The Guide Queen of Apostles Parish - (Queen of Angels & St. Matthias) - Queen of Angels Parish Chicago

Page created by Elizabeth Gibson
The Guide
Queen of Apostles Parish
 (Queen of Angels & St. Matthias)
                   FEBRUARY 27, 2022
 “A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree
 bear good fruit. For every fruit is known by its own fruit.”
 ~Luke 6:43-44

               27 DE FEBRERO DE 2022
 “No hay árbol bueno que produzca frutos malos, ni árbol malo
 que produzca frutos buenos. Cada árbol se conoce por sus
 ~Lucas 6:43-44
February 27, 2022                                       Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                           Page Two

             Queen of Apostles                                                               We Pray for the Deceased
Parish Staff and Ministries                                              Raul Lopez, Carol Napoleon, Indalecio Ocana and Lawrence H. Miller
Temporary Website:                                                                        We Pray for
                                                                       Jim & Donna Baker, Fr. Ted Bojczuk, Paz Cardenas, Bernie Castillo Jr.,
                                                                       Dr. Jairo Cruz, Mark Dalka, Nelson Godinez, Aaron Hamlin, Bania Holanda
Queen of Angels Church                                                 Marin, Jim Koskan, Anibal Larosa, Debbie Ingallinera, Fr. Larry McNally,
2330 W. Sunnyside Ave.                                                 John Nowinski, Nora L. Ramirez, Anthony Sikorski, Pamela Suenkens,
St. Matthias Church                                                    Rosemary Summers, Purita Tavas, Sr. Maryann Zrust, Gregorio Valdes,
2310 W. Ainslie Ave.                                                   Marina & Adela Luengas, Leo Serrano, John O’Malley, Lila Wolfram, Darlo
                                                                       Gonzales, Terry Nelson-Johnson, Susan Duffy, Clare Poster, John Panko,
Parish Center Office: 4412 N. Western Ave.                             Debbie Wagner, Irene Biancalana, Cara Tucker, Don Diliberto, Cameron
      Phone: 773-539-7510              Fax: 773-539-3408               Taft, Felipe Lopez, Rigoberto Conde, Paz Carmona, Corazon Miranda,
  Facebook@qofachicago & Youtube Queen of Apostles Chicago             Beth Kraszewski, Elaine Sugent, Erin Jimenez, Jesús Oviedo, Raul Perez
                  Current : 8:30 a.m.- 8 p.m.                          and Rory Fiedler
                               8: Hours:
                    Current Office
                  9am-5pm, Monday-Friday
                   9:30am-1pm, Saturday

Rev. Msgr. James T. Kaczorowski, Pastor                                                         ALL ARE WELCOME!
Rev. Mr. Dennis Ramos, Deacon                                                                   ¡BIENVENIDOS!
Mr. Bill Brennan, Director of Operations
Ms. Rachel Hohner, Mr. Tom Madden
& Ms. Asuncion Piedra, Office Staff                                    Our Shared Worship takes place regularly at Queen of Angels
Mr. Stuart Thompson & Ms. Maria Valdes Vargas,                                     Church, 2330 W. Sunnyside Ave.
Music                                                                     SCHEDULE FOR MASSES | HORARIO DE MISAS
Ms. Rachel Hohner, Religious Education                                                        Masses
Mrs. Julie Hess, SPRED Community Religious                                      Weekend, 5 p.m. Saturdays in English
Worker                                                                        9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Sundays in English
Mr. Victor Garcia & Mr. Scott Michaels, Maintenance                              Domingos a la 12:30 p.m. en español
PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD)                                         Weekday, Monday-Friday, 8:30 am Mass in English
                                                                                    Saturday, 9am Mass in English
                                                                         Streaming live transmission of 9am Sunday Mass in
                                                                          English and 12:30pm Sunday Mass in Spanish via
SPRED        Website:                                   SACRAMENTS | SACRAMENTOS
                                                                               Confessions/Confesiones, Saturdays, 9:30-10am
                                                                                English Wedding, Funeral and Baptism Arrangements
                                                                                    Please phone the Parish Center: 773-539-7510
               Queen of Angels School:                                          Para Arreglar una Boda, un Exequias o un Bautismo
                4520 N. Western Ave.                                             Por favor llame al Centro Parroquial, 773-539-7510
                                                                         Please contact the parish office to ask for an Anointing of the Sick
            School Phone: 773-769-4211
                                                                       Por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial para pedir la
             School Fax: 773-769-4289
                                                                                              unción de los enfermos.
