The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture

Page created by Peter Hampton
The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture
Editor: Cesare Pautasso
                                                                                              University of Lugano

                       INSIGHTS                                                               c.pautasso@

                                                                                                            Editor: Olaf Zimmermann
                                                                                                            University of Applied Sciences
                                                                                                            of Eastern Switzerla nd, Rapperswil

The Monolith Strikes
Back: Why Istio Migrated
From Microservices to a
Monolithic Architecture
Nabor C. Mendonça, Craig Box, Costin Manolache, and Louis Ryan

          From the Editors
          To break or not to break the monolith? This question of modularity is often answered
          positively by microservice architects. In this issue’s “Insights” department, authors ar-
          gue why the latest version of the popular Istio middleware—which provides the fabric
          of many contemporary microservice architectures—has not been released as a set
          of independently deployable components, but as a single unit that is tested, deployed,
          and scaled as a whole. We learn that modularity affects the entire software lifecycle:
          it is not only a development and maintenance concern but also a deployment-time
          decision. The operator experience matters, just like user experience and developer
          experience.— Cesare Pautasso and Olaf Zimmermann

MICROSERVICES HAVE BECOME                           which server-side applications are con-     single unit that is tested, deployed, and
an essential architectural enabler in               structed by combining many single-          scaled as a whole.
cloud-based software development and                purpose, low-footprint distributed              Despite their benefits, the adoption
delivery.1 Many organizations, from                 services.3 This significantly impacts       of microservices poses several techni-
large tech companies (e.g., Google,                 the application’s agility because each      cal and organizational challenges, for
Amazon, Netflix) to small start-ups,                microservice becomes an independent         example, high operational complexity,
have adopted microservices as a best                unit of development, deployment, ver-       increased technological diversity, and
practice.2 This has served them well in             sioning, scaling, and management.1 The      the need for better coordination among
some cases and, as you will see here,               other touted benefits of microservices      teams.1,3,4 Early evidence on the practi-
not so well in others.                              include reduced testing effort, better      cal gains and pains of microservices have
   Briefly, microservices constitute a              functional composition, environmen-         started to emerge in academic publica-
service-oriented architectural style in             tal isolation, and development team         tions5–7 and industry forums.8 However,
                                                    autonomy.4 The opposite is a more           there are still relatively few industrial re-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MS.2021.3080335
                                                    monolithic architecture, where several      ports on microservice projects in which
Date of current version: 20 August 2021             discrete functions are composed into a      the pains are assessed to outweigh the
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
License. For more information, see            SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021             |   IEEE SOFTWARE           17
The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture

gains.9,10 In these situations, project de-           deployed in Kubernetes, an open source                   application-specific metrics (e.g., latency
velopers may have to face the nontrivial              container orchestration platform that                    and error rate per service).
decision of abandoning microservices in               has become the de facto standard for                        Istio’s original control plane ar-
favor of a monolithic architecture.                   managing containerized applications.13                   chitecture was composed of five in-
    This article reports on the de-                   Istio is logically split into a data plane               dependently deployable microservices
sign decisions, tradeoffs, and lessons                and a control plane from an architec-                    [see Figure 1(a)]:
learned from one of those projects—                   tural perspective, similar to other ser-
the Istio open source service mesh.11                 vice mesh solutions.14 The data plane                     • Pilot—the core data plane con-
Istio adopted a microservice archi-                   is composed of a set of Envoy proxies15                     figuration service, which provides
tecture in its control plane early on.                deployed as application service sidecars.                   service discovery for the Envoy
However, less than three years after                  These proxies mediate and control all                       proxies, traffic management
Istio was first released, the con-                    network communication between ap-                           capabilities for intelligent routing
trol plane microservices were con-                    plication containers. They also collect                     (e.g., A/B tests, canary rollouts,
solidated into a monolith. You can                    and report telemetry on all mesh traf-                      etc.), and resiliency (timeouts,
find more information on Istio’s                      fic. The control plane, in turn, manages                    retries, circuit breakers, etc.)
microservices-to-monolith journey in                  and configures the data plane proxies                     • Citadel—service respon-
the project’s online blog.12                          to monitor and route application traffic                    sible for enforcing strong
                                                      according to user-provided traffic man-                     service-to-service and end-user
Istio                                                 agement rules. A monitoring back end                        authentication with built-in iden-
Istio was released to the public in 2017              running systems such as Prometheus,16                       tity and credential management
as a collaboration among Google, IBM,                 a metrics server, and Jaeger,17 a distrib-                • Galley—service responsible for
and Lyft. The system provides a uni-                  uted tracer, is also typically deployed                     configuration validation, ingestion,
form way to connect, secure, manage,                  alongside the control plane to col-                         processing, and distribution of
and monitor cloud-native applications                 lect and store a variety of mesh- and                       configuration to the other services

FIGURE 1. The architectural evolution of Istio’s control plane: (a) microservices and (b) monolith.

