The Fortress July & August 2020 - Concordia Lutheran Church

Page created by Ralph Young
The Fortress July & August 2020 - Concordia Lutheran Church
The Fortress
                                                                              July & August 2020
Dear people loved by God,
“Seek Me and live…” “Seek the LORD and live…” “Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; and so the LORD,
the God of hosts, will be with you…” Amos 5:4, 6, 14
   The prophet Amos spoke these words to the people of Israel a few years before the Assyrians invaded and
destroyed the Northern Kingdom. Amos was a shepherd of the people of Judah, the Southern Kingdom. From the
field, God called Amos to go to his kinsman in the north (though a foreigner from the south) and deliver to them a
surprising and ominous message: God, the LORD, will have justice. While prosperity and affluence characterized the
2 Kingdoms of God’s chosen people, their idolatry and immoralities and vices were prompting God’s wrath. God had
been patient with His idolatrous people, sending them prophet after prophet, calling them to repent of their sinful
ways and return to Him and His ways. If they didn’t He warned them time and time again, catastrophe would come to
them. Though they were offspring of Abraham’s flesh, God’s chosen people, Amos and other prophets warned them
that neither Kingdom was immune to receiving the due punishment for their evil deeds.
  But God remembers His promises of old. He remembers the covenants He made with Noah, with Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob, with Moses, and with all the people. God’s promise were always in line with His character—as He reveals
Himself to us. The clearest picture of the character of God in the Old Testament is from 2 places in Exodus, as the
people have escaped Egypt and are camped at Mt. Sinai:
       I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the
       third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of
       those who love me and keep my commandments. Exodus 20:5-6
       “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast
       love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression
       and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the
       children and the children's children, to the third and the fourth generation. Exodus 34:6-8,
    God is serious about Himself and His people. While He threatens to punish all who break His commands, He also
promises grace and every blessing to those who keep them (of course, for we live!), and mercy and love/grace to
forgive sinners.
    The Lord, through the prophets, pleaded with His people to repent. Through Amos, He promised to put an end to
His wrath, and to stop all plans He had drawn-up (and was patiently keeping away) to punish them for their
faithlessness (showing them the seriousness of their sin and idolatry). All they had to do was seek Him. It’s not as if
they didn’t know who to seek, or who God was and His promises that they had to locate Him themselves. They knew
where god was for them—in the temple. They knew what God had promised for them—through His written and
spoken word. They even could see how God was keeping them from death—in the animal sacrifices for the sins of
the people! “Seek Me and live…” “Seek the LORD and live…” “Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; and so
the LORD, the God of hosts, will be with you…”
   God was among them to be found! But they paid no attention and went their own way, the way that led to their
punishment and destruction for their sins.
   This always makes me think of Abraham’s question to The Lord when The Lord was telling him about His plan
for wicked Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham asked, “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?”
Yes, O Lord! What of the righteous in Israel in Judah? Were they swept away too? Did they also suffer the
destruction, the pestilence, the war and bloodshed and captivity?
The Fortress July & August 2020 - Concordia Lutheran Church
Yes, they did. But they weren’t swept away—that is their lives were not destroyed, for they weren’t given over to
eternal death. At the end of Amos’ prophecies, the Lord promises “All the sinners of my people shall die by the
sword… ‘In the day I will raise up the booth of David [here’s His promise of a Savior!] that is fallen and repair its
breaches, and raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as the days of old…” The Days are coming, declares the Lord, when
He will restore His people! Here is enduring hope for all God’s people! Here is a promise that will remain through the
destruction and pestilence! Here is a redemption that will transpire through the signs of God’s wrath for sin, and death
of His people! Here, in His merciful and gracious promise, and His promises kept, God is always to be found!
   Where God is found, you have eternal life. God, in keeping with His character, has kept all His promises in Christ.
In Jesus Christ, God shows us His character and nature (the same He revealed in Exodus) embodied, in human flesh.
On the cross, the Lord makes a great reversal—the Eternal One is brought to an end; the Righteous One is called the
sinner deserving to be swept away in His wrath, punishment and death, while the idolaters and sinners are kept safe,
declared righteous by the blood of the Lamb. This felicitous exchange (as Luther named it) is granted to you from
God in your life, from the cross, through the Means of God’s grace—the Gospel, Holy Baptism, and the Lord’s
Supper. Apart from these Means of God’s Grace, there are no other way by which you receive God’s grace,
forgiveness, life, and salvation.
   You don’t have to go looking for them—you don’t have to go seeking for God. He seeks you, and has sought you
out! He calls you His own in Holy Baptism, washing away your sin and giving you the holy Spirit. He reminds you
of all he has done for you through His holy Word. He feeds you with the body and blood of Jesus to strengthen you in
your life of faith in Christ, and your life lived in faithfulness to God. And these are your in Christ’s Holy Church!
    This doesn’t mean we will never suffer because of sin in the world, nor for our own sins on this earth (surely 2020
is reminding us of these truths). But God has promised you in Christ that you will not be swept away into eternal
death and destruction. Quite the contrary, yours is life in the favor and blessing of God now, having been called out
of darkness into His marvelous light and life, and for eternity. Now surely we can face life, having the blessings and
promises of God as our own forever, knowing that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Christ
Jesus our Lord.
       Peace in Christ, our Savior! ~Pastor Mueller

