Page created by Louis Hubbard
MAY 2020


Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020


 Introduction                                                               2

 Company Information                                                        2

 Authorised Corporate Director’s Report                                     3

 Investment Report*                                                     4–9

 Property Portfolio

 Retail                                                               10 – 14

 Retail Warehouse                                                     15 – 17

 Offices                                                              18 – 23

 Supermarket                                                               23

 Industrial                                                           24 – 31

 Leisure                                                                   32

 Retail/Residential                                                        33

 Car Showroom                                                              34

 Shopping Centres                                                          35

 Financial Statements

 Statement of Total Return                                                 36

 Statement of Change in Net Assets Attributable
 to Shareholders                                                           36

 Balance Sheet                                                             36

 Cash Flow Statement                                                       36

 Distribution Table                                                   36 – 37

 Comparative Table Disclosure                                         38 – 40

 Notes to the Financial Statements                                    41 – 45

 Statement of Authorised Corporate
 Director’s (ACD) Responsibilities                                         46

 Statement of the Depositary’s Responsibilities
 and Report of the Depositary                                              46

 Independent Auditors’ Report                                              47

 Share Price Performance - Bid to Bid Basis                                48

 Share Turnover and Share Analysis                                         48

 Finance Costs: Distributions per Share                                    49

 Important Information (Unaudited)*                                   50 – 56

 Directory*                                                                57

*These pages comprise the Authorised Corporate Director’s Report.

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Introduction                                                                            Company Information

This Annual Report reviews the performance of the Threadneedle UK                       Company
Property Authorised Investment Fund and the market background over the                  Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Registered Number
year to 15 May 2020.                                                                    IC000976

Columbia Threadneedle Investments has a dynamic, award winning approach
to property investment. Our experienced investment team has been investing              Registered Office
since 1994, and the focus on maintaining high yields has distinguished us               Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6AG
from the market.
Suspension                                                                              There is a sole director, the Authorised Corporate Director (the ACD), which
On 18 March 2020 Columbia Threadneedle Investments temporarily                          is Threadneedle Investment Services Limited.
suspended dealing in the Company and its Feeder trust, the Threadneedle
UK Property Authorised Trust. This decision followed notification from the              Board of Directors of the ACD
Fund’s independent valuer, CBRE, that they were unable to value the Fund’s              K Cates (non-executive)
assets with certainty in the current exceptional market environment.                    J Griffiths (Appointed to the Board on 24 September 2019)
                                                                                        A Roughead (non-executive)
Columbia Threadneedle Investments property team has a distinctive
                                                                                        P Stone (Resigned from the Board on 15 June 2020)
investment philosophy which can be summarised in the following five
                                                                                        R Vincent (Appointed to the Board on 12 August 2019)
                                                                                        L Weatherup

Stock picking is key
We believe that specific stock selection within sectors is the primary driver
of long-term performance. Our experience, resources and contacts allow us
to select the most appropriate and attractively valued properties for our funds
while avoiding exposure to property shares.

A preference for high yielding investments
We believe that over the long term, income is the dominant component of
property total returns. As such, yield is a key focus of our stock selection

Flexible buyers
We do not populate our portfolios with trophy assets, as these frequently offer
unappealing yields. Instead, we seek good value and investment potential
across all sectors, geographies and lot sizes.

Avoid speculative development
This kind of activity locks up capital for long periods of time and can be risky.
We prefer to buy standing investments with the potential to improve returns.

Active asset management unlocks value
We work hard to maximise the returns from the properties we own,
refurbishing and updating buildings regularly in order to increase capital
value and improve rental growth potential.

We hope that you find this Annual Report informative. If you have any
further queries regarding any aspect of your investment or about other
Columbia Threadneedle Investments products, please contact us directly on
0800 068 3000 (8am – 6pm Monday to Friday) or speak to your financial adviser.
Alternatively, please visit

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Authorised Corporate Director’s Report

The ACD, Threadneedle Investment Services Limited, has pleasure in             DIRECTORS’ STATEMENTS
presenting the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for              In accordance with the requirements of the Financial Conduct Authority’s
Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund for the year to            Collective Investment Schemes (COLL) Sourcebook, we hereby certify the
15 May 2020.                                                                   Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements on behalf of the Directors
                                                                               of Threadneedle Investment Services Limited.
We hope that you find the report informative. Should you require any
further information regarding any aspect of your investment, or about
other Columbia Threadneedle products, we would be pleased to help.
Alternatively, you may find it helpful to visit
for further information about Columbia Threadneedle.

Thank you for your continued support.

L Weatherup                                                                    L Weatherup                                                    R Vincent
Director                                                                       Director                                                        Director
                                                                               27 August 2020

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Investment Report

Investment Objective                                                                 The Fund’s performance and outlook therefore need to be viewed in light
It is intended that the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund          of both the relatively benign environment represented by the calendar
(the Company) be a Property Authorised Investment Fund (PAIF) at all times           year ending December 2019, and the more recent volatility created by this
and so its investment objective is to carry on Property Investment Business          unprecedented event towards the end of the Fund’s financial year.
and to manage cash raised from investors for investment in the Property
                                                                                     2019 in summary
Investment Business as further described below. HM Revenue & Customs
                                                                                     Prior to the containment measures announced to combat the spread
has confirmed to the ACD that the Company meets the requirements to
                                                                                     of COVID-19 in March 2020, both the UK commercial property market
qualify as a PAIF under regulation 69O of the PAIF Tax Regulations.
                                                                                     and the UK economy more broadly had recorded solid, if unspectacular,
The objective of the Company is to obtain a total return based on income             performance metrics.
and capital appreciation predominantly through investment in certain kinds           Throughout 2019, the UK experienced significant political instability and
of real estate, property related securities, government and public securities        continued uncertainty regarding future relations with the EU, resulting in
and units in collective investment schemes.                                          some businesses postponing commitments and investment into the UK.
Investment Policy                                                                    Reflecting this, 2019 recorded UK GDP growth of 1.4% which was a modest
Where the investment policy of the Company contains the word ‘primarily’,            improvement on the 1.3% recorded in 2018.
in the description of its investment policy, the Company will invest not less        However, the underlying economic fundamentals remained sound, with the
than two-thirds of the value of the property in the specified kind of assets.        employment rate in the three months to January 2020 estimated at a joint
The Company will invest primarily in UK commercial real estate. It may also          record high of 76.5%, 0.4% higher than a year earlier, and the unemployment
invest in US or Continental European real estate, property-related securities,       rate was correspondingly low at 3.9%, largely unchanged compared with a
property investment companies, collective investment schemes (including              year earlier. Annual growth in average weekly earnings in the three months
other collective investment schemes managed, advised or operated by the              to January 2020 was 3.1%, significantly above the rates of both RPI and CPI
ACD or its associates), cash and near cash, warrants, deposits and money             inflation, which were 2.7% and 1.8% respectively over the same time period.
market instruments. Derivatives may be used for investment purposes                  The Bank of England base rate remained unchanged at 0.75% throughout the
on the giving of 60 days’ notice to Shareholders. At the date of the report          year following its increase of 25 basis points in August 2018.
derivatives are used for efficient portfolio management purposes only.               The Conservative Party’s commanding majority in the December 2019 UK
                                                                                     General Election swept away all prior political uncertainty and resulted
                                                                                     in the UK formally leaving the EU on 31st January 2020, via a transition
This report covers the year from 16 May 2019 to 15 May 2020.
                                                                                     period ending in a new trading relationship with the EU to be determined
Status of the Company                                                                by 31st December 2020. The majority government seemed likely to provide
The Company is a NON-UCITS retail Scheme for the purpose of the Financial            the UK economy with much-needed political stability, however, caution
Conduct Authority’s Collective Investment Schemes Sourcebook (COLL)                  surrounding the ongoing negotiations with the EU appeared likely to subdue
an alternative investment fund for the purpoes of the AIFM Directive, and            significant economic growth in 2020.
a standalone company for the purposes of OEIC Regulations, each as
amended from time to time.                                                           UK Commercial Property
                                                                                     Against this modest economic backdrop, the MSCI UK Monthly Index
Property Market Commentary                                                           recorded a total return of 2.1% for the 12 months to December 2019, which
UK macroeconomic viewpoint                                                           represented a significant fall against the 7.5% recorded in 2018. In a return
March 2020 evidenced the most dramatic fiscal and monetary intervention              to a more traditional market dynamic, the income return at 5.3% formed the
in decades, as the threat posed by the COVID-19 virus was increasingly               core component of total return, offsetting modest negative capital volatility
understood, and the actions to halt its spread necessarily more severe. The          of -3.1%.
impacts of the virus on the UK commercial property market are yet to be fully
understood, however the economic impacts are already being felt.

