The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School

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The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School
The Friends’ School
Year 7-8 Course Book 2021

CRICOS Registration 00477G   The Friends’ School is an IB World School
The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School
Purpose & Concerns

The Friends’ School is a coeducational Quaker school based on fundamental values such
as the intrinsic worth of each person, the recognition of ‘that of God’ in everyone, the
desirability of simplicity and the need to establish peace and justice.

As a learning community, we are concerned for the academic, cultural, physical, social,
emotional and spiritual development of each person in our care.

We seek to help our students develop as people who will think clearly, act with integrity,
make decisions for themselves, be sensitive to the needs of others and the environment, be
strong in service and hold a global perspective.

We believe that these aims can best be achieved with the active support of all members of
our School community.
The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School

Learning Principles              1
Introduction                     2
       Year 7 Curriculum         2
       Year 8 Curriculum         3
       Pathways Beyond Year 8    4
       Pathways Beyond Year 10   4
       Homework                  4
       Assessment & Reporting    4
       Subject Support           5
Arts                             6
English                          11
Health                           13
Humanities                       15
Languages                        17
Mathematics                      21
Science                          23
Technology                       25
The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School
Learning Principles

Students learn best when …

They engage academically
•   Students know what success looks like, and where it leads to
•   Students make connections and construct meaning for themselves
•   Students experience success and identify progress made
•   Students learn from mistakes through meaningful reflection
•   Students connect new concepts with previous learning
•   Students receive constructive feedback that leads to action
•   Students are active and curious in their play and learning
•   Students are organised and prepared
•   Students have a voice in their learning
•   Students and educators are interacting, questioning and communicating collaboratively
•   Teachers design engaging learning experiences with multiple entry points
•   Staff model passion for learning

They are in a comfortable physical and emotional environment
• Students have confidence that they will be respected if they take a risk
• Students are challenged to consider alternative perspectives
• Students know that their physical and mental health is supported
• Students are intrinsically motivated to take action
• Students believe physically and mentally that they can
• Students’ physical comforts are being addressed with a focus on simplicity
• Students and teachers value the importance of the learning environment both inside and
• Students and teachers recognise the need for equity

They feel safe, secure and valued socially, culturally and spiritually
• Students trust the relationship, knowledge, skills and intent of other students and
• Students’ differences are acknowledged, respected and responded to appropriately
• Students know that their peers respect them
• Students develop a strong sense of self
• Students are not judged
• Students value sharing their learning
• Students maintain their sense of curiosity and wonder of the world around them
• Students acknowledge and understand that there is something greater in the world
  around them
• Students’ voice is respected, listened to and considered
• Staff support all parents regarding the culture and context of learning at Friends’
• Staff embrace building relationships with all families
• Staff enact consistent expectations
The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School
This book is designed to provide information on the courses offered at The Friends’ School for students
in Year 7 and Year 8. It covers eight learning areas, with individual descriptions of subjects within each
learning area arranged in alphabetical order, detailing the content of courses and the requirements
for completing these courses.

Year 7 Curriculum                                      reach a clear understanding of how they
The Year 7 program has been designed to be             learn best as individuals and in partnership
both a transition year between primary school          with others. Technology is used extensively
and secondary school and at the same time              within Connections, with particular attention to
a foundation year for secondary education.             information literacy and the consolidation of a
Students begin to develop the skills and               repertoire of research and multimedia skills.
knowledge required for successful learning
throughout their High School years, and they           The Outdoor Education program is included in
have the opportunity to experience many of the         the Connections program, which includes an
subjects available in Years 8 to 10.                   introductory camp at the beginning of the year,
                                                       a beach day, orienteering, mountain walk, winter
Students will take courses in all the eight learning   skills and a camp in Term 4.
areas upon which the curriculum throughout
the School is based: The Arts, English, Health,        Approach to Learning
Humanities, Languages, Mathematics, Science            Students in Year 7 are allocated to teaching
and Technology. Learning Support may also form         groups called Backhouse, Fry, Mott, Oats, Penn
part of a student’s learning program. A decision       and Walker, named after prominent Quakers.
to replace a subject with Learning Support is          Each group has a key teacher who teaches their
made in consultation with the student, parents         Connections program. The key teacher regularly
and Learning Support staff. In most cases,             liaises with other teachers of the group to ensure
Learning Support will replace a language, but          a cohesive learning program.
this will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
                                                       Throughout the Year 7 program, and especially
Connections                                            in Year 7 Connections, the emphasis is on
One full day each week is set aside for Year 7         developing study skills, competencies, and
students to participate in a program which aims to     the thinking processes involved in inquiry and
foster explicit connections between the learning       reflection. Our curriculum is based on teaching
areas and to develop the understandings outlined       for deep understanding, and developing the
in our Curriculum Statement. The emphasis is on        skills that allow students to learn independently.
teaching and learning approaches that promote
knowledge acquisition, skill development
and deep understanding that emerge from a
transdisciplinary curriculum.

Extended tasks are seen as an ideal vehicle
for allowing students to develop independent
work habits, self-reliance and their ability to
persevere. Students are encouraged through
inquiry, reflection and self-assessment to

The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School
Year 8 Curriculum                                     •   Mathematics or Modified Mathematics
Year 8 builds on the foundation course completed      •   Science.
in Year 7 and leads into the learning programs
offered in Years 9 and 10, where there is a           In addition, students select electives.
considerable range of subject choices. In Year 8,
students take a combination of compulsory and         Process for Selecting Electives
elective subjects. English, Mathematics, Science,     Step 1 – Select one language from:
Health and Physical Education are compulsory          • Chinese
and must be taken throughout Years 8 to 10.           • French
Humanities is compulsory in Years 7 to 9, with        • German
one semester of History studied in Year 10.           • Japanese.
                                                      Each language is a two-unit course that will run
In addition to the compulsory subjects, students      all year.
in Year 8 choose elective subjects in The Arts,
Languages and Technology. Students also               Step 2 – Select one unit from The Arts and another
have extended time set aside to participate in        one from Technology:
a Connections program which links themes in
individual subjects in a transdisciplinary way.       The Arts:
                                                      • Art
Subjects and Units                                    • Ceramics
Subjects are divided into units and run for           • Dance
one or two semesters. In one year there are           • Drama
two semesters of equal length. Whether units          • Music.
are undertaken in Semester 1 or Semester 2
depends on many factors, but specific requests        Technology:
can usually be accommodated.                          • Computer Graphics and Design
                                                      • Control Technology
In Year 8, English, Mathematics and Science have      • Design and Technology
an allocation of four hours per week. All other       • Digital Technology
subjects have three hours per week.                   • Food and Textiles.