The Ordination of Pastoral Candidate Jacob Tuma: “By the grace of God through the Calling of God’s people,
Jacob Brian Tuma will be ordained into the ministry of Word and Sacrament in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
through the Rite of Ordination Sunday, July 12, 2020 at 3:00 pm in Cordova, Nebraska. Your prayers and virtual
presence are requested to watch the service live on St. John’s Lutheran Church Cordova, Nebraska Facebook page.
Jacob has been called to serve as the pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Pierce, Nebraska.” From Pastor Brian
and Rebecca Tuma. (NOTE: Our Concordia Ladies’ League has been faithfully and joyfully supporting Jacob and
Grace Tuma and their family throughout their Seminary years. Thank you for your support and prayers to the Lord of
the Church to send workers into His Harvest field!)

                                       CONCORDIA VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY
                                            JANUARY 12, 2020

Ryan Brown called the meeting to order. Pastor opened with prayer.

Roll Call – Members Present – 28 Absent – 32 Excused – 3
MOTION was made and seconded to approve the October 13, 2019, Voters’ Meeting Minutes. Said Motion passed
Are there any new members today? Jennie Klavon

DEACONS: Russ Klavon reported that the Mission Committee request was approve by the Deacons and the Church
Council to send $500.00 to Ghana Wells from funds collected at Adult Bible Study. The Deacons approved a joint
New Year’s Eve Service with St. John’s hosting in 2019 and Concordia hosting in 2020. Deacons and Church
Council approved the Mission Committee recommendations for disbursement of the $733.00 remaining in the 2019
The Fortress July & August 2020 - Concordia Lutheran Church
Mission Budget: $200.00 to St. Louis Seminary Food Bank and the Ft. Wayne Seminary Food Bank for the students;
and $333.00 to Ghana Harvest for books and desks. Pastor and Deacon Chairman will meet in January or February to
put together a plan for a Congregational Planning Meeting to put together a 3 and/or 5-year plan. This will be held on
a Saturday at the church. Deacons and Council approved the Mission Committee request to send $1,000.00 in
January, 2020 to Issues, etc. Lutheran Public Radio from Other Missions line item in 2020 Budget.

EDUCATION: Stephanie Prochaska reported that after many years of volunteering Francis Drews will no longer be
organizing and running the Concordia Resource Center. We are looking for someone to take over this position, but
until someone is found, the Board of Ed will run the Resource Center, providing books for sale every other month
instead of every month. Preschool enrollment is great. The 4 year old class and the Pre-K class are full with 15
students each. There are 10 students in the 3 year old class, with another child joining soon. The students traveled by
bus on 2 field trips, to the Country Corner in Alpha and the Galvin Fine Arts Center at St. Ambrose. They also
participated in Halloween parties on October 30th and 31st, Thanksgiving Program and Feast on November 22nd with
200 persons in attendance, Christmas parties on December 18th and 19th, and the Christmas Program on December
20th. Lutheran Schools Week will be celebrated January 26 – 31 with Chapel and other planned events. Parent-
Teacher conferences will be held February 6th and 7th. The Chapel Offerings from 2019 were donated to Foster
Hope QC area. Foster Hope exists to recruit, educate, and support local foster families. Mini Scholarship Sunday
for Jake Grunwald was held December 22nd. Preschool registration for 2020-2021 will begin in early March. Three
new families already have put in their names. A total of 280 books were purchased through the Lutheran Heritage
Foundation with the Sunday School Christmas Mission offerings to be sent to Ethiopia. The Shoes That Grow from
last year have been sent.
Emilie Glaw reported that registration sheets for the 2020 Higher Things Conference at NW Missouri State
University in Maryville, Missouri, July 7th – 10th are now due. Five students have registered. Monday Night High
School Bible Study will begin again January 13th. The Youth are sponsoring a Chili Cook off Fundraiser on January
19th. Sign up to bring your best chili recipe, entry fee is $20.00 per entry, or come to taste the entries and vote for
your favorite, $5.00 per person. January 10th the Youth are going bowling from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m., February 21st a
Lock-In and March 18th Circuit Bible Bowl. Tamie and Abby Krohn are helping to teach the Preschool Sunday
School. The Children’s Christmas Program went well with 17 students participating. KOOL will begin again on
January 8th. Bell Choir resumes January 7th, and Concordia Choir resumes January 13th.