18      I E E E S O F T WA R E   |   W W W. C O M P U T E R . O R G / S O F T W A R E   |   @ I E E E S O F T WA R E
The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture

 • Injector—service responsible              them into a single binary: istiod [see       time of writing, computer resource costs
   for auto-injecting the data plane         Figure 1(b)]. This unified service com-      in the Istio control plane are dominated
   proxies in the application con-           bines the use cases of Pilot, Citadel,       by a single feature: serving the Envoy
   tainers and setting up bootstrap          Galley, and Injector. The Mixer com-         dynamic resource discovery (i.e., xDS)
 • Mixer—service responsible for en-         ponent was removed in a concurrent           APIs that program the data plane. Every
   forcing access control and usage          project. The Envoy proxies now di-           other feature has a marginal cost. This
   policies across the service mesh; it      rectly enforce policy and report telem-      means there is very little value to hav-
   also collects telemetry data from         etry to the monitoring back end, which       ing those features in separately scalable
   the Envoy proxies and other ser-          had previously been performed using          microservices. Also, full security isola-
   vices and reports this data to the        the Mixer as a central intermediary.         tion is not attainable in the control plane
   monitoring back end.                      The motivation for this change was           as well. This is because multiple control
                                             similar to that of istiod in that a design   plane services hold nearly equivalent
Microservice Burdens                         pattern identified as necessary at mas-      roles in securing behavior of the proxy
The Istio team thought microservices         sive operational scale was not justified     and are installed by default into the same
were the right architectural approach        against the maintenance and perfor-          Kubernetes namespace. Thus, exploiting
from the very beginning, as many of          mance overheads for typical users.           any of these services would cause near
the authors had developed and oper-             Compared to Istio’s previous mi­­         equal damage. Therefore, moving the
ated a similar system within Google          croservice architecture, this new            Istio control plane to a monolithic archi-
and ported what they knew. Thus, they        monolithic control plane offers several      tecture turned out to be the right archi-
initially built the control plane as a set   benefits. Here are some examples. First,     tectural decision.
of microservices, like a modern, cloud-      installation is simplified, as fewer Ku-         We should note that internally Istio
native application. As Istio adoption        bernetes deployments and associated          still maintains the logical separation be-
increased and the team got feedback          configurations are required. Second,         tween some of its original control plane
from customers, they realized that           configuration becomes more straight-         components and that each capability is
many of the benefits typically associ-       forward, as many of the configuration        exposed as a discrete API. This still en-
ated with microservices, that is, inde-      options that Istio had before were           ables functions to be swapped and com-
pendent rollout, independent scale, and      ways to orchestrate the control plane        bined with other implementations. This
security isolation, did not apply to the     services and therefore are no longer         feature can be particularly useful in
Istio control plane. In most Istio instal-   needed. Third, debugging becomes             some advanced use cases, such as in
lations, all control plane components        less of a burden, as having fewer ser-       multicluster deployments, where istiod
are installed and operated by a single       vices means less cross-service envi-         can be deployed as a single-purpose ser-
team or individual. This means that          ronmental debugging. Scalability is          vice such as “injection,” “certification
most Istio components are not deliv-         also simplified, as there is now only        provider,” or “validation.” This design
ered and managed independently from          one service to scale. Finally, the time      decision maintains many of the ben-
one another. Consequently, Istio opera-      to start, upgrade, and remove Istio          efits of microservices to more seasoned
tors were paying the price of the greater    goes down, as these no longer require        Istio operators without the downsides
operational complexity inherent to a         a complicated dance of version de-           to those only interested in Istio’s most
microservice architecture without ben-       pendencies and start-up orders.              common use cases.
efiting from it. While the teams oper-
ating Istio may have the skills to offset    Monolith Tradeoffs                           Lessons Learned
these challenges, they did not perceive      Generally, when a team adopts microser-      According to Sam Newman, author of
any value in performing that work.           vices and their inherent complexity, they    a recent book on microservice migra-
                                             look for improvements in other areas         tion patterns,18 developers should con-
From Microservices                           to justify the tradeoffs. After looking at   template these three questions before
to a Monolith                                the Istio control plane through that lens,   adopting a microservice architecture:
Once the team established that many          the team concluded that the value of mi-     What are you hoping to achieve? Have
of the expected benefits of microser-        croservices was not greater than the cost    you considered alternatives to using
vices did not apply to the Istio con-        of having to orchestrate them during         microservices? How will you know
trol plane, they decided to consolidate      setup and operation. For instance, at the    if the transition is working? Here we

