Page created by Alicia Diaz
              PUBLIC REGISTRATION: SEP 11th

2311 Cassiar Street, Vancouver, BC V5M 3X3 Tel. 604-713-1818, Fax 604-713-1828
       Website: Email:

           Thunderbird Community Centre is jointly operated by the
     Thunderbird Neighbourhood Association and the Vancouver Park Board
INFORMATION                                                                                                                           Sent July 11

                        Hours of Operation                                Table of Contents                     Making All Recreation Safe

              Monday - Friday          9:00am-10:00pm          Page 2                      Information       We promote the values of the MARS Code
              Saturday                  9:00am-5:00pm          Page 3          Thunderbird Association       of Conduct.
                                                               Page 4                   Licensed care        * Treat all patrons with respect.
                      Sundays & Holidays Closed                Page 5                Family Programs         * Do not tolerate abusive or disrespectful
                            Dec 20-Jan 1                       Page 6 & 7         Preschool Programs         language.
                                                               Page 8 - 10                     Children      * Appreciate that programs and facilities are
              The office closes 30 minutes before the          Page 9                  Music Lessons         provided for the enjoyment of everyone.
              centre closes. The Fitness Centre closes 10      Page 11                            Youth      * Respect public property and the property
              minutes before the Centre closes.                Page 12 & 13                      Adults      of others.
                                                               Page 14                      Workshops        * Enjoy recreation in your City.
                           Registration                        Page 14,15 & 16            Older Adults
                                                               Page 17                Facilaty Rentals
              Catchment                                        Page 18                Birthday parties
              Monday August 30, 9:00am                         Page 19                          Fitness
              (must bring proof of address)
              Public Registration
              Saturday September 11, 9:00am                         Refund & Transfer Policy                 Personal Information Protection
                                                               Programs may be cancelled and instructors     In the course of providing programs and
              All registration is done in person. You may
                                                               may change during the season due to un-       services, the Thunderbird Privacy
              only register for yourself or immediate fam-
                                                               foreseen circumstances.                       Officer collects personal information of our
              ily. Program Registration is on a first come                                                   members and other individuals
              first served basis. We only accept cash or       Refunds under $5 will be issued as credit.     participating in classes, workshops,
              cheque. Cheques are payable to City of                                                         projects, events or in renting the facility.
              Vancouver. Fees are payable at the time          Refund and transfer request information       This information may be used for
              of registration. Please keep receipts for tax    Regular Programs – per child/per course       communication purposes regarding
              purposes. Where applicable, there is a $1        • 2 days before the 2nd scheduled class for   current or upcoming events, processing
              charge per each duplicate activity receipts.     a prorated refund                             payments, statistical or human resource
                                                               • Refunds are subject to $4 fee               purposes, or for the provision of
                                                               • Transfers are subject to a $2 fee           programs or services. We respect the im-
                       Subsidies Available                                                                   portance of protecting the personal infor-
                                                               Day Camps per child/per week                  mation that we collect. For
              All programs at Thunderbird Community            • 7 days before prior to the start date       information on our privacy policies and
              Centre are subsidized and the fees are set       • Refunds are subject to $8 fee               practices or to contact our Privacy
              at the lowest reasonable rates. However, the     • Transfers are subject to a $4 fee            Officer, please call 604-713-1818.
              Thunderbird Board of Directors has a policy
              to assist those living in the Thunderbird area   Birthday Parties
              who cannot afford the advertised price of        • 7 days before prior to the party date                     NSF Cheques
              specific programs or activities. This support    • Refunds are subject to $25 fee
              is made possible by the fundraising efforts of   • Transfers are subject to a $4 fee           We will be charging $35 for a returned cheque.
              many. Please email the Recreation Program-
              mer or inquire at the front office for further
              subsidy information.                                                                 Meet the Staff
                         Office Services                       Recreation Supervisor
                                                               Jennifer Trach                                     
              Photocopies                      $0.15/side      Recreation Programmer II
              Laminating                       $0.50/card      Darilyn Dennis                                   
              Outgoing Faxes                  $0.25/page       Recreation Facility Clerk
              Incoming Faxes                  $0.50/page       Aimee Mergaert                                 
              Receipt Reprinting             $1.00/receipt     Community Youth Worker
              Scanning                              $2.00      Priya Brar                                            
                                                               Family & Senior Worker
                            Room Rental                        Lorraine Chow                                     
                                                               Out of School Care Supervisor
              To check availability or to submit rental        Kristine Wong                                              
              request, please visit our reservation sys-       Preschool Supervisor
              tem, or visit our        Andrea Clark Geraghty                     
              website                                          Birthday Party Coordinator

                       President’s Fall message 2021                                                 TNA Board

Greetings to the Thunderbird community, patrons of the Thunderbird Community                   Executive Directors
Centre (TCC) and members of the Thunderbird Neighbourhood Association                  President                   Mike Bradley
(TNA). Welcome back from the pandemic lockdown and greatly reduced                     Vice-President                Joan Poon
programming at TCC, required by COVID Health Guidelines to protect our staff           Secretary                    Benny Mah
and our precious community. My last message was published for the 2020 Spring          Treasurer                    Ken Costea
brochure but not fully distributed, since all programs and the Centre were closed
on March 25, 2020. Our child care and families’ programs continued with weekly                   Directors At Large
Zoom calls and arts and crafts materials distributed from the Centre. Staff ran a      Jessica Carias, Sandra Dare, Samuel
successful outdoor only Summer Day Camp for children in 2020. Programming              Ho, David La Vallee, Sandra Marino,
for children, families and youth resumed at 50% capacity and various WorkSafe          Roberta Scherger, Thomas Tai, Vanessa
health restrictions in September of 2020.                                              Tan

As I write this message in early July 2021, BC has just entered Step 3 of the                Commitee Information
reopening plan. Masking, distancing and high touch cleaning are now optional
in many locations. TCC’s Summer Day Camp program is starting at Thunderbird                    Program Commitee
Community Centre. The Summer Playground Program is operating at Sunrise                Mike Bradley, Iraj Khabazian, David La
Park Senior’s lunches have resumed.                                                    Vallee, Tina Panella, Jessica Wong.

