THE EYE - MARCH/ APRIL 2017 Page 1 - The International School Of Monaco

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THE EYE - MARCH/ APRIL 2017 Page 1 - The International School Of Monaco

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THE EYE - MARCH/ APRIL 2017 Page 1 - The International School Of Monaco
Our Team

Chief Editors:

Alya Masoud Abdelhafid and
Hannah Maclean

Format and Layout Editor:
Alya Masoud Abdelhafid

Fashion Editors:
Felicitas Behnke

Sports Editors:
Lorenzo Marzocco
Jett Nunn
Tommaso Pelanconi

Science Editors:

Miriam Bondi
Simone Swarzenski

News Editors:
Olga Rashnikova
Elish Liburd
Gemma Paramithiotti

Music Editor:

Nicole Kozina
Hannah Fredly

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THE EYE - MARCH/ APRIL 2017 Page 1 - The International School Of Monaco
The Notorious Conor
By Lorenzo Marzocco, Year 13

Saturday, 12th of November was when the
feather weight champion of the world, Conor
McGregor, fought against the light weight
champion of the world, Eddie Alvarez, to win his
belt and become both feather and lightweight
champion of the world.

Even though the Irishman was not expected to
win, he made history by defeating Alvarez with a
KO in just two rounds of the UFC 205 at Madison
Square Gardens in New York! Winning this has
made him the first man two class champion in
UFC history.

After their war of words in the press conference
before the match, tensions between them rose
up until the last moment of the fight, and even
continued behind the scenes of the media.
McGregor clearly stated that he was going to
knock him down, but the crowd believed that
Alvarez had an advantage, as he had more
experience in the lightweight competitions.

Rumours have been heard that Conor McGregor
and the fifteen time world boxing champion,
Floyd Mayweather, are planning a fight. Could
this be the biggest paid fight of the century? The
Irishman has big plans for the future but no one
is too sure who will fight him next.

During the press conference, after the Alvarez
fight, McGregor declared that he would take a
little break, as his wife is pregnant and he said
that he wanted to spend more time with the

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“A musician has silence” - Keith Richards
Nicole Kozina, Year 11

                         I decided to start this article with
                         someone else’s words because I
                         couldn’t find a better way to explain
                         what I do, what I have to work with. I
                         didn’t want to manipulate something
                         simple into a long phrase that doesn’t
                         really have any substance.

                         I have a strong belief that words have
                         a unique power to them. However, I
                         know that nothing could ever conquer
                         the weight of the trembling silence
                         that comes before those words, that
                         silence holds every possibility and
                         promise the world has to offer. I have
                         issues with the way music is
                         approached today, it is often a
                         product that is cooked with
                         desperation to please, seasoned with
                         repetition and then directly angled to
                         fill the mouths of the masses, all
                         hungry for more grease and dirt. I see
                         this as one of the most obscene acts
                         that any industry has ever committed,
                         not only do people stop differentiating
                         the artificial from the natural, they stop
                         caring completely. Music and art
                         b e c o m e b a c k g ro u n d n o i s e s , a
                         meaningless knick-knack. I know, that
                         art in any form must begin with an
                         idea, because, that’s what art is, first
                         and foremost it is an idea being
                         passed from one person to another
                         through the silence.

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THE EYE - MARCH/ APRIL 2017 Page 1 - The International School Of Monaco
Hermit Kingdom Unveiled
Alya Masoud Abdelhafid, Year 11

