Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia

Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
A r e g u l a r J O UR N A L f r o m t h e C r u i s i n g Y ac h t C l u b o f So u t h A u s t r a l i a


>	Runaway Farewell dinner

> new boats to the club

> how gps works

> concubine’s Sydney to Hobart

 > jemmaroo in turkey

 > ballast head regatta

 > cruising the pittwater

> pests in KI waters

                                                                                    Mar c h 2018
Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
Board of Management
  President                    Chris Wood
  Treasurer                    Dominic Rinaldi
                               Des Bilske
                               Brett Brown
                               Peter Hall
                               David Murray
                               Hillar Puvi            18                                                            15

  Flag Officers
  Commodore                    Geoff Boettcher
  Vice Commodore               Jacqueline Heffernan
  Rear Commodore               Adrian Wotton
  The Honourable Kevin Scarce AC CSC RANR
  Staff                                               33
  Chief Executive Officer      Craig Evans                                                         13
  Financial Controller         Kerry O’Brien
  Admin & Operations Manager   Jenny Krogdahl
  Finance Manager              Marina Segodina
  Marketing and Comms          Mellissa Vahoumis
  Member Services/Reception    Sonia Sinko
  Marine Academy Coordinator
  & Boating Administrator      David Royle
  Food & Beverage Manager      Andrew Kerr
  Head Chef                    Taylor Gray
  Port Vincent Marina          Rob Marner
  Association Chairpersons
  Cruising                     Adrian Wotton                     10
  Fishing                      Vlad Humeniuk

  Racing                       Rob Sellick
  Social                       TBA
  Life Members
                                                           4		The president                                16		Personality Profile
  Arthur F Carolan                                              Chris Wood summarises the theme                The very popular all-round good bloke
  Geoffrey R Catt                                               and outcomes from the Informal Half            Ken Amos gets a guernsey.
  Richard H Fidock AO                                           Yearly Meeting held at the Club.
  Graeme L Footer                                                                                          17
                                                                                                              How GPS works
  John D Gerard                                            6    the ceo                                        Our resident techo guru Owen Mace
  James A Henry (Dec’d)                                         Craig Evans has been involved in               explains GPS to the layperson.
  Malcolm A Kinnaird AC (Dec’d)                                 various initiatives to improve the Club.
                                                                                                              concubine’s race
  Peter J Page (Dec’d)                                     8    the commodore                                  Crew member Silas Nolan tells of the
                                                                Geoff Boettcher gives an insight into a        exciting race down to Hobart.
  Editors of Groundswell
                                                                few racing members.
  Gay Footer, Mellissa Vahoumis, Owen Mace,                                                                23
                                                                                                              new boats
  Libby Stephens, Bryan Mellors, Dianne Schwerdt,          10 runaway dinner                                  		Editor Libby Stephens tracks down
  Pamela Tse, Trevor Paynter                                    Annabel Crabb hosted a highly                   some new boats to the marinas.
  Contributions to                       amusing and insightful Q&A session.
                                                                                                              jemmaroo in turkey
  Advertising in Groundswell                               11 marine academy                                   The Footers are back in Europe again
  Mellissa Vahoumis: Telephone 08 8248 4222                     Two MA course participants provide             covering new ground.
                                                                rewarding testimonials.
  Groundswell is the official journal of the                                                               26
                                                                                                              building venom
  Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Inc.              13		Racing news
                                                                                                            Bob Dunn has started builing a high
  Lady Gowrie Drive, North Haven                                David Royle says the season is past the        performance blue water trimaran.
  PO Box 1020 North Haven SA 5018                               half way mark.
                                                                                                              ballast head
  Telephone:              08 8248 4222                     14		Cruising update                             		The sixteenth New Year’s Day Regatta
  Facsimile:              08 8248 5888
                                                            Adrian Wotton tells us what they’ve              was deemed one of the best.
  Email:                        been up to and where they’ve all
  Web:                                been.                                      31
                                                                                                              cruising the pittwater
  Phone Port Vincent: 0414 611 110                                                                             School’s Out stops off in boatie
                                                              boating showcase                                 paradise for a relaxing week.
  Registered by Australia Post                                 		The Fishing Association hosted a
  Publication No          PP565001/00184                         fishing awards party on the marina.       32
                                                                                                              Kangaroo island Waters
  ISSN                    1039-4230                                                                        		Marine pests threaten the marine
                                                              Miss Australia visits                          environment down south.
  Graphic design by Trevor Paynter
                                                            Mark Hentschke spends up big to get
  Printed by Newstyle Printing                                  a kiss from the gorgeous Olivia Rogers.    33
                                                                                                              children’s Party
                                                                                                           		The annual Christmas party was again
                                                                                                             a big success with a happy crowd.
Cover Photo: Joe Walker’s Riviera Hawk at
Reevesby Island. Photo by Tom Tymons.                           3
Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
Chris Wood
                                                                           From the President

    thought it worthwhile to summarise the theme and outcomes          •       Slipping fees charged in the local market are less than many however
    from the Informal Half Yearly Meeting held at the Club on                  they become distorted when comparing commercial slipways
    Thursday 8 February 2018.                                                  operators and club slipways.

