The Lifestyle of Vibrio cholerae Fosters Gene Transfers

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The Lifestyle of Vibrio cholerae Fosters Gene Transfers

                       The Lifestyle of Vibrio cholerae
                       Fosters Gene Transfers
                       Growing on chitinous surfaces helps these bacteria to initiate horizontal gene
                       transfer and, perhaps, to swap pathogenic traits

                       Melanie Blokesch

                       Waterborne Vibrio cholerae bacteria cause chol-          hotspots for transformation that foster the evolu-
                       era, a pandemic during the last 50 years across          tion of V. cholerae and other vibrios. In a broader
                       Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Although most           sense, by learning more about the environmental
                       infected individuals do not develop severe symp-         lifestyle of V. cholerae, we can better understand
                       toms, some become violently ill with severe diar-        the mechanisms by which this seemingly innoc-
                       rhea, vomiting, and cramps, and the loss of body         uous microbe becomes a harmful human patho-
                       fluids, if untreated, can lead to shock and death.       gen of great importance. This knowledge, in turn,
                          V. cholerae, which is primarily encountered in        may help us in predicting the onset of cholera
                       estuaries, rivers, and coastal waters in its environ-    outbreaks and facilitate efforts to control them.
                       mental reservoir, is found not only in a free-living
                       state but also associated with phytoplankton and
                       zooplankton (Fig. 1). Because factors such as in-        V. cholerae in the Environment
                       creasing temperatures, the El Niño phenomenon,           The epicenter of past cholera pandemics is the
                       and heavy rainfalls and floods can raise the abun-       delta area where the Ganges and Brahmaputra
                       dance of phytoplankton and zooplankton, and,             Rivers flow into the Bay of Bengal. In this region
                       along with them, cholera bacteria, changing cli-         and elsewhere, V. cholerae is often found attached
                       matic conditions could well drive the re-emer-           to small crustaceans and their molted exoskele-
                       gence of cholera, according to Rita Colwell from         tons, and it emerges periodically as a human
                       the University of Maryland and her collaborators.        pathogen. Such exoskeletons are made primarily
                          Moreover, V. cholerae’s strong association            of chitin, a homopolymer of branched chains of
                       with the chitinous exoskeletons of zooplankton,          ␤-1,4-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc).
                       which serves as a source of nutrition but also              During the last decade, researchers realized
                       contributes to the onset of natural competence in        that the link between this microbe and chitin
                       these bacteria, could mean that chitin surfaces are      surfaces is of relevance to public health. As V.
                                                                                cholerae forms biofılms on such chitin surfaces,
                                                                                the bacteria concentrate, reaching levels of up to
 SUMMARY                                                                        104 to 106 bacteria on single copepods (a domi-
➤ The human pathogen Vibrio cholerae and other Vibrio species are chitino-      nant member of the zooplankton). Ingesting a
  lytic bacteria that contribute to the recycling of carbon and nitrogen in     few of those small crustaceans can be suffıcient to
  aquatic environments.                                                         cause disease in humans. Notably, chitin also in-
➤ V. cholerae bacteria form biofilms on chitinous surfaces, enabling the         creases the bacterium’s resistance to acid, mean-
  bacteria to initiate a developmental program known as natural competence      ing fewer bacteria are killed while passing the
  for genetic transformation, a mode of horizontal gene transfer.               stomach, thus increasing the chances of establish-
➤ Chitin-induced DNA exchange and transformations along such surfaces           ing infections. Hence, drinking a single glass of
  might contribute to the spread of pathogenic traits among different types     contaminated water during a zooplankton bloom
  of V. cholerae.                                                               in cholera-endemic regions can lead to the onset
➤ V. cholerae can grow on crab shells or on other chitin-containing materials   of disease.
  in the lab, making it possible to determine what signals regulate these          Knowledge of the environmental lifestyle of
  natural gene-exchange processes.                                              this pathogen and how it is transmitted to hu-

64   • Microbe—Volume 9, Number 2, 2014
The Lifestyle of Vibrio cholerae Fosters Gene Transfers


  V. cholerae in the environment and the chain of transmission (based on work by Rita Colwell and collaborators). In
  aquatic environments, V. cholerae is encountered as a free-living bacterium or in association with phyto- and
  zooplankton. Changing factors like hours of sunlight, water temperatures, climate conditions, and human behavior
  contribute to plankton blooms and, consequently, to elevated numbers of V. cholerae. Transmission to humans
  most likely occurs through the ingestion of small crustaceans or their molts along with their accumulated bacterial
  passengers. Scale bars: 1 ␮m (left image), 3 ␮m (right image).

