ZGODA - Polish National Alliance

Page created by Maurice Santos
ZGODA - Polish National Alliance
“Together – We Can and We Will”

                       The      POLISH
                            official     NATIONAL
                                     Publication     ALLIANCE
                                                 of the Polish OF THE U.S. OF N.A.
WINTER 2019          National Alliance of North America 1881-2019 Vol. 161; No. 4

               Merry Christmas
                     Wesołych Świąt
ZGODA - Polish National Alliance
3             President’s Corner                                                           (USPS 699-120)
                                                                                        Published Quarterly
4             From the Editor
                                                                                       The Official Publication
5             Christmas Greetings                                                  of the Polish National Alliance
6–8           From the Manager of Sales                                                 6100 N. Cicero Avenue
                                                                                        Chicago, IL 60646-4385
9 – 37        Fraternal News & Activities
                                                                                         Phone: (773) 286-0500
          •   Scholarship Opportunities
                                                                                          Fax: (773) 286-0842
          •   110th Anniversary of Lodge 1052
          •   District XII Annual Convention
          •   Henry Kotroba Hall in Dudley, MA                                         Polish National Alliance

          •   Frank Zielinski Pavilion in Wallington, CT                                     of US of NA
          •   Running for an Independent Poland
          •   We are Proud of                                                           Executive Committee
          •   2019 Photo Contest Winners                                                   Frank J. Spula
          •   New Members                                                                       President
          •   District XIII Events                                                       Marian Grabowski
          •   Region “H” News
                                                                                             Vice President
          •   Polish Heritage Month in Chicago
          •   Polish Heritage Month in Boston                                              Alicja Kuklinska
          •   PNA ‘s Legal Clinic 2020 Schedule                                            National Secretary
38 – 45 Life of Polonia                                                                   Steve H. Tokarski
       • Legion of the Young Polish Women Anniversary                                           Treasurer
       • PAC Golden Jubilee
       • Council 84 Veterans Remembrance                                            Send all articles, correspondence
       • 50 Years of Joseph Conrad Yacht Club                                               and materials to:
       • PAC Western Massachusetts Heritage Banquet                                      ZGODA Magazine
                                                                                        6100 N. Cicero Avenue
46 – 48 Living Well – Loneliness                                                          Chicago, IL 60646
49            In Memoriam                                                                  Alicja Kuklinska
50– 54        Destination Poland – Splendor of Podlasie                                          Editor
55            Polish Traditions                                                           Beatrice Jędrycha
                                                                                            Assistant Editor
56 – 57       History Pages – The Queen of Polish Carols
                                                                                              Ewa Krutul
58 – 59       Taste of Poland – Podlasie Specialties                                        Graphic Designer
60            Bulletin Board                                                         e-mail: zgoda@pna-znp.org
61            Dziennik Zwiazkowy
                                                                               Periodicals–Postage Paid at Chicago,
62            WPNA 103.1 FM                                                    Illinois and additional mailing offices.
                                                                                   POSTMASTER: Send address
                                                                                     changes to Zgoda, c/o PNA
                                                                                       6100 N. Cicero Avenue
                                                                                       Chicago, IL 60646-4385

                                                                                        Change of address
                                                                                    or interruption in subscription
                                                                                            matters contact:
                                                                                    PNA Address Dept. (ext. 366)
                                                                                               or e-mail:

                                           Branicki Palace in Bialystok
                                           (Polish Versailles) Stock photo
ZGODA - Polish National Alliance
Though we’ve altered with the times to meet the needs
                                                             of our members, one thing remains the same; the Polish
                                                             National Alliance is a source of financial strength that
                                                             will protect families for generations to come and contrib-
                                                             ute to the community.

                                                               At Christmas time, we tend to reflect on the treasurers
                                                             of our own family. More than any gift or toy, let us share
                                                             our many blessings with others now and in the year to
                                                             come. Instead of concentrating on buying something for
                                                             our loved ones, shouldn’t we focus on protecting them?
                                                             Perhaps we should also protect ourselves?

                                                               As responsible individuals, we provide for our families

President’s Corner
                                                             in a multitude of ways. Shouldn’t one of the ways be the
                                                             miracle of life insurance? Life insurance provides security
                                                             for your family if something happens to you, and gives
                                                             you peace of mind.
  December 2019                                                 This is applicable whether you are single, married, with
                                                             or without children. The cost of living has been increas-
  A Christmas Message.                                       ing every year, from household expenses to education.
                                                             In the event that something happened to the primary
  As we approach an end to another year, we can be           income provider, how would the survivor be able to man-
grateful for all the good that we have encountered. Here,    age? Would there be money for the house payment, auto,
at the Polish National Alliance, it certainly has been a     living expenses, or college? This is something to consider,
busy and exciting year. We hosted our 48th Quadren-          and you are the only one that knows the answer to that.
nial National Convention for the first time in Phoenix,
Arizona.                                                       I hope you keep this in mind, and consider reviewing
                                                             your needs this holiday season.
  As President of this organization, I’m grateful to the
Officers, Directors, and Employees with whom I work.           In closing, this is a season of giving. As we reach out to
They are the ones who contribute to the success of the       family and friends, I hope we’ll also open our hearts to
Polish National Alliance. I’m especially grateful to the     those who are lonely and in need. This action expresses
members who comprise this organization.                      the true meaning of Christmas. We must reflect upon
  This coming February of 2020, the organization will be     the love we have for others and the joy we take in giving
celebrating a milestone- 140 years of existence. Over this   ourselves to those who are less fortunate.
period, over two million individuals have been members,
and hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits have been     It’s never too late to touch a life and maybe change the
paid. This is a landmark of which our founders would be      world forever for someone.
                                                                I wish that Santa brings you the gift of never-ending
  Since the founding of our organization in 1880, we’ve      happiness this Christmas. May you, your family, and
focused on giving back to the Polish American commu-         friends be blessed abundantly.
nity. In our early days, we focused on formal meetings,
ceremonies, etc.…while today, we serve our community           Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
through various programs.


                                                                                                 Frank J. Spula, FLMI
                                                                                                   President and CEO

ZGODA - Polish National Alliance
From the Editor
      December 2019                                                           W Dzień Bożego Narodzenia
                                                                              Wszystko jest, jak przed rokiem:
      Dear Members,
                                                                              na szybach srebrne kwiaty
      I hope 2019 was a good year for you. For me, it was a swift             i ten sam obraz w ramach okien;
    one!                                                                      świat biały, jak opłatek...
                                                                              Będzie wilia! - Uśmiechną się ludzie,
      The 48th Quadrennial Convention was a great success thanks              do świątecznej zasiądą wieczerzy -
    to the Delegates diligently reviewing the reports, and approving          błogosławiony grudzień!
    By-Laws changes necessary to move our organization forward.               „W żłobie leży - któż pobieży...”
    Please, check the next Zgoda issue for the updates.                       Pomyśl: na cudzej ziemi wśród obcych,
                                                                              tacy jak ty młodzi chłopcy
       I want to congratulate my fellow Officers and Directors for            i małe dziewczęta
    their commitment and efforts on behalf of the organization.               zaśpiewają tę samą kolędę.
    Thank you to our PNA employees for providing Members with
                                                                              Pamiętaj: będą
    the best customer service and genuinely caring for the organiza-
    tion.                                                                     ludzie smutni, opuszczeni,
                                                                              niepotrzebni nikomu -
      As Zgoda’s Editor-in-Chief, I would like to extend words of             i nikt z nimi słowa nie zamieni,
    appreciation to my team- graphic designer Ewa Krutul, assis-              nie zaprosi do swego domu...
    tant editor Beatrice Jedrycha, and health contributor Teresa              Weź do ręki biały opłatek,
    Sruziak Sherman- for their input to the publication.                      choćbyś nawet nie miał go z kim dzielić -
                                                                              i życz szczęścia całemu światu
      This Zgoda issue will take you to my favorite part of Po-               niech się wszystkie serca rozweselą!
    land – Podlasie. I was born and raised in Bialystok and visit
    my hometown every year. I hope that after reading about this                                        Zdzisław Kunstman
    unique region you will be inspired to travel there at any time of
    the year. A couple of years ago, Bialystok was named the num-
    ber 1 place to retire in Poland for its picturesque location with
    plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, air quality, safety,          Pogodnych i pełnych radości
    a friendly atmosphere, a diversified culture, and affordability.             świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz
                                                                                zdrowia, szczęścia i pomyślności
      I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and best of                      w Nowym Roku,
    health, luck, and prosperity for the upcoming Year 2020.                        życzy serdecznie czytelnikom Zgody
                                                                                             zespól redakcyjny:
                                                         Most Respectfully,           Alicja Kuklińska, Ewa Krutul,
                                                                                             Beatrice Jedrycha
                                          Alicja Kuklińska, Editor-in-Chief

