The Puerto Rico Community Foundation - Maria del C. Arteta and William Lockwood-Benet

Page created by Nicholas Estrada
The Synergos Institute
Voluntary Sector Financing Program
Case Studies of Foundation-Building
in Africa, Asia and Latin America

The Puerto Rico
Community Foundation
Maria del C. Arteta and William Lockwood-Benet

The preparation of this series of case studies   No part of this publication may be reproduced
was made possible by support from the Ford       or transmitted in any form or by any means
Foundation, the Aspen Institute, the C.S. Mott   without the permission of The Synergos Insti-
Foundation and the Compton Foundation.           tute.
The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

Voluntary Sector Financing
Case Studies:
• The Foundation for the Philippine
• The Esquel Ecuador Foundation
  (Fundación Esquel-Ecuador)
• Child Relief and You - CRY (India)
• Foundation for Higher Education (Colombia)
  (Fundación para la Educación
  Superior - FES)
• Philippine Business for Social Progress
• The Puerto Rico Community Foundation
• The Mexican Foundation for Rural
• The Kagiso Trust (South Africa)

Cross-Case Analyses:
• Formation and Governance
• Organizational Financing and Resource
• Program Priorities and Operations
Synopsis                             1   Sources                               32
Preface                              3   Tables
Genesis and Origins                  6
                                         1: Support to the non profit Sector
Founding Factors                     8      in Puerto Rico, 1985-1990           7

                                         2: Sources of Funds                   23
Governance                          11   3: Uses of Funds                      24
Mission                             11
                                         4: Donor Taxable Deductions           28
Governing Structure                 11

Strengthening Governance            14   Annexes
Staffing and Organization           15   1: Organizational Chart               33

                                         2: Mission Statement                  34
Program Operation and Evolution     16
                                         3: Past And Present Programs          35
Program Evolution                   16
                                         4: Financial Statements 1985-1994     37
Grantmaking Programs                18

Programs Sponsored by the PRCF      19

Programs Administered by the PRCF   20

Permanent Fund for the Arts         23

Financing PRCF                      22

Sources of Funds                    22

Uses of Funds                       23

Fundraising Methods                 24

Financial Management                26

Sources of Future Funding           27

Conclusion                          30
The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

Glossary of Acronyms
CENAD      Centro de Adolecentes (Adoles-

CHODOs     Community Housing Development

GDB        Government Development Bank
Puerto Rico

HUD        US Department of Housing and
           Urban Development

IDEFI      Instituto para del Desarrollo de la
           Filantropía (Institute for the
           Development of Philanthropy)

IREI       Iniciativa para la Renovación de la
           Escuela Intermedia (Initiative to

Reform the Middle School)

NGO        Nongovernmental organization

NPRC       National Puerto Rican Coalition

PFA        Permanent Fund for the Arts

PRCF       Puerto Rico Community Founda-

PRMA       Puerto Rico Manufacturers’

936        Corporations operating under the
           tax benefits of Section 936 of the
           US Internal Revenue Code
Synopsis                                           the island. These benefits were under attack
                                                   in the US government. By supporting the
Origins                                            community Foundation, these 936 corpora-
The idea of establishing the Puerto Rico Com-      tions hoped to demonstrate their commitment
munity Foundation (PRCF) began at a forum          to Puerto Rico, thus enhancing their standing
sponsored by the National Puerto Rican Coali-      in Washington.
tion (NPRC), a non profit organization led by
                                                   The founders had hoped that, in addition to
mainland (US) Puerto Ricans. Support for the
                                                   support from the 936 corporations and US
idea grew through extensive discussions
                                                   foundations, significant funding would also be
involving Puerto Ricans on the island and in
                                                   available from local corporate and individual
the US, as well as among businesses in Puer-
                                                   donors, but local donors have lagged behind
to Rico and US foundations.
                                                   the other sources. Two reasons for the rela-
The US foundations — led by the Ford               tively less successful local fundraising are that
Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation,           large local corporations prefer to give money
and the Rockefeller, Charles Stewart Mott,         directly to charities close to their communities,
and MacArthur Foundations — supported the          or they are already leading sponsors of United
creation of an indigenous foundation which         Way (a workplace giving program).
would mobilize local and international
                                                   In 1986, the Foundation began accepting
resources and channel them as grants to
                                                   earmarked grants that it administers from other
community organizations and nonprofit orga-
                                                   donors. It also manages nine donor-designated
nizations. Susan Berresford of the Ford Foun-
                                                   family funds. Those donors benefit from the
dation explained "...our staff could not spend
                                                   PRCF's local expertise in grantmaking.
enough time in Puerto Rico to know the island
well enough to make good grants." The US           The Ford Foundation has been the largest
foundations provided technical assistance          donor to the PRCF, contributing $7.6 million,
which helped the PRCF start operations             much in the form of challenge grants. Over $8
quickly.                                           million has been received from 936 corpora-
                                                   tions. Today the PRCF's endowment stands
The PRCF "started big," with over half a
                                                   at $10 million.
million dollars in grants in its first year. Its
board believed that starting big would
increase the Foundation's visibility and
encourage both donations and inquiries about
                                                   The PRCF is governed by a board of direc-
                                                   tors, which meets four times a year and
                                                   approves grants over $5,000. Board members
                                                   may serve
                                                   a maximum of two three-year terms. Much of
One of the businesses active in the discus-
                                                   the discussions among the founders of the
sions, Schering-Plough, identified another
                                                   PRCF concerned board composition. US
major source of funding: US corporations
                                                   foundations and the NPRC wanted large
that, like Schering-Plough, received tax cred-
                                                   numbers of community representatives, while
its under Section 936 of the US Internal Rev-
                                                   business leaders stressed the importance of
enue Code for investing in manufacturing on

The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

    including recognized businesspeople in order
    to raise funds. The founding board was mainly
    composed of business and professional lead-
    ers, while grassroots leaders were gradually

    The staff is led by a president and divided into
    three areas: administration, development and
    programs, each with its own director.

    The PRCF has five priority areas: economic
    development, community development, art
    and culture, and health and education.

    The PRCF also manages an autonomous
    Permanent Fund for the Arts with its own
    program director and separate grants bud-
    In addition to grantmaking and grant interme-
    diation, the PRCF directly administers pro-
    grams, including the Institute for the Promo-
    tion of
    Philanthropy that provides training and techni-
    cal assistance to philanthropic institutions
    throughout the Caribbean.

