The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood

Page created by Hazel Oliver
The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood

                  The entire experience
                  taught me that I have
                  control over my own body.”                    “
                                                                Planned Parenthood
                                                                helped me literally plan
                                                                my parenthood. Then they
                                                                helped me find my voice.”
                   THUY, LOUISIANA

                                                                            DEVI, MONTANA

                                 I would have not been able to
                                 live out my young adult life the way
                                 that I wanted without Planned
                                 Parenthood’s services.”

                                     NANEA, HAWAI’I
The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood
2 2019-2020 Annual Report
The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood

06 08 14 20
Message From     Health Care      Sex Education   Protecting
Our Leadership                                    Access

28 32 44 46
Living Our       Services &       Directors &     Planned Parenthood
Values           Financial Data   Leadership      on Social Media

                                                    2019-2020 Annual Report 3
The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood
2020                        “I still think about my
                               abortion and who I
                               would be without the
                               resources of Planned
                               Parenthood behind me.
                                            CHRISTY, MICHIGAN
4 2019-2020 Annual Report
The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood
This year tested our promise to Planned Parenthood
patients: that we would be here for them, no matter what.

Through the COVID-19 pandemic, attacks on access to
abortion, and the gag rule that blocked access to care for
Title X patients — we kept our promise.

Using our innovation, resilience, and commitment to
equity built over more than 100 years, Planned Parenthood
provided patients with the care they needed: online, over
the phone, and in health centers. We made education and
information even more accessible, because sexual and
reproductive health matters in a pandemic. And we fought
for our communities and stood up for our values — because
Black lives matter and all people deserve to be free.

No matter what.

                                                2019-2020 Annual Report 5
The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood

Message from                                   Seven years ago, in the face of relentless attacks on
                                               sexual and reproductive health care, Planned Parenthood
                                               unveiled a new tag line: Care, no matter what. Those

Our Leadership
                                               words were a commitment to patients: We care about
                                               you, no matter what. No matter who you are, or where
                                               you live. But we also meant them as a declaration to those
                                               who stand in the way of reproductive freedom: Planned
                                               Parenthood will continue to provide care, no matter
                                               what you do to try and stop us. We will remain resolute,
                                               because it’s who we are, and what patients deserve.
Alexis McGill Johnson       Aimee Cunningham
President                   Board Chair        2020 gave new meaning to the word relentless —
                                               and tested us like never before. But through it all,
                                               we’re proud of the way Planned Parenthood showed
                                               up. We remained in a fighting stance through
                                               challenges we anticipated, and some we could
                                               never have imagined. In Planned Parenthood health
                                               centers across the country, providers and staff made
                                               good on that promise: Care, no matter what.

                                               The first days of the pandemic gave us a peek behind
                                               the curtain into a world without Roe. Some politicians
                                               used COVID-19 as an excuse to limit access to essential
                                               health care. We saw people drive 15 hours from Texas
                                               to Colorado for abortion. In states where access exists in
                                               name only, people still seek abortion. No matter what,
                                               we’ll be right there with them. When the pandemic is
                                               over, the world will be different. Planned Parenthood will
                                               be there on the other side — not just present, but leading.

                                               While we couldn’t have anticipated the pandemic, we
                                               knew that 2020 could bring major changes to sexual
                                               and reproductive health policy. Now, champions
                                               for sexual and reproductive health are in the White

6 2019-2020 Annual Report
The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood
House. We’re entering a new era where we can not
                           only undo the damage of the last four years, but
                                                                                    Meet Alexis
                           move policy, and collective imagination, forward.
                                                                                    In June, the Planned Parenthood
                     Planned Parenthood’s commitment to patients doesn’t
                                                                                    Federation of America Board of Directors

                     end when they walk out the doors of a health center.
                     We know there’s no reproductive freedom without                voted to appoint Alexis McGill Johnson
“   This year, we’ve all
                                 racial justice, and we have a responsibility
                                 to create belonging and respect for the            as president and CEO. Alexis served
                                 millions of patients and partners we               as acting president and CEO for the
    seen fear. But we            serve. We hold the fundamental belief
    know hope. We know that the people being most harmed are                        previous year, and has been in leadership
                                 worthy of protection and defense.
    freedom. We know                                                                at PPFA and Planned Parenthood
    imagination. It’s what                This year has affirmed for Planned        Action Fund for more than a decade:
                                          Parenthood that we can’t afford to be
    we provide every day.”                                                          as a former PPFA board chair, former
                                          incremental, and that all of us have to
                                          show up to this work as our authentic     Action Fund board member, and former
                           selves. The mission demands us to act boldly. Planned
                           Parenthood is 104 years old, and we’re committed
                                                                                    Planned Parenthood Federal PAC chair.
                           to addressing structural racism, both historic and
                           current, in the federation. We’re driven by shared       Alexis McGill Johnson brings a
                           aspirations, not held back by fear and anxiety.
                                                                                    researcher’s lens to Planned Parenthood’s
                           Alice Walker wrote: “Hope is a woman who has lost        pressing issues of justice and equity. She
                           her fear.” At Planned Parenthood, especially this
                           year, we choose hope: hope for a future where all        is a renowned social and racial justice
                           our bodies are our own. Hope for a world where           leader, lifelong political and cultural
                           every person is seen, loved, and celebrated.
                                                                                    organizer, and a tireless advocate
                           This year, we’ve all seen fear. But we know hope. We
                                                                                    for reproductive rights and access
                           know freedom. We know imagination. It’s what we
                           provide every day. Thank you for being in the fight.     to quality, affordable health care.