School Website:                           Clases de Preparación para bautismo en español son el tercer sábado
Bridge (2.5-year-olds), Pre-school, Before- and After-                           de cada mes (excepto en días de fiesta nacional)
School Programs, Kindergarten through 8th Grade                           Baptism Preparation Classes in English: First Tuesday of every
Ms. Rana Brizgys, School Principal                                                       month (except national holidays)
Mr. Alec Beaird, School Secretary
                                                                       Baptisms in English-Second Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. &
Guild Hall Gymnasium: 4416 N. Western Ave.
                                                                       Third Sundays at 2 p.m.
                 Bulletin Deadline: 10 a.m. Tuesday                    Bautismos en Español - El primer sábado a las 11:30 a.m. o 12:00 p.m. y el
If you have an upcoming event or activity it is suggested you          cuarto domingo a las 2 p.m.
advertise it in our bulletin at least two weeks prior to the event.                             (excluding national holidays)
Bulletin content:
February 27, 2022                                   Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                          Page Three

UPCOMING SPECIAL MASSES                                                 PRAYER OF THE WEEK
ASH WEDNESDAY, March 2, 2022                                            EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
Lent begins: Day of Fasting and Abstinence from Meat                    Grant us, O Lord, we pray,
Please join us to hear the Word of God and receive ashes as a sign of   that the course of our world
repentance.                                                             may be directed by your peaceful rule
-7am Liturgy of the Word in English with Distribution of Ashes          and that your Church may rejoice,
-8:30am Mass in English with Distribution of Ashes (all-school          untroubled in her devotion.
Mass for students of Queen of Angels School)                            Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
-1:15pm Liturgy of the Word in English with Distribution of             who lives and reigns with you
Ashes                                                                   in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
-6pm Mass in English with Distribution of Ashes                         God, for ever and ever. Amen.
-7:30pm Mass in Spanish with the Distribution of Ashes
Services at Queen of Apostles Church, 2330 W. Sunnyside                 TOUR QUEEN OF ANGELS SCHOOL
                                                                        We are happy to announce the return of in-person school
2022 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL                                             tours. We invite all our parish families to tour our school and
Making all things new…God’s promise and our                             learn more about our wonderful school. To sign up for an
responsibility                                                          upcoming tour date, visit the school's website
Our parish is conducting our campaign for the Annual Catholic 
Appeal. Please remember that the Annual Catholic Appeal is              UPCOMING TOUR DATES
                                                                        Tuesday, March 8, 9 AM and 7 PM
much different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge
                                                                        Tuesday, April 12, 9 AM
campaign where you can make a gift payable in installments.
                                                                        *Private tours available upon request. Please call the school at
The new Annual Catholic Appeal theme, “Making all things                773-769-4211.
new… God’s promise and our responsibility,” is an important
theme as we prayerfully consider our support for the appeal but         SENIOR SOCIAL CLUB
also important for embracing the life that the Lord wants us to         773-372-9535 or,
live. Each pledge makes a difference! All parish communities            10:30am Friday, March 4 on Zoom
participate in the campaign and the gifts of many enable our            “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” (1939), a political
parishes, schools and ministries to deliver needed services.            comedy-drama about an idealist and political novice appointed
Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous                 as a U.S. Senator who faces corruption, manipulation and fraud.
