The future of esports 01 - Jan 19 - LoveGunn

The future of esports 01 - Jan 19 - LoveGunn
01 - Jan 19
The future
of esports
The future of esports 01 - Jan 19 - LoveGunn

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     Packed out stadiums where iconic players battle       Tapping in to the psyche of a new generation,       Diversification is a particular challenge
                                                           the esports industry is going from strength to      for this industry, so aligned that it is with the
     it out in front of roaring crowds; a familiar scene   strength. With massive brand partnership deals      outdated view of the unsociable, teenage,
     to any sports fan, but this isn’t a football match    and prize pools worth millions, the meteoric rise   and predominantly male gamer lurking in
                                                           of esports shows no sign of slowing down.           a darkened bedroom. This is where branding
     or basketball game. This is an esports tournament,    The Olympic committee are even rumoured to          and brand engagement can really make
     one of hundreds of events that celebrate the very     be in talks to include esports as a demonstration   a difference and up the cool factor of the
                                                           game at the 2024 Olympics.                          industry. In turn, investment in esports offers
     best in competitive gaming. It’s spectator sports                                                         the opportunity for big brands to increase their
     the likes of which we’ve never seen before and,       With this in mind it’s time for brands and wider    brand awareness and commercial potential.
                                                           audiences to start taking note and harnessing
     like it or not, it’s here to stay.                    the almost infinite possibilities of the sector.    Having worked with Chelsea FC on a project
                                                                                                               that will launch in February 2019, the newly
                                                           For those already enlightened, esports is and       announced ePremier League is particularly
                                                           always has been a huge form of entertainment.       exciting to us and we can’t wait to see the
                                                           Yet look away from the impressive figures and       impact of the iconic leagues involvement on
                                                           you’ll find a wealth of untapped potential in       attracting a wider audience to the community.
                                                           the form of unengaged demographics that the         The forward-thinking innovation of the esports
                                                           esports industry needs to speak to in order to      industry, backed and validated by the legacy
                                                           be embraced by popular culture.                     of the Premier League, looks to be a coming
                                                                                                               of age moment for esports where obsolete
                                                                                                               perceptions can finally be shifted.
The future of esports 01 - Jan 19 - LoveGunn
     The amount that researcher Newzoo predicts the
                                                          3hrs 25 mins
                                                          The average amount of time per week that young
     global industry for esports will be worth by 2020,   gamers aged 18-25 spend watching esports
     by which time the audience will have reached         online worldwide.
     580 million.

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     15 million
     The number of users that Twitch, the esports
                                                          60 million
                                                          The number of viewers boasted by the League
     live streaming service owned by Amazon,              of Legends Mid-Season Invitational Final 2018,
     receives per day. Their concurrent viewership        making it the most watched esports tournament
     averages at 1.2 million at any given time.           of all time.

     The mass earnings of professional Dota 2 player
                                                          The amount of dollars up for grabs to Fortnite
     Kuro “KuroKy” Takhasomi. Dota 2 pro gamers are       players in prize pools across the 2018/2019
     often amongst the highest paid in the industry.      competitive season, offered by the game’s
                                                          publisher Epic Games
At the lowest level, barriers are being put up by   The development of brand sponsorship is also
                                               parents and teachers who don’t see gaming as        crucial. Imagine if at the 2024 Olympics, star
                                               a viable profession, yet these same people will     esports players such as Faker, Coldzera,
                                               encourage their children to play football when      or Dendi step out wearing the latest in specially
                                               their chances of becoming the next Cristiano        developed Nike esports performance wear or a
                                               Ronaldo are less than one percent. In contrast,     Supreme limited edition drop, with a plethora of
                                               the reach and commercialisation of professional     sponsors from Tesla to Converse All Stars. In turn
                                               leagues and gamers will open up more and            for their investment, sponsors gain access to a
                                               more possibilities for gamers looking to go pro     huge and ever-growing community where they
                                               or work within the industry.                        can influence a hard to reach demographic.

                                               The industry needs a positive repositioning and     But brands beware – the esports community is
                                               PR drive that helps it to appeal to the masses      a hugely socially connected group who grew
                                               and encourages new talent. The narrative must       up with the internet, live-streaming and the
                                               change to highlight values such as community,       concept of belonging to communities that
                                               team work, problem solving, and competition         span the globe. The community has built itself
                                               that esports and gaming in general promote,         from the ground up and are harshly critical of

                                               and the industry needs heroes to promote and        inauthentic or ineffective attempts at brand

                                               elevate its image.                                  engagement. The employment of experienced

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     The gaming industry has huge potential,   Take a look at the landscape and you will see       creative agencies and dynamic in-house teams
                                               that the overall vision is much the same.           is required to ensure your brand doesn’t end
     but to really make the most of that       We want to see a shift in the quality of design,    up the subject of a very public thrashing on the
     potential it needs to tackle its issues   visuals and the brand narratives that run from      esports boards of Reddit.
                                               players, teams and leagues. We want to see
     with image perception.                    esports evolve from its hobbyist roots and          Yet with the combination of these two
                                               reposition itself as a premium, professional        elements it really isn’t hard to see a future like
                                               industry whose emblems and merchandise any          the one we imagine. With heightened financial
                                               savvy dresser would be happy to sport.              incentives for players, industry rebrands,
                                                                                                   and image right sponsors, esports can
                                                                                                   position itself as something truly innovative,
                                                                                                   aspirational, and diverse.
                             L E T ’S G O B I G O N B R A N D TO U N LO C K T H E
                             E N O R M O U S C O M M E R C I A L A N D C U LT U R A L
                             P OT E N T I A L A R O U N D E S P O R T S .

