The MAPAN - Minnesota Association of Public Accountants

Page created by Lillian Flynn
The MAPAN - Minnesota Association of Public Accountants
Volume 62, No. 1                                 April/May 2021

                                                 Minnesota Association of Public Accountants

                                          The MAPAN
“MAPA assists members in achieving success in the profession of accounting and taxation through the advocacy of practice rights and the
                              promotion of high standards in ethics, education, and professionalism.”

Inside this issue:                  President’s Message
                                                                         Anybody have a sense of déjà vu? Another year,
                                                                         another delayed filing deadline.

                                                                         Hope everyone is doing their best to keep up
                                                                         with the constant changes and updates of tax
                                                                         laws, grants, loans, etc., etc. I know in my house I
                                                                         have been banned from saying PPP and stimulus
                                                                         money by my better half. She says they get me
                                                                         too riled up. MAPA has been doing our best to
                                                                         keep you posted with links to new webinars
                                                                         regard hot topic issues.

                                        Many of you just received your membership packets recently, as well as our
                                        slate of CPE for the year. As I have said in the past, CPE this year is going to
                                        be very important to keep up with everything. Remember we still have the
                                        expanded child tax credit and advances coming up, which we have received
                                        basically nothing yet for regulations, so stay tuned.

                                        That is all I have for you. Short and sweet, because as I write this the
                                        deadline is only a week away. This will be my last article I write for you. I
                                        can’t believe a year has gone by already. It has been an honor to serve as
                                        your board president. A special thank you to my fellow board members for
                                        all your hard work. Also, a huge thank you Eric Nebben. It was not an easy
                                        task wading through the virtual CPE world and the many changes to how
The MAPAN is the official               MAPA operates.
publication of MAPA. The MAPAN
is published five times annually. All
articles must be submitted to the       Eric Goddard, CPA
MAPA Office by the 5th of the
month to be included in the following
publication. Submit all articles and
letters to the Editor.
                                         It’s time to renew your MAPA Membership!
                                            You can renew your membership for a
PO Box 301                               discounted rate of $160. Membership dues
Big Lake, MN 55309
Phone: (612)366-1983                    increase on 6/30/21, so if you haven’t done
Fax: (763)263-8020                                    so already renew today!
The MAPAN - Minnesota Association of Public Accountants

 Executive Director’s Report • Erin Nebben, EA
                             Hello! I hope this newsletter finds you all doing well. It was another tough tax
                             season for most everyone! I would like to congratulate you all for making it
                             through and we can only hope that it starts to get better. MAPA has been
                             diligently working on finding ways to offer more education, as that is so
                             important with all the updates and changes. We started off the year with offering
                             a few 2-3 credit webinars, We will continue to add more of this type of education
                             to our calendar and hope that you are able to take advantage of it. If there is a
                             topic you would like to know more about, let us know and we will see what we
                             can do!
 Membership packets were all mailed out on April 15th. If you have not received yours yet, please let me
 know, and I would be happy to send you another one! We went with a little different format this year and
 instead of having multiple brochures, everything on our current calendar is in one catalog. We hope you
 like it! And, even more so, we are excited to see you in person soon! As always, feel free to reach out to me
 with any questions, comments or concerns, after all, MAPA is YOUR organization.

