The Young
Wycliffian  2020/21
4       The Head’s Speech
14      Pre-Prep


18      Art
20      Computing
22      Design and Technology
24      Drama
26      English
28      History
30      Modern Foreign Languages
32      Mathematics
34      Music
36      Religious Studies
38      Subject Leaders
39      Geography
41      Science

          A- CURRI
43      Activities
44      Forest School
45      Wellbeing
46      Sport

             ON D
        G BEY
                 THE CLA
49      Eco Week
50      Expedition Days
51      Science Week
52      Wycliffe Music Festival
53      Wycliffe Literature Festival
        and World Book Day

         CO M
54      Grenfell House
55      Lincoln House
56      Scott House
57      Shaftesbury House
58      Boarding

           L CIT
61      Kirby Challenge
62      Service
4     The Young
      Wycliffian  2020/21
                                                   Speech Day

            The Head’s Speech
    Chair, Trustees, Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to our Years
                               3 to 8 Speech Day 2021.
    I would like to begin by thanking
    Brigadier Bacon for his kind
    words and for steering the ship
    that is Wycliffe and for his
    wisdom and commitment to the
    I would also like to personally
    thank him for appointing me
    to the role of Head of the Prep
    School - a position which I am
    privileged to hold. To all Trustees
    I thank you for the time and
    consideration which you put into
                                          problem solving, relationships,        know which communications
    Wycliffe, and to Mr Gregory and
                                          resilience and adaptability are all    and have we kept the right
    Mr Wood for their support this
                                          important.                             people in the loop at the right
                                                                                 time with the right information?
                                          It is with a slightly wry smile that
    When prospective parents sit                                                 Asking teachers to quickly move
                                          I therefore stand here today,
    in my study and ask what my                                                  transition day online, change the
                                          with a new ‘adapted’ speech
    ‘philosophy’ of education is, I                                              plans for Sports Day and how to
                                          for Speech Day having asked
    speak passionately about the                                                 teach remotely and in school on
                                          the Wycliffe Team to do all of
    skills that young people are                                                 Thursday so that everyone gets
                                          those things – problem solve
    going to need in the future and                                              the best educational experience
                                          how and who we need to move
    how communication, creativity,                                               that they can. Moving wonderful
                                          where, work out who needs to

     “I speak passionately
      about the skills that
      young people are going
      to need in the future and
      how communication,
      creativity, problem solving,
      relationships, resilience
      and adaptability are all
Speech Day
                                                                                           The Young
                                                                                           Wycliffian  2020/21

events such as the Year 8 Formal     year still putting the pupils first    is currently ill and hope that it
Wycliffe Baccalaureate Dinner        and working out how to make            gets no worse, and that we see a
to September, but keeping            their tutor groups or classes          swift recovery.
the prize-giving online and the      feel special and adaptable. We
                                                                            The Prep School would not be
opportunity for every Year 8 to      have had different teachers in
                                                                            the incredible place that it is
share about their time at Wycliffe   different lessons, a swap of House
                                                                            without the teachers and support
and to make sure they all have       Swimming and Sports Day,
                                                                            staff who give their creativity,
their voice, making sure that        Speech Days not being able to go

relationships remain positive even   ahead. We are living through the
in times of severe stress.           skills that all of them are going to
                                     need going forward.
Mr Irwin and I have managed
to find humour even whilst           None of that makes light of the        Resilience we have seen
managing this very difficult         situation we are in and I would        in abundance with our
situation and this is a very         not want anyone thinking that          pupils – some of them
important skill to have in life.     I am doing so. This has been a
                                                                            having had their time
Resilience we have seen in           devastating end to the year and
abundance with our pupils –          my heart goes out to all of you,       at Wycliffe cut so short
some of them having had their        staff and pupils, who were not         and without due time
time at Wycliffe cut so short        able to finish in the way that you     to say goodbye to their
and without due time to say          wanted to or are now missing           friends and teachers.
goodbye to their friends and
teachers, some of our teachers
                                     family events or trips because
                                     of isolation or illness. I also hold
who are exhausted at this time of    close to my thoughts anyone who
6     The Young
      Wycliffian  2020/21
                                                    Speech Day

    care and commitment to the            pupils and this should not be          The school grounds and buildings
    pupils at every level, whether that   underestimated for what they           have been looking fantastic
    is a plaster at breaktime, trying     have provided for all of the pupils.   thanks to Kester and Mark and
    to juggle phone calls, proofing       One of my jobs, when school has        their teams, the new Astro has
    letters to go out, looking after my   closed is to share with them my        been a winner and hopefully will
    lime and lemon trees, answering       inbox full of messages I have had      get even more use next year
    random questions, through to          from so many of you extending          for matches and the transport
    challenging academic tasks or a       your thanks and gratitude for          team continue to be cheerful
    shoulder to cry on when things        all that they have done both           each morning as they drop off
    are tough.                            academically and pastorally and        our Wycliffe pupils from the
                                          for the very evident sense of          Silver fleet. We welcomed Mel
    The teaching team this year
                                          care which they show all of your       into our Prep Catering Team in
    have given every ounce of
                                          children. For that I thank you.        March and we are all enjoying her
    their professional duty to the
                                                                                 creative flair and high standards

                                                                                 of food. We also wish to thank
                                                                                 the Parents’ Association for their
                                                                                 support this year – from paying
      The teaching team this year have given every                               for trips to Copsegrove Farm,
                                                                                 ice cream vans, ice rinks and the
      ounce of their professional duty to the pupils
                                                                                 Pre-Prep Pantomime showing –
      and this should not be underestimated for                                  fingers crossed for Fireworks in
      what they have provided for all of the pupils.                 “           November!
                                                                                 There are some who are leaving
Speech Day
                                                                                           The Young
                                                                                           Wycliffian  2020/21

us – a normal part of an end of      Lisa Nicholls a Senior School         School Care provision in
year ceremony, but nonetheless       Teacher who has been teaching         Pre-Prep.
an emotional one as at Wycliffe,     Geography at the Prep School,
                                                                           I wish good luck in his further
it is becoming clearer and clearer   the Assistant House Mistress          studies to gap year student Mr
to me, that members of the team      Miss Lucy Moule and her dog           Jamie Sinclair and to Graduate
turn colleagues into friends and     Flo, she was also a pupil here at     Assistants Mr Dominic Jones,
care deeply for the pupils they      Wycliffe. Teaching Assistants Mrs     Mr Dan Goodchild and Miss
have worked alongside with for       Jacqui Bayliss, who it should be      Lucy Parker, and to Mr Andrew
many years.                          noted has given 30 years of her       Topping who has been a 1:1 TA
I wish onward good fortune to        care to Wycliffe – that is a lot of   for this year and our Admissions
teachers Mrs Nicola Gidman,          children who will remember her        Manager Miss Briony Armstrong
both as a parent and member of       from their early years education      who many of you will know from
staff since January 2014 – hugely    and we thank her for this             your first points of contact here
influential within Sports, within    extraordinary commitment, Mrs         at the Prep. We have three of the
the classroom and as a Head of       Jade Maloney who has worked           Matrons leaving from Boarding:
House, Mrs Julia Seyburn who         in Reception for four years,          Kate Yates, Vicky Harris and
has led her House with such          Mrs Georgina Rummings who             Julie Saynor who have all played
passion and been an important        is phenomenally efficient in the      a key part in the lives of our
part of the English team, Mrs        one day per week she has been         Boarders and two cleaners are
Emma Tapley who has been             in school and Mrs Marie Perkins       retiring after significant time at
with Year 4 since January, Mrs       who has run our excellent After       the Prep School – Mrs Daphne
8     The Young
      Wycliffian  2020/21
                                                   Speech Day