mans can help in decreasing cholera cases. For               in marine environments— equal to cellulose on
example, Rita Colwell and her collaborators in-              land. The recycling of chitin by V. cholerae and
troduced a simple fıltration method, using folded            other bacteria helps to maintain the global carbon
sari cloth to remove particles larger than 20 ␮m,            and nitrogen cycle, according to the late Saul
including zooplankton, from drinking water.                  Roseman of Johns Hopkins University in Balti-
Trial use of this method during 3 years in 65                more, Md., who pioneered research on chitin
Bangladeshi villages with a total population of              degradation by the Vibrionaceae.
133,000 reduced cholera cases by 48% compared                   Colonization of chitinous surfaces by V. chol-
to a control group.                                          erae is a consequence of (i) sensing and che-
                                                             motaxis; (ii) attachment and biofılm formation;
                                                             and can lead to (iii) chitin-induced natural com-
V. cholerae Associates with
                                                             petence, leading to DNA uptake and transforma-
Chitinous Surfaces
                                                             tion; and (iv) evolution, if new genes are acquired
Marine zooplankton produce more than 1011                    (Fig. 2). The bacteria can secrete chitinases that
tons of chitin annually, providing a huge sub-               degrade chitin throughout all these steps.
strate on which V. cholerae can attach and form                 There are two classes of chitinases: exochiti-
biofılms, protecting them against external stress-           nases, which release diacetylchitobiose [GlcNAc)2]
es. V. cholerae not only binds to chitinous exo-             units from the nonreducing end of the poly-
skeletons; it also plays an important role in                saccharide chain, and endochitinases, which pro-
remineralizing chitin, preventing much of this               duce multimers of GlcNAc by randomly cleaving
material from ever reaching the ocean floor even             the glycosidic bonds within the chitin polymer,
though chitin is the most abundant polymer                   eventually releasing free oligosaccharides.

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The Lifestyle of Vibrio cholerae Fosters Gene Transfers

                        FIGURE 2

                         Chitin-dependent processes that V. cholerae undergoes. Marine vibrios, including V. cholerae, are chitinolytic
                         bacteria that can produce and sense diacetylchitobiose [(GlcNAc)2] gradients surrounding chitinous surfaces. After
                         chemotaxis towards the chitin surface, the bacteria attach, form microcolonies, and then develop into three-
                         dimensional biofilms. Under those chitin-dependent, high cell-density conditions, V. cholerae initiates natural
                         competence for genetic transformation, a mode of horizontal gene transfer, enabling the bacteria to take up free
                         DNA from the environment and to incorporate this material into its own chromosome by homologous
                         recombination. If the transforming DNA material carries a different O-antigen gene cluster (shown in green as part
                         of the transforming DNA), V. cholerae can exchange this region, thereby undergoing serogroup conversion (e.g.,
                         change of the O-antigen, illustrated on the right).

                          Once attached to the chitin surface by a type             the V. cholerae genome and is transferred to
                      IV pilus (mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin pi-                 new strains via phage transduction, according
                      lus) and the GlcNAc-binding protein GbpA, the                 to Matthew Waldor and John Mekalanos at
                      bacteria form microcolonies that develop into                 Harvard Medical School in Cambridge, Mass. In
                      biofılms, according to Ronald Taylor and col-                 addition, its two pathogenicity islands as well
                      leagues at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.                 as the Vibrio seventh pandemic islands, the
                      Maturation of biofılms involves both protein                  gene cluster encoding the O-antigen region of
                      components and exopolysaccharides, both of                    the lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an integrative and
                      which help to form the matrix that holds bacterial            conjugative element, and other regions of the
                      cells within these biofılms, according to Fitnat              two chromosomes bear hallmarks of recent gene
                      Yildiz at the University of California, Santa Cruz,           acquisitions.
                      and Paula Watnick at Boston Children’s Hospi-                     Several mechanisms enable bacteria such as V.
                      tal, and their collaborators. Biofılm-forming V.              cholerae to obtain DNA from external sources.
                      cholerae attach to chitinous crab shell fragments             For example, chitin induces natural competence
                      via assorted fıbers and fılaments, according to our           for genetic transformation in V. cholerae, accord-
                      scanning electron micrographs (Fig. 3).                       ing to work done by Gary Schoolnik and his col-
                                                                                    laborators at Stanford University in Stanford,
                                                                                    Calif., in which I also participated. Natural com-
                      Horizontal Gene Transfers among
                                                                                    petence, a mode of HGT, refers to the physiolog-
                      V. cholerae in Aquatic Environments
                                                                                    ical state in which a bacterium can take up free
                      How did V. cholerae gain pathogenic traits in the             DNA from the environment and incorporate that
                      fırst place? The genome sequence of V. cholerae               DNA into its genome via homologous recombi-
                      and genomic hybridization experiments suggest                 nation. Chitin also induces natural competence
                      horizontal gene transfers. For example, the chol-             in other species of the genus Vibrio such as V.
                      era toxin phage CTX␾ resides as a prophage in                 fıscheri, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnifıcus.

