The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -

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The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -
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                                The Portuguese Newspaper
                                  Vol 3   Issue 3  2021
The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -
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The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -
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                                                                    Letter from the Editor /Carta da Editora
      The Portuguese Newspaper
                                                                    Maria the Pious

                                                                      Born on
                                                                                             Maria a piedosa

                                                                                             Nascida em 17 de dezembro de 1734,
                                                                   December 17,            Dona Maria I, a primeira Rainha Regente
                                                                   1734, Dona Maria        de Portugal, subiu ao trono após a morte
       PUBLISHER / EDITORA                                         I, Portugal’s first     de seu pai, em 1777, e reinou até sua morte
     Navegante Cultural Navigator                                  Queen Regnant,          em 1816.
           204.981.3019                                            ascended to the           Maria e sua família sobreviveram o
                                                                   throne after the        devastador terremoto de 1º de novembro
                                                                   death of her father,    de 1755, que gerou as catástrofes gêmeas
          EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                  in 1777 and reigned until her death in 1816.    do tsunami e do incêndio que dizimaram
      Mia Sally Marques Correia                                                            Lisboa e destruíram o palácio onde nasceu.
    eMail:              Maria and her family lived through the
                                           devasting earthquake on November 1,               Nem ela, nem seu pai foram os mesmos;             1755, which begat the twin disasters of         tornou-se fervorosamente religiosa ao
                                           tsunami and fire that decimated Lisbon          ponto do fanatismo: dizia-se que as suas
            CONSULTANT                     and destroyed the palace of her birth.          festas eram mais cerimónias religiosas do
          Pedro Aires Correia                                                              que festivas, enquanto o seu pai José I, que
                                             Neither she, nor her father were ever the     permitia ao despótico Secretário de Estado,
      & PORTUGUESE EDITOR                  same; she became fervently religious to         o Marquês de Pombal, assumir o controlo
     Maria José R. Marques Correia         the point of fanaticism: it was said that her   do seu governo durante a reconstrução,
                                           parties were more like religious ceremonies     viveu com medo de espaços fechados até o
                                           than festive occasions, while her father        fim dos seus tempos.
            PHOTOGRAPHY                    Joseph I, who allowed the despotic
Michel da Silva for Navegante-O Mundial    Secretary of State, the Marquis de Pombal         Maria a louca
                                           to take control of his government for the
               PARTNER                     reconstruction, lived with a fear of enclosed      Batizada de Maria Francisca Isabel Josefa
                                           spaces until his end-of-days.                   Antónia Gertrudes Rita Joana, governava
     Paulo Bergantim, Luso-Can TV                                                          por direito próprio - suo jure, enquanto
                INTERN                     Maria the Mad                                   o seu marido Pedro, que também era seu
            Selena Loureiro                                                                tio, governava por direito da esposa - jure
                                             Baptized Maria Francisca Isabel Josefa        uxoris. Se ele não tivesse falecido antes
                                           Antónia Gertrudes Rita Joana, she ruled as      de sua esposa em 1786, Pedro não teria
  INTERCULTURAL GUEST EDITORS              queen in her own right -- suo jure, while       ascendido ao trono no caso de sua morte;
     Tony Guerreiro, Multi-Media           her husband Pedro, who was also her uncle,      em vez disso, a coroa teria passado para
      Liz Oliveira, Poetry & Stuff         ruled by right of his wife -- jure uxoris.      seus filhos.
                                           Had he not predeceased his wife in 1786,
      Mike St. Lawrence, History           Pedro would not have ascended to the               Ao longo de sua vida, Maria exibiu o tipo
                                           throne in the event of her death; rather, the   de piedade religiosa que beirava a mania
     STRATEGIC ADVISORS 2021               Crown would have passed to her children.        e sofria de acessos de melancolia; mesmo
        João Pedro Correia &                                                               antes da morte de seu marido em 1786,
                                              Throughout her life, Maria exhibited         que quebrou completamente seu espírito,
           Mala Sachdeva                   the sort of religious piety that bordered       ela nem sempre foi capaz de lidar com os
                                           on mania and suffered from bouts of             assuntos de Estado. Sua fragilidade mental
    EDITORIAL COLLABORATORS                melancholia; even before the death of her       foi exacerbada pela morte por varíola de
                                           husband in 1786, which completely broke         seu filho mais velho e herdeiro - aparente
            Eduarda Gil                    her spirit, she was not always capable          em 1791, e mais tarde naquele mesmo ano,
       Manny Martins-Karman                of handling affairs of state. Her mental        de seu Confessor. Maria foi finalmente
              You?!                        fragility was exacerbated by the smallpox       declarada clinicamente louca e tratada                death of her oldest son and heir-apparent       pelo médico britânico Francis Willis, que
                                           in 1791, and later that same year, of her       também atendeu o Rei Louco, Jorge III da
                                           Confessor. Maria was finally pronounced         Inglaterra.
  PHOTOGRAPHIC COLLABORATORS               medically insane and treated by British
             Nuno Pereira                  physician Francis Willis, who also attended       Fugir para o brasil
                                           to the Mad King, George III of England.
 Tony Soares & Fatima Sousa, CSP Video                                                       Sob a liderança de seu filho João,
                                             Escape to Brazil                              que governou em seu nome como
      COVER & INSIDE FRONT,                                                                Príncipe Regente, a família fugiu para o
        BACK COVER PHOTOS:                    Under the leadership of her son John,        Brasil durante as guerras napoleônicas;
                                           who ruled in her name as Prince Regent,         consequentemente, Maria se tornou a
Maria 1 de Portugal e Brasil, painted by   the family fled to Brazil during the            primeira monarca da colônia. João
         Giuseppe Troni, 1783,             Napoleonic wars; consequently, Maria            acabaria por conceder independência ao
      from Wikipedia Commons               became the colony’s first monarch. John         Brasil, e a família real permaneceu após
                                           would ultimately grant independence to          a derrota de Napoleão em 1815. Maria
                                           Brazil, and the royal family stayed on after    viveu os últimos oito anos de sua vida no
                                           Napoleon’s defeat in 1815. Maria lived the      Convento do Carmo, onde morreu aos 81
            PRINTED BY:                    final eight years of her life at the Carmo      anos.

Winnipeg Sun Commercial Print Division     Convent, where she died at age 81.
                                                                                             8 de março marca o Dia Internacional
                                              March 8 marks International Woman’s          da Mulher. Em Portugal, Maria é festejada
                                           Day. In Portugal, Maria is celebrated as a      como uma forte figura feminina e uma
                                           strong female figure and a good rule prior      boa régua antes da loucura se evidenciar;
                                           to the madness; to whit, one of her first       para ver, um dos seus primeiros atos como

                                           acts as Queen was to dismiss the despotic       Rainha foi despedir o despótico Marquês
                                           Marquis de Pombal. In Brazil, she is            de Pombal. No Brasil, ela é admirada como
                                           admired as a key figure of independence,        uma figura-chave da independência,
                                           her madness notwithstanding.                    apesar de sua loucura.