                                                                               the pupils as they came round
                                                                               the corner and saw live reindeer
                                                                               in the Sensory Garden, the sheer
     As a message to every single pupil at                                     noise from the shrieks in the pool
     Wycliffe; each of you has been an individual                              from the competitive duck race,
                                                                               the mostly terrible moves as the
     jigsaw piece in making this a successful and              “               whole school had a ‘Jerusalema’
     memorable year in Wycliffe’s history.                                     dance-off, laughter with Mr
                                                                               Guest as he determinedly skated
                                                                               on the rink (thank you to the
    Lines and Mrs Gill Payne. I shall     getting on.                          Parents’ Association). New
    especially miss those offers of                                            pupils being brave and taking
                                          As a message to every single         part in the Autumn concert,
    tea from Gill at 7.30pm at night
                                          pupil at Wycliffe; each of you has   painted arrows around the quad
    when I am still at my desk and        been an individual jigsaw piece
    the vacuum cleaners snaking                                                with Mr Irwin’s famous one-way
                                          in making this a successful and      systems, languages day, Tim
    around my feet.                       memorable year in Wycliffe’s         Kirk from Borussia Dortmund
    I would also like to extend my        history. You may not be named in     talking about how he trains with
    good wishes to those pupils and       my coming summary of the year        a reflective and growth mindset
    parents not in Year 8, who are        but all of you should relate and     approach, Mr Arman’s Battle Of
    leaving us at the end of this term.   smile at some of the memories it     Hastings with Year 7 with plenty
    Please remember you are always        may jog.                             of gnashing of swords and the
    welcome back to Wycliffe! We          My memories of the Autumn            ‘oooaaars’ of the Pirates in Year 3,
    would love to hear how you are        term centre around the faces of      the incredible Wycliffe Literature
Speech Day
                                                                                         The Young
                                                                                         Wycliffian  2020/21

Festival put together by Mrs        to Wycliffe’ day, enjoying Mrs        Shone from ‘I Can and I Am’
Muszasty with designer-level        Davis’ flamenco dancing, some         spoke to us all and to teachers
installations by Mrs Florio. We     pupils interviewing Mr Joel           about blowing up our balloons of
held a beautiful Remembrance        Kioko, Kenyan Ballet Dancer, the      self belief. House Music had 50
Service in the quad with a Senior   Mike Grocott space talk, cooking      submissions online and then a
Ensemble pre-recorded anthem        flapjacks with Mr Arman on a          wonderful display of instruments
and the Carol Concert included      Friday afternoon, pamper nights       was created in the Studio Theatre
recordings from Year group          online with the Boarding House,       entrance. Each and every one of
choirs.                             Pre-Prep and Prep Quizzes with        you will have something fun and
The Spring term with the sudden     parents and teachers. Mr Gaunt        exciting that you will remember
move to Directed Learning           set the ‘can you bake a pie chart?’   from that time.
brought with it pupils doing yoga   challenge with incredible results
                                                                          This term it has been a pleasure
in their gardens, interviewing      and we will never forget some of
                                                                          to be outside more and to even
grandparents for ‘Wycliffe          the space biscuits cooked for Mrs
                                                                          have some Cricket fixtures!
Celebrate Your Life’ day, that      Curtis’ group.
                                                                          Clubs have been packed out
insight into all of our homes       In Boarding there was the             every day after school, the pool
with parents or siblings in the     incredible ‘California Weekend’       has been busy and the nets used
background and of course the        to say goodbye to Mrs Odiz            well into the evening. Mr Taylor
number of cats and dogs and         and the purchase of a new             and Mr Shopland have had a
hamsters that we all now know       barbecue which Mr Gloster             frustrating year with so few
intimately!                         remains particularly fond of and      sporting opportunities available
Meeting Paul Braithwaite,           a wonderful sense of family for       for fixtures. I thank them for
Everest Explorer and Jan Lang in    the Boarding pupils who were          their creativity and a positive
Sri Lanka in our ‘World Comes       on site during lockdown. James        approach throughout it all.
10   The Young
     Wycliffian   2020/21
                                              Speech Day

 Boarders have been out on trips     effort and then Abigail Casey      Cerney and Year 8 to the Black
 for ice cream, to the Cotswold      as the very nasty butler, ‘A       Mountains. The pupils have come
 Water Park or had crazy golf on     Midsummer Night’s Dream’ with      back buzzing from each one with
 the tennis courts. Middle Prep      superb performances from Henry     stories and adventures from
 had a wellbeing morning and         Blythe, Harry Hursthouse, Eli      their time away – this is where
 Expeditions Day saw long walks      Paton, Sheyda Fogarty and Anna     memories are made.
 along the canal and Slimbridge      Leonard, ‘Moana’ with incredible
                                                                        The Year 8s also managed their
 and the Year 8s helped to tidy up   singing from Flo Smalley, moves
                                                                        mini-sports tour to The Wave.
 the Sensory Garden area.            from Albie Spiers and charisma
                                     from Thomas Cox and such a         Academically we have to
 We have put on four full            sense of team work, confidence     make mention of the Bebras
 productions thanks to Mrs           and fun from everyone involved.    Computing Challenge
 Askew and Mrs Taylor and            The lights, camera, action         competition which saw incredibly
 their team - ‘Dinosaurs Before      continued with Courtroom           high results from Eleanor Casey
 Dark’ with notable mentions to      Drama from a group of Year 8s      and necessary mentions of
 Martha Woolley, Sophie Taylor       where clearly the murderer was     Abigail Casey and Tilly Strefford.
 and the scary T-Rex Charlie         found not guilty by the witness    I would also like to mention
 Hartles, ‘Aristocats’ with cat-     team.                              Arthur McKay for some superb
 like brilliance - Olivia Deshais,                                      Philosophy and RS essays which
                                     We have had three residential
 May Epton, Olivia Leigh, plus                                          he has written this year. Our
                                     trips out this term – Year 4
 Laurence Williams for superb                                           Subject Leaders – numbering
                                     Hooke Court, Year 6 South
Speech Day
                                                                                     The Young
                                                                                     Wycliffian  2020/21

38 pupils– continue to excel and    achievement as well as personal    for his Barefoot Cricket raising
share their passion with their      characteristics. Congratulations   money for The Foundation of
teachers and peers and I am sure    to Charlie Ashman, Henry           Goodness, a charity in Sri Lanka
many of you saw my vlog of a few    Blythe, Eleanor Casey, Ruby        which culminated in a Zoom
weeks ago which introduced you      Dickinson, Rebecca McCoubrie,      interview with former Sri Lankan
to two boys talking through their   Millie Newman and Amelia           cricketer Kumar Sangakkara,
experiences of being part of that   Portlock.                          Nissi Akhator-Stephens for
programme.                                                             organising her many dance
                                    The Kirby Challenge is deserving   competitions in the Boarding
It is also a pleasure to announce   of special mention, notably Bade   House along with research into
that we had seven Year 8 pupils     Martins for his fencing workshop   different cultural hairstyles,
gain a Distinction for their        and running assemblies from        Matthew Workman painted and
Wycliffe Baccalaureate - these      Lagos, Nigeria for the whole       personalised cards for members
scores are added together           school on the culture of his       of Oldbury House Care Home
combining both academic             home country, Charlie Ashman       in Stonehouse, Amelia Portlock
                                                                       and Millie Newman raised money

