The Future of Airports - A customer-centric experience - Arcadis

Page created by Shane Cortez
The Future of Airports - A customer-centric experience - Arcadis
The Future
of Airports
A customer-centric experience
The Future of Airports - A customer-centric experience - Arcadis
The case for customer-centric airports
                                    The world has never been so accessible. The invention of flight has turned into
                                    one of humankind’s greatest enablers - connecting people, communities and
                                    companies - and opened up the world to those that can afford the price of a
                                    simple plane ticket.

Contents                                                                             In 2018, airlines alone created
                                                                                     around $821bn of revenue on
                                                                                     some 4.3bn passengers flying
                                                                                                                           This white paper explores how
                                                                                                                           airport owners and operators
                                                                                                                           can balance the competing
                                                                                     safely on 46.1m flights, according    needs of preparing for the future
03 – Introduction                                                                    to ITAT, and ATAG estimates           while catering for the customer
                                                                                     that the total aviation industry      expectations of today.
                                                                                     employs over 65m people with
04 – Airports aren’t islands                                                         a global economic impact of           We examine the industry through
                                                                                     around $2.7trillion from its many     the lens of five major trends:
06 – Customer champions count                                                        associated services.                  • Enabling the airport city:
                                                                                                                             although airports have positively
                                                                                     These economic benefits don’t           enabled globalization, they can
08 – Mobility matters                                                                come without costs, however. The        only survive and thrive if they
                                                                                     highly competitive nature of the        have the support of their local
                                                                                     airline industry and the continued
10 – Customer-centric design                                                         pressure on airport infrastructure

                                                                                     both new and old means that           • Championing the customer: by
                                                                 Nick Hutchinson                                             embracing the opportunities
12 – Serious about sustainability                Global Leader - Airport Solutions
                                                                                     airport operators are facing
                                                                                     unprecedented challenges.               of digitization, passenger pain
                                                                                                                             points and frustrations can be
14 – Making it happen                                                                To meet the expected growth             alleviated and even eliminated;
                                                                                     forecasts (a potential doubling of    • Embracing the challenge of
                                                                                     demand within the next 20 years)        mobility: by integrating airports
                                                                                     airport operators need to deliver       with as many different modes
                                                                                     their infrastructure upgrade            of transport as possible, and
                                                                                     and expansion programmes                embracing the efficiency
                                                                                     as efficiently as possible – and        opportunities of autonomous
                                                                                     manage their existing assets more       vehicles, airports can
                                                                                     effectively – against a backdrop of     revolutionize how passengers
                                                                                     falling retail revenue, downward        get to airports, how they travel
                                                                                     pressure on fees earned through         around it, and how they get to
                                                                                     airlines, and a revolution in the       their final destination;
                                                                                     expectations of passengers on
                                                                                     the experience they expect from       • Customer-centric airport
                                                                                     an airport.                             terminal design: it’s not enough
                                                                                                                             to be innovative, efficient and
                                                                                     Within the constraints of this          sustainable; airport operators
                                                                                     competitive environment, airports       must also integrate the needs of
                                                                                     need to focus just as hard on           customers into their terminal-
                                                                                     attracting customers – to become        design decisions;
                                                                                     an airport of choice – as they must   • Being serious about
                                                                                     on sustaining their infrastructure      sustainability: the obligations
                                                                                     and adapting or improving their         and regulatory requirements
                                                                                     existing business models.               on the global aviation industry
                                                                                                                             will only increase as the world
                                                                                                                             confronts the climate-change

