The Toronto Flower Show - Competitors' Schedule March 9 to 18, 2018 - Canada Blooms

Page created by Gregory Quinn
The Toronto Flower Show - Competitors' Schedule March 9 to 18, 2018 - Canada Blooms
The Toronto Flower Show
           Competitors’ Schedule

               March 9 to 18, 2018

Canada Blooms Co-founders:
The Toronto Flower Show - Competitors' Schedule March 9 to 18, 2018 - Canada Blooms
Canada Blooms 2018
                The Toronto Flower and Garden Festival
March 9 - 18
Enercare Centre, Exhibition Place
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
Show Hours
        Friday March 9          10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
        Saturday March 10       10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
        Sunday March 11         10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
        Monday March 12         10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
        Tuesday March 13        10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
        Wednesday March 14      10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
        Thursday March 15       10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
        Friday March 16         10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
        Saturday March 17       10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
        Sunday March 18         10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Ticket Prices
        Adult                 $20 at the door; $17 online
        Seniors               $17 at door; $14 online
        Youth                 $16 at door; $13 online
        Children 12 and under FREE

        Groups of 20 or more $14* (reservations only)
        * must contact Canada Blooms office in advance

        Early morning tour:    $40
        (10% off for any Garden Club, OHA or MGOI members)

        2 Day pass              $29

Canada Blooms Ticket and Tour Information:
        Canada Blooms
        7856 Fifth Line South, Milton, ON L9T 2X8

        Phone 416-447-8655
        Toll Free (in Ontario) 1-800-730-1020
        Fax:    416-447-1567

Foreword ............................................................................................... 4
Toronto Flower Show Committee ........................................................ 5
Toronto Flower Show General Regulations ...................................... 6-8
Volunteering at Canada Blooms .......................................................... 8

Horticulture Judging Criteria ................................................................ 9
Horticultural Competition Rules .......................................................... 9
Horticulture & Special Exhibit Competition Rules ......................... 9-12
Horticultural Helpful Hints……………………………………………… ............ 13
Horticultural & Special Exhibit Entry Information…………………… 14-15
Horticultural Competition Classes….... ........................................ 16-19
Special Exhibit Competitions ....................................................... 20-23

Design Judging Criteria……………………………………………………. .......... 24
Design Competition Rules…... ..................................................... 24-26
Design Competition Classes Day 1 Entries………………… ............ 27-35
Design Competition Classes Day 2 Entries................................. 36-42

Flower Show Awards……………………………………………………….. .... 43-46

Competition Rules & Classes ...................................................... 47-48

Youth Class………………………………………………………………………. ........ 49

Notes ................................................................................................... 50

CB Board of Directors……………………………………………………… .......... 51

Important Contact Information .......................................................... 51

Calendar at a Glance ........................................................... Back cover

Canada Blooms co-chairs, Celia Roberts and Janet Ennamorato, are
delighted to introduce the 2018 Canada Blooms Festival, entitled “Let’s
Go to the Movies!”, honouring one of Toronto’s featured industries – the
film industry. This theme allows garden builders, garden designers and
floral artists the scope to demonstrate their creativity as they interpret
“Let’s Go to the Movies!” through their exciting outdoor spaces and floral
displays. Our desire for colour and fragrance after a long winter will be
satisfied by the wonderful colours and sights in the gardens and the flower
show, previews of Spring.
In response to the increasing number of people living in condominiums
and apartments, Canada Blooms is introducing six Balcony Gardens this
year. To showcase the most reliable and outstanding plants available from
growers, we are pleased to present the 2018 Plant Of the Year – in fact,
there are actually three! The Annual of the Year is Petunia Supertunia
“Bordeaux”; the Perennial of the year is Heuchera Primo ‘Black Pearl’ and
the Landscape Plant of the Year is Weigela “Spilled Wine”. They are worthy
of your consideration as you plan your 2018 garden.
The Toronto Flower Show, presented by the Garden Club of Toronto and its
members, brings non-professional exhibitors and members of horticultural
societies and garden clubs from across the province and around the world
to the show to display their floral artistry and horticultural expertise.
Enjoy the workshops and fabulous speakers on the UNILOCK Celebrity
Stage. Fan favourites Mark Cullen, Paul Zammit and Denis Flanagan share
their wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm for gardening and the
protection of the environment. A host of speakers will entertain and
educate us as we learn new tips and trends.
In 2017, USA Today and Conde Nast named Canada Blooms in their list of
Top 10 Garden Shows in the world! Canada Blooms was named the top
Canadian Garden Festival!
The staff and the Board of Canada Blooms wish to thank the talented
designers and builders of gardens, world-renowned floral artists, growers
extraordinaire, and the army of wonderful volunteers for making these
accolades possible. We are very excited about this year’s show and hope
you enjoy the celebration of “Let’s Go To The Movies!”.
Janet Ennamorato                        Celia Roberts
Co-Chair Canada Blooms                  Co-Chair Canada Blooms
Landscape Ontario                       The Garden Club of Toronto

Chair                                  Canada Blooms Co-Chairs
Donalda Kelk                           Celia Roberts, Janet Ennamorato
Awards                                 Communications, Social Media
Joy Gray-Donald                        Jacqui Miller
Education                              Flower Show Design and Layout
Rosemary Passafiume-McLean             Celia Roberts, Lil Taggart
Photographers                          Secretary to the Committee
Ursula Eley, Trish Symons              Roz Titley
Volunteer Coordinators
Judy Carpenter, Renée Clegg
Horticultural Section
Chairs                                 Clerks Convenors
Derryn Gill, Elaine Hill               Martha Huffman, Suzan Taylor

Convenor of Convenors                  Judges Convenor
Derryn Gill                            Judy Zinni
Registration Convenor                  Schedule Writers
Heather Fust                           Trudy Grantham, Mary Nesbit,
                                       Mary Jean Potter
Staging                                Statistician
Deborah Maw, Claudia Pedone            Julia Nairne
Convenor of Convenors of Special Exhibits
Lil Taggart
Design Section
Chair                                  Clerks Convenor
Dianne Gillin                          Joyce Moffat
Convenor of Convenors                  Entries Convenor
Lil Taggart                            Sue Schaal
Internationals                         Judges Convenor
Sue Schaal, Nancy Clark,               Diana Kennedy
Freddie Winchell-Jubb,
Margaret Taylor
Schedule Writers
Margaret Taylor, Joyce Moffat
Youth Section                          Photography Section
Alice Smulders                         Arti Meyers, Linda Davis
1. All exhibits must be kept in show condition. Plant material must be
    kept fresh for the duration of the show.
2. No exhibit may be altered in any manner after it has been judged.
3. Maintenance may be done at any time during the show, including
    public open hours. Please ensure that you are wearing appropriate ID.
4. Show management may remove an exhibit if deemed necessary.
5. Anyone judging Horticultural or Design classes at this show may NOT
    enter any Horticultural or Design class on either entry day.
Removal of exhibits
6. All exhibitors are responsible for guarding their exhibits on Sunday,
   March 18, 2018 from 5:00 p.m. until removal.
7. All exhibitors in the Exhibition Hall must wear proper identification at
   entry and maintenance times

8. No tripods may be used to take photographs at Canada Blooms,
    except by accredited media and the official show photographers. If
    you wish to have any professional photographs taken of your exhibit,
    please contact any of the show official photographers whose names
    and phone numbers will be posted at the show office.