From attending a prestigious school in Switzerland to
                                                              Already a nuclear power, North Korea has recently,
becoming the Supreme Leader of the Democratic
                                                              but unsuccessfully tried to launch eight medium-long
People’s Republic of Korea; Kim Jong-un is probably
                                                              range missiles; prompting US military officials to
the most eccentric, enigmatic and bizarre ruler of our
                                                              worry about their bases on the islands of Guam,
time. Living and dictating his secretive communist
                                                              which could be destroyed in the event of an atomic
state, the walled-off “Hermit Kingdom”, we are only
                                                              attack. On the 15th of October, the North launched
provided with vague details on what truly goes on in
                                                              another missile, which is said to be a Musudan, that
North Korea, a land frozen in the past.
                                                              failed as well. However, according to John Schilling,
                                                              US aerospace expert, these continuous trials could
North Koreans are remarkably patriotic - and heavily
                                                              potentially foreshadow a successful launch sometime
indoctrinated - against the United States and the West,
                                                              next year. Since the 2006 North Korean atomic bomb
commonly referred to in the local news as “those
                                                              test and the subsequent UN placed sanctions on
imperialists”. We cannot distinguish whether their
                                                              Pyongyang, Kim Jong-un increased efforts on to
patriotism is a result of their crippling fear of being
                                                              develop his nuclear and missile programs.
labelled as traitors or truly their unconditional adoration
towards their Supreme Ruler. During Kim Jong-un’s
                                                              In conclusion, North Korea proves to be a volatile
speeches, his citizens thunderously clap, and when his
                                                              country that will never abide by any predictions made
father, Kim Jong-il passed away, they wailed and cried
                                                              by even the most competent analysts. Kim Jong-un,
hysterically, paying their respects in the millions.
                                                              who recently executed his own uncle and dozens of
                                                              other ‘traitors’, is erratic, and most definitely too
Even-though most individuals assume that no
                                                              reckless for our international community.
foreigners are allowed to enter the DPRK, controlled
tours have been designed to ensure tourists get to
                                                              Although, it would be one of the most incredible
experience the joy of their glorious capital, Pyongyang,
                                                              feelings to actually walk on the unapproachable
and even provide a relaxing visit to the countryside in
                                                              pavements of the Democratic People’s Republic of
                                                              Korea, it seems that North Korea could declare war
                                                              on any enemy country within a second of launching
During these tours, tourists are guided by DPRK
                                                              one of their missiles - in a similar fashion to Japan
experts who offer exclusive excursions to the Koryo
                                                              when they launched an attack on Pearl Harbour,
History Museum, the Mansudae Grand Monument, Kim
II Sung Square and Songdowon International Children’s
Union Camp; amongst other trips to popular tourist
attractions and all-inclusive lunches - in a country
where millions starve. The contradictions are striking.

Throughout the stay, tourists remain in the four-star,
Yanggakdo International Hotel, best known for it’s
magnificent view of Pyongyang. Although, to the shock
of some Western tourists, they discovered they were
the sole occupants of entire floors in the hotel! While
others found their hotel rooms to be bugged for
recordings. If any of you are interested on learning
more about these tours, public figures such as Louis
Cole and Jacob Laukaitis successfully captured every
aspect of their interesting voyage to North Korea and
have published it on Youtube. Vice News also has a
vivid documentary of the Hermit Kingdom.

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The Untold Story of
Social Media Addicts
Elish Liburd, Year 11
With all of the rapid advancements to
modern day technology and the currently
huge craze over texting and social media,
it is quite easy for one to get too carried
away with this virtual life. It seems like
meeting up with friends to have some
quality time means sitting indoors on
their phones, not really bothering to
participate in the real world. It’s almost
like people migrate from reality constantly
to this easier virtual 2D place, where they
don’t have the opportunity to touch or
smell other people and where problems
can be solved from clicking a report and
block button; where people care more
about how they come across on the
internet rather than in the world they
inhabit. It’s honestly no surprise that
people turn to this.
The virtual world does of course have it’s
advantages - people find new people and
new things they like such as video
games. However, they must come to
terms with the fact that they must
experience these things in real life as
well. Away from a bunch of pixels that
convey platform lies with judgmental
eyes. Personally i think that it’s an
addiction and the only way that one can
overcome this would be rehab- or more
like turning the off button for a while so
that they can appreciate the real world
and be away from the click buzz and ding

