THE VIEW - June 2020 Emergency on the Sports Court photo by Graham Jones story on

Page created by Ron Mack
THE VIEW - June 2020 Emergency on the Sports Court photo by Graham Jones story on

     June 2020
     Emergency on the Sports Court
     photo by Graham Jones
     story on page 12
THE VIEW - June 2020 Emergency on the Sports Court photo by Graham Jones story on

                                                                                HOURS OF OPERATION
CONTACT INFORMATION                                                                Please check
      Sun City Shadow Hills Community Association                                           for updated information.
        80-814 Sun City Boulevard, Indio, CA 92203                                          ASSOCIATION OFFICE
      | 760-345-4349                                           Monday – Friday | 9 AM – 12 PM, 1 – 4 PM
Homeowner Association (HOA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 1                             By Appointment Only
Montecito Clubhouse Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760-772-9891                       First Saturday of the Month | Closed
Montecito Clubhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2120               LIFESTYLE DESK | Daily | 8 AM – 5 PM
Montecito Fitness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2111                          Business Center Only
Santa Rosa Clubhouse Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760-342-5976
                                                                                        MONTECITO CLUBHOUSE | Closed
Santa Rosa Clubhouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2201
Shadow Hills Golf Club South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2305               MONTECITO FITNESS CENTER | Closed
Shadow Hills Golf Club North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2211                  SANTA ROSA CLUBHOUSE | Closed
Shadows Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2311
                                                                                              SHADOWS RESTAURANT
Jefferson Front Gate (Phases 1 & 2) . . . . . . . 760-345-4458
                                                                                             Take-Out | Daily | 10 AM – 8 PM
Avenue 40 Front Gate (Phase 3) . . . . . . . . . . 760-342-4725
Rich Smetana, General Manager                                                                GOLF SNACK BAR | Closed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2102
                                                                                           SANTA ROSA BISTRO | Closed
Tyler Ingle, Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2203                MONTECITO CAFÉ | Closed
Bob Pantanella, Community Safety Director                                                     All hours are subject to change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2202                   Visit for the latest hours.
Jesse Barragan, Facilities Maintenance Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2403
Connie King, Lifestyle Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2124
Desiree Porras, Fitness Director
                                                                                          THE VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2112                  THE VIEW is published monthly by the
Liz Gutierrez, Lifestyle Coordinator                                                   Sun City Shadow Hills Community Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2123           This publication is copyrighted and may not be reproduced
Veronica Moya, Lifestyle Coordinator                                              or reprinted without the written permission of SCSHCA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2122                         MISSION STATEMENT
Gus Ramirez, Communications Manager                                              To promote the community and recognize the individuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2204      who contribute to the identity of the community, and to impart
Rolland Vaughn, GM of Shadow Hills Golf Club                                        information relevant to the community as a whole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 2301           COMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE
                                                                                                Arnold Choy; Aggie Jordan;
   SCSH Community Association Board of Directors
                                                                                                  Lee Powell; Vicki Prince
Kim Fuller, President . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fera Mostow, VP. . . . . . . . . . . . .                                           STAFF
Bruce Marley, Treasurer . . . . . . .                        Editor-in-Chief | Rich Smetana, General Manager
Linda Aasen, Secretary . . . . . . . . .                Production Manager | Gus Ramirez, Communications Manager
Johnny Goodrum, Member .                                    To inquire about articles, content, and advertising
                                                                                           – or to submit stories for publication –
 For warranty or customer service needs concerning
                                                                                         please email or contact
 your home, please email:
                                                                                          Gus Ramirez, Communications Manager,
                                                                                                 at 760-345-4349, ext. 2204.

     2 | June 2020
THE VIEW - June 2020 Emergency on the Sports Court photo by Graham Jones story on

                      PRESIDENT’S REPORT
                      KIM FULLER | PRESIDENT

A Message from Your Treasurer
  With all the financial questions about the HOA and how the “Stay at Home” directive has affected us, I thought
it appropriate we take a moment to listen to our Treasurer, Bruce Marley, as he oversees the financial health of
our HOA. Keep in mind this article was submitted on May 5, 2020. Please stay healthy and safe. And now, Bruce
Marley’s letter:

  Greetings, fellow neighbors of        Entering this unprecedented          December 31, 2017, and 2.05 on
Sun City Shadow Hills Community       challenge,    our     community’s      December 31, 2018. As you can
Association (SCSHCA). The intent      financial resources were among         see, the Board has worked to
of this communication is to           the strongest in the valley! As of     increase this key measure and,
describe where your HOA is            December 31, 2019, our financials      while no one could have
financially and to highlight the      show     SCSHCA       as   having      anticipated COVID-19, we find
measures      our     management      $2,158,205 of working capital on       SCSHCA in a good position to get
company,       Desert    Resource     hand, equal to 2.80 months of          through this challenge.
Management (DRM), and our             Operating      Fund       monthly        The 2020 budget preliminarily
onsite manager for Golf and           assessments. This is a good thing.     forecast year-end (December 31,
Food/Beverage operations, Troon,      Industry measures suggest from         2020)     working    capital   of
are taking in response to the         1 to 3 months should be on hand.       $1,827,005, equal to 2.34 months.
COVID-19 pandemic.                    The 2.80 compares to 1.20 on                              …CONTINUED
  Both DRM and Troon have
already taken significant steps to
reduce costs, while at the same
time ensuring that our community
is well maintained and ready for
when this pandemic comes to an
                                                            Next Board Meeting and
end. Please note that we continue                           Meet a Board Member:
to ensure resident safety by
maintaining our security at full                        Please check
strength and to preserve the
                                                                               for updated information.
quality and ambience of our
common areas, both deemed
essential by the Board.