TRUSTEES: Shawn Anderson reported that we made a computer upgrade to the office computer and lapel
microphones replaced the old microphone in the Fellowship Hall. These items were purchased through the computer
fund. Our property insurance only increased a few hundred dollars $6,021.00. We will be installing new blinds in
the office as the old ones are not working. Through generous giving and the Fish Bowl fundraising our 15 year roof
loan has been paid off in 3.

TREASURER: No report was given.

EVANGELISM: Kathy Kramer reported that Evangelism has sponsored three Everyone His Witness Workshops.
Fifteen people have completed the workshops here at Concordia. On Saturday, February 1st, we will be offering one
of the EIHW modules entitled “Witnessing to Dechurched Adult Children.” The workshop begins at 9:00 a.m. and
ends around 3:00 p.m. Lunch is provided along with materials. You need to attend the initial workshop in order to
attend any of the modules, as they relate back to that basic information. We will be having another initial workshop
in the coming months. Prayer cards for the Prayer Connection have been updated. Please continue to use this
resource to pray for our church leaders, shut-ins, Sunday School teachers and others. Evangelism continues to send
devotions to our shut-ins monthly and notes to our inactive members.

STEWARDSHIP: Martha Fleming reported that at the end of October the Stewardship Committee prepared and
served the Reformation Dinner, serving about 125 members. In November they prepared and mailed letters with
commitment cards. You can still return your commitment card, if you haven’t done so yet. The Offering Envelopes
have also been prepared for 2020. We are investigating electronic giving both for members and for the Preschool.
Later this year we may have a proposal for the congregation. This is an attempt in increase giving. Also this year we
will have numerous opportunities to study and understand stewardship. The first installment was in the January
The Fortress July & August 2020 - Concordia Lutheran Church
Fortress. The goal is to not limit stewardship as a topic for just one month out of the year. Stewardship and the Care
Committee are co-sponsoring the “Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University, beginning February 9th at 1:30 p.m.

CARE COMMITTEE: Linda Hull reported that she will be taking over for Francis Drews after her many years of
service to the Care Committee. The Care Committee is responsible for expressions of Christian love and concern
through the physical and material support of our members. Currently we provide cards at Thanksgiving and treat
bags at Christmas for our members over 80 years of age, meals to members after hospitalization, and welcome
baskets for our newborns. In addition, we have provided rides and financial assistance to members in need. The Care
Committee will also be co-sponsoring the “Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University” beginning in February. This
has been advertised through the Geneseo Chamber and other churches. The Care Committee will also be updating
their duties section of Concordia’s Constitution and By-Laws. Thank you to Francis for her many years of service,
and to Concordia for their continued prayers and financial support.

PASTOR has provided copies of his Parochial Report for October 13, 2019 through January 12, 2020. During that
time we had one infant baptism; Transfers in: 0; Transfers out: 0; Released: 0; Confirmations: 0; Weddings: 0;
Funerals: Colleen Marie Sherbeyn.

Current Baptized Membership: 385. Current Communicant Membership: 305.