The Future of Airports - A customer-centric experience - Arcadis
Airports aren’t islands
                                                                                                         In this new way of thinking,
                                                                                                         airports are no longer sterile,
                                                                                                         transactional places for waiting
                                  Very few airports exist in isolation. Despite                          and passing through. Instead,
                                                                                                         they are more like smart cities,
                                  their status as enablers of globalization, most                        where place-making, entertaining,
                                                                                                         and information access is just
                                  airports can only survive and thrive with the                          as important as the provision
                                                                                                         of economic benefits and
                                  support of their local communities.                                    long-distance travel. And, like
                                                                                                         cities, they will only thrive if the
                                                                                                         metropolitan areas around them
                                                                This conundrum is at the heart           can also flourish.
                                                                of the challenge facing airport
                                                                operators as they plan for the           Airports need to consider what
                                                                future. Unless an airport’s facilities   it will be like to work, live and
                                                                drive the local economy forward          travel in the surrounding area,
                                                                and provide benefits back to the         and how it can drive and support
                                                                community, local politics can            technology-based economic
                                                                hamper or even stop progress in          development within a surrounding
                                                                its tracks.                              smart city region.
                                                                This means addressing not just the       Airports are already significant
                                                                obvious issues of noise, pollution,      employers for the local community
                                                                air quality and congestion, but          – potentially up to 50,000 people
                                                                it also means tackling human             in some of the largest – but
                                                                factors head-on. By embracing            the infrastructure that these
                                                                positive community outreach,             places create can also provide
                                                                airports can show how the                significant community benefits.
                                                                community can feel connected             By taking a long-term view of an
                                                                to the airport – and not just            airport’s infrastructure upgrade
                                                                feel the jet blast of arriving and       programme, communities can be
                                                                departing planes.                        brought into an airport’s sphere
                                                                Mastering planning                       of influence in a beneficial way.
                                                                                                         Think of the positive impact that
                                                                To thrive in the future, airports        interconnecting metropolitan
                                                                need to view themselves in a             railways can have on improving
                                                                different way. They need to think        regional connectivity.
                                                                of themselves within the context
                                                                of an airport city – or ‘aerotropolis’   Enabling regional powerhouses
                                                                – where the area surrounding             Like cities, airports will need
                                                                the airport is just as important         to interconnect with the
                                                                as the airport itself, enabled by        region around it and become
                                                                the airport’s infrastructure and         a catalyst for aviation-related
                                                                economy. Schiphol Airport in             economic development, high
                                                                the Netherlands, for example,            value employment and regional
                                                                earns as much as 80 percent of           competitiveness. There is a
                                                                its operating revenue from areas         real opportunity for airports to
                                                                other than aviation – retail, hotels,    move away from being simply
                                                                leisure and entertainment, R&D           a functional and transactional
                                             Schiphol Airport   parks, light industry and logistics –    transport hub to become an
    “There’s nothing like an                                    and it is not alone in this.             engaging, high-quality experience
    airport for bringing you                                                                             for passengers and citizens alike.
             down to earth.”                                    Dallas/Forth Worth International
                                                                Airport’s vast land mass is being
       Richard Gordon, Novelist                                 exploited to create new commercial
                                                                developments that are affiliated
                                                                with the airport’s economy.

