The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University

Page created by Ernest Wolfe
The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University
The Newspaper of SRMIST

  For private circulation only                                                                     Volume 15 Number 1

The Pro Chancellor (Administration) Mr.Ravi Pachamoothoo felicitating the Founder Chancellor on his Birthday (August - 24)

                         The Founder Chancellor along with Pro Chancellor (Academics)
         at the SRM Medical College and Research Center. Also seen in the Picture are the Vice Chcancellor,
                                  Pro - Vice Chancellor ( Medical) and Registrar
                                                                                                                  Pg - 3
The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University
2    2021 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 1

    Independence Day at SRM
    STAFF WRITER                      mother tongue has been given        Kumaran, 3rd year B.Tech student
                                      emphasis in order to help young     represented and participated in
      The 75th Independence Day       minds grow spontaneously.           this year’s Olympics in Sailing;
    was held at SRM Institute         This will strengthen Indian         Ms. Gayathri, 2nd Year, MBA
    of Science and Technology         languages as well as the unity      is now in the Indian camp
    (SRMIST), Kattankulathur          of the country.”                    for Asia Cup for Basketball;
    with social distancing. The                                           SRM Chess Men and Women
    event kick-started with the         He also emphasized that SRM
                                                                          Team is participating in the
    Vice Chancellor of SRMIST,        had produced over 1,00,000
                                                                          Asian Championship and is
    Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan           future-ready graduates thereby
                                                                          representing AIU; 19 players of
    hosting the National Flag         contributing to the nation’s
                                                                          our institution are representing
    and taking the NCC salute.        economy. He lauded the service
                                                                          AIU and participating in the
                                      of the frontline workers at SRM
      The welcome address                                                 world university games; Malvika,
                                      Medical College Hospital and
    was delivered by Director                                             2nd Year, B. Tech is No.2 in
                                      Research Centre, Kattankulathur.
    (Sports) Dr. K. Vaithianathan                                         India in Badminton. She has won
                                      “Our doctors and their teams
                                                                          4 gold medals in International
      In his address, Dr. C.          have treated a little over 3000
                                                                          competitions; Srinath, 1st
    Muthamizhchelvan said, “The       COVID cases putting their
                                                                          year, B.Sc. is participating in
    NEP -2020 spells a long-term      service before self.” “We are
                                                                          Junior Asia Volleyball team
    vision with a far-reaching        proud that SRM also plays a
                                                                          championship and the list
    impact. It will strengthen        huge role in sports and games of
                                                                          goes on.”
    the culture of inclusive          the nation. Some of our students
    innovation and institution        have been part of the major           The program concluded with
    in the sphere of Education.       participants and contributions      a cultural performances and
    Imparting education in the        are as follows: Ms. Nethra          sports for those present.
                                                                                                                                   Hoisting the Tricolor

    The Future of India is Very Bright...VC
    Excerpts from prepared remarks
       ... It is no small feat that   occasion, I am reminded what our    a friendly relationship with
    our country has traversed         First Prime Minister Jawaharlal     neighboring countries. And our
    more than seven decades           Nehru said 75 years ago in          now Prime Minister emphasizes
    down the Independent line,        marking India’s Independence.       on digital India, vote for local,
    something that our forefathers    “Long years ago we made a           NEP and many other policies
    and leaders fought to get         tryst with destiny, and now         in place.
    and struggled to keep alive       comes when we shall redeem
                                                                            ... The NEP -2020 spells a long
    the flame of democracy in         our pledge, not wholly or in full
                                                                          term vision with far –reaching
    a turbulent international         measure, but very substantially.                                                The Vice Chancellor arriving for the occasion
                                                                          impact. It will strengthen the
    system fraught with wars          At the stroke of midnight hour,
                                                                          culture of inclusion innovation
    and threats to internal and       when the world sleeps, India
                                                                          and institution in the sphere of    beginnings of a tutorial college      ... When India won freedom
    external security. Getting        will awake to life and freedom.
                                                                          Education. Imparting education      and a school, the Group today       many predicted that our
    Independence and being            A moment comes, which comes
                                                                          in the mother tongue has been                                           experiment with democracy
    Independent of outside            but rarely in history, when we                                          boasts of institutions that are
                                                                          given emphasis in order to help                                         will not last long. They saw
    powers are something every        step out from the old to the                                            simply unmatched nationally
                                                                          young minds grow spontaneously.                                         our ancient traditions and
    individual yearns for in his      new, when an age ends, and                                              in the spread of courses that
                                                                          This will strengthen Indian                                             rich diversity as hurdles
    life; at the same time it is      when the soul of a nation, long-                                        are available. If the Founder
                                                                          languages as well as unity of                                           in democratization of our
    even more critical that we        suppressed, finds utterance”.                                           Chancellor had merely kept
                                                                          the country.                                                            country. But today we stay
    safeguard what we have                                                                                    the attention on proliferating
                                        ... 1972 And fifty years later
    fought for and won and not                                               ... At SRM we produce 100,000    institutions, the Group would       tall and proud and we are
                                      that is in 1997 our then Prime
    to be squandered away on                                              career ready and future ready       have many more under its            now witnesses of the diamond
                                      Minister emphasized on the
    an impulse.                                                           graduates thereby contributing      umbrella today. But from Day        jubilee of our Independence.
                                      Gujral doctrine that stressed on
                                                                          to the nation’s economy. Provide    One the Chancellor’s mission           ... The future of India is
      ... On this momentous           the importance of maintaining
                                                                          Scholarships to 1000 wards of       was to have an accent on quality    indeed very bright for all
                                                                          Defense personnel, Add on           with a view to bringing out a       of us provided we have
          But from Day One the                                            15000 trees every year under
                                                                          the scheme “One Student One
                                                                                                              wholesome student who also
                                                                                                              contributed to the betterment
                                                                                                                                                  confidence in our capabilities
                                                                                                                                                  and in the conviction that we
       Chancellor’s mission was to                                        Tree: campaign. Covaxin phase/
                                                                          human trial centre and incubated
                                                                                                              of society. A student centric       will get up and redouble our
                                                                                                              SRM has many accolades to its       efforts even if we stumble
        have an accent on quality                                         20 Covid Combat Projects,
                                                                          Noble Quest, a unique initiative
                                                                                                              credit and I will mention only      at the start. A nation is built
                                                                                                              one: in 2011 with the help of       by people who dream Big
         with a view to bringing                                          to host Nobel laureates in our
                                                                          campus, hosting 63 nationalities,
                                                                                                              ISRO SRM students launched          and have Passion and Drive.
                                                                                                              a mini satellite into space to      My dear SRMites, this is the
        out a wholesome student                                           200 cr Research infrastructure
                                                                          and the list is endless.
                                                                                                              study weather patterns; it was      place to chase your dreams
                                                                                                              supposed to last for about five     and with passion, not just to
       who also contributed to the                                          ... Take SRM Group of             years. Today it is in orbit for     lift yourselves professionally
                                                                          educational institutions founded    more than 10 years; still sending   but keep flying the Flag of
          betterment of society                                           by Dr. Paari Vendhar as an          data and we are still tracking it   India high in the world. ...
                                                                          example: from the humble            from our University Building!!      JAI HIND
The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University
2021 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 1 3

                   Founder Chancellor of SRM Group of Institutions Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar addressing the gathering on the occasion of his birthday
                                             at SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Kattankulathur.