             Legislative Update • Troy Olson, Ewald Consulting
On Monday, May 17, Gov. Tim Walz and legislative             complicating the picture is that some of the federal
leaders announced they had agreed on a state                 conformity issues are retroactive. So at the moment,
budget deal that will provide state tax relief for           it appears as though more guidance will be needed
Minnesota’s employers who accepted federal                   from DOR.
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) grants and
workers who accepted unemployment payments                   Both the House and Senate Omnibus Tax bills
during the pandemic.                                         include legislation addressing partnership audits.
                                                             Much of the language provides federal conformity .
Unfortunately, the agreement came on the last day
                                                             Amongst other provisions, both the House and
of session and tax deadline day and will not become
                                                             Senate language allows audited partnerships the
law until a final tax bill is passed in a special session.
                                                             election to pay tax at the entity level. Within 180
Most employers have already filed their taxes and it
                                                             days of the final adjustment, a partnership must
remains to be seen as to whether they will need to
                                                             report the residency status of all direct partners and
file amended returns to take advantage of the
                                                             pay tax on the properly allocated and apportioned
tax relief once it becomes law.
                                                             share of all income at the highest marginal rate for
                                                             its individual and corporate direct and tiered
Also included in the agreement are other federal tax         partners.
conformities that will benefit Minnesota taxpayers
and provide some simplification to Minnesota’s tax
                                                             The timeline outlined by the Speaker and Sen.
                                                             Majority Leader is that all budget bill spreadsheets
                                                             must be agreed upon by May 28, and all policy items
Yesterday there were mixed opinions about how tax            by June 4.
filings would be handled. Legislative leaders
commented that they believe filers will have to file
                                                             Legislative leaders and the governor anticipate the
amended returns for PPP and UI, but DOR made
                                                             legislature will be back in special session in Mid-
comments that they might be able to review and
                                                             June after budget details are ironed out to pass the
unilaterally change most filed returns. Also
                                                             state budget and adjourn.
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The MAPAN - Minnesota Association of Public Accountants
Volume 62 ,No. 1

NSA State Director Report • Heidi Baublitz, CPA
                                 To say this tax        Progressive Field to watch the Cleveland Indians
                                 season was and         take on the Texas Rangers. Wednesday, August
                                 still is challenging   25, CPE continues and then in the evening we will
                                 is an                  be going to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, courtesy
                                 understatement.        of ACAT. Thursday, August 26, CPE sessions end
                                 From the IRS           and then the NSA Governors’ Gala starts at 7:00
                                 changing things        PM with dinner and dancing! And you, dressed as
                                 midstream         to   your favorite rock star! Reserve your room now at
                                 Minnesota        not   the Hyatt Regency Cleveland at The Arcade. It is
                                 adopting any of        located in a landmark building constructed in 1890
                                 the        COVID       which provides a historic hotel experience with
provisions.     This has been a tax season to           convenient access to downtown Cleveland.
remember. Hopefully the worst is behind us. The
IRS is also having a hard time keeping up with          NSA’s Proposed Bylaw Amendments are available
everything that is going on in the tax world.           for your review and voting ends June 4, 2021 at
                                                        5:00 PM EST. In 2020, NSA membership voted
The IRS is holding over 29 million returns for          overwhelmingly to restructure our governance
manual processing. A combination of the high-           from Districts to Regions. These proposed Bylaw
volume of 2020 tax returns requiring manual             Amendments also broaden the criteria of NSA
processing, the backlog of unprocessed 2019 paper       membership and allow NSA to be a more inclusive
tax returns, congressional mandates to issue            professional society representing tax and
economic impact payments (EIPs) and provide             accounting professionals. The proposed Bylaw
other relief to taxpayers during the pandemic,          Amendments also include moving the
limited resources, and technology issues have           responsibility of appointing most NSA committees
contributed to more refund delays and longer            appointments from the President to the Executive
refund delays than are typical in a normal filing       Committee. These proposed Bylaw Amendments
season.                                                 also include the removal of State Directors. This is
                                                        the most concerning to me as I would be out of a
The NSA 75th Annual Convention is on for August         job! Please take time to review the Proposed
23-26, 2021 in Cleveland, Ohio for in-person            Bylaw Amendments and get your vote in.
education, networking, and fun-filled nights!
Monday, August 23, the EA Live Exam Prep                On a personal note, I am going to be a grandma
begins its 3-day affair. Then, starting at 6:00 PM,     any day now to a new granddaughter. That will
we really kick things off by welcoming you to           make 3 granddaughters for me. We are all very
Cleveland with a reception. Tuesday, August 24,         excited to finally meet her. I am looking forward
CPE sessions begin, and the EA Live Exam Prep           to spending some time away from the office with
Continues. In the evening we will be going to the       family and friends.

