The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion

The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion
High Performance
Fat Loss Blueprint
The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion
The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as

a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction

with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning

any exercise or nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your

physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using

the recommendations in this report, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for

your actions. You recognize that, despite all precautions on the part of The Fitness

Rebellion, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the

aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish

and release any claim which you may have against The Fitness Rebellion, or its affiliates

as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a

result of, the use or misuse of this report.
The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion
Welcome To The Rebellion!
I want to take a moment and congratulate you on taking
the first step to transforming your body & life.

It is said that if you don’t have riches, you have many
wishes…however, if you don’t have health you have but
one wish…

Your health & fitness is the one thing that can’t be bought
or sold and it is at the core of living a happy and fulfilling
life. That’s exactly what makes building your physique and
optimizing your health so special.

By downloading and reading this guide you are joining
The Fitness Rebellion in rejecting the status quo, the
gimmicks, the quick fixes, and the mainstream nonsense.

It is our mission to change the world by transforming lives
through a no bullshit lifestyle approach and this guide will
arm you with the knowledge to achieve predictable and
sustainable results.

However, this guide is not a magic pill or quick fix. It will
take time, effort, consistency, and hard work to create a
limitless body & life.

Are you ready?
The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion
Hey, I’m Coach Matt and growing up I was not naturally athletic or the kid with crazy
genetics. I didn’t play sports and I was probably one of the last guys that anyone
would expect to get in really great shape (some childhood friends are still blown
away when they see me today).

I was the awkward, skinny kid who was really into music and I personally struggled
with confidence for as long as I can remember. I don’t really know why I was so
self conscious. I just wasn’t happy with what I saw in the mirror and it affected my
perception of myself.

To add to that, in middle school I got into my fair share of fist fights with bullies.
Unfortunately for me, I didn’t have the physical strength to match my moral compass,
which led me to losing almost all of those fights haha.

Because of that I started lifting weights on my own, but after a while I hungered for
the elite level results that I was unable to achieve on my own. So I hired and learned
from several of the top coaches in the industry to get into competitive bodybuilding.

I spent my time first by getting in the trenches knowledge of what worked and then I
continued to educate myself by learning the science behind my practical experience.

This guide is a culmination of over 10 years training, competing, and coaching
hundreds of men and women to permanently transform their bodies & health.

The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion
   The Key Mindset Shift....................................................... Page 1

   Mindset Frameworks........................................................ Page 2

   The High Performance Pyramid...................................... Page 5

   Sleep Schedule................................................................. Page 6

   Hydration........................................................................... Page 7

   Energy Balance................................................................. Page 8

   Nutrition Flexibility........................................................... Page 9

   Quick Start Nutrition Guide............................................. Page 10

   Intro To Resistance Training............................................. Page 11

   Training Intensity............................................................... Page 12

   Training Volume / Frequency.......................................... Page 13

   Exercise Selection............................................................. Page 14

   Progressive Overload....................................................... Page 15

   Sample Training Plan........................................................ Page 16

   Targeted Cardio................................................................ Page 19

   Flexibility & Mobility......................................................... Page 20

   Recap.................................................................................. Page 21

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020
The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020   Pg. 1
The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion
                  MINDSET FRAMEWORKS
 The proper mindset is essential for increasing energy, maximizing your performance, and
 permanently transforming your body & health.

 There are few better examples of mental fortitude and laser like focus than Arnold

 His mindset allowed him to achieve success in all of his endeavors and transcend
 bodybuilding and then Hollywood.

 And I would like to share a quote from him on this topic

 “The body is very important, but the mind is more important than the body”.

 What Arnold is getting at here is that you need to dig deep down and begin to create the
 vision of the goal you are looking to achieve.

 Success doesn’t happen without consistent, purposeful action towards specific goals.


 I speak to hundreds of individuals every week and more often than not they tell me “ I just
 can’t get motivated to make a change”.