9. The only signs permitted will be provided to the exhibitor by the
    management to ensure uniformity. It is the responsibility of the
    exhibitor to provide management with all pertinent information.

10. All material used for backgrounds and drapes must be flame-
11. Personal safety equipment is required on the Show floor before 9:30
    a.m. Friday, March 9, 2018.
12. All exhibitors must comply with local fire regulations. Only fireproof
    materials may be used in displays and electrical wiring must conform
    to CSA or UL specifications. Fire exits and aisles must be kept clear at
    all times. The exhibitor assumes full responsibility for ensuring that
    exhibits meet these standards.
13. Exhibitors must guard against leaks and over-watering. Pool and
    fountain liners must be constructed of material strong enough to
    prevent seepage.

Nomenclature & Endangered Species
14. All plant material must be listed correctly. (See Helpful Hints on page
    13 for reference).
15. Wild plants of endangered and threatened species are strictly
    forbidden in any Toronto Flower Show at Canada Blooms exhibit. It is
    the responsibility of the exhibitor to make sure these plants are not on
    exhibit. The authority for determining the designation of any plant as
    an endangered or threatened species is the Species at Risk Public
    Registry. See: and .

16. Where exhibitors are responsible for damage to any part of the
    Exhibition Hall, the costs of repair will be charged to them.

17. While Canada Blooms will exercise due caution in safeguarding
    exhibits, it cannot assume responsibility for injury or loss. Valuables
    used in exhibits are to be insured by exhibitors.
    claim against Canada Blooms, The Garden Club of Toronto,
    Landscape Ontario or the Enercare Centre (or their employees,
    directors, officers, agents or assigns) and agrees that management
    shall not be liable for any injury or loss or damage to exhibitor, or to its
    employees, agents, property or business caused by: (a) acts or
    omissions of any contractor (or employees of agents of such
    contractors) retained by management to perform services in
    connection with the Show or (b) fire, theft, destruction or any other
    occurrence not resulting from intentional misconduct on the part of
    the management (or their employees, directors, officers, agents or
    assigns), whether occurring during Show hours or the period
    designated for installation, maintenance and removal of exhibits, and
    not withstanding any negligence of management (or their employees,
    directors, officers, agents or assigns) connected therewith.
    indemnify and save harmless: Canada Blooms, The Garden Club of
    Toronto, Landscape Ontario or the Enercare Centre (or their
    employees, directors, officers, agents or assigns), and each of them,
    from any and all claims of liability made by anyone for any loss, injury
    or damage to persons or property, including death, arising out of the
    conduct of exhibitor or its employees or agents, and agrees to defend
    Canada Blooms, The Garden Club of Toronto, Landscape Ontario or
    the Enercare Centre against any such claims or liabilities and to

reimburse them for all expenses, including costs of settlement,
    incurred in connection therewith.
20. By entering an exhibit in Canada Blooms, the exhibitor agrees to abide
    by and be governed by the conditions set forth in the foregoing rules.

21. Canada Blooms shall have full power in the interpretation and
    enforcement of all rules contained herein, and the power to make
    such amendments thereto, and such further rules and regulations as
    it shall consider necessary for the proper conduct of the Show.

                 at Canada Blooms
               Volunteer for 3 hours and help us
                make our annual show the most
                spectacular event in Canadian
                      gardening history.

               Meet hundreds of people who love
                gardening as much as you do.

           Volunteer for 3 hours and spend the rest
             of the day at the show as our guest.

            Volunteers may now register on-line!
        Sign up for shifts at

    Questions? E-mail:
             or call the Canada Blooms office
                      at 416-447-8655

Anyone judging classes at this show may NOT enter any Horticultural,
Special Exhibits or Design class on either entry day.
The following rules apply to all classes at this show:
1. All Design, Horticultural and Special Exhibit entries will be judged by a
   designated team of judges selected by the Toronto Flower Show
2. Judges at this year’s show will not be permitted on the show floor
   during entry times for exhibits.
3. No one other than those authorized by the Show Committee will be
   permitted into the area of the Toronto Flower Show where judging is in
   progress and no one may discuss the exhibits with the judges prior to
4. Designs and Special Exhibits must not be altered in any manner after
   judging. Deteriorating plant material however, must be replaced in
   order to keep the exhibit in show condition.
5. In Horticultural classes, no further subdivisions may be made, once
   judging commences.
6. The decision of the Judges is final.

Regulations and judging standards
1. General Regulations (pages 7, 8), Judging Criteria (page 9) and The
   Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Standards for Horticulture and Floral
   Design, 2003 edition, (OJES) will govern.

2. All plants exhibited must have been grown by the exhibitor for at least
    3 months prior to March 9, 2018, except in the Special Exhibit
    Classes. All bulbs and branches must be forced by exhibitor in classes
    15, 16, 17 and 18.

3. Horticulture and Special Exhibit Registration Forms and Entry Forms
    are available at the Garden Club of Toronto monthly meetings or at
    the Canada Blooms Offices. They are also available on line at and may be downloaded or filled out online. All
completed forms must be legible, accurate and neatly printed in
    a) Registration Forms must be received by the Registrar by Monday
       March 5, 2018. Please email or mail registration forms to the
       Garden Club of Toronto office. See inside back cover for
       information on addresses and numbers.
        Special Exhibits must be pre-registered with the listed class
        convenor. Pre‐registration of horticultural entries is strongly
        encouraged but not required (it is faster to delete an entry on
        entry day than to enter new data). Exhibitors may register any
        additional entries in the horticultural classes on site on ENTRY
    b) Entry Forms must be printed clearly and include the exhibitor’s
       name, class number and plant names/lists using both botanical
       and common names of specimens were applicable. Entry forms
       accompany exhibits on entry day. The entry card on display during
       the show is prepared from the information provided on this form.