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Miriam Bondi, Year 11
La notizia di qualche giorno fa                   Infatti è stato dimostrato che l’origine di un
dell’individuazione da parte di un team di        processo tumorale (cancerogenesi) consiste
ricercatori dell'IFOM, Istituto FIRC di           proprio nella fusione delle estremità dei
Oncologia Molecolare di Milano, di una            cromosomi dovuta ai loro telomeri troppo
classe di molecole specifiche per bloccare i      corti. Le cellule hanno a disposizione nel
segnali che portano all'invecchiamento            corso della vita un numero limitato di
cellulare causato dal deterioramento dei          divisioni. Questo numero è di circa 50 volte
telomeri, sequenze di DNA poste                   ed è regolato dalla lunghezza dei telomeri.
all'estremità dei cromosomi, ha fatto il giro     Quindi alla nascita noi abbiamo a
del mondo.                                        disposizione un numero definito di divisioni
                                                  cellulari e sta al nostro stile di vita
Le estremità dei bracci dei cromosomi (le         determinarne la durata. Se nella vita
punte arancioni nella figura 1) sono chiamate     facciamo cose che danneggiano le nostre
“telomeri” (dal greco telos = fine, e meros =     cellule, come fumare, non dormire a
parte) cioè, letteralmente, le parti finali dei   sufficienza, avere abitudini alimentari
cromosomi. I telomeri hanno la funzione di        sbagliate con carenze di vitamine, bere
proteggere il DNA e di stabilizzarlo. Per         troppo alcool, usare droghe, essere obesi e
capire meglio si possono paragonare alle          sedentari, condurre una vita stressante, bere
punte plastificate delle stringhe delle scarpe    poca acqua e quindi essere disidratati,
che le proteggono dallo sfilacciamento. Le        esporsi a sostanze tossiche, allora noi
cellule umane contengono, al momento del          obblighiamo le nostre cellule a dividersi più
concepimento, telomeri con una lunghezza          velocemente per riparare i tessuti
media di 15.000 paia di basi (bps). Poiché ad     danneggiati e di conseguenza invecchiamo
ogni replicazione cellulare i telomeri si         più velocemente. Infatti tutti i fattori descritti
accorciano di un po’, nel corso del periodo       sopra sono correlati con una incidenza
embrionale, a causa dell’intensissima attività    aumentata di malattie ed anche di morti
di replicazione cellulare, si perde una parte     premature.
consistente di telomeri, equivalente in
pratica alla lunghezza complessiva che si         È importante ricordare però che le cellule
perderà nel corso del resto dell’intera vita.     possiedono meccanismi interni in grado di
                                                  riparare i telomeri e anche di riallungarli.
Alla nascita la lunghezza media dei telomeri      Questi meccanismi possono essere attivati
è di 10.000 bps, a 20 anni di età la lunghezza    da diversi fattori. Vitamine, antiossidanti,
media è di circa 8.000 bps. Ogni anno di vita     dieta, acidi grassi omega-3 ed attività fisica
si perdono da 35 a 150 coppie di basi fino        possono avere effetto sulla lunghezza dei
ad arrivare a una lunghezza minore di 4.500       telomeri e sul loro riallungamento.
bps; a questo livello i cromosomi diventano
instabili e aumentano esponenzialmente le
probabilità di avere problemi gravi di salute e
di morire.

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THE EYE - MARCH/ APRIL 2017 Page 1 - The International School Of Monaco
Sviluppo di molecole antisenso contro
l’invecchiamento cellulare e loro possibile
utilizzazione futura

Lo studio, intitolato “ DNA damage response     Quindi la cellula invecchia e va in
inhibition at dysfunctional telomeres by        senescenza a causa dell'allarme molecolare
modulation of telomeric DNA damage              attivato sui telomeri dai Ddrna che inibiscono
response RNAs”, pubblicato su Nature            la replicazione della cellula danneggiata.
Communications i primi di marzo, getta le       Q u e s t o p u ò a c c a d e re n e l p ro c e s s o
basi per intervenire sull'invecchiamento        d'invecchiamento fisiologico o in sindromi in
cellulare in alcune 'patologie telomeriche',    cui i telomeri sono disfunzionali. L’idea era
che comprendono cirrosi epatica, fibrosi        quindi di capire come bloccare il DDRNA per
polmonare, diabete, cataratta, osteoporosi e    prevenire la senescenza e l’invecchiamento e
artrite o in malattie rare come la progeria,    con lo studio pubblicato a marzo su 'Nature
caratterizzata da invecchiamento precoce.       Communications' si dà una risposta su come
                                                riuscire a spegnere questi allarmi molecolari.
L'accorciamento e il danno ai telomeri
                                                Il team Ifom ha sviluppato una nuova batteria
costituiscono una minaccia alla stabilità del
                                                di molecole antisenso complementari agli
nostro Dna e la cellula reagisce attivando un
                                                Rna che si formano all'estremità dei
allarme molecolare che blocca la
                                                cromosomi. Si tratta di oligonucleotidi (brevi
proliferazione della cellula danneggiata
                                                sequenze di acidi nucleici prodotte
inducendo la sua senescenza, una sorta di
                                                attraverso sintetizzatori automatici) ormai
invecchiamento cellulare. La cellula
                                                noti come una classe di farmaci innovativa,
senescente perde per sempre la sua
                                                in grado di agire specificamente sui telomeri
capacità di replicarsi e di svolgere
                                                inibendo la funzione dei Ddrna telomerici,
efficientemente le sue funzioni, e questo
                                                impedendo perciò l'attivazione di quegli
impedisce ai tessuti di rigenerarsi. Una
                                                allarmi molecolari che condurrebbero
ricerca condotta nel 2012 all'Ifom
                                                inevitabilmente la cellula alla senescenza. La
individuava per la prima volta in una classe
                                                prossima sfida che affronterà il team Ifom
di Rna non codificanti del tutto inedita, i
                                                sarà di capire come le nuove molecole
Ddrna (Dna damage response Rna), il ruolo
                                                antisenso possano essere utili per prevenire
di guardiani del Dna: sarebbero loro a
                                                l'invecchiamento cellulare in patologie
intervenire ogni volta che si rileva un danno
                                                associate al danno ai telomeri, come la
al Dna per far scattare l'allarme a tutela
                                                cirrosi epatica, la fibrosi polmonare,
dell'integrità del genoma. I telomeri, quando
                                                l'aterosclerosi, il diabete, la cataratta,
sono corti o danneggiati, possono indurre
                                                l'osteoporosi e l'artrite o in malattie rare
essi stessi la formazione di Ddrna e quindi
                                                c o m e l a p ro g e r i a c a r a t t e r i z z a t a d a
l'attivazione dell'allarme e la conseguente
                                                invecchiamento precoce.
senescenza della cellula.