Financial Performance                                                  Business Initiatives
The unaudited financial performance of the Club for the eight          The Board has decided to implement a number of changes following the
months to 31 January 2018 is tracking well and ahead of budget         detailed analysis referred to above. In doing so it is the intention of the
and last year. At the meeting the Treasurer, Dominic Rinaldi,          Board to try to keep all membership fees and corporate fees pegged to
gave a very detailed report on the Club’s financial performance        approximately CPI. All draft forward financial forecasts have been modelled
together with a very detailed summary of how the business              on this.
initiatives have been interpreted into forward financial models and
                                                                       The Board intends to grow the other business activities of the Club. These
plans. A very pleasing result for the year to date.
                                                                       are defined as hospitality, slipping, Marine Academy plus memberships
Marina East Refurbishment/Replacement Program                          through rejigging some membership categories and offering new
The Marina East refurbishment is tracking well. We are now two-        categories.
and-a-half years into this really important program and members        Many of these intiatives have already commenced:
can see clearly how the funds are being applied. It is also pleasing
to report that the team working on this program are continuing         •       Slipping fees have been reduced
to find ways to improve efficiencies. See chart of the progress as     •       Due to changes to caveats with the North Haven basin we will now
at December 2018 together with the monies spent.                               offer slipping to non-club members (members will get priority)
                                                                       •       Age categories for memberships have been reviewed and changed
Club Benchmarking
Over the past eight months the Board and Management have               •       New social memberships have been introduced
benchmarked approximately 32 other Australian yacht and                •       Management key performance indicators have been implemented
boating clubs including where possible local clubs and slipway                 and focus on sales, margins, expenses and staffing levels
operators. The objective of this is to ensure our Club chases all      •       Business plans to grow the Marine Academy have been implemented
efficiencies and carefully understands emerging trends.
                                                                       •       A hospitality loyalty program is currently being considered for a trial
The information collected includes:                                    •       All financial forecasts (five years) have been updated to reflect the
•   All categories of membership                                               business Initiatives and include a revised capital expenditure forecast.
•   The relevant fee structures of the different categories of         The Club has many aging assets and maintaining profitability is seen as
    membership                                                         essential to allow these assets to be replaced. If profits can be grown
•   An analysis of membership trends                                   beyond what can reasonably be spent on asset replacement the Board
•   Hospitality gross profit margins                                   may, at its discretion, consider further member discounts and benefits.
                                                                       Firstly it is important to bed down our initiatives and to carefully watch the
•   Hospitality wage percentages to turnover
                                                                       financial impacts before these decisions are made.
•   Slipping fees and charges.
                                                                       Sale of the Ramp Asset
The Board and Management carefully reviewed the results and            On Saturday 10 February 2018 the Board and the South Australian
have made the following observations which are worth sharing:          Government jointly announced that the CYCSA has sold the North Haven
•   There is a trend by other yacht/boating clubs to attract           Ramp Asset to the Government for approximately $5.5m. As at the time of
    new social members as the ability to grow new boat owner           writing some minor documentation is still to be finalised however the State
    memberships is more difficult in today’s economic climate          Cabinet has formally approved the deal.
•   When comparing all fees and charges by other clubs there           The Ramp Asset is not seen as a core asset of the Club nor did it fit with
    were no fees charged by our Club that could be classified as       the Club’s longer term strategy. The Club intends applying the proceeds of
    ‘excessive’                                                        the sale to maintenance and refurbishment works of its North Haven and
•   The weighted average of the clubs surveyed showed that             Port Vincent marinas through the establishment of a formal sinking fund.
    25% of their members were social members. Our Club has
    very few social members.                                           It was the CYCSA who approached the Government and led all the
                                                                       negotiations for the sale of the Ramp Asset. The Board decided some time
•   Our membership fees and charges sat in about the middle            ago that if it could achieve a ‘premium price’ for the Ramp Asset it would
    range of fees charged                                              sell it and apply the funds to a newly created sinking fund within the Club
•   Some of our age categories for memberships require review          structure to provide for future repairs and replacements of the Club’s
•   Our berthing fees and charges sat in about the middle              marinas and over water assets. The sinking fund will be structured in such
                                                                       a way that future Club Boards cannot rob it for any other purpose than
•   Our ospitality labour costs were materially higher than the
                                                                       those defined above. Members should take comfort that the price achieved
                                                                       exceeded formal third party valuations obtained by the Board. The Board
•   Our staffing numbers appeared about right                          has achieved a premium price for the asset.

Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
On Saturday 10 February 2018 the Board and the South Australian
    Government jointly announced that the CYCSA has sold the NORTH
    HAVEN Ramp Asset to the Government for approximately $5.5m.

Further details:                                                              Following the retirement of Mr Wayne Abbott as the Club’s legal
• Settlement is scheduled for 2 July 2018                                     advisor the Board has appointed Mr Danny Beger from Beger and Co
•   The Board obtained two separate formal third party valuations             as the Club’s third party legal advisor.
•   The Club will be reimbursed for all its transaction costs by the          Financials
    Government including valuations, consultants, and legals                  If members require any further information on any financial matter
•   The Club has entered into an ongoing management agreement for             please contact Kerry O’Brien, Dominic Rinaldi or myself and if a
    the ramp with the Government                                              member has any ideas on how to position the Club into the future,
                                                                              could you please put same in writing and address it to the Board as
•   The Club will still have the non-exclusive use of 17 car parks
                                                                              we welcome member input.
    (overflow for Marina West) situated just outside the Marina West
    entrance gates                                                            The Club
•    Some media reported that the Government had compulsorily                 There is a lot happening at the Club and lots of fantastic events and
     acquired this asset – this is not correct.                               functions still to occur this season so please consider being involved. I
                                                                              look forward to seeing you at the Club or on the water soon.
New Appointments and Summary
It is pleasing to report the Club has appointed Mrs Kerry O’Brien             Chris Wood, President
as Financial Controller and Deputy to the CEO. Kerry is a Certified
Practicing Accountant and has worked in her own practice. More
recently she has held the position of Chief Operating Officer/Financial
Controller for Adelaide Research and Innovation Pty Ltd, the company
owned by Adelaide University to commercialise university technology.
Kerry’s role with the Club is a senior role and is 0.6 full time equivalent

                                                                                                                        CEO Craig Evans greets
                                                                                                                        invited guest to Opening
                                                                                                                        Day. L to R: Jim Theodore,
                                                                                                                        Leica Theodore, Lady Joan
                                                                                                                        Hardy, Catherine Tillett,
                                                                                                                        David Tillett, Craig Evans,
                                                                                                                        Mayor Gary Johanson,
                                                                                                                        Councillor Peter Jamieson,
                                                                                                                        Sir James Hardy.
Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
At the Helm

