Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...

Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...
Parish News
The Benefice Magazine for
St Oswald’s, Warton
and St Mary’s, Borwick
with St John’s, Yealand

                     Summer 2019
              PARISH NEWS   |1|S   2019
Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...
Hello everyone
Re-forma+ng all the entries for your Parish Magazine can take up to 10
hours per edi-on, so to help reduce the volunteer -me involved in producing
and edi-ng your magazine, please try to send your copy in as follows:
1. Please use Calibri font size 14pt in black.
2. Copy submi+ed by email in plain text as above.
3. Please set paragraph spacing to 0
4. Please set line spacing to 1.
5. Please avoid the use of styles.
6. Please submit posters in landscape format.
     If you need any help with the above, please do not hesitate to ask me
              or Robin for advice, we are always happy to help 
                                   Kind regards, Kate

Benefice Pastoral Care Team
In the benefice we have a small team, comprising the Vicar, the
two Readers and three Pastoral Assistants, which supports the
key areas of pastoral care on behalf of the Church across our
communi@es. Pastoral Assistants are authorised ministers, who
have undertaken some training in the diocese and are
commissioned for their work in their parishes.
Members of the team are available to visit the elderly and infirm,
those who are alone, those finding life difficult. They also visit
those unable to a+end
services at one of our churches to give Communion at home. Following significant loss or
bereavement, the team is able to give ongoing support.
If you, or someone you know, would like a visit from one of the pastoral care team,
please contact any member of the team using the details on the back of the magazine.

               The Benefice and Social Media
      Make sure you keep up to date with all the latest news via our
                  Facebook page and Twi+er account. So…
          Like us on Facebook at
      ...and Follow us on Twi+er at h+ps://

                             PARISH NEWS   |2|S        2019
Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...
Welcome to our Summer Parish News
Dear friends,                                    journey, rather than the
  Following the celebra@on of the Day of         des@na@on, that is of most
Pentecost, which brought the great season of     importance. It is the openness
Easter to a close, the Church move into what     to discovering what is ‘just
is known as ‘Ordinary Time’. AFer the fiFy        around the corner’ or ‘over the
days of Easter the church’s surroundings and     next hill’ that keeps us alive to
worship returned to a gentler pace. The          the new life that always awaits us as we
colour of Ordinary Time is green, the colour     journey on both outwardly and physically
of nature and the everyday world around us.      and inwardly and spiritually.
  But, although we may have moved on from          Journeys also give us opportunity to
the intensity of the Easter season, this does    become more aware of the world around us.
not mean our life of worship and our             This may prompt our ques@ons about who
ac@vi@es become ordinary and mundane; far        we are in rela@on to our fellow travellers in
from it! For the Chris@an Church every           our community or society. We may find
Sunday is like a li+le Easter, a joyful          ourselves asking what makes for a healthy
celebra@on of the resurrec@on of Jesus.          community or society; what are the values
Every act of worship for the Chris@an            that bind the peoples of the world together
community is a @me to renew our                  into one common humanity; what are the
commitment to explore what it means to be        values that make you the person you are?
followers of Jesus.                                The Chris@an understands there to be two
  As we se+le into the long period of            commands that underpin a healthy
Ordinary Time (which runs un@l Advent            community: love God and love your
Sunday on 1st December), for many people         neighbour. Jesus expands our understanding
thoughts also turn to the theme of holidays,     of neighbour to include those who are not
special @mes spent with family and friends,      like us, those who we might consider our
@mes to draw apart from the busy rou@nes         enemy. We oFen talk about ‘values’ that
of work, school or college. Holidays (the        inform how we are to live together across
word comes from an Old English word              society.
meaning ‘holy day’ or ‘consecrated day’) are       The Na@onal Society, which promotes and
@mes to live differently for a while and,         resources our Church schools, suggests
hopefully, find rest and renewal in body,         fourteen values that make for a healthy
mind and spirit.                                 school: reverence, wisdom, thankfulness,
  For some holidays are opportuni@es to          humility, endurance, service, compassion,
travel and discover new places or revisit        trust, peace, forgiveness, friendship, jus@ce,
favourite ones. For some holidays may be         hope, crea@on, koinonia [fellowship]. These
spent at home, simply enjoying a different        values apply equally to a healthy society.
pace of life. Whether we travel physically         As you journey on through this summer
away from home or stay at home, our              with its holidays/holy days think about what
holidays/holy days can always be @mes of         it means to love God and love your
journeying and @mes of renewal and               neighbour at school, at work, at home,
refreshing.                                      locally, na@onally and globally.
  Many great teachers about the spiritual life     God bless you.
have wri+en or spoken of how it is the             Robin Figg, Vicar
                               PARISH NEWS   |3|S          2019
Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...
Diary of Services for July & August
Sunday 7th July The Fi8h Sunday a8er Trinity
8.00am      Said Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton
9.15am      Parish Eucharist at St John’s, Yealand
9.30 am     Eucharist at St Mary’s, Borwick
11.00am     All Together Parish Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton
6.00pm      Evening Prayer at St Oswald’s, Warton