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THE EYE - MARCH/ APRIL 2017 Page 1 - The International School Of Monaco
Die Pariser
Felicitas Behnke, Year 11
In der vergangenen Woche fand in der
französischen Hauptstadt Paris die berühmte                      Bei dem Thema Beauty wurden die Trends
Fashion Week statt, anlässlich derer zahlreiche                  der sechziger Jahre wieder zum Leben
namenhafte Designer ihre Kollektionen der                        erweckt worden. Models bei Chanel trugen
Herbst- und Wintersaison 2017/2018 der                           ihr Haar hochtoupiert und einen dominanten
Öffentlichkeit und den kritischen                                 schwarzen Eyeliner.
Modeberichterstattern vorgestellt haben. Jedes
Jahr nehmen an diesem Event um und auf dem                       Im Gegensatz hierzu blieb das Modehaus
Laufsteg unzählige Prominente und                                Dior seiner traditionellen Linie treu. Bei seiner
weltberühmte Models teil.                                        Schau erhielten die Models ein eher
Paris, die Hauptstadt der internationalen Mode,                  minimalistisch gehaltenes Makeup mit
bietet hierbei die ideale Bühne für das grandiose                gewelltem und natürlich aussehendem Haar.
Finale des sogenannten Fashion Monats. Im                        Hierzu trugen sie oft einen Beret, jenem
Vergleich zu den anderen drei relevanten Städten                 typisch französischen Hut, der den Looks ein
des Fashion Monats, New York, Mailand und                        romantisches Element verlieh.
London, sind in Paris die meisten
Modenschauen und die spektakulärsten                             Eines der diesjährigen Höhepunkte war
Präsentationen zu sehen.                                         sicherlich die Chanel Schau. Karl Lagerfeld
Die Fashion Week in der Stadt an der Seine ist                   hat seine Kollektion mit kalten Farben und
indes nicht nur für extravagante Darbietungen                    scharfen Kanten sehr futuristisch gestaltet.
rund um kommende Modetrends bekannt. Auch                        In die sonst so klassischen Tweed Jacke
die glamourösen After-Show-Parties ziehen ein                    wurden metallischen Elemente eingearbeitet.
illustreres Publikum an. Prominente und                          Die Schau wurde im Grand Palais
Modeblogger nutzten dieses Event regelmäßig                      abgehalten, in dessen Mitte eine riesige
dazu um sich in den breiten Medien zu zeigen.                    Rakete aufgebaut war. Diese lenkte das
Wie jedes Jahr haben sich für die kommende                       Publikum schon beinahe von den
Saison einige Trends besondere bemerkbar                         fantastischen Kleidungsstücken ab.
gemacht. Prägnant waren beispielsweise
Kleidungsstücke in metallische Farben und                        Das Modehaus Louis Vuitton, das zu dem
Einarbeitungen in glitzernden Materialien. Isabel                großen Luxuskonzern LVMH gehört, sorgte
Marant griff diese Mischung bei Oberteilen aus                    ebenso für Sensationen. Dessen Modeschau
silbernen Franzen auf und Dries Van Noten                        fand am Ende der Woche im Louvre statt
zeigte metallisch glänzende Jacketts an seinen                   und zählte eindeutig zu den diesjährigen
Models.                                                          Höhepunkten. Nicolas Ghesquière, der
U n g e w ö h n l i c h f ü r H e r b s t - u n d W i n t e r-   talentierte Designer dieser berühmten
Kollektionen waren viele Stücke in rosa                          Adresse, kleidete seine Models auch in der
Farbtönen zu sehen. Fuchsia bis zu sanfte                        Metallic-Optik, die dieses Jahr so oft in Paris
Nuancen von hellrosa ließen die Models wie                       zu sehen war. Es ist im kommenden Winter
Prinzessinnen über den Laufsteg auf und ab                       auch viel Fell von Louis Vuitton zu erwarten.
Lederelemente waren bei den diesjährigen                         Die Models Jess PW, Jessie Bloemendaal
Schauen wieder ein Mal sehr populär. Bei Saint                   und Camille Hurel waren bei den meisten
Laurent hat Anthony Vaccarello seine Models in                   Präsentationen auf den Laufstegen zu sehen.
braune Lederkleidern und in voluminösen                          Sie sind bei über 40 Shauen gelaufen und
schwarzen Ledersakkos mit lockersitzenden                        werden in der kommenden Saison sicherlich
Lederstiefeln gekleidet. Auch bei Stella                         umso mehr Erfolg haben.
McCartney und Balenciaga war Leder prominent
zu sehen.