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The MAPAN - Minnesota Association of Public Accountants

Peer Review • Mark Hemerick, CPA
Most of our MAPA member firms requiring a               When selecting your peer reviewer, you might
peer review have the need for an engagement             want to consider a peer reviewer whose practice
review. I will cover these standards here.              is similar in size and background to your firm.
Although, the standards for system reviews are
similar.                                                You will need to consider 3 issues in selecting
                                                        your peer reviewer.
•    MAPA requires the firm to submit a
     completed Peer Review Billing Form and             1. Is the peer reviewer independent? Has the
     Firm Information Questionnaire before                 peer reviewer performed any other services
     commencement of its peer review. Your peer            for your firm since your last peer review?
     reviewer will also need a copy of these forms.     2. Does the reviewer perform similar or higher
•    The Peer Review Billing Form informs MAPA             levels of service than your firm? Does the
     of the name of the firm's peer reviewer. It also      peer reviewer have knowledge, skills and
     determines the firm's fee for MAPA's                  experience in the levels of service your firm
     administrative services. These fees are due by        performs?
     June 30.                                           3. Does the peer reviewer have experience in
•    The Firm Information Questionnaire requests           the industry specialization areas in which
     the firm's licensing information, types of            your firm is involved?
     engagements the firm performs and industry
     specialization areas in which the firm is          You will also need to complete an Engagement
     involved. It also requests the name of the         Summary Form for your peer reviewer at the
     peer reviewer and the timing of the peer           beginning of the peer review process. The
     review.                                            Engagement Summary Form should include all
•    The Peer Review Billing Form and the Firm          of the engagements that you have been engaged
     Information Questionnaire are available on         to perform for the peer review year.
     the MAPA website under the Peer Review
     tab.                                               The Engagement Summary Form will require
                                                        your firm to organize the listing of your firm's
MAPA is now following the AICPA peer review             clients in the following manner:
rules for deadlines. Basically, a peer review
should be completed within 6 months of the              1. By Industry of the Client,
firm's peer review year end. You might consider         2. By Level of Service Provided, and
requesting an extension of time for your firm's         3. By the Responsible Party for the Engagement
peer review if it will be late. For calendar year
end peer reviews, the deadline is June 30.              Also, the form requests a copy of your individual
                                                        and firm's license.
MAPA will be enforcing this rule. If you are
unable to complete your peer review by the              Now is the time to start considering these issues
deadline, you will need to send an extension            in preparing for your upcoming peer review.
request before June 30th in order for the               MAPA can provide you with a list of its qualified
committee to grant the extension.                       peer reviewers to get started.

