The Hotel Hershey Annual Conference October 27-29, 2021 - A/CAPA

Page created by Jeffery Parks
The Hotel Hershey Annual Conference October 27-29, 2021 - A/CAPA
...serving Pennsylvania’s Schools since 1973

 Annual Conference
 October 27-29, 2021
The Hotel Hershey
The Hotel Hershey Annual Conference October 27-29, 2021 - A/CAPA
Wednesday Sessions-October 27, 2021
                                    Session                                            Speaker            Location

8:00 AM-    Act 45 Orientation Meeting in the Castilian
9:30 AM
9:00 AM–    Registration and Light Continental Breakfast in the Fountain Lobby
9:30 AM
9:30 AM–    A/CAPA Orientation and Welcome in the Garden Terrace
10:00 AM
10:10 AM-   Breakout Sessions
11:00 AM
            Beginner Session: ABCs of Child Accounting, identifying resident and       Lori Sieber        Castilian
            non-resident students, School Calendar and Student Calendar Fact.

            Home Education Students: A discussion of Home Education basics,            Tom Dubbs          Garden
            required documentation, participation requirements and impacts on                             Terrace
            child accounting. Differences between Home Ed and Homebound will                              West
            be explored.

            CRDC: Description of the data elements required for the upcoming           Stephanie Miller   Garden
            OCR/CRDC collection, focused on the 2021-22 school year.                                      Terrace

            Career Standards and Skills: An overview of the CEW collection             Dr. Pamela Emery Starlight
            including data and documentation required.

11:00 AM-   Break-Refreshments in the Fountain Lobby
11:10 AM
11:10 AM-   Breakout Sessions
            Beginner Session, Continued: ABCs of Child Accounting, identifying         Lori Sieber        Castilian
            resident and non-resident students, School Calendar and Student
            Calendar Fact.
            Flexible Instructional Days: This session will provide an overview of      Tom Dubbs          Garden
            the basics for flexible instructional day programs, next steps once your                      Terrace
            application is approved, and updates for the 2021-22 school year.                             West
            CRDC: Description of the data elements required for the upcoming           Stephanie Miller   Garden
            OCR/CRDC collection, focused on the 2021-22 school year.                                      Terrace
            Getting the Green Check: Tips and tricks for getting to the green          Nicola Manning-    Starlight
            check and breaking down the DQE information to produce a clean             Davenport
Noon-       Lunch (Tickets provided to commuters and hotel guests)
1:30 PM
            Technology Committee Meeting in the Catherine Hershey Suite

Have a topic idea for next year’s conference?
Is there something you want to see presented in the Spring? Let us know!
Please email Diane ( with suggestions and details!
Wednesday Sessions-October 27, 2021
1:30 PM-     Breakout Sessions
2:20 PM

             Beginner Session, Continued: Preparing files for uploading into PIMS,     Lori Sieber    Castilian
             business rules, DQE rules, identifying parts of the Instructional Time
             Attendance, Compulsory Attendance and Truancy: Get the latest             Tom Dubbs      Garden
             updates on attendance, compulsory attendance and truancy.                                Terrace
             Trauma Informed Classroom: This session is designed to infuse an          Dr. Dana       Garden
             understanding of the impact of trauma, the causal roots of behavior and   Milakovic      Terrace
             adverse life experiences on students into the classroom culture and                      East
             promote a physically and psychologically safe environment to foster
             student growth.

             Getting the Green Check: Tips and tricks for getting to the green check Nicola Manning- Starlight
             and breaking down the DQE information to produce a clean upload.        Davenport

             CRDC Q & A: Do you have District-specific questions about the CRDC? Stephanie Miller Tea House
             Stop by and discuss them with Stephanie Miller from the OCR.

2:20 PM-     Break-Refreshments in the Fountain Lobby
2:30 PM

2:30 PM-     Breakout Sessions
3:20 PM
             Beginner Session, Continued: Preparing files for uploading into PIMS,     Lori Sieber    Castilian
             business rules, DQE rules, identifying parts of the Instructional Time
             Ward of State: Get the latest updates on Ward of State designation.       Tom Dubbs      Garden
             Preparing your CA Submission with eSchoolPLUS SIS: External               Rebecca        Garden
             resources used for CA submission, instructional time, Act 80 days,        Daugherty      Terrace
             reporting, data extraction, and error resolution with eSchoolPLUS SIS.                   East
             Title 9 Updates: Learn about the changes and updates to Title 9 that      Peg            Starlight
             include and extend beyond the PIMS Athletic Opportunities reporting.      Pennepacker