Pastor reports that St. Matthew’s in Milan continues in vacancy. “Bring Giving Home” is a Central Illinois District-
wide promoted year-round stewardship program. We will be using some of this material and teaching at Concordia.
Our Board of Stewardship, the Church Council and Pastor will be working together to develop this program at
Concordia throughout the year/s through Fortress articles, Bible Studies, sermons, and more. Ash Wednesday and
the beginning of Lent is February 26th, Holy Week beginning on April 5th, with Easter on April 12th. Weekly Bible
Studies and Catechism Class took a break through the church’s Christmas Season but will all resume this week.
Pastor facilitated another “Everyone His Witness Workshop” in December, and will be facilitating a module in
February called “Witnessing to Dechurched Children”. New Year’s Eve service was held at St. John’s in Edford at
6:00 p.m. with Pastor Nerud preaching. In 2020 it will be held at Concordia at 6:00 p.m. Pastor will be going to the
Higher Things Conference this summer with the Youth. Our old record books are falling apart. In order to preserve
our historical records, with the help of Shawn Anderson, we have been scanning our old record books. The oldest
book has been fully scanned, and the second oldest book is half scanned. The Adult Sunday Bible Study offerings
will be donated to Ghana School, specifically to purchase new curriculum books for the teachers, as made necessary
by the Ghana government. This will take the place of the Ghana Wells that we were supporting.
Motion to approve the Pastor’s Report, seconded and passed unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: Motion to approve new member – Jennie Klavon, seconded and passed unanimously.

New officers and board members:
   President:        Richard McMullen                       Treasurer: Mindy Brown, appointed
   Vice President: _______________                          Secretary: Joline Parrish, appointed
   Deacons:          Brian Wahlheim                         Andy Raschke
                     Mark Ouart                             Shawn Anderson
                     Russ Klavon                            Derek Drockelman
                     Jim Glaw                               Kevin Parker
                     Bill Kramer                            Ray Klavon
                     Keith Kennett                          Dick McMullen

    Education:        Stephanie Prochaska (A)               Marshall Freeman
                      Colleen Brown                         Rhonda Erickson
                      Diane Downey                          Kayleigh Hutchinson

    Trustees:         Kris Anderson                         Travis Jansen
                      Ryan Brown                            Parker Prochaska
The Fortress July & August 2020 - Concordia Lutheran Church
Evangelism:      Kathy Kramer                         Peggy Moriarity
                     Bonnie Meyers                        Emilie Glaw

    Stewardship:     Martha Fleming                       Allison Drockelman
                     Diane Ouart                          Jennie Klavon
                     Stacy Franklin

MOTION to approve the officers and boards for 2020, seconded and passed unanimously.

Concordia has received funds from the Maurice and Vivian Kane Trusts. We were given $20,000.00 to specifically
go into the Scholarship Fund which was originally started by the Maurice Kane Trust. We also received an additional
$50,000.00. Jerry Kane, their son, encouraged us to use $25,000.00 of that $50,000.00 to pay on the roof loan,
leaving us a balance of $25,000.00 in undesignated funds. The Voters will need to vote on what to do with these
funds. We are open to suggestions. 1) We could donate money to the Central Illinois Endowment Fund. They use
4% of that money each year to support our students who are studying fulltime as church workers. 2) We have some
windows which need to be replaced in the church. We will need to get estimates. 3) Support seminary students by
giving $500.00 directly to 5 seminary students at Ft. Wayne and 5 seminary students at St. Louis, for a total of
$5,000.00. LWML and CLL currently are supporting two seminary students (one at each school). We could also
obtain names of students in need of assistance from the schools.

MOTION to give $500.00 directly to 10 seminary students (5 from Ft. Wayne and 5 from St. Louis) for a total of
$5,000.00. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. Kathy will work on contacting churches in the Circuit for
names of local seminary students who may be in need of help.

MOTION to do more investigation for windows and/or other projects before we decide what to do with the remaining
$20,000.00 funds. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.

Now that the roof loan has been paid off, what do we want to do with the Fish Bowl money? The organ is in need of
very expensive maintenance, which has never been done. The Bells are also in need of maintenance. MOTION to
use the Fish Bowl money for Concordia’s musical instrument maintenance and repair. The congregation should be
informed of why this is needed and updated from time to time as to how the funds are being used. Motion seconded
and passed unanimously.

MOTION to change the May Voters’ Meeting to the third Sunday of May, seconded and passed unanimously.

MOTION to adjourn, seconded, and passed unanimously.

