The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights

Page created by Cheryl Potter
The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights
The State of Media
Q4 2018
The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights
INTRODUCTION...................................................... 2

THE RISE OF D2C.................................................... 3

TV ADVERTISING.................................................... 7
US Broadcast & Cable TV Ad Rankings........................................................7
US NFL TV Ad Rankings................................................................................7
UK TV Ad Rankings.......................................................................................8
TV Social Lift Rankings..................................................................................9
Seasonal TV Social Lift Rankings.................................................................10

DIGITAL ADVERTISING..........................................11
Facebook, Inc.............................................................................................. 11

CONCLUSION........................................................ 15
Meet the Metrics.........................................................................................15
The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights
                                           The state of the media industry is constantly evolving,
                                           and in keeping with these changes, so is the State
                                           of Media Report. When 4C started publishing these
                                           reports, we titled them the State of Social. In 2018,
                                           we shifted to the State of Media in order to better
                                           capture a full view of the industry, from digital to
                                           TV advertising. In 2019, we’re sticking with the State
                                           of Media, but instead of taking a high-level view of
                                           industry trends, each quarter we’ll be digging into a
                                           key theme that is impacting the entire industry. To kick
                                           off this new view of the State of Media, we’re focusing
                                           on the rise of direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands and
                                           the lessons that all marketers can learn and apply to all
                                           aspects of their media strategies.
                                           We’ll also still be reporting the digital and TV
                                           advertising benchmark data you’ve come to know
                                           and love in our State of Media Reports. This quarter’s
                                           report includes:

                                           TV ADVERTISING
                                           •   Using 4C’s proprietary Teletrax™ TV monitoring
                                               technology, we looked at ad occurrences and
                                               social lift across national and local television.
                                           •   The total coverage for our Q4 report included
                                               1,200+ channels in the US (including all 210 DMAs)
                                               and the UK.

                                           DIGITAL ADVERTISING
                                           •   Using a representative sample of brands active on
                                               4C across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn,
                                               Pinterest, and Snapchat, we looked at trends in ad
                                               spend, pricing, and engagement rates.
                                           •   The total sample for our Q4 report included
                                               roughly $350 million in global media spend across
                                               1,000+ brands.

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The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights
The Rise of D2C
If you follow our content, you’ve probably heard 4C’s      Enter the direct-to-consumer (D2C) trend. This
mantra for the industry: marketers need to market          new segment of brands has turned away from the
the way consumers consume. And while this certainly        traditional retail model, cutting out the middleman
means that marketers need to create strategies and         in order to sell, as the name suggests, directly to
campaigns that work across platforms and screens, it       consumers. In many cases, D2C brands have further
also means something even more critical: marketers         reduced their overhead by maintaining a digital-
must create a direct relationship between their brand      only presence, reducing costs for themselves while
and their customers.                                       creating an environment for collecting vast amounts
As marketers have been working towards customer-           of consumer data. In this new reality, D2C brands
centricity, several consumer-led forces have come          are able to provide products to consumers at lower
together to create a new phenomenon in commerce            costs but, more importantly, leverage the closed-
and marketing:                                             loop transaction process for competitive advantage.

1. We now live in a world where consumers make
   choices about brand preferences based not only
   on product qualities but also on characteristics of
   the brand itself. Nearly half of consumers say their
   brand preferences are based on a connection with
   the brand’s identity or core values.
2. Social media platforms have created more
   opportunities than ever before for direct
   communication between brands and consumers.
   In fact, research shows that more people follow
   brands on social media than follow celebrities.
3. Consumers are tired of paying more for products
   due to factors that are out of their control. The
   traditional retail model involves a third-party
   seller, which typically increases a product’s price,
   sometimes well beyond what a consumer may be
   willing to pay.

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The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights
Over the past few years, we’ve seen D2C brands disrupt nearly every industry, from mattresses to razors to
fitness. To take a closer look at the consumers engaging with these brands, we used 4C Brand Compass to dig
into the audiences of five of the biggest D2C brands.

