Page created by Henry Mendoza

The Rotunda                     Fall 2021

  Thi Bui • Oct 17          Staccato • Oct 15
   Big Read Author          Música   coral a capella

Marc Brown • Oct 24       Jonathan Kruk • Oct 30
  Creator   of   Arthur    Halloween Celebration
Contents                                                                                             Fall 2021          Vol. 22, Issue 1         A Lot to Celebrate
                                                                                                                                                     Friends to Honor Library Champions
                                                                                                   General Information
                                                                                                                                                     In early 2020, the Friends of the Library District announced that the
                                                                                                    Adriance Memorial Library
                                                                                                    93 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
                                                                                                                                                     recipients of the Adriance Honors would be Suzanne Gillespie and Tom                         Doodle
                               7                              8                                                                                      Lawrence, two people who have consistently shown their support for our
                                                                                           20       (845) 485-3445
                                                                                                                                                     public libraries. After a one year delay, the presentations will finally take place
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the Dragon
                                                                                                    Mon-Thurs: 9 am-9 pm
    Adult Programs                                                                                  Fri & Sat: 9 am-5 pm Sun: 2-5 pm                 on Monday, October 18, at Locust Grove, beginning at 5:30 pm, with Ann                       Doodle the Dragon
                                                                                                    Free parking and easy access off Noxon Street.   Pinna serving as Honorary Chair.*                                                            wants to know – Do you have a library
     4   Books, Poetry and More                      12-18 2021 Big Read                            GPS locator: 22 Noxon Street.
                                                                                                                                                                            Suzanne Gillespie has been a Friends volunteer                        card? Nationally, September is Library
     6   The Art Scene                               20 Public Computer Center
                                                                                                    Boardman Road Branch Library                                            for sixteen years, serving in various capacities including            Card Sign-Up Month, and the public
     8   History Near and Far                        22 Programas en Español                        141 Boardman Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
                                                                                                                                                                            Board member, Chair of the Fund Raising Committee,                    libraries of Dutchess County have
    10    Just a Little Scare                        28 Friends News                                (845) 485-3445
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  joined forces in a registration campaign.
                                                                                                    Mon-Thurs: 9 am-9 pm
                                                                                                                                                                            and the Publicity Committee. Currently Suzanne is
                                                                                                                                                                            a member of the Book Store Committee as well as a                     Doodle the Dragon is our mascot,
                                                                                                    Fri & Sat: 9 am-5 pm Sun: Closed
                                                                                                                                                                            Sorter and Specialist in the Book Store operation.                    reminding everyone that ‘Reading
                                                                                                    Location Key
                                                                                                                                                                              Suzanne has a BA in English from SUNY New Paltz                     is Magical’! Be on the look-out for
                                                                                                    ADR - Adriance
                                                                                                    BRD - Boardman Road                                                     and was Corporate Secretary at Poughkeepsie Savings                   Doodle in your neighborhood, and
                                                                                                                                                                            Bank for 10 years. After finishing her corporate career               make sure everyone in your household
                                                  25                                                Friends' Book Store
                       24                                          26                      27                                                        in1998, she completed a Diploma in Horticulture at New York Botanical                        has a library card. Dutchess County is
                                                                                                    141 Boardman Rd, at rear of Library
                                                                                                    (845) 485-3445 x3423                             Gardens and worked in the management of several estate gardens.                              helping to fund the Library Card Sign-
    Youth Programs                                                                                                                                     Suzanne was an early volunteer at Walkway Over the Hudson, a Meals on                      Up campaign and supporting libraries
                                                                                                    Tues, Thur, Sat: 10 am-4 pm
    24 Teen Scene                    26 Children                   27 Early Childhood               Donating See>Your Library             Wheels driver, and currently serves as a volunteer, Board member, Secretary                  in purchasing more eBooks. Stop by
                                                                                                                                                     to the Board, and an Interpreter at the F.W.Vanderbilt Mansion National                      Adriance or Boardman to get your
                                                                                                    On the Web
                                                                                                                                                     Historic Site.                                                                               library magic. As children’s book author
                                                                                                    Email                                                                                                               Marc Brown says, “Having fun isn’t
      Registration                                                                                                                                                            Tom Lawrence was appointed Director of the
                                                                                                    Facebook                                                                                                                                      hard when you have a library card.”
      Most adult programs require registration. When specified,                                     Poughkeepsie Public Library District                                      Library District in April 1995. Prior to his move to
      please register at or (845) 485-3445 x3707.                                                                                                  Poughkeepsie, he was the director of the Western
                                                                                                    Library Director Tom Lawrence
      Most youth programs require registration. When specified, please                                                                                                        Connecticut Library Council.
      register at or (845) 485-3445 x3320.                               Board of Trustees
                                                                                                                                                                                 Tom’s first few years were a time of adjustment but
      When registered for a virtual program, you will receive an event link via email.
                                                                                                    Dianne Blazek, Town, President
                                                                                                                                                                              in 2000, the Library District’s Trustees began looking
                                                                                                    Amy Bombardieri, Town
      Some programs are recorded and available at                         Sean Eagleton, Town                                                       for additional space for both the branch library and                                    Big Read
           Program is recorded                Program is not recorded                               Patricia Ferrer-Medina, Town                                              the main library. In 2006, voters in the City and Town
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       October 8 –
                                                                                                    Moira Fitzgibbons, City, Vice-President          approved the renovation and expansion of Adriance Memorial Library and
                                                                                                    Chip Hogg, City
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       November 13
                                                                                                                                                     in October 2009, the new facility, with more than twice as much space,
    Fall Closures                                                                                   Edna Lyons, City, Secretary                                                                                                                                        This year marks the
                                                                                                    Mary E. Moore, Town                                                                                                                                                Poughkeepsie Public
    Labor Day Weekend: Sat-Mon, Sept 4-6        Thanksgiving: Wed, 24 @ 5 pm-Fri, Nov 26                                                                In 2013, voters approved the purchase of a former IBM site on Boardman
                                                                                                    Patricia Ryan, Town,Treasurer                                                                                                                                      Library District’s 15th
    Professional Dev. Day: Fri, Sept 24         Christmas Eve: Fri, Dec 24 @ 12:30 pm                                                                Road and in April 2015, the new Boardman Road Branch Library opened its
                                                                                                    Cathy Schmitz, Town                                                                                                                                                year coordinating the
    Columbus Day: Mon, Oct 11                   Christmas: Sat, Dec 25                                                                               doors. Earlier this year, the Library District’s new bookmobile began to appear
                                                                                                    Laurel Spuhler, City                                                                                                                                               region’s community-
    Veterans Day: Thurs, Nov 11                 New Year's Eve: Fri, Dec 31 @ 12:30 pm                                                               around the community and later this year, a new branch will open at the
                                                                                                    Editorial Staff                                                                                                                            wide Big Read. The five week program draws
                                                                                                                                                     Family Partnership Center on Hamilton Street.
                                                                                                    Editor: Gareth Davies                                                                                                                      together scholars, authors, readers, artists,
                                                                                                    Assistant Editor: Jewel Ratzlaff                    According to Tom, the speed with which all of these initiatives were
      Cancellation Notifications                                                                                                                                                                                                               educators, librarians, book clubs, and families
                                                                                                    Designer: Julie Hering                           completed is largely due to the enthusiastic support of the Friends, the Board
      There are times when the Library District needs to cancel a program due to                                                                                                                                                               to explore a specific piece of literature. Our
                                                                                                                                                     of Trustees, and the community.
      weather or presenter/room conflicts. The Library District will post building closings                                                                                                                                                    selected title for 2021 is The Best We Could
      and program cancellations at Patrons can get immediate email               The Poughkeepsie Public Library District           *If you would like to receive an invitation to this event, please call (845) 485-3445   Do, the beautiful graphic memoir by Thi
      notification of closings and cancellations by registering at               will have vibrant libraries where people         x3371 or make your reservation at                            Bui. 31 community partners have planned
                                                                                                    want to be. It will meet the needs of a
                                                                                                    diverse and growing constituency by                                                                                                        48 public events around this book and the
                                                                                                    providing services and partnering with other                                                                                               companion literature for younger readers. See
    Photography Policy
                                                                                                    community organizations. The Board of                            Vote on November 2                                                        pages 12-18 to learn how you can participate.
    The Library often photographs or videotapes programs for use in publicity materials. By         Trustees and the staff will work together                        The Library District’s annual budget and Trustees vote
    being present during these activities, you consent to use of your appearance or likeness        to serve the public and to respond to the
                                                                                                                                                                     will be on the ballot on General Election Day. For
    by the Library, and its licensees, designees, or assignees, in all media, worldwide, in         changing nature of library services.
                                                                                                                                                                     information, contact the Library District’s Administrative
    perpetuity. To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified
                                                                                                                                                        Office at (845) 485-3445 x3306.
    using names or personal identifying information without written approval from the
2   photographed subject, parent or legal guardian.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3
Books and Authors                                                                     ADR: Adriance BRD: Boardman Road          Books and Poetry                                                      If registration is required, see page 2 for details.

