
E-sport's moving into
the big leagues
A business study of the e-sport market
in Hungary and the V4 countries
Introduction                    Market overview                                          Market analysis
                                E-sports, virtual sports games, fantasy sports           Participants and cash flows
                                The origins of e-sports                                  Revenue sources in the e-sports
                                International organisations and competitions             market
                                E-sports in Hungary

03                              04                                                       07
Social listening analysis of the Hungarian                                       The relationship between
and regional consumer environment                                                traditional sports and
Statistical results of the V4 nations
Central topics in Hungary                                                        The relationship between traditional
Content in the Czech and Slovak languages                                        sports and e-sports
Polish content                                                                   Traditional sports clubs in e-sports
Perception of e-sports in the V4 countries                                       Should e-sports be treated as sports?

13                                                                               20
Challenges                               The economic and                                   Future vision of
The loot box problem
                                         social impacts of                                  the development
Cheating                                 e-sports                                           of e-sports
Protecting the physical and              Economic impacts
mental health of young people
                                         Social impacts

25                                       26                                                 29
E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries | 3

One result of the digitalisation of today’s
culture is that many things around us,
including sports, are being redefined. The
growth of e-sports is dictating a faster tempo
than any other branch of sport, or indeed any
other sector within the leisure industry.
What kind of economic structure underlies
the development? Who is profiting from the
growth in the sector? How can companies
participate as investors or sponsors? These
are the questions we set out to answer in this
4 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

Market overview
E-sports, virtual sports games, fantasy sports
According to the most widely accepted            According to research by eNet, in                 With fantasy sport, the players can
definition, electronic sports, otherwise         Hungary the most popular games played             assemble their own dream teams
known as e-sports, is where professional         as e-sports are Counter Strike: Global            consisting of players who exist in real
players pit themselves against each other        Offensive (CS:GO, FPS), League of                 life. The result achieved by the team is
in organised, competitive video game             Legends (LoL, MOBA), and Hearthstone              based on the outcome of the real-life
tournaments. It is important to                  (online collectible card game).                   players’ performance in real
emphasise that all three criteria have to                                                          competitions. The best-known fantasy
be met in order to fit the definition of         E-sports should not be conflated with             sport, NFL Fantasy Football, has
e-sports. Gaming at home, as a hobby, is         virtual sport and fantasy sport. Virtual          spawned a whole industry in the United
not considered to be e-sports.                   sport is where the outcome of the game is         States, with fantasy consultants and
                                                 determined by a random combination of             television programmes. The main
The video games that are most                    computer-based algorithms; viewers can            difference between this and virtual sport
commonly encountered in relation to              follow the game in the form of broadcasts         is that fantasy sport is a social pastime.
e-sports are real-time strategy, fighting,       transmitted via an electronic platform.           The players create separate leagues
first-person shooter (FPS), and                  The most common virtual games are                 within their group of friends, and play
multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)           virtual football, horse racing and                against each other throughout the NFL
type games. Also popular are the                 motorcycle racing, where fans can place           season.
video-game versions of classic sports,           bets in line with the traditional sports
such as football or motor racing games.          betting model.

Figure 1
Types of e-sport game with examples

 Real-time Strategy       Fighting                First-Person            Multiplayer              Classic Sports       Other - Hybrid
                                                  Shooter                 Online Battle Arena

Source: PwC Hungary survey
E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries | 5

The origins of e-sports
E-sports tournaments have existed for          E-sports as we know it today were born
more than 40 years now. The first virtual      in the ‘90s. This was when it became
encounter was played in 1972 with a            technically possible for players not only
game called Spacewar. The US home              to play against the computer, or “bot”,
electronics company Atari organised a          but also to compete directly against each
video game competition in 1980, with           other.
more than 10,000 participants.

International organisations and competitions
To understand the complex structure of         Unlike football, however, e-sports do not         The decentralised organisational
e-sports, the individual elements of the       have a global governing body. Instead,            structure means that several teams can
traditional world of sport may serve as a      various national and international                compete simultaneously in numerous
useful analogy. In the world of                associations operate in parallel with each        tournaments and leagues, usually in a
traditional sports, the major clubs like FC    other. The oldest and largest e-sports            knock-out system, in parallel with each
Barcelona, for example, do not limit           organisation in the world is the ESL              other. The producers of the games
themselves to operating in a single            (Electronic Sports League), which runs            themselves are often present as
branch of sport, but are also active in the    competitions worldwide. The Cologne-              organisers at these events. This is related
fields of football, handball or basketball.    based organisation maintains 11 offices           to the fact that the publishers have
This is also the case for some of the teams    and several international TV studios              intellectual property rights in the case of
in e-sports, who enter various team            around the world. Another recognised              every game, so nobody can organise a
members in various games. A good               international organisation is the                 competition without permission from the
example of this is Fnatic from the United      International e-Sports Federation (IeSF),         publisher concerned. One of the most
Kingdom, or SK Telecom from South              founded in 2008, which currently has              influential actors in the international
Korea. Other teams, on the other hand,         some 50 member states in five                     e-sports industry is the US games
concentrate exclusively on a single game,      continents.                                       developer Riot Games, which produces
only taking part in League of Legends                                                            League of Legends, among others, and is
competitions, for example.                                                                       also responsible for organising the
                                                                                                 League of Legends Championship Series
                                                                                                 (LCS). Its competitor Valve, which
                                                                                                 produces Counter-Strike and Dota 2,
                                                                                                 organises the major competition known
                                                                                                 as The International, where most
                                                                                                 recently it was possible to compete for a
                                                                                                 prize of over USD 24 million.
6 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

E-sports in Hungary
The local precursor to e-sports was aired        The “One Million for Hungarian e-sports”          In an interview Balázs Biró (founder of
in Hungary between 1990 and 1993 in              movement (or E-sportmilla for short) was          E-sport1.hu, president of the One Million
the form of the TV programme ‘Elektor            launched in 2013 at the initiative of             for Hungarian E-sports Association, and
Kalandor’ presented by household name            gaming enthusiasts, and has operated as           chief organiser of the V4 Future Sports
Tibor Dévényi, in which callers played           an association since 2017. The                    Festival), said that the purpose of the
Super Mario on an NES (Nintendo                  Association has received HUF 2 billion            initiative is to educate society and lobby
Entertainment System) console, using             (USD 7,2 M) in support for development            for the recognition of e-sports as an
the buttons on their telephone keypads.          of the industry. Also in 2017, the                official branch of sport, and to put in
In contrast to this, in response to global       Hungarian e-Sports Federation was                 place the organisational frameworks for
trends, securing Hungary’s place on the          established, and since then it has                e-sports in Hungary. He considers the
e-sports map is now a national strategic         commenced the process of joining the              latter to be essential to strengthen the
objective.                                       International e-Sports Federation.                confidence of sponsors and competition
                                                                                                   organisers in e-sports, thus unlocking its
                                                                                                   full potential.
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Market analysis