                                                                       through cycling and working with
                                                                       Tesco’s Community Outreach
                                                                       to fill hampers for Charlie’s
  It is also a pleasure to announce that we had                        Cancer Support and Feed the
  seven Year 8 pupils gain a Distinction for                           Hungry and provided 60 letters
  their Wycliffe Baccalaureate - these scores are                      and gifts for local care homes,
  added together combining both academic                               Lexi Bartlett held a pamper
  achievement as well as personal characteristics.            “
12      The Young
        Wycliffian  2020/21
                                                  Speech Day

     night to raise money for Cancer     actions last Summer playing a        been there with level heads
     Research, to name but a few.        part in saving two people’s lives,   and have shared a strong sense
                                         the numerous pupils who have         of perspective and advice to
     Our nominated School Charity,
                                         done cycle rides, charity runs etc   me as I have got to know the
     The James Hopkins Trust, will
                                         to raise money for causes close to   school. The Heads of Houses –
     receive £4,308.34 and we have
                                         their own heart. Our own Amber       Mr Arman, Mrs Hanson, Mrs
     raised an additional £1,000 which
                                         Birkett, a 1:1 Teaching Assistant    Gidman and Mrs Seyburn who
     has been sent to other charities
                                         walked 100km in 24 hours to          have managed to retain that
     throughout the year.
                                         raise money for Duchenne UK,         sense of house identity when
     Out of school I would like to       and Mrs Curtis threw herself         the Houses have not been able
     celebrate Olivia Deshais, who       out of a plane skydiving for the     to get physically together! A
     was awarded a place at the          British Heart Foundation.            variety of competitions, online
     National Youth Girls’ Choir,                                             and in school have kept the
     Lottie and Codie Beachus            This term the Ultimate Rugby
                                                                              points piling in and I would like
     who have been selected to           7s Academy came for a scouting       to make mention of the Winners
     represent England and southern      visit and I am delighted that Will   of Shield redesign: Noma
     England mounted games teams         Welby, Harry Hursthouse and          McBurney, Anna Leonard,
     respectively, Millie Downey         Codie Beachus have been invited      Elise Workman and May Epton;
     selected for Gloucestershire        to a Summer Skills camp.             winners of Autumn Literature:
     County Cricket and both Harry       I would also like to extend          Abigail Casey and runners-up
     and Archie Larkman selected for     particular mention to the            Teyo McBurney and Brandon
     South Gloucestershire Cricket.      Prep School SMT – Mr Irwin,          Lovewell; winners of House
     Florrie Matthews on winning         Mrs Askew, Mr Aherne, Mr             Song: Charlie Hartles, Abigail
     the Rotary Club’s District Level    Gloster, Mrs Flake, Miss Potts       Casey and Amelia Portlock;
     Young Writer’s Competition,         and Mr Guest – they have             the Photography competition:
     Molly May Gibbons for her           worked closely as a team and         Charlie Geddes and Hugo James
Speech Day
                                                                                       The Young
                                                                                       Wycliffian   2020/21

and Cooking: Max Fullman – an        at home and in Boarding also felt   in their positions and I shall miss
excellent video of him baking a      that they had the chance to         our Tuesday lunches and very
cake! Looked delicious!              join in.                            funny videos! The team this year
                                                                         was made up of: Millie Newman,
I am recording this just before      I would like to thank the three
                                                                         Rebecca McCoubrie, Elliot
Sports Day results are in, but       Head Girls and three Head Boys
                                                                         Marson, Micah Groves, Charlie
from the noise coming from the       for this academic year, Amelia
                                                                         Ashman and Eleanor Casey.
Sports field, you would think        Portlock, Sam Burrell, Anna
that the whole School plus are       Leonard, Henry Blythe, Lucy         I announced in Final Assembly
out there. Some stories already      Bond and Oliver Thomas, and         yesterday that the new Head
coming in of such a ‘I’ll do it’     wish that they had been given       Boy and Girl for September will
attitude from pupils and offers      the opportunity to be able to       be Millie Downey and Austin
to run more races, take part in      do their duties and roles more      Webster. Congratulations to
different events ‘for my house’. I   fully, without restrictions. The    them both.
hope that some of the pupils         Prefects have also been excellent
                                                                         As the 2021 Speech Day draws

                                                                         to a close, we are going to listen
                                                                         and watch Mr Matt Davies play
                                                                         ‘Jerusalem’ on the organ. I wish
  I am recording this just before Sports Day                             all Year 8s all the very best as
                                                                         you go forward to Senior School
  results are in, but from the noise coming from
                                                                         – whether Wycliffe or beyond,
  the Sports field, you would think that the                             and I look forward to us having
  whole School plus are out there. Some stories                          the Formal Dinner when you are
  already coming in of such a ‘I’ll do it’ attitude                      all back in September. I wish all
  from pupils and offers to run more races, take
  part in different events ‘for my house’.
                                                               “         pupils, parents, staff and Trustees
                                                                         a very sunny and relaxing holiday.
14   The Young
     Wycliffian   2020/21

     Starting with the topic All About Me, children painted self-portraits and
      talked about the similarities and differences between themselves and
                              their family groupings.
 Number WOW day was where               The Spring topic was On The           skills to paint a picture of a mini
 children took part in activities to    Farm followed by Chinese New          beast and learnt about symmetry
 support their numeral recognition      Year and Mother’s Day. Children       by decorating a butterfly.
 and counting skills through            learnt about animals, food and
                                                                              We ended the year with activities
 hands-on activities including          healthy eating. Activities included
                                                                              to support a topic of Summer
 using playdough to make                using fruit to print a repeating
                                                                              Fun including sand and water play
 numerals.                              pattern and children used cotton
                                                                              and exploring shells.
                                        buds to copy Chinese writing.
 We moved on to Harvest festival,                                             All of this was interwoven with
 Diwali, (festival of light), Bonfire   The Summer term topics
                                                                              activities to support children’s
 Night and Christmas. Children          included ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’,
                                                                              skills in writing, learning letter
 used coloured rice to make their       where the role play area included
                                                                              sounds, shapes, counting and
 own rangoli patterns outdoors as       a giant beanstalk and castle. The
                                                                              numeral recognition!
 part of Diwali celebrations and        children were able to dress up
 made christingles as part of our       in extra-large size clothes and
 Christmas celebrations.                enormous shoes to be the giant
                                        and visited the Studio Theatre to
 Children took part in a Harvest        learn about the harp and to listen
 festival celebration in the chapel     to it being played.
 and Nativity in the Studio
                                        This was followed by learning
 Theatre with the rest of
                                        about mini beasts and the life
                                        cycle of a butterfly through focus
 We had a very exciting surprise        story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. The
 visit from reindeer.                   children used their observation
                                                                                      The Young
                                                                                       Wycliffian  2020/21

 What a year we had. In the Autumn term we performed ‘I’m a Little Hedgehog’
in the Harvest Festival. Myrah taught us all about Diwali and we made crosses
                         for the Remembrance Service.