    Meet the Authors                 Registration required.                                                                                           Books and Brew Book Club
                                                                                             Reading Adventures                                                                                                             Writers Hike
                             Chef Vincent      conditions. Frank “Big Black” Smith                                                                    Select Wednesdays, Juan Murphy’s                                      Sunday, September 12, 9:30 am,
                             Tropepe           is at the center of this uprising,            Registration required.                                   Contact Kira Thompson at (845)485-3445                                Quiet Cove Riverfront Park,
                             Thursday,         struggling to protect hostages,                                                                        x3350 or for details.                            subject to change due to weather
                                                                                             Books for                                                Registration required.
                             September 9,      prisoners, and negotiators alike.                                                                                                                                            In partnership with Dutchess
                                                                                             the Post-
                             7 pm, BRD         Written by Jared Reinmuth and the                                                                       September 15: Wow, No Thank You.                                     County Parks and the Hudson
                             Award-winning     late Frank “Big Black” Smith and                                                                        Essays by Samantha Irby                                              Valley Writing Project,
                             chef Vincent      illustrated by Ameziane, the graphic                                                 The essays in this collection draw on the raw, hilarious             teaching artists will guide participants through
                                                                                             Novels of
    Tropepe is a celebrated culinary           memoir Big Black: Stand at Attica is a                                               particulars of Irby’s new life.                                      a place-based approach to writing and play with
                                                                                             the Open
    personality, cookbook author, speaker,     2021 Eisner Award nominee for Best                                                                                                                        different forms to express the beauty of nature.
                                                                                             Road                                   October 20: The Anatomy of Desire by L.R. Dorn
    restaurant consultant, small business      Reality Based Book. Books will be                                                                                                                         Bring your notebook and pencil. Meet at the
                                                                                             and Wandering Spirit                   A modern tale of crime and punishment exploring unbridled
    advocate, and designer. Born and           available for purchase and signing.                                                                                                                       boathouse at Quiet Cove Riverfront Park, 1
                                                                                             Thursday, September 9,                 ambition, blinding passion, and the dark side of desire.
    raised in Brooklyn, Vincent is a                                                                                                                                                                     Clear Water Drive, Poughkeepsie. Hike will be
                                                                        Jim                  7 pm, Virtual
    culinary school graduate of the Art                                                                                             November 17: Moby Dick: The Graphic Novel                            approximately 1.5 miles with some elevation
                                                                        Holmgren             Post-pandemic, many of us are
    Institute of New York. Chef Tropepe                                                                                             by Herman Melville, illustrations by Christopher Chaboute            change and uneven paths. Registration
                                                                        Thursday,            looking forward to seeing loved
    will discuss his book Slaughtered: How                                                                                          In striking black-and-white illustrations, Chaboute retells the      required.
                                                                        October 7,           ones in person and connecting
    Inconsistent Lockdowns Collapsed the                                                                                            story of Captain Ahab and his revenge on the great white whale.
                                                                        7 pm, BRD            to new places. Joseph Luzzi,
    Hospitality Industry During COVID-19.                                                                                           December 15: Under a White Sky:
                                                                        Local                Bard College literature professor,
    Books will be available for purchase                                                                                            The Nature of the Future by Elizabeth Kolbert                     Explore Writing & Poetry
                                                                        author Jim           takes book lovers on a tour of
    and signing.                                                                                                                    Kolbert, author of The Sixth Extinction, returns to humanity’s
                                               Holmgren will talk about his new              four masterpieces that speak to
                                                                                                                                    impact on the environment, asking: can we change nature again     Registration not required.
                            Tommy              book, The Bucher Box, which was               our need for adventure, travel,
                                                                                             and reconnecting with the              in time to save it?                                               Exercise Your Writing!
                            Zurhellen          inspired by his work as a Habitat for
                                                                                             wider world after a long year of                                                                         First Sundays, Oct 3, Nov 7, Dec 5, 2 pm, ADR
                            Thursday,          Humanity volunteer and build captain.
                                                                                             isolation: Ernest Hemingway’s                                                                            Exercise your writing with prompts and group sharing.
                            September 23,      Holmgren’s unforgettable characters
                                                                                             The Sun also Rises, Karen Blixen’s                          Graphic Novel                                Bring a notebook and preferred writing implement.
                            7 pm, BRD          interact in humorous and unpredictable
                            In the summer      ways as they restore an abandoned             Out of Africa, E. M. Forster’s                                                                           Write, Write, and Re-Write
                                                                                             Room with a View, and Jack                                  Book Club                                    Saturdays, Sept 18, Oct 16, Nov 20, Dec 18, 10 am, ADR
                            of 2019,           1850s house in Poughkeepsie. With the
    Tommy Zurhellen walked 2,866               uncovering of a beautiful Bucher box          Kerouac’s On the Road.                                      7 pm, Virtual                                Bring copies of your work(s) in progress and receive
    miles across America alone, to raise       and its haunting contents, the story                                                                      Join us for our virtual graphic novel        feedback from your peers. All genres.
                                                                                                                    The                                  book club for teens and adults!
    awareness of veteran suicide and           takes on a parallel historical track of                              Dickens                                                                           An Evening of Poetry
    veteran homelessness in our country.       discovery. Many familiar local locations                                                                  Registration required.                       Monthly, Third Thursdays, 7 pm, ADR
    Tommy will read from his memoir            appear in the book. All book sale                                    Knows             September 9: Sweet Tooth Vol. 1:                                Featured local poets followed by open mic.
    The Low Road: Walking the Walk for         proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity.                                 Sunday,           Out of the Deep Woods by Jeff Lemire                            September 16: Robert Milby - spoken word advocate
    Veterans. Books will be available for                                                                           December 12,      The story of Gus, one of a rare new breed of human/
                                                                       Amitava                                                                                                                        October 21: David Mills - poetry about NYC's
    purchase and signing. Books are $22,                                                                            2:30 pm,          animal hybrid children, who has been raised in isolation.
                                                                       Kumar                                                                                                                          slave history
    highlighting the fact that every day, 22                                                                        Virtual
                                                                       Thursday,                                                      October 13: The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui                     November 18: Daniel Buzi - poetry and meditation
    veterans commit suicide. All proceeds                                                    As great as his literary reputation
                                                                       December 9,                                                    This beautifully illustrated story (our Big Read selection)     December 16: Harvey Sprung - world traveler
    benefit Hudson River Housing’s                                                           remains today, Charles Dickens
                                                                       7 pm, BRD                                                      is an evocative memoir exploring the anguish of
    VetZero Heroes project.                                                                  suffers from an incomplete
                                                                       Amitava                                                        immigration and the lasting effects that displacement has
                             Jared                                     Kumar is a            portrait in the minds of his             on a child and her family.
                                                                                             readers. Guest presenter and                                                                                                 Poetry Writing Workshop
                             Reinmuth          writer and journalist. He was born                                                     November 18: Big Black: Stand at Attica
                                                                                             author Dr. Elliot Engel rescues                                                                                              with David Mills
                             Saturday,         in Ara, India, and grew up in the                                                      by Frank “Big Black” Smith and Jared Reinmuth
                                                                                             him by enthusiastically tracing                                                                                              Thursday, October 21,
                             September 25,     nearby town of Patna, famous for its                                                   This memoir shares Smith’s experience at the center of
                                                                                             his astonishing life and career.                                                                                             4 pm, ADR
                             2:30 pm, BRD      corruption, crushing poverty, and                                                      the Attica Prison uprising, as he struggled to protect
                                                                                             Using biography, analysis, and                                                                                               Using Raymond Patterson’s
                             In the summer     delicious mangoes. Kumar is the                                                        hostages, prisoners, and negotiators.
                                                                                             large doses of humor, Engel                                                                                                  poem Crying Blues as inspiration,
                             of 1971, when     author of the novel Immigrant, Montana
                                                                                             reveals an author far more               December 16: Luisa: Now and Then by Carole Maurel                                   participants will write a blues
    the guards at New York’s Attica            and his newly released novel A Time
                                                                                             fascinating than the immortal            A time-traveling love story that turns coming-of-age                                poem, an iconic form that
    State Prison overreact to a minor          Outside of This Time. He is Professor of
                                                                                             characters he created in his novels.     conventions upside down.                                          evolved from the African-American musical form
    incident, the prisoners revolt against     English at Vassar College. Books will
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and initially used by Langston Hughes.
    their jailers, taking them hostage         be available for purchase and signing.
4   and making demands for humane                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5
Art Scene                                                                  ADR: Adriance BRD: Boardman Road               Concerts, Movies, & Trivia                                                 If registration is required, see page 2 for details.

