Page created by Tony Wong
                                                   THE RETAIL DESTINATION
                                                           OF THE FUTURE
                        Growth in the number of educated, aspirational and rich consumers, superior technology in
                         retail, and the rampant spread of the Internet has led to a boom in Odisha as retail market,
                                                 making it a lucrative destination for retailers and investors alike…
                                                                                                               – By Sandeep Kumar

                  disha, the land   investment intentions seems     in terms of infrastructure and     the state.
                  of minerals,      to have been producing          development but also houses           Tier I cities and towns
                  is slowly         results as the rate of under-   the maximum number of              usually sport mega
                  becoming          implementation of live          retail users due to its dense      showrooms of all brands
                  the core of       projects has drastically        population. The coastal area       bringing in 50 percent of
                  expansion         declined from peak level of     – including Bhubaneswar,           business for bigger players
 in the East, as far as             about 62 percent in FY13 to     Cuttack, Puri and Balasore         in the state. With brand
 the development and                about 47 percent in FY17.       – is home to the rich and the      consciousness gradually
 investment is concerned. The         The state has also            aspirational, people with          gaining prominence,
 state accounts for over 55         performed better compared       high incomes, high spending        customers in the maximum
 percent of the country’s           to all-India under-             power and aspirations of a         number of interior areas also
 bauxite reserves, making it an     implementation rate of          more sophisticated lifestyle.      prefer shopping at bigger
 ideal location for aluminum-       investment projects which          The Odisha market               showrooms, hence depending
 based companies to invest.         stood at over 56 percent and    is wedding dominated. A            upon Tier I cities and towns.
 And the richness is not            over 54 percent in FY13 and     huge increase in sales is          Malls are mushrooming in
 limited to its mineral reserves.   FY17 respectively, according    witnessed during the wedding       cities creating more retail real
 The state is slowly blooming       to a study conducted by apex    season, apart from the growth      estate.
 into one of the top FDI            industry body, ASSOCHAM.        trajectory regularly observed         In this Odisha Special,
 destinations of India as far as                                    during the end-of-season           IMAGES Retail Bureau speaks
 retail is concerned.               Retail Market                   sales. Festival times like         to major mall developers and
   The proactive approach           The retail sector of Odisha     Durga Puja and Diwali also         the biggest retailers across
 of the Odisha government           revolves around the state       account for increase in sales,     verticals to find out how retail
 towards consequential              capital, Bhubaneswar – the      albeit playing a smaller role in   landscape of the region
 implementation of                  city which is not only ahead    the overall retail scenario of     is changing.


          Future Group is         has been one of our top         Balasore are developing fast.
          pioneer of modern       markets in the East zone.       Fashion as a business is very
          retail in India.        We have been appreciated        big here.
Owned by Kishore Biyani,          by our customers and we           “We are now opening
Founder & CEO Future              are constantly working          stores at Angul, Balasore,
Group, the company                towards opening more            Berhampur, Jajpur, Jeypore
operates retail stores by the     stores in Bhubaneswar and       ,Bhadrak and are also
name of Big Bazaar, FBB,          expanding in other cities       expanding with more stores
Central, Brand Factory,           as well. Bhubaneswar is an      in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack,
Easy Day, Nilgiris, Heritage,     important city for the Future   Rourkela. Food as a category
Aadhar Ezone, Hometown,           Group at a national level.      has strong influence on             .BOJTI"HBSXBM 'VUVSF(SPVQ&BTU
Foodhall etc.                     Odisha is expected to be `      people. New homes are being
  It operates 2,500 plus retail   1,000 crore market for the      made or upgraded here.              ‘Shopping & Billing Slots’ at
stores in more than 250 cities    Future Group,” says Manish      Customers want to shop for          stores online and bill & collect
with more than 8,000 pin          Agarwal, CEO East, Future       home essentials, they want          their products offline at our
codes of India. It occupies       Group.                          to look good wearing better         stores. Online-to-Offline is a
                                                                  clothes – all of these influence    big business strategy for us,”
                                                                  their shopping habits and           he adds.
                                                                  we are present to provide
                                                                  them with everything,” adds         Expansion plan
                                                                  Agarwal.                            Future Group has strong
                                                                                                      presence in the eastern
                                                                  Brand Value                         market mainly, Bengal,
                                                                  Rural, urban and industrial         Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand
                                                                  markets behave differently,         and North East. Kolkata,
                                                                  and all retail stores are           Guwahati, Bhubaneswar,
                                                                  unique. In retail, location is of   Patna, Ranchi have most
                                                                  utmost importance. Whether          of their retail formats.
                                                                  you’re opening a store in a         Even in small towns, such
                                                                  mall or on the high street,         as Durgapur, Asansol,
                                                                  retailers have to understand        Burdwan, Haldia, Kharagpur,
more than 25 million sq. ft. of                                   each location and run the           Krishnagar, Purulia,
retail space across the country                                   business accordingly. They          Serampore, Konnanagar,
and present in all the states                                     have to blend the physical          Siliguri, Darjeeling, Gangtok,
of India.                                                         with the digital too, to keep       Jorhat, Silchar, Agartala, Puri,
  More than 500 million                                           the consumer engaged.               Cuttack, Keonjhar, Rourkela,
customers visit their                                               “We are firm believers            Sambalpur, Jharsuguda,
retail stores every year.                                         in the fact that consumers          Bokaro, Dhanbad,
The company provides                                              and communities who we              Jamshedpur, Deogarh, Gaya,
employment to more than                                           are catering to decide the          Muzaffarpur, Bihar Sharif,
60,000 people.                                                    products, the assortment as         Hajipur, Bhagalpur, the brand
  Future Group has been                                           well as the pricing,”               is quite popular.
present in Odisha since                                           says Agarwal.                          Some of the cities where
2004. The group started with                                                                          Big Bazaar, FBB, Brand
Big Bazaar in Bhubaneswar                                         The Impact of                       Factory and Easy Day Stores
and now they have Central,        Marketing Strategy and          Technology                          will come up very soon are
Brand Factory, FBB and            Growth                          Technology is an integral           Chinsura, Habra, Kachrapara,
e-zone in the Eastern cities      The Odisha market is strong     part of Future Group’s retail       Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar,
of Cuttack, Puri, Keonjhar,       due to its culture, heritage    operating strategy. It makes        Alipurdwar, Raiganj, Malda,
Rourkela, Sambalpur and           and festivals. The retail       retailers more efficient, as        Midnapur, Jaigaon, Uttarpara,
Jharsuguda. The brand is          industry has been incubating    it reduces space and time.          Chandanagore, Rishra,
launching Home Town and           and developing fast in this     “We have upgraded to new            Jeypore, Jajpur, Berhampur,
Easy Day retail stores in the     state and Bhubaneswar is        POS systems for faster billing      Angul, Shillong, Dimapur,
region very soon.                 the regional shopping centre.   and have also introduced            Dibrugarh, Tejpur, Itanagar,
“Odisha has been a good           Cities like Rourkela, Puri,     mobile POS billing.                 Imphal, Aizwal, Shivsagar,
growth story for us. It           Cuttack, Berhampur, Angul,      Customers can also book             Ramgarh and Hazaribagh.