Christmas is our favourite         We did lots of work around ‘Jack      we made boats and took part in
time of year. We took part in      and the Beanstalk’ including          boat races. It was all action at the
‘Chrismaths’, an event which       making our own beanstalk and          Pre-Prep Sports Day where we all
included lots of Christmas-        creating reward posters to catch      took part. Our favourite race was
themed Maths activities. Father    the giant. We love books and          the 200m.
Christmas not only came to visit   reading and we all dressed up for     We wrote postcards from the
with a present for everyone but    World Book Day.                       Antarctic.
he brought his reindeer!
                                   In the Summer term we all took        We had our own beach in the
During the Spring term some of     part in NSPCC Number Day. We          classroom and one of our subjects
us were in class and some were     played lots of number games and       for the term was ‘Sun, sand and
using Directed Learning online.    worked on our maths skills - all at   sea’. What a great way to end the
We welcomed Mia to our class.      the same time! For WOW Day            year!
16       The Young
         Wycliffian  2020/21

                               Years 1 & 2
     Children in Years 1 and 2 had a busy year, jam-packed with activities that not
                     only helped them learn but also to have fun.

     In Autumn, the children worked      children take part in Christmas-    1 learned to read time on an
     to the theme of Our Wonderful       themed Maths activities.            analogue clock.
     World. They took part in a topic    They made potato hedgehogs          In the Summer term, Years 1 and
     WOW Day, creating globe             linked to the story of ‘The         2 made arrays out of shells while
     balloons, baking planet Earth       Hodgeheg’ by Dick King-Smith.       learning about the fundamentals
     cupcakes and writing a class        They searched school for            of multiplication linked to our
     poem describing our amazing         resources and carefully crafted     topic of Sun, Sea and Sand.
     home.                               these cute creations.
     Year 2 learned all about            During the Spring term children
     British currency and money at       continued to learn with Direct
     Christmas time. They set up their   Learning from home. They loved
     own Christmas-themed cake           learning CCVCC words in their
     stall outside the classroom and     daily phonics lessons. They were
     sold cakes to pupils from Pre-      challenged to show meaning
     Prep and Year 3. It was all part    of words in a unique manner,
     of Chrismaths, which sees the       with some brilliant results. Year
                                                                                       The Young
                                                                                       Wycliffian  2020/21

          Pre-Prep activities
 The Pre-Prep has a range of clubs which run a wonderful variety of activities
                             throughout the year.

In Nursery, children in the            of activities throughout the        investigated gravity by making
Sensory Club have used their           Autumn and Summer terms.            paper helicopters, sound by
senses to explore a variety of                                             making their own telephone and
                                       In the Autumn term, children
materials including shaving foam,                                          and even began creating electrical
                                       in the Eco Club learned all
oats, sand and water. We made                                              circuits using equipment from the
                                       about global warming and
and explored playdough and slime                                           science lab!
                                       climate change. They made
made from corn flour and PVA

                                       posters encouraging everyone
glue. We have used coloured
                                       to recycle. They also learned
sand to make sand pictures
                                       about deforestation, persuading
and explored and described the
                                       Mrs Grant to add a ‘no paper’        The Ball Skills Club
textures of the different materials.
                                       day to the school calendar. They
                                                                            saw children work on
The Ball Skills Club saw children      also went on a litter pick around
work on fundamental skills of          school.                              fundamental skills of
throwing, catching and kicking                                              throwing, catching
                                       The Summer term Science
whilst enjoying a match at the
                                       Club saw children learn about        and kicking whilst
end of each session. They played                                            enjoying a match
                                       famous scientists including Sir
Football, Rugby, Hockey and
                                       Isaac Newton and Alexander
                                       Graham Bell. They conducted
                                                                            at the end of each
The Craft Club runs a wide range       experiments most weeks. They
18   The Young
     Wycliffian  2020/21

                                                                                                    Year 3

     Art Galler
                                                    Year 3

                                                                       Portrait in the style of Paul Klee
                                                                             by Lumi Robertson
                   Art attack by Brandon Lovewell and
                           Rawdon Dickinson
                                                                                Year 4

                                     Year 4

                                                                     Lockdown art by Martha Woolley

                                                                   Year 5

                                                                                A selection of Will Papps’
                                                                                      lockdown Art

          Year 4 created work in the style
            of Piet Mondrian by Flynn
                                                                                           The Young
                                                                                           Wycliffian   2020/21
                                        Year 5

                                                                              Art Galler

                                                                                Year 6

                                                                                       Year 6 created land Art during a
                                                                                      Saturday school. They studied the
                                                                                     work of Andy Goldsworthy, Richard
                                                                                         Long and Robert Smithson.

                                                                                                                  Year 6
 Year 5 created work in the style of
Gustav Klimt, based upon his painting
  ‘The Tree of Life’ by Kitty Ashbee

                                                                     Year 7
                      Year 7

                                                                                         Letter to Van Gogh by
                                                                                            Libby Rowlands

                          Year 7 with just some of the wide
                            range of Art they created in
                                      lockdown.                                                                   Year 8

                                            Year 8

                    Art Scholar Jamie Davies                                    Art Scholar Millie Newman
20   The Young
     Wycliffian  2020/21

        Year 3                             Year 3 pupils learned about basic coding.

                                                                                   Year 4

                                                                  During Directed Learning pupils ‘baked’ a cake by
                                                                  using coding. They learned the vocabulary as well
                                                                  as the skills of coding.

                                                                                                  Thomas Hewson
                       by Lumi R

                                            Evie Westwater

                                                                                       Year 5
                                                 Max Khrystych

                                                                               Year 5 have programmed a
                                                                               variety of games with Scratch.
                                                                                                               The Young
                                                                                                               Wycliffian    2020/21
               Year 6                                                                                                           e debugging
                                                                                                         Year 6 were given som
                                                                                                                     wit h pro ble ms to fix.

         Year 6 have begun to learn script coding with Python.
       All of Year 6 have created a calculator program like Ethan         Harry Vicary and others managed to
       Wright’s. Ethan (and others) then challenged himself to                       fix them all.
               create other functions within his calculator.

                                                                                                        Year 8

                        Year 7                                                       Pupils used Python coding to create flowers.

                                                                                        Codie Beachus

     Harry Larkman                              Tilly Strefford

“To make our portraits we had to first go on to Affinity
Designer and take a photo of ourselves. We put our photos
as a background and outlined it using the pen tool. To get
a perfect shape you must be careful, but if you did mess
up you could always use the node tool, this would change
the shape of your outline and make everything look neater.
We did this until we had done the jumper, head, nose,
lips, griffin, skin, hair and the tie. Affinity designer was my
favourite computing topic and I enjoyed it very much.”
by Harry Larkman                                                                           Sofia Odiz
22   The Young
     Wycliffian  2020/21

Design and Technology
        Year 3

                               Design and Technology had a festive
                               feel when children made Christmas

                                                                                    Year 4

         K’Nex by Tom Hewson and
               Tom Hanson

                                                           Pupils generated ideas and
                                                        sculpted the clay to create their
         K’Nex by Darcy Poole and
                                                               own monster pots.
              Cassius Healy
                                                                                                            The Young
                                                                                                            Wycliffian    2020/21
          Year 5                                                                         During Directed Learning pupils took the
                                                                                     opportunity to either demonstrate what they enjoy
                                                                                      and what they are good at or try something new.