                                                                            Your Turn                                         Concert Time
     Library Galleries                                                                                                                                                                            Virtual Movie Club
                                                                            Registration required.                            Registration required.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Select Thursdays, 6:30 pm, Virtual
     Mary Wojtecki Rotunda Gallery, Adriance                                                                                  Hudson Valley Chamber Musicians
                                                                                                      Make a Zine                                                                                 Grab some popcorn and kick back! You will need
                                                                                                                              Saturday, September 18, 2:30 pm, BRD
                                                                                                      Thursday,                                                                                   one internet-connected device such as a laptop or
                  September 1-12                                                                                              Enjoy a concert by the woodwind ensemble composed of
                                                                                                      November 4,                                                                                 tablet with microphone capabilities. Registration
                  September 11, 2001: The                                                                                     Norman Dee on f lute, Leigh Myers on clarinet, Terry Watson
                                                                                                      6:30 pm, ADR                                                                                required.
                  Day that Changed the World                                                                                  on horn, and Donald Venezia on bassoon. The ensemble was
                                                                                                      Come and make                                                                                                   October 21: The Witch - A New
                                                                                                                              formed during the pandemic; this concert is the fruit of their
                                                                                                      your own mini-
                                                                                                                              labor during the long quarantine.                                                       England Folktale (Rated R)
                           September 15-October 15                          magazine out of a variety of materials. You
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      In this exquisitely made horror

                                                     Nestor Madalengoitia
                          Hispanic Heritage Art:                            can bring your own text and photos or just        Encore! The Return of the Big Galut(e)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      film, the age-old concepts of
                   Esperanza: Heritage and Hope                             wing it when you arrive. We will have access      Sunday, September 26, 2:30 pm, BRD                                                      witchcraft and possession are
                                                                            to computers and a printer so you can e-mail      Enjoy a hand-clapping, fun-filled afternoon of Klezmer,                                 brought together to tell the story of
                                                                            yourself the text/photos and print them at        Yiddish, and Eastern European musical fun.                                              one family’s frightful unraveling.
                       October 18-November 14                               this workshop. When you have completed
                                                                                                                              Staccato                                                            November 4: Eighth Grade (Rated R)
                       Big Read Group Show:                                 your zine, the instructor will make 5-10
                                                                                                                              Friday, October 15, 6 pm,                                           Thirteen-year-old Kayla (Elsie Fisher) endures the
                       Graphic Artists                                      copies for you to share with friends. You can
                                                                                                                              Cunneen-Hackett Theatre,                                            tidal wave of contemporary suburban adolescence as
                                                                            check out Austin Kleon’s zines here https://
                                                                          12 Vassar St, Poughkeepsie                                          she negotiates the last week of middle school.
                                                                            zines/                                            Staccato, the choir of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  December 2: Loving Vincent (Rated PG-13)
                                                                                                                              National Autonomous
                          November 16-December 30                                                                                                                                                 In the first fully painted feature film, 2018 Oscar-
              David and JoAnn Zimel: Animalplaid                            50 Ways                                           University of Mexico,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  nominated Loving Vincent tells the story of the tragic
                 Artwork - Our World Reimagined                             to Love                                           boasts a wide and varied
                                                                                                                                                                                                  death of one of the world's most famous artists, Vincent
                                                                            Wine More                                         repertoire, focused mainly on a capella choral music of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  van Gogh.
                                                                            Wednesday,                                        20th and 21st centuries. Staccato has toured the globe and won
                                                                            November 10,                                      numerous awards.
     Dimensional Art, Adriance Display Cases                                6:30 pm, Virtual                                                                  The Doug Ferony Show
                                                                            Do you love wine but lack the knowledge                                           Saturday, October 16,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Movie Night In
                  August 27-September 29                                    to choose a great wine for a special dinner                                       2:30 pm, BRD                     Select Thursdays, 7 pm, Virtual
                  Sally Rothchild: The Art of                               or event? Join wine educator and author                                           Doug Ferony sings traditional    Filmmakers and experts join for open discussions following
                  The Pot, Catskills Musings                                Jim Laughren as he tells us how to choose a                                       pop, rock, swinging standards,   each screening. In collaberation with the Jewish Federation of
                                                                            wine to suit your tastes. He will discuss his                                     and love songs. He is            Dutchess County. Registration required.
                                                                            book 50 Ways to Love Wine More and give                                           accompanied by his six-piece
                                                                            advice about wine tastings, wine travel, wine                                                                      September 30: The Keeper
                    November 15-December 31                                 buying, wine pairing, wine sharing, wine                                                                           A British drama about Bert Trautmann, a German veteran
                       Serotsky Collection:                                 history, and much more.                                                                                            who becomes an iconic goalkeeper for Manchester City.
                   French Creche Figurines                                                                                                                                                                          October 28: Will Eisner:
                                                                                                        The Art
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Portrait of a Sequential Artist
                                                                                                        of Collage                                                                                                  A documentary profiling the celebrated
                                                                                                        Thursday, December                                                                                          comics artist Will Eisner, whose
     Boardman Road Gallery
                                                                                                        2, 6:30 pm, ADR                                                                                             legendary career spanned formative
                                                                                                        Learn both Chinese                                                                                          newspaper strips to some of the earliest
                  September 7-November 2
                                                                                                        and American                                                                                                American graphic novels.
                  Lori Adams: Making
                                                                                                        collage techniques
                  Arrangements                                                                                                  Trivia Tuesdays at Home                                                               November 18: Tiger Within
                                                                            and make your own masterpiece. Work with
                                                                                                                                Select Tuesdays, 7 pm, Virtual                                 A friendship between a troubled, homeless teen and a
                                                                            different papers and textures. All materials
                                                                                                                                Participants must have two internet-connected devices          Holocaust survivor (Ed Asner) sparks larger questions of
                                                                            will be supplied; however, if you have a
                                                                                                                                (laptop, smartphone, etc...). Registration required.           ignorance, fear, lies, family, love, forgiveness, and our divided
                                                                            favorite pair of scissors, or an image or a
                     November 3-December 30                                 layout in mind that you want to work from,          October 19: Halloween History, Mystery and Lore                world at large.
                 Big Read Student Project:                                  or personal pictures, please feel free to bring     November 16: The 1990s
                     Photo-Story Portraiture                                them.                                               December 21: Cartoons

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7
History Near & Far                                                                ADR: Adriance BRD: Boardman Road

    Looking Back
    Registration required.
                                                                                      Great Decisions                                                                                      Amazing Adventures
                               Imagery of Poughkeepsie                                Registration required.                                                                               Inspiration, rejuvenation, and adventure await PPLD Library
                               Wednesday, September 8, 7 pm, BRD                      Select Mondays, 7 pm, BRD                                                                            Card holders who reserve a MAP Pass (Museums, Attractions,
                               Soon after the invention of the daguerreotype,                                                                                                              Parks) to one of over 40 destinations. These are uniquely
                                                                                                         September 13:
                               Poughkeepsie resident Samuel Lyon Walker                                                                                                                    cherished places and offer adventure in your very own backyard.
                                                                                                         China and Africa
                               became one of America’s first practitioners of                                                                                                              The entire list of library-supported passes can be found on the
                                                                                                         The Covid-19 crisis
                               this new art. Known for his great artistic taste,                                                                                                           website under Books and More/MAP Passes. Don’t delay - some
                                                                                                         has put a massive
    Walker’s images are considered some of the finest ever made. Presented by                                                                                                              destinations are seasonal, and will be closing in October or
                                                                                                         strain on the growing     Reflecting on 9/11/2001
    Historian Kirk Moldoff, a medical illustrator with a passion for local history.                                                                                                        November.
                                                                                                         economic and
                                                                                                                                   9/11 Anniversary Commemoration:                                                               A variety of destinations are
    Tea with Jane Austen                                                                                 political relationship
                                                                                                                                   Panel Discussion                                                                         outdoors, or offer both outdoor
    Sunday, September 19, 2 pm, Virtual                                               between China and the continent
                                                                                                                                   Friday, September 10, 11 am, Virtual                                                     and indoor experiences at the
    Join Jane Austen in a cup of tea as Kim Wilson,                                   of Africa. As Chinese President Xi
                                                                                                                                   In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of                                              same venue, like nearby Olana,
    the author of Tea with Jane Austen, shares the                                    Jinping’s centerpiece “Belt and Road
                                                                                                                                   the September 11th attacks, the 9/11 Memorial                                            Thomas Cole National Historic Site,
    history of British tea and reveals Jane Austen as an                              initiative” continues to expand Chinese
                                                                                                                                   & Museum presents a virtual panel of survivors                                           Hancock Shaker Village, Storm King
    avid tea lover. Tea figures prominently in Austen’s                               power, the response to Covid-19 as well
                                                                                                                                   and first responders in New York on that fateful                                         Art Center, and Museum at Bethel
    life and work. The audience will also learn how to make the perfect cup of        as the African’s growing debt to China
                                                                                                                                   day. PPLD staff will host a screening on Zoom                                            Woods.
    tea and what Regency-era goodies to serve with it.                                has prompted pushback. Facilitator:
                                                                                                                                   and provide resources for participants to process            In Stockbridge, MA, the Norman
                                Amenia’s Jewish Immigrants                            Malia DuMont, Chief of Staff & VP for
                                                                                                                                   the events and aftermath of 9/11. The event is          Rockwell Museum currently hosts the
                                                                                      Strategy and Policy, Bard College.
                                in the Early 20th Century                                                                          designed for adults and teens in 8th grade and          exhibition 'Enchanted: A History of
                                Wednesday, October 13, 7 pm, BRD                                                    October 18:    up. Registration required.                              Fantasy Illustration, exploring 500 years of
                                Betsy Strauss shares her research on the immigrant                                  Global         This program will not be recorded, but you may view     Fantasy Art'. This incredible exhibit, years
                                story of Jews who settled in rural northeast                                        Supply         the panel webinar on demand anytime on September        in the making, has stirred up worldwide
                                Dutchess County in the early 1900s. Through the                                     Chains         10th and 11th at Webinar       excitement, and closes October 31. One
    stories of families like the Osoffsky family, Strauss shares Amenia’s Jewish      & US National Security                       viewers can join a live chat with Museum staff. The     recent visitor said, “ We enjoyed seeing so many famous illustrators’
    immigrant story. Strauss is a long-serving Amenia Historical Society member,      The shutdown of global supply                webinar will be interpreted in American Sign Language   work in person. The exhibit was very comprehensive - it included
    researcher, speaker and author.                                                   chains due to the Covid-19 pandemic          and captioned. An audio description and Spanish         almost all the fantasy artists we know and admire.”
                                                                                      highlighted an issue of global               subtitles will also be available.                                                             The Old Rhinebeck
    Walking Tour of Academy Street
                                                                                      economic interdependence: what                                                                                                        Areodrome, America’s first flying
    Saturday, October 16, 2 pm, Meet at ADR Main
                                                                                      happens when one country is the                                                                                                       museum of antique aircraft, offers
    Floor Rotunda Gallery; Rain date: October 23
                                                                                      main source for an item and can no                                                                                                    displays in hangars, and on the
    Join Historian Shannon Butler on a walking tour
                                                                                      longer supply the item? What are                                                                                                      weekends, narrated air shows. The
    of the beautiful Academy Street Historic District.
                                                                                      the lasting effects that the pandemic                                                                                                 shows of the History of Flight and
    This event will be outdoors so dress accordingly,
                                                                                      could have on global supply chains and                                                               WWI planes run through October 17. Another local adventure
    with appropriate footwear.
                                                                                      trade? How would this affect national                                                                is Opus 40, a remarkable outdoor stonework park with trails,
                                                                                      security? Facilitator: Professor Karen                                                               sculptures, workshops, and special events.
                                                                                      Nichols, Mount Saint Mary College and                                                                     Heading north to the Wild Center
                    The Vietnam War Revisited:
                                                                                      High School Teacher at Oakwood Friends                                                               and the Adirondack Experience Museum
                    Reading and Discussion Series                                                                                                                                          on Blue Mountain Lake, you can immerse
                    Select Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, ADR                                   School.                                      Exhibit: September 11, 2001: The
                                                                                                                                   Day That Changed the World                              yourself in nature through wildlife exhibits,
                    A scholar-led series examining the Vietnam War from               November 8:                                                                                          mountain views, and even get above the trees
                    different perspectives.                                                                                        September 1-12, ADR, Wojtecki Rotunda Gallery
                                                                                      Brexit and                                   This educational exhibit recounts the events of         on the Wild Walk elevated trail. Wouldn’t
                    September 21: The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien              the EU                                                                                               that be a great way to enjoy the colorful fall
                                                                                                                                   September 11, 2001, through the personal stories
       October 26: The Sorrow of War by Bao Ninh                                      The United                                   of those who witnessed and survived the attacks.        leaves!
       November 16: A Vietcong Memoir by Truong Nhu Tang                              Kingdom has                                  Told across 14 posters, this exhibition includes             Most MAP Passes may be printed at
       December 14: In Retrospect by Robert S. McNamara                               formally left the European Union.            archival photographs and images of artifacts            home after making a reservation online and
                                                                                      What does the future of EU and               from the 9/11 Memorial & Museum’s permanent             many places accept passes displayed on a mobile device. Some sites
       Discussions will be led by Robert K. Brigham, Professor of                     UK relations look like? Will the UK                                                                  require you to make a timed ticket reservation on their website
       History and International Relations, Vassar College. Registration                                                           collection. This content is carefully worded to be
                                                                                      survive a possible Scottish vote to leave?   approachable and accessible for audiences in 8th        due to new capacity limits since COVID. Check out the details at
       required. Contact Debora Shon if you need the texts (845) 485-                 Facilitator: Professor Michael O’Sullivan,                                                 
       3445 x3313. Made possible through a grant from Humanities New York.                                                         grade and up.
                                                                                      Marist College.
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  9
Just a Little Scare                                                     If registration is required, see page 2 for details.     Out You Go!                                                                            ADR: Adriance BRD: Boardman Road