                                                                                                               JULY 2018 | IMAGES RETAIL | 73

            Turtle Limited is          of global trends elevated their    We are targeting approx. 20
            one of India’s finest      two flagship brands, Turtle        crores business from the state
            lifestyle brands,          and London Bridge in the           with all our revenue streams
 which has carved a niche              fashion landscape of Eastern       combined,” says Shitanshu
 for itself in the menswear            India with revenues of over        Jhunjhunwalla, Director,
 category with its standout            $30 million.                       Turtle Limited.
 sense of style. Confident,              Turtle today has a national
 elegant and world ready, the          footprint in over 1000 MBOs,       Brand value
 brand is a perfect fit for the        300 large format stores and        To increase its brand
 urban go-getters of today.            over 110 exclusive stores.         strength and visibility in the
   Turtle’s journey began                Consumer delight is at the       state, Turtle is planning to       4IJUBOTIV+IVOKIVOXBMMB 5VSUMF-UE
 in Kolkata in 1993 with a             heart of everything the brand      take its current store count
 humble production capacity            does and its differentiated line   of 10 to about 20 in the           in the state. We see a lot of
 of 20 shirts a day. Today,            of business crossovers, party      next six months. It is also        potential in this category,”
 entering its 25th year, the           wear, denims, travel wear,         launching flagship stores          says Jhunjhunwalla.
 brand is a powerhouse of              casuals and formals bear           at Janpath (high street) as
 manufacturing and retail,             ample testimony to that.           well as the new Esplanade          Marketing Strategy &
 offering a range of apparels                                             One Mall followed by stores        Expansion
 and accessories passionately          Growth Rate & Market               on Jajpur Road, Cuttack,           Turtle is present in Bhawani
 created by the talented in-           “Odisha is one of the largest      Sambalpur and Baripada.            BMC Mall and Forum Mart in
 house design team who wear            markets of Turtle. We have            “We are expanding our           Bhubaneswar. Most of their
 passion on their sleeves.             grown by almost 50 percent in      store footprint, and foraying      other stores are located on
   Founder Sanjay                      our MBO business and about         into the Large Format Store        high streets.
 Jhunjhunwalla’s subtle design         15-20 percent in our retail        size, entering Tier II & III          “Going forward we
 sensibilities and unique sense        business in Odisha last year.      towns in Odisha. Along             would expand both in new
                                                                          with this, we have a strong        upcoming malls such as
                                                                          presence in major MBOs. We         Esplanade One, Utkal Galleria
                                                                          are all set to flex our position   and DN Regalia to name a
                                                                          in the market and become           few, as well as open more
                                                                          a category leader by 2019.         stores at flagship locations
                                                                          Shirts sell most for Turtle        like Janpath and Patia in the
                                                                          in the state, followed by          main city. In Tier II & III cities,
                                                                          the trousers and T-shirts.         we are planning on expanding
                                                                          However, we are seeing             through the high street route.
                                                                          suits and blazers growing          We plan to open 30 stores
                                                                          immensely as a category in         in the next 12-15 months in
                                                                          the market. We are creating        east, growing our footprint of
                                                                          special ranges to cater to our     110+ stores to 150 stores soon
                                                                          existing and upcoming stores       across India,” he concludes.

             Indian malls are               One mall in Odisha
             converting into FECs        which is precisely designed
             to substantially extend     and has the composite
 their draw, lengthen shopper            brand mix encompassing
 stay and even increase revenue          all facets of shopping,
 for other tenants. The idea is          entertainment and food
 to fulfill the demands of the           under one roof is Esplanade
 evolving new generation, and            One. The idea is simple – to
 act as a community hub to bring         revolutionise retail not just
 people together to celebrate            in Bhubaneswar, but in the
 events and festivals.                   entire state of Odisha.


 Malls: Changing Retail             Trends, Digital, Max, Nike,        bowling alley, and a plethora
 landscape of Odisha                Biba to name a few. Anchor         of kids play zones.
 The aspirations and desires        brands at the mall are
 of the people of Odisha have       Lifestyle, Cinepolis, Iconic,      The Impact of
 been evolving at a rapid pace      Big Bazaar, Reliance Trends,       Technology
 over the last five years or        Reliance Digital, Home             Technology is being used
 so. With the government’s          Centre, TimeZone and Max.          extensively by the mall
 thrust on making Odisha a             The Food court plans on a       to provide comfort and
 hub for education and skill        huge offering of international     convenience to the customer,
 development, cities like           and national brands including      right from parking to
 Bhubaneswar are seeing a           KFC, Domino’s, Burger              temperature control, ease          +BZFO/BJL /FYVT.BMMT
 huge influx of youth. “All these   King, Street Foods of India,       of movement for all kinds
 factors have led to increased      Asia Kitchen, Keventer’s,          of people, and innovative          Marketing Strategy
 awareness and demand for           Amravati, Belgian Waffles,         signages to inform the             The major market for Nexus
 international brands, novel        Giani Ice Cream, Pizza Hut,        customers about the locations      includes Bhubaneswar and
 ways of entertainment and          Lite Bite along with local         and services.                      Cuttack. However, Nexus is
 desire to try out new cuisines     Odisha players. With a seating        Technology will also be at      confident of attracting visitors
 and food options,” says Jayen      capacity of nearly 250 people,     the fore front to ensure water     across entire Odisha, the
 Naik, Senior Vice President,       at one go, it caters to the        recycling, water conservation      reason being their one-of-a-
 Operations and Projects,           palates of the entire family       by using water flow-controlled     kind-Nexus-experience.
 Nexus Malls.                       in an air-conditioned and          taps/flushes in washrooms,           “We aim to expose
                                    brightly lit environment.          LED lighting and to provide        visitors to latest brands both
 Major Attractions                     Esplanade One, also has         better lux lighting. Primary       international/national and
 The brand mix of Esplanade         Timezone, one of the top FEC       services are huge and assisted     offerings with the traditional
 One includes Blackberry,           attraction which will bring        parking area so that incoming      Indian warmth and culture,”
 Project Eve, Big Bazaar,           in the latest arcade games,        visitors do not face any issues.   concludes Naik.

            Success, the brain      in this region, Odisha being a     a flagship store measuring
            child of Rajnish        huge market.                       around 2,000 sq. ft., in
            Sethia was founded      “Tier II & III cities have a lot   Janpath, Bhubaneswar. We
 in 1996 in the bylanes of Bara     of potential. The approach         have our presence in all the ‘A’
 Bazar in Kolkata. Initially,       to new trends and fashion is       grade stores throughout the
 the brand solely began as a        no longer conservative and         region,” says Rajnish Sethia,
 trouser manufacturing unit,        the region stands at par with      Director, Success.
 but gradually started making       other states and Odisha has
 suits and blazers, which have      become a buyer’s market.           The Impact of
 become its primary products        The market is big and has a        Technology
 now. The lifestyle brand           tremendous growth potential        “As fashion trends are             3BKOJTI4FUIJB 4VDDFTT
 produces shirts, t-shirts,         for us. We have four EBOs in       evolving at a fast pace, we
 denims and cotton trousers         the state and even we have         need to keep ourselves             updated with the latest. We
 for its fashion-conscious                                                                                concentrate more on better
 consumers through big                                                                                    quality fabrics and try to give
 format stores like Central,                                                                              latest fashion at an affordable
 Brand Factory on pan-India                                                                               range. Technology is making a
 basis and Pantaloons as well                                                                             huge contribution in making
 at its exclusive brand outlets                                                                           this change happen. In the
 in the Eastern region. Its                                                                               present scenario, brands have
 target consumers fall in the                                                                             to keep innovating to compete
 age group of 25 to 40 years.                                                                             with the international market
                                                                                                          as now they have to deal
 Market Growth                                                                                            with consumers who are
 The apparel industry as a                                                                                well aware of latest fashion,”
 whole has a better prospect                                                                              concludes Sethia.