                                                                        Nominated for multiple Academy Awards and directed by
response. To make your gift, you can complete the mail-in
                                                                        Frank Capra. Starring James Stewart, Jean Arthur and Claude
giving envelope available at church or make a gift online at

SCRIPTURE HOUR!                                                         RING IN SPRING AT WINTER TOAST!
The next Scripture Hour is a mini retreat on Thursday, March 3,         Our Winter Toast Committee members are excited to invite you
from 12:30pm-2pm at the Parish Center, 4412 N. Western Ave.             to Ring in Spring at Roots Pizza and The Sixth on Saturday,
Join us for an hour of scripture discussion and prayer. If you are      March 19! Event details, including the links to purchase tickets
interested in participating, contact Deacon Dennis at                   or make a donation, can be found at, or call the par ish office at                     wintertoast22 and the par ish website. We would love to see
 773-539-7510.                                                          you, our parishioners, at Winter Toast in support of our
                                                                        wonderful community! Winter Toast is our largest annual
TRIVIA NIGHT IS BACK!                                                   fundraiser, and proceeds from Winter Toast support the needs
Please save the date of Saturday, April 30 in your                      of Queen of Angels School.
calendars. Trivia Night will be hosted in the gym. Doors open
at 6:30 pm and first question is at 7:00 pm. The cost is $320 for
                                                                        WHO LIKES TO GOLF?
a team of eight (No individual entries or teams with more than
                                                                        The Men's Club has a 9-hole Golf League at Robert Black GC
eight people are allowed). The cost includes beer water, soda
                                                                        that begins in April and runs through September. Play is every
and snacks. Outside food and beverages are strongly                     other Tuesday evening starting at 5pm. It is a handicapped
encouraged. Please bring additional cash for split the pot              league, so all levels of golfers are welcome to play. If
(50/50), strip cards and other games. Please keep an eye out for        interested or for more details, please contact Steve Swanson at
online sign-up the week of March 20-27. All proceeds benefit   who is the League Commissioner
the Nicholas J. Feller Scholarship Fund. If you have any                for 2022. This is a fun way to meet members of the Queen of
questions, please contact Tim Duet, President, Queen of                 Apostles parish and enjoy some fellowship.
Apostles Men's Club at. 773-814-0365 or Thank you for your interest and we
look forward to a great time.
February 27, 2022                                Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                        Page Four

In the Gospel today, Jesus uses images in speaking to his          LITTLEST SUPERHERO
disciples: “Can a blind man act as guide to a blind man? Why       We have been praying for the recovery of young parishioner
look at the speck in your brother’s eye when you miss the plank    Cameron Taft, son of Maureen (Weber) and Chaz Taft, a two-
in your own? A good tree does not produce decayed fruit....”       year-old child who nearly drowned in October and has been
It is true that donations come to the Society of St. Vincent       slowly recovering at Lurie Children's Hospital and the Shirley
De Paul because a good person produces goodness from the           Ryan Ability Lab. In addition to your prayers, one way we can
good in their heart.
                                                                   help this family is to consider helping them with their medical
                                                                   expenses. Maureen's family has established a GoFundMe page
                                                                   at Thank you for your
                                                                   prayers and support as they live with hope for the recovery of
                                                                   their beloved youngest son. God be with you, - Monsignor Jim
Ash Wednesday Offering, 3/2/2022
Church in Central and Eastern Europe, 3/2/2022
                                                                   THE CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE
Thomas M. Lyman Scholarship Fund, 3/6/2022
                                                                   Next week we will take up the Collection for the Church in
                                                                   Central and Eastern Europe. This collection supports the
WEEKLY                COLLECTION SUMMARY                           Church in more than 25 countries that still struggle to recover
                                                                   from former communist rule. Funds from this collection support
Weekend of:           February            February                 pastoral care, catechesis, renovations, and seminary formation.