                                                         They researched their ideas and then
                                                         made the cars using electric circuits

           Year 6
                                                                     with pulleys.

                                                                                                           Year 7

                                            Year 7 pupils created T-shirts out of
                                             plastic bags as part of their reusing
                                            materials project. They learnt about
                                              the energy industry, electricity,
                                             heat, transport, wind, hydro, solar,
                                           greenhouse effect and climate change.
                                            With this information in mind and a
                                            real understanding for why we need
Children in Year 6 did blockprinting       to recycle our materials, reducing our
on material and then used fabric to       carbon footprint, they set out designing
          create cushions.                and planning how they could reuse and

          Year 8

                                           Year 8 designed individual T-shirts
                                         illustrating a theme or message. The
                                       project helped them improve their ability
Pupils used Tinkercad to create 3D         to use illustration software and to
   buildings, by Micah Groves.              understand the printing process.                     During the Year 7 D&T Club Jonathan
                                                                                                Phillips designed and made a waterwheel.
24    The Young
      Wycliffian   2020/21

          Year 3

 Year 3 children produced a multitude of videos
 and images of Drama work carried out at
 home including acting a scene from ‘A day at
 the beach’.

             Year 4

 Year 4 performed in ‘Dinosaurs in the Dark’
 by Martha Woolley, Year 4
 At the start of the Year 4 Drama Week I felt
 nervous and excited at the same time! When we
 went to the Studio Theatre and started to practise, I
 no longer felt nervous, I just felt excited!
 As the week went on we learnt new skills like facing
 the front and how to express ourselves even when
 we are not saying our lines. We also learnt stage
                                                         gave out some fantastic costumes. Everyone loved
 When we started to learn new dances as well as
                                                         them. The Dinosaur costumes were amazing. When
 new dance moves we didn’t want to stop. When the
                                                         we gathered together we looked like a rainbow. All
 acting and singing were added it was just amazing.
                                                         the colourful lights were fantastic as well. It made
 Then Mrs Murray came to the Studio Theatre and          the play look amazing.

          Year 5

  During lockdown, Year 5 spent a great
  deal of time making puppets and creating
  performance videos.
                                                                                                The Young
                                                                                                Wycliffian  2020/21
Year 6 performed in 'The Aristocats'                                                      Year 6
by May Epton, Year 6
At the start of the play Madame (who lives in Paris) has
decided to leave all her money to her cats (Duchess,
Toulouse, Berlioz and Marie) but her butler Edgar gets
jealous and decides to catnap them when Napoleon and
his gang of dogs chase Edgar away.
The aristocats wake up scared and cold when O’Malley
the alley cat find them and decides to help the
aristocats find their way back to Paris.
When the aristocats finally return home, Edgar puts          kittens, finale song and end of play.
them in a box and sticks a Timbuktu label on the box         The play was funny and upbeat, full of songs to dance
but Roquefort the house mouse comes to save the day.         and laugh to and the play interacts with the audience
All the animals get together to save Duchess and her         making it a fun experience for all ages.

                         Year 7                                                          Year 8

                                                                      ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.
  Year 7 stage ‘Moana’                                                 by Charlie Ashman, Year 8
                                                                       Year 8 during Drama Week performed ‘A
  by Millie Downey, Year 7                                             Midsummer Night’s Dream’.
  Our Drama Week                                                       We started the journey at the beginning of the
  was very fun                                                         week in the Studio Theatre. We had been told
  and productive.                                                      our parts and (most of us) had learnt our lines
  Everyone was                                                         over the holiday the previous week.
  excited to perform
  ‘Moana’. On                                                          Spirits were high as we started to go through
  Monday, we went                                                      the script for ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’
  through the play                                                     and block out our positions on the stage. With
  and my favourite part was the dance to ‘You’re Welcome’.             different timings and places to enter, everyone
                                                                       worked hard to remember their cues and acts.
  As we were familiar with ‘Moana’, Tuesday was a very
  enjoyable time. I loved listening to Flo Smalley sing and            Everyone worked so hard to secure the script in
  Molly-May Gibbons being funny on stage. After two busy               their minds and when the time came, seats were
  days everyone was tired but we managed to pull through               filled and the cameras were rolling, the whole
  together with the help of Mrs Askew playing the B game               cast was ready and prepared for the curtain call.
  to keep us going.                                                    The play went amazingly and the saying ‘it will be
  We were all excited to perform ‘Moana’ but we were a long            all right on the day’ really swung into action. We
  way off from being ready to perform it. So, everyone gave            were all in full drama mode and gave it our all.
  it their all and proved to Mrs Askew that we were going to           Everybody was singing their hearts out and
  be brilliant. Later on Thursday, we did a dress rehearsal and        acting their best. All the hard work from all the
  we all loved our costumes.                                           Year 8 pupils, Mrs Murray, Mrs Taylor and Mrs
  On Friday, it was all going smoothly until Ruby Corbin was           Askew definitely paid off!
  unwell, so I put myself forward to play her part (in case
  her bug was contagious) but it wasn’t and she came back.
  Friday afternoon, we performed and it was the best we ever
  did it.
26     The Young
       Wycliffian  2020/21

          Year 3                             Blood gurgling and echoes of bats are distracting my ears. The
                                             running water is a waterfall. Silence is like a silent grave.
                                             Bugs are crawling all over the cave. Stalactites are hitting me in
                                             the face! Stalagmites are tripping me over. Musty air is filling my
 Year 3 worked on cave description           nostrils. Damp is like my dog when she’s come back from a walk. I
 work in the Spring term.                    am as excited as a kid.
                                             by Sammy Hughes

                                                                              Year 4

                                                          Year 4 read the poem ‘What is Pink?’ by Christina
                                                          Rossetti and discussed what different colours mean
                                                          to us. We then had some fun writing our own colour
                                                          poems. We worked independently and all poems were
                                                          finished within an hour!

 At the beginning of the Summer term we all wrote stories
 based on the picture book ‘Float’, to read to Year 1 and
 Year 2. We all had two or three pupils to read our stories
 to, we worked hard on them and we are very proud of
 them. The stories were about a boy, a boat, a rainy day
 and an adventure. We used techniques to write it such as
 metaphors, similies and repetition. We all enjoyed making
 paper boats.
 by Dan Williams and Tom Hadley, Year 4

                 Year 5                          For Eco Week Year 5 wrote eco-themed sentences
                                                 including some figurative language as a warm-up task!

            Winding vines wrapped around              Slowly, the sound of rushing water drowned
            the magical tree, like a cobra            the eager shouts of my pursuers, jade clouds
            around its prey.                          of ivy erupted from the rotten trees like lava
                                                      from a volcano.
            Albie James
                                                      Ibrahim Abdur-Rahman
                                                                                          The Young
                                                                                          Wycliffian   2020/21
        Year 6
                                     Year 6 each wrote a paragraph to create the story ‘The Girl and the Fox’.

 Sizzling with anger, the girl          On the ground, next to the sunken patches of blood, the girl spotted
 crouched over the blood-               miniscule paw prints leading into the deep, dark woods. Without a
 stained bodies of her ducks.           doubt, she knew who had done this crime… it was a fox.
 The question was, ‘who did it?’
                                        Senna Loftus
 Teddy Spurr

 The fox, which was hiding in the shrubbery, looked out at         Staring into each other’s eyes, the girl saw a
 the clearing. It was empty, except for a lantern lying on its     reflection of herself. One minute she was as
 side. He crept out, only to be immediately pinned to the          angry as the devil himself, the next she had
 ground by Iona. She pressed a bone knife to its throat. Her       realised what she was doing to the fox. The
 face filled with rage, she stared into its wide black eyes.       little girl got off him. As fast as time, he was
 Abigail Casey
                                                                   George Dummer

                                                                                    Year 8

                                                                  Year 8 worked on their creative writing.

