The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra

Page created by Alex Mejia
The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra
Shire of Rosenfeld

The Thorny Truth
 Pearl Anniversary Celebration

  (Part One) January   2021 AS LV   1
The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra
able of Contents
Resolution from the BOD                3-4
Regnum                                 5-6
Meetings & Practice Information        7
Officer Reports                        8-9
Activities & Events Calendar           10
Kingdom Calendar                       11
Announcements & Accolades              11
Celebrating our Pearl Anniversary      12-13
Let the Festival Begin!                13
Rosenfeld Roll .xxx.                   14-19
Sable Comet of Ansteorra / Rosenfeld   20-21
Rosenfeld Historical Happenings        22
Pearls of our Past                     23
Tangled Traditions ~ Happy Hogmanay    24-26
Théorie de Musique ~ partie trois      27-28
The Fretful Scribe ~ Semy / Seme       28
Swon’s Song ~ Winter’s Storm           29
Camp Kitchen ~ Mtn. Man Breakfast      30-31
Colour-Me Page                         32
Virtual A & S Flyer                    33
Known World Entertainment Guide        34
Ansteorra Wiki Submissions             35
Updated Statement of Core Values       36
Credits & Acknowledgements             37
Disclaimer and Copyright               37
The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra
Resolution to Suspend In-Person SCA
               Activity until May 31, 2021
December 4, 2020
Greetings: At the end of July, the Board of Directors issued a proclamation suspending
most in-person SCA activities in North America until January 31, 2021, due to the
COVID-19 global pandemic. In November, we asked the Kingdom Seneschals and Crowns
of the Known World to give us their counsel on how to proceed in the first part of 2021.
We received very thoughtful responses from nearly all Crowns and Kingdom Seneschals
as well as many other concerned people. We wish to thank everyone who responded for
taking the time to do so, and for putting such effort into your responses.
After reading and discussing the feedback received, the Board decided at their conference
called meeting on 12/01/2020 to continue the suspension of in-person activities in North
America through May 31, 2021. That action reads as follows:

    Motion by Ross Roegner to extend the Resolution to Suspend In-Person SCA Activity
    until January 31, 2021, originally issued by the Board of Directors on July 28, 2020,
    for a period of four (4) months, until May 31, 2021. Second by Gigi Coulson.
    Opposed: none. Absent: Jennifer Krochmal. Motion carried.

The original document can be found here:

While there is good news on the horizon regarding effective vaccines and other ways to
treat and manage COVID, implementation of those treatments is still in the future. The
current situation shows that infection rates are continuing to increase in many places
throughout North America. The most important concern at this time must be the safety
of all participants.
Please remember that federal, state, provincial, and local health directives and guidelines
must continue to be followed whenever Kingdoms decide to authorize smaller local
In-person meetings and local fighter practices. These local activities remain under the
discretion of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal. Kingdom Earl Marshals are welcome to
give advice to the Crowns and Kingdom Seneschals when approving local practices.
Virtual events, as have been happening in many kingdoms, are of course allowed and
encouraged to continue. If a Kingdom believes that the circumstances in their area allow
for an in-person event, beyond approved local practices and meetings, to be held safely
before May 31, 2021, the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal are welcome to discuss a
variance with the Society Seneschal.
Such variances for events beyond local practices and meetings will be considered, but
please keep in mind that limits on participants, mask requirements, local government
approval, insurance questions, vaccine availability, and actual conditions regarding the
The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra
epidemic in the Kingdom requesting the variance are all important issues that will be
considered and discussed for any requested variances prior to the May 31, 2021 date.
Further, as stated in the original Resolution, if a Crown or Coronet feels the need to step
down without heirs, a regent may be installed according to the laws of the kingdom or
principality. If those laws are not adequate for the situation, the kingdom is invited to
work with the Society Seneschal to create a solution that will be in the best interests of
the kingdom or principality.
Live events and personal interactions are a large part of the way the Society has continued
over the last fifty-plus years. These restrictions on live events in the SCA are painful, but
the state of the world, and the well-being of everyone involved, currently require we be as
careful as possible.
It does look like there will be vaccines available soon and once the epidemic is under some
semblance of control, we can have live events again and celebrate all our interests and
community safely.
If there are any questions, or further concerns or comments, please send them to us.

            Lis Schraer                                   John Fulton
            Society Seneschal                 or          Society President
If you would prefer to send something directly to the Board as a whole that can be done
You may also contact your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman. The list of the Board members
and the Kingdoms each represents can be found here:


In service, respect, and the sincere desire to see everyone safely again.
John and Lis

The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra
Seneschal (Honourable) Lady Calena di Nero Rosa
  Chief administrative officer and legal representative of the Shire
Seneschal – Deputy Lady Meg Sterling

Herald (Honourable) Lady Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
   Officer who helps manage the Shire’s heraldic needs.

Rapier Marshal Mistress Rhiannon Ferch Cian
    Officer responsible for all rapier related activities in the Shire.

Archery Marshal Lord Aidan McRay
    Officer responsible for all archery activities within the Shire.

Thrown Weapons Marshal Lady Meg Sterling
    Officer responsible for thrown weapons activities in the Shire.

The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra
egnum (continued)
Minister of Arts and Sciences
Lady Stormig av Sandkrok
Officer who fosters the study of crafts and technologies to create
historically accurate projects within the Shire.