                        Top Persona      Top Interest      Top Value         Top Celebrity   Top Brand       Top TV Show

                          Living the                         World                Lara          Blue
                                          Weightloss                                                           Total Divas
                            Dream                         Hunger Relief         Spencer        Apron

                            Rich         Advertising        Women’s                           Citizen          Restaurant
                         Provincials     & Marketing         Health                           Watches          Impossible

                         The Simple                         Nature               Rob          Alien               Bayou
                            Life                          Conservation          Dyrdek       Workshop          Billionaires

                                          Advertising    Public Health in         Carly
                         Bus to Work                                                         Travelocity       Pawn Stars
                                          & Marketing   Developing Nations       Fiorina

                         Successful          DIY            Veterans                         Benjamin          Basketball
                                                                                Joy Cho
                        Professionals      Crafting          Causes                           Moore              Wives

So what’s enabling D2C brands to engage with these audiences and disrupt their industries? It’s simple: they
have data and they aren’t afraid to use it. By cutting out the middle-man, D2C brands create mutually-beneficial
direct relationships with customers. And because of their digitally-oriented businesses, they’re very comfortable
with harnessing this data to reach their consumers effectively across digital channels and screens. “One of the
most important advantages D2C brands have is that they are able to learn more about their consumers with
owned data than more traditional brands would without digital data. By owning the transactional relationship,
these brands can collect valuable data in-house, and can predict future customers through tools like lookalike
audiences,” says 4C Client Success Director, Peter Malile.

See "Meet the Metrics" on page 15.

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The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights
What’s more, D2C brands view marketing as an                  While D2C brands are shaking up industries and
investment not an expense. As 4C Client Success               making their mark in the advertising world, incumbent
Director Gregg Heslop notes, “The rise of direct-             brands certainly aren’t sitting idly on the sidelines. In
to-consumer brands continues to disrupt not only the          order to remain competitive, traditional brands are
brand’s market but the marketing industry. Brands             beginning to take a page out of the D2C playbook.
can connect directly with their end consumer without          Nike, for example, has a long history as a traditional
needing the overhead of brick and mortar locations.           retailer, but is making moves to compete with D2C
Instead, they spend those dollars on building their           brands like Allbirds. The brand, which expects to hit
data infrastructure and expanding across multiple             $50 billion in sales by 2020, has ramped up its focus
platforms.” As D2C brands continue to grow, many              on digital platforms like and a fleet of global
are now expanding their advertising efforts to include        apps. The company has even gone so far as to acquire
non-digital channels like TV, where they can broaden          Zodiac, a customer data and analytics company, to
their reach and apply insights to better connect with         beef up its data-driven strategies. Nike also continues
their audience. In fact, one of 4C’s 2019 predictions         to leverage traditional advertising channels like
is that we’ll see at least two D2C brands enter the           TV, most recently with the revamped “Just Do It”
list of top 15 TV advertisers this year. Check out the        campaign, which sparked conversation and sales
chart below for a comparison of how D2C brands vs             around the world.
incumbents are spending on TV.

                                               2018 D2C TV AD RANKINGS
 RANKED                               AD        NUMBER    CHANGE     CATEGORY BRAND                AD                AD
 ADVERTISER                       MINUTES      OF SPOTS       YoY    COMPARISON                MINUTES            SPOTS
1. Wayfair                               162        326        N/A   Walmart                          750           1,958

2. Uber                                  132        300      663%    Chevrolet                      2,185           4,417

3. Peloton                               50         107       -35%   Planet Fitness                   152             360

4. Hello Fresh                            41        115        13%   Kroger                            49             173

5. Jet                                   29          76        N/A   Walgreens                       340              681

6. Plated                                21          24       -25%   Kroger                            49             173

7. Stitch Fix                             18         38        16%   Macy’s                          582            2,020

8. Letgo                                  13         47       -26%   eBay                              76             222

9. Dollar Shave Club                      5          13      254%    Gillette                        203              573

10. Casper                                3           7       -36%   Mattress Firm                   342              892

See "Meet the Metrics" on page 15.

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The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights
Following the lead of D2C brands and evolving brands like Nike, there are a couple strategies incumbent
brands can adopt:

While D2C brands do invest in marketing, the reality is that they don’t have the same marketing budgets as
incumbent brands, so they have been forced to look for more efficient, highly-targeted methods for TV and
video advertising, like audience-driven scatter buys through Scope by 4C™. Incumbent brands can take the
same approach. “It’s not just about eyeballs anymore, it’s about the right eyeballs,” says 4C SVP, Sales, Amjad
Shehade. “While TV has historically been a channel for reach, direct-to-consumer brands are approaching
it more as a direct response channel. The use of data-driven TV strategies and advanced TV solutions are
allowing for a fundamental shift in TV, where financial barriers to entry are reduced and a brand’s return on its
investment is much more easily measured.”

