The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...

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The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...
AUTUMN 2020 | ISSUE 84

The Screen Industry Guild Aotearoa New Zealand quarterly

The no-contact lockdown issue!
Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC’s response.
Waka on the new normal.
Amanda Jenkins on possible futures.
The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...
NZTECHO Autumn 2020 | 1

EDITORIAL                                                                        CONTENTS                                                                           BEHIND THE SCENES                                             With over 20 years in the film and TV industry,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kelly Lucas is now executive officer for the Techos’ Guild.

                                                                                  GUILD NEWS & VIEWS                                                                Executive Officer Kelly Lucas
Hi all,                                                                           1       Behind the scenes
And welcome to the very first digital only edition of NZTECHO. Right
                                                                                          Kelly Lucas.                                                              Where to start this article? With the shutdown of all                   Please contact the guild on
up until the second week of March, we had always intended to get this                                                                                               production and consequent complete lockdown across                      with any concerns, ideas, or questions you may have.
                                                                                  2       President’s rave
magazine into print. But the situation just moved too fast.                                                                                                         the country, it is understandable that everyone will                    We want to hear from you. We will continue to email
                                                                                          Brendon Durey.
                                                                                                                                                                    be feeling the pressure of where to for the industry                    you with the latest updates from the group to keep you
So instead, it’s been assembled from home offices and kitchen tables up                                                                                             from here.                                                              informed of the progress we are making. We will work
and down the country. It seems odd now, that only a week or two ago, the          INDUSTRY                                                                          The sector was going into a new phase, with production                  on your behalf at this time to make sure all crew is
phrase ‘stay inside your bubble’ wouldn’t have meant anything to us.              4       Low budget – the new normal?                                              being more stable and international production on the                   represented in these talks. The guild has been talking to
And now it’s our - temporary – reality.                                                   Waka Attewell.                                                            increase. Now we are looking at an uncertain future, but                the central government to advocate assistance that can
You’ll find a lot of great pieces to read in this issue, as well as a few                                                                                           we are not alone.                                                       benefit our members to get through this crisis.
                                                                                  18      Future thinking in lockdown
industry announcements that we are choosing to reproduce and pass on                      Amanda Jenkins.                                                           I want to send my heartfelt thoughts out to all of you                  We will be sending out surveys over this period to
in this format, in case you are not getting them by email.                                                                                                          and your families at this time. While everyone is
                                                                                  24      Regional wrap                                                                                                                                     capture the challenges the screen sector is facing
We are also debuting a new regular column from the Film Commission.                                                                                                 isolated in their bubbles, I’ve found this is also a time               and how best to assist the ongoing dialogue with the
It’s not the ideal issue to first appear in, but we look forward to future                                                                                          to reach out to family, old friends, and colleagues and                 government. We urge you to participate in these surveys,
columns as well.                                                                  TECHOSPHERE                                                                       check-in and see how they are doing. Everyone will be                   so we have a clear picture of the reality of your situation.
                                                                                  12      NZFC COVID-19 updates                                                     coping in different ways. I think the critical point at the
The situation we are in is completely unprecedented. A war doesn’t keep                                                                                                                                                                     This is a time to get creative either in the garden,
                                                                                                                                                                    moment to remember is it won’t go on forever.
people away from their workplaces. In fact, quite the opposite. Even the          16      Accessing the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy                                                                                                               kitchen and with the kids. Taking time to get out for
film industry has its own, unique and well defined role in a war.                         for the Screen Sector                                                     You would have seen emails coming out from                              a walk, read, create online content, please share your
But a global Pandemic is different. And our industry, which entirely                                                                                                the guild over the last week or so, these included                      stories with us. We will be working through this period,
                                                                                  27      Newbie: Meet Graham Thompson.
relies on teams of people operating in the same spaces, has for the time                                                                                            some vital information and links to support our                         we are available on +64 09 889 9522 (always dial 09
being, basically ceased to exist.                                                                                                                                   members including:                                                      – even from Auckland) or on email to answer your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            questions, or if you have some ideas, you would like to
Shout out to all you digital animators out there. We’re happy that you                                                                                              Safe To Talk, Coping with financial stress and access to                share with the broader membership let us know.
guys at least can still access the tools and the co-workers you need to                                                                                             the wage subsidy information:
keep on making films!                                                                                                                                                                                                                       With all of this said and done, the most important thing
                                                                                                                                                                    1) Safe To Talk is New Zealand’s national mental health                 is keeping safe and well. We are all in this together,
For the rest of us, this isn’t going to get better anytime soon. Even when                                                                                          helpline number.                                                        not just here in New Zealand but globally. Let’s work
the restrictions are lifted for local business and local travel, and when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            together to make a plan once we come out on the other
our TV shows and advertising industries come back on stream, we will                                                                                                It is free to text or call this number 1737 anytime to talk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            side and get our sector humming again.
still be waiting for months before any international productions have                                                                                               with a trained counsellor.
reorganised themselves well enough to travel across the world to shoot                                                                                                                                                                      Kia kaha, ngā mihi nui, Kelly
again. And we can certainly expect some studios and productions to not                                                                                    
survive this crisis.                                                               Cover photo: Waka Attewell.
                                                                                                                                                                    2) This pdf discusses financial stress and lists contact
On the plus side, our Government has acted quickly and pretty generously,                                                                                           information for various support groups and agencies.
giving New Zealand industries and workers a far softer landing than those
in many other countries are facing. We can at least remember to be thankful       ISSUE 84 AUTUMN 2020                                                    
for that, amid all the economic doom and gloom.                                   Editor                         Advertising                                        ResourceFinder/coping-with-financial-stress.pdf
                                                                                  Graeme Tuckett
But, more than that, my experience of lock-down, so far, has been a fair                                         Advertising queries, please contact
                                                                                  Publisher/advertising          Kelly Lucas on 09 8899522 (always dial 09),        3) If you haven’t applied for the wage subsidy, see the
amount a cheerfulness and a reassessing of priorities. People I haven’t           Kelly Lucas           For a copy of our ad
thought of much in years have been calling up and messaging – ‘just               Design                         specs and rate card, please visit our website.
                                                                                                                                                                    link below to see if you qualify. The payments are being                                                  Mick Sinclair
                                                                                  Jason Bowden / Anim8a Ltd.                                                        processed in between 2-7 days.
checking in’ – the queues at my local supermarket have been orderly,                                             All contents are copyright Screen Industry Guild
                                                                                  Printing                       Aotearoa New Zealand Inc. 2017, unless indicated
well spaced and polite, with no security guards needed to tell anybody            TP Printing Services Ltd.      otherwise. May not be reproduced, copied or
not to be a Muppet. To tell you the truth, I’m actually liking being able         Contributors                   transmitted in any form without permission.
to ride my bike around the city streets, without worrying every second            Waka Attewell                  The views expressed in this publication do not
                                                                                                                                                                    With the creation of the Screen Sector COVID-19 action
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ph +64 9 360-9995
                                                                                  Graeme Tuckett                 necessarily reflect the views of the Screen
whether some numpty in a ute is about to run me down, because he is               Amanda Jenkins                 Industry Guild Aotearoa New Zealand Inc.           group in the last week, many key industry guilds and
too busy texting to notice where he was on the road.                              Annabelle Sheehan                                                                 organisations, as well as major stakeholders have come
Nobody’s going to thank us for being unrealistic, or for not thinking                                                                                               together to look to the future and create a plan to get our                 We appreciate
very hard about how we all get through this. But for now, with the                                                                                                  sector up and running again.                                                the support of:
situation completely out our control, worry and anxiety are pointless.                               
                                                                                                                                                                    If you haven’t already visited www.screenindustrynz.
So, let’s at least try to focus on the positives that are coming out of this.
                                                                                                                                                          , this website is a central hub with the latest
Stay safe, be kind.                                                             GOLD STARS & CHOCOLATE FISH                                                         information across the sector. This website will be
                                                                                                                                                                    updated as new information comes in around the
And wash your bloody hands.
                                                                                                                                                                    present situation. Check out the about us page for more
Love your work,                                                                 N To all of us, for getting through, for staying inside, for being                  information or join the email list. Sioux Macdonald
                                                                                  smart and for knowing that tough times never last. Kia Kaha!                      (Vice President of the guild) and I are working with this
                                                                                                                                                                    group to represent our members and your voice.
The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...
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  Guild President Brendon Durey
  Disruptions to the pipeline                             group of members with different backgrounds and                  out and tap into the help that is available in
                                                          skills collaborate and provide recommendations                   both local and central government.
  Well it’s been a chaotic end to 2019 and start to       to the Guild Executive to assist the decision
  2020 for many members of our Guild, the wider           making around key issues affecting our members               -   Reach out to the guild if you want to make
  group that the Screen Industry represents and the       and the screen sector.                                           the training process in your company or
  screen sector in general. We have had disruption                                                                         department better, more structured and
  to several projects recently. The fluid start date,     We have several sub-committee’s currently                        more professional.
  adjusted stand-down and prep periods with the           working through solutions to:
  Tolkien Job which started shooting in Auckland                                                                   •   Looking after our locations
  this February. There was also big disruption for        •   Developing Guild endorsed method for
                                                              Continuous Hours in NZ.                                  -   They are the life blood of our regions and
  over 400 crew with the sudden postponement                                                                               cities to be viable locations for local and
  to shooting for “Cowboy Bebop” due to injury            •   Generating a list of upcoming workshops and                  offshore productions. Without these we will
  to the lead actor and the subsequent hiatus for a           events for our members.                                      wither and die.
  predicted 6 to 9 months while he recovers. Just
  recently another production “The Beast” has             •   Developing an updated and accessible rate-card           -   We all need to take responsibility of
  been stalled several weeks away from shooting               for our sector.                                              making sure those that live in and near
  due to production complications arising from                                                                             these locations don’t have any reason
  the Corona Virus outbreak. These disruptions to         Both the Guild Executive, the Regional Branches                  to start objecting to filming in their
                                                          and the subcommittees are all made up of general

