The key themes and stand out sessions from Europe's most influential retail event - Why everyone was talking about Amazon - Practicology

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The key themes and stand out sessions from Europe's most influential retail event - Why everyone was talking about Amazon - Practicology
The key themes and stand out sessions from
  Europe’s most influential retail event
Why everyone     What Casper and      Visual discovery,
was talking    Dollar Shave Club do    China, corporate
about Amazon       differently        culture, AI & more

                    October 2017
The key themes and stand out sessions from Europe's most influential retail event - Why everyone was talking about Amazon - Practicology
[Shoptalk Europe Report]

All about Amazon
Whether to partner with or compete against Amazon was the question on many minds in the
audience at Shoptalk Europe. Speakers shared their differing experiences.
Its growing domination in the US      showcase the latest products and        insight from its website. Many
and UK particularly, meant that       experiences to remain relevant.         customers were looking at one
Amazon was top of mind for both                                               best-selling style of bag that was
retailers and consumer brands         He discussed the “spiral of store       not offered in leather, and then
attending the show.                   closures” that some retailers           moving on to look at leather bags.
                                      face, but said Hudson’s Bay             Tumi created a limited run on a
Amazon’s growing share of             Company is taking option two:           leather version of its Calais bag
Western consumers’ wallets, its       “Play to win with great stores and      to see if it would sell, and “it
increasing influence as a shopping    internet… In Germany we are not         is now a $2 million business in
search engine, the development        pulling back, we are investing,         its own right.”
of its paid ad platform, the          introducing global brands not seen
Prime subscription model and the      before in Germany and investing in      Sale product is often also
purchase of Whole Foods were all      ecommerce and fulfilment.”              exclusively available on Tumi’s
developments that formed part of                                              own site, and the brand gives
the Shoptalk conversation.                                                    access to a VIP online Sale one
                                      After-sales service                     day early to customers signed up
In a keynote session to a             Premium luggage brand Tumi’s            to its email marketing programme.
packed audience, Hudson’s Bay         Chief Digital Officer Charlie Cole
Company CEO Jerry Storch was          said that its after-sales service       Monogramming of its products is
clear that trying to replicate        allows it to differentiate from         another online service offered
Amazon’s offer is not a long-         Amazon, so it’s crucial to collect      by Tumi that gives customers a
term strategy: “Trying to copy        the right data. This can allow you      compelling reason to buy direct.
the Amazon home delivery model is     to develop a direct relationship        Cole says the service lifts
bankrupting the industry.”            with the customer even if they          conversion by 5% to 10% during the
                                      originally bought your product          holiday season.
The Canadian-headquartered            from Amazon. “Warranty data is
business is opening department        crucial, but retailers often            Tumi’s Charlie Cole was clear:
stores in continental Europe, and     ignore it because they are in the       “Don’t try to out-Amazon, Amazon.”
believes that a differentiated        business of selling, not serving.”
store experience supporting a
range of multichannel journeys is     “If you are a brand that sells on       Amazon Prime Now
the way to compete; particularly      Amazon the place you can win is         The event saw Amazon present on
journeys where the store acts as      after-sales service,” he said, and      the main stage on the development
the fulfilment channel, rather        added that if a product breaks:         of its Prime Now proposition.
than expensive home delivery.         “Amazon is not in that business.        The speed and customer-obsession
                                      We have to care about the customer      that underpinned the development
Storch said that stores matter as     for longer than 30 days.”               highlighted how differently Amazon
they have the potential to offer                                              thinks and behaves compared to
efficiency, service, impulse and      Tumi has also created limited           traditional retail businesses.
entertainment; but stores must        edition product, based on customer

     Amazon took Prime       By 2023, 50% consumers         @julia_b0sch of             “84% of customers are
   Now from concept          will be millennials...         @OUTFITTERY doesn’t         in our CRM” @Harrods
 to reality in 111           and millennials                believe Amazon will own     Michael ward on their
 days. They don’t            want an experience!            fashion. Online searches    impressive customer
 just fail fast - they       #Shoptalkeurope                are an agony of choice      view & loyalty at
 innovate fast too.          @infoseceditor                 and require you to start    #Shoptalkeurope
 #shoptalkeurope                                            from zero every time.       @charlottefroe
 @mattgunn                                                  #ShopTalkEurope
                                                            @julievargasad                                                                                              1
The key themes and stand out sessions from Europe's most influential retail event - Why everyone was talking about Amazon - Practicology
[Shoptalk Europe Report]