Mundial                                                                                                                                3
The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -
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         Table of Contents                                                                                                                                 DONA MARIA I, PORTUGAL
                                                                                                                                                          Além de detentora do título histórico de

                                                                                                                                                       primeira Rainha Regente de Portugal, Maria
                                                                                                                                                       I é também personagem do jogo Civilização
                                                                                                                                                       V: Admirável Mundo Novo, onde tenta a
                                                                                                                                                       vitória pela diplomacia e gosta de construir
                                                                                                                                                       uma grande marinha, ao mesmo tempo
                                                                                                                                                       que acumula ouro e forja alianças com
    Pious and Mad -- or PTSD? .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                     05   cidades-estados.
    Health and Beauty – Saúde e Beleza .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                                 08     Falando português, Maria I surge no ecrã
                                                                                                                                                       do jogo como uma venerada comissária de
    Manny Martins-Karman Style.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                        10   Portugal, Brasil e Algarves. Sua introdução*
                                                                                                                                                       é um tratamento gentil e reverente de uma
    Food & Drink, by Eduarda Gil.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                      12   rainha piedosa e louca, que lutava contra
    Maria I.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     13   uma doença mental enquanto fazia o bem
                                                                                                                                                       durante seu tempo.
    Decriminalization of Drugs in Portugal .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                                14
                                                                                                                                                         Maria I tem como pano de fundo seu
    Pagina dos Combatentes.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                   18   palácio, no meio de uma varanda com vista
                                                                                                                                                       para o oceano. Ela usa uma coroa e um
    Hair Obsession .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                  20   cetro, retratada na visão de um
                                                                                                                                                       desenhador de jogos, do vestido azul
    Descriminalização de Drogas em Portugal.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                                         22   profundo e resplandecente, pintada em
                                                                                                                                                       óleo, seculos atráz por o pintor, Giuseppe
    Horoscope. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .             23   Troni.
    Nuno Pereira.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   24     Maria I é escrita aqui como um exemplo
                                                                                                                                                       inspirador de uma mulher “sofrendo”
    Obituaries – Obituários.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                            29
    Romeiros Saudades .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                           30
    Community .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .              31

                                                                                  *Bênçãos esteja sobre Vossa Excelência,
                                                                               afável Rainha Maria, protetora e soberana
                                                                               do povo português. Como primeira Rainha
                                                                               reinante de Portugal, foi a vossa sábia
                                                                               mordomia que protegeu a corte real das
                                                                               incursões de Napoleão, estabelecendo um
                                                                               porto seguro no Brasil, para preservar a
                                                                               integridade do domínio português. Apesar
                                                                               de ter lutado contra a doença durante o
                                                                               seu reinado, seus esforços para garantir
                                                                               a estreita cooperação de Portugal com o
                                                                               Brasil são creditados por ajudar aquele
                                                                               estado a ganhar sua eventual independência
                                                                               - e por isso, você sempre será admirada e
                                                                               respeitada pelo povo de ambas as nações.

                                                                               ...Ó Nobre e Piedosa Rainha, vais mais
                                                                               uma vez guiar o Reino de Portugal no
                                                                               espírito de cooperação e prosperidade?
                                                                               Você estabelecerá um novo legado, que
                                                                               ultrapassará todos aqueles que vieram
                                                                               antes de você? Você pode construir uma
                                                                               civilização que resistirá ao teste do
                                                                                                                                                       de condições que foram historicamente
Giuseppe Troni                                                                                                                                         rejeitadas pelos homens, ou simplificadas
(Portuguese: José Troni; Turin, 1739 – Lisbon, 1810) was an Italian court painter.                                                                     demais como histeria ou “loucura,” e
                                                                                                                                                       que, alem de isso, conseguiu posição
                                                                                                                                                       historicamente significativa.
  Initially a pupil of his father, Alessandro Trono, Giuseppe completed his studies
in Rome. He was portrait painter to the court of Naples, and later to the court in                                                                        Recentemente, sua doença mental foi
Turin.                                                                                                                                                 atribuída à porfiria - doença do fígado que
                                                                                                                                                       se manifesta com sintomas psicológicos,
                                                                                                                                                       entre outros. Mas dada a sua experiência
  In 1785, he moved to Lisbon, where he gained fame and reknown as court                                                                               vivida durante os desastres devastadores do
painter to the House of Braganza. He would paint there many famous portraits of                                                                        terremoto, tsunami e incêndio de Lisboa;
                                                                                                                                                       as perdas subsequentes de marido, filhos
the kings and princes of Portugal, as well as the Portuguese nobility.                                                                                 e Confessor de confiança, não seria mais
                                                                                                                                                       plausível que ela estivesse vivendo com
  He is known for his painting of Maria I of Portugal, which is pictured on the                                                                        transtorno de estresse pós-traumático não
cover, and deconstructed at right for Civilization 5: Brave New World.
4                                                                                                                                                                           Navegante Cultural
The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -
You could also make these just photo pages with captions etc.

PIOUS and MAD -- or PTSD?                                                                        TOP PRODUCER!
   Besides holding the historic title of first
Queen Regent of Portugal, Maria I is also a                                                      Consistently a Number 1
character in the game Civilization V: Brave
New World, where she attempts victory                                                              RE/MAX REALTOR
through diplomacy and likes to build a
huge navy, while gathering gold and forging                                                     Cell: 33-MARIO (336-2746)
alliances with amenable city-states.
                                                                                              The only name and number you need
   Speaking Portuguese, Maria I appears on
the game screen as a venerable steward of                                 Mario Lopes                when buying or selling
Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves. Her intro*                             Your Investment Realtor         real estate!
is a surprisingly gentle and reverential                 TEXT:       204-336-2746
treatment of a pious and mad queen, who                                                    O vosso agente imobilário para investimentos,
                                                         FAX:        204- 480-4816      e o unico nome e número que precisa para vender ou
struggled with mental illness while doing
                                                         EMAIL: comprar imobilários - telefone ou manda uma
good during her time.
                                                         WEBSITE:     mensagem por texto, para 204.336.2746
  Maria I is set against the backdrop of her
palace, standing in the middle of a veranda
that overlooks the ocean. She wears a
crown and carries a scepter, pictured in a
gamer’s vision of the resplendent deep blue
gown in a painting by Giuseppe Troni.

  *Blessings be upon you, most gracious
Queen Maria, protector and sovereign of
the Portuguese people. As the first ever
Queen regnant of Portugal, it was your            court from the incursions of Napoleon,                   preserve the integrity of Portuguese rule.
wise stewardship that protected the royal         establishing a safe haven in Brazil, to                  Despite struggling with illness throughout
                                                                                                           your reign, your efforts to ensure Portugal’s
                                                                                                           close cooperation with Brazil are credited
                                                                                                           with helping that state gain its eventual
                                                                                                           independence -- and for this, you will
                                                                                                           always be admired and respected by the
                                                                                                           people of both nations.

                                                                                                             ...Oh Noble and Pious Queen, will you
                                                                                                           once again guide the Kingdom of Portugal
                                                                                                           in the spirit of cooperation and prosperity?
                                                                                                           Will you establish a new legacy, one that
                                                                                                           will surpass all those who come before you?
                                                                                                           Can you build a civilization that will stand
                                                                                                           the test of time...?

                                                                                                              Maria I is written here as an inspiring
                                                                                                           example of how a woman “suffering” from
                                                                                                           conditions that have been historically
                                                                                                           dismissed by men, or over-simplified as
                                                                                                           hysteria or “madness,”can have been so
                                                                                                           historically significant. Recently, her mental
                                                                                                           illness has been attributed to porphyria
                                                                                                           -- a disease of the liver that manifests
                                                                                                           with psychological symptoms, among
                                                                                                           others. But given her lived experience
                                                                                                           through the devasting disasters of the
                                                                                                           Lisbon earthquake, tsunami, and fire; the
                                                                                                           subsequent losses of husband, children,
                                                                                                           and trusted Confessor, would it not be
                                                                                                           more plausible that she was living with
                                                                                                           untreated post traumatic stress disorder?