  the pipeline of work can be extremely disruptive                                                                         neighbourhoods and environmental areas.
  and distressing for crew. Projects take time to get     members who have put their hand up to assist in
                                                          helping the Guild be part of the future direction        •   Having a bigger voice with central and local
  off the ground and are frequently timing their
                                                          of the screen sector and giving all our members a            government.
  shooting around availability of location, crew and
  infrastructure and when a project hits problems         voice. Assisting with a subcommittee is really easy
                                                                                                                       -   Guild membership and participation is what

  that cause it to push or even cancel it creates a       and often just consists of being part of an email
                                                                                                                           we need to achieve this. What can we do as a
  hole in the workflow that will generally be unable      discussion group with several members, doing
                                                                                                                           guild to encourage you as members to give
  to be filled in the short to medium term. Often         a bit of research, talking through an issue and
                                                                                                                           feedback to the industry and participate in the
  crew will need to wait until the next production or     coming up with a recommendation. I encourage
                                                                                                                           guild and contribute to the smooth running of
                                                          anyone who has a screen sector issue that think
  productions flow out of the pipeline.                                                                                    the industry and the future of the sector?
                                                          the guild can contribute to, contact us and put it
  Is there an answer to this sort of disruption? Is       forward and anyone who is interested in being on         I think it is important for us all to be involved
  there something a crew member can do to prevent         a subcommittee to get in touch.                          in the process of long-term planning for our
  it from happening to them or mitigate the effects?                                                               industry, as essentially the “Below the line” crew
  I honestly don’t know, and if anyone has any            Many of you will have heard of the Screen Sector
                                                                                                                   that make up the membership of the Screen
  ideas, I’d love to hear them. What I do know is         Strategy that is currently in development. It is about
                                                                                                                   industry Guild make up over 90% of those
  project-based contracting always has the chance         developing medium- and long-term planning for
                                                                                                                   working on most productions.
  of the project hitting some headwinds that may          the screen sector which is industry led. If you are
  cause it to be postponed or even cancelled. While       interested in the future development of the industry     Brendon Durey
  it’s rare for an injury to a lead actor to occur that   and how it applies to you the best way is by feeding
  stops a production filming as well as an apparent       back your thoughts and concerns to the guild, talk to
  pandemic to stop a production in its tracks             your peers and get in touch to discuss it.
  before it’s started, these things do happen and
                                                          The main factors that seem to be central to the                                                                              Are you a member of
                                                                                                                                                                                THE DATA BOOK
  this is why it’s important for contractors to have
                                                          long-term sector planning are:
  contingencies in place for gaps in the work flow.
  This could be a side-line job that can be fallen back
  on in these situations or a portion of the annual
                                                          •   Infrastructure                                           PRINT EDITION
  income saved for these situations. All we can do is         -   What is needed and where is it needed.                                                                     Promote your business to over 4000 national
  hope is that these shows come back online at some
                                                          •   Training of new crew in many of the                                                                             & international website visitors per month
  stage in the future.                                                                                                                                                                  GET YOUR FREE LISTING!
                                                              departments and disciplines

  Guild Subcommittees                                         -   We have an aging workforce and the lumpy                                                                        Go to our website and click on “List Your Business”

  The guild will create subcommittees from time
                                                                  nature of our business cycle.                                                                         
                                                                                                                                                                             Contact for your complimentary copy
  to time as a method of making progress on Guild             -   We all need to start thinking about more
  initiatives and as an effective way of having a                 structured ways of training. We need to reach
The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...
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                          Low budget–
                          the new
                          Waka Attewell