                      19 & 20             12 & 13                  Your support restores the Church and builds the future in this
                                                                   region. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the
Envelopes             76                  74                       collection next week. More information can be found at
Amount:               $2,309.76           $1,544.00
Percent total         23%                 21%
Loose Collection                                                   LA IGLESIA EN EUROPA CENTRAL Y ORIENTAL
Amount:               $1,216.08           $1,089.38                La próxima semana realizaremos la Colecta para la Iglesia en
Percent of total:     12%                 15%                      Europa Central y Oriental. Esta colecta apoya a la Iglesia en
                                                                   más de 25 países que aún siguen luchando para recuperarse del
                                                                   antiguo régimen comunista. Los fondos de esta colecta
Give Central                                                       financian el cuidado pastoral, la catequesis, la renovación de
Projected amount: $6,269.50               $4,604.50                sus edificios y la formación de seminaristas. El apoyo de
Percent of total: 63%                     63%                      ustedes restaura la Iglesia y construye el futuro en esa región.
                                                                   Por favor, en oración, consideren cómo pueden dar su apoyo a
                                                                   la colecta la próxima semana. Para más información, entren a
We Share                                                 
Projected amount: $224.00                 $20.00
Percent of total: 2%                      1%
                                                                   2021 DONATION STATEMENTS
                                                                   If you are preparing your 2021 Income Taxes and would like to
                                                                   receive a statement of tax-deductible gifts to Queen of Apostles
Total Collection:     $10,019.34          $7,257.88                in 2021, please contact the parish office at 773-539-7510 or at
                                                          Statements may be mailed
                                                                   to your street address, picked up during office hours or you may
                                                                   receive an e-statement through your email account. Thank you
                                                                   for your support of our parish!
 Many thanks to all who sacrifice and share to support the
 ministries of Queen of Apostles Parish!
                                                                   THE DIFFERENCE
                                                                   The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one
                                                                   often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong
                    To sign up for Online Giving:                  —Henry Ward Beecher
February 27, 2022                                  Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                Page Five

These laws are to be seriously observed unless there is a            Estas leyes deben ser observadas seriamente a menos de que
significant reason of health which would dispense a person           haya una razón de salud significativa, la cual dispensaría a una
from these laws. Or, if you find yourself at a function where        persona de estas leyes. O si usted se encuentra en una función
the menu is out of your control (such as a Friday wedding or         donde el menú esta fuera de su control tal como una comida de
business luncheon) and meat is served, Catholics may eat meat        negocios en viernes y se sirve carne, los católicos pueden
at that one particular meal on that Friday. In this situation, the   comer carne en esa comida en lo particular o ese viernes y
individual should then choose another meal on another day and        escoger otra comida en otro día en la cual no van a comer
not eat meat to make up for the Friday meal when meat was            carne para reponer esa comida de viernes donde se comió
eaten. The Paschal fast and abstinence prescribed for Good           carne.
Friday is also encouraged for Holy Saturday.                         AYUNO el Miér coles de Ceniza (2 de mar zo y
FASTING on Ash Wednesday (Mar ch 2) and Good Fr iday                 Viernes Santo (15 de abril):
(April 15):                                                          · Todos los católicos entre las edades de 18 y 58 deben ayunar
· All Catholics who are between the ages of 18 and 58 are to         o comer sólo una comida completa en esos días con otras dos
fast, or take only one full meal on these days, with two other       comidas que sean suficientes sólo para mantener la fuerza
meals being substantial enough only to maintain minimal              mínima de acuerdo a las necesidades de uno.
strength according to one’s needs.                                   · Todos los católicos entre 18 y 58 años de edad no están
· All Catholics between the ages of 18 and 58 are not permitted      permitidos comer alimentos sólidos entre comidas en esos dos
to eat solid foods between meals on these two days. Liquids are      días. Sólo líquidos son permitidos.
permitted.                                                           · Todos los católicos no incluidos entre las edades de 18 a 58
· All Catholics not included in the above age span of 18 to 58       quienes sean físicamente aptos para guardar las leyes, se les
who are physically able to keep the laws are encouraged to do        anima a que lo hagan de su propia voluntad.