Participants and cash flows
All the participants in e-sports have their       publishers, which is why their role within        influencers – these will be discussed in
own sources of revenue. The ecosystem is          the ecosystem is key. Access to e-sports          the chapter on Sponsorship and
driven by the gamers, the teams                   via the broadcasting of content                   Advertising – and betting offices,
organised around them, the tournaments            (competitions, game streams,                      promote the growth of the e-sports
at which the teams compete, and the               commentary) is provided to audiences by           market, an arrangement that is
audience. Naturally, the games                    what are known as platforms such as               ultimately beneficial to all concerned.
themselves are developed, and the right           Twitch.tv and YouTube. The other
to hold competitions is sold by the               participants, such as sponsors,

Figure 2
The e-sport ecosystem

                       Sponsor                                                                                                  Platform

                            Sponsorship and membership fees                                                                   Broadcasting
                            Profit share (on main events)
                                                       Financial reward                   Pay

                                         Competition                         Team                   Gamer                    Broadcasting

                        Influencer              Competition entry fees


                                                                  Professional e-sport                                         Association
                            Community funding
                            Product and ticket sales                                                        Rights

      Betting                e-sport
                                                                  In-game transactions                                         Publishers
       office              community
                                                                    Premium content
                Bets, winnings

Source: PwC Germany, PwC Hungary
8 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

Figure 3
Examples of participants

                      Sponsor              Platforms            Competitions         Influencers           Teams             Betting



Source: PwC Hungary

Revenue sources in the e-sports market
In Newzoo’s estimate, based on brand              The most important e-sports markets                a relatively minor degree of market
investments, in 2017 e-sports had grown           continue to be the United States, South            saturation has been observed recently,
to become a USD 655 million dollar                Korea, China, and Germany. In South                and thus since 2015 the United States has
industry globally, and in 2018 this will          Korea, where e-sports has enjoyed great            taken South Korea’s place as the world’s
expand by a further 38.2% ($906 M), and           popularity for far longer than elsewhere,          largest e-sports market.
go on to top USD 1.5 billion in 2020.
Newzoo has identified five main
                                                  Figure 4
categories of revenue source. Sponsorship
                                                  Global distribution of e-sport revenue in 2018
and advertising have the biggest slice, at
almost 60% of overall revenues. This is
followed by media rights with almost                                          Merchandise &
                                                                               Ticket Sales
20%, then by games publishers’ royalties
and merchandising and ticket sales,                                            $95,5M
which have almost equal shares.                                                   +16,2%

The Hungarian e-sports market is small                          Game
for the time being, but is growing                         Publishers’ Fees
dynamically. Specific data relating to the                 $116,3M             13%
size of the e-sports market is not                              +11,0%                        2018 total                   Sponsorship
available, but the size of the domestic                                                    $906M                     40%   $359,4M
video games market gives a good                                                                                              +53,2%
approximation. In a 2017 survey, eNet
                                                                                            year on year
estimated the size of Hungary’s video                                           18%
games market at USD 109 million. This                          Media Rights
amount was calculated on the basis of                        $160,7M
transactions conducted in the following                           +72,1%                           19%
three categories: in-game purchases,
hardware and game software purchases.                                                        Advertising
In 2016 this figure was around half the                                                    $173,8M
currently estimated value. This rate of                                                          +23,8%
growth permits us to conclude that
e-sports is increasingly of interest not
only to sponsors, but also to investors.         Source: Newzoo
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Sponsorship and advertising

The most important source of revenue – at
approximately USD 359.4 million based on
                                                         In our team, HellRaisers,
preliminary estimates – is sponsorship,                  approaching the sponsors in
where a segment growth of 53.2% is                       person is not allowed. Only
expected. The sponsors support individual                team-level agreements are
teams as readily as they do the large-scale              permitted. This is one of the
events, such as the ESL One, or the V4 Future            reasons I don’t stream very
Sports Festival, which recently debuted in               much, because it’s not expected
Budapest. The companies providing the most               of me. Incidentally, it’s mainly
financial support are usually companies that             in the USA that teams tend to be
distribute gaming devices: for example, Intel,           more permissive when it comes
Asus, Samsung, Alienware, Logitech,                      to personal brand building.”
NeedforSEAT, Noblechairs, Razor or Nitrado.
                                                                    Böröcz „DeadFox” Bence,
In Hungary, in addition to the Digital Welfare
                                                                            Top CS:GO player
Program, Magyar Telekom is listed as a
primary sponsor.

  Possible directions for sponsorship:

    Sponsorship of individuals                       Sponsorship of teams                           Sponsorship of events
    One of the strategic directions that we see      Sponsoring a team can carry the greatest       Sponsoring a particular event is a safer
    emerging is where economic actors commit         risk for the sponsor, as the composition of    option, but the cost implications are also
    to backing individual influencers                the team, and thus the results it achieves,    greater.
    (commentators, gamers, ex-gamers, social         can change extremely rapidly. Due to the
    media celebrities) who are trusted by            exceptionally rapid pace of growth in the
    Generation Z, as a means of getting close to     industry, however, sponsoring a winning
    the members of this cohort and remaining         team can bring outstandingly high returns
    relevant to them.                                for sponsors.