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THE EYE - MARCH/ APRIL 2017 Page 1 - The International School Of Monaco
8 Марта
Olga Rashnikova, Year 11
Международный женский день, 8 марта
имеет давнюю историю. Началось все
еще в середине 19 века с «марша пустых
кастрюль», который устроили
текстильщицы Нью-Йорка именно 8
марта, а потом еще несколько лет подряд
проходили подобные женские забастовки
с требованием равноправия. Появление
самого праздника связано с именем
Клары Цеткин – известной политической
деятельницей, яркой фигурой
германского и международного рабочего
движения. Именно она в 1910 году в
Копенгагене поставила вопрос о том,
чтобы выбрать определенный день в
году, когда женщины всего мира будут
привлекать внимание общества к своим
проблемам в борьбе за социальное и
экономическое равноправие и
предложила ежегодно отмечать 8 марта
как Международный день солидарности
женщин в борьбе за свои права. Правда,
провозглашенный впервые в 1913 году,
праздник прижился не сразу. Лишь с
1966 года Международный женский день
стал официальным праздником и
нерабочим днем.
С тех пор 8 марта – один из самых
популярных праздников России. Это
день, когда мужчины всех возрастов
поздравляют с праздником своих мам,
сестер, подруг, любимых. Дарят им цветы
и подарки. Говорят приятные слова
женщинам на улице и стараются вести
себя как настоящие джентльмены. А
готовятся к празднику как правило
заранее: женщины могут целый год
придумывать, что бы такое попросить на
8 марта.

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Monaco’s Murder
Gemma Paramithiotti, Year 10
The murder victim is a 30 year-old Sicilian chef,
Alfio Phallic, who lived in Menton with his wife. He
was murdered on Saturday, the 25th of February,
at the Pulcinella restaurant in Monte Carlo.
According to investigations carried out by the
Carabinieri of Bordighera, the man was killed by
Nika Ricard, also a 30 year-old Albanian, resident
in the city of palm trees and an Italian citizen.

According to the findings of the military coordinated
by Captain Ighazio Lorito, who questioned the man
all night, the Albanian 30 year old would have fled
from the Principality, after the events taking place
in the kitchen of 'Pulcinella' and has been spotted
in Bordighera, in a daze. Stopped by the Police
and when pressed, he then confessed to the
murder, but only after contacting the Monegasque

The police, together with colleagues from the
French police, are working to reconstruct what
happened. It seems, in fact, that recently there had
been some disagreements between the two and
that the motives of the assassination can be found
precisely in a quarrel which ended badly. The time
of the crime was identified in the late afternoon, but
the man's body was found a few hours later by a

The 'Pulcinella' restaurant was obviously closed
with the seals by the Police of the Principality, and
no one, including the owners, were present this
morning in the vicinity of the venue. At present it is
not yet clear whether Ricard Nika worked in the
same restaurant or another.

