The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021

Page created by William Cummings
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity

    January 2021

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021
CLERGY & STAFF                            God’s family at the historic Church of the Nativity is joyfully and energetically committed to
The Rev. T. Michael Goldsmith             sharing Christ’s love and healing by proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel through worship
Rector                                    and service to the world.
The Rev. Susan Sloan
Priest Associate
The Rev. Worth Stuart
Priest Associate
The Rev. Robert A. Serio, M.D.
The Rev. Rose Veal Eby                       IN THIS ISSUE
Outreach Missioner                                                                                 If you were unable to attend the
Amy Brooks                                   3 CONFIRMATION 2021                                      virtual farewell celebration for
Coordinator of Youth Ministry                                                                      The Rt. Rev. Kee Sloan you can
Lee Anne Bryant                              4 ADULT CHRISTIAN                                       find the link to watch it below.
Assistant Children & Youth Ministries            FORMATION                                              Pay special attention at the 1
John Buyse                                                                                            hour 32 minute mark, because
                                             6   LENT    2021
Property Manager                                                                                      that is where you will hear the
Mary Coe                                     8 CHILDREN& YOUTH                                     story of the very thoughtful and
Children’s Formation                                                                                      beautiful gift given by The
Austin Cook                                      FORMATION
Finance Manager                                                                                     Church of the Nativity to Bish-
Christian Crocker                            10 MUSIC AT NATIVITY                                         op Sloan that was made by
Choirmaster and Organist                                                                                Elaine and Richard Hamner.
Vicky Hinton                                 11 STEWARDSHIP OF CREATION                              Thank you Elaine and Richard
                                                                                                    for sharing your time and talent
Amy Kennedy                                  12 A LETTER FROM CAMP
Worship & Ministry Assistant                                                                              to make this beautiful gift!
Regina Milton                                13 SACRED GROUND, A REVIEW                      
Weekend Sexton                                                                                                                 dioala/
Emily Rodgers                                14 A NOTE FROM A VOLUNTEER                                    videos/182442110225142
Administrative Office Assistant
Sally Stockton                                   AT A FOOD BANK
Kitchen Coordinator                              SHELBY NEXT MEMBERSHIP
Lane Tutt
Adult Christian Formation                    15 PARISHIONER UPDATES
Marlin Wilder
Sexton                                           FINANCIAL UPDATE

A member of the clergy is always on
call. If you need assistance from a
priest outside office hours, the number                                                                   2020 Christmas Ornaments
to call In Case of an Emergency Only is                                                                 This year’s ornament, a dove,
256-533-7007. All other calls including                                                                  is still available. Please email
church or building and grounds issues                                                              to
should be directed to the main phone                                                                                have one delivered.
256-533-2455. Leave a message for a

KEEP US IN THE KNOW!                                                                                                On the cover...
Do you have a change of address,                                                              Stewart and Harriet Davis having fun
email, phone or perhaps major life                                                                   as sheep in the Nativity online
event?                                                                                                          Christmas Pageant.
Contact Emily Rodgers
                                                                                                   Send your pictures from Nativity
256-533-2455 ext.204 or
                                                                                                            activities and events to:                                                                     

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021
Dear Parish Family,

I am excited to report that Bishop Glenda Curry will be with us on May 16 for Confirmation! She is very
much looking forward to being with our Nativity family. Our adult confirmation class will begin in March.
It will be led by me and will be a combination of online meetings, videos from the National Episcopal
Church, and a confirmation book. Please let Emily Rodgers know if you are seeking confirmation and she
will make sure you receive all of the information you need.
For our youth, we will hold a Confirmation “retreat” on the first weekend in May. This retreat will be led by
me and is open to all High School age youth. Amy Brooks will be the point person for this. Parents,
expect to receive an email from Amy soon.
I don't yet know exactly what the service on May 16 will look like. However, I do know that it will be safe
and that we will follow all the proper COVID-19 protocols. The 2020 Confirmation Class will also be
confirmed on that day so it will be necessary for us to have two or three services in order for the
confirmands and their families to be able to attend safely. It is going to be a wonderful celebration!
In the meantime, please feel free to call me anytime with any questions or concerns. I miss y'all and I hope
to be able to worship with you soon.