Amazon Prime Now Director            allowed the business to learn          He thinks Tesco can improve on
Mariangela Marseglia explained       a lot about same-day last-mile         this too, saying that the average
that the development of the          delivery (DIA already offers a         distance from store to customer in
service began with the creation      more traditional online shopping       central London is half a mile, so
of a draft press release, that set   service that works well for larger     it should be possible to deliver
out the customer experience Amazon   weekly and bulk orders).               more quickly than an hour from the
would like to deliver with the                                              order being placed, “but for now
service. From here the proposition   DIA has many neighbourhood stores,     we are stopping at one hour.”
was reverse engineered in just       and Falcón said that about 70%
111 days before it launched to       of the Spanish population comes        The reason for these launches is
a select number of zipcodes in       into its stores every year. For        clear (aside from competing with
Manhattan, New York.                 him, offering products through         Amazon). Letts said: “We live in
                                     Amazon Prime Now is about              the unplanned, planned world.”
Crude prototyping of the order       increasing share of wallet for
picking technology provided          existing customers, and increasing     He explained that consumers have
feedback on system design, before    visibility for its growing             become used to taking their phone
testing in real stores to get        portfolio of private label brands.     out to order a cab as they step
feedback and iterate the user                                               on to the street. They don’t plan
interface. A new delivery app was    He added that the partnership          or think about their needs far
also created to allow couriers       was in no way an indicator             in advance, and so “The biggest
to be as efficient as possible in    that stores are becoming less          challenge is how to satisfy latent
point-to-point delivery.             important for the business. DIA        attention deficit disorder. The
                                     believes its small grocery stores      closer you are to the customer,
Marseglia described Manhattan as     have an increasing place as            the better you can satisfy the
an “urban jungle”; if it worked      demographic and consumer behaviour     attention deficit disorder.”
there it would work anywhere.        changes mean customers shop more
                                     frequently with smaller average        For Dixons Carphone’s Group CEO
Amazon Prime Now has arrived         order values.                          Seb James the critical problem
in more than 50 cities in nine                                              the industry must solve is what
countries. In July this year it      Falcón concluded that Amazon’s         the future role of a stores-based
arrived in Singapore, the first      acquisition of Whole Foods backs       omnichannel retailer should be.
city where the Prime Now app         up the argument over the future
launched where there was not a       role of the store.                     In his fireside chat, James said
supporting localised version of                                             that his business needs to be
the main Amazon website.                                                    able to serve pause-and-resume
                                     Future role of stores                  shoppers, as the average customer
And Amazon’s ambitions extend        The UK’s largest retailer,             journey for a new mobile phone
beyond simple store orders. In       supermarket chain Tesco, agreed        takes 90 days. He wants customer
20 US cities and London, Prime       that stores are crucial to the         journeys that have begun online to
members can order from restaurants   delivery of new services and           more seamlessly resume once they
and receive food in under one        propositions.                          arrive at a store.
hour; in direct competition with
Deliveroo and Uber Eats.             Tesco Managing Director Online         There is no one-size-fits-all
                                     Adrian Letts said that his             answer to whether retailers or
Spanish convenience and grocery      stores support an “unrivalled          brands should embrace Amazon,
chain DIA is offering its products   distribution network”, and allowed     differentiate or do both, but
through Amazon Prime Now in Madrid   it to launch services such as          it’s clear that consumer-focused
and Barcelona. DIA Chief Corporate   same-day click and collect to 99%      businesses cannot afford to put
Officer Amando Sánchez Falcón said   of the UK population, and one-hour     their heads in the sand over the
that partnering with Amazon has      delivery in central London.            potential threat.

     @CharlieCole           80% of @depop’s 7            “Artificial Intelligence    The theme of
   of @tumitravel           million community are        Dominates The #Retail       #shoptalkeurope was AI,
 monogramming is 55% of     under 25. A whole            Conversation At             “I say embrace it. And
 business during holiday    different kind of            #Shoptalkeurope”            then go build something
 season #personalization    retail with its own          writes @rachel_arthur       great” via @rjpittman of
 lift conversion 5%         unique challenges.           at @Forbes                  @ebay
 #shoptalkeurope            #Shoptalkeurope              @PaulMilner9                @PrimaryVC
 @natalaz                   @philipbentonEMI                                                                                            2
The key themes and stand out sessions from Europe's most influential retail event - Why everyone was talking about Amazon - Practicology
[Shoptalk Europe Report]