ZGODA - Polish National Alliance
Dear Members,
        May Christmas bring joy to your heart
           and happiness to your home!
       Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
   Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Executive Officers                        Supervisory Council
President – Frank J. Spula                Censor – Wesley E. Musial, Philadelphia, PA
Vice-President – Marian Grabowski         Vice-Censor – Irene S. Grabowy, Bristol, CT
Treasurer – Steve H. Tokarski             Commissioners:
National Secretary – Alicja Kuklinska     Wanda Milecki, Worcester, MA
                                          Marianna Koziol-Dube, Unionville, CT
Directors                                 Wanda Kotch-Ray, Bremond, TX
Business Board                            Zbigniew Wrzos, Philadelphia, PA
Irene T. Hercik, Chicago, IL              Michael G. Matiko, Duryea, PA
Anthony W. Nowak-Przygodzki, Corona, CA   David M. Sinclair, Westmoreland City, PA
Val Pawlos, Pittsburgh, PA                Stanley Magielski, North Lima, OH
Jeff Twardy, Pittsburgh PA                Thomas M. Schemanski, Hamtramck, MI
Teresa Struziak Sherman, Wilbraham, MA    John A. Baras, Eureka, MO
                                          Agata Mścisz, Mokena, IL
Fraternal Board
                                          Wanda Juda, Chicago, IL
Walter W. Tokarz, Rehoboth, MA
                                          Gary W. Babinski, Minto, ND
Bozena Kaminski, New York, NY
                                          Jaroslaw Musial, Upland, CA
Joseph M. Magielski, Youngstown, OH
                                          Allan Szuflada, Hincley, OH
Stella G. Szczesny, Hamtramck, MI
                                          Anne Hicker, Federal Way, WA
Barbara J. Wesolowski, Orland Park, IL
Wanda Penar, Niles, IL
Jolanta Mazewski-Dryden, Seabrook TX
Teresa A. Jankowski, Saint Francis, WI
Greg G. Chilecki, Orange, CA

ZGODA - Polish National Alliance
Since Christmas is a time of giving, make sure you
                                                                    give the gift of love and financial security to those you
                                                                    care about the most.

                                                                       If your New Year Resolution calls for providing
                                                                    financial security for your family, ask for our life
                                                                    insurance rates; they are more affordable than you

                                                                      Thank you for being our loyal member.

    From the                                                          Best wishes for a healthy, happy Christmas and a
                                                                    prosperous New Year!

    Manager of Sales                                                 Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i szczęśliwego
                                                                    Nowego Roku!

      December 2019                                                                                        Jolanta Walaszek
                                                                                                               Manager of Sales
      Dear Members,

      If you are reading this Zgoda magazine in December,
    you still have until the end of the month to take
    advantage of two special promotions for kids. A lot of
    parents, grandparents, and godparents have already
    provided a gift that lasts a lifetime. Why shouldn’t you?

      Special Gift for Christmas features our Single
    Premium Whole Life Insurance Plan with a
    discounted premium of 5% for children from birth
    to age 15. The one-time premium payment provides
    coverage for a lifetime. Coverage amounts start from
    10,000, but you can purchase higher coverage amounts
    such as $25,000, 50,000, 75,000, and higher.

      Twenty Pay Life Plan of Insurance is very
    popular, affordable, and provides insurability during

                                                                          Special Gift for Kids You
    your child’s, grandchild’s, or godchild’s lifetime. It offers
    opportunities to participate in great programs provided
    by the PNA. During this promotion, we will include a
    thoughtful gift that will arrive by Christmas morning.                Love and Care Aboutrs!
       Please remember, both promotions are through                       With purchase of a 20 Pay Life
    December 31st, 2019. Do not delay. Call your local                   Certificate for your child during
    Sales Representative or the Polish National Alliance
    Membership Department at 1-800-621-3723 ext. 330                    the 2019 promotion, a thoughtful
    ( Jolanta) or 344 (Halina) for additional information                    gift should arrive before
    about how you can take advantage of these plans.                            Christmas morning.

                                                                                                      ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
ZGODA - Polish National Alliance
Special Gift for Christmas
            Polish National Alliance is pleased                                              SINGLE PREMIUM WHOLE LIFE
           to announce a special promotion for                                                    10,000 FACE VALUE
          children between the ages of 0 and 15.                                             FEMALE                      MALE
                                                                           AGE                   ONE-TIME PAYMENT
         For a limited time we are featuring the                             0       813.00         772.40       906.50         861.20
                 Single Premium Plan                                         1       836.40         794.60       926.30         882.80
            with a special bonus for Christmas.                              2       861.40         818.30       956.30         908.50
                                                                             3       888.10         843.70       985.50         936.20
            For Applications submitted from                                  4       916.10         870.30      1,016.70        965.90
  November 1st, 2019 through December 31st, 2019                             5       945.20         897.90      1,049.00        996.60
PNA will provide a 5% discount on the premium payment.                       6       968.30         919.90      1,075.20       1,021.40
                                                                             7       991.80         942.20      1,102.50       1,047.40
   The Single Premium Plan provides:                                         8      1,015.80        965.00      1,130.50       1,074.00
                                                                             9      1,040.50        988.50      1,159.50       1,101.50
    • Lifetime of protection for one low payment                            10      1,065.70       1,012.40     1,189.00       1,129.60
    • Cash value increases                                                  11      1,091.40       1,036.80     1,219.20       1,158.20
    • Immediate PNA membership entitling                                    12      1,117.80       1,061.90     1,250.30       1,187.80
      your child to fraternal programs such as:                             13      1,144.60       1,087.40     1,282.10       1,218.00
      scholarship program, and many more.                                   14      1,171.90       1,113.30     1,314.20       1,248.50
                                                                            15      1,199.50       1,139.50     1,346.70       1,279.40
                                                                              Higher amounts available. Generally no medical required.

                          Polish National Alliance 6100 N. Cicero Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60646

                          For more information on the Polish National Alliance and its programs visit: www.pna-znp.org         PNAZNP
ZGODA 2019, Issue No Please,
                     4       contact your local sales representative or call the Membership Department: 1-800-621-3723 ext. 344 & 330
ZGODA - Polish National Alliance
Why should you protect your child with
     the Polish National Alliance?
1. Affordability                            more costly, if not impossible, to obtain life
The premium amounts are low and will        insurance.
remain level throughout the 20-year         4. PNA Membership
paying period. The younger the child, the   Purchasing a life insurance certificate
lower the payment will be.                  with the PNA provides opportunities to
2. Cash Value                               participate in Membership programs, such
Permanent life insurance builds cash        as scholarships, sports programs, contests,
value. The cash component allows you to     and subsidies. These benefits separate us
borrow the money that has been built up.    from commercial life insurance carriers, and
                                            they are without any cost to the Member.
3. Future Insurability
Permanent life insurance provides           5. Gift
a lifetime of protection. If your child     If you purchase your certificate by the
develops a disability or chronic illness    end of December 2019, your child will
later in life, it will become hard and      then receive a special gift from the Polish
                                            National Alliance.

                     Polish National Alliance
                     6100 N. Cicero Avenue, Chicago, IL 60646-4385
                     www.pna-znp.org          1-800-621-3723, ext. 330 & 344
ZGODA - Polish National Alliance
The Polish National Alliance
      of the U.S. of N.A.