    Page 4
The MAPAN - Minnesota Association of Public Accountants
Volume 62, No. 1

What’s New at Revenue ● Minnesota Revenue
                          As we work through
                          another        pandemic-
                                                        Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
                          lengthened tax season, we     Loan Forgiveness
                          want to thank you for the     Under current Minnesota law, forgiven PPP loan
                          dedication and hard work      amounts are considered taxable. Governor Walz's
                          you       do    to    help    latest budget includes an exemption for businesses
                          Minnesotans accurately        to claim up to $350,000 as exempt from income if
                          prepare and file their        their loan is forgiven. Loans of $350,000 or less
                          taxes. You are essential to   represent more than 90% of the number of loans
                          our mission of working        received by Minnesota businesses. For more
together to fund the future for all of Minnesota.       information, visit our COVID-19 FAQs for
A year on from when many of us started working          Businesses.
from home, or at least drastically changed our work
habits, the resilience of Minnesotans has shined        Telephone File and Pay System
through as we continue to adapt to new challenges.
To further this, we want to help keep you informed.     Ending
Stay on top of the current information from             Revenue has decided not to renew our
Revenue on our website. You can also stay up-to-        telephone file and pay system after April 20,
date on the latest changes at Revenue by                2021. The ongoing COVID-19 situation
subscribing to the Updates for Tax Professionals        provides a unique opportunity as people are
email list.
                                                        more comfortable working online. The decision
                                                        was also due to other factors, including
Unemployment Benefits                                   upgraded usability of our online systems and
The American Rescue Plan of 2021 allows for up to
$10,200 ($20,400 for Married Filing Jointly) in         the limited number of users. One quick and
unemployment compensation benefits to be                efficient alternative to file and pay is e-Services .
excluded from federal adjusted gross income             To learn more, visit Options to File and Pay.
(FAGI) for tax year 2020.
Minnesota has not conformed to the American             New Local Sales, Use, and Excise
Rescue Plan. In his latest budget proposal, Governor
Tim Walz recommended exemption for up to
                                                        Le Sueur County will implement a new 0.5%
$10,200 of unemployment compensation benefits
                                                        percent transportation tax. The tax applies to sales
received in 2020. We are watching for possible state
                                                        and purchases on or after April 1, 2021. This
law changes. Under current law, your clients must
                                                        revenue will fund transportation projects within the
include any related federally excluded benefits in
Minnesota adjusted gross income.
                                                        To stay up-to-date on new local sales, use, and
                                                        excise taxes, see our local Sales Tax Information

EDITORS NOTE: This article was submitted prior to the end of the legislative session on May
17, 2021. Please continue to watch for updates from MAPA and check on the Minnesota
Revenue’s TAX LAW CHANGES webpage as the information regarding the forgiveness of PPP
loans and unemployment benefits develop. Thank you, MAPA.

  Page 5

     Cost Segregation • Maximizing Expense Deductions with 100%
                 Bonus Depreciation and Section 179
Recent Tax Laws provide incentives including            may be eligible for accelerated depreciation
100% Bonus Depreciation and Section 179. As             and 100% bonus depreciation.
a commercial property owner, you are also
allowed to deduct the full amount of certain            What does this mean for a building owner?
purchases from your gross income today as               You can expense about 30% of your building
opposed to doing so over numerous years. The            in the year you buy or build it if a cost
result is more depreciation to offset taxable           segregation study is performed. Again, the
income in the beginning years of owning a               result is lower income taxes immediately after
new building, a piece of equipment, or                  applying the bonus depreciation. The
building improvements. This offset means an             limitation with bonus depreciation is that it
owner pays less federal taxes.                          cannot be used more than once on the same
                                                        asset. However, if you buy new assets, you can
For example, if your company spends $20,000             take advantage of bonus depreciation again.
on a fork-lift, you would typically write off
$4,000 per year for five years. Bonus                   In the past, many tax professionals applied
depreciation and Section 179 allow you to               Section 179 mainly to equipment or vehicles.
write off the cost of the fork-lift in the first year   The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 expanded
rather than over numerous years.                        the definition of Section 179 to include parts of
                                                        buildings like roofs, HVAC, fire protection &
Why is this better? If you can write an item off        alarm systems, and security systems. These
as an expense, your taxable income decreases,           improvements must be made to nonresidential
and you pay fewer income taxes now, giving              real property and begun after the building was
you more cash.                                          placed in service for its intended use. Section
                                                        179 is an annual election available each year,
What’s the difference between Section                   but it does have certain spending limitations.
179 and Bonus Depreciation?                             Spend too much, and you reduce the amount
100% Bonus Depreciation was enacted with                of Section 179 you can take or eliminate it.
the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. If a building is
purchased or constructed after September 27,            A Cost Segregation Study is an excellent tool
2017, and has a class life less than 20 years, the      to help identify items that might qualify for
asset can receive bonus depreciation. A                 Section 179 or 100% Bonus Depreciation. Both
building depreciated over 39 years using the            are good strategies to help reduce your taxable
straight-line method does not qualify for               income and increase cash flow.
bonus depreciation, which is why a cost
segregation study is imperative.                        Please contact Jodi Nielsen for a free analysis
A cost segregation study will identify assets           or to answer any questions.
that can be accelerated into shorter 5-, 7-, and        Jodi Nielsen 651-210-1921
15-year class lives. When a cost segregation  
study is applied, about 30% of the building   