                          Who are we? We work at the        movie actually resides, that’s
                          front end of this business.       the thing that doesn’t yet be
                                                            until we make it, that’s the
                          It’s morning. We arrive in
                                                            bit what we do; but we keep
                          the dark to empty paddocks,
                                                            those lofty ideals of creation
                          dark sound stages, obscure
                                                            and artistic prowess to
                          locations - nothing yet exists;
                          we park up the trucks, erect
                          the ‘easy ups’ – boil the urn,    …it’s still only 5:37am.
                          unload the camera’s. The pre-
                          light crew have been working      At $50.00 a day it sort of          my job to fix productions        two strangers searching for
                          all night, they depart - some     broke even, low-budget.             (as had sometimes been           the lost platoon in the misty
                          have described this process                                           the need), as, at times, other   forest where most encounters
                          as ‘not work for sissies or the   We carpooled. Begged and            issues were wrecked in the       end in a firefight with loses
                          faint hearted’. A little later    borrowed equipment, mixed           ‘fixing’ process. Putting that   on both sides.
                          actors will stand-speak-move-     the old gear with the new. It       conceit behind had been a
                          sit-walk, open and close set      felt inventive yet handmade.        bit of a breakthrough not        The inclusion of the
                          doors, all of this activity for   Craft? It felt like it used to be   due in a small part with a       successful ‘cargo cult’ and
                          and in front of the camera.       when there wasn’t much gear         growing cultural awareness.      the attitudes of extreme
                          They speak the lines that are     or infrastructure. It was in        Perhaps a hangover from the      wealth that come with it has
                          written on a script.              the summer break. Some of           years where the film industry    been a slow but relentless
                                                            us had other work we could          pioneers from the tax break      creep through the last 40
                          You might think the script is     do in the weekends, others          80’s felt they somehow           years of the film and TV
                          the movie, but to some who        were financially supported          arrogantly ruled?                business. You first notice the
                          live in this ‘before-it-exists-   by partners. This financial                                          extremes in the hierarchy,
                          world’ the script is merely       dexterity is at the core of         We did still expect support      mainly a robust and direct
                          those black bits on the page,     freelance, and we wouldn’t          from the Film Commission,        way of communicating,
                          a code of possibilities. Some     give it up for the world.           supporting New Zealand           which infiltrates and reaches
                          have been heard to whisper                                            production being within their    into all corners and aspects
                          that between those lines, in      A few years before I’d made         mandate. But, alas, support      of the industry. It becomes
                          the white bits, is where the      the decision that it wasn’t         and great ideas can be the       contagious.
The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...
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                                                                                              forces completion with           mainstream expectations.
                                                                                              each other; we suffer with       Large projects aside, they
                                                                                              the ‘imposter syndrome’,         seem to have become
                                                                                              those dark nights of doubt       the realm of the offshore
                                                                                              when we fear we might be         production. Low budget
                                                                                              found out? That reoccurring      seems to have become the
                                                                                              3:00am nightmare when            only way of local stories and
                                                                                              the weight of the work           local production… low end
                                                                                              crumbles. The levity of the      of production has just got
                                                                                              craft, living those freelance    even more ‘Low’.
                                                                                              horrors, living from invoice
                                                                                              to invoice, having enough to     Is this the new normal for
                                                                                              pay the rent.                    the start of the new decade?

                                                                                              It’s not that we have the need   You might need to look the
                                                                                              to rant and rave about art or    other way and accept the fact
                                                                                              want to shift the planet on      that arts policy is being made
                                                                                              an axis or be famous, we just    somewhere up in the lofty
                                                                                              want to be able to pay the       heights of the food chain.
                                                                                              bills and not feel abandoned.    The first you will know about
                                                                                              We like being ‘workers’. We      these decisions is when the
                                                                                              are that community and           producer tells you what the
                                                                                              we are loyal, the worst that     going rate is, you know when
                          During all this growth            bold style ruled this little                                       you get told what your rate
                          the low budget movie has          perfectly-formed-flick. And       could happen is low budget
                                                                                              becomes the ‘new normal’ –       will be.
                          been the bastion of the           then it occurred to me. It
                          experimental, political,          was the first time in many        nah that’ll never happen.        “Sorry,” they say. “There is
                          comedic and enthusiastic          decades that I’d worked on                                         no negotiation; my hands
                                                                                              The self-funded, low budget,
                          film maker. Perhaps artistic      a film set where we shot                                           are tied.”
                                                                                              no-budget film making
                          endeavour vs control of the       the movie not the schedule,
                                                                                              has long been bastion of         And the expectation quickly
                          industry is really the thing at   the production changed
                          stake here, not the survival of   my life and was one of the        the political, experimental;     becomes ‘it’s better than
                          our business but the survival     best experiences… because,        those little films that could,   nothing’ - this seems to be
                          of our national cinema            actually, by shooting the         made on the weekends             the new normal. You might
                          culture?                          movie we made the schedule        with the mates (Bad Taste),      get a bit of understanding
                                                            work for us; a journey of         made on the streets during       banter… ‘Yes, I know it’s
                          The low budget feature            looking in through the            the riots (Patu) – an insight    hard’, the production
                          had a major upside, being         window and then entering          mainstream misses for            manager says, and then you
                          nearly all self-funded from       a familiar room. We had           the simple fact of being         spend all of your meagre
                          independent investors             perhaps been here before,         mainstream – shorts              wages on the nanny because
                          there were no studio or           before we knew too much           financed by an Uncle or          both you and your partner
                          funding body pushing the          and the deal didn’t rule the      family or investor-patron-of-    are working to make
                          shoot at breakneck speed,         entire process?                   the-arts. A proving ground       ends meet.
                          in that, ‘time is money’ way                                        to show the NZFC you are
                          that film shoots operate.         It’s a delicate process this      worthy of funding? …but          Is this the dying echo of
                          Instead performance               realm of the arts and the deal.   alas low budget seems to         neo-liberal arts funding
                          and inventiveness and a           The nature of the business        have jumped the ditch into       where the funding sector
The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...
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                          are doing what is normal for      back. It set the benchmark
                          a bureaucracy and saving          for budget cap with the
                          themselves first.                 promise of fame and fortune
                                                            for the few that were on the
                          Meanwhile out in the world        bridge… but let’s keep in
                          of early morning starts and       mind success and fame are
                          truck stops, living from          all relative. Did the leg up
                          invoice to invoice, while the     system work? Remember the
                          demands of the film business      title sequence? – A wobbly
                          are slowly choking us as we       shot of a… um err, um an
                          try to maintain a vital local     escalator, with disembodied
                          working infrastructure.           legs stepping onto the
                          Yet, in reality, the gaze is      bottom step; is that a hesitant
                          all about offshoring the          stepping, is that a bold step,
                          industry because that is what     stride forth with hope step?
                          the business of the industry      …. on the nose step?
                          demands. This is the result
                          of a successful cargo cult        Is the low budget feature film
                          manoeuvre.                        the quintessential expression
                                                            of this struggling society of