                                                                           Bump in the Night                                                                          Hiking Club
        Chilling Tales                                                                                                                                                 Registration required.
                                                                           Registration required.
                                                      Poe, Times                                                                                                       Select Sundays, 9 am, weather         Registration required.
                                                                                                   Lights Out: Mystery
                                                      Two                                                                                                              permitting and subject to change      Presented by Cornell Cooperative Extension
                                                                                                   and Horror During the
                                                      Saturday,                                                                                                        Join us as we explore some            of Dutchess County.
                                                                                                   Golden Age of Radio                                                 great local hiking spots! Please
                                                      October 2,                                   Wednesday, October 20,                                                                                    Putting Your Garden to Bed for Fall
                                                      2:30 pm,                                                                        bring your own water/snacks and wear proper clothing/
                                                                                                   7 pm, Virtual                      footwear.                                                              Monday, September 20, 7 pm, Virtual
                                                      BRD                                          This presentation uses sound                                                                              What you do to clean up your garden in the Fall
                                                      Also available                                                                  September 19: Val-Kill
                                                                                                   clips from some of radio’s best                                                                           can protect your garden through all kinds of winter
                                                      virtually                                                                       Please meet at the parking lot located at 106 Valkill Park
                                                                           known mystery and horror programs to illustrate how                                                                               weather, and make for an even more welcome spring.
                                                      October 23-30                                                                   Road, Hyde Park. Hike will be approximately 3 miles with
                                                                           radio functioned as a fantastic “theater of the mind.”
                                                                                                                                      a moderate climb in spots.                                                                Deer Defense: How
                                                      Enjoy a double       Ouija Boards                                               October 3: Peach Hill Park                                                                to Co-Exist with the
        bill of short plays adapted from Edgar Allan Poe’s “The            Tuesday, October 26,                                       Please meet at the parking lot located at 32 Edgewood                                     Wiliest of Wildlife
        Cask of Amontillado” and “The Black Cat.” A must-see for           7 pm, Virtual                                              Drive, Poughkeepsie. Hike will be approximately 2 miles                                   Wednesday, November 3, 7 pm, Virtual
        Poe enthusiasts and fans of mystery; written and performed         Ouija boards have been around                              with a moderate climb.                                                                    There are lots of ways to garden
        by actor Greg Oliver Bodine. Suitable for adults and for           for well over one hundred
                                                                                                                                      November 14: Mills Norrie Park                                                            in Dutchess County without
        children (ages 12 and over). Perfect for the Halloween             years. Join paranormal                                                                                                                               sacrificing all your hard work to
                                                                                                                                      Please meet in the parking area located at 9 Old Post Road,
        season! Registration with email required.                          investigator Barry Pirro as he explores the mysterious                                                                            marauding deer. This presentation uses Cornell
                                                                                                                                      Staatsburg. Park at the first parking area located at the
                                                                           history of the Ouija board and tells tales of hauntings                                                                           research-proven methods in three categories: Barriers,
                                                                                                                                      entrance to the park (first left after turning off the Old Post
                                                                           and murders associated with using the board.                                                                                      Repellents, and Alternative Landscape Choices.
                                                                                                                                      Road). Hike will be 2 miles with some hills and uneven paths.
                                                                           Participants will also have a chance to ask Barry                                                                                 You will be given several resources and the best
     Strange History                                                       questions about his experiences as a ‘ghost hunter’ and                                                                           ideas available for deer-resistant landscape plants and
                                                                           to share their own true ghost stories and Ouija board                                                                             perennials.
     Virtual      Registration required.
                                                                           stories.                                                      Walking Club
     Author Michael T. Keene, frequent guest speaker at New York
     libraries and historical societies, offers two history programs via                             Krampus and Other                   Registration required.
     YouTube. Recordings will be available starting on the date given.                               Terrifying Christmas                Please bring water and                                           Let’s Get Sustainable!
                                                    Friday, October 1:                               Legends                             wear walking shoes.
                                                    The Strange and                                  Wednesday, December 8,              Light rain (if it is not                                         Registration required.
                                                    Tragic Story of                                  7 pm, Virtual                       too cold) or shine. Park                                         Select Tuesdays, 7 pm, BRD
                                                    the Fox Sisters                                  We all know the Christmas           at Parker Ave parking lot and meet at the entrance to            Learn to repurpose materials to make other more
                                                    The story of the Fox                             tradition of Santa, but             the Walkway.                                                     environmentally-friendly products!
                                                    sisters, who claimed   have you ever heard of the Christmas devil called                                                                                                       September 21:
                                                                                                                                         Walkway Over the Hudson to Morgan Lake
                                                    to have the powers     Krampus? In some European countries, this half-goat,                                                                                                    Wool Dryer Balls
                                                                                                                                         Wednesdays, September 1-November 17, 10-11:30 am
     to communicate with the dead, and who founded the modern              half-demon creature was thought of as a companion                                                                                                       Skip the softener and use wool
     spiritualism movement.                                                to Santa. While Santa would give out gifts to good            Walkway Over the Hudson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   dryer balls instead! All materials
                                                                           children, Krampus would whip bad children, or toss            Poughkeepsie Side                                                                         provided.
     Wednesday, December 1:                                                them into his sack and carry them away to the woods.          Fridays, September 3-November 19, 10-11:30 am
     The Strange                                                           But Krampus isn’t the only holiday demon; there are                                                                            October 12: DIY T-Shirt Bags
     Disappearance                                                         many, each with their own method of dishing out a                                                                              Have a well-loved t-shirt that you can’t wear anymore?
     of Captain William                                                    little slice of Yuletide horror. Presented by paranormal                                                                       Turn it into a reusable bag! We’ll provide the instructions if
                                                                                                                                                                    Travelogue: The
     Morgan: A Masonic                                                     expert Barry Pirro.                                                                                                            you provide the t-shirt!
                                                                                                                                                                    American Southwest to
     Mystery                                                                                                                                                                                                                        November 9:
                                                                                                                                                                    the Canadian Rockies
     The alleged kidnapping and                                                                                                                                                                                                     Plastic Bag Basket
                                                                              To learn about Mexican                                                                Saturday, September 25,
     murder of William Morgan                                                                                                                                                                                                       Have plastic bags hanging around?
                                                                              Day of the Dead traditions,                                                           10 am, ADR
     prevented him from publishing a book that would have revealed                                                                                                                                                                  Turn them into a handy basket!
                                                                              check out the bilingual                                                               Enjoy a great Nature Tour
     the inner secrets of the Masonic order.                                                                                                                                                                                        Please bring several plastic bags and
                                                                                                                                                                    up the spine of Western
                                                                              programs on page 23.                                                                                                                                  we’ll provide the instructions.
                                                                                                                                      North America through the great parks and scenic vistas
                                                                                                                                      of deserts, mountains, rivers, and prairies. This photo tour,       December 14: “Stained Glass” Ornament
                                                                                                                                      with commentary and route recommendations, is presented             Make an ornament using simple household ingredients! All
10                                                                                                                                    by poet, photographer, and traveler Harvey Sprung.                  materials will be provided.                                       11
Friday, October 8                     Meet Graphic Novelist               Podcast and Radio
                                                                                                                             Kick-Off Weekend                      Don Brown                           Production