                 Year 7                                           Paul slept badly that night. He was on
                                                                  holiday and was trying to relax, or at least
                                                                  that was, until he heard a scream. It was a
                                                                  long, piercing, shrill screech, however when it
   Year 7 wrote about their happiest day.                         did finally stop, Paul could still hear it ringing
                                                                  in his ears. He had to help. Then he heard
                                                                  a low-pitched growl. Now it was his turn to
As my thoughts were tugged back to Earth, I slowly                scream.
remembered where I was. I could feel my dreams                    A large shadow appeared above his bed: a
pulling at my brain, begging me to close my eyes                  shape with many arms and legs, with leathery
once more, but I refused the feeling, because I knew              webbing in between the thin, bony limbs. A
what was happening today…                                         single eye on what could have passed for its
                                                                  back, but the most terrifying thing wasn’t
I slipped my clothes on and raced down to the                     the eye, or the limbs, or the lack of any other
breakfast that awaited me. My brother and I stacked               human features. It was the mouth.
our plates with waffles, eggs and fruit and wolfed it
down like a pair of starving gorillas! Before mum and             by Micah Groves
dad could stop us, we darted down to the lukewarm
water and the peaceful waves. We approached our
friends, Hettie and Martha, and chatted excitedly
about the adventure that awaited us today!

by Florrie Matthews
28         The Young
           Wycliffian   2020/21

                 Year 3                                              “Boudicca was married to Prasutagus
                                                                     king of the Iceni tribe. When he died, she
                                                                     became queen. But the Romans took all
                                                                     her lands, tied up her and her daughters
                                                                     and flogged them. Boudicca was outraged.
Pupils have enjoyed studying                                         She refused to give in to the Romans, then
about Prehistoric Britain. They                                      she decided to take them down! So she
researched the archaeological                                        gathered an army of different tribes to stop
site, Star Carr, using iPads and                                     the Roman Empire. They fled quickly to
found out that in the Stone                                          Camulodunum (the capital) they burned
Age people made headdresses                                          the city to the ground. Some people think
out of deer skulls and antlers!                                      Boudicca drank special poison and fell down
So they made their own antler                                        dead.”
                                                                     Rawdon Dickinson

                          Year 4

Pupils stepped into some ancient sandals for their Walk Like
an Egyptian Day. They created serpent headbands and golden
jewelled collars and spent the day creating Egyptian art.
Sixth Form pupils supported the Year 4 pupils in their studies
about World War II. The children wrote letters as evacuees and
received replies from their ‘parents’, that is the Year 13 History
pupils. They also celebrated VE Day with afternoon tea and a
tea dance.

           Year 5

    In the phalanx, soldiers would stand side by
    side overlapping their shields to make a wall
    of protection. Most soldiers carried a long
    spear called a doru and a short sword called a
    xiphos. A full set of armour included a shield, a
    bronze breastplate, a helmet and greaves that
    protected the shins.
    Wilf Rodgers, Year 5, as part of their studies
    on the Greeks and the origins of the OIympic
    Games.                                                               The History Squad brought the
                                                                         Anglo Saxons’ world to life for
                                                                           pupils during a workshop.
                                                                                           The Young
                                                                                           Wycliffian  2020/21
                 Year 6

Year 6 focussed on change and continuity, exciting and
inspirational figures and the horrible reality of children
working in difficult circumstances. We had an interactive
Victorian style lesson, with them participating in typical
lessons and using writing implements. We had a go at a
recreation of a narrow tunnel for a Victorian mineshaft
and analysed and evaluated Victorian toys.
                                                                       Top Trumps by Arthur Jam

                       Year 7

                                                                                    Year 8
  It was a crisp November morning as Year 7 prepared for
  the battle that changed history.
                                                                  Who was Henry VIII?
  As all of Year 7 sat in the Studio Theatre, we were all
  eagerly waiting to find out when we were going into             Later on, Henry’s health faded, we know this beause
  battle.                                                         a modern historian said ‘At the end of his life
                                                                  Henry VIII was so fat that three men had to haul
  We were introduced to a funny and knowledgeable man             him out of bed’. Although this isn’t entirely reliable
  called Richard. He explained to us how they would have          it would surprise a lot of people as over the years
  prepared to go into battle in 1066.                             his character has been tweaked, it’s like Chinese
  They would have worn a thick material that was                  whispers. He started executing many people, it
  waterproof and they wore baggy trousers so the trousers         is thought that in his time he executed 60,000
  wouldn’t rip. They also wore chainmail, which is made           people. Henry’s life went downhill!
  out of many rings melted together. It was very heavy.           Eleanor Casey
  Year 7 separated into Shaftesbury and Lincoln as the
  Normans with our leader William of Normandy (Mr
  Arman) and Scott and Grenfell as the Saxons with their          Henry VIII was supposed to be the ‘Best King in
  leader Harold Godwinson (Mrs Grant).                            History’, but was he really? This so called ‘amazing
                                                                  king’ was born in 1491 and died at the age of 55 in
  The Saxons and Normans went into battle with our                1547. He executed between 57,000 and 72,000
  shields that we had made a few weeks ago.                       people during his reign of 37 years. Is that really
  We were deeply in battle as Harold Godwinson was                what a good king would do? I do not think so.
  tragically killed, stabbed to death. In the end the             However, he was a strong leader and the people of
  Normans won! Overall it was a great day.                        England listened to him because he was such a good
                                                                  communicator. He was also fairly talented, speaking
  Flo Smalley                                                     7 languages and being good at sports and a fantastic
                                                                  Amelia Portlock
30           The Young
             Wycliffian    2020/21

                       Modern Foreign
                                                                       Year 3

                                                Year 3 worked on learning the names of all the animals from
                                                ‘Ours Brun, dis moi’ by Eric Carl (‘Brown Bear, what can you see?’)
                                                Je​m’appelle Sammy. J’ai un chien. Mon chien s’appelle Phoebe.
                                                Mon chien est blanc et doré.
                                                Sammy Hughes
                                                Je m’appelle Fu’ad. J’ai un chien. Mon chien s’appelle Simba.
                                                Mon chien est marron et noir.
                                                Fu’ad Habash
            Pupils had a French ICT lesson on
                                                                                                 Evie Westwater
                  items in a pencil case.

                                       Year 4

                                                         Aidan Lai
Year 4 pupils learned about shapes
in French.
They created a 'Wanted poster'
of a person or a pet and applied
their knowledge of adjectives to
describe their characters using the
pronoun 'il/elle'. They were able to
describe their personality, size and
nationality.                                                                                         Jake Young

            Year 5                                         Lula Turner

Mrs Davis and Mr Broadhead worked
with Year 5 on writing a description of
their pet or teddy using ‘il/elle a’ and
‘il/elle est’ and lots of adjectives. They
also made posters to accompany their
written text.
                                                                                                  The Young
                                                                                                   Wycliffian  2020/21
                                                                                                              Arthur James

                                   Year 6

 Year 6 have covered a range of topics including clothes and fashion, describing their
 personalities and discussing their opinions of school topics and giving reasons.