In addition to the pandemic, BC has just endured an early and unprecedented            The Committee meets on the second
heat wave and the start of many forest fires. We are all more than ready a return      Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm.
to near normal! Here is the good news - assuming that COVID case numbers
continue their downward trajectory, we will be in Step 4 in late August, virtually              Fitness Commitee
completely reopened. Our dedicated staff at TCC has missed you and is eager to
catch up on our many relationships with patrons.                                       The Fitness Commitee meets once
The online brochure of TCC’s Fall programs, is Staffs’ best effort to provide a full
                                                                                            Annual General Meeting
selection of programming for the community, anticipating a full reopening. We will
keep you posted on any changes and additions through the TCC website. We               Thunderbird Neighbourhood
recognize that most of you are itching to register for your favorite programs but      Association Annual General Meeting
equally that some will wait and see how the universe unfolds. We will provide a        Monday, November 22, 2021 at
safe and secure environment for all, in the Fall.
                                                                                       Thunderbird Community Centre. You
                                                                                       must be 19+ and have a current 2021-
You will see additional program content in the future on our community’s
                                                                                       2022 membership
relationship to the environment, gardening and aspects of IT and technology stay
tuned.                                                                                 Registration: 5:30pm, doors close at
                                                                                       6:00pm for start of meeting.
The Board welcomes Ms. Darilyn Dennis, PB Programmer and Ms. Aimee
Mergaert, PB Recreational Facility Clerk to the TCC staff team. They look forward                   Membership
to meeting you during Fall session registration week.
                                                                                       Registered Membership: Membership
                                                                                       in the Society is free to everyone who
The Board has used the year of relative quiet in the Centre to plan a number of
                                                                                       registers, or is registered for a program,
equipment purchases and two renovation projects. Later this year, the front of the
main office will be renovated by adding more glass frontage to improve visibility      a Fitness Centre pass, or event at
of the foyer and increasing access for wheelchairs. Computers in the Computer          Thunderbird Community Centre. Par-
Lab and in the Youth Activity Room and Wi Fi access downstairs have all been           ents or guardians who register their
upgraded. Have a look at the all-new Preschool Play area, provided by CoV/PB,          children for programs, Fitness Centre
that had a soft opening in 2020. The Preschool children have been enjoying the         passes, or events at Thunderbird Com-
play equipment and the new awnings over the area, that afford shelter from rain        munity Centre automatically become
and sun.                                                                               members in the Society.

We are always looking for our patron’s suggestions on how to better serve the          Registered memberships expire each
Community’s needs through programming, events, renovations and new                     year on December 31. AGM
opportunities. The Board is continuously recruiting for volunteers to help with
events, for our Programs Committee and to assist the Board with various
initiatives. Please contact us through office staff, or on our website, at

Mike Bradley,
President, TNA.
                                                                                                      Meet the Staff
                                                                                                  Andrea Geraghty, Supervisor
                                                                                                  Andrea is returning for her 30th
                                                                                                  year at Thunderbird. She was ECE
                                                                                                  trained at Kwantlan University

                                                                                                  College & completed her Special
                                                                                                  Needs training at Langara College.

                                                                                                  Marina Lee, Special Needs Teacher
                 Our long-running, licensed, and inclusive preschool provides a warm,             Marina is returning for her 4th year
                 caring, multicultural environment for 3-5 year olds. All three teachers          at Thunderbird. She received her
                 are experienced and certified Special Needs, Early Childhood                     ECE, Special Needs and Infant/
                 Educators                                                                        Toddler Diploma from Langara
                                                                                                  College. She also has a BASc
                                                                                                  from UBC.

                 Now accepting waitlist applications for: Fall 2021/2022. Please email            Kim Nguyen, Child Care Assistant
            for more information.                     Kim has been a support teacher for
                                                                                                  several years and will be returning
                                                                                                  this year in her newly appointed po-
                                                                                                  sition as Child Care Assistant. Kim
                                                                                                  recently received her ECE Assis-
                                    Morning Preschool (3-5yrs old)                                tant Certificate from CAPU
                           Monday to Friday    9:00am - 11:30am (2.5 hours)
                                            $315/per month                                        Victoria Fung, Assistant Teacher
                                                                                                  We are excited to welcome the new-
                                                                                                  est member of our teaching staff.
                                                                                                  Victoria recently completed her
                    Kindergarten Readiness Preschool“Get Set for School”                          ECE training at Langara College
                                         (born in 2017)                                           and will be working on her Special
                  Monday to Thursday 12:30pm - 3:00pm (2.5 hours)$265/per month                   Needs Certification this year. Victo-
                                                                                                  ria also has a BA in Health Science
                                                                                                  from SFU.

                Out of School Care
                We include a wide variety of challenging and fun activities before and after school for children aged 5-12 years who
                attend Thunderbird Elementary School. We aim to provide a positive experience through social, recreational and physical
                activities, such as arts & crafts, cooking games and sports. Breakfast and after school snacks are provided daily. A hot
                lunch is provided on full days.

                                                                  Program Cost
                                                     Before and After School Care $340/month

                                           For more information, please contact OSC Supervisor, Kristine at
                                                     604-713-1830 or Email:

                                                         CAPC Programs 0-6yrs F.A.S.T. (Family & Staff Team) is commit-
                                                         ted to develop CAPC Families Branching Out as a parent-directed
                                                         initiative that serves to increase the health and well being of young
                                                         children and families. The team meets monthly to identify common
                                                         issues that concern families and work together to develop pro-
                                                         grams, share resources & plan special events. Childcare, food and
                                                         transportation are provided to ensure that the meeting is accessible.

                                                         If you have a child 0-6 years old and would like to join the F.A.S.T.,
                                                         please call Lorraine at 604-713-1825 for more information

F.A.S.T. Meetings                             Family Drop In                 (0-6 yrs)
Wed      12:30-2:00pm                         Calling all parents with little ones for
Thunderbird                        Oct 13     a variety of fun activities in the family
Collingwood NH                     Nov 10     drop-in. Educational toys, crafts and
Frog Hollow NH                      Dec 1     books are geared towards making
 		                                           learning fun. Parents have the opportu-
Instructor: Lorraine                          nity to socialize and share information
                                              with each other. (Pre-registration is no
Books For Me                   (0-6 yrs)      longer required) No program on Oct 11
Books For Me runs one Monday a                and Nov 11.
month with hundreds of new and gen-           M/W/F 10:00am-1:00pm Sep 13-Dec 3
tly used books for preschoolers on dis-       355041		                             Free
play. Each family member may choose           Instructor: Clara & Ronnie
                                                                                           Settlement Worker- Kiwassa
one book to take home and keep as
their own.                                                                                 Neighbourhood House
Mon      12:30-1:30pm Sep 27 Oct 18                                                        We offer free one-on-one support with
Nov 15 Dec 6                                                                               navigation of government systems to
355025		                          Free                                                     newcomer families, including appli-
Instructor: No                                                                             cations and forms such as Child Tax
                                                                                           Benefit, Childcare Subsidy, Canadian
                                                                                           Passport Renewal, Unemployment In-
Thundertots                     (1-4 yrs)                                                  surance (EI), PR-Renewal, Citizenship
What is Physical Literacy? Join us Fri-                                                    Application and so much more. The
day afternoons with your 1-4 year olds                                                     service is offered in Cantonese, Man-
and together you will explore motiva-                                                      darin and English. To make an appoint-
tion and confidence, physical compe-                                                       ment at Kiwassa please call Angel K.
tence, knowledge and understanding            Saturday Family Fun            (0-6 yrs)     at 604-254-5401 (ext 249) or 604-961-
for engagement of physical activities         This program offers offers families with     2009 (work cell).
for life. Parent participation is required.   young children an opprtunity to partic-
Fri      12:30-1:30pm        Sep 17-Dec 3     ipate in a variety of fun activities, arts
355146		                              Free                                                 Parenting Workshops/Services
                                              and crafts and time to socialize with
Instructor: Ronnie                                                                         We are offering workshops and talks
                                              other parents.
                                                                                           from various agencies and facilitators
                                              Sat 10:00am-1:00pm Sep 18-Dec 4
                                                                                           to support families on difficult issues.
                                              355042		                             Free
                                                                                           Learn about community resources,
                                              Instructor: Kim
                                                                                           government programs, parenting in
                                                                                           Canada, how to find employment, the
                                                                                           school system and more. Watch for
                                                                                           posters in the Family Drop-in.