SRM Hospital opens three Centres
of Excellence on Founder’s Day
STAFF WRITER                     Dealing with patient vertigo                                                                                  19 pandemic during this
                                 and complex, head ache. The                                                                                   period 3111 patients were
  SRM Medical College
Hospital and Research
                                 third Centre of Excellence is              This institution should                                            treated since April 2020
                                 Clinical trial research unit.                                                                                 to till date. About 13,165
Centre (SRM MCH&RC),
Kattankulathur today launched
                                 SRM hospital was selected                 excel among all others in                                           OP patients were screened
                                 by ICMR for the conduct of                                                                                    during this period. The
its new layout for their
website. This was done on the
                                 COVAXIN Clinical trial. It                India. Our aim should be                                            hospital has specialties to
                                 is the only hospital in Tamil                                                                                 conducts through telemedicine
occasion of its Founder’s Day.
The event held at the hospital
                                 Nadu to have achieved this                providing maximum free                                              centre. Although this is the
                                 distinction. All three phases                                                                                 largest hospital located in
premises was presided over by
SRM Group of Institution’s
                                 of the trial were conducted                 service for patients.                                             the national highway NH 45
                                 here and the new centre has                                                                                   in the outskirt of Chennai
Founder Chancellor Dr. T. R.     been constructed and that was                                                                                 it is located well inside the
Paarivendhar, MP. Apart from     inaugurated today.                                                                                            Institute’s premises.
                                                                       state-of-the-art hospital.” “This   teaching hospital attached to
launching the website, three
                                   Present for the occasion were       is an important milestone in        SRM Institute of Science and
Centre of Excellence were                                                                                                                         During the 2nd wave of
                                 members of the Buddhists              the history of SRM Medical          Technology (SRMIST). The
inaugurated by SRMIST’s                                                                                                                        COVID 19 patient in the
                                 Tzu Chi foundation, Tzu               College Hospital and Research       hospital has been existing since
Pro Chancellor (Academics)                                                                                                                     hospital was fully sketched
                                 Chi University, SRMIST’s              Centre. SRM has always been         2005. In 2011, Post graduate
Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan.                                                                                                                        and shortage of oxygen
                                 Vi c e C h a n c e l l o r D r. C .   known for imparting education       courses in all specialties in
                                                                                                                                               made matters worse. At that
   The three centres of          Muthamizhchelvan, Pro VC              and all that is related to it,”     Medicare were started. At
                                                                                                                                               time, a large consignment
excellence are: Division of      (Medical & Health Sciences)           said Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan.        present the hospital has bed
                                                                       He urged doctors to take up                                             of 162 oxygen concentrators
Cleft lift Palate and Crania     Lt. Col. Dr. A. Ravi Kumar,                                               strength of 1590 in various
Facial Anomalies in the                                                more research so that they                                              was donated by Tzu Chi
                                 Registrar Dr. S. Ponnusamy,                                               specialties it is located in the
Department of Plastic &                                                can treat patients better. “Our                                         University and the charity
                                 Dean (Medical) Dr. A Sundaram                                             University campus and meet
Reconstructive Surgery. This                                           motto should be ‘Corporate                                              foundation from Taiwan.
                                 and Medical Superintendent                                                all the regulations of National
is partnered with ‘SMILE                                               level of healthcare for poor                                            The next lot of 5 ventilators
                                 Dr. K. Thangaraj. Speaking                                                Accreditation Board for hospitals
TRAIN’, an US based charity                                            patients’. All patients will be                                         are being delivered shortly
                                 on the occasion, Dr. T. R.                                                & Healthcare Providers. With
organization for the treatment   Paarivendhar said, “This              treated with due respect and be                                         (total cost 1.75 crore). This
                                                                                                           the compliment of 351 doctors
of Cleft lift palate defects     institution should excel among        guided with whatever doubts                                             great deed of compassion and
                                                                                                           including specialties, 574
in children free of cost; the    all others in India. Our aim          they have.” Praising the good                                           donation that we received
                                                                                                           nurses and in the paramedical
Department of E&T has            should be providing maximum           relationship between Tzu Chi                                            is being recorded publically
                                                                                                           administrative staffs. There
started a new division of        free service for patients. This       University and SRM he said,                                             by SRMIST Chancellor who
                                                                                                           are 45 departments in broad
Neurootology and Vestibular      hospital has made a big change        “This is only the beginning of                                          offered his thanks to Tzu Chi
                                                                                                           and super specialties. On an
Laboratory. This is jointly      under the leadership of its Pro       a good relationship between                                             University for their generosity.
                                                                                                           average 1500 – 1600 patients
operated by ENT, Neurology,      Chancellor (Academics) Dr. P.         SRM and Taiwan University.                                              The global donations by Tzu
                                                                                                           attend in the OP.
Audiology, Vestibular            Sathyanarayanan. Under me it          We would like to reciprocate                                            Chi University was webcast
Therapy, and Physical            was only a medical college,           it in some other way.” SRM             This hospital was in the fore    to the audience during the
medicine Rehabilitation.         now it has grown to become a          MCH&RC is a tertiary care           front of the fight against COVID    programme.
The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University
4   2021 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 1

SRM School student creates                                               SRM signs MoU with MSME for IP cooperation
Kalam World Record                                                       STAFF WRITER

STAFF WRITER                                                               SRM Institute of Science
                                                                         and Technology (SRMIST),
  SRM Public School in                                                   Kattankulathur has signed a
Guduvanchery is proud to                                                 Memorandum of Understanding
announce that one of its students                                        (MoU) in the field of Intellectual
has created Kalam World Record.                                          Property Cooperation and
                                                                         Commercialisation with
   Student M. Senthamilan of                                             the MSME - Technology
Grade 7, has solved 100 square                                           Development Centre (PPDC),
numbers in the least time - 1                                            Govt of India, Ministry of
minute and 56 seconds of 100                                             MSME, and Intellectual Property
Math Squares. This achievement                                           Facilitation Centre EC - Chennai.
is registered in Kalam’s World
Records.                                                                   The MoU aims at increas
  Hailing from Chengalpattu,
                                                                         ing IP co-operation and                  The MoU aims at increas ing IP
                                                                         commercialisation between
this young genius has created
                                                                         the two institutions by way of:
                                                                                                               co-operation and commercialisation
this new record by solving the
maximum number of Math
                                    eight. His mother identified this    Sensitization on IPR among the        between the two institutions by way
                                    interest and has been monitoring     MSME and public majorly in 4
squares in the least time and
                                    and helping him in his quests        districts - Chennai, Chengalpattu,
                                                                                                                of: Sensitization on IPR among the
set a new World Record on 26
July 2021.
                                    to learn. Apart from Math,           Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur;               MSME and public majorly in
                                    Senthamilan loves to play chess      Facilitating the service for IPR
  Senthamilan had a keen            and his parents have been trying     Filing for MSMEs, SRMIST
                                                                                                                             4 districts
interest in Math since he was       to send him on tournaments.          Faculty members, students
                                                                         and outside researchers;                Speaking at the event, Vice       will support SRMIST in all
                                                                         Facilitating Startup Mentorship;     Chancellor of SRMIST, Dr.            these fields in a very a big way.”