 Will be celebrating its 140th Birthday
         on February 15, 2020

   Since 1880, the PNA is financially
  protecting Polish American families
 through life insurance and annuities,
    and offering fraternal benefits.

    It is the largest Polish American
         Fraternal Benefit Society.
     It is one of the 25 leading Life
           Insurance Companies
            in the United States.

      The Polish National Alliance
            operates solely
  for the benefit of its most valuable
          asset- its Members.

   Thank You for Your Membership

ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
ZGODA - Polish National Alliance
Fraternal News

 110   On November 9, 2019 Lodge
                                 th Anniversary of Lodge 1052
                                             between the tables playing classical
                                                                                          in Pittsburgh
                                                                                    was Pittsburgh City Council Wom-
     1052 West End Pittsburgh celebrat-      music. There were around nine-         an Teresa Kail Smith and District
     ed its 110th anniversary. The event     ty students. After the dinner, Mr.     Magistrate Judge Randy Martini.
     was held at the DoubleTree Hotel,       Kaminski introduced the officers
     Greentree, PA, with 270 guests.         and Board of Directors of Lodge          President Mark Pawlos ad-
                                             1052. The work for this event is be-   dressed the guests thanking them
                                             cause of all these people: President   for attending and introduced three
                                             Mark Pawlos, Vice President Keith      past presidents of the lodge Mr. Joe
                                             Smith, Treasurer Joe Kaminski,         Kaminski, Mr. Charles Magilson,
                                             Secretary Tracy Smith, Financial       and Mr. Val Pawlos. Their efforts
                                             Secretary Steve Verbanets, Insur-      and those of 1052 members are
                                             ance Secretary Jeff Twardy, Board      why the lodge is such a success.
                                             of Directors, Pat Adamson, Steve       His remarks truly touched home
                                             Kulback, Mike Pawlos, Fred Small-      to everyone there. PNA Treasur-
                                             hoover, Jim Meinzer and Frank          er Tokarski was introduced and
                                             Mozuch who is also club steward.       remarked how Lodge 1052 is a
                                             Mr. Kaminski then acknowledged         model for all the lodges of the PNA.
                                                                                    He congratulated the officers and
       Janet & Val Pawlos                                                           members for an outstanding event.
                                                                                    Treasurer Steve Tokarski presented
       Festivities opened with the singing                                          Mr. Joe Kaminski with the Silver
     of both the Polish National Anthem                                             Cross Service Medal on behalf of
     and the Star-Spangled Banner.                                                  the Organization. Mr. Tokarski said
     Master of ceremonies and former                                                that Joseph Kaminski deserves this
     National Director, Joseph Kamins-                                              award for all of his years of service
     ki, had opening remarks. He intro-                                             to the Polish National Alliance. An
     duced Mr. Joe Twardy to give the                                               honor well deserved. “When West
     dinner prayer. Mr. Keith Smith had                                             End Pulaski is mentioned, the first
                                                                                    person who comes to mind is Mr.
                                               Marlene & Joseph Kaminski            Joe Kaminski.”

                                             all PNA guests attending, National        Entertainment was provided by
                                             Treasurer Steve Tokarski, National     the nationally-known Johnny Angel
                                             Business Directors, Val Pawlos and     and the Halos. Their music filled
                                             Jeff Twardy, National Fraternal        the dance floor all night long. After
                                             Directors Joe Magielski, and Sean      the event was over, most guests went
                                             Jackson, former District 8 Commis-     to Lodge 1052 to keep the celebra-
                                             sioner Rich Tyszkiewicz and Presi-     tion going. A good time was had by
       Sean Jackson & Richard Tyszkiewicz    dent of Lodge 352 McKeesport, Bill     all.
     a toast honoring all past, present,
     and future members of Lodge 1052.         A big Thank You goes out to the        Submitted by PNA Director Val Pawlos
     While dinner was being served, the      37 members in attendance from
     Strolling Strings of North Allegheny    Lodge 352 McKeesport for support-             Photos submitted by PNA Director
     High School performed by walking        ing this event. Also in attendance,                                Jeff Twardy

ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
Fraternal News

     D             istrict XII Annual Convention

                                                                                      delegate to the Polish American
                                                                                      Congress, reported on the many
                                                                                      activities of the Congress this past

                                                                                        District XII allotted each of their
                                                                                      48 campers a $25 subsidy, totaling
                                                                                      $1,200. It was decided that this
                                                                                      practice will continue in 2020.

                                                                                         Commissioner Agata Mscisz
                                                                                      gave a Membership Report. She
                                                                                      reported that District XII has been
                                                                                      very instrumental in promoting
                                                                                      membership. Krzystof Mscisz, the
                                                                                      Commissioner’s husband, ranks
                                                                                      second nationally in the number of
                                                                                      insurance applications he submitted.
       Chicago, IL. The District XII        Convention were approved, as well.        He was acknowledged for his efforts
     Annual Convention was held on                                                    at this year’s National Convention.
     Sunday, November 10, 2019, at the        Irene Hercik, PNA Business              Other District XII members who
     Mayfield Banquet Hall. Commis-         Director, could not attend but sent       submitted applications this year
     sioner Agata Mscisz welcomed all       a letter, wishing the District fruitful   were Agata Mscisz, Agata Czer-
     present. Honored guests included       deliberations. In her letter, Mrs.        wocz, Helena Krzyminski, Katarzy-
     Frank Spula, PNA National Pres-        Hercik stressed the importance of         na Niemczyk, Barbara Wesolowski,
     ident, Barbara Wesolowski, PNA         member participation in the Polish        Bogumila Hejna, and Anna Za-
     Fraternal Director, Wanda Juda,        Independence Day 10k/5k Run/              linska. For the period of November
     District XIII Commissioner, Arthur     Walk, which she and her family            1-December 31, 2019, there will be a
     Trybek and Cecelia Tomaszkiewicz,      were participating in on the day of       5% discount on single premiums for
     former District XII Directors, Anna    the Convention.                           children aged 0-15.
     Kokoszka, Roman Bucon, Anna
     Bucon, and Jerzy Hejna, former           Joseph Dobersztyn, District XII           Frank Spula, PNA National
     District XII Commissioners, and        Treasurer, delivered his Financial        President, addressed the group and
     Edward Mika, of the PNA Youth          Report, followed by a report given        reported on how state and federal
     Camp Association.                      by Judith Trybek, District XII PNA        insurance regulations affect the
                                            Youth Home Corporation Scholar-           PNA. He also reported on this
       Shirley Wass was appointed as        ship Chair. She reported that the
     Recording Secretary. Anna Koko-        Youth Corp awarded $6,000 worth
     szka led the group in the singing of   of college scholarships this year.
     the American and Polish National       Since 1987, the Youth Home Corpo-
     Anthems. The Mandate Commit-           rations has awarded 890 scholar-
     tee’s Report of 28 Delegates in at-    ships, totaling $438,500.
     tendence was approved, and Wanda
     Juda administered the Oath to all       Edward Mika reported on the
     Delegates. The Minutes of the last     PNA Youth Camp. Irene Spiewak,

                                                                                                   ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
these young people but to the Polish
                                          community at large. Commissioner
                                          Mscisz chaired the event. Other             Life changes
                                                                                       all the me!
                                          Committee members included
                                          Krzystof Mscisz, Irene Spiewak,
                                          Barbara Wesolowski, and Shirley