                                                                                            Daycare Providers
                                                                                            A maximum of 3 children per daycare
                                                                                            provider is permitted in our Programs.


                                                                                               Rhythmic Gymnastics (4-6 yrs)
                                                                                               Come and join our Rhythmic Gym-
                                                                                               nastics program in a fun, recreation-
                                                                                               al format! Rhythmic Gymnastics is a
                                                                                               beautiful combination of Ballet and
                                                                                               Gymnastics, along with the self ex-
                                                                                               pression and rhythm of dance by using
                                                                                               hand apparatus such as ropes, hoops,
                                                                                               balls, clubs or ribbons.

                                                                                               Fri      4:00-5:00pm     Sep 17-Dec 3
                                                                                               359475		                   $72/12 sess
                                                                                               Instructor: Olympia Rhythmic Gymnastics

                       Parent and Tot Gym (0-6yrs)                                                              ART

            Jump on the bouncy castle or swing on the jungle gym! Join in on this time for     Drawing I        (5-12 yrs)
              your child to socialize and play in the gym. Parent participation is required.   Explore the properties of lines, forms
                                 Sat 12:00-2:00pm Sep 18-Dec 4                                 and perspectives through various sub-
                                          359567 $2/Drop-in                                    ject matters in nature. It helps children
                                             Instructor: Ray                                   to relate visual and imaginary images
                                                                                               and at the same time, to promote inde-
                                                                                               pendent thinking and planning.
                                             COOKING                                           Tue      3:30-4:30pm       Sep 28-Dec 7
                                                                                               359076		                  $38.50/11 sess
                                                                                               Instructor: Veronica

                                                                                               Drawing - II     (5-12 yrs)
                                                                                               Explore the properties of lines, forms
                                                                                               and perspectives through cartoon il-
                                                                                               lustrations. It helps children to relate
                                                                                               visual and imaginary images and at
                                                                                               the same time, to promote independent
                                                                                               thinking and planning. No session Nov
                                                                                               11, 2021.
                                                                                               Thu      3:30-4:30pm       Sep 30-Dec 9
                                                                                               359082		                    $35/10 sess
                                                                                               Instructor: Veronica
                        Snappy Snackers (4-5 yrs)
                                                                                               Pastel & Drawing              (5-12 yrs)
            Are you an aspiring chef? Do you like to snack? Then come join the class. We       Come enjoy and develop free-style and
              will be making simple, quick and healthy snacks for you to make and bring        personal skills in cartoon illustrations.
             home. Please note that tupperware or any re-useable container will be             No session Nov 11, 2021
                                      required for each class.                                 Thu      4:45-5:45pm     Sep 30-Dec 9
                                 Sat 10:30-11:30am Sep 25-Dec 11                               359568		                  $35/10 sess
                                        359580 $36/12 sess                                     Instructor: Veronica
                                          Instructor: Arlene

               DANCE                                      SPORTS                                  EDUCATIONAL

Little Ballerinas             (3-5 yrs)    Saturday Soccer               (5-7 yrs)     Young Phonics - K         (5-6 yrs)
Young ballerinas explore the fun and       Participants will have fun while learn-     Students will review and practice ABC’s
beauty of ballet while learning the ba-    ing cooperative games and sport fun-        at a pace of one letter a week. They will
sic techniques. They will love playing     damental movement skills all the while      be given opportunities to write and say
with their creative expression in this     burning off some energy. Please bring       the letter names. At Circle Time, stu-
fun class. Children must be able to par-   a water bottle.                             dents will connect and apply their
ticipate without a parent in the room.     Sat      10:00-10:50am Sep 18-Dec 4         alphabet learning through songs,
There will be a presentation for par-      359572		                  $36/12 sess       games, and activities. Students will
ents/families on the last day of class.    Instructor: Owen                            also learn the letter sounds and build

Sat      10:15-11:00am Sep 18-Dec 4                                                    recognition of beginning, middle, and
359562                      $54/12 sess                                                end sounds. They will also be intro-
Instructor:          Endorphin Rush                   EDUCATIONAL                      duced to sight words and begin basic
                                                                                       sentence writing.
                                                                                       Tue        3:30-4:45pm Sep 14-Nov 30
                                                                                       359464		                    $42/12 sess
Hip Hop Breakers              (3-5 yrs)                                                Instructor: Clara
Calling all b-boys and girls! Let’s
move and groove! This non-stop ac-
tion-packed class includes hip hop,
basic breakdancing, and dance games                                                    STEM It                       (5-8 yrs)
that will have your dancer moving to                                                   Are you a creative problem solver?
the beats. Through the season we will                                                  Aspiring mad scientist? Or mathema-
work on a choreographed dance. Get                                                     tician? Then this program is for you!
ready to cheer with gusto! Please bring                                                STEM stands for Science, Technolo-
a filled water bottle each day. www.Kir-                                               gy, Engineering, and Math. Together, [kirbysnelldance.                                                     we will solve problems using science
com]                                       Head Start Math - K           (5-6 yrs)     methods.
Sat       11:15-12:00pm Sep 18-Dec 4       Students will review and practice count-    Sat         3:00-4:00pm Sep 18-Dec 4
359563		                    $54/12 sess    ing from 1 - 20. They will learn to spell   359585		                 $36/12 sess
Instructor: Endorphin Rush                 the numbers and write the numerals in       Instructor: Shukari
                                           sequence. Students will also be intro-
                                           duced to basic math equations involv-
                                           ing addition and subtraction within 10.
                                           They will learn to recognize and con-
                                           tinue patterns and compare numbers,
                                           sizes, and shapes. No session Oct 11,
                                           Mon         3:30-4:45pm Sep 27-Dec
                                           359442		                    $42/12 sess

                     COOKING                                             ART                                    EDUCATIONAL

                                                      Drawing I         (5-12 yrs)                   Young Phonics - K        (5-6 yrs)
                                                      Explore the properties of lines, forms         Students will review and practice ABC’s
                                                      and perspectives through various sub-          at a pace of one letter a week. They will
                                                      ject matters in nature. It helps children      be given opportunities to write and say
                                                      to relate visual and imaginary images          the letter names. At Circle Time, stu-
                                                      and at the same time, to promote inde-         dents will connect and apply their
                                                      pendent thinking and planning.                 alphabet learning through songs,
                                                      Tue      3:30-4:30pm       Sep 28-Dec 7        games, and activities. Students will
                                                      359076		                  $38.50/11 sess       also learn the letter sounds and build
                                                      Instructor: Veronica                           recognition of beginning, middle, and
                                                                                                     end sounds. They will also be intro-
                                                                                                     duced to sight words and begin basic
                                                                                                     sentence writing.
                                                      Drawing - II                   (5-12 yrs)      Tue      3:30-4:45pm Sep 14-Nov 30