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Investment Report



Total return (%)
























                             Monthly income                                        Capital appreciation
Source: MSCI UK Monthly Index All Property Capital and Income Returns to 31 March 2020.

At the market level, rental value growth for the 12 months to December 2019                      of its value in the first quarter, though it subsequently rallied in response to
was broadly flat at 0.1% (20-year average at 1.3%) decreasing from 0.7% as                       stimulus programmes announced by Western governments totalling around
at year end 2018.                                                                                $3.5 trillion. Gold gained over 18% since the start of the year, and UK gilts
                                                                                                 ended Q1 2020 with yields at all-time lows of less than 0.4% in response to
One key theme of 2019 was the continued divergence of the retail sector
                                                                                                 the Bank of England lowering the base rate to 0.1%.
from the rest of the UK market, reflected in negative rental growth of -4.5%
(20-year average at 0.7%) and capital falls of -12.9%, contributing to a                         Social distancing and self-isolation have already had a huge impact on our
negative total return in the sector of -6.6%. Concerns persisted over                            society and our service-based economy, albeit the swift action taken by
occupier demand in the retail sector given the structural oversupply of                          the government will mitigate the fallout in the short term. We have already
secondary property, increased occupier failure rates and increasing                              seen early reaction within our industry, but the full implications, positive and
consumer preferences for online retailing.                                                       negative, are likely to be longer lasting.

Industrials and offices continued to evidence landlord-favourable demand                         As the severity of the virus became apparent, culminating in its classification
and supply leasing dynamics, which continued to positively influence rental                      by the World Health Organisation as a ‘global pandemic’ on 11 March,
growth prospects. The industrial sub-sector recorded positive rental value                       independent property valuers faced an unprecedented set of circumstances
growth in 2019 at 3.2%, followed by offices at 2.1%.                                             on which to base judgement, and were able to attach less weight to prior
                                                                                                 market evidence for comparison purposes, to inform opinions of value.
The certainty delivered by the December 2019 General Election result                             This view, sanctioned in an RICS guidance note on 19 March, led to the
brought renewed confidence to the UK property market in the early part                           industry-wide adoption of a ‘market uncertainty’ clause, which effectively
of the year, with agents anecdotally recording increased levels of both                          limited the certainty on the valuations provided and was to have immediate
occupier and investor demand.                                                                    ramifications for fund pricing and, hence, dealing.

The market benefited from favourable supply / demand dynamics in most                            Suspension
occupational sectors, a compelling income yield of 5.1%, and low levels of                       On 18 March 2020 Columbia Threadneedle Investments temporarily
leverage (especially by historic standards). This led to a strong start to the                   suspended dealing in the Company and its Feeder trust, the Threadneedle
year, with a number of investment transactions indicating yields may harden                      UK Property Authorised Trust. This decision followed notification from the
for the very best assets, especially in Central London. However, this rapidly                    Fund’s independent valuer, CBRE, that they were unable to value the Fund’s
changed over the course of the first quarter.                                                    assets with certainty in the current exceptional market environment.

COVID-19                                                                                         We have continued to provide a daily estimated NAV/price for indicative
As markets grappled with the implications of the spread of COVID-19 from                         purposes. However, if you are using the estimated daily NAV/price to make
China across the world, risk appetite reduced sharply. The FTSE 100 lost 25%                     investment or accounting decisions or to price an underlying product,
Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Investment Report

you should take into account the uncertainty the valuer of the underlying             above, the disparity between sectors was pronounced, as the chart below
assets expressed above. In particular, you should be aware that the actual            illustrates:
realisation proceeds may differ from that indicated in the price. Columbia
Threadneedle Investments are continuing to closely monitor the situation                                                      Retail         Office     Industrial   Property
and the Fund suspension is reviewed regularly.                                          Total return                         -11.9%              2.7         4.6%        1.4%
                                                                                        Income return                          6.6%              4.9           4.8       5.4%
Tenant engagement
                                                                                        Capital growth                       -17.4%          -2.1%          -0.2%       -6.5%
As UK businesses came under increasing short-term cash flow pressure,                   Rental value growth                   -5.0%           1.6%             2.8      -0.5%
many sought to reduce their cost base as a result, including via deferral               Yield impact                         -13.4%          -2.8%          -2.6%       -5.9%
of rent. As responsible investors in real estate, we took the opportunity to          Source: MSCI UK Monthly Index Annualised Sector Returns to 30 April 2020.
engage with our tenants and ensure a measured outcome for all parties,
                                                                                      As in 2019, returns between sectors differed significantly, with total returns
and we supported the government announcement on 23rd March that no
                                                                                      from the industrial sector at 4.6%, again compensating for poor performance
tenant will face enforcement action as a result of non-payment of the March
                                                                                      in the retail sector, which returned -11.9%, and offices, which returned 2.7%.
quarter’s rent.