Sunday 4th August Oswald, King & Martyr
10.30am     Patronal Fes@val Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton
            Preacher: Sister Sue OCMM (Revd Canon Dr Sue Williams)
Please note that this will be the only service in the benefice on this day

On all other Sundays the services will be as follows:
8.00am       Said Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton
9.15am       Parish Eucharist at St John’s, Yealand
11.00am      Parish Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton

Advance no ce
Sunday 1st September The Blessed Virgin Mary
10.30am     Patronal Fes@val Eucharist at St Mary’s, Borwick
            Preacher: Ruth Hassall, Diocesan Director of Discipleship
Please note that this will be the only service in the benefice on this day

Weekday Services during July & August
Mondays Eucharist at St Oswald’s, Warton 12 noon
Note: No service on 26th August
Tuesdays Eucharist at St Mary’s Borwick 8.00am
WednesdaysEucharist at St John’s Yealand 9.15am followed by Coffee and Chat
Thursdays Eucharist at St Oswald’s Warton 11.00am followed by Breaking Bread lunch

                From the Parish Registers

                Saturday 1st June Graham Brocklebank & Heather Sharpe (at St John’s)
                Saturday 1st June Andreas Ares-dou & Rebecca Hall (at St Oswald’s)

                Sunday 2nd June Ashton Hutchings (at St Oswald’s)

                Tuesday 4th June Margaret Morphy (at St Mary’s)

                             PARISH NEWS   |4|S         2019
Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...
News from our churches
The PCCs and Five Marks of Mission
   At the first mee@ng of the Yealand PCC and of the Warton PCC following the Annual
Mee@ngs the Vicar reminded the PCC members of their responsibili@es as those who
share the leadership of God’s Church in our parishes, namely:
    It shall be the duty of the incumbent and the Parochial Church Council to consult
     together on ma+er of general concern and importance in the parish.
    The func@ons of the PCC shall include:
      Co-opera@on with the incumbent in promo@ng in the parish the whole mission of
        the Church, pastoral, evangelis@c, social and ecumenical;
      The considera@on and discussions of ma+ers concerning the Church of England
        or any other ma+ers of religious or public interest, but not the declara@on of the
        doctrine of the Church on any ques@on;
      Making known and puUng into effect any provision made by the Diocesan Synod
        or the Deanery Synod, but without prejudice to the powers of the Council on any
        par@cular ma+er;
      Giving advice to the Diocesan Synod and the Deanery Synod on any ma+er
        referred to the Council;
      Raising such ma+ers as the Council consider appropriate with the Diocesan Synod
        or Deanery Synod.
    In the exercise of its func@ons the PCC shall take into considera@on any expression
     of opinion by any parochial church mee@ng.
The Vicar also referred to what are known as the Five Marks of Mission of the Anglican
Communion, namely:
    To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom.
    To teach, bap@se and nurture new believers.
    To respond to human need by loving service.
    To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and
     pursue peace and reconcilia@on.
    To strive to safeguard the integrity of crea@on, and sustain and renew the life of
     the earth.
   The du@es of the PCC together with the Five Marks of Mission are important
statements on mission. The first Mark of Mission is a summary of what all mission is
about, because it is based on Jesus’ own summary of his mission.
   The Five Marks of Mission can be abbreviated to five words:

                             PARISH NEWS   |5|S         2019
Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...
News From Our Churches
Mini Church for babies, toddlers & pre-school children
  AFer a really successful beginning to Mini Church during the past few months, it has
now taken a break for the summer and will be back on Friday 13th September. In June
there were 14 children present enjoying a teddy-bear’s picnic and lots of fun and games.
  Mini Church is an ini@a@ve offered by St John’s for all who are of pre-school age, from
birth upwards, and their grown-ups. Each session includes lots of fun with songs, craFs,
story-@me and refreshments.
                    All are welcome from across our local communi@es.
            Contact Sally-Ann Rothwell, 01524 734585, for more informa@on.