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Chance the rapper fait un don de $1 million
aux écoles publiques de Chicago
Hannah Fredly, Year 11

                         Apres un rendez-vous décevant avec le gouverneur
                         d’Illinois Bruce Rauner à propos de la récente
                         annonce de réduire le financement d’écoles,
                         Chance the Rapper a décidé d’aborder le problème

                         En Décembre, Rauner a mis un veto au plan qui
                         donnait $215 million aux écoles publiques de
                         Chicago. Le rappeur aux 3 prix Grammy’s, a eu une
                         réunion avec ce-dernier pour en discuter mais
                         Chance a dit que la réponse du gouverneur était
                         « vague ». Ils ont aussi parlé par téléphone après
                         ce rendez-vous mais leurs conversations n’ont pas
                         eu beaucoup de succès selon Chance.

                         Le rappeur de Chicago, dont le nom complet est
                         Chancelor Bennett, a annoncé le 6 Mars durant un
                         conférence publique, qu’il allait faire un don de $1
                         million aux établissements publiques de Chicago.

                         « Bien que je sois frustré et déçu par l’inaction du
                         gouverneur, cela ne va pas m’arrêter de faire tout
                         ce que je peux pour soutenir la ressource de la plus
                         grande valeur de Chicago : ses enfants. » a dit
                         l’artiste le Lundi durant la conférence de presse à
                         l’école primaire Wescott.

                         Les efforts de Chance ont attiré l’attention de
                         l’ancienne première dame Michelle Obama qui l’a
                         glorifié par twitter. «Merci @chancetherapper pour
                         ton don à la communauté de Chicago qui elle, nous
                         a donné tellement. » Obama, lui, a écrit « Tu es un
                         exemple du pouvoir de l’éducation en arts ».

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Myth or Reality?
Simone Swarzenski, Year 12

Many of us have had an experience in which
we thought we saw, came into contact or
interacted with a ghost. Even if none of the
above have happened to you, there’s still a
chance that you believe in ghosts, despite
the fact that their is very little evidential proof
of this being so.

While their have been many scientific
experiments debunking this myth, the most
recent, and perhaps most innovative,
involves the Large Hadron Collider, the
l a rg e s t a n d m o s t p o w e r f u l p a r t i c l e
accelerator in the world. To give some
background, the Large Hadron Collider is a
27-kilometer ring of superconducting
magnets with a number of accelerating
structures to boost the energy of the
particles along the way.

Because of the high energy of the particles,
they smash together nearly at the speed of
light and essentially create very tiny versions
of the Big Bang, and scientists then record
what these collisions form..

Physicist Brian Cox has stated that in order
for ghosts to exist, ”We must… invent an
extension to the Standard Model of Particle
Physics that has escaped detection at the
Large Hadron Collider.

That's almost inconceivable at the energy
scales typical of the particle interactions in
our bodies.” Basically, the existence of
ghosts would go against all laws of physics,
and so we can safely presume that they are
merely myth.

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Man City Vs Monaco
By Jett Nunn and Tommaso
Pelanconi, Year 10
On the 21/02/17 Manchester city
trashed AS Monaco in their homeland
(Manchester). Making Manchester
city 2-0 on aggregate, when they
come here to Monaco, for the second
leg of the fixture.

After 26 minutes, Manchester city
took the lead, with a goal by Sterling.
However, by the end of the first half
Monaco had brought the score to 1-2
to Monaco with goals by Falcao and

At the beginning of the second half
Falcao had the opportunity to make it
1-3 to AS Monaco,when he got a
penalty. Falcao himself took the
penalty, however cracked under
pressure, when he hit a very poor

  that was very easy for Manchester
City’s goalkeeper to save. Aguero
made things even when he scored on
the 58th minute. But on the 61st
minute Falcao redeemed himself, and
scored an amazing goal making it 2-3
to AS Monaco. In the last 20 minutes
Aguero, Stones and Sané got
Manchester City the win, making the
final score 5-3.

On March 15th there will be the
second leg of this fixture in Monaco
at the Stade Louis II. If you hurry up
you might be able to still get tickets,
who do you think will be the winner?
                                          Page 14

Alya Masoud Abdelhafid, Year 11:

Hannah Maclean, Year 12:

                                                  Page 15
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