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The Future of Airports - A customer-centric experience - Arcadis
Customer champions count                                                                                                                                                           will also be made more efficient
                                                                                                                                                                                   through biometrics and bag-
                                                                                                                                                                                   tracking technology, including
It’s not often you find someone who actively looks forward to going                                                                                                                onward delivery of baggage to the
                                                                                                                                                                                   passenger’s final destination.
to an airport. Perhaps this would be different if every trip to the                                                                                                                The Process Problem
airport today was queue and crowd-free. But for airports to succeed                                                                                                                These solutions are not without
                                                                                                                                                                                   their challenges. Legislation in
in the next 20 years, they will need to find ways to make the whole                                                                                                                different countries will need to be
customer experience much more positive than it is today.                                                                                                                           coordinated to allow for seamless
                                                                                                                                                                                   security and immigration checks,
                                                                                                                                                                                   and a degree of pre-screening
                                                                                                                                                                                   and trusted traveller programmes
                                                               Global customer satisfaction           “Where did I put                       Less screen-time                      will need to be implemented in
                                                               surveys reveal that the most                                                                                        order to speed up the process.
                                                               important factors affecting
                                                                                                      my bags?”                              Security screening is another         However, these are largely process
                                                               customer satisfaction today are        Airports such as those in              area that will take advantage of      improvements than significant
                                                               security, retail, food and beverage,   Copenhagen, Switzerland and            biometric technology to realize       technological challenges, and
                                                               infrastructure, wayfinding, check-     Hong Kong have embraced                efficiency benefits. Already,         there is no doubt that airports will
                                                               in and access. These issues are        the process of de-coupling             airports such as Dubai Airport        continue to rely on digitization for
                                                               likely to dominate in the future       passengers from their baggage          are using face-scanning to allow      their aviation operations.
                                                               too. But airports have a clear         by using electronic RFID tagging       for a more transparent security
                                                               opportunity to champion the            and linking this with the check-in     process. Using a combination of       Digitization will help passengers
                                                               customer by taking advantage           process. In this way, passengers       sensor techniques, passengers are     too. Digital wayfinding will
                                                               of digitization to reduce or even      can drop their baggage off in          scanned as they pass, speeding        become commonplace, with
                                                               eliminate the most pressing            downtown (in the case of Hong          up the process and improving          handheld devices containing
                                                               passenger pain points and              Kong, it’s the MTR subway system       the passenger experience. These       real-time flight information,
                                                               frustrations.                          that connects with the airport)        tunnels can contain a number of       departure gate information,
                                                                                                      or within linked transport hubs,       different screening technologies      landing cards, wayfinding and
                                                               Facing forward                         meaning that passengers can turn       – body scanners, metal detectors      baggage collection. Automated
                                                                                                      up to the airport only carrying        and liquid detection – and more       gate systems will also make
                                                               One particular source of
                                                                                                      hassle-free hand luggage.              technologies will be integrated       use of these digital wayfinding
                                                               innovation is the use of facial
                                                                                                                                             in the future. The IATA estimates     apps, helping to improve the use
“There are those airports which make you feel better, and      recognition technology and
                                                                                                                                             that biometrics will reduce waiting   of valuable airport space and
                                                               biometrics. Apple’s new range          Longer term, baggage pickups will
   there are those airports that, when you go there, your      of iPhones have brought Face ID        become even more flexible once         times at security gates by 40%.       reduce personnel costs – while
 heart sinks: you can’t wait to get out of there. They both    technology into the mainstream,        airports partner with established                                            also improving the passenger
                                                                                                      courier companies to collect bags      As the systems become more            experience.
    function as airports, but it’s the things that you can’t   and some airports have already
                                                                                                      from wherever the passenger            sophisticated, security and
                                                               begun embracing biometrics to
                      measure that make them different.”                                              needs it, delivered in whatever        immigration can be linked,            The technology to do all of this
                                                               reduce check-in and security-
                                                                                                      mode is most appropriate.              especially when the underlying        exists today, but the challenge for
                                              Norman Foster    check times. These same
                                                                                                                                             passenger databases for the           its use is one of real-time trusted
                                                               biometric technologies will also be
                                                                                                      Mobile app technology and              airport and immigration systems       information. After all, the only way
                                                               linked with baggage, allowing for
                                                                                                      real-time monitoring and               are integrated. The industry is       that passengers will truly relax at
                                                               a lower-risk, lower-stress baggage
                                                                                                      communications means that              already working on the process        an airport is if they know that the
                                                               drop-off and collection routine.
                                                                                                      customers will be able to get real-    of integrating all data in an         information they are receiving is
                                                                                                      time positioning on where their        airport into a single database,       trustworthy – and that the steps
                                                               The check-in process is already
                                                                                                      baggage is, which will also have       structured in a standard way and      they need to take to reach their
                                                               automated at most airports,
                                                                                                      the benefit of improving lost-         used much more efficiently. The       final destination will be friction
                                                               with passengers able to check-in
                                                                                                      luggage reporting and processing.      same biometric and screening          free. But despite today’s mixed
                                                               beforehand, reserve and change
                                                                                                                                             technology will make it much          results in delivering this vision, it
                                                               seats, and this has resulted in
                                                                                                      There are still issues to overcome     easier to board the plane at the      will be a reality sooner rather
                                                               significant reductions in check-
                                                                                                      – security of baggage when             departure gate.                       than later.
                                                               in queues within some airports.
                                                               There’s room for major progress,       it is picked-up at hotels, for
                                                                                                      example, and the laws governing        This also benefits passengers
                                                               though. Airports such as LAX
                                                                                                      security checks with biometrics        when they arrive at their
                                                               and Schiphol Airport have
                                                                                                      currently differ from country to       destination, where biometrics and
                                                               implemented biometric check-
                                                                                                      country – but there is a clear trend   common databases will lead to a
                                                               ins, but the approach is far
                                                                                                      towards separating baggage and         massive reduction in immigration
                                                               from common.
                                                                                                      passengers.                            bureaucracy. Baggage return