Exchequer Lord Aidan McRay
   Officer who administers the finances of the Shire.
Exchequer – Deputy m’lady Lani George

Chronicler (Honourable) Lady Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
    Officer who oversees publishing of the Shire’s newsletter.
Chronicler – Deputies
Lady Stormig av Sandkrok & Lord Tobias of Emerickeskepe

Webminister – Centurion Frederick von Dresen
    Officer who oversees and maintains the Shire’s website.
Webminister – Deputy Lord Tobias of Emerickeskepe

Historian Lady Stormig av Sandkrok
    Officer who records and maintains the history of the Shire.

The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra
eetings & Practices
     1ST Sunday        Joint Fighter Practice                            2:00 p.m.*
                    Bergfield Park – 1510 S College Ave. Tyler

     4TH Sunday       Arts and Sciences Gathering                        1:00 p.m.*
                    Populace Meeting                                     4:00 p.m.*

     4TH Sunday       Ranged Weapons Practice (RWP)                      1:00 p.m.*
                    Rose Fields (Early College High School) – 2800 West Shaw Tyler

               *PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID-19
     ALL regularly scheduled in-person meetings are on hold.
     Live weapons and ranged weapons practices are possible,
         but depend upon weekly safety status indicators.
          Please contact the Mashal in charge for details.

All activities & meetings are open to everyone wishing to participate.

No meetings or practices are scheduled during Holiday weekends.

Changes in meeting or practice dates will be posted to the Shire of
Rosenfeld Facebook Group.

Shire Facebook Group:

For more information regarding meetings, please contact the
Seneschal at

For more information regarding fighter practices, please contact the
Rapier Marshal

Be sure to visit the Shire Website:

The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra
fficer Reports
From the Seneschal:
Unto my ever-inspiring Shire,
I would like to begin by wishing each of you a most prosperous New Year!
December’s (virtual) Yuletide Chat held prior to our meeting was indeed delightful, but
I long for the time when we can travel our lands more safely. Hopefully we shall see an
end to the dreaded plague in the months to come and can once again meet in person for
our monthly meetings and activities. In the meantime, keep teaching and/or attending
virtual classes or watching recorded classes. There are so many available right now.
If possible, practice your creative arts or martial arts safely at home.
I have so enjoyed my time as your Seneschal and know that I have grown as a person
during my tenure. Thank you for your love, respect, and support. I look forward to the
opportunity to be our Hospitaller, if my application is approved, so that I can continue
to help us inspire others to join us in pursuing the Dream that is the SCA .

                                                       Yours in Service,
                                                   Calena di Nero Rosa

From the Minister of Arts & Sciences:
It is with great excitement and some trepidation that I take up the mantle as Minister
of Arts & Science for the Shire of Rosenfeld. I hope that I can do as great a justice to
this office as my immediate predecessor, Mistress Livia, has.
As soon as we are able, I will start holding in person meetings on the fourth Sunday of
the month during Ranged Weapons practice. It might be awhile before we can do that,
given the state of Plague in our Kingdom, but I am looking forward to sitting around,
gabbing, and stitching with all of you.
Until such time as that is possible I, with the assistance of Lady Rhiannon, will be
holding A&S Zoom/Facetime meetings on Sunday afternoons. Join us this Sunday, the
3rd of January, at 4pm for a demonstration and chat about nålbinding.
I am looking for volun-tolds so don't be surprised when you get a missive from me to
sign you up!

                                                    Stormig av Sandkrok
The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra
fficer Reports (continued)
From the Chronicler:
Elements of this Pearl Anniversary Celebration Edition (Part One) have been in the
works for some time now. I am quite proud of how it has come together and offer my
sincerest thanks to everyone who has assisted me in this quest. There are truly too
many to list and a few whose SCA names I do not even know.
I would like to continue to encourage everyone reading this missive to please look
through old photographs from past events, classes, or demos to possibly find ones to
submit for inclusion in upcoming issues. Alternately, perhaps write a few words about
when you first came to Rosenfeld, or a memory of one of your favorite local events. My
staff and I will continue to include such jewels throughout the year or until we simply
run out of them.
Accessing Kingdom newsletters, such as The Black Star, no longer require a paid
membership. Simply visit and select newsletters from the tab at the top
right hand side. From there select Ansteorra (or any kingdom) and then the individual
issue you wish to read. There are about a year or so of back issues available.

                                                  In Honoured Service,
                                            Jessimond of Emerickeskepe

From the Herald:
As of December’s Heraldic Decision Meeting Lady Elizabetha de Picardia’s name and
device have been forwarded to Society! HUZZAH! Because her arms are not yet fully
registered with the SCA College of Arms, only a line drawing of her emblazon appears
in the Rosenfeld Roll .xxx. segment of this issue (page 16).
For members who have not yet submitted heraldry I used the Fretted Rose badge as a
placeholder. If you’re interested in submitting your name or device, I will be happy to
assist you. For more information, please visit:
During December’s Populace Meeting attendees voted unanimously to register an
azure squirrel as a single supporter in our Heraldic Achievement. The appropriate
communications will be sent to Sable Crane via our Seneschal.
I would like to thank Master Tostig for his persistent encouragement and guidance in
my taking on the role of Rosenfeld’s Pursuivant. I must also thank her Excellency
Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah, Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, and
(Honourable) Lord Paedric O’Mullan. These good gentles have provided me with
unique opportunities and encouragement in my art. I simply would not have had the
courage to undertake the Rosenfeld Roll .xxx. project without their support.