           Wi-Fi access is available in all meeting rooms!
 See the Registration Desk or an A/CAPA officer for the
Wednesday Sessions-October 27, 2021
                                   Session                                          Speaker           Location

3:30 PM-   Breakout Sessions
4:20 PM
           Beginner Session, Continued: Preparing files for uploading into PIMS,    Lori Sieber       Castilian
           business rules, DQE rules, identifying parts of the Instructional Time
           Preparing your CA Submission with eSchoolPLUS SIS: External              Rebecca           Garden
           resources used for CA submission, instructional time, Act 80 days,       Daugherty         Terrace
           reporting, data extraction, and error resolution with eSchoolPLUS SIS.                     West
           I submitted my Child Accounting, Now What?: Learn about the reports Stacey                 Garden
           and checks you should be doing after the submission, including 4605s, McCreary             Terrace
           outplaced students, PIMS Reports and CAD summary.                                          East
           Preparing your CA Submission with PowerSchool SIS: Review                  Kendra Shockley Starlight
           external resources used for CA submission, data entry fields, data mining,
           and error reduction with PowerSchool.
5:00 PM    Dinner (Make reservations on your own in Circular Dining Room, Trevi 5, or Harvest)
           Tickets provided to hotel guests

6:30 PM-   Holiday Village: Come join participating retailers in the Garden Terrace and get a jump start on
9:30 PM    your holiday shopping!

8:00 PM-   Reception with entertainment by Bill Hoffman and Trivia Pop Quiz
11:00 PM
Thursday Sessions-October 28, 2019
                                   Session                                           Speaker           Location
8:00 AM-    Act 45 Meeting in the Castilian
8:30 AM
8:00 AM–    Registration and Light Continental Breakfast in the Fountain Lobby
8:30 AM
8:30 AM-    Business Meeting and Welcome Message in the Garden Terrace
9:10 AM     Welcome by Ben Hanft
9:10 AM-    General Session
10:30 AM
            Legal Updates-Hot Topics in Education Law: What laws are                 Elizabeth Kelly   Garden
            impacting education today? What are the top topics in education law                        Terrace
            and how do these relate to attendance and child accounting?

10:30 AM-   Break-Refreshments in the Fountain Lobby
10:40 AM
10:40 AM-   Breakout Sessions
11:30 AM
            Foster Documentation: Discussion of documentation needed for             Diane Meck        Castilian
            foster students/from foster parents and agencies. Learn from the
            experiences of a district that was recently audited.
            Instructional Time and Act 80 Exceptions: Understanding                  Lori Sieber       Garden
            instructional time and applying for Act 80 exceptions.                   Shane Miller      Terrace
            Ensuring Educational Stability for Youth in Foster Care: Updates         Matthew           Garden
            on ensuring educational stability for youth in foster care.              Butensky          Terrace

            Data Governance Planning (Act 45): This session is for all Act 45        Dr. Diane Szader Tea House
            participants only.

            Vendor Session: Skyward                                                                    Rose
            Major Conference Sponsor Session: Focus School Software                  Chuck Pickens     Starlight
            An overview of Focus School Software and its unique approach to PIMS
            state reporting, registration and enrollment, compulsory attendance/
            truancy solutions and much more for your school district. For existing
            clients, stop by to see this year’s enhancements!

                                           9:00 AM-5:00 PM, Thursday, October 28
                                  Vendor Displays: Please support our conference vendors by
                                    visiting their displays and discussing their products with
                                 respective representatives. See the Vendor Brochure for more
Thursday Sessions-October 28, 2021
                                     Session                                           Speaker            Location

11:35 AM-   Breakout Sessions
12:25 PM
            Major Conference Sponsor Session: Alma SIS                                                    Castilian
            Alma’s integrated Student Information System empowers learning
            communities with the only future-ready software platform created to take
            on today’s opportunities and tomorrow’s opportunities.

            Tracking Resident Students: Learn what questions to ask when your          Lori Sieber        Garden
            student is educated by another entity. Test your knowledge of who                             Terrace
            reports for child accounting.                                                                 West
            Preparing for a Homeless Program Audit: Are you ready for an audit?        Jeff Zimmerman     Garden
            Review the documentation and best practices necessary for a successful                        Terrace
            audit.                                                                                        East
            What is a Preliminary CA Summary and What Do I Do with It?: This           Stacey McCreary Starlight
            session will review the Preliminary CA Summary from CAD to verify all
            LEA students were reported accurately. Sections, corrections, and
            required documentation will be discussed.