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The Future of Airports - A customer-centric experience - Arcadis
“The problem with airports                                                     This should not be surprising,         because of the in-built precision     There’s another reason that
                                                                               as it is only a continuation of        of self-driving vehicles, parking     airports should embrace multi-
  is that we go there when                                                     the trend towards digitization         spaces can be smaller, freeing up     modal transport services –
 we need to catch a plane -                                                    and convenience that has               more valuable land for other uses.    customers expect choice. By
and because it’s so difficult                                                  revolutionized – and upended –         This shift in the technology of       considering travel to and from
                                                                               the world of retail. It’s clear that   parking may well create greater       the airport through the lens of
to find the way to the gate,                                                   airports must continue to work         bottlenecks closer to the airport     the customer, not just through
we tend not to look around                                                     hard on being as efficient and         terminal buildings, as the demand     the lens of capital cost efficiency,
                                                                               delay free as possible.                for ‘Kiss and Fly’ increases.         airports can proactively try to
       at our surroundings.”                                                                                          Passenger drop-off zones will         eliminate single points of failure in
               Alain de Botton                                                 “To the airport, driver”               therefore need to be larger, and as   the airport transport environment.
        Philosopher and Author                                                 Within the airport environment,        close to the terminal as possible.    This will be a crucial step forward.
                                                                               automated vehicle technology is
                                                                               already being embraced to help
                                                                                                                      Transit as a competitive              Optimized travel
                                                                               move passengers to and from            advantage                             There is one more trend that
                                                                               car parks and terminal buildings,      Fundamentally, airports will          should have a transformative
                                                                               but this trend will continue apace     need to embrace a much more           impact on transport to and from
                                                                               as the underlying technology           integrated approach to mobility       airports: Mobility as a Service
                                                                               becomes mass market and even           planning in and around their          (MaaS). MaaS is currently being
                                                                               more efficient.                        estate than is currently the case,    piloted in a business district in
                                                                                                                      as each mobility transition will      Amsterdam in the Netherlands,
                                                                               By 2037, mass electrification of       impact upon the other. Airports       and uses an integrated approach
                                                                               the world’s vehicular transport        will also need to act as a catalyst   to sustainable transport by
                                                                               infrastructure will have become a      by creating integrated transport      combining multiple modes of
                                                                               reality, and airports can lead the     master plans with their feeder        transport into a single delivery
                                                                               way on promoting the benefits of       cities.                               platform – in this case an app. In
                                                                               automated and driverless vehicles                                            the same way that Uber or Lyft
                                                                               as a way of alleviating congestion     One of the most important             provides access to drivers and cars
                                                                               around the terminal buildings and      principles underpinning these         where and when you want them,
                                                                               the airport estate.                    masterplans is the need to            the Mobility as a Service trial
                                                                                                                      integrate airport infrastructure      enables users to plan journeys,
                                                                               Parking planning                       with as many modes of transport       buy travel tickets, reserve car