Singles on Sunday is an informal group for people who live on their own and who
worship in the Benefice. We meet on the first Sunday of the month at 12:45pm at the
George Washington in Warton, where we enjoy fellowship and good
food. Hope you can join us.
Details from Carolyn Wolstenholme 01524 736033.

A Weekend with Margaret Barker,
The Lady of the Temple: The Mother of the Lord
  Eighteen people gathered in St Oswald’s on Saturday 18th May for a
fascina@ng day led by Margaret Barker.
  Through her talks Margaret took us back to the era of Solomon’s
temple in Jerusalem when the people venerated a female figure in
heaven who was known as the mother of the Messiah. We then learnt
how the figures roles were transferred to Mary, the mother of Jesus.
  All those a+ending agreed that Margaret is a wonderful speaker and teacher. Comments
on the day included:
 Margaret gave us a fascina@ng insight into her area of study and was both personable
   and approachable. I found that just hearing things from a different perspec@ve inspired
   much thought and tangen@al ideas.
 Just a few words to say how much I enjoyed the talks by Margaret Barker. A lovely
   relaxing day with such a knowledgeable speaker, and it was inspiring to be given so
   much insight into the original language of the Bible and its possible interpreta@ons. It
   gave me much food for thought and I immediately bought two of her books!
 I found that the day passed very quickly. Her talks were fascina@ng and by the end of
   the day I had a be+er understand that the Chris@an venera@on of Mary had a
   contextual relevance with the older Hebrew temple theology and how the New
   Testament had its founda@on in the same tradi@on.
 We are delighted that Margaret has agreed to return again next year to lead a day on
Saturday 9th May exploring the book of Revela@on.

                              PARISH NEWS   |6|S        2019
Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...
News From Our Churches

Pilgrim Course—The Bea-tudes
 We have now completed three modules of
the Pilgrim course and will begin our second
year as we look at the fourth module, The
Bea-tudes, during September and October.
  This module will take us through what is
regarded as probably the most important, subversive and revolu@onary text in the bible.
In order to follow Jesus and live the Chris@an life, we need to enter into the challenging
but beau@ful world of the Bea@tudes and that is what this exci@ng course is all about.
 We will again have a group mee@ng on a Wednesday morning (star@ng 25th
September) and a group mee@ng on a Thursday evening (star@ng 26th September).
 For more details and to register for one of the groups please pick up a leaflet from one
of the churches or contact the Vicar.
 The Pilgrim course is designed to help you discover the Chris@an way of life. It unpacks
the basic message and teaching of the Chris@an faith, and also shows you how to pray
and how to live like Jesus. It does this in a way that is reflec@ve and conversa@onal.
Pilgrim takes a different approach to other Chris@an programmes. It approaches the
great issues of faith not through persuasion, but par@cipa@on in a pa+ern of
contempla@on and discussion with a group of fellow travellers.

Tweens & Teens for teenagers
  What a fabulous end of year Tweens
and Teens evening we had at Yealand
House on Saturday 15th June! Over 40 of
us shared a bbq, cakes and games!
  We raised £132.41 for our chosen
chari@es too- Scouts and North Teenagers
Cancer Trust!
  Well done to everyone and thank you to
everyone involved (you know who you
are!). You really are a great bunch and we
look forward to seeing you at our 28th
September event at the Maize Maze!

Irvine & Friends Coffee Evening
Thank you to Irvine and everyone who supported this event on 28th May. Nearly £1,600
was raised for the St Oswald’s Restora@on Fund. Well done!

                             PARISH NEWS   |7|S         2019
Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...
St Oswald’s, Warton
Join us for Lunch!
Every Thursday at St Oswald’s we offer a lunch, usually soup, sandwiches and cakes. We
have a quiet Eucharist in church at 11am followed by lunch at about 12 noon.
Join us for either, or both!
Excellent table service from some of our village school children.
If you need transport we will try to help.
Carers are welcome too.
A dona@on of around £2.50 is invited.
Further details from Revd Robin 732946.

St Oswald’s Church Coffee Stop
is somewhere to meet for a drink, cake and a chat!
Every Tuesday 9am to 11am at St Oswald’s Church, Warton
(toys are provided for young children).
All are welcome.