                                                                                                             2019-2020 Annual Report 7
The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood
The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood guided
me through the confusing
and frightening world of
appointments, clinics, and
chemo. Without their care,
I wouldn’t be here.”
         JAIME, NEW YORK

                             Every day, Planned Parenthood
                             health centers open our doors
                             because our communities rely
                             on us for care — for birth control,
                             cancer screenings, STI testing and
                             treatment, and safe, legal abortion.
                             We’re here, no matter what.

                                                        2019-2020 Annual Report 9
The entire experience taught me that I have control over my own body." - Planned Parenthood
Health Care

                               Impact of Planned Parenthood Health Care1


                               31 states                           395,000                                             321,001
                               providing services                  unintended                                          male patients
                               for transgender                     pregnancies
                               patients                            averted by

                                                    Patient care provided by Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers from October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019.

 1 0 2019-2020 Annual Report                                                                                2
                                                                                                                Using formula developed by the Guttmacher Institute.
                          million services

                 1,837,950 reversible contraception clients

 Birth Control
 Information     584,003 emergency contraception kits
 and Services
                 861,664 HIV tests conducted

                 308,135 STIs diagnosed

 STI Testing     75,578 women whose cancer was detected
 and Treatment
                 early or whose abnormalities were identified

                 More than 200 health centers in
                 31 states providing hormone therapy
 542,659         for transgender patients
 Breast Exams
 and Pap Tests

                                           2019-2020 Annual Report 1 1
Health Care

                               social distance,
                               Here with you.
                               No matter what.
 1 2 2019-2020 Annual Report
No one could have predicted the challenges this year would throw our way. But
we’ve faced challenges before. We’ve grown more resilient and more focused on our
mission by using each challenge as an opportunity to innovate and increase access
to care for people of color and people with low incomes.

When governors in some states used the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to shut
down access to abortion and patients were forced to drive from Texas to Colorado
or California, we were there. When patients across the country needed services via
telehealth, we were there. And when the pandemic is over, we’ll still be here.
No matter what.

          All 49 affiliates are providing             Planned Parenthood affiliates
          telehealth services, which                  provided more than 350,000
          may include birth control, STI              telehealth appointments between
          testing and treatment, gender-              April and September 2020.
          affirming hormone therapy,
          PrEP and PEP, UTI screening
          and treatment, and more.

          Digital platforms —                         PPFA quickly moved to support
, Roo,                 affiliates with cash investments,
          Chat/Text, and SpotOn —                     personal protective equipment,
          expanded to include information             and more — to ensure they could
          about COVID-19 and the                      continue to serve patients.
          pandemic’s effect on sexual and
          reproductive health.

                                                                    2019-2020 Annual Report 1 3
1 4 2019-2020 Annual Report
Receiving comprehensive,
inclusive, medically accurate
sex ed was life-changing. It
made me feel empowered,
affirmed, and validated.”

                                During a public health crisis,
                                access to sex education and
                                information is more important
                                than ever. Planned Parenthood
                                educators, as well as our
                                website and digital products,
                                put high-quality programs and
                                information about sexual and
                                reproductive health at hundreds
                                of millions of fingertips.

                                                        2019-2020 Annual Report 1 5
Sex Education
                               Sex Education &

                               Sex education during COVID-19

                                » Planned Parenthood Federation
                                  of America created online sex                million people reached
                                  education content for parents and
                                  caregivers educating kids at home
                                                                               through affiliate sex
                                  during the COVID-19 pandemic.                education programs

                                » PPFA created resources and provided
                                  extensive support for educators to
                                  shift their programming online.

                                » PPFA launched Sex Ed en Casa
                                  (, a collection of
                                  sex education resources for Spanish
                                  speaking parents and caregivers to
                                  help them talk with their children
                                  about sex, bodies, and relationships.
                                  The page includes videos, books, and         million people reached
                                  websites for caregivers of children of all
                                  ages. In its first three months, Sex Ed en
                                                                               through digital education
                                  Casa had over 87,000 domestic visits.        sessions and video resources

 1 6 2019-2020 Annual Report
No matter where. No matter when.
No matter what.

 » 206,454 conversations with sexual               »P
                                                      lanned Parenthood launched the Abortion
    health experts on Chat/text                      Service Locator, which provides people
 » 4.9 million conversations on Roo, the             seeking an abortion with personalized
   Planned Parenthood sexual health chatbot          information about their options, any state
                                                     requirements, and the nearest Planned
   – This year Roo won four Webby Awards,
                                                     Parenthood health centers that can provide
     the leading international award for
                                                     them with a safe, legal abortion. The tool
     excellence on the Internet.
                                                     is designed to help reduce barriers by
 » 198.4 million people visited                      providing anyone who has decided to                             seek an abortion with specific, easy-to-
   – Users can now search for health centers by      understand information and resources.
     specific services and by their preference       – Since its September 2019 launch,
     for in-person or telehealth care.                 our Abortion Service Locator tool has
 » 1.7 million appointments                            received more than 767,000 visits.
   were scheduled online                             – 444,000 users went beyond identifying
 » Spot On: The Planned Parenthood period              local health centers to learn more
   and birth control app was redesigned with           about topics including abortion type
   more than 500 ways to track users’ birth            options and state restrictions.
   control, more personalized information about      – More than 73,000 users booked
   users’ cycles, and enhanced data privacy            appointments or called a health center.
   protections. In January 2020, Spot On launched
   the #30NightChallenge to help users better
   understand their cycle and symptoms.