Preface                                             northern counterparts . For example, they are
                                                    more likely to mix program operation with
                                                    grantmaking. Many of them act as convenors
In Africa, Asia and Latin America, citizen par-
                                                    of civil society groups, as bridging institutions
ticipation through a range of civil society orga-
                                                    to other sectors of society or as technical
nizations has become a growing and vital
                                                    assistance and training providers.
force. Civil society organizations have brought
significant material and human resources from       To distinguish this type of southern founda-
the community level to bear on poverty prob-        tion-like organization from northern founda-
lems through donations of time, energy, mate-       tions we can use a term such as "community
rials and money.                                    development foundation" or "southern foun-
Locally managed and controlled organizations
                                                    or use a new term. One new term which has
that provide direct financial support to other
                                                    beenproposed is "civil society resource orga-
organizations within their societies have been
                                                    nization" or CSRO. This term refers to organi-
established over the last decade in many
                                                    zations which combine financial assistance to
southern countries. A few were established
                                                    community-based organizations and NGOs
twenty or thirty years ago. These organiza-
                                                    with other forms of support for organizations
tions are injecting critical financial as well as
                                                    or the civil society sector as a whole. In this
technical resources into local civil society and
                                                    series of papers we will use the terms "foun-
mobilizing resources from a wide variety of
                                                    dation" and "civil society resource organiza-
sources both domestic and international for
this purpose.
Few of them were created with a single large
                                                    This expanding universe of foundations/civil
endowment, as was the case with most north-
                                                    society resource organizations around the
ern private foundations. Most of them rely on
                                                    world has not been systematically studied. As
a wide range of strategies to mobilize financial
                                                    one of the first steps towards developing an
resources including earned income contribu-
                                                    understanding of this sector, Synergos
tions from individuals and corporations and
                                                    responded to a request from a group of
grants from international organizations. Some
                                                    southern foundations. In April 1993, a group
managed donor-designated or donor-advised
                                                    of foundations from a dozen southern coun-
funds following the US community foundation
                                                    tries met with northern foundations and official
                                                    foreign aid agencies to discuss the emerging
General consensus over terminology has not          role of foundations in strengthening civil soci-
yet been reached; these new types of organi-        ety in Africa, Asia and Latin America. A major
zations are usually referred to as "founda-         outcome of the discussion was a decision to
tions" or                                           learn more about how these organizations are
"foundation-like organizations." Though many        created, how they develop and evolve, and
of these organizations have adopted legal           how they sustain themselves as philanthropic
identities as foundations or trusts, others are     entities. The group decided on case studies
registered as nongovernmental organizations.        and analysis as the most fruitful approach.
In general, they differ in many ways from their     The Synergos Institute, which works with local
                                                    partners to establish and strengthen founda-

The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

    tions and other financing organizations,           for publication.
    accepted the task of producing case studies
    on these organizations. These papers are one
    of the products resulting from this effort.        Use of the Studies
                                                       The eight case studies bring to light key fac-
                                                       tors that have led these organizations to be
    A Global Advisory Committee of southern
                                                       successful, and the studies document the cru-
    foundations guided the two-year effort by
                                                       cial processes they have gone through to
    Synergos. The advisors selected eight geo-
                                                       respond effectively to the needs of their
    graphically diverse cases from over sixty orga-
                                                       national civil societies. Across the very differ-
    nizations identified through an initial survey.
                                                       ent conditions that brought about their forma-
    Local researchers were retained in each coun-
                                                       tion, the cases reveal that foundations/CSROs
    try and the Synergos research team worked
                                                       can play a
    with them and the Advisory Committee to
                                                       central and strategic role in strengthening civil
    develop a
                                                       society. Their comparative advantage as
    common protocol.
                                                       resource mobilizers enables them to have a
    The protocol hypothesized four areas as key        large effect both in stimulating new financing
    to the operational effectiveness and sustain-      and connecting financial resources to the
    ability of southern foundations: origins and       community-level where they can have the
    genesis of the institution; institutional gover-   greatest impact. In particular, they have
    nance; program evolution and management;           excelled at:
    and financing. The case researchers studied
                                                       • providing seed resources for the growth of
    these issues via
                                                         civil society organizations in their countries;
    multiple data collection methods and sources.
    The primary method was to conduct direct           • leveraging diverse sources of financing for
    structured interviews with individuals involved      the projects and programs of civil society
    with each case organization, including board         organizations;
    members or trustees, the managing director,
    staff members, grant recipients, and other         • assisting northern foreign aid to be
    relevant organizations. In addition to inter-          channeled to civil society in more sustain-
    views, researchers gathered mission and            able                                        and
    vision statements, annual reports, operating       effective ways; and
    strategies and plans, internal and external
                                                       • acting as an interface for public policy
    evaluations, financial plans and administrative
                                                         dialogue between civil society and the
    procedure manuals. Data collected by the dif-
                                                         government and business sectors.
    ferent methods were systematically organized
    into distinct databases which were the basis       The case studies and the related analytical
    for each written case study. The case studies      papers are a useful tool for those who wish to
    were coordinated by the Synergos research          build foundations/CSROs around the world.
    team, which then provided the funding to a         Synergos hopes they will be widely used as a
    cross-case analysis team for the preparation       catalyst for the development and strengthen-
    of three analytical papers. The two teams pre-     ing of this important group of institutions that
    pared condensed versions of the case studies       provide financing to the voluntary sector.


Acknowledgements                                 Financial support for the project was provided
The case study project has involved the talent   by the Aspen Institute, the Compton Founda-
and contributions of many individuals and        tion, The Ford Foundation, The W.K. Kellogg
organizations over the last two years. We        Foundation and the Charles Stewart Mott
would like to acknowledge their efforts and      Foundation.
emphasize that the project would not have
been possible to complete without their con-     In addition, a number of individuals made very
tributions:                                      important contributions to various aspects of
                                                 the research: Kathleen McCarthy at the Center
• The Global Advisory Committee: Graça           for Philanthropy, City University of New York,
     Machel, Foundation for Community            and James Austin at Harvard University pro-
    Development, Mozambique; Cornelio            vided valuable research advice; staff and
    Marchán, Esquel Ecuador Foundation;          board members of the case organizations
Ethel                                            gave time, interviews and key background
Rios de Betancourt, Puerto Rico Community        materials; Yvette Santiago, Miriam Gerace
Foundation; Kamla Chowdhry, Center for           Guarena, Amelia Moncayo and Armin Sethna
Science and Environment, India; Aurora           assisted in the coordination and production of
    Tolentino, Philippine Business for Social    the study
     Progress; Paula Antezana, Arias Founda-     documents.
Costa Rica; Maria Holzer, Polish Children
and Youth Foundation; Eric Molobi, The
    Kagiso Trust, South Africa.

