The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.

Page created by Frances Ferguson
The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.
The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker
    and an apology to the plumbing industry.

       It’s one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.
The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.
The Toshiba Icemaker: State-of
                                        and automatic ice-making.


Automatic icemaker

Imagine always having ice ready-to-serve, whenever you need it without the hassle
and expense of installing a mains water supply to your fridge. That’s Toshiba innovation
at work. The Icemaker creates ice-cubes automatically using stored water, thus avoiding
the need for any plumbing. It operates at 16 cycles per day x 10 cubes per cycle and
stores 190 cubes. Production stops automatically when storage box is full.

                                                                                           Automatic icemaker

Cool Air Wrap

A new feature that cleans and deodorises the air to give you a fresher-smelling fridge.
Cool Air Wrap draws cooler, cleaner air from the far corners of the fridge interior and
circulates it. This swirl of fresh air brings with it cleansing negative ions to remove
allergens and contaminantes.

Compact dimensions
                                                                                             Cool Air Wrap
Despite its generous 566 litre capacity, the Icemaker makes very economical demands
on space. Toshiba has re-engineered the model to ensure it is compact enough to suit
a standard refrigerator cavity.


Compared with similar sized ice-making fridges, the Toshiba 566 litre Icemaker costs
considerably less.


The Icemaker is available in white, stainless steel or a glass door finish.

But that’s only the start of the Toshiba fridge story…
The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.
-the-art frost-free refrigeration
 No plumbing necessary.

       Larger overseas model shown
The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.
Every Toshiba FRIDGE beats the others
cold in standard features like these:

Hybrid Plasma Deodoriser

As soon as they’re put in the fridge, fruits and vegetables get busy making themselves
unattractive. By producing self-destructive ethylene gas, they actually soften and rot
themselves. But Toshiba’s Hybrid Plasma Deodoriser nips that in the bud by clearing
the air of bacteria, ethylene and odour molecules. Your food – and your fridge – stay
far fresher, far longer.

                                                                                            Hybrid Plasma Deodoriser
UV Fresh Guard

An ultra-violet (UV) LED ray in the chiller compartment which kills bacteria on meats
and fish – helping it last longer and stay fresher. UV-LED removes 95% of bacteria,
according to the Japan Food Analysis Center.

Ag+ Clean Crisper

Yet another freshness advance – the Ag+ Clean Crisper incorporates silver (Ag) to inhibit
bacteria growth, keeping fruit and vegetables fresher.
                                                                                                UV Fresh Guard

Glass shelves

Toughened glass offers the dual benefits of an easy-to-clean surface and greater
visibility of fridge contents.

LED lllumination

While others make do with hot lights in a cold place, Toshiba’s LED Illumination emits
no heat and helps maintain a more stable temperature control. Electricity consumption
is reduced by 99%.                                                                             Ag+ Clean Crisper

Easy to move

Grab handles and wheels on all models make it easy to move your Toshiba fridge
into position or when cleaning behind or under.

4 star energy efficiency

All Toshiba fridges offer a minimum 4 star energy efficiency, having been rated under
Minimum Energy Performance Standards – as listed on the Australian Government

Low noise, low vibration

A unique spring compressor system keeps engine noise low and vibration to a minimum.
The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.
The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.

Tall, dark and handsome and very well-tempered indeed.
Gone is the big bland enamel box of yesteryear – and in its place, the dark, dark glass
of the sleekest mobile phone or mp3 player. Talk about a cool piece of furniture!
Of course, the glass is tempered to make it far stronger than conventional glass,
quite strong enough to withstand the most enthusiastic handling.

GR-RG58DAA (GU)								                                                               GR-RG41DA (GU)
The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.

Toshiba appreciates the importance of minimising environmental impact.
Here are a few ways you can help:

 Know what you want before you open your refrigerator door. (Standing in front
   of an open fridge while wondering what you’ll take out makes your appliance
  work harder to stay cool which in turn creates added greenhouse gas emissions.)

 Don’t set your fridge temperature at levels colder than it needs to be.

 Keeping your refrigerator clean and well-maintained can also affect the way
   it consumes power.

 Ensure sufficient ventilation around your appliance (see manual for recommended
   clearance distances).

 Refrigerators are made to keep food cool. If yours is located near a heat source,
   such as a stove, or if it is in direct contact with sunlight, your appliance will have
  to work that much harder and you may find it difficult to achieve the cool
  temperatures you ideally want.

  Always ensure your door seals are kept clean as they are an important component
  to ensure your refrigerator works at it’s most efficient level.

  If you choose to store food ‘left overs’ in your fridge, always try to place
  in a storage container or wrap and allow to cool to room temperature
  before placing in the fridge.
The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.

                       For customer service or sales enquiries

                        CALL 1300 78 39 66
                 Brand Group Distribution Pty. Ltd. ACN 107 913 379.
The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba. The fridge that comes with an automatic icemaker and an apology to the plumbing industry - It's one of a range of superior fridges from Toshiba.
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