God’s Peace,

The Rev. Michael Goldsmith

The Good Book Bible Study group invites you to join in our study of Mark’s gospel. Mark is the gospel we
hear each week for the year 2021 and we hope to delve more deeply into his writing. This group of women
will meet Wednesdays at 1 via Zoom as we look at each chapter week by week under the leadership of
Susan Morley, Jeanne Robison, Pattie Cline and Susan Sloan. If you will send your email to Carole Sue
Goodwin she will send you a link for the class. Welcome aboard!

Men’s Wednesday AM Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 10:00AM via Zoom. We just began a study of
Romans. For more information on this relaxed discussion-based Bible Study, please contact Father Worth
                                                                               Continued on page 4…..           3
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021
Our wonderful Zimmerman Sunday School class resumed on Sunday, January 31st at 10:00am. Hopefully you
can join us! We will be starting with Acts 20, and continuing through the end of Winter through to early Spring
in Acts. I’m excited to share that Basye Holland Shuey will be leading several of our lessons, as well as Natalie
Rushing. CLICK HERE for a study guide for these next 8 Sundays; with our ESV verses and study prompts
for each Sunday. The invitation to get on ZOOM is listed below. I also have included our closing prayer for
you to read if needed! Please feel free to share and invite others!
On call for questions! Looking forward to the fellowship our Sunday School provides for each session!
Elise Taylor
Zoom Invitation Details:
Zimmerman Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 972 094 0434
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,9720940434# US (Chicago)
Dial in on the phone: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

The Social Justice Sunday School Class will begin a new series of
classes on Sunday, February 7 at 1:30 p.m.
Our study together will be centered on Bishop Michael Curry’s
book, Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times. Please
join us on Sundays as we gather via Zoom to discuss topics such as
“What is This Thing Called Love?” and “Looking for God”
and “What Desmond Tutu and Dolly Parton Have in Common”
and “Hope, Help, and Healing.”
From the book jacket: “Bishop Curry asks us to love ourselves, one
another, and God more fully, and unlike so many others, he
actually shows us how. …” Rabbi Steve Leder
We look forward to having you join us! Contact Freya Neely at to be added to the email
list for notifications and the Zoom invitations, or for more information.

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021

We are going to try something a bit different for the spring! Priscilla Shirer has a new study on Elijah coming
out February 16, and the videos will be available online for a $10 fee
to access all 7. You can choose to order a printed workbook or an
electronic workbook. We plan to try and gather outdoors (weather
dependent) and discuss our weekly study. Our plan is to start
gathering on Thursday, March 4 at 9:30am. Please plan to watch
week 1 and do the first week of homework for our meeting on
March 4th. You can purchase the bundle of study book and online
videos at the link below:

If you have an Amazon Prime account it is a few dollars saved if you order your book from Amazon and your
digital videos from Lifeway. If you prefer an 'ebook' then the bundle on Lifeway is cheaper. (I sure hope that
makes sense to everyone!). *you can also download an audio version or just rent the sessions at Lifeway. If you
have questions please contact Stephanie Ortel

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021
LENT 2021
Dear Parish Family,

The Imposition of Ashes is a sacred tradition of our church. As part of your Lenten discipline this year, I
invite you to participate in our online Ash Wednesday service. In order to participate more fully, please
come by the front portico of Joffrion Hall anytime between Sunday, February 14 and Wednesday, February
17, to pick-up your individual packet of ashes.

At the appropriate time during the liturgy, you will be asked to administer ashes to others or to yourself.
With the ashes on your thumb, re-trace the mark of baptism by making the sign of a cross and saying,
“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

I look forward to participating in this service with you all and anxiously await the time when we can come
together in person safely.

God’s Peace,
Father Michael

Lenten meditations will be sent to your email inbox beginning Ash Wednesday
through Holy Saturday. Included will be five guest meditations. Because we are
not able to have our Wednesdays Nights in Lent series, Lane Tutt asked the five
guest preachers to offer a meditation to be included in the booklet. We appreciate
The Rev. Callie Plunket-Brewton (Trinity Episcopal Church, Florence), The Rev.
Jeffrey K. Evans (St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Huntsville), The Rev. Ranie
Neisler (St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Huntsville), The Rev. Chase D. Ackerman
(St. John's Episcopal Church, Decatur) and The Rev. Danielle Thompson (Grace
Episcopal Church, Sheffield) for contributing to our Lenten journey.
                                                                                          Lent 2021
Printed copies of the booklet will be available by calling the church office.