   2021 Big Read                                                                                                             Introducing                           7 pm, Staatsburg Library            6:30 pm, Staatsburg Library
                                                                                                                             The Best We Could Do                               Learn about the        The Art Effect leads a program
                                                                                                                             7 pm, PPLD-Boardman                                graphic novel          for tweens and teens. Register.
      October 8 - November 13                                                                                                Dr. Peter Antelyes, English                        format and             Friday Night Movie Series
                                                                                                                             professor at Vassar College,                       gain an artist’s       7 pm, Hyde Park Free Library
                                                                                                                             introduces the graphic memoir                      perspective on         Movie TBD
                                                                                                                             format and its place in                            storytelling.
2021 Big Read                                                                                                                literature. Antelyes discusses                     Register.              Saturday, October 16
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Working with Watercolors
                              The Big Read -                                                                                 storytelling through sequential       Wednesday, October 13
                                                                                                                             art, with many references to                                              11 am, Staatsburg Library
                              where the community                                                                                                                  Tastes of Saigon                    The Art Effect leads a workshop
                              gathers around a book!                                                                         Thi Bui’s extraordinary work The      11:30 am-1 pm, Saigon Pho ờ
                                                                                                                             Best We Could Do. Register.                                               for adults inspired by Thi Bui's
                                FAMILY is the theme of this year’s Big                                                                                             Welcome to a private culinary       illustrations. Register.
                                Read literature. In the forward of our                                                       Saturday, October 9                   tasting session! Learn about
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Magic in These Pages
                                chosen book, The Best We Could Do,                                                           Kick-Off Weekend                      the ingredients, recipes, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       6 pm, LaGrange Library-Virtual
                                author Thi Bui shares how she came                                                           Workshop: Introduction to             cooking techniques unique to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Chris Shave, beloved third grade
                                to create this unique book. She was in                                                       Personal Storytelling                 Vietnamese cuisine. Five menu
                                                                                                                                                                                                       teacher and avid graphic novel
                                graduate school in art education when                                                        9:30 am, PPLD-Boardman                items will be prepared for small
                                                                                                                                                                                                       fan, unveils the magical power of
                                she got “lost in the world of oral history.                                                  Terry Wolfisch Cole, Moth Radio       plate tastings. Seating begins at
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the graphic novel. Register.
                                                                                                                             champion storyteller, leads a         11. Register with payment of $.
                                The transcripts of my family’s stories        Companion Literature                           workshop on telling your own
                                (and the clumsy, homemade book that I                                                                                              Graphic Novel Book Club             Sunday, October 17
                                                                              During the 2021 Big Read, students             true story. Active participation                                          An Afternoon with Thi Bui
 produced) from that time were more meaningful to me than any art                                                                                                  7 pm, PPLD-Virtual
                                                                              in six school districts across the             expected. Register.                                                                              2:30 pm,
 I had produced before. I was trying to understand the forces that                                                                                                 PPLD Librarian Krista Miller
                                                                              Mid-Hudson region will be reading,                                                                                                              PPLD-
 caused my family, in the late seventies, to flee one country and start                                                      Artist Talk: Summer Pierre            leads a virtual discussion of The
                                                                              studying, and discussing the same                                                                                                               Boardman
 over in another....(the project) had photographs and some art, but                                                          1 pm, PPLD-Boardman                   Best We Could Do. Register.
                                                                              books. High school students will                                                                                                                Artist,
 mostly writing...I didn’t feel like I had solved the storytelling problem                                                   Meet local cartoonist, graphic
                                                                              read The Best We Could Do, but our                                                   Thursday, October 14                                       activist,
 of how to present history in a way that is human and relatable...I                                                          artist, writer, and teacher
                                                                              younger students have other options.                                                 Storytime with Miss Abbey                                  and author
 thought that turning it into a graphic novel might help.” The result is                                                     Summer Pierre. Summer is the          11-11:30 am, Millbrook Library                             Thi Bui
 her compelling memoir about parents and children.                                                                           author of the Eisner-nominated        Reading Drawn Together, for ages                           shares her
                                                                                                                             graphic memoir All the Sad            0-4. Register.
                                                                                                                             Songs. Register.                                                          personal journey, her evolving
                                                                                                                                                                   Youth Book Discussion               storytelling art, and her passion
                                                                                                                             Panel: Marist Scholars                4 pm, Hyde Park Free Library        for elevating immigrant stories.
                                                                                                                             Set the Scene                         Discussion of Inside Out and        Register.
                                        An Invitation to Pause                                                               3 pm, PPLD-Boardman                   Back Again. For grades 5 and up.    Tuesday, October 19
                                        Throughout The Best We Could                                                         Dr. Moira Fitzgibbons, Marist         Register.
                                                                                                                             College English professor, and                                            Create Your Own Comic
                                        Do, Thi Bui illustrates her
                                                                                                                             Dr. Kristin Bayer, Marist College     Youth Book Club                     Book/Graphic Novel
                                        family’s stories of war, loss, and    Grades 3-7           Grades 4-8
                                                                                                                             history professor, introduce the      5-6 pm, Millbrook Library           3:30 pm, PPLD-Adriance Teens
                                        survival, with powerful imagery.
                                                                                                                             history, art, and story of our Big    Discussion of Inside Out and        Teens will capture a personal
                                        Her artwork is beautifully
                                                                                                                             Read book. Register.                  Back Again, grades 4-7. Register.   moment by creating a comic book
                                        executed in shades of black,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of their own. Topics will include
                                        gray, and rust. It is stark when                                                     Tuesday, October 12                   Friday, October 15
                                                                                                                                                                                                       sequential storytelling and how
 it needs to be, and warm when it can be. The art invites the reader                                                         Exploring our                         Cookbook Giveaway
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to sketch, ink, and color your
 to pause and ponder. Much of the time, it is the visual component                                                           Community’s History                   9:30 am-5:30 pm,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       comics. Presented by The Art
 that sets the emotional tone and provides clues to the deeper                                                               6 pm, LaGrange Library-Virtual        Howland Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Effect. Register.
 psychological themes.                                                                                                       Elinor Levy, Folklorist with Arts     Stop by today to pick up a copy
      For years, storytellers have been using art and photographs                                                            Mid-Hudson, equips participants       of the cookbook Vietnamese Food     Book Group Meeting
                                                                              Grades 2-4           K-Grade 3
 to help bring stories to life, but the prevalence of the graphic memoir                                                     with the tools and confidence         Any Day: Simple Recipes for True,   7 pm, Staatsburg Library
 format exploded in the 1990s and continues to be an extremely                Patrons can find copies of all of these        needed to start a family history      Fresh Flavors by Chef Andrea        All are welcome at this open
 popular literary vehicle today. Our five-week Big Read program offers        books at the library. Each of the              dialogue; she will also cover care    Nguyen. Free, supplies limited.     discussion of The Best We Could
 opportunities to learn about the graphic memoir format as well as            authors of these companion books will          of family artifacts, research tips,                                       Do. Register.
 events that explore the history and culture of Vietnam. Author Thi           be making virtual visits to classrooms         and more. Register.
 Bui will be joining us in mid-October to speak about her work.               in October and November.
                                                                                                                        11                                                                                                                 13
Wednesday, October 20                Friday, October 22                   Wednesday, October 27                Friday, November 5                    Writing Workshop:                    Friday, November 12
     Take & Make for Teens                Adult Book Group                     Readers Rendezvous                   Tell Me Another:                      Where I’m From                       Book Group
     October 20-27, PPLD-Adriance         6 pm, LaGrange Library-Virtual       6:30 pm, Grinnell Public             The Best I Could Do                   7 pm, PPLD-Adriance                  6 pm, LaGrange Assoc.
                    Pick up supplies      Join a virtual discussion of The     Library District                     7:30 pm, Cunneen-Hackett              What parts of your past make up      Library-Virtual
                    to paint a design     Best We Could Do. Register.          An open discussion of The            Theatre                               who you are? Explore your origin     Book discussion of The Best We
                    on Vietnamese         Friday Night Movie Series            Best We Could Do. Register.          Local storytellers, including         story in this engaging writing       Could Do. Register.
                    paper lantern at      7 pm, Hyde Park Free Library                                              Moth Radio champion Terry             workshop, open to adults, parent/    Friday Night Flicks Series
                    home. Register.                                            Thursday, October 28                 Wolfisch Cole, take the stage         child and grandparent/child duos
                                          Movie TBD                            Beekman Book Club                                                                                               6 pm, Pleasant Valley Library
     Big Read Book Discussion                                                                                       for a night of tender, hilarious,     of all ages. Facilitated by the                       Daughter from
                                          Saturday, October 23                 6:30 pm, Beekman Library             and unforgettable true stories.       Hudson Valley Writing Project.
     1 pm, Howland/Memorial Park          Celebrate Vietnam                    Join a lively discussion of The                                                                                                  Danang tells the
     Dr. James Cotter, Professor                                                                                    Register.                             Register.                                             story of Heidi
                                          10:30 am, Hyde Park Free Library     Best We Could Do. Register.
     Emeritus of English at Mount         Make a lantern, dragon puppet,                                            Sunday, November 7                    Wednesday, November 10                                Bub/Mai Thi
     Saint Mary College, leads a book                                                                Film                                                 Cooking Workshop:                                     Hiep, airlifted
                                          and flag. For all ages.                                                   The Lived Experience
     discussion in Memorial Park in                                                                  Screening                                            Vietnamese Flavors                                    out of Vietnam
                                                                                                                    2:30 pm, PPLD-Boardman
     Beacon. Bring your own chair. In     Printed Word vs. Visual                                    7 pm, PPLD-                                          in Season                                             in 1975 as a
                                                                                                                                       Goretti Benca,
     case of rain, will reschedule to     Adaptation: ‘The Boat’                                     Virtual                                              6-7:30 pm, Poughkeepsie                               baby, as she is
                                                                                                                                       daughter of
     10/21 at 1 pm.                       2:30 pm, PPLD-Adriance                                     A virtual                                            Underwear Factory Kitchen            reunited with her Vietnamese
                                          Nam Le’s powerful short story                              screening                                            Join Poughkeepsie Farm Project       mother, Mai Thi Kim, in the 1990s.
     Spack Readers                                                                                                                     refugees,
                                          'The Boat' has been adapted                                of the                                               for a hands-on cooking class         Register.
     3:15 pm, Thai Spice Restaurant                                                                                                    grew up in
                                          and partially animated by Matt                             documentary                                          featuring Fresh Spring Rolls
     A lively discussion, with food, of                                                                                                the Hudson                                              Saturday, November 13
                                          Huynh. Marist College students       Will Eisner: Portrait of a                                                 with Thai Basil, and Lemongrass
     The Best We Could Do. Register.                                                                                Valley. She shares her own                                                 How to Tell Your Story in
                                          will present a debate contrasting    Sequential Artist. The film                                                Curry with Chicken, Sweet Potato,
                                                                                                                    life story interspersed with                                               Words and Pictures
     Book Group                           the two versions, followed by        profiles the celebrated comics                                             and Fall Greens. Chef SonyaJoy
                                                                                                                    video recordings of older family                                           12 pm, Pleasant Valley Library
     6:30 pm, Hyde Park Free Library      discussion. Register to access       artist. An expert will join after                                          Key shares tips and techniques
                                                                                                                    members. Participants will also                                            Participants will create a short
     Discussion of The Best We Could      the materials in advance and         the screening for open discussion.                                         to make the preparation easy
                                                                                                                    hear from Goretti’s uncle, Father                                          graphic narrative telling their own
     Do.                                  come prepared to discuss.            Register.                                                                  and inclusive of cooks of all
                                                                                                                    Peter Vianney, the beloved                                                 story. No experience necessary.
     Book Group                           Tuesday, October 26                  Friday, October 29                   Vietnamese-American priest            ages. Class includes a tasting of
                                                                                                                                                                                               Presented by staff of The Art
     7 pm, Pleasant Valley Library        Book Group                           Adult Book Group                     formerly serving St. Peter’s          each dish and a Thai basil plant
                                                                                                                                                                                               Effect. Register.
     Library Director Daniela Pulice      12 pm, Hyde Park Free Library        6 pm, Millbrook Library-Virtual      Parish in Poughkeepsie and Regina     to take home. All children must
     moderates an open discussion of      The Best We Could Do.                Join a virtual discussion of The     Coeli in Hyde Park. Register.         be age 5+ and accompanied by an      Closing Event
     The Best We Could Do. Register.                                           Best We Could Do. Register.                                                adult. Register.                     2:30 pm, PPLD-Boardman
                                                            Reading and                                             Tuesday, November 9
                                                                                                                                                          Thursday, November 11                                       Gather at
     Thursday, October 21                                   Discussion         Friday Night Movie Series            Spiceways! Vietnam
                                                                                                                                                          Leaving Home/                                               the Art
     Storytime with Miss Abbey                              Series: The        7 pm, Hyde Park Free Library         Premiere at 12 pm, Virtual
                                                                                                                                                          Finding Home                                                Wall to
     11-11:30 am, Millbrook Library                         Vietnam War        Movie TBD                                              Learn how to                                                                    take in the
     Reading Drawn Together, for ages                       Revisited                                                                 make pho, one
                                                                               Saturday, October 30                                                                                                                   portraits
     0-4. Register.                                         7 pm, PPLD-                                                               of the most
                                                                               Hudson Valley                                                                                                                          and essays
                                                            Adriance                                                                  well-known
     Youth Book Club                                                           Philharmonic:                                                                                                   created by our local high school
                                                            Dr. Robert K.                                                             Vietnamese
     5-6 pm, Millbrook Library                                                 The Exile’s Journey                                                                                             students who were inspired by
                                          Brigham, Vassar College history                                                             dishes, from a
     Discussion of Sky of Bombs,                                               8 pm, Bardavon                                                                                                  the Big Read companion book I
                                          professor, leads a discussion of                                          local home cook. This video will be
     Sky of Stars, for grades 4-8.                                             Inspired by Thi Bui’s graphic                                                                                   Am Home: Portraits of Immigrant
                                          The Sorrow of War by Bao Ninh.                                            available on demand starting at
     Register.                                                                 memoir The Best We Could Do,                                                                                    Teenagers. We will also reflect
                                          Series continues on November 16                                           noon at Arts Mid-Hudson's social      7 pm, AAUW-Virtual
                                                                               this program features female                                               A program of storytelling            together on our 2021 Big Read,
                                          and December 14 with discussion                                           media, and is made possible
                                                                               artists performing, with the                                               featuring three women’s tales        and discuss what’s happening
                                          of two other books. Register. This                                        by the Folk Arts Program via
                                                                               orchestra, music from Europe,                                              of coming to America as              next year! Register.
                                          series is made possible through a                                         Arts Mid-Hudson, Humanities
                                                                               Vietnam, and America. Tickets                                              children, highlighting their first
                                          grant from Humanities New York.                                           NY, and the Robert R. Chapman
                                                                               available at the Bardavon Box                                              impressions, joys, and struggles.
                                                                               Office.                              Foundation of the Community
                                                                                                                    Foundation of the Hudson Valley.      Presented by the American
                                                                                                                                                          Association of University Women,     Location and registration info
                                                                               Tuesday, November 2                                                                                             on page 18.
     Arts of Vietnam                                                           Spring Rolls and Tea                                                       Poughkeepsie Branch. Register.
     6:30 pm, Beekman Library                                                  3:30 pm, PPLD-Adriance Teens
     Learn about Vietnamese culture                                            Learn how to make your own
     and make a simple craft project.                                          spring rolls! Register.
     For adults. Register.
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   15
2021 Big Read                                                                                                                     October 18-
                                                                                                                                                                      November 14,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Friday                                  Saturday
                                    The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui                                                                                                   Adriance Rotunda
                                                                                                                                                                      Big Read Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                      October 8 Kick-Off                        9 Kick-Off
                                    October 8 - November 13, 2021                                                                                                     Show: Graphic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Introducing The              Intro to Personal Storytelling*
                                                                                                                                                                      Artists                                      Best We Could Do*            9:30 am, PPLD-Boardman
                                    * Program requires registration   $ - Fee   Location and registration info on page 18
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7 pm, PPLD-                  Artist Talk: Summer Pierre*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Boardman                     1 pm, PPLD-Boardman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Dr. Peter Antelyes           Marist Scholars Set the Scene*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3 pm, PPLD-Boardman
          Sunday                            Monday                                   Tuesday                                Wednesday                             Thursday
     10                             11                                   12                                       13                                     14                                           15                                        16
                                                                          Exploring our Community’s History*                         Tastes of Saigon*               Storytime with Miss Abbey*                     Cookbook Giveaway           Working with Watercolors*
                                                                          6 pm, LaGrange Library-Virtual                             11:30 am-1 pm,                  11-11:30 am, Millbrook Library                 9:30 am-5:30 pm,            11 am, Staatsburg Library
                                                                                                                                     Saigon Pho                      Youth Book Discussion*                         Howland Library
                                                                                        Meet Local Graphic                                                                                                                                                          Magic in
                                                                                        Novelist Don Brown*                          Restaurant, $                   4 pm, Hyde Park Free Library                   Podcast and Radio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    These Pages*
                                                                                        7 pm, Staatsburg           Graphic Novel Book Club*                                                                         Production for Teens*
                                                                                                                                                         Youth Book Club*                                                                                           6 pm, LaGrange
                                                                                        Library                    7 pm, PPLD-Virtual                                                                 6:30 pm, Staatsburg Library
                                                                                                                                                         5-6 pm, Millbrook Library                                                                                  Library-Virtual
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Friday Night Movie Series
                                                                                                                                                                                                      7 pm, Hyde Park Free Library