           Since their inception   well as any other retail chain                                        Optical heavily relies on
           in 1935, Himalaya       in any vertical to grow its                                           technology of optical
           Optical has been        footprint in Odisha,” he adds.                                        dispensing by introducing
 ensuring their consumers                                                                                Digital Eye Examination
 with quality products. The        Marketing Strategy                                                    followed by Digital Frame and
 sole aim of the brand is          In order to create a strong                                           Lens selecting gadgets and
 to strike an ideal balance        foothold in the Odisha                                                Digital Measuring system and
 between quality and trend.        market, the brand has                                                 finally dispensing the lenses
 The store has an array of         introduced pocket-friendly                                            processed digitally.
 products, which include           eyewear at one price point                                               Its most sophisticated
 designer frames, branded          for those consumers looking          4BSBU#JOBOJ )JNBMBZB0QUJDBM   lenses are surfaced on a
 sunglasses and contact lenses.    for an affordable solution for                                        Digital Lens Surfacing System
 Himalya Optical currently         their eye care needs. They             “We intend to add at least 5   that provides high definition
 has 117+ optical retail stores    also house eyewear from              more stores by 2020. Presently   optics, better clarity and
 spread across major cities        internationally renowned             we have 4 operational stores     contrast and facilitates night
 of India.                         brands for consumers who             in Bhubaneswar, 2 in Cuttack,    driving by preventing glare
                                   demand luxury eyewear.               and 1 each in Rourkela,          and haloes around lights.
 The Odisha Market &                  “Currently 8-9 percent            Berhampur and Jharsuguda.           “To cater to the new
 Growth Rate                       of our revenue comes from            We would be launching fifth      generation consumer’s
 “There is no specific data        Odisha and we are looking            store at Esplanade One Mall      evolving habits, we have
 available on the size of the      at 10-12 percent growth              shortly,” he adds.               introduced a new way of
 optical market in the region.     rate year on year in the next                                         eye screening where they
 The service sector in Odisha      couple of years. The increase        The Impact of                    go beyond just giving
 has grown in line with all of     of the number of malls in the        Technology                       your prescription, and the
 India and is estimated to grow    state is also acting as a catalyst   Digitalisation is a buzz         traditional measurements of
 by 12.8 percent in 2018-19.       to grow our retail presence          word in the optical retail       PD and fitting heights. The
 These positive indicators are     here,” says Binani.                  industry currently. Himalaya     introduction of breakthrough
 good enough for any retail                                                                              technology of the new digital
 brand to increase its retail                                                                            dispensing system, enables
 penetration in the state,” says                                                                         the eye care consultants to
 Sarat Binani, Director,                                                                                 capture the natural posture
 Himalaya Optical.                                                                                       or eye movements in the
   “In terms of the optical                                                                              form of data so that they are
 market, more than 90 percent                                                                            able to customise the lens to
 of it is still unorganised with                                                                         the customer’s own natural
 hardly any homegrown player                                                                             movements to provide
 having more than three stores                                                                           the most accurate, lenses
 in the city. This indicates a                                                                           for comfortable vision,”
 huge opportunity for us as                                                                              concludes Binani.

           Chai Break came            A blockbuster hit amongst         including Indian, Italian,
           into existence when     youngsters, college-goers,           Chinese and Thai – are all set
           two school friends,     young working professionals,         to open very soon.
 Anirudh Poddar and Aditya         Chai Break has strengthened
 Ladsaria, joined hands to         its presence through 17              The East Indian Food
 create something distinctive      outlets in the cities of Kolkata,    Retail Scene
 in the F&B segment in 2010.       Bhubaneswar, Durgapur                The Eastern India Food
 Chai Break was a first-of-        and Guwahati, Kharagpur,             Retail Market has a lot of
 its-kind-café for the youth       Asansol. More outlets –              potential. Customers are well
 in Kolkata and around,            replete with their signature         travelled and as the culture
 capitalising the segment of       collection of a variety of chai      of dining out is in trend,       "OJSVEI1PEEBS $IBJ#SFBL
 fun time at a great budget.       and a bouquet of cuisines            they do acknowledge good


                                                                     that Odisha, especially            food retail field. Towards
                                                                     Bhubaneshwar, has accepted         this, the brand is focusing
                                                                     us well as a brand and we          on making the price of its
                                                                     are very happy with the sales      products pocket-friendly.
                                                                     and the growth in this region.       “We want our consumers
                                                                     Apart from skilled manpower,       to visit us more than once
                                                                     we have not faced too much         in a week and we keep
                                                                     of a problem here,”says            introducing special menus
                                                                     Anirudh Poddar, Co-                to attract regular visitors.
                                                                     founder, Chai Break.               We have a plan to achieve a
                                                                                                        revenue of above `50 crore
                                                                     Marketing Strategy and             by March 2020. We plan
                                                                     Expansion                          to open 12 more outlets by
                                                                     Chai Point believes in giving      March 2019, in all of East
 food. However, they want           potential of the region.         the consumer great service         India, with areas like Ranchi,
 more at good prices, one           “The potential of growth is      through its loyalty program.       Jamshedpur, Raipur, Shillong,
 reason why the number of           high. We target to open at       They stress a lot on keeping       Tinsukia, Rourkela and
 brands entering the market is      least 40 cafés in the east in    consumers happy because            Berhampur being our top
 limited despite the immense        the long run. We are glad        loyalty is important in the        targets,” he concludes.

          Mohammad Azim,            through opening of various       Marketing Strategy
          Managing Director,        skilled education centres.       Other than the capital city of
          Metto Super Market           “We are hoping for            Bhubaneswar the whole of
 conceptualised and started         ‘single window clearance         Odisha state is price sensitive.
 the enterprise in view of          of licenses’ soon. A retailer       “Our marketing strategy has
 the inconsistencies in the         needs more than 8 licenses       always been low price and
 unorganised grocery retail         to start a retail store which    reasonable quality. Moreover,
 market and the changing            is lengthy and tedious at        its being very difficult to find
 scenario of the same in East       times. From an infrastructure    apt places for expansion. So,
 India. While the food market       perspective, few cities in       our company has initiated
 of Odisha is still at a nascent    the state are now well-          the launch of small stores         .PIBNNBE"[JN .FUUP4VQFS.BSLFU
 stages, Azim believes it has       integrated through improved      called Metto Kirana. The
 the potential to shine at a        communication systems,           objective of these stores will     Kirana stores will have the fast
 national stage.                    real estate development and      be to penetrate those areas        selling SKUs only and will be
                                                                                                        based as such that only two
                                                                                                        employees can run the whole
                                                                                                        store,” says Azim.
                                                                                                           “We believe in looking at
                                                                                                        things in the value format,
                                                                                                        therefore we focus on
                                                                                                        customer footfall, which
                                                                                                        will ultimately take care of
                                                                                                        revenues. By 2020 we want to
                                                                                                        triple our customer footfalls
                                                                                                        to 30,000 per month. We are
                                                                                                        coming up with a new store in
                                                                                                        the month of August and two
 Bottlenecks &                      expatriates flowing in are too                                      more stores are lined up for
 Challenges                         based on growing IT, ITES                                           next year. Metto Kirana stores
 The biggest bottleneck in the      and service sector. Out of 8                                        concept are being finalised
 Odisha region is availability of   national players only two                                           which can be a game changer
 skilled manpower. However,         have operations running in       where real estate cost is          for a place like Cuttack which
 this challenge is being            Odisha for 10 years now,”        very high and big spaces are       is highly price sensitive and
 addressed by the government        Azim explains.                   unavailable for lease. Metto       land deficit,” concludes Azim.