                                                    In Humble Service,
                                            Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
The Thorny Truth Shire of Rosenfeld Pearl Anniversary Celebration - (Part One) January 2021 AS LV - Ansteorra
Dies                           Januarius               Activities & Events
I                                   Friday                      Hogmanay
II             IIII NÕ              Saturday               Steppes Twelfth Night
III            III   NÕ             Sunday
IIII           II    NÕ             Monday
V                 NÕN               Tuesday
VI             VIII    ID           Wednesday                        Epiphany
VII            VII     ID           Thursday
VIII           VI     ID            Friday
IX             V      ID            Saturday
X              IIII   ID            Sunday
XI             III     ID           Monday                      Plough Monday
XII            II     ID            Tuesday
XIII               IDES             Wednesday
XIIII          XVIIII KL            Thursday
XV             XVIII KL             Friday
XVI            XVII KL              Saturday
XVII           XVI KL               Sunday
XVIII          XV      KL           Monday                  Auld Handsel Monday
XVIIII         XIIII KL             Tuesday
XX             XIII KL              Wednesday
XXI            XII    KL            Thursday
XXII           XI     KL            Friday
XXIII          X      KL            Saturday             Northkeep Winterkingdom
XXIIII         VIIII KL             Sunday               Populace Meeting (Virtual)
XXV            VIII KL              Monday
XXVI           VII    KL            Tuesday
XXVII          VI     KL            Wednesday
XXVIII         V      KL            Thursday
XVVIIII        IIII   KL            Friday
XXX            III    KL            Saturday
XXXI           II     KL            Sunday
Hybrid Calendar loosely based on Psalter from Winchester (British Library, Arundel MS 60, f. 6r).
            Kalends (KL) adapted from LJ Shoenberg Manuscripts (LJS449) ca. 1446
ingdom Calendar
             *PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID-19 in-person
       SCA activities continue to be suspended until May 31, 2021!

            02       STEPPES TWELFTH NIGHT – Virtual Event
            23       NORTHKEEP WINTERKINGDOM – Virtual Event
 For more information please see the Official EVENTS page listed at:

                      nnouncements & Accolades
     *PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID-19 ALL regularly scheduled in-person
                    Shire activities are on hold until May 31, 2021.
         More information can be found on the Rosenfeld Facebook Group.

During December’s Populace Meeting our Seneschal announced that Lady Stormig
av Sandkrok’s application to be our Minister of Arts and Sciences (MoAS) has been
formally accepted. HUZZAH!

                   Officer Position Available!
                        Applications can be submitted on-line:

    If you have questions about the duties or requirements for any officer position,
                   please contact the current officer, or the Seneschal.

WEBMINISTER – Centurion Frederick von Dresen will be leaving office
in February. Applications need to be received no later than January 31, 2021.

If you have never held an office before, but are interested doing so, please consider
becoming a deputy. Deputies do not automatically take over an office. They, too, must
apply when an office is opening. You can simply be a deputy to provide aid and support
to the primary officer while learning the ropes.

Shire of Rosenfeld .xxx.
            Celebrating our Pearl Anniversary
           By Jessimond of Emerickeskepe, Rosenfeld Pursuivant
On August 12, 1990 the Populace of the Incipient Shire of Rosenfeld submitted a letter
and petition to the SCA College of Arms with both Name and Device Submission
Forms attached. The Seneschal at that time was Lady Fridhur Haralds, now Mistress
Livia da Nicolosi. Lord Harald One-Eye was Deputy Knight Marshal, and one
“Brother Randulphus Hereticus” (who might be one and the same as Lord Randwulf
the Hermit) signed as Rosenfeld Pursuivant.
In February of 1991 the branch-name for the Shire of Rosenfeld was officially registered
with the SCA College of Arms. According to the original Name Submission form
retrieved from the Archivist Herald's files, the "Name was chosen because Tyler, Texas
claims to be America's Largest exporter of cut roses and nursery-grown rose bushes.
(The) largest single industry in Smith County is Nursery Agriculture." The name
Rosenfeld is German in origin, meaning "Field of Roses.”
Lord Randwulf the Hermit is indicated as the "Local Officer of Arms" on a Device
Submission Form dated November 30, 1990. Interestingly, the form indicates that this
was a RE-submission, with the prior submission (from August) having been returned
because the laurel wreath was originally vert (green). This put the device into conflict
with the Arms of the SCA itself. So, the laurel wreath was changed to azure (blue)
when resubmitted which made the device different enough to be registered.
A copy of the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from June 24, 1991 records a change
of status for the Shire of Rosenfeld as having been effective the month prior - May 1991.
Additional Heraldry registered with the SCA College of Arms for our Shire includes:
     The following device associated with this name was registered in June of 1991
                     Or, semy of roses gules a laurel wreath azure.
   The following badge associated with this name was registered in February of 2009
                         Or semy of roses gules, a base azure.
The following badge (populace) associated with this name was registered June of 2000:
                 (Fieldless) On a rose gules barbed azure a fret Or.
           The Kingdom of Ansteorra College of Heralds has the following
              Heraldic Achievement registered for the Shire of Rosenfeld:
   A 15th century great helm argent, with visor Or facing affronty mantled sable and
   Or, torteauxy with a rose gules, barbed azure charged with a fret Or as the crest.
                     It includes the Motto: Support and Flourish
The historic origins of traditional wedding anniversaries allegedly dates back to
the Holy Roman Empire. It is said that Roman husbands would crown their wives with
a silver wreath on their twenty-fifth anniversary, and a gold wreath on their fiftieth.
There is some evidence that a similar custom was favored in medieval Germany.
The additional gift ideas seem to be a wholly modern construct with the 30th Anniver-
sary now being considered the Pearl Anniversary. The exact gifts also seem to vary from
country to country.