However, the impact on occupiers is not evenly distributed. Given the                 Portfolio Strategy and Activity
deliberately diverse nature of the Fund’s occupier base, we have not                  As at the end of April 2020, the Fund’s property portfolio comprised a total
adopted a ‘one size fits all approach’, and instead are actively managing             of 134 properties and 1,096 individual tenancies. The portfolio continues
our tenant base to achieve the right result for our investors and                     to offer exceptional diversification benefits. By way of illustration, the
occupiers alike.                                                                      ten most valuable properties represent 24.5% of the total portfolio value;
                                                                                      similarly, the ten largest tenants in terms of total rental commitments
The impact of COVID-19 on returns                                                     represent 15.7% of the entire portfolio rent roll. This diversification is a
Reflecting the market optimism evident prior to the outbreak of the virus,            central component of the Fund’s investment approach and acts as a
investment transaction volumes for Q1 2020 held up remarkably well in                 powerful control on risk.
relative terms, however, investment activity was almost exclusively confined
to the period prior to the lockdown announcement. In the absence of                   At the strategic level, investment performance benefited from the Fund’s
meaningful transactional evidence illustrating pricing in the post-lockdown           relatively high exposure to the industrial and logistics sector, the standout
environment, valuers were forced to attribute changes to property values              performer over the year. The Fund’s office exposure performed well in the
based on prevailing occupational and investor sentiment, including taking             context of the sector. TUKPAIF has no central London office exposure, with
into account early data on rent collection.                                           the majority of its business-space ownership weighted towards the South
                                                                                      and the South East of England.
The resulting valuation changes in March resulted in negative capital value
growth of -2.4% and negative total returns of -2.0% for the month, marking            The asset management team have also delivered additional performance
the end of a run of positive monthly total returns stretching back to July/           gains through tactical lease surrenders, with simultaneous re-lettings
August 2016, when returns briefly turned negative following the Brexit                as well as the ongoing engagement of all occupiers. During the financial
referendum result.                                                                    year, the team successfully completed a total of 143 new lettings and lease
                                                                                      renewals relating to a total annual rent roll of £6.1m.
Despite being cushioned by a consistent income return of +1.3%, quarterly
total returns also turned negative to -1.4%, as the accelerated valuation falls       Investment approach / portfolio strategy
in March took capital value growth to -2.7% over the first quarter.                   We stock pick assets offering high, sustainable income yields and
                                                                                      proactively manage those assets to drive rental growth. In an environment
Looking across the sectors, valuation movements broadly reflected the
                                                                                      where capital values become exposed to increased volatility, we believe
perceived impact of, or resilience to, the lockdown, accelerating trends
                                                                                      the income advantage generated by this approach offers the best potential
apparent for some time and resulting in significant variation between
                                                                                      for relative outperformance.
sectors in the Q1 returns. The industrial and office sectors recorded capital
value declines of -0.8% and -1.2% respectively, contributing to total returns         The Fund’s property portfolio therefore offers a high degree of asset and
of 0.4% and 0.0% in those sectors, however the retail sector recorded capital         tenant diversification, which limits volatility, and our focus on smaller lot
value declines of -6.3%, contributing to total returns of -4.7%.                      sizes offers the greatest degree of liquidity, as we can sell to different
                                                                                      investor groups to capitalise on the strongest demand.
The poor performance of the retail sector therefore continues to act as a
drag on returns at a market level, though it now accounts for a diminishing           Our investment approach has remained consistent through multiple market
proportion of the overall index composition, representing just 26.1% of the           cycles and has delivered a track record of relative outperformance in
monthly index, down from a high of 47.5% in 2012/2013. (All return data from          challenging macroeconomic conditions such as these.
MSCI UK Monthly Property Index, March 2020).
                                                                                      With reference to the Morningstar UK IMA OEIC benchmark for real
Commercial Property returns 12 months to 30 April 2020                                estate funds, the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund
On an annualised basis to 30 April 2020, the All-Property Index returned a            (TUKPAIF) generated a total return of -3.6% in the 12 months ending 30 April
barely positive total return of 0.1%, driven by a consistent income return            2020, outperforming the Morningstar UK IMA OEIC benchmark by +1%. The
of 5.4% offsetting the impact of -5.4% capital value growth. As highlighted           Morningstar UK IMA OEIC benchmark return being -4.6%.