           Owned by Stitch         contemporary style, comfort                                          Marketing Strategy
           Fab India Pvt           and impeccable quality,                                              The Odisha market has a
           Ltd, a leading          with trendy apparels and                                             separate colour palette and
 manufacturer and exporter         accessories designed to meet                                         tastes, something which
 of kids and ladies wear,          the lifestyle choices of the                                         retailers take a lot of care
 Appleeye focuses mainly on        young generation.                                                    in catering to – especially
 clothes for infants, toddlers       Appleeye is currently                                              during festive season. This has
 and teenagers. The brand          the leading brand in the                                             worked greatly towards giving
 aims to deliver quality           kidswear industry with more                                          Appleeye an additional sales
 products which are at par         than 8 stores, 2000 MBOs                                             advantage.
 with international standards.     across India and 100 MBOs           7BSVO.PSF "QQMFFZF
                                                                                                           “We have observed that
 Combining the elements of         abroad. Their extensive                                              Odisha is an extremely
 imagination and functionality,    range of products include                                            mature market. People buy
 Appleeye produces high-           T-shirts, shirts, denims, frocks,   for brands which match           what they want and at any
 fashion garments which are        dungarees, leggings, yoga           international standards have     price, as long as they get the
 affordable but are at the same    pants, trousers, jeggings,          been important factors in the    quality they desire. Apart
 time appealing to the young       lounge wear and gowns.              growth of Appleeye in the        from this, marketing strategies
 fashion-conscious mother of                                           Odisha market.                   work tremendously towards
 the Millennial generation.        Market and Growth Rate              “For us, Odisha is a major       bringing in consumers. One
    The latest range of Appleeye   A mature consumer base              market. We have a distributed    of our main strategies is to
 is globally acclaimed for         and a growing demand                network established here.        attract kids with offers and
                                                                       We have nine distributors        freebies they find hard to turn
                                                                       covering more than 400           down,” says More.
                                                                       MBOs in Odisha along with
                                                                       three operational EBOs. We       Expansion Plans
                                                                       have one store each in Forum     The brand is all set to open its
                                                                       Mart and Pal Heights in          fourth exclusive outlet by the
                                                                       Bhubaneswar and one high         end of this month. It is also
                                                                       street store in Berhampur. We    planning on launching two
                                                                       are soon launching another       more stores in Rourkela and
                                                                       store in Jeypore by the end of   Sambalpur around Diwali. It
                                                                       July 2018,” says Varun More,     also plans to expand to the
                                                                       Director, Appleeye.              states of Assam and Bihar.

          Since its inception in   retail space. The chain has         and spending quality time
          August 2002, Baazar      been awarded the “Most              shopping. In short, the game
          Kolkata has been a       Successful Value Retailer in        in the east has completely
 pioneer and part of the Value     East India” by IMAGES Retail        changed and retailers are
 Retail Revolution in Eastern      Awards thrice now.                  leaving no stone un-turned
 India. The brand came into                                            to retain their loyal consumer
 existence 17 years ago and        Market & Growth Rate                base.
 since then has given its          Odisha, as a region has             “Baazar Kolkata has become
 customers variety, innovation     developed immensely in the          a natural choice for masses      "CIJTIFL,IFNLB #BB[BS,PMLBUB
 and quality at affordable         recent times. With access           because of its propositions of
 prices without compromising       to media and the Internet,          value, variety and innovation.   Cuttack, Puri and Sambalpur.
 on service.                       the people here have                Customers in Odisha are          Due to our phenomenal
   The brand is currently          developed unique fashion            a loyal lot. They choose a       growth in Odisha in recent
 available in West Bengal, Uttar   preferences and shopping            retail brand and tend to stick   times, we are planning on
 Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand,        habits. With ever increasing        with their preferred retail      introducing many more stores
 Tripura, Assam and Odisha         disposable incomes, people          destination. Currently, we       in the current financial year,”
 through 55 stores covering        are increasingly coming             have 13 stores in Odisha,        says Abhishek Khemka,
 more than 3,00,000 sq. ft. of     to modern retail formats            mainly in Bhubaneswar,           Director, Baazar Kolkata.


 The Impact of                     happiness to customers.
 Technology                        E-commerce has played a
 Technology has been a great       significant role of a catalyst
 leveler as well as a tool to      in enhancing customer
 stay ahead in the race to         awareness and preferences
 attract and retain the valued     about fashion. Brick-and-
 customer base for Baazar          mortar stores like us have
 Kolkata. “It has enabled          benefitted from increased
 Baazar Kolkata to identify,       awareness of customers
 understand, differentiate,        and the alternate shopping
 pamper and retain the             experience e-commerce has
 valued customers. We are          on offer for them. However,
 deploying technology to           despite this, I feel the ‘touch
 run every aspect of retail        and feel experience cannot
 efficiently, from back-end        be substituted yet,” states
 processes to delivering           Khemka.

            Anand World is         about roping in some of the       us. We also lost some of this
            a first-of-its-kind    best apparel brands in this       growth to new competitors
            world class garments   part of the world including       and e-commerce. We are
 mall in Sambalpur, Odisha.        Zodiac, Louis Philippe,           looking to innovate and
 The three-storey mall today,      Blackberry, Park Avenue,          providing consumers with
 started off as a small 400        Levis, Killer, Woodland,          new experiences and latest
 sq. ft. store in 1984 called      Revlon and adidas,” says          trends to pull up this growth
 Anand Collection. A second        Anand Agarwal, Managing           rate,” adds Agarwal further.
 600 sq. ft. readymade store       Director, Anand World.
 soon followed, and by 2004,                                         Retail Industry
 the brand launched Anand          Growth rate                       The Odisha retail market in      "OBOE"HBSXBM "OBOE8PSME
 World, which covers an area       “The company witnessed a          particular is a conservative
 of around 5,20,000 sq. ft.        very high growth rate of 30       one. Customers want value        offering is of the right quality
 “Anand World became               percent in the beginning          for money – something            at the best possible price,
 the first big retail outlet in    which has unfortunately gone      which has proved to be a         so as to make sure both the
 Sambalpur. The idea was           down to 18 percent mostly         massive challenge for bigger     consumer and the retailer
 to bring Mumbai to our            because of lack of innovation     retail players in the country,   benefit. Also, the supply
 consumers in Sambalpur.           especially since consumer         struggling to understand         chain management needs to
 We wanted to provide the          demands are evolving very         consumer psyche and make         be more organised,”
 best of fashion trends to         fast. The population of           an impact in smaller towns.      says Agarwal.
 our consumers. We hired           Sambalpur is around 2 lakh,       “Our customers are smart
 renowned architects, installed    which means our target            buyers who don’t want to         The Impact of
 the finest art pieces from the    audience is fixed in terms of     compromise on quality. We        Technology
 state into the outlet and set     number, a disadvantage for        need to make sure that the       The outlet management uses
                                                                                                      a software to bar code every
                                                                                                      single product. They maintain
                                                                                                      a database of the previous
                                                                                                      year to monitor sales growth –
                                                                                                      daily, monthly and annually.
                                                                                                         “We use a software to
                                                                                                      analyse sales category-wise.
                                                                                                      We record and use data to
                                                                                                      understand the shopping
                                                                                                      behavior of the consumers.
                                                                                                      We use our software heavily
                                                                                                      for Customer Relationship
                                                                                                      Management,” says Agarwal.