     17                             18                                   19                                       20    Take & Make for Teens*           21                                           22                                        23
              An Afternoon                                                                                        9 am-9 pm, PPLD-Adriance               Storytime with Miss Abbey*
                                                                                            Create Your Own                                                                                                        Adult Book Group*                        Celebrate Vietnam
              with Thi Bui*                                                                 Comic Book/           Big Read Book Discussion               11-11:30 am, Millbrook Library                            6 pm, LaGrange Library-                  10:30 am, Hyde Park
              2:30 pm, PPLD-                                                                Graphic Novel*        1 pm, Howland/Memorial Park                                  Youth Book Club*                    Virtual                                  Free Library
              Boardman                                                                      3:30 pm, PPLD-        Spack Readers*                                               5-6 pm, Millbrook                   Friday Night                             Printed Word vs.
                                                                                            Adriance Teens        3:15 pm, Thai Spice Restaurant                               Library                             Movie Series                             Visual Adaptation:
                                                                          Book Group Meeting*                     Book Group                                                   Arts of Vietnam*                    7 pm, Hyde Park Free                     ‘The Boat’*
                                                                          7 pm, Staatsburg Library                6:30 pm, Hyde Park Library                                   6:30 pm, Beekman                    Library                      2:30 pm, PPLD-Adriance
                                                                                                                  Book Group*                                                  Library
                                                                                                                  7 pm, Pleasant Valley Library