                                 Mobility matters                              There are other automation             as are economically and financially   shares or bikes, and pay for each
                                                                               drivers too. As airports get bigger,   feasible. This may mean taking        instance of transport with a single
                                                                               the distance between terminals         a long-sighted approach to            seamless payment system. The
                                                                                                                                                            ultimate aim is to try to change
                                 One of the biggest challenges passengers      and parking lots is increasing –
                                                                               with journeys of several kilometres
                                                                                                                      integrating airports with high-
                                                                                                                      speed rail systems, for example,      travel behaviour and shift people
                                 have with airports has to do with mobility    or more from long-term parking         which will help displace a number     towards more sustainable modes
                                                                                                                                                            of transport. In the not too distant
                                                                               now commonplace. This does             of short-haul flight options onto
                                 - getting to the airport, travelling around   nothing to improve customer            more efficient high-speed rail        future, all available transport
                                                                                                                                                            options will be digitally connected
                                                                               satisfaction survey results. But       networks. Airports can therefore
                                 the airport, and then finding their way to    by using self-driving autonomous       proactively choose to cooperate       into one seamless experience on
                                                                               vehicles – as used at Heathrow         – rather than compete – with          one app.
                                 their final destination after landing. This   T5 in the UK, and several other        high-speed rail in the provision of
                                                                                                                                                            Within the airport context,
                                 is especially true now that airports are      airports around the world – or
                                                                               driverless light rail solutions,
                                                                                                                      short to medium distance travel
                                                                                                                      services, before they’re forced to,   Mobility as a Service would no
                                                                                                                                                            doubt improve the passenger
                                 getting larger. However, airports have the    airports can give passengers an
                                                                               alternative to the near-ubiquitous
                                                                                                                      either by regulation or by carbon
                                                                                                                      emissions reduction targets.          experience when travelling to and
                                 opportunity over the next 20 years to         irregular or unreliable shuttle bus                                          from the terminal.
                                                                               solution.                              Light rail connections are also
                                 fundamentally transform this passenger                                               good additions to the mobility
                                                                               Parking will change in other ways      systems surrounding airports. In
                                 pain point - and they will need to, because   too over the next 20 years. When       cases such as Heathrow in the UK
                                                                               cars incorporate self-driving          or Schiphol in the Netherlands,
                                 passengers will actively seek out airports    technology, they will be able to       the travel time savings en route
                                 with the fastest, easiest and cheapest        park themselves in more remote
                                                                               locations, separating airport
                                                                                                                      to the airports make a very good
                                                                                                                      business case for dedicated airport
                                 transport routes.                             infrastructure even further from       transit elsewhere.
                                                                               parking infrastructure. And

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The Future of Airports - A customer-centric experience - Arcadis
Customer-centric                                              The ongoing consolidation in
                                                              the airline industry – creating
                                                              ever-larger airline carriers – has
                                                                                                                                       Finding your way
                                                                                                                                       All of these ‘experiential’ design
                                                                                                                                       features would be undermined if
Given the projected growth in flight                          led to a significant reduction
                                                              in landing fees. The airlines are                                        the processes guiding passengers
                                                                                                                                       to their planes weren’t similarly
numbers, airports will have to invest in                      taking advantage of their greater
                                                              buying power to drive down fees                                          pleasurable. This is where digital
expanding their physical infrastructure. In                   and airport operators are not in                                         technology can genuinely bring
                                                                                                                                       benefits to terminal design. By
                                                              a position to say no. They need a
a ‘business as usual’ approach to expansion,                  new approach.                                                            integrating in-terminal GPS and
                                                                                                                                       making use of augmented reality
waiting areas will need to be expanded,                       Design as competitive                                                    and automated gate-wayfinding,
                                                              advantage                                                                passengers will begin to trust that
along with baggage handling infrastructure                                                                                             they are going where they need to
                                                              There are a small but growing                                            in a timely manner.
and ticket processing in order to overcome                    number of airports – led by
                                                              Changi Airport in Singapore
congestion within the terminal building.                      – that are showing the way in
But a business as usual approach is no                        terminal design. They’re creating
                                                              better passenger experiences by
longer enough.                                                providing features such as quiet
                                                              zones, sleep pods and multi-
                                                              generational entertainment areas
                        Nor is innovation, efficiency or      – suitable for young and old alike
                        even sustainability in airport        – which could have the effect of
                        design. To become the airport         reducing passenger stress.
                        of choice, airport operators
                        must also integrate the needs         Changi’s new Jewel complex
                        of customers into their terminal      brings Singapore’s “City in a
                        design decisions.                     garden” concept to life in a vast
                                                              indoor garden, retail, hotel and
                        This is also a hard-nosed business    leisure destination just outside
                        decision. By creating spaces that     the airport’s terminal building.
                        passengers enjoy being in, airport    It’s a destination that airport
                        operators can give themselves a       passengers and local citizens alike
                        fighting chance of overturning the    can enjoy, including the 40-meter                                        “It can hardly be a
                        trend of declining revenues from      high indoor waterfall and indoor                                         coincidence that no
                        non-aviation activities.              tropical rain forest environment.
                                                                                                                                       language on earth has
                        Handbags and gladrags                 Other airports – Orlando, Doha,                                          ever produced the
                                                              Indianapolis, for example – talk of
                        There are a number of reasons for     ‘Town Squares’ and ‘Civic Plazas’,
                                                                                                                                       expression, ‘As pretty as
                        this decline. With duty-free and      and are unashamedly focusing on                                          an airport’.”
                        luxury goods outlets selling the      leisure and entertainment. Doha,
                        same things the world over, many                                                                               Douglas Adams
                                                              in particular, has created a cultural                                    (The Long Dark Tea-Time
                        passengers feel unexcited by the      experience based around major
                        range of goods on offer. Also, the                                                                             of the Soul)
                                                              pieces of art – both bought and
                        demographics of regular flyers are    specially commissioned. These
                        shifting towards those with less      airports want to create a sense         Singapore’s “City in a garden”
                        disposable income, meaning fewer      of place, where it’s pleasant to
                        retail purchases within airports.     stay, creating ‘experiences’ for
                        Revenues from parking and car         passengers that include arts and
                        rental services are also falling as   culture, music, movies, fine dining,
                        services such as Uber and Lyft        hotels and digital entertainment.
                        displace those formerly reliable      When done correctly, this design
                        sources of revenue.                   approach should create a virtuous
                                                              circle, where better passenger
                        This revenue shortfall is likely      experiences provide a greater
                        to continue, and is happening         opportunity to relax, which also
                        at a time when airports are also      bring about a greater willingness
                        facing another cash squeeze.          to spend.