We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Joline Parrish, Secretary

 For the time being, we may need to keep having a limit on our numbers in the sanctuary for the 8:30am and
 10:30am Sunday and 11:00am Monday Divine Services. For those who are unable to attend, or still feel
 uncomfortable attending with a large group on Sunday morning, Geneseo Channel 50 is graciously showing our
 church services on Sunday, at noon and 3PM , and Monday and Tuesday at 10am, noon, and 3pm each day. You
 can also view the service on the TV 50 website (at the same times) at Services (Live Sunday
 mornings at 8:30am) and daily devotionals can also be viewed on our Facebook page (you don't need a Facebook account to view them).
 Pastor Mueller is also available to give Holy Communion by appointment throughout the week.
           Remember: All services and Activities are all being subject to restrictions for COVID-19.
Worship Services
on Sundays at
8:30am and
10:30am, still
have a limited
capacity seating
from health
July 2020
                                                                                   Members under 19
                                                                                 7/2  Sarah Hansen
                                                                                 7/3  Samantha Watters
                                                                                 7/9  Silas Jansen
                                                                                 7/12 Reegan Brown
 2nd   David & Tina Poel             25 years                                         Molly Ryan
 5th   Stephen & Marifaith Mueller   12 years                                    7/15 Remlee Brown
 7th   James & Mariane Andrews       58 years                                         Devin Fuqua
11th   Jim & Joyce Dodge             55 years                                    7/19 Everett Kuelper
                                                                                 7/22 Maxhm Freeman
                                                                                 7/28 Walter Kinnard
                                                                                 7/31 Josie Franklin
                                                                                      Michael Franklin

                                        7/16      Caitlin Wheeler
          7/2    Morgan Ketner          7/17      Donald Buechler *       7/26   Kathe Jahn
          7/3    Roger Anderson         7/18      Bruce Henry                    Addison Jenkins ©
          7/5    Rita Fuqua                       Joy Noard                      Madison Paxton
                 Carmen Pamperin        7/19      Becky Sneyd             7/27 Linda Klavon
                 Diana Paxton           7/20      Joline Parrish          7/28 Alexander Fleming
                 Scott Rice             7/21      Sean Joseph                    Kayla Miller
          7/8    Judy Deutsch *                   Stephen Mueller         7/31 Teddy Prochaska ©
                 Silas Jansen ©         7/22      Mark Erdman
                 Bill Kramer                      Travis Johnson
                 Wanda Motzer                     Keith Kennett           ©      child under the
          7/9    Brandon Rice                     Karen Rice                     age of 12
          7/10   Marifaith Mueller      7/23      Karie Freeman           *      Senior Birthday
          7/11   Mary Brown-Hull                  Kris Johnson                   is a member over
          7/12   Brenda Martins                   Kimberly Joseph-McBee          the age of 79
          7/13   Emilie Glaw                      Maddison Rakestraw
          7/15   Scott Hull             7/24      Carson Dodge
                 James Yerkey *         7/25      Devin Fuqua
          7/16   Amy Dodge              7/26      Patsy DeFauw

            8:30 AM:
                                                                          July 5th    - Jerry & Judy Deutsch.
   Bill Kramer & Kevin Parker                                             July 12th    - Arline Sigwalt.
                                                Melody Watters
           10:30 AM:                                  &                   July 19th    - This Sunday is available.
                                                                          July 26th    - Tony Gordon.
 Dick McMullen & Russ Klavon               Stephanie Prochaska
Worship Services
on Sundays at
8:30am and
10:30am, still
have a limited
capacity seating
from health
August 2020