   would like to start my report by thanking Trevor Paynter. In October         •   Increase promotion of the Club’s facilities and continually
   2001 the CYCSA’s Groundswell magazine went from an A5 black                      re-invent and create better marketing materials
   and white booklet to a full colour A4 glossy magazine. Trevor was            •   Greater promotion of the venue for larger functions – social and
instrumental in putting the first magazine together and this March                  corporate
2018 edition will be Trevor’s last as he puts together his final edition.       •   Promotion of the Club to secure functions over the winter period
On behalf of the members of the CYCSA thank you Trevor for your
                                                                                •   Target local expanding businesses including the Techport precinct
design skills and dedication over the past 16+ years and for creating
an appealing magazine enjoyed by all at the Club.                               •   Making the venue more accessible by ‘opening the gates’ during
                                                                                    appropriate times and changing billboard promotions on the
It has been a very busy summer at the Club and the first full summer                main road to direct potential customers into the Club
of the new hospitality facility has been much less stressful than it was
during last year’s period of construction. Members, guests and visitors         •   Creating a mini kiosk near the bar to provide food between
to the Club have enjoyed the new bar and bistro area and it is great                kitchen service periods
to see numbers of people increasing and lots of people returning to             •   Introduce a customer loyalty program for regular attendees
the Club.                                                                       •   Better internal table booking system to be introduced which will
Over the past six months I have been involved in looking at various                 capture customer details and assist with future marketing and
initiatives to grow the business of the Club. The four key areas the                promotion of our venue
Board has asked to focus on include membership, hospitality, slipping           •   Continually reviewing menu options and negotiating with
and the Marine Academy. The aims of the following initiatives are                   suppliers of both food and beverages
to further improve the Club’s strong financial position and to also             •   Looking into the new ‘Beds on Board’ initiative that is to be
provide member benefits. A summary of the initiatives I have been                   introduced into Australia.
working on include the following:
Membership                                                                      Slipping vessels at the CYCSA has always been limited to CYCSA
The aim is to grow membership numbers to make the Club more                     Senior Members only. This has not been by choice but rather
vibrant and increase patronage. This will be done by creating new               restrictions that have existed in North Haven since creation. With the
membership categories and adjusting existing categories to improve              recent cessation of trade at the commercial slipway facility within
retention of existing members in many existing categories.                      North Haven Marina, an encumbrance imposed 40 years ago has
•   Increase Senior Membership numbers by improvement of Club                   been lifted. Our slipway facility is somewhat limited by the number of
    facilities and offerings                                                    cradles, work areas and by the types of work that can be carried out
                                                                                at the Club. However our objective is to increase its usage for simple
•   Increase the age limit of Youth Membership (formally Junior
                                                                                repair and maintenance of vessels and improve revenue while at the
    Membership) from 21 years of age to 22 years
                                                                                same time making it more attractive to Senior Members by reducing
•   Provide two levels of Intermediate Membership                               their slipway fees.
    o     Level 1: 22 years old to 26 years old
                                                                                •   Promote and encourage the CYCSA slipping facilities to not only
    o     Level 2: 27 years old to 30 years old
                                                                                    CYCSA Senior Members but also other categories of members
•   Family Membership/Associated Membership                                         and non-members
    o     Increase the age of dependent children from the current
                                                                                •   Reduce haul-out slipway fees for Senior Members by 20% off the
          age of 21 to 26 (ie end of Level 1 Intermediate
                                                                                    existing competitive price
                                                                                •   Promote the convenience of using the CYCSA slip to all vessel
•   Introduce Social Membership
                                                                                    owners within the North Haven Marina basin and also promote
    o     Joining the CYCSA as a Social Member in its own right,
                                                                                    other aspects and benefits of being associated with and joining
          or provided Social Membership as a wedding customer,
                                                                                    the CYCSA.
          annual ramp customer, Marine Academy student, sponsor,
          slipway customer                                                      Marine Academy
•   Upgrade slipway customers to General Membership level                       The Marine Academy has grown in recent years and is a well-run
    o    So they receive benefits of various discounts, credit                  service offered to both members and non-members. The Marine
         facilities offered and access to the Club’s Discretionary              Academy is highly regarded by most members of the CYCSA and
         Insurance Scheme                                                       is seen to be an important aspect of Club operations. Other yacht
•   Upgrade ramp customers to General Membership level                          clubs with similar operations tend to ‘invest’ in their training facilities
    o    So they receive benefits like Marine Academy discount,                 running them at a loss for the perceived benefit that is offered from
         access to CYCSA Discretionary Insurance Scheme and                     the training provided and potential member conversion.
         overnight berthing availability.                                       •   Our aim is to steadily grow our revenue by reviewing the cost
                                                                                    and courses offered and by introducing new courses
                                                                                •   Marketing and promotion of Marine Academy courses both
Hospitality is an important aspect for both members and visitors
                                                                                    internally to members and to potential external customers
at the Club. Customer satisfaction (quality, price and service),
                                                                                •   Ensuring we have trained instructors, adequate facilities and
facilities, marketing and promotion and financials are all to be closely
                                                                                    training vessels and our level of investment is appropriate.
monitored and improved.

Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
Trevor was instrumental in putting the first
          new look magazine together and this March
          2018 edition will be Trevor’s last as he puts
          together his final edition.

Some of the benefits these initiatives will return to members include:            and dangerous. As you would be aware CYCSA staff are
•   Minimise future increases in both membership and corporate fees               involved in the replacement and refurbishment of Marina East
                                                                                  and they often have marina pontoons loose or only partly
•   Membership loyalty program in hospitality to reduce costs and
                                                                                  attached while they are working on them. The excessive
    encourage use of the Club’s facilities
                                                                                  wakes caused by vessels makes conditions dangerous and we
•   Improved food and beverage offerings                                          ask you to please slow down and consider our employees and
•   Lower slipway fees                                                            your marina.
•   A more vibrant and sustainable Club.                                      •   Please advise the office when you have purchased or sold
                                                                                  your vessel. We regularly carry out marina inspections
Staff                                                                             and often find new boats we have not been notified of.
We have a few new faces at the Club with Head Chef Taylor Gray.                   Vessel registration forms and associated declarations are
Taylor has created a new menu so if you have not been down to the                 required with all new boats. If selling a boat with a ‘YC’ in
Club for a while please come and check it out. Martin Barnes has also             the registration number to a non-CYCSA member, can you
joined the hospitality team as an assistant to our Food and Beverage              please make the appropriate arrangements to return the ‘YC’
Manager Andrew Kerr. We also welcome Kerry O’Brien to the Club                    number back to the Club. Contact Jenny in the office if you
as our new Financial Controller and Sonia Sinko in the newly created              have any questions.
position of Member Services/Reception. Kirsty Winstone, our Berth
Leasing Coordinator, recently left us to take up a career in nursing.         I hope you had an opportunity to get out in your boats over the
We wish Kirsty well and thank her for the four years of service in the        summer period. If not don’t despair as the weather in autumn
demanding role of leasing at the Club.                                        is often the best with more consistent conditions and lack of
                                                                              afternoon sea breezes. We look forward to seeing you at the Club.
A few housekeeping items
•   Please slow down in the marina. We appreciate the four knot limit         Craig Evans, Chief Executive Officer
    may be difficult for some vessels to achieve however the speed
    some boats are travelling and the wake created is both damaging

Club Sponsorship

Southern Cross Marine Australia is proud to announce that we are now a silver sponsor of the CYCSA. We are excited to offer our services in
new and used boat sales and our quality work offered by our service department. Southern Cross Marine is part of The SCC Group founded in
1980 as a small cleaning operation. The SCC Group has developed into a substantial national organisation now supplying marine services and
a boat brokerage business encompassing brokered sales of new and second hand vessels. The SCC Group took on board Marina Boat Sales SA
in June 2016 and is now run by our Marine Services Operation Manager, Mark Engledow.
Our friendly staff consists of: Mark Engledow - Operations Manager; Richard Hicks - Marine Service Manager; Ciaron Cowley - Marine Sales
Manager and Kiara Petty heading off our administration. The team offers a combined experience of over 60 years ranging from super yacht
captaining and provisioning, repairs and vessel maintenance, marine fabrication, boat ownership, recreational fishing, yacht racing and boat
sales to mention a few.
We are also South Australia’s premier agents for Beneteau Yachts and Power Boats, Caribbean Power Boats and Brig Inflatables and also offer
a list of brokerage boats. Notwithstanding this we have extensive partnerships throughout the country and would be happy to assist you with
your purchase of any vessel.
Our services don’t just stop with our brokerage as we offer a comprehensive range of marine services including detailing and cleaning of your
vessel, fibreglass and gelcoat repairs, anti-foul application and general maintenance at very competitive rates. Feel free to come in and meet
the team at our Marina Adelaide office or give us a call today.
Mark Engledow, Operations Manager