                                                      Explore the properties of lines, forms         359464		                    $42/12 sess
                                                      and perspectives through cartoon illus-        Instructor: Clara
                                                      trations. It helps children to relate visual
           Mini Chefs      (6-8 yrs)
                                                      and imaginary images and at the same
           Join us at Mini Chefs and discover how
                                                      time, to promote independent thinking
           to create a variety of delicious foods
                                                      and planning.
           and snacks every week. Please bring a                                                     Young Phonics - Gr. 1         (6-7 yrs)
                                                      No session Nov 11, 2021.
           reusable container to each class.                                                         Students will review and practice con-
                                                      Thu      3:30-4:30pm         Sep 30-Dec 9
           Sat 11:45am-12:45pm Sep 25-Dec 11                                                         sonant sounds and short and long vow-
                                                      359082		                      $35/10 sess
           359105		                  $36/12 sess                                                     el sounds. Through stories, activities,
                                                      Instructor: Veronica
           Instructor: Arlene                                                                        and worksheets, students will learn
                                                                                                     to read sight words and decipher new
                          DANCE                                                                      words using phonics. Students will also
                                                      Pastel & Drawing               (5-12 yrs)      practice forming and writing sentences.
                                                      Come enjoy and develop free-style and          They will also be introduced to basic
           Hip Hop Breakers         (6-12 yrs)        personal skills in cartoon illustrations.      sentence grammar including the parts
           Calling all b-boys and girls! Let’s        No session Nov 11, 2021.                       of speech. No session Nov 11, 2021.
           move and groove! This non-stop ac-         Thu      4:45-5:45pm     Sep 30-Dec 9          Thu      3:30-4:45pm      Sep 16-Dec 9
           tion-packed class includes hip hop,        359568		                   $35/10 sess         359457		                   $42/12 sess
           basic breakdancing, and dance games        Instructor: Veronica                           Instructor: Clara
           that will have your dancer moving to
           the beats. Through the season we will
           work on a choreographed dance. Get
           ready to cheer with gusto! Please bring    Watercolour & Drawing (5-12 yrs)
           a filled water bottle each day. www.Kir-   Explore the basic techniques, proper-
  [kirbysnelldance.         ties and theories of COLOUR, using
           com]                                       various dry and water-based media.
           Sat       12:15-1:15pm Sep 18-Dec 4        Tue      4:45-5:45pm    Sep 28-Dec 7
           359564		                    $54/12 sess    360094                    $42/12 sess
           Instructor: Endorphin Rush                 Instructor: Veronica

           EDUCATIONAL                                EDUCATIONAL                            MUSIC LESSONS

Young Readers Club!           (6-8 yrs)     Head Start Math - Gr. 1     (6-7 yrs)    Piano Lessons                (5-18 yrs)
In this class, children will read a book,   Grade 1 students will review and work    The goal of the program is to teach ba-
discuss the characters, the plot and        within numbers to 100. They will ex-     sic piano skills. Students will progress
write about it in a journal to develop      plore and practice skip counting and     through 3 levels of difficulty. After the
their reading and writing skills.           comparing numbers. They will also        3 levels, you can move on and even
Wed      4:30-5:30pm        Sep 22-Dec 8    learn place values, addition and sub-    consider taking Elementary piano ex-
360109		                      $36/12 sess   traction within 100, and measurement.    ams through the Royal Conservatory
Instructor: TBA                             Wed      3:30-4:45pm      Sep 15-Dec 1   of Music, Toronto, examination sylla-
                                            359433		                   $42/12 sess   bus. Lessons are generally focused on:
                                            Instructor: Clara                        sitting position at the piano, keyboard
STEM It                       (5-8 yrs)                                              recognition, note recognition, rhythmic
Are you a creative problem solver?                                                   exercise, piano pieces, and elementary
Aspiring mad scientist? Or mathema-                                                  theory exercises. Books are required
tician? Then this program is for you!       Head Start Math - Gr 2      (7-8 yrs)    at an additional cost. Lessons are 1/2

STEM stands for Science, Technolo-          Grade 2 students will review and work    hour in length.
gy, Engineering, and Math. Together,        within numbers to 1000. They will ex-    Fri      3:30-5:50pm Sep 17-Dec 10
we will solve problems using science        plore and practice comparing numbers     360204-228                 $180/12 sess
methods.                                    and solving word problems. They will     Sat     9:30am-3:45pm Sep 18-Dec 11
Sat      3:00-4:00pm    Sep 18-Dec 4        also learn place values to 1000, addi-   360233-267                 $180/12 sess
359585		                 $36/12 sess        tion and subtraction with regrouping,    Instructor: Carmen
Instructor: Shukari                         mixed operations, and data analysis.
                                            Fri      3:30-5:00pm     Sep 17-Dec 3
                                            359448		                   $42/12 sess   Drum Lessons - 4:30pm(5-18 yrs)
                                            Instructor: Clara                        Play to the rhythm and the beat! Les-
                                                                                     sons are private and are conducted
                                                                                     on a full set of acoustic drums. Learn-
                                                                                     ing material included. Lessons are 1/2
                                            Math Made Fun            (10- 12 yrs)    hour in length.
                                            This program’s goal is to strengthen     Tue      4:30-8:00pm       Oct 5-Dec 7
                                            understanding of many mathematical       359095-101                 $120/12 sess
                                            principles. This includes geometry,      Instructor: Jimmy
                                            algebra, word problems, and logical
                                            thinking. Participants are welcome to
                                            bring in any homework from school for    Guitar Lessons               (7-18 yrs)
                                            extra help.                              Learn the basics of playing a guitar and
                                            Tue      4:30-5:30pm     Sep 21-Dec 7    music reading. Guitars are provided or
                                            359565		                  $42/12 sess    you can bring your own guitar for les-
                                            Instructor: Samantha                     sons. Lessons are 1/2 hour in length.
                                                                                     Fri      5:00-8:30pm      Sep 17-Dec 3
                                                                                     359106-113                $120/12 sess