                           - It’s not about supporting      the kiwi battler? The suffer-
                          the artist it’s about the         for-your-art-syndrome of the
                          business of the deal.             kiwi way?
                          The big question being ‘Is        To produce the smallest and
                          the NZFC fully funding local      most profound movie still
                          production?’ – And - is this      takes a certain minimum
                          low budget (under living                                            it all begins, there is no      Are our lower rates just
                                                            amount of equipment, the
                          wage threshold for crew). Is                                        jumping the queue?              another way that we are
                                                            expectation is a certain level
                          $1.2 million the new normal?      of ‘production value’ for it                                      feeding the internet monster
                                                                                              The powers that administer      of increased demands of the
                                                            to cut through the noise of       the funds might say things
                          As one of my post-                the internet, perhaps the                                         social media companies?
                          production colleagues said                                          like you can’t have art
                                                            ultimate still being that                                         Is this the dying death-roll
                          the other day ‘Is this just a                                       without business… you could
                                                            magic-red-carpet ride                                             of the cinema shark in the
                          sad case that’s worse than                                          look them in the eye and ask
                                                            to LAX?                                                           swamp in a world where
                          ‘the Mexican’s with cell-                                           them to explain? Ask them
                                                                                                                              the sunset is only relevant
                          phones era?”                      A little New Zealand film         to explain how the deal will
                                                                                              put bread in your pocket        after it has been through an
                                                            that ‘made it’?                                                   instagram filter, where crew
                          Low Budget has a website,                                           and send your kids to school
                          its official – it’s a NZFC        But, as John O’Shea said -        with lunch? – ask them how      are all checking their phones
                          website and it’s a real thing.    With a local film we should       they manage from invoice to     between takes? Just checking
                          Not just the slang term off       be more concerned with            invoice, and what is it they    that the ‘making of’ feed
                          the streets, it has an official   what they think about it in       actually produce here? Go       to the ODT might include
                          title and status. It puts in      Taihape or Tolaga Bay or          on this is your film industry   me, to make my existence
                          mind that time when the           Timaru than Hollywood;            to, but never ask an arts       more important by being in
                          HMS Escalator pulled away         John might be correct here.       administrator about their       the back of shot related to a
                          from the wharf a few years        National cinema is where          weekly wage.                    celebrity or influencer for
The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...
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                                                                                              When ‘low budget’ is the
                                                                                                                                 Ian Mune writes in his autobiography
                                                                                              answer then the question
                                                                                                                                 of the years leading up to 2000 and
                                                                                              has to be ‘is this now the
                                                                                                                                 the first 20 years of the NZFC
                                                                                              new normal?’ - And – ‘is this
                                                                                              what we have become as the         (Abridged from Rudall Hayward
                                                                                              New Zealand Film Industry?         Lifetime Achievement Award speech).
                                                                                                                                 “TV began to make New Zealand
                                                                                              20 years ago there was a           drama Pukemanu, Close To Home, The
                                                                                              movement afoot to ‘get back        Governor, Moynihan. History shows us
                                                                                              our film industry’ – Ian           a corporate mind-set and subsequent
                                                                                              Mune willingly fronted the
                                                                                                                                 control of artistic thinking quickly took
                                                                                              brief but somewhat bloody
                                                                                                                                 over that golden era. Business started
                                                                                              revolution, some of us stood
                                                                                                                                 making artistic decisions as to what we
                                                                                              near enough to be hit by the
                                                                                                                                 watched on the TV.
                                                                                              lightening and collateral
                                                                                              damage and we learned to           The NZFC is announced 5 years after
                                                                                              never question an out-of-          the corporatisation of TV with a clear
                                                                                              touch bureaucracy as their         brief to support this burgeoning new
                                                                                              survival is more important         movie industry. Goodbye Pork Pie,
                                                                                              that their tasks or mandate.       Smash Palace and Vigil soon followed.
                                                                                                                                 20 years down the track, we are looking
                                                                                              Yet those words of warning         at an industry in confusion… So what
                                                                                              from 20 years ago might
                           the Netflix channel? – Oh,        sure such things can ever be                                        went wrong?
                                                                                              still be relevant today and
                           the glamour of the business?      timed well, as, for the simple   be the thing that needs            In short, the control mentality has
                           Yet your weekly rates are still   fact, a bureaucracy has a        further discussion?                won the day. The Film Commission,
                           less than 5 years ago?            function of self-preservation                                       unsatisfied with its wobbly attempts
                                                             that is so pernicious that       Meanwhile, in a camera             to support the industry, chose to lead
                           Has this been the case where      it will throw itself off the     rental carpark somewhere           it. Control. The first weapon and last
                           ‘low budget’ is now the new       cliff before admitting it is     in Wellington I dropped by         – ditch defence of the truly terrified…
                           normal in the New Zealand         wrong or out of touch; or for    the other day, the first AC was    We have become a marketer-oriented
                           Feature Film Industry;            that matter change because       fitting the truck with shelves     industry where the deal is more
                           where working for less than       of the times or openly           for the new movie about to         important than the movie…
                           a ‘living wage’ is something      change policy even though        be shot in town. He steps          The people who are in control… who
                           that has been imposed upon        it would’ve realised behind      down from the toil and wipes       are even now dictating what stories
                           us? Are we looking at a           closed doors that revolution     his brow. ‘Well it’s better than
                                                                                                                                 the story-tellers may tell, are neither
                           situation that looks more like    is nigh.                         nothing, eh?”
                                                                                                                                 film-makers nor story-tellers. They are
                           control than support?
                                                             A commission that loses          Embrace the cinema of              not leaders they are followers – of the
                           I was reminded the other          their creative way so chooses    poverty as a rite of passage.      market… And because they believe that
                           day about the Mune                instead to ‘control’ the                                            a singular market-oriented paradigm
                           speech (2000) regarding           industry and we are, as Mune     Precariat has a new cohort?        imposed upon the story-tellers from
                           the formation and result          said in 2000, still obsessed                                        above will work, they will sacrifice the
                           of the New Zealand Film           with the deal rather than the                                       very thing they are duty-bound to foster
                           Commission. Ian has always        film; it would appear that                                          – the clear, passionate voice of the
                           said it was bad timing to         there are no deals now just                                         New Zealand artist. ”
                           make that speech but I’m not      low end toil.
The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...
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   TECHOSPHERE                                                                                                          Monday, 23 March 2020