                                                                     SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021            |   I E E E S O F T WA R E   19
The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture

report on the main lessons learned                     Had the Team Considered                                  facilitated when done in an open and
from the Istio team’s decision to con-                 Alternatives to Using                                    constructive “error culture.”
solidate their microservices from the                  Microservices?
perspectives of these three questions.                 In retrospect, the team admits that                      How Did the Team Know
We also discuss whether this decision                  they favored microservices because                       Microservices Were Not
aligns with industry best practices.                   they confused their operational ex-                      Working?
                                                       perience for that of the end-user.                       At first, the Istio team did not pay
What Was the Team                                      For Istio, they are not the operator.                    much attention to the burden of
Hoping to Achieve With                                 Thus, the need for the control plane                     managing Istio’s control plane as
Microservices?                                         services to communicate securely                         independently deployable microser-
Initially, the Istio team expected to                  and be observable provided oppor-                        vices. However, after the team
benefit from microservices’ well-                      tunities for Istio to “eat its own dog                   started receiving feedback from
known advantages, such as indepen-                     food.” To put it another way, be-                        other Istio users, they soon real-
dent rollout and independent scale.                    cause Istio was targeted explicitly                      ized that microservices were not
However, as they regularly talked                      at securing and observing individ-                       as beneficial as they initially had
to customers and teams running Is-                     ual microservices, the team thought                      thought. The main reason was that
tio in the real world, they were told                  implementing the Istio control plane                     all control plane services were be-
that none of these were the case for                   as secure and observable microser-                       ing deployed and used together and
the Istio control plane. The first les-                vices was a natural choice. As we                        shared the same administrative and
son learned then is that good teams                    have seen, this wasn’t necessarily the                   security domains. Thus, moving the
should look back upon their design                     case. In summary, the team believes                      Istio control plane to a monolithic
choices and, with the benefit of hind-                 honesty and courage are required                         architecture was a welcome deci-
sight, revisit them.19                                 to undo a previous design, which is                      sion, as it greatly reduced Istio’s
                                                                                                                operational complexity. While this
                                                                                                                decision may seem like a significant
  Table 1. Sam Newman’s recommendations on when not                                                             change, the Istio team is confident
   to use microservices and whether they apply to Istio.                                                        that it has paid off and verifiably
                                                                                                                made the lives of Istio users better.
 Situation       Why Microservices Are Bad                    Does It Apply to Istio?                           Thus, the team thinks this change
                                                                                                                shows a willingness to change based
 Unclear         Getting service boundaries wrong can         In part. From the perspective of fault
 domain          be expensive.                                and security isolation, it can be argued          on user feedback and a continued
                                                              that splitting the Istio control plane into       focus on simplification for all users.
                                                              multiple independent services was an
                                                              unnecessary decision.                             How Well Does the Decision to
 Start-ups       A start-up needs to focus all its            In part. While Istio was initially designed       Consolidate the Control Plane
                 attention on finding the right fit for its   by mature organizations, it was run like          Microservices Align With
                 product. Microservices primarily solve       a start-up and did indeed need to focus           Industry Best Practices?
                 the sorts of problems start-ups have         on finding the right fit. As it turned out,
                 once they’ve found that fit with their       microservices were solving a problem
                                                                                                                To answer this question, we again re-
                 customer base.                               Istio didn’t actually have.                       sort to Sam Newman’s microservice
                                                                                                                recommendations, in particular, to his
 Customer-       Microservices push a lot of complexity       Yes. Negative user feedback on the
                                                                                                                list of four situations in which microser-
 installed and   into the operational domain. Coping          complexity of deploying and managing
 managed         with this complexity isn’t something         Istio was the main reason for the team’s          vices might be a bad idea.16 Table 1
 software        you can typically expect of your end         decision to consolidate the control plane         briefly describes those four situations
                 customers.                                   microservices into a single binary.               and whether they apply to Istio. As
 Not having      Do not adopt microservices if you            In part. Although the Istio team had a            you can see, all of them apply to Istio,
 a good          don’t have a clear idea of what exactly      clear view of the benefits and cost of            either partially or in full. Notably, us-
 reason!         it is that you’re trying to achieve.         microservices, they didn’t realize right          ing microservices in customer-installed
                                                              from the start that, in their case, the           and -managed software was the clear
                                                              costs would outweigh the benefits.
                                                                                                                reason that microservices were a bad