Building a Timetable                                  Step 3 – Select two more units. These can be
Students decide at the end of Year 7, after           another language, two units from The Arts and/
consultation with parents and teachers, which         or Technology area which have not already been
subjects they intend to take in Year 8. All courses   chosen, a unit of Additional English or one or
are reviewed at the end of each semester. In          two units of Subject Support, if recommended.
most cases the current choices remain, although,
occasionally alterations are made as interests and    An individual student timetable for Semester
needs change. Parents are kept fully informed         1 is generated from electronically submitted
and are involved in the process.                      selections. Every effort is made to accommodate
                                                      student choices but some subjects can only be
                                                      offered when there is sufficient demand. Also,
A student’s timetable in Year 8 will automatically    there may be particular combinations that cannot
include the compulsory subjects:                      be fitted into the timetable. When making course
• English                                             choices, students will be asked to select subjects
• Health and Physical Education                       in order of preference so that those subjects
• Humanities                                          given the highest priority are included.
The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School
At the start of Semester 2, students are issued      Homework
with a new timetable, which will include the         Students in Years 7 and 8 are expected to
continuation of the compulsory and language          complete homework on a regular basis. The
subjects and the new electives.                      number of hours per week may vary.

Modifications to the timetable are made for          In some subjects, such as Languages and
students recommended for Subject Support or          Mathematics, it can be beneficial to have shorter,
English as an Additional Language or Dialect         regular bursts of homework. Other assignments
(EAL/D). These options usually replace an            may be of longer duration, requiring students to
elective subject but variations to this are made     coordinate homework requirements over several
on a case-by-case basis.                             days or weeks. It is important that students learn
                                                     the skills of pacing their work over time and
Pathways Beyond Year 8                               meeting deadlines, and homework is designed
Year 9 courses in The Arts and Technology are        to assist with this learning process.
designed to accommodate all students, including
those who may not have taken a subject in Year       Assessment & Reporting
8. It is more challenging to pick up a Language in   Assessment of student learning is carried out on
Year 9 without previous exposure and a decision      a continuous basis and reports are issued each
to do this would be done in consultation with        term. Progress Reports provide a mid-semester
appropriate staff.                                   indication of academic progress at the end of
                                                     Terms 1 and 3. These are followed by Subject
Pathways Beyond Year 10                              Reports with an award at the end of Terms 2
At our Years 11 and 12 Clemes campus the             and 4. In some cases, where there has been
following pathways of study are offered:             limited evidence of achievement, a ‘Comment
                                                     Only’ report may be issued. This report does not
Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)             include an award but instead focuses on specific
There are no compulsory subjects and students        achievements and skills. Reports each term also
may choose to specialise in a particular learning    include an indication of a student’s approach to
area or to keep options broad. A wide range of       learning.
TCE subjects is offered. Currently, TCE courses
run for one year.                                    At various times in each term, written feedback
                                                     on learning tasks is provided through SEQTA.
Vocational Education and Training (VET)              This provides students with the opportunity to
The TCE can be taken alone or in conjunction         reflect on their learning, identify areas of strength,
with one or more Vocational Education and            and to set goals for future growth. Release of this
Training (VET) courses.                              feedback through SEQTA Engage also provides
                                                     parents with the opportunity to view and follow
International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP)           learning progress.
This program is presented as a package with three
common elements which incorporate Theory of          Learning     conferences       provide     formal
Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Action and Service      opportunities for parents to have discussions with
(CAS) and an Extended Essay. In addition, all        tutors and subject teachers regarding student
students must do a Literature subject, a second      progress, although parents are encouraged to
language, and a Mathematical subject, as well        contact teachers or tutors at any time should the
as selections from the Humanities, Science and,      need arise.
if desired, Art subjects. Subjects in the IBDP are
run as two-year courses.

The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School
Assessment                                              A
Students are assessed in each subject against           Excellent level of achievement of knowledge, skills
the applicable Achievement Standards of the             and understandings expected at this year level
Australian Curriculum. Where the Australian             B
Curriculum does not apply, a school Achievement         High level of achievement of knowledge, skills and
                                                        understandings expected at this year level
Standard is used. The Achievement Standard
describes the standard of knowledge, skills             C
                                                        Sound level of achievement of knowledge, skills
and understanding expected by the end of the
                                                        and understandings expected at this year level
                                                        Approaching the level of achievement of knowl-
On individual assessments, students receive             edge, skills and understandings expected at this
ratings of A, B, C, D or E to indicate the extent to    year level
which they are meeting the relevant descriptors         E
of the year level Achievement Standard. Ratings         Limited level of achievement of knowledge, skills
of C, B and A respectively, indicate sound, high        and understanding expected at this year level
and excellent levels of achievement within the
year level standard. A rating of D indicates that       The knowledge, skills and understanding expected
                                                        at any year level includes a range of achievement
a student is approaching the standard expected
                                                        from C-A.
for their year level. An E rating is used where
there is limited evidence of achievement.
                                                       Subject Support
Feedback is an integral and continual part of the      Subject Support is structured for small groups
assessment process and the primary means of            of students who need assistance to develop the
communicating strengths, areas for growth and          knowledge base, skills and strategies necessary
next steps in learning. Students are encouraged        to become confident, independent learners.
to actively engage with and implement various          Students are encouraged to build on their
forms of feedback to help improve their learning       strengths and overcome their weaknesses by
outcomes.                                              way of individual programs, tailored to meet their
Subject Awards
Students are given an overall award in each            This is not an elective but teachers and tutors
subject at the end of each semester. The award         may recommend this course after consultation
indicates the extent to which they have met the        with the Learning Support Department, if there is
Achievement Standard for the subject. Awards           concern about a student’s progress.
are given according to the following scale.
                                                       Extension Support
In addition to overall awards, most reports            Learning Support can also be provided for
include a broad indication of progress in relation     students requiring extension and enrichment in
to two or three Sub-elements of the Achievement        their core curriculum work. This can be provided
Standard. This is a means of highlighting areas of     within the classroom in consultation with the
strength and focuses for future growth within the      teacher and/ or relevant Head of Faculty, can
Standard.                                              incorporate selected co-curricular activities
                                                       and, in some instances, may take the form of an
                                                       individual learning program.
The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School