               Gestoras de produtos Financerios
                  2136 McPhillips Street, Winnipeg, MB                                              Nancy M. Gonçalves
                                                                                                        Barrister & Solicitor, Notary Public

                                                 Edwarda Sardinha                   Nancy Gonçalves Law Office                                 T. +1 204 783 0554
                                                                                    202-1080 Wall Street                                       F. +1 204 772 4231
                                                  Winnipeg, Manitoba
                                                                                    R3E 2R9                                 
                                                      204.925.4055                  Canada                                  

  Mundial                                                                                                                                                           5
The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -
International Women's Day
  Dona Maria 1 of Portugal reigned from                 Truth be told: I love men as much as I
1777 until her death in 1816. Known as Maria         love women; perhaps even more so the
the Pious in Portugal and Maria the Mad in           latter, in a biblical sense ;)
Brazil, she was the first Queen regnant of
Portugal, and the first Monarch of Brazil;             It has not been so long ago, in either of
meaning, she ruled in her own right as Queen         our countries: Portugal or Canada, when
and not because her husband was King.                women were finally allowed to vote; in
                                                     Portugal, women only received full legal
    March 8 marks International Women’s Day.         equality with Portuguese men as mandated
                                                     by Portugal’s constitution of 1976, although
   Each year, in most countries, there are           curiously, women were allowed to vote for
celebrations and demonstrations; here                the first time in 1931 under Salazar’s Estado
in Winnipeg, the Portuguese community                Novo.
typically commemorates the date with the
Portuguese Women’s League’s annual Gala,               Carolina Beatriz Ângelo became the first
where proceeds are donated to CancerCare             Portuguese woman to vote due to a legal
Manitoba, and all three cultural centres are         technicality; the law was thereafter altered
unified under an umbrella organization led           to specify only literate male citizens over
by women, in pursuit of women’s issues,              the age of 21 had the right to vote.
equal rights, and better health outcomes.
                                                       She was a medical doctor practicing
  The gala has been absent the past two              in Lisbon. She was also a feminist and
years. Next year, following the completion           suffragette
of a vaccine roll-out in this country and            who
others around the world, together with the           participated
inevitable end of the pandemic, which has            in multiple
been observable in a large C curve or two            women’s
smaller S curves of positive cases and their         associations.
consequential public health directives, we
will, I guarantee, celebrate a return to “gala.”       Ângelo
                                                     was a leader
  Women can be each other’s best friends, or         of the
they can be each other’s worst enemies.              Portuguese
   I have personally lived my life such that         Republican
I uplift and encourage other women, while            League and,
practicing a kind of feminism that includes          in 1911, she
spaces for men, who not only support                 and Adelaide
women in pursuit of equality, liberty, and           Cabete
respect, but encourages them to pursue a             founded the
healthy masculinity in the process of living         Portuguese        Dra Carolina Ângelo
their own lives, so that they may return to us       Association
and collaborate to create a better world that        of Feminist Propaganda (Associação de
integrates all of us humans across the entire        Propaganda Feminista).
gender spectrum.

                                                                                                       DR. A FERNANDES

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     Utilize o Cartão CO-OP nas Compras da Farmácia

6                                                                                                                            Navegante Cultural
The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -
Dia Internacional das Mulheres
                                                          In Canada, Women’s suffrage occurred            Eu pessoalmente tenho vivido minha vida
                                                       at different times in different jurisdictions   de tal forma que eu elevo e encorajo outras
                                                       and at different times to different             mulheres, enquanto pratico um tipo de
                                                       demographics of women. Women’s right to         feminismo que inclui espaços para homens,
                                                       vote began in the prairie provinces. In 1916,   que não apenas apóiam as mulheres na
                                                       suffrage was given to women in Manitoba,        busca por igualdade, liberdade e respeito,
                                                       Saskatchewan, and Alberta.                      mas os encoraja a buscar uma masculinidade
                                                                                                       saudável no processo de viver suas próprias
                                                         One of the first women to vote in Canada      vidas, para que possam retornar para nós
                                                       was also, curiously, a medical doctor, Emily    e colaborar para criar um mundo melhor
                                                       Stowe. She was the first, and for many years    que integre todos nós humanos em todo o
                                                       the sole woman physician in Canada.             espectro de gênero.

                                                        8 de março marca o Dia Internacional da           Não foi há muito tempo, em nenhum dos
                                                       Mulher.                                         nossos países: Portugal ou Canadá, quando
                                                                                                       finalmente as mulheres puderam votar; em
                           Dr Emily Stowe                  Todos os anos, na maioria dos países,       Portugal, as mulheres só recebiam igualdade
                                                         há celebrações e manifestações; aqui em       jurídica plena com os homens portugueses,
                                                         Winnipeg, a comunidade portuguesa             conforme previsto na constituição
                                                         comemora tipicamente a data com a             portuguesa de 1976, embora, curiosamente,
                                                         Gala anual da Liga Feminina Portuguesa,       as mulheres pudessem votar pela primeira
                                                         onde os rendimentos são doados para           vez em 1931 sob o Estado Novo de Salazar.
                                                         o CancerCare Manitoba, e todos os três           Carolina Beatriz Ângelo tornou-se
                                                         centros culturais são unificados sob          a primeira portuguesa a votar por um
                                                         uma organização de tutela liderada            tecnicismo jurídico; a lei foi posteriormente
                                                         por mulheres, em busca de questões            alterada para especificar que apenas os
                                                         femininas, direitos iguais e melhores         cidadãos do sexo masculino alfabetizados
                                                         resultados de saúde.                          com mais de 21 anos tinham direito de voto.
                                                                                                       Ela era uma médica a exercer em Lisboa.
                                                            A festa de gala esteve ausente nos         Ela também era uma feminista e sufragista
                                                         últimos dois anos. No próximo ano,            que participava de várias associações de
                                                         após a conclusão de uma implantação           mulheres.
                                                         de vacina neste país e em outros ao
                                                         redor do mundo, juntamente com o                No Canadá, o sufrágio feminino ocorreu
                                                         inevitável fim da pandemia, que tem sido      em momentos diferentes em diferentes
                                                         observada em uma grande curva C ou            jurisdições e em momentos diferentes
                                                         duas curvas S menores de casos positivos      para diferentes grupos demográficos das
                                                         e suas conseqüências diretrizes de saúde      mulheres. O direito das mulheres de votar
                                                         pública, vamos, eu garanto, comemorar         começou nas províncias das pradarias. Em
                                                         um retorno à “gala.”                          1916, o sufrágio foi concedido às mulheres
                                                                                                       em Manitoba, Saskatchewan e Alberta.
                                                           As mulheres podem ser as melhores
                                                         amigas umas das outras ou podem ser as          Uma das primeiras mulheres a votar no
                                                         piores inimigas umas das outras.              Canadá também foi, curiosamente, a médica
                                                                                                       Emily Stowe, a primeira médica no Canadá.