                             With global fans, followers, viewers, and players,   We’re talking to multiple teams, leagues, agents,
                             teams and leagues aren’t just influencers,           and organisations who agree that branding
                             they’re brands in their own right and need           needs to play a key role in maturing esports into
                             to view themselves through this lens. Equally,       a billion-dollar business. We need to put serious
                             established brands - especially sports teams         thought towards predicting future trends within
                             entering the esports arena - should take             the sector and also focus on understanding the
                             this opportunity to position themselves to           wider world and how fashion, entertainment,
                             a new generation of fans who have limited            media, and traditional sport will play a role in
                             preconceptions of their traditional brand or         shaping esports. All this must be done whilst
                             entertainment models.                                respecting the grassroots community who
                                                                                  built the industry from the floor up, and who
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                             What if the esports Premier League saw               are not known for responding kindly when a
                             Tottenham Hotspur simply become Spurs,               new investors approach misses the mark for
                             and Man United take to the stage as the              authenticity (ex. Bud Light All Stars).
                             Red Devils. With some creative thinking and
                             premium, purpose-created design, teams can           We’re putting in place brand visions that aim
                             use elements of their legacy whilst creating         to capture and commercialise opportunities by
                             something entirely new for the esports               accepting and anticipating the rise of esports
                             community – thus avoiding lazy ‘logo-slaps’          and its growth in popular culture. Our mission
                             and showing respect to and enthusiasm for            is to excite people and get them to think big
                             the industry.                                        and to think long term. How will your brand
                                                                                  get involved and transcend between esports,
                             We expect to see teams work with branding            fashion, and entertainment?
                             experts to define a clear pathway, vision, and
                             identity as the competition and their reach          We are hosting brand workshops to drive
                             grows. Serious teams must work out how best          industry and brand awareness, whilst consulting
                             to engage fans and become household names,           with big brands to help them to find their feet
                             and how to become accessible to new fans             in a more mainstream world for esports. We’re
                             without alienating their old ones. It will be a      challenging sponsors and non-endemic brands
                             delicate balance for more established teams          to look beyond the tried and tested solutions
                             both ways.                                           and prepare for a new world, a world where
                                                                                  esports belongs.

     T H I N K   B R A N D
Vox pop                                                        Tom Love,
                                                                      Creative Director
                                                                      of LoveGunn
                                                                      Kieran makes an important observation               As we’ve seen in more traditional sports,
                                                                      regarding the development of teams as big           once corporate money starts flowing into
                                                                      brands and I think it’s critical that all teams     esports there’s really no limit as to its growth,
                                                                      start recognising this and plan for the very near   both as an industry and as a recognised form
                                                                      future where purpose, values and identity will      of mainstream entertainment. We’re already
                                                                      become ever increasingly important in order         seeing big, non-endemic brands securing
                                                                      for teams to grow fandom as well as                 partnership deals within esports,
                                                                      partnership and sponsor deals.                      from sponsoring teams (visa) to the actual
                                                                                                                          events themselves (Mercedes-Benz).
                                                                      Through our strategic brand work with Excel,
                                                                      we were able to define who Excel are and            The question, or challenge as it appears,

     How do you                                                       what they stand for. By giving them a clear
                                                                      brand manifesto, they are now able to create
                                                                                                                          is how these brands activate engagement.
                                                                                                                          Traditional methods of engagement alone
                     Kieran Holmes-Darby,
     see the role    Managing Director
                                                                      engaging content, seek partnerships and sign
                                                                      players which align to their values and their
                                                                                                                          will not be enough to unlock the commercial
                                                                                                                          potential within the esports demographic.

     of brands
10                                                                                                                                                                            11
                                                                      global view.                                        Non-endemic brands need to get creative and
                     of UK Esports team Excel                                                                             produce compelling and tailored content whilst

     and brand       The esports industry is unique in the way
                                                                                                                          delivering experiences designed for this specific
                                                                                                                          audience, always making sure they ask the

                     that it has embraced globalisation and
                                                                                                                          question “Is this for them?”. If brands can do
                     connectivity quicker than any other new-age
                                                                                                                          this successfully, then everyone will win.

     in the future
                     sport, and this has resulted in the creation
                     of a number of globally recognised esports

     of esports?
                     brands. Despite this, esports continues to be
                     a growing industry that has not yet reached
                     the consciousness of the mainstream. In order
                     to grow the influence of the industry, esports
                     brands need to find ways to tie themselves to
                     consumer values to create fandom.

                     One of the key developments today is that
                     of regionalisation and that is why we at
                     Excel have been so keen to develop a truly
                     authentic British esports team that the
                     whole of the UK can align with. Investment
                     to teams and leagues from non-endemic,
                     region specific brands will bring in new
                     audiences and create team loyalty, whilst
                     also generating consumer loyalty from fans
                     towards the brands that support their team.
Fyi: is a monthly
thought-piece offering
a snap shot on trends,
popular culture, brand
insights and futures.

Fyi is written by LoveGunn

Special thanks to contributor:
Kieran Holmes-Darby
Managing Director,
Excel Esports

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