                                                                                                                        Advisory #2 COVID-19 Pandemic
                                                                                                                        as it Affects Production
                                                                                                                        Today the New Zealand Government has announced           2. Productions that have not yet formally closed

  New Zealand Film Commission                                                                                           the country is now at COVID-19 Alert level 3 with an
                                                                                                                        upgrade to level 4 at midnight Wednesday, 25 March
                                                                                                                        2020. Level 4 is expected to continue for a minimum
                                                                                                                                                                                 finance or are yet to apply for funding but have a
                                                                                                                                                                                 viable finance plan.

  COVID-19 update
                                                                                                                                                                                 We have consulted with industry and stakeholders
                                                                                                                        of 4 weeks. Level 4 means people are instructed to
                                                                                                                                                                                 and are committed to doing more work with industry,
                                                                                                                        stay at home and only essential services/business will
                                                                                                                                                                                 so productions are poised and ready to start when
                                                                                                                        remain open.
                                                                                                                                                                                 conditions are favourable to do so.
   The ongoing COVID-19 crisis is a threat to the            poised to go into production as soon as it is possible     These are unprecedented times and the New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                                                 Therefore, the NZFC:
   entire economy of New Zealand, and of particular          and safe to do so. We are also currently reviewing         Film Commission (NZFC) would firstly like to thank
                                                                                                                        and commend all the hard work the production             (a) Continues to encourage and accept applications
   concern to the New Zealand Film Commission                how we can expand our project development, talent
                                                                                                                        community has done to ensure the health and safety       from producers for production financing if they have
   (NZFC) is the disruption and upheaval to the              development and company support programmes
                                                                                                                                                                                 a viable finance plan; and
                                                                                                                        of their cast and crew. We are extremely concerned
   screen sector, and the impact this has had on             to put more funds into the development of projects,
                                                                                                                        by the serious nature of the pandemic and the            (b) Continues to work on film closing documentation
   the livelihood of cast, crew and other businesses         people and companies during these difficult times.         immediate impact it is having on the livelihood of       to ensure production can commence as soon as
   associated with the screen industry.                      Once again this is part of our strategy to have a wealth   cast, crew and other businesses associated with the      production dates and other relevant production
                                                             of projects ready to go when productions are cleared       screen industry.                                         details, are confirmed.
   The NZFC welcomes the Government’s $12.1 billion
                                                             to move forward again. Apart from international            This Advisory is to provide updated and clear
   economic rescue package which includes support                                                                                                                                We are systematically working through potential
                                                             travel grants and some on-the-job career development       information to producers and the wider production
   to screen businesses and contractors affected by                                                                                                                              variations to our Terms of Trade that can support new
                                                             opportunities, all NZFC funding opportunities are          sector about what the NZFC is putting in place to        approaches to production advances and cash-flowing
   the suspension of production activity nationwide,
                                                             open and available as usual.                               support productions until the pandemic situation is      for productions that have a letter of offer and are
   alongside other businesses and employees facing                                                                      resolved. All our funding opportunities remain open      working through the closing process.
   economic hardship as a result of the pandemic. The        On 23 March we issued Advisory #2 for Productions          and available, other than the International Travel
                                                             which outlines the ways in which the NZFC is dealing                                                                We are also currently reviewing how we can expand
   NZFC continues to work with Government agencies                                                                      Grants programme which has been suspended.
                                                                                                                                                                                 our project development, talent development and
   on recommendations which will support production          with productions affected by COVID-19 and for those
                                                                                                                        In the immediate term, we are dealing with               company support programmes.
   to commence as quickly as possible, once the              wishing to apply for NZFC production financing. You        two distinct types of production that are being
                                                             can read Advisories 1 and 2 here. These Advisories will                                                             All NZFC existing funding programmes remain open
   Government advises it is safe to do so.                                                                              affected now.
                                                                                                                                                                                 and available, except for the International Travel
                                                             be a key way for the NZFC to communicate with the
   It is heartening that the Screen Sector COVID-19                                                                     1. Productions that have commenced principal             Grant programme.
                                                             industry on the programs we offer and any changes we       photography or are in post-production
   Action Group has formed so quickly to address                                                                                                                                 In order to ensure that the NZFC can serve the
                                                             are making in response to COVID 19. If you would like
   this issue and to collaborate across all parts of the                                                                In response to the New Zealand Government’s              industry effectively through these times we have
                                                             to be added to the subscriber list for these Advisories,
   sector. This pan-sector organisation is made up of                                                                   COVID-19 alert level directive and advisory, all         already prepared and trialled NZFC staff to work
                                                             please send your email to              productions (as non-essential businesses) are now
   representatives from key guilds and organisations as                                                                                                                          remotely and will now continue to do so under Alert
                                                             We also have set up an email address,                      in hiatus.                                               3 and 4 as required. Staff remain totally committed to
   well as major industry stakeholders and has arisen
                                                    which you can use to                                                                     finding concrete ways to support the industry.
   out of the Screen Sector Strategy 2030 Facilitation                                                                  This is obviously distressing for everyone involved.
                                                             send any feedback, comments or suggestions for us          We are committed to working alongside producers
   Group. To assist the Action Group in addressing the                                                                                                                           Please everyone, continue to look after yourselves and
                                                             to consider. We will also continue to update the NZFC      to understand the changing environment and               each other.
   impact of the pandemic on the industry, we ask that
                                                             website as per usual when new funding programmes,          how we can best take advantage of opportunities to
   you complete this brief survey to tell them how you are                                                                                                                       Annabelle Sheehan, CEO
                                                             initiatives and opportunities are launched.                commence production again when conditions are
   affected, and what is important to you.                                                                              favourable to do so.
                                                             Like all of you, the NZFC wants the industry up and                                                                 Some useful links:                                                                     The NZFC is reviewing films and working with
                                                             running again and we are committed to working
   screen-industry-announces-covid-19-pan-sector-                                                                       producers in post-production and assessing how           New Zealand Government’s official COVID-19 website
                                                             with industry to achieve that. We look forward to
   response-4834361?e=bc612dc191                                                                                        we can best support delivery, if delayed, and other
                                                             cinemas opening and audiences returning. In the            milestones related to this activity.
                                                                                                                                                                                 The Ministry of Health NZ
   The NZFC itself is systematically working through         meantime, we will continue to collaborate with guilds
                                                                                                                        We will continue to process post-production              Screen Sector COVID-19 Action Group
   potential variations to our Terms of Trade and            and government in decision-making about the future
                                                                                                                        deliverables, review contractual edits and provide
   processes that can support new approaches to              strength of the screen industry. At the forefront of                                                                New Zealand Government's COVID-19 Employer Support
                                                                                                                        feedback, and process invoices as applicable, however
   production advances and cash-flowing for productions      all our discussions will be the health and safety of all   all test screenings are now paused.                      NZFC's Advisory # 1
   that have a letter of offer and are working through the   those who work in the New Zealand film industry and
   closing process. We want to ensure that projects are      the ongoing sustainability of the wider screen sector.
The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...
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         NZ Screen Industry Announces
         Covid-19 Pan-Sector Response
         In response to the immediate impact of                                         advocacy group, has added two documents on         About the Screen Sector                               Matthew Metcalfe
         COVID-19 on the New Zealand screen industry,                                   the website, Covid-19 Health & Safety Policy       COVID-19 Action Group                                 General Film Corporation
         the sector has today announced the formation                                   and Covid-19 Contact Declaration Form*.            Established in mid-March 2020 by the Screen           Patricia Watson
         of the Screen Sector COVID-19 Action Group                                     These documents are intended to give               Sector Strategy 2030 Facilitation Group, the          WIFT NZ (Women in Film and Television)
         and a screen-specific online information hub.                                  production companies and heads of                  Screen Sector COVID-19 Action Group is a pan-         Peter Clews
                                                                                        departments guidance and forms to manage           sector team, made up of representatives from          NZ Advertising Producers Group
         While the indeterminate hiatus of a number
                                                                                        COVID-19 on a working production.                  many key industry guilds and organisations,
         of large international line productions has                                                                                       as well as major stakeholders.                        Richard Fletcher
         already resulted in job losses, many essential                                 The local screen industry eco-system right now                                                           SPADA / Libertine Pictures
                                                                                                                                           While the work of finalising the Screen Sector
         New Zealand productions continue to strive to                                  is very fragile, and the Screen Sector COVID-19                                                          Sally Campbell
                                                                                                                                           Strategy 2030 continues, the Screen Sector
         keep cast and crew safe at work, whilst ensuring                               Action Group recognises the importance of                                                                South Pacific Pictures
                                                                                                                                           Facilitation Group felt it was essential to
         their productions remain operational.                                          keeping domestic productions operational           urgently establish a working group to address the     Sandy Gildea
         Now, more than ever, the screen industry needs                                 where possible, or ready to gear back up as        immediate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on         SPADA (Screen Production &
         to work cohesively for the benefit of the sector                               quickly as possible should an increase in          the Screen Sector and to ensure that when recovery    Development Association)
                                                                                        New Zealand’s COVID-19 Alert level                 happens – and it will – we are all ready to gear
         at large. While progress continues on the Screen                                                                                                                                        Sioux Macdonald
                                                                                        necessitate work stoppages.                        back up and get the screen industry in Aotearoa
         Sector Strategy 2030, the Strategy Facilitation                                                                                                                                         Screen Industry Guild of NZ / Filmcrews
                                                                                                                                           humming again.
         Group has acted quickly to establish the                                       The other key priority for the Screen Sector                                                             Tui Ruwhiu
                                                                                                                                           A key finding of the Screen Sector Strategy 2030 is
         Screen Sector COVID-19 Action Group to                                         COVID-19 Action Group during this initial                                                                Directors & Editors Guild of NZ
                                                                                                                                           the desire for a pan-sector unified voice and while
         address the immediate effects of the COVID-19                                  phase of the COVID-19 crisis is working closely    that pan sector body is some time away still, it is
         pandemic on the industry. This pan-sector team                                 with key stakeholders, including funding bodies    evident that now, more than ever, our industry        SCREEN SECTOR COVID-19 ACTION GROUP -
         comprises many key screen industry guilds and                                  and financiers, to explore the various ways in     needs to work cohesively and it is with that in       STAKEHOLDERS
         organisations, as well as major stakeholders.                                  which the domestic screen production industry      mind that this working group has been formed.         Domestic and international
         The website                                         can be supported in order to continue working      The group’s members and stakeholders                  screen producers & productions