E-sports consumers and their interests             without a direct connection to e-sports          In this light, it is hardly surprising that
are clearly definable. Maintaining a               among the sponsors. This is also                 the revenues from advertising space sold
presence through e-sports represents an            demonstrated by the fact that over 600           during online streaming are in second
exceptionally efficient channel for the            sponsorship agreements were made from            place among the major sources of
marketing activity of the brands that              2016 to mid-2017, with more than 100 of          revenue. In 2017 these amounted to USD
target them. It is precisely this group that       these being what are known as non-               140.4 million – a growth of 23.8% year
is very difficult to reach using traditional       endemic brands. The telecommunication            on year – which considerably exceeded
methods, because they do not watch                 sector (Vodafone, T-Mobile, SK Telecom),         the rate of growth in the revenues of this
television and use ad blockers for                 for example, sees e-sports as a potential        kind in traditional branches of sport.
filtering out simple online                        goldmine, but investors are also arriving
advertisements. For this reason, it is             from the automotive industry, FMCG
increasingly common to find brands                 industry, body care and financial sectors.
10 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

According to some sources, at this year’s
                                                  Figure 5
Intel Extreme Masters championship and
                                                  Approximate number of sponsorship agreements made from 2016 to mid-2017,
expo, the total value of advertisement
                                                  by sector
sales may have been as high as USD 27
million. The event had a total of
approximately 169,000 visitors during                                                      Online media
the five days, in addition to the millions
of online viewers, so the non-endemic
                                                                  Non-alcoholic drinks     40
brands brought multitudes of their                                               50
product ideas to the event in order to find
out how they can connect more                                Online services
effectively with the fans of e-sports. The
holding of physical events, therefore,                                  60
                                                                                               Total                  IT/Computer
could be an important building block for
the sector’s development. Large-scale                                                        610                      360
events however, require the appropriate
infrastructure. Accordingly – in Hungary
too – the development of sports facilities                              Retail
and Internet access could have a                                        100
beneficial effect on the industry, because
the availability of a good-quality venue at
an affordable price could attract global
events to our country.                            Source: Nielsen Market Intelligence

   Gillette entered the e-sports market in 2017 by concluding a
   global partnership agreement with ESL to become a
   sponsor of the Intel Extreme Masters world
   championship in Katowice, Poland.

                                                     “Young men are increasingly difficult to reach via traditional channels,
                                                     so we could not neglect the upcoming generation, present en-masse in
                                                     e-sports. Gillette’s entry to the market was preceded by a major survey,
                                                     as we had to step out of our tried and tested processes. Due to the
                                                     exceptionally broad international access, national or regional
                                                     approach is no longer relevant. We had to understand how e-sports
                                                     consumers think and communicate, what is important for them, and
                                                     what brands they listen to. Relevance and humility were important in
                                                     order to gain the community’s acceptance, as gaming culture is very
                                                     closed. In this scene, the members of the community actively and
                                                     assertively make it known if they don’t like something. This is where the
                                                     greatest risk of market entry lies: if you get it wrong, you could kill off
                                                     your brand for a whole generation. Gillette has received very positive
                                                     feedback so far, so I can say that we will continue to maintain a
                                                     presence in this sector going forwards.”
                                                                                                                           András Papp
                                                                                                   Gillette Brand Communications Leader,
                                                                                                         EIMEA region at Procter & Gamble
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Revenues from media                           Spending by e-sports fans, incidentally,
rights, game publishers’                      is currently significantly lower than that
                                              of the fans of other sports. By way of
fees, merchandise and
                                              comparison: while an average e-sports
ticket sales                                  fan’s spending on e-sports in 2017 was
                                              USD 3.6 (HUF 1000) in the United
The game publishers’ fees listed by           States, the average spent on
Newzoo (estimated at USD 116.3                conventional sports, taking all sports
million, or HUF 31.8 billion, for 2018)       into account, was USD 54 (HUF 14,800)
represent publisher expenditures on the       per annum. We assume that the
organisation of e-sports events that go to    spending of e-sports fans will creep
independent partners, or what are             upwards as the years pass, just as it has
known as white label organisers. This         done in the case of the traditional sports.
sum does not include the fees for events      One reason for this could be that, as the
the publishers organise themselves.           market matures, a growing number of
                                              sponsors will build a rapport with a
Additional revenues derive from the           substantially higher number of
amounts charged for the competition           consumers. Also, the current audience
media broadcasting rights, both on TV         consisting of minors or people at the
and online. Both broadcasting and             start of their careers is likely to maintain
content production are dominated by the       its connection with e-sports later, when
online platforms, among which Twitch.         it has greater purchasing power.
tv and YouTube stand out, although
conventional television channels also
exist; for example, in Hungary, the           Figure 6
                                              Digital natives are expected to maintain their interest is e-sport
mindiGO Sport service package created
                                              in the long run while their income is increasing
by Antenna Hungária includes an
international e-sports television
                                              25%                                                              90 000
                                                                                                               80 000
Similarly to the traditional branches of
                                              20%                                                              70 000
sport, the e-sports industry now also
offers merchandise such as clothing and                                                                        60 000
various computer accessories. The             15%
                                                                                                               50 000

revenues from such merchandise and
                                                                                                               40 000
ticket sales are expected to total USD        10%
                                                                                                               30 000
95.5 million in 2018.
                                                5%                                                             20 000
                                                                                                               10 000
                                                  0                                                            0
                                                       13-17 18-24 25-34    35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 74-

                                                      share of e-sport fun in age    projection       income

                                              Source: PwC, Statista, Newzoo
12 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

Revenues of the e-sport-                         Games of chance in e-sports can usually           • “social betting”: Bets are made in
related gambling industry                        be played with real money, virtual                  groups, either with real money or
                                                 currency or virtual consumables (such as            virtual currency, and in this way the
Newzoo’s estimate does not include               game elements of value) and represent               members of the group can bet on
revenues from gambling related to                an extraordinarily wide variety. One of             several events or with greater sums
e-sports. We will present these on the           the most popular forms of gambling is               than if betting individually.
basis of Statista’s forecasts.                   placing bets on the outcome of e-sports           • fantasy betting: The e-sports version
                                                 events. This type effectively works in the          of the fantasy leagues associated with
According to Statista’s forecast, e-sports       same way as traditional sports betting.             conventional sports: the players
gambling revenue could rise from USD                                                                 themselves can assemble their own
24 million (2015) to USD 1.8 billion by          In addition, the e-sports industry (as a            dream e-sports teams of players who
2020. One of the main reasons for the            result of its digital nature) has introduced        exist in real life. The result achieved by
expected growth in the betting market is         numerous new types of gambling into the             the team is based on the outcome of the
that the e-sports market itself is also          realm of conventional sports betting.               real-life players’ performance in real
expanding. The fan base is getting               The greatest turnover is generated by the           competitions.
bigger, and a growing number of                  following types of game:                          • challenge betting: : The players hold
professional events are being organised.                                                             competitions between each other,
The greatest challenge is represented by         • “skin betting”: “Skins”, which are                which anyone can join for a fee. The
the uncertainty surrounding regulation,            virtual cosmetic elements (such as an             competition is played for the
which we discuss in the section entitled           ornately decorated helmet or gold                 nomination fees collected from the
Challenges.                                        Kalashnikov) that can be accessed in              players.
                                                   the games, are used as virtual currency.
                                                   The bets on the results of games are
                                                   made for these. The “skins” may be
                                                   redeemable for real money later.