     Over the last three months the following people have joined the Club. Please make them welcome.
     Colin ABEL            Neil BRYANS             Robert HALSE          Grant MILLARD      Siegfried STAHL
     Dave ALEXANDER        Bill CLARKE             Greg HASTINGS         Anthony MILUTIN    Barry STOPP
     Michael ANDERSON      Roman DOMARETSKI        Pam HASTINGS          Jo MITTON          Robert SUTTON
     Martin BANHAM         Ivan DUDACEK            Norm JUSTICE          Bret PERRY         Howard TROTTER
     Phillipa BARNES       Adrian GALINDO          Mitch KOPPAN          Chris PRITCHARD    Chris VERCO
     Rodney BEAMES         Paulina GLASS           Lydia MAKIV           John PUNKE
     Cate BLACKMAN         Nick GOSS               Patricia MALLETT      Jamie SCANLON
     David BROOK OAM       Matthew GRAYSON         Peter MCWHINNIE       John SERGI
Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
From the Commodore

             e are truly into the last few months of our season and the     who will embark on the Melbourne to Osaka Two Handed Yacht
             weather has been exceptionally good this side of Christmas.    Race starting in late March. This race is staged approximately every
             Bathers have been complaining blue swimmer crabs have          four years to help celebrate the City of Melbourne and the City
been biting them whilst wading in shallow water along our local             of Osaka Sister City and Sister Port relationship. The Race is 5,500
beaches. Members also report they are catching good hauls of crabs          nautical miles starting in Portsea, Victoria and finishing in the Port
without having to travel too far from the marina. I have never seen         of Osaka on Japan’s Honshu Island. On the night Daniel and Tom
our gulf so full of crabs so all indications point to a great 2018 Club     offered great insight into the preparations for such an epic race.
Crabbing Day. I only wish I could say the same about our local fishing      Daniel purchased the purpose built Sayer 11 which was built in
holes. Thankfully my regular business trips to Ceduna offer some great      2003 and known for competing in a number of long ocean races.
fishing opportunities and I am happy to report King George Whiting          Now renamed Runaway, both Daniel and Tom will co-skipper the 11
are still biting on the Far West Coast.                                     metre yacht. Daniel is an experienced yachtsman and adventurer and
                                                                            Tom is an accomplished offshore yachtsman and boat builder who
We recently had the pleasure of watching the SuperFoilers Grand             has previously sailed this particular race. The race can be followed
Prix Racing from our own backyard. From 2-5 February six teams of           on the official Melbourne Osaka race site. A highlight of the evening
exceptionally fit yachtsmen sent their Foiling Catamarans to speeds in      was an interview by Tom’s sister, Annabel Crabb, a popular political
excess of 20 knots at Outer Harbour. Their three man crew, equipped         journalist and commentator on the ABC. Annabel, revealing a
with camera and sound, offered a great insight into the skills required     little of Tom’s life growing up in rural South Australia and Daniel’s
to deliver such spectacular racing. This may be the new era for youth       past adventures, ensured the night was extremely informative and
sailing and a demand for a new set of skills to control the speed and       entertaining. All sponsors were gratefully thanked on the night
sophistication of these incredible foiling catamarans. They certainly       but the boys indicated they had to carry a lot of water for the long
offered an exciting spectacle for onshore and offshore spectators           journey and are unable to afford a water maker. Thanks to Kemp
and it was great to see so many of our members anchored along the           Real Estate, Richard Pope, Andrew Saies, Peter Hall, Chris Wood and
perimeter of the course – Adelaide’s own mini America’s Cup.                myself, the boys now have a water maker ready to be installed when
The Australian Yachting Championships were staged in Sandringham            the boat arrives in Melbourne. All at the Club wish them a safe and
in Victoria over three days in January. The CYCSA was represented           swift sail to Osaka.
by three of its top IRC yachts – Secret Mens Business, Shining Sea          In this Commodore’s Report, I would also like to highlight some of
and Concubine. There was a mixture of weather conditions over the           the achievements of other local professional yachtsmen who have
eight race series which guaranteed some long hot days on the bay.           sailed from the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia. The following
The Hobart Overall winning yacht Ichi Ban proved too strong for the         young guys have made a living from yachting and have become high
exceptionally competitive fleet. Sailed by a fully professional crew Ichi   achievers in their chosen sport.
Ban is the latest high tech Botin 52 design to reach Australia. She
won all eight races of the series but only by one second in race seven      Nick Bice
against Secret Mens Business.                                               Nick is currently the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) for the Volvo
                                                                            Ocean Race. CTO involves all on water control from a technical point
Shining Sea finished eighth, Concubine fifth and Secret Mens Business       of view. Most of his time is spent working on strategies for the future
came second overall. Crews enjoyed great racing and camaraderie in a        Volvo Races. Nick was instrumental in establishing ‘The Boatyard’
mix of conditions similar to racing in our gulf.                            which is the maintenance centre for the entire fleet of Volvo Ocean
Sandringham Yacht Club is an immense club with a membership base            65’s that race around the world. A ‘Boatyard’ is constructed in
of about 2,000 and double the size of our Club. The majority of the         each Volvo Port of call, disassembled and moved to one of the next
racing at Sandringham is done as Twilights on Thursday and Friday           stopovers. Nick has been involved in six Volvo Ocean Races, been
afternoons and they manage to attract large fleets of assorted yachts.      shore crew on Amer Sports, sailed on two races and twice been part
                                                                            of the organising team. Previously he had a management and sailing
Unfortunately for the following Geelong Regatta, of the three CYCSA         role with some big name yachting teams including Morning Glory,
yachts competing in the Sandringham Championships, Shining Sea              Pyewacker, Speedboat, Team Origin TP52 and the America’s Cup
was the only one able to compete in the Festival of Sails, claiming a       Young Australia team in 2000. Other achievements include Project
tidy third place overall. Thanks to the lack of planning between the        Manager/Crew on Wild Oats. Nick started his career as a dinghy
Australian Championship organisers and Geelong Race management, a           sailor in Port Lincoln before moving to North Haven and the CYCSA.
four day break between the two events made it difficult for many crew       He has since lived in many parts of the world spending much of his
members to commit to both regattas and regretfully the Australian           time in Spain with his wife and two children.
Championships took preference over the annual Geelong Regatta
                                                                            Bret Perry
which then suffered from lack of participation from the usual interstate
                                                                            Bret originally lived locally and sailed in various racing yachts at the
Many of us followed our Club representative Concubine on the Rolex
                                                                            In 1996, when sailing the Great Southern Ocean, the yacht he
Sydney to Hobart yacht tracker. Probably an unlucky final result with
                                                                            was steering pitch poled during a cyclonic bomb weather system.
breeze filling in from behind helping some of the not so favoured boats
                                                                            Brett was in rehab for over 15 months undergoing three arm
come to the finishing line with pace robbing Concubine of a possible
                                                                            reconstructions. In 2000 he moved to Sydney and became a
podium finish. Definitely her best race showing she can match it with
                                                                            professional yachtsman. He managed various Sydney 38s and Farr 40
the best as she finished 13th on Line Honours and seventh overall on
                                                                            programs including time with the big boats Loki and Djuice Dragon.
                                                                            Bret moved to Spain in 2006 performing rigging work in 2007 for
An audience of well over 200 attended a dinner at the Club as a             Areva Challenge, the Valencia America’s Cup team, and became
farewell and fund raiser for members Daniel Turner and Tom Crabb            a rigging technician for the Volvo Equipo Telefonica team. From

Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
We recently had the pleasure
            of watching the SuperFoilers
            Grand Prix Racing from our
            own backyard.

2010 he has been an on-water consultant, delivery skipper and high              in the 2008 Fastnet, 2009 Middle Sea and 2009 Caribbean 600 Races.
performance rigger including building SuperFoiler hull number one.              He was also part of Oracle Team USA, Team Origin, Quantum Racing
Bret has done numerous Hobarts including crewing on the original                and Team Aqua.
Secret Mens Business. He has returned to live in Adelaide with his
                                                                                All sailed from the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia early in
Spanish wife and two children and is currently running Shining Sea for
                                                                                their careers and over many years have been part of the Secret Mens
Andrew Corletto.
                                                                                Business programs. They are amongst a group of elite yachtsmen who
Silas Nolan                                                                     have travelled the world sailing either in long classic races, regattas or
Silas initially sailed at the CYCSA with Chris Tillett and then Secret          world yachting events. They all keep their ties with the CYCSA and
Mens Business where he sailed on several Hobarts and the Fastnet                continue to race locally when on ‘R&R’ in their home town. We wish
Race in United Kingdom.                                                         them continuing success in their chosen profession.
In 2009 Silas was part of the Winning Australian Match Racing crew              Geoff Boettcher
and in 2011 he was aboard Loki for their overall win. He sailed the
2016 TP52 Superseries in Europe on Ran coming third overall. That
                                                                                From the Vice Commodore
                                                                                Hot off the back of a busy Opening Day period was the inaugural
year he also sailed in the Maxi 72 Series winning in the US yacht
                                                                                Admirals Lunch which was very well attended and hosted by our
Proteus. For the past 12 years Silas has been sailing on the professional
                                                                                Patron, Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce AC, CSC, RANR.
world circuit. Silas agrees married life with two children is probably a
little more difficult than most but, like most professional couples, they       We were fortunate enough to attend the Children’s Christmas Party
seem to make it all work. Silas stated that yacht racing has taken him          with seven of our grandchildren and what a wonderful time they
to all corners of the globe and allowed him to sail with some of the            had. It was a perfect day and as always well organised and well
best in the world, many of whom have become life friends. Recently              run thanks to the Social Association. Our annual camping trip to
Silas has been one of the key drivers of the Concubine campaign                 Kangaroo Island meant we had the pleasure of celebrating New
assisting in liaising with the build and helping to establish the new           Year’s Eve with fellow Club members (who had sailed down) at
crew.                                                                           Browns Beach – a stunning location for such an event.
Ryan Godfrey                                                                    This just goes to show the huge variety of events members can
Ryan grew up sailing Holdfast Trainers at Largs Bay Sailing Club then           become involved with. There is always something going on at the
keelboats at the RSAYS and later at the CYCSA. He moved to Sydney               Club so make sure you don’t miss anything by either checking the
to complete his sail making apprenticeship with North Sails and sailed          Club news online or subscribing to email updates
on some of the top yachts in Australia. From there he signed with
Oracle’s America’s Cup campaign in Valencia as a sail maker. Ryan               Jacq Heffernan
sailed several Volvo ocean races and competed in many ‘Grand Prix’              From the Rear Commodore
International racing classes including the Louis Vuitton Series, TP52,          Over summer it has been wonderful to see so many people taking
RC44, J Class, Maxi and Farr 40 classes. His highlights are noted as            advantage of our brilliant Club bar and restaurant. The Friday night
winner of the 2008/9 Volvo Ocean Race with Ericsson Racing Team                 Happy Hour is attracting really good numbers for drinks and great
and a third overall in 2011/12 with Puma Racing. Ryan has had four              bistro meals; the Sunday roast remains very popular and the Cruising
Line Honours wins in Sydney to Hobart races on Alfa Romeo and                   Association Second Saturday Monthly BBQs continue to be a great
Comanche and has had Line Honours and been the record holder in                 way to catch up with other members.
the Fastnet Race, Bermuda Race, Transpac and Middle Sea Race. Ryan
is also a three times winner in the Maxi World Championships on                 The warm weather certainly hasn’t deterred our cruising community
board Shockwave and Alfa Romeo.                                                 from taking to our pristine waterways with many Club members
                                                                                journeying to all parts of our beautiful cruising grounds.
Tyson Lamond
Another local CYCSA yachtsman, Tyson was part of the winning crew               The Christmas holiday period was busy with the Combined
on the 2009 Rolex Sydney to Hobart and in 2009/10 was a member                  Associations Christmas Bash; a New Year’s Eve party at Brown’s
of the winning Mediterranean Cup Emirates Team New Zealand crew.                Beach, Kangaroo Island; a flotilla in Port Adelaide for the start of the
Tyson was part of the winning Louis Vuitton 2013 Emirates New                   Tour Down Under and several Club boats spending the Australia Day
Zealand Team and has been involved in two America’s Cup campaigns               Long Weekend in the Port Vincent Marina.
and crewed on the winning 2009 RC Match Racing Artemis Team.                    You can keep up to date with upcoming cruising events by signing on
Dylan Clark                                                                     to:
Dylan began his career in Port Lincoln and has sailed many races from           Hope to see you around the Club soon.
the CYCSA. He was part of the Australian Olympic Development
Squad sailing in four Sydney to Hobart Races. He raced in Leopard 3 in          Adrian Wotton
the Cape Town to Salvador Race and his team achieved Line Honours

                                   PAM HUMENIUK                                                                                  SSOCI
                                                                                                                            L AShe also
                                   Pam recently resigned as Chair of the Social Association after nearly six years in thatArole.         AT
                                                                                                                         I              spent
                                   approximately ten years as a committee member of that Association and her significant contribution


                                   combined with her organisational skills during her involvement was enormous and greatly appreciated.