   Image of the Shire’s original emblazon
   from our Device Submission Form
   Courtesy of the Archivist Herald.
                            ~Artist Unknown

Archivist Herald records

                   Let the Festival Begin
                Excerpt from the November 2011 issue of The ThornyTruth
           Closing lines of the missive from (then) MoAS Lady Emma Farewyll

                         ‘Tis the company… our populace fair and noble.
           ‘Tis our Rosenfeld… gentles good of heart - lacking bitterness or envy,
                Steadfast in word and deed, ever of service one to the other,
                         Clothed in raiment of honesty - dissembling not,
                         Skilled hands opened to teach and with humility
                                Serve our society for the joy of it,
                            In no way lacking a community of talents
                   Contriving to gratify perfection in art and in conduct.
     Yea Rosenfeld… thou are a treasure… so attracting that it cannot be denied…
                         Let the festival begin…we shall meet there anon!

Rosenfeld Roll .xxx.
Contained herein, listed in Order of Precedence, are the names and heraldry
     of the members of the Shire of Rosenfeld in this, our thirtieth year.
    Please report any discrepancies from the Official Records of the SCA, INC or the
Kingdom of Ansteorra to the Shire of Rosenfeld Herald at:

Petruccio Alfonso
   Julia          Rhiannon
                                Maria Cuccieri de
De Montoya       ferch Cian         Cataluña

Ronna Rosgaile      Delphina        Tostig
Soilean Soilleir de Champeaux     Logiosophia

  No Heraldry

    Livia         Grimver          Caterina
 da Nicolosi     Longtooth        Bella Rosso

Emma           Calanna*       Frederick
  Farewyll      di Nero Rosa    von Dresen

 Jessimond of      Sarah        Jaquelinne de
Emerickeskepe    di Rimini        la Riviere

                  No Heraldry

 Elizabetha      Aidan of         Euon of
 de Picardia    Rosenfeld**      Rosenfeld

                                  No Heraldry
Meg            Stormig av        Gird
   Sterling         Sandkrok      Truthsayer

  No Heraldry       No Heraldry    No Heraldry
   Registered        Registered     Registered

   Soren            Tobias of       Tomas
 Redhammer        Emerickeskepe    Tostason

  No Heraldry

  Elena de           Isolda        Maria de
Torre Solitario     Swonild         Benci

  No Heraldry                      No Heraldry
   Registered                       Registered
Lani of      Phillip of               Maximus of
 Rosenfeld     Rosenfeld                Rosenfeld

 No Heraldry   No Heraldry                 No Heraldry
  Registered    Registered                  Registered

Tristram von
Brandenburg    NOTES:

               *Name Registered as Calanna di Nero Rosa,
                  but prefers to be called “Calena”

               ** Holding Name registered as Aidan of Rosenfeld,
                   but prefers to use Adian McRay

 No Heraldry

~ Fallen Heroes ~
The following were honoured members of the Shire of Rosenfeld while they walked
         among us. Their contributions were many... their legacies endless.
     Our debt to their Deeds and Comportment can never be repaid, but are
 gratefully remembered with fondness and respect. ~ Baron Tostig Logiosophia

 Duke Jean Richard                         Countess Anora
   Malcolmson                             Frayne of Winward

 Mistress Dyan                                  Lord Harald
Du Lac Calandres                                 One Eye

    Lord Randwulf                     Each of the emblazons contained in the

      the Hermit                             Rosenfeld Roll .xxx.
                                   were created by Jessimond of Emerickeskepe.
                                         A few contain graphics from the
                                      Book of Traceable Heraldic Art project:
                                   Many of Jessimond’s original artwork are also
                                        available as part of this project:
Sable Comet of Ansteorra
There shall exist in Ansteorra an award unto which shall be given by the Crown unto
persons who have served a shire or other official branch of the SCA other than a barony,
well and faithfully, above and beyond what is expected of them. They shall have
consistently displayed an understanding and respect for the traditions, laws, and
customs of Ansteorra and the SCA.
The Award may be given to an individual more than once, but only once for any
particular branch.
Holders of the Award shall be entitled to be styled and announced in procession as
“Holder of the Sable Comet of Ansteorra for service in [shire or branch name].”
Holders of the Award shall be entitled to wear a medallion or pin depicting the badge of
the Award.
The Award shall carry with it, at the pleasure of the Crown, an Award of Arms.
Holders of the Award shall take precedence after the companions of the various baronial
orders and before a simple Award of Arms. The Awards of the Sable Comet of
Ansteorra and the Compass Rose of Ansteorra are held to be of equal precedence.
If the Award is given to a person who is already higher in precedence than stated above,
then his or her precedence shall remain unchanged. If the Award is given to a person
who does not already hold equal or higher precedence, then his or her precedence shall
date from his or her acceptance of the Award.
The Award shall be given at the discretion of the Crown .
This award was created by the 8th Crown, Sigmund the Wingfooted and Sieglinde Syr.