Figure 7                                         Figure 8
E-sport betting market revenue                   E-sportsbook betting volume by game, 2016

 2015      24
                                                                Starcraft 2     9%
 2016*     381                                                     8%
 2017*     738

                                                          Dota 2
 2018*     1096                                                                                                 League of
                                                      18%                                                       Legends

 2019*     1453                                                                                                 38%
 2020*     1810
  * becsült eredmény
The total European sport betting market
revenue is currently appr. 185 000 mUSD                            29%
Source: PwC, Statista, Naurus Advisors
E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries | 13

Social listening analysis of the
Hungarian and regional consumer

Due to the rapid international expansion,             the analysis is, based on the massive           topics and opinion leaders generating
according to Newzoo’s calculations,                   quantities of qualitative and quantitative      outstanding levels of interest in the topic,
e-sports is as popular as ice hockey or               data accessible in the “online space”           as well as the distribution of the content-
baseball among American men aged                      (social media websites, news portals,           related and statistical data along various
between 21 and 35 (with 22% of them                   forums, blogs, etc.), to be able to give a      dimensions. The study also included an
watching it). The number of viewers                   new and different perspective on the user       analysis of the overall emotional charge
globally could reach 380 million this                 attitudes towards e-sports, the impulses,       of user-generated content.
year. According to eNet’s research, in                events and anomalies that trigger
Hungary e-sports had more than 223,000                interest in the topic.                          In the analysis we studied content
individual viewers in 2016. This figure                                                               generated between 1 September 2017
had grown to 420,000 by the end of 2017.              Our research extended to include a study        and 20 March 2018 in the Hungarian,
                                                      of the online discourse emerging in             Polish and the Czech and Slovak markets
To complement the traditional surveys,                relation to e-sports in the “Visegrád 4”        (we examined the Czech and Slovak
PwC Hungary also conducted a study of                 group of countries during the past six          content together due to the similarities
the e-sports topic using the social                   months, in the context of which we              between the two languages and the
listening methodology. The purpose of                 analysed the news items, posts, focus           lower number of hits).

   According to a survey by PwC Global Media Outlook, the group of                                       Basic social listening concepts
   people interested in e-sports (either as viewers or players) is as follows:
                                                                                                         Mention: an individual social media post
                                                                                                         or internet news item, comment, forum
                                                                                                         thread or other content featuring any key
                                                                                                         words of the topic being analysed; also,
                                                                                                         all posts/comments that are associated
                                                                                                         with relevant content relating to the
                                                                                                         same issue.

                                                                                                         Access: the number of individual views
                      69%                                                                                generated by the analysed mentions. (In
                                                                                                         the present analysis this does not
                                              Average age:                                               denote the number of individual users!)

                Between 18 and 34          28 years                    From a mixture
                                                                          of races

                         Who have several smart          Typically with high
                         devices on which they           purchasing power
                          follow, or themselves
                               play, e-sports
14 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

Statistical results of the V4 nations

Mentions, views                                  Figure 9
                                                 E-sport in numbers in the V4 countries
The diagram below shows the statistical
results of our social listening survey, the
recognition of the e-sports topic, in the
analysed Visegrád countries.

As the chart clearly shows, the
recognition and popularity of the                        49800                      27300
e-sports topic – even allowing for the                   mentions                   mentions

different sizes of their populations,
differs for the individual countries. In
Poland, the large user base and                                  35,1M                    12M
correspondingly substantial numbers of                              access                 access

mentions and views are primarily due to
the large population; but users with an
                                                                                     Czech Republic
interest in e-sports are exceptionally                              Hungary           and Slovakia                       Poland
active in comparison with the other
analysed language regions whether we
examine them in terms of the absolute or
relative values. Based on our research,                             Population :               Population:                   Population :

the activity of Hungarian users is also                             9,9M                       15M                           38M
                                                                    (persons)                  (persons)                     (persons)
significantly higher than that of the
Czech and Slovak commenters.

A total of almost 50,000 mentions
appeared on Hungarian-language online               Source: PwC Hungary
platforms, generating 35 million views.
The Czech and Slovak content fell
somewhat short of this, as we measured
27,300 mentions and around 12 million            Figure 10                                             A man’s world
view on these online platforms. The              Distribution of e-sports mentions
Polish market far exceeds the above              by gender                                             Several studies concerned with the topic
figures, with more than 334,000                                                                        make mention of the fact that e-sports
mentions in the period under analysis.                                                                 are generally of interest to male users,
These mentions generated 117 million                                                                   with the majority of analyses estimating
views.                                                                                                 their share at 70-80%. Our social
                                                                                                       listening survey also provides evidence of
                                                   7%  female
                                                                                                       the male-dominated nature of discourse
                                                                                                       on the topic; the distribution of the
                                                                                                       mentions by gender leads to the
                                                                                                       conclusion that not only are more males
                                                                                                       interested in e-sports, but they also
                                                                                                       participate far more actively in the online
                                                                                                       discourse than female users in the whole
                                                 Source: PwC Hungary                                   V4 region.
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Central topics in Hungary

Hungarians are true                                                                        team
The word cloud that emerges from the
online discourse of Hungarian gamers
reveals which were the most popular
games in the past six months.
CS:GO is the most popular game in                                                        championship
Hungary, with the present version of
Counter-Strike featuring in 2000 of the
analysed mentions.

Other leading game titles:
• LoL (1729 mentions),
• Overwatch (1275),                              Hungarian users are far more open to the          devices (e.g. Clash Royale) are also
• Hearthstone (1075),                            various more colourful genres of game             absent from the word cloud; interest in
• PUBG - PlayerUnknown’s                         than their Czech and Slovak, and                  these titles is lower.
  Battlegrounds (1050).                          especially their Polish counterparts,
                                                 because – as we will discuss later on – in        Other words featuring in the word cloud
                                                 the latter language regions CS:GO almost          provide a great illustration of the
                                                 completely displaces the other games. It          parallels between e-sports and
                                                 is important to note, however, that FIFA          traditional sports. These are “team”,
                                                 as a sports game, and the games that are          “player”, “tournament” or
                                                 regarded as leading title on mobile               “championship”.