 1st     Daniel & Anita Rakestraw            22 years
 4th     Robert & Patsy DeFauw               47 years               8/1    Paula Johnson
  6th    Mark & Diane Ouart                  43 years               8/2    Kayleigh Hutchinson
 10th    Virgil & Carmen Pamperin            51 years               8/3    Kathy Blair
 15th    Ryan & Shilpa Hull                   5 years               8/4    Marlisa Dwyer
 19th    Chase & Amanda Kuelper               3 years               8/5    Robert Klavon
 23rd    Parker & Stephanie Prochaska         6 years               8/6    Allyson Wisely
 30th    Jim & Emilie Glaw                   12 years               8/9    Linda Stockton
 30th    Tom & Cindy Wagoner                 23 years               8/10   Rogene McMullen
                                                                    8/11   Carmen Foster
                                                                           Jeanette Mingo
                                                                    8/13   Reagan Anderson
                                                                           Nancy Specht
                            Members under 19                        8/14   Olivia Anderson
                           8/4 Hannah Rakestraw                            William Giebel
                           8/7 Addison Clementz                            Isiah Hansen
                           8/17 Annabelle Ropp                             Jase Johnson
                           8/19 Emma Drockelman                     8/16   Robert Fuqua
                          8/24 Shepherd Mueller                            Jason Jenkins
                          8/25 Teddy Prochaska                      8/17   Wayne Ludwig *
                                                                    8/18   Jim Glaw
                                                                    8/19   Melody Watters
                                                                    8/20   Molly Conlon
                     Aug. 2nd    - This Sunday is available.               Gabriel Jansen ©
                     Aug. 9th    - Mark & Diane Ouart.                     Brock Parker
                     Aug. 16th   - This Sunday is available.        8/21   Stephanie Prochaska
                                                                           Andy Raschke
                     Aug. 23rd   - The Prochaska family
                                                                    8/22   Gabriela Larreynaga ©
                     Aug. 30th   - Jim Glaw/ Dick Nowers.                  Fama Prokup *
                                                                    8/23   Denise Fuqua
                                                                    8/24   Jack Chapman ©
                                                                           Taefyl Freeman
                                                                    8/25   Ron Maeltzer *
                                                                           Nancy Rice
                                                                    8/26   Greg Wisely
              8:00 AM:                                              8/27   Wanda Forsythe *
                                                                    8/28   William Motzer
        Ray Klavon & Jim Glaw
                                                    Lynn Klavon            Molly Wisely
             10:30 AM:                                    &
                                                                    ©      Child under the age of 12.
Shawn Anderson & Brian Wahlheim                   Carmen Pamperin
                                                                    *     Senior Birthday is a
                                                                    member over the age of 79
Altar Flowers - Maple City Florist is delivering
flowers during this time. If you would like to keep your
current altar flower date, please let the office know and                               Voters Assembly is
we will order them. You also have the option of                                              July 12th
changing dates. Again, please contact the office with
your choice.                                                                                At 1:30PM

                   Listen to Worldwide,                                                PRESCHOOL
                   your radio station for news, talk, and                                     REGISTRATION
                   sacred music with a cross-focused,                                                TIME!
                   Christ-centered Lutheran -
                   worldview. All programs are
                   archived at for 24/7 on-
                   demand listening. Have a question         Time to enroll for the 2020-21 school year!
or comment? Find us
at @KFUOradio on Facebook, Twitter, and                     Concordia Lutheran Preschool enrollment is
Instagram. A Bible Study from St. Paul Lutheran             now open to the public for our 3 and 4 year
Church in Des Peres, MO, is now available on our                       old class, and Pre-K.
website for your on-demand listening.
                                                            Our 4 year old class is close to being full. Please
                                                            contact Concordia’s church office for an application
                                                            and/or to set up a time to visit for our 3 and 4 Year Old
                                                            classes, and our Pre-Kindergarten class. 309-944-3993
September Deadline is
                                                            Registration forms can be picked up in the church
August 15th                                                 office or printed from the church website. The classes
                                                            will be filled as we receive the registration form and
                                                            the $40 registration fee.

The LWML is once again collecting
cell phones and ink cartridges for
recycling as well as cancelled                                               Keep looking at the youth
stamps. All money goes to support
                                                                             Facebook page for our next
missions. You can leave your
donations in the designated basket in                                        activities once the COVID-19
the Library. God bless you!                                                  restrictions are lifted.

The fish bowl for the roof loan was so successful, it was
decided we would continue with the fishbowl in the
back of the church. We will now use the funds collected
to repair our musical equipment, as in our hand bells
and the organ.                                                      Concordia is still planning on having our
                                                            Congregational Picnic and Rally Day on August 30th
                                                             Please watch for more information in the Fortress and
                                                            on the church website and put the date in your calendar!
Funds Status as of May 2020
                                                                   Starting July 6 the Food Pantry will be open to take
                               MAY                   YTD
                                                                   food and clothing donations on MONDAYS ONLY
                                                                   from 9-12 and 1-4. There will be carts outside for you
   Income                      $ 37,640.91       $185,538.03
                                                                   to place your donations in. We will continue to
   Expenses                    $ 19,200.12       $142,263.59
                                                                   distribute food on Tuesdays from 9-11:30. We will
   Income less expenses        $ 18,440.79       $ 43,274.44
                                                                   remain closed all other hours.
           Approved 2020 Budget is $ 363,747.
                                                                   We would like to thank you for the many monetary
Please continue to pray for Concordia and the important            donations that have been made over the past few
work planned and approved by the Voters of Concordia. As           months. We live in a wonderful community that really
Christian stewards, let us constantly be reminded and              comes together for our neighbors in need. We are
thankful that all gifts – time, talent, and treasure – are gifts   passing along the gratitude shown over and over from
from God; and be encouraged to use them in God pleasing            those whose lives you’ve touched.
Contributions may be mailed to church or dropped                   God bless you!
 off Monday thru Friday from 9:00AM - 1:00PM.

