THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center

Page created by Christopher Chavez
THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center
Find us online at                           May 2021

           THE POINTER

The information in this newsletter is current as of the date of publication. Please note events and
activities are subject to change and/or cancellation. For the latest information, please sign up for
Vesta's Kings Point updates and Focal Points at:
THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center
         Send submissions to:

              May 2021
              Published by

        Editor: Denny Leahy
              813 359 0354

        Contact Information:
Main Clubhouse
Box Office                   387-3447
Business Office              387-3439
Security                     918-0907
Transportation               387-3470
2020 Centre
Concierge                    387-3458
Fitness                      387-3476
Serenity Spa and Salon       387-3475
Cyber Space
Cyber Space                  540-5450
South Clubhouse
Business Office              387-3449
Palm Court Café              387-3463
Lost and Found               387-3483
Front Gate                   634-2063
South Gate                   645-9355
Visitor Access:

Community Services:
COA Office                   633-1710
KPW                          633-0061
Federation Offices           633-2083
First Service/Pest Control   642-8990
Master Association           812-7559

    The Pointer Mission:
 Our Mission is to publicize the
   scheduled activities for the
 Kings Point community; and to
  act as a central resource for
   meeting and event notices,
  learning opportunities, and
  upcoming attractions in and
      about the community.

                                         Page 2
THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center
Security Corner
                          Hillsborough County Florida Disaster Planning
The Hillsborough Fire Rescue Office of Emergency Management has put out a handy QR Code for their Emergency
Management pages. Simply scan the QR Code with your phone’s camera and click the link that pops up! If you are
reading this digitally then simply click the image to be taken to the page.
On their page you’ll find links to all their disaster guides as well as helpful FAQs, emergency information, and contact
information for response teams.