While traditional brands may not have access to as much first-party audience data as their D2C competitors,
that doesn’t mean they can’t use data-driven strategies to reach their audiences. Using tools like 4C Brand
Compass, brands can uncover insights about their audiences – or their competitor’s audiences – like brands,
TV shows, and celebrities that they interact with on digital platforms, causes they care about, and personas
they align with.

Whether it’s through strategic acquisitions or the adoption of cross-channel, data-driven marketing, expect to
see all brands making moves to become more consumer-centric in 2019.

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The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights
TV Advertising
From traditional television to digital platforms, marketers are turning to video formats more and more in order
to reach and engage their audiences across screens. In fact, as of Q4, nearly 60% of advertising that runs
through 4C includes video assets. To find the brands that are advertising the most across broadcast and cable
in the US and UK, as well as the top NFL advertisers in the US, we use our Teletrax TV monitoring network.
While we’re seeing D2C brands break into TV advertising, traditional brands still represent the top advertisers
in terms of total airings.

               BROADCAST PRIMETIME                                                      CABLE PRIMETIME
 RANKED              AD         AD                       PREV       RANKED                 AD       AD                     PREV
 ADVERTISER        MINS      SPOTS         QoQ    YoY   RANK        ADVERTISER           MINS    SPOTS    QoQ      YoY    RANK

 1. Chevrolet        721     1,482         33%   105%       4      1. Geico              9,926   19,983   19%     31%           1

 2. Ford             576      1,193         4%   69%        3      2. Liberty Mut.       6,049   16,183   27%     91%           5

 3. Toyota           527      1,211        -9%   37%        1      3. HUMIRA             4,516    4,519   10%     15%           7

 4. Nissan           506     1,052        -12%   105%       2      4. Domino’s           4,476   11,408    -7%    79%           4

 5. Geico            450       936          5%   28%        5      5. Universal Pict.    4,354   8,332    35% 234%

 6. Target           348      1,186        74%   18%               6. Progressive        4,135   8,507    -33%      5%          2

 7. Facebook         339        759       543%    N/A              7. T-Mobile           3,849    9,271   23%     15%

 8. McDonald’s       324       909         11%   79%               8. Verizon            3,195    7,623   -22%    -19%          6
 9. Capital One      314        651       226% 1,012%              9. Sprint             3,186    7,347   58%     79%

 10. Google          312        675       674%    9%               10. 20th Cent. Fox    3,138    5,751    7%    112%

                      NFL FOOTBALL
 RANKED                       AD            AD           PREV
 ADVERTISER                 MINS         SPOTS    YoY   RANK

1. Verizon                    217         532     41%      4      Chevrolet and Geico were the top advertisers across
2. Microsoft                  161         344    124%      3
                                                                  broadcast and cable, respectively, in the US in Q4. As
                                                                  for the NFL, where ad time was up consistently year-
3. Bud Light                 152           416   101%      1      over-year for each of the top ten advertisers, J.G.
4. Progressive                149         297    67%       2      Wentworth took the top spot.
5. Geico                     144          295    54%       5
                                                                  See "Meet the Metrics" on page 15.
6. Ford                      106           217   178%
7. J.G. Wentworth            105           122   219%
8. Toyota                    104           242   55%
9. Lexus                     100          288    12%
10. Hyundai                    89          191   24%

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The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights
UK TV Ad Rankings
In the UK, grocery chain Argos was the biggest TV advertiser overall, coming in second on both the Free to Air
Peak TV and Pay TV rankings. Amazon and Currys PC World took the top spots for Free and Pay TV.

                           OVERALL                                                     FREE TO AIR PEAK
 RANKED                      AD        AD                       PREV   RANKED                AD      AD                   PREV
 ADVERTISER                MINS     SPOTS        QoQ     YoY    RANK   ADVERTISER          MINS    SPOTS   QoQ      YoY   RANK

 1. Argos                  7,890    17,877       182%    1%            1. Amazon           1,926   4,458   152%    72%

 2. Amazon                 6,468    14,426       122%   53%            2. Argos            1,912   4,279   188%    18%

 3. Currys PC World        6,406 12,446          52%    47%       6    3. Tesco            1,443   4,148   232%    68%

 4. Tesco                  4,714    13,875       169%   43%            4. McDonald’s       1,424   2,868     6%    63%         2

 5. Direct Line            4,661     9,335       -34%   124%       1   5. Dior             1,314   2,637   774%    99%

 6. ASDA                   4,533    11,337       59%     1%            6. ASDA             1,294   3,194   47%     10%         9