    The following is the website for online giving:                              Food needs for July are:
       b463k82x7y8/GZ8YQF9f                                        instant oatmeal, canned meats, and egg noodles.
                                                                   Non-food needs for July are: toothpaste and paper
        Did you know Concordia is still having a
                  Scholarship Sunday?
Becoming a pastor or church worker can be a costly
endeavor and Concordia has a scholarship to financially                   Do you know your Deacon Team?
assist those within our congregation wishing to peruse             Each deacon team has a section of the alphabet for the
this path. The student we are currently supporting is              last names of the congregation. We have a full deacon
Jake Grunwald who is attending undergrad at                        board for the 2020 year. Please feel free to contact your
Concordia University - Mequon. Look for more                       deacon team if you have any matters pertaining to the
information on Jake in upcoming communication! To                  spiritual welfare of the congregation.
financially support Jake, send your donation to church
or give online at                      A-C      Shawn Anderson and Brian Wahlheim
pay/3nkt6jb463k82x7y8/GZ8YQF9f and specify
Scholarship Sunday.                                                D-G      Mark Ouart and Andy Raschke
                                                                   H-K      Keith Kennett and Derek Drockelman
                 Deadline is July 12th. Concordia is               L-N       Dick McMullen and Russ Klavon
                 once again participating! This is a great
                                                                   O-R      Bill Kramer and Kevin Parker
                 way for Concordia groups to get extra
                 money donated by John Deere in                    S-Z      Ray Klavon and Jim Glaw
                 addition to what we contribute!
If you would like to donate to this event you can donate
online at and select
Concordia Lutheran Church. You can contact the                      The Mission Committee 2020 Servant Trip to Holy
office to specify if you want the donation to go to the             Trinity Lutheran Church, Springfield, IL has been
Care Committee, Preschool or Youth Group.                                postponed. New dates to be determined.
Questions? Contact Cheryl Maxson at (309)714-9595.
Stay Connected with the Central Illinois District
                                                           Dear Concordia members,
CID facebook Page: Central Illinois District-LCMS
                                                           Gene wishes to express Thanksgiving for all the
CID’s website:
                                                           blessings, lovely notes, cards, prayers and thoughts.
CID’s GatePost (newsletter) Central Illinois District e-   We are deeply appreciative to the members of
publishes a monthly newsletter. If you would be            Concordia.
interested in finding out what is going on throughout
the district follow the address below to check out the     God’s blessings to you all!
current and past events and stories.                       Gene & Eileen Eiklor

Subscribe to the E-GatePost/Monthly Bulletin Inserts:
                                                                            Prayer Connections!
                                                                       “The prayer of a righteous person
                                                                       has great power as it is working”
                                                           St. James teaches. One who is righteous by faith is the
                                                           same as one who prays in faith. God responds with His
                                                           power as He answers prayer, accomplishing what
                                                           human strength cannot. As God desires, we pray
                                                           without ceasing, holding tight to God and His good &
                                                           gracious will. To nurture our life of prayer at
                                                           Concordia, the Evangelism Committee offers “Prayer
                                                           Connection” as a way of drawing the family of God at
                                                           Concordia together to support and encourage each
                                                           other. The names of shut-ins, inactives, and others will
 Congratulations to our members who have made              be available on a small card for you to pick up in a
            these marital milestones.                      basket at the back of church, and pray for. It’s that
                                                           simple! This prayer connection may lead you to send a
                                                           note or call the person to let them know you are praying
     7/2    David & Tina Poel                 25 years     for them. We may not know the specific needs of a
     7/7    James & Mariane Andrews           58 years     person, but the Lord does. Thank you for joining with
     7/11   Jim & Joyce Dodge                 55 years     the prayers of Christ’s Church in this way!
     8/6    Mark & Diane Ouart                43 years
     8/10   Virgil & Carmen Pamperin          51 years

                   Reminder…when you enter a
                   hospital, be sure to say you are a
                   member of Concordia Lutheran, or
                   have a family member or friend call      Support Concordia Lutheran Church when you shop
                   the office or Pastor Mueller.                             with Amazon!
                   Otherwise we may not be aware of
                   your hospitalization.         
                   Thank you.
Congratulations Graduates!