Junior Church—Can you help?
  The Junior Church at St Oswald’s meets each Sunday during the school term and offers
an important ministry helping our young people explore and learn about the Chris@an
faith. We are most grateful to the team of leaders and helpers, under the guidance of
Vanessa Alpin, for their dedicated work.
  Due to changing circumstances some of the team are unable to con@nue, so we are
looking for new volunteers to be involved. If you are interested in being another leader
or another helper, please speak either Vanessa or with Robin, the Vicar. Having a team
means that people are asked to be involved on a rota every three to four weeks.

East End Wall repair work
  By the @me you are reading this work will have
recommenced to complete the repairs to the east
end walls of St Oswald’s.
  The rendering was removed from most sec@ons of
the wall during the summer last year. This work
iden@fied some issues with the stone tracery
around the east window and with the state of the
wall beneath the render. Following discussions
involving our architects, structural engineers and contractors, a two phase approach was
agreed to complete the repair work.
  The first phase is to repair the stone parapet above the east window. The second
phase will be to re-render the walls with a lime render which is the appropriate type of
render for historic buildings such as St Oswald’s. It is expected that the works will be
completed by mid September.

                            PARISH NEWS   |8|S         2019
Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...
St Mary’s, Borwick & Priest HuFon
Faith Matters
This is an informal monthly discussion group with the aim of providing space to explore
the relevance of faith to contemporary issues. The group meets on the 2nd Tuesday each
month at St Mary’s Church, Borwick. Refreshments are served from 10.45am and the
shared conversa@on begins at 11.00am and we finish at 12 noon. The issue being
discussed this month is:
                   Exploring Faith and…
9th July           Social media: how do we connect?
10th September Gender: what makes us human?
8th October        Divorce & remarriage: is it OK with God?

Massive boost for development plans at St Mary’s
  The excellent news from St Mary’s is that,
following many months of detailed planning
and     painstaking     grant    research    and
applica@ons, the District Church Council of St
Mary’s has secured a substan@al grant offer
from the Diocese of Blackburn. This, together
with other grants and dona@ons, brings the
total funds raised to date to £126,500, which is
over 90% of our total project budget.
  This means that, subject only to the ongoing goodwill and support of the local
community and parish, our ambi@ous reordering plans can definitely go ahead. At the
@me of wri@ng, construc@on companies are being interviewed with the inten@on of
placing the contract for the building of the extension, ready for works to begin this
  The first issue of a project newsle+er to keep villagers and parishioners up to-date with
developments will be issued shortly, but meanwhile if anyone has any ques@ons or ideas,
or indeed would like to contribute to the last 10% of funds needed, please do not
hesitate to contact Joyce Tombs (on 07768 930070) or the Vicar.

                             PARISH NEWS   |9|S         2019
Parish News - Summer 2019 - The Benefice Magazine for St Oswald's, Warton and St Mary's, Borwick with St John's, Yealand - Yealand Church of ...
St John’s, in the Yealands

   Have you ever wondered how everything runs so smoothly in Church??
Its always clean, there's always someone to welcome you to the services in our nice warm
church, coffee and biscuits are provided aFerwards, fresh flowers are deligh]ully
arranged, hymns chosen, service sheets printed, bible readings beau@fully read out, altar
cloths washed and ironed, free community aFernoon tea once a month - to name just a
few of the more obvious things that you might no@ce when entering this sacred space.
All these things happen because of the dedica@on and hard work of our lovely
churchwardens, Sally-Ann and Clare who organise and oversee a team of volunteers that
give their @me and energy to make church run smoothly.
The PCC (Parochial Church Council) work hard to support Reverend Robin, our
churchwardens and readers Janet and Anne+e. Unseen people produce rotas for the vol-
unteer @me to do the million and one small things happen that we would only no@ce if
they didn't get done.
Sadly, an increasing amount of work is done by a shrinking number of people so we are
asking for your help. Perhaps you don't a+end regular services or none at all? Maybe you
only come to church for weddings, funerals, bap@sms and other "special occasions"?
Even so you can help with the vital community outreach work that church provides and
we welcome all offers of help support. We would be grateful for people who would like to
help with light cleaning, par@cipate in services, bake for aFernoon teas or any other small
tasks that you may feel able to help with.
                            Many hands make light work
We currently have three vacancies on the PCC, which is the body of people that make
decisions about how the church is run. Members come from all sec@ons of society and
you do not have to live in the village to be on it. The PCC meets four @mes a year on a
weekday evening and mee@ng generally last around 90 minutes.
We are also in need of more lovely "welcomers" to our services (the official @tle is
Sidesmen). Full training will be given.
If you wish to contribute to the smooth running of St John's and the community services
that we provide, please contact Robin, Sally-Ann, Clare or myself.
Thank you for taking the @me to read this.
Kate (Editor)