4. Exhibitors may have up to THREE entries per class in the Horticulture
    Division, as long as they are different species or cultivar of a species.
    Exhibitors may have only ONE entry per class in the Special Exhibits
5. Exhibitors may have no more than 30 entries in total. Each entry must
   be accompanied by its own Entry Form.
6. Plant lists: A plant list is required for classes that permit two or more
   species or cultivars. Botanical and common names must be included
   on the entry card and ALSO on a 10 cm x 15 cm (4”x 6”) index card.
7. Should the exhibitor require the watering/ grooming committee to
   care for an exhibit during the show, the exhibitor must attach
   instructions including watering requirements and any special needs to
   the entry form. The water/grooming committee will be notified of
   these needs.
8. Exhibitors may enter horticultural classes on 1st and 2nd entry days,
   provided each is completely different from the previous species or
   cultivar exhibited. Special Exhibits must contain completely different
   plant material than any of the plant material used previously in the
   show this year.
9. Where a class exists for a special type or variety of specimen, a
   specimen entry must be exhibited in that class, e.g. ferns must be

exhibited in a fern class. The Novice Class 21 and Provisional Class
    22 are exempt from this rule. Classes 23, 24 and 25 are also exempt.
10. Potted plants may have more than one stem if it is characteristic of
    the cultivar, e.g. Hedera helix. Specimen plants may have only one
    rooted stem, e.g. Azalea or Rosemarinus officinalis.
11. No accessories are permitted in horticultural classes unless otherwise
    stated. Accessories are permitted in MOST Special Exhibit classes.
12. Topdressing is not mandatory but may be used at the discretion of the
    exhibitor and where appropriate. Unobtrusive staking is permitted in
    horticultural classes. No “training rings” are permitted for Saintpaulia
    (African violet) exhibits.
13. Entry Days/Times
        First Day entries: Wednesday, March 7, 2018
        Hours: 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
        Second Day entries: Tuesday, March 13, 2018
        Hours: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
        NOTE: entries will be registered from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., but
        will be placed on the floor after 7:30 p.m. when Day 1 entries are
        removed. For classes 26-37 inclusive, or other Special Exhibit
        classes requiring prep time on the show floor, entrants must be
        registered by 8:00 p.m. but may continue to work until 10:00 p.m.
Please note that unless otherwise stated in the class description, ALL
CLASSES have 2 entry days.

14. A member of the Classification Team must initial each Entry Form
    before the exhibitor places the exhibit on the show floor.
    The Classification Team may, at its discretion, refuse to accept an
    entry if it is not considered to be of show quality, or not free from
    pests and disease.
15. Please Note: No competitors will be allowed to groom or water their
    entries after they are placed on the show floor until judging has been
    completed. The Show Committee may allow exhibitors to cover their
    entries if temperature and/or dust conditions would damage plants.
    Covers will be removed before judging by members of the Show
    Committee and replaced shortly thereafter.

16. The Show Committee may subdivide horticultural classes and may
    move or remove horticultural entries if necessary before judging
17. All exhibits must be kept in show condition. Exhibitors are responsible
    for maintaining and watering their entries AFTER JUDGING HAS TAKEN
    PLACE, unless they have notified the Horticultural Chair. See Rule 7.
    Plant material must be kept fresh for the duration of the show. Work
    may be done any time during the show, including public open hours.

18. Judging Dates/Times
    First Day: Thursday, March 8, 2018, 1:00 p.m.
    Second Day: Wednesday, March 14, 2018, 9:30 a.m.
NOTE: Anyone judging Horticultural, Special Exhibit or Design competitions
at the show will not be permitted to enter any Horticultural, Special Exhibit
or Design competitions at this show.

19. Exhibitors are responsible for and must remove their exhibits
    according to the schedule listed below.
    All classes entered on First Entry Day must be removed Tuesday,
    March 13, 2018 between 7:30 and 8:00 p.m.
    All classes entered on Second Entry Day must be removed Sunday,
    March 18, 2018 between 5:00 and 5:45 p.m.
20. No boxes or other removable containers are permitted on the show
    floor prior to removal times as set out above.

Pot Size
21. Pot size refers to the inside measurement of the container, at the top,
    in which the plant is grown. Measure along the slim lines as shown in
    the following diagrams.

Please check Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Standards for Horticulture
and Floral Design, 2003 edition, also known as OJES.
The following are a few of the criteria the judges take into consideration
when judging:

   When there is more than one specimen of the same cultivar in an
    entry, the judge looks for uniformity in size, form, colour and stage of
    development as well as cultural perfection.
   Freshness of material, along with the proportion of the stem to the
    cultivar and condition of the foliage, where applicable, are looked at
   Floriferousness refers to the abundance of flowers on the entire plant.
    The quality of colour and size, as well as the number of flowers, is of
   Good condition and grooming are important, and all entries must be
    free of pests and disease. Any damaged foliage should be carefully
    removed so that it does not affect the overall appearance of the
   It is important for the exhibitor to check in Ontario Judging and
    Exhibiting Standards for Horticulture and Floral Design (2003 edition),
    for the Scale of Points for each type of exhibit, e.g. Flowering Branches
    have a Scale of Points that is quite different from that for Cacti and
    other Succulents. By checking in this publication, you could end up
    with the winning entry! It is really a “must do”.
   Saucers of compatible material should be brought with potted plants
    and placed under them for drainage.
   Reference books that might be of assistance are:
    Reader's Digest A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants - Brickell, Cole,
    The Reader’s Digest Success with Houseplants
    New Encyclopedia of Herbs & Their Uses – Bown
   Remember to read your schedule carefully – it is the law of the show.

Horticultural and Special Exhibit Entries 2018
You will need to complete two types of forms, available from Garden Club
of Toronto monthly shows, or downloaded from either the Garden Club of
Toronto website:, or the Canada Blooms
1. Horticultural & Special Exhibit Registration Form (1 per exhibitor)
   This form may be completed and submitted for pre-registration by
   March 6, 2018, or you may register on-site during the entry times. The
   form must contain the exhibitors’ name and club affiliation, if any.
   This form lists all the entries you are submitting for both entry days. A
   copy of this form will be available at the registration desk on the show
   floor, and this information will have been entered into the show
   database if you have pre-registered. All Special Exhibit entries must
   have been pre-registered. On entry days, you must notify the Entries
   Convenor in the Hort office of any horticultural entries that are added
   or deleted. See pages 9 and 10 for information about registration and
    Entry Form (1 per entry)
    This form must be attached to each entry and is not to be pre‐
    submitted. It allows the show committee to identify the owner of each
    plant or entry until the printed forms are completed from our
    database. If you are entering an “Exhibit” in Section F, G, or H you
    must attach a printed list of plants with both botanical and common
    names to your entry. This must be on a 10 cm (4”) x 15 cm (6”) card,
    or on paper that can be cut to fit the holders placed on the show floor
    with your entry.
    NOTE: These forms may be copied from the form inserted in the
    schedule or downloaded from the website
    Also, they will be available on the entry days at the Registration tables.
    If you have more than 10 entries, please arrive at least one hour and
    a half prior to the close of entries on Wednesday March 7, 2018 and
    Tuesday March 13, 2018. No entries will be allowed after that time.
    Exhibitors may enter the show floor any time after 2:30 p.m. on
    Wednesday March 7, 2018 to begin preparing their entries, but
    entries will not be classified or accepted until 4:30 p.m.
2. Class Eligibility
   There are two days for most classes, unless otherwise noted. See
   Horticulture and Special Exhibits Competition Rule #8, page 10.