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Investment Report

This information is provided to demonstrate performance relative to the                                                                                      Net
peer group. However, we wish to remind investors that the Fund is not                                                                                     Initial
managed with reference to any benchmark.                                                                                            Sale                   Yield
                                                                                                                               Proceeds                 (Topped
As highlighted in the market background, all investment markets are likely                  Property Address           Quarter         (£)       Sector      up)
to continue to face uncertainty until there is some form of clarity around           Thornberry Way, Guildford         Q3 2019  6,550,000     Industrial 0.0%
the pandemic. The Fund continues to be well positioned against this                  15 Mills Road, Aylesford          Q3 2019  5,600,000     Industrial 4.3%
                                                                                     Hambridge Lane, Newbury           Q3 2019  6,275,000     Industrial 5.3%
uncertain backdrop owing to the following features:
                                                                                     Park Row, Nottingham              Q3 2019  7,000,000         Office 5.5%
  The Company is a major open-ended product with circa. £1.0bn under                 Go Outdoors - Goldington Road Q3 2019      4,953,490         Retail 7.0%
                                                                                     Business Park, Bedford                                  Warehouse
  management, and it benefits from a well-diversified underlying client              Go Outdoors - Third Avenue,       Q3 2019 5,420,272          Retail 7.0%
  base.                                                                              Southampton                                             Warehouse
                                                                                     Go Outdoors - Barton Street, Q3 2019 4,351,238               Retail 7.0%
  The Company offers significant income yield advantage (c.130 basis                 Gloucester                                              Warehouse
  points) versus the MSCI benchmark (6.4% vs 5.1%).                                  36/37 High Street, Canterbury Q3 2019 1,075,000              Retail 4.4%
                                                                                     Hanley House, Hams Road,          Q3 2019 2,500,000          Retail 7.1%
  The Company provides diversification at both portfolio and tenant levels.          Lydney, Chepstow
                                                                                     Co-Op, 2-26 Victoria Street,      Q3 2019 2,100,000          Retail    7.0%
  The Company is positioned strategically, with a focus on the strongest             Shirebrook, Mansfield,
  underlying sub-sectors (34.9% of direct property exposure is to the                NG20 8AQ
                                                                                     Co-Op, 309-311 Lymington          Q3 2019 1,800,000          Retail    8.6%
  industrial market).                                                                Road, Highcliffe-on-Sea,
                                                                                     BH23 5EG
  There is significant potential to add value through proactive asset                Loomis UK Ltd, 34 Lake Road, Q3 2019 1,840,000            Industrial   3.9%
  management across the portfolio, despite the potential challenges of a             Aylesford, ME20 7XB
  post-COVID occupational market.                                                    Larkfield Mill Industrial Estate, Q4 2019 33,500,000      Industrial   5.2%
                                                                                     Aylesford, Kent ME20 6SQ
Fund Investment Activity                                                             Mills Road Industrial Estate,     Q4 2019 8,242,101       Industrial   4.3%
                                                                                     54/58 High Street, Maidenhead Q4 2019 4,625,000              Retail    8.5%
The Fund strategically sold 56 assets in the 12 months to 15 May 2020,               Betchworth House, Redhill         Q4 2019 6,509,762          Office    5.4%
generating sales receipts of £351.4m. Sales were focused on retail assets            Salamander Quay, Harefield        Q4 2019 6,500,509          Office    6.8%
with 16 high-street retail sales, and a further 10 retail warehouse sales.           Park House, New Brick Road, Q4 2019 4,035,000                Office    7.8%
Selective sales were also made across other sectors to capitalise on market
                                                                                     Peregrine Business Park,          Q4 2019 9,152,579          Office    7.6%
conditions to achieve strong sales receipts. On aggregate, the sales were            High Wycombe
at a 0.01% discount to the latest independent valuation at the point of sale.        151-153 High Street, Sutton       Q4 2019 950,000            Retail    8.8%
The sales process assisted the continual efforts to maintain a balanced risk         2 Charlotte Place, Southampton Q4 2019 14,100,000            Office    5.3%
                                                                                     49 High Street, Brentwood         Q4 2019 1,900,000          Retail    8.4%
profile within the Fund, and to assist in managing liquidity.
                                                                                     27-29 Great George Street         Q4 2019 7,956,712          Office    5.3%
As a result of this investment activity, cash increased from 13.2% to 17.7%
                                                                                     Burnt Ash Trade Park, Quarry Q4 2019 13,715,000           Industrial   4.8%
over the course of the year.                                                         Wood Industrial Estate,
The Fund completed 143 lettings and lease renewals, securing rent of £6.1m           1-7 St Benedict's Square,         Q4 2019 3,150,000          Retail    9.4%
p.a. and settled 39 rent reviews achieving an uplift of £0.4M p.a.                   Lincoln LN5 7AR
                                                                                     8/12 Frenchgate, 1/4 & 6/6A       Q4 2019 1,275,000          Retail    15.2%
Rent collection, typically over 97%, was significantly down in Q1 2020 at            Baxtergate, Doncaster
73.05% (as of 63 days beyond the quarter day) which the Fund continues               Bricket House, St Albans          Q4 2019 9,050,000          Office    0.0%
                                                                                     Land Strip, Aylesford             Q4 2019     69,000      Industrial   7.8%
to monitor and actively engages with its diverse occupier base in order to
                                                                                     38 High street, Brentwood         Q4 2019 650,000            Retail    8.1%
achieve the right result for our investors and occupiers alike, with regard to       149/151 High Street, Kings        Q4 2019 905,000            Retail    9.4%
current legislation.                                                                 Heath, West Midlands
                                                                                     Units 6.1 and 6.3, Parc Nant      Q4 2019 6,250,000       Industrial   6.4%
                                                                         Net         Garw, Treforest
                                                                      Initial        Wessex Industrial Estate,         Q4 2019 3,162,144       Industrial   6.3%
                                               Sale                    Yield         Bourne End
                                           Proceeds                 (Topped          South Marston Park, Swindon Q4 2019 10,850,000            Industrial    5.4%
        Property Address           Quarter        (£)        Sector      up)         Lord Street, Southport            Q4 2019 215,092            Retail     0.0%
 North Quay, Newhaven              Q2 2019 9,900,000      Industrial 7.2%            75 High Street, Brentwood         Q4 2019 1,800,000          Retail     7.8%
 Unit 3c Crompton Way,             Q3 2019 3,350,000      Industrial 6.2%            Waltham Cross, Queensgate Q4 2019 13,700,000                 Office    13.7%
 Fareham, PO15 5SS                                                                   9-17 Sandgate Road,               Q4 2019 2,620,000          Retail     9.0%
 240 London Road, Stains           Q3 2019 6,700,000          Office    5.6%         Folkestone
 -Upon-Thames TW18 4JT                                                               Wickes, Coventry                  Q4 2019 5,500,000    Retail          7.7%
 125/133 The Parade, Watford       Q3 2019 10,320,000       Leisure     8.0%                                                            Warehouse
 Chiltern Park, Dunstable          Q3 2019 14,000,000     Industrial    5.2%         The Range, Chesterfield          Q4 2019 4,000,000     Retail          6.8%

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Investment Report

                                                                       Net         significantly reducing exposure to the retail sector. The Fund’s property
                                                                    Initial        portfolio continues to enjoy a good balance in terms of both sector and
                                              Sale                   Yield         regional distribution. As at the end of April 2020, the property portfolio
                                          Proceeds                (Topped          generated a net initial yield of 6.4%, 130 basis points above the comparable
      Property Address            Quarter        (£)       Sector      up)
                                                                                   market yield (MSCI UK Monthly Benchmark).
 Marsh Barton, Exeter             Q4 2019 4,800,000           Car 3.4%
                                                       Showroom                    Responsible Investment highlights (ESG)
 Axon Centre, Egham               Q4 2019 9,550,000        Office 6.9%
                                                                                   The Fund strives to be a responsible steward of our clients’ assets within
 Oliver Close, West Thurrock      Q4 2019 15,484,001    Industrial 5.2%
 Halfords, 92 Northgate,          Q4 2019 1,050,000         Retail 11.9%           a framework of good governance and transparency. We promote ESG and
 Newark-on-Trent, NG24 1HF                             Warehouse                   sustainability best practice, which assist in achieving the Funds’ primary
 40-42 High street, Brentwood     Q1 2020 2,010,000         Retail 9.3%            financial objectives of delivering strong investment returns, by enhancing
 600/650 Aztec West,              Q1 2020 7,126,566        Office 6.9%
 Almondsbury, Bristol                                                              the underlying real estate, reducing running costs and making them more
 11 Fairlands Way, Stevenage      Q1 2020 1,500,000      Retail       0.0%         attractive to occupiers. These are implemented as property level initiatives,
                                                     Warehouse                     with the expectation of a positive impact on rental income streams, capital
 The Range, Doncaster             Q1 2020 7,400,000      Retail       7.0%
                                                                                   values and tenant satisfaction. To gain support for this process from key
 The Range, Stafford              Q1 2020 5,400,000      Retail       8.0%         stakeholders, we aim to clearly articulate the connections between
                                                     Warehouse                     sustainability and value creation, as both investors and occupiers should
 Peterborough Business Park,      Q2 2020 22,545,369     Office       7.2%         experience the value created, environmentally, socially and financially.In
 Lynch Wood, Peterborough
 The Calthorpe Centre,            Q2 2020 5,550,000      Retail       9.2%         addition, our sustainability objectives guard against transitional risks,as
 Banbury                                             Warehouse                     policy/law makers are introducing new obligations on the real estate sector
 96 High Street, Sutton           Q2 2020 850,000        Retail       5.7%         to move towards a low carbon economy.
 TOTAL                                   351,383,838
                                                                                   Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB)
                                                                                   2020 marked the first year of the Fund’s participation in the GRESB survey.
The Fund made no purchases over this year.
                                                                                   The Fund achieved two stars and a score of 70 out of 100, ranking it 29th
Portfolio Weighting by Sector relative to MSCI UK Monthly Property                 within its peer group of 79 funds.
Index as at 30 April 2020                                                          GRESB is benchmarked against two dimensions:
                6.9% (10.2%)
                                                                                   Implementation and Measurement – actions and programmes that have
                                                                                   been initiated by the fund. TUKPAIF achieved a score of 65 out of 100, which
                                               28.8% (30.9%)
 17.5% (12.8%)                                                                     was 4 percentage points above the peer group average.
                                                    Offices                        Management and Policy – relating to policies and processes that set out
                                                                                   the fund’s intent for managing sustainability issues. TUKPAIF scored 87 out
                                                    Retail Warehouses
11.9% (12.5%)                                       Shops                          of 100, which was the same as the peer group (87), and 7 percentage points
                                                    Other                          better than the GRESB global average (80).