           City Centre Mall is a   that provides uniqueness in       the industry is going
           five-storied shopping   the product. The quality of       through? How do you
           mall complex located    the product is another critical   think to overcome it?
 in Bhubaneswar. Spread over       factor in making the retail       Despite the structural
 a floor area of a 1,20,000 sq.    market successful.                challenges and bureaucratic
 ft, the mall opened to the        Revenue Collections: For a        bottlenecks that the Indian
 public in 2012 and is the         good revenue collection, retail   retail market suffers from,
 largest mall in Sambalpur.        stores need to have an access     global retailers have been
 It houses approximately 50        of good location having           queuing up to enter and
 outlets, including cafeterias,    potential to generate the right   establish their footprint
                                                                                                      ,BOXBS4BOKBZ,VNBS $JUZ$FOUSF
 food courts, restaurants,         clientele. The idea should be     in the market, as they are
 multiplex, parking space          to maintain a spacious and        aware of its potential growth
 and a hypermarket. Kanwar         well planned architecture.        opportunities. Growth has        them strategically. The best
 Sanjay Kumar, Partner,            Thus, location and business at    almost plateaued in most         methods on how to attract
 City Centre Mall, Sambalpur       retail markets are needed in      developed markets, providing     customers and get the most
 talks about how malls are         equal proportion.                 little room for retailers        out of it are as follows;
 changing the fortunes of          Behavioral Pattern:               to drive their business          Respond to the concerns of
 Odisha’s retail market.           Understanding the need and        expansion amid growing           the public for latest products
                                   problems of the consumers         competition across segments.     and information, ability to
 How are malls changing            and to provide favourable         The Indian market being          offer and feedback. Take
 the retail landscape of           customer experience to make       largely underpenetrated,         advantage of personalised
 Odisha?                           the shopping experience           offers significant opportunity   audiences of Digital media
 Accounting for over 10            seamless. The target customer     for growth – especially in       including Facebook, Google+,
 percent of the country’s GDP      can be segmented into hard        segments such as F&B,            Instagram etc. Implement
 and around eight percent of       loyal, shifters and nascent       fashion apparel, and luxury      email marketing campaigns.
 the employment retailing in       customer. A good CRM              goods – due to factors such as   Use contest and discounts
 India is gradually inching its    should be maintained to           an expanding middle class,       to gain clients and use of
 way toward becoming the           retain them.                      rising disposable incomes,       brand ambassadors.
 next boom industry. Today,        Pricing Policy: Retail stores     and a growing appetite for
 the largest firm is not a         usually apply various pricing     international quality goods      How are you integrating
 manufacturing organisation;       strategies like discounts on      and services among Indian        digital and social media
 rather it is a retail firm. The   the printed MRP for they want     consumers.                       to the overall mall
 mall industry in Odisha owes      to offer the best / optimal          The Indian market,            experience?
 its growth to various factors:    assortment of goods and           however, continues to            We have a 3 Step Social Media
 Product Features: It includes     services to attract customers.    face significant challenges      Adoption Plan. First we devise
 brands and flavours focusing                                        to growth in the form of         an appropriate, tactically-
 on customer’s global taste.       What are the challenges           inadequate quality retail        agnostic social media strategy
 To generate a retail market       and bottlenecks which             real estate space, restrictive   , secondly we audit our
                                                                     legislation policies, MRP        current marketing and add
                                                                     constraints, FDI norms           social media ingredients and
                                                                     and othetr infrastructure        thirdly we add new social
                                                                     bottlenecks. These challenges    media programs where
                                                                     tend to impede India’s           necessary.
                                                                     retail story, and restrict the
                                                                     market from attaining its true   Is there a need of smart
                                                                     potential.                       malls in Odisha?
                                                                                                      The future of retail is
                                                                     Tell us about your               Omnichannel. The trend
                                                                     marketing and digital            towards an Omnichannel
                                                                     strategy?                        strategy will certainly enable
                                                                     Obtaining new customers is       us to grow in the business.
                                                                     what keeps every business        It will tap the best of both
                                                                     alive. To achieve this,          worlds and maximise on
                                                                     numerous techniques exist        footfalls in the mall. We are
                                                                     whose effectiveness heavily      working towards becoming
                                                                     depends on implementing          the smartest mall in Odisha.


            Harekrishna Khimji      family heirloom. In the year      disposable incomes, a young
            Jewellers was the       1985 the firm opened its          population who like spending
            brainchild of late      branch in the capital city        on luxuries, jewellery being
 Khimji D Nandha and late           of Odisha.                        increasingly regarded as a
 Harilal D Nandha along with                                          fashion accessory and great
 their brothers. They launched      Brand Value                       marketing by firms. For us,
 their first jewellery shop –       Harekrishna Khimji believes       every sale is an everlasting
 then named Khimji Dayabhai         in enhancing customer             relationship and we believe
 & Brothers Jewellers – at          experience, and offers an         in keeping our customers
 Baripada in 1936.                  extensive jewellery collection,   satisfied by protecting their
                                                                                                              3BIVM/BOEB )BSFLSJTIOB,IJNKJ
    The vision was to give          impeccable after sales service    rights and offering the finest
 their customers jewellery of       and world-class facilities        of products through our
 uncompromising quality and         along with uncompromising         quality conscious efforts,”             jewelry, selling stuff in person
 craftsmanship. This legacy         dedication to personal            he adds, explaining the                 has an obvious appeal,”
 of unapologetically putting        attention offer a remarkable      paradigm shift from a seller            says Nanda.
 the customer first continues       service experience to             to buy market in the jewellery
 till date. Ethics were passed      customers.                        segment.                                Technology
 on through generations as a          “Consumers have started                                                 Technology has advanced by
                                    shifting towards branded          Jewellery Trend                         leaps and bounds, marking
                                    jewellers, which offer higher     HarekrishnaKhimji provides              its presence in the everyday
                                    quality and saves them from       both modern and traditional             aspects of our lives and it has
                                    raw deals. The emergence of       designs. The brand also                 also made its way to jewellery
                                    jewellery retail chains provide   customizes gold, platinum               businesses.
                                    customers with convenience        and diamond studded                        “Trendy designs, increased
                                    and assurance of quality. The     jewelry, which is very popular          availability, and overall
                                    organised gems and jewellery      among consumers.                        access has brought a fresh
                                    sector is expected to progress      “We aim to increase                   excitement in our jewelry
                                    with a good pace in near          awareness and draw                      stores. Traditional retailers
                                    future,” says Rahul Nanda,        customers in a realm where              like us are using social media
                                    Director, Harekrishna             the retail options aren’t               as a platform to connect and
                                    Khimji Jewellers.                 infinite or influenced. And             share our ideas with our
                                      “The key drivers for the        for purveyors of tactile                customers,” concludes Nanda.
                                    industry growth are rising        and personal products like