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Serious about sustainability                                                                          Four to the floor
                                                                                                      There are at least four major
                                                                                                                                              a virtual air traffic control room
                                                                                                                                              which relies on multiple cameras
                                                                                                                                              to provide a 360 degree view of
                                                                                                      opportunities for improving the
The aviation industry is under pressure to play a full role in the                                    overall sustainability in the airport
                                                                                                                                              the airport and which can overlay
                                                                                                                                              radar information on-screen. The
                                                                                                      arena. Within pre-flight transport,
global effort to reduce CO2 emissions. From 2021 until 2026, the                                      emissions from cars driving to and
                                                                                                                                              audio visual information is piped
                                                                                                                                              to a control room 120 miles away
sector will be encouraged to voluntarily implement the ICAO’s                                         from the airport can be mitigated
                                                                                                      by encouraging car sharing,
                                                                                                                                              from the airport, where air traffic
                                                                                                                                              controllers can zoom in to get a
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation                                     electric vehicle use, building          much more comprehensive –
                                                                                                      an electric vehicle charging            and more detailed – view on
(CORSIA), with all member States expected to be on-board from                                         infrastructure, and encouraging         the skies above.
                                                                                                      multi-modal public transport.
2027 through to 2035. And following the COP21 meeting in Paris                                        Within landside and terminal
                                                                                                      operations, energy independence
in 2015, an initial target was set for creating 50 carbon neutral                                     can be improved by installing
                                                                                                      major solar panelling arrays.
airports around the world by 2030, a target which was increased
in 2017 to 100.                                                                                       Airside operations can improve
                                                                                                      congestion issues and wasted
                                                                                                      fuel on the ground by improving
                       Together with the airport              equation right from day one, but        air traffic control operations
                       specific requirements coming           long-established airports also          and electrifying the taxiing
                       from the UN’s Sustainable              have significant opportunities          process and implementing smart
                       Development Goals, it’s clear that     to reduce their energy loads.           pavement. While flying, problems
                       the obligations and regulatory         Given the increasing demand for         of aircraft noise, extreme
                       pressures on the global aviation       electricity, airports are introducing   carbon emissions and kerosene
                       industry will only increase as         more resilient utility operations       composition can be mitigated by
                       the world confronts the climate        through improved energy storage         using more efficient aircraft, more
                       change challenge.                      technology, smart metering and          efficient flight routing, and finding
                                                              smart grids to build resilience         more sustainable fuel sources.
                       Global impact, local                   against major outages.
                                                                                                      Eyes on the sky
                       pressure                               In Australia, for example,              Longer term, improvements
                       As well as these global initiatives,   Brisbane Airport has installed a        in aircraft engine technology
                       airports are under increasing          major rooftop solar system that         – including hybrid electric
                       pressure from more stringent           includes 22,000 solar panels            propulsion systems being
                       local operating environments,          across a 36,000 square meter            developed by NASA, and similar
                       where licenses to operate – and        area spread across six sites. And       alternatives being developed by
                       passenger preferences – are            Cochin International Airport in         a consortium including Airbus,
                       increasingly based upon meeting        the Indian state of Kerala became       Siemens and Rolls-Royce – will
                       very local sustainability targets.     the first airport in the world to       improve carbon emissions, fuel
                       These include local air quality,       be entirely powered by solar            efficiency and noise levels in
                       surface access, climate change,        energy. 46,000 on-site solar            commercial aircraft. Test flights
                                                                                                                                                                                        “When you realize that
                       use of natural resources, noise        panels produce 12 megawatts of          are likely to take place from 2020.                                                   aviation, if it were a
                       impact and waste management.           energy, enabling it to power all
                                                              of the airport’s operations from                                                                                            country, would be the
                                                                                                      Flights will also become much
                       There is also a dual focus by          renewable sources. Initiatives          more efficient with the continued                                                21st largest economy in
                       airport operators on reducing their    such as these can give airports         evolution of air traffic control,                                                   the world, supporting
                       energy costs and increasing the        energy independence as well             which is transitioning to an era
                       use of renewable sources within        as showcasing sustainability                                                                                          62.7 million jobs and nearly
                                                                                                      of air traffic management. The
                       their energy supplies. Terminal        credentials.                            combination of high definition                                                     three trillion dollars in
                       buildings are by far an airport’s                                              cameras and improvements in
                       greatest energy consuming
                                                                                                                                                                                              economic impact,
                                                                                                      remote sensing make it possible
                       assets, with the greatest energy                                               to use predictive technologies                                                    you really see the scale
                       consuming elements within                                                      within air traffic management                                                            of air transport.”
                       being baggage handling, lights,                                                that will improve operations and
                       cooling and IT infrastructure.                                                                                                                                                   Michael Gill
                                                                                                      overall safety. Already, some
                       New-build airports have the                                                                                                                                        Executive Director of ATAG
                                                                                                      airports – including City Airport
                       upper hand in getting the energy                                               in London – have implemented