                                                 SPORTS                                                    FITNESS & HEALTH

                                                         Basketball                  (6-12 yrs)     Yoga for Children           (5-12 yrs)
                                                         Put on your running shoes and practice     An amazingly fun way to be physical
                                                         your shots with the rest of the team.      and work together in a non-compet-
                                                         Children will work on basketball drills    itive environment. Participants learn
                                                         and be part of a team.                     fun poses and games that incorporate
                                                         (6-8 yrs)                                  yoga techniques that helps kids stay
                                                         Tue     6:00-7:00pm     Sep 14-Dec 7       strong and healthy while developing
                                                         358746		               $19.50/13 sess      focus, patience, creativity, self-aware-
                                                                                                    ness, relaxation, and self-confidence
                                                         (9-12 yrs)                                 that they will carry with them through-
                                                         Tue      7:00-8:00pm     Sep 14-Dec 7      out their lives
                                                         358745		                $19.50/13 sess     Wed      4:15-5:00pm      Sep 15-Oct 20
                                                         Instructor: Ray                            360103		                     $36/6 sess
                                                                                                    Wed      4:15-5:00pm       Oct 27-Dec 1
                                                                                                    360108		                     $36/6 sess
                                                         Floor Hockey                (6-12 yrs)     Instructor: Yoga
           Volleyball                    (8-12 yrs)      Come out and practice your hockey
           Learn the fun game of volleyball. You         skills. You will be introduced to basic
           will learn and practice the skills to play.   hockey skills such as passing, handling
           No session Oct 11, 2021.                      and shooting. No session Oct 11,2021.
           Mon      5:00-5:50pm Sep 27- Dec 6

                                                         (6-8yrs)                                            MARTIAL ARTS
           360090		                    $15/10 sess       Mon      6:00-6:50pm      Sep 27-Dec 6
           Instructor: Omar                              358746		                    $15/10 sess
                                                                                                    Karate                        (6+ yrs)
           Badminton                    (8-13yrs)        (9-12yrs)                                  This class will introduce you to many
           Learn about grip, serving and rules on        Mon      6:50-7:50pm     Sep 27-Dec 6      aspects of this traditional style of ka-
           how to play Badminton. No session             376815                    $15/10 sess      rate. Go-Ju Ryu Karate taught by 7th
           Oct 11, 2021.                                 Instructor: Omar                           Dan Shihan George Chan (over 45
           (8-10 yrs)                                                                               years experience), 4th Degree Black
           Wed     6:00-7:30pm      Sep 15-Dec 8         Swim & Skate                (8-13 yrs)     Belt Dan McCallum and John Cotter
           358744		                $19.50/13 sess        Each week, we will travel to a different   1st degree black belt . The focus is
                                                         Vancouver location to swim or skate.       on self-defence, fitness training, some
           (11-13 yrs)                                   Drop-in is permitted when space is         sparring and self discipline. Students
           Wed      6:00-7:30pm       Sep 13-Dec 8       available.                                 learn at their own pace and gain con-
           358743		                  $19.50/13 sess      Wed      5:00-9:00pm       Oct 6-Dec 1     fidence with mini-tests to determine
           Instructor: Newton                            359589		                    $27/9 sess     progress levels. Parents are welcome
                                                         Instructor: Robbie & Japleen               to join with their children. Uniform is
           Soccer                          (6-8 yrs)                                                optional for beginners. Please talk to
           Come out and practice your soccer                                                        the instructor about the uniform. Visit
           skills. Ray will introduce basic soccer                 GYMNASTICS             
           skills such as trapping, dribbling and                                                   Thu      6:00-7:15pm      Sep 23-Dec 9
           passing.                                                                                 359470                    $120/12 sess
                                                         Rhythmic Gymnastics (7-12 yrs)             Instructor: George
           Tue      5:00-5:55pm Sep 21-Nov 30
                                                         Come and join our Rhythmic Gym-
           360080                      $33/11 sess
                                                         nastics program in a fun, recreation-
           Instructor: Ray
                                                         al format! Rhythmic Gymnastics is a
           Saturday Soccer                 (5-7 yrs)     beautiful combination of Ballet and
           Participants will have fun while learn-       Gymnastics, along with the self ex-
           ing cooperative games and sport fun-          pression and rhythm of dance by using
           damental movement skills all the while        hand apparatus such as rope, hoop,
           burning off some energy. Please bring         ball, clubs or ribbon.
           a water bottle.                               Fri      5:00-6:00pm      Sep 17-Dec 3
           Sat      10:00-10:50am Sep 18-Dec 4           359476		                    $72/12 sess
           359572		                  $36/12 sess         Instructor: Olympia Rhythmic Gymnastics
           Instructor: TBA

           VOLUNTEER                                    SPORTS                                     DROP-IN

                                           Basketball Skills         (11-14 yrs)     Sat Games Room Drop-In(10-18 yrs)
                                           Lace up your ball shoes and come          Games room drop in - with breakfast!
                                           learn the fundamental skills of basket-   Come hang out, eat some yummy food,
                                           ball with our Youth Leader!               and lounge around.
                                           Fri      6:30-8:00pm Sep 10-Dec 17        Sa 11:00am-3:00pm Sep 11-Dec 18
                                           360402		                         FREE     360619		                      FREE
                                           Instructor: Owen                          Instructor: TBA

                                           Drop In Volleyball        (12-18 yrs)     Games Room Drop-In (10-18 yrs)
Youth Council              (13-18 yrs)     Drop in Volleyball for youth 12-18!       Games room is open to youth ages
Do you want to be actively involved in     Thu     7:30-9:45pm       Sep 9-Dec 16    10-18! Come connect with the Youth
shaping youth programs? Do you have        (Ages 11-14)               7:30-8:30pm    Worker/Youth Leader, play some video
thoughts and ideas about how to bet-                                                 games, board games, or just hang out
ter influence your community? Youth        (Ages 15-18)              8:30-9:45pm     and lounge around!
Council will help you become a leader      360401		                        FREE      Mon-Fri 3:00-10:00pm Sep 6-Dec 17
in this community, share your voice,       Instructor: TBA                           360611		                      FREE
and really impact the youth community.                                               Instructor: TBA
The direction of Youth Council is driven

by you!
Fri      5:00-7:00pm Sep 10-Dec 17
Instructor: Priya


Iron Chefs 2.0             (13-18 yrs)
Come hang out if you’d like to improve
your cooking skills, meet other awe-
some youth, and cook yummy meals!!
Fri      7:00-9:00pm Sep 10-Dec 10
360602		                         FREE
Instructor: TBA

                                                                                     Red Cross Babysitting (11-17 yrs)
                                                                                     So you want to be a babysitter? Or, your
           ADVENTURE                       Drop-in Basketball        (15-18 yrs)     parents want you to take this course
                                           Lace up your ball shoes and come          so they feel confident leaving you at
Teen Outings TBD           (13-18 yrs)     shoot some hoops! Open to youth ages      home alone? Babysitting with First Aid
Join us as we go on exciting out trips     15-18.                                    Hero emphasizes learning through real
and explore the city!                      Fri      8:00-9:45pm Sep 10-Dec 17        life scenarios. Covered in this course:
Fri      4:00-7:30pm Sep 10-Dec 17         360403		                      FREE        Exploring the Business of Babysitting,
360460		                       FREE        Instructor: TBA                           Creating Safe Environments, Safely
Instructor: Roberto                                                                  Caring for ages 0-12, First Aid Skills.
                                                                                     Wear comfortable, warm clothing and
                                                                                     please bring a lunch for the day.
                                                                                     Sat      9:30-4:30pm            Sep 25
                                                                                     359555		                     $60/1 sess
                                                                                     Sat      9:30-4:30pm            Dec 11
                                                                                     359556		                     $60/1 sess
                                                                                     Instructor: First Aid