                                                                                   Environmental data management system and quarterly reporting
                                   34.9% (33.6%)                                   The fund uses SIERA as its environmental data management system where
                                                                                   energy, water, waste and greenhouse gas emission data are collected and
Portfolio Weighting by Geography relative to MSCI UK Monthly Property
                                                                                   validated for all assets where the portfolio has operational control. Energy
Index as at 30 April 2020
                                                                                   and greenhouse gas emission data is reported on a quarterly basis for the
              0.4% (34.8%) 4.7% (1.5%)                                             portfolio’s 20 highest energy consuming assets.

   15.0% (9.7%)                                                                    Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) (Unaudited)
                                                                                   Under this legislation all quoted companies, “large” unquoted companies
 3.5% (3.3%)                                       Southern                        and LLPs are required to report their UK energy use,associated Scope 1
                                                   Eastern                         (gas) & 2 (electricity) emissions, an intensity metric and, where applicable,
11.6% (11.4%)                                                                      global energy use in their Annual Reports. More information can be found
                                                   Yorkshire / Humberside
                                                   North                           on pages 52 to 56.
    4.5% (10.9%)                                   London
                               60.3% (24.7%)                                       Overall, like-for-like energy consumption reduced by 13.1% between 2018
                                                                                   and 2019. Like-for-like electricity consumption reduced by 15.9% whilst fuel
                                                                                   (gas) consumption reduced by 7.4%.
As illustrated in the graphs above, and reflective of the size of the Fund’s
property portfolio, the Fund’s industrial exposure increased from 33.6%
(April 2019) to 34.9% in April 2020 via a strategic disposal programme,

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Investment Report

Greenhouse Gas Emissions                                                              it is probable that retail and leisure occupiers in key cities may evidence a
Overall total Greenhouse Gas Emissions reduced by 20.1% on a like for-like            surge in sales, buoyed by a combination of pent-up demand and the nation
basis between 2018 and 2019. Like-for-like Scope 1 (gas) emissions reduced            reconnecting with family members and friends.
by 8.0% whilst Scope 2 (electricity) emissions reduced by 24.1%.
                                                                                      This environment highlights the value of stock picking investments based on
Managing sustainability                                                               tenant-by-tenant due diligence, which ensures assets generate sufficient
Managing agents play a crucial role in supporting the Funds sustainability            revenues for occupiers to allow them to trade profitably and continue to
programme. As such, a set of ESG key performance indicators have been                 pay rent.
developed to guide managing agents for the fund in their support of the
                                                                                      In other sectors, logistics will continue to benefit from the structural change
fund’s sustainability programme. These indicators include coverage of
                                                                                      in the way we shop and has undoubtedly been boosted by a population
energy, water, and waste data, impact on local community, and regular
                                                                                      confined to their online shopping accounts.
tenant engagement through tenant satisfaction surveys. In conjunction with
its Managing agents, the Fund has also completed technical sustainability             But the virus will also make us question the solidity of in-vogue sectors,
audits at 12 of its largest energy consuming assets. The technical                    most obviously the alternatives sector. Cinemas, restaurants, hotels and
sustainability audits identify current environmental performance, including           student housing have all been adversely affected by restrictions on social
energy, water, waste and wellbeing, as well as the tangible identification of         interaction. Operators saddled with high levels of corporate debt may
opportunities for environmental and financial improvement.                            require collaboration with lenders to survive reductions in revenue, but this
                                                                                      in turn will allow the stronger operators to thrive.
Full details of the Fund’s Responsible Investment approach and targets are
set out on pages 52 to 56.                                                            More generally, operational assets (such as student housing) where
                                                                                      investors are more closely aligned to the underlying income profiles
Outlook for the UK Commercial Property Market
                                                                                      generated by buildings, will feel immediate pain, as management agreements
The UK response to COVID-19 is still evolving, and the medium-term impacts
                                                                                      do not offer the same protection as leases.
on our asset class are only starting to come into focus. However, some
trends are becoming apparent, and it is likely the fallout from the virus will        This is not to say that the long-term demographic trends favouring these
accelerate trends which were already apparent prior to its outbreak, with             sectors will reverse, but we are reminded to properly consider the merits of
significant differences between sub-sectors, and between different parts              each opportunity on an asset-by-asset basis.
of some sub-sectors.

Retail provides the clearest indication of this trend: anecdotal evidence
suggests retail footfall is down circa 80% at market level since the lockdown
was introduced. However, within the sector, the impact has not been evenly

Retailers selling goods deemed essential have remained open for business,
including supermarkets and pharmacies. A number of the ‘discounters’,
including B&M, The Range and Home Bargains, also fall into this category
and have continued trading, and DIY stores remain open for click and
collect services. However, shopping centres and fashion parks have almost
exclusively closed their doors, with obvious cash flow ramifications for
those retailers deemed non-essential that have been unable or unwilling to
satisfy demand online.

The longer-term impact of coronavirus on the retail sector will be determined
to a large extent by the duration of the lockdown and how quickly consumer
spending returns to pre-coronavirus levels. With unemployment already
increasing, and spending habits changed by necessity as a result of the
lockdown, it is unlikely consumers will return to the high street in sufficient
numbers to prevent more businesses following the likes of Laura Ashley or
Debenhams into administration.