 Sections A, B, and C are open to all interested non-professional
  exhibitors and all members of horticultural societies and garden
  clubs including the Garden Club of Toronto.
 Sections D, E, F and G are limited to members of the Garden Club
  of Toronto.
 Section H is open to all interested non-professional exhibitors and
  all members of horticultural societies and garden clubs other than
  the Garden Club of Toronto.

          WHY NOT GET ON A BUS?
           Rest and ride on your way to
                 Canada Blooms
    Invite fellow club members, family or friends to Canada
         Blooms and take advantage of Canada Blooms'
                 incredible group discount rate.

     Hire a bus and driver and enjoy a day at Canada's best
         flower and garden show. Invite a neighbouring
      horticultural society or garden club and share costs.

                Need help planning your trip?
       Contact Canada Blooms for ticket information, bus
        operators in your area and restaurant planning.

     Call Canada Blooms to make sure your group is on the
                         mailing list.

         For more details contact Tour Co-ordinator at:
             1-800-730-1020 (toll-free in Ontario)


Open Classes, grown by exhibitor for 3 months. See Rule 2, page 9.
Class 1   CACTUS
          1 cultivar, pot any size.
          Linda Alcock 416-481-9894

Class 2   SUCCULENT, other than cacti
          Please note, cacti are a type of succulent. NO GRAFTED CACTI
          1 cultivar, pot any size.
          Linda Alcock 416-481-9894

          e.g. True fern – Adiantum raddianum (Maidenhair Fern); Fern-
          like - Asparagus plumosa (Asparagus Fern).
          1 cultivar, pot any size.
          Marg Betts 416-917-5528

Class 4   GESNERIAD grown for flower or foliage interest
          e.g. Saintpaulia (African Violet, see Rule 10, page 11),
          Columnea, Sinningia, Streptocarpus, etc.
          1 cultivar, pot any size.
          Marg Betts 416-917-5528

Class 5   HEDERA HELIX (English Ivy)
          1 cultivar, pot any size.
          Linne Dobbin 416-487-8533

Class 6   HEDERA HELIX (English Ivy) trained by exhibitor on an open
          1 cultivar, pot any size.
          Linne Dobbin 416-487-8533
Class 7   ORCHID, Phalaenopsis species, hybrid or intergeneric hybrid.
          1 cultivar, pot any size.
          Katherine Shaw 416-480-9595
Class 8   ORCHID, any other species or cultivar
          e.g. Cattleya, Vanda, Cymbidium etc.
          1 cultivar, pot any size.
          Katherine Shaw 416-480-9595
          Please note: Orchids may be staked, but stake should be
          unobtrusive. Orchids may be grown in any medium e.g. bark,
          sphagnum moss, etc., and may be top-dressed. Plants must not
          be treated with dye.


Open Classes, grown by exhibitor for 3 months. See Rule 2, page 9.
Class 9   Any other Flowering or Fruiting Plant(s).
          1 cultivar, pot 15 cm (6”) or smaller.
          Marilyn Olivares 905-731-7604

Class 10 Any other Flowering or Fruiting Plant(s).
         1 cultivar, pot larger than 15 cm (6”).
         Marilyn Olivares 905-731-7604

Class 11 Any other non-variegated Foliage Plant(s).
         1 cultivar, pot 15 cm (6”) or smaller.
         Joyce Moffat 416-445-0813

Class 12 Any other non-variegated Foliage Plant(s).
         1 cultivar, pot larger than 15 cm (6”).
         Joyce Moffat 416-445-0813

Class 13 Any other variegated Foliage Plant(s), may be multi-coloured.
         1 cultivar, pot 15 cm (6”) or smaller.
         Anne Cook 416-903-3132
         Barb Twaits 416-560-3068

Class 14 Any other variegated Foliage Plant(s), may be multi-coloured.
         1 cultivar, pot larger than 15 cm (6”)
         Anne Cook 416-903-3132
         Barb Twaits 416-560-3068


Open Classes, grown by exhibitor for 3 months. See Rule 2, page 9.
Class 15 FORCED FLOWERING BRANCH cut from exhibitor’s garden or
         1 branch not to exceed 90 cm (35.5”) in length from top of
         exhibitor’s own container, named. State date cut.
         Judy Lewis 416-964-7907

Class 16 FORCED BRANCH showing interesting leaf growth, cut from
         exhibitor’s garden or balcony.
         e.g. Cornus (Dogwood), Salix (Willow).
         1 branch not to exceed 90 cm (35.5”) in length from top of
         exhibitor’s own container, named. State date cut.
         Judy Lewis 416-964-7907

         e.g. Tulipa, Narcissus, Muscari, Crocus, Hyacinthus etc.
         1 cultivar, minimum of 5 growing in one container.
         Deborah Maw 647-230-3495

Class 18 HIPPEASTRUM (Amaryllis)
         Bulb may be newly acquired, grown by exhibitor in water or soil.
         Maximum 1 bulb.
         Loris Adamson 416-519-9397


Limited to members of The Garden Club of Toronto
Class 19 A COLLECTION OF CUT HARDY SPECIMENS which provide winter
         interest, shown in exhibitor’s container. Specimens must have
         been cut in March 2018 from exhibitor’s garden or balcony.
         Collection may include branches, evergreens, conifers,
         perennials, ornamental grasses, etc. Minimum 5 different
         specimens. State date cut with a list of common and botanical
         names on a 10 cm x 15 cm (4” x 6”) card which must
         accompany the exhibit. Staged in front of an iron fence, placed
         on a blue pedestal, 30 cm x 30 cm x 91 cm (12” x 12” x 36”)
         high, to be viewed from the front.
         Limit of 6 entries each entry day.
         Joan Bostock 905-642-5579