so as their own choice.                                              ABSTINENCIA el Miér coles de Ceniza, Todos los Vier nes
ABSTINENCE on Ash Wednesday, All Fr idays of Lent and                de Cuaresma, y Viernes Santo:
Good Friday:                                                         · Todos los católicos que hayan alcanzado los 14 años de edad
· All Catholics who have reached the age of 14 are not to eat        no deben comer carne en ninguna comida o entre comidas.
meat at any meal or between meals. Fridays are totally               Los viernes son totalmente sin carne a menos de que una dieta
meatless days unless a diet for the maintenance of health must       para mantener la salud deba de incluir carne.
include meat.                                                        · Todos los católicos, aun aquellos menores de 14 años, con el
· All Catholics, even those under 14, with parental consent and      consentimiento y apoyo de los padres, son invitados a unirse a
encouragement, are invited to join this Lenten sacrifice of not      este sacrificio de cuaresma de no comer carne los viernes.
eating meat on Fridays.                                              SACRIFICIOS PERSONALES y ORACIÓN DURANTE
PERSONAL SACRIFICES and PRAYER during Lent:                          la CUARESMA:
· The Bishops of the United States have written: “We strongly        · Los Obispos de los Estados Unidos han escrito:
recommend participation in daily Masses or Communion                 “Recomendamos firmemente la participación en misas diarias
Services. We recommend personally chosen, self-imposed               o servicios de comunión. Recomendamos ayunos y sacrificios
observing of fasting and self-denial during Lent. Also, in light     personalmente escogidos, auto-impuestos, durante la cuaresma.
of the great human needs which weigh on the Christian                También, en vista de las grandes necesidades humanas las
conscience, we urge particularly during Lent, generosity to          cuales tienen peso en la conciencia cristiana, les pedimos
local, national and world programs of sharing things needed to       particularmente durante la cuaresma, su generosidad a los
translate our duty to penance into a means of implementing the       programas locales, nacionales y mundiales de compartir cosas
right of the poor to their part of the world’s abundance.” You       necesarias para traducir nuestro deber de penitencia en los
are urged to choose your own personal Lenten sacrifice or            medios de implementar el derecho de los pobres a su parte de
prayer.                                                              la abundancia del mundo.” Se les urge a escoger su propio
                                                                     sacrificio personal u oración cuaresmal.
                                                                     WE ARE KNOWN BY OUR FRUIT
                                                                     This week, Jesus tells us that we must examine our own inner selves,
STATIONS OF THE CROSS ON FRIDAYS IN LENT                             our attitudes and dispositions, virtues and faults, rather than judging
Please join us in church each Friday in Lent to walk with Jesus      others. What is in our hearts comes out in what and how we speak. If
in the Stations of the Cross. Stations will be held at 6:30 p.m.     our hearts are filled with kindness and compassion, those qualities will
in English beginning this Friday, March 4. Eucharistic               be evident in our speaking, just as beautiful, wholesome fruit comes
Benediction is included in the service. Follow in the footsteps      only from healthy trees. And vice-versa. The Wisdom writer Sirach in
of Jesus on the Way of Sorrows through this meaningful               the first reading agrees with this concept-that we will be judged by our
Lenten devotion. Ponder and pray over the pains and sacrifices       words. Paul reminds us that the reward of discipleship is eternal life.
of modern life as you are moved by the trials Jesus faced on         Today’s psalm of thanksgiving and praise reminds us of God’s
the cross. This is a great faith opportunity for adults or           kindness and faithfulness, which we are to emulate in our thoughts,
families of all ages to pray together in a timeless Catholic         words, and deeds. We are known, each of us, by our own fruit. -
                                                                     Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
27 de febrero, 2022                             Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario                                       Página Seis
ORACIÓN DE LA SEMANA                                                PRÓXIMAS MISAS ESPECIALES
OCTAVO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO                                 MIÉRCOLES DE CENIZA 2 de marzo de 2022
Concédenos, Señor, que tu poder pacificador                         Comienza la Cuaresma, Día de Ayuno y Abstinencia de carne
dirija el curso de los acontecimientos del mundo                    Por favor, únase a nosotros para escuchar la Palabra de Dios y
y que tu Iglesia se regocije                                        recibir cenizas como señal de arrepentimiento.