Year 7 Art                                             Year 8 Art
The Year 7 course serves as an introduction to         The Year 8 Art course builds on the Year 7 art
Art as a form of communication and expression.         experience.
The development of observational skills is
encouraged and an awareness of the importance          The objectives of the Year 8 Art course are for
of elements of design like line, colour, shape,        students to:
texture and composition is highlighted.                • Develop visual perception
                                                       • Learn how artists work with materials and
Students use a variety of media, for example              ideas
paint, clay, pastels and dyes, in various areas such   • Acquire technical skills
as drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture.       • Become familiar with the elements of design
The course serves as an introduction to Art and        • Learn to make aesthetic judgements
Ceramics in Years 8 - 10. Practical and theory         • Understand art in a cultural context
work form integral components of this course.          • Communicate with others through art works
                                                       • Demonstrate personal thoughts and feelings
                                                          in art works.

                                                       This unit is for one semester only. Students will
                                                       learn a variety of drawing, painting, printmaking
                                                       and mixed media techniques based on the study
                                                       of design elements.

                                                       During the art experience students will
                                                       personalise their journal using their own
                                                       decorated papers. The journal will be used to
                                                       record and document progress and research. The
                                                       theory and practical components of this course
                                                       are interwoven so that one is dependent upon
                                                       the other. The relevant study of art and artists is
                                                       the basis of each piece of work. The emphasis
                                                       is on observation, research, exploration and

                                                       Assessment in Art
                                                       For assessment in Art, work is broken down into
                                                       objectives or parts so that students know what
                                                       is expected of them before starting the work.
                                                       The parts serve as a checklist for students and
                                                       teachers so that all aspects of a syllabus have
                                                       been addressed. Each project is assessed by
                                                       looking at evidences in students’ practical and
                                                       journal work. The ability to follow instructions,
                                                       use media and techniques appropriately,
                                                       explore possibilities, research relevant theory,

The Friends' School Year 7-8 Course Book 2021 - CRICOS Registration 00477G The Friends' School is an IB World School - The Friends' School
experiment independently and creatively              of achievement.
and produce art works are all evidences of
achievement.                                         All components of the course are assessed
All components of the course are assessed            progressively during the semester and finally as
progressively during the semester and finally as     a complete body of work towards the end of the
a complete body of work towards the end of the       semester.

Year 8 - Ceramics                                    Year 8 - Dance
This is an Art course. The medium is clay.           Dance is offered as an elective in Year 8. This
The objectives of the Ceramics course are for        practical subject is designed to introduce the
students to:                                         foundations of technique and dance skills in a
• Develop visual perception                          sequential and logical way so that students are
• Learn how artists work with materials and          able to develop their physical facility to dance
    ideas                                            any style with greater confidence and success.
• Acquire technical skills                           Students can expect that in working through
• Become familiar with the elements of design        the preparatory exercises in ballet, jazz and
• Learn to make aesthetic judgements                 contemporary dance they will gain:
• Understand art in a cultural context               • Improved strength
• Communicate with others through art works          • Greater flexibility
• Demonstrate personal thoughts and feelings         • Co-ordination of whole body
    in art works.                                    • Time management and collaboration skills
                                                     • Better concentration and self-awareness.
This unit is for one semester only. Students will
learn a variety of design and ceramic techniques     In learning the basics of dance training, students
and will gain an understanding of the processes      will begin work on safe warm-ups, how to execute
involved in studio management.                       basic turns and jumps, and common dance steps
                                                     found in a range of genres. As well as the core
Practical ceramic work draws on observation          focus on acquiring skills, students also gain an
from a wide variety of sources and students are      insight into the foundations of different dance
encouraged to explore and experiment in this         styles and the influence they continue to have
area. The relevant study of art and artists is the   today.
basis of each piece of work.
                                                     Choreographic work includes exploring the
Assessment in Ceramics                               elements of dance and choreographic devices,
For assessment in Ceramics, tasks are broken         and how these are used to create cohesive
down into objectives or parts so that students       works that realise an intention.. Dancers are
know what is expected of them before starting        encouraged to be creative and create their own
the work. The parts serve as a checklist for         short dance works and perform for their peers
students and teachers so that all aspects of a       with accuracy and focus. To supplement practical
syllabus have been addressed. Each project is        work and to gain a deeper understanding of the
assessed by looking at evidences in students’        nature of dance, students can expect units on
practical and journal work. The ability to           the following:
follow instructions, use media and techniques
appropriately, explore possibilities, research       •   Anatomy: the joints of the body, the major
relevant theory, experiment independently and            muscle groups and which muscles to use in
creatively and produce artworks are all evidences        exercises
                                                     •   Written Reflection: reflecting on individual
choreographic decisions and the work of         Drama
    others                                          The Year 7 course assumes students have
•   Safe dance: awareness of personal               only had some experience of Drama during
    limitations, the role of practice, warm ups     their primary education. It aims to introduce
    and cool downs                                  important basic skills used in movement and
•   Performance: preparing for performance,         verbal communication, encourage creativity
    theatre conventions for dancers, basic stage    through drama and develop appreciation of live
    make up for dancers, the role of costume.       performance. Students will undertake some tasks
                                                    individually and some in a variety of groups. There
Students will be challenged based on their          will be opportunities to increase confidence
capabilities and will be required to choreograph    and self-esteem as students experience success
and perform both as a soloist and as a member of    and enjoyment in completing and reflecting on
a group. Dance is a performance-based subject,      their work. There is a strong focus throughout
so students will be required to perform for their   this course on developing the skills to work
peers, as well as to a wider public audience at     collaboratively with a range of peers.
the end of the semester. The final performance
will be rehearsed extensively in class to ensure    Drama in Year 7 is concerned with developmental
students gain feedback and are comfortable          processes rather than an end product.
and confident to take the stage. Students are       It is concerned with the:
required to wear basic dance clothes for safety     • Growth of self confidence
and comfort.                                        • Growth of sensitivity and consideration
                                                         towards others
                                                    • Growth of spontaneity and resourcefulness
                                                    • Growth and flexible use of language
                                                    • Development of commitment to a group and
                                                         to seeing through a task
                                                    • Development of understanding and use of
                                                         dramatic techniques.