                                                                                                  June 2020 | 3
THE VIEW - June 2020 Emergency on the Sports Court photo by Graham Jones story on


 The decline is because the                So, with that in mind, here is       Summary
Board decided to reduce your             what we are doing right now to           I hope you have found this
2020     dues     to   the     current   account for the significant            useful. Please remember three
$273/month, from the balanced            anticipated shortfalls for Golf and    things:
budget of $281. We made this             Food/Beverage (Troon) and to           1. All figures used in this article are
decision because we had the              control costs in general (DRM):           subject to further review and
ability to do so, and we wanted                                                    audit. I intend to provide
                                         Troon                                     updates on an ongoing basis as
to keep dues reasonable while
                                           At this very early point in time,       we learn more.
retaining our solid working capital      Troon is forecasting that combined     2. These decisions by Troon and
position. This working capital will      losses directly attributable to the       DRM have affected over 50
be   used    to   offset     increased   pandemic will add over $300,000           employees spread between
expenses, so monthly dues are not        to     budgeted      2020    losses       those two companies. We are all
expected to increase in 2020 as a        associated with these golf and            in this together, and I ask that
result of the pandemic.                  food and beverage. If you might           you think about all the Troon
 Adding to the ongoing financial         recall, the monthly budgeted              and DRM employees who are
strength of SCSHCA are two               subsidy for these two components          struggling with the decisions
significant aspects of our structure.    was approximately $40/month per           that were made and consider
One, we continue to collect              residence. This $300,000 equates          supporting the local food banks
monthly dues of $273 from our            to $7.25/month per residence,             and other such services.
3,450 homeowners, which totals           which will be paid for out of          3. Chances are we will be dealing
$941,850 per month. Two, we have         working capital as previously             with COVID-19 through May,
over $13,000,000 in our Reserves/        mentioned.                                given current “government”
Replacement Fund. While the                                                        words and actions. We will
                                         DRM                                       be looking closely at all areas of
monthly dues may vary slightly if
                                           Our management company                  expense as needed, while at the
some homeowners are unable to            made immediate cuts to some               same time working to preserve
make their payments, our current         maintenance areas, such as                and protect the quality of our
delinquency rate is less than 1%.        housekeeping, especially because          amenities.
As for Reserves, while these funds       both clubhouses are shut down,           Please feel free to reach out to
are set aside for specific Common        along with other areas that will       me or other Board members with
Area replacement needs for many          not require ongoing attention.         your thoughts and comments.
years to come, it is reassuring to       Additionally, there were cuts in the     Regards,
know we have “money in the               AV (audio visual) area, along with                  BRUCE MARLEY
bank.”                                   cuts in the Fitness Department.                     Treasurer, SCSHCA

4 | June 2020
THE VIEW - June 2020 Emergency on the Sports Court photo by Graham Jones story on

Finance Advisory Committee (FAC)

Work Completed
  During the month of May, the FAC continued its
work with the Board as well as with DRM and Troon
management on behalf of the Association including:
• Review and recommend Board approval of the
  unaudited April 2020 financial statements of the
  Association including the:
  • financial statements prepared by DRM/Associa,
    Troon and the Controller.
  • combining and combined financial statements
    included in the Treasurer’s report prepared by the       Work in Process
    Controller.                                                FAC and the FAC Subcommittee have several items
  • summary financial information on financial position      we are working on including:
    and results of operations included in the Controller’s   • Review and written comments and recommendation
    report to the Board.                                       on the engagement of the Reserve Consultant for
  • condensed Association financial information to be          the preparation and update of the 2021 Reserve
    published in The View magazine.                            Study.
• Review of the year-to-date variance analysis prepared      • Initial work on the 2021 Reserve Study including
  by the Controller on the:                                    review of estimated remaining useful life and
  • 2020 Operating Fund revenues and expenses.                 estimated replacement cost of long-lived assets.
  • 2020 Replacement Fund expenses for the purchase          • Review and written comments and recommendations
    and replacement of common area real property               on the potential contract for bulk internet service
    components and interfund transfers to the Operating        with Frontier Communications.
    Fund for the purchase and replacement of common          We Would Like to Add More Members
    area personal property and equipment components.
                                                               As you may have already read or heard, FAC has
• Review of the 2020 Forecast (4+8) of the Operating
                                                             three openings on the Committee. We would love to
  Fund and Replacement Fund as compared to the
                                                             hear from you if you have an interest in serving on the
  2020 Budget and the 2020 3+9 Forecast prepared
                                                             FAC or on the FAC Subcommittee. Please contact the
  by the Controller.                                         author if you would like to discuss completing an
• Review and recommend Board approval of the April
                                                             Advisory Committee Interest Form. I would be pleased
  2020 bank statements, bank reconciliations, and            to talk about any questions you may have and provide
  investment account statements.                             you important information to aid you in your decision-
• Regular meeting of FAC held on May 15, 2020, via           making.
  audio and video conference call.
• For the Board meeting on May 18, 2020:                     Further information
  • preparation of the FAC monthly written report to         Additional FAC Members: Larry Anderson, Steve Proia,
    the Board.                                               Carey Thompson, Bob Giovannettone, and Bob Jester. FAC
  • review of the Controller monthly written report to       Subcommittee Members on the Replacement Fund and
    the Board.                                               Reserve Study: Chris Stevens, Don Salvatore, Steve Proia,
• Review and make a recommendation to the Board              Carey Thompson, and Bill Wethe, Chair.
  on the modification and extension of the contract
  with the property protection contractor.                      Contact the author at

                                                                                                       June 2020 | 5
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                TREASURER’S REPORT
                BRUCE MARLEY | TREASURER

                                   Contact the author at

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          June 2020 | 7
THE VIEW - June 2020 Emergency on the Sports Court photo by Graham Jones story on

                Chair: Erica Hedlund
      Co-Chairs: Traci Barnett Hone & Lee Powell
                  Chair: Ted Shettler
            Chair: Jeff Kirkpatrick
                                                           From The Library
                  Chair: John Petersen                     BY CINDY DEGRAF
                                  As this article goes to the publisher, the Montecito
                  Chair: Bill Wethe                        library is closed due to coronavirus concerns. Until
           FOOD & BEVERAGE COMMITTEE                       further notice, we will not be taking any returns or
                          donations. You will be notified when we are again up
                Chair: Jurgen Gross                        and operating.
             GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE                          Many of us are using all this extra down time to get a
                                  little more reading done. If you need more reading
               Chair: Dennis Hooper
                                                           material, you can sign up for online access to our
      HEALTH & FITNESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE                  Indio library. Go to for more info. If you
                                                           prefer, the Palm Springs Library is also offering a free
                 Chair: Rick Halla
                                                           90-day temporary card. Go to
                                                           government/departments/library and click on My
              Chair: Stacia Armstrong                      Account to register for a temporary card.
         LANDSCAPE ADVISORY COMMITTEE                         Please contact Barbara Perler at 760-772-4484 or
                    if you have any questions or
               Chair: Chris Stevens                        comments about the library. Thank you for supporting
          LIFESTYLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE                     our library, and stay safe.
              Chair: Pamela Castro-Lee
                                   Until further notice, please keep all books
                  Chair: Ed Chavez                           at home. When the appropriate time comes,
                                                                  we will let you know when to begin
   Interested in joining a Committee? Stop by the HOA
office and fill out an Advisory Committee Interest Form.
                                                                   returning them to the clubhouse.