• The case writers: Teresita C. del Rosario,
  Alejandra Adoum with Angela Venza,
  Anthony D'Souza, Alfredo Ocampo
  Zamorano with Margee Ensign and W.
  Bertrand, Victor E. Tan and Maurino P.
  Bolante, Maria del C. Arteta and William
   Lockwood-Benet, Victor M. Ramos Cortes
   and Lauren Blythe Schütte.

• The case studies research team: Betsy
    Biemann, S. Bruce Schearer, John
   Tomlinson, David Winder and Eliana Vera
at The Synergos Institute and Catherine
   Overholt at the Collaborative for
   Development Action.

• The cross-case analysis team: Darcy
  Ashman, L. David Brown and Elizabeth
   Zwick at the Institute for Development

The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

    Genesis and Origins                                 ment challenges — particularly in the areas of
                                                        education, crime, and drug use — the Foun-
    In June 1995, the Puerto Rico Community             dation is playing a proactive role in supporting
    Foundation (PRCF) marked the ten-year               community initiatives to tackle these chal-
    anniversary of its inception, which had             lenges. With 3.6 million people (1990 census)
    occurred during a period of hardening eco-          living on 3,435 square miles, Puerto Rico is
    nomic realities on the Caribbean island.            one of the most densely populated areas in
    Through a fortuitous intersection of private        the world.1 A Spanish colony for four cen-
    sector and community concerns, and the per-         turies, Puerto Rico was ceded to the US
    severance and commitment of the organiza-           (along with the Philippines and Cuba) after the
    tion’s leaders, supporters, and staff, the PRCF     1898 Spanish American War. Puerto Ricans
    was able to take off in a relatively short period   became United States citizens in 1917, and
    — and now possesses an endowment of $10             the US President appointed
    million and an annual program budget of over        a Governor until 1948. In 1952, a new Consti-
    $1 million.                                         tution was adopted to create the Common-
                                                        wealth of Puerto Rico, with a unique relation-
    While Puerto Rico still faces many develop-         ship to

     Table 1: Support to the Nonprofit Sector in Puerto Rico
     1985 and 1990 (millions of US$)
                                                                        1985                     1990
       Individuals                                                       18.1                     51.2

       Corporations                                                      55.6                     90.3

       Foundations                                                        1.0                      5.0

       Total                                                             74.7                    146.5

       Federal                                                           32.6                     36.8

       Commonwealth of Puerto Rico                                        8.2                     16.1

       Municipal                                                           .2                      1.0

       Total                                                             41.0                     53.9

       Grand Total                                                     115.7                     200.4

the United States that allowed it greater self-    were able to
                                  governance.                                        register 20-30% of their worldwide income in
                                                                                     Puerto Rico during peak years, generating a
                                  A substantial economic boom during the
                                                                                     credit in their US tax returns. By 1984, this
                                  1950s and 1960s — fueled by large inflows of
                                                                                     legislation was threatened with repeal. A lob-
                                  US investment in light manufacturing because
                                                                                     bying campaign by the Puerto Rico Economic
                                  of Puerto Rico’s low cost of production at the
                                                                                     Development Administration, known as
                                  time — proved unworkable in the recessionary
                                                                                     Fomento, averted a complete repeal, although
                                  1970s. While a middle class was created with-
                                                                                     substantial reductions were made in the
                                  in one generation, rural migration to the cities
                                  boomed, outpacing labor absorption capacity
                                                                                     tax benefits.
                                  and resulting in a large migration of Puerto
                                  Ricans to US industrial labor markets requiring    Meanwhile, on the island, economic stagna-
                                  unskilled labor.                                   tion and politicization translated into a grow-
                                  The post 1975 economic development
                                                                                     disillusionment with government as the only
                                  challenges of Puerto Rico have been extreme-
                                                                                     agent for solving Puerto Rico’s economic and
                                  ly well analyzed (Weisskoff 1985, Curet 1986,
                                                                                     social problems. There was an increased
                                  Dietz 1986, Marqués 1993) and include: high
                                                                                     recognition that the government could not
                                  structural unemployment; low per capita
                                  income while exposed to a US cost of living
                                                                                     all the solutions, and that the nonprofit sec-
                                  (most foodstuffs and consumer products are
                                                                                     tor — and corporate and individual donations
                                  imported from the mainland); a reduced share
                                                                                     it — would need to expand. Nonprofit private
                                  investment with a growing share of public
                                                                                     organizations began to proliferate, most of
                                  participation in it; large external public debt
                                                                                     them the traditional cultural, educational or
                                  ($13.8 billion or 58.3% of GNP in 1992); and
                                                                                     health type.
                                  income support transfer payments from the
                                  US government to over half of all families.        But a new kind of non governmental organiza-
                                                                                     tion also emerged, geared towards organizing
                                  To mitigate the impact of the 1974-76 global
                                                                                     and serving its community, or solving the
                                  recession, the US adopted incentives geared
                                                                                     serious and interrelated problems of youth
                                  to job creation. Section 936 of the US Internal
                                                                                     unemployment, drug addiction, school
                                  Revenue Service code allowed businesses
                                                                                     desertion, and crime.2 While many of these
                                  attractive tax credits, and the island became a
                                                                                     groups remain small, some have grown to have
2 According to the 1990 Cen-      leading tax haven for US manufacturing
                                                                                     island-wide recognition and run large organiza-
sus, only 52% of men and 62%      investment. According to 1985 US Treasury
                                                                                     tions capable of well organized fundraising
of women graduated from high      and Commerce Department data, Puerto
school. Unemployment exceeds                                                         campaigns. One of these is the Puerto Rico
20% of the labor force. And,                                                         Community Foundation, which was incorporat-
according to a 1993 study (by     subsidiaries of US pharmaceutical multina-
the Consejo General de Educa-
                                                                                     ed in December 1984 and officially started
                                  tionals represented 35% of their global assets
cion), income distribution fig-                                                      operations on April 1, 1985.
ures point to a large under-      and 18% of their global sales — but only 4%
ground economy and an             of the global employment generated by those        A 1991 report titled Philanthropy in Puerto
uneven allocation of employ-
                                  firms. The top beneficiaries of Section 936        Rico states that there are eleven major grant-
ment, education, and opportu-