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             Mundial                                                                                                                                7
The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -
A Hair Obsession                                  Located at 1627 Henderson Highway,
                                               I reach the salon in less than 20 minutes
                                               from River Heights, by criss-crossing the
  The human obsession with hair is as old      city through the West and North Ends,
as our history as a species; arguably the      before pushing Honda briefly into fifth
central protagonist of the biblical story of   gear over the Chief Peguis Bridge.
Sampson and Delilah, wherein Sampson
cuts his hair and loses his strength; the        Excited and eager to begin -- both
stuff of masculine nightmares in the           the hair colour and the conversation, I
mythical tale of Medusa, who could turn        start with observations about the area
men into stone with a toss of her snake        and some of the changes. I grew up in
hair and a simple stare; and the conduit       neighbouring East Kildonan before
to rescue and loss in the tragic story of      moving to the West End as a young
Rapunzel, whose plated locks were used         teenager, had boyfriends in the area,               Manuel Almeida, above, taken during service
as a ladder by both a witch and her lover,     and so, our chat touches on familiar             in the Portuguese Army, early 1960s.
whilst she was locked up in a tower.           landmarks and common schools as I settle
                                               into the chair. Dina is gracious and candid         While her mother Maria trained here in
  We say that blondes have more fun;           in her answers; creative and expert in           Canada, Dina’s father Manuel, was trained as
redheads are fiery, and brunettes are          the application of colour to my hair; and        a barber in Portugal, and served as such in the
exotic. We cut, dye, crimp, curl, perm,        engaging and charming throughout; she is         Portuguese army, before meeting and marrying
shave, braid, gel, wash, dry, blow-out         also strikingly beautiful with a luxurious       Maria by civil union in São Miguel, Açores, and
and highlight our hair. We fixate on its       head of hair. The perfect hairstylist, really.   immigrating together to Canada. An historic
length and texture, appearance and                                                              point of fact for those of us who remember the
disappearance, change in colour over             “I grew up in North Kildonan,” she tells       early years of the Portuguese community in
the years. We remove it from most other        me, “and attended Princess Margaret,             Winnipeg, is that the young couple was married
parts of our bodies, by shaving, plucking,     John Pritchard schools. I graduated with         by the late Monsignor Pedro Fernandes as a
lazering, sugaring, and waxing. In some        honours from River East Collegiate. My           young priest, himself an immigrant, from Goa,
cultures, we let our hair grow tangled or      parents wanted me to go to university, and       whose formidable personality and lifelong
long, exposing it, or covering it, as befits   while I had the marks, I didn’t have the         dedication to the Portuguese community is still
the strictures of our religious practices.     heart for it. I used to work for my parents,     evidenced by the church and parish he helped
                                               washing and folding towels for them at my        build, Imaculata; the Immaculate Conception.
  A cut and colour can literally shape,        father’s barbershop, Almeida’s Unisex, and
make, or break a career, re-establish or       my mothers hair salon, originally called
re-invent a public persona. The human          Castille de Coiffure when she bought it            Below, Maria and Manuel on their wedding
condition literally has a hair obsession.      from the owner, Marjorie.                        day in Winnipeg, following their religious
                                                                                                ceremony at St Mary’s Cathedral, in November
                                                                                                1966. It was the first marriage that Father
                                                                                                Fernandes officiated in our community.

   My first visit to Hair Obsession in           At 15, my parents took me to an ABA
Winnipeg took place after three long           show at the Convention Centre, and I
months in the aesthetic lockdown               was hooked! I loved the different booths
imposed by pandemic public health              and stages, full of beautiful models and
directives in Manitoba. It marked my           glamourous stylists, teaching the latest
return to Navegante-Blonde and the             techniques in hair and fashion. It was so
first part of my story about the inter-        exciting!”
generational salon and family behind the
North Kildonan hair institution.                 Dina’s eyes are bright as she shares
                                               the memories with me. “I enrolled at
  Stylist Kaitlynn patiently answered          Scientific Marvel in 1986, which is also
my preliminary questions, while doing          where my mother went to school. I met my
the heavy-lifting of covering overgrown        best friend Helen at cosmetology school.
brown and white roots, and toning              We had so much fun! We laughed all the
brassy ends untamed by self-applied            time, and in pursuit of excellence even
treatments of purple shampoo. The follow       back then, we attended a Martin Parsons
up appointment on St Patrick’s Day with        course in Toronto a few years later, which
master stylist and owner Dina took me          changed how I cut hair.”
back to full blonde and deeper into her          Continued on page 20
family’s hair legacy.

8                                                                                                                     Navegante Cultural
The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -
  Manuel Almeida, a esquerda em cima,              foram usadas como escada por uma bruxa           Animada e ansiosa para começar - tanto
durante o serviço militar no Exército Português,   e seu amante, enquanto esteve trancada         a cor do cabelo quanto a conversa, começo
no início dos anos 1960.                           em uma torre.                                  com observações sobre a área e algumas
                                                                                                  das mudanças. Eu cresci na vizinha East
   Enquanto sua mãe Maria treinava aqui no           Dizemos que as loiras se divertem            Kildonan antes de me mudar para o West
Canadá, o pai de Dina, Manuel, foi treinado        mais; as ruivas são fogosas e as morenas       End como uma jovem adolescente, tive
como barbeiro em Portugal, e serviu como           são exóticas. Nós cortamos, tingimos,          namorados na área e, portanto, nossa
tal no exército português, antes de conhecer       crimpamos, ondulamos, permanecemos,            conversa toca em marcos familiares e
e casar com Maria por união civil em São           barbeamos, trançamos, gelamos, lavamos,        escolas comuns enquanto eu me sento
Miguel, Açores, e imigrar juntos para o            secamos, removemos e destacamos                na cadeira. Dina é graciosa e sincera em
Canadá. Um facto histórico para quem               nossos cabelos. Nós nos fixamos em             suas respostas; criativa e experiente na
recorda os primeiros anos da comunidade            seu comprimento e textura, aparência           aplicação de cores em meus cabelos; e
portuguesa em Winnipeg, é que o jovem casal        e desaparecimento, mudança de cor              envolvente e charmoso por toda parte;
foi casado pelo saudoso Monsenhor Pedro            ao longo dos anos. Nós o removemos             ela também é incrivelmente bonita, com
Fernandes quando ainda era um jovem padre,         da maioria das outras partes de nossos         uma cabeleira luxuosa. Uma cabeleireira
ele próprio imigrante, de Goa, cuja formidável     corpos, fazendo a barba, arrancando,           perfeita, realmente.
personalidade e a dedicação ao longo da vida       limpando, adoçando e encerando. Em
à comunidade portuguesa é ainda evidenciada        algumas culturas, deixamos nosso                 “Eu cresci em North Kildonan,” ela me
pela igreja e paróquia que ajudou a construir,     cabelo crescer emaranhado ou comprido,         diz, “e frequentei as escolas da Princesa
Imaculata; a Imaculada Conceição.                  expondo-o ou cobrindo-o, como convém           Margaret, John Pritchard. Eu me formei
                                                   às restrições de nossas práticas religiosas.   com louvor na River East Collegiate.
   A esquerda abaixo, Maria e Manual no dia        Um corte e uma cor podem literalmente          Meus pais queriam que eu fosse para
do casamento em Winnipeg, após a cerimônia         moldar, fazer ou destruir uma carreira,        a universidade e, embora eu tivesse as
religiosa na Catedral de Santa Maria, em           restabelecer ou reinventar uma pessoa          notas, não tinha ânimo para isso. Eu
novembro de 1966. Foi o primeiro casamento         pública. A condição humana literalmente        costumava trabalhar para meus pais,
que o Padre Fernandes celebrou em nossa            tem uma obsessão pelo cabelo.                  lavando e dobrando toalhas para eles na
comunidade.                                                                                       barbearia do meu pai, Almeida’s Unisex,
                                                     Minha primeira visita ao Hair Obsession      e no salão de cabeleireiro da minha
  A obsessão humana pelo cabelo é                  em Winnipeg ocorreu após três longos           mãe, originalmente chamado de Castille
tão antiga quanto nossa história como              meses no bloqueio estético imposto             de Coiffure quando ela o comprou da
espécie; sem dúvida o protagonista                 pelas diretrizes pandêmicas de saúde           proprietária, Marjorie.
central da história bíblica de Sampson e           pública em Manitoba. Isso marcou meu
Delilah, em que Sampson corta o cabelo e           retorno à Navegante-Blonde e a primeira          Aos 15 anos, meus pais me levaram a um
perde as forças; o material dos pesadelos          parte da minha história sobre o salão          show da ABA no Convention Centre, e eu
masculinos no conto mítico da Medusa,              intergeracional e a família por trás da        fui fisgada! Adorei os diferentes estandes
que podia transformar homens em pedra              instituição de cabelo de North Kildonan.       e palcos, cheios de lindas modelos e
com um movimento de seu cabelo de
cobra e um simples olhar; e o canal de
resgate e perda na trágica história de
Rapunzel, cujas fechaduras chapeadas