                                                    Students will gain an introduction to Drama
                                                    through improvisation and co-operative games.
                                                    They will develop speaking skills in formal and
                                                    impromptu situations. Movement, storytelling
                                                    and poetry will also be practised.

                                                    Drama in Year 8 provides opportunities for
                                                    students to:
                                                    • Explore through role-play a range of human
                                                       ideas and experiences
                                                    • Develop the expressive skills of voice,
                                                       movement and improvisation in order to
                                                       communicate meaning to an audience
                                                    • Develop group working skills of co-operation,
                                                       negotiation, planning and evaluating
                                                    • Develop appropriate dramatic and stagecraft
                                                       skills to explore and extend the drama
                                                    • Select and use appropriate production

elements such as set, props, costume, lighting    Students also develop characterisation skills
    and sound to enhance dramatic meaning             through writing and performance of simple
•   Use other expressive forms (e.g. mask,            duologues and play scripts. The emphasis is
    dance, mime, lighting, music, set design) to      on building convincing interaction between
    enhance the emotional tone and meaning of         characters and using language and appropriate
    the drama                                         movement, gesture and facial expression to
•   Reflect constructively on drama experiences       effectively express a character’s feelings and
    to enhance future development.                    ideas.

This unit extends the work introduced in Year 7       The basic elements of vocal technique including
and is a preparatory unit for the courses available   warm-ups, projecting, use of pitch, pause, pace
in Years 9 and 10. It covers role-play, non-verbal    and tone are taught through creative activities.
communication,         character development,         Students then move on to performance poetry
speaking skills, poetry, expressive movement,         skills including use of the body and movement
vocal and physical warm-ups and group working         to enhance verbal interpretation.
                                                      The culmination of the unit is the creation of an
Students begin by observing non-verbal                original group melodrama based on the study
communication and developing their skills of          of the genre and exploration of stock characters
interpretation and expression. They then move         and themes. The culminating performance
on to develop convincing role-plays using             makes use of theatrical elements such as lighting,
verbal as well as non-verbal elements through         sound, costume and set.
exploration of a negotiated theme. Other more
stylised techniques such as freeze-frames and         Work outside class consists of writing journal
still image are introduced during the course of       entries plus other small practical or written tasks
the theme.                                            that arise through classwork.
Music                                                 Year 8 Music allows for a more detailed
Music in Years 7 and 8 emphasises the practical       investigation of the elements of music through
activities of playing, singing, composing and         a variety of practical, theoretical and creative
listening. Through these activities students          activities. Given lessons occur more frequently
explore the musical elements of time, pitch,          there is increased opportunity for concentrated
timbre, dynamics and texture. As the elements         performance work, as a soloist and within
are explored, students play and listen to music       an ensemble. Students who do not possess
from a range of styles and genres, with repertoire    specific skills on an instrument will still be able
chosen from classical, popular and folk traditions.   to participate using their voice or a range of
Much of the practical work occurs in large and        percussion instruments.
small groups, allowing opportunity to develop
effective ensemble and collaborative skills.          It is assumed that students in Year 8 will take
Students are encouraged to use instruments            a more autonomous approach to their music
they can already play, sing or use classroom          making. As a result there is an increased
percussion. At times pieces prepared in class will    opportunity for students to pursue music that is
feature in live performances in front of a larger     of interest to them.
                                                      Students will be required to listen regularly to
Students in both years will be strongly               music with most of the listening occurring during
encouraged to also participate in the School’s        class time.
co-curricular program.
                                                      The basic elements of music notation are
Year 7 Music strongly emphasises practical and        revisited with an emphasis on reading and
creative music making. Students will have the         writing rhythm, and interpreting pitch notation.
opportunity to participate using their voice.         In addition to utilising the elements of formal
                                                      notation, students will be encouraged to apply
The opportunity also exists to work with visiting     informal approaches such as playing by ear and
musicians.                                            improvising.