Conservation of energy Fuel                                              Conduction of Workshops/
                                                                         Seminars; Organizing Conclave/
                                                                                                              C. Muthamizhchelvan said,
                                                                                                              “There are five things that we as
                                                                                                                                                     Registrar of SRMIST Dr.
                                                                                                                                                   S. Ponnusamy and Principal
                                                                         Conference; Facilitating New         a multi-disciplinary university      Director of MSME - Technology
                                                                         Product Commercialization;           follow - innovation, Intellectual    Development Centre, Intellectual
                                                                         Supporting Projects (Technical       Property Rights, Standardization,    Property Facilitation Centre,
                                                                         & Social Impacts); Offering          entrepreneurship, and Hi-tech        India, Dr. R. Panneerselvam
                                                                         and facilitating Internships.        startup. The expertise of MSME       signed the MoU virtually.

                                                                         Rotary International honours
                                                                         SRM Vice Chancellor
                                                                         STAFF WRITER                         International - RI District 3232     high standing excellence,
                                                                                                              new President held in Maraimalai     and contribution.
                                                                           Vice Chancellor of SRM             Nagar, Chengalpattu District.
                                                                                                                                                     Present for the occasion was
                                                                         Institute of Science and
                                                                                                                The award was presented by         Rtn. K.Pandian DG, RI -3231,
                                                                         Technology, Kattankulathur
                                                                                                              Kalaimamani Rtn. S.V.R.M.            Rtn. K. Palani , DGN, RI- 3231
                                                                         Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan was
                                                                                                              Ramanathan RI – 3230 PDG             and Rtn. S. Bharanidharan
                                                                         honored with the prestigious
                                                                                                              Governor, Madras Central,            DGE RI -3231 Rotary Club of
                                                                         “Vocational Excellence Award”
                                                                                                              (2003 – 2004) for his tireless       Vellore, Rtn. P A Elango, PP
                                                                                                              service in the field of Education,   RI – 3231 and Rtn. Allimuthu
STAFF WRITER                        India, who shared his insights         He was honored at the              with special mention of his          RI - 3231 President, Rotary
                                    on the aspects of conserving         installation program of Rotary       conscientious dedication,            club of Maraimalai.
  Conservation of energy in         energy in terms of fuel usage
terms of fuel is need of the        in two wheeler as well as four
hour. Every drop of fuel is         wheeler, which was followed by
matters. One day oil will be        an active interaction between both
costlier than gold; so start        the speaker and the audience.
conserving today.                   The program was organized
                                    with the support and motivation
   NSS and RRC Unit,
                                    by the Vice Chancellor Dr. C.
SRM Institute of Science
                                    Muthamizhchelvan, the Registrar
and Technology organised
                                    Dr. S. Ponnusamy, SRMIST along
an awareness seminar on
                                    with the felicitation by Dr. D.
Conservation of energy. The
                                    Antony Ashok kumar, Deputy
program started at 10.30 am
                                    registrar and the thanksgiving
with the presence of enthusiastic
                                    note by Dr. T. Rajasekaran,
audience from faculty, students,
                                    NSS Program Coordinator,
drivers from SRM transport and
                                    SRM Institute of Science and
staff. The program was followed
                                    Technology, Approximately 120        The Rotary International -RI District 3232 Kalaimamani Rtn.S.V.R.MRamanathan RI-3230 PDG Governot,
by an eminent speaker Shri.                                              Madras Central, (2003-2004) presented the prestitious “VOCATIONAL EXCELLENCE AWARD” to
                                    participants including students
Devaprasad, senior consulant                                             Dr.C.Muthamizhchelvan Vice Chancellor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai in the
                                    and faculties from SRM have
from petroleum conservation                                              presence of Rtn.K.Pandian DG, RI-3231, Rtn.K.Palani, DGN, RI-3231, Rtn.S.Bharanidharan DGE
                                    taken active participation in
research association, Ministry                                           RI-3231 Rotary club of Vellore, Rtn.P A Elango, PP RI-3231 and Rtn.Alli Muthu RI-3231 President,
                                    this program.                        Rotary club of Maraimalai Nagar held in Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu District.
of petroleum, Government of
The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University
2021 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 1 5

Coping With Mental and Physical                                                                              Basic Trauma Management :
Health During Lockdown                                                                                       Simulation on Simman
STAFF WRITER                         in attendance of nearly 100         crime officer explained how HUDA ZAINAB NISHAT                          Survey , based on the ABCDE
                                     including, staff, faculty and       she’d helped solve the case with                                        - A-Airway , B- breathing ,
  National Service Scheme            students. The event started to      her team and the way Phishing           Our   team  of students  of I   C- circulation, D- disability
(NSS) SRM Institute of Science       deal with Cyber Security, a         works. The therapist gave us        MBBS     presented  Basic trauma    and E-exposure .
and Technology, organised an         mock crime show, A Dime Per                                             management , using SIMMAN,
                                                                         valuable insight on how to deal                                           It is a great experience for
event by the students of the         Crime, where two vitcims of                                             in the SRM Stratus Centre for
                                                                         with cyber bullies and anxiety                                          us to learn that how to deal
design department. The event         cyber crime and a cyber crime                                           Medical Simulation. Managing
                                                                         in general. Then a skit on the                                          with a trauma patient using the
aimed to create awareness            officer and a therapist were                                            a trauma patient can be very
                                                                         importance of Nutrition, with a hectic. Everything needs to be SIMMAN and what are the
amongst students about the           the guests. The victims talked      girl who’s been eating unhealthy done on an urgent basis, since procedures must be followed.
consequences of the quarantine       about how they’d fallen prey
                                                                         throughout the pandemic and life is on the line and one wrong             The scenario has taught us
on different aspects of life. Held   to hackers online because of
                                                                         eventually gets down with the action, one delayed action, and the basics needed in managing
online, through the Google           the hobbies they’d developed
Meet Platform, The event saw                                             virus. They organised a debate the person can die. It is very an emergency patient. So that
                                     over the quarantine. And the
                                                                         on how the lockdown had essential to maintain a clear in the future, if any situation
                                                                         affected mental health, with one mind. I believe the credit goes occurs in an emergency, we as
                                                                         side speaking about how it had to each one my teammates for the Trauma team will definitely
                                                                         improved online relationships trusting me as a team-leader step forward to save the patients’
                                                                         and had thus affected mental and carrying out assessment life. Yes, we aren’t professionals
                                                                         health positively, and the other and initiating treatment without yet, but we will and can definitely
                                                                         speaking against it. Both sides any delay. For analysing the try our best to help and save
                                                                         came up with strong and highly patient, we performed Primary anyone in such a situation.
                                                                         relevant points. Dr. P. Satheesh
                                                                         Kumar, Dean, SAID SRMIST,
                                                                         KTR was the chief guest and
                                                                                                               BASIC TRAUMA MANAGEMENT
                                                                         head of the design department,                       DEMONSTRATION
                                                                                                                          BASIC     TRAUMA MANAGEMENT
                                                                         Prof Saravanna Raja was briefing                           DEMONSTRATION
                                                                         the event with welcoming the
                                                                         gathering by NSS program Co-
                                                                         ordinator Dr. T. Rajasekaran
                                                                         and thanking note by Prof.
                                                                                                    R.INDRAJITHR.INDRAJITH HEMAPRABA
                                                                         Aruna V, NSS program officer.                           HEMAPRABA HEMA  BHARATHI
                                                                                                                                               HEMA        MM
                                                                                                                                                    BHARATHI        JAMESPAUL
                                                                                                                                                                    JAMES  PAUL