The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

                                   making institutions in Puerto Rico with assets         to Rico to know the island well enough to
                                   totaling $75 million. In 1994, the largest grant       make good grants…. During a previous
                                   making program was Fondos Unidos (United               visit to Puerto Rico…the Governor of the
                                   Way), which granted approximately $6 mil-              island…had asked why we only gave
                                   lion,                                                  grants to one particular political party. I
                                   followed by the Angel Ramos Foundation, with           was
                                   the largest assets ($54 million), which granted        surprised. We had no idea that the organi-
                                   approximately $4 million. The breakdown of             zations that had received grants had a
                                   the sources of this support is provided in             particular political affiliation.
                                   Table 1. Approximately a quarter of this total
                                                                                       The Ford Foundation’s interest in the project
                                   ($45.7 million) supported religious institutions.
                                                                                       became instrumental to the creation of the
                                   Founding Factors3                                   PRCF. Ford Program Officer, Dr. William A.
                                    The creation of the PRCF can be traced to          Díaz, a Puerto Rican by birth and a life-long
                                   the interest of the National Puerto Rican           resident of New York City recalls: “After the
                                   Coalition (NPRC), a Washington, DC-based            forum in Puerto Rico, the next time the project
                                   group, in lobbying for what its members con-        took a step forward was during a visit to the
                                   sidered Puerto Ricans’ fair share of US foun-       Ford Foundation of Louis Nuñez and Dick Kin-
                                   dation money.4 To address this concern,             ney,” who discussed the idea of creating a
                                   NPRC organized a meeting in June 1983 at            fund for Puerto Rico similar in concept to the
                                   which private, nonprofit organizations on the       United Negro College Fund, although it would
                                   island were represented. More than two dozen        support areas besides higher education. The
                                   companies were invited to attend the forum,         fund would solicit money from individuals,
                                   but only the President of the Schering-Plough       corporations, and foundations. The Ford
                                   Corporation’s Puerto Rican operations,              Foundation was committed to the concept of
                                   Richard Kinney, came.                               community foundations
                                                                                       as a vehicle for change in the mainland, and
                                   Representatives of the Rockefeller Founda-
                                                                                       brought into the discussions Homer
                                   tion, Carnegie Corporation and the Ford Foun-
                                                                                       Wadsworth, recently retired head of the Cleve-
                                   dation attended the meeting, at which the
                                                                                       land Foundation. Wadsworth recommended
                                   idea of a grantmaking intermediary was pro-
                                                                                       that Ford commit enough money to the pro-
                                   posed for the first time. Upon meeting poten-
                                                                                       ject to make a genuine expression of interest
3 This study relies heavily for    tial Puerto Rican donors and grantees, the US
background on Roberto E.                                                               and that it take the initiative in urging other
                                   foundations became satisfied that local orga-
Bouret’s The Puerto Rico Com-                                                          foundations to come on board.
munity Foundation, A Brief His-
                                   nizations were sufficiently organized to benefit
tory: Origins and Early Develop-   from a foundation-like organization locally.        Many people interviewed in Puerto Rico iden-
ment, 1983-1988.
                                   Further, the US foundations had come to             tify the creation of the PRCF as a “Ford pro-
4 According to an NPRC study,

between 1979 & 1981, US foun-
                                   believe that such an organization could make        ject.” But Berresford stresses that all the US
dation grants to Puerto Rican      better grants in Puerto Rico than could their       foundations were equally committed to the
organizations represented
                                   own staff. According to the Ford Foundation’s       idea and Ford’s larger contribution was just a
0.02% of their total grant bud-
gets, while Puerto Ricans          Susan Berresford:                                   function
account for 5.5% of the total
                                                                                       of its relatively larger size. Berresford also
US population.                        We had come to the conclusion that our
5 “Ayuda Puerto Rico," Forbes:                                                         says that the creation of the foundation was a
                                      staff could not spend enough time in Puer-
The Forbes 500, Special Issue,                                                         group effort involving discussions between US

foundations, local civic leaders, community           Smith Kline Beecham and a veteran
                                  organizations, and potential corporate donors.        fundraiser;
                                  It was perceived as the best alternative for
                                                                                     • Manuel Dubón, a lawyer and real estate
                                  efficient grantmaking and consensus-building.
                                  An article in Forbes quoted Ford Foundation
                                  President Franklin Thomas as viewing the new       • Salvador Casellas, a prominent lawyer
                                  foundation as far better able than its mainland      and former Secretary of the Treasury of
                                  counterparts “to identify appropriate efforts on     Puerto Rico;
                                  the island.”5
                                                                                     • Jaime Fonalledas, President of a real
                                  Díaz became deeply involved in the project,        estate
                                  overseeing Berresford’s suggestion for a feasi-    conglomerate; and
                                  bility study to ascertain the need for support
                                  for such an institution on the island. Ford        • Ethel Ríos de Betancourt, a university
                                  awarded the NPRC a $30,000 grant for the             professor and administrator.
                                                                                     Ledesma admits to having been skeptical at
                                  feasibility study. Alex W. Maldonado, a leading
                                                                                     first, but soon became deeply involved, calling
                                  Puerto Rican publisher, public relations
                                                                                     on many Puerto Rican business leaders to
                                  executive, and journalist was asked to under-
                                                                                     present the idea of the PRCF. He later became
                                  take it, and he conducted over 100 in-depth
                                                                                     the President of the first Board of Directors.
                                  interviews, familiarizing many individuals with
                                                                                     This was the first time the mainland Puerto
                                  the concept of the foundation and sounding
                                                                                     Rican community worked with the islanders
                                  out potential donors.
                                                                                     on a major project. The NPRC identified a
                                  Berresford describes the creation process of       major source of funding — US foundations;
                                  the PRCF as a series of discussions with an        Kinney
                                  expanding number of people. Initially, the         of Schering-Plough identified another — 936
                                  conversations were about the possibility of        corporations.
                                  establishing a grant-giving foundation. Quickly
                                                                                     Kinney’s interest in the development of the
                                  the meetings moved to what the mission of
                                                                                     PRCF was key to its feasibility. Schering-
                                  the PRCF should be, who should serve on the
                                                                                     Plough was a 936 pharmaceutical corpora-
                                  Board, and how to secure funding. Maldonado
                                                                                     tion with three manufacturing plants on the
                                  and Nuñez recruited the most enthusiastic of
                                                                                     island and headquarters in New Jersey. It
                                  the Puerto Ricans interviewed for the feasibili-
                                                                                     had close ties
                                  ty study to become part of the founding team
                                                                                     in the US with the NPRC. Kinney invested a
6 In the US, a legal difference                                                      tremendous amount of time and effort and
exists between a foundation
                                  • Héctor Ledesma, President of the largest         involved Schering’s CEO, Robert P. Luciano,
and a community foundation.
The IRS gives the community         Puerto Rican bank, the Banco Popular;            in establishing the PRCF. Schering-Plough led
foundation more freedom in its                                                       other companies in making an early financial
activities but it has to pass a   • Raymond González, partner in charge of           commitment and pledged $100,000 a year for
public support test and funding
                                    Price Waterhouse in Puerto Rico;                 three years. Luciano also volunteered to ask
must come from a variety of
sources. No law governing                                                            other 936 companies for contributions.
foundations exists in Puerto
                                  • Roberto Bouret, Vice President for public
Rico, where they are simply         relations of the pharmaceutical company          Maldonado and Kinney realized that the PRCF