                                            Anna Kokoszka, the former Dis-
                                          trict XII Commissioner, was lauded
                                                                                      Review your
                                          for her recent designation as “Life-
                                          time Delegate of the PNA National
                                          Convention,” awarded to her at last
                                                                                    life insurance
                                          August’s National Convention.
                                            The following appointments were
Commissioner Agata Mścisz (standing)
                                          made: Irene Spiewak, Raymond
                                          Kosinski, Krzystof Mscisz, and
and Anna Kokoszka                         Shirley Wass as Delegates to the           your beneficiaries’
                                          Youth Camp Association; Irene
year’s National Convention, the           Spiewak, Barbara La Rocco, and                   informaaon
failed attempt to tax fraternal orga-     Raymond Kosinski as Delegates
nizations, how the PNA is reducing        to the Youth Home Corporation;                   Add, change
expenditures, the PNA’s efforts to        and Irene Spiewak, Delegate to the
hire a new Sales Director, the Visa       Polish American Congress.                          or remove
Waiver Program, and a possible fu-
ture name change. He also reported          Officers for the next term include
that the PNA is very stable finan-
cially and is not losing revenues but
                                          Irene Spiewak as Vice-President,
                                          Joseph Dobersztyn as Treasurer,           It takes just 5 minutes!
gaining revenues.                         Shirley Wass as Secretary, and Jan
  Representatives of Councils 39,         Chlipala as Marshall. Commission-
55, 80, 123, and 143 gave reports of      er Mscisz will continue as President
the many fraternal and charitable         and be responsible for organizing
activities taking place within their      fundraising efforts.
                                            Closing remarks were given by
  Commissioner Mscisz reported on         Wanda Penar, retiring Fraternal
the many activities she is involved       Director of Region G, and Wanda
in, especially her role as choreogra-     Juda, District XIII Commissioner.
pher and instructor of Polish dance       Commissioner Mscisz thanked all of
groups and her involvement at the         those in attendance.
PNA Youth Camp with summer
campers.                                    As a closing activity, Anna Koko-
                                          szka led the group in the singing of
  The Commissioner also reported          “God Bless America” and “Boże
on the District XII Debutante and         Coś Polskę.” Upon adjournment,
Squire Ball, which was held last          all the delegates and guests enjoyed
February. Eleven girls and seven          dinner and fraternal fellowship.
boys participated. One boy and one
girl were awarded $500 each. The                       Submitted by Shirley Wass
rest of participation. All of the other                Photos by Krzysztof Mścisz
participants were awarded $50
each. It was a lovely event, bring-
ing pride not only to the families of

ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
Fraternal News

     H               enry Kotroba Hall in Dudley Massachusetts

                                               were made available for members to
                                               update their information.
                                                                                        he always attends the Lodge and
                                                                                        Council Meetings, and occasionally
                                                                                        will provide information on interest-
                                                  President Sendrowski called on        ed parties to be members.
                                               the delegates to elect the officers.
                                               Delegates re-elected the same              The meeting adjourned with a
                                               slate of officers: President- Joseph     buffet and picture taking closing out
                                               Sendrowski, Vice President- Zosia        another productive meeting.
                                               Szydlik, Treasurer-Joseph Yurkev-
                                               icius, Recording Secretary-Felicia                   Submitted by Wanda Milecki,
                                               Harney, retained Wanda Milecki as                       Commissioner of District I
                                               their financial secretary support as                                (Region “A”)
                                               appointed by then National Secre-
                                               tary Charlie Komosa. Lodge 2876
                                               delegates had conveyed their desire
     Vice President Zosia Szydlik, President
                                               for Wanda to continue even though
     Joseph Sendrowski, Commissioner Wanda
     Milecki                                   all premiums are the direct bill.

        Dudley, Massachusetts. Lodge              A very revered and distinguished
     2876, on November 10, 2019, held          delegate of the Lodge is Henry
     its annual meeting of the Polish          Kotroba. He related to me that he
     National Alliance members. Presi-         had been a member of the Polish
     dent Joseph Sendrowski opened the         National Alliance since 1934. He
     meeting with singing the national         supported the Lodge as Financial
     anthem followed by the pledge of          Secretary up to 2015, was a Sales
     allegiance. A moment of silence was       Representative, signed up most of
     observed for departed members.            the members who will relate, “Oh,        Delegates administered oath
     The delegates recognized all the          Henry signed my family and me
     veterans with applause, and thanked       up.” He was a top Sales Representa-
     them for their service. The meeting       tive for many years, recognized, and
     continued with the introduction of        awarded Top Sales Man on more
     members at the head table. Com-           than one occasion. Henry attended
     missioner Wanda Milecki spoke             many of the training seminars for
     briefly about members’ policies and       sales representatives. He had been
     the need to update the address and        the driving force for many years
     beneficiaries to make the certificate     in Council 111 serving as the Vice
     reflect current information. Com-         President, and on the scholarship
     missioner Milecki provided a sad          committee among some of the offic-
     instance where the beneficiary was        es he held. The Lodge honored him
     no longer relevant, and the family        by dedicating the PNA Dudley Hall        Henry Kotroba, Commissioner Wanda
     members were unaware of that              as “Henry Kotroba Hall.” Today,          Milecki, Vice President Zosia Szydlik
     fact till they put in a claim. Forms      his active days are behind him. Still,

                                                                                                       ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
„Andrzejki” w                                                     District XII Youth Home
Południowej Kalifornii                                           Corporation Scholarships

  Już po raz 30. w Ośrodku Polonijnym im Św. Jana                  The PNA District XII Youth Home Corporation
Pawła II w Yorba Linda, Grupa 3259 „Piast” zorga-               is happy to announce it has awarded three $1000
nizowała wieczór andrzejkowy dla ponad 120 przy-                scholarships for the 2019-2020 school year. The
byłych gości.
                                                                total amount of scholarships awarded is $6000. The
                                                                recipients are: Marianna Bochnak, Chloe Cosgrove,
                                                                Andrea Papiernik, Brian Papiernik, Kevin Papiernik,
                                                                Matthew Papiernik, Jackob Podczerwinski, David
                                                                Jeffrey Schulte, and Marleh Wodka.
                                                                   The officers of the Youth Home Corporation Dis-
                                                                trict XII are Fraternal Director Barbara Wesolows-
                                                                ki – President, Arthur Trybek – 1st Vice President,
                                                                Anna Kokoszka -2nd Vice President, Shirley Wass
                                                                – Secretary, and Judith Trybek – Treasurer.
                                                                   The Scholarship Committee members are Judith
                                                                Trybek – Chairman and Secretary, Barbara We-
Organizatorzy zabawy andrzejkowej gotowi na przyjęcie gości.
                                                                solowski, Arthur Trybek, Anna Kokoszka, Shirley
   Organizatorzy zadbali o doskonałą atmosferę,                 Wass, and Gail Bialas.
piękne dekoracje, dobrą muzykę i smakowite jedzenie.               Since 1987, District XII Youth Home Corpo-
   Obecni na imprezie Andrzeje, w liczbie 8 osób,               ration has awarded 890 scholarships for a total of
otrzymali po butelce szampana i wiele gorących
życzeń. Młodzież pomagała przy serwowaniu                       $438,500.00
posiłków i sprzedaży biletów loterii, z której dochód
został przeznaczony na stypendia. Członkowie grupy                                          Submitted by Judith Trybek,
poświęcili wiele godzin pracy, aby uczestnicy wynieśli                                          Secretary of District XII
z imprezy mile wrażenia.
                                                                           Youth Home Corporation Scholarship Committee
                                 Dochód z zabawy an-
                               drzejkowej jest głównym
                               źródłem finansowania
                               działalności Grupy 3259.
                               Duża część wypracow-
                               anych środków przeznacza-
                               na jest na stypendia dla
                               młodzieży i organizowanie
                               imprez niedochodowych
                               jak wystawy, akademie,
                               lub przeznaczana na cele

                                           Grzegorz Chilecki,
                                          Dyrektor Region „J”
Prowadzący: Marlena Hulisz
i Grzegorz Chilecki

ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
Fraternal News

     “Frank Zielinski Pavilion” in Wallington, CT

        On August 11th, Members of              The honored guests were: Wall-
     Lodge 513 celebrated the official        ingford Mayor William Dickinson,
     opening of the new park pavilion         State Senator Len Fasano, and
     called, the “Frank Zielinski Pavil-      Reverend Father Roman Kmiec,
     ion.” The ceremony took place in         Vice Censor PNA Irene Grabowy,
     the Polish National Alliance Park        Fraternal Director Region “A”
     located in Wallington, Connecticut.      Walter Tokarz, Commissioner of
     The structure was dedicated to the       District 2 Marianna Koziol Dube,
     memory of hardworking member             President of Lodge 513 Edward Za-
     Frank Zielinski who was the Presi-       vaski, and other members of Lodge
     dent of Lodge 513, Vice President of     513 with friends. Warm greetings
     Council 138, President of Council        also went to PNA President Frank
     138, Commissioner of District 2,         Spula, executive officers in Chicago,
     and 41st, 42nd, 43rd, and 44th Del-      and all of the board directors.
     egate to the PNA National Conven-          The ceremony featured keynote
     tion. Zielinski spoke beautiful Polish   speakers. Also referenced were
     and dedicated love, devotion, and        words of unity and fraternal spirit,
     dedication to his family especially      which were found during PNA’s
     his wife, Mary, and his sons, Ed-        founding. Of course the ceremony
     ward and John.                           was not without food and music.         Submitted by Walter Tokarz,
                                              The newly-built pavilion promotes       Fraternal Director Region”A”
                                              optimism for the Lodge’s future.