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The Future of Airports - A customer-centric experience - Arcadis
Making it happen
Amid all of the challenges facing airports
today, it’s clear that airport operators will
need to carefully consider how they manage
their existing business, and how they plan
for the future anticipated growth in
passenger numbers.
                        Infrastructure upgrades and
                        expansion programmes will need
                        to be managed as efficiently as
                        possible – and existing assets
                        managed more effectively– while
                        revenue gaps from ‘business as
                        usual’ activities such as retail
                        and landing fees will need to be
                        filled by airports looking afresh at
                        becoming customer champions,
                        and airports of choice.

                        If properly designed and the latest
                        digital infrastructure is leveraged,
                        airports are in a unique position
                        to not only satisfy the world’s
                        growing demand for flying, but
                        also deliver significant economic
                        benefits in the form of tourism,
                        trade and business services.

                        The potential of airports as an
                        asset is significant, but they can
                        also become a hub of innovation
                        and opportunity as well as a
                        gateway to the world.

                        By becoming an airport city – or
                        ‘aerotropolis’ – they can bring
                        far-greater economic and social
                        benefits to a region than if they
                        were to act in isolation. We owe it
                        to our future generations to get
                        the planning and design right.

                                                                    Schiphol Airport

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The Future of Airports - A customer-centric experience - Arcadis
About Arcadis
Arcadis is the leading global Design & Consultancy firm for natural and
built assets. Applying our deep market sector insights and collective
design, consultancy, engineering, project and management services
we work in partnership with our clients to deliver exceptional and
sustainable outcomes throughout the lifecycle of their natural and built
assets. We are 27,000 people, active in over 70 countries that generate
€3.3 billion in revenues. We support UN-Habitat with knowledge and
expertise to improve the quality of life in rapidly growing cities around
the world.

                   Nick Hutchinson
                   Global Leader - Airport Solutions

                          Nick Hutchinson

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Arcadis. Improving quality of life.
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