Class 20 AZALEA, grown by exhibitor for at least 6 months.
         1 cultivar, pot any size.
         Convenor: Gillian Tuffin 416-489-2184

Class 21 NOVICE CLASS. 1st Entry Day Only.
         Please note: Open to any member of The Garden Club of
         Toronto who has not won a first place ribbon in a horticultural
         class at Canada Blooms.
          A POTTED HOUSEPLANT grown by exhibitor for 3 months prior to
          date of entry.
          1 cultivar, pot any size.
          Christine Lewis 416-656-1679
          Kari Emond 416-767-1741

Class 22. PROVISIONAL CLASS. 2nd Entry Day Only.
          A POTTED HOUSEPLANT grown by exhibitor for 3 months prior to
          date of entry.
          1 cultivar, pot any size.
          Christine Lewis 416-656-1679
          Kari Emond 416-767-1741

Class 23 RERUN. NEW POTTED PLANT(S) started from a cutting or stolon,
         NOT from seed or crown division. State name, date and method
         of propagation (soil or water), e.g. Coleus, Pelargonium, etc.
         1 to 5 plants of the same cultivar, in 1 pot. Pot any size.
         Caroline McRobie 416-972-1069

Class 24 IN THE DARK, ALMOST!! 1st Entry Day Only.
         A HOUSEPLANT that tolerates low-light levels, e.g. Spathiphylum
         (Peace Lily)
         1 cultivar, pot any size.
         Ibi Smith 416-221-7132
         Rosemary Dobson 416-293-9036

Class 25 CLEANERS AND SWEEPERS ON THE JOB. 2nd Entry Day Only.
         A minimum of 3 environmentally-sensitive growing plants with
         specific air-cleaning qualities, individually shown on exhibitor’s
         own tray, e.g. Ficus, Chlorophytum comosum (Spider Plant),
         Sansevieria (Mother-in-law’s Tongue), Dracaena, etc. State
         botanical and common names and specific air-cleaning
         qualities, e.g. produces oxygen, absorbs contaminants, etc., on
         a card 10 cm x 15 cm (4” x 6”). Pots any size.
         Ibi Smith 416-221-7132
         Rosemary Dobson 416-293-9036


Limited to members of The Garden Club of Toronto
Exhibitors must register with the convenor in advance due to staging
Please note: Horticultural material in this section may be newly-acquired.
The list of plants and/or cut flowers or foliage MUST INCLUDE botanical
and common names on a 10 cm x 15 cm (4” x 6”) card.
Class 26 LUNCH FOR THE CREW. 1st Entry Day Only.
         A Strawberry Jar planted with named culinary herbs.
         Claudia Pedone 416-447-9122

Derryn Gill 416-221-6697
Class 27 COLOURFUL. 2nd Entry Day Only.
         A display of herbs, used for medicinal and/or dyeing purposes.
         A minimum of 5 herbs growing in a basket. Botanical and
         common names and their uses are to be included. See OJES
         page 74 for Display and page 91 for Basket.
         Claudia Pedone 416-447-9122
         Derryn Gill 416-221-6697

Class 28 DESERT SCENE. 1st Entry Day Only. Limit of 5 exhibits.
         A number of succulents planted in a shallow, open container.
         Accessories of proper scale may be included. Staged on a
         pedestal 46 cm x 46 cm x 91.5 cm (18” x 18” x 36”) high. Paint
         colour is Benjamin Moore 2061-60, Little Boy Blue.
         Susan Schwab 416-226-3060
Class 29 INSPIRED BY MOTHER NATURE. 2nd Entry Day Only.
         Limit of 5 exhibits.
         A miniature landscape in which a scene from nature is created
         using horticulturally compatible plant material. Stones and
         weathered wood may be used as a feature or as accessories.
         The scale of all the elements is of utmost importance. Staged
         on a pedestal 46 cm x 46 cm x 91.5 cm (18” x 18” x 36”) high.
         Paint colour is Benjamin Moore 2061-60, Little Boy Blue.
         Sue Schaal 416-922-7875

Class 30 SHOT IN JAPAN - KOKEDAMA. 1st Entry Day Only.
         Moss-covered balls, made by exhibitor, in which a rooted plant
         is growing. A minimum of 3 Kokedama are to be staged, each
         one on the exhibitor’s own upside down glass container, on
         exhibitor’s waterproof tray. Shade-tolerant plants are
         recommended since moss is not sun-tolerant. Staged on a
         black table.
         Alison Jack 416-489-0109
         Derryn Gill 416-704-6697

Class 31 SUSPENDED ON A BRANCH - KOKEDAMA. 2nd Entry Day Only.
         Two or more moss-covered balls, made by exhibitor, in which
         rooted Phalaenopsis Orchids are growing. Kokedama are to be
         suspended from exhibitor’s own branch anchored in exhibitor’s
         tall vase, 38 cm or 15” or taller. Tillandsia usneoides (Spanish
         Moss) may be used as the growing medium. Staged on a black
         Alison Jack 416-489-0109
         Derryn Gill 416-221-6697

Class 32 CAMERA-READY!! 1st Entry Day Only. Limit of 5 exhibits.
         A door decorated with growing plants with fresh-cut flowers
         and/or foliage. Cut branches may be used. Accessories
         permitted. Door colour is Benjamin Moore 2010-10, Tomato
         Red and the frame around the door is, 2061-50, Tidal Wave.
         Hook height is 70” from bottom of door.Hook Height
         Cecily Ziliotto 416-481-0619
         Elaine Hill 416-486-9517

Class 33 VISUAL IMPACT!! 2nd Entry Day Only. Limit of 5 exhibits.
         A door decorated with cut branches or twigs and rooted plant
         material and wool. Accessories permitted. To be hung. Door
         colour is Benjamin Moore 2010-10, Tomato Red and the frame
         around the door is, 2061-50, Tidal Wave.
         Hook height is 70” from bottom of door.
         Cecily Ziliotto 416-481-0619
         Elaine Hill 416-486-9517

Class 34 THE GLORY OF SPRING. 1st Entry Day Only. Limit of 5 exhibits.
         A Window Box Planter of “Canadian Springtime” bulbs and/or
         plants for outdoor use. Cut branches may be used. Accessories
         permitted. Exhibitor to provide their own container to be staged
         on a pedestal 61 cm wide x 38 cm deep x 76 cm (24” x 15” x
         30”), in front of a window frame (36” wide, outside dimension)
         mounted on a 40” background of Benjamin Moore 2061-50,
         Tidal Wave. Frame colour is Benjamin Moore OC117, Simply
         White, and the background inside the window frame is black.
         Bottom of window is 30” above base.
         Space allotted
         Jane Persson Morley 905-726-8523
         Maria Tang 416-223-9322
Class 35 DREAMING OF SUMMER. 2nd Entry Day Only. Limit of 5
         A Planter of tropical plants suitable for a “Canadian Summer”.
         No accessories permitted. Exhibitor to provide their own
         container to be placed in front of the window frame described in
         Class 34. No pedestal is provided for 2nd Day Entry exhibits.
         Jane Persson Morley 905-726-8523
         Maria Tang 416-223-9322

Open to non-members of The Garden Club of Toronto.