                                            It’s finding my friends. Chat, laugh. I love
     J’aime danser
                                            my friends.
     J’adore chanter
     Je n’aime pas nager                    For me the return of the holidays. Is to
     Je déteste étudier                     Study. Work, listen to the teachers… It’s
                                            sad.                                             Year 6 enjoyed a themed
     J’adore retrouver mes amis
                                                                                             afternoon on Spanish
     J’aime surfer                          For me, back to school is sport, the clubs
                                                                                             culture during lockdown.
     Je n’aime pas tchatter                 at college: playing basketball, swimming.
                                                                                             They were treated to several
     Je déteste bloguer                     singing in choir… it’s great.
                                                                                             activities including Flamenco
     J’adore jouer.For me the               Stanley Western                                  workshops, Spanish tasters and
                                                                                             mindfulness art.

                         Year 7
                                                                                           Year 8

                                                                          In German, pupils put their new knowledge of the
                                                                          German accusative case and physical descriptions
                                                                          to good use in order to write a description of the
Year 7 learned about the                                                  mythical Wolpertinger (a jackalope type creature
Perfect Tense with a view to                                              said to live in the Bavarian forests) which are then
write about a holiday; what                                               added to their own artwork of the creature.
they have visited and what
they did, giving their opinions.
                                                                            Ich habe das Tier ja mit meinen eigenen
                                                                            Augen gesehen! Es war gross. Es hat einen
                                                                            Hasenkopf. Es hat keinen Schwanz aber
                                                                            es hat graue Federn. Es hat Zwei scharfe
                                                                            Kraellen und zwei weiche Pfoten. Es hat
European Day of Languages                                                   Schwarze Augen. Es hat orange und schwarze
Prep pupils enjoyed speaking and hearing a myriad of                        Felle. Es hat ein grosses Geweih.
languages during the School’s European Day of Languages.                    by Will Welby
The day gave everyone an opportunity to value and promote
all languages and cultures in Europe (but not just those from              In Spanish, pupils worked on describing their town
Europe), raising awareness of the importance of language                   and where they live using prepositions.
learning and intercultural understanding.
The day started for many pupils with Mrs Grant welcoming                   En frente del centro comercial, hay el cine. Hay
them in Swahili. Staff all wore a sticker with the word ‘hello’            la farmacia al lado de el banco. No hay el aero-
in a language that the children had to work out the origin of.             puerto, pero hay el estadio de futból. Me gusta
They were delighted to seek out as many teachers as they                   mucho el estadio de futból. A la izquierda de la
could and ask them questions to fill in their sheet.                       estación RENFE, hay la oficina de información
                                                                           y turismo, et a la derecha de la estación RENFE,
Some Year 7 and Year 8 pupils entered an international
                                                                           hay la oficina de correos. No hay el museo pero
competition where they could score points by learning
                                                                           hay el zoo.
different languages. Our pupils chose to learn some Spanish,
Italian, Japanese and Mandarin. Wycliffe came 5th out of 18                Ruby Dickenson
on average score which was a wonderful outcome.
32                      The Young
                        Wycliffian                          2020/21

                            Year 3                                                                                          Place Value Riddle cards were used to challenge the more able
                                                                                                                            mathematicians in the class with their place value skills. The
                                                                                                                            questions incorporated lots of number skills and a range of Maths
                                                                                                                            vocabulary. Once the more able children had got the hang of it, we
                                                                                                                            turned it into a bit of a competition to see who could answer the
                                                                                                                            most questions accurately, which the children really enjoyed. The less
                                                                                                                            able pupils worked in small teams to help each other work out some
                                                                                                                            answers too.
                                                                                                                            In Directed Learning pupils were all asked to run a virtual shop,
                                                                                                                            buying items with set amounts of money and working out change.
                        Isla Watson’s shop

                                  Year 4

Year 4 used Place Value Counters to
explain how written column addition works.
They pretended that they were presenters
on their own Maths Kids YouTube channel
and explained the method, using key
mathematical vocabulary, to their viewers.
Pupils used their knowledge of reading and plotting co-ordinates to
construct Christmas images on a grid.

                                                                                                       e name

        th e m a ths prob
                          lems to
                            e c h a
                                     create th
                                    ra cter                                                                                                                  Year 5
  Solve            the anim                                                                                                here
                                                                                                            Write na
                                                             4 x 7 = … ………
                                                             7 x 9 – 6 ………
                                                                     7 =
                                                              6x5–            .
                                                                        = ………

                                                                                                                                                 During Directed Learning pupils took part
                                                                                                                                  y    z
                                                                                                                      w    x
                                                                                                            u    v
                                                                                                  s    t                          95   46
                                                                                        q    r                        23   84
                                                                             o     p                        41   62

                                                                                                                                                 in weekly competitions between tutor
                                                                   m    n                         19   90
                                                        k     l                         37   48
                                              i    j                         57    64
                                  g      h                         83   94
                        e    f                          31    62
              c    d                          79   60
         b                               28

                                                                                                                                                 groups of Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS).
    a                        96   37
                   74   85
         62   43

                                  OF THE DA                                                the
                                                                                 Write all !
                                                                                 factor pa
                                                                                           irs                                                   The pupils challenged each other and the
                                                                                                                                                 teachers as well. They have also played
              55                       fraction
                                       of 100
                                                                                                                                                 maths games, for example a virtual ‘Around
                                        Decimal                                                                                                  the World.’ Mr Sinclair has challenged his
                                                                                                                                                 group to solve some Bletchley Park codes.
                                                                                 The Young
                                                                                 Wycliffian        2020/21
Year 6

Year 6 learned about fractions of amounts.

                                                          Year 6 pupils create
                                                                               d Mathematical
                                                         Art as part of an
                                                                           Independent Learn

                                       Heidi Har

          Year 7

                                                                     Noma M

                                                                  Year 8

                      Millie Do

                                         ed                              Isabel Car
                               ’s expand
                     Talia Owen ets
34     The Young
       Wycliffian  2020/21

    We have never had a year like it – how many times have we said that?
  The Music Department has perhaps been one of the hardest hit during the
 pandemic as we have been so restricted in what we have been allowed to do.
 Did it stop us? Absolutely not! Things have definitely looked very different,
       but we have achieved a huge amount despite all the difficulties.