Year 7 Units                                          Year 8 Units
Semester 1                Semester 2                  Semesters 1 & 2
Drum it! - hand           Create it! - electronic     Counting the Bear
drumming and              music and soundtrack        Pitch & Melody in Music
percussion ensemble       creation                    Silent Film Music
                                                      Negotiated Project
Pitch it! - singing and   Compose or Cover            Class Ensemble Performance
class instrumental        - small group
ensembles                 compositions /

English in the High School builds students’ skills     English Years 7 & 8
in effective communication, analytical thinking        Year 7 and 8 English are sequential, year-long
and in engaging imaginatively with ideas about         courses in which students are encouraged
texts, language, human experiences and the             to read widely for pleasure and for critical
world around them.                                     analysis. They learn about language and its
                                                       power to shape meaning. They examine and
The High School English syllabuses reflect             articulate their own ideas and values and those
the Australian Curriculum framework, which is          of others. They learn to use descriptive detail
built around the three inter-related strands of        and supporting evidence from texts to develop
Language, Literature and Literacy. Together,           effective responses. English in Years 7 and 8
these strands focus on developing students’ skills     requires consolidation of grammar, vocabulary
in reading, viewing, listening, writing, speaking      and spelling skills. Students are expected to
and creating texts.                                    strive for fluency and appropriateness of style.

Literature remains the English teacher’s primary       In Year 7, students will have the opportunity to:
resource material and students examine novels,         • Investigate their own and other cultural
poetry, drama, film and non-fiction texts. Students        identities and values through a picture book
further examine the language features and                  analysis
content of visual texts, journalism, advertising,      • Enjoy and respond to literature through
multimodal, oral and online texts. Some of                 individual and whole class novel studies
these texts will be Australian literature, including   • Analyse a range of persuasive texts
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories and      • Research, write and present speeches
some will be texts from and about Asia.                • Craft their own creative writing
                                                       • Write puppet play scripts
Students are encouraged to read widely, to             • Analyse and enjoy poetry
develop an appreciation of literature, to enter        • Explore film as text
imaginatively into fictional worlds and the points     • Engage in a weekly spelling program
of view of others and to develop skills to analyse     • Undertake skill-building activities to extend
texts and language critically.                             their knowledge of grammar and punctuation
                                                           and develop their language competencies.

                                                       In Year 8 students will have the opportunity to:
                                                       • Learn and observe the conventions of the
                                                           formal register in writing
                                                       • Examine the transition of a novel to screen
                                                       • Study a novel and relevant subsidiary texts
                                                           from a chosen genre of fiction
                                                       • Examine a range of poetic language and
                                                       • Explore Indigenous perspectives in texts
                                                       • Examine and develop responses to ethical
                                                           issues raised in texts
                                                       • Craft a persuasive cause marketing
                                                           advertisement pitch for a chosen cause or
•   Play with and enjoy language and its                English as an Additional Language
    possibilities through the creation of picture
                                                        or Dialect (EAL/D)
                                                        EAL/D is offered in Years 7 and 8 for students
•   Undertake skill-building activities to extend
                                                        who need to develop their English language
    their knowledge of grammar and punctuation
                                                        in order to integrate more fully into the life of
    and develop their language competencies.
                                                        the School. The course is designed to prepare
                                                        students for the study of EAL/D in Years 9 and
English Support in Year 7                               10 and is a pathway to non pre-tertiary EAL/D
In Year 7, an English teacher works collaboratively     in Year 11 and pre-tertiary EAL/D in Year 12,
with classroom teachers of English throughout           or Language B English in the International
the year to support the development of students’        Baccalaureate. The course focuses on Academic
literacy skills. All Year 7 students will participate   English and further aims to give students the
in a weekly spelling program. The English               reading, writing, speaking and listening skills
Support teacher will further work with students         that will allow them to comprehend, participate
with particular needs on a weekly basis.                in, and contribute effectively to their classes.
                                                        There are six hours of EAL/D per week. Three of
Additional English in Year 8                            these follow a set curriculum and the remaining
Additional English is a literacy support program        three give individual support to students in
offered in Year 8 for students who wish to              developing their language skills to help them
consolidate and expand their English skills and         access learning in their other subjects.
become more confident language users. The
program is based upon the three strands of the
Australian Curriculum. Students will develop their
skills and knowledge of spelling, punctuation
and functional grammar. They will learn to
structure their writing in sentences, paragraphs
and extended pieces. They will develop skills for
decoding texts and for expressing their ideas in
more detail. They will also study a novel in detail
and be encouraged to read widely.

This program is offered as a one-semester
subject of three hours per week, taken in addition
to core English. Students may choose this course
themselves or their teacher may recommend it in
consultation with parents. There is a process of
negotiation between parents, staff and students
regarding the student’s suitability for the class.

Additional English assists students to become
more prepared for and to have greater success
in Year 9 English and beyond.

Friends’ is a health-promoting school and a          range of motor skills that will enable them to
holistic approach is taken to the study of Health    be more successful participants in the complex
and Physical Education.                              games and sports that are covered in Years 9
                                                     and 10. Students are encouraged to work safely,
Social, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual    enthusiastically and collaboratively in large and
health are the foci of the teaching and learning     small team situations as well as completing
in all areas of this curriculum. Students are        individual tasks. Throughout the year students
encouraged to value, maintain and promote a          undertake units in aquatics and water safety,
healthy lifestyle.                                   athletics, bicycle education, body and spatial
                                                     awareness, fitness, sports skills and dance.
The components of the Health Education
Framework are delivered through structured           Year 8 students are further extended in their
classes, both practical and theoretical, as well     motor skill acquisition and have the opportunity
as Outdoor Education experiences conducted           to undertake more complex games and sports as
by Outdoor Education teachers and assistants         their skills progress. In Year 8 there is an increasing
in collaboration with the Year 7 Connections         focus on the decision making components of
program.                                             successful sports performance, with greater
                                                     exploration of the concepts of strategy planning
                                                     and tactical decision making. The main units of
Physical Education
                                                     work explored in Year 8 are the same as for Year
Students in Year 7 undertake a range of different
                                                     7, however, in each case the outcomes required
physical education activities that are challenging
                                                     of the students are of a higher standard and
and engaging, involving a wide variety of
                                                     the tasks are of a more challenging nature, with
movement environments. The program seeks
                                                     greater focus on individual responsibility.
to develop in students a greater mastery of a
Health Theory                                          explore our local environments including costal,
In many cases, the theory course aligns with the       bush and bike, river and mountain environments
practical units whereby concepts and issues            to build practical skills in rafting, coasteering,
explored physically, are discussed in greater          mountain biking and surfing. October will see
detail. Areas of study in Year 7 and 8 Health Theory   students undertake a guided multiday program
include coping strategies, building resilience,        in which students explore environments
responsible practices, self-responsibility, body       including river, island, alpine or coast to build on
awareness and personal identity.                       previous experiences and practical skills.