 Photo by Maxime Rossignol on Unsplash
16 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

E-sports in provincial towns                        An interesting phenomenon is that                  A relatively major centre for mentions
                                                    mentions relating to the topic are                 relating to the topic is Debrecen, where
An examination of the geographic                    “exported” to provincial areas by the              the IT faculty of the local university was
distribution of the mentions reveals that,          various themed bars/cafés. In Pécs, Győr           the first in the country to organise an
in Hungary, almost 75% of geotagged                 and Szeged, establishments similar to the          e-sports championship between
content was generated in Budapest.                  sports bars of Budapest have opened,               universities, and the FIFA e-sports team
Naturally, the capital city has more                which make it possible to practice                 of the local football club DVSC also
events and venues that are specifically             e-sports in this form.                             posted from the city.
concerned with e-sports. Examples of
these include the several e-sports bars                                                                The situation is similar in Miskolc, where
and hardware and computer peripheral                                                                   several posts were generated in
shops that promote e-sports; but the                                                                   connection with the foundation of a
majority of e-sport-related competitions                                                               similar team at the local club, DVTK.
and events are also held in Budapest.

Figure 11
E-sports centres in Hungary

                                                                                  DVTK FIFA-
                                     Bar of Legends
                                     e-sport bar                                                   Debrecen University
                                                                                                   E-sport competition
                                 3                                                                 + DVSC FIFA-
                                                           181                                                       7

                                                                 Main topic:
                                                                 BarCraft visit
                                                                 Hardware shops
                                                                 News, events
                                           2                                                       2

                                                                                    Barcraft Szeged
                                                Bar of Legends
                                                e-sport bar                       20

Source: PwC Hungary
E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries | 17

Content in the Czech and Slovak languages

Extatus, the Czech-Slovak
                                                    The Instagram post of the prize competition, with a Razer gamer set up for grabs
“show team”                                         (Source: Instagram)

In the case of the Hungarian content, it
was observed that the mentions were
generated in relation to many different
topics; there was no central, predominant
game, news item or event in respect of
which an especially high number of posts
was generated.

In the Czech and Slovak analysis, by
contrast, it was observed that the users
always showed a special interest in the
Extatus international (Czech-Slovak)
team. Not only news of the team itself,
but items related to Extatus were also
popular, such as the more significant
international competitions, develop­              E-sports, a new marketing                            The Czech website czc.cz, which sells
ments and trends in the team’s primary            channel for peripheral                               hardware and gamer peripherals,
game, CS:GO, and reports on many                  manufacturers                                        advertised prize competitions for social
websites concerned with professional                                                                   media followers on several occasions,
e-sports.                                         Among the timeline-trend analyses of the             where the prizes were devices that had
                                                  social listening survey, we highlighted              been used by professional
This phenomenon shows how important               the results of the analysis of content in            e-sportspersons.
and beneficial it is for a nation to have its     the Czech and Slovak language, which
“own” internationally successful,                 show what an important channel the                   During the total analysed period – as the
recognised e-sports team (later we will           e-sports scene has become for companies              graph below shows – the greatest user
see how this is especially true in the case       that manufacture and distribute gaming               activity was triggered by such a prize
of the Polish market).                            peripherals.                                         competition, overtaking all the other
                                                                                                       e-sport-related posts by a significant
Figure 12
User activity in social media

                                                                          1382 mentions
                                                                          Razer prize competition on
                                                                          the Instagram page of

             750                                                                                          776 mentions
                      02.09.2017                                                             IX Gaming YouTube channel’s
                      592 mentions                                                                   CS:GO-related video
                      COOL E-sports and eXtatus
                      CS:GO competition videos


               2017             2017              2017           2017              2018              2018            2018
             september         october          november       december          january           february          march

Source: PwC Hungary
18 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

Polish content

Poland, the stronghold of                        The success of Virtus.pro in Poland has           The Boniek “scandal”
e-sports in Central and                          contributed greatly to the fact that in
                                                 recent years not only has the number of           Zbigniew Boniek, now retired, is one of
Eastern Europe
                                                 fans grown considerably, but an                   the most famous and successful Polish
The introductory, statistical data have          increasing number of professional teams           footballers of all time. Boniek tweeted
already revealed that e-sports enjoy             have also appeared on the scene, who              about e-sports on several occasions
greater popularity in Poland than in the         have also been able to build up large fan         during the analysed period, taking the
other countries included in the survey.          bases for themselves (e.g. GO, CS:GO              position that “e-sports is not a sport”.
The deeper content analysis of the online        teams).
mentions, however, revealed not only                                                               All his comments of this nature went
that the quantitative data represent a           The maturity of the Polish market is also         viral in the Polish e-sports scene, with
different order of magnitude, but also           evidenced by the success of YouTube               almost all the major websites concerned
that the Polish e-sports market is also          channels associated with the individual           with e-sports sharing the news and
more mature than that of the other V4            e-sports, which show match commentary             stating their arguments against Boniek’s
countries.                                       and competition summaries (for example            opinion.
                                                 Rito E-sports or DD E-sports). These
Poland has a CS:GO team that has                 video channels make very in-depth,                Not long after the incident, TAZ (a
achieved major successes at global level,        professional summaries that are                   member of the Virtus.pro team) also
Virtus.pro, the members of which are             evocative of traditional sport analyses, to       shared a fan’s comment, which said that
real stars in their home country. The            which the users also display an obviously         professional gamers are now celebrities
most popular and successful player in the        serious attitude, and engage in                   who can mobilise crowds of people with a
team is Wiktor “TAZ” Wojtas, whose               professional discourse regarding the              single gesture, who have tens of
name is also the most frequently featured        videos.                                           thousands of fans and are role models for
word related to the topic – probably a                                                             a lot of young people, and thus they
result of his currently pending transfer.        With respect to the Polish content, it was        certainly deserve recognition. TAZ did
After his matches, his performance is            observed that CS:GO, as an e-sports title,        not mention Boniek directly in his post,
analysed in the minutest detail,                 clearly dominates in comparison to the            but a connection can be identified
sometimes in comparison with past                other games, with one of the main                 between the two. The post naturally
games.                                           reasons for this being that the most              went viral, garnering great success
                                                 successful Polish teams all compete in            among gamers.
                                                 this game.