 To be blunt, I just want to slap these individuals in the face and tell them to stop acting like a
 little baby.

 My living is based on me being in excellent shape to lead my clients from the front and I don’t
 always feel motivated to exercise or eat the way that I should.

 I do it in spite of how I feel or what my emotions dictate.

 Motivation is great when it’s there, but relying on it is asking to fail.

 If you’re waiting for a lighting bolt of motivation you will never achieve your goals.

 Just start taking action.

 No matter how small or imperfect.

 Lucky for you, I’ve packaged TONS of strategy and tactical implementation when it comes to
 your performance and fitness in this guide.

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                                 Pg. 2
The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion
                  MINDSET FRAMEWORKS

 Don’t try and do too much and come up with some crazy complicated fitness & nutrition

 If it’s not simple you aren’t going to do it or you’re not going to be successful in getting results.

 I see this all the time… “Matt, I’m doing keto-vegetarian-paleo-zone-intermittent fasting, what
 do you think about that?”

 It’s stupid, that’s what I think and I’m going ensure that by the time you have read this guide
 you you have a simple and straightforward approach to reaching your fitness goals.

 Everything that I talk about in this guide should be viewed as a variable.

 Each variable has a specific purpose.

 We adjust the variables based on your goals, individual response, and preferences.


 One of the key distinguishing facts that you need to understand about health and fitness is
 that there are many ways to achieve the same goal.

 The question that needs to be asked is what is the best way to make the variables within this
 guide align with your lifestyle, goals, time, likes, & dislikes.

 Much of what is popular, trendy, or hot within the fitness industry is heavily based on simple
 short-term tactics that provide little to no context of “why” nor is it something you will do for
 the rest of your life.

 Step 1 of educating yourself begins by reading this guide.

 Step 2 is implenting the topics that are covered in this guide in a way that you can continue to
 be consistent with for years to come.

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                                Pg. 3
The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion
                  MINDSET FRAMEWORKS

 A lot of people say that they want a better body, that they want more energy, they want to lose

 Unfortunately, the reality is that most people are merely just interested in the idea of getting in

 Their fitness & performance goals are something that sound “nice” but only if it’s convenient.

 After coaching hundreds of men & women to build the body and the life of their dreams, it
 became very clear that they all shared one significant commonality.

 They all had deep motivations for why they wanted to change and they understood that their
 health & fitness was the key to permanently enriching their life.

 Why is it truly important for you to optimize your body & health? What do you get out of it?
 How will your life be radically different? What positive changes do you see for yourself?
 Why MUST you achieve your fitness & performance goals?

 This is the fuel to your fire and you need to really dig deep for the truth.


 I’m sure you’ve heard this before.

 Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound Goals.

 If someone says “I just want to lose weight” that’s pretty silly because if you lose 1lb in 1 year
 you’ve met your goal.

 I think we can all agree, those aren’t the type of results to write home about.

 Take the time to go through this simple, but effective goal planning framework and ask

 What is my fitness goal 1 week from now?
 What is my fitness goal 1 month from now?
 What is my fitness goal 6 months from now?
 What is my fitness goal 1 year from now?

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                                Pg. 4
The High Performance Fat Loss Blueprint - MAXIMIZE ENERGY, INCREASE FOCUS, & BUILD A BADASS BODY - The Fitness Rebellion
               FAT LOSS PYRAMID

                               The 1%

  The 99% drivers
  for performance
  & fitness results.

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020        Pg. 5
                 SLEEP QUALITY & SCHEDULE

 Many of us know that sleep is important, but aren’t quite aware of how critically important it is
 for performance, fitness, mental focus & health.

 Sleep Basics (Shoot for 7-9hrs of sleep a night)

 Multiple Sleep Cycles (typically 90 minutes) throughout the

 Typically your earlier sleep cycles will be more Non REM
 dominant and your later sleep cycles will be more REM

 Non REM 1 (5%)
 Non REM 2 (55%)
 Non REM 3 (15%)

 In Non REM your body is working to physically repair & replenish your body as well as
 secreting hormones.