   8 | June 2020
THE VIEW - June 2020 Emergency on the Sports Court photo by Graham Jones story on

Design Review Committee (DRC)

   We hope this article finds everyone in our community    this situation does not occur often. When it does
healthy and safe.                                          occur, the DRC looks to the broader charge given it
   This month we will address two subjects: the first,     by the CC&Rs: to enhance and preserve the visual
frequent questions directed toward members of the          character of the community; to ensure all changes to
Design Review Committee; the second, maintenance.          the exterior of the property should conform to and
   Individual DRC members are often asked a question       harmonize with the existing surroundings, dwelling
that boils down to whether some change is permitted.       units, landscaping and structures.
Any answer from a single DRC member is advisory;              The DRC evaluates unique HIAs using this guidance
approval comes from a DRC meeting. Any change that         and these principles. To minimize uncertainty in areas
consists of a like-for-like replacement is permitted and   where HIAs are frequently submitted, the DRC has
does not require submission of a Home Improvement          provided some guidance. For example, a set of
Application (HIA). So, if a homeowner wants to replace     approved paint colors has been made available.
a plant with the same kind of plant, repaint using the        The principal function of the DRC and the reason the
same colors, replenish a yard’s rock with the same kind    CC&Rs mandated a set of Design Rules are to maintain
of rock, replace a door with the same kind of door, or     and improve property values. As our community ages,
some other like-for-like replacement, the homeowner        the maintenance of individual properties becomes
is authorized to proceed without submitting an HIA.        of greater interest and higher priority. As every
   Any other change requires the homeowner to submit       homeowner knows, the maintenance of an owner’s
an HIA. Before submitting an HIA for approval, the         property is not the sole determinant of that property’s
DRC advises a homeowner to review the Design Rules         value: the maintenance and appearance of the
because the DRC must disapprove a proposed change          neighboring properties affect that value as well.
that is not in accord with the Design Rules. Also, a          Maintenance issues brought to the DRC’s attention
homeowner that submits an HIA is advised to provide        may seem minor, yet their effect adversely affects the
sufficient information with that HIA so the DRC can        value of the offending and neighboring properties.
readily assess the conformity of the proposed change       Replenishing rock, maintaining the paint on property-
with the Design Rules. If an HIA is ambiguous or its       line walls, and eliminating weeds in yards are fairly
conformity with the Design Rules cannot be determined      common maintenance issues and sources of
unequivocally, the DRC is obliged to disapprove the        complaints. The DRC has initiated periodic inspections
HIA so that it can be clarified and resubmitted.           to assess the degree to which maintenance issues
   Of course, an HIA can propose a change not              represent a problem for our community.
addressed explicitly by the Design Rules. Fortunately,       Contact the author at

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Emergency Preparedness Sub-Committee (EPSC)

What Are You Going To Do When                                  glove box or home first aid kit is wholly inadequate
                                                               for a large-scale event.
No One Answers At 911?
                                                             • Consider placing several A-B-C Type fire extinguishers
  Now here is a “worst-case” scenario if there ever was        in your home in the event a fire breaks out. The
one! The great big earthquake or some other calamity           greatest cause of damage to buildings following an
strikes us here in the Coachella Valley and takes out our      earthquake is fire. Gas lines rupture, electrical systems
telephone systems including 911 and E-911 services.            short and spark, and firefighting water supplies dry
You’ll recall, from an earlier article in the March 2020       up. Once you have the extinguishers, learn how to
View, that 911 services are for hard-wired, landline           use them effectively with the P-A-S-S method.
telephones; and, E-911 services are for cell phones.         • Consider stocking up on drinking water and food to
Both systems have different operating infrastructures,         accommodate your household for at least 14 days.
but the loss of those infrastructures caused by a              Here in the desert two gallons of fresh water per
large-scale disaster is possible and could be life- and        day/per person is recommended. Large calamities
property-threatening.                                          can damage our drinking water supply along with
  Any calamity great enough to take out our telephone          our grocery supply chains that use our freeways,
infrastructures will probably be strong enough to              airports, and railroads.
cause significant damage and destruction to our              • Consider your existing medical conditions and
communities with potential byproducts of structural            needs and how to provide for them now, before an
collapse, fire, injury, death, and other problems – all        emergency exists. Do you require supplemental
requiring first responders to react. But, if the telephone     oxygen, kidney dialysis, etc., requiring special
systems are out of action, what will you do when you           equipment? How will you replenish them, power
cannot summon first responders?                                them, etc.? Do you keep an extra supply of your
  Have you prepared yourselves and your loved ones             medications just for emergencies?
for major emergencies?                                         Finally consider becoming part of the solution and
                                                             not contributing to the problem. Join the EPSC and
• Consider enrolling in a First Aid/Cardiopulmonary
                                                             become a Division Captain and recruit your neighbors
  Resuscitation rescue class. The greatest cause of
                                                             to help you. Attend the HOA Disaster Preparedness-
  death following a major quake is fear-stressed heart
                                                             101 seminar and learn how to be prepared for all
  attacks. The classes are usually no cost or low cost,
  take a few hours to complete, and provide terrific
                                                               Become a member of the EPSC Volunteer Cadre and
  peace of mind while arming you with the knowledge
                                                             become a neighborhood first responder!
  of how to save a life.
• Consider building your own first aid kit with an                         Please join us and become prepared!
  emphasis on stopping bleeding, immobilization of                                          It really is quite easy!
  broken limbs, and infection control. Your typical                 Contact the author at

10 | June 2020

Health & Fitness Advisory Committee

Lee Powell – Exerciser Extraordinaire                      Bill & Gail Stewart – Locked Down but Not
                    During these unusual times,            Locked Out
                  residents have become quite                 Bill and I love road biking and hiking; fortunately for
                  creative in order to accomplish their    us, these activities are still allowed. Wearing a face
                  workout goals. Lee Powell is one of      mask and staying six feet away from other people is a
                  those residents. After moving to         small price to pay for the rewards of outdoor exercise.
                  SCSH in 2007, he earned the title                                              Lately we have
                  “Fitness Enthusiast of the Year.”                                            been heading to
He has also served as a volunteer at the Lifestyle desk                                        Garner Valley to hike
for 11 years. He’s one busy guy!                                                               up to the Pacific
  Before the clubhouses were shut down, Lee enjoyed                                            Crest Trail. It’s a
a range of activities: gym equipment, fitness classes,                                         beautiful ridge walk
and riding his bike to and from the fitness center.                                            with very few people.
He got hooked on fitness classes four months after            Biking also has gotten easier. Fewer cars on the road
moving in and typically attended a variety of classes,     makes for more enjoyable riding. When it’s too windy
often twice a day (Pilates, Cardio Blast, Yoga, and        or hot to ride or bike, we’re thankful to SCSH for
Chair Yoga, Silver Fit). Lee definitely enjoys the class   providing online yoga and Mat Pilates classes.
energy!                                                       Amy and Desiree’s classes are challenging and fun.
  While classes and the gym are on hiatus, Lee sought      I’ve missed pickleball and look forward to playing
out new ways to exercise. He found videos on               again (now that the courts have reopened). I pray for
YouTube that kept him active and limber, then SCSH         the families affected by this pandemic, and thank the
released videos produced by our own instructors. Lee       service people and health providers for their selfless
became re-engaged with familiar faces and teaching         sacrifices.
styles. Online videos allow residents to drive their own
schedule, rather than adhere to set class times.           Resources & Feedback
  Lee looks forward to the reopening of our fitness        EXERCISE VIDEOS:
centers and the return of classes. As Lee might say,       Login, select Fitness, then select Fitness Video Library
during these challenging times, we must make a             EMAIL COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS TO:
conscious choice to make the best of it and continue.