 (Fieldless) A comet headed of a mullet of five greater
        and five lesser points fesswise reversed sable


The following is an alphabetical list of recipients of
"The Sable Comet of Ansteorra for Service to the Shire of Rosenfeld"
~ Living or deceased, active or inactive, residing here or elsewhere ~
               ALL are remembered. for their efforts:
                 Adian McRay                              February 8, 2014
                 Ashley of Rosenfeld                      September 29, 2018
                 Caitlin Blakstok                         October 25, 1997
                 Carletta da Nicolosi                     November 3, 2007
                 Charles O Floinn                         October 4, 2008
                 Christopher Summerset                    October 2, 2010
                 Dyan du Lac del Calendres                November 13, 2004
                 Emma Farewyll                            February 22, 2017
                 Eowyn of Blackwell                       May 13, 1995
                 Euon of Rosenfeld                        September 28, 2019
                 Fergus Khan                              November 2, 1996
                 Frederick von Dresen                     August 31, 2019
                 Grimver Longtooth                        October 15, 1994
                 Harald One-Eye                           August 3, 1991
                 Jaquelinne de la Riviere                 February 8, 2014
                 Julia de Montoya                         November 12, 2005
                 Juliana Avenel                           November 5, 2011
                 Livia da Nicolosi                        August 3, 1991
                 Michael McKenzie                         October 23, 1993
                 Muriella de Claire                       May 13, 1995
                 Oudoceus Kynrith                         November 13, 1995
                 Patrick Michael Gordonne                 November 12, 2005
                 Randwulf the Hermit                      April 3, 1993
                 Reynard of Rosenfeld                     January 6, 2018
                 Rhiannon ferch Cian                      October 28, 1995
                 Richard Fairbourne                       January 2, 2010
                 Roesia Sorweles                          February 8, 2014
                 Sarah di Rimini                          January 3, 2009
                 Stephan Blakstok                         November 2, 1996
                 Sutan Bloodaxe                           March 21, 1992
                 Tostig Logiosophia                       November 13, 2004
                 Varvara Sigurdhardottir                  October 4, 2008
                 William de Molay                         May 22, 2004         21
Pearl Anniversary

                                  By Tobias and Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
                                         A String of Events
    As part of the Rosenfeld Pearl Celebration, this regular featured article will run
    monthly tidbits about various events Rosenfeld has hosted since its inception…

                       Queen’s Champion A.S. XXVI
According to the records we could uncover, Rosenfeld’s very first event was the
Queen’s Champion held the first weekend of August 1991, being A.S. XXVI. Their
Royal Majesties, Inman McMoore V and Athena Morcan Derwyn Ddoo I, our 25th
Crowns, had ascended the Stellar Thrones the month prior. Historical records also
note that Sir Christian Richard Dupre and Sir Galen Niccoli were both named as
Queen Athena’s Champion that day.
During Their Majesties Court, Mistress Livia da Nicolosi, then known as Lady
Fridhur Heralds, and Lord Harald One-Eye became Holders of the Sable Comet of
Ansteorra for service in Rosenfeld.
 Infinity of the Unicorn, then MoAS for Rosenfeld, received her AoA. These stalwart
individuals were no doubt recognized, in part, for being the trellis supporting the Shire
during its early days, as well as during the transition from an Incipient Shire to a
full-fledged one, so all of Rosenfeld could flourish.

Through the years the Shire has hosted and assisted with several notable events
including at least five Coronations:
31st Crowns – Jean Richard Malcomson I and Anora of Winward – July 16, 1994
40th Crowns – Gunthar Jonsson I and Sara Penrose – January 16, 1999*
58th Crowns – Aaron MacGregor III and Vanessa de Verona II – January 12, 2008
61st Crowns – Hrafn Olafsson and Elizabeta di Valore della Rosa – May 16, 2009
71st Crowns – Sven Randullsson and Antigone of York – April 12, 2014
    *Barony of the Steppes hosted this event while Rosenfeld did the feast.
Pearls of our Past
                            Excerpt from the A & S Report of the
                          December 2011 issue of The Thorny Truth:
                   “During Three Kings ~Tournament of the Cross,
our A & S Champion, (Honorable) Lady Delphina de Champeaux, did tear up at the
beauty of the Champion Baldric as it was presented to her in court. Her A&S entries
were of bobbin lace (in) many beautiful styles and uses even one with gold woven into
the pattern.” ~ Lady Emma Farewyll, MoAS
  How amazing is it that Mistress Delphina now resides here in Rosenfeld with us!

    A & S Champion Baldric and prize baskets

                                                      Close-up of Sweet Bag showing detail
                                                       of intricate Bobbin Lace on the front

  Close-up of the gold Bobbin Lace as it
           was being worked

                                                     Delphina’s A & S entry on display

                                                            Photos courtesy of
                                                    Mistress Delphina de Champeaux