Cracking China
Both Chinese businesses and European retailers who benefit from tourist spend highlighted
how large the opportunity is for Western brands who can engage Chinese consumers.
Alibaba Europe General Manager                                                   experience that a mobile app
Terry von Bibra advised that                                                     can’t serve.
the shopping revolution taking
place in China is something that                                                 He concluded: “Transformation
retailers the world over should                                                  in China has been driven by
be watching, whether they sell in                                                ecommerce, but [in the future]
that market or not.                                                              it will be driven by the seamless
                                                                                 experience. It is exciting to see
“The Chinese consumer is the                                                     which of these learnings make
most demanding consumer in the                                                   their way back to the West.”
world,” he declared. He believes
that watching emerging customer                                                  Both Harrods and Value Retail
behaviour in China indicates what                                                (which runs designer outlet
retailers and consumer brands can                                                shopping destinations such as
expect to have to deal with in the                                               the UK’s Bicester Village and
future in the West.                  Alibaba’s founder Jack Ma choosing          Italy’s Fidenza Village) discussed
                                     seafood at a HEMA store
                                                                                 how they benefit hugely from
He highlighted that many Chinese     Suning to understand how Chinese            Chinese tourist spend. Both are
consumers no longer carry a          consumers want to buy consumer              destinations for the majority of
wallet, as they pay for everything   electronics online and offline.             Chinese tourists when they come to
with their smartphone, and that                                                  the UK.
Alipay is the “world’s largest       Alibaba has also bought a
digital wallet”.                     shopping centre operator with 18            Value Retail has also   opened
                                     malls in China, to understand how           two villages in China   to bring
Alibaba opened a Tao Café with       it could build tools for brands             the European designer   outlet
no cash register, specifically       to connect online and offline               experience to Chinese   consumers
to learn about cashless customer     visits from the same customers.             closer to home.
                                     And its grocery store HEMA allows           With its 730 million internet
                                     customers to hand-select product            users, China will continue to be
Offline learning                     such as shrimp, which can be                high on the agenda at the next
Alibaba is best known for its        prepared to eat on the spot,                Shoptalk event in Las Vegas in
Tmall online marketplace, but        taken away or delivered to their            March 2018. We look forward to
increasingly the company is          home. Von Bibra is clear that               hearing how more Western retailers
investing in offline propositions.   there is a requirement for a                are responding to the innovation
It has partnered with retailer       store to fill the gaps in customer          coming out of the East.

     Loved @shoptalk   My takeaway            Delivery mastered!          44% of executives    The “mass market”
   - three key         from my i’view         Alibaba can                 said a priority in   of the future
 takeaways 1) AI is    w/ @Harrods            deliver within              2017 is to improve   will thrive on
 the new ‘mobile’      #ShopTalkEurope        24hrs in China              store experience     3 principles:
 2) ‘voice’ will       was how                with target to              @PlanetRetailRNG     Trust, Influence,
 replace ‘search’      disciplined in         deliver anywhere            @orckestra           Personalization.
 3) Muesli             being a luxe           in the world in             #ShopTalkEurope      @ATKearney
 sells online          player. American       72 hours.                   @oskarlauritzen      @MirkoWarschun
 #Shoptalkeurope       counterparts, are      @debweinswig                                     #shoptalkeurope
 @PhilipBentonEMI      you listening?         #startup                                         @lwalendy
                       @philwahba             #ShopTalkEurope
                                              @julievargasad                                                                                                 3
[Shoptalk Europe Report]

Visual discovery: see it, want it
Pinterest and Facebook both          users’ searches are not normally
commented on the discovery trend –   brand specific, the platform
where consumers discover products    is helping them to discover
and desire them, through emerging    products and brands. He added
and often highly visual online       that Pinterest is the number one
platforms.                           organic web traffic source for lots
                                     of brands.
Retailers and consumer brands are
being courted by both Pinterest      Facebook Director of Retail,
and Facebook, keen to claim their    Ecommerce & Fintech Martin Harbech
place within the non-linear          spoke about the brands disrupting
shopper journeys that modern         mundane product categories, such
consumers take on their way to       as Worby Parker, Dollar Shave Club
making a purchase.                   and slipper specialist Mahabis.       Mahabis slippers have been visually
                                                                           discovered through platforms such as
                                     Such brands are often discovered      Instagram
Pinterest President Tim Kendall      by consumers through non-
claimed that “people use Pinterest   traditional marketing.                and discovered by consumers by the
to plan their lives,” and that                                             brand investing in appearing in
while Amazon or Google are great     Harbech says Mahabis was both         Instagram and Facebook feeds.
for helping consumers find things    created and discovered by
they can describe, Pinterest         consumers because the brand           Retailers and more traditional
supports “visual discovery”.         invested in appearing in Instagram    brands need to be aware of the
                                     and Facebook feeds. The brand’s       visual discovery trend, and ensure
Kendall admitted that most content   founder used search data and found    that they are including visual
on the platform comes from           that there was no well-known          discovery elements in their top of
retailers and brands. As Pinterest   slipper brand. Mahabis was created    funnel marketing activity.