 REM (25%)

 REM sleep is the mentally restorative section of your sleep. Memory & cognition is improved
 with more REM sleep.

 How To Achieve Better Sleep

 1. Create a consistent Sleep / wake Schedule - that means getting up and going to bed at the
 same time.

 2. Get 10-20minutes of exposure to sunlight in the morning to help reduce of melatonin and
 set your circadian rhythm

 3. No Caffeine consumption after 2pm

 4. Create a 1hr Wind Down Routine with ideally no screens or utilize blue blockers before bed

 5. Make sure the room is dark. This will help increase in melatonin and set your circadian

 6. Keep room Temperature 65-69 degrees

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                              Pg. 6
                  OPTIMAL HYDRATION

 You may or may not be aware, but every cell, tissue, and organ in your body requires water to
 work properly.

 Proper hydration is essential for transporting nutrients, regulating body temperature,
 lubricating joints, and providing structure to cells & tissue.

 This is important because proper hydration helps improve sleep quality, cognition, mood,
 digestion, and physical performance.

 How To Achieve Better Hydration

 1. Keep a water bottle with you. It’s easy to stay hydrated if you have convenient access to
 water throughout the day.

 2. Know how many times you have to refill your bottle to get 104 Fluid Oz + this makes hitting
 water target intakes easier.

 3. Consistently drink throughout the day in between meals and at each meal and don’t wait
 until you’re feeling thirsty to drink.

 4. Utilize 0Kcal water enhancers with electrolytes to help rehydrate quickly.

 5. Increase your water intake pre, intra, and post-exercise as well as days that your activity level
 is higher as well as on warmer days .

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                               Pg. 7

 You may have heard that you can’t out train a bad diet and that statement holds a lot of truth.
 I see people absolutely busting their ass in the gym & struggling to lose fat, but when I ask
 them about their nutrition they’re like a deer in the headlights.

 If you don’t get your nutrition in check, you will spin your wheels forever and I’m not saying
 that to scare you, I’m saying it to empower you. So if you know your nutrition is an issue here
 are the most important things you need to know.


             Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) = BMR + TEF + NEAT + TEA

 •   Generally to lose fat: Moderate negative energy balance (300-600Kcals) of TDEE
 •   Generally to build muscle: Moderate positive energy balance (300-600Kcals) of TDEE
 •   Adequate protein intake (.8 - 1.5g/lb body weight) is optimal to maintain or build muscle
     as well as for healthier fat loss (metabolic function & hunger management)

                                  Dairy Proteins
                                                                          Milk, Cottage Cheese,
                          (Protein + Carbohydrates + Fat)                 Greek Yogurt

                              Fatty Proteins                                       Free Range Eggs,
                              (Protein + Fat)                                      Grass Fed Beef,
                                                                                   Wild Caught Salmon,
                                                                                   Pork Loin

                          Lean Proteins
                          (Just Protein)

                                    Chicken, Turkey, White Fish, Shrimp / Shell Fish, Egg Whites,
                                    Lean Ground Meats, Protein Powders (Whey, Egg, Veggie)

 To calculate a baseline for your energy needs go here (keep in mind this is just a starting
 point and will need to be adjustaed based on individual respone / preferences).

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                                                             Pg. 8
                 NUTRITION - FLEXIBILITY


  80% of the time maintain the correct energy balance to achieve your goal with adequate
  protein and a focus on whole nutrient dense foods you love.