Video assisted anal treatment for Fistula-in-ano:
Novel treatment for the first time in SRM Hospital!                                                             HARSHITA            HUDA       JAMES MALVINA     RAKESHWARA. C
                                                                                                     HARSHITA                HUDA          JAMES MALVINA         RAKESHWARA. C
STAFF WRITER                         SRM Medical College Hospital        no open wound, and there were                        I MBBS Students WHO Performed
                                     and Research Centre (SRM            no major complaints. When                         Basic Trauma Management On Simman
   Fistula–in-ano, or perianal       MCH&RC) in Kattankulathur           reviewed a week later, his
fistula is plagued with              have attempted to do a Video        wound had healed healthy and
recurrences, necessitating           Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment     there were continence issues.
multiple hospital admissions         (VAAFT) for our patients. This      He was able to return to normal
for patients suffering from          novel technique, developed          routine promptly. “We have so
unrelenting pain and discharge       in 2006, is gaining popularity      far done five cases of VAAFT
from the perianal region. The        all around the world. Our first     with a high-level of patient
usual treatment is an open           patient was a 25-year-old male      satisfaction,” said Pro Vice
fistulectomy or fistulotomy          who came to the OPD with            Chancellor of Medical and
procedures, with the wound           complaints of perianal discharge.   Health Sciences Lt Col Dr. A.
laid open in the perianal region,    Appropriate investigations          Ravikumar. “We have been able
which takes time to heal, thereby    were done which confirmed           to visualize the entire fistulous
delaying normal life for the         diagnosis of Fistula-in-Ano. He     tract through a fistuloscope,
patient. Further, there is the       was successfully treated with       which is then coagulated with
risk of these procedures causing     VAAFT, and was discharged           electrocautery, scraped and
damage to faecal continence. With    the next day as he had minimal      washed with glycine. The
these in mind, the surgeon at the    post-operative pain, there was      external opening is excised
                                                                         and the wound is closed with
                                                                         absorbable sutures. This ensures
                                                                         patients have only minimal
                                                                         post-operative pain.” With
                                                                         the VAAFT delivering such
                                                                         encouraging results, the surgeons
                                                                         at SRM Hospital are trying to
                                                                         employ caudal anesthesia and
                                                                         also post-operative analgesic
                                                                         blocks, which may allow the
                                                                         patients to be discharged on
                                                                         the same day of the surgery
                                                                         (day case surgery), making the
                                                                         process even more comfortable                  Basic Trauma Management : ABCDE
                                                                         for them.                                    Demonstration by Students, Using Simman
The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University
6    2021 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 1

                                                                           Furthering Innovation
                                                                           with Open-Source
                                                                           PRIYANKA SRINIVAS                       Students can now list SRMIST
                                                                                                                as their official organization and
                                                                              GitHub is the most recognised     get industry-level exposure via            Find SRM on GitHub
                                                                           open-source community and has        the university name. They are                at SRM-IST-KTR
                                                                           become every developer’s tool of     also eligible to apply for a special
                                                                           convenience. SRMIST, aiming          externship program by GitHub
    Meeting on Capacity Building of Women in Higher Education              to spearhead the open-source                                                SRMIST KTR GitHub Enterprise
                                                                                                                which teaches problem-solving          but at the same time help the
                                                                           revolution in the university,        by collaborating on open-source
                                                                           is officially a GitHub Campus                                               faculties in managing and
ATAL Sponsored FDP On                                                      Partner School. SRM has
                                                                                                                projects. Moreover, every
                                                                                                                department in the university
                                                                                                                                                       maintaining student projects.
                                                                           extended support by creating                                                  As a new organization, GitHub
Capacity Building Of Women                                                 a student-led team working
                                                                                                                now has its own Enterprise
                                                                                                                Cloud Server with exclusive            SRM is encouraging students to
                                                                           towards unifying all projects                                               apply with new project ideas.
In Higher Education                                                        under the SRM banner with
                                                                                                                access to new, student-friendly
                                                                                                                features.                              With so many GitHub benefits,
                                                                           Dr. P. Supraja, an Assistant                                                the open-source community
                                                                           Professor from the School               This initiative will not only       in SRM has a firm root with
                                      addressed the fact that while        of Computing, acting as the          allow the students get onboard         the potential to grow more
                                      there is a steady increase of        faculty convener for this team.      with their projects under the          than ever.
  The AICTE ATAL Faculty              participation by women in higher
development program on                education and the workforce,
Capacity Building of Women
in Higher Education was held
online from 12th to 16th of
                                      there is still a dearth of women
                                      in first-level positions.            Novak Djokovic and the
                                                                           Elusive Golden Slam
                                         The event covered an
July 2021, for the second time
                                      impressively wide array of
consecutively, by the Internal
                                      topics, relating to the holistic
Complaints Committee and
                                      development of female
Internal Quality Assurance
                                      academics. The discussions           SHRUTI R
Cell of SRMIST. The event
focused on strategies for women       regarding these topics were
to attain leadership positions        lively, and conveyed articulately       World number one, Novak               Djokovic is still in the run to
                                      through case studies, projects,      Djokovic, recently conceded
and was organised by Prof. E.
Poovammal, with the assistance        and surveys. Participants from       defeat to Germany’s Alexander          make history; if he wins the U.S.
                                      a myriad of backgrounds and          Zverev in the tennis singles semi-
of Prof. H. Srimathi, Dr Thanga
Revathi and Dr S. Ramya.              institutions attended the program.   finals at the Tokyo Olympics.
                                                                                                                   Open title in September, he will
   The inaugural session was            The five-day event ended on        While the Serbian player was in
                                                                           the lead after the first set with
                                                                                                                   surpass all-time greats Roger
kicked off by Ms Santha Sheela        the 16th of July 2021, with the
Nair, the chief guest. She            valedictory ceremony where           1-6, Zverev bested him with
                                                                           a 6-3, and a 6-1 score in the
                                                                                                                  Federer and Rafael Nadal and go
discussed about societal inclusion,   Dr. Bharathi Harishankar,
which entails that the women of       Head of Department of Women          remaining sets. Unfortunately          on to hold a record-breaking 21
rural genesis be provided with        studies, University of Madras        for Djokovic, this loss put an
digital literacy. Further, Prof.      enchanted the audience with          end to his greatest goal this           Grand Slam titles to his name.
C. Muthamizhchelvan, Vice-            her spirited address. The event      year achieving a Golden Slam.
Chancellor, SRMIST, delivered         was informative and inspiring           A Golden Slam entails winning
the presidential address. He          to all who attended it.              all four major tournaments-
                                                                           the Australian Open, French
                                                                           Open, Wimbledon, and U.S.
                                                                           Open- as well as the Olympics,
                                                                           in the same year. The only
    Reporting for Spectrum                                                 player in tennis history to have
                                                                           achieved this feat is Steffi Graf,
    • Contributing reports should be confined to a                         who secured gold at the 1988
                                                                           Seoul Olympics and won all
      maximum of 250 words and must be written
                                                                           four majors the same year, at
      by students only.                                                    the mere age of 19. Djokovic,
                                                                           however, came very close to
    • Accompanying pictures must have captions.                            making history this time. With
      Pictures without caption will not be published                       three wins already down, all
                                                                           he needed was an Olympic
    • Request for coverage in Spectrum by its                              gold and the U.S. Open title
      editorial team must be made well in advance                          to accomplish his Golden
                                                                           Slam goal. Speaking of this
      with an accompanying note and the invitation                                                               Novak Djokovic was distressed when his bid was slammed down
                                                                           devastating loss, Djokovic
      to                                            said “I feel terrible right now         The year hasn’t been all bad        if he wins the U.S. Open title
                                                                           in every sense, but tomorrow         for Novak Djokovic. Notably,           in September, he will surpass
    • Coverage of a certain event or receipt of                            hopefully is a fresh start, and      he secured his 20th Grand Slam
                                                                                                                                                       all-time greats Roger Federer
      an article does not guarantee publication.                           I can recover and at least win       title by defeating Stefanos
                                                                           one medal for my country.”           Tsitsipas at the French Open           and Rafael Nadal and go on
    						                                                 -Editor         He also lauded Zverev for his        earlier this year. Djokovic is         to hold a record-breaking 21
                                                                           performance.                         still in the run to make history;      Grand Slam titles to his name.
The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University
2021 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 1 7