In Year 7 the Health Theory classes encourage
students to explore their attitudes to friendship
and effective strategies for making new friends
are discussed and modelled. Other areas of
study include aquatic safety, health benefits of
physical activity, components of fitness, human
anatomy, bullying and harassment, risk taking
and the SafeLanding program, in which issues
such as relationships, values, decision making
and sexual growth are explored. Year 7 students
are required to complete a rigorous ‘Health
Challenge’ assessment task in the second
semester of the year.

In Year 8 Health Theory, students learn about
effective and responsible communication in a
range of verbal, non-verbal and electronic forms.
The Outdoor Education program becomes
integrated in Health Theory and is used as a basis
for discussing themes such as self-responsibility,
risk taking, nutrition and effective teamwork.
Other areas of study in Year 8 include fitness,
nutrition, protective behaviours, cyber safety,
drug use, body image and identity and healthy

Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education includes a three-day, two-
night program at the start of Year 7. Foundation
camping, bushwalking and beach skills are
developed. During Year 7, day experiences
include kayaking, beach safety, orienteering,
a long bushwalk and winter skills. The year
concludes with a three-day camp. Mountain
biking, abseiling and lightweight camp craft are
the key focus areas. The program is delivered in
parallel with the Connections program.

In Term 1, Year 8 students have the opportunity to
Humanities in the High School focuses on             Year 7 Humanities
the study of society and the environment. It         Humanities knowledge and understanding
incorporates subject disciplines such as History,
Geography, Business and Economics, and Civics        In Year 7 Humanities, students study History
and Citizenship. Humanities subjects emphasise       when they describe the reasons and effects for
inquiry-based teaching and learning. Learners        change and continuity in ancient societies. They
spend time developing skills in communication,       describe events and developments from the
analysis and research. Learners engage in            perspective of different people who lived in the
activities designed to promote empathy,              ancient world and they explain the role of groups
identify the context and significance of events      and the significance of key individuals.
and developments, incorporate multiple
perspectives and recognise the value of using        Students in Year 7 explore Civics and Citizenship
evidence to justify a point of view.                 when they explain features of Australia’s
                                                     Constitution, the diverse nature of Australian
All students in Years 7 to 9 study Humanities,       society, the ways they can be active and informed
followed by History in Year 10.                      citizens and when they identify the importance
                                                     of shared values in promoting cohesiveness.
In Year 9 students may select Geography and/or
Economics, Business & Law 1 (EBL) as semester        Year 7 students study Business and Economics
long units in addition to the core Humanities        when they explore the interdependence of
program.                                             consumers and producers in the market and
                                                     identify the reasons individuals choose to work
All students in Year 10 study History. In addition   and the various sources of income that exist.
to this core subject, students can select a range    They study Geography when they investigate
of Humanities options during Year 10. These          the interconnections between people, places
options include Economics, Business & Law 1          and environments - particularly as it applies to
and / or 2 (EBL), Geography, Global Politics,        the resource of water.
Social Psychology, Religion and Philosophy.
                                                     Term 1 - Investigating the past
Humanities objectives:                               Term 2 - Ancient Greece and China
• To expand students’ knowledge and                  Term 3 - Introducing Economics and Business
  understanding of their own society, other          Term 4 - Geography - Water in the World.
  societies, local and global environments,
  and the relationships between societies and
• To promote the acquisition of knowledge,
  skills, attitudes and values that enable
  students to participate as active and informed
  citizens in society and within the global
Year 8 Humanities                                   Year 8 students study Civics and Citizenship
Humanities knowledge and understanding              when they explore the different types of law
                                                    in Australia, how laws are made, the features
In Year 8 Humanities, students study Geography      of Australia’s democracy that enable active
when they investigate interconnections and          participation and when they identify and analyse
change within and between environments and          diverse belief systems and points of view.
between people and places. They explore how
places are perceived and valued differently, they   Students study History by recognising and
propose explanations for spatial distributions,     explaining patterns of change and continuity
patterns, trends and relationships in the natural   over time and the causes and effects of events
and built environments.                             and developments in Medieval Europe and
                                                    Japan under the Shogunate.
Year 8 students study Business and Economics
when they investigate how markets operate           Term 1 - Landforms, Landscapes and Urbanisation
and recognise why governments may influence         Term 2 - The Market, Business and Government
the market’s operation. Students explain the        Term 3 - Medieval Europe
rights and responsibilities of consumers and        Term 4 - Shogunate Japan
businesses, describe the influences on the way
people work and factors that may affect work in
the future.