                                                     A estilista Kaitlynn pacientemente           estilistas glamorosos, ensinando as
                                                   respondeu às minhas perguntas                  últimas técnicas em cabelo e moda. Foi
                                                   preliminares, enquanto fazia o trabalho        tão emocionante!”
                                                   pesado de cobrir as raízes marrons e
                                                   brancas crescidas e tonificar as pontas de       Os olhos de Dina estão brilhantes
                                                   bronze indomadas por tratamentos auto-         enquanto ela compartilha as memórias
                                                   aplicados de xampu roxo. A consulta de         comigo.
                                                   acompanhamento no Dia de São Patrício
                                                   com a master estilista e proprietária            “Eu me matriculei na Scientific Marvel
                                                   Dina me levou de volta ao estado de loira      em 1986, que também é onde minha mãe
                                                   completa e me aprofundou no legado de          estudou. Conheci minha melhor amiga
                                                   cabelo de sua família.                         Helen na escola de cosmetologia. Nós nos
                                                                                                  divertimos tanto! Ríamos o tempo todo e,
                                                     Localizada na Henderson Highway 1627,        em busca da excelência, mesmo naquela
                                                   chego ao salão em menos de 20 minutos          época, participamos de um curso de
                                                   saindo de River Heights, cruzando a            Martin Parsons em Toronto alguns anos
                                                   cidade pelas extremidades oeste e norte,       depois, que mudou a forma como eu cortei
                                                   antes de colocar a Honda rapidamente na        o cabelo.”
                                                   quinta marcha sobre a ponte Chief Peguis.        Continuado na página 20

  Mundial                                                                                                                                     9
The Portuguese Newspaper Vol3 Issue3 2021 - The red line is the bleed area -
Manny Martins-Karman
Skirt the Issue ; Ditch the Pants ?!
I am an Artist. Graphic Designer. Stylist.         Eu sou um artista. Desenhadora gráfica.        Qual é seu favorito?
Wife. Mother. Coffee drinker.                    Estilista. Esposa. Mãe. Bebedora de café.       Aqui estão algumas opções de saia; https: //
People watcher.                                  Observadora de pessoas.              

   Skirt Outfits to Wear Now                       Roupas de saia para vestir agora
   Spring and summer are (finally) on              A primavera e o verão estão (finalmente)
the horizon, and as temperatures start to        no horizonte e, à medida que as
rise, so will hemlines. After all, you know      temperaturas começam a subir, as bainhas
what they say: Sun’s out, stems out — or         também aumentam. Afinal, você sabe o
something along those lines. And I’ve had        que dizem: o sol saiu, saiu - ou algo nesse
enough of sweatpants.                            sentido. E eu estou farta de calças de
  Soon, it’ll be time to shed the bulky layers
shielding us from the seemingly never-             Em breve, chegará a hora de eliminar as
ending winter during a global pandemic.          camadas volumosas que nos protegem do
The argument over whether or not skinny          inverno aparentemente sem fim durante
jeans are in style will be somewhat              uma pandemia global. A discussão sobre se
pointless because, why wear pants when           jeans skinny estão na moda será um tanto
you can wear skirts?                             inútil porque, por que usar calças quando
                                                 você pode usar saias?
  Skirt outfits certainly aren’t seasonal,
but they’re a lot more enjoyable to wear in         As roupas de saia certamente não são
warmer months when you don’t need to             sazonais, mas são muito mais agradáveis ​​
account for cold weather conditions. Skirts      de usar nos meses mais quentes, quando
are going to be even more of a staple going      você não precisa se preocupar com o
into spring 2021.                                frio. As saias serão ainda mais básicas na
                                                 primavera de 2021.
   With A Button Down
   An easy way to add structure to free-            Com um botão abaixado
flowing maxi skirt outfits is with a crisp          Uma maneira fácil de adicionar estrutura
button down top. Tuck it into the high           a trajes de saia maxi fluídos é com um
waisted bottom, knot it, or add a belt for       botão nítido na parte superior. Coloque-o
some definition and to accentuate your           na parte de baixo de cintura alta, dê um
waistline.                                       nó ou adicione um cinto para dar mais
                                                 definição e acentuar sua cintura.
  Add a blazer
  A blazer is one of those items that never        Adicione um blazer
goes out of style, and 2021 is certainly not       Blazer é uma daquelas peças que nunca
going to be the year that changes. You can       sai de moda e 2021 certamente não será
go classic by pairing one with a pencil skirt,   o ano que muda. Você pode ir clássico
or mix it up with a flowing mini or maxi,        combinando uma com uma saia lápis, ou
adding a tailored contrast up top.               misturá-la com uma mini ou maxi fluida,
                                                 adicionando um contraste personalizado
   If the oversized look isn’t your forte,       na parte superior.
accessorize with a belt to accentuate your
waist since, rumor has it, the belted look is       Se o look superdimensionado não é o seu
forecasted to be one of the biggest fashion      forte, use um cinto para acentuar a cintura,
trends of 2021.                                  já que, dizem os boatos, o look com cinto
                                                 está previsto para ser uma das maiores
   Style with a Graphic Tee                      tendências da moda de 2021.
   Skirts can give off a formal vibe, but
adding a graphic tee automatically creates         Estilo com Camiseta Gráfica
a laid-back aesthetic. Tuck it in and pull on      As saias podem transmitir uma vibração
a blazer for business casual occasions, or       formal, mas adicionar uma camiseta
knot it and complete the look with a pair        gráfica cria automaticamente uma estética
of chunky combat boots. And, don’t be            descontraída. Coloque-o para dentro e
afraid to mix graphics tops with patterned       vista um blazer para ocasiões de negócios
bottoms.                                         casuais ou dê um nó e complete o look com
                                                 um par de botas de combate grossas. E não
   Monochromatic Black                           tenha medo de misturar topos gráficos com
   All-black ensembles are still appropriate     fundos padronizados.
in the warmer months, so don’t let anyone
tell you otherwise. Grab your go-to flats          Preto Monocromático
and or booties, and get moody with                 Conjuntos totalmente pretos ainda são
monochromatic pieces.                            apropriados nos meses mais quentes,
                                                 então não deixe ninguém dizer o contrário.
   Which is your favourite?                      Pegue suas sapatilhas e / ou sapatinhos
   Here’s some skirt options; https://www.       preferidos e fique temperamental com         peças monocromáticas.