Święto Dziękczynienia w Gminie 120

                                                                                  PNA Lodge 841
                                                                                  Annual Scholarship

Chórzystki Filareci-Dudziarz przy
Związku Śpiewaków Polskich w Ameryce
  W czwartek 7 listopada, 2019                                                   Available for the fraternal
Gmina 120 ZNP zorganizowała                                                      members of Lodge 841,
w kafeterii Związku Narodowego
                                                                                        Monaca, PA
Polskiego tradycyjne, doroczne
spotkanie z okazji Dnia Dziękczy-
nienia. Przybyłych gości przywi-
tała wiceprezeska gminy Wanda          Standing (l-r) Agata Mścisz, Stanislawa
Penar dziękując za przybycie,          Rawicki, Wanda Juda, Anna
przedstawiając gości: dyrektorkę       Wierzbicki, Irene Hercik, Wanda Penar,
Irenę Hercik, komisarkę Okręgu         Janina Kopacz. Sitting (l-r) Zenon
XII Agatę Mścisz, byłe dyrektorki      Olejniczak, Stanley Magnuszewski,
Annę Wierzbicką i Stanisławę Ra-       Józef Penar
wicką, oraz byłego Okręgu XIII         się dawne czasy.
Zenona Olejniczaka.
                                         Rozlosowano loterię fantową i
  Jako pierwszy wystąpił Chór          pieniężną. Następnie goście zostali
Filareci-Dudziarz Nr 15 Związku        zaproszeni na kolację. Zebrani przy-
Śpiewaków Polskich w Ameryce,          jemnie spędzili jesienny wieczór.
którego prezeską jest Anna Smo-
roń. Akompaniowała pani Jadzia           Dziękujemy wszystkim za przy-                 Further info:
Koszałka. Za odśpiewanie trady-        bycie, a chórowi za piękny śpiew i
cyjnych piosenek wojskowych chó-       popieranie naszych imprez.                   Martin Olshanski
rzyści zostali nagrodzeni gromkim                                                  308 Trafalgar Square
brawami. Dla wielu przypomniały          Wanda Juda, komisarka Okręgu XIII
                                                                                 Cranberry Twp., PA 16066
                                                                                    724 – 816 – 6500

ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
Fraternal News

     R          unning for Independence

       On Sunday, November 10th,            crowd of fans. Delicious warm food
     2019, the second-annual Polish         was provided by Alex’s Deli, and
     Independence 10K/5K Run/Walk           the Polish Army Historical Associa-
     organized by WPNA 103.1 FM took        tion served bean soup. Other event
     place in Chicago’s Montrose Har-       partners included: Polish National
     bor. With lingering strong winds,      Alliance, Dziennik Związkowy,
     over 2,000 people participated in      Aetna, Atlantic Express, LOT Air-
     this historic event regardless of      lines, Żubr, Chicago Area Runners
     the differences involving religion,    Association, Special Events Man-
     age, or political views. That day’s    agement, and Fleet Feet.
     warming smiles and youthful energy
     did not go unnoticed by local and        Polish National Alliance Presi-
     international media outlets. The       dent Frank Spula expressed pride
     Run/Walk began with cannon fire        and joy in the Polish community’s
     at 11:11 am, a symbolic reference to   ability to organize such a successful
     November 11th, 1918, the official      event. Director of the WPNA 103.1
     date when Poland gained back its       FM Jacek Niemczyk, who was also
     independence after 123 years from      the organizer, thanked everyone
     the Russian, Prussian, and Aus-        in attendance. Musically talent-
     tro-Hungarian empires.                 ed Emilia Topór sang the Polish
                                            and American national anthems.
                                            PNA Business Director Anthony
                                            Nowak-Przygodzki from Corona,
                                            California, was one of the partici-
                                            pants. PNA Business Board Director
                                            Irene Hercik from Chicago and her
                                            husband Joseph (former District
                                            XIII Commissioner), volunteered
                                            and gave away medals. The winners
                                            of the 10k race were Krzysztof Bąk
                                            and Marisa Ruhter, who both won
                                            plane tickets to Poland financed by
                                            LOT Airlines.

       There was lots to do and see            Participants were also encouraged
     before and after the Run/Walk. As      to bring women’s winter clothing
     attendants were arriving and some      items for Sarah’s Circle.
     were signing up last-minute and           The next run is scheduled for
     picked up their packets, Magdalena     Sunday, November 8th, 2020.
     Huk “Dzika” provided a half-hour
     intense but energizing workout.
     Athletico Physical Therapy offered                 Written by Beatrice Jędrycha
     massages. Before and after the run,      Photos courtesy of Dziennik Związkowy
     Polish-American Rapper Funky
     Polak performed and garnered a

                                                                                       ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
We are proud of

     Zbigniew Anthony Kruszewski                                                     WPNA 103.1 FM
     ORDER OF MERIT RECIPIENT                                                        A NIELSEN-RATED
                                          The Commander’s Cross of
                                        the Order of Merit
                                                                                     RADIO STATION
                                                                                        On October 2nd, for the first time
                                          The University of Texas at El              ever in Chicago radio history a Polish
                                        Paso Professor Emeritus, PNA                 -language station in the United States
                                        Member, Zbigniew Anthony Kru-                made it to the prestigious Nielsen Audio
                                        szewski was awarded the Comman-              audience ranking. On average, WPNA
                                        der’s Cross of the Order of Merit            103.1 FM has around 100,000 daily
                                        of the Republic of Poland. The               listeners in the Chicago area. Despite
                                        official award ceremony took place           being in age of Internet and smartpho-
     (l-r) Minister Adam Kwiatkowski & on August 12th, 2019, at the Presi-
                                                                                     nes, “The Polish-American Mix” has
     Zbigniew Kruszewski                dential Palace in Warsaw, Poland.            gained lots of fans in a span of just two
     The award was presented by Secretary of State Adam Kwiatkowski                  years on air. Contrary to what some
     on behalf of the Polish President Andrzej Duda. The Commander’s                 people claim, radio is not dying. In
     Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland is bestowed               fact, it is most popular form of media
     upon foreigners and Polish citizens who permanently live abroad and             in the United States. About 93% of
     make outstanding contributions to international cooperation between             Americans listen to radio at least once a
     Poland and the rest of the world.                                               month compared to 88% of those who
                                                                                     often watch television.
     Carl J. Lukach
     CFO OF THE YEAR                                                                    According to the Nielsen ranking,
                                                                                     103.1 FM garners 0.1% of Chicago’s
                         Carl J. Lukach, Member of PNA Lodge 600, was                listeners. Such a small number may ap-
                       honored in the public company category during the             pear insignificant at first glance, but the
                       Financial Executives International (FEI) 9th Annual           city has the third largest radio market
                       Chicago CFO of the Year Awards. Mr. Lukach is an              after New York and Los Angeles. The
                       Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer          station came in 42nd place among 106
                       of the „Univar Solutions”, a global chemical and              radio stations in Chicago. This ranking
                       ingredient distributor and service provider located in        will help attract marketing companies
                       Downers Grove, IL. Previously, he held the position           and advertising agencies. Nielsen’s ran-
                       of Vice President-Treasury, Tax & Investor Relations          king has been the “Holy Grail” among
                       at Performance Chemicals Co., President at DuPont             Polish-American radio stations.
                       Asia Pacific Ltd., Finance Director for DuPont Au-
                       tomotive Co., Auditor & Tax Consultant at Pricewa-               WPNA 103.1 FM is on air 24/7 since
     terhouse & Co., Managing Director-Finance at Du Pont K.K., and                  September 2017. The formula was
     Vice President-Investor Relations for E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.             experimental through its mixture of
     and Vice Chairman-Finance at The Association of The Nonwoven                    English and Polish. These two langu-
     Fabrics Industry.                                                               ages and cultures are combined, making
       Financial Executives International (FEI) Chicago Chapter’s CFO of             it a unique place on a global scale. The
     the Year Awards honor senior financial leaders who have made signifi-           station plays popular songs from both
     cant contributions to a business or non-profit in the Chicago area.             the United States and Poland.