To have another language is to possess a second soul. – Charlemagne

The study of a language is a rewarding and            In Year 8 students are progressively assessed
enriching experience. The ability to communicate      against the Australian Curriculum Achievement
with others in their own language brings with it a    Standard and it focuses on ‘communicating’ and
satisfaction that extends far beyond the confines     ‘understanding’. They build on key language skills
of the classroom, providing many opportunities        (interactive, receptive and productive), which
for students to develop cross-cultural and            will help them understand how language works
international perspectives. The study of              and will give them the capacity to communicate
Languages can, in fact, be the springboard for        effectively in the target language. From learning
numerous options in employment and training,          songs to writing poetry to engaging in role-play
education, travel, leisure, community and family      scenarios, Year 8 students are provided with
involvements.                                         many opportunities to develop and use the
                                                      acquired language skills.
Students who study a language learn to
communicate in their chosen target language in        Year 8 students are advised to consider their
a variety of contexts, using modern, relevant texts   language choices carefully. We do offer some
and resources. The increasing use of technology       flexibility in our Languages program so that
means that students have more direct contact          students may be able to pick up a new language
than ever before with the people and events           in Year 9 or Year 10. Such an arrangement must
in the countries where the chosen language is         first be discussed with the Head of Languages.
spoken.                                               However, students should note that it is rarely
                                                      possible to reach the standard required for
Years 7 and 8 Languages are in accordance with        study at pre-tertiary level unless the student has
the Australian Curriculum: Languages. Students        worked sequentially through all High School
will study four target languages in Year 7 and        units of the language.
up to two target languages in Year 8. The four
languages offered at The Friends’ School are          Languages’ Celebration Days, each including a
Chinese, French, German and Japanese.                 Food Fair and a cultural activity, as well as the
                                                      Year 7 Puppet Unit are annual highlights of the
In Year 7 in each semester students study one         Year 7 and 8 Languages programs.
Asian and one European language, so that they
have four half-semester ‘blocks’ of language          Successful completion of a Languages course
study during the year. These courses, based           in the High School prepares students for
on a communicative approach to language               further study of the language in Year 11 and/
learning, are designed to provide an enjoyable        or Year 12. Students should also note that a
introduction to the study of Languages.               second language is a compulsory subject in the
                                                      International Baccalaureate Diploma, which is
After studying each of the languages in Year          offered in Years 11 and 12 as an alternative to
7, students are asked to choose one or more           the Tasmanian Certificate of Education.
languages for further study in Year 8. They
may then continue their Languages studies by
taking sequential programs in Years 9 and 10
respectively to complete the course.
Chinese                                              French
The Year 7 Mandarin Chinese course acquaints         The aim of the Year 7 introductory course is to
students with some fascinating aspects of            stimulate students’ interest in French speaking
Chinese language and culture through simple          countries and to introduce students to French
listening, speaking, reading and writing             through simple language activities designed to
activities. Communication tasks in Chinese           develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and
will utilise computer games, a bargaining            writing.
unit and simple role-plays. Students will learn
basic communication techniques such as self-         As a lively, communicative approach is taken,
introduction, greetings and conversation for         students are encouraged to use the language
daily life.                                          in individual tasks (e.g. preparing a word
                                                     document with photos) and group situations (e.g.
The course will give students some experience in     dialogues). During the course, students share
writing the language in both pinyin and Chinese      in French cultural experiences and a traditional
characters.                                          French pastry is enjoyed.

Some fundamental aspects of Chinese culture          The Year 8 course aims to develop the
will be studied. These will include the Chinese      students’ skills in the four major skill areas of
Spring Festival and Chinese food.                    listening, speaking, reading and writing. These
                                                     communication skills are based on everyday
The Year 8 course in Mandarin Chinese builds         French, used in familiar situations. French is used
on the basic concepts of Chinese introduced          as much as possible in the classroom to maximise
in Year 7, but new students require no previous      students’ exposure to the language.
                                                     A cultural awareness program is well integrated
Students will develop their ability to talk about    into the course. This aims to make the
themselves, their daily life and immediate           students confident in knowing something of
experiences. Writing skills will focus upon the      the francophone way of life, to broaden an
acquisition of characters so that students can       awareness of the nature of language learning
read and write basic sentences and short plays.      and to develop students’ understanding and
They will have the opportunity to use their          appreciation of the francophone culture. The
computers for writing Chinese.                       tasting of French specialties is a popular aspect
                                                     of this part of the course.
A modern text developed in Australia for use by
Australian students forms the basis of this course   The High School textbooks, Tapis Volant 1 &
and will be supplemented by other internet           2, form the basis of class work. These texts
resources.                                           have been specifically designed for Australian
                                                     students and combine relevant and authentic
The cultural aspect of this course will include a    cultural material with a lively communicative
basic exploration of Chinese tradition and will      approach to language learning.
introduce students to China’s more recent history
and contemporary events.                             Year 8 French builds on the basic language
                                                     concepts introduced in Year 7, but previous
                                                     exposure to the language is not essential.

German                                               Links between Australia and German-speaking
Learning a new language is an exciting               countries are emphasised, and students may also
experience and this Year 7 introductory course       have the chance to meet the German exchange
is no exception. The aims are to present an          teachers and students who visit the School.
interesting introduction to the country and its
language and to create further interest - perhaps    Year 8 German builds on the basic language
to travel, to read widely or to study the language   concepts introduced in Year 7, but previous
in depth.                                            exposure to the language is not essential.

The course draws from a wide selection of            Japanese
materials currently available. The emphasis is       Using a school developed workbook, Year 7
on conversational, everyday German, although         students learn how to provide detail in both the
students also develop reading and writing skills     written and spoken forms on a range of topics
in German.                                           related to their own self-profile.