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021
The Spiritual Development Committee is sponsoring a number of online Zoom groups to discuss Bishop
Michael Curry’s book, Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times. This is the same book that the Social
Justice Class will be discussing on Sundays. We will be meeting weekly at various times to hopefully offer
everyone a chance to participate during the six weeks of Lent
(Feb 22 – April 2). The tentative class schedule is (although we can adjust times as required for the group)
Monday 11:30 am       Basye Holland-Shuey
Tuesday AM Christine Starnes
Wednesday PM          Mary Johnson
Thursday after work Ted Briggs
Friday PM             Walter Thames
Please join us we gather via Zoom to discuss topics such as “What is This Thing
Called Love?” and “Looking for God” and “What Desmond Tutu and Dolly Parton
Have in Common” and “Hope, Help, and Healing.” We look forward to having you join us! Contact Lane
Tutt at the church office, 256-533-2455 or to register for a class. Books are available in
hardcover or Kindle on Amazon or your favorite book dealer.

                             Bibb Chapel is open
                           9:00 am until 4:00 pm
                 for prayer & quiet reflection.
    Masks required. Please observe social distancing
            guidelines posted at entrance.
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Porch Drop
                 For Nativity Youth
                  5th-12th grade
Sign up below and we will drop pancake mix on your
  porch for your family to enjoy on Shrove Tuesday!
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity January 2021
By Christian Crocker

Over the past four years, the choirs of St. John’s Tallahassee and the Church of the Nativity have collaborated
to provide services of choral evensong and Holy Eucharist in both their home parishes and Montgomery. This
collaboration was intended to culminate in a two-week pilgrimage to England to sing eight choral evensongs
and 1 Choral Eucharist. Unfortunately 2020 had other plans for the world and we have had to reschedule our
trip to June of 2021 with services at Winchester Cathedral and Bath Abbey.

Throughout the pandemic, both choirs have been offering music virtually for worship and other various social
media posts. This March the choirs will come together virtually to provide a Choral Evensong for the Lenten
season. Join us on Facebook or Vimeo on March 14th at 4:00pm Central Time for this service with an extended
prelude played by organists Elizabeth LaJeunesse and Christian Crocker.


MARCH 14, 2020 4:00PM CENTRAL

Choirs of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Tallahassee, FL & the Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Huntsville, AL

By David Chadwick

We have always enjoyed hiking on Monte Sano, but the lockdowns of
the last year have encouraged us to explore some new trails. One trail we
have been enjoying recently is the High Trail accessed from the Land
Trust parking lot on the side of Monte Sano. At one point it runs across a
power line clearing and you get a great view of downtown Huntsville. It
is more level and less rocky than some other trails and has some
interesting streams and rock formations to discover.

Jesus’ ministry was carried out, not so much in synagogues or in the
Temple, but often on the side of a mountain, in the cathedral of nature.
Jesus used mountains as a quiet place to pray, to talk to His Father, and
to receive strength and guidance from him. At other times, crowds would follow him to a mountainside to
hear him speak and to witness healing.

We are fortunate to have the green side of Monte Sano as the backdrop for our city, a reservoir of peace and
nature just two miles from our downtown. But nature is not contained to the mountain. I am always amazed
to see how it reaches its fingers right into our city. I often see Red Foxes on my early morning dog walks, and
I am pretty sure they have a den behind the Huntsville Depot. Another favorite that seems to have adapted
well to city life is the Yellow Crowned Night Heron. I often see these in Bud Cramer Park (again, early
morning is best) just steps from the interstate.

Jesus displayed an appreciative and contemplative love of
nature which was rooted in God’s love for all creatures.
‘Consider the ravens. They do not sow or reap; they have no
storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them’ (Luke 12:24). You
may have witnessed an example of God’s creation in Big
Spring Park last summer. A lone Muscovy duck raised 19
ducklings from tiny fluff balls to rambunctious teenagers
without losing one. No storerooms or barns required.

By The Rev. Rosie Veal Eby

My family and I went on vacation in January. Now with living in the midst of COVID-19 you might be judging
me right now but first let me tell you a bit about our trip. Because I want to encourage you to go, get out of the
house and take a trip as well. We left Huntsville after Annabelle finished school on Friday, and we loaded up my
truck not with outreach supplies, but with luggage and took off to wonderful, wonderful Camp McDowell.