            Baazar Style Retail     retail formats, we unite                                                  demand and leverage on
            Pvt. Ltd. operates in   a diverse community of                                                    that Baazar Style Retail Pvt.
            the retail business     Indian buyers, sellers and                                                Ltd. wishes to make available
 segment under the brand            businesses. Customers walk                                                quality product at the right
 names Style Baazar and             into our stores and choose                                                price in every store. Our USP
 Express Baazar. With an            products and services                                                     remains value for money for
 aim to solve issues faced          supplied by small, medium                                                 Indian Customers. We have
 by regular shoppers to get         and large entrepreneurs                                                   aligned our business practices
 fashionable and trendy             and manufacturers across                                                  to the larger objective of being
 clothes at affordable prices,      India. Our supplies come          4ISFZBOT4VSBOB #BB[BS4UZMF3FUBJM   a premier catalyst in India’s
 the first outlet came into         from enterprises from new         1WU-UE                               consumption-led growth
 existence at Berhampore            categories and our strategy is                                            story,” he adds.
 in West Bengal in                  based on an understanding         fostering mutual growth,”
 September 2013.                    of the Indian Consumers, the      says Shreyans Surana,                   Market and Growth Rate
                                    products they want, creating      Director, Baazar Style                  Currently Style Bazaar has
 Brand Value                        fresh employment, impacting       Retail Pvt. Ltd.                        retail outlets in Rourkela,
 “Being one of the retail           livelihoods, empowering             “Modern Retail is                     Angul, Dhenkanal, Balangir
 pioneers with multiple             local communities and             intended to drive fresh                 and Bargarh. By the end of


                                                                     Therefore, being a pioneer         latest trends in the market.
                                                                     in this segment, the brand         We have a very strong
                                                                     is planning an aggressive          vendor base which helps
                                                                     expansion in Odisha in near        us in delivering products to
                                                                     future,” says Surana.              our customers. Responding
                                                                                                        to the changing needs and
                                                                     Fashion Trends                     expectations of customers,
                                                                     There was a time when              providing smart shopping
                                                                     fashion items were being           experience with maximum
                                                                     purchased as and when              return and value for
                                                                     required. Now-a-days,              money is our key strategy,”
                                                                     fashion clothing is more than      explains Surana.
                                                                     a basic need; it is a reflection      “We are targeting more
                                                                     of aspiration, personality,        of rural areas and relevant
 FY 2019-2020, the brand is       thereby creating a good            and one of the biggest status      customers there, it provides
 expecting around 20 outlets of   market for them. Tier II & III     symbols. With Odisha’s large       a lot of scope of expansion
 Style Baazar in Odisha.          cities in Odisha are witnessing    young population and high          in the future as a wide area is
   “The market is a huge          a paradigm shift in consumer       domestic consumption,              yet to be discovered. Hence,
 potential market for value       preferences and lifestyle. As a    the trends for the sector          we have a greater scope of
 segment products. Moreover,      result of which, a lot of retail   look favourable.                   expansion than bigger brands,
 90 percent of the total          chains are coming to Odisha          “We are a retail chain           as we are identifying new
 population in Odisha aspire to   from across India giving           procuring garments from            areas with decent purchasing
 buy value segment products       the buyers more options.           across India. We follow the        power,” he concludes.

            Citylife Retail       percent. Sales contribution        17 percent and rest is still
            Private Limited       from Odisha is around double       managed by high street. It’s
            came into existence   digit in our total top-line. For   a very good market for us,”
 in 2011 with an aim to           Citylife, apparel produces         says Subas Pradhan, Chief
 provide a higher lifestyle       the maximum sale, rounding         Finance Officer, Citylife
 and fashionable styles to the    up to 85-90 percent of our         Retail.
 people living in rural and       total business. We have all           “The fundamental has
 semi-urban areas. The brand      our stores in high-street. The     changed as far as retail is
 has a strong presence in Tier    online count in our industry       concerned from being seller-       4VCBT1SBEIBO $JUZMJGF3FUBJM
 II, III & IV cities.             is approximately around            led to being buyer-led. Now,
    Currently, they have 91       7-8 percent, malls have 15-        the buyer has many options to      Pradhan says, “Technology
 operational retail outlets                                          choose from – there are a lot      plays a pivotal role in our
 spanning across 9 lakh sq. ft.                                      of competitors. Latest fashion     business. E-commerce is
 in nine states of the East and                                      and value for money product,       impacting brick-and-mortar
 North- East.                                                        better shopping experience,        businesses in Tier I & II cities.
                                                                     hassle free billing is also          However, we provide
 Growth Rate in Odisha                                               drivers for shift in paradigm.     them with the touch and
 Market                                                              We buy the product from the        feel factor. When we look at
 Citylife has 13 stores in                                           manufacturer and replenish         our consumer, more than 90
 Odisha and they are opening                                         it based on the demand in a        percent of them would like to
 three more in the next six                                          time period of 30 to 45 days.      buy the product after feeling
 months.                                                             In our case, our customer is       or touching the same, hence
   “We are very positive about                                       more focus on price point          there is a very small impact of
 Odisha. It is in growing state                                      which will discount the latest     online in our business model.
 due to its natural resources                                        fashion to some extent,”           We have developed an app
 and geographical presence.                                          says Pradhan.                      for consumers which updates
 Stable politics is also having                                                                         them on our latest products
 an added advantage as far                                           The Impact of Technology           and offers by sending them
 as that region is concerned.                                        Explaining the benefits of         notifications,” he concludes.
 Our SSG is around 18-20                                             Technology on their business,


           Since its launch       Growth Rate                      EBOs in the region, which
           in 2000, Panda         Talking about the market         means more competition. The
           Lifestyle, has been    growth rate of Gobinda           presence of stores every half a
 a leading apparel showroom       Panda,Director, Panda            kilometer reduces footfalls in
 in Bhubaneswar. Apart from       Lifestyle says, “We have         bigger stores. Added to this is
 garments, Panda Lifestyle        witnessed a growth rate of       the mall culture, so the same
 also has a footwear collection   18 percent in the past, but      sale rate is distributed among
 as well. The store features      this has slowed down to 10       all retailers.”
 major brands including           percent recently. The prime
 Louis Philippe, Allen Solly,     reason for this decline has      The Eastern Market                  (PCJOEB1BOEB 1BOEB-JGFTUZMF
 Raymond and Park Avenue to       been a fixed population rate     Explaining the paradigm shift
 name a few.                      and the opening of more          from seller to buyer, Panda         factories and manufacturing
                                                                   explains, “Bhubaneswar is           units in the state, but now
                                                                   the main market. However,           there are companies and
                                                                   the demand for brand names          retailers who are expanding
                                                                   is not high since consumer          their manufacturing units in
                                                                   income is not very high.            the region,” says Panda.
                                                                   There is a need to categorise         Panda Lifestyles brings
                                                                   customers as per the store          fashion trends which are
                                                                   requirement – mainly size           popular in Mumbai and
                                                                   and number of products.             Delhi to the people of Odisha.
                                                                   We, being a premium store,          “We are regularly in touch
                                                                   are solely dependent on             with consumers through
                                                                   consumers with good income.         text messages, keeping them
                                                                   The Odisha market too is in         updated with new offers in-
                                                                   nascent stages. It is growing       store. We are also very active
                                                                   slowly. Earlier we didn’t have      on Facebook,” says Panda.