                                                                                                    June 2020 | 11


  HBO has a good documentary called “Alive Day.”            It turned out that John had a 100 percent blockage
It recounts moments that soldiers thought they            in the artery that produces the electric signals to the
were goners, yet didn’t die because something divine      heart. It was cardiac arrest, not a heart attack; and it is
intervened.                                                           fatal approximately 94 percent of the time.
  Resident John Kilpatrick had his “Alive                               John was “out of it” for three days,
Day” on January 17, 2020. It started like                             and he spent a total of six days in ICU.
every other day here. After breakfast, John                           Remarkably, after a stent was put in, he
rode his bicycle over to the pickleball courts.                       started to feel much better. And he opted
After a couple of normal games, he found                              to remain in the desert rather than return
himself on the court opposite Dr. Lew                                 to Canada.
Cando. Lew, a chiropractor, had planned                                 In writing this story, I learned something
to play in a member-guest golf tournament       John Kilpatrick       new. We must apply “in our age group” to
that day. It was only because his partner                             any reports of survival rates using CPR. Lew
cancelled that Lew was even there playing                             told me that survival for us is only about
pickleball.                                                           70 percent under the best of circumstances.
  “Because of my job, I pay attention to                                The participants I interviewed offered
the way people move their head and neck,”                             these takeaways to help their neighbors:
Lew said. “I noticed right away that                                       1. Make an effort to take a CPR
something wasn’t right with John, and I was                                   class.
by his side almost as soon as he hit the
                                                Lew Cando                  2. Notice where the emergency
ground. Fortunately, his head did not strike
                                                                              phones are, and use a landline
the court. I just observed for a few moments,
                                                                              if possible rather than a cell
and noticed John actually opened his
eyes and looked directly at me. Jacquie
Riske said, ‘You’d better start CPR,’ and so                               3. Be aware of your location,
I began.”                                                                     especially the street address, in
  Fortunately, Lew had just finished a CPR                                    case you have to report it to an
refresher course a few weeks earlier. He                                      emergency operator in a hurry.
learned that medical thinking had changed                                  4. Above all, be grateful for every
                                                Jackie Riske
and 100 compressions per minute was the                                       day!
new recommended treatment.
  Meanwhile, Terry Boehm made the call                                        Contact the author at
to 911. That triggered a series of events                            
that summoned a team of four EMTs from
the Fire Station at 40th and Madison. They
took over from Lew and transported John to
JFK Hospital, where they dealt with John’s
problem.                                           Terri Boehm

12 | June 2020

  Our local chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association has          SCSH’s Health and Fitness Director, Desiree Porras,
been serving the Coachella Valley for over 20 years           got the ball rolling here at the end of last year. Desiree
with programs and services, outreach and education,           organized two events to raise awareness and brought
and care and support. Because our desert cities have          an on-site caregiver support group to our community
an older demographic, a larger number of families                                 for SCSH residents and their families.
here are coping with Alzheimer’s and other forms of                               The support group first met in early
dementia. So the Alzheimer’s Association is a beacon                              January, facilitated by Kimberly
of hope for many.                                                                 Spiegel (Education, Outreach and
  The Association’s community outreach programs                                   Operations Manager); and 24
include lectures; in-depth training for caregivers; care                          participants attended. This was a
consultations where families can do short- and long-                              record for the local chapter,
term strategic planning and crisis management in a                                Kimberly says, a clear sign that there
compassionate environment; plus support groups and                                is a need in SCSH for this support.
                                                              Kimberly Spiegel
social engagement programs for both caregivers and                                She explains,
their loved ones. The Association also has a dedicated          “We are committed to providing educational
group of amazing volunteers who support its mission.          programming at SCSH on a quarterly basis. Given
  Regional Director Cortney Weir proudly observes,            social distancing standards, we are working with
“We have never charged for any of our services. This          Desiree and the HOA Board to launch an educational
is of paramount importance to us, as Alzheimer’s              program on the Health and Wellness channel. In the
disease is the single most expensive disease that a           future, we hope to add an Early Stage Socialization
family can bear.”                                             program for both persons living with the disease and
  This year, the Association has faced unique challenges      their care partners. Working with Desiree has been a
because Alzheimer’s patients are particularly vulnerable      pleasure. She is a true champion for families impacted
to COVID-19. In early March, the Association’s national       by this disease.”
organization directed all staff members across the
country to begin working from home immediately plus                      On April 10, the support group went virtual
to close all offices and shut down all programs and                 and will continue like this until it is safe to go back to
services. Although this was a wise and necessary step,          face-to-face gatherings. Meetings are the second and fourth
                                                                   Fridays of each month from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm. See
the Association also knew that this isolation would
especially affect its clients, who would have a                         for instructions about how to log or phone in.
continuing need for support and social outlets.
  Within a week, our local Association had moved to
virtual conferencing and begun to run its social
engagement programs remotely. To maintain outreach                Contact the author at
to its clients, the Association emails resource information
and cards of encouragement; it also initiates phone
calls and video chats.

