The high street fights back - Amazon ...

Page created by Greg Garner
The high street fights back - Amazon ...

 Battersea Power Station Retail

  The high street fights back
 Local business improvement districts (BIDs) are helping to boost
 the fortunes of retailers in Wandsworth borough…
 The UK high street has been something        a modest 0.9% in January – the first rise       market and inflation accelerating ahead of
 of a bloodbath in recent years.              since October – mainly due to moderate          forecast, adds to the case that the Bank
 Newsfeeds have been littered with            growth in food stores (1.7%) and non-food       of England should hold off cutting interest
 stories about retailers going out of         stores (1.3%). Meanwhile, online sales as       rates. However, weakness over the festive
 business, shedding jobs or closing           a proportion of all retailing dropped from      period means that sales volumes are only
 stores as consumers increasingly             19.3% in December 2019 to 19.0% in              up 0.8% year on year and still down 0.8%
 choose to save their spare cash or           January 2020 – indicating, perhaps,             on a three-month by three-month basis.
 do their shopping online.                    a levelling out of the online market.           Despite the slight rally seen in January,
 Yet despite the challenging economic                                                         markets have failed to react.
 landscape, many retailers have               Reacting to these statistics, the British
 survived and some are even thriving.         Retail Consortium (BRC) said the rise           “It is essential progress is made quickly
 Encouragingly, recent statistics suggest     in consumer confidence since the                in the upcoming EU trade negotiations
 that proclamations about the death of the    December election may have lifted               otherwise the UK risks squandering any
 high street might be a little premature.     willingness to spend.                           boost to consumer confidence. Without
                                                                                              a comprehensive deal, food and other
 According to the latest Retail Sales Index   Kyle Monk, head of retail insights and          goods will face extensive tariffs, checks
 from the Office for National Statistics,     analytics at the BRC, said: “A rise in sales,   and delays at the border - raising costs
 month-on-month UK sales volumes rose         coupled with the tightness in the labour        and creating disruption for consumers.”

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The high street fights back - Amazon ...

                                                                                                          Southside Shopping Centre

                                              “Overall, shopper numbers to UK high streets have
                                              declined by 10% in the last seven years, so it is certainly
                                              very challenging to achieve year-on-year sales growth.
                                              It has to be about experience and that is one thing
                                              online-only retailers cannot compete with.”
                                              to offer value for money in physical outlets     events such as Old York Road Unplugged,
                                              and ensure the experience is sufficiently        an annual music festival where the road
                                              enticing to keep customers coming back.          is closed to traffic. This is very popular
                                                                                               and a real help to businesses.
                                              Another critical factor in retailers’ success
                                              is the ability to offer a multi-channel          “We look at cost-saving options such as
                                              experience, where physical stores                how businesses can reduce their utility
                                              seamlessly co-exist with an online offering.     bills or improve their waste management
                                                                                               strategies. The BID is also looking to
                                              Pieter adds: “I also think that retailers need   invest in the town by creating green
                                              to focus on communicating their values,          spaces in certain areas and improving
                                              certainly around sustainability and staff        air quality in locations where traffic
                                              wellbeing, which I believe will be a key         throughput is high.”
                                              part of a successful growth strategy in
                                              the future.”                                     Another BID, This is Clapham, also
                                                                                               benefits businesses in the borough of
                                              Pieter is also chairman of the Wandsworth        Wandsworth, particularly those located
Despite the political and economic            Business Improvement District (BID),             to the west and north of Clapham Town.
uncertainty surrounding Britain’s recent      which was established in 2017 to promote         Established in 2014, it is a not-for-profit
exit from the European Union, retailers in    the town’s heritage and culture, help            company funded by 370 businesses and
Wandsworth borough are just getting on        businesses improve their performance and         governed by volunteers from the local
with the day-to-day job of doing business.    enhance the town centre experience for           business community through its board and
                                              shoppers, visitors and workers.                  sub-groups. These volunteers determine
Pieter Strombeck, general manager of                                                           which projects to pursue and how the
Southside Shopping Centre, says:              He says: “The BID offers a lot of                collected levies and any additional
“It’s certainly not all doom and gloom.       assistance for businesses including              income is spent.
We’re seeing some positive performers         networking opportunities, loyalty cards,
out there, especially companies with          discount schemes, marketing support and          Examples of successful projects
good store managers who are able to                                                            include free business recycling,
deliver great customer service. As an                                                          additional street cleaning, local area
example, Hotel Chocolat do this very well                                                      marketing and initiatives to cut crime and
and they’ve changed their focus to be                                                          anti-social behaviour. Companies and
more customer-driven rather than simply                                                        their employees can also take advantage
meeting specific sales KPIs – in effect,                                                       of offers, invitations and discounted
having fun with their customers, engaging                                                      deals via the Clapham Card, which
with them and delivering a fantastic                                                           was introduced to boost spending and
experience. Overall, shopper numbers                                                           cross-trading in the area.
to UK high streets have declined by 10%
in the last seven years, so it is certainly                                                    Jeremy Keates, manager of This is
very challenging to achieve year-on-year                                                       Clapham, says: “In the six years since we
sales growth. It has to be about experience                                                    first set up, there has been a significant
and that is one thing online-only retailers                                                    evolution in the local retailing landscape.
cannot compete with.”                                                                          Although there has been a decline in
                                                                                               the number of traditional retailers, other
Pieter reports an encouraging growth in                                                        businesses have set up in the area and
footfall numbers at Southside over the                                                         taken space in previously empty shops.
last three months. The key challenge is