   Page 6
Volume 62, No. 1

                                 MAPA 2021 Calendar of Events
           Date                  Topic           Time             CE Hours
                                               (Central)                                 Type/Location
6/14/2021              Social Security        8am - 4pm                 8                      Webinar

6/16/2021              Preps, Comps, Review   8am - 4pm                 8                      Webinar
7/12/2021              Cryptocurrency and     8am - 10am                2
                       the Gig economy                                                         Webinar
7/14/2021              Payroll - Hiring/      12pm - 2pm                2
                       Forms/Compliance                                                        Webinar
                       1041's for Trust's &   8am - 4pm                 8
7/28/2021              Estates                                                                 Webinar
8/10/2021              Accounting & Auditing 8am - 4pm                  8
                       Update                                                                  Webinar
                       Eldercare Planning     8am - 4pm                16
8/11-8/12/2021         Updates (Part 1)                                                  LIVE/Bloomington

9/27-9/28/2021         Business Tax In Depth 8am - 4pm                 16                  LIVE/ Plymouth

11/3/2021              Federal Tax Update     8am - 4pm                 8                  LIVE/ Plymouth

11/18/2021             MN Tax Update          8am - noon                4                  LIVE/ Plymouth

11/18/2021             Ethics                 1pm - 4:30pm              4                  LIVE/ Plymouth

12/1-12/2/2021         1040 Tax In Depth      8am - 4pm                16                  LIVE/ Plymouth
12/20-                 1040 Tax In Depth      7am - 3pm                16
12/21/2021                                                                                     Webinar
1/4-1/5/2022           1040 Tax In Depth      8am - 4pm                16                  LIVE/ Plymouth

                                                                             WANTED: ACCOUNTING

                                                           Established expanding CPA firm specializing in
                                                           small business looking to acquire accounting and
                                                           tax practices in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro
                                                           area. If you have a write-up practice for small
                                                           businesses, I am very interested. Please call Gary
                                                           at 952-484-4343 or email:

  Page 7
111 Lake Street North
PO BOX 301
Big Lake, MN 55309

Phone: 612-366-1983
Fax: 763-263-8020

          We’re on the Web!

MAPA Committee Chairpersons 2021

Advisory                           Ethics
Jennifer Schutz, CPA               Tim Robinson, CPA             Scholarship              Debra Yerys, EA
(651)302-1491                      (320)286-5552       
ByLaws                             Legislative/
Jennifer Schutz, CPA               MN SBOA Liaison               Seminar              Al Maves, CPA                 Virginia A. Bruns, CPA, EA
                                   (507)282-9488                 (763)263-3300
Communications, MAPAN,                                           Darrel D. Terning, CPA, EA
Technology, and Public Relations   Membership          
Nick Kellner                       Diane St Sauver, CPA          (320)587-4916             
(507)282-9488                      (320)656-9021                 Strategic Planning
Matthew Dahl, CPA                                                Al Maves, CPA         IRS and State Tax Liaison
(218)829-3585                      Jacen Gondringer              (507)282-9488
Contract Review                    (218)829-3501                 Student Conference
Jennifer Schutz, CPA                                             Kaitlyn Nebben              Nominating          
(651)302-1491                      Jennifer Schutz, CPA          (763)263-3300
Annual Meeting                     (651)302-1491                 Volunteer Coordinator
Virginia A. Bruns, CPA, EA                                       David Engelking, CPA               Peer Review         
(763)263-3300                      Mark Hemerick, CPA            (651)464-3231
Ellen Stebbins, EA                (320)587-2255
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