                                                       “E-sport’s a big bubble. I understand
                                                       that there’s lots of money in it, but the
                                                       whole thing’s a joke. Sitting for hours
                                                       on end and
                                                       doing battle
                                                       with a

                                                   Source: Twitter
E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries | 19

Perception of e-sports in the V4 countries                                                             Note:
                                                                                                       Based on PwC Hungary’s social
                                                                                                       listening surveys to date, it can be
One of the great advantages of the social         The Polish and the Czech and Slovak                  established that the number of mentions
listening methodology is that the                 users have a very positive opinion of the            is generally high in these types of study
algorithm is capable of measuring the             content generated in relation to the topic.          because there is a lot of undirected
emotional charge of the individual                The general sentiment of Hungarian                   conversation regarding the individual
mentions, and determining whether a               users was significantly more negative                topics in the online space. It is also
given user opinion, expression or                 than that of the other V4 countries, but             important to highlight that, based on our
comment is positive, negative or neutral          nevertheless it can be stated that, overall,         research to date, a positive mention rate
in tone.                                          the distribution of sentiment is also                of over 15% or a negative mention rate
                                                                                                       of below 10% can be considered as a
                                                  favourable with respect to the Hungarian
                                                                                                       clearly supportive user attitude.
In the next section, we take a look at            results.
which content and topics gave rise to the
most important expressions of sentiment.

  Positive content is hard to judge, because                                                         With respect to the positive mentions by
  users who are concerned with the topic are                         9%        17,5%                 Hungarian users, there was no prominent
  almost always happy to see any content that                       negative   positive              topic around which a major positive peak in
  relates to their hobby. If somebody                                                                sentiment could form, but in general terms
  photographs a player at a tournament, or if                                                        every minor or major Hungarian success in
  an article is published on the gamer scene,                                                        e-sports was well-received.
  the commenters show a great deal of
                                                                                                     In addition, dissatisfaction was also
  Where neutral content is concerned, it is                                                          observed due to the high number of cheats
  safe to say that, overall, neutral mentions           73,5%                                        that can be found in e-sports games.
  were generated with regard to a great many              neutral                                    (CS:GO and PUBG are particularly affected
  individual topics, due to the informal nature                                                      by this.)
  of online discourse.

  Moreover, it is also a common phenomenon
  that communicating users depart from the                                                           IEM Katowice was such an important
  topic during the individual posts.                                                                 international gaming event that it also gave
                                                                     5%        24,5%                 rise to a relatively high number of positive
  In many cases, the mentions analysed in the                       negative   positive              mentions in the Czech and Slovak online
  online space have low analytical potential                                                         media. Masses of videos, competition
  due to their low information content, and                                                          summaries, analyses and reports were
  consequently they are placed in the neutral                                                        generated about the championship,
  category (e.g. pictures, certain emoji,                                                            especially in relation to the Czech teams
  abbreviations, slang, etc.)                                       Czech Republic                   participating in it.
                                                                     and Slovakia
                                                                                                     There was no single, generally prominent
                                                        70,5%                                        topic; however, there was a professional
                                                          neutral                                    Czech e-sports person(Aleš Kněžínek) who
                                                                                                     generated masses of negative mentions.

                                                                                                     If Virtus.pro, AGO or any other Polish team
                                                                                                     took part in a competition, even if they left
                                                                                                     without any major successes, it always
                                                                                                     generated a large wave of appreciation and
                                                                2,3% 23,7%                           positive mentions by users.
                                                                    negative   positive
                                                                                                     The most popular YouTube channels posted
                                                                                                     detailed video summaries of every event.

                                                                                                     The bulk of negative mentions criticised the
                                                                                                     lifestyle of gamers, highlighting that they set
                                                                                                     a bad example to children, who might get
                                                                                                     the impression that you can earn millions by
                                                         74%                                         sitting at home inside a curtained room and
                                                          neutral                                    “playing”. Certain commenters were
                                                                                                     outraged that professional gamers make
                                                                                                     statements to the effect that they are “useful
Source: PwC Hungary                                                                                  members of society”.
20 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

The relationship between
traditional sports and e-sports

The relationship between traditional sports and e-sports
If we examine this aspect scientifically, in     • Psychology (mental fitness): Besides            • Media (coverage of sport in the
accordance with the definitions, then              the advanced motor skills, a high level           media): The championships or players
stamina, strategic thinking or reaction            of strategic thinking, situational                generate coverage in the media just
times are just as important in e-sports as         awareness and lightning quick                     like with traditional sports, though
they are in the traditional branches of            decision-making abilities are needed;             typically, of course, via different
sport. Therefore, just as chess, darts and         and all these are usually deployed in             platforms.
poker are sports, e-sports can also be             the context of a teamwork situation.
regarded as mind sports.                                                                           • Technology (development of
                                                 • Structure and competition system                  equipment and clothing): The quality
E-sports adopts, from traditional sports,          (organisational structure) Various                of the gamers’ devices is very
numerous factors that strengthen its               teams play against each other in                  important, just like Formula 1 motor
claim to be treated as a sport:                    leagues, where there are also                     racing: you need a car as well as the
                                                   championships at regional and global              driver. The right kind of chair, for
• Physiology (physical fitness):                   level. The matches are watched by tens            example, is just as important to a star
  Comprehensive training is just as                of thousands, and sometimes millions              player of Overwatch or Dota 2 as Roger
  important here as in classic sports,             of viewers, and their fairness is                 Federer’s tennis racquet or Lionel
  which is why the professional teams              overseen by a referee.                            Messi’s football boots.
  have also incorporated physical
  training plans into their programmes.          • Community (institutional
  An e-sportsperson can perform up to              affiliation): Similarly to other sports,
  400 keystrokes or mouse manoeuvres               in e-sports too, every team has its own
  per minute, which is four times the              base of fans, and there are also bars
  number of actions performed by an                that specialise in showing e-sports
  average computer user.                           tournaments.

 Photo by Dominik Kuhn on Unsplash
E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries | 21

Traditional sports clubs in e-sports

The number of teams that play
                                                Figure 13
traditional sports and also have a direct       Total Sports teams invested or who have an interest in e-sport directly through
or indirect interest in e-sports, in the        players or teams
outstanding performance of e-sports
players, or in the sponsorship of teams
now exceeds 200, and this figure is                                              NBA Basketball teams with   Australian A-League teams with
growing at an exceptionally rapid pace.                                          an e-sports player          2 fifa players
                                                Sports teams entered in to the
This February, FC Barcelona announced
that it would participate in the first ever
                                                           VFO FIFA League
                                                                                 7                           9
                                                                                                                          Sports Teams indirectly
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 gaming
championship. After this, it is hardly
                                                                            6                                             involved or invested in

surprising that the smaller clubs are also
moving in this direction.                            Dutch Football clubs                                                 49
                                                         with FIFA player

In line with international practice, the                           18                          Total
trend for traditional sports associations
to establish e-sports teams has also
                                                    French Football clubs                                                 Sports teams with at
started to take hold in Hungary; the                     with FIFA player                                                 least one e-sports player
                                                                                                                          or team
pioneers in this country are MTK
(Budapest), DVTK (Miskolc) and Honvéd
                                                                   18                                                     92
(Budapest), but DVSC (Debrecen) also
has a formidable FIFA team, and most
recently FTC and UTE also launched             Source: Reddit.com
their own e-sports sections.