                         ART                           HEALTH & WELLNESS                                 COMPUTERS

        Acrylic Painting for Beginners             Hatha Yoga                    (16+ yrs)     Computers
        Philip will teach you step by step how     Hatha is a softer practice that focuses     Explore the workings of Windows and
        to paint an abstract, landscape, still-    on alignment and breathing to build         other operating systems. Learn to nav-
        life or portrait. Demonstrations will be   both flexibility and strength. Other ben-   igate your desktops and more. You are
        provided in class. Philip loves teach-     efits of yoga include peace of mind         encouraged to bring your own laptop or
        ing art and has taught interior design     through mindfulness and relaxation,         feel free to use our lab computers.
        and art classes at Vancouver Training      leading to an elevated mood, better         Sat      9:30-10:30am Sep 25-Oct 23
        Institute, Vancouver School Board con-     sleep and more energy. This class is        359066		                    $15/5 sess
        tinuing education and Langara College      suitable for all levels.                    Sat      9:30-10:30am Oct 30-Nov 27
        continuing education. Philip speaks        Wed      6:15-7:15pm       Sep 15-Oct 20    359068		                    $15/5 sess
        English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Tai-      359114		                      $36/6 sess    Instructor: Marlon
        wanese. Art supplies are not included      Wed      6:15-7:15pm        Oct 27-Dec 1
        in the fee and will be discussed at the    359115		                       $36/6 sess
                                                                                               Computer Lab Drop In for Adults
        first class.                               Instructor: Yoga Buggy
        Sat         2:00-4:00pm        Oct 2-30
                                                                                               & Seniors
                                                                                               Drop in computer lab space for adults
        376205		                     $56/5 sess
                                                                                               and seniors. A computer lab supervisor
        Instructor: Philip
                                                                                               is available to assist with any comput-
                                                                                               er related questions. Printing and pho-
                                                                                               tocopying is also available during this
                     FITNESS                                EDUCATIONAL                        Wed      1:00-3:00pm       Sep 29-Dec 8
                                                                                               358963		                          FREE
                                                                                               Instructor: Veronica

                                                   ESL with Veronica        (16+ yrs)
                                                   This program introduces the English
                                                   language and help students adjust to

                                                   their new environment. Students will
                                                   use beginning English language skills
                                                   in listening, speaking, reading and writ-
                                                   ing for everyday and essential aca-
                                                   demic purposes; use basic English lan-
                                                   guage structures and simple sentence
                                                   patterns in short conversations; read
                                                   short adapted texts; and write phrases
                                                   and short sentences.
                                                   Wed 10:30am-12:00pm Sep 22-Dec 1
                                                   359102		                    $33/11 sess
                                                   Instructor: Veronica

        Fitness Centre & Orientation
        Please see page 20 for more informa-
        tion on our fitness centre.
        Mon - Fri 9:00-9:50pm Sep 8-Dec 18
        Sat 9:00am-4:50pm
        Friday Attendant: Jake

             SPORTS                                                                              MARTIAL ARTS

                                                                                        Karate (6+ yrs)
                                                                                        This class will introduce you to many
                                                                                        aspects of this traditional style of ka-
                                                                                        rate. Go-Ju Ryu Karate taught by 7th
                                                                                        Dan Shihan George Chan (over 45
                                                                                        years experience), 4th Degree Black
                                                                                        Belt Dan McCallum and John Cotter
                                                                                        1st degree black belt . The focus is
                                                                                        on self-defence, fitness training, some
                                                                                        sparring and self discipline. Students
                                                                                        learn at their own pace and gain con-
                                                                                        fidence with mini-tests to determine
Basketball 19+                                                                          progress levels. Parents are welcome
Recreational basketball. Non-instruc-                                                   to join with their children. Uniform is
tional. Drop-in $3.50 if space permits.                                                 optional for beginners. Please talk to
Wed      8:10-9:50pm       Sep 15-Dec 8                                                 the instructor about the uniform. Visit
358747		                    $39/13 sess                                       
                                                                                        Thu         6:00-7:15pm Sep 23-Dec 9
                                                                                        359470		                  $120/12 sess
                                                                                        Instructor: George


                                                                                        Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan 24 steps
                                                                                        This is a beginner class in which partic-
                                                                                        ipants will learn proper hand form, foot
                                                                                        steps and the foundation of Tai Chi.

                                                                                        No session Sep 25, 2021.
                                                                                        Sat      9:00-10:30am Sep 18-Dec 4
                                                                                        360095		                 $38.50/11 sess
                                                                                        Instructor: Arsenio

Indoor Soccer                             Pickleball (19+yrs)
Non-instructional. No drop ins at this    Get active playing this exciting and
time.                                     popular sport. Pickleball is an easy
Tue      8:10-9:50pm    Sep 14-Dec 7      to learn game played on a badminton
359469		              $42.25/13 sess      court with a lowered net, a whiffle ball
Instructor: No                            and large hand held paddles. It is great
                                          for all skills and ability levels.
                                          Mon       8:05-9:50pm Sep 13-Nov 29
                                          359477		                      $1.50/Drop-in

                                          Pickleball (55+yrs)
                                          Sat     3:00-4:45pm       Sep 18-Dec 11
                                          359478                     $1.50/Drop-in

           Mala Making                                Felt a seasonal Ornament                    NEPP ONLINE Emergency Pre-
           Prayer beads or malas are a tradition-     Wool is not just for wearing! Learn         paredness – Personal & House-
           al tool used to count the number of        hands-on the skills you need to make        hold
           times a mantra is recited, or the num-     an autumn or holiday ornament made          In recent history, cities around the
           ber of breaths taken while meditating.     from wool using the needle-felting          world have endured large emergencies
           May also be used to focus on the rep-      method. You will learn some details         with devastating impacts. Vancouver
           etitions of a Buddha’s, or name of a       about types of wool, the specialized        could experience a severe emergency
           higher power. There are other styles of    felting needles used, and the methods       too, like a big earthquake, but do you
           prayer beads that can be made in this      used to create detailed works of art that   know what to do? This session intro-
           workshop using this technique. The         can be hung from a window or tree. All      duces simple things you can do to be
           skill taught for creating prayer beads     felting materials provided, although        prepared in advance of an emergency
           is called “knotting” and is also useful    participants should bring with them a       and ways to make your home safer.
           for repairing heirloom knotted pearl       clean household sponge.                     - Join the session using your comput-
           strands. Note: participants must buy       Fri      6:00-8:00pm             Oct 22     er, phone, or tablet. For technical tips,
           their own supplies from a list that will   370711                   $35/Workshop       view the resource sheet (www.vancou-
           be provided.                               Instructor: Noah Thrush            about the Cisco
           Sat      1:30-3:30pm              Oct 2                                                Webex platform.
           370716                   $35/Workshop      Pine Needle Basket Making                   - Before registering, read the important
           Instructor: Noah Thrush                    Learn hands-on the skills you need to       notice regarding personal information
                                                      make beautiful bowls, plates and bas-       during the registration process.
                                                      kets made from pine needles. You will       Wed      6:30-8:15pm             Sep 22
                                                      learn the best ways to harvest pine         370718                   Free Workshop
                                                      needles, find the right sewing supplies
                                                      and the methods used to create these        Wed      6:30-8:15pm          Nov 17
                                                      graceful, but sturdy pieces of art using    370719                 Free Workshop
                                                      elements supplied from nature. Make         Instructor: NEPP Instructor
                                                      a pine-themed gift for a loved one this
                                                      holiday season. Supplies will be provid-
                                                      Fri      6:00-8:00pm             Nov 19
                                                      370717                   $35/Workshop
                                                      Instructor: Noah Thrush
                                                               Older Adults 55+