                                           Bobbins loaded and ready to start
                                 Happy Hogmanay
                                      By Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
Hogmanay, pronounced hog-mah-nay, is the Scottish name for their unique New Year’s
celebrations which usually continue clean through New Year’s Day and sometimes
even into January 2nd. The latter remains a bank holiday, presumably to give everyone
time to recover from their merry making!
In Gaelic, New Year’s Eve is called both Oidhche na Bliadhn(a) Ùir(e); “The Night of
the New Year” and Oidhche Challainn; “The Night of Calends”. Calends/Kalends
being the first day of the month in the Ancient Roman and Julian calendars and thus
the source of the word calendar itself. In some rural areas locals still celebrate on the
night of January 12th which was New Year’s Eve according to the Julian calendar. The
phrase thog mi an èigh/eugh, pronounced [hok mi ˈɲeː], literally means “I raised the
cry”, and is distinctly similar to Hogmanay in pronunciation.
It needs to be noted that historians cannot agree on the etymology of the word and
other theories include the French word hoginane meaning 'gala day' which could be from
old Norman French hoguinan (a New Year's gift). Another French derivation could be
Homme est né meaning “man is born”, while others believe it could be a variation of the
Gaelic og maidne (new morning), the Flemish hoog min dag (great love day) or even the
Anglo Saxon haleg monath (holy month).
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the Latin word hagnonayse was first
recorded in 1443 in the West Riding of Yorkshire. However, the English word
Hogmanay has not been found prior to the return of Mary, Queen of Scots' from France
in 1561 with its earliest record being an entry in Elgin, Scotland in 1604. Records also
show that the Scottish Presbyterian Church (Kirk) actively discouraged Christmas
celebrations as early as 1583, since there is no basis for it in the Bible. To the Protestant
Scots Christmas, or Christ’s Mass, was nothing more than a disdained Papist feast.
As a result, Hogmanay celebrations continued to be elevated in importance through the
Protestant Reformation led by Oliver Cromwell in 1647 which outright banned the
celebration of Christmas. The ban was subsequently lifted after Cromwell's downfall
in 1660, but in Scotland they continued to discourage it and Christmas remained a
normal workday up until the middle of the twentieth century.
Thus, while the history of the word may be a mystery, how Hogmanay became
Scotland's primary means of chasing away the dark days of Winter is not. Ironically,
there is little doubt that various Hogmanay traditions predate Christmas, with several
likely being pagan in origin. Numerous historians have indicated that many Hogmanay
traditions were most likely brought to Scotland by Vikings in the 8th and 9th centuries.
These Northmen, or Norsemen, hailed from regions even further north where the
Winter Solstice and the return of the sun were highly venerated. Viking influences no
doubt mixed with existing tribal rituals to become the Hogmanay traditions that
continue today:
Redding the House – 'Out with the old and in with the new' is a New Year tradition
across most cultures. In Scotland, Redding the House specifically means greeting the
new year with a clean and tidy home by washing floors and windows, emptying the
fireplace, and making the whole house sparkle. Those who follow the ancient ways
might even ‘read the ashes’ the way one reads tea leaves. In earlier times, Redding
included the settling of all debts before "the bells" at midnight, but that tradition may
have waned in recent years.
First-Footing – Is welcoming the first visitor of the new year, who usually brings gifts
of whiskey, shortbread, or black bun – a type of rich, dark fruit cake. During this
welcoming of friends and strangers it is auspicious if the first visitor of the New Year is
a tall, dark, and handsome man. This is said to be a holdover from when a blonde-haired
stranger crossing the threshold usually meant Viking raiders had returned. The first foot
is supposed to set the luck for the rest of the year.
Saining – Thought to have originated in the Highlands, and still practiced by many
families across Scotland, this ancient custom is a protective blessing of the household
and livestock. The ritual involves members of the household drinking magical water
sourced from a ford that is crossed by both the living and the dead. Afterwards, the
remaining water is sprinkled in every room, on the beds, and on each inhabitant be they
human or animal. Meanwhile, rooms are sealed up tight while lit branches of juniper are
carried through the house and byre (barn). The smoke from the smoldering juniper fills
each building before its doors and windows are flung wide to let in the fresh, cold
morning air. The family’s matriarch then offers a restorative nip of uisge baugh (water of
life) from the whisky bottle before they sit down to breakfast.
Bonfires and Torch processions – Fire has long been associated with purification and has
historically been used by many ancient cultures to celebrate, cleanse, and bring good
luck. In many Winter Solstice rituals fire symbolizes the newly returned sun banishing
the evil spirits that dwell in the darkness. Retaining those early pagan traditions,
modern Hogmanay celebrations continue to include torchlight processions, bonfires, or

Hansel/Handsel – The first Monday after New Year's Day was traditionally known
as Hansel / Handsel Monday when handsels, the Scots word for gifts, were given.
Among the rural population of Scotland Auld Handsel Monday continues to be
celebrated on the first Monday after January 12 which reflects the Protestant
population’s reluctance to switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian since it was
ordered by Pope Gregory in October 1582. The word Handsel originates from an old
Saxon word meaning “to deliver into the hand”.
However you and your family celebrate the coming of the New Year, I hope it is filled
with the magic of the season and plenty of good luck!

Tangled Traditions is not a new featured article, per se. Its just that I finally decided to
create a name and title art for the collection of articles I have been writing for The
Thorny Truth for the past year or so. This collection came into being because I often felt
I needed a filler piece to help round out each month’s issue. I love learning about the
historical roots and traditions of holidays, so it was only natural to write about what I
was already researching. There has been no specific direction to these articles and that
is likely to continue. Usually they are simply a result of whatever coneygarth I found
myself exploring that month. I do find it interesting that the Julian and Gregorian
calendars tend find their way into these articles no matter what the subject might be.
That is not likely to change, either, for like folklore and tangled traditions, calendars
have also fascinated me since I was a child.

Théorie de Musique
                                     partie trois
             Delphina de Champeaux         
We have talked about beat, rhythm, measures, and the different lengths of notes (sound)
and rests (silences) that are the most common. This time pitch is the subject at hand.
Pitch is how high or low the note sounds. Sounds simple, right? Well it is. When you learn
a song by someone singing it to you and then you sing the same sounds back you are
matching pitch. The challenge comes when you want to learn a piece of music that is
written down with no one to play/sing it for you first. Here we need to know how to read
the notes from a staff which is a collection of five lines and four spaces where we write

First a little house keeping. Always count/read    5th Line
the lines and spaces from the bottom to the top.
See photo to the right.                                               4th Space
Right now we don’t know if this is a staff for     4th Line
high notes or low notes, so we need a clef to
tell us. Clefs are put at the beginning of each                       3rd Space
staff and were needed when music began to be
written down indicate more than one part as
well as all the pitches a performer can produce.                      2nd Space
Before then the clef wasn’t needed.
                                                   2nd Line
There are several types of clefs but the two
most common are the bass clef and the treble                       1st Space
clef. The bass clef started its life as a fancy
                                                  1st Line
letter F and the treble clef started as a G.
We will focus on the treble clef at this time; which is used to show the higher pitches.
Smaller instruments, the right hand of the piano/harpsichord, and women and children’s
voices read these notes. Remember that we always start at the bottom and go to the top.
The lines are named E,G,B,D,F and the spaces are F,A,C,E. It often helps to think of the
names of the lines in the form of a sentence: Every Good Boy Does Fine. And the names
for the spaces spell the word face.