al poder servirte con tranquilidad.                                 -7am Liturgia de la Palabra en Inglés con distribución de cenizas
Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo,                              -8:30am Misa en Inglés con Distribución de cenizas (Misa para los
                                                                    estudiantes de la Escuela Reina de los Ángeles)
que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo
                                                                    -1:15pm Liturgia de la Palabra en inglés con distribución de cenizas
y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amen.
                                                                    -6pm Misa en inglés con distribución de cenizas
                                                                    -7:30pm Misa en español con distribución de cenizas
CAMPAÑA CATÓLICA ANUAL 2022                                         Servicios en la Iglesia Reina de los Apóstoles, 2330 W.
Hacer nuevas todas las cosas…La promesa de Dios y                   Sunnyside
nuestra responsabilidad
Nuestra parroquia está llevando a cabo nuestra iniciativa para la
Campaña Católica Anual. Por favor, recuerde que la Campaña
Católica Anual es muy diferente de una colecta especial que         SOCIEDAD DE SAN VICENTE DE PAÚL
ocurre una sola vez. Esta es una campaña de compromisos para        En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús hace uso de imagines en enseñar
donar donde puede hacer una donación a pagar en plazos. El          a sus discípulos: “¿Puede un ciego actuar como guía para un
nuevo tema de la Campaña Católica Anual, “Hacer nuevas              ciego?... ¿Porqué ver la manchita en el ojo de tu prójimo,
todas las cosas…La promesa de Dios y nuestra                        cuando no puedes ver el tablón en tu mismo ojo?...Un buen
responsabilidad”, es un tema importante mientras consideramos       árbol no produce fruta podrida…”
en oración nuestro apoyo a la Campaña pero también es               La verdad es que donaciones llegan a la conferencia
importante para acoger la vida que el Señor quiere que              parroquial de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl porque
vivamos. ¡Cada compromiso hace la diferencia! Todas las             una amable persona produce bondad desde lo bueno en su
comunidades parroquiales participan en la campaña y las             corazón.
donaciones de muchos permiten que nuestras parroquias,
escuelas y ministerios presten los servicios necesarios. Gracias
por su consideración en oración y generosa respuesta. Para          CLUB SOCIAL DE LOS ANCIANOS
hacer su donación, puede completar el sobre de donación por         773-372-9535 o,
correo disponible en la iglesia o hacer una donación en línea en    10:30 a.m. viernes 4 de marzo en Zoom
                                                                    “Caballero Sin Espada” (1939), una comedia-drama política
                                                                    sobre un novato idealista y político designado como senador
                                                                    estadounidense que enfrenta corrupción, manipulación y fraude.
                                                                    Nominado a múltiples Premios de la Academia y dirigido por
SE NOS CONOCE POR NUESTROS FRUTOS                                   Frank Capra. Protagonizada por James Stewart, Jean Arthur y
Esta semana, Jesús nos dice que deberíamos examinar nuestro         Claude Rains.
interior, nuestras actitudes y temperamentos, virtudes y
defectos, en lugar de juzgar a los demás. Lo que está en
nuestros corazones se manifiesta en lo que hablamos y en cómo
lo decimos. Si nuestros corazones están llenos con bondad y
                                                                    TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE
compasión, esas cualidades serán evidentes en nuestra forma de
                                                                    Durante la Última Cena, Jesús dijo a sus apóstoles: “Yo soy la
hablar, así como los frutos saludables y esplendidos solo se dan
                                                                    vid, ustedes son los sarmientos” (Juan 15:5). Jesús añade que los
de árboles en buen estado y viceversa. Sirácides, el escritor del
                                                                    sarmientos (ramas) que permanecen en él, dan mucho fruto.
libro de la Sabiduría de la primera lectura está de acuerdo con
                                                                    Según la agricultura, la vid es una parra, es decir, una planta
este concepto, que seremos juzgados por nuestras palabras.