Class 36 THE MOVIE TO LOVE! 1st Entry Day Only. Limit of 5 exhibits.
         A scene from a movie, interpreted, using growing plants plus
         cut flowers and/or foliage. Staged on a clear acrylic pedestal
         38 cm x 38 cm x 91.5 cm (15” x 15” x 36”) on a base 91.5 cm
         x 91.5 cm x 15 cm (36” x 36” x 6”). Base colour is Benjamin
         Moore 2065-30, Brilliant Blue. The acrylic pedestal is to be
         incorporated into the design, and exhibitors may use
         container(s) of their choice within the allotted space of 91.5 cm
         x 91.5 cm (36” x 36”) with no height restriction. The exhibit may
         be created by 1 to 4 exhibitors. The movie name is to be
         displayed in a creative manner.
         Patrizia Capelli 647-296-0402
         Diane Wilton 416-498-7921

Class 37 FILM OR DIGITAL? 2nd Entry Day Only. Limit of 5 exhibits.
         A design of growing plants plus cut flowers and/or foliage. A
         clear acrylic pedestal 38 cm x 38 cm x 91.5 cm high (15” x 15”
         x 36”) on a base 91.5 cm x 91.5 cm x 15 cm high ( 36” x 36” x
         6”) is to be incorporated into the design, and exhibitors may
         use container(s) of their choice within the allotted space of 91.5
         cm x 91.5 cm (36” x 36”) with no height restriction. Base colour
         is Benjamin Moore 2065-30, Brilliant Blue. The design must
         include 1 or more photographic accessories. The exhibit may be
         created by 1 to 4 exhibitors.
         Silvana Croce 905-640-3138

Judging Criteria
NOTE: Anyone judging Horticultural or Design classes at this show may
NOT enter any Horticultural or Design class on either day.
1. All Design and Horticultural exhibits will be judged by a designated
   team of judges selected by the Toronto Flower Show Convenors.
2. Judges at this year’s show will not be permitted on the show floor
   during entry times for exhibits.
3. No one other than those authorized by the Show Committee will be
   permitted into the area of the Toronto Flower Show where judging is in
   progress and no one may discuss the exhibits with the judges prior to
4. Designs must not be altered in any manner after judging.
   Deteriorating plant material however, must be replaced in order to
   keep the exhibit in show condition.
5. The decision of the Judges is final.
The following rules apply to all Design Competitions. Note that only non-
professionals may compete.
1. General Regulations (pages 6- 8) Judging Criteria (above) and the
    Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Standards for Horticulture and Floral
    Design (2003 edition) apply.
    In addition, International Flower Show Rules, World Association of
    Floral Artists (WAFA) will apply:
    a) An exhibit is made of plant material, with or without accessories,
       within a space specified in the Show Schedule.
    b) Plant material must predominate over all other components of the
    c) The use of artificial plant material is forbidden unless stated in
       the regulations.
    d) Fresh plant material must be in water or in water-retaining
       material unless such material remains turgid throughout the
    e) Painted and/or artificially coloured plant material may be used
       unless otherwise stated in the regulations.
       For this show only, portions of any Design or Special Exhibit entry
       requiring work not able to be completed in the time allotted may
       be done in advance.
       In the event of any conflict, the above rules will prevail.
2. Exhibitors are requested to notify convenors as soon as possible,
   which dates and classes they wish to enter. Do not wait to be called.
   Space will be reserved for each exhibit when notice is received and
   confirmed by email, telephone or letter. Exhibitors unable to fulfill
   their responsibility must find their own substitute.
3. Exhibitors may submit only 1 exhibit in each class.
4. All classes are limited to 5 exhibits each entry day except where noted
   in the Schedule.
5. First day exhibits will be received between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
   on Wednesday March 7, and between 7:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on
   Thursday, March 8, 2018. First day exhibits must be removed at 6:00
   p.m. on Tuesday, March 13, 2018.
6. Second day exhibits will be received between 6:30 p.m., Tuesday,
   March 13 and 1:00 a.m., Wednesday March 14 and between 7:00
   a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 14, 2018.
7. All designs must be in place and ready for the Passing Committee at
   the following times:
   Thursday, March 8, by 12:30 p.m. for judging at 1:00 p.m. They must
   remain in place until removal on Tuesday, March 13 at 7:30 p.m.
   Wednesday, March 14 by 9:00 a.m. for judging at 9:30 a.m.
   There will be a warning bell 15 minutes prior to the time of clearing
   the judging area on both entry days.
8. All Exhibits must be kept in show condition. Deteriorating plant
   material must be replaced.
9. If a design has a mechanical failure after the entry time is closed, it
   may not be repaired until judging is completed. After judging it must
   be repaired to its original status for the duration of the show.
10. No exhibit may be altered in any manner after it has been judged,
    except to restore it to its original condition according to rule #8 or #9.
11. Maintenance may be done at any time during the show, including
    public open hours. Please ensure that you are wearing appropriate ID.
12. The Toronto Flower Show Chair and/or the Floral Design Chair may
    remove an exhibit if deemed necessary.
13. All exhibits must be removed promptly on Sunday, March 18 at
    5:00 p.m.
14. All designs must be made and staged by the exhibitors themselves.
    Any competitor receiving help with put-in other than help that is
    physically necessary will be disqualified.

15. All exhibitors are asked to leave their completed entry sheet with their
    design at the time of entry. It should include: name, class, date, a list
    of plant material in the design, including both common and botanical
    names and explanation of containers of interest. See Snippy Tips #1.
    Novice designation must be included on the entry sheet. The list of
    material in the design should be duplicated, in block capitals or typed
    to be available for the judges.
16. Check with your class convenor to see that your design meets all
    requirements set out in the schedule. A design which does not comply
    will not be judged. This will be at the sole discretion of the Design
    Committee Chair. You may not leave the design area until your design
    is accepted by the Passing Committee. This will be indicated by the
    letter P marked on your entry card.
17. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, note that
    measurements may vary slightly.
Regarding liability - see General Regulations page 7.