            Vendor Session: Infinite Campus                                                               Tea
            Vendor Session: Equitable Advisors                                                            Rose
12:30 PM-   Lunch (Tickets provided to commuters and hotel guests)
1:45 PM
            Scholarship Committee Lunch Meeting in the Catherine Hershey Suite

1:45 PM-    Breakout Sessions
2:35 PM
            Charter School Office:                                                     Catherine          Castilian

            Instructional Time and Act 80 Exceptions: Understanding instructional      Lori Sieber        Garden
            time and applying for Act 80 exceptions.                                                      Terrace
                                                                                       Shane Miller
            CTE Roundtable: This session is intended for CTE personnel. It will be     Dr. Brian Pipech   Garden
            moderated by an A/CAPA officer.                                            Bill Christian     Terrace
            Foster Documentation: Discussion of documentation needed for foster      Diane Meck           Starlight
            students/from foster parents and agencies. Learn from the experiences of
            a district that was recently audited.

            Vendor Session: zSpace                                                     Lisa Grippo        Tea
Thursday Sessions-October 28, 2021
                                      Session                                                 Speaker       Location

2:35 PM-    Break-Refreshments in the Fountain Lobby
2:45 PM
2:45 PM-    Breakout Sessions
3:35 PM
            Reviewing the Preliminary Summary of Child Accounting: See the                Lori Sieber       Castilian
            results of the PIMS child accounting collection and how a school district’s   Shane Miller
            average daily membership (ADM) is calculated.
            CA and Charter Schools: This session is intended for Charter and              Stacey McCreary Garden
            Cyber Charter School personnel and looks at reports in PIMS Reports V2        Dr. Brian Pipech Terrace
            and other ways you can verify your CA submission to assure accurate           Shane Miller     East
            reporting. It will be moderated by an A/CAPA officer and a CA specialistt
            Vendor Session: PowerSchool                                                                     Garden

            SIS Alike Groups: This session is an opportunity to sit with people using     Dr. Byron         Starlight
            the same SIS and discuss tips, tricks, and problem solve.                     McCook

            Vendor Session ClassLink: ClassLink is a leading provider of cloud-           Bob Chappell      Tea
            baesd education products that connect educators and students with their       Gail Dinkelkamp   House
            classroom, curriculum and each other in powerful ways.
From        Dinner (Make reservations on your own in Circular Dining Room, Trevi 5, or Harvest)
5:00 PM     Tickets provided to hotel guests
8:00 PM-    Handbag Bingo and Basket Raffle in the Garden Terrace
11:00 PM    Reception with music provided in the Castilian
Evening Entertainment sponsored by:

                                     Save The Date
                                      Spring Virtual Meeting: April 6 and 7 Online
                                Fall Conference: October 26-28 , Hotel Hershey
Time to Shop
              Wednesday, October 27, 2021
              6:30-9:30 pm, Garden Terrace

        Thirty-One Gifts                            Lilla Rose

         KimbaGlo Arts                           The Crafty Crab

              Avon                           Candees Made to Order

         Barefoot Books


          Origami Owl

        Pampered Chef

       Damsel in Defense

        Nature’s Calming


          Color Street

        Tastefully Simple

      Mary Kay Cosmetics

  Basket Raffle proceeds benefit our A/CAPA Scholarships. Tickets will be sold
throughout the conference up until 10 minutes before the drawing Thursday night.
                                   Tickets are:
                                  1 ticket for $1
                                 6 tickets for $5
                               15 tickets for $10
Friday Sessions-November 15, 2019
                                 Session                                    Speaker            Location

7:30 AM-   Act 45 Meeting in the Castilian
8:30 AM

8:00 AM–   Registration and Light Continental Breakfast in the Fountain Lobby
8:30 AM

8:30 AM–   Business Meeting and Vendor Drawing in the Garden Terrace

9:00 AM-   General Session
9:50 AM

           Updates from the Auditor General’s Office                        Travis Tymoczko

10:00AM-   General Session
10:50 AM

           Social-Emotional Learning                                        Dr. Paul Reinert
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