The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

     presented an opportunity for US companies to      PRCF received a seed grant of $250,000 from
     undertake a high profile commitment to Puer-      the Ford Foundation, and grant commitments
     to Rico, enhancing their corporate credibility    totaling nearly $4 million from five founda-
     locally and their standing in Washington. Their   tions: Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Mott, and
     corporate giving and community relations          the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foun-
     record in Puerto Rico up until then was mini-     dations. This giving was structured as a “chal-
     mal. As a result of the Ford Foundation’s         lenge grant” to encourage individual and cor-
     endorsement, PRCF had become a big-league         porate donations. PRCF had three years, until
     project capable of rallying support at the CEO,   March 31, 1988, to raise $8 million in a two-
     parent-company level. PRCF founders stress        for-one match to receive the $4 million
     that, as pragmatist businessmen, they were        pledged by the US foundations.
     “taking advantage
                                                       Soliciting contributions or pledges quickly
     of 936’s ailing few remaining years.” They
                                                       became part of the process of the feasibility
                                                       study and, by 1985, the PRCF had commit-
     all agree that the PRCF was a good cause
                                                       ments totaling $2.5 million from eleven 936
     and that there certainly was need for it in
                                                       companies, two local banks, and several
     Puerto Rico.
                                                       smaller donors.
     In order to take advantage of the US tax code
                                                       Jaime Escalona, present chairman of PRCF’s
     allowing 936 parent companies to deduct
                                                       Board, who worked at the time with Eli Lilly in
     contributions to the PRCF endowment, a non
                                                       Puerto Rico, recalls how such 936 support
     profit community foundation structure was
                                                       was made possible:
     recommended and adopted.6 The PRCF was
     incorporated in Puerto Rico and is registered        I received a call from Héctor Ledesma,
     with the US Internal Revenue Service. Since          who was President of the Banco Popular,
     the tax incentives for philanthropy were             asking for support for the PRCF. It was
     greater in the US, many 936 corporations con-        important that such people were involved,
     tributed through their own US corporate foun-        people that were credible and respected in
     dations.                                             the business community. We met and he
                                                          explained the project and the involvement
     In the process of completing the feasibility
                                                          and commitment of the Ford, Rockefeller,
     study, two other groups of people became
                                                          and Carnegie foundations. These were
     part of the project — entrepreneurs and exec-
                                                          names that people at headquarters would
     utives of Puerto Rican corporations and gov-
                                                          recognize. It also meant that the project
     ernment leaders. These local groups integrat-
                                                          would have a chance to succeed. I was
     ed the traditional elite sectors such as the
                                                          able to approach headquarters for support.
     largest commercial bank on the island, leading
     private conglomerates, law firms, and senior      Thus, a diverse coalition of interests came
     former government members knowledgeable           together to form the PRCF:
     about US-PR corporate tax affairs. The local
     group was perceived as sophisticated by US        • The US-based Puerto Rican lobby;
     foundations and
                                                       • The 936 companies that seized the
     conveyed the need for the PRCF to the 936
                                                         opportunity to show interest in Puerto

Rico’s                                                 and enhance the quality of life in Puerto
development when they were seeking                     Rico.
   support for continued tax incentives;
                                                    Modeled after community foundations in the
• US foundations that saw the opportunity to        United States, the PRCF was intended by its
    improve the level and quality of grants to      founders to act as a catalytic agent in stimu-
   organizations and groups on the island           lating innovative solutions for the island’s
while                                               problems. The mission statement listed four
leveraging their resources locally; and             major objectives:

• A group of Puerto Rican business leaders          • Fostering action on the major social and
    who had become increasingly committed             economic problems;
to the private nonprofit sector as a vehicle
                                                    • Strengthening the sense of community;
social and economic improvement.                    • Encouraging private philanthropic
                                                      activity; and
The founders had a profound impact on the
Foundation as it exists today, providing and        • Sponsoring research to address important
delineating its ideological base, structure, mis-     social and economic issues.
sion statement, and principal program areas;
selecting original Board members and its first
President; and providing technical assistance       Governing Structure
in procedural and administrative matters. All       The original by-laws give governing power to
the founders who became Board members               the Directors/Trustees, who are the voting
have retired since the by-laws only permit two      members of the corporation and are responsi-
consecutive three-year terms. But US founda-        ble for supervising, managing, and controlling
tions that were among the original donors still     all its affairs, business activities and policies.
support PRCF programs, as do many of the            The Board meets four times a year and
initial corporate donors.                           approves all grants awarded by the Founda-
                                                    tion. Board
Governance                                          members are elected to staggered three year
Mission                                             terms and the by-laws establish a maximum
The PRCF was conceived as a grantmaking             of two terms (six years). The by-laws require
institution with a primary aim of addressing        Directors to disclose affiliations to prevent
the economic challenges of the island.              conflicts of interest.
According                                           Board officers — the Chairman, Vice-Chair-
to its mission statement:                           man, and Treasurer — are elected at the regu-
   The Puerto Rican Community Foundation            lar annual meeting of the corporation. The by-
   is an instrument to garner the energies and      laws specify the creation of four Board com-
   resources of the Puerto Rican people in          mittees:
   addressing this society’s principal socio-       • The Executive Committee, created by the
   economic problems. It seeks to contribute          officers of the Board of Directors, is
   to the achievement of a healthier economy          empowered between Board meetings with