                                               Pieter Strombeck                                                  Business Connexions | 5
The high street fights back - Amazon ...

                                                                                                  Battersea is also home for Roz Lloyd-
                                                                                                  Williams, who has been a resident there for
                                                                                                  more than two decades. Roz is Executive
                                                                                                  BID Director of the Clapham Junction
                                                                                                  BID, which is responsible for delivering
                                                                                                  innovative projects that help to improve
                                                                                                  the trading environment for businesses,
                                                                                                  drive tourism and enhance the shopping
                                                                                                  experience for residents and visitors.
                                                                                                  Roz says: “The Junction BID is prioritising
                                                                                                  three key themes, highlighted by BID
                                                                                                  area businesses, during the extensive
                                                                                                  consultation prior to the November 2018
                                                                                                  ballot. These themes are marketing and
                                                                                                  promotion, safe and welcoming, and events
                                                                                                  and festivals. However, we have huge
                                                                                                  scope for flexibility to respond perennially
                                                                                                  to changing demands.
                                                                                                  “We want to create effective partnerships
                                                                                                  that enable the area to flourish. Our aim
                                                                                                  is to identify and create as many new
                                                                                                  opportunities and initiatives to enable
                                                                                                  positive change. We’re maximising the
                                                                                                  value of local events to increase footfall
     The Clapham Junction BID’s new website The Junction                                          and presence in the London events
                                                                                                  marketplace; the Lavender in Bloom (June),
                                                                                                  Eat & Drink The Junction (15-30 June),
   Coloured Light Art Installation                 giant Uniqlo, elegant perfumery and            The Summer Festival and Christmas Market
   at Clapham Junction                             candlemaker Jo Malone London, and              on Northcote Road for BID businesses are
                                                   one of the UK’s largest Swiss watch            good examples of this. We also introduced
                                                   luxury retailers, Watches of Switzerland.      street art and bespoke Christmas lights
                                                   Once open, the power station will be home      last year and will be undertaking urban
                                                   to more than one hundred established,          landscaping projects to add extra
                                                   luxury and emerging retail, food and           character to the area.
                                                   leisure brands, providing a space for new,
                                                                                                  “We carry out street cleansing operations
                                                   unique concepts and creative designs
                                                                                                  and work closely with the police to make the
                                                   that will complement the host of shops
                                                   and restaurants already open at Circus         BID area a safer place to live and work via,
  “As well as driving forward initiatives like                                                    for example, our extensive promotion of the
  free recycling and street cleaning, we’ve        West Village, the first chapter in this