 7. McDonald’s             4,356     9,088        3%    41%        5   7. Apple            1,129   2,160    94%     7%

 8. Oral-B                 4,167     8,992        -5%    16%       4   8. Morrisons        1,124   2,905   88%     86%

 9. Morrisons              3,986 10,656          122%   81%            9. Oral-B           1,103   2,354    31% 110%          10

 10. Dior                  3,836     7,773       710%   65%            10. M&S             1,050   1,880   872%    72%

                        PAY TV PEAK
 RANKED                        AD       AD                      PREV
 ADVERTISER                  MINS    SPOTS       QoQ      YoY   RANK

 1. Currys PC World           960        1,856    81%    42%       4
 2. Argos                     908        2,057   317%   -20%

 3. Amazon                    864        1,865    99%    39%       8
 4. Tesco                     725        2,106 242%      87%

 5. McDonald’s                647        1,371    34%    64%       6
 6. Chanel                    634        1,235   313%    30%

 7. Amazon Prime              634         817    574%   575%

 8. Huawei                    622        1,207 808% 2,121%

 9. Compare The Market        604        1,532   -38%    52%

 10. Direct Line              537        1,078   -35%   138%       1

See "Meet the Metrics" on page 15.

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The State of Media Q4 2018 - 4C Insights
TV Social Lift Rankings
Consumers don’t interact with media in a vacuum, and because of the second-screening phenomenon, TV and
digital media have become inextricably linked. Brands with data-driven strategies are mimicking this consumer
behavior by using digital audience data to inform TV buys, and vice versa. By combining our proprietary
Teletrax™ TV monitoring data with brand engagements across Facebook and Twitter, we calculate a brand’s
TV Social Lift, or increase in engagement following TV ads. In Q4, Ebay saw the greatest lift in social media
engagement on broadcast TV in the US, thanks in part to ads highlighting children opening gifts during the
holiday season. Netflix maintained its top spot for cable advertisers, with trailers for programming like The
Kominsky Method and Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle. In the UK, Vodafone joined the rankings and took the
top spot, as its holiday ad featuring actor Martin Freeman resonated with audiences.

                           US CABLE                                                   US BROADCAST
 RANKED                               TV SOCIAL       TV    PREV      RANKED                     TV SOCIAL          TV      PREV
 ADVERTISER                         LIFT IMPACT    SPOTS   RANK       ADVERTISER               LIFT IMPACT       SPOTS     RANK

 1. Netflix                               83%      4,628      1       1. Ebay                       127%            461

 2. Walmart                               75%     35,824              2. DirecTV                    102%            753       10
 3. Ebay                                  74%      8,923              3. Taco Bell                   85%            537

 4. Arby's                                73%     16,820      5       4. Target                      85%          3,194        6
 5. Taco Bell                             67%     41,082     10       5. T-Mobile                    80%          1,244        8
 6. Target                                65%     30,008      6       6. Walmart                     74%          2,797

 7. Oreo                                  65%      4,268      7       7. Subway                      73%            762        9
 8. LEGO                                  64%     15,453      2       8. Arby's                      72%            630        5
 9.                             61%    26,458      4       9. Home Depot                  65%            776

 10. Red Bull                             60%      7,412              10. Disney                     63%          1,528

                             UK TV
 RANKED                               TV SOCIAL       TV    PREV
 ADVERTISER                         LIFT IMPACT    SPOTS   RANK

 1. Vodafone                             128%      3,086              See "Meet the Metrics" on page 15.
 2. Virgin Media                         120%      2,314      1
 3. O2                                   112%      2,975      2
 4. Morrisons                            112%     10,646      7
 5. EE                                   110%      3,727      8
 6. Tesco                                107%     13,863      5
 7. Marks & Spencer                       99%      5,503

 8. BT                                    97%     24,948

 9. John Lewis                            96%      4,794

 10. Channel 4                            95%     15,893      6

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Seasonal TV Social Lift Rankings
Each quarter, television events around the world capture consumer attention, so we always choose a couple
to highlight in our TV Social Lift Rankings. This quarter, we looked into the phenomenon that is Christmas
advertising in the UK, where John Lewis’s spot featuring British legend Elton John took the top spot. We also
looked into advertising during the full NFL season, where T-Mobile, which ran spots featuring actor Rainn
Wilson, came out on top.