We pulled into Scott House just as it was getting dark and unloaded. The place was unlocked and a welcome
folder explaining all we needed to know. We chose to bring our own linens and towels but they would have
provided them if needed. I had packed simple meals to cook and s’mores to enjoy by the fire.
Saturday we hike down to the camp and up to the cross. Once there we enjoyed a picnic. Later that day we had
some fun with a photo scavenger hunt. We played several games of scrabble and discovered the best place to
roller skate. Naps were taken and books were read.

Camp McDowell is such a great resource of the diocese and anyone can book a cabin there to go enjoy a safe,
socially distanced getaway while supporting the camp and all the great work they do such as Special Sessions,
the Environmental Center and Farm School. Being a conscious consumer is good stewardship and being at
Camp McDowell is simply wonderful.

Please think about taking your next vacation at
McDowell as a way of supporting the camp!


Rosie Veal Eby

                                                                                           Just a few pictures from
                                                                                           our family trip to

By Bill Goodson

After completing the series of study via Zoom with other church members, I feel called to recommend it to
others. I found it to be enlightening and encouraging, while also bringing me
up short for many of my blind spots.

If you haven’t participated, you probably know something anyway about this
Sacred Ground project, a “Film-based dialogue series on race and faith.” The
national Episcopal Church developed and approved it as a part of the broader
mission, Becoming The Beloved Community. The Participant Preparation
Guide states:
“Making a commitment to the full ten sessions is a powerful sign that we are
engaging in what is actually a lifelong journey.”

Nativity has just finished the series, with eight groups Zooming. (Total of
approximately ninety participants.) There are assigned readings and internet
videos for each session. And there are two basic books that every participant should buy or borrow (or steal?)
which are, to my way of thinking, essential reading:
• Waking Up White, by Debby Irving. This book stirred up recognition of my racial biases like I
never thought possible. White privilege runs deep in our veins.
• Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman. First published in 1949, this is an amazingly
forthright searchlight on the correlations between Jesus’ teachings and racial injustice that are alive and well today.

Another book that was referenced is “Slavery by Another Name,” by Douglas Blackman, and I highly
recommend it. Another of our members also recommended the book, “Caste,” which is a best-seller.
There were other readings and also videos to watch, as we covered a wide range of sub- jects. Such as history of
African-American slavery and Jim Crow, as well as discrimination against Native Americans, Latinos, and Asian-
Americans. We also learned how our Episcopal Church is attempting to come to terms with these issues.

 My particular group met every-other-Thursday at 2 p.m. and consisted of six members. Worth Stuart was our
convener, and the sessions were lively with contributions by all.
In our last session, we wondered about the “next step,” if there is to be one. Apparently there will be a (Zoom, I
suppose) meeting of all the groups in Huntsville that have finished the series. We all hoped there would be follow
-up programs of some kind, and that there will be opportunity for more Nativity members to take the basic series
that we finished.

Most important, I suppose, is that we each personally search ourselves and pray for ways that we can continue
efforts to conform our thoughts and actions to the Gospel example.

NOTES ABOUT GIVING                                               SHELBY NEXT
FROM A FOOD BANK                                                 For almost two years, we have been operating
                                                                 with Shelby Next Membership. While the staff
VOLUNTEER                                                        uses this software on a daily basis, it is also used
                                                                 by many parishioners to stay in touch.
1. Everyone donates Kraft Mac & Cheese in the box.
                                                                 Some of the advantages of the software app on
2. Boxed milk is a treasure. Kids need it for cereal, which      your cell phone:
they get a lot of.
                                                                    Look up a parishioner and call that person
3. Everyone donates pasta sauce & spaghetti noodles.                WITHOUT having to write down their
4. Canned foods should be pop tops OR donate can                    number
                                                                    Email a parishioners WITHOUT having to
5. Oil is a luxury needed for Rice a Roni which they get a lot      write down their email address
                                                                    Check on ministries you are involved with at
6. Spices, salt & pepper are a real gift.                           Nativity
7. Tea bags & coffee are caring gifts.
                                                                    Access the Church calendar for events
8. Sugar & flour are treats.
                                                                     Have your picture next to your name in the
9. Important are fresh produce donated by farmers &                 directory
grocery stores.
                                                                     Easily access your giving to Nativity
10. Seeds are great in spring & summer because growing can
be easy for some.                                                Shelby Next Membership is a free app! And that’s
                                                                 better than a free lunch! If you need help getting
11. Rarely is there fresh meat. Canned is a good second best.
                                                                 started with Shelby Next Membership, please
12. Tuna & crackers make a good lunch.                           contact Emily Rodgers, 256-653-9903 or
13. Hamburger Helper goes nowhere without ground beef.