Kings Point Tram services available to every Internal Tram Service:
                resident!                    Monday-Friday on the half-hour
All tram riders are required to wear masks.                   Shuttles residents, and lessees to ALL locations
                                                              within Kings Point.
REMINDER!                                                     If you want to attend an event at the North
We are not allowing guests at this time.                      Clubhouse, South Clubhouse, 2020 Centre,
If using the tram from the clubhouse, transportation          Community Pools or you simply want to visit a
office MUST be notified before quarter-past the hour          friend, call 387-3470.
and you must be present in the foyer by 25 minutes
                                                              Emergency Phone Number
past the hour.
                                                              In order to better serve the community, the
Passengers must be waiting in front of their homes
                                                              Transportation Department has set up a special
ready to board the tram upon arrival.
                                                              emergency phone number, available in the event the
Drivers are prohibited from assisting passengers              office phone is not functional and residents are
when boarding and exiting the vehicle. If a resident          unable to leave messages for tram drivers: 918-0246.
has difficulty boarding or exiting the vehicle, a Kings
Point resident or lessee escort must accompany and            Hours:
assist the resident. Drivers are not permitted to assist      Monday—Friday 8:00am—4:00pm.
passengers with groceries, shopping bags or other
                                                              Aldi's          9:30am on Tuesdays
packages *Two Bag Maximum* and walkers.
                                                              Publix          9:30am on Thursdays
                                                              Walmart         10:30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays
                                                          Page 3
THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center
Clubs & Organizations
Thursday BINGO Doors open at 11:30 am. The first game starts at
12:45. First come, first serve basis only. Total of 40 people allowed for    Feline Folks meet the first Thursday of every month in the 2020 Centre
now. RESIDENTS ONLY. BADGE IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED.                          Culinary Room at 3:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. For
Masks must be worn all the time and social distance seating will be          information, email
observed. Papers will be sold in single ($9) double ($17) and triple ($25)   Happy Tappers meet every Tuesday from 1:30-2:30 in the KPCH Dance
packets. Each participant must have their own placemats and dobbers!         Studio. There is also a session before class for review/beginning tappers
Sunday BINGO Doors open at 2:00 pm. The first game starts at                 from 1-1:30 each Tuesday. These classes are meant for beginning to
3:15. First come, first serve basis only. Total of 40 people allowed for     intermediate tappers. New members are always welcome. Please call
now. RESIDENTS ONLY. BADGE IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED.                          Gayle Hendrich at 765-720-4911.
Masks must be worn all the time and social distance seating will be          Healthy Lifestyles Meetup — Zoom details on HealthyMeetup.ORG
observed. Papers will be sold in single ($9) double ($17) and triple ($25)
packets. Each participant must have their own placemats and dobbers!         Friends of History Discussion Group. Due to Covid restrictions
                                                                             meetings have been postponed and hopefully will resume as soon as
Bunco Every 2nd and 4th Friday KPCH Banquet Rm 1:00 p.m. Come                possible. For information regarding club activities email Naomi Hauser
play bunco. Please provide for yourself, 3 dice, sm. Cup to roll dice, and
a pen. Wear a mask and we will have social distancing. Tell or bring a
friend.                                                                      Kings Point Hula Honey’s Modern and Traditional hula for all levels.
                                                                             KPCH dance center every Wednesday at 11:00am.Call Darlene Walters
Kings Point Amateur Radio Club meets the second Monday of every              813 951-2202 / 813 633-6839 ALOHA
month at 1 pm in the Meeting Place Room.                                     Kings Point Krafter’s Club meets Wednesdays from 9-12pm in the
Apple Club Come join us in our journey of the exploration of all things      KPCH Fiber Arts Room. Crafts include knit, crochet, and canvas. No
Apple. Meetings are the second Wednesday of each month in the                membership dues. For more info: Catherine Yevoli 922-4217.
Veteran’s Theater North Clubhouse at 12pm. Annual dues are $20 per           Lapidary Club: Various aspects of jewelry making and gem cutting.
household. Kings Point residents only.                                       Check the Lapidary Club workshop in KPCH east wing for class
Kings Point Archery Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at           schedule. Annual dues are $15 & an additional fee of $30 if machinery
4:30 p.m. Room TBD. Archery Range is open for members from dawn              use is required.
until dusk every day. Call Steve at 610-216-9153                             Kings Point Lawn Bowling Club will give 3 free lessons to anyone
The Billiard Club is open daily 8 am-8 pm for pool-playing enjoyment.        interested in learning the game. We bowl Mon., Wed.,& Fri. mornings.
Three different tournaments are held monthly, October-May.                   Tues., Thurs., & Sat. afternoons. If interested please call Don Bowers at
                                                                             612-220-2369 .
Bocce Ball Group: Meet at 10am every Saturday to play on the Bocce
court. Call Bill at 603-520-3918.                                            Monday Bunco Every Monday in East/West Social Room North
                                                                             Clubhouse. Arrive by 12:30 Cost is $2.00
KP Ceramic Club: Join us at the Ceramics Room any Thursday from
9am-3pm! Call Tawnya Eaker 813-508-6740 for details.                         Mahjong Mavens: Meets weekly on Friday at 12:30pm in the KPCH
                                                                             Bingo Room. Come Join the Fun!!
Kings Point Cribbage Club meets Mon. and Thurs. 6-8 pm in the
KPCH East Social Room. Open to all KP and SCC members. Everything            Mexican Train: Meets weekly on Wednesdays in the KPCH Fiber Arts
supplied.                                                                    Rooms from 12:30pm - 4 pm. No food but personal drinks are permitted.
                                                                             Masks can be removed once seated. Bring own game. Contact Claudette
Kings Point Cloggers : dance Tuesdays 9-11am and Thursdays 9 am to           at 813-938-3182 for more info.
12 pm in the KPCH Dance Studio . This class is designed for those with
clogging experience. Call Sandy at 941-357-0664.                             Kings Point Michigan Club Membership tickets sold every Tuesday
                                                                             9am-12pm KPCH Lobby
KP Cornhole Club: Join us today! We play every Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday at 4pm next to Pickleball courts. Call Ron at 573-355-2360 or     Kings Point Model Railroad Club: Welcomes Visitors every Mon.,
Don at 612-220-2369. Visit for more info.                     Tues., Thurs., & Fri. from 1pm-3pm in KPCH. Accepting New Members.
                                                                             Bring in the grandkids to help us run the trains!
Kings Point Dog Lovers Club: Visit for info. on meetings &
events                                                                       KP Ohio Club: For information on membership and events please
                                                                             contact Lori at or Linda at
Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association holds sanctioned bridge
games every Tues & Wed. at 1 pm in the KPCH Card Room.                       Kings Point Pickleball: Groups for all levels of playing abilities and
Newcomers welcome. For more info, call Rosalie Murphy at 813-634-            meet at different times. You need to be a member to use Pickleball
1498 .                                                                       equipment and for group play. Call Suzan Hill 606 831 2789 or Karin
                                                                             Coons 914 213 7592 or email at
Eagle Audubon Society: We seek to increase interest & involvement in
our local/state environment, it’s history, wildlife, preservation, &         Kings Point Pinochle players welcome KP & SCC Residents to play
restoration. Visit                                  single deck pinochle on Wed. & Fri. nights from 6:15 - 9:30 P.M. in the
                                                                             KP card room. Contact Judy 634-5364 for info. or questions.
Euchre Club: KPCH Card Room Tuesday 6:30 P.M. Euchre is a card
game played with the twenty-four highest cards. The aim is to win three      Plant Based Eating Group: Meets the fourth Thursday of each month at
of the five tricks played. Experienced players please. No partners are       11am in the 2020 Culinary Room. Join us to learn or share your
necessary we rotate tables and players. Cost $1.00 per player Contact        experiences about vegetarian, vegan, and plant based eating. Call Judy at
Gordon McMaken 813-205-9615 for more info.                                   813-629-1703.