     24                             25                                   26                                       27                                     28                                           29                                        30
                                                                          Book Group                                              Readers                Beekman Book Club*                                        Adult Book Group*
                                                                          12 pm, Hyde Park Library                                Rendezvous*            6:30 pm, Beekman Library                                  6 pm, Millbrook Library-
                                                                                        Reading and                               6:30 pm,                              Film Screening*                            Virtual
                                                                                        Discussion Series:                        Grinnell Public                       7 pm, PPLD-Virtual                         Friday Night Movie
                                                                                        The Vietnam War                           Library District                      Will Eisner: Portrait of                   Series
                                                                                        Revisited*                                                                      a Sequential Artist                        7 pm, Hyde Park Free         Hudson Valley Philharmonic:
                                                                                        7 pm, PPLD-Adriance                                                                                                        Library                      The Exile’s Journey
                                                                                        Dr. Robert K. Brigham                                                                                                                                   8 pm, Bardavon, $

     31                             November 1                           2                                        3                                      4                                            5                                         6
                                                                                          Spring Rolls and Tea*                                                                                                              Tell Me Another:
                                                                                          3:30 pm, PPLD-                                                                                                                     The Best I Could
                                                                                          Adriance Teens                                                                                                                     Do*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             7:30 pm,

     7                              8                                    9                                        10                                     11                                           12                                        13
            The Lived Experience*                                                                                                     Cooking                                                         Book Group*                                                      How to Tell Your
                                                                                          Spiceways! Vietnam                          Workshop:
            2:30 pm, PPLD-                                                                12 pm, Virtual                                                                                              6 pm, LaGrange Library-Virtual                                   Story in Words
            Boardman                                                                                                                  Vietnamese                                                                                                                       and Pictures*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Friday Night Flicks*
            Goretti Benca                                                                 Writing Workshop:                           Flavors in                                                                                                                       12 pm, Pleasant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  6 pm, Pleasant
                                                                                          Where I’m From*                             Season*                                                                                                                          Valley Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Valley Library
                                                                                          7 pm, PPLD-Adriance      6-7:30 pm, Poughkeepsie Underwear
                                                                                                                   Factory Kitchen                                                                                                              Closing Event*
                                                                                                                                                         Leaving Home/ Finding Home*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2:30 pm, PPLD-Boardman
                                                                                                                                                         7 pm, AAUW-Virtual
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        17
Event Location & Registration Information                                                 In the Galleries              Community Care                                                        If registration is required, see page 2 for details.
     AAUW Poughkeepsie Branch                 Millbrook Library                                              The Adriance      3 Friendly Lane, Millbrook                                     Memorial                                                                                           Keeping Children Safe:
                                              845-677-3611,                             Library
     Arts Mid-Hudson                                                                                                           NY Project Hope                                                                  Recognizing and
     facebook: ArtsMidHudson                  Pleasant Valley Free Library                                   Wojtecki                                                                                           Reporting Child Abuse                3 Maggiacomo Lane, Pleasant Valley                             Rotunda           Guest presenters are Starasia Fernandez and Olga                                 Third Tuesdays, 10-11 am or 5-6 pm
                                              845-635-8460,                                                  Gallery will      Adan-Ortega from NY Project Hope/Office of Mental                                September 21, October 19,
     Beekman Library                                                                                         host a group
                                                                                            Health & Access Supports for Living. Registration                                November 16, Virtual
     11 Town Center Blvd, Hopewell Junction                                                                  show of           required.                                               Learn the signs a child will show when they are being abused,
     845-724-3414,         Poughkeepsie Underwear Factory                                 local graphic
                                              8 N. Cherry Street, Poughkeepsie                                                                             Loneliness and              and what you can do to stop it. Please note this is not the NYS
     Cunneen-Hackett Theatre                                                                                 artists                                                                   Mandated Reporter training course. Presenter Rick Keller-
     12 Vassar Street, Poughkeepsie           Register via Pok Farm Project                    from October 18 through                                     Transition
                                              845-516-1100,                                                                                Saturday, September         Coffey is Community Education Facilitator for the Center, Register via PPLD                                                    November 14. Two artists
                                                                                                                                                           11, 2:30 pm, ADR            for the Prevention of Child Abuse. Registration required:
     Grinnell Public Library District         Poughkeepsie Public                              included in the exhibit                                                                 EventBrite:
                                              LibraryDistrict                                  will be Denes House and                                     As we are getting used
     2642 E. Main Street, Wappingers Falls                                                                                                                 to a post-pandemic
                                              845-485-3445 x 3707,                  Summer Pierre.                                                                          Defensive Driving
     845-297-3428,                                                                                                                    “normal,” many of us
                                               Adriance Memorial Library                         Throughout the Big Read,                                                              Saturday, November 6, 9:30-3:30 pm, BRD
     Howland Public Library                    93 Market Street, Poughkeepsie                  middle and high school                                      still feel isolated. Meet   Completing the course may provide a 10% discount on your
     313 Main Street, Beacon                   Boardman Road Branch Library                    students will be writing        with your local NY Project Hope team to learn           auto insurance as well as the elimination of up to 4 points from
     845-831-1134,           141 Boardman Road, Poughkeepsie                 short personal essays           about resources you may not have known about            your NYS license. Cost: $30/person, cash or check, no credit
                                                                                               and portraits under the         and explore different ways to break through             cards accepted. Bring your own lunch. Pay day of the class.
     Hyde Park Library & Annex                Saigon Pho Restaurant
                                                                                               guidance of their teachers      current barriers to clear the void of loneliness        Registration required. Instructor is Staci Cussick.
     2 Main Street, Hyde Park                 1582 Route 9, Wappingers Falls
     845-229-7791,                                                     and staff from The Art          from COVID-19.
                                              Register via PPLD                                                                                                                        Shred Free Day Your Library
                                                                                               Effect. Their work will be                                Parenting in
     LaGrange Association Library             Thai Spice Restaurant                                                                                                                    Friday, October 8, 9-11 am, BRD
                                                                                               exhibited at Boardman                                     Uncharted Waters              What can I shred? Personal
     (All programs are virtual)               28 Raymond Ave, Poughkeepsie                     Road Branch Library from                                  Saturday, October 30,         documents with staples, paper clips,
     845-452-3141,                 Bonnie at 845-876-5696                           November 3 through the                                    2:30 pm, ADR                  binders, record or accounting books,
     Memorial Park                            Staatsburg Library                               end of the year.                                          As COVID-19                   small amounts of discs and CD
     Top of Robert Cahill Drive, Beacon       70 Old Post Road, Staatsburg                                                                               restrictions lift and         ROMs, and credit cards. Thank you
                                              845-889-4683,                                                                        the holidays approach,        to HV Legal Shred! 3 bags/boxes maximum per person.
                                                                                                                                                         let’s catch up on how
                                                                                                                               things are going with parenting. Let’s discuss          Narcan Training
                                                                                                                               what challenges and supports are still needed to        Select Tuesdays, Virtual   September 14, 7-8 pm,
     The 2021 Big Read                        Coordinated by the Poughkeepsie Public Library District                                                                                  October 26, 6-7 pm, November 16, 12-1 pm, December 14, 5-6 pm
                                                                                                                               help you and your family meet current needs and
                                              in collaboration with these partners:                                                                                                    The Dutchess County Department of Behavioral &
     is sponsored by:                                                                                                          ultimate goals, including overall well-being.
                                              School Districts                         Hyde Park Free Library                                                                          Community Health offers four one-hour online training
     Friends of the Poughkeepsie                                                                                                                                                       sessions (each covers same material) to explain how/when
       Public Library District                Arlington Central School District        LaGrange Association Library
                                              Catholic Schools Region of Dutchess      Millbrook Library                                                                               to administer Narcan. No age minimum for the training,
     Norman & Jeannie Greene Fund                                                                                            Know your                                                 but only those 18+ may receive a free Narcan kit. Kits
     H.W. Wilson Foundation                   Dutchess County BOCES Salt Point         Pleasant Valley Library
                                                                                                                             Medicare Options                                          available from Martha Farrell at Adriance Memorial Library.
     Poughkeepsie Public Library              Hyde Park Central School District        Staatsburg Library
                                                                                                                             Select Saturdays, 10 am, ADR,                             Registration required.
       District                               Our Lady of Lourdes High School          Arts Organizations                    September 11 Or October 30
     Salisbury Bank                           Poughkeepsie City School District        The Art Effect                        Learn with greater clarity what
                                              Spackenkill Union Free School District
                                              Wappingers Central School District
                                                                                       Arts Mid-Hudson                       Medicare is, how and when                                   Connecting
                                                                                       Bardavon 1869 Opera House             you should sign up, and why it is important to review       Registration not required.
                                              Higher Education                         Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center           your options every year. Learn the differences between
                                              Dutchess Community College SUNY          Hudson Valley Philharmonic            Supplemental Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans and            Knitting Groups                 Pick Up Stitches
                                              Marist College                                                                 Prescription Drug Plans. Presented by Debora DeLucia,       Fiber Friends Stitch            Saturdays, 10 am, BRD
                                              Vassar College                           American Association of University    a local Independent Medicare Consultant; her mission        & Chit Chat                     Board Game Mondays
                                              Public Libraries (and Friends)             Women, Poughkeepsie Branch          is to learn about each individual’s situation, do the       Thursdays, 6:30 pm, Virtual     Mondays, 1-4 pm, BRD
                                              Beekman Library                          The Arc Greater Hudson Valley         research, and find the best plans avwailable for each       Call (845) 485-3445 x3313.      Bring a friend. Chess
                                              Friends of Poughkeepsie Public 		        Book Clubs across the region          person, free of charge. Registration required.              Stitch Your Heart Out           players wanted.
                                                Library District                       Hudson River Housing - PUF                                                                        Fridays, 10 am, BRD
                                              Grinnell Public Library District         Hudson Valley Writing Project
                                              Howland Public Library                   Poughkeepsie Farm Project
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        19
Public Computer Center                                                                   ADR: Adriance BRD: Boardman                                                                                If registration is required, see page 2 for details.