            Into the third        Market and Growth Rate                                               proposition, competition
            generation of the     As the retail industry has                                           from e-commerce does not
            business, Sridurga    evolved so have customer                                             worry us much,” he adds.
 Retail Private Ltd., has a       buying patterns. The aim of
 legacy spanning seven            the brand is to keep up with                                         The Impact of
 decades. Started by Late         the consumer, rather than                                            Technology
 KSN Murty in Berhampur           selling products and so the                                          “We have adopted a
 the brand now has total          idea is to enhance consumer                                          great software to help
 retail space of 25,000           experience so much that they                                         us forward our retail
 sq. ft. and an additional        want to come back.                                                   business, HR & CRM. We
 warehouse space of 1,000         “Due to the high penetration     ,5JSVNBM,VNBS 4SJEVSHB3FUBJM   go and attend different
 sq. ft. over Berhampur and       of Internet, the customer        1WU-UE                            conclaves and exhibitions
 Bhubaneswar.                     today is more educated and                                           all over India and abroad to
    The brand opened its          knows the product before s/he      “The products that we sell        understand and enhance
 second store seven years         comes to the store. We make      are mostly limited edition          our own knowledge
 ago in Bhubaneswar and           sure we provide them with a      and hence, creation and             and implementation of
 is on the verge of opening       personal, human touch. Ours      differentiation is the USP          technology in our stores. In
 a boutique store in a mall       has always been a buyer-led      for our stores. We have a           addition to changing fashion
 soon. Sridurga is a complete     market but we have finally       growth rate of 22 percent           we have to keep up with the
 family store catering to a       learned to exploit it with the   on a yearly basis. Ours is          changing display pattern,
 middle, upper middle class       help of technology, a lot of     a destination store and so          lighting, visuals etc. to give
 audience. It specialises in      R&D and data analysis,” says     customers have to feel the          customers a rich experience
 menswear, womenswear and         K Tirumal Kumar, Director,       workmanship to buy. Since           and we use technology as an
 kidswear.                        Sridurga Retail Pvt Ltd.         we have a unique selling            aid,” concludes Kumar.


           Suncity Fashions        innovative collections in                                             concepts may not align with
           Bhubaneswar             denims, linen, festive wear,                                          the customer expectations of
           operates three Peter    Indies kurtas, accessories, and                                       the town. At Peter England,
 England stores and one store      more.                                                                 we strive to balance MRP
 each of Planet Fashion and                                                                              and product taste to meet
 US Polo. Apart from this,         Market & Growth Rate                                                  the customer requirements
 they are also the distributers    Peter England has 28                                                  through special ranges
 of Indian Terrain and Spykar      exclusive stores in 16 districts                                      for small towns only,” he
 chains of Odisha.                 and deals with over 200 multi-                                        further adds.
    Peter England has been         brand outlets and is expected
 listed in the top 5 Most          to grow at 10 percent in FY19.     #JOPE"HBSXBM 4VODJUZ'BTIJPOT    Impact of Technology
 Trusted Brands in the               “With the advent of social                                          “Technological developments
 Apparel Category for seven        media, the consumer today          Cuttack. At Peter England,         have served to be quite
 consecutive years. Peter          perceives apparel has a            we strive to design products       favourable for the industry.
 England offers apparel            medium of self-expression.         that cater to the customer’s       It has generated new selling
 that caters to every fashion      The ability and desire to adapt    growing needs. Our ‘Perform’       channels and not only created
 occasion of a young               more trends has resulted           range of athleisure wear           brand awareness but has also
 professional’s life. With a       in consumers directing             has been special designed          allowed measurement of the
 strong foothold in formal and     the sellers and this has           keeping the trendy but             impact of campaigns in a
 causal menswear segments,         been quite evident in key          comfortable sportswear into        more scientific manner,” says
 Peter England also offers         markets of Bhubaneswar and         consideration,” says Binod         Agarwal.
                                                                      Agarwal, Director, Suncity            “Technology also brings us
                                                                      Fashions.                          one step closer to the concept
                                                                        “Rather than failure,            of Omnichannel, the platform
                                                                      absence of national brands         where customer can preview
                                                                      in smaller towns can be            the product in one channel
                                                                      understood as lack of              and purchase through
                                                                      penetration due to MRP             another channel. ABFRL has
                                                                      expectation mismatch. In           created an intricate platform
                                                                      several towns in Odisha,           for effectively implementing
                                                                      there is persistent demand         Omnichannel which will
                                                                      for products within `1000          make purchasing easier &
                                                                      MRP. Factors like fabric feel,     less hassling for customers,”
                                                                      product design and brand           he concludes.

            Utkal Galleria in      enhance the footfalls of           equates to a trade density of
            Bhubaneswar is one     the mall.                          almost ` 3,500 per sq. ft. which
            of the largest malls                                      is far higher than what they
 in the city and a complete        Malls: Changing Retail             generally clock in the other
 family entertainment centre,      landscape of Odisha                parts of the country. Utkal
 covering over 1,80,000            In Bhubaneswar, the retail         Galleria, with its strategic
 (GLA) sq. ft. in area. The best   growth has mushroomed              location in the heart of the
 place for shopping, eating        primarily on one high              city offers great shopping
 and leisure activities, it has    street, popularly called           and entertainment options to       4IBSBE#BJE 6ULBM#VJMEFST-UE
 a great mix of retail stores      ‘Janpath’. Retail industry         the customers,” says Sharad
 of all premium brands.            in Bhubaneswar has seen            Baid, Managing Director,           FCUK, Mac, Forest Essentials,
 The mall offers all sorts of      exponential growth in the last     Utkal Builders Ltd.                Ethos, Apple, Cover Story,
 facilities including parking,     10 years. Stand-alone stores                                          Rosso Brunelo, Da Milano,
 a lift system, power back-up,     are clocking in a sale of `100     Major Attractions                  Danniele Wellington, Vero
 central air conditioning and      crores per annum from a mere       The anchor brands in the           Moda, Jack & Jones, ONLY,
 an electronic security system.    30,000 sq. ft. of four storied     mall include Shoppers Stop         Selected, Time-Zone, ALL,
 All these services have helped    stand-alone space. This            and PVR, along with Lacoste,       Park Avenue, Colour Plus,