Kings Point Glass Arts Club will be having Monitor (help) sessions           Kings Point Pottery Club: Learn how to turn clay into your own piece of
Mon., Wed., & Fri. mornings from 9:00 till 11:00. Studio is open during      art. Come meet wonderful people. Accepting new members. Sign up for
open clubhouse hours but must show membership badge to security.             classes in the Pottery Room. Questions? Call Cheryl Coleman at 270-315-
Kings Point Social Duplicate Bridge: Duplicate bridge game just for
fun. Games every Wednesday starting in October in the 2020 Culinary          Kings Point Poker Group is looking for new members. They play every
Room at 6:15pm. You need a partner. Please contact Miriam Brown at           Mon. and Wed. from 6:30-9:30pm. Please call 813-633-7568 if interested.
634-7046.                                                                    Kings Point Quilters meet Mon., Thurs., & Fri. from 9am - 4pm in
Economic Information Club meets the 2nd and 4th Weds. of each                KPCH Fiber Arts Rooms 1 & 2. For information call Deb 320-216-5438
month at 3:30pm in the KPCH Atrium. Don Fletchal, 938-3215.
                                                                         Page 4
THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center
Scrabble Lovers Join us every Monday 10am to 12pm, Atrium Room,                    If you would like any club or organization news featured please email
KPCH for more information, 443-326-8606                                 
The Shuffleboard Club meets Tuesdays and Fridays 9-11 am. Contact Jim
Forgione, 813-633-0975, or Sherwood Rubin, 813-451-1874.
Kings Point Shriners Group accepts medical items to donate to Shriner’s
Hospital. Call Dale at 642-0807 to coordinate pick up.
The Sportsman's Club Meets on the third Wednesday of the month at
3:00pm on Zoom. Meets every month, have guest speakers, and give out over
$100 in door prizes. For information about becoming a member, check out
our website at:
Silver Shakers Thurs 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM KPCH Studio, FUN, low-
impact, low-cardio Middle Eastern dance. We'll explore the music and
various styles of Egyptian and Arabic dances, including Cabaret, Raqs
Sharki, and Tribal. Creativity is encouraged! Local performance
opportunities will be offered when possible, but not required. "Jafali"
Silver Tappers meet every Thursday from 1-3 pm in the KPCH Dance
Studio. These classes are designed for intermediate & advanced tappers. New
members are welcome to come. Students will integrate into an on-going class
by learning new and previous routines from the group. This group regularly
performs for the Queen’s Luncheon and the Follies. Dues are $15.00 per
year. Call Jo at 410-241-1435.
Kings Point Stabilizers Machine Embroidery Group meets the 3rd Friday
of the month from 9am - 3pm in the KPCH Fiber Arts Room 1. Personal
embroidery machine required along with knowledge of how to use the
machine. Contact Sandy Nunn at 813-642-8961.
Kings Point Photography Club meets 2nd Tuesday of every month, via
Zoom. We will continue our monthly mtgs via Zoom until the end of the
year. The club is open to Kings Point residents interested in taking better
photos no matter what level of skill or level of equipment used, from smart
phone to DSLR. There should be something for everyone. You can contact us
for more information by email
Kings Point Quilters Hand Quilters meet Fridays 9am - noon KPCH Fiber
Arts Room 2. For Information call Deb Burgeson at 320-216-5438
Table Tennis Club: Interested in playing table tennis? We play on Monday
and Wednesday nights from 3:15pm – 5:45pm at the 2020 building Energy
Studio. No experience necessary. For safety sake appropriate footwear must
be worn. No sandals or flipflops.
TOPS Chapter #407 meets every Thursday in KPCH. Weigh-in from 8-
8:50 am, and meetings start at 9 am. The first meeting is free. Contact Jo
Moses 813-633-2505.
Kings Point Woodchoppers Club: See us if you need something repaired or
made to your specifications. Open daily in KPCH 8:30-11:30 am; some days
1:30-3 pm.
Kings Point Volleyball Club: Plays Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from
9 am—11 am at the South Club, November-April. For details email
Monday Night Social Pinochle Club beginning Apr. 12 meets in the
KPCH Card Room every Monday Night from 5:00 - 8:00pm. Call Carole
Scott for details at 634-1212.
Ukulele group of Kings Point Meets every Tuesday from 10:00 am to 11:00                                  Lowest Price on Rebuilts
am KPCH meeting room. Come and play your ukulele, and sing your woes
away. Don't own a ukulele, let us know, we have a few extras to loan or try
out. Don't know how to play? We'll teach you. See you
soon. write ukulele group in subject line.
Sat. Night Pot Luck Bunco Group: Meets 1st Sat. of month at 5pm in 2020
building upstairs October Through June. Call Mary Ann at 401-9984.
Editor’s note: We reserve the right to edit for space and grammar/style.
Please keep announcements brief. Due to the high amount of submissions
we will be strictly enforcing this. We will shorten submissions as deemed
necessary for space.