                  UK CHRISTMAS ADS                                                   NFL
RANKED                                     TV SOCIAL      TV       RANKED                    TV SOCIAL           TV
ADVERTISER                               LIFT IMPACT   SPOTS       ADVERTISER              LIFT IMPACT        SPOTS

1. John Lewis                                 135%      846        1. T-Mobile                  146%             113
2. Tesco                                      115%     4,457       2. Walmart                   114%            219
3. Aldi                                       106%     2,455       3. Gillette                  112%             115
4. Morrisons                                   99%     3,197       4. Toyota                    102%            322
5. Asda                                        97%     3,844       5. Chevrolet                  93%            220
6. Lidl                                        95%     1,920       6. Burger King                93%            445
7. Argos                                       89%     6,109       7. Taco Bell                  92%            292
8. Boots                                       84%     1,477       8. Verizon                    89%            527
9. Marks & Spencer                             83%     2,076       9. Sprint                     80%            178
10. Amazon                                     73%     7,181       10. Progressive               79%            273

See "Meet the Metrics" on page 15.

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Digital Advertising
Digital advertising spend through 4C continued
to grow quarter-over-quarter in Q4, with a 23%
increase overall. Growth was led primarily by
Pinterest and Snapchat, which saw 43% and 29%
increases, respectively

Facebook, Inc.
Facebook continues to develop its suite of products, with updates like Shopping for Instagram Stories and
Explore, further investment in Facebook Watch, and new platforms for improving ad targeting like Portal.
As the company introduces new advertising opportunities and paves the way for a Stories-driven future, brands
continue to invest.

         FACEBOOK, INC           SPEND QoQ      CPM      CTR       CPC     CPM QoQ    CTR QoQ     CPC QoQ
                      Overall            16%    $5.14   0.71%      $0.72       29%        19%              8%

Facebook and Instagram saw a 16% increase in advertising spend through 4C in Q4. The cosmetics and travel
verticals led growth through 4C across Facebook and Instagram.

                  VERTICAL       SPEND QoQ      CPM      CTR       CPC     CPM QoQ    CTR QoQ     CPC QoQ
       Cosmetics/Hygiene                 331%   $4.96   0.69%      $1.39      $0.23       15%             -6%
                       Travel            191%   $7.80   1.03%      $1.32      $0.38      -18%            -40%

See "Meet the Metrics" on page 15.

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LinkedIn advertising spend through 4C increased 17% QoQ in Q4. Ad formats like LinkedIn Video Ads, launched
in mid-2018, continue to help drive growth on the platform by giving B2B brands more opportunities to reach
their target audiences.

                 LINKEDIN        SPEND QoQ       CPM      CTR         CPC    CPM QoQ   CTR QoQ     CPC QoQ
                      Overall            17%    $30.03   0.40%       $7.56       -2%       15%            -15%

With the midterm elections taking place in the US, Government advertisers increased advertising spend through
4C by 926% on LinkedIn in Q4. Entertainment brands also contributed heavily to growth on the platform.

                  VERTICAL       SPEND QoQ       CPM      CTR         CPC    CPM QoQ   CTR QoQ     CPC QoQ
               Government                926%   $40.43   0.14%      $28.20      102%      -72%           624%
             Entertainment               472%   $32.68   0.42%       $7.82        7%       3%               4%

See "Meet the Metrics" on page 15.

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In August, Pinterest introduced Max Width Video Ads for all advertisers, creating more opportunities for
brands to leverage video on the platform. This engaging format helped fuel Pinterest’s ad spend through 4C
to grow 43% QoQ.

                PINTEREST        SPEND QoQ      CPM      CTR        CPC    CPM QoQ   CTR QoQ     CPC QoQ
                      Overall            43%    $3.67   0.69%      $0.53       11%       18%             -6%

In keeping with its place as a platform for visual inspiration, the health and apparel verticals helped lead
advertising growth on Pinterest through 4C in Q4.

                  VERTICAL       SPEND QoQ      CPM      CTR        CPC    CPM QoQ   CTR QoQ     CPC QoQ
                       Health            408%   $3.56   0.26%      $1.38       -4%      -28%             32%
            Apparel/Fitness              186%   $4.59   0.46%      $1.01       16%       7%               8%

Snapchat advertising spend increased 29% QoQ through 4C. Snap’s late-2018 additions like Visual Search,
voter registration, and Snap Originals continue to draw in audiences, and advertisers are leveraging the
platform’s video-only, interactive formats to capture their attention.