                             PARISH NEWS   | 10 | S      2019
St John’s, in the Yealands
Tea at St John’s
Wednesday 31st July at 3pm.
Everyone is welcome to come to the free aFernoon teas at St.
John’s Church, Yealand. LiFs are provided for anyone who needs
them - ring Angela McCarthy 782941. Any leF over food is given
away aFerwards - if you or anyone you know can’t come to the
church but would like a nice tea that day, please do contact us.

Knit and KnaFer is taking a summer holiday and will resume in the Autumn.

                            PARISH NEWS   | 11 | S     2019
News From Our Churches

Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast
  Did you know that there are thirteen different places of Chris@an
worship within a two mile radius of Carnforth? Whether you are
Methodist, Quaker, Anglican, Roman Catholic or any other
denomina@on that worships Jesus Christ as Lord, you are invited to
make a difference to our land by praying together. Thirteen churches in and around the
Carnforth area have been prayed for since January of this year for this purpose.
  The first ecumenical prayer breakfast will take place on Saturday 7th September
star-ng at 8.30am in Millhead Village Hall, off Carlisle Terrace, Millhead, Carnforth
LA5 9HD.
  There may not be another one - depending on how many people are willing to leave
the comfort of their beds on a Saturday morning! (It would be such a shame if I have to
eat all the chocolate croissants by myself!) There may be another one in a few months
  Jesus called all those who follow him to pray. If you haven't done anything like this
before, its a good opportunity to make new friends, share fellowship and enjoy food.
There will be @mes of led prayer as well as @mes for group prayers and a @me of quiet,
followed by a simple con@nental style breakfast. There is no charge for the breakfast,
but dona@ons to cover costs will be gratefully received. For further details and offers of
help, please ring Valerie Bond on 07969 081092.

                            PARISH NEWS   | 12 | S      2019
News From Our Villages
Warton Cra8 Group - New members with an interest in craFs are welcome to join
us. Contact Lynnda on 01524 734480 or Carol at

Badminton For Fun
Warton Village Hall, Monday AFernoon, 1 - 3 pm.
Regular exercise may keep you fit and improve your health,
so come and join us and meet new friends.
You will be most welcome, contact Pam Riley 01524735016

Thursday 18 July 2019 an OPEN MEETING. Come and join us in the
Village Hall, Warton at 7.30pm. when Andy Cook, a member of the
Trading Standards Department, will bring us up-to-date with Cyber
Thursday 15 August 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Warton “Who do you think you
are?”. Our speaker is Kate Hurst who is a family history researcher based in the north
If you need more informa@on phone Barbara on 843426 or visit the website at h+p://

                     Summer Events at Leighton Hall
Shakespeare in the Garden is on the evening of Friday 19th July – At Leighton
Hall - gates are open from 6pm for people that want to have a picnic in the
garden with the play star@ng from 7.30pm. The play this year is Much Ado
About Nothing. Tickets are Adult – £16.00 and children / students - £11.00. It
is outdoor theatre, so people need to bring a seat. Tickets can be booked by
calling the Hall – 01524 734474 or online at
Wind in the Willows – at Leighton Hall on Thursday 22nd August 2019 – this
is Family Promenade Outdoor Theatre. For more informa@on and to book
@ckets call 01524 419486 or go to Tickets
are £8.50 for Adults and Children or a group @cket of £30.00 for 4 people.
There are 3 performances during the day 11am, 2.30pm and 5.00pm and if
people are slightly wobbly on their feet, they should bring a light weight
folding chair that they can carry.

                            PARISH NEWS   | 13 | S      2019
TewiLield Methodist Church would like to welcome you every Sunday aFernoon at
          3.00pm. The church can be reached by turning up the lane at the side of
                                  The Longlands Hotel

                          Sunday Morning Service @ 10.00am
                   Sunday Night Live @ 5.00 pm - Contemporary church
       All are welcome at either of these services where refreshments are provided
                            and provision is made for children.