  •   Micronutrients matter (vitamins, minerals, EFAs or essential fatty acids)
  •   Hormone function will be better optimized (your body will lose fat or build muscle easier)
  •   Look at the ingredient count on nutrition labels and opt for shorter ingredient lists
  •   Purchase fruits & vegetables fresh or frozen
  •   Opt for uncooked and minimally processed meats in the refrigerator section of the grocery
      store and cook them yourself or when on the go select higher quality options
  •   Focus on whole grains and avoid products with enriched flours
  •   Incorporate rice, potatoes, flax, & oat in addition to whole grains to fuel your body
  •   When possible utilize wild caught fish & free range eggs for a better omega-3 fatty acid
  •   Utilize specialty foods & snacks that have a more balanced macronutrient picture

  20% of the time go out and enjoy dinners, family events, “unhealthy foods” as long as you
  maintain the correct energy balance

  •   You don’t have to restrict yourself of the foods you love, but rather moderate the quantity
      or learn how to make better versions of them
  •   One “unhealthy” meal doesn’t make you fat nor does one “healthy” meal make you fit
  •   You should still enjoy your life so that there is a balance between happiness, health, &

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                             Pg. 9
We recommend 3-5 Meals Using a Very Simple Structure (portion sizes will just be larger with less meals):

1- 2 Meals With This Structure:       1-2 Meals With This Structure
Pick 1 Fatty Protein                  Pick 1 Lean Protein
or                                    Pick 1 Primary Carb Source
Pick 1 Lean Protein + 1 Fat Source    Pick 1 Fat Source
                                      Pick 1 Veggie
Pick 1 Primary Carb Source
Pick 1 Fruit

  © The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                                   Pg. 10
                                            The Fitness Rebellion © 2018

 Strength training will have a greater impact on developing a body that looks great as well as
 increasing your metabolic rate.

 More muscle = a faster metabolism, which means the more calories your body burns at rest,
 which means the easier it is to lose fat.

 So let’s get into the core princples you need to know.

 Principle I - Adherence / Consistency

 I sound like a broken record, but I’ll say it again, results take time and consistent action.

 Training really hard for one week and then taking the next week off isn’t going to cut it. I see
 a lot of people get into this very gung-ho, which is awesome, but they quickly burnout with
 training frequencies & durations that are too high and are unrealistic for their lifestyle and
 current fitness level.

 The name of the game is getting the most out of the least.

 If you’re not working out now and have a busy schedule you are much better off starting with
 just 3-4x / week and being consistent with that.

 The majority of people can get amazing results and don’t need more than 3-5x week working

 More is not always better; it’s about quality (which we will get into) and consistency.

 This is not a temporary pursuit so it needs to
 be something that you can keep up with long
 term and have room for adjustment based on
 the demands of your life.

 Moreover your body needs time to recover
 from an effective and well thought out training
 session and that recovery demand is going to
 take longer if you haven’t exercised in a while.

 So start small and get CONSISTENT!

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                                Pg. 11

 Principle II - Training Intensity

 The effort that you put forth matters.

 Say you have the perfectly developed training routine for your goals and current fitness levels.

 Like the fitness gods came down and analyzed all of your unique characteristics.

 And they crafted the perfect routine for you.

 If you go to workout and you’re just half assing it going through the motions, don’t expect
 much in the way of results.

 You need to harness a controlled animalistic aggression when executing your workouts.

 Since it’s difficult to quantify training intensity and provide context for varying fitness levels, I
 want to leave you with one phrase that makes it simple and straight to the point.

 “Train harder than you did the last time you worked out”

 That’s it.

 Push yourself just a little bit more.

 Challenge yourself just a little bit more.

 If you can master this simple concept it will catapult your results as it is the foundation for
 everything else.

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                                  Pg. 12

 Principle III - Volume / Frequency

 When discussing volume, we’re looking at the total amount of work you’re doing within a

 Most commonly looking at as working sets, or the challenging sets.

 We should pay attention to work volume because there are diminishing returns to increasing
 the amount of work you do in the gym.

 Additionally, depending on your fitness level you’ll need less or more work volume.

 This is where many people get tripped up.

 They think more is better and they do too much.

 Volume should be controlled, evaluated, and tapered up and down across 2-4 month training

 To give you a rough range of working volume, shoot for 8-20 working sets per muscle group.