                                   Cosco Senior Health &                                          Set 2 – How to get started. Use to full
                                   Wellness Institute                                             potential: login information, passwords,

                                                                                                  account management. Apple or an-
                                                                                                  droid! Questions answered at the end.
           Dealing with Conflict                      Social Connectedness                        People without devices are welcome!
           Conflict is a normal part of life. This    Loneliness and isolation are unhealthy.     Thu     6:00-7:00pm               Oct 14
           session presents communication strat-      This workshop examines the social           368669			                         FREE
           egies that help us work calmly through     determinants of health and well-being
           conflict so we are better able to find     and helps participants to determine the     Set 3 – Power of Smart devices: what
           solutions where everyone feels like a      level of connectedness they need and        can they do and how to apply that to
           winner.                                    how to achieve it.                          your needs. Apple or android! Ques-
           Tue      12:45-2:15pm           Sep 21     Tue     12:45-2:15pm            Nov 16      tions answered at the end. People with-
           355085                           FREE      355089                           FREE       out devices are welcome!
           Instructor: COSCO Seniors Health                                                       Thu     6:00-7:00pm            Nov 18
                                                      Computers - Smartphone &
           Mental Health                              Tablet Workshop Series-(55+ yrs)            368672                          FREE
           Are you concerned about your mental        Jason Datt
           health? An overview of mental health       Set 1 - Intro to smart devices: what can    Set 4 - Peripherals: what can we con-
           disorders and ways individuals can         they do? Where to get one? Apple or         nect to? Devices that work along side
           contribute to their own mental health      android! Questions answered at the          your device. Apple or android! Ques-
           are discussed.                             end. People without devices are wel-        tions answered at the end. People with-
           Tue     12:45-2:15pm           Oct 19      come!                                       out devices are welcome!
           355087                         FREE        Thu      6:00-7:00pm             Sep 16     Thu     6:00-7:00pm             Dec 2
                                                      368651			                         FREE      368676			                       FREE
                                                                                           Skeena Terrace

Social Dance                                 Chinese Seniors’ Group Social                 Residents’ Program
Cha Cha, Rumba, and Jive to the clas-        This affiliated group was founded in
sics and beyond to modern day tunes.         1991. Tai Chi, guest speakers, singing,       Coffee Cart
We don’t offer lessons but others are        seasonal celebrations and outings are         Marsha will be dropping by with the
happy to teach you what they know. No        among the activities to be enjoyed. A         coffee cart. She will bring handouts
partner necessary and all are welcome.       $8 Annual Program Fee with the Chi-           and reminders of the weeks activi-
Coffee and tea are provided. No ses-         nese Seniors’ Group is required.              ties. Sign up for a trip you would like
sion on Oct 11.                              Fri        9:30-11:30am Sep 3-Dec 17          to join when you see her. This pro-
Mon      12:30-2:30pm Sep 13-Dec 13          355043 The $8/annual fee, will not be         gram is for Skeena high-rise resi-
355070		                    $1.50/sess       charged to you until January 2022             dents only.
Instructor: No                               Instructor: No                                Mon 1:15-3:15pm Sep 13-Dec 13
                                                                                           Instructor: Marsha

                                                                                           In the Garden with Noah
                                                                                           Noah will continue to be on site on
                                                                                           Saturdays in the fall. Bring him your
                                                                                           questions about fall planting. Check
                                                                                           the posters in the high-rise for dates.
Social, Lunch and Games                                                                    Sat 10:00am-12:00pm Sep 11-Nov 27
This program offers various table
games and social time to enjoy with                         SPORTS
other older adults. Spend the after-
noon playing cards, dominoes, crib and       Pickleball
scrabble or just hang out and make a         Get active playing this exciting and
new friend. A light lunch is served be-      popular sport. Pickleball is an easy
tween 12-12:30pm. Drop in $3+tax.            to learn game played on a badminton
Tue 12:00-2:00pm          Sep 14-Dec 7       court with a lowered net, a whiffle ball
355080		                        $3/sess      and large hand held paddles. It is great
Instructor: Marsha                           for all skills and ability levels.

                                                                                                                                     OLDER ADULT
Soup’s On                                    Sat       3:00-4:45pm Sep 18-Dec 11
This inter-generational program incor-       359478                        $1.50/Drop-in
porates youth with seniors. A nutritional
meal is prepared and served by enthu-
siastic youth volunteers who are also
learning many life lasting skills. Seniors
are invited to stay and play a variety of
table games after dinner.
Thu      5:00-6:30pm       Sep 16-Dec 2
355077		                             Free
Instructor: Marsha

Games and Billiards
Come play table tennis, pool or foos-
ball with your friends. This time slot is
reserved for older adults.
Tue      1:00-3:00pm        Sep 7-Dec 7
355063		                           Free
Instructor: No

               Senior’s OutTrips
               You may have a maximum of 2 trips registered at any given time. *Cancellations without a doctor’s
               note will be considered with up to 48 hours before your trip. A $4.00 administration fee will apply to
               cancellations without a note. *You must arrive 15 minutes early
               Instructor: Raymond                              Thu 10:00am-2:00pm

              New Westminster Quay/                      Thrift Store Bargain Hunting                 Potters Christmas Store
              Spaghetti Factory                          We will take to you to a variety of thrift   With 28,000 square feet dedicated to
              Check out the many unique shops at         stores around the city. Maybe you will       Christmas this is the largest Christmas
              River Market before Strolling along the    find that one of a kind item you have        Store in western Canada. The gour-
              boardwalk. Browse Columbia Street for      been looking for. Pack a lunch or grab       met treats section is a good place for
              even more shopping options. We will        something on the go.                         stocking stuffers or get something for
              have lunch together at the Spaghetti       355116		                      $5/1 sess      yourself.
              Factory (included) at a set time. (menu    Oct 14                                       355119		                          Nov 4
              options will be limited to a set price).                                                                              $5/1 sess
              Thu                               Oct 28
              355105		                      $10/1 sess   VanDusen
                                                         Be inspired by VanDusen Botanical            Tsawwassen Mills
                                                         Garden’s 22 hectares of elegant land-        Explore the two hundred stores, ser-
                                                         scapes. Autumn colours are stunning          vices, restaurants and shops. Get a
                                                         and there are still many blooms still out.   jump on your holiday shopping with a
                                                         There is also a significant sculpture        variety of goods for all ages. The mall
                                                         collection, featuring artists such as Bill   offers a large food court to take a break
                                                         Reid, David Marshal and Sebastian.           when you need it.
                                                         355117		                           Oct 21    355120                            Nov 18
                                                                                         $5/1 sess                                   $5/1 sess