                                                                                                             June 2020 | 13

                         YES, DAD, I’LL SHOP AT THE
                         99 CENTS ONLY STORE
                         BY GINA STAR POLLACK

  My Dad grew up during the Great Depression. Our             wealth. I was determined to show my parents, and the
family owned a small three-story ramshackle house             world, just how high my dreams and hard work would
in Newark, New Jersey. The ground floor was a                 take me.
combination tavern and grocery store. My                        Lauded by my family, I studied hard and received
grandparents plus my father and his siblings lived on         a BA in Literature and then an MBA. I was promoted
the top floor; and they housed two lodgers on the             to VP, shattering the glass ceiling at a billion-dollar
middle level.                                                 private equity firm in Beverly Hills. I lived in an
  Everyone helped out with sales and clean-up in the          incredible home on The Strand in Manhattan Beach,
store, and Grandfather ran the tavern with help from          and after my divorce I purchased two condos and this
one of the renters. My Uncle Sam also had accounting          home all on my own.
jobs for several shop owners and took payment in                Most important, I looked and acted the part of a
homemade casseroles and baked goods. Aunt Ann                 successful businesswoman. I shopped at Saks and
did secretarial duties for the local bank president.          Neiman Marcus. I hosted dinner parties with tables
  They all made sacrifices by sharing rooms and               elegantly decorated with floral arrangements,
forgoing childhood games and entertainment.                   Waterford crystal, and Rosenthal china. I drove a
But they were luckier than many families who had              Mercedes coupe and dined at exclusive bistros. Yup,
no source of income and                                                               I had achieved my dreams
struggled to pay the rent.                                                            of rising so far above my
Living     through       those                                                        childhood middle-class home.
challenging and frugal times                                                             Yet Dad never let me forget
made an indelible impression                                                          my      modest     upbringing,
on my father. He had a strict                                                         annoying me to no end. His
work ethic and was very                                                               favorite saying as he drank
cautious with his finances                                                            from my crystal goblet was,
throughout his lifetime.                                                              “I can buy a glass just as nice
  I was my parents’ firstborn,                                                        at the 99 Cents Only store.”
the golden child. A baby                                                              Irritated, I would sigh with
boomer, with all the promise                                                          exasperation. “Dad, this is
of success and the arrogance                                                          Waterford crystal, the set cost
to believe I would achieve                                                            a fortune.” He would give me
absolutely     everything      I                                                      a knowing smile and shake
wanted: get an excellent                                                              his head. I was infuriated that
education, have a fabulous                                                            he wouldn’t recognize the
upward career and a loving                                                            material trappings of my
family, and accumulate great               The Author at age 4, with her Dad.         success.

14 | June 2020

  When he stayed for weekends at the beach house, I        extensive menu listing the dishes he could choose for
would serve brunch on the terrace overlooking the          each meal. Dad sighed, “Gina Star, this place is too
sparkling turquoise ocean. Dad would remark about          nice for me.”
the beauty of the marine view and the sailboats racing        Living here at Shadow Hills, I’m retired and ironically
by. Then he’d shrug his shoulders and ask, “Who            turning into my Dad. With a more modest income, I’ve
needs all these bedrooms and bathrooms? Just more          said farewell to Neimans and Saks, and I purchase
rooms to clean.” Driving him around the city in my         items on sale at Macy’s and the outlet stores. I get
fancy red Mercedes coupe, he would pat the supple          excited about shopping at Walmart and Target with
leather seats and tell me, “Remember the Chevy             coupons and gift cards. And actually get a thrill saving
Impala we bought you for college? Now that was a           $3 on Tums!
great car.”                                                   Sadly, the pandemic has shown me a small glimpse
                                                           of my father’s life dealing with shortages during
                                                           the Great Depression and World War II. Searching for
                                                           toilet tissue, cleaning supplies, and paper towels
                                                           have brought home the fears of sacrificing for the
                                                           greater good of humanity. I believe I finally understand
                                                           what my father meant all those times he gently chided
                                                           me about my fancy, expensive toys and material
                                                              I appreciate that Dad wasn’t trying to undermine
                                                           my success or hurt my feelings. Instead, he was
                                                           attempting to convey what was important in life: good
                                                           health, a loving family, loyal friends, and the beauty
                                                           of nature.
                                                              So now, when I drive down Highway 111 and pass
                                                           the 99 Cents Only store, I get tears in my eyes and
                                                           wave. Then I say out loud, “You were right, Daddy.
                                                           I can buy a better glass there.”

     A Graduation Celebration for the Author and her Dad

                                                                           Contact the author at
  Dad passed away a few years ago at the great age
of 94. My sister and I made sure he spent his last years
in a beautiful, private assisted living community with
maid service and fun activities. I wanted the best for
my father and, to introduce him to his new home,
proudly gave him a tour of his private suite and the
elegant dining room. We had lunch at a table set with
clean linens and lovely plates, and I remarked on the

                                                                                                    June 2020 | 15


   The room reflected all the elegant trappings of a              At the entrance to the building, several valets
regal affair. Magnificent floral displays and brilliant         greeted each guest. They quickly took each set of car
candelabras adorned each table, and it was evident              keys and, with military precision, placed each on a
that the 350 guests would be pampered and treated               numbered hook on a pegboard for swift retrieval when
to the most opulent services and indulgencies. And              each guest was ready to leave the gala.
every guest was dressed for the occasion.                         The ballroom pulsed with excitement and the
   The designer gowns, jewels, black ties, and gold cuff        rhythmic beat of music produced by the 25-piece
links all reflected the pretentious expectations of a           orchestra. The din of laughter and conversation
perfect night for the Senate President’s Ball. The New          combined with the lively music camouflaged the
Jersey State Officials, Senators, Governor Christine            rumbling thunder of the oncoming Nor’easter storm.
Todd Whitman, and others of high rank filled the                The alcohol consumed dulled our concerns about the
ballroom and delighted in the breathtaking Jersey City          swirling winds and driving rain that now plummeted
view of the river, the New York City skyline and, in the        the building and surrounding neighborhoods. The
distance, the Statue of Liberty. Nothing could mar this         more we danced, laughed, and drank, the angrier
perfect event.                                                  Mother Nature became.

                            The governor with Arnie and Bara (courtesy of the Governor’s Office)

16 | June 2020

  By 1:30 in the morning the crowd began to thin,            it dry and making a swift exit. The yards of fabric in her
and groups of guests descended to the lobby of               skirt were difficult to gather, but she made a good
the building only to be greeted by pandemonium               attempt while dashing to the car. Unfortunately, she
and chaos.                                                   stumbled on some fast-moving debris and fell into
                                                                                  the deep water. Her large skirt,
                                                                                  with the folds of fabric, absorbed
                                                                                  a great deal of water and, before
                                                                                  anyone could come to her aid, she
                                                                                  was swept halfway down the street
                                                                                  with three valets chasing after her.
                                                                                    Another woman’s exit was no less
                                                                                  dramatic. Fearful after witnessing
                                                                                  the previous episode, her husband
                                                                                  and two other men lifted her high
                                                                                  in the air and carried her to the
                                                                                  rooftop of her car. Once the car
                                                                                  was started, they opened the car’s
                                                                                  moon roof, and she was dropped
                                                                                    I tell you this story just as I
                                                                                  viewed it but will let you know
                                                                                  we didn’t stay to see all of the
  Torrents of ankle-deep water swirled around the            evacuations. With some degree of guilty feelings,
entry door and, worse yet, the valet’s car keyboard          I confess we were among the lucky ones who only had
was floating downstream! Scores of keys, minus their         a brief delay in our departure. Our chauffeured car was
identifying numbers, had been blown away by the              late getting to us but, once on the scene, the driver
strong gusts; and the desperate valets were trying to        inched up as close to the door as possible and
retrieve handfuls of unidentifiable keys. Drenched to        whisked us away.
the skin, the valets heroically searched for the cars that
matched the keys they had retrieved from the rivulets
of flowing water.                                                            Contact the author at
  Once a key was matched to a car, the exhausted                  
owner bravely faced the ordeal of exiting the building
to enter the car while other guests languished, now
seated or reclining, on the lobby floor! Oh, this
indignity continued for several hours! Two distinctly
different exit strategies deserve description.
  One dignified and stylishly dressed woman lifted the
hem of her full-skirted gown in the hopes of keeping