 If you’re just starting out, start on the low side.

 If you have more training experience, start in the middle range.

 But, don’t forget about what we covered on intensity, make each set count.

 In regards to frequency we are looking at how many times per week are you stimulating the
 same muscle group.

 Example you are training full body 3x a week, you are hitting every muscle at a 3x frequency.

 I’d suggest a minimum frequency of 2x per body part per week.

 Studies point to added recovery, better strength improvement, and better physique
 development with this type of approach.

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                            Pg. 13

 Principle IV - Exercise Selection

 For overall workout efficiency we want to look at the big bang for your buck movement
 patterns (below left) as the meat & potatoes of our training focus.

 For the highest level of physique development we want to intelligently incorporate isolated
 (below right) movement patterns.

       Squat                    Lunge

                                                          Isolated Movement Examples

                                                                    Lower Body

                                                                  Leg Extensions
                                                                  Hamstring Curl
                                                                  Nordic Leg Curl
       Hinge               Rotation / Core
                                                                 Glute Abduction
                                                                 Glute Kick Back
                                                                Adductor Aduction

                                                                    Calve Raise

                                                                    Upper Body
    Vertical Pull          Horizontal Pull
                                                                      Bicep Curl
                                                                  Tricep Extension

                                                                     Front Raise
                                                                    Lateral Raise
                                                                     Reverse Fly

   Vertical Push          Horizontal Push                            Pull-overs
                                                                     Chest Fly

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                           Pg. 14

 Principle VI - Progressive Overload

 If you follow the basic principle that I mentioned in the intensity section of doing just a little bit
 more each workout a lot of the progression aspect will take care of itself.

 That being said, I feel that it is important to highlight key aspects of progression as I feel many
 people get tripped up on this and assume it’s just adding more weight to the bar.

 While that is one form of progression, it’s important to understand you will not keep adding
 weight forever.

 If that’s how it worked everyone would be benching 1,000lbs!

 Strategies for progressive overload:

 1. Increasing the load in the given rep range, or doing the same reps at more weight

 2. Increasing the repetitions at a given load, or doing more reps at the same weight

 3. Increasing volume of training or the amount of working sets per body per week

 4. Increasing the frequency of training or training the same muscles multiple times throughout
 the week

 5. Increasing training density or the volume completed within a given duration. This typically
 leads to shorter rest periods & more sets.

 6. Increasing intensity of effort or leaving less in the tank. Pushing harder in your workouts
 through the pain barriers.

 7. Altering repetition duration, for example, increasing or decreasing the eccentric, concentric,
 isometric portions of the movement i.e. how fast or slow the weight is lowered, lifted, and

 8. Employing more challenging exercises for example moving from a machine chest press to a
 dumbbell chest press.

 9. Employing advanced training techniques. So utilizing drop sets, supersets, and other
 advanced training techniques.

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                                 Pg. 15
                SAMPLE PLAN DAY 1

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                Pg. 16
                SAMPLE PLAN DAY 2

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                Pg. 17
                SAMPLE PLAN DAY 3

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                Pg. 18
                  CARDIO THAT DOESN’T SUCK

 Often cardio is a crutch that is overused in an
 attempt to compensate for poor eating habits.

 Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for someone
 to start their cardio routine at 45 minutes several
 times a week. They see results initially and then
 progress stalls because their body adapted to
 the stimulus - Specific Adaptation To Imposed

 It’s all about getting the most out of the least.

 Cardio should be looked at as a tool to
 strategically help further fat loss and overall
 health, secondary to nutrition & strength training.

 Additionally, I encourage you to break free of the dogmatic approach that I see most take
 when it comes to their cardiovascular training. Remember that cardio is anything that elevates
 your heart rate to the zone that you are targeting.

 If you hate running, try cycling, if you hate cycling, try battle ropes, the list of cardio modalities
 goes on and on so don’t be afraid of non-traditional forms of cardio & conditioning work.