A Rhetorical Analysis of                                                                                       SRM Founder
“The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe                                                                                 Chancellor applauds

   “The Raven” by Edgar Poe
                                                                           narrator expects her visit.
                                                                             Upon snapping out of his
                                                                                                               Neeraj Chopra
                                                                           shock, the narrator returns to
is a ballad of​​eighteen six-line
                                                                           the chamber only to question his
stanzas. Throughout, the poet
                                                                           sanity of mentioning the name.      STAFF WRITER
uses trochaic octameter, a very
                                                                           He first encounters his fear of
distinctive metrical form. The
                                                                           reality. The sudden thrusting of      The country erupted in joy at
poem has been written from a
                                                                           windows is followed by a grand      the historic win of Neeraj Chopra
first person’s view and centers
                                                                           raven flying into his chamber,      on winning the gold medal in
around the theme of death and
                                                                           symbolizing his encounter           the men’s javelin throw event
the afterlife, which is the oeuvre
                                                                           with his sorrow through the         at the Tokyo Olympics 2020
of Poe’s many other works.
                                                                           window of realization. The bird     and the social media is flooded
   In the first five stanzas, the                                          kept uttering “Nevermore.”          with celebratory messages.
narrator is shown to be lonely                                             Startled at the inimical reply,
in his home, pondering over                                                the narrator called it a tempter,      Founder Chancellor of SRM
ancient folklore at midnight to              Quoth the Raven                                                   Group of Institution and Member
                                                                           a form of Satan coming from
                                              “Nevermore.”                                                     of Parliament (Lok Sabha),
cease some unknown sorrow                                                  the underworld to torment him.
that is laid in his heart, when       heart began beating quite fast.      Despite all his efforts to ask      Perambalur Constituency, Dr.
a tap on the door startles him.       Pushing through his hesitation,      the bird if he would ever unite     T. R. Paarivendhar applauded
Consoling himself, he said,”          he opened the door only to find      with Lenore, the only reply         the Olympic Gold Medalist           the other silver and bronze
Tis some visitor,” In the next        himself amidst the unbroken          that came was “Nevermore.”          and said, “Neeraj Chopra has        medalists for giving their best
stanza, we come to know about         eerie silence of the night.          The ending is quite dramatic        brought in great honour for         performance at the recently
“Lenore,” a character who is          The narrator whispered the           where the narrator is defeated      our nation. We are proud of his     concluded Tokyo Olympics.
the source of his unknown             name “Lenore,” wanting us            by facing his feelings in the       achievement of becoming India’s
sorrow; with the rustling of the      to understand that Lenore will       form of the Raven, thereby          first track-and-field Olympic         The 23-year-old athlete from
silkened curtains, the narrator’s     never return. Nevertheless, the      would nevermore find peace.         medalist with his gold, which       Panipat is the first athlete from
                                                                                                                                                   Independent India to win a medal
                                                                                                               was India’s first since shooter
                                                                                                                                                   in a track and field event. He
                                                                                                               Abhina Bindra came out tops

Billionaires in Space:
                                                                                                                                                   came up with a best attempt of
                                                                                                               in the 2008 Beijing Games.”
                                                                                                                                                   87.58m to become the first-ever
                                                                                                                 The philanthropist and            Indian to win an Olympic gold

The Dawn of the Space Era?
                                                                                                               educationist also wished all        in athletics.

M KAVIN RAMNATH                       time. However, the dream of          He claimed the trip to be the
                                      space exploration is slowly          “experience of a lifetime”.
   Once upon a time, putting          moving towards becoming a            Shortly after, on the 20th of
man in the sky was a fairy tale.      reality, albeit confined to a        July, billionaire Jeff Bezos made
Now, humanity is aiming to            niche group.                         a short journey to space in the
reach the ends of the universe                                             first crewed flight of his rocket
itself. Factors like the exorbitant     On the 11th of July, billionaire   ship, New Shepard. He was
cost of space travel and the          Sir Richard Branson successfully     accompanied by Mark Bezos,
need for extensive hardware           reached the edge of space on         his brother, Wally Funk, an
had put the space tourism             Unity, a Virgin Galactic rocket      82-year-old space pioneer, and
industry on hold for a long           plane 17 years in the making.        Oliver Daemen, an 18-year-old
                                                                           student. After the 10-minute,
                                                                           10-second flight, Jeff Bezos
                                                                           exclaimed: “best day ever!”.
   space travel is not without its drawbacks.                              In 2004, Elon Musk said that
  Scientists worry that a growing number of                                he believed space tourism to
  rocket flights and the rise of space tourism                             be the biggest driver in the
                                                                           future of humans in space.
    could harm the Earth’s atmosphere and                                  Today, his company SpaceX
         contribute to climate change.                                     is not the only major capitalist
                                                                           power continuously working
                                                                           towards that goal.
                                                                             Sadly, space travel is not
                                                                           without its drawbacks. Scientists
                                                                           worry that a growing number
                                                                           of rocket flights and the rise
                                                                           of space tourism could harm
                                                                           the Earth’s atmosphere and
                                                                           contribute to climate change.
                                                                           However, we cannot reach the
                                                                           stars if we are afraid to take
                                                                           our feet off the ground. The
                                                                           future of humanity is up there
                                                                           in the endless sky, somewhere
              Billionaires are making a beeline for space                  among the stars.
The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University
8   2021 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 1

                                                                            India’s Olympians
                                                                            DIKSHA AVIRAL