                                                                                                  2019-2020 Annual Report 1 7
Sex Education
                               Planned Parenthood Global

                               Since its inception in 1971, Planned   » 96 partner orgs supported by Planned
                               Parenthood Global has worked             Parenthood Global in nine focus countries

                               with 1,000+ organizations in more      » 1.8 million people who received sexual
                                                                        and reproductive health services and
                               than 70 countries. This year, we
                                                                        education through our partners, 50%
                               surpassed 6 million people reached       of whom were under the age of 25
                               since FY17, achieving our five-year    » Over 16,000 advocates trained
                               strategic goal one year early.           by our staff and partners
                                                                      » 45 laws, policies, or regulations
                                                                        introduced or changed

 1 8 2019-2020 Annual Report

Spotlight on Africa                                                  Spotlight on Latin America

Planned Parenthood Global supported our partners to make             In Latin America, Planned Parenthood Global is working to
nimble and strategic pivots amid the COVID-19 pandemic to            create better outcomes for girls and teens, particularly
ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights are sustained.      focusing on the issue of forced pregnancy in very young girls.

In Africa our partners successfully fought back efforts by           Working closely with partners and allies, we relaunched the
governments to deprioritize sexual and reproductive health care,     Niñas No Madres (Girls Not Mothers) campaign, pivoting the
including securing these services on the list of essential care      messaging to shine a light on the renewed relevance and
during COVID in Uganda. Our partners made quick shifts into the      urgency of this issue during the COVID-19 pandemic. We
digital space, using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube   updated the campaign with positive, hope-based messaging —
to launch communication campaigns that directly challenged           proactively framing what girls can do and be, reaching nearly
governments on the need to prioritize sexual and reproductive        3 million people on social media and holding a series of virtual
health, and to highlight increases in gender-based violence.         events to engage and inform the public and decision makers.

In Burkina Faso, we launched the second phase of the Billi Now
Now! youth program in partnership with the Ministry of Health,
to address the gaps in youth-friendly sexual and reproductive
health information, which was timely as the COVID-19 pandemic
reached the country.

                                                                                                                   2019-2020 Annual Report 1 9
My dream is to protect
women’s autonomy.
To validate women. To
fight for us in every inch
and nook of society.”
           ARIANA, OREGON

                             In a year like no other,
                             protecting patients’ access
                             to health care meant being
                             more strategic, innovative, and
                             resilient than ever before. In the
                             courts, in the halls of Congress
                             and state houses, and definitely
                             online, we made sure people
                             could still access the care they
                             needed. No matter what.

                                                       2019-2020 Annual Report 2 1
Protecting Access
                                The Courts

                                The last four years brought major         lawmakers in hostile states will continue
                                changes to the courts: There are now      passing laws in an effort to challenge
                                more than 220 judges nominated by         and overturn Roe v. Wade. Already,
                                President Trump with lifetime seats       18 abortion-related cases are just one
                                on the federal bench, including three
                                                                          step away from the Supreme Court. The
                                Supreme Court justices. So while
                                                                          Supreme Court’s role as the last line
                                Planned Parenthood and our partners
                                                                          of defense for reproductive rights may
                                won major challenges — including June
                                Medical Services vs. Russo, the case      be changing, but ours is not: We will
                                about a medically unnecessary Louisiana   continue to do everything in our power
                                targeted regulation of abortion           to protect the right of all people to
                                providers (TRAP) law — we know that       access sexual and reproductive health.

  2 2 2019-2020 Annual Report

PPFA and Planned Parenthood affiliates have approximately      When some governors tried to use the COVID-19 pandemic as an
three dozen open cases challenging laws, policies, or          excuse to outright ban abortions — time-sensitive, necessary
government actions that restrict access to sexual and          health care — we fought back. In Iowa, Ohio, Oklahoma, and
reproductive health. In more than half, the law or policy is   Tennessee, Planned Parenthood attorneys along with our
blocked, protecting access to care for patients as the cases   partners took these officials to court and protected access to
move through the courts.                                       care. In Texas, the courts issued a series of contradictory rulings,
                                                               creating confusion for patients and providers, but ultimately
This year, some of those policies that courts have
                                                               access to care was restored.
blocked include:

  » Georgia and Tennessee’s six-week abortion bans
  » Indiana’s medically unnecessary reporting requirements
  » Iowa’s law that would bar Planned Parenthood
    from providing sex education in state schools
  » Missouri’s attempt to stop the last remaining health
    center in the state from providing abortions
  » Trump administration rule designed to undermine
    private insurance coverage for abortion
  » Trump administration rule allowing discriminatory
    broad refusal of care for patients

                                                                                                            2019-2020 Annual Report 2 3
Protecting Access
                                Organize. Organize. Organize.