                                                   redevelopment.                                 Wandsworth Business Against Crime app
  also tried to promote companies via online                                                      and the launch of a new Pubwatch group
  listings on our website; we’ve had about         Approximately 70% of the total commercial      spearheaded by the BID.”
  180,000 listings in the last twelve months.      space within the power station is now let,
  This allows us to promote the area as a          with more than 45% of the retail and leisure   The Junction BID is also active on social
  whole and boost the presence of individual       floorspace exchanged or under offer.           media and has created a consumer-facing
  businesses, particularly those that don’t                                                       website - -
  have a strong online footprint.                  Simon Murphy, chief executive officer at       with B2B elements for employees, offering
                                                   Battersea Power Station Development            them special discounts, incentives and
  “We’ve also been involved in schemes             Company (BPSDC), said: “We are                 memberships.
  designed to make the area more appealing         delighted to be partnering with these
  for residents and visitors, such as arts         exciting brands which set the tone for         Anthony Laban (Mint Hair London Ltd),
  and public realm projects around Clapham         our retail and leisure offering inside the     chair of The Junction BID, says: “We’re
  Common and in areas to the west of               power station. On behalf of our Malaysian      delighted to deliver a new consumer-facing
  Clapham old town. Essentially, what              shareholders we are delivering a               website that really reflects the personality
  we’re trying to do is to bring more people       destination for our local community as         of Clapham Junction and its surrounding
  into the area, encourage them to spend           well as London and far beyond.”                environs, while delivering powerful
  their money here and get businesses                                                             functionality. We chose a design system
  trading with each other.”                        Brian Duffy, CEO of Watches of Switzerland,    that could be tailored to suit both the needs
                                                   said: “We think the whole project south of     of the businesses we represent, and our
  In the north east of Wandsworth borough,         the river is an amazing development in all
  New Covent Garden Market is a vital                                                             residents and visitor market.
                                                   aspects of residential and commercial.
  supplier to retailers, providing them                                                           “In addition to promoting what The Junction
  with fruit, vegetables, flowers and other        We have looked at the power station on the     has to offer, driving footfall and increasing
  wholesale goods which can then be sold           landscape for a number of years and never      visitors, we will be able to use the platform
  onto consumers. Based in Nine Elms               imagined it would become such a retail         to really track and analyse our digital
  since 1974, the iconic market is home to         destination. We are proud to be one of the
  nearly 200 businesses with around 2,500                                                         marketing and, in turn, help businesses
                                                   flagship stores anchored by the country’s      with their future marketing. The B2B ‘app’
  employees. It is currently undergoing an         number one luxury watch brand, Rolex.”
  exciting development that will transform                                                        component launches this April which
  the site into a thriving, modern food quarter.                                                  will facilitate the development of loyalty
                                                                                                  schemes and exclusive deals at local
  Meanwhile, Battersea Power Station                                                              shops, restaurants and services, with
  recently announced the first line-up of UK                                                      B2B integration for Junction employees.
  and international retail and leisure brands                                                     The B2C ‘app’ for consumers also
  set to open their doors in the iconic Grade                                                     launches this April.”
  II* listed building when it launches in 2021.
  These companies include luxury fashion                                                          The BID is also introducing two new schemes
  house Hugo Boss, Japanese casualwear                                                            for recycling and waste, and group amenity-
                                                                                                  buying - to save businesses money.
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                                                                  Battersea Power Station
The high street fights back - Amazon ... The high street fights back - Amazon ... The high street fights back - Amazon ... The high street fights back - Amazon ...
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