     The Public Computer Center offers drop-in lab time and free classes to address all your technology needs.                    Basics
     Registration required for all classes. All are in person at Adriance, except one lab and one class at Boardman Rd.
                                                                                                                                  Classes are two hours each, in person at ADR.
     Personal Assistance                                                                                                          PC Basics                             Internet 101
                                                                                      Using the Library in                        Wednesday, September 29, 1:30 pm      Wednesday, October 20, 1:30 pm
     Computer Lab (Drop-in)                                                           Your Job Search                             Saturday, October 2, 1:30 pm          Tuesday, December 7, 3:30 pm
     Mon-Fri, 11 am-1 pm, ADR                                                         Wednesday, September 15, 2:30 pm            Tuesday, November 2, 3:30 pm          Prerequisite: basic computer skills
     Tuesdays, 6-8 pm, ADR                                                            90 minute in-person class.                  PC Basics Workshop –                  Internet 102
     Thursdays, 1-3 pm, BRD
     Receive individualized help with basic                                                                                       Mouse & Keyboard                      Wednesday, October 27, 1:30 pm
                                                                                                                                  Wednesday, October 6, 1:30 pm         Tuesday, December 14, 3:30 pm
     computer skills, email accounts, job
                                                                                                                                  Tuesday, November 9, 3:30 pm          Prerequisite: Internet 101 or equivalent
     searches, job applications, formatting
     resumes, filing for unemployment,                                                                                            Prerequisite: basic computer skills   Internet 103
     creating and editing Microsoft Office    Microsoft Office                                                                    PC Basics Workshop – Email            Wednesday, November 3, 1:30 pm               Online Security and
     documents, and more.                     Classes are 90 minutes; participants must complete the online lessons               Wednesday, October 13, 1:30 pm        Tuesday, December 21, 3:30 pm                Common Scams
                                              prior to in person class at ADR.                                                    Saturday, November 13, 1:30 pm        Prerequisite: Internet 101 & 102 or          Wednesday, December 1, 1:30 pm
     Teen Geeks (Drop-in)
                                                                                                                                  Tuesday, November 16, 3:30 pm         equivalent                                   Prerequisite: Internet 101 or equivalent
     Saturdays, 9 am-1 pm, ADR                Word 101                                    Excel 103
     Students available to answer your                                                                                            Prerequisite: basic computer skills
                                              Monday, September 20, 2:30 pm               Monday, November 1, 2:30 pm
     technology questions about your          Wednesday, September 22, 6:30 pm            Wednesday, November 3, 6:30 pm
     device.                                  Saturday, October 16, 1:30 pm               Wednesday, December 15, 6:30 pm
                                              Monday, November 29, 2:30 pm                Prerequisite: Excel 101 & 102 or           Technology
                                              Prerequisite: basic computer skills         equivalent                                 The following classes are two hours each, in person at ADR:                   The following classes are 90
                                              Word 102                                                                                                                                                             minutes; participants must
                                                                                          Excel Functions                            Intro to 3D Printing Services       Creating a Website
                                              Monday, September 27, 2:30 pm                                                                                                                                        complete the online lessons prior
                                                                                          Wednesday, November 10, 6:30 pm            Tuesday, September 28, 3:30 pm      Tuesday, October 19, 3:30 pm
                                              Wednesday, September 29, 6:30 pm                                                                                                                                     to in person class at ADR:
                                                                                          Prerequisite: Excel 101 & 102 or                                               Prerequisite: Internet 101 or
                                              Monday, December 6, 2:30 pm                 equivalent                                                                     equivalent
                                              Prerequisite: Word 101 or equivalent
                                                                                          Excel Tables (New)                                                             Using a Smartphone
                                              Word 103                                    Wednesday, November 17, 6:30 pm                                                Tuesday, October 26, 3:30 pm
                                              Monday, October 4, 2:30 pm                  Monday, December 20, 2:30 pm                                                   Saturday, December 11, 1:30 pm
                                              Wednesday, October 6, 6:30 pm               Prerequisite: Excel 101 & 102 or                                               Wednesday, December 15, 1:30 pm
                                              Monday, December 13, 2:30 pm                equivalent
        Special programs                      Prerequisite: Word 101 & 102 or                                                                                            Navigating the
                                                                                          Learn how to create, format, and
                                              equivalent                                                                                                                 Medicare Website
                                                                                          manage tables in Excel. The main
        Basics of Day to Day                                                                                                                                             Wednesdays, Sept 22, Oct 27, Nov
                                              Word Mail Merge                             feature of tables is that they expand
        Technology (New)                                                                                                             Tinkercad 3D Printing               24, Dec 22, 9:30 am
                                              Wednesday, October 13, 6:30 pm              automatically as you add new rows or
        Select Wednesdays, 7-8 pm, Virtual                                                                                           Workshop                            Tuesday, October 19, 6:30 pm, BRD
                                              Prerequisite: Word 101 & 102 or             columns.                                                                       Monday, November 8, 6:30 pm               Intro to
        Virtual on Zoom. You must have                                                                                               Tuesday, October 5, 3:30 pm
        internet access and a computer,       equivalent                                  PowerPoint 101                                                                 Led by staff from the Dutchess            Saturday, September 18, 1:30 pm
                                                                                                                                     Prerequisite: Introduction to 3D
                   tablet, or smartphone.     Excel 101                                   Monday, November 22, 2:30 pm                                                   County Office for the Aging               Prerequisite: Internet 101 or
                                                                                                                                     Printing Services
                   Presented by Teens Teach   Monday, October 18, 2:30 pm                 Prerequisite: basic computer skills                                                                                      equivalent experience
                                                                                                                                     Windows 10                          Intro to Gmail (New)
                   Technology                 Wednesday, October 20, 6:30 pm                                                                                                                                       Intro to Google Drive & Docs
                                                                                                                Do It                Tuesday, October 12, 3:30 pm        Wednesday, November 10, 1:30 pm
        Register for one or more              Saturday, November 20, 1:30 pm                                    Yourself with                                            Learn how to organize your account,       Monday, November 8, 2:30 pm
                                                                                                                                     Wednesday, December 8, 1:30 pm
        sessions:                             Wednesday, December 1, 6:30 pm                                                                                             attach documents to emails, block         Prerequisite: Internet 101 or
                                                                                                                Publisher            Prerequisite: Internet 101 or
        Ocotber 6: Social Media               Prerequisite: basic computer skills                                                                                        spam, create an address book and          equivalent
                                                                                                                Monday,              equivalent
        Facebook, Instagram, Twitter          Excel 102                                                         November 15,                                             make adjustments to your Gmail
        Ocotber 13: Daily Applications        Monday, October 25, 2:30 pm                                       2:30 pm                                                  settings. Prerequisite: Internet 101 or
        Food, Grocery Store, Education,       Wednesday, October 27, 6:30 pm                                    Prerequisite:                                            equivalent
        Reading                               Saturday, December 4, 1:30 pm                                     Word 101 or
                                              Wednesday, December 8, 6:30 pm                                    equivalent
        Ocotber 20: Entertainment             Prerequisite: Excel 101 or equivalent                             experience
        Music, Television streaming
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              21
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