       Carl J. Lukach is the grandson of late Mrs. Sophie Wojcik of Wilkes
     Barre, PA, former recipient of the PNA Gold Legion of Honor, PAC

     Director working closely with late President Charles Rozmarek.

                            Submitted by Carl A. Lukach (father of Carl J. Lukach)

                                                                                                      ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
Wanda Penar                                      Polska Szkoła im.
DYREKTOR                                         św. Maksymiliana Marii Kolbe
                             W październi-
                                                 JUBILUSZ 45-LECIA
                           kowe, niedzielne         W październiku 2019, Polska Szkoła im. św. Maksymiliana Ma-
                           popołudnie Polska     rii Kolbe w Chicago obchodziła 45-lecie swego istnienia. Uroczy-
                           Szkoła im. Gene-      stość rozpoczęła się mszą św. w ko-
                           rała Władysława       ściele św. Konstancji, której katolicka
                           Andersa uroczy-       szkoła jest domem dla polskiej szkoły.
                           ście pożegnała        Mszę koncelebrowali proboszcz ks.
                           odchodzącą na         Ryszard Milek, ks. Paweł Barwiński
                           emeryturę, dłu-       i ks. Tadeusz Dieszko długoletni
                           goletnią dyrektor     opiekun duchowy i przyjaciel szkoły
                           szkoły, panią         i wzięli w niej udział oprócz zapro-
Wandę Penar.                                     szonych gości nauczyciele, rodzice i
   Uroczystość zaszczycili swoją obecno-            Po zakończeniu mszy, uczniowie Halina Żurawski, Alicja
ścią: wicemarszałek sejmu Rzeczypospolitej       wystąpili we wzruszającej insceniza- Nawara, Alicja Kuklińska,
Polskiej Małgorzata Gosiewska, wicedyrektor      cji poświęconej patronowi szkoły św. Zofia Mazurek, Jolanta
TV Polonia Filip Frąckowiak, konsul gene-        Maksymilianowi Marii Kolbe i zabra-Zabłodzka-Kupiec
ralny RP w Chicago Piotr Janicki, JE biskup      li głos najważniejsi goście jubileuszu w krótkich, ale znaczących
Andrzej Wypych oraz ksiądz Andrzej Za-           wystąpieniach. Oprócz konsula RP Piotra Semeniuka i prezesa
górski, Michael Niedziński, prezes wydziału      Zrzeszenia Nauczycieli Polskich Tadeusza Młynka głos zabrała
stanowego Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej,        sekretarz Związku Narodowego Polskiego Alicja Kuklińska, pod-
Alicja Kuklińska, sekretarz Związku Narodo-      kreślając, że na sukces szkoły złożyła się praca nauczycieli, dzieci i
wego Polskiego (PNA), Zrzeszenie Nauczycie-                                   zaangażowanie rodziców. Wyraziła też
li Polskich w Ameryce z prezesem Tadeuszem                                    dumę z faktu, że PNA, realizując swoją
Młynkiem i wiceprezes Heleną Sołtys na                                        misję, wspiera finansowo polskie szkoły
czele. Przybyli dyrektorzy i prezesi polskich                                 i od początku współpracy, czyli od
szkół, absolwenci szkoły oraz jej uczniowie,                                  1988 roku, przekazał na szkolone cele
nauczyciele i pracownicy, jak również rodzina                                 niespełna $300,000.00.
pani Penar.
                                                                               Mniej oficjalna część jubileuszu od-
   Spotkanie było okazją do wspomnień,                                       była się w sali parafialnej, podczas któ-
gratulacji i życzeń, również tych, przesłanych                               rej uhonorowano nauczycieli i wystąpił
przez zaprzyjaźnioną córkę patrona szko-                                     Zespół Pieśni i Tańca Polonia.
ły Annę Marie Anders, ambasador RP w
Rzymie. Wszyscy mówcy podkreślali zasługi          Od 25 lat szkołą kieruje z rozwagą i zaangażowaniem dyrektor
pani Wandy Penar nie tylko dla Szkoły im.        Jolanta Zabłocki - Kopiec wspomagana przez wicedyrektor Alicję
Gen. Andersa, którą kierowała od 1990            Nawarę, znaną w środowisku polonijnym autorkę podręczników
roku, ale również wielu innych organizacji,      do geografii. Na czele komitetu rodzicielskiego stoi pani Malgo-
których pani Wanda była i jest członkiem. W      rzata Benbenek.
tym roku, dobiega również końca jej druga
kadencja dyrektora krajowego Związku Na-                                                           Zdjęcia: Artur Partyka
rodowego Polskiego.

  Odpowiedzialna, życzliwa i zawsze opano-
wana pani Wanda Penar może służyć za wzór
postawy społecznika, pedagoga, patrioty, a
przede wszystkim człowieka, który rozważnie
kroczy przez życie szanując innych i zyskując
zasłużony szacunek i podziw.

                      Zdjęcia: Andrzej Brach
                                                 Grono pedagogiczne szkoły

Winners of the 2019
     PNA Photo Contest
                                              On Wednesday, October
                                            23, 2019, a committee of
                                            three members: Mrs. Mag-
                                            dalena Marczewska, WPNA
                                            103.1 FM; Alicia Otap,
                                            Editor of Polish Daily News
                                            and Alicja Kuklińska, PNA     Christina G. Bandini
                                            National Secretary met at     “Having my Own Kind of Summer Fun”
                                            the Home Office to choose
                                            the winners of the Photo
                                            Contest. This year’s theme
                                            was “A Body in Motion”.

     Alicja Otap, Magdalena Marczewska,    Each member was allowed
     Alicja Kuklińska                    to send an 8 x 10 photo.
                                         This year, 42 entries were re-
     ceived. The committee carefully looked at each entry and chose
     10 photos based on originality and technique.

       On behalf of Polish National Alliance Officers and Directors,
     we would like to extend a Thank You to everyone who took part
     in this contest. We look forward to seeing your entry in 2020.

                                                                          Joanna Bojarzynska
      Winners of the 2019 PNA Photo Contest:                              „The Girl in Red”
      (In alphabetical order)
       Christina G. Bandini               David Mścisz,
       Brooklyn, NY                       Mokena, IL
       “Having my Own Kind of             “Jumping for Summer Vacation”
       Summer Fun”
                                          Marta Mścisz,
       Joanna Bojarzynska                 Mokena, IL
       Buffalo Grove, IL                  “Flipping Fun Time”
       “The Girl in Red”
                                          Julia Rywak,
       Thaddeus A. Chapa                  Chicago, IL
       Merritt Island, FL                 “Soaring Star”
       “Gravity Works”
                                          Joyce Pociask,
       William Dorula                     Westland, MI
       Bridgeview, IL		                   “Rainbow Maker”                 Thaddeus A. Chapa
       „Swiat Do Góry Nogami”                                             „Gravity Works”
                                          Susan Rook,
       Aleksander Matyszczyk,             Plainfield, IL
       Ansonia, CT 		                     “Who Ruffled Her Feathers?”
       “Super Dog – UNO”

                                                                                           ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
William Dorula                  Aleksander Matyszczyk
„Swiat Do Góry Nogami”          “Super Dog – UNO”

                                                                   Julia Rywak
                                                                   “Soaring Star”

David Mścisz
“Jumping for Summer Vacation”

                                                 Joyce Pociask        Susan Rook
                                                 “Rainbow Maker”      “Who Ruffled Her Feathers?”