Sunday 21st July at 5.00pm will be the last Sunday Night Live service. We have decided to
discon@nue this service for the moment.
Toddlers will finish for the summer on Thursday 11th July and will re-commence in
Men's Breakfast will be held on Saturday 6th July and Saturday 3rd August at 08.30am
where all men are welcome.
Car Wash and Tea Shop will be held on Saturday 6th July and Saturday 3rd August from
10.00am - 12 noon. Come along and have your car washed while you enjoy a cuppa, cake
and a chat.
Saturday 13th July at 7.00pm is Ladies Night where we will be holding a Dance Taster.
Come along and learn how to dance, trip the light fantas@c and have some fun!!
Sunday 21st July and Sunday 18th August - Light Bites Lunch at 12 noon for those who
normally dine alone. Do come and enjoy some food with us. Everyone is very welcome.
We are holding a Holiday Bible Club this year from 19th - 23rd August daily from 10.00am
-12 noon. This is for children aged between 5 and 11 years so if you have any children,
grandchildren or friends in these age groups, do send them along where they will have
lots of fun, meet other children and learn all about Peter this year. Watch out for posters,
informa@on will be sent to Archbishop Hu+on school and further details are available
from Rev Emma Holroyd on 01524 941266 or email

                             PARISH NEWS   | 14 | S       2019
Yealand Quaker Mee-ngs

                       Mee ng for Worship
                       Sunday 10.30-11.30 and Wednesday 11.30-12.00

. Mee@ngs are followed by refreshments and fellowship. All are welcome
. The Mee ng House is located behind the Old School at the top of the hill in Yealand
      Conyers; Off-road car and cycle parking available and level access
. Rooms available to hire for mee@ngs, par@es, classes.
      Self-catering accommoda@on in the Old School
. For more informa on contact the warden Alison Smedley 0333 0065295

Yealand Quakers invite you to their annual garden party on Saturday
6th July, from 2.30pm. At the Mee@ng House, at the top of the hill
on Yealand Rd. Come and enjoy the peace of our grounds, and there
will be a chance to look round the extensively refurbished Old
School. Alan Tyldesley

                                   Charity Events
 St John’s Hospice
 Friends Coffee Morning is on the first Friday of every month,
 9.30 – 11.30 in The Courtyard Café at St John’s Hospice.
 We have coffee, cakes, clothes, bric
 -a-brac & a raffle.
 All are welcome.

                             PARISH NEWS   | 15 | S      2019
Please note that the deadline for the September issue is August 3rd due to the
    need to get the magazine to print early because of volunteer holidays.

                      We are looking for volunteers to support the prin-ng of the
                      magazine on either a regular or irregular basis. The prin-ng
                      takes approximately 16 hours over 2 days and although there
                      are now some volunteers it would be great to spread the load
                      and have holiday or emergency cover. If you can help please
                      contact Angela Sewell on 07845481179 or

                                                                      SUMMER DOT-TO-DOT

                         PARISH NEWS   | 16 | S    2019
Notes from a Warton Garden – Summer 2019
As usual I seem to have far too many plants to fit into my garden. It’s the same every year,
I can’t resist trying something new, sowing more seeds, dividing plants to get new ones. I
seem to spend much of my @me in early summer finding space to fit more in, or
persuading friends to take plants from my ‘overflow’.
Keep your garden blooming this month by regularly deadheading flowers as they fade.
Don’t forget to put supports in to keep your plants upright and standing tall. There’s s@ll
@me for some fast-cropping plants like salads and radishes in the veg plot as well as
thinking ahead to next spring with cabbage and spring greens. And if you want to really
think ahead, sow some biennials like wallflowers or foxgloves that will flower next
The Gardening Club have our next set of mee@ngs ready from September to whet your
appe@te for more green-fingered endeavours. We’re welcoming some new speakers –
Maureen Li+le who specialises in bee-friendly gardening, and woodlands expert Neil
Huntley visi@ng us from his nursery at Alston in Cumbria. Come along and join us on
Thursday evenings for our friendly events, always finished with tea and biscuits and a
chance to share your gardening interest.
A big thank you to all of you who came and supported our Coffee Morning and Plant Sale
at the start of May. We raised £300 for the NW Air Ambulance and a great @me was had
by all. Emma Parsons