                                                                    perenne de ramas frondosas. Una parte importante de la vid son
Pablo nos recuerda que la recompensa del discipulado es la
                                                                    las hojas. Es obvio que una vid tiene hojas, pero Jesús no las
vida eterna. El salmo de acción de gracias y alabanza de hoy
                                                                    menciona, prefiere enfocarse en los sarmientos. Las partes de la
nos recuerda la bondad y fidelidad de Dios, que debemos imitar
                                                                    vid son las raíces, tronco, sarmientos, hojas, flores y fruto.
en nuestros pensamientos, palabras y obras. Cada uno de
                                                                    Según esta división Jesús sería el tronco, pero él dice ser la vid
nosotros es conocido por el fruto que damos.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                                        completa. Esta es una imagen de la unidad que Jesús quiere
                                                                    entre sus seguidores. Recordemos que Jesús celebra la Última
                                                                    Cena con sus discípulos. La comunidad de discípulos unidos a
LA DIFERENCIA                                                       Jesús formamos la vid. Los sarmientos o ramas conducen agua
La diferencia entre la perseverancia y la terquedad es que la       y minerales a las hojas, flores y frutos, y son útiles en tanto
primera viene de una fuerte voluntad y la otra no.                  estén unidos a la vid. Lo mismo vale de los cristianos,
—Henry Ward Beecher                                                 discípulos de Jesús. Son ellos y ellas los que hacen presente y le
                                                                    dan vida a Jesús en el mundo de hoy.
                                                                    —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
February 27, 2022                                        Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                              Page Seven

  This Week at Queen of Apostles                                                          Masses for the Week
(2330 W. Sunnyside Ave unless noted)                                      1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9, 10c; Mk 10:17-27
Monday, February 28                                                       8:30      MORNING MASS
-Weekday Mass, 8:30am                                                               † Parish Remembrance Society
-Chorister Rehearsal, Upper Church, 3:15pm                                TUESDAY, MARCH 1-MARDI GRAS; SHROVE (FAT)TUESDAY
-Círculo de Oración Leaders Meeting, Lower Church, 6pm                    1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31
-Confirmation Prep for all students , Parish Center Social Hall, 6:45pm   8:30      MORNING MASS
-Q of A School Board meeting on Zoom, 7pm                                           † Joseph Heber-Anniversary
Tuesday, March 1- Shrove (Fat)Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Carneval               WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2-ASH WEDNESDAY; FAST AND
-Weekday Mass, 8:30am                                                                                                ABSTINENCE; ALMSGIVING
-After-School Cheerleading in Parish Center Social Hall, 3pm-4pm          J1 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
-Cherub Choir Rehearsal, 3:15pm, Upper Church                             7:00      LITURGY OF THE WORD, WITH ASHES
-RCIA session, Parish Center, Conference Room 1, 7pm                       8:30     ALL SCHOOL MASS WITH ASHES
-English Baptism Preparation Class on Zoom, 7pm                                      † Joyce Theobold- Anniversary † Bernadette Evans-7th Anniversary
-SPRED Catechist Prep Session, Parish Center SPRED Room, 7pm               1:15     LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH ASHES
-AA meeting, Parish Center, Social Hall, 7:30pm                           6:00      MASS IN ENGLISH, WITH ASHES
Wednesday, March 2-ASH WEDNESDAY                                                    † Luz L. Ong- 3rd Anniversary
-Liturgy of the Word in English, with distribution of ashes, 7am          7:30      MISA EN ESPAÑOL CON CENIZAS
-St. Matthias School Mass at St. Matthias Church, 8:15am                             † Elisa Gutierrez- Aniversario