10                                                                                                                   Navegante Cultural
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Mundial                                                                                                                     11
Food & Drink
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Salmon Salad                                    Método:                                        Golden Slices
Ingredients:                                    Ajuste a grelha do forno para a posição        Ingredients:
•   1 salmon steak, large                       central e pré-aqueça o forno a 450F / 220C.    •   Slices of thick bread, cut in half
•   4 or 5 potatoes, medium                     Asse por 12-15 minutos. Você saberá que        •   Condensed milk, 1 tablespoon
•   1 small onion, sliced into rings            está cozido se pressionar o salmão com um      •   2% milk, 1/2-3/4 cup
•   Black olives, tomatoes, and lettuce to      garfo e a carne se soltar facilmente. Retire   •   1/4 stick of butter, for frying
    garnish; hard-boiled egg, optional          do forno e deixe esfriar.                      •   Sugar and cinnamon topping, to taste

Dressing -- Refogado:                                                                                     Method:
•   olive oil, 2-3 tablespoons, to taste                                                                  ...1
•   diced onion, 1/4 cup                                                                                  In a saucepan on medium heat,
•   garlic, minced to taste                                                                               melt butter in the pan -- do not
•   1 can of tomato paste, or crushed                                                                     overheat!
Method:                                                                                                   Combine milk into a shallow
...1                                                                                                      bowl.
Adjust oven rack to middle position and
preheat oven to 450F/220C. Bake 12-15                                                                     ..3
minutes. You will know it is cooked if you                                                                Dip slices of bread, one by one,
press down on the salmon with a fork and                                                                  into the mixture of milk and fry.
the flesh flakes easily. Remove from oven
and let cool.                                                                                             ...4
                                                                                                          Sprinkle with sugar and
...2                                                                                                      cinnamon mix and serve
Cut potatoes into cubes and boil in salted                                                                immediately.
water -- do not overcook potatoes. Drain        ...2
and set aside. Let cool. Slice small onion      Corte as batatas em cubos e ferva em água
into rings.                                     com sal - não cozinhe demais as batatas.       Fatias Douradas
                                                Escorra e reserve. Deixe esfriar. Corte a
...3                                            cebola pequena em rodelas.                     Ingredientes:
In a medium saucepan on low-medium                                                             •   Fatias de pão grosso, cortado ao meio
heat, start the dressing by heating the olive   ...3                                           •   Leite condensado, 1 colher de sopa
oil in the pan, adding the diced onion,         Em uma panela média em fogo baixo-             •   2% de leite, 1 / 2-3 / 4 xícara
garlic, and tomatoes; heat until onion is       médio, comece o molho aquecendo o azeite       •   1/4 barra de manteiga, para fritar
transluscent and mixture is thickened.          na panela, adicionando a cebola picada, o      •   Cobertura de açúcar e canela a gosto
                                                alho e o tomate; aqueça até a cebola ficar
...4                                            translúcida e a mistura engrossar.             Método:
Add water or wine to the thickened onion,
garlic and tomato mixture, blending and         ...4                                           ...1
heating all ingredients together. Remove        Adicione água ou vinho à mistura               Em uma panela em fogo médio, derreta a
from head and let cool.                         engrossada de cebola, alho e tomate,           manteiga na panela - não aqueça demais!
                                                batendo e aquecendo todos os
...5                                            ingredientes. Retire da cabeça e deixe         ...2
Place cubed, cooled potatoes into a serving     esfriar.                                       Combine o leite em uma tigela rasa.
bowl or platter, add the flaked salmon, and
pour the dressing over both the salmon          ...5                                           ...3
and potatoes; mix gingerly until covered        Coloque as batatas em cubinhos resfriadas      Mergulhe as fatias de pão, uma a uma, na
and garnish with black olives, tomatoes         em uma tigela ou travessa, acrescente          mistura de leite e frite.
and lettice; a quartered hard-boiled egg is     o salmão em flocos e despeje o molho
optional                                        sobre o salmão e as batatas; misture           ...4
                                                cuidadosamente até coberto e decore com        Polvilhe com a mistura de açúcar e canela e
                                                azeitonas pretas, tomates e lettice; um ovo    sirva imediatamente.
Salada de Salmão                                cozido em pedaços é opcional

•   1 bife de salmão, grande
•   4 ou 5 batatas, médio
•   1 cebola pequena, cortada em rodelas
•   Azeitonas pretas, tomates e alface para
    enfeitar; ovo cozido, opcional

Molho - Refogado:
•  azeite, 2-3 colheres de sopa, a gosto
•  cebola picada, 1/4 xícara
•  alho picado a gosto
•  1 lata de pasta de tomate ou tomate