66   • Microbe—Volume 9, Number 2, 2014
The Lifestyle of Vibrio cholerae Fosters Gene Transfers

  Blokesch: from Dolphins and Scuba to Vibrios and HGT
  Melanie Blokesch grew up in a village near Munich, Germany.      technology—talked with their daughters about science
  She remembers always being fascinated by marine animals          “whether it was about supernovae, lightning and faraday
  and especially by dolphins and sharks, while being on holi-      cages, steam engines, or hurricanes,” although her mother
  days, an interest she indulged by swimming, snorkeling, and      stopped short of encouraging her daughter’s first biological
  scuba diving. Later, she found a way to integrate this passion   experiments of collecting frogs. “She made me bring them
  with her current microbiology research. “What I do now when      back,” Blokesch recalls.
  I am on vacation is take back some water samples and see             She also credits a high school math teacher for fostering
  what kind of Vibrios I can isolate” she says.                    her interest in science. “[The teacher] recommended me to
     Blokesch, 37, is a tenure-track assistant professor at the    attend an information day on girls in science,” Blokesch says.
  Global Health Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute of        “I wanted to study math after high school but wasn’t sure
  Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), where she focuses on bacteria     what I could do with it afterwards. So I ended up with biology
  that are facultative human pathogens. “Time will tell whether    and got so fascinated by bacteria and by what they are able
  the knowledge on how and when new pathogens emerge will          to do that I stayed in microbiology.” An important mentor was
  help fight infectious diseases,” she says. “However, for sure,    her thesis advisor August Böck, who always appreciated and
  horizontal gene transfer (HGT)—the main topic of my research     trusted her work.
  group— does play a major role in the spread of antibiotic            She earned her biology diploma in 2000 and her Ph.D. in
  resistances. Thus, knowing what initiates HGT and the mech-      microbiology in 2004, both from Ludwig-Maximilians-Univer-
  anistic aspects of it is of prime importance.”                   sity in Munich. Between 2005 and 2009, she was a postdoc-
     Blokesch studies Vibrio cholerae, the aquatic bacterium       toral fellow doing research in the Microbiology and Immunol-
  that causes cholera. “The goal of our research is to link the    ogy department at Stanford University, after which she moved
  ecology of the organism with the epidemiology of the disease     to her current post in Switzerland. “I very much enjoyed my
  in order to learn more about the pathogen’s evolution,” she      time in California,” she says “but returned to Europe to be
  says. “I often refer to the ‘three E’s’ when I talk about our    closer to my family.”
  research: ecology, evolution, and epidemiology.”                     Blokesch drew even closer to her older sister and father
     Blokesch, the younger of two girls, believes her scientific    following her mother’s recent death. Now that she is living in
  curiosity comes from her mother, who worked as a chemistry       Switzerland, she has rediscovered skiing and also plays bad-
  lab technician before starting a family, but who never had the   minton every week, enjoys squash, and continues to go scuba
  opportunity to pursue her own scientific interests. “Unfortu-     diving when plans allow, she says.
  nately, she wasn’t encouraged by her own parents to follow
  her dream and enter medical school,” Blokesch says of her        Marlene Cimons
  mother. Both parents— her father worked in information           Marlene Cimons lives and writes in Bethesda, Md.