-All-School Mass in English with Grades Q of A School, with               THURSDAY, Mar 3- ST. KATHARINE DREXEL
distribution of ashes, 8:30am                                             Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25
-Liturgy of the Word in English, with distribution of ashes,1:15pm        8:30      MORNING MASS
-Early Dismissal & Faculty Meeting for Q of A School, 2:15pm                        † Judy Weber- 6th Anniversary
-Chorister Bell Choir Rehearsal, 2:15pm                                   FRIDAY, MARCH 4- ST. CASIMIR; ABSTINENCE;
-Mass in English, with distribution of ashes, 6pm                         Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15
-Misa en español con la distribución de cenizas, 7:30pm                   8:30      MORNING MASS
-Girl Scout Juniors, Parish Center, Social Hall, 6pm                                † Phyllis Liedtke- Anniversary
-SPRED Catechist Prep Session, Parish Center SPRED Room, 7pm              3:00      QUINCEAÑERA MASS- Jimena Lopez
-Adult Choir Rehearsal, Lower Church, 7:30pm                              6:30      STATIONS OF THE CROSS IN ENGLISH
Thursday, March 3                                                         SATURDAY, March 5- FIRST SATURDAY
-Weekday Mass, 8:30am                                                     Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32
-Scripture Hour Mini Retreat, Parish Center Conference Room 1,            9:00      MORNING MASS
12:30pm-2pm                                                                         † Lloyd Swenson
-Girl Scout Daisy Troop Meeting, Parish Center Social Hall, 6pm           9:30      CONFESSIONS
-Círculo de Oración, Lower Church, 7pm                                    3:00      DEVOTIONAL PRAYERS
-SPRED Catechist Prep Session, Parish Center SPRED Room, 7pm              5:00      MASS OF ANTICIPATION
-Respect Life Committee Meeting on Zoom, 7pm                                        † Robert M. Caruso † Sharon Banicki
-Parents Circle Meeting, Parish Center Conference Room 1, 7pm             SUNDAY, March 6- FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT
-Queen of Hearts Raffle Drawing, Gideon Welles, 8:30pm                    Dt 26:4-10; Ps 91:1-2, 10-15; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13
Friday, March 4
                                                                          9:00      ENGLISH MASS- streamed live
-Mass for St. Matthias School, St. Matthias Church 8:15am
                                                                                    † Cristino and † Corotea Gamboa
-Weekday Mass, 8:30am
-Quinceañera Mass, 3pm                                                              † Infante Family † Donald R. Elkin- 6th Anniversary
-Stations of the Cross, English 6:30pm                                    11:00     ENGLISH MASS
Saturday, March 5                                                                   † Margaret Dawson † Greta Dawson-Cronin †Thomas Dawson
-Mass in English followed by the Rosary, 9am                                        † Brendan Cowan † Flavio Castillo
-Confessions, 9:30am                                                      12:30     MISA EN ESPAÑOL- transmitido en vivo
-SPRED Total Community Session, Parish Center SPRED Room, 10am                      † Graciela Maria Morejon † Joshua San Roman † Flavio Castillo
-Baptism at St Matthias Church, 11am                                                Susana Rodriguez-Quinceañera
-Men’s Club Shot-Clock Shootout Basketball Tournament, Gym, 12pm          (This Week at Queen of Apostles continued)
-First Saturday Confraternity of Our Lady of Penafrancia meeting,         Sunday, March 6
Lower Church, 2pm                                                         -Mass in English, streamed live, 9am
-Devotional Prayers, Upper Church, 3pm                                    -Little Knights Craft, Parish Center Social Hall, 10am
-Mass of Anticipation in English, 5pm                                     -K-7 Religious Education (CCD) classes,10:15, Youth session, 10:30am
                                                                          -Mass in English, with RCIA Rite of Election, 11am
                                                                          -Mass in Spanish, streamed live with Quinceañera Blessing, 12:30pm
                                                                          -Men’s Club Basketball, Gym and Parish Center Social Hall, 8pm
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