         will act as a one-stop hub to assist screen                                    safely during these uncertain times.               are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Government ministries:
         producers and industry workers find screen-                                    Beyond this acute response, the Screen Sector
                                                                                                                                           SCREEN SECTOR COVID-19 ACTION GROUP -                 Ministry of Culture & Heritage
         specific health and safety resources, wage and                                 COVID-19 Action Group will also be looking at
         earning subsidy assistance and information,                                    funding mechanisms and networks to facilitate                                                            Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
         key updates on COVID-19 as well as relevant                                    training and development opportunities for         Alice Shearman
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ministry of Social Development
         news and updates from screen guilds and                                                                                           New Zealand Writers Guild
                                                                                        affected businesses as well as individual crew                                                           Ministry of Education
         industry organisations.                                                        members, performers, writers and directors.        Brian Finn
                                                                                                                                           Weta Group                                            Screen funding bodies:
         Currently, the key focus for the wider industry                                These unprecedented times call for calm and
         is the health and safety of those working                                                                                         Felicity Letcher                                      NZ On Air
                                                                                        proactive decision-making in order to protect
         on domestic productions and it is vital that                                                                                      Main Reactor
                                                                                        the local screen sector and to ensure that when                                                          New Zealand Film Commission
         all productions in New Zealand adhere to                                       recovery happens – and it will – the industry is   Grant Baker
                                                                                                                                           Auckland Screen Alliance / Film Auckland /            Te Māngai Paho
         Government advisories and safety measures.                                     ready to operate at maximum capacity again
         Currently, the key focus for the wider industry                                                                                   Images & Sound
                                                                                        for our domestic productions and so that                                                                 Regional economic development agencies:
         is the health and safety of those working                                      international line productions can return as       Hineani Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Auckland Tourism,
         on domestic productions and it is vital that                                   soon as it is viable.                              Ngā Aho Whakaari
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Events & Economic Development
         all productions in New Zealand adhere to                                                                                          Kelly Lucas
                                                                                                                                                             Screen Wellington
         Government advisories and safety measures.                                                                                        Screen Industry Guild of Aotearoa New Zealand /
         ScreenSafe, the industry’s health and safety                                                                                      ScreenSafe                                            Regional Film Offices of New Zealand

   *Documents created with thanks by Health & Safety Officer Robert ‘Gibbo’ Gibson and Producer Rebekah ‘Bex’ Kelly.
The no-contact lockdown issue! Annabelle Sheehan on the NZFC's response. Waka on the new normal. Amanda Jenkins on possible futures - AUTUMN 2020 ...
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         Accessing the
         Covid-19 Wage Subsidy
         for the Screen Sector
         The government has released its initial     Approved:                                     • Govt licences and permits for         4. Must have taken active steps to
         wage subsidy package for businesses           • they’ll email and text to confirm           their business needs - And               mitigate the impact of Covid-19.
         affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.              that they have approved the                 • If applicable, some will, some         • If you require proof of these steps
                                                         application and made a payment                 won’t. Provide anything you can,        the guild can provide a letter
         How do SIGANZ members access this             • you receive the payment                        but don’t worry if you can’t.           saying the member has actively
         and what do they need to provide?
                                                     Declined:                                     • Qualifications or registrations            approached the guild for advice
         The information says the subsidy              • they’ll notify you                          for their trade or profession              on mitigating the Covid-19
         is accessible if you are an employer,                                                       • Guild Membership                         impacts to fulfil this requirement.
                                                     Self-employed application form:
         contractor, sole trader or self-employed.                                                   • Any other documented                5. Must make best efforts to
                                                     https://services.workandincome.govt.               qualification that may apply.
         Here are details of the                                                                                                              retain employees
         application process.                                                                 2. Be legally working in NZ                     • This should be straightforward for
                                                     We feel most of our members will be         • You need to be a Citizen,                     both sole traders and companies
         Your situation is either:                                                                 Permanent Resident or have a                  in this situation.
                                                     operating either:
           • your staff are in self-isolation (or                                                  valid work visa.
              caring for others), or                 1. A Registered Company                                                               What do I get?
                                                        (with one employee)                   3. You must have a current or expected
           • your business’s revenue has                                                                                                   The subsidy will be paid at a flat rate
                                                                                                 30% decline in revenue over a
              dropped due to COVID-19                  or                                                                                  of $585.80 (over 20hrs per week) or
                                                                                                 period of a month compared to the
         - You can apply online and you              2. A Sole Trader (Contractor)                                                         $350.00 (under 20hrs per week).
                                                                                                 same month last year.
           will need:                                Contracting to various Production                                                     The subsidy is paid in a lump sum and
                                                                                              If you require proof of upcoming
           • your IRD number                         Companies operating in NZ.                                                            covers 12 weeks.
                                                                                              contract work we can look at helping
           • your business name
                                                     How do I access the Subsidy              with the below suggestions:                  The MSD information can be
           • business address
                                                                                                 • Have a letter (or email) from           accessed here:
           • the names of your employees             To qualify you need to:                        an upcoming production or
           • your employee IRD numbers                                                                                                     https://www.workandincome.govt.
                                                     1. Be registered and operating in NZ           productions you were expecting to
           • contact details for your business                                                                                             nz/products/a-z-benefits/covid-19-
                                                        • Registered Company                        be working on as the bulk of your
             and your employees                                                                                                            support.html
                                                          • Have a NZBN (New Zealand                upcoming revenue which states
         - They will then check if you qualify.              Business Number) you can find          the production has halted due to       Employer Application form:

         - They may contact you if they need                 what your is by searching your         Covid-19.                              https://services.workandincome.govt.
           further information regarding                     company here: https://www.             • The Guild is attempting to get       nz/ess/employer_applications/new
           your application.                                                    letters which we can distribute
                                                                                                                                           Self-employed application form:
                                                        • Sole Trader (Contractor)                     to members on request from
         - They’ll do this by phone.                                                                   various productions and             https://services.workandincome.govt.
                                                          • Have a personal NZ IRD
         - If it’s:                                          number – and                              industry organisations.             nz/ess/trader_applications/new
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                                                                                               Christchurch producer and          intense and highly informative
                                                                                               SIGNZ member Nadia Maxwell         workshop for 15 participants
                                                                                               has been nominated as a            held over 3 days that covered all
                                                                                               finalist in the WIFT NZ awards     aspects of being a line producer
                                                                                               for Woman to Watch, and is         for long format feature film

                           thinking in
                                                                                               currently in post-production on    productions. The intention was
                                                                                               her next feature ‘Reunion’ - a     to support the participants with
                                                                                               psychological thriller written     opportunities for internships
                                                                                               and directed by Venice and         and mentoring to develop this