On a geographic basis, an extended lockdown therefore has the potential to
accelerate the structural decline of poorly performing centres, as retailers
seek to reduce exposure to non-profit making stores. Arcadia has already
announced it will not reopen all its stores once the lockdown is lifted, which
is reflective of the challenges affecting this part of the market.

However, the case for major, destination- and experience-led centres is likely
to be much more positive. Once social distancing measures are removed,

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund

                                                                         % of Total
                                                                        Assets 0.21        Total Market                Principal     Rental Income    Next Rent
 Less than £1 million in Value                                               (0.33)         Value £2.2m                 Tenants         per annum       Review

 1-3 Silver Street
 Freehold retail unit and upper floors totalling 8,619 sq ft.                                              JD Sports Fashion Plc           £110,000          N/A
                                                                                                          AM2PM Healthcare Ltd              £20,000          N/A

 8 St Sepulchre Gate
 Leasehold, mid-terrace retail unit with retail space on the ground                                         The Works Stores Ltd            £65,000   23/06/2020
 floor and ancillary basement, first and second floors.Property
 totals 4,322 sq ft.

 14/16 Castle Street
 Freehold mid-terrace two-storey building comprising two ground                                                             PDSA            £24,000          N/A
 floor retail units and first floor ancillary accommodation. Property                                         Hinckley V.E Limited          £29,640          N/A
 totals 4,301 sq ft.

 1 Houndsgate & 2/4 Albert Road
 Freehold corner retail unit with ground floor sales area and two                                           Senior Trading Limited              £0           N/A
 ancillary upper floors and an unused former residential unit.
 Property totals 2,903 sq ft.

                                                                         % of Total
 Between £1 million and                                                 Assets 1.34        Total Market                Principal     Rental Income    Next Rent
 £2.5 million in Value                                                       (1.19)        Value £13.9m                 Tenants         per annum       Review

 Broadway & Market Walk
 Freehold, two terraced retail parades with a total of eleven                                                             Various          £358,500    29/01/2021
 purpose built retail units. Property totals 58,774 sq ft.

 Bethel Square
 Freehold, 17 retail units predominantly over two storeys, arranged                                                       Various          £292,474    22/02/2021
 around a central square. There is also a small terrace of four, one
 storey units. Lion House within the development compromises
 5 office suites. Property totals 32,670 sq ft.

 15-16 The Parade & 2 Rose Lane
 Freehold large retail unit over basement, ground and first floors                                        Burtons/Dorothy Perkins          £200,000          N/A
 with ancillary second floor totalling 10,125 sq ft.                                                           (Arcadia Group Ltd)

 195/203 High Street
 Freehold, two-storey corner retail unit. Ground floor retail space                                                       Various          £187,470          N/A
 and first floor ancillary. Property totals 14,949 sq ft.

 112/114 &118/120 Promenade
 Freehold double corner retail unit totalling 2,287 sq ft.                                                                 Vacant                £0          N/A

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Retail (continued)

                                                                       % of Total
 Between £1 million and                                               Assets 1.34    Total Market                  Principal    Rental Income    Next Rent
 £2.5 million in Value                                                     (1.19)    Value £13.9m                   Tenants        per annum       Review

 30-36 Tavern Street
 Freehold. Four retail units arranged over basement ground and                                                       Various               £0          N/A
 two upper floors. Grade II listed. Property totals 7,736 sq ft.

 50 Broad Street
 Freehold, a four-storey structure (including basement) of                                          Beaconsfield Footwear Ltd         £170,000   24/02/2021
 reinforced concrete frame construction. Ground and part of the
 first floor are retail sales areas. The remaining accommodation is
 used for storage. Property totals 6,325 sq ft.

 9-11 The Forum
 Freehold, two retail units constructed in 1975. Property totals                                       New Look Retailers Ltd         £126,000         N/A
 35,450 sq ft.                                                                                                 Wawelski Ltd            £43,500   02/12/2021

50 Broad Street

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Retail (continued)

                                                                     % of Total
 Between £2.5 million and                                           Assets 1.87        Total Market   Principal      Rental Income    Next Rent
 £5 million in Value                                                     (3.11)        Value £19.3m    Tenants          per annum       Review

 Units 1-4, The Abacus
 Long Leasehold, terrace of four retail units over ground and                                             Various          £480,900   18/09/2020
 basement totalling 30,882 sq ft.

 Units 2-12 Red Street
 Freehold parade of seven retail units which are arranged over                                            Various          £405,500   03/10/2020
 ground and first floors. Property totals 19,133 sq ft.

 15-23 Red Street & Units 1-4, 15 John Street
 Leasehold, parade of nine retail units constructed in the 1970s.                                         Various          £388,400   30/07/2020
 Predominantly arranged over ground and two upper floors.
 Property totals 39,465 sq ft.

 108-110 The Promenade
 Freehold, Grade II listed semi-detached two storey building with                                         Joules           £155,000         N/A
 mezzanine and attic floors. Two retail units over ground and                                         Vinegar Hill         £165,000         N/A
 mezzanine floors, with ancillary accommodation to the remaining
 ground and upper floor areas. Property totals 8,963 sq ft.

Promenade Cheltenham

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Retail (continued)

                                                                       % of Total
  Between £2.5 million and                                            Assets 1.87        Total Market          Principal      Rental Income     Next Rent
  £5 million in Value                                                      (3.11)        Value £19.3m           Tenants          per annum        Review

  115 High Street
  Freehold, a mid-terraced retail unit arranged over basement,                                             L.K. Bennett (in              £0            N/A
  ground and two upper floors. Property totals 5,484 sq. ft.                                               administration)

  24/28 Tavern Street and 4/8 Dial Lane
  Freehold, block of six retail units arranged over basement ground                                                Various          £220,750     17/03/2021
  and three upper floors. Property totals 16,594 sq ft.

                                                                       % of Total
                                                                      Assets 3.87        Total Market          Principal      Rental Income     Next Rent
  Over £5 million in Value                                                 (4.42)        Value £40.0m           Tenants          per annum        Review

  18/20/22 Tavern Street & 13-15/17/18-19 Buttermarket
  Freehold unbroken block of six retail units, three fronting                                                      Various          £625,000     28/09/2020
  Tavern Street and three fronting Buttermarket.
  Property totals 43,762 sq ft.

  1-8 Exchange Walk & 5-7 St Peters Gate
  Freehold, parade of six retail units plus one retail unit on St                                                  Various          £524,750     31/05/2020
  Peters Gate. Each unit is generally over ground and first floors
  with two units having basements. Property totals 4,676 sq ft.