                                                                                                      June 2020 | 17


  “Johnny, if you don’t listen to
me, I’m going to have your dad
ring your neck!” Wouldn’t you like
to say that to your doctor when
you feel he has not heard your
medical concerns (stories)! That
is the most common complaint
reported by many patients.
  The question, of course, is why?
After 35 years of clinical practice,
5 years of residency, 1 year of
internship and 4 years of medical
school, I have an opinion.
  Many doctors were not taught
the art of listening in medical
school or advanced training. They
learned to take a medical history
and obtain data to arrive at a
diagnosis for therapy; but they
have not learned the art of
meaningful and silent listening,
much akin to the Catholic priest.       3. Doctor satisfaction at work has       Research has shown that, if the
“Silence is a listening opportunity.”      dramatically plummeted to less     doctor asks, “What’s going on?”
(Ram Das, deceased 2019)                   than 50% with early retirement     and does not interrupt, most
  If you can take the following            from “burn-out,” thus leading to   patients complete their stories in
four statements and connect                further doctor shortages.          3–10 minutes. If the patient is
them to the above paragraph             4. The “good doctors” are             interrupted, their stories and
beginning with #2, you’ve already          overwhelmed with patients          concerns may lengthen significantly
mentioned #1.                              and converting their practices     more.
1. The art of listening was seldom         to “concierge medicine” to limit      The art of listening is to remain
   taught.                                 the numbers of patients they       silent; eyes focused on the patient,
2. The new EMR (electronic                 accept. Patients pay these         posture relaxed and listening with
   medical records) sold to their          doctors an extra stipend           intent, empathy and sympathy.
   practices require the doctor to         ($2,000–3,000/year), and the       Does your doctor do this? If not,
   perform data entry, thus taking         doctors keep their practices       you can teach your doctor to
   more time away from direct              “smaller and manageable.” Is       listen to you, first by declaring,
   patient care. 99% of doctors            this better medical care? I am     “I would like to tell you what’s
   have graded their EMR an “F.”           uncertain.                         been going on.”

18 | June 2020

What to do?
1. Teach doctors the art of listening,
   which makes patients happier
   and offers doctors professional
2. Patients must always ask: “What,
   why, and how long for this
   treatment?” Better medical
   care is received when those
   questions are answered.
3. Data entry for the EMR needs to
   be done by trained and certified
   medical technicians. This will
   allow more time for doctors
   to provided direct patient care.
  The feelings of outrage can be
minimized and trust built when you
have organized your approach to
your doctor.

                                            Remember, you are paying for
                                         this important service, and your
                                         life may depend upon him/her
                                         listening to you. You are the
                                         patient and he/she is the provider.
                                            Good luck, and it is definitely
                                         worth trying.

                                               Contact the author at

                                                            June 2020 | 19

The Modern-Day Fountain of Youth

   Cocooned in self-isolation at          Information                            Injectable fillers are
home these past few weeks left            is key to                              my absolute favorite
me too much time to stare in the
mirror. My rapidly growing gray
                                          decision-making                        indulgence
roots and Raggedy Ann-trimmed                My first task was finding a          It’s incredible to watch your skin
bangs made me frown, causing              physician who is knowledgeable         go from flat to baby plump in
new wrinkles to appear in my              and experienced about using up-        seconds. Dermal fillers can replace
forehead. Woe is me, what’s a vain        to-date filler products and laser
                                                                                 volume, help smooth wrinkles, and
person to do? Let me tell you             machines. I received referrals from
                                                                                 create pouty lips. I purchased
about my search for the modern-           trusted friends who had taken
day Fountain of Youth.                                                           Juvederm and Restylane products,
                                          the plunge, then researched the
   Every person defines aging                                                    which are FDA approved. They are
                                          medical and office staff. I set up a
differently. Some prefer to let their                                            composed      of   hyaluronic   acid
                                          consultation with the physician I
faces show the laugh lines and            determined would best match my         (a naturally occurring substance
frown creases proudly earned              beautification desires in terms of     already in your skin), and some
during a fulfilling lifetime. Others,     qualifications, experience, price,     have lidocaine to help minimize
like me, are eager magically to           and office location.                   discomfort during treatment. The
erase the wrinkles and sag of aging                                              various products have different
                                             The dermatologist I chose has
using new laser techniques and
                                          offices in the Coachella Valley that   bead strength for injection in
dermal fillers. For those who are
                                          are clean and brightly lit, with       specific areas of the face and can
excited to turn back the clock, here
                                          contemporary furnishings. The staff    last for 3 to 18 months.
are the four “I”s in the quest for
                                          wore spotless uniforms and were         The assistant took ‘before’ photos
the modern-day Fountain of Youth:
                                          friendly and knowledgeable.            to compare with ‘after’ pictures.
information, injections, illumina-
                                             During the consultation, the        After I signed the disclosure forms,
tion, and introspection.
                                          doctor examined my face and skin.
                                                                                 the aesthetician cleaned my face
                                          We discussed my goals to soften
                                                                                 with alcohol and applied numbing
                                          the wrinkles, stimulate collagen,
                                                                                 cream. She removed the cream
                                          and erase the brown spots caused
                                                                                 after 15 minutes when my face was
                                          by the sun. We decided upon the
                                                                                 pleasantly numb and placed the
                                          appropriate fillers to achieve the
                                          best results to plump my cheeks        syringes on a sterile tray. She gave
                                          plus fill the lines around my mouth,   me a red, heart-shaped squeezy
                                          chin, and the sides of my eyes.        ball with a smiley face to squash
                                             The assistant gave me the best      during the injections. No matter
                                          price options, and I was excited to    how gentle the doctor’s technique,
The author’s original “plump” babyface.   move forward.                          squeezing the ball helped to distract