The process now starts of learning to read the notes quicker and quicker so that you can
look at a staff and know what to do with them. (Side note: the treble clef touches the
second line G four times. That is on purpose and is another reason this is also called the G
Here’s a piece of music to start with naming the notes. This is from Orchesographie, 1589
by Thoinot Arbeau and is the Double Bransle. (Edited by Master Avatar (Al Cofrin).
This work is in the public domain and may be used for any purpose.)

                           What type/length of note are these?

         Semy / Seme ~ The Fretful Scribe
In heraldry, small charges such as hearts, mullets (stars), roses, crosses, roundels
(circles), etc. can be applied as a field treatment known as Semy or Seme. Semy is
actually an adjective, not a noun, as it comes to us from the French word semée, from
the Old French semer, from Latin sēmināre all of which mean 'to sow' or to scatter seed.
This type of secondary charge group consists of identical charges strewn over all or
part of a field. One style is for the charges to be randomly strewn across the field. The
alternate form is a more orderly arrangement, often referred to as the "cut from cloth"
style, where the artist carefully puts parts of charges at the edges of the field as if the
repeating pattern simply cut off where it met the edge.
Rules for Submission in SCA heraldry do not mandate any particular style of semy
fields. However, it does specify that a semy include more than six charges on the field.
Strewn fields may simply be blazoned as “semy of [charges]”, but there are also some
charges that have special names when strewn.
Examples include:
    Crusilly - semy of crosses crosslet
    Semy-de-lys - semy of fleurs-de-lys
    Goutty - semy of gouts (blood spots)
    Torteauxy - semy of torteau (red roundels)
    Mullety - of mullets (stars)
A special type of strewn field known as furs is essentially a field strewn with ermine
spots. We shall address furs in more detail another day.
                                    Semy - SCA Heraldry Wiki

        Image is the Badge of Rosenfeld: Or semy of roses gules, a base azure.
The following poem actually does not follow any specific form, save that it is written
in quatrains, and in theme harkens back to Irish folklore.

                        Winter's Storm
                 Oh the unseen storm falling ever faster
         In its swirling swarm of snowflake patterns mastered!
         Oh the glory of this sight that slumbered eyes can’t see,
           Shines with heavenly light and rejoices in its glee!
           It is on nights like this that the faeries rise again
          And frolic in their bliss welcoming all mortal men.
        But as it is the Fate’s keeping on nights just as this one,
    All mortal men are sleeping and they miss the snowstorm’s fun.
               So as the icy fires from the heavens fall,
       The faeries play their lyres and dance within their halls.
         While we rest unwakened by the glory of this sight,
     And our eyes remain forsaken as the snowstorm fills the night.

                                                   Photo: Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
                               Camp Kitchen
                                                      By Atli Karlsson
                    Mountain Man Breakfast
                          1 package (12oz) bacon*
                          1 package (28 oz) potatoes O’Brien (still frozen or thawed)
                          1 dozen eggs
                          8 ounces of cheddar cheese, shredded
                          Seasoning of choice
                               *or any other meat of your choosing

      12-inch Cast Iron Dutch Oven
      Charcoal briquets (about 40 pieces)
      Charcoal Chimney Starter (optional)
                                                                      Photo One

Pre-heat the Dutch oven with 20 pieces of charcoal on
top and 10 pieces on bottom. While the oven is heating,
cut the bacon into 1-inch strips. (Photo one)
Once the Dutch oven is heated, cook the bacon in it.
You will want to reach your desired crispness during
this step, as it will not crisp further as you continue
cooking. You can substitute any type of meat during                   Photo Two

this step. (Editor - Great use for leftovers) (Photo two)
When the bacon is fully cooked, add your potatoes
O’Brien. I use this mix because it includes just enough
onion and bell pepper to add flavor to the dish. Check
every 10 minutes or so until the potatoes are soft. If
using frozen potatoes, they take a little longer than
thawed. (Photo three)

                                                                      Photo Three
While the potatoes are cooking, crack the
              eggs into a bowl and lightly beat with a fork.
              This is the point to add your seasoning of
              choice. I personally add about a tablespoon of
              Cajun seasoning to give it a little kick. Also,
              when the potatoes are getting close to being
              done, get another 10 pieces of charcoal ready
              to replace burned down coals.
              When your replacement charcoal is ready, and
              your potatoes are fully cooked, pour in your
Photo Four    eggs and mix everything together well.
              (Photo four) After this point, you will not be
              stirring anymore.
              Add 5 pieces of charcoal to the top of the
              Dutch oven and 5 to the bottom. Check your
              eggs every 5-10 minutes until they are fully
              cooked. Once the eggs are firm, add your
              cheese and cover until melted. (Photo five)
              Once the cheese is melted you are ready to
              serve. (Photos six and seven)