                                                                                                      Fort Langley Village
                                                                                                      Fort Langley is a village community in
                                                                                                      the Township of Langley. Enjoy a vari-
                                                                                                      ety of unique shops, restaurants, mu-
                                                                                                      seums and easy walking trails. There
                                                                                                      are also many good spots to stop and
              Mundy Park/Fish & Chips                                                                 have a picnic lunch and just relax.
              We will start our journey with a short                                                  Thu                              Nov 25
              walk at Mundy Park, located in the city                                                 355113		                      $5/1 sess
              of Coquitlam. After building up your
              appetite, we will head over to a local
              restaurant for some delicious fish and                                                  Holiday Lights Tour
              chips. ($5 for 1 piece or $8 for all you                                                Join us for an enchanted evening as
              can eat)                                                                                we take a local Christmas lights tour in

              Thu                               Oct 7                                                 and around the city. Please dress warm
              355115                     $5/$8 1 sess                                                 as this is an evening trip and is mainly
                                                                                                      Thu      4:30-8:30pm
                                                                                                      355122         $5/1 sess          Dec 2
                                                                                                      355123         $5/1 sess          Dec 9

 Gymnasium                                                                  Multi-purpose Room

       ROOM NAME                      SQUARE          CAPACITY                  RATES                             RATES
                                      FOOTAGE                             (Operational Hours)              (Non-Operational Hours)
Meeting Room                               320          15 people                 $25.00/hour                         $50.00/hour
Small Activity Room                        620          30 people                 $25.00/hour                         $50.00/hour
Multi-purpose Room (MPR)                  1200         100 people                 $55.00/hour                         $80.00/hour
Gymnasium                                 4200                                                      $45.00/hour
Operational Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am -10:00pm                Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm
                  Rentals during our non-operational hours require a rental superviser $25.00 per hour/minimum 2 hour.
                                        A damage deposit ($200) may be required upon booking.

 Small Activity room                                                        Meeting Room

   Policy and Procedures                             1   Check Availability & Submit
                                                              Rental Request

                                                  To check availability or to submit a rental re-
                                                                                                      Additional Fees & Info
The setup and cleanup is the responsibility                                                         Liability insurance is required for sports,
                                                  quest, please visit our reservation system,       dance, or any higher risk activities such as
of the rental group and time for this should
                                         or email                  large events. A copy of the insurance must
be included in the booking. Failure to do so
                                                                be submitted to finalize the rental, and can
within the rented time will result in addition-
al charges.                                                                                         be purchased at or
                                                  *Please note any room rentals without 48
                                                  hours notice may not get processed
Only tables and chairs (and nets for gym
                                                                                                    Music royalty fees will apply to all groups

rentals) are provided. All other equipment
                                                             Rental Confirmation                    that choose to play music. For more in-
must be brought in by the rental group.
                                                                and Payment                         formation, please see or
No helium balloons, open flames, or confetti

are allowed in the building.                      Reservation requests are reviewed within
                                                  5-10 business days.
No Alcohol may be served on the premises.                                                                         Contact us
                                                  Staff will contact you directly regarding the
                                                  next steps to secure your booking.
                                                                                                    P: 604-7131818
                                                  *Please note that requests made on the            F: 604 713-1828
                                                  weekend will not be processed until the fol-
                                                  lowing business day.                    

       Relax and enjoy your birthday party at
         Thunderbird Community Centre!

                    Multi-Purpose Room Package $179
                      All the fun is packed in the Multi-Purpose Party Room!
                 Includes a small bouncy castle, plasma cars, and various toys.
                        Suitable for around 15 children aged 6 and under.
                                        Maximum 50 guests
                              Saturdays 1:00pm-3:00pm, 4:00-6:00pm

                                   Extra Services
                          Balloon Twisting +$35 (15 kids) / +$55 (30 kids)
                           Face Painting +$25 (15 kids) / +$35 (30 kids)
                              Photobooth +$90 (personalized frames)
                           Carnival Package +$95 (includes all 3 below)
                                      1. Cotton Candy +$45
                                        2. Snow Cone +$35
                                          3. Popcorn +$25

           Email us at for more information.
Spots are limited, so book early! Call us at 604-713-1818 to check for availability or visit
our front office to make a reservation. All bookings are first come first serve. Bookings
                            must be paid to secure your spot.

                     Visit our website for registration dates and photos!


                          Adults                                             Youth & Seniors
    Drop in              $3.75                                           $2.25
 10 Visit Pass          $32.14                                          $19.29
 1 Month Pass            $28.00                                          $14.00
 3 Month Pass           $70.00                                           $35.00
  Trainer Fee                                             $6.50 + Admission
For youth 13 to 16 years old, a completed consent form, orientaton and ParQ are required. Fees are subject to change
without notice. Tax not included

OneCard                                                              Supporting a participant? Attendants get free access.
The OneCard is a card that provides all Vancouverites with uni-      Thunderbird Fitness Centre gives free access to attendants
versal access to pools, rinks as well as fitness centres across      required to assist persons with disabilities needing support to
the Park Board network of community centres and other city-          exercise in the fitness centre. Support is defined as assistance
wide recreational facilities.                                        of a physical, psychological, emotional, intellectual or sensory
                                                                     nature to ensure that the patron with the disabilty is able to
Flexipass                                                            participate.
Enjoy flexible and affordable recreation with the Parkboard
no-contract all-access pass. Purchase a monthly Flexipass at                                 EQUIPMENT
any Park Board fitness centre and receive unlimited access to
15 fitness centres, 9 indoor pools, 4 outdoor pools and 8 ice        - treadmills
rinks. For more information and locations visit vancouverparks.      - ellipticals
ca.                                                                  - TV
                                                                     - free weights,
Fitness Orientations                                                 - exercise balls
Let us help you reach your fitness goals! Our trained staff is       - chest and shoulder machine,
here to help whether you are a new user, require instruction,        - dual adjustable pulley machine
motivation, or just support. To book an orientation please call      - apex machine, benches
the front desk 604-713-1818.                                         - rowing machines
                                                                     - stationary bikes and more
Outside Trainers                                                     - Other features include air conditioning, filtered water.
Outside trainers are welcome here. This type of special admis-
sion is for personal trainers, occupational and recreational ther-                       Hours of Operation
apists, and physiotherapists. Both trainer and client must pay
for admission to the fitness Centre. Trainer fee of $6.30 per        Monday - Fridat: 9:00am-9:50pm
client also applies.                                                 Saturday: 9:00am - 4:50pm
                                                                     See office for Holiday closures
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