Marta Mścisz
“Flipping Fun Time”

ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
New Members

                                                                     Buster Lee Ritter,
                                                                     born on August 10th,
                                                                     2018, is the newest
                                                                     member of Lodge 128 in
                                                                     Bremond, Texas.
                                                                     He is the 14th great
                                                                     grandchild signed up by
                                                                     Marie and the late Paul
                                                                     Zam. Submitted by PNA
                                                                     Sale Representative and
                                                                     District V Commissioner    Lucas Michael Finlay,
                                                                     Wanda Kotch-Ray.           born in July, 2018, joined the family
                                                                                                of PNA Lodge 1684.
                                                                                                The insurance certificate was pur-
                                                                                                chased by Dziadziu and Babcia, John
                                                                                                and Mary Sala, as well as Uncle Stan-
     Ofelia Maria Swiderski,
                                                                                                ley and Aunt Cheryl Szozda. Lucas is
     born January 14th, 2018, is the                                      Madison Kathryn       part of a 100% PNA Family.
     daughter of Gregory and Ivona                                        Acquaviva,
     Swiderski of Niskayuna, New                                          born on December
     York, New York, and the newest                                       17th, 2017, is the
     member of Lodge 1291. Her                                            newest member
     babcia Wieslawa purchased a                                          of Lodge 2825
     single premium plan of insurance.                                    (Council 39), in
     She was signed up by Sales                                           Chicago, IL.
     Representative Edward Swiderski.                                     Madison’s proud
                                                                          parents are Beth
                                                                          Anne (nee: Janik)
                                          and Phil Acquaviva and grandparents are Kathryn
                                          and Edwin Janik. Madison is a cousin to another new
                                          member, Jaymeson Rylan Theodore.

                                         Cameron Jeffery Krawczyk,
                                         born October 12th, 2017, son of Jessica and Kevin,     Abigail Rae Tanhauser,
                                         is a new PNA member of Lodge 1824 Lemont,              was born on August 22nd, 2018. Abi-
                                         Illinois. The PNA membership is the gift from his      gail is the daughter of Brian and Julie
                                         loving grandparents, Janet and Stanley Krawczyk,       Tanhauser, and is a new member of
                                         longtime PNA members. He was signed up by              Lodge 1747. The membership is
                                         Bogumila Hejna, Rercording Secretary of Lodge          a gift from her loving grandparents
                                         1824.                                                  Andy and Sue Tanhauser.

                                                                                                           ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
Erick William Nowack,                       Oliver Tyde Howansky,
born May 31st, 2018, is a new member        born September 2nd, 2019, is the 7th     Sebastian Comerford,
of Lodge 759, Council 13. His parents       grandchild of Anna and Daniel How-       born August 2nd, 2019, is a son of Emily
are Erica Subkowski and Kyle Nowack         ansky, and is the newest member of       Jendzejec and Bennett Comerford of
of Chicago, IL. His loving grandparents     the New York Lodge 1684.                 Bend, Oregon. He became a sixth genera-
Czeslawa and Witold Subkowski, and god-     He was signed up to the PNA family       tion PNA member signed up by his caring
mother Evita Subkowski welcomed him to      by Mary Sala, Lodge 1684 Record-         great grandfather Stanley M. Jendzejec,
the PNA family.                             ing Secretary.                           former PNA Vice President.

                                                                                       Daniel Jacob Lubas,
                                                                                       born June 29th, 2018, of Dearborn
Viviana Rosemarie Dailey,                                                              Heights, MI is the newest PNA mem-
                                          Sophia Wrona,
born January 18th, 2019, is the                                                        ber of Lodge 2525. He joins his older
                                          born January 2nd, 2019, is a daughter of
daughter of Joanna and Michael Dailey                                                  brother, Nathaniel Lubas, who also has
                                          Danielle Wrona of Brookpark, Ohio. The
of Hoffman Estates, IL. She is a new                                                   PNA membership. The policy is a gift
                                          PNA membership is a gift from the very
member of Lodge 3253. Her PNA                                                          from his loving parents, Patricia and
                                          proud grandmother Christine Wrona.
Certificate was a gift from her grand-                                                 Peter Lubas. Daniel’s mother is part of
                                          Gladly submitted by Mr. Philip Wrona.
parents Helen and Karol Leja.                                                          the PNA family as well.

ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
Fraternal News

     C            ouncil 54 Scholarships

       Detroit, Michigan-based Pol-          Vice President Deb Karwan of-            These students share a love and
     ish National Alliance Council 54        fered opening remarks recognizing      dedication to preserving the cultural
     annually awards first-year scholar-     the talents, scholarship, and com-     values and traditions embodied in
     ships to eligible high school seniors   mitment to Polonia each student        our heritage. Council 54 is known
     from Lodges 2525, 53, and 2821.         shared. PNA Fraternal Director         for promoting and encouraging
     Scholarships are offered to qualified   Stella Sczesny and District 10 Com-    the education and development
     members entering their first year at    missioner Tom Schemanski were          of youth. To date, Council 54 has
     an accredited college, university, or   present for the awards, as well as     awarded over $100,000 in scholar-
     technical trade school in the Unit-     Lodge 2525 President Donna Kuty-       ships.
     ed States or Poland as a full-time      lowski, Lodge 53 President Ron
     student.                                Martin, and former vice president of     The scholarship program review
                                             the Polish National Alliance, Teresa   committee members are delegates:
       All eligible members are encour-      Abick.                                 Sherry Cauchon, Lodge 2525;
     aged to complete applications that                                             Christine Kryszko, Lodge 2525; Jan
     are reviewed by a Council 54 Schol-       Scholarship recipients included:     Favot, Lodge 53; Andrea Cooper,
     arship Committee and are evaluat-        • Elizabeth Cote, Lodge 2525,         Lodge 2821; and Patricia A. Sikora,
     ed for the following award criteria:       is attending Wayne State Uni-       Lodge 53.
      • Involvement in PNA fraternal            versity in Detroit, MI, to study
        activities and events                   business administration.              To learn more about the col-
      • Commitment to preserving and          • Robert Hausz, Lodge 2525, is at-    lege scholarship program, visit
        promoting Polonia                       tending the University of Michi-    Council 54’s website: pnacoun-
      • Participation in church, school,        gan-Dearborn to study computer      cil54.wordpress.com or contact
        and extracurricular activities          engineering.                        scholarship chairperson Pat
      • Academic record and education-        • Anna Tarnagorska, Lodge 2525,       Sikora 248-559-6549.
        al goals                                is attending Wayne State Uni-
                                                versity in Detroit, MI, to study
       Four high school seniors were            Criminal Justice.
     awarded scholarships for the 2019-       • Elena Wioncek, Lodge 53, is
     2020 school year on June 13, 2019,         attending Grand Valley State
     at a reception which included the          University in Allendale, MI, to
     honorees’ families and delegates and       study business administration.
     officers of Council 54. Council 54

                                                                                                 ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
W                ieczór Modlitwy