The content of the lessons relates to the students   Some time is devoted to developing a
themselves and their families or friends, as well    recognition of Hiragana script and some basic
as everyday life. Games, puzzles and songs           Kanji (Chinese) characters. The writing system
are used to reinforce the language material.         involves recognition through exercises, games
Sampling of German food occurs on occasions.         and experiences such as calligraphy.
he Year 8 German course lends itself to easy oral    The oral skills are structured around personal
communication between course participants, as        introductions and short role plays which students
it focuses on themes and situations of interest      can readily utilise to communicate with Japanese
to this age group. By the end of the course,         visitors and each other, and which become the
students will be able to speak about a wide          focal point of the study of Japanese in Year 8.
variety of topics, ranging from sports and school
to animals and food.                                 Cultural awareness is fostered through films,
                                                     games and opportunities to taste Japanese food
A variety of appropriate and often amusing           in class. When possible, students are provided
listening exercises form part of the program.        with the opportunity to make personal contact
Students’ writing skills are also developed.         with students from affiliated Japanese schools,
These, combined with the grammatical skills          which illustrates the practical use of language at
covered, form a solid foundation for continuing      this early stage.
                                                     Year 8 Japanese builds on the basic language
Studying German in this manner also contributes      concepts introduced in Year 7, but previous
to the students’ understanding of English, by        exposure to the language is not essential.
their noting the connections between the two
languages.                                           Oral skills are focused on                 everyday
                                                     communication needs such as the ability to
Students are also exposed to a range of media,       introduce oneself and one’s family, discussion
including films, songs, games, puzzles and other     about one’s leisure activities and the use of
authentic material. Computer technology is used      simple expressions in basic conversation. These
where appropriate. A sampling of German food         skills are developed by use of a lively text and CD
is also arranged.                                    series, and various cultural activities throughout
                                                     the year.
Writing skills involve decipering the Hiragana
writing system, while being introduced to the
katakana writing system for recognition and
developing a basic understanding of the role
of Kanji (Chinese) characters. Students are
exposed to a range of Japanese texts, moving
gradually from recognition of whole words,
through to reading and writing of sentences and
short passages. Students use discovery skills
to identify the operating processes for both
paper dictionaries and word processors on their

The cultural focus of Year 8 is the development
of understanding of Japanese daily life,
highlighting not only the differences, but also
the similarities between Australia and Japan.
When possible, contact with Japanese exchange
students and visiting teachers is a key element of
this process.

Languages Overview
The study of Languages is strongly encouraged
as an essential part of a broad and balanced
education for all students. Not only do students
gain a greater awareness of the language and
culture of others but their understanding of
their own language and its place in the world is
enhanced. Study of a language is also a valuable
tool for the support of a student’s literacy skills.

In addition to the classroom Languages
experience, the School has ‘sister-school’ and
exchange relationships with schools in China,
Japan and Germany. The school is in the process
of establishing a new ‘sister-school’ relationship
with a school in France. Students have many
opportunities to engage with students from
our respective sister schools and hosting
opportunities also promote fantastic cultural
interaction and cross-cultural understanding.

The Mathematics Curriculum for Years 7 and 8          of the knowledge where possible. Problems of
has been developed on the understanding that          many different kinds are presented in a variety
each student has unique abilities and needs.          of ways to encourage problem-solving skills and
Our aim is to create an environment in which a        a true understanding of the concepts involved.
range of learning outcomes can be successfully        All courses have been developed to ensure the
achieved and a positive attitude towards the          inclusion of the necessary elements outlined
subject can grow.                                     in the Australian Curriculum. In particular,
                                                      the syllabuses foster concept acquisition and
Courses are based on a number of principles:          technical skills in the broad areas of Number
Every member of our society should be equipped        and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and
with basic numeracy skills.                           Statistics and Probability. The proficiency strands
                                                      Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and
Students should be made aware of how                  Reasoning are an integral part of the mathematics
Mathematics is applied. In particular, we need        content across the three areas.
to prepare students for present and future study
both in Mathematics and other subjects that use       Allowances are made for the fact that students
mathematical techniques.                              do not arrive at the School with an identical
                                                      mathematical foundation and that development
The ability to analyse problems and devise            in this learning area occurs at different times
strategies for their solution, together with an       and at varying rates. Our program is designed
aptitude for clear thinking and logical expression,   to allow students to be challenged across a
is essential if students are to be capable of not     range of difficulty levels and to concentrate on
only surviving in our technological world but         content that is appropriate to their current stage
also contributing to it.                              of development.

Mathematics has made a major contribution             During lessons the students work as a whole class,
to our culture, and as such can and should be         in small groups or independently as appropriate
studied for its own sake. Many topics without         to the topic of study and the individual needs of
obvious applications can give much enjoyment,         the students. A teaching approach is adopted
stimulate interest and provide valuable insights      which seeks to make connections between
into mathematical structures and processes.           the mathematical learning and the real life
                                                      experiences of the learners. Whenever possible,
Our approach to the teaching and learning of          students are provided with opportunities to
mathematics is based on two premises:                 enrich their understanding and to explore via a
                                                      hands-on and minds-on approach.
Firstly, that no real progress is possible without
understanding. Practice exercises will remain an      Technology is used extensively and applications
important part of all Mathematics courses, but as     arise in all strands of the course. Particular
a means of consolidating knowledge and not as         emphasis is placed on spreadsheets, data
a substitute for understanding.                       processing and graphics applications.

Secondly, every student should follow a               The Year 9 – 10 and Year 11 – 12 Course
course suited to his or her current abilities and     books contain further information about the
development, so that success can be achieved.         Mathematics courses offered at The Friends’
The mathematical content is broadly based and         School.
the teaching approach emphasises applications
Year 7 - Mathematics
All Year 7 students study Mathematics. The
Connections program provides opportunities
for linking Mathematics to other learning areas,
fostering opportunities for students to explore a
hands-on and minds-on approach through the
use of concrete and manipulative materials.

Year 8 - Mathematics & Modified
All Year 8 students study Mathematics or
Modified Mathematics.

The Modified Mathematics program is a less
demanding course than the Mathematics
program. The objectives of this course are to
consolidate and grow mathematical skills and
knowledge and to emphasise the ways in which
Mathematics is used in real life situations.

Assessment in Mathematics is based on
class work, homework, problem solving and
investigation tasks and tests. At the end of each
semester reports provide feedback on the areas
of Number and Algebra, Measurement and
Geometry and Statistics and Probability. Students
are also assessed on their ability to communicate
mathematically and complete tasks.
You can also read