Ipswich                                                                    Ipswich
4/8 Dial Lane                                                              Tavern Street

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Retail (continued)

                                                                        % of Total
                                                                       Assets 3.87        Total Market               Principal    Rental Income     Next Rent
 Over £5 million in Value                                                   (4.42)        Value £40.0m                Tenants        per annum        Review

 51 Broad Street & 2-6 Union Street
 Freehold, the property is dominated by 51 Broad Street                                                                 Various         £371,501    03/09/2020
 but also includes 3 small retail units on Union Street.
 51 Broad Street (including 2-3 Union Street) trades on the
 ground and first floor, with ancillary staff and storage on the
 second floor. Property totals 18,648 sq ft.

 52/53 Broad Street
 Freehold, the property is split into 3 retail units, 2 front onto                                                  Sam 99p Ltd               £0    21/08/2024
 Broad Street and 1 onto Friar Street at the rear. Property totals
 30,963 sq ft (14,882 sq ft ITZA).

 54-60 Broad Street & 109-117 Friar Street
 Freehold former department store, split into six retail units, over                                                    Various        £1,063,150   25/03/2028
 basement, ground and two upper floors.

Reading                                                                                      Reading
51 Broad Street                                                                              52/53 Broad Street

Reading                                                                                      Reading
54-60 Broad Street                                                                           109-117 Friar Street

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Retail Warehouse

                                                                     % of Total
 Between £1 million and                                             Assets 1.07    Total Market                    Principal     Rental Income    Next Rent
 £2.5 million in Value                                                   (1.15)    Value £11.1m                     Tenants         per annum       Review

 Haughton Road Retail Park
 Two freehold detached retail warehouse units, constructed in                                     Wickes Building Supplies Ltd         £169,013   24/12/2022
 1994. Externally there are 145 parking spaces. Property totals
 37,994 sq ft.

 Newtown Road
 Freehold retail warehouse, built in the late 1980s. Externally                                                   Halfords Ltd         £197,085         N/A
 there is parking for 68 cars. Property totals 13,157 sq ft.

 1&2 Mariners Way
 Leasehold terrace of two retail warehouse units, constructed in                                             Pets at Home Ltd          £154,220         N/A
 1997. Externally there are 60 car parking spaces.Property totals                                                 Halfords Ltd         £153,750         N/A
 15,023 sq ft.

 Sutton in Ashfield
 Forest Retail Park
 Freehold three-unit retail warehouse scheme, one single detached                                                     Various          £145,000   25/03/2022
 unit and a terrace of two units, constructed in 2002. Externally
 there are 48 parking spaces. Property totals 15,236 sq ft.

 Victoria Retail Park
 Freehold, L–shaped detached single storey purpose built retail                                                   Halfords Ltd         £147,632         N/A
 warehouse. Property totals 9,169 sq ft.

Units 1&2, Mariners Way

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Retail Warehouse (continued)

                                                                         % of Total
 Between £1 million and                                                 Assets 1.07        Total Market          Principal     Rental Income    Next Rent
 £2.5 million in Value                                                       (1.15)        Value £11.1m           Tenants         per annum       Review

 612 Reading Road
 Freehold modern retail warehouse with mezzanine sales and                                                      Halfords Ltd         £127,364         N/A
 storage area installed by the tenant. Externally there are 34
 parking spaces. Property totals 7,357 sq ft.

 36 Mount Street
 Freehold retail warehouse, built in the early 1990s totalling                                                  Halfords Ltd         £209,244         N/A
 14,955 sq ft. A mezzanine sales and storage area has been
 installed by the tenant. There are 75 car spaces.

                                                                         % of Total
 Between £2.5 million and                                               Assets 0.96        Total Market          Principal     Rental Income    Next Rent
 £5 million in Value                                                         (1.95)        Value £10.0m           Tenants         per annum       Review

 Matalan Wheler Road
 Leasehold. Two bay retail warehouse built in 1986. Ground floor                                          Matalan Retail Ltd         £545,850   21/12/2020
 sales with tenant fitted mezzanine used for storage. Property
 totals 36,323 sq ft with 203 car parking spaces.

 Leasehold single detached retail warehouse unit. Property                                                         B&Q Plc           £484,875         N/A
 totals 38,991 sq ft.

 St Mary’s Gate
 Freehold retail warehouse, constructed in late 1980s. The                                                      Dunelm Ltd           £314,000         N/A
 property is currently split into two units. Externally there are 262                                        Carpetright Ltd          £64,500         N/A
 parking spaces. Property totals 46,509 sq ft.

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Retail Warehouse (continued)

                                                                      % of Total
                                                                     Assets 7.64        Total Market                   Principal     Rental Income     Next Rent
 Over £5 million in Value                                                (10.34)        Value £79.0m                    Tenants         per annum        Review

 City Link Retail Park
 Freehold retail warehouse park providing twelve units totalling                                                          Various         £1,041,322   19/10/2020
 118,623 sq ft., with 469 car parking spaces.

 Four Pools Retail Park
 Freehold purpose built retail warehouse park of four units and                                                           Various          £997,991    12/09/2022
 a restaurant unit. The property totals 75,646 sq ft. with 215 car
 parking spaces.

 Collingwood Retail Park
 Freehold purpose built retail warehouse park of four units and                                                           Various          £882,106    29/01/2021
 a restaurant ‘pod’ totalling 76,520 sq ft. with 372 car parking

 Holyhead Retail Park
 Freehold retail warehouse park, built in 2005. The park is                                                               Various          £650,065    25/03/2021
 configured as a retail terrace of five units with a stand-alone
 Wilkinsons store and a fast food unit. Externally, there are 206
 parking spaces. Property totals 62,750 sq ft.

 Reading Retail Park
 Freehold retail warehouse park of eight units totalling                                                                  Various         £2,108,766   22/07/2020
 118,352 sq ft with 430 car parking spaces.

 Stevenage Retail Park
 Freehold, seven single storey retail warehouse units. Total of                                                           Various          £902,466    24/07/2020
 241 car parking spaces. Property totals 56,175 sq ft.

 St John’s Retail Park
 Freehold, two purpose built retail warehouse units constructed                                         DFS Furniture Company Ltd          £275,000    03/12/2021
 in 2001. Arranged over ground floor and mezzanine level. 199                                                      Go Outdoors Ltd         £262,753          N/A
 car parking spaces. 40,184 sq ft.