Annuity Plans
Traditional IRA
Roth IRA
Tax-Deferred Annuity

8-year Annuity
 • 2.25% interest rate
 • Guaranteed 1.00% rate
                                            W czwartek 3 października      go, więc dziękowaliśmy również
 • Minimum deposit $500
                                         2019, roku członkowie Wydziału    za sprawne i owocne obrady, jak
 • No maintenance or service fees        Kobiet Okręgu XIII i Wyd-         również prosiliśmy Matkę Boską,
 • Surrender charges may apply           ziału Dobroczynności zebrali      aby poprowadziła urzędników i
  During the 8-year period, you          się, jak co roku, na modlitwie    dyrektorów przez następne 4 laty
may make additional deposits or          różańcowej Tajemnica Światła      tak by Związek rozwijał się pomyśl-
withdraw up to 10% of the accu-          zapoczątkowanej przez Św.         nie i by wszyscy pracowali zgodnie
                                         Jana Pawła II. W tym roku, jak    dla lepszego jutra organizacji.
mulation value without a surrender
                                         zawsze modliliśmy się za zgro-
charge once a year. If you are under                                         Modliliśmy się również w intencji
                                         madzonych na spotkaniu, jak
the age 59 ½, IRS penalty may                                              pokoju na świecie i aby nie było
                                         również za chorych i zmarłych w
apply.                                                                     wśród ludzi przemocy.
                                         bieżącym roku członków ZNP.
                                                                             Zebrani odśpiewali popularne
                                            Ponieważ w tym roku odbył
5-year Single Premium                                                      pieśni Maryjne. Różaniec poprow-
                                         się Sejm Związku Narodowe-
Deferred Annuity                                                           adziły panie Elżbieta Cimocho-
 • 2.50% guaranteed rate                                                   wicz i Krystyna Tarchała, za co
 • Minimum deposit $5,000                                                  bardzo im dziękujemy. Dziękujemy
 • No maintenance or service fee                                           również pani Mary Środoń za przy-
                                                                           gotowanie ołtarza z figurką Matki
 • Surrender charges may apply
  Only a one-time deposit is al-
                                                                             Swoją obecnością zaszczycili nas:
lowed. A traditional IRA account is                                        dyrektor biznesowa Irena Hercik,
available for individuals under the                                        dyrektor Wanda Penar, komisarka
age of 65.                                                                 okręgu XII Agata Mścisz i była
                                                                           komisarka okręgu XII Anna Koko-
   Neither PNA nor its agents pro-                                         szka.
vide tax, legal or accounting advice.                                        Gmina 3 i Wydział Kobiet
Consult a tax, legal, or accounting                                        Okręgu XIII ZNP sfinansowały
professional with your specific situa-                                     uczestnikom poczęstunek.
tion. Annuity Plans are not available
in all states.                                                                                     Wanda Juda,
                                         Elżbieta Cimochowicz &
                                                                                     komisarka Okręgu XIII ZNP
                                         Krystyna Tarchała

ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
Fraternal News

     R         egion “H” News

                                                                 Greetings from
                                                                 Region „H.” Wesołych
                                                                 Świąt i Szczęśliwego
                                                                 Nowego Roku!
                                                                 Merry Christmas
                                                                 and best wishes,
                                                                 much happiness and
                                                                 success for 2020!
     Poland’s President meets with
     Polish Organizations
       A historic visit with Poland’s
     President Andrzej Duda and First
     Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda
     took place in Houston, on June
     14th. President Duda and First
     Lady Kornhauser-Duda met with
     members of the Polish-American                                                   Wawel Dancers standing with the
     community in Houston. Poles from      PNA’s Dr. Jim Mazurkiewicz receiving       president after a spectacular performance.
     across the southern and neighboring   an award from President Duda
     states including Oklahoma and New
     Mexico, also attended the meet-
     ing. During the event, President
     Duda thanked the Polish-Ameri-
     can community for the cultivation
     of Polish culture and traditions.
     Seven people received state honors
     from the president. The First Lady
     spent time with teachers from the
     Polish School in Houston. Many        PNA Member Maryann Ciaston                 President Duda bestowed awards to a
     PNA members were present for this     presenting flowers to President Duda and   wide group of Polish organizations.
     historic occasion.                    First Lady.

                                                                                                     ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
Wedding After Party                                                                     PNA Sales Presentation to
  A Concert at Polonia Restaurant                                                       Nicolaus Copernicus Polish
was hosted by PNA Member Dr.                                                            School
Jim Mazurkiewicz for Tekla Klebe-
tnica – Polish Music Trio, during a
wedding after party on May 20th in
Houston. PNA members Sales Reps
from Houston, Chappell Hill, Bre-
mond, College Station, and Dallas
attended the celebration.

                                            Polish Month Proclamation                   On October 12, 2019, Director Region
Photo by James P. Smock - PNA’s               On October 8th, in Chappell               H Jolanta Mazewski Dryden and
Patricia Jozwiak, Jolanta Mazewski          Hill, The Washington County                 Sales Representative Regina McCorkle
Dryden, Regina McCorkle, Kathy              Commissioners Court proclaimed,             organized a PNA sales presentation to the
Mazurkiewicz, Maryna Kestowicz-Lech,        “Polish Month” and described                Nicolaus Copernicus Polish School parent
and Dr. Jim Mazurkiewicz.                   Washington County as “The                   with lunch.
                                            Birthplace of Texas.” The Chappell
Houston Slavic Festival                     Hill Museum and the PACT were               65th Homecoming Bazaar
  For over five decades, the Annual         present during the proclamation.               Texas has many Polish churches
Houston Slavic Festival has featured                                                    that keep up with the Polish tradi-
Poles, Czechs, Ukrainians, and                                                          tions and celebrations. PNA was out
Croatians joining together for a one-                                                   again with a cultural display and
day event. The festival took place on                                                   PNA promo booth at this fabulous
September 29th. PNA sponsors the                                                        anniversary celebration that took
annual Polish Cultural exhibit and                                                      place at St. Stanislaus Catholic
promotions along with performanc-                                                       Church on October 13th in Ander-
es from the Wawel Dancers and                                                           son. Many PNA members from
Mini Wawel.                                                                             Houston came out to support the

The “It’s Great to be Polish” Exhibit is    PNA Members, Director Region H
a mainstay at this annual event. Featured   Jolanta Mazewski – Dryden, Richard
here is Director Region H Mazewski-         Mazewski, and Sales Agent Regina
Dryden, PNA and Wawel members Katie         McCorkler along with Piotry Przebilski
Kubiak, Mike Kurtin, and Kasia Micek        were on hand to receive the proclamation.

ZGODA 2019, Issue No 4
Texas Film Festival                      seeking economic and religious
       On November 10th, the Aus-             freedom “za chlebem” in 1867 until
     tin Polish Film Festival Opening         the late 1800’s. Brazos Valley’s early
     Reception was hosted by Apolonia         settlers attended Catholic church-
     Catering to start off the year’s event   es already established by German
     in true Polish style.                    immigrants. The first child born to
                                              Polish parents in Chappell Hill was
                                              Marcin Piwonka on May 1st, 1854.
                                              Later that year, the first Polish par-
                                              ish in Texas and the United States
                                              was established on December 24th         Participants at the Chappell Hill Museum
                                              in Panna Maria, followed by New          with the Polish-American exhibit in the
                                              Wawerly (1867), Anderson (1867)          background.
                                              and Brenham (1870).                      Brazos Valley World Fest
                                                                                         PNA sponsored a cultural booth
                                                                                       and promo area at the Festival in
                                                                                       College Station held on November
     Celebrating Polish Texas                                                          9th. Thousands of people attended
     History Live                                                                      the event and were entertained by
       On October 19th, in Bremond,                                                    the Wawel Dancers, Texas A&M
     PNA Member Denis Kubiak                                                           Polish Student Association Pierogi
     showed the attendees how bigos                                                    booth, and PNA Cultural Display.
     used to be made.

                                                Two professors from Adam
                                              Mickiewicz University in Poznań,
                                              Katarzyna Klessa and Maciej
                                              Karpiński, came to Chappell Hill
                                              at the invitation of Dr. Jim Mazurk-
                                              iewicz to document the language          PNA wins 1st Place award for best
                                              and music of Washington County,          display!
                                              “The birthplace of Texas.” A thank
                                              you goes to Stephanie Ddughdh-
                                              nemimnier for allowing us to use
                                              the Chappell Hill Museum. Also, I
                                              would like to thank Pete & Paulina
                                              Mazurkiewicz, Anna Jóżwiak, and
     History Being Made                       Blanch Kołajaczak for coming and
       On October 27th, History was           providing over two hours of conver-
     made in documenting the Wielko-          sation and speech in 19th century
     polska dialect and music in Chap-        Wielkopolska dialect. Another
     pell Hill, Texas. The first Brazos       thank you goes to Brian Marshall,
     Valley Poles came to Texas in the        James Mazurkiewicz, and Dr. Jim
     1830’s with the vast majority immi-      Mazurkiewicz for providing an            Wawel Dancers and Texas A & M Polish
     grating to Texas from Wielkopolska       hour of music from the Wielkoposka       Student Association, both supporting PNA
     and some from Galicia. They were         Region.                                  Region H.

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