12                                                                                                                 Navegante Cultural
A politica de drogas de Portugal esta funcionando. Por que o mundo nao o copiou ?
por Susana Ferreira, para The Guardian
Artigo continuado de Vol 3, Edição 2
                                              e opiáceos) depois de várias tentativas
                                              dolorosas e malsucedidas de tratamento,
                                              cada uma mais destrutiva que a anterior.
                                                                                             IN 2001
   Um centro de apoio chamado IN-             Ele há muito usava cannabis como forma
Mouraria fica discretamente em um bairro      de terapia - metadona não funcionava para
animado e rapidamente enobrecido de           ele, nem qualquer um dos programas de
Lisboa, um antigo enclave de comunidades      internação que ele tentou - mas a cruel
marginalizadas. Das 14h00 às 16h00,           hipocrisia da descriminalização significava
o centro oferece serviços a migrantes         que, embora fumar maconha não fosse
indocumentados e refugiados; das 17h          crime, comprá-la era. Sua última e pior
às 20h, abrem as portas para usuários de      recaída veio quando ele foi comprar
drogas. Uma equipe de psicólogos, médicos     maconha de seu traficante habitual e foi
e colegas de trabalho (eles próprios ex-      informado: “Eu não tenho isso agora, mas
usuários de drogas) oferecem agulhas          tenho uma boa cocaína.” João disse que
limpas, quadrados pré-cortados de papel       não, obrigado e foi embora, mas logo se
alumínio, kits de crack, sanduíches, café,    viu indo a um caixa eletrônico e depois de
roupas limpas, produtos de higiene, teste     volta ao concessionário. Após essa recaída,
rápido de HIV e consultas - tudo gratuito.    ele embarcou em um novo relacionamento
                                              e começou seu próprio negócio. A certa
  No dia em que visitei, os jovens            altura, ele tinha mais de 30 funcionários.
esperavam pelos resultados do teste           Então veio a crise financeira. “Os clientes
de HIV enquanto outros jogavam                não pagavam e os credores começaram a
cartas, reclamaram do assédio policial,       bater à minha porta”, disse-me ele. “Em seis
experimentaram roupas, trocaram               meses, eu queimei tudo que construí.”
conselhos sobre situações de vida,
assistiram a filmes e deram palestras            De manhã, acompanhei as equipas de
estimulantes uns para os outros. Eles         rua do centro até aos arredores de Lisboa.
variavam em idade, religião, etnia e          Conheci Raquel e Sareia - suas formas
identidade de gênero, e vinham de todo        esguias nadando nos grandes coletes de
o país e de todo o mundo. Quando um           alta visibilidade que usam em seus turnos
homem magro e mais velho saiu do              em uma ONG de redução de danos. Seis
banheiro, irreconhecível depois de ter        vezes por semana, eles enchiam uma
raspado a barba, um jovem enérgico que        grande van branca com água potável,
estava folheando revistas ergueu os braços    lenços umedecidos, luvas, caixas de papel
e aplaudiu. Ele então se virou para um        alumínio e pilhas de kits de medicamentos
homem quieto sentado do meu outro lado,       emitidos pelo governo: bolsas de plástico
sua barba exuberante e cabelos escuros        verde com porções descartáveis de​​ água
encaracolados sob o boné, e disse: “E você?   filtrada, ácido cítrico, uma pequena
Por que você não vai raspar essa barba?       bandeja de metal para cozinhar, gaze, filtro
Você não pode desistir de si mesmo, cara. É   e uma seringa limpa. Portugal ainda não
quando tudo acaba.” O barbudo sorriu.         tem locais de injeção supervisionados, por
                                              isso Raquel e Sareia vão aos locais ao ar
   Durante as minhas visitas ao longo         livre onde sabem que as pessoas compram
de um mês, conheci alguns colegas de          e usam. Ambas são psicólogas treinadas,
trabalho, entre eles João, um homem           mas nas ruas são conhecidas simplesmente
compacto de olhos azuis que era rigoroso      como as “garotas das agulhas.”
em repassar os detalhes e nuances do que
estava aprendendo. João queria ter certeza      “Boa tarde!” Raquel gritou alegremente,
de que eu entendia que o papel deles no       enquanto caminhávamos por um terreno
centro de apoio não era forçar ninguém a      aparentemente abandonado em uma
parar de usar, mas minimizar os riscos.       área chamada Cruz Vermelha. “Time de
                                              rua!” As pessoas se materializaram de seus
   “Nosso objetivo não é direcionar as        esconderijos como uma versão estranha
pessoas ao tratamento - elas têm que          de whack-a-mole, colocando a cabeça para
querer”, ele me disse. Mas mesmo quando       fora dos buracos na parede onde haviam
eles querem parar de usar, ele continuou,     ido fumar ou atirar.
ter funcionários de apoio acompanhando-
os nas consultas e instalações de               “Minhas garotas de agulhas,” uma
tratamento pode parecer um fardo para         mulher murmurou para elas com ternura.
o usuário - e se o tratamento não for         “Como vão vocês, meus amores?” A
bem, existe o risco de que essa pessoa        maioria manteve uma conversa educada,
vá sinto vergonha de voltar ao centro de      atualizando os trabalhadores sobre suas
atendimento. “Então nós os perdemos, e        lutas pela saúde, vida amorosa, problemas
não é isso que queremos fazer”, disse João.   de imigração ou necessidades de moradia.
“Eu quero que eles voltem.”                   Uma mulher disse-lhes que voltaria a
                                              Angola para tratar dos bens da mãe, que
  João é um ativista da legalização da        estava ansiosa pela mudança de cenário.
maconha, abertamente sobre ser HIV            Outro homem disse a eles que conseguira
positivo e, depois de faltar parte da         a aprovação do visto de sua namorada
juventude do filho, está se deliciando com    online. “Ela sabe que você está usando?”
seu novo papel de avô. Ele havia parado       Sareia perguntou.
de usar speedballs (misturas de cocaína       Continuado, pagina 22

  Mundial                                                                                              13
Portugual''s Radical Drugs Policy is Working. Why hasn't the world copied it ?
by Susana Ferreira for The Guardian                 burden on the user – and if the treatment             “Good afternoon!” Raquel called
Article continued from Vol 3, Issue 2               doesn’t go well, there is the risk that that       out cheerily, as we walked across a
                                                    person will feel too ashamed to return to          seemingly abandoned lot in an area called
  A drop-in centre called IN-Mouraria sits          the drop-in centre. “Then we lose them,            Cruz Vermelha. “Street team!” People
unobtrusively in a lively, rapidly gentrifying      and that’s not what we want to do,” João           materialised from their hiding places like
neighbourhood of Lisbon, a longtime                 said. “I want them to come back.”                  some strange version of whack-a-mole,
enclave of marginalised communities.                                                                   poking their heads out from the holes in
From 2pm to 4pm, the centre provides                   João is a marijuana-legalisation                the wall where they had gone to smoke or
services to undocumented migrants                   activist, open about being HIV-positive,           shoot up. “My needle girls,” one woman
and refugees; from 5pm to 8pm, they                 and after being absent for part of his             cooed to them tenderly. “How are you, my
open their doors to drug users. A staff of          son’s youth, he is delighting in his new           loves?” Most made polite conversation,
psychologists, doctors and peer support             role as a grandfather. He had stopped              updating the workers on their health
workers (themselves former drug users)              doing speedballs (mixtures of cocaine              struggles, love lives, immigration woes or
offer clean needles, pre-cut squares of             and opiates) after several painful, failed         housing needs. One woman told them she
foil, crack kits, sandwiches, coffee, clean         treatment attempts, each more destructive          would be going back to Angola to deal with
clothing, toiletries, rapid HIV testing, and        than the last. He long used cannabis as            her mother’s estate, that she was looking
consultations – all free and anonymous.             a form of therapy – methadone did not              forward to the change of scenery. Another
                                                    work for him, nor did any of the inpatient         man told them
   On the day I visited, young people stood         treatment programmes he tried – but the            he had managed
around waiting for HIV test results while           cruel hypocrisy of decriminalisation meant         to get his online
others played cards, complained about               that although smoking weed was not a               girlfriend’s visa
police harassment, tried on outfits, traded         criminal offence, purchasing it was. His last      approved. “Does
advice on living situations, watched movies         and worst relapse came when he went to             she know you’re
and gave pep talks to one another. They             buy marijuana from his usual dealer and            using?” Sareia
varied in age, religion, ethnicity and gender       was told: “I don’t have that right now, but        asked. The man
identity, and came from all over the country        I do have some good cocaine.” João said            looked sheepish.
and all over the world. When a slender,             no thanks and drove away, but soon found
older man emerged from the bathroom,                himself heading to a cash machine, and                In the foggy
unrecognisable after having shaved his              then back to the dealer. After this relapse,       northern city
beard off, an energetic young man who had           he embarked on a new relationship, and             of Porto, peer
been flipping through magazines threw               started his own business. At one point he          support workers
up his arms and cheered. He then turned             had more than 30 employees. Then the               from Caso – an
to a quiet man sitting on my other side,            financial crisis hit. “Clients weren’t paying,     association run by and for drug users and
his beard lush and dark hair curling from           and creditors started knocking on my               former users, the only one of its kind in
under his cap, and said: “What about you?           door,” he told me. “Within six months I had        Portugal – meet every week at a noisy cafe.
Why don’t you go shave off that beard? You          burned through everything I had built up.”         They come here every Tuesday morning to
can’t give up on yourself, man. That’s when                                                            down espressos, fresh pastries and toasted
it’s all over.” The bearded man smiled.                In the mornings, I followed the centre’s        sandwiches, and to talk out the challenges,
                                                    street teams out to the fringes of Lisbon. I       debate drug policy and argue, with the
   During my visits over the course of a            met Raquel and Sareia – their slim forms           warm rowdiness that is characteristic of
month, I got to know some of the peer               swimming in the large hi-vis vests they            people in the northern region.
support workers, including João, a compact          wear on their shifts at a harm-reduction
man with blue eyes who was rigorous in              NGO. Six times a week, they loaded up a              When I asked what they thought of
going over the details and nuances of what          large white van with drinking water, wet           Portugal’s move to treat drug users as sick
I was learning. João wanted to be sure I            wipes, gloves, boxes of tinfoil and piles          people, rather than as criminals, they
understood their role at the drop-in centre         of state-issued drug kits: green plastic           scoffed. “Sick? We’re not sick.”
was not to force anyone to stop using, but          pouches with single-use servings of filtered
to minimise the risks for users.                    water, citric acid, a small metal tray for            I was told this again and again in the
                                                    cooking, gauze, filter and a clean syringe.        north: thinking of drug addiction simply in
  “Our objective is not to steer people             Portugal does not yet have any supervised          terms of health and disease was reductive.
to treatment – they have to want it,” he            injection sites, so Raquel and Sareia go           Some people are able to use drugs for
told me. But even when they do want to              out to the open-air sites where they know          years without any major disruption to their
stop using, he continued, having support            people buy and use. Both are trained               personal or professional relationships.
workers accompany them to appointments              psychologists, but in the streets they are         It only became a problem, they told me,
and treatment facilities can feel like a            known simply as the “needle girls.”                when it became a problem.

