot of coordina-               information on how to participate in a case, you may contact the Commission at the
sion, I envisioned this          Friday, said of an exchange      to pull out all the stops, be-    tion involved between a                  above address or by telephone at (517) 284-8090.
game,” Brees asserted this       he had with the 43-year-old      cause it’s win or go home.”       lot of different positions.              Requests for adjournment must be made pursuant to Michigan Office of
week. “I envisioned this         Brady. “That’s 85 years and        TAMPA BAY TRANS-                I think the quarterback-                 Administrative Hearings and Rules R 792.10422 and R 792.10432. Requests for
game happening because I         a lot of football experience     FORMATION                         receiver relationship is re-             further information on adjournment should be directed to (517) 284-8130.
knew our aspirations as a        that’s going to be on the          While the Saints have           ally important.”                         A copy of Consumers Energy Company’s application may be reviewed on the
team, to be in the playoffs      field on Sunday.”                                                                                            Commission’s website at:, and at the office of
and beyond. And I cer-              THREE OF A KIND                                                                                          Consumers Energy Company. For more information on how to participate in a case,
tainly knew what he was             The Saints won both                                                                                      you may contact the Commission at the above address or by telephone at (517) 284-
bringing to the Bucs and         regular-season meetings                                                                                     8090.
that talented roster.”           by double digits en route                                                                                   The Utility Consumer Representation Fund has been created for the purpose of
  Similarly, Brady figured        to their franchise-record                                                                                   aiding in the representation of residential utility customers in various Commission
that success in Tampa Bay        fourth straight division                                                                                    proceedings. Contact the Chairperson, Utility Consumer Participation Board,
would hinge on how he and        title. This week, there has                                                                                 Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, P.O. Box 30004, Lansing, Michigan
Buccaneers handled their         been a lot of talk about                                                                                    48909, for more information.
encounters with the Saints.      how hard it can be to beat a                            Sarah                                               Jurisdiction is pursuant to 1909 PA 300, as amended, MCL 462.2 et seq.; 1919 PA 419,
  “They’ve been one of the
top teams in the league for
                                 team three times.
                                    But the Saints have done                             Adams                                               as amended, MCL 460.54 et seq.; 1939 PA 3, as amended, MCL 460.1 et seq.; 1969 PA
                                                                                                                                             306, as amended, MCL 24.201 et seq.; 1982 PA 304, as amended, MCL 460.6h et seq.;
a long time and they’ve          it before, defeating Caro-                                                                                  and Parts 1 & 4 of the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules, Mich.
had some tough playoff           lina twice in the 2017 regu-                                                                                Admin Code, R 792.10106 and R 792.10401 through R 792.10448.
losses (on) some really          lar season and again in the
                                                                                                                                                  CONSUMERS ENERGY COMPANY HAS REQUESTED THE GAS COST
fluke plays,” Brady said,         playoffs.                                                                                                        RECOVERY FACTORS DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE. THE MICHIGAN
referring to a last-second          NFL history also favors                                                                                       PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION MAY APPROVE, REJECT OR AMEND
loss to Minnesota on a long      the Saints. There have                               .ZWU\PM[\IЄI\
                                                                                                                                                              THE FACTORS AND OTHER PROPOSALS.
passing play two seasons         been 22 previous playoff
ago, and an admitted offici-      games featuring a team
ating blunder that helped        that had been swept by its
You can also read