                                Organizing During COVID-19

                                This year required Planned Parenthood to rethink and refocus how we do advocacy
                                and organizing — we flexed our organizing strength offline where we could, made
                                major moves in the virtual world, and continued to build powerful relationships
                                with our supporters. Planned Parenthood Action Fund developed a robust set
                                of resources for local staff on how to organize in an environment where physical
                                distancing is required.

                                The Action Fund expedited the rollout of a new       » 24 supporter briefings and trainings, engaging
                                relational organizing app to provide a mobile          more than 5,000 supporters live and broadcast
                                device-based organizing alternative to local staff     online to more than 381,000 people
                                and volunteers who were no longer able to do         » 515 weekly virtual volunteer shifts for
                                in-person canvassing, and trained 300 local staff      Action Fund supporters with training and
                                                                                       skills to take more intensive action
                                on how to use it.
                                                                                     » 1,008 people downloaded the relational
                                Planned Parenthood advocacy and political              organizing app, contacting more than 8,654
                                organizations’ National Supporter Engagement           people to take actions ranging from advocating
                                Program gave supporters opportunities to take          for COVID-19 relief to supporting the
                                action and develop their skills to become              movement for Black lives organizing efforts
                                volunteer leaders through supporter briefings,       » Planned Parenthood Generation Action3
                                trainings, and more.                                  – Nearly 100 new and revamped
                                                                                        campus chapters, even as campuses
                                                                                        shut down during the pandemic

  2 4 2019-2020 Annual Report                                                                                     3 A project of Planned Parenthood Action Fund
THIS   86,359           30,783                4,238
YEAR   actions          events                Volunteers

                 Planned Parenthood supporters
                                    2019-2020 Annual Report 2 5
Protecting Acess

                            100+ provider and public health organizations
                                 mobilized in opposition to the gag rule.

   2 6 2019-2020 Annual Report
Organize. Organize. Organize.

Protect X

Planned Parenthood health centers have always     of the rule for more than 10 months, preserving
been an essential part of Title X, the national   access to care for the 3.5 million people
program for affordable birth control and other    across the country who rely on Title X. At the
preventive sexual and reproductive health care.   same time, Planned Parenthood organizations
While ultimately Planned Parenthood affiliates    brought in more than 150,000 new supporters
stood up for honest conversations with their      through our efforts to #ProtectX, held hundreds
patients rather than comply with the Trump        of in-state events, mobilized more than 100
administration’s domestic gag rule — which        providers and public health organizations
blocks Title X providers from referring their     in opposition to the gag rule, and reached
patients for abortion — Planned Parenthood        millions of people online, raising awareness and
organizations’ efforts delayed implementation     mobilizing Planned Parenthood supporters.

                                                                             2019-2020 Annual Report 2 7
Through the experience
of not always being
accepted, I have learned
the importance of using
my voice, but also of
listening to others.”

                             This was a year that required us to show
                             up for each other, even if we had to
                             stay six feet apart. And we did — for the
                             communities we serve, for the people
                             who rely on Planned Parenthood health
                             centers for care, for a generation whose
                             right to safe, legal abortion is at risk. At
                             Planned Parenthood, we smash stigma,
                             build bridges, learn and grow, and fight
                             for justice for all. No matter what.

                                                        2019-2020 Annual Report 2 9
Living Our Values
                                #DefundThePolice                                     COVID Relief for All
                                As the country continues a long-overdue              When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the country, it
                                reckoning with systemic racism and the murders       hit Black, Latino, Indigenous, and other people of
                                of Black people at the hands of police, Planned      color the hardest — both in infection and death
                                Parenthood stood alongside partners leading the      rates, and in the economic fallout. Planned
                                fight for racial justice by supporting the call to   Parenthood mobilized our supporters to push for
                                #DefundThePolice and invest in community-            COVID relief packages from Congress to include
                                based solutions, education, and health care          economic relief for those who lost their jobs and
                                instead of militarizing police forces.               resources for immigrants, who have less access to
                                                                                     health care.
                                Get Out the Count
                                Planned Parenthood’s Get Out the Count               Reproductive Rights are
                                campaign educated more than 330,000 people           Immigrant Rights
                                about the 2020 census, to ensure our                 Planned Parenthood continued our work
                                communities get the health care resources they       alongside our immigrants’ rights partners,
                                need. Through multi-platform online outreach to      supporting the successful fight to protect the
                                supporters and local outreach, together              DACA program for young immigrants; and the
                                Planned Parenthood organizations:                    effort to block the expansion of the “public
                                                                                     charge” rule issued by the Trump administration
                                  » Hosted more than 200 events                      and ensure all people can access health care, no
                                  » Engaged more than 640 volunteers                 matter their immigration status.
                                  » Collected more than 90,000 pledges
                                    to complete the census                           “Ours To Tell”
                                  » Reached more than 10 million                     PPFA’s short film “Ours To Tell” — showcasing four
                                    people through ads                               abortion storytellers of different races, gender
                                                                                     identities, ages, and backgrounds — was featured
                                                                                     in 66 community and classroom screenings and
                                                                                     33 film festivals, winning six awards.

  3 0 2019-2020 Annual Report
#BansOffMyBody, Planned Parenthood’s body-

and sex-positive multi-platform campaign to raise
awareness and fight back against extreme,
unnecesary state and federal bans and other
restrictions on abortion, won four awards —
including Muse Creative Awards, a Shorty Award,
and a Fast Company Innovation by Design Award.
The campaign collected more than 522,000
petition signatures, grew the social media
following of PPFA and the Action Fund, and
engaged 63 artists and musicians to increase
awareness to their 125.6 million followers.