Reading Retail Park                                                                     Stevenage
                                                                                        Stevenage Retail Park

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)

                                                                       % of Total
 Between £1 million and                                               Assets 1.23        Total Market                     Principal     Rental Income    Next Rent
 £2.5 million                                                              (0.15)         Value £1.7m                      Tenants         per annum       Review

 West Bromwich
 Christchurch House
 Freehold detached office building constructed in 1995.                                                       The Secretary of State          £300,000         N/A
 Externally there are 102 parking spaces. Property totals                                                   for Communities & Local
 25,577 sq ft.                                                                                                         Government

                                                                       % of Total
 Between £2.5 million and                                             Assets 1.07        Total Market                     Principal     Rental Income    Next Rent
 £5 million in Value                                                       (0.99)        Value £11.0m                      Tenants         per annum       Review

 715 Aztec West
 Freehold two storey modern office building on an established                                           Imagination Technologies Ltd          £276,837         N/A
 business park totalling 17,631 sq ft.                                                                                  Antillion Ltd          £55,188   09/11/2021

 Eagle Point, Segensworth
 Leasehold, detached three storey office building built in                                                                   Various          £399,500         N/A
 2004. Externally there are 109 parking spaces. Property totals
 29,570 sq ft.

 John Webster House
 Freehold office building constructed in 2005. Externally there are                                             Centres for Assisted          £120,434   16/12/2025
 60 parking spaces. Property totals 15,187 sq ft.                                                                 Reproduction Ltd

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Offices (continued)

                                                                           % of Total
                                                                         Assets 22.56     Total Market              Principal     Rental Income    Next Rent
 Over £5 million in Value                                                     (26.35)    Value £233.2m               Tenants         per annum       Review

 1320 Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park
 Freehold, detached office building arranged over two storeys.                                                         Various          £427,642   30/06/2022
 There are 125 parking spaces. Property totals 26,374 sq ft.

 Unit H1, Harlequin Office Park
 Freehold, detached three storey office building. Constructed in                                            ALD Automotive Ltd          £567,693   01/06/2020
 2009. Property totals 26,871 sq ft. There are 122 car parking spaces.

 Countryside House
 Freehold, detached office building arranged on ground and two                                           Countryside Properties         £735,720         N/A
 upper floors. There are 178 parking spaces externally and at                                                          (UK) Ltd
 basement level. Property totals 36,564 sq ft.

 Academy Place, Brook Street
 Freehold, detached modern office building over ground and two                                                         Various          £705,653   03/10/2021
 upper floors totalling 46,006 sq ft with 182 car parking spaces.

Academy Place, Brook Street

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Offices (continued)

                                                                        % of Total
                                                                      Assets 22.56    Total Market                  Principal     Rental Income     Next Rent
 Over £5 million in Value                                                  (26.35)   Value £233.2m                   Tenants         per annum        Review

 Prudential Buildings, Wine Street
 Leasehold city centre office block over basement, ground and                                                          Various         £1,493,674   02/03/2022
 six upper floors. The property totals 60,394 sq ft. with 24 car
 parking spaces.

 1300 Parkway North
 Freehold, detached three-storey HQ style building. The property                                     The Secretary of State for         £467,713          N/A
 totals 30,175 sq ft with 140 car parking spaces.                                                                     Defence

 One Legg Street
 Freehold, an office building constructed in 1991 that                                                                 Various          £349,980    13/03/2021
 incorporates a grade 2 listed building – King William House.
 Accommodation is arranged over basement and five upper
 floors and four floors respectively. Property totals 75,404 sq ft.

Prudential Buildings, Wine Street

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Offices (continued)

                                                                         % of Total
                                                                       Assets 22.56    Total Market            Principal      Rental Income     Next Rent
 Over £5 million in Value                                                   (26.35)   Value £233.2m             Tenants          per annum        Review

 1 Forest Gate
 Freehold, detached office building constructed in 1993.                                                        KPMG LLP            £253,562     24/06/2023
 Arranged over ground and two upper floors. There is external
 car parking totalling 126 spaces. Property totals 25,127 sq ft.

 Fusion - Buildings 1-3
 Freehold, business park development constructed in                                                                 Various        £2,201,295    31/01/2021
 1987 providing 157,036 sq. ft of grade A refurbished office
 accommodation across three buildings together with surface
 car parking at a ratio of 1:194 sq ft.

 Hays House
 Freehold detached modern office building over ground and two                                                       Various         £420,229     30/08/2021
 upper floors. The property totals 18,466 sq ft. with 21 car parking

Crawley                                                                               Fusion Solent Business Park
1 Forest Gate

                                              Hays House

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Offices (continued)

                                                                        % of Total
                                                                      Assets 22.56     Total Market   Principal   Rental Income     Next Rent
 Over £5 million in Value                                                  (26.35)    Value £233.2m    Tenants       per annum        Review

 Hemel Hempstead
 Hemel One
 Freehold, detached office building arranged over ground and                                            Various        £1,011,967   25/06/2020
 three upper floors constructed in the 1980s. There are 434 car
 parking spaces externally. Property totals 93,717 sq ft.

 The Square
 Freehold, office campus of three two storey office buildings and                                       Various         £542,775    17/11/2020
 car parking totalling 69,522 sq ft.

 The Curve
 Freehold detached modern office building totalling 41,228 sq ft                                        Various         £719,956    06/10/2020
 with car parking.

 400, 450, 475 Capability Green
 Freehold office campus of three detached buildings arranged                                            Various        £1,054,963   08/04/2021
 around a central courtyard. The property totals 91,367 sq ft. with
 a total of 492 car parking spaces.

The Curve Langley

Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements May 2020

Property Portfolio of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund (continued)
Offices (continued)

                                                                        % of Total
                                                                      Assets 22.56    Total Market               Principal    Rental Income     Next Rent
 Over £5 million in Value                                                  (26.35)   Value £233.2m                Tenants        per annum        Review

 Buildings 4,7,8 & 9, Quinton Business Park
 Long leasehold, four modern business park office buildings                                                        Various          £940,469    18/10/2021
 built in the mid 2000’s. Buildings 4 and 9 are three storey and
 buildings 7 and 8 are two storey. Property totals 77,451 sq ft,
 together with 380 external surface parking spaces.

 Birmingham International Park
 Freehold, three detached Grade A office buildings arranged                                                        Various         £1,197,771   15/06/2020
 over three storeys. The property totals 71,661 sq ft.

 The Belfry Business Park
 Freehold. Five purpose-built 1980s office buildings arranged                                                      Various          £444,186    02/02/2023
 around central landscaped courtyard. Property totals 66,294 sq ft
 with 198 car parking spaces.

 One Kings Court
 Freehold, standalone three storey modern office building in out                                                   Various          £483,849    30/11/2022
 of town location. Property totals 31,504 sq ft with 80 car parking

                                                                        % of Total
 Between £2.5 million and                                              Assets 0.45        Total Market           Principal    Rental Income     Next Rent
 £5 million in Value                                                        (0.43)         Value £4.7m            Tenants        per annum        Review

 The Former Superstore, Sovereign Centre
 Freehold. Former Safeway supermarket located in The                                                     Safeway Stores Ltd         £454,500     24/06/2020
 Sovereign Centre. Divided into two sublet retail units. Ground
 and first floor levels. Totals 50,235 sq ft.

                         Belfry Business Park Watford

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