Warton Gardening Club Mee-ngs
Membership is only £7 and includes entry to all mee@ngs for a year and discounts at local
garden centres. Membership cards are available at the Post Office or at our monthly
mee@ngs. Or come along and try it out for size first - £3 per mee@ng.
Our mee@ngs take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall
with addi@onal events in the village throughout the year.
· 12 September ‘Keep your Garden Buzzing’ talk by Maureen Li+le
· 10 October ‘Woodland Garden Plants’ talk by Neil Huntley from Alston Nursery
· 14 November AGM plus demo

                             PARISH NEWS   | 17 | S      2019
What a busy and rewarding half term we have had so far!
Swallow Class have been out and about in the community and taking part in lots of
sporting events.
The school had one bronze medal winner in the BIG schools swimming gala, this small
but mighty school competed with the larger schools and even without a full swimming
team we were able to shine.

Following on from the amazing swimming win a small number of pupils from Year 4,5
and 6 went along to Overton St. Helens CE Primary School and took part in their annual
Cross Country Race. This is the second time this event has taken place and last year
the school received a medal for the Year 6 entry. This year a gold medal win was
received for the Year 6 boy competitive and a special star award was received by a Year
4 pupil. This was a very proud moment for the school, again competing against much
larger schools and racing against 51 other competitors.

The hens have now settled into school life and have begun to lay eggs. All five are very
happy and well cared for by the school’s Chicken Crew. Free-Range eggs are now
available for sale from the school office at £1 per half dozen. All 5 hens are different
breeds therefore the eggs they produced are different colours; white, brown, and blue.
Why not try so truly delicious Yealand eggs laid by happy hens!

                            PARISH NEWS   | 18 | S      2019
As the school community is growing we are again looking into the community for
volunteers who may be able to come along and listen to readers or help the children
look after the school grounds. We run a Gardening Club on a Thursday after school, if
you are able to help the children weed, dig, plant and grow please contact the school
office on the details below.
Due to the growth of the school we are now looking for additional members of staff.
Please check out the school Facebook page for information on our most recent
vacancies. Keep up to date with all events and news by following the school Facebook
or checking the school’s website.
Many thanks, Mrs Katrina C Gale         
                                  Tel no: 01524 781360

                         Archbishop HuFon's School PTA
                          Summer Fair and 10km Fun Run
                      Saturday 13th July 2019 10.30am @ll 2pm
             Archbishop Hu+on's School Field, Back Lane, Warton LA5 9QU
                                  * 10km Fun Run
                                   * 1km Fun Run
                                     * Dog Show
                                  * Refreshments
                                  * Bouncy Castle
                                        * Stalls
                                       * Games

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PARISH NEWS   | 20 | S   2019
Demen@a is caused by a number of diseases that affect the brain. The most common is
Alzheimer's but diseases also include vascular demen@a, demen@a with Lewy bodies and
Pick's disease.
  Different types of demen@a affect the brain at different rates and in different ways, but
other things like someone's personal circumstances, the people around them and the
environment in which they live, will affect their experience of demen@a. Demen@a
progresses in a way that is unique to each individual.
  The word 'demen@a' describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and
difficul@es with thinking, problem-solving or language. These changes are oFen small to
start with, but for someone with demen@a they have become severe enough to affect
daily life. A person with demen@a may also experience changes in their mood or
  It is true that more people over 65 have demen@a but it is not exclusively an older
person's disease; younger people get demen@a too.
Become a Demen-a Friend
  Being a Demen@a Friend simply means learning more about demen@a, puUng yourself
in the shoes of someone living with the condi@on, and turning your understanding into
ac@on. From visi@ng someone you know with demen@a to being more pa@ent in a shop
queue, every ac@on counts. Become a Demen@a Friend by choosing one of the op@ons
Online video
  You can become a Demen@a Friend by watching our online video where you will meet
Teresa, Emma and Alex who are living with demen@a and learn more about what it is like
to live with the condi@on.
AFend an Informa-on Session
  Informa@on Sessions are run by Demen@a Friends Champions to help you understand
what it's like to live with demen@a and the ac@ons you can take.
  You can ask for an informa@on session to be held locally to you if there are 10 or more
people that will a+end.
How organisa-ons can get involved
  The Programme Partnerships team works with all types of organisa@ons to successfully
rollout Demen@a Friends and offers best prac@se guidance so an organisa@on can work
towards becoming demen@a friendly.
  The most prac@cal first step is to register your organisa@on. You will then gain access to
our online sector specific videos and other helpful resources. It can take a few days to
verify your account, however, so please bear with us.
  As we are a fairly small team we would be grateful if you could take a look at our helpful
FAQs in the first instance.