                                                   Examples of sports clubs with e-sports teams:
22 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

                                                   “The idea of creating the MTK E-sports Team came up during a friendly
                                                    conversation. The initial idea took shape after a bit of planning, and
                                                    last September we contracted the best FIFA players in the country, then
                                                    in a pilot scheme we launched our pro-clubs FIFA team (in pro-clubs
                                                    game mode, every character is controlled by a different player). The
                                                    launch went so well that last year we came second in the domestic
                                                    pro-clubs championship. Encouraged by this success, we have decided to
                                                    also compete in the 1v1 game, and we will be debuting in this at the
                                                    beginning of May (in 1v1 game mode, a single player controls the whole
                                                    team of 11). The decision to choose FIFA was motivated by our desire to
                                                    adopt the online version of a game that the fans of traditional sport
                                                    also know and love. We hope that the overseas model will take hold
                                                    here too, and through e-sport we will succeed in winning back young
                                                    fans who have dropped out of the traditional football scene. Besides
                                                    this, another objective is to get the media on side. MTK is negotiating
                                                    with several channels regarding the broadcasting of e-sports matches.

                                                    Alongside our achievements in Hungary, we would also like to attain
                                                    international successes. In partnership with an events management
                                                    company, we plan to hold a championship in our stadium as soon as
                                                    this year. And next year we expect to add another game to our
                                                    portfolio. Precisely what game this will be has yet to be decided, as
                                                    there are lots of factors to weigh up. We wouldn’t like to be associated
                                                    with a game that is seen to be controversial, hard-to-follow or violent.
                                                    Incidentally, we are not only targeting the 15-25 age group that is
                                                    regarded as the classic e-sports fan base, but also the over-40s. I know
                                                    from my own experience how exciting it can be to see how the game
                                                    that I myself used to play when I was younger has developed.

                                                    In business terms, so far the section has no significant revenue; but a
                                                    sponsorship agreement was recently concluded with a Hungarian IT
                                                    company, and we hope that as the team develops more sponsors will
                                                    follow. At the moment, for example, a financial institution is showing
                                                    serious interest in the team.

                                                    The question of whether there is any need to channel e-sports into the
                                                    frameworks of traditional sports is often asked. Along with a number
                                                    of experts, I don’t believe this is necessarily a requirement. I believe
                                                    there is a realistic possibility that, based on a well-defined set of rules,
                                                    under certain circumstances, an “e-Division 1” could be created in
                                                    collaboration with the Hungarian Football Association (MLSz). This
                                                    will require determined advocacy, however, because feelings of hostility
                                                    towards e-sports are still encountered within the traditional sport

                                                    The future certainly holds considerable business potential. However, I
                                                    cannot predict which games will be the vehicle for this expected success.
                                                    Here in Hungary, if the government’s interest is maintained in the years
                                                    to come, our prospects are very encouraging.”
                                                                                                                             Péter Szegő
                                                                                                           Head of the MTK E-sports Team
E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries | 23

Should e-sports be treated as sports?

The upward curve of the branch of sport       The recognition of e-sports as an official        The e-sports community, however, is not
is shown by the fact that medals will be      branch of sport, incidentally, is                 lobbying for its activity to be recognised
awarded for e-sports in the forthcoming       progressing at a different pace in each           as a sport – they say that they do not
2022 Asian games. Beside this, the hot        country. At present, there are more than          need the obligations that this entails.
topic among audiences is whether              60 countries where e-sports is classed as         Moreover, the difference between MOBA
e-sports will be accepted as an Olympic       an officially recognised branch of sports.        and FPS is greater than that between
sport in time for the 2024 games in Paris,    These include, among others, China, the           running and motor racing, so it is not
which would send a clear message out to       USA and South Korea. In France, the               certain that the two would be able to
the sceptics.                                 same labour-law and residency-law rules           coexist well within the framework of a
                                              apply to e-sportspersons as to                    single federation. According to members
Our social listening analysis reveals that    professional sportspersons engaged in             of the community, the general norms are
the acceptance of e-sports as “traditional”   traditional sports; but at the same time,         already informally in place, and it would
sports has been the subject of debate for a   e-sports is still not explicitly recognised       not necessarily be a good thing for
relatively long time now, both within the     as a real branch of sports.                       e-sports, which currently operates on a
gamer community and outside it. The                                                             market basis, to be subdivided into
inclusion of e-sports in the Olympic          In legal terms, e-sports is currently not         federations similar to those of traditional
Games would represent a form of               one of the official branches of sports in         sports. They confirm, however, that in
high-level legitimation for e-sports.         Hungary. Recognition as a sport,                  the long term it will be necessary to
                                              however, would have tangible positive             commit to some kind of structure.
Although this topic did not generate a        aspects. Digital sports would be able to          Overall, however, we are seeing that it is
high number of mentions, the majority of      share in the sport funding provided by            more important for the traditional sports
such opinions concur that e-sports            federations, and non-profit sports clubs          to channel e-sports in their own
includes games that are not necessarily       could receive tax breaks. With these              direction; because after all, they are the
suitable for the Olympics. Even               benefits, and by ensuring employees’              ones whose audience is aging
supporters of e-sports; that is, users who    rights, the base of e-sportspersons could         dramatically.
would include it among the traditional        be further expanded.
sports, tend to be in favour of the
establishment of its own events,               Figure 14
competition structure and system.              Viewership demographics for top properties

A positive phenomenon related to the
topic is that the number of people who                                  PGA Tour       64                                    +5
completely reject the legitimacy of
e-sports, or their nature as competitive                                ATP Tour       61                                   +5
sports, is negligible.
                                                          Major League Baseball        57                              +4

                                                    Women’s Tennis Association         55                              -8

                                                                              NBA      53                          +3

                                                                  Olympic Games        50                         +4

                                                        National Football League       49                         +7

                                                         National Hockey League        43                    NA

Source: Facebook
                                                          English Premier League       42                    +2