20      I E E E S O F T WA R E   |   W W W. C O M P U T E R . O R G / S O F T W A R E    |   @ I E E E S O F T WA R E
The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture

idea in Istio’s case. The others are par-       that microservices are not, and never              architectural term.” martinFowler,
tial and might not be very convincing,          will be, the right solution in all cases.          Mar. 2014.
but this one has clear guidance rel-            Microservices are a tool in a toolbox,             articles/microservices.html (accessed
evant to readers: if you ship customer-         and they work best when reflected in               May 28, 2021).
installed software, be wary of shipping         the organizational reality.                   4.   O. Zimmermann, “Microservices
a bunch of microservices. One final                                                                tenets: Agile approach to service
lesson learned then is that although            Acknowledgment                                     development and deployment,” Com-
the Istio team was aware of Sam New-            Nabor C. Mendonça was partly sup-                  put. Sci.—Res. Develop., vol. 32,
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they didn’t give appropriate weight to          Scientific and Technological Develop-              10.1007/s00450-016-0337-0.
the guidance around operations. This            ment under grants 424160/2018-8               5.   J. Soldani, D. A. Tamburri, and
shows the importance of sharing real-           and 311344/2020-8.                                 W. J. Van Den Heuvel, “The pains
world microservice experiences with a                                                              and gains of microservices: A sys-
broader audience, especially those that         References                                         tematic grey literature review,” J.
did not turn out as well as expected.             1. P. Jamshidi, C. Pahl, N. C. Men-              Syst. Softw., vol. 146, pp. 215–
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                           NABOR C. MENDONÇA is a full professor                            COSTIN MANOLACHE is a software
                           at the University of Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Ceará,                engineer at Google. Contact him at costin@
                           CEP 60811-905, Brazil. Contact him at nabor@           

                           CRAIG BOX is a developer advocate at                             LOUIS RYAN is a principal engineer at
                           Google. Contact him at                      Google. Contact him at

                                                                               SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021       |   I E E E S O F T WA R E   21
The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture

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    worth it?” InfoQ, Apr. 2020. https://                                   2021).                                                         ­insight.” https://                                     12.    C. Box. “Introducing istiod: Simplify-                 (accessed May 28,
    microservices-panel-value/ (accessed                                    ing the control plane.”, Mar.                          2021).
    May 28, 2021).                                                          2020.                          17. “Jaeger: Open source, end-to-end
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    vices: From 100s of problem children                                    2021).                                                          .io. https://www.jaegertracing
    to 1 superstar.” Segment, July 2018.                             13.    “Kubernetes—Production-grade con-                               .io/ (accessed May 28, 2021).\                                       tainer orchestration.”                      18. S. Newman, Monolith to Microser-
    -microservices/ (accessed May 28, 2021).                       (accessed May                            vices: Evolutionary Patterns to
10. C. Posta. “Istio as an example of when                                  28, 2021).                                                      Transform Your Monolith. Sebasto-
    not to do microservices,” Jan. 2020.                             14.    L. Calcote, The Enterprise Path                                 pol, CA: O’Reilly, 2020.                                        to Service Mesh Architectures.                             19. O. Zimmermann. “A definition of
    microservices/istio-as-an-example                                       O’Reilly, 2018. (accessed May 28,                               done for architectural decisions.”
    -of-when-not-to-do-microservices/                                       2021).                                                          Medium, May 2020. https://medium
    (accessed May 28, 2021).                                         15.    “” Envoy. https://                                .com/olzzio/a-definition-of-done
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    observe services.” https://                                   May 28, 2021).                                                  a952b9 (accessed May 28, 2021).

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22         I E E E S O F T WA R E           |   W W W. C O M P U T E R . O R G / S O F T W A R E                |   @ I E E E S O F T WA R E
The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture The Monolith Strikes Back: Why Istio Migrated From Microservices to a Monolithic Architecture
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