14. They get lots of peanut butter and jelly but NEED
sandwich bread.

15. Butter or margarine are good.

16. Eggs are a commodity!

17. Cake mix & frosting makes it possible to make a child's
birthday cake.

18. Dishwashing detergent is very expensive & is always

19. Feminine hygiene products are a luxury & women will
cry over them.

20. Everyone loves Stove Top Stuffing.

*Please check with the food bank you are supporting to
determine what fresh or perishable items they accept if any.*                                                           14
DEATHS:                                 Vestry
Parish News                             David Phillips                          Darren Malone-Clerk
BIRTHDAYS                               Jim Phillips                            Elizabeth Foster-At Large Member
OF OUR CHILDREN:                        Virginia Parnell                        Finance Committee:
John Bohan                              Richard Hubbard                         Jason Angelichio-Treasurer of the
Lily Slaton                             Charles Welch                           Parish
Clara Keener                            Vernon Hutchens, Jr.                    Allen Daniel
Annsley Cook                            Jerry Ellis                             Elizabeth Foster
Cooper Gunter                           WELCOME NEW MEMBERS:                    Virginia Caruso
Caden Jackson                           Edna and Jimmy Farrar                   Jerry Nutt
Alex McCarty                                                                    Margaret Gleason
Mem Mullins                                                                     Frederick Lanier
                                        HAP SUNDAY is February 7th. Items
Harris Whitfield                                                                Greg Whitehead
                                        needed include small canned ham,
John Hutchens                           any other canned meats, boxed           2020 CONTRIBUTION TAX
Margot Doss                             cereal, Christmas cookies and canned    STATEMENTS
Olivia O'Halloran                       fruit. Please place items in the bins   Contribution statements for tax
Jordan Copeland                         located in the portico of Joffrion      records will be emailed or mailed by
Clayton Donovan                         Hall.                                   the end of January. If you do not
Taby Hartland                           NEW VESTRY ROLES                        receive your statement by the end of
                                                                                January, or if you have any questions
BIRTHS                                  Warden’s Council:
                                                                                about your statement, please contact
Pierce Conlan Reddy, son of Brynnan     Virginia Caruso-Sr Warden
                                                                                Austin Cook at the church office
and Jim Reddy, little brother to Sam    Jerry Nutt-Jr Warden
                                                                                (256-533-2455) or by email at
and Anne Crosby                         Greg Whitehead-treasurer of the

 Parish Financial Report
                                  Budget for Period      Actual for Period        Budget YTD            Actual YTD
 Pledges Received                      $103,736.93            $180,961.78         $1,244,843.12         $1,277,979.33
 Plate                                   $10,391.61             $49,798.24          $124,699.25           $132,638.70
 Other Revenues                          $10,606.84              $6,113.31          $127,282.00           $336,584.39

 Total Income                           $124,735.38            $236,873.33        $1,496,824.37         $1,747,202.42

 Diocese & Missions                      $13,695.42             $27,691.20          $164,345.00           $168,935.47
 Outreach                                $11,412.88             $14,740.44          $136,954.00           $137,199.64
 Personnel                               $65,933.76             $70,306.24          $791,205.11           $798,688.49
 Other Expenses                          $33,693.69             $31,395.82          $404,320.00           $328,389.57
 Total Expenses                         $124,735.75            $144,133.70         $1,496,824.11        $1,433,213.17

 Net                                         -$0.37             $92,739.63                $0.26           $313,989.25

Church of the Nativity, Episcopal
208 Eustis Avenue SE Huntsville AL 35801
256.533.2455 Fax: 256.533.2374

 2021 Altar Flower Dedications
 Your Name:______________________________________
 Phone #: ________________________________________
 Dates requested: __________________________________
 Name(s) for dedication: ______________________________________________________________
 Please choose one:
 __ in loving memory of… __in thanksgiving for…
 __in celebration of…        __in honor of...

 Will you share this dedication? ___YES ___NO                Can we list your name in the bulletin? ___ YES ___NO

 Dedications are $40 each or $20 if shared.
 Make check payable to:
 Nativity Flower Guild and mail your check along with this form to:
 Andrea Vandervoort
 434 Locust Ave. Huntsville, AL 35801
 Questions? Call Andrea: 256-539-2673

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