                                   With her flair for colour and design the events Pam created with her committee members always had that
                                   something special.

                                   Thank you Pam for your contribution to the life of the Club.


                                   Gay Footer, Editor Groundswell
                                                                                                                                 yac t clu


Groundswell - Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia
Runaway Farewell Dinner

      n Friday 2 February the Club held a farewell dinner and                          winds and the equatorial current before fighting the Kuroshio (Japan
      fundraiser for the Sayer 11 race boat, Runaway. Skippered                        current) which flows up the Pacific coast of Japan and to the finish in
      by CYCSA members Daniel Turner and Tom Crabb,                                    the port of Osaka on Japan’s Honshu Island.
Runaway will be racing in the Melbourne to Osaka Yacht Race that
                                                                                       The race participants sail from Melbourne to Osaka without stop-overs
commences on 25 March 2018.
                                                                                       or outside assistance, travelling backward through the seasons with
In one of the biggest functions held at the Club well over 200                         autumn in Melbourne, summer at the equator and spring in Osaka.
members and guests saw an enthralling presentation by Dan and                          Like any major ocean race many factors can attributed to the final
Tom on their preparation and the challenges that lay ahead in this                     result. All competitors will agree that “just making it to the start line”
gruelling two-handed race. The delightful Annabel Crabb, of the                        is a huge achievement in itself. Getting to the finish line, “well it’s like
TV show Kitchen Cabinet, columnist, author and political journalist,                   a marathon, the feeling of achievement is unbelievable”. The greeting
hosted a highly amusing and insightful Q&A session with the two                        in Japan is like no other as each crew is celebrated and congratulated
hardy and adventurous sailors.                                                         regardless of their race result.

The Melbourne to Osaka Yacht Race is a 5,500 nautical mile two-                        Check or Team Runaway’s Facebook
handed yacht race – an epic journey by any measure. One of the                         page for race information and updates on race progress. If you wish
only north-south long distance ocean races in the world it crosses                     to donate to their campaign the fundraising page can be found at
multiple weather systems and seasons as it crosses the Pacific               
Ocean. The course starts off Portsea in Victoria and takes the
                                                                                       On behalf of all Club members we wish Dan and Tom a safe passage,
competitors into Bass Strait, up the east coast of Australia, at some
                                                                                       fair winds and following seas.
point crossing the East Australian current, into the south-easterly
trade winds then through the Solomon Islands and the doldrums                          Adrian Wotton, Racing Executive Member
of the equator. The race then heads into the north-easterly trade

caption required                                                                     caption required

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From left to right - Tarina, Bailey, Reece, Julia and Lucy Warren                Antony Hughes, (in purple) Ros Date, George Nisyrios, Cate Blackman
                                                                                 and Jennifer McKay

PERSONALISED SAIL TRAINING WITH THE ACADEMY                                                         COMPETENT CREW WEEKEND

     earning to sail has been a long term dream of ours so when my husband Reece’s special
     birthday was approaching (the big 40) we decided to do something spectacular and
     memorable for his big day. After much research and talking to people we booked a bare
                                                                                                    A    fter a positive life changing experience
                                                                                                         sailing the Adriatic with friends in 2017
                                                                                                    we decided to get more into sailing with the
boating trip to the beautiful Whitsundays departing Airlie Beach a few days before his special
                                                                                                    aim of buying our own yacht. Yes, yes I’m
day and sailing back in to Airlie a few days after.
                                                                                                    sure you are thinking this seems like a rather
Fortunately I always plan well ahead because after booking the holiday of a lifetime we             impulsive decision but sometimes there are
thought it best to start learning to sail. We have twelve months to achieve a level of              pivotal points in life where you need to alter
competence to ensure a safe and fun holiday. Obviously we are not going to be experts but           course. The plan is to do some extended
hopefully we can learn enough to achieve this. We have a family of five including kids aged         travelling around the Mediterranean in 2018,
15, 13 and 10 and if travelling with teenage girls and a very active boy is not challenging         Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Italy... With
enough I am also legally blind. I lost the majority of my sight by my late teens due to a           limited experience of cruising yacht handling
genetic disorder called Stargardt’s Disease. This has left me with central blindness but some       we opted to sign up with the CYCSA to do it
peripheral vision.                                                                                  properly and build some solid competencies.
                                                                                                    Our experience thus far has been great: a
We started making enquiries locally on the Yorke Peninsula and found a few nearby sailing
                                                                                                    friendly Club, excellent facilities and helpful
clubs. One thing the Yorke Peninsula is not short of is wind!! The Port Vincent Sailing Club
was more than happy to assist and the kids started junior sailing straight away. This is an
excellent program run by Greg Hacket and all the kids have a great time and most of them            Over the Australia Day Weekend we ventured
race.                                                                                               with three other participants and our trainer,
                                                                                                    Hugh Longbottom, over to Port Vincent
When it came to formal sailing training all recommendations pointed to the Cruising Yacht
                                                                                                    Marina aboard Academy 1. We found the
Club of South Australia so we got in touch to see if they would be prepared to take on
                                                                                                    Competent Crew Course was delivered in
the task. The CYCSA were more than willing to embrace the challenge and arranged some
                                                                                                    a relaxed but informative manner. Learning
training outside of their usual program which was modified to fit our family. We have
                                                                                                    happens best when you are having fun!
recently spent our first day of training sailing out of the North Haven Marina on Academy 1
                                                                                                    Hugh had the arduous task of instructing
and enjoying the Adelaide coastline while under the expert guidance of Hugh Longbottom,
                                                                                                    people with varying skill levels and he
an ex Yorke Peninsula local, who has a great deal of sailing and teaching experience. It was
                                                                                                    patiently worked towards getting us all up to
obvious that some thought had gone in to how I was going to do this and Hugh assisted
me to initially learn the ropes by feel (that’s a sailing joke). He also taught the whole family
to feel the boat and the wind and listen to the sails to know if the boat is sailing well or if     We would recommend it and will be back for
adjustments need to be made. We did man overboard drills, learnt mooring and anchoring              more training!
and some basics of communication and navigation. We had a spectacular day for it and came
                                                                                                    Ros Date and Antony Hughes
away feeling a lot more confident that we can learn the basics before our trip.
Many thanks to Hugh and the CYCSA for being willing to think outside the square and
provide us with this opportunity and to the Port Vincent Sailing Club members who have also
been very supportive in offering to take us out on their own boats to get some experience
which we will do now to consolidate what we have learnt.
We can’t wait for the real adventure to begin later this year!
Tarina Warren