   Due to COVID-19 some clubs may have postponed or cancelled meetings.
  Clubs highlighted in grey have not scheduled to meet yet. Please reach out to
                 the designated club contact prior to attending.
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THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center
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THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center
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THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center
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THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center
2021-2022 Veterans Theater,
           Banquet Room & Waterside reservation form

The intent of this form is for the reservation of the Veterans Theater, Banquet Room and Waterside
Room for a special event during the 2021-2022 “season.” The date requested should be for an event that
requires special planning and advanced booking for caterers/entertainment. These special requests do
not pertain to any regular club meetings or gatherings booked on an ongoing basis through the Business
In an effort to simplify the process of booking the Veterans Theater, Banquet Room and Waterside Room
for the remainder of 2021 thru May of 2022, we are requesting you fill out and return the form below to
the KPCH Business Office by Monday, May 31st.
Clubs/Groups/Organizations-Please designate one person to request a date for your event. Only one re-
quest per club/group/organization will be accepted.
Vesta will review each request and IF there are conflicts, all parties will be contacted by the KPCH Busi-
ness Office.
          All requests will be confirmed by Friday, June 18th by email or phone to the contact person.

   Additional dates may be requested after June 19th in the KPCH Business Office. Please note the
   Clubhouse closes at 8 p.m. under the present Covid restrictions. Pending future changes closing
   times may be adjusted.
Contact number:____________________________________________________
Date of Event: ____________________ Alternate Date:___________________________

Approximate time of event: __________________________________________

                   This form is also available in the KPCH Business Office

                                                     Page 9
THE POINTER - Kings Point Sun City Center
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2020 Centre

              Page 11
An in-home virtual fitness
                                           platform being offered in
                                                 Kings Point!
World-leading group fitness classes with benefits such as:
  Flexibility to partake in classes whenever you want!
  Ability to try new class formats!
  Allows you to pick the type of workout and duration you’d like to do
  and at what time!
  Unlimited access to over 800 workouts of Strength Training, Yoga,
  Barre, Cardio, Stretching, HIIT, Dancing, and more!
  FREE trial period!

  LesMills OnDemand is a subscription based platform that displays
 the classes on your personal mobile device or Smart TV so you can
 view the classes at home or while traveling! To find out more about
     OnDemand visit:

                                 Page 12
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                  Page 14
Buy 2,
                                           Buy 3,
                                           Buy 4,
                                         Save More!


                                     Daylight Concepts

                                    (813) 296-2580

solar powered attic fan

                          Page 15
Page 16
Page 17
Located at 1000 Kings Blvd

                                                Maximum Occupancy: 8
                                                   30 min time limit


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Golf To Bay Team

                                   Page 18
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