                                                                                               SXSW award winning Jake            role actively within the screen
                                                                                               Mahaffy and starring Julia         industry. Regular online digital
                                                                                               Ormond – which is due for          meet ups with guest speakers
                                                                                               release in 2020.                   are also planned to be ongoing
                                                                                                                                  for the rest of the year.
                                                                                               Christchurch writer/director
                           Geographically isolated and with a relatively small                 Gillian Ashurst’s NZFC             Meanwhile, producer/director
                                                                                               Catalyst funded short film         Slavko Martinov was about to
                           population. New Zealand has the potential to contain                                                   get on a plane to the Middle
                                                                                               The Meek is currently in post
                           the spread of Covid-19 and allow our workforce                      production, Shot on location       East for a month’s recce on
                           to safely resume trading ahead of the rest of the                   in North Canterbury the short      one of the films he has in
                                                                                               is produced by Nadia Maxwell       development. Thankfully, he
                           world. Christchurch Branch Chair (advertising) Line                 and Catherine Fitzgerald           decided not to get on the plane
                           Producer Amanda Jenkins ponders the potential for                   (Blueskin Films). Nadia and        at the last minute and avoid
                                                                                               Gillian are also in advanced       what would’ve been a disastrous
                           our screen industry if New Zealand’s isolation can be
                                                                                               development on feature film        quarantine upon arrival. On a
                           transformed into a unique set of opportunities (to                  GNATS, which was selected for      positive note, that bought him
                           work/service other countries’ productions by proxy)                 Script to Screen’s Story Camp in   time to chat with international
                                                                                               December 2019.                     co-producers about their
                           that could set up a stronger, bolder screen sector here                                                involvement while he continues
                           for a long time to come.                                            On another note, a huge            to develop the other local
                                                                                               congratulations must go            and international projects
                           Before New Zealand went into      protocols and now also            to Christchurch Writer/            on his slate.
                           lockdown last week, Screen        advocating for Covid-19           Director Vanessa Wells for her
                           CanterburyNZ (film office)        recovery stimulous.               selection for the 2020 FilmUp      The claymation children’s
                           (https://www.christchurchnz.                                        Mentorship Programme run           series Kiri and Lou is animated
                                                             Meanwhile, our local producers,   by Script to Screen, which will    in Christchurch by a team lead
                                                             directors and crews were busy     continue during the level 4        by one of New Zealand’s most
                           was strengthening our
                                                             with local and international      lockdown. Vanessa is also in       internationally successful stop
                           screen foundation to support
                                                             development and content           pre-production on her              motion animators, Antony
                           production with a crew list,
                                                             creation in the form of TV,       second commission for              Elworthy. The on-going series
                           image gallery and website.        advertising, short films, web                                        continues in production during
                                                                                               Sesame Street.
                           Handling national and             content, Te Manga Paho funded                                        lockdown, with sets relocated
                           international inquires as well    content, documentaries and        In February, I travelled           into animators’ garages.
                           as promoting the region. Screen   print advertising. How did that   to Auckland for the Line           Written and directed by Harry
                           CanterburyNZ is working with      look? Before contemplating the    Producer workshop “Share the       Sinclair and produced by Fiona
                           private inventment projects       gritty realism of our current     knowledge” lead by producer        Copland, the series screens on
                           on studio infrastructure,         situation, let’s celebrate what   Emma Slade and line producer,      TVNZ on demand, CBS, BBC,
                           developing regional screen        we’ve been doing this year.       Victoria Dabbs. This was an        ABC, as well as broadcasters
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                           in Europe, Scandinavia, the          to get back into the game. And      nimble and creative and offer       NZonAir, NZFC and Doc Edge
                           Middle East and Africa.              that starts now. Together, as       the solutions to create content     can help facilitate and open up
                                                                an industry, we need to start       remotely as soon as possible.       opportunities for connections.
                           But now, with disruption of the      asking ourselves how we can         He thinks we need to look
                           Covid-19 pandemic halting            adapt to this crisis and create     at the most effective way to        Lighting technican, Zac Beckett
                           all international and domestic       opportunities that will help        provide visual information          Knight thinks the sector
                           productions, we are all faced        promote our screen industry to      to the client. Whether this is      should in the interim, fund
                           with uncertainty. Beyond the         the rest of the world.              live streaming with different       regional stimulous packages.
                           shock of the immediate impact,                                           technology applications, we also    Increase seed funding. Even if
                           no one knows how we will be          Watching with interest to           need to look at the pros and        that means each one gets less.
                           affected, or for how long.           industry in the USA there           cons to enable problem solving      Funding supports growth. This
                                                                has been an unprecedented           around what the direction we        will generate physical content
                           As you know, fairly robust           international content boom                                              in the form of a pilot or test
                                                                                                    take. We will have a window
                           conversations have been              with streaming services                                                 scene but also ensure that crew
                                                                                                    of opportunity, he adds, to
                           occurring throughout the             disrupting the content model                                            can participate giving them
                                                                                                    promote our locations via video
                           industry. We’re all affected in      by looking for authentic and                                            a greater chance to upskill,
                                                                                                    feed to the rest of the world and
                           different ways, depending on         original content filmed in                                              embrace, nurture and amplify
                                                                                                    develop a coordinated approach
                           our roles and the sectors we         partnership with local story                                            the New Zealand cultural voice.
                                                                                                    to enable delivery to the
                           work in, but we can all agree        tellers and local crew! As well     client and agency in                It is briliant to see the screen
                           that these are unprecedented         as NZ story tellers getting         another country.                    sector strategy 2030 Facilitation
                           times we find ourselves in           on the radar of the large
                           together. And that will require      international brands.                                                   group enable the Screen Sector
                                                                                                    A concern for writer/director
                           us to come together and use                                                                                  Covid-19 Action Group, a
                                                                                                    Vanessa Wells, is the need
                           our creativity to come up with       Let’s face it: globally, viewers,                                       taskforce which was established
                                                                                                    to ensure the networking
                           unprecedented solutions.             networks and various platforms                                          mid March, to offer a “pan-
                                                                                                    opportunities so vital to the
                                                                are going to be starved for                                             sector unified voice” with
                                                                                                    industry, remain open during
                           Can we work through this             content by the time all of this                                         members and stakeholders
                                                                                                    the lockdown. How will
                           adversity together and find          ends. The question we need to                                           working together for our
                                                                                                    access to the gatekeepers of
                           ways to promote growth and           answer is, how will we use this                                         screen industry. (https://www.
                                                                                                    networks, industry conferences,
                           create opportunities that didn’t     time under lockdown to ensure                                 
                                                                                                    governing bodies and events
                           exist before? Of course we can.      we are ready to start creating                                          about-us)
                           And we must. It’s in our Kiwi                                            & training during this
                                                                content as soon as possible?        period of lockdown work?
                           DNA to come together and be                                                                                  There seems to be a
                           resilient, confident, innovative,    Conversations with both North       Communication and ideas             unanimous belief that creation
                           and versatile in the face of a       and South Island crew in            sharing is vital and connectivity   of intentional regional
                           crisis. We thrive on it. And there   lockdown have already started       must be transferred to and          local content needs to be
                           is no industry in New Zealand        over the past week, with people     boosted online. People will         supported first, with a focus
                           better equipped to thrive on         asking how we can collectively      start to socialise more online      on challenging the delivery
                           these unique set of challenges       create an innovative action plan    and be open to investing time       platforms to announce how
                           we face that the screen sector.      that sets us up for the future.     into online meetings with           they’re dedicating resources to
                           Heck, it’s part of the job           Many thoughts, ideas, plans and     people they haven’t met before.     that for the next 6-12 months.
                           description on a good day!           patterns have already started to    This will be a positive step        Of course, it must be noted
                                                                emerge and we know we need          toward with collaborations and      that any future planning is
                           No one knows when this crisis        an action plan:                     connections that otherwise          easier hoped for than actioned,
                           will end or what will happen                                             mightn’t have existed before.       given that this is unchartered
                           next. We know that. But we can       Location supervisor and scout       This is definitely where the        territory and no one knows
                           be prepared to move quickly          Clayton Tikao, suggests we need     screen industry agencies            how the next 6-12 months and
                           when we get the ‘green light’        to be versatile as a industry,      guilds like Script to Screen,       possible fluctuations in
22 | NZTECHO Autumn 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NZTECHO Autumn 2020 | 23

                                     spikes of infection will affect                  What does that mean for our
                                     anyone’s plans.                                  local screen sector? Not only
                                                                                      will our locally made content
                                     However, let’s not overlook the                  find international audiences
                                     obvious silver lining in this                    like never before, but with so
                                     crisis: there is a good chance                   many countries still on lock
                                     that New Zealand’s domestic                      down while we can get back to
                                     economy will be able to emerge                   work, they will be looking to
                                     from lockdown and get back                       create content somewhere, and
                                     into business sooner than                        somehow, during this global
                                     other countries, due to swift                    lockdown, and that somehow
                                     action and strong leadership                     and somewhere can be us.
                                     of our government creating
                                     international market and                         Keep safe, start connecting,
                                     investment confidence in                         Kia Kaha.
                                     New Zealand. The world’s
                                     demand for content in the                        Line producer @ AJ FILMS
                                     short and medium term will                       Amanda Jenkins
                                     possibly be unprecedented.
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24 | NZTECHO Autumn 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                        NZTECHO Autumn 2020 | 25