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      he summer racing season is now past the half way mark with great racing and numbers on the water.
      Series 1 of the Phil Hoffmann Travel Twilight Series was completed just before Christmas with 22
      boats nominated. This year results are separated for Cruising Division A and B. In Division B Jim
Heyen’s Magnum was a clear series winner followed by Wayne Grant’s Wind Weaver and John Sibly’s
Astrid. In Cruising Division A the evergreen White Knight (David Knights) edged out Julian Newton’s
Game On with Brenton Pegler’s Playground third. The hotly contested Ladies Helm Race held in mild
conditions on 29 November was taken out by Jo Pilmore on Academy 1 with Anthea Dabinett and
her crew on White Knight close behind.
At the time of writing our Club Inshore Series has seven races completed in varying breezes.
Division 1 PHS is being led by Rapid 1 (Keith Finch) followed by White Knight (David Knights)
with the Harries/Metcalf and Brown owned Magic in third. In Division 2 PHS Rob Sellick’s
Young Einstien is leading followed by Adrian Wotton‘s School’s Out with Trevor Conyers’
Rock On close behind. AMS series results have Magic ahead of White Knight in Division
1 with six points between Witches Thimble (Robin Townsend) and Rock On in Division
2. With four more races left in the series chances are that the final outcomes might
differ from where they sit now.
Perfect sea breezes with winds of no more than 16 knots greeted the 22
competitors battling in the Yalumba Great Southern Regatta over the weekend
of 18–19 November 2017. This meant that consistency, with no race to
discard, was of paramount importance for those wanting to claim the
prizes. In PHS Division 1 new arrival Shining Sea (Andrew Corletto) took
out the honours from White Knight and Magic. PHS Division 2 was
taken out by School’s Out from Melges 24s Outlier (David Royle)
and Rank Bajin (Doug Watson). IRC results showed some differing
outcomes with Secret Mens Business (Geoff Boettcher) winning
from White Knight and Shining Sea. In IRC Division 2 Outlook won
convincingly from Vostok Europe and Young Einstein.
Recognition should also be given to those who represented
the Club at interstate regattas during the Christmas and
New Year period. Firstly Concubine (Jason Ward) had a
fantastic Sydney Hobart race finishing seventh overall
after a long campaign of lead-up racing on the East
Coast from August last year. Thereafter Secret Mens
Business, Concubine and Shining Sea all represented
the Club at the Australian Yachting Championships
in Sandringham in January finishing second,
sixth and eighth respectively, a fantastic result
for the Club! Following this regatta Shining
Sea gained a third at the Geelong Festival
of Sails and White Knight a credible sixth
in the Sydney 38 Nationals at the same
David Royle
Racing Manager and Boating

Photo courtesy of
Rob Sellick

Cruising Association Update

    t’s been another busy but fun time for our cruising community.
    In December the usual Cruising Association Second Saturday BBQ
    was the stage for the Combined Associations Christmas Bash.
    Everyone was in a festive mood and even more festive were the
winners of the brilliant Christmas Hamper prizes in our Christmas
raffle. We extend a special thanks to Charlesworth Nuts who remain
our generous and wonderful sponsor.
                                                                         Most boats moored alongside the pontoons near the Birkenhead
It was a hot summer but the temperature is always a lot cooler           Bridge and had great fun over three days. The Port was ‘dressed
out on the ocean. Our Club members took to the water in record           up’ and looked spectacular and on race day a buzzing street party
numbers, whether on longer journeys exploring SA anchorages, or          attracted 1000’s of visitors. The event was marketed as ‘sights,
anchoring off the Semaphore Jetty for New Year’s Eve and Australia       sounds, sails, sips and snacks’ and was certainly true to that
Day fireworks displays.                                                  description.

Kangaroo Island                                                          A number of CYCSA boats participated in the Flotilla including:
Following Christmas festivities a number of CYCSA boats cruised to       Andante, Baloo, Far Star, and School’s Out. On pre-race night we had
Kangaroo Island. Fishing was good this year with some big tommies        relaxing drinks aboard Andante and a fantastic dinner at the newly
and the occasional ‘meal size’ King George whiting being caught,         refurbished Port Admiral Hotel - well worth a visit!
particularly on the change of tide. There was some occasional light
                                                                         Other Summer Cruising Activities
drizzle for one or two days which was unusual for late December but
the absence of any strong winds from the north made it easy to find      Over summer CYCSA boats have journeyed to many of our beautiful
safe and smooth overnight anchorages.                                    cruising grounds including Port Lincoln, Black Point, Edithburgh, the
                                                                         Cutter Patch and Second Valley. On the Australia Day Long Weekend,
CYCSA members celebrated New Year’s Eve with a small contingent
                                                                         despite high temperatures, quite a few members took the opportunity
from the RSAYS at the Brown’s Beach Camping Ground at Eastern
                                                                         to take a break over in the Port Vincent Marina.
Cove. Pre-dinner drinks at anchor, a short trip to the BBQ area in our
tenders, a quick BBQ dinner, and lots of fun playing with glow sticks.   The Second Saturday of the Month BBQs are open to all Club
This year we saw the New Year in at 2230 - it had been a long day!       members and their guests. The monthly BBQs are a great way to
                                                                         catch up with or meet new friends and are very good value for
School’s Out had a lovely stay introducing their normal hardened
                                                                         money because they’re free! Keep a lookout for updates through the
race crew to the delights of cruising by visiting Christmas Cove,
                                                                         upcoming events emails and the Club calendar.
Eastern and Western Coves, Kingscote, Bay of Shoals and Emu Bay.
They did get their ‘racing fix’ by sailing in the Ballast Head Cup on    The Easter Weekend is early this year and CYCSA members will be
the beautiful flat waters of Eastern Cove.                               cruising to all parts of the Gulf St Vincent. A number of boats have
                                                                         booked into the Port Vincent Marina for the long weekend. Two
Seen out and about in Kangaroo Island waters were Brigadoon, Oki,
                                                                         activities are confirmed at this stage - Saturday night, a ‘bring a plate’
Vagabond, Two True, Wind Weaver, Epiphany, Pineapple Pole, RU4
                                                                         shared dinner with the Squadron in their marquee and on Sunday
Reel, Marnico, Golden Cowrie, School’s Out, and The Nanny Bus.
                                                                         night a CYCSA dinner at the Ventnor at 6.30pm – please let me know
Tour Down Under Flotilla - Port Adelaide                                 if you’d like to attend as places are limited.
The start of the 2018 Tour Down Under was held in Port Adelaide
                                                                         Happy cruising!
and the SA boating community were invited to take part in a Tour
Down Under Boating Flotilla.                                             Adrian Wotton, Chairman Cruising Association

                                                                                             Photo courtesy of Peter Guilhaus
Enter the FA Fishing Awards - see Club website FA page