Business for Birth Control                            pledges to complete the census
In June, Planned Parenthood re-launched the
Business for Birth Control campaign, building a
                                                      through Get Out the Count
coalition of 18 national companies — from retail to
agriculture, health care to telecom — that have
pledged to cover birth control as an essential part
of their health insurance plans for their 650,000
employees, and are urging more companies to do
the same.

                                                      #BansOffMyBody petition signatures

                                                                             2019-2020 Annual Report 3 1
Medical Services Data 4
                                                                                                                                                    MEDIC AL SERVICES
        2019 Affiliate
                                         Affiliate medical services                                                          Contraceptive services
                                               by percentage                                                                    by percentage
                                                               1%                                                                            2%

                                                                  3%                                                                           3%







                          █ STI Testing and Treatment                █ Cancer Screenings                       █ Oral Pill                   █ Progestin-Only
                                                                       and Prevention                                                          Injectables
                          █ Contraception                                                                      █ Other
                                                                     █ Abortion Services                                                     █ Combined Hormone Ring
                          █ Other Women’s                                                                      █ Long-Acting Methods
                            Health Services                          █ Other Services                            (IUD & Implants)            █ Combined
                                                                                                                                               Hormone Patch

     Patient care provided by Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers from October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019.
                                                                                                                                                  2019-2020 Annual Report 3 3
3 4 2019-2020 Annual Report
Breakdown of Affiliate
     Medical Services
                                           STI Testing & Treatment                                          5,434,446             Other Women’s Health Services                                    1,327,420
                                           STI Tests                                                         4,528,873            Well-Woman Exams                                                      208,248
                                           HIV Tests                                                            861,664           Pregnancy Tests                                                    1,108,436
                                           Genital Warts (HPV) Treatments                                         22,229          Prenatal Services                                                          8,626
                                           Other STI Prevention & Treatments                                      21,680          Miscarriage Care                                                           2,110

                                           Contraceptive Services                                           2,565,910             Abortion Services                                                   354,871
                                           Reversible Contraception Clients5                                 1,837,950            Abortion Procedures                                                   354,871
                                           Emergency Contraception Kits                                         584,003
                                           Female Sterilization Procedures                                              27        Other Services                                                        92,570
                                           Vasectomy Clients                                                        3,300         Family Practice Services10                                             31,912
                                           Other Contraceptive Services                                         140,630           Adoption Referrals                                                         2,667
                                                                                                                                  Urinary Tract Infections Treatments                                    40,200
                                           Cancer Screenings & Prevention                                      598,852            Other Procedures     11
                                           Breast Care                                                          269,669
                                           Pap Tests                                                            272,990           Total Services      12
                                           HPV Vaccinations                                                       31,624
                                           Colposcopy Procedures        6
                                           LEEP Procedure           7
                                           Cryotherapy Procedure        8
                                           Other Diagnostic Procedures9                                             5,870

      Contraception clients are those who received contraceptive        10
                                                                             Family Practice Services: Some affiliate health centers offer       Some examples in this category include WIC services (a

      counseling and care at a Planned Parenthood health center at           primary care services, which may include treatment of acute         federally funded nutrition program for low-income women,
      least once between October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019.               and chronic disease, minor office procedures, evaluations           infants, and children up to the age of five), pediatric care,
                                                                             for referral to specialists, authorization for hospital care,       transgender services, other adult preventive care, and
      A colposcopy examination aids in the diagnosis and
                                                                             health assessments, and well-person/well-child preventive           high complexity visits, including infertility services.
      treatment of abnormal growth cells in the cervix.
                                                                             maintenance. Other affiliate health centers provide limited
                                                                                                                                                 A service is a discrete clinical interaction, such as the
      LEEP is a treatment for abnormal growth cells in the cervix            Family Practice Services, which may include assessment
                                                                                                                                                 administration of a physical exam or STI test or the
                                                                             and management of uncomplicated conditions related to
      Cryotherapy is a treatment for abnormal                                                                                                    provision of a birth control method. In 2019, Planned
                                                                             the skin (e.g., acne, contact dermatitis, tinea corporis, etc.);
      growth cells in the cervix.                                                                                                                Parenthood health centers saw 2.4 million patients,
                                                                             the gastrointestinal system (e.g., diarrhea, gastroenteritis,
                                                                                                                                                 collectively delivering more than 10.4 million services.
      Includes biopsies, samplings, ablations,                               irritable bowel syndrome, etc.); ear, eye, nose. throat,
      and other gynecological surgeries.                                     and respiratory system (e.g., bronchitis, conjunctivitis,
                                                                             sinusitis, etc.); medication management of previously
                                                                             evaluated controlled hypertension; and medication
                                                                             management of previously evaluated hypothyroidism.