The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

        all the powers of the Board;                  constituted, the advisory council was in place,
                                                      the mission statement was drafted, and staff
     • The Program Committee is appointed by
                                                      were recruited. These decisions had been
     the chairman to screen staff grant proposals
                                                      made by the founders, many of whom
     to ensure compliance with programmatic
                                                      became part of the original Board of Directors.
          priorities before they are brought to the
     full                                             Many of the discussions revolved around who
     Board;                                           should become members of the Board of
                                                      Directors and the right balance between cor-
     • The Investment Committee is appointed by
                                                      porate leaders and community representa-
        the chairman to oversee the use of funds
                                                      tives. US foundations and the NPRC wanted
       and is responsible for procuring the
                                                      to have a large number of community repre-
       maximum yields for the Foundation’s
                                                      sentatives and encouraged diversity. Local
                                                      business leaders stressed the importance of
     • The by-laws also created an Ad-hoc             including recognized credible business lead-
       Committee, originally created to lobby for     ers in order to raise funds. “A tacit compro-
       changes in tax laws regulating charitable      mise was reached. The founding Board was
       donations. This committee has not been         essentially composed of the traditional com-
       formalized by the chairman.                    munity leaders from the business and profes-
                                                      sional sectors, but representatives from grass-
     The Executive Committee meets approxi-           roots community groups were gradually and
     mately once a month; the Program Commit-         systematically added.” (Bouret)
     tee meets before Board meetings to review
     proposals;                                       It was important to the founders that Board
     and the Investment Committee meets regular-      members were credibly non-partisan. One
     ly, though less frequently, to discuss the       way of achieving this was to appoint people
     financial policies of the PRCF. The by-laws      with
     also allow                                       a recognized interest in the nonprofit sector.
     the creation of an Advisory Council of up to     Although some Board members had well-
     fifty members nominated by the Board to          known political affiliations, the original Board
     serve at the pleasure of the Board.              included individuals from all major political
     The history of the PRCF governance is easily
     distinguished into three phases — develop-       Diversity efforts included recruiting Board
     ment and diversification, consolidation and      members with expertise in several of the inter-
     change                                           est areas defined for the Foundation: medi-
     for the future.                                  cine, arts, education, and community organi-
                                                      zations. In the business area the group includ-
     Phase I: 1986-1988 — Development
                                                      ed lawyers, bankers, and public relations
     and Diversification
                                                      executives. To a certain degree, the Board still
     The First Board of Directors:                    has the same areas represented as a result of
     Assuring Diversity                               how vacancies are filled. Although the original
     When the PRCF began operations in April          Board tilted towards business leaders, many
     1985, its sixteen-member Board was officially    of them had been traditionally active in the

nonprofit sector.                                  programs and other activities and make
It included mainland Puerto Ricans, communi-       observations and recommendations to the
ty organizers and a number of women. No            Board. It was formed at the suggestion of
other grantmaking institution in Puerto Rico       Wadsworth,
had such diversity.                                in response to the debate of bringing diversity
                                                   to the Board. Bouret explains:
The candidate for President was approved at
the first Board meeting and the by-laws were          These persons…influential members of the
also approved. A Board committee was                  community, would not have otherwise
formed to review the mission statement and it         been in a position to contribute directly to
was adopted after some minor wording                  the shaping of the Foundation and the def-
changes.                                              inition of its priorities…[The council]
An important decision made by the first Board         played an important role of formally bring-
was to start big in order to increase the foun-       ing to the foundation very important think-
dation’s visibility and attract grant inquiries       ing, especially that of Teodoro Moscoso,
and donations. Thus, over half a million US           its chairman…. But the Council had no
dollars, $514,187, were approved in grants in         specific or legal authority over the Board
the                                                   and thus its mission was vague.
first year.
                                                      The first inkling of adversary relations
During this period the Board organized two            between the Advisory Council and the
retreats for Directors. The first one, held when      Board of Directors was felt…in December
the Board was first instituted, was led by            1985. It revolved around the issue of staff
Dwight Allison from the Boston Foundation             responsibilities. That most damaging of
and examined the role of a Board Directors.           internecine struggles, the issue of divided
The second, in 1988, evaluated the early years        loyalties, was beginning to appear and to
of PRCF’s operations and discussed future             have a cooling effect on the personal rela-
directions.                                           tionship of the Board chairman, Héctor
                                                      Ledesma, and the advisory council Presi-
                                                      dent, Teodoro Moscoso. (Bouret)
The Advisory Council — A Need for Clarity
and Direction                                      Both men were fiercely loyal to the concept of
The original by-laws officially created the        the PRCF so the conflict was resolved, but the
Advisory Council, composed of about thirty         role of the council waned until it was formally
leaders from a wide range of sectors. It was       dissolved. Other members, including journalist
headed                                             Maldonado and Heidi Calero (who later
by Teodoro Moscoso, founder of Puerto              became a Board member) thought the Adviso-
Rico’s industrial program, former US ambas-        ry Council’s failure stemmed from a lack of
sador                                              purpose or
to Venezuela and Director of the Alliance for      a clear role. Nevertheless the council’s exis-
Progress. His leadership allowed the PRCF to       tence allowed a large number of prominent
call on large number of business people and        professionals to become acquainted with the
community leaders. The council was to meet         PRCF and serve as its talent bank.
twice a year to review PRCF’s mission,             PRCF President Rafael Fábregas and Chair-

The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

     man Ledesma resigned from their posts for           business and was periodically renewed
     personal reasons at the end of 1987 and the         through elections that sought to maintain a
     PRCF lost two of its most active fundraisers.       balance of business and community organizer
     The Board requested and was given a nine-           involvement. Dubón, viewed as energetic,
     month extension of the deadline, until Decem-       decisive and
     ber 31, 1988, to meet the challenge grant. The      committed served as chairman of the board
     funders also                                        from December 1988 to 1993. He is credited
     recognized an in-kind contribution of media         as being key to helping the organization meet
     time and space for a public relations cam-          its challenge grant targets. The involvement of
     paign worth approximately $1.3 million that,        each of the Chairmen in running the PRCF
     added to the                                        has always been great although their styles
     $7 million already raised by PRCF, met the          differed. Betancourt explains: “Each of them
     challenge grant.                                    has his
                                                         own particular style so I have worked with
     Ethel Riós de Betancourt, who had resigned
                                                         each one a little differently but always in very
     from the Board to become Vice President of
     programs under Fábregas, became acting
     President of the PRCF and very soon was
     named President by the Board.

                                                         Phase III: 1994 -1995 — Changing
     Phase II: 1989-1993 — Consolidation                 Jorge Fuentes, an engineer, entrepreneur and
     The successful completion of the challenge          former treasurer of the Board was elected
     grant campaign closed the initial chapter in        Chairman for 1994, when he had served on
     PRCF’s history. After that, the new Chairman        the Board for five years and only had a year
     and President — Manuel Dubón and Riós de            left in his term. The Board considered review-
     Betancourt — led PRCF through a five-year           ing its
     period of operational growth and learning           by-laws to change the six-year term limit but,
     which consolidated and expanded the mission         after some debate, decided that it was wiser
     and                                                 to maintain the limits on tenure. Fuentes com-
     programmatic direction set by the founders          ments, “It is important to renew the Board,
     and first Board. The Foundation engaged in          you get new energy and new insights.”
     grantmaking and also began to serve as an           Therefore, in 1994, the Board elected Jaime
     intermediary for channeling or administering a      Escalona, a Director since 1990, to serve as
     range of other foundation grants to local initia-   chair from 1995 to 1996. At the time of this
     tives. It spearheaded research on issues of         appointment, Escalona was retiring from Eli
     youth education and employment and techno-          Lilly, a 936 corporation. Like Dubón and
     logical innovations, with the aim of informing      Fuentes, he had a tradition of nonprofit ser-
     the design of ongoing and future programs.          vice serving on the Board of Fondos Unidos
     (Details on activities during these years are       and the Ana G. Méndez University System, a
     found in the next chapter.)                         leading private university.