Casper aims to be a
category killer
US-based online mattress retailer    Target, and a partnership meaning
Casper wants its brand to be         its product is available in 1,000
“associated with getting the best    Target stores. But Krim is not
night’s sleep possible”.             counting on this alone to cement
                                     the brand in consumers’ minds.        Casper has partnered with American
                                                                           Airlines to increase brand awareness
Co-founder and CEO Philip Krim
talked the Shoptalk audience         Casper has also become the            However, the business is wise to
through the company’s strategy, as   “official sleep product partner”      the fact that Europe is not one
it aims to make its “universally     of American Airlines, with a          homogenous market. Aside from
comfortable” mattress the first      range of products created for         differing regulatory standards,
choice for consumers around the      Economy Plus upwards. Quirky          Krim pointed out that Casper has
world.                               outdoor advertising, particularly     customised its core product for
                                     on public transport such as the       each market. Germans apparently
As it’s still a young brand, it’s    New York subway, has also been        prefer a firmer mattress than the
in the process of extending its      deployed to build brand awareness.    norm.
customer base from the early-
adopter segment (who were prepared   The business launched in Europe       Whether we’ll all be sleeping on
to buy a mattress online they’d      a little over a year ago, and         Casper’s products in 10 years’
not yet tried) to building broader   sells in Germany, the UK, France,     time remains to be seen, but if
brand awareness.                     Switzerland and Austria. In Europe    Krim’s ambition is realised then
                                     all sales are online, and so          the brand will at least make your
Helpful in this aim has been         customers in the region must buy      shortlist the next time you are in
investment from US retail giant      before they try.                      the market for a mattress.                                                                                              4
[Shoptalk Europe Report]

Culture Club
Business culture and leadership is crucial to growth in these challenging
times, according to a panel of seasoned retailers at Shoptalk Europe.
Culture comes from the top, and      on Tesco’s Clubcard when it was                wasn’t set up in the way that the
so Practicology’s Chairman Martin    still within an incubator unit and             customer is operating then I feel
Newman was delighted to be joined    said that this allowed the team to             we would lose out.”
by two retail leaders to discuss     really get on with developing the
how their peers can ensure growth    idea without distraction from the              He does not believe in having an
in what are challenging trading      rest of the business.                          ecommerce specialist on the board
conditions for many.                                                                because he considers that for
                                     Her other piece of advice was                  all his directors “if you don’t
Mike Logue, CEO of UK bed retailer   for CEOs to appoint a Chief                    understand digital then you don’t
Dreams, and Christine Cross -        Transformation Officer “to support             deserve the seat.”
a Non-Executive Director for         change, but also to understand how
retailers including Portugal’s       fast the change can go and have                Finally, both Cross and Logue
Sonae, New Zealand’s Kathmandu and   some cultural sensitivity.”                    agreed that the way retailers
UK department store Fenwick – both                                                  measure success needs to change
had plenty to say on the subject.    She added that “too many people                if they care about continued
                                     are hung up on organisation                    growth. Cross says she’s aiming to
Logue and Cross were insistent       design, and are not hung up enough             change the KPIs measured by the
that the company culture must        on sharing data.” She believes                 retailers she is involved with,
encourage a focus on the customer.   structure is less important as                 as metrics such as store like-for-
Cross said retail CEOs don’t need    long as customer and business                  like sales become less relevant
to be shopkeepers, but they must     insight – often generated by the               in the digital age. “If KPIs are
be “customerkeepers”.                ecommerce team – is available                  segmented they will never have the
                                     across the business.                           customer in mind. Everyone should
Mike Logue added that a focus on                                                    have a net promoter score (NPS).”
your customer is preferable to an
obsession with competitors: “We      Removing silos                                 Logue concluded: “If the whole
are listening to the customer,       Logue has removed silos from his               organisation doesn’t understand
and what they are looking for;       business with ecommerce under                  that the customer is paying all
not just what the disruptors and     a Marketing Director. “Fully-                  of the bills then the structure
competitors are doing. If you        integrated marketing looks after               won’t work. Every meeting at
just react to the next competitor    everything to get customers to our             Dreams starts with the customer,
you are in trouble. You will         business, because the customer                 and 3,500 customers a week tell us
be spending money on changing        is digital-first. If my business               what they think.”
policies that don’t need to be

When he joined Dreams he had never
sold a bed before, so he “went out
and listened to colleagues and
listened to customers, and that
led to the whole business needing
to transform.”