                                                                                                                                                                                 2019-2020 Annual Report 3 5
Planned Parenthood Federation of America,
Planned Parenthood Global, and Affiliate Financial Data
                                                          Combined Balance Sheet
                                                          501(c)(3) PPFA, PP Global, and PP Affiliates
                                                          June 30, 2020 [All Amounts In Millions]

                                                                                                                                                                             Eliminations                       Total
                                                                                                                                    Affiliates         PPFA+PPG                        [b]                        [a]

                                                           Assets                                                                  $ 1,961.6               $ 417.8                 $ (38.2)              $ 2,341.2
                                                           Current Assets                                                             1,057.4                  332.2                   (38.2)                1,351.4
                                                           Property, Equipment, Endowment, Other                                          904.2                 85.6                                           989.8
                                                           Liabilities                                                               $ 252.8                 $ 86.1                $ (38.2)                 $ 300.7
                                                           Current Liabilities                                                            165.9                 66.5                   (38.2)                  194.2
                                                           Mortgages, Notes Payable, Other                                                 86.9                 19.6                                           106.5
                                                           Net Assets                                                              $ 1,708.8               $ 331.7                                       $ 2,040.5
                                                           Without Donor Restrictions                                                     667.9                220.4                                           888.3
                                                           Property & Equipment, Net                                                      646.3                 12.9                                           659.2
                                                           With Donor Restrictions                                                        394.6                 98.4                                           493.0

                                                           Total Liabilities & Net Assets                                        $ 1,961.6                $ 417.8                 $ (38.2)              $ 2,341.2

                                                            [a] PPFA + PPG figures reflect operations of Planned Parenthood Federation       [b] Payments and receipts between affiliates and PPFA and PP Global have been
                                                                of America, Inc. and Planned Parenthood Global, Inc. for the year ended          eliminated. These include dues and contribution-sharing arrangements and
                                                                June 30, 2020. Affiliate figures reflect the operations of 53 Planned            other grants. Related adjustments have been made to the balance sheet.
                                                                Parenthood affiliates and are based on amounts reported in affiliate
                                                                audited financial statements for fiscal years ended during 2019.

    3 6 2019-2020 Annual Report
Combined Revenue
    and Expenses
                                                                                        P L A N N E D PA R E N T H O O D F E D E R AT I O N O F A M E R I C A ,
                                                                    P L A N N E D PA R E N T H O O D G L O B A L , A N D A F F I L I AT E F I N A N C I A L DATA

                                        Revenue                                                                    Expenses
                                     by percentage                                                               by percentage

                                                  22%                                                           16%

                                                               9%                                                                                      8%

                                                   38%                                                            61%

                   █ Government Health Services     █ Non-Government                          █ Medical Services                 █ Non-Medical
                     Reimbursements & Grants          Health Services Revenue                                                      Program Services
                                                                                              █ Management &
                   █ Private Contributions          █ Other                                     General Support                  █ Fundraising
                     & Bequests

                                                                                                                                  2019-2020 Annual Report 3 7
Planned Parenthood Federation of America,
Planned Parenthood Global, and Affiliate Financial Data

                                                          Operating & Other Funds                                                                                         Eliminations                         Total
                                                          [All amounts in millions]                                             Affiliates         PPFA+PPG                         [b]                          [a]

                                                           Revenue                                                              $ 1,498.3               $ 294.8               $ (151.7)                   $ 1,641.4

                                                           Government Health Services
                                                                                                                                   618.1                                                                   618.1 [c]
                                                           Reimbursements & Grants
                                                           Non-Government Health Services Revenue                                  370.4                                                                      370.4
                                                           Private Contributions & Bequests                                        380.0                   276.4                  (146.4)                  510.0 [d]
                                                           Support from Affiliates                                                                             5.3                    (5.3)
                                                           Other Operating Revenue                                                 129.8                     13.1                                             142.9

                                                          Summary of Financial Activities

                                                          Our broad base of committed donors provide approximately                    Planned Parenthood Global, Inc., is a tax-exempt supporting
                                                          93.7% of the national organization’s revenue and 25.4% of affiliate         organization under Internal Revenue Code sections 501(c)(3)
                                                          revenue — evidence of our powerful grassroots support.                      and 509(a)(3) that oversees the global programs of PPFA.

                                                          Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. (PPFA), is a tax-            A list of all organizations that received contributions from PPFA
                                                          exempt corporation under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3)            during the year that ended June 30, 2020, may be obtained by
                                                          and is not a private foundation (Tax ID #13-1644147). Contributions         writing to PPFA, 123 William Street, New York, NY 10038. Audited
                                                          are tax deductible to the fullest extent available under the law.           financial statements are available on the PPFA website.
                                                          Planned Parenthood affiliates have the same tax status.

    3 8 2019-2020 Annual Report
                                                      P L A N N E D PA R E N T H O O D G L O B A L , A N D A F F I L I AT E F I N A N C I A L DATA

                                                                                                             Eliminations                             Total
Operating & Other Funds                                             Affiliates            PPFA+PPG                     [b]                              [a]
[All amounts in millions]
Expenses                                                        $ 1,376.7                   $ 346.7            $ (151.7)             $ 1,571.7 [e]
Programs                                                           $ 1,096.6                  $ 254.1             $ (146.4)                   $ 1,204.3
   » Medical Services                                                    965.5                                                                       965.5
  » Sexuality Education                                                    58.9                       4.6                (1.9)                       61.6
  » Public Policy                                                          55.4                                                                      55.4
  » Engage Communities                                                     16.8                                                                      16.8
  » Health Care Support                                                                           173.2               (120.2)                        53.0
  » Advocacy                                                                                       74.1                (23.6)                        50.5
  » Research                                                                                        2.2                 (0.7)                          1.5
Supporting Services                                                     271.6                      92.6                                             364.2
  » Management & General                                                207.7                      37.9                                             245.6
  » Fundraising                                                          63.9                      54.7                                             118.6
Other Expenses                                                            8.5                                            (5.3)                        3.2
  » Payments to Related Organizations                                    11.5                                             (5.3)                        6.2
  » Non-Program Related                                                  (3.0)                                                                       (3.0)