     The Board, meanwhile, transacted normal

Strengthening Governance                          members began to keep time sheets in order
In 1993, the PRCF received a grant from the       to determine the staff cost of the administered
Mott Foundation’s Organizational Develop-         programs.
ment Assistance (ODA) program to strengthen
                                                  In the ensuing years, Betancourt believes that
the governance of the institution. The Council
                                                  the PRCF has entered a new phase of reflection
on Foundations facilitated a workshop where
                                                  and renovation in its development. In June
PRCF Board members and staff analyzed
                                                  1995, the PRCF celebrated its first ten years at
trends and discussed long-term strategic
                                                  a luncheon that brought together many of the
issues. Board member Calero explains why
                                                  founding members, past and present Board
she and her colleagues found the experience
                                                  members, donors and grantees. The gathering
                                                  provided an additional opportunity for reflection
   You need time away from the day-to-day         and, subsequently, PRCF submitted a proposal
   business of the Foundation to reflect about    for assistance in strategic planning to the Ford
   what has been done and what needs to be        Foundation.
   done. There is no time at the regular meet-
   ings to critically examine the past or the
   future. The off-site meeting created an
   environment where Board members and
   staff were able to speak their minds.

At the retreat, the Board decided to evaluate
and refine the mission statement, and it dis-
cussed the need for a strategic planning
process. To stress its commitment to commu-
nity development, one of the retreat resolu-
tions was to officially change the Foundation’s
name in Spanish from Fundación de Puerto
Rico to Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico
— including the word “community” which had
always been in the English name but not in
the Spanish name.

As Board members analyzed program trends,
they noticed that over time the programs
administered by PRCF (funded by grants
received from US foundations) and pass-
through grants had grown in proportion to
grant programs funded directly by PRCF
resources. The Board began a process of
programs administered by the Foundation to
determine the right balance between PRCF
funded programs and other programs. Staff

The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

     Staffing and Organization                          from the Board of Directors to become Vice
                                                        President for programs, working to establish
     Initial Staffing                                   the
     The founders of the PRCF spent considerable        programmatic direction of the Foundation.
     time debating who should be the President of       She has played a decisive role in shaping
     the Foundation. The Ford Foundation pro-           the
     posed a candidate who was a Puerto Rican           Foundation and Board, staff members, and
     with experience in community organizations         outsiders praise the credibility, commitment
     and foundation experience in Boston. The           and quality of Riós de Betancourt’s efforts.
     Puerto Rican members insisted that it was          PRCF founders interviewed are proud to
     necessary to find someone credible to the          have her heading the institution and believe
     Puerto Rican business community. Ultimately        she has enhanced PRCF’s image and has
     the founders reached a compromise appoint-         been excellent in forming alliances with other
     ing a business leader as President to assist in    organizations, both in Puerto Rico and the
     raising funds and creating the position of vice    United States, that have greatly increased the
     president of programs to provide strong lead-      effectiveness of
     ership in that area. At its first meeting the      the PRCF.
     Board appointed Rafael Fábregas, a certified
     public accountant and respected retired busi-
     ness executive who, through his connections
                                                        Current Staff
     in the business world, opened many doors for
                                                        The permanent staff of the Foundation is
     the PRCF. Fábregas and first Board chair,
                                                        divided in three areas: Administration, Devel-
     Ledesma, worked very closely together.
                                                        opment, and Programs. The Directors of
     The founders had also identified many of the       these areas report to the President and
     original staff including Rafael Pagán, a lawyer,   attend Board
     as administrative manager and Rafael Torrech,      meetings. Each of the programs administered
     who had worked with the mainland Puerto            by the PRCF has its own staff, including Pro-
     Rican youth organization ASPIRA, as the first      gram Officers with relevant expertise who
     program officer. During most of 1985, the          work relatively independently and report to Dr.
     PRCF received technical assistance and             Nelson Colón, the Director of Programs. The
     training from US foundation programs and           staff are highly professional with a great
     administrative officers. Patricia Biggers, a       amount of experience, expertise and educa-
     Spanish-speaking program officer, was loaned       tion; staff turnover
     by the Ford Foundation to work closely with        is low.
     Torrech on program guidelines and proce-
                                                        Board members stressed the importance of
     dures. PRCF also obtained the
                                                        the staff in setting priorities for the organiza-
     services of Michael Hoffman from the Cleve-
                                                        tion. To
     land Foundation, who assisted in setting up
                                                        a great degree the staff, given their day-to-day
     the administrative procedures and helped adapt
                                                        involvement, control the agenda of Board
     an operations manual he had devised to
     PRCF’s situation.

     Early in 1986, Riós de Betancourt resigned

Program Operation and                               if the Foundation concentrated efforts on
                                                 the other areas, it would help crime and drug