 Katelyn Jagers

 During high school Katie was a volleyball manager for 3 years and played softball all
 four years. She received 2 varsity letters for softball and 3 varsity letters with
 volleyball. During her senior year, Katie took a CNA (certified nursing assistant) class
 through Blackhawk. She hopes to have her CNA license this summer and work through
 This fall, Katie will be attending Black Hawk to pursue a degree in nursing. She plans
 on obtaining her RN and BSN and specializing in trauma.
 Congratulations Katie!

 Brynn Johnson
                                   In high school, Brynn was involved in cheerleading, gymnastics, and track and
                                   field. She was also a member of National Honor Society, National Technical
                                   Honor Society, Student Council, Key Club, Student Library Advisory Panel,
                                   Link Crew, Student Welfare and Advisory, and the Silver Cord Committee. She
                                   was an Illinois State Scholar as well as an AP Scholar with Honor. Brynn also
                                   served as class president freshman and sophomore year, as well as Vice
                                   President for Key Club her junior year.
                                   Her senior year, Brynn was also a photographer for the Quad City Blues high
                                   school hockey team. She has been a volunteered at Hammond Henry Hospital
 for 5 years. In the fall, Brynn plans to attend Arizona State University to major in nursing with hopes of
 becoming a neonatal nurse practitioner.
 Congratulations Brynn!

 Kelly Parker

Daughter of Kevin and Christy Parker, Kelly graduated from Geneseo High School. She
plans to attend Augustana College.

 Rev. Brian Tuma

     By the grace of God through the Calling of God’s people, Jacob Brian Tuma will be ordained into the
     ministry of Word and Sacrament in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod through the Rite of Ordination
     Sunday, July 12, 2020 at 3:00 pm in Cordova, Nebraska. Your prayers and virtual presence are requested to
     watch the service live on St. John’s Lutheran Church Cordova, Nebraska Facebook page. Jacob has been
     called to serve as the pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Pierce, Nebraska.
               LUTHERAN CHURCH
               316 S. Oakwood Ave.
               Geneseo, IL 61254-1445


July 12       Voters Assembly Meeting at 1:30PM
Aug. 30       Congregational Picnic & Rally Day

                                                                                   Worship Schedule
Please contact the office and inform us                                           Divine Services
of any changes of name, address, marital status,                              Sundays 8:30 & 10:30am
email, phone, and cell phone.                                                           and
                                                                            Mondays 11:00am (for members who
                                                                          consider themselves high-risk or who are not yet
            Lutheran Hour Ministry Radio Program:                              comfortable meeting in a larger group)
    Station         City, State       Freq         Day    Time               (All services have capacity limited seating)
     WGEN           Kewanee, IL      1500 AM       Sun   5:30 AM
                                                                             Sunday 8:30 AM on Facebook
     WKEI           Kewanee, IL      1450 AM       Sun   5:30 AM              Sunday School 10:00 AM on
     WGN            Chicago, IL      720 AM        Sun   6:00 AM                    Facebook Live
     WMT          Cedar Rapids, IA   600 AM        Sun   6:30 AM               Rev. Stephen M. Mueller, Pastor
                                                                               Parsonage phone (309) 944-2827
     KCLN           Clinton, IA      1390 AM       Sun   9:30 AM

  Please continue to pray for:
  Pam and Art Taube, Gene Eiklor, Allison Franklin, Dorothy Johnson, Cindy Lee, Helen Stewart, Kathy Gale, Don
  Fleming, Chase Duff, Jim Glazier, John Cross, A.J. Gale, Eugenia Giebel, John Gravitt, Tony Snell, Cameron
  Mayo, Joan Maier, Chris Frisk, Connie Wagner, Alice Wright, Ed Schulmeister, Joanne Struss, Stephanie
  Kursock, Janine Persefield.
  Also in our prayers: Jordan Oliver, Darlene Ball, Julie Kuse, Lois Misfeldt and our inactive members.
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