                                                                              When it comes to pushing
                                                                            limits, showcasing grit, and
                                                                            discovering the best of the best
                                                                            in the world of athletics and
                                                                            sports, the Olympics are the
                                                                            ultimate test. The Olympics
            ‘Today is a moment of hope’ - IOC President
               Thomas Bach at the opening ceremony.                         took place in Tokyo from
                                                                            the 23rd of July to the 8th of
                                                                            August. Even in the shadow
Tokyo Olympics 2020:                                                        of a pandemic, the Olympics
                                                                            have given India much to
Towards Hope and Humanity                                                   celebrate. This year, India
                                                                            surpassed itself by bagging
                                                                            seven medals, achieving its
PRIYANKA R                           of the Olympics. Strangely,
                                                                            highest ever medal tally.
                                     skateboarding - quintessentially
  The long wait for the Olympics     a counter-cultural activity, was          The first medal, a silver,
had been over this summer, and       embraced by the Olympics. That         was brought home by Mirabai
the event came to an uplifting       is one sliver of the activities that   Chanu in the 40kgs weightlifting     Neeraj Chopra became the first ever to win a gold medal in athletics
end. Despite several countries       unfolded in the Tokyo Games,           category. Next was the boxer,
pulling out on account of the        cherished as resistance against        Lovlina Borgohain, who won a
pandemic, Tokyo 2020 had             mainstream culture.                    bronze in the 69kg welterweight
forged ahead. Thomas Bach,                                                  category. The badminton
                                       The participation of female
President of the International
Olympic Committee (IOC), had
                                     athletes like Mandy Bujold,
                                     Allyson Felix, and Helen
                                                                            superstar, P.V Sindhu, won the
                                                                            third medal, bagging a bronze           Even in the shadow of a
admitted that the event would
differ from the previous ones
                                     Glover especially caught public
                                     eyes. These women broke the
                                                                            in the women’s singles. The
                                                                            fourth overall medal was won           pandemic, the Olympics
considering the COVID-19                                                    by the wrestler Ravi Kumar
                                     social norms of resting after
                                     pregnancy and even broke               Dahiya in the 57kg freestyle.            have given India much
  Tokyo Games 2020 illustrated                                              The men’s hockey team made
support and acceptance for
                                     records. Extensive research
                                     has proven that participating          us proud by bringing home a
                                                                            bronze and becoming India’s
                                                                                                                     to celebrate. This year,
the athletes battling mental         in elite sports postpartum is not
health issues. In the same spirit,
Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka
                                     only safe but is also an aid to
                                     common pregnancy ailments.
                                                                            first hockey team in 41 years to
                                                                            win a medal in the Olympics.
                                                                                                                   India surpassed itself by
dropped out of the event to
focus on their mental health.
                                     Hence, pregnancy no longer
                                     marks the end of a career in
                                                                            Another bronze was brought
                                                                            home by Bajrang Punia in men’s
                                                                                                                    bagging seven medals,
Athletes’ psychological welfare
was acknowledged as key
                                     elite sports.                          freestyle wrestling. India’s run
                                                                            in the Olympics ended with a              achieving its highest
                                       The pandemic has helped many
to performance since empty
stadiums could have deterred
                                     athletes improve remarkably.
                                     The athletic performances in
                                                                            bang when the javelin thrower
                                                                            Neeraj Chopra brought in a                   ever medal tally
motivation in some sports,                                                  gold medal with a stupendous
                                     Tokyo 2020 might not have
particularly for athletes from                                              87.58m throw.
                                     ended the pandemic, but they
the host nation.
                                     expressed a glimmer of hope in           With this historic victory,        first Indian to win a gold in      these are what inspire us to
  A sport needs an international     these dark times, memorialising        Neeraj Chopra became the second      athletics. This fantastic win      strive towards greatness, and
federation that caters to the        the resilience of the human            Indian to win an individual          brought India up to 48 in the      it is indeed a proud moment
Olympic charter to be part           spirit!                                gold in the Olympics and the         world ranking. Times like          for our nation!

Towards a Covid-free Environment
NAVEEN PARTHASARATHY                 staff at this time of chaos. It        vaccination followed the same.
                                     was duly coordinated efficiently       Further vaccinations drives
  Amidst the third wave scare,       by the South India Hotels              are anticipated in the future,
SRM Institute of Science and         and Restaurants Association            considering the event’s success.
Technology has once again taken      in collaboration with District         SRM Institute of Science and
the podium to set an example         Administration, Chengalpattu.          Technology is paving the way
regarding the significance of        The vaccination drive was              for complete immunization
Covid vaccination through the        congruously inspected and              from Covid through these
vaccination drive organized          verified by officials for              vaccination drives.
by SRM Institute of Hotel            smooth functioning. Further,             Ensuring maximum safety and
Management on 29th of July,          the individuals who received           prevention could be a wake-up
2021.                                the vaccination were strictly          call for all other institutions to
  The management successfully        instructed to adhere to the Covid      start such vaccination drives to
administered 225 hoteliers,          regulations. The medical staff         ensure the entire population
                                                                                                                   A volunteer receiving her covid vaccination at SRM Institute of
thus providing assistance and        took proper steps to undertake         within the city gets vaccinated           Hotel Management, organized by South India Hotels and
proper guidance to the Hotel         all preventive measures, and           and normalizes and breaks the              Restaurants Association in collaboration with District
Management students and the          the individuals receiving the          myths surrounding vaccination.                         Administration, Chengalpattu.
The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University
2021 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 1 9

Perplexing Laws from Around the World
KRITIKA MALHOTRA                                                                                                 Activities at
                                                                                                                 SRM University
  The art of justice has withstood
the ravages of time as the
foundation of civilisation. Most
laws are drawn from experiences
that people have gone through.
With time, however, some of
these have become redundant
                                                                                                                 Delhi - NCR,
and bizarre!
  Some of the most peculiar
laws are animal laws. For
example, it is illegal to give
alcohol to a moose in Alaska!
In 2007, a moose paraded
down the street after having
a chug from the brewery’s
                                                      No alcohol for the Alaskan Moose
                                                                                                             Webinar on Strategic
holiday season supply. After
getting its antlers tangled in
                                     either. In our country, until
                                     recently, a pre-requisite for
                                                                         away without being charged for
                                                                         stealing! A law in three states     Program IDEA on the
Christmas lights and stumbling
past Alaskans, it stirred up quite
                                     becoming an assistant motor
                                     vehicle inspector in the Andhra
                                                                         of the USA - Alabama, Georgia
                                                                         and Kentucky - now prohibits        19th BIG (Biotech
the laugh and inspired a new         Pradesh Transport subordinate
law!. “Why did the chicken
cross the road?” The people
                                     service was to be free of tooth
                                     decay! Odd laws are not just for
                                                                         anyone from walking down a
                                                                         street with an ice cream cone       Ignition Grant) Call
                                                                         in their back pocket.
of Quitman, Georgia, would           animals and humans - absurd
answer that it could not have        food laws exist too! Have you          No matter how strange these
                                                                                                             STAFF WRITER                         of national importance and is a
crossed the road! The law here       ever carried ice cream in your      laws may appear, they reflect
                                                                                                                                                  UNESCO Category II centre.
mandates owners to have their        back pocket? Horse thieves          a country’s experiences and            On August 13, 2021, the           Intending to support Indian
chickens under control at all        did, back when most people          attempts to tackle the challenges   Departments of Biomedical            biomedical/Biotech innovation
times. Humans aren’t exempt          travelled on horseback. They        they face, irrespective of their    Engineering, Biotechnology,          and entrepreneurship, this lecture
from these outlandish laws           would use it to lure horses         wild or perplexing nature!          and Microbiology hosted              intended to assist startups in
                                                                                                             a webinar on an awareness            nurturing their creative ideas and

Intergalactic travel in a
                                                                                                             session as part of a strategic       develop globally competitive
                                                                                                             program IDEA on the 19th BIG         products or technologies. BIG
                                                                                                             (Biotech Ignition Grant) call. Mr.   is BIRAC’s flagship program

lifetime, a facade…...?
                                                                                                             Sudhanshu Shekhar of the BSC
                                                                                                                                                  supports young entrepreneurs
                                                                                                             BioNEST Bio-Incubator was the
                                                                                                                                                  and businesses. Through the
                                                                                                             session’s Guest Speaker. BBB
                                                                                                                                                  BIG Scheme, BIRAC offers
                                                                                                             is supported by BIRAC through
RAMAY RAJ SINGH                                                                                                                                   a grant-in-aid of up to INR
                                                                                                             the BioNEST (Bioincubators
                                                                                                                                                  50 lakhs for 18 months. The
                                                                                                             Nurturing Entrepreneurship for
   Born too late to explore the                                                                              Scaling Technologies) scheme         university is applying for the
world, born too early to explore                                                                             and is managed and operated          BIG grant 2021 through the
the universe. This statement                                                                                 by the Regional Centre for           BSC BioNEST Bio-Incubator
might not seem ponderous at first,                                                                           Biotechnology (RCB) which            at the Regional Centre for
but if one were to dive a little                                                                             is recognized by the Indian          Biotechnology as a result of
deeper, they would encounter                                                                                 Parliament as a national institute   this webinar.
a meaning, one unreservedly
different. You see, for most of