The PRCF programs reflect the mission state-     The PRCF seeks to maintain a balance
ment prepared by the founding members. As        among priority areas, but does not attach
a grantmaking institution from the very begin-   quotas to them.
ning the founders decided the Foundation
would sponsor programs island-wide and
                                                 Program Evolution
would not concentrate its efforts in the San
                                                 Riós de Betancourt recalls that during the
Juan metropolitan area.
                                                 PRCF’s first years there was a lot of discus-
                                                 sion over defining priorities. The needs in
The types of programs have remained fairly
                                                 Puerto Rico were great and there was pres-
constant since 1985 and can be divided into
                                                 sure from different sectors to address them
three main categories:
                                                 all. Focusing was a challenge. Former Presi-
• The grantmaking program;                       dent Fábregas notes the importance given in
                                                 the beginning to science and technology and
• Programs sponsored by the Foundation;          entrepreneurial development in grantmaking
and                                              programs: “We started experimenting with
                                                 industry-university collaborative research in
• Programs administered by the PRCF but
                                                 the pharmaceutical industry and business
  funded by other donors.
                                                 incubators — innovative efforts not taking
The PRCF also runs the Permanent Fund for        place elsewhere in Puerto Rico,” he says.
the Arts, the only program with an endowment
                                                 The contacts provided by the Cleveland Foun-
of its own funded by a combination of
                                                 dation’s Wadsworth, who had an extensive
resources from the US National Endowment
                                                 network with US foundations and companies,
for the Arts, corporate donors and the PRCF
                                                 proved invaluable to the PRCF. Riós de Betan-
                                                 court recalls that Wadsworth took her to visit
The official priority areas have scarcely        the chairman of the Robert Wood Johnson
changed since they were identified in 1985 as    Foundation, Dr. David W. Rogers, which was
follows:                                         interested in helping — but only through a
                                                 designated grant. After Betancourt described
• Economic Development;
                                                 the work of PRCF’s Adolescent Health Task
• Community Development;                         Force, the Johnson Foundation gave PRCF a
                                                 planning grant which led to the establishment
• Art and Culture;                               of the Adolescent Health Center. The Johnson
                                                 Foundation supported the Center for four
• Health;
• Education; and
                                                 Support from the Pew Charitable Trusts for the
• Crime and Drug Prevention — the only           Adolescent Health Center also came about
area                                             through personal contacts of PRCF’s friends —
dropped in 1995, as the Board deemed that        notably Berresford, who accompanied Betan-

The Puerto Rico Community Foundation

     court to Philadelphia to visit the President of the   stro Barrio to join them in submitting a pro-
     Pew Charitable Trust. The visit resulted in sup-      posal to HUD. PRCF had the infrastructure to
     port for the PRCF’s Adolescent Health program,        administer the grant and the expertise in
     which eventually became the Adolescent Health         grantmaking and Organizadora Nuestro Barrio
     Center.                                               had the necessary expertise to provide the
                                                           training component of the program.
     New program ideas come about in a variety of
     ways, Riós de Betancourt says. Some are a             Yet other programs were developed as a
     response to a perceived need by the Board of          match between the interests of the PRCF and
     Directors, others are the result of learning and      funders. When the PRCF approached the
     experience. She recalls that very early on there      Carnegie Corporation for additional support,
     was a discussion at a Board meeting about             Carnegie was interested only in funding a spe-
     crime:                                                cific program. The PRCF explained its inter-
                                                           ests and priorities and a match was found in
        Board member Salvador Casellas said at
                                                           the Program to
        the meeting, “If we are going to be credible
                                                           Renovate the Middle Schools, a program that
        about addressing Puerto Rico’s social
                                                           Carnegie had supported in several states.
        problems, we have to do something about
                                                           Carnegie gave the Foundation a planning grant
        crime.” So we had discussions … and
                                                           and has continued to support the program for
        designed and established a program. The
                                                           several years.
        result was the media drug prevention cam-
        paign. After [that first effort], we have          On other occasions, the staff and Board have
        learned that we need to begin working with         responded to special situations and opportu-
        youth earlier — before drugs and crime. In         nities. For example, while the Foundation had
        a sense, our current program focusing on           made it a policy not to fund relief efforts, the
        the self-esteem of youth is a result of what       destruction of Hurricane Hugo in 1989 was
        we have learned about the problems of              too great to ignore. The staff met and decided
        adolescents over time.                             PRCF had to respond: They would evaluate
                                                           on-going projects and help them restore nor-
     Other programs have been brought to the
                                                           malcy; all program and grantmaking activity
     attention of the Foundation by other groups or
                                                           for the balance of the year would be concen-
     organizations. The Community Development
                                                           trated on the island’s hardest-hit areas and
     Housing Organizations program (CHODOs)
                                                           contingency plans for dealing with catastro-
     began when the US Department of Housing
                                                           phes would be developed. The PRCF Board
     and Urban Development (HUD) approached
                                                           approved the staff’s plan and voted to create
     PRCF about submitting a proposal. PRCF
                                                           a Disaster Relief Fund to provide help to the
     evaluated the program, which was geared at
                                                           communities most severely affected by Hurri-
     training community groups to be able to apply
                                                           cane Hugo. The Foundation raised $235,000
     for and administer HUD housing grants and
                                                           from donors such as the Pew, Angel Ramos,
     decided it was compatible with its mission. In
                                                           Mott, and UPS foundations and UNICEF. In
     addition, the PRCF had developed contacts
                                                           addition, PRCF contributed $150,000 for a
     over time with community groups and knew
                                                           total of $385,000 disbursed in grants between
     which ones were ready for the program. The
                                                           1989 and 1990.
     PRCF selected the group Organizadora Nue-

This response by PRCF’s Board and staff illus-     Over time, the PRCF has emphasized creation
trates the organization’s flexibility to operate   of self-sustaining community groups that can
effectively even in changed circumstances.         help themselves. In addition to focusing its
The PRCF had an infrastructure in place to         grantmaking on community groups, the
evaluate petitions for donations and compa-        PRCF’s staff has devoted valuable time to
nies took advantage of this to channel dona-       help these community groups organize them-
tions through the PRCF. The PRCF made an           selves. These services represent a growing
effort to channel the grants to its own priority   share of unallocated operational expenses.
areas and, for example, established a program      More recently, the PRCF has started a loan
to help rebuild damaged schools.                   program to help
                                                   community-run enterprises. In 1994 it granted
                                                   three small loans totaling $70,000 to help
                                                   these enterprises buy equipment to become
                                                   financially self-sufficient.

                                                   In addition, PRCF has decided to focus on
                                                   adolescence as the critical period of interven-
                                                   tion in order to have a significant impact on
                                                   the future of Puerto Rico. As the Foundation
                                                   has worked to solve the social problems in
                                                   Puerto Rico, staff have become increasingly
                                                   convinced that there needs to be intervention
                                                   in the early teen years. Thus, all PRCF activi-
                                                   ties emphasize programs and projects
                                                   addressing adolescents, an area in which the
                                                   organization has built significant expertise in
                                                   both funding and administration of programs.

                                                   In line with its explicit founding mission of
                                                   promoting philanthropy, PRCF has expanded
                                                   this role elsewhere in the Caribbean and Latin
                                                   America, advising groups on how to incorpo-
                                                   rate as non profits, how to choose and devel-
                                                   op a Board of Directors and how to write
                                                   proposals. Some of the organizations it has
                                                   assisted, such as the PR Downs Syndrome
                                                   Foundation, have become sizable and

                                                   At present the PRCF is exploring the possibili-
                                                   ty of collaborative projects and is receiving
                                                   technical and financial assistance from the
                                                   Ford Foundation to develop this concept.

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