20 | June 2020

me from the prick of the needles.       purposes. There are different lasers    receptionist in my office told me
They also used a machine that           for rejuvenating skin, removing hair,   she had never seen my face with
blows fresh air to help lower stress.   stimulating collagen, resurfacing       such a glow. Success! I was thrilled
                                        wrinkles, and removing tattoos.         that I had found my modern-day
                                        My aesthetician was educated and        Fountain of Youth.
                                        trained in the use of laser devices
                                        and safety protocols.
                                          I chose the Triniti Plus laser
                                        treatment, which provides three
         The red squeezy ball           steps performed sequentially
                                        during the same office visit. During
  The doctor injected the vials of
                                        the procedure, the aesthetician
Voluma into my cheeks, then
                                        applied each laser for 30 minutes.
Restylane into my nasolabial folds,
                                        First came the IPL laser to improve
chin, and around my eyes. He
                                        uneven skin tone and erase sun
had the finesse of a sculptor, and
                                        damage, brown spots, and spider
I was pleasantly surprised at the
                                        veins near my ears. Next, she used      A fountain of wishes to reclaim our youth
immediate results. I had some
                                        the Sublime laser for contouring
swelling and a few needle marks,                                                Introspection
                                        my jowl, neck, browlines, and
but overall I was amazed at the
                                        nasolabial folds. Last, she treated       We all have a choice of what
instant transformation. Looking in
                                        the fine lines and wrinkles plus        appearance we want to see in the
the mirror, I saw myself looking
                                        improved the texture of my skin         mirror. I resolve to continue holding
10 years younger with youthfully
                                        with the Sublative laser.               back the visage of age on my face.
plumped skin.
                                          I felt no pain during the             Gazing at my reflection, it makes
  That afternoon I iced my face,
                                        treatments, just a slight prickling     me happy to see a youthful smile
and the next morning there was
                                        sensation, like a rubber band           and a complexion with minimal
some swelling. A few of the
                                        snapped      against     my    skin.    wrinkles. When they lift the stay-at-
injection sites were black and blue,
                                        Afterward, there was no visible         home restrictions, I plan to visit
but I used concealer to cover
                                        redness, flaking, or peeling. The       my hairstylist for golden roots and
them. In a week, the inflammation
                                        aesthetician applied sunscreen          my dermatologist for a facial to
and bruising had disappeared;
                                        to my face and reminded me to           freshen up my skin. Mr. Scorsese,
and, every time I looked in the
                                        protect my skin from the sun.           I’m ready for my close-up!
mirror, I grinned at my naturally
                                          I repeated the Triniti Plus laser
youthful appearance.
                                        treatment for two more sessions,               Contact the author at
Illumination: a                         spaced one month apart. I was       
                                        amazed at the results, which
glowing complexion
                                        gradually increased after each
  I waited until the fall to get a      treatment. The red veins by my
laser treatment for a rosy glow.        ears were barely visible, and the
Lasers are excellent for treating       fine lines around my eyes
skin conditions and for cosmetic        diminished. Best of all, the young

                                                                                                       June 2020 | 21


  In October 2017, John and
Cynthia Evich from San Pedro, CA,
purchased a modest two-bedroom,
two-bath, 1,099 sq. ft. Granada
model at 81543 Avenida Celaya
(Phase II). Before John retired from
his own construction company, he
began the tedious journey of
designing plans for eventually
upgrading their home to a three-
bedroom, three-bath with about
1,700 sq. ft.

                                             Front tiered landscaping, designed and implemented by John

                                              John did 70 – 80 percent of the         self-closing cabinet doors and
                                            required work and, about 12               drawers, space-saving pocket
                                            months and $175,000 later, their          doors, dimmer mood lighting
                                            dream home was finally realized.          within the crown molding, a folding
                                            As his snooping neighbor from             collapsible ladder from the attic,
                                            across the street, who has walked         and finally a covered back patio
                                            through the house in various              with a barbeque island. John even
                                            stages of reconstruction, I can           played gardener and designed,
                                            attest that it is indeed a beauty to      purchased, and planted the
                                            behold and worth the price of             surrounding perennials and trees.
                                            admission (free).                           If you would like to see more of
                                              Originally from the island of Vis,      John and Cynthia’s stunning home,
                                            off the southern coast of Croatia,        contact them at
Cynthia and John Evich in the front patio   John specialized in cabinetmaking         or (310) 991-0074.
  From these rough plans, an                and woodworking. The remodeled
architect and engineer provided             home displays his artistic and                   Contact the author at
the blueprints for John to work             creative skills throughout. The       
side-by-side with the City of Indio         highlights include baseboard and
Planning Commission and SCSH’s              crown molding, custom lacquered
Design Review Committee. Many               cabinets, exquisite porcelain tile,
changes were required but, in               granite countertops and tiled
due course, he got the necessary            backsplashes, an enlarged kitchen
permits and approvals.                      with extra-large picture windows,

22 | June 2020

Living Room TV and fireplace, surrounded by tile and     Hand-crafted customized kitchen cabinets (made by John)
intricate woodwork

One of three bathrooms, resplendent in tile throughout   Outdoor patio with BBQ island, tile, misters, overhead heating,
                                                         TV & fireplace

The swim-in-place, multi-lighted salt water spool        Tiled planter boxes surround the house, with beautiful perennials

                                                                                                        June 2020 | 23


                                                                                 to rise, PSP dropped “Municipal”
                                                                                 from its name and became Palm
                                                                                 Springs Regional Airport.
                                                                                    In the late 1990s the runways
                                                                                 were lengthened as the number of
                                                                                 major airlines flying to PSP reached
                                                                                 11, and in 1999 PSP welcomed its
                                                                                 first international flight – Alaska
                                                                                 Airlines linking it with Vancouver.
                                                                                 With the new millennium, US
                                                                                 Customs opened at the airport to
                                                                                 serve the high number of corporate
                                                                                 flights arriving from overseas. PSP
                                                                                 adopted its current name, Palm
                                                                                 Springs International Airport, and
                                                                                 once again lengthened its primary
  With 300 days of sunshine a year       expanding its facilities and ensuring   runway.
and blue skies, our Coachella            that its passenger experience              In 1999 the innovative Sonny
Valley is a premier destination for      remains world-class.                    Bono Concourse opened, named
people from all over the world. The        In 1987, six major airlines served    after the singer/songwriter who
valley provides an abundance of          PSP: Alaska, American, TWA,             served as mayor of Palm Springs
outdoor activities with over 20,000      United, USAir, and Delta. As the        from 1988-1992. The structure
hotel and recreational rooms and         annual passenger count continued        features a series of high-tensile
124 golf courses (
Other attractions include gaming,
world-renowned festivals, great
restaurants and professional sports,
coupled with perfect weather,
which attracts more than 10 million
tourists a year via car and air.
  The Coachella Valley is expected
to continue its growth for the
foreseeable future bringing with it
a constantly increasing demand for
air travel. Palm Springs International
Airport (PSP) has successfully
kept pace with this challenge by