“time”, we have been nothing
but gazing into the vastly empty
yet thronged universe. We never
had the opportunity to dekko
it, but since the inception of
modern astrology techniques and
advancements in technologies,
                                      An artistic model of the constantly accelerating ship (Cool Worlds)

                                     humongous distances. But we         41 years, although a hundred
                                                                                                             with Merck
                                                                                                             Life Science
we have been able to gaze at
                                     lacked both a possible scientific   millennia would have passed
this magnificent surrounding of
                                     theory and the technology to        back on earth.
ours. But this gazing gave us a
                                     achieve for all this time.
startling revelation that we are                                           This theory seems possible
far, far away from each other.          Recently though, a new motion    because it’s based on proven
                                                                                                             STAFF WRITER                         specialized kits. In recent
So far, in fact, that even the       has been pushed forward, which      physics. A constant acceleration
                                     seemingly makes the journey         of 1g would ensure normalcy for                                          years, Merck has developed
fastest entity, which is light,                                                                                The Departments of Biomedical
will need billions of years to       look not just possible across       the crew by creating artificial                                          Skill Development Programs
                                                                                                             Engineering, Biotechnology, and      in partnership with CSIR India
transverse it. This discovery put    generations, but in a human’s       gravity. The view may be sound,
                                                                                                             Microbiology hosted a meeting        and as a result, we’ve explored
us in a very precarious situation.   lifetime. Say you want to go to     but it has its limitations, like
                                                                                                             with Merck Life Science India
Will we ever reach them, the         the edge of the Milky Way, then     how are we going to design                                               state-of-the-art methodologies
                                                                                                             on August 10, 2021. Dr. Paramita
stars, or are they lost forever      according to the theory, that if    a material which could thole                                             and Merck facilities to our
                                                                                                             Sen was the session’s guest
to us? Now, as is our natural        we could fabricate a ship that      such magnanimous amounts of                                              students/ research scholars to
                                                                                                             speaker. Merck Life Science
tendency to push our limits,         could constantly, throughout        radiation in space or how will                                           facilitate the process. It was also
                                                                                                             has been a pioneer in the field
many from the race started           its journey, accelerate at 1g,      we be able to provide the fuel                                           decided that a Memorandum of
                                                                                                             of Life Sciences Research,
to research the topic of how         then the crew would be able to      for its manoeuvres. I’ll leave                                           Understanding to collaborate
                                                                                                             manufacturing and distributing
we, humans, could trek such          complete the round trip in just     you to ruminate.
                                                                                                             chemicals, biochemicals, and         will be signed.
The Newspaper of SRMIST - SRM University
10    2021 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 1

Over 1200 students participate in the                                                                                   PV Sindhu: from
Freshers’ Induction program of CSH
                                                                                                                        Rio to Tokyo
   The Freshers’ Induction 2021-                                                                                        NANDITA
22 program for the College
of Science and Humanities at                                                                                            BHYRAVBHATLA
SRM Institute of Science and
Technology, Kattankulathur was                                                                                            From the bustling city of
held virtually today. Over 1200                                                                                         Hyderabad to the world-
students participated in this event.                                                                                    renowned chaos of the Olympic
The chief guest of the event Dr.                                                                                        badminton court, Pusarla Venkata
N. K. Senthamarai Kannan,                                                                                               Sindhu has proven herself as
Inspector General of Police, Tamil                                                                                      a force to be reckoned with.
Nadu & Commissioner of Police,                                                                                          PV Sindhu put tears of joy in
Tirunelveli addressed the gathering.                                                                                    the eyes of her countrymen
He said the Institute needs to take                                                                                     in the 2016 Rio Olympics
adequate precaution when classes                                                                                        by securing a silver medal in
start physically such as masking,                                                                                       women’s singles badminton.
washing, social distancing, and                           Dignitaries at the Virtual Induction                                                                 PV Sindhu proudly holding
                                                                                                                        She returned to the Olympic            her second Olympic medal
vaccination. Emphasizing on
                                                                                                                        stage for a shot at gold in the
the need to become job creators,       out your talent and uniqueness.”
                                                                                                                        2020 Tokyo Olympics. After
he urged the incoming students         Pro Chancellor (Academics) of                                                                                         She claimed the decision was
to focus on developing skills                                                                                           dominating in straight games,
                                       SRMIST, Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan                                                                                        of mutual benefit as Coach
and have a multidisciplinary           said, “The assets of SRMIST are                                                  she stormed into the semifinals
                                                                                                                                                             Gopichand had a large workload
approach so that they become           not its roads and building but its                                               where she ultimately was
                                                                                                                                                             to manage and couldn’t focus
entrepreneurs. He pointed out that     students and faculties. The need                                                 defeated by Taiwan’s Tai Tzu
                                                                                                                                                             on her exclusively- which is
pandemic has changed the outlook       of the hour is interdisciplinary                                                 Ying- and left the arena with a
                                                                                                                                                             what she needed.
of job opportunities. “Students        education and SRMIST is the                                                      bronze medal for India.
should pursue studies depending        right platform of it. We are moving                                                                                      Sindhu also commented on
                                                                                          The Chief Guest                  The time between the Rio
on the need of the demand. It          towards interdisciplinary society                                                                                     how a break from matches
                                                                                                                        and Tokyo Olympics seemed
is important to opt for skilled        and this mode of education will           other Higher Education System.                                              during the lockdowns came as
                                                                                                                        like a millennia for the whole
certification.” He also advised        aid towards it.” He pointed out           Our special focus is research,                                              a blessing. She explained that
                                                                                                                        world. With the onset of the
students to distance themselves        that the learning methodology in          towards which the Institution has                                           the pandemic gave her time
                                                                                                                        pandemic, various natural
from all sort of bad habits and give   SRMIST is active, where students          been contributing massively.”                                               to focus on her technique and
                                                                                                                        disasters, human rights issues
importance to health, sports, and      are put through problems to               Registrar of SRMIST, Dr. S.                                                 fitness which she would not
hobbies. Founder Chancellor of         understand what they study and            Ponnusamy said, “The transition        and much more- how did PV
                                                                                                                                                             have been able to do if she
SRMIST, Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar         learn. In his inaugural address,          from school to college is different.   Sindhu cope with the chaos,
                                                                                                                                                             was travelling and competing.
said, “SRMIST is not a college         Vice Chancellor of SRMIST, Dr.            It is important to focus on studies    and what changes did she
but an University by itself. It        C. Muthamizchelvan explained to           for the next few years. SRMIST         make on her way to Tokyo?               It goes without saying that
has over 80% of students from          students the history of the university,   has lots of facilities and students    The biggest transformation           PV Sindhu is an inspiration to
other states and countries and         its growth, programs offered in           should made use of what is             in the young athletes life was       all Indians and young athletes.
students will have the opportunity     different schools, campuses,              available.” He also requested          the decision to train under          The steps she took to improve
to mix with a wide diversity of        sports and its facilities and so          parents to keep in touch with their    South Korean coach Park              her game was not in vain as
people. Learning other culture         on. Urging students to focus their        wards’ professors and mentors          Tae Sang after former coach,         she stood on that podium with
aids in molding oneself. This          attention on perusing research he         to be aware of their activities in     Pullela Gopichand, withdrew          a medal in her hand for her
will you an opportunity to bring       said, “SRMIST is different from           the campus.                            his involvement in her training.     country once again.