                                      Photos by
                                  Lord Atli Karlsson
 Photo Five

                                Photo Seven
 Photo Six

Rosalie’s Colour-Me-In

    Used with Artist’s Permission
Photos by Stormig av Sandkrok

Unto the most noble populace of the Known WORLD, greetings!
There is so much amazing content being developed and distributed by SCA
members around the world that sometimes it’s hard to keep up! We thought
there should be a way to track and find what you are searching for and now
there is (and a team to go along with it)!
Welcome to the Known World Entertainment Guide! We are here to simplify
your hunt for public online medieval content; whether you want to attend a
class, watch a virtual court, or listen to a fun new show!
Want to Check Out the Entire line up?
Follow the Facebook page Known World Entertainment Guide for content
updates, show schedules, and more links!
Please note we are growing and developing tools to help you find what you
are looking for. If you have suggestions or recommendations, send a missive

    Do you have a show and want to get it on the posted schedule?
                   All you need to do is fill out this form:

Submit an image for your show or event to Please
keep your images small, no larger than 200px by 100px, simple, and eye-
catching (and appropriate for all audiences). Do not worry about including
time/date/location information, we’ll add that under your graphic!
Please note that this tool is being developed for open shows, classes, and
events. We are not including content for restricted (pay to play, branch or lo-
cation restrictions, household only) events at this time.
To the Shire of Rosenfeld, greetings!
 •   Did you know that Ansteorra has its very own Wiki with over 800 articles?
     (Have you ever visited Wikipedia? Well, it's like that, but just for Ansteorra!)
 •   Did you know that YOU can have your very own page on the Wiki? Nearly 300
     Ansteorrans already do!
(Visit to see just who has.)
 •   Did you know I would positively love the opportunity to assist you in either
     building a page on your own, or building one for you, complete with pictures,
     history, accomplishments, photos... whatever you want to share?
 So much of the SCA is a shared, communal experience, but so much of our history is
 lost, because it is not recorded. There are so many stories to tell - and the
 Ansteorran Wiki is a beautiful place to share them and preserve them. Rosenfeld
 has a page on the wiki -- but only a tiny smidge of information about its rich history.
 Won't you share YOUR stories of Rosenfeld's history and events - large and small -
 with the rest of the Kingdom?
 Contributing content to the wiki is much, much easier than you think. If you can
 type an email, you can contribute to the wiki. Content you could share can be as
 varied as snippets of information about those living or passed who have inspired
 you, "No (bleep), there I was!" stories, photographs, songs, poems... nearly anything
 you can imagine!
  Having your own page built on the wiki is as easy as filling out an online form
 ( ) and attaching a few photos
 (though please take a moment to ensure they are less than 1 MG in size first, or
 they won’t attach properly).
 I invite you to contact me at with any questions you
 might have about submitting information to the wiki – or how to set up your own
 user account and perhaps even build your first wiki page.

       Tell us your stories, Rosenfeld; we are waiting to hear them!!
                            IMPORTANT UPDATE:
      Thanks to the thoughtful suggestions of Master Rene Damours, Ansteorra’s
  Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer, and the labors of Ansteorra’s Webminister,
Lord John Buchanan, the Persona Page Submission form now has a spot for individuals
  to provide Special Needs information -- mobility restrictions, allergies, In-Case-Of-
                                   Court instructions, etc.
         We also have a spot to provide information on your preferred pronouns.
If you already have a wiki page and would like to add either pronouns or Special Needs
 information, please fill out the first three fields on the online form, and then only fill in
                          the additional sections you'd like added.
Updated Statement of Core Values
At the Board of Directors July 2018 meeting, the following policy was ap-
proved and is to be considered effective immediately:

              SCA Statement of Core Values
In pursuing its mission, the SCA is committed to excellence in its pro-
grams, communications and activities and to
    ∙ act in accordance with the chivalric virtues of honor and service;
    ∙ value and respect the worth and dignity of all individuals;
    ∙ practice inclusiveness and respect pluralism and diversity;
    ∙ promote a safe and respectful environment for all SCA events;
    ∙ act with transparency, fairness, integrity and honesty;
    ∙ be a responsible steward of SCA resources; and,
    ∙ be committed to maintaining the trust of its members and partici-

It is the expectation of the SCA that its members and participants, in all
events and activities of the SCA, will conduct themselves in accordance
with these tenets.

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
                           SCA Inc.
                           Box 360789
                           Milpitas, CA 95036

You may also email

  This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative
Anachronism, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety
                in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

      Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

redits & Acknowledgements
  Cover Art adaptation by (Honourable) Lady Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
        Calendar Art (Honourable) Lady Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
Title Art and Officer Badges (Honourable) Lady Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
         Additional Illuminations (Honourable) Lady Emma Farewyll
               Jewel and Pearl Illumination Lady Aline Hopton
  Additional Art and Map (Honourable) Lady Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
                This is the January 2021 issue of The Thorny Truth;
                a publication of the Shire of Rosenfeld of the SCA.
The Thorny Truth is available from (Honourable) Lady Jessimond of Emerickeskepe at:
                           It is not a corporate publication of the SCA Inc
                  and does not delineate SCA policies. Copyright 2021 SCA, Inc.
                  For information on reprinting articles and artwork from this publi-
                       cation please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you
                             in contacting the original creator of the piece.
                 Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.
                  Submissions must be sent to the Chronicler by the 25th of the
                 month. An SCA Creative Work Copyright Assignment/Grant of
                     Use Form must be on file or accompany all submissions.

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