 Every child from Reception          Our ensembles also had to adapt,   groups performed on the whole
 to Year 8 continued to have         with the Orchestra replaced by     school Christmas Carol video.
 specialist music teaching each      Year group ensembles, and Senior
                                                                        The instrumental ensembles have
 week, including during lockdown,    Choir and Middle Prep choirs
                                     also becoming Year group choirs.   produced recordings for some
 and our wonderful team of                                              of our virtual concerts, and have
                                     Although their schedule of
 Visiting Music Teachers have                                           had an opportunity to submit
                                     performances has looked rather
 continued to deliver music          different this year, the Senior    individual recordings for our
 lessons either face to face or on   groups pre-recorded an anthem      virtual orchestra in the Spring
 Microsoft Teams.                    for Remembrance, and all the       term.
                                                                                    The Young
                                                                                    Wycliffian  2020/21

        Virtual Concerts            challenging, with all exam boards   Music means so much to so
                                    cancelling face-to-face exams       many of our pupils and staff and
We had several successful virtual   in the Spring, and many centres     plays a vital part in our mental
concerts in the Autumn and          closed in the Autumn and            well-being, as well as being such
Spring terms, with performances     Summer terms. Despite this, we      an important creative outlet for
                                    have had some successes with        our school. Mrs Taylor would like
from pupils of all ages and
                                    videoed exams and a few face-       to thank every pupil and teacher
                                    to-face exams in the Autumn,        who helped to keep Music alive
                                    and we have also launched our       this year.
         Carol Service
                                    own internal grade certificate,

This year we were unable to         which Music staff can award to
have our usual Carol Services       pupils meeting all the criteria
as planned, and so a whole          for an exam, but who have been
College Christmas celebration       unable to take the formal exam.        We had several
was recorded in the Chapel.                                                successful virtual
All the Prep Year group choirs           Virtual Music making              concerts in the
performed pieces, and it was                                               Autumn and
a new and exciting experience
for most of them to be filmed
                                    The Music department was up            Spring terms, with
                                    and running within 24 hours of
professionally.                                                            performances from
                                    the second lockdown in January
                                                                           pupils of all ages and
         Music Exams
                                    and we were able to deliver
                                    all our instrumental and vocal         standards.
                                    lessons remotely, and class music
Music exams were especially         moved online.
36      The Young
        Wycliffian  2020/21

              Religious Studies
      Rawdon Dickenson

                                                                       Year 3

                                                       Year 3 pupils explored the importance of books in
                                                       a religious sense, as they learned about the Guru
                                                       Granth Sahib (the holy book in the Sikh religion).
                                                       They also learned about Hinduism.

                                     What makes Wycliffe a community?
           Year 4                    1. We always work together.
                                     2. We share our ideas.
                                     3. We are empathetic to each other.
                                     4. We share our time together.
                                     5. We share our feelings and triumphs and problems and failures
Year 4 learned about belonging and   and successes.
identity and how religious groups    6. We share jokes, stories, music, poems and pictures.
and schools and communities share    7. We share happiness.
a common identity.                   Martha Woolley, Year 4

                                      Olivia, Year 5

                                                                                Year 5

                                                                    Year 5 pupils studied a multi-religious
                                                                    unit on ‘ belief in our community’ and
                                                                    how religious people look to people
                                                                    from their religion for inspiration.
                                                                                            The Young
                                                                                            Wycliffian  2020/21
                                                          Over lockdown #2 I lost my Ji-ma [grandma]. She was very

                   Year 6
                                                          special to me and my family. I felt shocked at the time and
                                                          extremely upset, but after I got used to the fact, like all
                                                          things, I found ways to understand it. My Ji-ma was a heavy
                                                          smoker, suffering from dementia and very lonely. I try to
                                                          look on the positive side of the devastation, knowing that
In Year 6 we studied what happens when we die
                                                          [like any big loss] there is nothing I could do afterwards
and at the end of the term we researched famous
                                                          anyway. A loss is loss. But then some say [not all] that
people and the pupils wrote a small eulogy of their
                                                          people find their inner soul and wisdom when they die and
lives using quotes and reasons why we should
                                                          if they were good to their God, they would go to heaven.
remember them.
                                                          My Ji-ma wasn’t one you would call religious and in the
                                                          conditions of India, when she had the heart attack, the
                                                          options were tiny and she had to be cremated. I felt so,
  Winston Churchill is best remembered for                so sad, and empty, at the thought that we couldn’t go to
  successfully leading Britain through World              the cremation ceremony. Instead [it being lockdown] we
  War 2. He was famous for his inspiring                  watched the ceremony on Zoom. I was completely empty.
  speeches and for his refusal to give in, even           And sad. Very sad. Still now, I have things that are really
  when things were going badly.                           sentimental towards her, which is really nice.
  Lottie Beachus, Year 6                                  Ayesha Menon, Year 6

                                                                                     Year 8
              Year 7
                                                              Amelia Portlock is one of the RS Subject Leaders and
                                                              one of the challenges posed by Mr Arman for this group
           Year 7 studied Old Testament                       was to enter the Theology Philosophy and Religion Essay
           characters this year. Namely,                      Competition (ISRSA). This is part of Amelia’s fine effort.
           Elijah recently and the worship
           of idols.                                             Meditation is well known as the best way to support
                                                                 your mental health and focussing your mind.
                                                                 However, prayer is just as good and it may even be
                                                                 more effective. There is really no right or wrong
                                                                 answer that fits all, it depends on your beliefs. You
  There are negatives and positives to having an                 will think differently about how to sort out your
  idol, but that depends on what you are idolising.              problems. Both prayer and meditation can make
  Many different people idolise lots of different                you a better person and make you take a break from
  things and this varies from between the newest                 everyday life. Everyone needs time to relax every
  iPhone or car all the way over to Barbie dolls,                now and then, whether you are religious or not, it is
  religion, money and people. All humans idolise                 good to let out your feelings.
  something and that is what makes things popular                Amelia Portlock, Year 8
  or not. Idols in a lot of cases have grown with                                                        Oliver Thom
                                                                                                                     as, Year 8
  social media or benefitted from that and with this
  expansion comes an expansion in their own power
  with the following and liking and subscribing,               Year 8 discussed the
  making it easier to idolise people. Idols influence          teachings of Jesus
  world affairs and control the people, for good or            and how these might
  bad. Role models will use this power for good,               relate to our world
  whereas others might not.                                    today. The story of
                                                               the Good Samaritan is
  Arthur McKay, Year 7                                         one such parable.
38       The Young
         Wycliffian   2020/21

                   Subject Leaders
                                                         At Wycliffe, all Prep pupils
                                                         can become Subject
                                                         Leaders. They fill out an
                                                         application form and are
 The role of Subject Leader is designed                  chosen based on their
 to develop leadership, attainment and                   work ethic and love of the
 acknowledge pupil effort.                               subject, as well as high
 It is made up of the key strands:
                                                         If they qualify, they are
 •   High engagement and work ethic;                     given a badge to recognise
 •   be a good role model;                               their achievement and
                                                         are set specific tasks to
 •   high subject attainment;                            engage and nourish their
 •   be prepared to share and present your               potential.
     ideas;                                              There are opportunities for this in every area, from
 •   work well with and encourage others;                Artistic to Academic subjects, so whatever a pupil’s area
                                                         of strength is, they can receive an extra challenge in that
 •   accept and rise to challenges given.
 In this academic year we gave out 186
                                                         I only arrived at Wycliffe in September, but I am already
 awards between 38 pupils across a range of
                                                         enjoying an extra challenge in some of my favourite
                                                         subjects as Subject Leader in English, Maths and History.
                                                         by Eleanor Casey, Year 8

               Extended challenges
                                              by Eleanor Casey, Year 8
        Subject Leaders are given a range of extended challenges throughout the year.
                            This competition is just one example.
The CyberFirst Girls Competition
is a computing challenge run by the
National Cyber Security Centre
for girls in Year 8 and Year 9.
The qualifying round was over
a week in February, when our
team spent every available
moment completing challenges in       It is a huge compliment to reach        was made up of myself (Eleanor
topics including Cyber Security,      the semifinals, which will be a full-   Casey), Ruby Dickenson, Isabel
Cryptography, Logic and others.       day challenge for the team which        Carrick and Abigail Casey.
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