Find a way to keep yourself happy.... Lt.Gen.Arun at SRMIST leadership program
STAFF WRITER                           to be efficient leaders. Vice             in yourself, believe in people,        tasks. To make leadership easy       perspective, Outcome driven:
                                       Chancellor of SRMIST, Dr.                 and most importantly have an           he suggested, “First create a        results, and solving problems.
  ‘Conundrums and The Power            C. Muthamizhchelvan welcomed              impeccable belief and faith in         vision, set goals (reasonable        “Changes in an organization
of Straight Lines’, a Leadership       the guest and said this session           your superior.”                        ones), focus on others dreams,       and icebergs are similar. It
program for Deans and Directors        will be an eye-opener. About 46                                                  share the excitement, involve        involves 10% organizational rule
of SRM Institute of Science and        Deans and Directors participated            He added that DNA is wired           everyone, communication              system and 90% of emotions,
Technology (SRMIST) was held           in this event, which took place           with Drive and passion, Desire to      (thinking, listening, speaking and   culture, and people.” Concluding
at the Institute’s premises. Lt        with social distancing. Speaking          lead, Integrity, and Intelligence.     nonverbal), motivation, share        his presentation, Lt. Gen A.
Gen A. Arun YSM SM VSM,                at the event, Lt Gen A. Arun              He emphasized that as leaders          stories and practice compassion.”    Arun said, “The most supreme
General Officer Commanding,            said, “We don’t need one more             one must have a vision, build          He then listed out the four most     lesson that leaders should
HQ, Dakshin Bharat Area did            engineer but our focus should be          teams, motivate, mentor,               common traits of leadership:
                                                                                                                                                             follow is to find a way to keep
an interactive session on how          on creating entrepreneurs. Believe        develop people, and allocate           Supporting others, Seeking new
                                                                                                                                                             yourself happy. Because your
                                                                                                                                                             challenge is to be architects of
                                                                                                                                                             the future... not defenders of
                                                                                                                                                             the decline. It is important for
                                                                                                                                                             leaders such as yourselves to
                                                                                                                                                             create leaders.”Registrar Dr.
                                                                                                                                                             S. Ponnusamy presented the
                                                                                                                                                             vote of thanks and assured the
                                                                                                                                                             guest speaker Lt. Gen. A. Arun
                                                                                                                                                             that all the Deans and Directors
                                                                                                                                                             present would put to use these
                                                                                                                                                             suggestions so that they help
                                                                                                                                                             grow together.
2021 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 1 11


                                                                                                       Ist year B.Sc., Physical Education
  The Pro Chancellor (Administration) International Chess Player Grand
  Master G.B.Harshavardhan of 1st year B.Com SRMIST who won the Gold                  SRMIST is happy to announce that Mr.Srinath. 1st Year B.Sc. Physical
  in FIDE online rapid World Cup U-18 Championship, organised by FIDE                 Educaiton has been selected to represent India in the world junior under 19
  and hosted by Georgian Chess Federation, Georgia.                                   Volleyball championship

SRM Team wins Chengalpattu                                                            SRMIST won 51st All India YSCA
District Volleyball Championship                                                      Cricket Men tournament 2021
                                                                                      1ST LEAGUE MATCH                           Lost to
STAFF WRITER                              TNSVA A. J. Martin Sudhakar.
                                                                                        SRM IST 228/7 in 30 overs (Ram             SRMIST 145 for 4 in 24.4 Overs.
                                            Speaking at the inaugural Dr. R.          arvindh 114*, Mokit hariharan 45) beat     (Mohit Hariharan 56* ,Krish Jain 26*)
  The volleyball men and women’
                                          Dhinakaran said, “Each player should        Little hearts cricket academy 146/8 in     FINALS AT MA CHIDAMARAM
team of SRM Institute of Science and
                                          give their best and achieve. It does        30 overs (Kriba nithyanand 53*, Ajith      STADIUM :
Technology (SRMIST), Kattankulathur
                                          not matter if you win or lose, but          ram 3/22, Trilok nag 3/5)                    Freyer International 171/4 in 20 overs
won the SRM Trophy for men and
                                          participation.”                                                                        (Karthikeyan 27, Subramania Siva 97
Jones Foundations Trophy for women                                                    2ND LEAGUE MATCH
respectively. The event was organized       At a nail biting finish SRM Spikers         Freyer International 178/9 in 30 overs   n.o.) lost to SRM IST 172/7 in 19 overs
by Chengalpattu District Volleyball       won over D.B.Jain to claim the SRM          (Suman Jain 30, Subramania Siva 42,        (Vignesh lyer 73 n.o., Trilok Nag 31,
Association (Affiliated to Tamilnadu      Trophy for men. In the women’ finals        Trilok Nag 3/37) lost to SRM IST 179/5     Anthony Dhas 3/19).
State Volleyball Association) was held    Dr. Paarivendhar bet SRMIST to win the      in 27.2 overs (Praveen Kumar 44, U.        FINAL STANDING
at SRMIST.                                Jones Foundations Trophy for women.         Mukilesh 66, Mokit Hariharan 29).            Winner : SRM IST
  About 51 teams, both men and               Mr. Sai Prakash Leo Muthu, Chairman      3RD LEAGUE MATCH                             Runner : Freyer International
women, participated in the three          of Sairam Institutions presented the          Indian bank 131 all out in 30 overs      AWARDS:
day event. Dr. R. Dhinakaran, IPS,        trophy to the men’ team. Vice Chancellor    ( Trilok nag 3/24) lost to SRM IST
                                          of SRMIST Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan                                                        Best bat sman: (Freyer) Subramania
Inspector General of Police inaugurated                                               132/4 in 16 overs ( Praveen kumar 33       Siva
the championship. Present for the         presented the women’s team winner           , Mukilesh 32 )
                                          with their trophy.                                                                       Best bowler: Trilok Nag (SRM).
inauguration was Registrar of SRMIST                                                  SEMI FINALS                                  Man-of-the-final: Vignesh lyer (SRM).
Dr. S. Ponnusamy, Chairman of SNJ            In his speech, Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan     Gurunanak 143 for 6 in 30 Overs
Group of Companies S. N. Jeymurugan,      said, “More than the games, the
Life president of TNSVA R. Arjun          comradeship between different teams
Durai, Director (Sports) SRMIST Dr.       is important. This can be seen in this
K Vaithianathan, General Secretary        game.”

                                                                                                     Dr T.R.Paarivendhar, SRMIST Founder Chancellor,
                                                                                              Prof. C. Muthamizhchelvan, Vice Chancellor, Prof. S. Ponnusamy.
                                                                                                Registrar, Dr K Vaithianathan Director Sports and SRMSIT
                                                                                                     Cricket Men Team with 51st All India YSCA Trophy.
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