                             PARISH NEWS   | 21 | S      2019
PARISH NEWS   | 22 | S   2019
The Parish News Team
                  Ar@cles for submission, send to Kate Waddington at
     by 10th of the previous month.
           Adver-sing enquiries should be made to Pam Bentley Tel: 822077
                         or by email to
 No charges are made for details of ac vi es from non-profit making community groups
    within our villages, though dona ons towards the cost of produc on are always
         welcomed. For adver sing fundraising events, there is a modest charge.
           Distribu-on enquiries should be made to Angela Sewell Tel: 734308
                          or by email to
  There is no charge for “Parish News”, but we are grateful to those who feel able, from
  me to me, to make a dona on towards the cost of produc on. It is most helpful if any
     dona ons are in an envelope marked “Parish News” and given to the treasurer,
                           Ian Rosindale, or le* at the Vicarage.

Please Remember In Your Prayers:
Those who are sick or in par-cular need, including:
Mark Slinger, Peter Thompson, Frances Hoggarth, Elaine Goodlad, John Butler, Joshua,
Grant Woodbridge and Doris Kirk.
Those with longer term needs or in residen-al care, including:
Daniel Hughes, David Burford, Jean Nelson, Eileen Monk, Sarah, George Harrison, Emma
Holroyd, Greta PuUck and our home communicants.
July & August Anniversaries of Death:
Francis Clarke, Edna Hoy, Edward Hartley, Bernard Lancaster, Nora Parrington, Yvonne
Kenyon, Roland Davy, Mary Nigh@ngale, Doris Upstone, Frank Newman, Enid Ormrod,
Brian Simpson, Doreen Boyd, Marjorie Clarke, Daphne Glover, Eddie Walker, William
Brocklebank, Barbara Briggs, Rosie Kay, Freda Cherry, Geoffrey White, Thomas Haycock,
Alice Fothergill, Michael Thomas, Kathleen Smith, Eleanor Wood, Helen Nesbi+, Joan
Helm, Roy Wilson, Winifred Bretherton, Tom Ba+ersby, Charles Allen, John Branson,
Sanderson Temple, Jack Foster, Henry Bucket, Deryck Higgens, Christopher Bainbridge,
Leonard Thompson, Chris@ne Clegg, David Oddy, Marjory Nash, Hilda Barlow-Morris,
Isabelle Wilson, Carol Collinson, Doris Richardson, Doris Jollys, Alice Mckay, Tom
Proudlove, Sandra Britliff, Evelyn Bush, Jennifer Mather, Harold Turner, Frank Kelly,
Andrew Jackson, Richard Hellewell, James Coleman, Dorothy Scholes, Malcolm Hall,
Frances Holmes.
                            PARISH NEWS   | 23 | S     2019
Benefice Contacts
Vicar                       The Revd Robin Figg                   Tel: 732946

Assis-ng Clergy             The Revd Peter Mann                      Tel: 736361

Readers                     Mrs Anne+e MacKenzie                     Tel: 736944
                            Mrs Janet Thompson                       Tel: 823503

St Oswald’s                 Mrs Sue Hopwood                          Tel: 720160
St Mary’s                   Mrs Sheila Barnes                        Tel: 720067
St John’s                   Mrs Clare Hunter
                            Mrs Sally-Ann Rothwell                   Tel: 734585

Pastoral Assistants         Mrs Val Ellams                       Tel: 733292
                            Miss Chris@ne Shields
                            Mrs Carolyn Wolstenholme             Tel: 736033
Pastoral Visitor            Mrs Karan Hague                      Tel: 784975

Safeguarding Team           Mrs Kate Bethell                  Tel: 07703 770987
                            Mrs Alison Semple                 Tel: 07484 756755
                            Miss Tracey Lawther               Tel: 07990 610687

        All enquiries regarding christenings, weddings, anniversary blessings
                               please contact the Vicar.
          If anyone is unable to come to church through illness or infirmity
    and would like to receive Communion at home please contact one of above.
     The clergy can be available for the sacrament of reconcilia@on (confession)
                usually before a mid-week Eucharist by arrangement.

                          The Vicar’s day off is usually Friday.
                      Facebook: UnitedWBY Twi+er: UnitedWBY

                           PARISH NEWS   | 24 | S    2019
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