Incubator teams
Christine Cross was also keen that
retail leaders create the right
climate for innovation. Her advice
is: “Make sure you don’t punish
failure.” She added that setting
up incubator teams can help new
ideas to get off the ground in
large organisations. She worked      Practicology’s Martin Newman (L) discussing leadership with Mike Logue and Christine Cross                                                                                                          5
[Shoptalk Europe Report]

Dollar Shave Club on disruption
Disrupting the razor market and       Dubin believes that surviving         Here he thinks he has spotted
achieving 20% share by volume         and thriving in a world with          another gap in the market; content
isn’t enough of an achievement        Amazon and Alibaba requires           somewhere in between Esquire and
for Dollar Shave Club CEO Michael     “category specificity and category    Bro Bible for “real men with
Dubin. Now he’s moving on to “Act     expertise”, delivering a service      feelings.”
Two”, and delivering against the      far and above what anyone else
desire to “help guys take care of     offers.                               In 2018, the DSC proposition
their minds and bodies.”                                                    will launch in Europe too, and
                                      Act two has seen the launch of        Dubin will prove whether his
During his fireside chat, Dubin       oralcare, as DSC executes against     mix of customer focus, category
explained that his mission when he    the broader minds and bodies brief,   understanding and content is enough
founded the business was simple,      and the business has a team of 20     to capture similar market share on
to make it cheaper and easier         creating content as a value add for   the other side of the Atlantic.
to buy razors and overcome the        customers.
“razor fortress” that often sees
the products locked in anti-theft
                                      Dollar Shave Club has just launched
cases in stores.                      oral care as its mission expands

He’s built the business on a
subscription model, but said
that the only reason for doing
this was that it enhances the
customer experience. “Guys drag
out their razor as they don’t
want to go to the store to get
a new one.”

The Dollar Shave Club (DSC)
model allows customers
to pause or cancel their
subscription easily. Dubin said
he doesn’t believe in forced
subscriptions, and will offer more
choice in how customers purchase in
the future.

AI steals the show
Just in case you weren’t already      He described three phases in the      Pittman concluded that the age
convinced by the possibilities        evolution of AI:                      of artificial super intelligence
from artificial intelligence (AI),    Artificial narrow intelligence        might not be as far off as some
eBay’s Chief Product Officer RJ       – where many applications are         think. He said fashion designers
Pittman was on hand to remind the     today solving point problems with     in Japan are already employing
Shoptalk audience that “all of        simple bots.                          AI to design collections,
the progress in AI in the next                                              predicting consumer trends ahead
two years is going to lap the         Artificial general intelligence       of the competition.
last 30 years.”                       – tackle problem-solving such as
                                      finding a pair of shoes to match a    If Amazon was the most heard
He said that retailers who aren’t     dress a consumer has just bought.     word during the event, then AI
looking at or already using AI                                              came a close second.
are “braindead” and pointed out       Artificial super intelligence –
that the technology will soon         allowing brands to create one-        Developments will move
be ubiquitous, as smartphones –       of-a-kind products for specific       quickly, and if you don’t
including the already launched        customers, predicting what they       start learning about AI now
Google Pixel 2 – include an AI-       will want before they know they       then you are unlikely to be able
enabled chip for machine learning.    want it.                              to keep up.                                                                                         6
Shoptalk 2018
The next Shoptalk event          Eligible retailers and
takes place in March             brands can apply for
2018 in Las Vegas, with          Shoptalk’s Hosted
the aim of creating              Program, and receive
a truly global forum             a free ticket and travel
for the retail industry.         allowance. Full details of
Established retailers and        the program are available
brands, start-ups, tech          on Shoptalk’s website.
companies, investors,
                                 Sign up now to join the
media, analysts and
                                 7,500 attendees that are
others will all come
                                 expected at the event.
together to learn,
collaborate and evolve.

    About                                          We are a team of retail and ecommerce experts focused
                                                   on solving the digital challenges of retailers, consumer
                                                   brands and their investors.

                                                   Practicology’s consultants offer strategy matched
                                                   by practical support; through a range of advisory,
                                                   ecommerce trading, digital marketing and training
               To discuss how Practicology         services.
               could assist you get in touch at:
                                                   From offices in the UK, Australia, Hong Kong and
                   Guangzhou, we support a diverse global client list
               +44 (0)20 7323 0539                 that includes Nike, Pandora, Skechers and Reckitt
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