 [a] PPFA + PPG figures reflect operations of            contribution-sharing arrangements and              [d] Includes foundation grants, corporate
    operations of Planned Parenthood Federation          other grants. Related adjustments have                contributions, and support from nearly
    of America, Inc. and Planned Parenthood              been made to the balance sheet.                       590,000 active individual contributors. This
    Global, Inc. for the year ended June 30, 2020.                                                             also includes $20.6 million of bequests.
    Affiliate figures reflect the operations of 53     [c] The report groups revenue by source (either
    Planned Parenthood affiliates and are based on         government or non-government) rather than        [e] Expenses do not include capitalized
    amounts reported in affiliate audited financial        the manner of disbursement (income versus           expenditures for property, plant, and
    statements for fiscal years ended during 2019.         grants and contracts). Payments from Medicaid       equipment and repayment of related loans,
                                                           managed care plans are listed as “Government        but do include depreciation and amortization
 [b] Payments and receipts between affiliates              Health Services Reimbursements & Grants“            of such property, plant, and equipment
    and PPFA and PP Global have been                       to reflect the ultimate source of the funds.        and interest expense on such loans.
    eliminated. These include dues and

                                                                                                                            2019-2020 Annual Report 3 9
Financial Data
Planned Parenthood 501(c)(4) Organizations

                                              Combined Balance Sheet                                       Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and the 46 separately incorporated state
                                              501(c)(4) Organizations                                      and local Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations, fight for
                                                                                                           access to health care and for reproductive rights through lobbying, grassroots
                                              June 30, 2020 [All Amounts In Millions]
                                                                                                           organizing, educational, and limited electoral activity. The IRS classifies them
                                                                                                           as tax-exempt, section 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations. Contributions to
                                                                                                           501(c)(4) organizations are not tax deductible.

                                                                                                      Local 501(c)(4)                               Eliminations                   Total
                                                                                                       organizations           Action Fund                    [g]                    [f]

                                              Assets                                                             $ 21.3                 $ 9.9              $ (1.5)              $ 29.7
                                              Current Assets                                                       21.3                   9.9                 (1.5)
                                              Property, Equipment, Endowment, Other
                                              Liabilities                                                         $ 5.1                 $ 3.4              $ (1.5)                $ 7.0
                                              Current Liabilities                                                    5.1                  3.4                 (1.5)
                                              Mortgages, Notes Payable, Other
                                              Net Assets                                                         $ 16.2                 $ 6.5                                   $ 22.7
                                              Without Donor Restrictions                                          13.84                   3.5
                                              With Donor Restrictions                                                2.4                  3.0

                                              Total Liabilities & Net Assets                                     $ 21.3                $ 9.9              $ (1.5)               $ 29.7

                                               [f] Figures reflect operations of Planned Parenthood Action              [g] Payments and receipts between local 501(c)(4) organizations
                                                   Fund, Inc. for the year ended June 30, 2020. Local 501(c)                and the Action Fund have been eliminated. These include
                                                   (4) organization numbers include 46 separately incorporated              dues and contribution-sharing arrangements and other grants.
                                                   state and local Planned Parenthood advocacy and political                Related adjustments have been made to the balance sheet.
                                                   organizations and are based on amounts reported in relevant
                                                   financial statements for fiscal years ended during 2019.

   4 0 2019-2020 Annual Report
Combined Revenue
    and Expenses
                                                        P L A N N E D PA R E N T H O O D 5 01(c) (4) O R G A N I Z AT I O N S
                                                                                                     F I N A N C I A L DATA

                                      Revenue                                    Expenses
                                   by percentage                               by percentage





                   █ Private Contributions   █ Other        █ Program Services                 █ Management &
                     & Bequests                                                                  General Support
                                                            █ Fundraising

                                                                                                2019-2020 Annual Report 4 1
Financial Data
Planned Parenthood 501(c)(4) Organizations

                                              Operating & Other Funds                                       Local 501(c)(4)                            Eliminations                    Total
                                              [All amounts in millions]                                      organizations       Action Fund                     [g]                     [f]

                                               Revenue                                                              $ 36.3              $ 38.8               $ (11.9)                $ 63.2
                                               Private Contributions & Bequests                                       33.8                 38.6                 (11.9)              60.5 [h]
                                               Other Operating Revenue                                                 2.5                   0.2                                         2.7

                                              Summary of Financial Activities

                                              Our broad base of committed donors provide approximately 99.5%             A list of all organizations that received contributions from Action Fund
                                              of the PP Action Fund revenue and 93.1% of revenue to local 501(c)         during the year that ended June 30, 2020, may be obtained by writing
                                              (4) organizations — evidence of our powerful grassroots support.           to Planned Parenthood Action Fund, 123 William Street, New York, NY
                                                                                                                         10038. Audited financial statements are available on the PPFA website.
                                              The IRS classifies the national Planned Parenthood Action
                                              Fund and the state/local Planned Parenthood advocacy
                                              and political organizations as section 501(c)(4) tax-exempt
                                              organizations. Contributions are not tax deductible.