Boating Showcase
      he weather was certainly not co-operating on that November Friday with rain and cold
      winds affecting the orderly set-up of the three big lovely Riviera Boats between B and C
      row in Marina East. Members and guests gathered aboard to enjoy convivial company
and a relaxing drink or two in cosseted luxury in spite of the bad weather. Big Rivs hosted by
their generous owners can do that particularly when tied up in the marina.
Our thanks to Commodore Geoff Boettcher (Tender Business), member David Henderson
(Sundowner) and Chair of FA Vlad Humeniuk (Splendido) for agreeing to have their boats
on display and being great hosts. Our thanks also to RMarineSA (Riviera Boats) for their
generous sponsorship of the night.
As the evening events started the weather eased and for a moment the sun shone through.
Cold but very pleasant as was the superb food and pleasant wines supplied by our Club
Food and Beverage Manager Andrew Kerr and the kitchen staff. Members congregated,
moved between boats, caught up with friends, got to know a few new ones and later the
fishing awards were presented.
Ace fisherman John Kenny scooped the pool with the biggest snapper and whiting. The
accompanying photo of John shows not all of his snapper catch made it to the boat on one
recent outing but the marauding shark got a good feed. His award was presented on the
night and then taken for engraving to be re-awarded at Crabbing Day.
These awards are presented to Fishing Association members who submit photos of their
prize catches via the CYCSA website where members will find a simple proforma to
complete. If this form defeats the technically challenged, talk to Mellissa in the Club office.
Annual awards are given not only for biggest snapper and whiting but also for largest game
fish and largest scale fish. We would encourage all members to do so and ask that the
submitted photo show the fish, preferably with the member, noting its size and where it was
The evening ended with a few good ‘big reds’ – wine not snapper – and the weather eased
overnight so boats were returned to their home berths without incident.
Vlad Humeniuk, Chair Fishing Association

                                                                                                    FA Chair Vlad Humeniuk and committee
                                                                                                    member Glen Simpson presents John Kenny
                                                                                                    (centre) with his fishing award

                                                                The one that didn’t get away!
                                                                C   YCSA member John Kenny had another eventful day fishing sharing a
                                                                    snapper with a great white.
                                                                “Taxman got me this morning! Paid my taxes a 3.5m white pointer took one
                                                                of our snapper and then tried to take the head at my feet on the duckboard.
                                                                The shark was only centimetres away from me!
                                                                Still bagged out with four biggies and three smaller fish. At least we could
                                                                catch one more because this one now definitely measured under 60cm.”
                                                                John Kenny

                                                          en Amos has been a member of the Club for 27 years and during that time has
                                                          contributed significantly in many ways. Aged 73 years young, Ken is married to
                                                          Deidre and they have two sons, Heath and Scott, aged 46 and 44 respectively, and
                                                   to date have two granddaughters.
                                                   Ken describes his current occupation as a semi-retired project manager specialising in the
                                                   construction and engineering disciplines and it is this area that he contributed to the Club.
                                                   The design of the BBQ area bears Ken’s signature in part and he was closely involved in
                                                   the latest development at the Club of the bar and patio area. He is also a member of the
                                                   Eastern Marina refurbishment team and a Fishing Association Committee member.
                                                   While attending Findon High School Ken met his best mate, Paul Yarwood, who was
                                                   known to many of us over the years. Together they went into boating, both power and
                                                   sail, and chronologically built many boats starting with a five metre bondwood Hartley
A VISIT BY                                         Tuna half cabin power boat, followed by a five metre Carribean Galaxy ski boat, a 5.5

‘MISS AUSTRALIA’                                   metre Swiftcraft half cabin power boat, a 13 metre ferro cement cutter rigged slip called
                                                   Contiki and a 16 metre steel cutter rigged sloop called Phantom which they built from the

   t was an honour to receive a request from       hull up. After Paul passed away Phantom was sold and Ken refurbished and repowered a
   the Club indicating that the Sunday Mail        10.6 metre ex commercial fishing boat which he called Ghost which resides in E11 at the
   wanted to use our motor yacht Le Château        Club and gives him hours of enjoyment fishing and doodling.
in a photo-shoot with Miss Universe Australia
                                                   Memories with regard to boating are many and varied but the camaraderie among
(Olivia Rogers) on board.
                                                   boaties is high on the list. Together with Paul he sailed 13 Adelaide to Port Lincoln Blue
We checked for a weather update, scrubbed          Water Classics entered in both the Cruising and Racing Divisions.
the decks and Mark invited three very willing
                                                    A trip on Phantom in company with Peter and Barbara Page’s ketch Serenity to the head
mates (Geoff Gowing, Keith Degenhardt and
                                                   of the Australian Bight was a very special time. Interesting anchorages along the way
David Grant) to assist.
                                                   included Davenport Creek near Ceduna and St Francis Island in Nuyts Archipelago two
On the day Olivia arrived with a professional      places not to be missed for anyone planning a cruise up that way. Ken and Paul covered
entourage of photographers/makeup artists,         around 14,000 sea miles together in Phantom.
hair stylists and Mirella Romano fashion stylist
                                                   Sailing as we all know involves challenges and of particular note was the trip made
for the Sunday Mail. Our amidships main
                                                   helping Peter Page deliver his Bavaria 50 foot yacht Serenity from Sydney to Adelaide in
cabin was taken over by David Jones yachting
                                                   the year 2000 during which they copped nasty weather in Bass Strait – definitely not to
inspired designer clothing. Unfortunately for
                                                   be recommended in Ken’s words.
Carole it all went when they left.
                                                   Besides being interested in all things boating Ken campaigns and races a Clubman racing
The bulk of the photo-shoot on Le Château
                                                   car together with his sons. During his involvement with motor racing he has built a replica
was located off of Semaphore in soft seas and
                                                   Shelby AC Cobra and built and raced Formula Vee and Formula 3 race cars. Flying was
sunshine followed by further photos in the
                                                   also a passion and he held a private pilot licence for a time.
Western Marina over the afternoon.
                                                   Ken has a well equipped workshop and much to Deidre’s chagrin likes to keep busy with
Miss Universe Australia is a beautiful and
                                                   the odd noisy project. One such project involved building a working model steam engine
beguiling girl, delightfully natural and with
                                                   together with a boiler of his own design. The engine is complete but the boiler is still a
a fabulous personality. It was a magic and
                                                   work in progress!
memorable moment and a pleasure and a
privilege to have her on board.                    He was actively involved in pistol shooting for many years and although he no longer
                                                   participates in the sport, is a Life Member of the Noarlunga City Pistol Club.
Mark was quite chuffed especially when Olivia
wore his Captain’s hat in some of the photo        Ken’s major plans for the future are to stay healthy for as long as possible and to go
shoots and said thank you at the end and then      fishing, sailing and motor racing and in these pursuits we wish him the best of luck.
gave him a kiss.
                                                   The Club has been a large part of his life over the past 27 years and his thoughts about
Carole lost him there for a while.                 the CYCSA are that it is a great Club which is structured well, has helpful staff and great
Mark and Carole Hentschke
                                                   Gay Footer

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