   Take one – Auckland                                                                                                     Take three – Wellington
   Autumn is upon us, and along with the dark                 lockdown, so that as many of you as possible will walk       Driving home a couple of Friday’s ago, I was happy –         lucky – banks and landlords who aren’t being too
   mornings comes the boring old sniffles and sore            straight back into a film working environment. I             but slightly concerned – to see a crew shooting a few        shitty to you right now.
   throats. As much as I wish not to write about it, we       ask that you all continue to support your local small        scenes in central Wellington. But I figure, that was the
                                                                                                                                                                                        In the coming months, as we rebuild and get rolling
   cannot ignore the fact that all production as we know      businesses, and keep the economy ticking as well as          last time anyone got paid for handling a non-essential
                                                                                                                                                                                        again, I hope we will remember this as the time our
   it has stalled, however only temporarily in New            you can, so that as many businesses as possible are          camera here, or anywhere else in Aotearoa.
                                                                                                                                                                                        communities became even stronger, friendlier and
   Zealand in the meantime with the Level 4 lockdown          still able to trade at the end of this, and will want your
                                                                                                                           So, a massive shout out to our sisters and brothers          more resilient than ever.
   in place. The best advice is not to panic, and to keep     services to help them create advertising content.
   your personal hygiene practices at an optimum level                                                                     who are still shooting the news and current events,          Needless to say, we have suspended all invoicing from
                                                              Common Blue Book questions lately have been about            but, the rest of you, we truly hope you’re doing the         Crew Wellington and Crew Auckland. We very, very
   by washing your hands, and staying in your family
                                                              working on Anzac Day (which falls on a Saturday this         smart thing by staying inside, maybe maintaining the         much appreciate those who can pay, continuing to do
   or unit bubbles. Ultimately we will feel the financial
                                                              year, but is Monday-ised). In the event of working           gear, working on that script or editing that footage         so. But we will not be expecting any fees for a while.
   strain in New Zealand, given that markets around
                                                              across both days for the one company, you can only           you’ve always wanted to craft into a documentary.            Hopefully Jacinda and Grant will bail us out too!
   the world are temporarily shutting down , and travel
                                                              charge penalty rates for one day or the other, but not
   being limited within our borders. It is important that                                                                  We are blessed with a government who won’t let us            Love your work, stay safe, and wash your hands!
                                                              penalty rates for both.
   you keep fit and healthy, so that we can all get back on                                                                starve during this crisis, and – maybe, if you’re very       GT
   track asap.                                                The first reading of the Screen Industry Workers
                                                              Bill has been presented to parliament, and the 2030
   Auckland has enjoyed a bumper summer, with
                                                              Strategy Group is soon to present its work to the
   most crew that work on long form benefiting from
   all the concurrent productions shooting in and
                                                              Prime Minister.                                              Take four – Queenstown
   around the city. Film Auckland, and NZAPG, along           When we are finally out of this rut and back to              This is written on the eve of the techo’s mag deadline,      Commercial Production stalwarts including Batch
   with Screen Auckland, the 2030 Strategy Group and          business, remember, there has been a lot of work             and therefore in the midst of Covid19 maelstrom...           Film, Flying Fish, OPT, Film Construction, The Search,
   other organisations have all been beavering away           going on behind the scenes to help make Auckland             thankfully this is a wrap of the last quarter and not a      Godmother, 35mm & Big Pictures, and the quiet
   in an effort to make filming in Auckland and New           a more accessible place to shoot. I urge you to make         forecast of the next!                                        achievers (Zoom, Summit, Reel, Two-Bearded-Men,
   Zealand more streamlined and accessible to local and       sure that when you are filming in public areas you                                                                        Storyworks, Local Action et al) have all also kept crew
                                                              leave the locations better than you find them, and           Looking back the trend away from med/lge TVCs
   international productions. I have been lucky enough                                                                                                                                  and industry interested/interesting over the last few
                                                              are polite and courteous to any public that see you          and towards longer format continues: Longer format
   to be involved in the Screen Strategy 2030 Working                                                                                                                                   months. Again and again our thanks to all the hours
                                                              working there. We are only as good as our reputation.        productions ‘One Lane Bridge’ wrapped up in Dec,
   Group, that has created a splinter crisis group about                                                                                                                                and hard work pitching-pitching-pitching...
                                                                                                                           and ‘The Power of the Dog’ rolled in to the region in
   the Covid-19 outbreak. This is made up of all Guilds       And, keep yourselves as safe as possible from any            Jan. Both of these productions were filmed on location       Thinking forwards... I see some silver linings :)
   and Unions, along with broadcasters and funding            spreading bugs.                                              in this beautiful region, and they have left a truly great   Population boom (just stating the obvious). And
   bodies (NZ Film Commission, NZ On Air etc) as
                                                              Sioux Macdonald, Guild vice president and                    impression of film industry in some local communities.       a real appetite for more ‘content’ - all this time in
   well as MBIE and MCH. We are trying to stimulate
                                                                                                                                                                                        isolation will leave lots of time for watching TV, film,
   the local industry ahead of coming out of Level 4          executive committee member                                   I hope that I speak for all in the region for offering
                                                                                                                                                                                        devices, content, gaming. Surely our industry will be
                                                                                                                           up BIG THANKS to some of the people instrumental
                                                                                                                                                                                        inundated shortly!
                                                                                                                           in bringing these productions here and engaging
                                                                                                                           local industry & crew: Dame Jane Campion, Chloe              See you out there.
                                                                                                                           Smith, Moira Grant, Pip Hall, Philip Smith, Raluca
                                                                                                                                                                                        Nicola Macallan
                                                                                                                           Cozariuc, Anna Randall (and equally apologies to all
   Take two – Bay of Plenty                                                                                                the influencers un-named).
   Kia ora Tātou!                                             show that is filming through NZ right now. It was
                                                              great to see the tele-feature Runaway Millionaires                 CREW
   After 6 months of hard work, we are stoked to                                                                                                            Experienced and highly regarded
                                                              that was partially shot in Rotorua nominated as a

   able to share with you the Film Bay of Plenty                                                                                                            DoPs, camera operators and sound
                                                              finalist across five categories at the 2020 New York
   Production guide is a great one-stop for                                                                                                                 recordists specialisting in broadcast and
                                                              Festivals Film and TV Awards.
   information on filming within our region. More                                                                                                           commerical production.
   details about this great resource below and Film           Waiariki Film Studios is hiring a project manager
   Bay of Plenty is always at the end of the phone or         to help drive this project forward and we are                                                     Documentaries             TV Series
   email for any further information that you require         currently sourcing warehouse stage space for a
                                                                                                                                                                Corporate                 Commercials
   about our region.                                          long-form drama looking to shoot in the region in
                                                              Spring. It’s great to see Producers looking to bring
   After a relaxed January, February has been a busy
                                                              their productions to the regions and we at Film Bay
   month with commercials shooting across the
   region, large scale enquiries coming in, a BBC             of Plenty look forward to facilitating many more.
                                                                                                                                                    Give us a call for quotes or enquiries
   shoot in the Whirinaki Forest and Film Bay of              Anton Steel                                                                  Auckland 09 373 4330 Wellington 04 499 9225
   Plenty also connected local crew with a Netflix
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