Points Awarded
    First                          6 points
    Second                         4 points
    Third                          2 points
    Honourable Mention             1 point

Scale of Judging Points (except where otherwise stated)
       Design: Organization of the elements and principles.      35 points

       Conformance: Compliance with scheduled                    25 points
       requirements, theme.

       Creativity: Originality of concept in choice of           20 points
       components, and/or organization of design elements
       according to the principles of design.

       Distinction and Condition: Marked superiority and         20 points
       physical state of plant material at time of judging

Scale of Points for Tables: see Ontario Judging Standards (2003 edition)
Scale of Points for Miniatures: see Ontario Judging Standards (2003
Deductions will be proportionate to the degree of non-compliance.

NOTE: throughout the schedule, * denotes Benjamin Moore Paint Colour

                           Friday, March 9, 2018
Set up: Day 1 exhibits will be received between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
on Wednesday March 7, and between 7:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on
Thursday, March 8, 2018.
Removal: First day exhibits must be removed at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 13, 2018.

NOVICE CLASS Open to members of The Garden Club of Toronto who have
not previously won a red ribbon in any major Garden Club of Toronto show
or Canada Blooms show (excluding monthly Neil Cup and Margaret Dove

Class 101 FAIRY TALE
A hand tied bouquet, tied with ribbon and placed in a glass vase, suitable
for a wedding

                                  Staged: on a pedestal 12” wide x 12”
                                  deep (30.5 cm x 30.5 cm) standing 36”
                                  high (91 cm), on a square base 24” x
                                  24” (61 cm x 61 cm) and 4” high (10
                            80”   cm) staged against a background 48”
                                  wide x 80” high (61 cm x 203 cm)
                12”         80”   Limited to 5 entries
                                  Area Allotted: 30” wide x 30” deep (76
    3636                          cm x 76 cm) No height restriction
                                  Pedestal Colour and Base Colour: Simply
                             4”   White OC-117*
                   2448           Background Colour: Tear Drop Blue

Dianne Gillin 416-929-7176
Frederika Winchell-Jubb 416-483-0776

Class 102 DRAMA
A modern mass design
                                    Staged: on a pedestal 18” wide x 18”
                                    deep x 36” high (46 cm x 46 cm x 91.5
                                    cm) on a base 48” wide x 48” deep x 2”
                                    high (122 cm x 122 cm x 5 cm) against a
                                    background panel 48” wide x 82” high
                                    (122 cm x 208 cm)
                             80”    Area Allotted: 48” wide x 48” deep x 82”
                ””                  high (122 cm x 122 cm x 208 cm)

      36”                           Limited to 5 entries
                                    Pedestal Colour: Tear Drop Blue 2053-
                              2”    60*
                        ””          Base and Background Colour: Brilliant
                                    Blue 2065-30*

Katherine Shaw 416-480-9595
Mona Horvath 416-446-0409

An abstract design

                                   Staged: in a niche. Design may be hung.
                                   Nothing to be attached to the walls.
                                   Area Allotted: 44” wide x 32” deep x 56”
                                   high (111.5 cm x 81 cm x 142 cm)

                                   Limited to 5 entries
            32”                    Niche Colour: Tomato Red 2010-10*
                                   Set Colour: Blue Lake 2053-40*

Ellen Clark 416-486-9352
Trudy Grantham 416-691-5333

Class 104 SCI FI
A miniature design using predominately dried plant material
Design must not exceed 5” (12.5 cm) in any direction.
                                 Staged: in a clear acrylic cube 5.25”
                                 wide x 5.25” deep x 5.25” high (13 cm
                                 x 13 cm x 13 cm) set on a pedestal
                                 54” high (137 cm) against a
     5.25”         5.25”         background. Design may be hung.
                                 Entrants may supply their own matte
                                 on the back of acrylic cube.
                                 Limited to 5 entries
                                 Pedestal and Background colour: Tear
                  54”            Drop Blue 2053-60*

Lynda Summerville 416-690-5434
Loris Adamson 416-519-9397

Class 105 FANTASY
A miniature design using predominately fresh plant material
Design must not exceed 5” (12.5 cm) in any direction.
                                 Staged: in a clear acrylic cube 5.25”
                                 wide x 5.25” deep x 5.25” high (13 cm x
                                 13 cm x 13 cm) set on a pedestal 54”
     5.25”                       high (137 cm) against a background.
                   5.25”         Design may be hung. Entrants may
                                 supply their own matte on the back of
                                 acrylic cube.
                                 Limited to 5 entries

                   54”           Pedestal and Background colour: Tear
                                 Drop Blue 2053-60*

Linda Alcock 416-481-9894
Tara Bramall 416-489-5383

Class 106 FILM NOIR
A design to be viewed from all sides but judged from the front
                    20”               Staged on: an open-sided pedestal 20”
       20”                            wide X 20” deep and 36” high (50 cm x
                                      50 cm x 90 cm) on a base 36” wide x
                                      36” deep x 4” high (91 cm x 91 cm x 10
                                      Area Allotted: 36” wide x 36” deep (91
                                      cm x 91 cm) Height unlimited
                                      Limited to 5 entries
                                      Pedestal and Base Colour: Blue Lake
                     4”               2053-40*
Joyce Moffat 416-445-0813
Claudia Pedone 416-447-9122

Class 107 SUSPENSE
A suspended design
                                      Design must be equipped to hang and
                                      must not exceed 10 lbs. (4.5 kg.) in

         80”                          Staged: To be hung from a black free
                                      standing wrought iron stand on a base
                          75”         48” wide x 48” deep x 4” high (122 cm
                                      x 122 cm x 10 cm) against a
                                      background panel 48” wide x 80” high
                                      (122 cm x 203 cm). Hook for hanging
                                      will be approximately 75” (190 cm)
                                      above the base.
4”                                    Base and Background Colour: Blue Lake
 ”        48”                         2053-40*
                                      Limited to 5 entries
Judith James 416-960-2010
Celia Roberts c.905-510-6534


A functional table design
                                     Staged: on a table 39” in diameter (99
                                     cm) and 29” high (74 cm) against a
                                     background 36” wide x 80” high (91 cm
                                     x 203 cm)
                                     Accessories may be attached to the
                                     background. Shabby chic chandelier
                                     hangs 27” (69 cm) above the table.
                                     Black and white tile floor.
                                36” Limited to four entries
                                     Background Wall: Passion Blue 2053-
                            4”       50*