W, BIBA, Reliance Trends,          gaming zone. The third floor      cuisines are available. The       roaming, so patrons can
Samsonite and Solfege.             of the mall is dedicated to       mall is planning to tie up        enjoy high speed internet
  Besides this, Australian         F&B and entertainment.            with a restaurant operator        when they step into the mall.
gaming giant Time Zone is          Burger King and Dominos           for Continental and               DLNA based networked
also coming up in the mall         along with other food             Mediterranean cuisines soon.      streaming of Advertisements
with 4,000 sq. ft. of high tech    operators and 10 different                                          in Large Format Displays
                                                                     The Impact of                     using media servers across
                                                                     Technology                        the mall in 20 locations and
                                                                     Some of the extensive             iBMS – Intelligent Building
                                                                     technological advance             Management System for
                                                                     features done by the mall         automation of HVAC,
                                                                     to make the shopping mall         Electrical & Security Systems
                                                                     sustainable in future are         by L&T. Concept of Uniform
                                                                     as follows. All shops are         Acoustic Distribution Music
                                                                     connected with Fibre to           System for the entire Mall
                                                                     avail services of High Speed      – So that there is uniform
                                                                     Voice & Data – Fibre Optic        background music in all the
                                                                     Ready. The mall has been          locations of the mall.
                                                                     WI-FI enabled, with seamless

          DN Regalia Mall is       is on brand mix, exclusivity,     some good Shopping Malls.
          a most promising         space and aesthetics.             Bhubaneswar alone has 4 to 5
          retail destination                                         malls ranging from 2 to 4 lacs
in Patrapada, Bhubaneswar.         Malls: Changing Retail            sq. ft of GLA which will open
Spread across 2,50,000 sq.         landscape of Odisha               their doors for a superior
ft. with 2 levels of dedicated     In cities like Bhubaneswar,       shopping experience by this
fashion, lifestyle shops,          Cuttack, Rourkela, Sambalpur,     year end. DN Regalia will
restaurants and cafes along        Puri etc the consumers have       be hosting some of the first
with a reputed Hypermarket,        become brand conscious            comers to the state of Odisha,”
the mall will be a complete        over a period of time and the     says Jagadish Prasad Naik,        +BHBEJTI1SBTBE/BJL -JGFMJOF
shopping experience for            rise in disposable incomes        Managing Director, Lifeline       .VMUJWFOUVSFT1SJWBUF-UE
both locals as well as tourists.   has given boost to shopping       Multiventures Private Ltd.
The Mall will have a mix of        habits. “So far people have                                         a 450 seater food court spread
national, international and        been exposed to only high-        Major Attractions                 over 15,000 sq.ft with 13 food
regional brands for customers      streets and commercial            DN Regalia has Inox as their      outlets and 4 kiosks to cater to
who seek the finer things          complexes which don’t have        multiplex partner, Big Bazaar     various taste buds.
in life. DN Regalia Mall will      all the ingredients of a proper   as hypermarket while Splash,
offer a unique shopping            shopping mall. However, the       Max, Zudio & Easy Buy as          The Impact of
experience where the accent        state is now gearing up to host   anchors/mini anchors. These       Technology
                                                                     brands will soon commence         We are planning to have a
                                                                     their fit-outs in the coming      dedicated app for the mall,
                                                                     month and to ensure smooth        cashless and digital parking
                                                                     and timely fit-outs. Beyond       management system,
                                                                     Square feet is doing leasing      digital mall directory, digital
                                                                     management for the mall.          signages etc. Our mall
                                                                     The brand is also roping in       will give special focus on
                                                                     key Family Entertainment          customer convenience and
                                                                     players with bowling lanes, a     shall have services like; free
                                                                     separate toys concept, Virtual    Wi-Fi, valet parking, ATMs,
                                                                     Reality concept, Scary House      baby changing, wheelchair
                                                                     type of concept, etc. Once        accessibility throughout the
                                                                     the mall is operational they      mall, dedicated parking for
                                                                     will also add outdoor gaming      women and differently abled,”
                                                                     zones. The mall will also have    added Naik.

                                                                                                                 JULY 2018 | IMAGES RETAIL | 95

                splanade One,
                owned by
                Nexus Malls,
                which became
                operational in
                July 2018 is all
 set to become the biggest
 mall of the Bhubaneswar
 region. The site is well
 connected by different modes
 of transportation and is in
 close proximity of various
 civic utilities. Esplanade One
 is precisely designed and has
 the composite brand mix
 encompassing all facets of
 shopping, entertainment and
 food under one roof which
 will revolutionise retail of
 Odisha as a whole. Spread
 over 4.5 lakhs of retail space,
 Esplanade One Mall will
 house over 100 top national        Esplanade One, Aims to
 and international brands and
 a state of the art multiplex.      Revolutionise Odisha’s Mall Culture
                                   – By Sandeep Kumar
                                   With the government’s thrust on making Odisha a hub for retail, fashion and
                                   entertainment, cities like Bhubaneswar are set to witness a huge influx of malls
                                   for Millennials, with Esplanade One leading the way...

                                   With the government’s            the nearby cities. It is also very   to spend their leisure time.
                                   thrust on making Odisha, a       close to Janpath, a prominent        The more time that they spend
                                   hub for education and skill      area in Bhubaneswar.                 at the mall, the more likely
    In an exclusive interview,     development of youth, the                                             they are to spend at the asset.
 Jayen Naik, Senior Vice           cities like Bhubaneswar          Marketing Strategy:                     For the retailers on the other
 President, Operations and         are seeing a huge influx of      In my opinion, the success of        hand, it is important that they
 Projects, Nexus Malls, reveals    youth coming for education       an asset hugely depends on           keep getting footfalls and
 all there is to know about        and training. Coupled            two things                           repeat customers to the mall.
 Esplanade One.                    with the investment by the          Retailers’ satisfaction           When the event and activities
                                   IT sector, Bhubaneswar              Customer satisfaction             are planned at the mall, the
 Location Strategy: Why            is fast becoming a city of                                            owners need to ensure that
 Bhubaneswar?                      opportunities. This obviously    Both of them play a very             retailers are roped in as active
 “Nexus Malls bought               has led to increased             critical role in determining         partners.
 Esplanade One from the            awareness and demand for         what that asset would mean
 Forum Group in early              international brands, novel      to not just the immediate            What makes Nexus
 2018. Before making the           ways of entertainment and        catchment, but for the city in       Special: USP
 acquisition in Bhubaneswar,       desire to try out new cuisines   general. Besides shopping,           Over the last 18 months at
 we did a lot of research work.    and food options.                customers always look for a          Nexus Malls, we have upped
 The outcome of research              Location plays a very         new reason to spend time at          our game in terms of the
 was very overwhelming.            important role in determining    any given place. As malls, the       experience that we want to
 We came to know that the          the success of the mall.         onus is on us to give them that      deliver to our patrons. We
 aspirations and desires of        Esplanade One is located in      reason to come to us, spend          have conceptualised and
 the people of Odisha have         Rasulgarh, near the Cuttack-     more time and become the             executed several digital
 been evolving at rapid pace       Puri Highway and is easily       destination of choice for them       innovations at the mall and
 in the last five years or so.     accessible for people from all   when they are planning how           those were very well received

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