V. cholerae Associates with and Responds                    Although V. cholerae encompasses more than
to Chitin under Laboratory Conditions                    200 different serogroups specifıed by the O-anti-
The chitin polymer’s insolubility complicates ef-        gen region of the LPS, only strains belonging to
forts to study how V. cholerae associates with it.       the O1 serogroup were thought to cause severe
As one approach, we use Dungeness crab shells,           cholera. In the 1990s, a V. cholerae that converted
which we clean, break into small pieces, and ster-       from the El Tor O1 serogroup to the new O139
ilize by autoclaving. V. cholerae readily colonize       Bengal serogroup caused cholera outbreaks in
such surfaces when they are submerged in an              Bangladesh and India. This unprecedented event
artifıcial sea water medium within 12-well plates        was followed by spread of the O139 serogroup
(Fig. 4). We also use commercially available             strain to other countries and fear of a new eighth
coarse chitin flakes aliquoted into tubes to better      cholera pandemic.
standardize experimental procedure and to lower             To test whether V. cholerae O1 can acquire
the risk of cross-contamination. Moreover, to            the O139 gene cluster by chitin-induced natural
visualize bacterial attachment to chitin surfaces,       transformation under laboratory conditions, we
we use chitin beads, which are amenable to light         propagated a V. cholerae O1 El Tor strain as a
microscopy (Fig. 4).                                     biofılm on crab shell fragments and then added

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                        FIGURE 3

                         V. cholerae forms biofilms on chitinous surfaces. Biofilm-forming V. cholerae cells bound to chitinous surfaces are
                         illustrated in these scanning electron micrographs. In the lower row bacteria that are attached to chitinous spikes
                         (porous looking surface) are shown at higher magnification, which allows the visualization of detailed structures
                         such as the polar flagellum, unidentified pili/fibers, and biofilm matrix components (as indicated by the white
                         arrows). Scale bars: 3 ␮m (upper image), 0.3 ␮m (lower images).

                      genomic DNA from the O139 Bengal strain as                    crobes. Indeed, because the O-antigen clusters
                      transforming material. We then selected for O1-               of different serogroups of V. cholerae display a
                      to-O139 transformants by using a virulent bacte-              GC-content that deviates from the rest of the
                      riophage specifıc for the O1 serogroup to carry               chromosome, chitin-induced natural transfor-
                      out serogroup-specifıc, phage-mediated killing.               mation could well be responsible for the diversity
                      The resulting phage-resistant transformants                   of natural V. cholerae serogroups. Moreover,
                      were genotypically identical to the O1 recipient              because serogroup changes in toxigenic V. chol-
                      except for the acquired O139 serogroup gene                   erae strains, as observed for the O139 sero-
                      cluster (42 kbp) and the lost O1-specifıc gene                group, might reoccur at any time, diagnostic tools
                      cluster (32 kbp). Testing with immunological and              should take this scenario into consideration.
                      electron microscopy-based methods showed that
                      the serogroup convertants produce the new O-
                                                                                    Regulatory Network Drives Chitin-Induced
                                                                                    Transformation in V. cholerae
                          These results provide a mechanistic explana-
                      tion for the appearance of the O139 Bengal vari-              Our recent research focuses on the regulatory
                      ant of V. cholerae in 1992. More generally, they              network that drives natural competence and
                      illustrate how genetic and ecological factors can             transformation in V. cholerae. Although V. chol-
                      lead to the emergence of new pathogenic mi-                   erae cells respond uniformly to soluble chitin oli-

68   • Microbe—Volume 9, Number 2, 2014


  Colonization of chitin surfaces by V. cholerae under laboratory conditions. We and other researchers grow V.
  cholerae on crab shell fragments (upper row), which first are cleaned to remove residual crabmeat, fragmented into
  smaller size pieces, and autoclaved. Those sterilized crab shell fragments typically are incubated with the pathogen
  in artificial seawater medium for several hours to days. Alternatively, we use sterilized chitin coarse flakes, which
  provide an increased surface space, allowing growth to higher cell densities and more standardized experimental
  approaches (middle row). Finally, chitin beads are useful for visualizing (fluorescently-labeled) V. cholerae cells that
  associate with the chitin surface (lower row). With such chitin beads, we visualized both transcriptionally (e.g. a
  competence gene fused to gfp; left image) and translationally (e.g. a competence protein fused to mCherry; right
  image) fused reporter constructs.