                SNAPCHAT         SPEND QoQ      CPM      SUR       CPSU    CPM QoQ   SUR QoQ CPSU QoQ
                      Overall            29%    $3.27   0.56%      $0.58       26%       91%            -34%

Advertisers in the home & garden and legal industries upped their Snap Ads spending through 4C in Q4,
contributing to the overall growth.

                  VERTICAL       SPEND QoQ      CPM      SUR       CPSU    CPM QoQ   SUR QoQ CPSU QoQ
           Home & Garden                 311%   $3.12   1.04%      $0.30      127%       74%             30%
             Legal/Financial             253%   $2.92   0.53%      $0.55       -3%       -1%             -2%

See "Meet the Metrics" on page 15.

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Advertising spend on Twitter increased 8% QoQ through 4C in Q4. Unique placement options like Twitter Poll
Cards continue to appeal to advertisers, aiding the platform’s growth.

                    TWITTER       SPEND QoQ     CPM       CTR       CPC    CPM QoQ   CTR QoQ      CPC QoQ
                       Overall            8%    $7.68   0.96%      $0.80       17%       22%              -4%

Telecommunications and health advertisers saw significant increases in Twitter ad spend through 4C in Q4.

                  VERTICAL        SPEND QoQ     CPM       CTR       CPC    CPM QoQ   CTR QoQ      CPC QoQ
                    Telcomm              128%   $4.24   1.17%      $0.36        4%       -2%               6%
                        Health           86%    $9.37   0.43%      $2.18       31%       14%              14%

See "Meet the Metrics" on page 15.

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In Conclusion
As we kick off 2019, brands are recognizing the
importance of consumer centricity, whether they’re
data-fueled D2C brands or traditional brands looking
to co-opt D2C strategies. At the end of Q1, we’ll be
back with another State of Media Report to dig into how
brands leveraged digital and video placements across
channels and screens to connect with their audiences.

Meet the Metrics
Audiences: 4C Brand Compass uncovers Personas, Interests,
Values, and Social causes by applying 4C’s patented machine
learning algorithms on top of public brand engagement data.
CPM: Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions based on total spend
and impressions across all publisher's campaigns. Includes all
campaign objectives.
CPC: Cost-Per-Click based on total spend and total clicks across
all publisher's campaigns. Includes all campaign objectives.
                                                                      SUR: Swipe-Up Rate based on total impressions and Swipe-Ups
CTR: Click-Through Rate based on total impressions and clicks         across all Snapchat campaigns. Includes all objectives.
across all publisher's campaigns. Includes all campaign objectives.
                                                                      TV Ad Rankings: To understand which brands are most active on
Total Spend QoQ: Change in publisher's social advertising             TV, 4C tracks ads across broadcast and cable networks, covering
spend through 4C from Q3 2018 to Q4 2018.                             more than 2100 channels in 76 countries. Advertisers are ranked
CPM QoQ: Change in publisher's CPM from Q3 2018 to Q4 2018.           according to total ad minutes aired in each category.

CPC QoQ: Change in publisher's CPC from Q3 2018 to Q4 2018.           TV Social Lift: By comparing each brand’s social media
                                                                      engagements in the two-minute period after the start of a TV
CTR QoQ: Change in publisher's CTR from Q3 2018 to Q4 2018.           ad to the brand’s average social media engagement rate, 4C
CPSU: Cost Per Swipe-Up based on total spend and total                calculates the TV Social Lift Impact. Ultimately this is a measure
Swipe-ups acro ss all Snapchat campaigns. Includes all campaign       of how much more likely a consumer is to engage with the brand
objectives.                                                           on social media after seeing its TV ad.

The State of Media Advertising Q4 2018                           Page 15                                          ©2019 4C Insights, Inc.
4C is global marketing technology company that delivers a unified platform for
audience discovery, media execution, and performance analysis. Leading brands,
global agencies, and media owners trust the Scope by 4C™ platform to identify their
most valuable audiences and reach them across channels and devices. With nearly $2
billion in annualized advertising spend running through Scope, 4C enables self-service
activation on Amazon, Apple News, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, NBCUniversal,
Pinterest, Snapchat, and Twitter as well as TV synced ads via display, search, social, and
video. The company also provides paid, earned, and owned media analytics leveraging
its Teletrax™ television monitoring network which detects over 400 million TV asset
airings on an annual basis. Founded in 2011 and based in Chicago, 4C has staff in
16 worldwide locations across the United States, United Kingdom, the Netherlands,
France, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, and the Philippines. Visit
for more information.
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