 This line of thinking allows you to utilize cardio very intelligently by starting with short &
 effective sessions

 How to approach cardio & conditioning:

 • Put it as a secondary focus after your weight training
 • Start small with shorter durations as it will give you more room to adjust it later if needed
 • Utilize both LISS (Low-Intensity Steady State) which is easier to recover from and HIIT
   (High Intensity Interval Training) which burns slightly more calories in a shorter time frame,
   elevates your heart rate more, but has higher recovery demands.
 • Select options that you enjoy for both HIIT & LISS as this will make it more enjoyable

 Some examples of HIIT include:
 Battle Ropes / Sprints (outside, elliptical, etc) / Complexes / Sled Pushes

 Some examples of LISS include:
 Walking / Steady pace rowing / Steady pace elliptical / Steady pace bike

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                                 Pg. 19
                  FLEXIBILITY & MOBILITY

 This is the stuff that almost everybody skips or just
 doesn’t like to do, but will easily pay you dividends
 long term.

 Flexibility & mobility work can help prevent injury,
 relieve muscle tightness, and optimize your range of
 motion through your training & day-to-day movement

 Personally, I look at flexibility and mobility in three
 distinct components:

 1. SMR (Self-Myofascial Release - think mini massage)

 2. Activation / corrective strengthening

 3. Stretching

 The goal is essentially to release (SMR) and stretch the overactive or tight muscles and activate
 + strengthen the inactive muscles.

 When we implement this strategy with effective strength programming we can reduce
 common aches and pains (back, shoulders, knees, etc) and develop a balanced higher
 performing body.

 You might be thinking, I don’t care about any of that stuff, I’m fine and that might be the case
 (likely it is not, typically we all have some movement or muscular imbalances), but everything
 ties together and eventually the weak link in the chain will come to light and you can choose
 to either address it or let things get worse.


 •   Perform a few sets of banded external rotation for your rotator cuffs on pressing days to
     keep your shoulders healthy
 •   Foam roll 3-4x a week (Calves, Quads, TFL, Hams, Back / Lats)
 •   Get a lacrosse ball for small knots and trigger points
 •   Your glutes are probably weak if you sit all day - focus on getting a better range of motion
     by stretching your hip flexors, then activating & strengthing glutes
 •   Do general stretching after your workout when you are warm
 •   Utilize warm-up sets in your strength training to help activate the muscles you are working,
     get more blood flowing to the targeted area, and reduce your risk of injury

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                              Pg. 20
                RECAP & ACTION STEPS

 1. Shift your mindset from a short term program mentality to a lifestyle
 approach based on sustainble habit changes

 2. Create your vision & map out as many deep reasons why getting your
 dream body & increasing your performance will create a happy, fulfilling,
 free, and enjoyable life

 3. Setup a nutrition plan that you love and shift your thinking from “I can’t
 have that” to “this is how much I can have”

 4. Start small with your training and get the most out of the least with both
 weight training & cardio

 5. For injury prevention and longevity incorporate flexibility & mobility work
 into your training sessions

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020                                Pg. 21
                               If you’re looking for the
                               personal attention and
                               guidance that you need to be
                               successful long term, I’d love to
                               speak with you about how you
                               can permanently transform your
                               body without giving up your
                               favorite foods or sacrificing your
                               family time.

                               I’ve helped hundreds of men
                               & women take back control of
                               their body & life so...

                               Whether you’ve tried every
                               single diet out there, you’re
                               stuck spinning your wheels,
                               or you’re just confused and
                               overwhelmed by the mass
                               amounts of information, and

                               I’ve heard almost everything
                               before and most likely I can
                               help you (if you’re ready to

                               Let’s jump on a 45-min No Bull
                               Fitness Strategy Call so I can
                               help you identify obstacles
                               holding you back, get clear
                               on your goals, and develop a
                               sustainable game plan to crush
                               your goals as fast as realistically

                               SCHEDULE HERE »

© The Fitness Rebellion 2020
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