gomers, competence induction around insoluble                  nal for intraspecies communication. System 2 is
biotic chitinous surfaces is nonsynchronized                   used for interspecies communication, which de-
and heterogeneous. Because the chitin surface                  pends on autoinducer 2 (AI-2), a furanosyl borate
can serve as the sole carbon source for V. chol-               diester.
erae, we investigated the link between carbon                     How do these environmental signals foster
catabolite repression and chitin-induced natural               natural competence and transformation? First,
transformation. Indeed, both colonization of the               we learned that QS regulates only a small subset
chitin surface and induction of natural compe-                 of competence genes and that this regulation oc-
tence depend on the secondary messenger cyclic                 curs via a transcription factor that links chitin-
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in V. chol-                     induction and QS. More precisely, QS mediates a
erae. Moreover, quorum sensing (QS) also con-                  switch from DNA degradation around V. chol-
tributes to the onset of natural transformation in             erae cells towards competence-mediated DNA
V. cholerae.                                                   uptake. Further, chitin-induced natural transfor-
   Through QS, bacteria synthesize autoinducer                 mation depends on the species-specifıc signal,
(AI) molecules and secrete them into the envi-                 CAI-1, whereas the interspecies autoinducer
ronment to measure and respond to population                   AI-2 plays a negligible role. Importantly, when
density. Briefly, V. cholerae depends on two QS                both autoinducers are absent, natural transfor-
circuits, according to Bonnie Bassler at Princeton             mation is abolished.
University and her collaborators. The system 1                    These results illustrate how V. cholerae can
cholera autoinducer 1 (CAI-1) serves as the sig-               enhance species-specifıc DNA uptake, namely

                                                                                                          Microbe—Volume 9, Number 2, 2014   • 69

                      by coupling gene expression required for natural                     conversion of Vibrio cholerae in aquatic reservoirs.
                      transformation to the species-specifıc QS system                     PLoS Pathogens 3:e81.
                      1. This linkage could prove helpful in repairing                  Colwell, R. R., A. Huq, M. S. Islam, K. M. Aziz, M.
                                                                                           Yunus, N. H. Khan, A. Mahmud, R. B. Sack, G. B.
                      damaged genes. To follow up on this assumption
                                                                                           Nair, J. Chakraborty, D. A. Sack, and E. Russek-
                      we are now also studying the mechanistic aspects
                                                                                           Cohen. 2003. Reduction of cholera in Bangladeshi
                      of the DNA uptake process in V. cholerae.                            villages by simple fıltration. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA
                      Melanie Blokesch is an Assistant Professor at the Swiss Federal      100:1051–1055.
                      Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland,             Keyhani, N. O., and S. Roseman. 1999. Physiological
                                                         aspects of chitin catabolism in marine bacteria.
                                                                                           Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1473:108 –122.
                                                                                        Lipp, E. K., A. Huq, and R. R. Colwell. 2002. Effects of
                      Acknowledgments                                                      global climate on infectious disease: the cholera mod-
                                                                                           el. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 15:757–770.
                      I thank Graham Knott (BioEM facility of EPFL) for his
                                                                                        Lo Scrudato, M., and M. Blokesch. 2012. The regulatory
                      help and enthusiasm with the electron microscopy. I also
                                                                                           network of natural competence and transformation of
                      acknowledge all current and former members of the
                                                                                           Vibrio cholerae. PLoS Genetics 8: e1002778.
                      Blokesch lab for their scientifıc contributions. Finally, I
                                                                                        Meibom*, K. L., M. Blokesch*, N. A. Dolganov, C. Y.
                      thank Gary Schoolnik at Stanford University for intro-
                                                                                           Wu, and G. K. Schoolnik. 2005. Chitin induces natu-
                      ducing me into this fascinating topic. Research in the
                                                                                           ral competence in Vibrio cholerae. Science 310:1824 –
                      Blokesch laboratory is supported by grants from the Swiss            1827. (* contributed equally)
                      National Science Foundation (31003A_127029 and                    Ng, W. L., and B. L. Bassler. 2009. Bacterial quorum-
                      31003A_143356) and by a Starting Grant from the Euro-                sensing network architectures. Annu. Rev. Genet. 43:
                      pean Research Council (VIR4ENV).                                     197–222.
                                                                                        Seitz, P., and M. Blokesch. 2013. Cues and regulatory
                      Suggested Reading                                                    pathways involved in natural competence and trans-
                                                                                           formation in pathogenic and environmental Gram-
                      Blokesch, M. 2012. Chitin colonization, chitin degrada-              negative bacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 37:336 –363.
                         tion and chitin-induced natural competence of Vibrio              (Epub, September 2012)
                         cholerae are subject to catabolite repression. Environ.        Seitz, P., and M. Blokesch. 2013. DNA-uptake machin-
                         Microbiol. 14: 1898 –1912.                                        ery of naturally competent Vibrio cholerae. Proc. Natl.
                      Blokesch, M., and G. K. Schoolnik. 2007. Serogroup                   Acad. Sci. USA, 110:17987–92.

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