   4 2 2019-2020 Annual Report
P L A N N E D PA R E N T H O O D 5 01(c) (4) O R G A N I Z AT I O N S
                                                                                                                                                      F I N A N C I A L DATA

                                   Operating & Other Funds                               Local 501(c)(4)                               Eliminations                    Total
                                   [All amounts in millions]                              organizations           Action Fund                    [g]                     [f]

                                    Expenses                                                       $ 36.9               $ 41.3             $ (11.9)           $ 66.3 [i]
                                    Programs                                                           31.3                26.8                (11.9)                  46.2
                                    Supporting Services                                                  5.6               14.5                                        20.1
                                        » Management & General                                           4.8                 4.1                                         8.9
                                        » Fundraising                                                    0.8                10.4                                       11.2

[f] Figures reflect operations of Planned Parenthood      [g] Payments and receipts between local 501(c)(4)                active individual contributors. This also
    Action Fund, Inc. for the year ended June 30, 2020.       organizations and the Action Fund have been                  includes more than $200,000 of bequests.
    Local 501(c)(4) organization numbers include 46           eliminated. These include dues and contribution-
    separately incorporated state and local Planned           sharing arrangements and other grants. Related            [i] Expenses do not include capitalized expenditures
    Parenthood advocacy and political organizations and       adjustments have been made to the balance sheet.               for property, plant, and equipment and repayment
    are based on amounts reported in relevant financial                                                                      of related loans, but do include depreciation
    statements for fiscal years ended during 2019.        [h] Includes foundation grants, corporate                          and amortization of such property, plant, and
                                                               contributions, and support from nearly 175,000                equipment and interest expense on such loans.

                                                                                                                                                  2019-2020 Annual Report 4 3
Directors & Leadership
                                    Planned Parenthood Federation of America                      Planned Parenthood Action
                                    Board of Directors                                            Fund Board of Directors
                                    Chair                                                         Chair
                                                                 Tanuja Bahal
                                    Aimee Cunningham                                              Jennie Rosenthal
                                                                 Debbie Barnes
                                    Vice Chair                   M. Michelle Berrey               Vice Chair
                                    Daisy Auger-Dominguez        Dr. Natasha Bhuyan               Joe Solmonese
                                                                 Jessica Bryndza
                                    Treasurer                    Amy Corton                       Treasurer
                                    Sherrese Clarke-Soares       Susan Dunlap                     Colleen Foster
                                                                 Staci Fox
                                    Secretary                    Dr. Kulleni Gebreyes             Secretary
                                    Dr. Mark Nichols             Gilda Gonzales                   Kate Jhaveri
                                                                 Maneesh Goyal
                                                                 Rev. Dr. Neichelle Guidry        Members
                                                                 Iris Harvey                      Lori Carpentier
                                                                 Michelle Jubelirer               Stacy Cross
                                                                 Diane Max                        Quinn Delaney
                                                                 Paulette McElwain (ex-officio)   Monique Dorsainvil
                                                                 Dr. Laura Meyers                 Peter Harvey
                                                                 Donya Nasser                     Jill Lafer
                                                                 Shonda Rhimes                    Donya Nasser
                                                                 Michael Roemer                   Mayra Macias
                                                                 Hector Sanchez-Barba             Luz Towns-Miranda
                                                                 Betsy Seaton                     Kim Molstre
                                                                 Deborah Simon                    Harris Parnell
                                                                 Amanda Skinner                   Nathalie Rayes
                                                                 Meghan Stabler                   Meghan Stabler
                                                                 Zuhairah Washington              Timothy Stanley
                                                                 Carmen Rita Wong                 Gabriel Stricker

      4 4 2019-2020 Annual Report
Executive Leadership Team                               Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a founding member of the International Planned
                                                        Parenthood Federation (IPPF), which is made up of member associations working in 164 countries.

President and CEO
Alexis McGill Johnson                                   Chairperson
                                                        Kate Gilmore
Senior Vice President, Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns
Jenn Brown
                                                        Dr. Alvaro Bermejo

Executive Vice President, Health Care
Kim Custer

Chief Human Resources Officer
Dannette (Danni) Hill

Chief Financial Officer
Vickie Barrow Klein

Interim Executive Director of
Planned Parenthood Global and Senior Advisor
Dawn Laguens

Interim General Counsel
Jay Meisel

Chief Development Officer
Jethro Miller

Senior Vice President, Communications and Culture
Melanie Roussell Newman

                                                                                                                        2019-2020 Annual Report 4 5
on Social Media
Planned Parenthood
                               Planned Parenthood                               Planned Parenthood Global
                                        @PPGlobe (

                               @PPFA (               


                                                                                Latinos for Planned Parenthood

                                                                                @latinos4pp (
                               Planned Parenthood Action Fund
                                                                                Planned Parenthood Black Community
                               @PPact (
                                                                                @PPBlackComm (
                               @ppact (


                               PPAction Snapchat


                               Planned Parenthood Generation Action

                               @PPGenAction (

                               @PPGenAction (

 4 6 2019-2020 Annual Report
2019-2020 Annual Report 4 7

4 8 2019-2020 Annual Report
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