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14                                                                                                                          Navegante Cultural
In spite of Portugal’s tangible results,       an open waiting area, bathrooms, storage         pulled into the centre’s parking lot: “You
other countries have been reluctant to           and clinics down below. Patients wander          need to change almost everything.” He
follow. The Portuguese began seriously           in throughout the day for appointments,          cackled at his own joke and stepped out
considering decriminalisation in 1998,           to chat, to kill time, to wash, or to pick up    of his car. The glass doors at the entrance
immediately following the first UN General       their weekly supply of methadone doses.          slid open to a facility that was bright and
Assembly Special Session on drugs.               For some, estranged from loved ones and          clean without feeling overwhelmingly
                                                 adrift from any version of home, this is the     institutional. Doctors’ and administrators’
   The biggest change in global attitudes        closest thing they’ve got to community and       offices were up a sweeping staircase ahead.
and policy has been the momentum behind          normality.                                       Women at the front desk nodded their
cannabis legalisation. Local activists                                                            hellos, and Pereira greeted them warmly:
have pressed Goulão to take a stance on           “It’s not just about administering              “Good afternoon, my darlings.”
regulating cannabis and legalising its sale      methadone,” Pereira told me. “You have to
in Portugal. Legalising a single substance       maintain a relationship.”                          This facility, like the others, is connected
would call into question the foundation                                                           to a web of health and social rehabilitation
of Portugal’s drug and harm-reduction               In a back room, rows of little canisters      services. It can house up to 14 people at
philosophy. If the drugs aren’t the problem,     with banana-flavoured methadone                  once: treatments are free, available on
if the problem is the relationship with          doses were lined up, each labelled with          referral from a doctor or therapist, and
drugs, if there’s no such thing as a hard or     a patient’s name and information. The            normally last between eight and 14 days.
a soft drug, and if all illicit substances are   Olhão CAT regularly services about 400           When people first arrive, they put all
treated equally, he argued, then shouldn’t       people, but that number can double during        of their personal belongings – photos,
all drugs be legalised and regulated?            the summer months, when seasonal                 mobile phones, everything – into storage,
                                                 workers and tourists come to town.               retrievable on departure. “We believe in
  Massive international cultural shifts in       Anyone receiving treatment elsewhere             the old maxim: ‘No news is good news,’”
thinking about drugs and addiction are           in the country, or even outside Portugal,        explained Pereira. “We don’t do this
needed to make way for decriminalisation         can have their prescription sent over            to punish them, but to protect them.”
and legalisation globally.                       to the CAT, making the Algarve an ideal          Memories can trigger them, and sometimes
                                                 harm-reduction holiday destination. After        families, friends and toxic relationships can
                                                 lunch at a restaurant owned by a former          enable them.
                                                 CAT employee, the doctor took me to
                                                 visit another of his projects – a particular        To the left there were intake rooms and a
                                                 favourite. His decades of working with           padded isolation room, with clunky security
                                                 addiction disorders had taught him some          cameras propped up in every corner.
                                                 lessons, and he poured his accumulated           Patients each had their own suites – simple,
                                                 knowledge into designing a special               comfortable and private. To the right, there
                                                 treatment facility on the outskirts of           was a “colour” room, with a pottery wheel,
                                                 Olhão: the Unidade de Desabituação, or           recycled plastic bottles, paints, egg cartons,
                                                 Dishabituation Centre. Several such UDs,         glitter and other craft supplies. In another
                                                 as they are known, have opened in other          room, coloured pencils and easels for
                                                 regions of the country, but this centre          drawing. A kiln, and next to it a collection
                                                 was developed to cater to the particular         of excellent handmade ashtrays. Many
                                                 circumstances and needs of the south.            patients remained heavy smokers.
  Photo by Anita Repstock
                                                   Pereira stepped down as director some             Patients were always occupied, always
   If conservative, Catholic Portugal could      years ago, but his replacement asked him to      using their hands or their bodies or their
transform into a country where same-sex          stay on to help with day-to-day operations.      senses, doing exercise or making art, always
marriage and abortion are legal, and where       Pereira should be retired by now – indeed,       filling their time with something. “We’d
drug use is decriminalised, a broader shift      he tried to – but Portugal is suffering from     often hear our patients use the expression
in attitudes is possible. But, as the adage      an overall shortage of health professionals      ‘me and my body’,” Pereira said. “As though
goes: one has to want the change.                in the public system, and not enough young       there was a dissociation between the ‘me’
                                                 doctors are stepping into this specialisation.   and ‘my flesh’.”
  When Pereira first opened the CAT in           As his colleagues elsewhere in the country          To help bring the body back, there
Olhão, he faced vociferous opposition from       grow closer to their own retirements, there’s    was a small gym, exercise classes,
residents; they worried that with more           a growing sense of dread that there is no        physiotherapy and a jacuzzi. And after so
drogados would come more crime. But              one to replace them.                             much destructive behaviour – messing
the opposite happened. Months later, one                                                          up their bodies, their relationships, their
neighbour came to ask Pereira’s forgiveness.       “Those of us from the Algarve always           lives and communities – learning that they
She hadn’t realised it at the time, but there    had a bit of a different attitude from our       could create good and beautiful things was
had been three drug dealers on her street;       colleagues up north,” Pereira told me. “I        sometimes transformational.
when their local clientele stopped buying,       don’t treat patients. They treat themselves.
they packed up and left.                         My function is to help them to make the            Being alive, he said to me more than
                                                 changes they need to make.”                      once, can be very complicated.“My
  The CAT building itself is a drab, brown         And thank goodness there is only one           darling,” he told me, “it’s like I always say: I
two-storey block, with offices upstairs and      change to make, he deadpanned as we              may be a doctor, but nobody’s perfect.”

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  Mundial                                                                                                                                                   15
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