24 | June 2020

fabric roof membrane structures
covering open terraces and outside
patios, so fresh air can flow freely
between interior and exterior
spaces while providing shade.
  PSP is one of only a few US
airports enabling passengers to
enjoy the outdoors after passing
through security. “This is a
wonderfully unique environment
providing passengers from all over
the world a relaxing experience
not found anywhere other than               A World-Class Destination              take pictures here. It is Palm
Hawaii and a few other airports,”              The Coachella Valley, dubbed by     Springs and this is their first
says Thomas Nolan, PSP’s Executive          the local Convention and Visitors      impression of Palm Springs.” An
Director and Manager.                       Bureau as Greater Palm Springs, is     industry travel website “smarter-
  Nolan goes on to say:                     primed for tremendous growth,” named PSP as one of
  Ironically, we easily achieve all of      with PSP poised to keep up the         America’s 10 most stress-free
the regulatory requirements for             pace and preserve its reputation for   airports in 2011.
security and safety as large airports       passenger experience. A second            Today, PSP is served by 10 airlines
do, but because we focus so much            eight-gate concourse added in          linking our area to 500-plus cities
effort on amenities and atmosphere          2007 gave the airport a total of       around the world including many
for our passengers, they quickly            18 gates and features a large glass    major airline hubs. Nolan says
forget the tension associated with          centerpiece sculpture by world-        expansion plans are well underway
parking, check-in, passenger                renowned artist, Dale Chihuly,         and include a new rental car facility,
screening, and crowds.                      offering travelers a glimpse of the    remodeled ticketing counters, a
  Large congested airports have to          desert lifestyle.                      new baggage handling system,
focus most effort on the utilitarian           The airport has always stood out    and many smaller projects. Traffic
aspects of airport facilities and           for blending modern trends with        continues to climb steadily, and as
processes because of the sheer              its Hollywood-connected past.          the desert grows so will Palm
masses of passengers. Every aspect          Beautifully groomed open-air           Springs International Airport.
of our functionality is crafted to          seating areas, play areas for
include the utility first, certainly, but   children and pets, as well as                 Contact the author at
we exercise the care and attention          outdoor and indoor restaurants    
in incorporating the human                  and shops contribute to passenger
experience factors into the                 comfort and the overall travel
equation. There’s not a day missed          experience. A Palm Springs City
where I walk through the terminal           official said, “One of the best
and look at everything from the             things about having an airport is
perspective of the passenger and            having [one] that looks like this.
identify areas for improvement.             This is an icon. People come and

                                                                                                        June 2020 | 25


   As I write this story, we are nearing the first day of      presence that takes control of my vision, taste, and
Spring. And I feel I must confess to my love affair with       olfactory senses. Each picture of the tomatoes in the
home-grown tomatoes.                                           catalog takes on a life of its own; I visualize myself
   Fair warning: this story is not for the faint of heart.     harvesting tons of these glowing, vibrant red gems of
   At last count, I calculated that I have spent a total of    perfection, each one hosting a promise of unbelievable
$3,864.12 over the last unmentionable number of                home-grown flavor.
years on the purchase of tomato seeds, tomato plants,             The thought of making fresh salsa with these grand
special soil, sterilized fertilizer, tomato vine cages,        orbs of red-fleshed, juicy tastiness is just overwhelming.
tomato supports, exceptional tomato pots, self-                My eyes begin to tear up as I think of slicing and dicing
watering containers, raised beds, hot caps, cloches,           my way to Veg-O-Matic heaven. Reality seems to
watering devices, timers, insecticides, gloves, markers,       slide under my chopping board as this larger-than-life
twine, and at least 1,000 or more items I deemed vital
to my pursuit of the correct propagation of home-grown
tomatoes. I mean, there are also trowels, hoses,
tubing, special seed-starting kits with seeding soil,
seeding trays, and even heating pads to keep the little
buggers warm. Ad infinitum, ad nauseum, and add it
all up!
   Actually, I misspoke earlier, It’s not a love affair with
home-grown tomatoes. I realize now it’s the annual
recurring virus called rectitular tomaticus oculama.
It’s not fatal, but it does have some disturbing effects,
as you’ll see below. I’ve noticed the onset of the virus
coincides with my receipt of the Burpee Seed Catalog
that arrives every January.
   My ability to avoid opening the catalog is non-
existent. There is a definite demonic-like, mesmerizing

26 | June 2020

visualization gains momentum; and then, just as                You may well ask: have you actually grown your own
suddenly, it begins to morph into a hot-blooded desire       tomatoes? The short answer is, well, duh, yes. I even
for me to straighten up and act responsibly.                 publish my experiences in the Tomato Chronicles, an
   Almost immediately, the dark forces of procrastination    annual wheezy account of my nincompoopish efforts.
begin to appear with tons of assuagement to calm my            Have I even come microscopically close to seeing
excitability and to postpone any rash or premature           my dreams fulfilled? That would be a cacophonous
action. Calm begins to settle in. The virus has entered      NO. At last reckoning, the cost for each decent tomato
a reconnoitering mode.                                       I produced was $32.45. But the hours of wishful
   This annual ordeal always takes its toll. I used to be    thinking: priceless.
a sane man. What happened? Well, get this: how                 There is surely a moral to this story. But the bounds
many people do you know who would attend an affair           of my exacerbated morality have created a rabbit
known as “Tomato Mania”? Yes, it’s an annual event           hole of nonsensical, indeed ridiculous if not scurrilous,
I’ve attended at Roger’s Gardens, a lovely hoity-toity       suggestions of what that highfalutin moral might be.
nursery in Newport Beach. This phenomenon attracts             I think I’ll just go with, “They’re just tomatoes, get
masses of good gardeners with delirious hopes of             over it.”
fulfilling their dreams of growing fabulous tomatoes.
There are literally thousands of seedling tomato plants
from which to choose; and (can you believe it?) they’re                       Contact the author at
all introduced by a “Tomato Curator” who explains                    
their heirloom pedigrees.
   Seeds and sanity be damned, man, go for the
plants. Get a leg up, and don’t forget all the necessary
   Well, you get the picture; it’s like the Burpee Catalog
on steroids! Yes, this event and my prior years of
fantasizing have all contributed to my current state
of delusional thinking about tomatoes.

                                                                                                      June 2020 | 27
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