Convenors:                36”
Donna Buss 416-445-2843
Carolyn Whiteside 416-231-1771
A design for a dress inspired by a Disney character staged on a life-size
female form mannequin. The design is to be created with plant material
and may include a judicious use of plant- derived materials. To be viewed
from all sides.
                                   Staged: on a circular base with 48”
                                   diameter and 4” high (122 cm x 10 cm)
                                   on red carpet
                                     Base Colour: Simply White OC-117*

             48”                     Mannequin will be provided to exhibitor
                                     in advance. Exhibitor should choose the
                                     female Disney character she wishes to
                                     portray and sign up with the convenor.
                                     No duplication of names – first come,
                                     first served. Indicate the name of your
                                     Disney character on your entry form.
Area Allotted: Circular area with 48” (122 cm) diameter. No height
First day entry only. Limited to 5 entries. This exhibit will remain in the
show for 10 days.
Tree Ierullo 416-929-6962
Deborah Landers 416-485-3557
A design depicting swimwear staged on a life-size female form mannequin.
The design is to be created with plant material and may include a
judicious use of plant-derived material. To be viewed from all sides.
                                Staged: on a circular base with 48”
                                diameter and 4” high (122 cm x 10 cm)
                                set on a sand covered floor
                                Base Colour: Tear Drop Blue 2053-60*
                                Mannequin will be provided to exhibitor
            48”                 in advance.
                                Area Allotted: Circular area with 36” (91
                                cm) diameter. No height restriction.
                                First day entry only.
                                Limited to 5 entries. This exhibit will
                                remain in the show for 10 days.
Deborah Landers 416-485-3557
Tree Ierullo 416-929-6962

Class 111 WESTERN
A landscape design to be viewed from above. Accessories permitted.
                                Staged: on a cube 24” wide x 24” deep
                                x 24” high (60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm)
                                Area Allotted: 30” wide x 30” deep (76
                                cm x 76 cm) Height unlimited
                                Limited to 4 entries
                                Colour of Cube: Passion Blue 2053-50*

      24” x 24” x 24”

Jacqui Miller 416-274-2891
Marg Betts 416-699-3597

Class 112 ROMANCE
An Ikebana design
                48”                Staged on shelf 48” wide x 24” deep
                                   (122 cm x 61 cm) 36” (91.5 cm) above
                                   the floor
                                   Area Allotted: 44” wide x 30” deep x 84”
   24”                             high (112 cm x 76 cm x 213 cm)
                                   Background and Shelf Colour: Simply
                                   White OC-117*
                                   Frame Colour: Simply White OC-117*
                                   Limited to 5 entries

Sue Clarkson 416-763-3918
Nora Cowie 416-486-0756

OPEN CLASS: Open to members of garden clubs and horticultural societies
other than The Garden Club of Toronto.

Class 113 IMPROV
An imposed class
Material will be provided and a fee of $90 will be charged. Exhibitor will
have 3 hours to create their design: from 9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on
Thursday, March 8, 2018. Exhibitor may use whatever provided material
they wish in creating their design and need not use all the material.
                   48”              Staged on shelf 48” wide x 24” deep
                                    (122 cm x 61 cm) 36” (91.5 cm) above
                                    the floor
                                   Area Allotted: 44” wide x 30” deep x 84”
         24”                       high (112 cm x 76 cm x 213 cm)
                                   Background and Shelf Colour: Brilliant
                                   Blue 2065-30*
                                   Frame Colour: Simply White OC-117*
                                   Limited to 5 entries
Ursula Eley 416-699-4353
Heather Gray 416-445-2910

Class 114 THRILLER
OPEN CLASS: Open to all members of garden clubs and horticultural
societies including The Garden Club of Toronto.
An assemblage
A three- dimensional abstract design combining previously unrelated dried
or preserved plant material and found objects into an integrated whole.
Note: This exhibit will remain in the show for 10 days. Entries must be
registered and received by February 8, 2018 or registered with the
convenor in advance and entered in person on the first entry day. All
entries must be removed on March 18, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.
Staged: to be attached to a backdrop square board 28” x 28” (71 cm x 71
cm) already affixed to the wall. The exhibitor must equip the assemblage
with a picture wire for hanging on the board.
                                    Area Allotted: Material may extend over
                                    your own mat but must not exceed the
                                    dimensions of the 28” x 28” (71 cm X
                                    71 cm) square; however, the exhibitor
                                    may choose the size and shape of their
            28” x 28”               design. Design may be framed or
                                    unframed and any shape. Plant material
                                    may be in its natural state and any or all
                                    may be dyed or painted. Maximum
                                    depth 6” (15 cm) from the back of your
First Day entry only. Limited to 18 entries.
Background Colour: Tomato Red 2010-10*
Display Board Colour: Simply White OC-117*
Marilyn Walsh 416-461-8714
Marsha Pine 416-461-4466


 A design
                                Staged: on a base 48” wide x 48” deep
                                x 4” high (122 cm x 122 cm x 10 cm)
                                against a background panel 48” wide x
                                80” high (122 cm x 203 cm)

                                Area Allotted: 48” wide x 48” deep x 80”
                                high (122 cm x 122 cm x 203 cm)
                                Day 1 entry only. Limited to 10
                                Base and Background Colour: Blue Lake
                       4”       Entries: Invitational Class
48”              48”
 Sue Schaal 416-922-7875
 Margaret Taylor 416-440-0490

                     Tuesday, March 14, 2018
Set up: Day 2 exhibits will be received between 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, March
13 and 1:00 a.m., Wednesday March 14 and between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00
a.m. on Wednesday, March 14, 2018.
Removal: Must be removed promptly on Sunday, March 18 at 5:00 p.m.

Open to members of The Garden Club of Toronto who have not previously
won a red ribbon in any major Garden Club of Toronto show or Canada
Blooms show (excluding monthly Neil Cup and Margaret Dove

Class 201        FAIRY TALE
A hand tied bouquet, tied with ribbon and placed in a glass vase, suitable
for a wedding
                                   Staged: on a pedestal 12” wide x 12”
                                   deep (30.5 cm x 30.5 cm) standing 36”
                                   high (91 cm), on a square base 24” x
                                   24” (61 cm x 61 cm) and 4” high (10
                                   cm) staged against a background 48”
                                   wide x 80” high (61 cm x 203 cm)
                          80”      Limited to 5 entries
                                   Area Allotted: 30” wide x 30” deep (76
                                   cm x 76 cm) No height restriction
                                  Pedestal Colour and Base Colour:
                            4”    Simply White OC-117*
                                  Background Colour: Tear Drop Blue
Dianne Gillin 416-929-7176
Frederika Winchell-Jubb 416-483-0776

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