                                                                                       39                  +4
                                                             International football

                                                             Median age of TV viewers in 2016          Change since 2006

                                                            Source: PwC’s Sports Survey
24 | E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries

The Hungarian Government is working
to leverage the opportunities offered by
e-sports, and develop a national digital
sport strategy as part of the Digital
Welfare Programme, and in its role as               Sport is another part of our lives that is being fundamentally affected
regulator, to react quickly to the needs of         by the digital transformation. In order for Hungary to maintain its
the new industry.                                   outstanding international success in the traditional fields of
                                                    competitive sport, continuous digital innovations are needed in the
                                                    area of sport as well. These can be used to give an improved sporting
                                                    performance. For example, a unique digital technological innovation
                                                    that improves competitors’ cornering technique contributed to the
                                                    Olympic gold win of our short track speed skaters. Digital innovations
                                                    can be used to bring the “sporting experience” closer to young people
                                                    who are starting to drift away from traditional sports. Traditional
                                                    sporting events supported with virtual and augmented reality, and the
                                                    new generation of smart stadiums, together with e-sports, represent
                                                    excellent opportunities for traditional sports to retain and attract
                                                    young fans. This is because such tools can mobilize large numbers of
                                                    people who would not otherwise take part in sport-related community

                                                    E-sports help to strengthen skills that also make a substantial
                                                    contribution to the development of digital competencies and digital
                                                    literacy. Besides this, digital sport and e-sports offer excellent
                                                    opportunities for Hungarian technological startups, whose
                                                    developments can easily go on to achieve international successes.
                                                    Another interesting question is whether e-sports will remain
                                                    technology/platform/publisher-dependent in future, or whether an
                                                    integrating platform will emerge that is capable of unifying the

                                                    Many people ask me why we launched our efforts for the development
                                                    of e-sports in the context of a V4 initiative. The V4 countries and
                                                    Germany have traditionally had a close economic and cultural
                                                    relationship. Germany is one of the drivers of digitalisation in Europe,
                                                    while the V4 countries make up the most dynamically developing region
                                                    in the EU, so it was self-evident that the V4 countries would be
                                                    Germany’s digital partners when it came to industry 4.0, 5G, or

                                                    It is my conviction that if Hungarian e-sports will be a part of the
                                                    Hungarian system of sports institutions with equal rights and status,
                                                    this could contribute to a strengthening of Hungarian sports. I consider
                                                    it important for e-sports to be defined as sports in the Act on Sport. A
                                                    positive change such as this could greatly assist the Hungarian e-sports
                                                    community in growing to become one of the leading forces in the
                                                    European market.”
                                                                                                                    Tamás Deutsch
                                                     Deputy chairman of the Hungarian Olympic Committee, president of the National
                                                      Federation of Sport Associations, chairman of the MTK football club and Prime
                                                                         Minister’s Commissioner for the Digital Welfare Programme
E-sport's moving into the big leagues – A business study of the e-sport market in Hungary and the V4 countries | 25

The loot box problem
The unregulated e-sports market,               are not classed as gambling. The                  It seems to be in the interest of
accessible by everyone, poses a very           regulation, however, is not consistent and        participants in the e-sports market to
serious problem in that it can lead to         every country sets its own boundaries; so         eliminate such problems, so further
addiction, which is particularly dangerous     in Belgium, for example, loot boxes are           regulatory steps can be expected in the
for the young. Without appropriate             treated as a form of gambling.                    near future.
regulations or follow-up monitoring,
young people are spending thousands of         Due to the criticism they have received,
                                                                                                     The loot box is a consumable virtual
dollars either on in-game purchases or on      the games publishers are also trying to
                                                                                                     item that can be used to obtain further
websites operated by third parties.            do something about the phenomenon.
                                                                                                     virtual game elements in a random
                                               For example the publisher of CS:GO,
                                                                                                     manner. The game elements expand the
Dr. Mark D. Griffiths, an expert on game       Valve, has introduced a rule that freshly             range of opportunities for customising
addiction, explained that the loot box         acquired virtual plunder may not be sold              the player’s avatar, for example, but can
system of rewards is very similar to the       commercially for seven days. This could               even used for the purpose of obtaining
way slot machines work, and accordingly,       be effective because the majority of                  equipment such as weapons or armour,
buying them can lead to addiction. (such       gambling-based websites rely on the                   which could alter the course of the
as when a player finds an in-game loot box     ability to trade high quantities of items             game. In most cases these boxes can
of unknown content that requires               very frequently, and not on maximising                be purchased using points acquired in
payment to unlock). Despite this in his        the amounts received from the individual              the game or with real money.
country, the United Kingdom, loot boxes        bets.

Cheating in games; that is, manipulation        Doping, however, is a real problem At the         should be looked for in the event of which
of the program, is not a problem. Attempts      competitions, referees watch and perform          suspicious behaviour patterns. All of this,
can be detected during the competitions.        random testing for possible drugs that            as in the case of the traditional sports in
If cheating is found to have taken place,       boost concentration, such as the non-             the past, is dangerously unregulated for
the player concerned is banned from the         prescription product Adderall, in the             the time being.
league, and often his or her account            bodies of the players. However, we can
linked to the game is blocked, which has        find no clear guidelines regarding
sufficient deterrent force.                     precisely what kind of other materials

Protecting the physical and mental health of young people
Mental development                              furnish them with various advisory                Developing physical fitness
                                                warnings. First-person-shooter games and
In e-sports, many players and fans are still    the e-sports events related to them are           The physical health of gamers, similarly to
minors, so those who fear for the health of     subject to age restrictions. This is              traditional sports, is an important success
our children, mostly on the basis of            supervised by the PEGI in countries of the        factor during a game. Most teams make it
stereotypes, regularly make their voices        European Union, and the ESRB in the               compulsory for players to regularly visit
heard. It is often claimed on various           United States. Furthermore, the social            the gym, because in order to give 100% in
forums that aggressive behaviour and            integration of young people can directly          a game they need to keep their bodies fit
social isolation can be observed in gamers      benefit from the fact that they have to           as well, and in this way they also set a
as a response to first-person-shooter           cooperate and communicate in the course           good example for their fans.
games, but these claims are refuted by a        of the game. Besides this, several
whole series of independent research            grassroots organisations provide venues
studies. To protect the psychological           and common events for the gamers, where
development of young people, strict             they can also meet up in person.
organisations censor the games and
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